Five Reasons Not to Vote for Obama

May 27th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Traditionally, the presidential election is a time to select a candidate, to vote for someone. The 2008 election will prove to be a different sort of election, however: one wherein a conservative’s focus might not necessarily be who to vote for, but who to vote against. Barack Obama is a dangerous political opponent for John McCain. This isn’t necessarily because he poses a strong threat as a candidate, but because his following’s loyalty borders on fanatic obsession. John McCain might not be your ideal Republican candidate, but he deserves your vote precisely for who he isn’t: Barack Obama. What follows are the five reasons I’m voting for John McCain and against Barack Obama.

Reason #1

If Barack Obama is defined by the company he keeps, he’s a racist, anti-American extremist. From Jeremiah Wright to William Ayers to Bernadine Dohrn, just enough of Obama’s skeletons have come out of the closet and endorsed him to cast a cloud of danger over his electability as the president of the United States. Indeed, much of Obama’s primary campaign has been fraught with various allies from Obama’s past and present dancing into the media spotlight. Then, after a fair amount of unsavory press, Obama apologizes for and separates himself from the same friends he aligned himself with mere months earlier. We need only consider Obama’s remarks about Reverend Jeremiah Wright as his mentor, then the exposure of Trinity United Church and Obama’s subsequent denouncement of Wright’s anti-American speech to recall the pattern. Known terrorists, both domestic and international, endorse Barack as their man. Young Palestinian men lobby on his behalf in earnest. They do this because Obama in office serves their own interests.

Reason #2

Obama’s patriotism is questionable. In an election, we naturally compare one candidate to another. One candidate doesn’t wear a flag pin. One candidate doesn’t hold his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. One candidate has no military experience. One candidate’s idea of foreign policy is to negotiate with enemies who wish to obliterate our existence over a cup of coffee. The role of the president should be filled by someone who loves our country, who values our history, and who has proven that he is ready to die to serve our country. The role of the First Lady should similarly be filled by someone who honors and respects the country her husband serves. It doesn’t count when your patriotism begins just as your husband enters the presidential campaign. If Obama’s friends don’t derail his campaign, his own wife and life partner surely will.

Reason #3

Obama is a skilled orator, a trait that has earned him a devout following in a party largely comprised of atheists. When Barack Obama opens his mouth to speak, liberals’ ears seem to filter out the message and listen only to the words in a hypnotic trance. Their devotion to Obama mimics that of radical Christians to Jesus Christ. Criticize Obama to a liberal Obama supporter, and it’s as if you’ve questioned the existence of God, only the resulting argument is much angrier and holds far less intellectual merit. It’s more like telling an environmentalist that chaining himself to a tree won’t save the earth, or informing a war protester that no one in Washington cares what he or she thinks.

Obama denouces wrightIt isn’t Obama’s following that is of the most concern, however. A public speaker as smooth as Obama will inspire fans on his own talents. Let’s remember, however, that Barack Obama was a lawyer before he became a senator. And, like most lawyers, his words are best when rehearsed. However, Obama crumbles under pressure, and his improvised remarks typically fall flat or offend. We need only recall the fallout from the “bitter small-town Americans”, “typical white person” and “Can’t I just eat my waffle?” to recall Obama’s propensity to fumble the ball when he’s running an unscripted play with nary a playbook in sight. It’s one thing to offend foreign, enemy nations during wartime; offending majority populations of the country you represent is another, especially as you align for their vote in November. Judging from the multitude of politically incorrect missteps in his primary campaign, Obama seems to think that he doesn’t need votes from entire segments of the population; namely, the middle of the country. This blatantly blase attitude must cost him the election to teach Democrats that conservative minds will not be discounted.

Reason #4

Obama’s politics and ideals are too far skewed on the liberal end of the political scale to strike a balance with Americans as a whole. No matter the political affiliation of a sitting president, his job is to appease the majority of his constituents, the American public. Radical liberals clamor for our next president to be a polar opposite to George W. Bush; conservatives know that accomplishing this won’t automatically fix the ills that plague our country. The checks and balances within our legislature make any change a gradual one, over many years. Amid a tenuous situation in the Middle East, too liberal of a response by our next president casts the United States as lily-livered pansies, too afraid of hurting feelings to eradicate terrorism. Extreme left-wing Democrats either don’t realize this or don’t care, and Obama is their man. If he gets into office, small-town typical white Americans had better cling to their guns and religion, because Obama will muck up civilian rights to both.

Reason #5

Obama’s experience is lacking. This isn’t to say that a junior senator can’t be president one day. The presidency is fraught with unique challenges, however, ones that can’t be adequately prepared for in any branch of the government. In the business world, even the best candidates from upper management must pay their dues before aspiring to become CEO. The team captain must prove his or her leadership potential over several seasons to earn that ‘C’ on a uniform. In every other successful realm of the American culture, experience yields a top leadership position. Why should the presidency, the most historically esteemed and influential position in the country, be any different? Obama’s inexperience lands him into trouble with his improvised remarks and shaky responses to tough issue-based questions. His inexperience causes him to make crucial errors and oratory missteps under pressure. He is simply not ready. Democrats can clean up his image and repackage him in 2012.

In every endeavor, Barack Obama has flouted the intellect of the constituents whose vote he aims to obtain. He’s dazzled his starry-eyed followers with well-crafted speeches that render them vociferously loyal; in cult-like fashion, they zealously support Obama to all who will listen. Separate Obama from his gilded memorized passages, and his words clang jarringly and offend like a cat walking across piano keys at twilight. Pin him in a corner with tough questions on issues and his allies, and he strikes like a caged animal trapped in a corner. Obama’s speeches act like a mirror through which radical liberals see exactly what they want to see in their next president. It is up to the rest of us to peer through the looking-glass and see Obama for the inexperienced, unsavory presidential candidate he is.

Post written by Marissa who blogs at Ivy League Conservative Blog.

Marissa graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2006. Six months later, she helped open and manage two multimillion-dollar restaurants in Atlantic City, New Jersey with the Starr Restaurant Organization. A food, beverage and travel writer by nature, Marissa has been published nationally in both lifestyle print magazines and on Internet lifestyle websites. In March 2008, she began Ivy League Conservatives as a response to the overwhelming liberal culture she experiences in metropolitan postgraduate life. Marissa is a nomad in search of her own modern-day Xanadu, and currently writes from her hometown in Los Angeles, California.

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Tags: Barack Obama, voting record, lack of experience, jeremiah wright, patriotism, negotiate with enemies

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Comment by Dale
May 27th, 2008 8:04 pm MyAvatars 0.2

Many of the reasons you give have already been debunked It's true, I'm an atheist who happens to like Obama better than McCain or Clinton, but I have no illusions that Obama is perfect. That's just lame, you didn't really think much about that one, it's pretty obvious.

I'm voting against Obama because he supports US drug war efforts in Central and South America, and many of his policies seem hardly different from those of Bush/McCain/Clinton. I'll just vote for Ron Paul, and then McCain will be elected and we'll all go to Hell in a handbasket. Does that make you happy?

Comment by darkhorse23
May 27th, 2008 8:07 pm MyAvatars 0.2

Truly, a load of horseshiat worthy of fertilizing any cornfield!

Comment by Jason
May 27th, 2008 8:11 pm MyAvatars 0.2

1 through 2 are debunked here
And the US has a history of talking to everyone... Is Bush appeasing Sudan?

3 - people are just excited at the possibility of having a president that can form sentences

4 - I don't recall the job of the president being to appease the public. GW Bush + torture + pre-emptive war based on false intel is poison to the heart of America. A constitutional professor is an excellent choice for getting us back on track.

5 - The campaign is the job interview for the spot. Obama's team runs circles around the others, while out-classing them (i.e. not sinking to their level). And unlike the current prez, Obama plans to listen to someone other than just 'yes' men (i.e. what he lacks in experience, he makes up for in intelligence and the quality of the team he's assembled so far).

Comment by Bison
May 27th, 2008 8:26 pm MyAvatars 0.2

Urban Conservative you wait till after each and every one of those so called reasons has already been debunked to try and peddle this tripe?

Did you just learn how to use a computer?

Stick to blogging about UFO abductions or something because when it comes to politics you come off as some hillbilly.

Comment by Urban Conservative
May 27th, 2008 8:47 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>


Debunked on Youtube ... wow, I am impressed with your level of research capabilities. Did you just go to Youtube and search for "pro Obama" content? I am sure Heather Cat Lady is a reliable source for information. Ha.


I advise that you go back to high school and get your diploma; and then come back here and leave a more intelligent/articulate response -- one worthy of a response from me, idiot.


"A constitutional professor is an excellent choice for getting us back on track"... you have got to be kidding me, right? And, name two people on his team? Yeah, that's what I thought. Go look it up on his site b/c the people on this campaign team WILL NOT be the same peeps in his cabinet, assuming he gets elected.


I don't really understand your comments. What does my opinion of Obama have to do with computer literacy? Is the blog not functioning correctly? Please let me know so I can fix it. Hillbilly? Ha … I am laughing really hard right now.

Obviously, if ALL you libs read the entire post, you would know that I didn’t write this post. Marissa did; and she is a highly educated woman and I really don’t think she is a Hillbilly either.

This is a clear example of uninformed liberals changing the topic because you are ALL ignorant to the real issues; and it scares me to death that you have the right to vote. Go spend some time doing research and then come back here with some intelligent rebuttals.

“Stick to blogging about UFO abductions” … WTF?

I really do thank you for commenting on this blog. It gives me all the ammo I need when I write about the ignorance of the left. Thank you.

Comment by liberals smell
May 27th, 2008 9:05 pm MyAvatars 0.2

yeah, i knew they were all here. I can smell you a mile away! Go back to Dailykos and the Huff Post so you can all share your rhetoric with other like minded libs and not get called out by Urban. hahahahaha.

Comment by dissolvethecorporation
May 28th, 2008 4:35 am MyAvatars 0.2

I won't comment on the five reasons, because right or left, our minds are already made up, and what dissuades a conservative from voting for Obama will persuade a liberal to do the same. I do take exception to your underlying theme that liberals are entranced in cult-like fashion. We are just tired of the doubletalk, lies and disingenuous speech we have heard from neocons for the last eight years, and someone articulate enough to tap into what we believe does relieve our frustration and rekindle our hope. But we are the dog wagging the tail that is Obama's campaign.

Comment by Velvet Hammer
May 28th, 2008 5:08 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

An Obamamaniac smackdown. It went down fantastic with my morning cup of joe. Two great things that go great together.

3 - people are just excited at the possibility of having a president that can form sentences

Sure when scripted. Why does Obama stutter repeatedly during interviews?
Obama makes things up as he goes along. He has spun so many lies he can not even keep up. Case in point the 'uncle Auschwitz' reference.
In a 2002 speech on Iraq it was his grandfather. In 2008 it was his 'uncle'.

Obama is a buffoon and a dangerous one at that.

Comment by toe
May 28th, 2008 5:22 am MyAvatars 0.2

the rants and ravings from the lunitic fringe element of the conservative "thought" process

continue unabaited here. how unfortunate that you- mr. urban conservative, you have elected to be so narrow minded you could probably view through a keyhole with both eyes. it does not take a great deal of brain power or computer knowledge to make absurd statements then seek out only those who will support your point of view while dismissing all others. perhaps you have lessons from michael savage? just what is it exactly that prompts you to constantly insert divisive rhetoric? where are your solutions? are logic and reasonable conversation so foreign to you that you are blinded when the opportunity for common ground presents itself? what exactly is the purpose for this constant negativity of yours? you continue to defend the failed policies of this continue to defend and promote the election of mcbush.

your nonsense set forth here regarding obama are not only absurd and debunked- your continued noise concerning obama's former paster indicates that you have no grasp whatsoever on the actual facts... just what is it that you are afraid of? perhaps you will share with us which of your personal insecurities feel threatened by obama?

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 28th, 2008 5:37 am MyAvatars 0.2

This is a weak effort on your part UC. I'm afraid I've given you more credit than you deserve. There is not one new or original thought in Marissa's blog. I get that you may not have the time or ability to post your own stuff but at least put something up that expands the discourse. I could dismantle this thing point by point but it actually does more good as a stand alone example of what you cons think are "issues." I'll probably dismantle it anyway for the exercise but don't hold me to that.

Now if you could come up with 5 reasons TO vote for McCain that would be groundbreaking because you can't find 5. McCain is a one trick pony who doesn't do his one trick particularly well.

Comment by Heathenhater
May 28th, 2008 5:38 am MyAvatars 0.2

5 further reasons not to vote for Obama

1. He paints himself black to win

2. He had sex with a gay man.

3. He is a crack whore

4. He is supported by that bitch the Obama Girl

5. Once, he killed a man with his penis.

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 28th, 2008 5:55 am MyAvatars 0.2

5 more reasons NOT to vote for Obama:

1. He was born in Hawaii (that's not really America)
2. He was a smoker so he supports big tobacco. (No wait, that's a conservative trait, please disregard)
3. There was a rumor in South Carolina that he has two black children.
4. His middle name is "Millhouse"
5. Not only does he talk to his enemies, his enemies do fund raising events for him (I can't prove that 100% because there are no pictures)

Comment by Heathenhater
May 28th, 2008 5:57 am MyAvatars 0.2

More Seriously UC, you said this

"This is a clear example of uninformed liberals changing the topic because you are ALL ignorant to the real issues; and it scares me to death that you have the right to vote. Go spend some time doing research and then come back here with some intelligent rebuttals."

Lets make a few points here.
1. You never make intelligent rebuttals, and when we call you out, you're just a "guy presenting his opinion." "this isnt a news source" So, how about you follow that do onto others rule?

2. I am sorry, but it is really hard to make intelligent points to such garbage. Sometimes the best response is a satirical post.

3. We are all ignorant of the real issues? The only points that could even be considered real issues in this entire post are points 4 and 5. The first three? real issues? come on man......


Comment by OhHolyKnight
May 28th, 2008 6:01 am MyAvatars 0.2

6. He is bad at bowling.

7. One word: Arugula.

8. He just hates America so much. He said so. I can't remember where, and don't ask me to elaborate, but I know he did. He said if he could he would sell Americans to terrorists to make little terrorist sex babies who can suicide bomb all our buildings. It's true. He hates us.

Comment by Heathenhater
May 28th, 2008 6:06 am MyAvatars 0.2

5 MORE reasons to HATE obama

1. He has big feet.

2. He lived in Indonesia, and was trained by Osama Bin Laden himself.

3. Two words : Grape Soda

4. He went to Harvard which means he is an ELITEST SONOFABITCH

5. He probably is a spy for somalia

Comment by OhHolyKnight
May 28th, 2008 6:08 am MyAvatars 0.2

Wait, I'm still going.

9. He's gone on vacation to other countries. If he loved America, why wouldn't he just vacation here?

10. He's got big ears and probably likes koolaid.

11. He speaks in complete sentences and big words, which means he thinks he's better than us! Damn elitists.

12. He is skinny.

13. I'm sure he owns a pet, or has at some point, which means he's just like all those pro-animal rights nuts and he'll crack down on our hunting rights!

14. He's Muslim, so he's gotta go to Mecca, and what if he does it while he's president? We won't have a leader!

15. He's really bad at video games.

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 28th, 2008 6:33 am MyAvatars 0.2

5 more reasons NOT to vote for Obama:

1. He wants to ship the flag pin manufacturing jobs oversees.
2. His church once had a bake sale and the cookies were not good.
3. Some of his supporters graduated from college.
4. He speaks so well that the president can't understand him.
5. He danced with a gay person on the "Ellen Show"

Comment by Omar
May 28th, 2008 6:47 am MyAvatars 0.2

Respect for Obama, he no is so arrogant like McCain and Hillary. He is the better for the peace and the brotherhood in the world.

Comment by your mom
May 28th, 2008 6:59 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Why did you leave out his racist wife? If he walks and talks like a racist, terrorist supporter, former Muslim.....

Comment by Jonathon Nierengarten
May 28th, 2008 7:23 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

You guys should mostly stick to the Huffington Post where people actually care about your comments. In the mean time, how about an additional 5:

1) All politicians are liars; Obama is just a liar and a dreamer. Not the most pragmatic combination

2) 52% max tax bracket. Enough said.

3) He's a lawyer. There's no room for lawyers in the presidency.

4) He's from Chicago. Anyone hear of machine politics?

5) Something about being rooted for by Hamas is an instant turnoff.

Comment by Plinio
May 28th, 2008 7:42 am MyAvatars 0.2

You should know that America is a continent not a Country.

Comment by Liberty
May 28th, 2008 7:43 am MyAvatars 0.2

obama is socialist trash. Thats the only reason I need.

nobama. not ever.

Comment by Liberty
May 28th, 2008 7:48 am MyAvatars 0.2

"You should know that America is a continent not a Country."

America is a country. Get used to it. "the Americas" are two (2) continents and a region.

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 28th, 2008 7:50 am MyAvatars 0.2

Oh, you care Jonathon. Otherwise, why do you bother to read and respond? This recent blog is so absurd that it doesn't even warrant serious responses (I include your response with the not serious ones) Don't participate yourself and then tell others not to. You are embracing and distancing yourself from this string at the same time. Who are you John McCain and this blog is George Bush?

Comment by Jonathon Nierengarten
May 28th, 2008 8:01 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

No, Simonesdad. I just troll this blog so that I could finally announce that I'm actually Simone's dad. While you were busy raising liberal hell and not working a real job, I was out with your philandering wife fathering your child.

That's not a serious response.

Liberty is right. Obama is socialist trash. You don't need 5 reasons to not vote for him. 1 suffices.

Comment by Urban Conservative
May 28th, 2008 8:08 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>


haha, yes I have been called a lunatic before; and even narrow minded. My solutions? I don’t know, but I am not running for office. So far, I haven’t heard any solutions from any of the camps (McCain too). My insecurities on Obama are quite simple; his approach to foreign policy scares me; and I really don’t want my taxes increased. Is that enough for you? Yes, indeed Michael Savage is quite the man…you see, most conservatives agree with just about everything he says, but he is really the only one who expresses himself; and yes, he is a bit extreme many times. Btw, I didn’t write the post. : )


What’s the deal with you man? She presents some valid points and just because you have heard it all already, many have not! And, I am still trying to find a reason to vote for McCain. I can think of two reasons though … that is, he is not Obama and/or Hillary. Btw, I actually like Ellen.

You make constant remarks that I am some sort of Bush apologist. I am not. I just don’t bash him like all you pessimistic assholes. Yeah, he’s made a lot of mistakes while President; but I’ll tell you what … have we been hit by a terrorist attack since 9/11? Thought so. Do you know how many times the US (and our interests) were hit while your hero Clinton was in office? Terrorism is STILL an issue and there are still ISLAM fundamentalists that want to kill you, I and our children. They don’t care if you/we are conservatives and/or liberals. You just live your pathetic little life in the suburbs somewhere … bash me, this blog, Bush and whoever… and complain about the RIGHT WING AGENDA. You have no freaking clue.

@ Heathenhater

I don’t have time to respond to some of your bs. Sorry dude; but I will say this. I get a lot of comments on this blog and I wish I could respond to all but there is not enough time in the day. Btw, shouldn’t you and your little friends be in class? Go get an education man – it’s good for you.

@ Jonathon Nierengarten

Finally someone on my side. Thanks for the love. I’m sure if this were a liberal blog, it would be far more popular than Daily Kos and Huff Post….

Comment by DemNoMore
May 28th, 2008 8:10 am MyAvatars 0.2

Wow, the Obamabots are out in force and they clearly do not like your post. But they certainly helped you make your case when you said, "Criticize Obama to a liberal Obama supporter, and it’s as if you’ve questioned the existence of God, only the resulting argument is much angrier and holds far less intellectual merit." I a former Democrat who will not vote for Obama for all the reasons you stated. (And no, they have not all been debunked to my satisfaction.) McCain will get my vote as he is clearly the most qualified to be President of the United States. Next to him, Obama appears amateurish.
The only statement I disagreed with was this: "Democrats can clean up his (Obama's) image and repackage him in 2012." Why bother to do that when reasons 1 through 4 are still valid? He might be able to change 2 & 4, but he is stuck with his past associations (No. 1) and he cannot control the fact that some of his followers are atheists (No. 3).

Comment by Stix
May 28th, 2008 8:14 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Man the trolls are coming in force. Man I haven't seen this many trolls since I played Dungeons and Dragons.

I will give you the biggest reason to not vote for Obamassiah. He is a Socialist and will destroy our economy. He is the Farthest to the LEft out of any Senator, that is if he even bothers to vote. He is a empty suit that transforms into anything the people that he is next to at the time want him to be.

Don;t ever trust the Liberals(Progressives).

Here is another good reason, he is a student of Saul ALinski tactics in politics.

Comment by devilspeak
May 28th, 2008 8:43 am MyAvatars 0.2

a.b.o. anybody but obama.......i am a lifelong democrat, but its over for me. i am registering republican and voting for a real american, mccain, and not that son of africa..... this country has lost its mind if it doesnt see this lying racist fraud for who he is and what he our country, dont let him near the whitehouse, which always remember that he cant get the white vote, so he cant get the whitehouse. if that sounds like i am a racist, too damn bad. i hate obama, enough said.

Comment by Tim
May 28th, 2008 8:53 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Your reasons for not liking Obama are way off base. There are plenty of excellent reasons to not vote for him, but associations with Wright, his lack of a flag lapel (who gives a flying fuck?) and his supposedly extreme liberal views are not good reasons.

First of all, he's only liberal on lame social issues, second of all, every political candidate has shady connections and questionable alliances, and most of all, I've never heard anything remotely racist come out of his mouth.

How about the best reason no to vote for Mccain or Obama? They're both establishment candidates.

Comment by Todd Anthony
May 28th, 2008 8:56 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Debunked? How were these claims debunked? How can one NOT deduce that after twenty years of marinating in the filth that Wright was peddling Barry Obama was NOT influenced?

Absolutely delusional...

The man clamors about "change" and "unification." Yet, he has the most liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate. You liberals will believe anything, whether it's spurred on by your BDS or White Guilt. Or perhaps is it your elitist views that predicate your need to patronize those with whom you disagree.

Keep up the good work, Urban Conservative. Your points were SPOT ON.

Comment by Paul
May 28th, 2008 9:25 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

He also makes ridiculously stupid campaign promises, which probably says a lot about his lack of experience and skewed liberal ideals. I wrote about one of his promises on my own blog a couple months ago, check it out

Comment by Charlie on the PA Turnpike
May 28th, 2008 10:02 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

I had my own list of reasons back in February, long before many of the other reasons even surfaced:

# His 2006 rating by the Almanac of American Politics (2008) on Economic Policy is 87% liberal, 0% conservative. (2005: 87% liberal, 12% conservative.) ==The trend speaks for itself.==

# During an October 2004 debate, Obama stated that he opposed education vouchers for use at private schools because he believes they would undermine public schools. ==With the wide-spread failure of public schools having had billions of dollars poured into them, to date, why would anyone resist a chance to improve education? ==

# In a July 2007 address to the National Education Association, Obama also called for higher pay for teachers with a plan estimated to cost $18 billion annually and would be partially funded by cutting funding to NASA. The bulk of the cuts would be derived from delaying the Constellation program for five years. == So we will defund the leading scientific and technical operations of our country in order to give pay raises to teachers - most of whom work 9 months out of 12 - without any mention of requiring merit from them. This is called a smart plan? ==

# Obama spoke about his position on health care at Families USA, a health care advocacy group. Obama said, "The time has come for universal health care in America [...] I am absolutely determined that by the end of the first term of the next president, we should have universal health care in this country." == Sen. Obama, I am so absolutely determined not to to have my family fall under universal health care that I pledge to work as many jobs as I need to ensure I can purchase private insurance. THAT is how frightful I am of your proposal. ==

# Obama advocates responding to the "precarious budget situation" by eliminating "tax credits that have outlived their usefulness". == Why doesn't Sen. Obama believe that government spending programs that have outlived their usefulness should be eliminated? Perhaps because he doesn't think there are any? ==

# On April 20, 2007, Obama introduced in the Senate a bill (Shareholder Vote on Executive Compensation Act - S. 1181) requiring public companies to give shareholders an annual nonbinding vote on executive compensation, popularly called "Say on Pay." Several corporations voluntarily have begun to give shareholders such a vote because of concerns about excessive CEO salaries. Some critics have said that the federal law would interfere with the traditional state oversight over corporate governance. == Federal meddling in a state issue? Has the senator ever read the 10th Amendment? ==

# In an address on national security on August 1, 2007, Obama stated that as President he would consider military action in Pakistan in order to attack al-Qaeda, even if the Pakistani government did not give approval. Obama said, "I will not hesitate to use military force to take out terrorists who pose a direct threat to America." == So it's OK for a junior senator to speak of a unilateral invasion of a nation considered our ally, but it was not OK for a sitting president to attack a nation that had repeatedly violated the terms of a cease fire agreement (which is an act of war), repeatedly fired upon our aircraft (act of war), repeatedly violated over a dozen UN Resolutions, including Resolution #1441, and for that president to obtain overwhelming agreement of both houses of Congress (296-133 in the House; 77-23 in the Senate) and a coalition of allies to join in the battle. I wonder if the Senator has thought this position all the way through. ==

# On immigration, Obama has said that he "will not support any bill that does not provide [an] earned path to citizenship for the undocumented population." In January 2008 Obama campaigned on a policy to grant drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. == Why would you grant a legal document (license) to people who have already disregarded the law? And if an illegal alien is caught speeding, wouldn't he/she lie about having a driver's license just so the ticket wouldn't go on their record? And if you say "we'll add biometric data to them", why don't we just make them go through the process of legal immigration in the first place? Can you say amnesty? ==

# While many people have varying views on gun control, Sen. Obama has supported a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns. == I suppose it is easy to guess he has some strict issues with the 2nd Amendment. ==

# Obama supports embryonic stem cell research and was a co-sponsor of the 2005 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act which was passed by both houses of Congress but vetoed by President George W. Bush. Obama condemned Bush's veto... He also voted in favor of the 2007 bill for embryonic stem cell research that was passed but was also vetoed by President Bush. == Now that there's proof adult stem cells can be reprogrammed to act like embryonic stem cells, and still no evidence that actual embryonic stem cells have produced even a single cure for anything, perhaps the senator will rethink his position. Is Sen. Obama even aware it was President Bush who authorized federal funding stem cell research in the first place?? ==

Comment by Jonathon Nierengarten
May 28th, 2008 10:50 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Charlie; You just owned these comments. And regarding stem cell research, does this waste of financing remind anyone here of Eugenics? Gene therapy? Any other wasted efforts (or destructive ones for that matter)? Food for thought as I'm no scientist and won't feign that intricate of knowledge..

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 28th, 2008 11:01 am MyAvatars 0.2

Cons take note (especially you, UC): "Charlie on the PA Turnpike" is an excellent example of how political arguments based on Barack's actual words or intentions should be presented. I'm gathering that true conservatives are not energized by Father Time. You guys have been in attack Barack mode for a while now and that's fine. We've heard what you are against. What are you for? Who are you for and why? I'm for Barack Obama. He will propel this country forward. He is not perfect but he is better than anyone else who has stepped up to say they want to lead this country. As I said, McCain is a one trick pony. Let's say for the sake of argument Barack chooses Colin Powell as VP. He not only neutralizes McCain but he trumps him outright. Then what cons? Bob Barr is out there siphoning McCain votes. I suggest you vote for Barr in droves anyway. It will be Barack Obama in November. The stuff we are doing here is just rhetoric and not very well done rhetoric (myself included). At least, however, I'll stand by my candidate, warts and all. I still haven't heard anyone defend or promote or even try to explain why Father Time should be president. All I hear is why you are against someone. OK, message received. Let's hear something positive from your side. You have nothing so you fixate on bashing Barack. That is the old fashioned thinking that will get you beat in November.

Comment by Stix
May 28th, 2008 11:02 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>


So me being a conservative and me not liking Socialism is wrong. How do you know what is on oroff base withme. I know Obama well, I am from Illinois and he has done nothing for illinois or the USA in his whole politcal career. He has been given bills from people that wantedhimto succeed and passingover people much senior than him when he was inthe Illinois Senate. And he has absolutely done nothing in the US Senate. That is if he caresto vote, mostof the time he says "present" which is a cop out. He was hiding his true liberal self toget elected President.

So having a racist preacher for 20 years doesn'tcount either. Why????? He hassaid he was a spititual mentor, and that just scares me. Anyone that follows anyof the Lineration Theologies is aainstallofwaht the USA is about. Liuneration Theology is a Marxist political machine and has nothing to do with religion. It is a political organization that dressesitself up asa Religion. So he listened to this for 20 years andit hasnot affected his thoughts and ideas. Please,give me a break.

He is a Alanski devotee alongwith Hillary. Alanski was a Marxist organizer in Chicago and both Obama and Hllary are good pupals to his form of political take over.

Obama is a veryf lawed candidate and itis just fun to watch the Democrats rip eachother apart over this. Identity Politics is tearing the Democrat Party apart.

Just get some popcorn and watch the show

Comment by Stix
May 28th, 2008 11:10 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

I am for lowering my taxes and getting rid of all the pork that the Congresscritters are spending. And right now the Republicans arei n the doghouse, because they started to spend like the drunken sailors in the Democrat Party. That is why thelost in 2006, it was never about theWar in Iraq. And I am sure this year they are going to loose more because they just do not get it. They are talking about the Republican "brand". WTF Jst act like Republicans and what you used to stand for, smaller government, less taxes and getting out of everyone's lives. But "power corrupts" and they were corrupted into thinking that they were going to rule forthe next few decades, and started to act like Demcrats.

Comment by Todd Anthony
May 28th, 2008 11:13 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

I love how liberals castigate us for being in "attack barack" mode; nevermind enduring eight years of attacks on President Bush. This guy is supposedly a "catalyst" for change? In his brief tenures as public servant, in what way as he demonstrated that he's willing to "cross the aisle?" How is he a uniter? He has the most liberal voting record in the senate. He's a liberal to the core, whether it's bullying financial lenders into giving home loans to minorities with bad credit at the risk of being labeled a racist, or his stance on "climate change," to his stance on negotiating with our enemies. This guy is an amateur, to put it kindly. I fear what our country will look like in four years if he's elected president.

Comment by Heathenhater
May 28th, 2008 2:49 pm MyAvatars 0.2

haha oh UC,

let me post this again, and maybe you could inform me of the "bs" in it.

More Seriously UC, you said this
"This is a clear example of uninformed liberals changing the topic because you are ALL ignorant to the real issues; and it scares me to death that you have the right to vote. Go spend some time doing research and then come back here with some intelligent rebuttals."
Lets make a few points here.
1. You never make intelligent rebuttals, and when we call you out, you're just a "guy presenting his opinion." "this isnt a news source" So, how about you follow that do onto others rule?
2. I am sorry, but it is really hard to make intelligent points to such garbage. Sometimes the best response is a satirical post.
3. We are all ignorant of the real issues? The only points that could even be considered real issues in this entire post are points 4 and 5. The first three? real issues? come on man......


Comment by Heathenhater
May 28th, 2008 2:57 pm MyAvatars 0.2

Todd buddy,

"This guy is supposedly a "catalyst" for change? "

"He has the most liberal voting record in the senate."

Well, big guy, you just proved your point. Merriam-Websters defines liberalism as..... a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties

seems to me by being liberal, he is for change

Comment by Heathenhater
May 28th, 2008 3:03 pm MyAvatars 0.2

okay stix buddy, now you,

"I am for lowering my taxes and getting rid of all the pork that the Congresscritters are spending."

Fair enough, but a few questions......
With the country going further and further into debt every year, where do you intend to get the money to balance the budget. And don't say pork. Do you even know what pork-barrel spending is or what an "earmark" is? They account for a very very very very small portion of the federal budget every year. And even if you do manage to cut the budget to a decent level. How do you intend to cut it further to keep your tax cuts from putting the US further in debt? We all know well and good that everyone wants lower taxes. But wake up, and smell the pollution. The US government is bogged down with mandatory spending that wont go away. I'm sorry, it just won't. Once you have something, you cant take it away or the group benefitted by the program will flip shit. Anyone who knows anything. We need the tax rate we have. Its a sad reality, really it is especially for those who think small government is better. But right now its not a reality.

So basically, how do you plan to implement your brilliant plan.

Comment by Stix
May 28th, 2008 4:06 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Well, first we can stop the increases in Social Security and let people invest thiermown moneyt and get a better return for their money. That "lockbox" is a big IOU and when i retire the SS will take over 90% of the GDP. It is a foolish Ponzi scheem that is doomed to bankrupt our country.

Another thing is decrease the size of the govnemnet and not have lifetime work for pelpel that do nothing. the beaucracy is aominable and wastes too much money by paying pelple to do nothing. Get unions out of the government wold be a good first start. Unions will beour downfall if we do not try and dtop their control over our society.

We can actually cut programs that are duplicate and inefficient. There are many that are useless and do no good for the betterment of the country.

that is just a few I came up with

Comment by Stix
May 28th, 2008 5:38 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Here is a good video of what need to be done

Comment by toe
May 28th, 2008 5:55 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

it is terribly tiresome to listen to those of you frothing at the mouth over your dislike for obama ramble on mouthing faux news talking points yet you have not lifted a finger, or made any attempt on your own to determine what is truth and what is crap... i know this is a bit much for those of you who thrive upon news snip-its... i mean why bother actually going beyond the headlines, right?... when your mind is already made up, why let facts get in the way?

for those of you who fancy themselves as having some degree of intelligence, you might actually look here to see where your hair-brained statements above lack any resemblance to actual facts.

this is in response to the above pronouncements that obama has never done anything, lacks experience, has no ability to work across party lines...etc...etc...etc...

Bills / Amendments Passed

S.AMDT.1041 to S.1082 To improve the safety and efficacy of genetic tests.
S.AMDT.3073 to H.R.1585 To provide for transparency and accountability in military and security contracting.
S.AMDT.3078 to H.R.1585 Relating to administrative separations of members of the Armed Forces for personality disorder.
S.AMDT.41 to S.1 To require lobbyists to disclose the candidates, leadership PACs, or political parties for whom they collect or arrange contributions, and the aggregate amount of the contributions collected or arranged.
S.AMDT.524 to S.CON.RES.21 To provide $100 million for the Summer Term Education Program supporting summer learning opportunities for low-income students in the early grades to lessen summer learning losses that contribute to the achievement gaps separating low-income students from their middle-class peers.
S.AMDT.599 to S.CON.RES.21 To add $200 million for Function 270 (Energy) for the demonstration and monitoring of carbon capture and sequestration technology by the Department of Energy.
S.AMDT.905 to S.761 To require the Director of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Education to establish a program to recruit and provide mentors for women and underrepresented minorities who are interested in careers in mathematics, science, and engineering.
S.AMDT.923 to S.761 To expand the pipeline of individuals entering the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields to support United States innovation and competitiveness.
S.AMDT.924 to S.761 To establish summer term education programs.
S.AMDT.2519 to H.R.2638 To provide that one of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used to enter into a contract in an amount greater than $5 million or to award a grant in excess of such amount unless the prospective contractor or grantee certifies in writing to the agency awarding the contract or grant that the contractor or grantee owes no past due Federal tax liability.
S.AMDT.2588 to H.R.976 To provide certain employment protections for family members who are caring for members of the Armed Forces recovering from illnesses and injuries incurred on active duty.
S.AMDT.2658 to H.R.2642 To provide that none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used to enter into a contract in an amount greater than $5,000,000 or to award a grant in excess of such amount unless the prospective contractor or grantee makes certain certifications regarding Federal tax liability.
S.AMDT.2692 to H.R.2764 To require a comprehensive nuclear threat reduction and security plan.
S.AMDT.2799 to H.R.3074 To provide that none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used to enter into a contract in an amount greater than $5,000,000 or to award a grant in excess of such amount unless the prospective contractor or grantee makes certain certifications regarding Federal tax liability.
S.AMDT.3137 to H.R.3222 To provide that none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used to enter into a contract in an amount greater than $5,000,000 or to award a grant in excess of such amount unless the prospective contractor or grantee makes certain certifications regarding Federal tax liability.
S.AMDT.3234 to H.R.3093 To provide that none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used to enter into a contract in an amount greater than $5,000,000 or to award a grant in excess of such amount unless the prospective contractor or grantee makes certain certifications regarding Federal tax liability.
S.AMDT.3331 to H.R.3043 To provide that none of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used to enter into a contract in an amount greater than $5,000,000 or to award a grant in excess of such amount unless the prospective contractor or grantee makes certain certifications regarding Federal tax liability.
Senate Resolutions Passed:
S.RES.133 : A resolution celebrating the life of Bishop Gilbert Earl Patterson.
S.RES.268 : A resolution designating July 12, 2007, as “National Summer Learning Day”.
Other Bills Introduced
S.J.RES.23: A joint resolution clarifying that the use of force against Iran is not authorized by the Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq, any resolution previously adopted, or any other provision of law.
S. 453: Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2007. The Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2007 (H.R.1281), (S.453), would establish criminal penalties for acts of voter deception. Those who knowingly disseminate false information with the intention of keeping others from voting would face up to five years in prison under the legislation. The Act was sponsored by Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) and 60 cosponsors in the House, and Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and 15 cosponsors in the Senate. (20 Cosponsors)
S. 2030: A bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require reporting relating to bundled contributions made by persons other than registered lobbyists. (1 Cosponsor)
S. 2111: Positive Behavior for Effective Schools Act. A bill to amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to allow State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and schools to increase implementation of early intervention services, particularly school-wide positive behavior supports. (3 Cosponsors)
S. 2066: Back to School: Improving Standards for Nutrition and Physical Education in Schools Act of 2007. A bill to establish nutrition and physical education standards for schools.
S. Con. Res. 46: A concurrent resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month
S. 2044: Independent Contractor Proper Classification Act of 2007. A bill to provide procedures for the proper classification of employees and independent contractors, and for other purposes. (6 Cosponsors)
S. 2519: Contracting and Tax Accountability Act of 2007. A bill to prohibit the awarding of a contract or grant in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold unless the prospective contractor or grantee certifies in writing to the agency awarding the contract or grant that the contractor or grantee has no seriously delinquent tax debts, and for other purposes.
S. 2433: Global Poverty Act of 2007. A bill to require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day. (9 Cosponsors)
S. 2330: Veterans Homelessness Prevention Act. A bill to authorize a pilot program within the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development with the goal of preventing at-risk veterans and veteran families from falling into homelessness, and for other purposes. (1 Cosponsor)
for many of you, it seems that your dislike for obama has less to do with his positions- for i doubt that any number of you have absolutely no clue as to what they actually are... i rather suspect that your racial fears, lack of education, and inexperience with something called compassion fuel your acidic remarks. has no one explained to you that we all live on the same planet?

Comment by toe
May 28th, 2008 6:14 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

and in response to your reply to me... that you "didn't write the post"... that's a load of BS if there ever was one... by placing it on your blog, you endorse it. as for michael savage... conservatives....including nut-case o'reilly, even find savage a bubble and a half off plumb - distancing themselves from his vile hatred.
here is an extensive article covering this individual and career in scum and venom.
clearly he was dropped on his head at some point along the way.

Comment by Stix
May 28th, 2008 6:24 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Wow inpressive.

Micahel Savage is abiut as ignorant as Ron Paul

Please do nmot bring race into this. I could care less what color of skin he has. I do not like his politics, He is a Chicago Liberal that has gotten ahead on the backs of others. He was given many bills to author from Madigan over the senior Senators to pad his resume.

He is a follower of Alisnski and has gone to a Marxist Church for 20 years.

There is no frothing at the mouth, just facts. He is a Liberal and is to the left of Ted Kennedy, the only person farther left of him is Kucinic..

I agree Savage is an idiot and has no clue how the workd works. Him, Ron Paul, Bob Barr and Pat Buchanan should be shummed by conservatives.

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 28th, 2008 6:57 pm MyAvatars 0.2

You don't like Barack. OK. You are fearful of the man. Fine. He is inexperienced. Great. He lacks judgment. Dandy. He is the most liberal and on and on and on. I always hear about how vague he is and how scared you are of the change he speaks about. Well how is this for change you can get your hands on. Oil is exactly twice as much per barrel today as it was one year ago. How's that for change you can believe in. I've never paid $4.00 plus for a gallon of gas before. That's new too, right? So no wonder you cons are so scared of it. On your watch we have had some remarkable change.

Barack sees things differently and makes changes for the better. While McCain is going out of his way to get Bush to host fund raisers for him, Barack has raised a quarter billion dollars from millions of donors. That's right, billion with a "B". I thought you cons at least respected the dollar. Remember when the repubs were the ones with all of money? Bush had his ranger and pioneer donors. They raised a ton of money in 2000 and 2004. Very successful, right? Well Father Time adopted the same fund raising strategy relying on big donors. Hillary too. Barack has raised more money from more donors than anyone in the history of American politics. He used his best judgment to improve his standing instead of following the status quo. Father Time didn't bother with that new fangled "internets." Barack doesn't have to tell me every detail of everything he will ever do. He dismantled old school Hillary and he will push Father Time into retirement too. Meanwhile you cons will still be saying how scared you are of Barack and change. That alone is change I can embrace. Did Bush bother to tell us he would lead us into record oil and gas prices before he so masterfully did? Did he lay out the plans for his disastrous war and foreign policy before the fact? You cons are sort of sad to observe and listen to right now. You are like that old man who still thinks that rock and roll is just a fad or that old lady who is still wearing a beehive hairdo. You guys are old and tired and clinging to the past. I'll be so happy when Barack shuts you guys up for good. In the meantime keep whining about flag pins and middle names...

Comment by Mike
May 28th, 2008 8:05 pm MyAvatars 0.2

Obama won't make changes for the better. I'm sure he might try, but if elected, he will ruin this country. Nobody is scared of Obama. As far as the gas prices go, it isn't Bush's fault for the high prices. That's right, the liberals are to blame. If they weren't so opposed to drilling in Alaska and off the coast of Florida, then we would have no problems affording gas. Meanwhile, they see no problem with the Chinese oil companies drilling just a few miles off of Key West. What the hell are the Chinese doing there anyway? So there will be no solution to our problems until liberals stop blaming everything on Bush and the Republican party.

Plus Obama sucks at bowling.

Comment by Urban Conservative
May 28th, 2008 8:43 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

@toe jam

of course I endorse it, idiot! I agree with everything she wrote! And, it's not racial at all ... that's your liberal talking points. I grew up in black culture and I still think Obama not fit for the job.

And, for anyone to vote for Obama JUST BECAUSE he is black is equally as racist as someone who won't vote for him JUST BECAUSE he is black. Dc you get it?

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 29th, 2008 1:41 am MyAvatars 0.2

Believe it or not I don't think the cons opposition to Barack is racially motivated primarily. The UC himself is black and I have my theories about black conservatives in general which I suspect are true about him. Basically I equate black conservatives with Jews for Jesus or Log Cabin Repubs. They don't like what they are so bad that they zealously embrace things that are not in their own interest. They enjoy the novelty status among their so called peers and are quick to denounce their own identity group whenever the repubs want to put a black face on their message to say see we're not racist. Black conservatives usually marry or date exclusively outside of their own race (ring a bell UC?) to solidify their status in their own mind. Since you didn't refute my assertion the last time I assume that's true about you UC.

Let's take affirmative action for example. I don't think that 100% of people who oppose affirmative action are racists. I do think 100% of racists are against it though. 100% of people opposed to Barack aren't racist but 100% of the racists are not voting for Barack. Given a choice between Barack and McCain, who would you suspect the KKK would vote for? Or Barack and Bob Barr or Ron Paul or a ham sandwich (on white bread)? People vote for candidates for all sort of reasons including not wanting to vote for the other person. People say that on here all of the time. McCain will get votes "just because" he is the only white man in the race. I don't think that is necessarily racist. That is people voting in their own best interest in their minds. Even if it is racist everyone has the right to vote for whatever reason they think is important to them. You see Barack getting these huge numbers of black voters but in the last presidential election and every presidential election in the history of this country 99% of black voters voted for white men. That's a number Barack will never achieve. So while I think people's opposition to Barack in most cases is issues or ideologically based, we can never discount the racial divide.

From my perspective I can't see why anyone wants Father Time or any repub given the track record of the last 8 years. The trends in the 2006 elections and some recent special elections seem to indicate I'm not alone. Now we have Scott McClellan coming out and confirming some of our worst fears about this president and the repubs in general. I'm telling you this right now, if Barack can get Colin Powell, this race is over. Powell is everything McCain wishes he could be. Who could McCain get that you could say that about? Why won't anyone on here talk up McCain? The silence is hilarious.

Comment by dissolvethecorporation
May 29th, 2008 4:05 am MyAvatars 0.2


You asked how we plan to implement our brilliant plan? Simple. Bring the troops home and save $3 Billion. Of course, if you are a war profiteer like KBR or McDonnel-Douglas, you'll have to find something productive to do.

Comment by Heathenhater
May 29th, 2008 5:51 am MyAvatars 0.2

You know what I think should happen. We should start a civil war. You cons would like that, since you have the support of what you claim to be 100% of the military. Then you could take over, not tax, and take away the civil liberties of liberals! We could put those uninformed libs in concentration camps, which we could call mental hospitals. The US would be LIBERAL free. Then, we would send our CIA around the globe to start conservative(freedom) revolutions everywhere. The world would be free of liberals by the time you're grandkids are having kids. Fuck idealogical diversity man! Liberalism is a PROVEN mental condition. So either you're a conservative, or you are a fuck up.


(or you could use your head and vote for obama, who will hopefully change things for the better. It can't be any worse than now)

Comment by OhHolyKnight
May 29th, 2008 6:11 am MyAvatars 0.2

UC, you're a hypocrite. Here's two quotes: "of course I endorse it, idiot!" and "Btw, I didn’t write the post." Okay, so you endorse everything she says... but... you didn't write it, so you can't be held accountable? I see the logic, nice.

When simonesdad said that this is just more of the same, and you (UC) shot back that while he knows these arguments it doesn't mean everyone does, how is that justification of mudslinging? You don't get it. You are participating in the mudslinging that is rocketing American politics into the crapshoot. Everyone doesn't need to know about his bad bowling record! So what's the point in bringing this shit up?

You also said that "I haven’t heard any solutions from any of the camps (McCain too)" which means you don't like McCain either. So why aren't you voting independent? Or why are you voting at all? You're looking for weak excuses to derail Obama, but I could take just as many cheap shots at McCain, so why aren't there "5 reasons not to vote for McCain"?

Then we get Jonathon chiming in saying that you don't need 5 reasons not to vote Obama, that "1 suffices." Okay. Really. One reason? One reason, one little thing, is enough to say a candidate shouldn't be voted for. So the dozens of reasons we could come up with for McCain or for HillRod, those ones don't count? It's just for Obama. If there's one reason for OBAMA, then 1 reason's enough.

Then you got "Liberty" rocking the Deep South redneck comment about how America is a country, get used to it! Oh, sorry, Amurica. No, Amurica is not a country. It is not a continent either, technically, it's a landmass. But we Amuricans have been so convinced for so long that we are the world, that we can call ourselves Amuricans. You know what, though? We are the #1 power in the world still, somehow. I think everyone living in the United States should be called an "Earthling." No, not everyone. There are some illegal immigrants, they're not true Earthlings. Neither are blacks. In fact, all liberals, they don't count as real people, so they're not Earthlings. I like it.

Comment by Desert Light
May 29th, 2008 6:16 am MyAvatars 0.2

It is a pleasure to be here. I am fresh off of Huffington Post where the Liberal brats over there can't handle any one with an opposing view point. My first post here.

Comment by stegner
May 29th, 2008 7:00 am MyAvatars 0.2

Not only are the allegations made in this post thoroughly tired, uninformed and deceitful, but the bio of the author also leads a reader to assume the writer is a stuck-up (multi-million dollar restaurants, you say?) cuisine/lifestyle chronicling, traveling, Xanadu-seeking (my personal favorite) political slattern. One that should stick to the fields she claims such prowess in rather than peddle laughable fodder, worthy of Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage and their great army of ignorance and fear.

Comment by dissolvethecorporation
May 29th, 2008 7:36 am MyAvatars 0.2

@ Light Desert,

You'll find the conservative posters here have their heads just as far up their asses as the liberals on Huffpost.

Comment by hex
May 29th, 2008 7:36 am MyAvatars 0.2

I didn't know Fox News had a blog...

Comment by toe
May 29th, 2008 7:39 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

mr. uc... i don't see anywhere in any of my comments that i have called you any name whatsoever... your direct comment to me ("you idiot!") stands alone as a glaring example

of your methodology: when you have nothing, call them names! if you had any understanding

at all of why obama has garnered the attention, interest, grass-roots funding, admiration, and votes you could possibly understand why you, mr. uc- are in the pathetically dismal political and intellectual minority in this country presently. people are fed up with the "us vs them" mentality... the red state vs blue state acidity, the corruption of this administration, special interests lining their pockets at the expense of the american people, the shrinking of the middle class, a president that turns a deaf ear to calls for rational thought in favor of his personal religious calling to impose democracy upon other cultures and nations whether by hook or by crook. voters are tired of mud-slinging and phony non issues of hair cuts and flag pins.

obama has it right- talking will always be better than fighting- never once has obama suggested

military action as a first choice. even you, mr. uc can understand the concept that once you have befriended someone your understanding of that individual's perception of YOU as well as your understanding of him/her is forever altered. this notion that we don't talk to our enemies is absurd - reasonable thinking people understand this.

one does not lead by their sexual organ or their bible... you lead by example. you gain respect by being respectful. is this concept so difficult to understand?

i have no idea what color you are - nor does it matter- your words (and your support of another's blog make them your words as well) indicate to me that you have issues that go beyond race-

these issues preclude your ability to gather any understanding of the basic and fundamental difference between conservative and liberal political thought. your interest , purpose and supreme focus of your entire blog is clearly "us (the good, patriotic, god fearing, bible-thumping, hardworking, pull-yourself-up-by-your-own-bootstraps, genuine amuricans) vs. the LIBERALS!!!

just what solutions do you have? i have asked this of you...which you side-stepped : "i am not running for office" was your reply. more bs. any fool can thump their chest and participate in mob mentality... what are you doing to FIX anything? what public office have you ever held? what have you accomplished?

what leadership do you have?
(and before you give me the "what about you" noise... i have held elective office ... where i worked to preserve conservation and agricultural lands on the zoning commission and worked to have emergency medical response facilities in place to serve rural areas to name a couple. )

Comment by Super Ultra Patriot (with 2 flag lapel pins)
May 29th, 2008 7:59 am MyAvatars 0.2

You liberals were asking for 5 reasons to vote for McCain

1.His economic policies were written by Swiss banks, the most solid financial institution in the world (if you don't count the UBS and subprime mortgage thing)

2. Iraq war keeps our economy going, US citizens are building these tanks, bombs and planes.

3. His wife is hot for an old chick.

4. He lived in a cage, so he can completely relate to my roommate.

5. Actually you wouldn't vote for McCain or Obama if you really loved America. Join the Ron Paul Revolution.

Comment by Stix
May 29th, 2008 8:06 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

I just love the love we get from the Left. Geez, you say you do noty like Obama, so you are a racist. It couldn't be that we do not like Socialism or Liberals. No it is becasue we are racists.

Or we are decietful if we tell the truth, remember the Swift Boat Veterans.

Comment by toe
May 29th, 2008 8:25 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

the swift boat vet crappola was debunked. the obama flag pin, hand on heart, etc crappola was debunked.
you have nothing but a festering hate. this will eat you.
i doubt if you actually know what socialism is.
i doubt that you have ever actually listened to obama...i rather think that you have listened to rush's take on what obama represents. you really need to get out more.

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 29th, 2008 8:31 am MyAvatars 0.2

So well said toe. UC is in a little over his head on his own blog. It's actually comical to witness. I tend to make it less about UC himself. That's way too easy. This blog and its ensuing comments from cons and others serve as a stark example of what passes for political commentary. UC rarely takes up the fight himself as he is severely overmatched once we get beyond name-calling. There is some thoughtful discourse however. I want people to see what is going on with the conservative movement in this country although I'm not sure it is well represented here. As a matter of fact the cumulative effect of much of the nonsense put forth by so-called conservatives on here has to be damaging to the movement. I could cherry pick some of the priceless quotes to reinforce my point but I think this string speaks for itself. The more you cons speak, the more you reveal yourselves as bitter, divisive, narrow, petty and scared. I don't have to say it because you are saying it for yourselves. You guys are in a hole and you continue to dig. Who is going to pull you out of that hole, McCain?

Comment by Stix
May 29th, 2008 10:27 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Who debunked the Swift Boats??? Did Kerry relaese his forms yet????

And who debunked tha flag pin thing, he actually said it was false patriotism and then statred to wear on. And the hand over the heart its the correct protocol.

I do not hate anyone and think Obama is a nice guy, but he is a terrible candidate for President. I would love to talk to him.

And I guess the left had just loving things to say about President Bush the last 7years?? HaveI called Obama anything other than Obamassiah, because of the Messiah aura the MSM has given Obama?? Have I called him evil, Hitler, Chimp in Chef, or have I said i wanted him to die.
No it is the Left that is filled with hate and vitriol.

I have listened to his "Hope and Change" and it is not what I want for this country.

Comment by Reason #6: operation demcaos (Rush's), #7: operation drill (Schnitt's)...
May 29th, 2008 12:00 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

and sillions more..., like the stars on the nightksy; we, the people, not the minority mayority at congress, with the worst popularity, half of Bush's (and Bush is not running, not even publicity defended, with th sillions of terror logistics on Media and Polititians, anti-Vietnam the oldests, anti-Irak war, anti Bush's allies, today)...

Comment by silverlighwizardsoul (today,a"a glow-warm" "tonight")
May 29th, 2008 12:54 pm MyAvatars 0.2

reason eoscylon ninety nine: silverlighwizardsoul ("keyboard melody") under the suns, stars and gallaxies (today, "a hidden self-exiled still paralegaly pursued by local castro-anabelenmontescoyoteauthorities (in and outside USA) war on terror free public supported dreamed glow-warm at the woods" "tonight",
ps: &the like stars on the no moon skyes, away from city, (I'm male, "my" version:) where a hot ladyshepperd, no race "problems" waits for his lover ...(that would be me, in that case, a very patient&comprehensive tender guide hot she elf, then) scorted by fairies (so they, women, are always satisfied with, and causing them to treat you "geneticly set as "God made them from a rib to satisfy us") ...

Comment by Charlie on the PA Turnpike
May 29th, 2008 2:46 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

simonesdad2008 asked:

I'm gathering that true conservatives are not energized by Father Time. You guys have been in attack Barack mode for a while now and that's fine. We've heard what you are against. What are you for? Who are you for and why?

I am for Conservative values and philosophies. Sen. McCain, while being a good man, does not embody many of these traits. However, the ones he does embrace make him, far and away, better than either Sen. Clinton or Obama.

Lesser of two evils is what I hear you saying. Not at all. Were I forced to pick ONLY between either Democrat candidate, THAT would be the lesser of two evils, in my book.

Comment by Urban Conservative
May 29th, 2008 2:57 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Wow – I go away for one day and come back to this? Honestly, for all of you who hate me, this blog, conservatives or whatever … why do you spend your precious time commenting here?


I never said that you can’t hold me accountable, I was merely stating a fact, that I DID NOT WRITE THIS POST … but I do agree with it. How is that hypocritical?

AND … if you didn’t know .. I am an Independent. I don’t vote for people just because they hide behind Republicanism. I am a conservative and I believe in conservative pronciples. McCain is not a conservative per se, but I feel he can lead this country much more effectively than the other two. Some of your arguments are really becoming petty.


You really shouldn’t talk about a woman like that. Where are you manners boy!


You are right. I apologize; but the comments here are starting to piss me off. Attack the argument, not me. Well, you can if you want because it really doesn’t bother me. : ) What solutions do you want to hear from me? Unemployment? Iraq? Terrorism? Taxes? What? I’ll be glad to post my opinions about the topic.

What leadership do I have? I am not claiming to be a leader here; and I don’t really care to read your resume.


You sure are full of insults aren’t you? You think I am severely outmatched? I would debate you on just about any topic, anytime anywhere. What are you doing in your life to add to the conversation other than coming here and trying to politely say, “UC, you are a fucking idiot?”

Comment by toe
May 29th, 2008 3:24 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

mr. uc, i accept your apology. mahalo. once again, my beliefs have proven true, there really is good in everyone.

Comment by DemNoMore
May 29th, 2008 4:02 pm MyAvatars 0.2

simonesdad2008 asked:

I'm gathering that true conservatives are not energized by Father Time. You guys have been in attack Barack mode for a while now and that's fine. We've heard what you are against. What are you for? Who are you for and why?

I am for Conservative values and philosophies. Sen. McCain, while being a good man, does not embody many of these traits. However, the ones he does embrace make him, far and away, better than either Sen. Clinton or Obama.
I am also a conservative, and while I would prefer a more conservative candidate for president, I think McCain is a much better choice than either Obama or Clinton. If only the Republicans could offer someone like Ronald Reagan, but alas, that is not realistic right now. Gov. Jindal certainly has potential in that regard, and so does Gov. Palin but they are still young. Maybe they'll be ready in 2012 or 2016 (Jindal/Palin) but today is 2008 and one must deal with reality. At this point, given Obama's high negatives and extreme liberalism, McCain will get my vote. McCain is strong on national defense, a war hero who has served his country and suffered for it; he has 22 years of government experience; he has reached across the aisle to Democrats for the good of the country and I respect that even though I did not always agree with the outcome; he is pro-life, a definite plus in my book; he has integrity and speaks his mind clearly and does not flip flop on issues just to get elected. These are the primary reasons why I will vote for McCain.

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 29th, 2008 4:07 pm MyAvatars 0.2


Let's get one thing straight. I don't use swear words on here and if you are putting quotes next to things you are attributing to me be accurate. I have never called you an idiot or an f***ing idiot. Go back and check everything I have ever posted here. Have I gone after you personally? Yes. You have yet to refute anything I have asserted about you too. I suspect I have hit close to the bone here. I don't like to get too personal on here but sometimes I'm not as disciplined as I should be. I do post here for the tension. I know I will never convert any of you cons but it's not just cons who read this and, quite frankly, I WANT everyone to know what is in the minds of the cons and you guys never disappoint. For any neutral observers who read these posts, the cons own words are more damaging than anything I could come up with on my own. I don't care about preaching to the choir. I want you cons to deliver converts with your own words. Also, I support Barack and I will say that any and everywhere I can. Apparently no one has that same passion about McCain which is encouraging to me.

So for the record, UC, I would love to debate you anytime (I thought that's what we were doing here). I don't think you are an idiot. I think politically you are way off base and, yes, I do hold you to a higher standard because this is YOUR blog. Stop running away from that fact. Stand your ground and offer up some of YOUR ideas and arguments. Don't take everything personally. I thought you cons were the stoic, agree with me or you are a hippie communist types, who haven't had anything new to offer to political thought in a 100 years. You guys have a play book, UC. I'm anxious to see how well you have studied it.

Comment by toe
May 29th, 2008 4:17 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

i am certain that you all have seen individuals who, for whatever reason just stopped growing.

their lives stopped at the "beehive" hairdo, their music with ricky nelson, or their wardrobe with the polyester pantsuit. they are suspicious of change and fearful of the unknown. taking a risk might consist of trying a different toothpaste... but only because the one they have always used is no longer being made. i have seen many responses here from individuals who have simply stopped growing intellectually.

i had not visited this blog for well over a year. i found the premise overstated and filled with generalities. it's master started with a negative opinion of an entire people that held a view different from his own and proceeded to call them uninformed...sheep... blind followers of ideals rather than ideas.

i may be what this blogster would like to peg as one of his typical uninformed LIBERALS (eeeek!!!) but i do know one thing: you will never have people take you seriously or gather their attention or any constructive discussion by insulting those individuals with whom you wish to converse, convert , or (heaven forbid), understand.

my return here was to post on this particular topic regarding non-factual statements made regarding obama. you all are certainly welcome to your individual choices as to who will get your vote- i would only hope that you fancy yourself intelligent enough to seek multiple sources (both liberal and conservative) for the formulation of your thoughts.

and one parting note... not to gloat, but to have you take careful notice that many of us "uninformed liberals" were right ...right about iraq...and right about this current (and soon-to-be-gone) president. while you were busy buying this administration's hype and threats, they have picked your pocket clean, destroyed our military, raped our nation financially, destroyed our good name around the world, and eroded our constitution....just to name a few. don't take my word for it... after all, i am uninformed, remember? just look it up. read. inform yourself. at least try.

over and out.


Comment by Patrick Henry
May 29th, 2008 8:13 pm MyAvatars 0.2

Liberals sure do hate it when someone hits them between the eyes with the truth, don't they? barack obama ( I never capitalize a liberal or jihadist name, not that they're equally despicable...well, let me think about that one for a minute) will be sliced, diced and devoured by Conservatives in America after the debacle of the democratic national convention. Why? Because barack obama makes george mcgovern look like Barry Goldwater! The United States of America will never elect a communist or an ultra liberal like obama...(not to imply obama has communist leanings...but then...) NEVER!

So all you little liberals, get yourselves packed for your move to France this fall. john depp will be there to welcome you to your new home. We know you'll all leave this time...EIGHT MORE YEARS!!! EIGHT MORE YEARS!!!

Comment by Fred
May 29th, 2008 8:53 pm MyAvatars 0.2

no urban conservative you forgot the most improtant part.

obama is a muslim and this is a christian nation.
he's not even from america.

he doesn't care about america only about winning.

1. doesnt wear the pin that everyone wears
2. has a pastor that said lots of mean thing to people
3. talks condesending with his elite talk
4. not patriotic and wants to talk to iran,... apease iran.. like that other muslim condoleeza rice
5. doesnt have expereince like john mccain who is older than dirt.

you liberals are so stupid

all you liberals do is attack the person. you morons never even attack the arugment, you only say that bush is dumb bush is dumb. stupid liberals the usa would be better without your're lies.

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 30th, 2008 2:26 am MyAvatars 0.2

Finally, after much prodding, someone is coming out for McCain. It puzzled me for a while as to why it was bash Barack but no support for McCain. Then it occurred to me that no self-respecting, REAL conservative would ever vote for McCain. REAL conservatives don't compromise their positions. Oh you can toss out the conservative mantras, small government, pro-life, he's a liberal Muslim hippie communist etc, and wax nostalgic about the 1940's when women were in the kitchen and Negroes knew their place. REAL conservatives have 3 choices this November: Bob Barr, Ron Paul or stay home. Real conservatives like Goldwater and Buckley are spinning in their graves as we speak because of what passes for conservatism these days. McCain looks like a Woodstock organizer next to a real conservative. So don't give me this "lesser of two evils" garbage. Stand by your principles and be who you say you are. Otherwise you are no different than those you criticize as "sheep" or "uniformed" or dare I say "stupid." The theme song at your convention can be "The Way We Were" or anything by Pat Boone. Any press attending your convention MUST use type writers instead of computers or they will not be allowed to participate. Don't worry though, there will be a bank of pay phones in the lobby. "Barr the Vote in '08" It's the only real choice for conservatives in my mind.

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 30th, 2008 2:49 am MyAvatars 0.2

"Barr The Conservative Vote in '08"....even better!

Comment by Super Ultra Patriot (with 2 flag lapel pins)
May 30th, 2008 3:09 am MyAvatars 0.2

Ron Paul would kick Barr's ass.... and deliver another healthy baby while doing so.

Give me freedom or give me death... Ron Paul '08

Comment by Stix
May 30th, 2008 3:22 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

I am sorry, but both Ron Paul and Bob Barr are not conservatives. They are Libertarians and would not vote for either of them,

And McCain does not inspire conservatives because he stabs them in the back all the time. Will I vote for him????? Hell yes. Over Obama or Hillary, any day.

Comment by DemNoMore
May 30th, 2008 4:38 am MyAvatars 0.2

Addendum to my earlier post. The American Spectator has a very interesting essay today about McCain being "the new Barry Goldwater." Here are some snippets:
Many conservatives realistic enough to know there will never be "another Reagan" nevertheless wish at least for another Barry Goldwater. They don't realize that we already have one. His name is John McCain.

AS WITH GOLDWATER, so with McCain. Irascible, iconoclastic, sometimes a bit profane, always his own man and nobody else's, McCain is a curmudgeon's curmudgeon -- but still with much to offer his country. We all know, of course,
why so many of us are so often so angry with McCain -- his sometimes bizarre heresies from conservatism, his insulting language and hair-trigger temper toward conservatives who disagree with him -- but we spend too little time acknowledging the man's strengths. On those issues on which Goldwater was strongest, about which he cared most deeply and on which he was most identifiably conservative, McCain is as strong or stronger than any national leader in the past 20 years.

Consider the fight against outrageous government spending. No major party nominee since Goldwater, Reagan included, has been as consistently and bravely dedicated to fiscal discipline as has McCain. Last week he both made a superb campaign speech and penned a hard-hitting column for the Chicago Tribune blasting the bloated, irresponsible Farm Bill for which 80 percent of his colleagues were cravenly voting. Likewise, McCain's longstanding record of opposing purely local pork barrel projects -- "earmarks" -- is well known, and utterly unmatched. McCain also consistently has opposed expansion of entitlement programs, which of course are the biggest long-term fiscal problems facing this nation. Indeed, entitlements collectively represent an absolutely deadly time bomb, and McCain might be the only man in American politics today with the will power, the moral standing, and the sheer cussedness needed to defuse it.

Similarly, McCain has proposed the most free-market-oriented health care reforms imaginable from a national party nominee during a contentious campaign. And on taxes, the fact remains that McCain has never, not once, supported an income-tax rate hike. He calls for corporate tax deductions and seems genuinely committed to fighting, really fighting, to make most of President Bush's tax cuts permanent.

Finally, nobody can doubt McCain's love of country, his dedication to a strong defense, his concern for our military personnel, or his bedrock belief in American exceptionalism and commitment to victory for the United States over its many dangerous enemies.

These conservative virtues of McCain are no mere projections of our own hopes. Instead, McCain has proved his embodiment of these virtues through a lifetime of service.

YES, WE ALL KNOW how when McCain does disagree with conservatives, he has seemed to take great delight in not just abandoning conservatives, but of rubbing our faces in it. We know that even when he tries to make amends, he does almost all the talking and very little listening. We know he can be an SOB. But we also know that on those occasions in which he is our SOB, he can be a tremendously effective one. And on most of the day-to-day issues that have defined conservatism for the past 60 years, he has indeed been our SOB.

John McCain is not a conservative champion. But he deeply believes, and strongly champions, many conservative principles, many Goldwaterite principles. We certainly could do worse than to be stuck with him as our own, infuriating, headstrong, bullying, honor-obsessed, indefatigable, and sometimes downright inspirational SOB.

Comment by dissolvethecorporation
May 30th, 2008 4:49 am MyAvatars 0.2

Flag pins? hussein (not capitalized?) Rachel Ray's scarf looks like a Keffiyeh?

How about real issues like the US not supporting the cluster bomb ban, or our stand on torture, or the abysmal health care system? These non-issues just convince me that it is the conservatives who are ignorant sheep.

Comment by PetuniaIsMyMiddleName
May 30th, 2008 5:09 am MyAvatars 0.2

I was reading HeathenHater's comment and I believe the correct two word term is "grape drannnnnk," not "grape soda." Come on, get your ethnic edibles right.

Comment by OhHolyKnight
May 30th, 2008 5:13 am MyAvatars 0.2

Dude, Rachel Ray IS a terrorist. Anyone who wears a scarf like that HAS to be supportive of terrorist regimes, even idiot television hosts like Rachel Ray who probably doesn't even know where Iraq is. She should get das boot from our country just like every other scarf-wearing, Quran-reading Muslim communist elitist hippie abortionist. Wait a minute... elitist hippie? No, no no no, never mind. Yeah, stupid liberals.

Comment by Ben
May 30th, 2008 5:47 am MyAvatars 0.2

What Barack Obama Knows About
Marketing That John McCain Doesn’t.

Hillary Clinton went from being the "inevitable" President to just another Senator. What happened?

Obama did a much better job of marketing. He sold what the left really wanted, which is stopping the war. He is doing a great job of keeping his message in front of the US people and in the press. He has built a powerful grassroots organization that is going to be a formidable competitor in the fall. I have put together a free report that shows you what those marketing strenghts are and what John McCain can do to counter them.

To get your free copy of the report title: Obama's Marketing Edge and What John McCain Can Do To Counter It

Comment by DemNoMore
May 30th, 2008 6:04 am MyAvatars 0.2

Addendum to my earlier post. The American Spectator has a very interesting article today about McCain being "the new Barry Goldwater." Here are some snippets:
"Many conservatives realistic enough to know there will never be "another Reagan" nevertheless wish at least for another Barry Goldwater. They don't realize that we already have one. His name is John McCain.

AS WITH GOLDWATER, so with McCain. Irascible, iconoclastic, sometimes a bit profane, always his own man and nobody else's, McCain is a curmudgeon's curmudgeon -- but still with much to offer his country. We all know, of course,
why so many of us are so often so angry with McCain -- his sometimes bizarre heresies from conservatism, his insulting language and hair-trigger temper toward conservatives who disagree with him -- but we spend too little time acknowledging the man's strengths. On those issues on which Goldwater was strongest, about which he cared most deeply and on which he was most identifiably conservative, McCain is as strong or stronger than any national leader in the past 20 years.

Consider the fight against outrageous government spending. No major party nominee since Goldwater, Reagan included, has been as consistently and bravely dedicated to fiscal discipline as has McCain. Last week he both made a superb campaign speech and penned a hard-hitting column for the Chicago Tribune blasting the bloated, irresponsible Farm Bill for which 80 percent of his colleagues were cravenly voting. Likewise, McCain's longstanding record of opposing purely local pork barrel projects -- "earmarks" -- is well known, and utterly unmatched. McCain also consistently has opposed expansion of entitlement programs, which of course are the biggest long-term fiscal problems facing this nation. Indeed, entitlements collectively represent an absolutely deadly time bomb, and McCain might be the only man in American politics today with the will power, the moral standing, and the sheer cussedness needed to defuse it.

Similarly, McCain has proposed the most free-market-oriented health care reforms imaginable from a national party nominee during a contentious campaign. And on taxes, the fact remains that McCain has never, not once, supported an income-tax rate hike. He calls for corporate tax deductions and seems genuinely committed to fighting, really fighting, to make most of President Bush's tax cuts permanent.

Finally, nobody can doubt McCain's love of country, his dedication to a strong defense, his concern for our military personnel, or his bedrock belief in American exceptionalism and commitment to victory for the United States over its many dangerous enemies.

These conservative virtues of McCain are no mere projections of our own hopes. Instead, McCain has proved his embodiment of these virtues through a lifetime of service.

YES, WE ALL KNOW how when McCain does disagree with conservatives, he has seemed to take great delight in not just abandoning conservatives, but of rubbing our faces in it. We know that even when he tries to make amends, he does almost all the talking and very little listening. We know he can be an SOB. But we also know that on those occasions in which he is our SOB, he can be a tremendously effective one. And on most of the day-to-day issues that have defined conservatism for the past 60 years, he has indeed been our SOB.

John McCain is not a conservative champion. But he deeply believes, and strongly champions, many conservative principles, many Goldwaterite principles. We certainly could do worse than to be stuck with him as our own, infuriating, headstrong, bullying, honor-obsessed, indefatigable, and sometimes downright inspirational SOB."
Comments anyone?

Comment by Patrick Henry
May 30th, 2008 6:24 am MyAvatars 0.2

I love liberals...they are always so amusing. They want to curtail the development of improved implements of warfare for crying out loud! I am so thankful today's emasculated liberals weren't around when the machine gun was invented, "such indiscriminant killing! It just sprays bullets all over the place and you don't even have to aim it!" Or, the hand grenade, "Oh the horror! You just pull the pin and throw it into a crowd of your enemies and they all die!" And now, the cluster bomb! "Oh, my goodness, when you drop that bomb into a hundred enemies, they're all killed...the inhumanity!" Well, I LIKE EFFICIENT WEAPONS!

Of course, only a liberal wussie would want to discuss weapons technology as a political topic. No soldier who has ever set foot on a battlefield worries about his weapons being too efficient at killing the enemy! Only a liberal would worry about killing our enemies too successfully! Just one more reason to ignore liberals...they're just unfit for anything but HANDWRINGING!

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 30th, 2008 6:49 am MyAvatars 0.2

"such indiscriminant killing! It just sprays bullets all over the place and you don't even have to aim it!" Yeah, Al Capone loved it.

"No soldier who has ever set foot on a battlefield worries about his weapons being too efficient at killing the enemy!" No they worry about the body armor they DON'T have.

Efficient weaponry is fine until arms dealers get a hold of them and detonate your precious cluster bombs in downtown USA. "Enemies" aren't the only ones killed by the weapons you describe. A bullet has no name. Ask the Tillmans if you don't believe me.

It appears you have tied your own manhood to weapons. I bet you drive a muscle car too. We get it.

Comment by dissolvethecorporation
May 30th, 2008 7:33 am MyAvatars 0.2

@ Patrick Henry

Oooh, you're so macho! When the revolution comes, as soon as you pig-fuckers reinstate the draft so you can attack Iran, you will be the first to die. Do you think beer-swilling sausage-eating rednecks from a Nascar race or a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert have what it takes to stand up to 'liberal wussies' who are fit and healthy?

Comment by Patrick Henry
May 30th, 2008 7:50 am MyAvatars 0.2

This is why we love liberals...what could possibly be more amusing? No stand up comic can top a liberal who is passionately pouring poetry and prose from his heart and soul!!!

When I was on the battlefield I was fighting for The United States of America, not liberals. Few liberals are man enough to fight, or to have fought for their country; liberals only believe in fighting against their country!

Few liberals would ever turn down the keys to my automobile...unless they owned a newer model of the same vehicle, but no, it's not a Prius, nor a made in Japan liberalmobile.

All of your liberal rantings will fall upon deaf ears now, I have no more time to waste addressing this liberal poppycock. It's time for a drive...mountain roads beckon...

Comment by Super Ultra Patriot (with 2 flag lapel pins)
May 30th, 2008 7:52 am MyAvatars 0.2

@Patrick Henry

I seriously doubt that the ban on cluster bombs is being vote on because it efficiently kills people in battle. The debate is that it is a faulty weapon that leaves many undetonated elements after the battle or war is done. Which in turn will detonate when the actual inhabitants of these war zones try to return to living. Much in the same way land mines have had a larger negative effect on citizens than a positive effects on people winning wars.

And if you want efficient weapons why not just drop A-bombs on everyone. One plane, one tank of gas, one bomb and victory. Doesn't get more efficient than that does it.

Vote Ron Paul, because he probably delivered you into this world. He slapped your Neocon ass once and he will do it again.

Comment by Jonathon Nierengarten
May 30th, 2008 11:02 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

SUP with 2 pins:

You brought a noticeable fact up. Cluster bombs are efficient and save American lives, but, much like land mines, they do have unintended effects to the civilians who will return. I appreciate the efficiency, but that ill effect does need to be remedied. Or they need not be used. Much like landmines, which would be fine if they had a foolproof fixed time expiration (will never happen, just trying to be idealistic about it). Also, though Ron Paul is a libertarian, I'd gladly have a libertarian who is pragmatic run this country. I love McCain, I love libertarians.


Very good analogy to Barry. I would not mind him being president one iota. In fact, I'd probably take him or Reagan equally. Both men shared great, consistent ideals. Much like McCain.

Comment by simonesdad2008
May 31st, 2008 10:11 am MyAvatars 0.2

"Put very simply: John McCain is a liar. He’s a man without honor, without integrity, who could not have captured the Republican nomination had he run on making comprehensive immigration a top priority of his administration. Quite frankly, this is little different from George Bush, Sr. breaking his “Read my lips, no new taxes pledge,” except that Bush’s father was at least smart enough to wait until he got elected before letting all of his supporters know that he was lying to them. Under these circumstances, I simply cannot continue to support a man like John McCain for the presidency."

Not my words but very telling. I found this on "Right Wing News" and "Stop the ACLU" (find it yourself).

"Barr the Conservative Vote in '08"

Comment by Rick
May 31st, 2008 6:14 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

"Put very simply: John McCain is a liar. He’s a man without honor, without integrity, who could not have captured the Republican nomination had he run on making comprehensive immigration a top priority of his administration."

No ma'am, you are the one without honor. Attack American patriots if you must, but never question their honor. Until you strap on a vest and hoist a weapon in her defense, you have no right to question the honor of one of us who have defended the rights that you exercise here. We have no further use for you, unless you have a gift for sniffing out IEDs...heck, even if you don't, put yourself out there.
Until you are willing to sacrifice for this country, you should shut up, eat some brie, get your fat ass in your Prius, and GTFOOH.

Comment by simonesdad2008
June 1st, 2008 2:25 am MyAvatars 0.2

Rick you need to direct you comments to John Hawkins who wrote this last week. It appeared on Right Wing News and Stop the ACLU websites. Too bad you can't chalk this one up to the liberal media but your blind indignation is still fun to see.

"Barr the Conservative Vote in '08"

Comment by Charlie on the PA Turnpike
June 1st, 2008 3:02 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

simonesdad2008 stated:

"..."Barr the Vote in '08" It's the only real choice for conservatives in my mind."

Simonesdad: by what virtue or act of God have you been granted to suggest that what is right in your mind is right for all? Certainly. the open primary system in the early states let nare-do-well's influence the Republican nomination by promoting Sen. McCain over candidates whose Conservatism trumps his.

But did you notice that Rep Barr wasn't even running back then? Perhaps because he knew then he hadn't a chance to win at all?

Let's play out your scenario: would Rep. Barr get nominated, would he do at all well with anyone on the Left? Hardly. If for no reason, he's an unknown. Third party candidates are always spoilers (paging Ross Perot, Ralph Nader).

Sen. McCain would hardly be a Conservative in the likes of President Reagan, for example, but he's far better than the choices on the Left.

Now as to your sudden desire to see a third-party candidate run against Sen. McCain, and after your strident defense of Sen. Obama, would there be any chance you would reveal your real intentions as to the candidate you truly support?

Just asking.

Comment by Norski
June 3rd, 2008 11:18 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

If I weren't living on Earth, I'd enjoy watching an Obama presidency.

I think you've noted a number of facts about Obama that promise a colorful term.

I'm still impressed with his oratorical skill: great, when rehearsed; "fall flat or offend" (or are downright hilarious) when not - as you pointed out.

I suspect that Obama will be the next president. The Associated Press ran an article today, stating that he had cinched the nomination. From the way Obama and his nomination were described, I get the impression that he's still the only one of the three major candidates able to walk on water. As far as the American press is concerned.

With that sort of backing, a Republican candidate will have a hard time winning.

I could be wrong.

Comment by Anthony Navarro
June 3rd, 2008 2:34 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

The biggest reason, in terms of concern for the American people, not to vote for Obama, nor ANY of the leading candidates, is their following the religion of ENVIRONMENTALISM. This religion has replaced socialism as the means to control the American population, and is the greatest danger to America, IMHO.

The upcoming Warner-Lieberman Climate Security Act will decimate the economy and bring America's prosperity to an end. Read this article for a comprehensive analysis:

The Democratic Party is nothing more than a socialist regime, and the Republican party has sacrificed its principles to gain votes for the party's sake, and hence abandoned America. Either the Republican Party has to rurn its ship around, or a new leader must rise from the ashes: An American President.

Comment by HOBOBOH
June 3rd, 2008 5:46 pm MyAvatars 0.2

America tends to get the presidents it deserves. You can take that any way you want. We'll see.


Comment by Heathenhater
June 4th, 2008 5:34 am MyAvatars 0.2

How many times need I point out that the Media is not this liberal entity. They are pawns of the white house. Now, Im not going to even bother explaining, but if you need an explanation, let me know.

You know who should run for president???

Jesse Ventura.

Comment by HeyZues
June 4th, 2008 5:39 am MyAvatars 0.2

Hmm, yes, The Body. His VP should be Arnie as well, our White House would be HUGE then. And maybe Kimbo Slice as Attorney General.

Comment by Charlie on the PA Turnpike
June 4th, 2008 5:49 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>


How many times need I point out that the Media is not this liberal entity. They are pawns of the white house. Now, Im not going to even bother explaining, but if you need an explanation, let me know.

Perhaps I do need an explanation, since last I heard Chris Matthews had something crawling up his leg, not because of Sen. McCain, but because of Sen. Obama.

So yes, please do explain.

Comment by Stix
June 4th, 2008 6:07 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Um the Media are Pawnsof the White House. Geez, I would hate to see the enemies of the White house. Your are kidding right????

Comment by Jonathon Nierengarten
June 4th, 2008 8:55 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>


He has to be kidding as that was the most ludicrous statement ever posted.

More reasons not to vote Obama?

Chicago's ethics board ruled that there was nothing wrong with the 40th Ward's Alderman rezoning neighborhoods where his wife, a Realtor, just happened to be involved with selling $22M of the resulting condos/townhomes.

Just like there was nothing involved with Mrs. Obama somehow getting her salary tripled at the U of Chicago from $160K to $500K after Barry was elected Senator. Nope. Nothing to see there, move along, especially that $1M earmark for the U of C.

Now that's the politics of change. Spare change.

Comment by Heathenhater
June 4th, 2008 11:02 am MyAvatars 0.2

White House press conferences are staged buds. There is no free press. The media is forced to submit questions ahead of time, and the president can write out answers, and think of answers beforehand. And then, his advisors give him a list of people for the order in which he is supposed to call on.

How about that?

If the media is so liberal - why isnt this getting coverage?

Why have all the attacks been on Barack and Hillary, and besides one or two small things that get like 0 coverage - we have heard nothing about McCain? The "liberal media" should be attacking McCain, not Obama, yet 90 years of coverage have been given to what? Obama's pastor. Liberal media? yeah right

Comment by Stix
June 4th, 2008 11:32 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Oh my God. I was so wrong. Crooks and Liars wrote about it.

Could it be that the Dems race for the nominee is the big story??? No way it is that Vast Right Wing News Conspiracy.

You have got to do better than that to convince me that the MSM is not in the bag of the Dems

Comment by Heathenhater
June 4th, 2008 1:00 pm MyAvatars 0.2

wow, you are pathetic stix.

Crooks and liars wrote about it, but the video was on CNN. Way to go big guy.

And way to address half of my points. That really shows me up.

please address the staged press conferences. and the moles.

Comment by OhHolyKnight
June 5th, 2008 5:36 am MyAvatars 0.2

Heathenhater, I'll address it.

You see, the media is clearly very liberal. Everyone says it, everyone KNOWS it, so it's gotta be true. So the very fact that you are trying to present some sort of "evidence" to the "contrary" points to your ignorance as an UNINFORMED lib. Please don't try to argue against facts that all conservatives hold as dear and true.

As for the serious side of my post, Jonathon has got to be one of the brightest guys here. Oh wait, I forgot I said serious. Okay, Jonathon: what the hell, man. You say heathenhater is "ludicrous" in saying the media events are staged (which is fact, by the way), and then you shove off and don't address how he's wrong or anything about the topic at all. You see, if I am accused of murder and I go to trial, and my only defense is "What? Seriously? Come on...." I don't have much of a shot do I.

You gotta actually say why he's wrong. But before you can do that, you gotta check out the video of the press conference of GWB when he calls on a reporter to ask him a question and the reporter can't remember what question she was assigned to ask him. He cracks a joke about the completely staged press conference. Wake up, dude. It's a farce. It's a facade of democracy.

Comment by BlackNationalist
June 5th, 2008 5:54 am MyAvatars 0.2

I definitely think the media has a liberal bias. These staged press conferences they certainly exist and guess what? They have existed. This isn't some sort of new idea, the media has been feeding us bullshit for decades. You think Clinton decided he'd rather have a more difficult time and told the media to start asking him harder questions? Never.

How many times has Obama's face been on Newsweek and Time? Every other week? If I want to see Obama getting his dick sucked I'd Photoshop his face onto some porn. The media does whatever is in its best interest. They like war. It's a story they can talk about every night and people actually care (or pretend to). Besides the fact that Obama was deemed to be the winner by the MSM weeks before he actually received the nomination (which some would argue he still hasn't done).

The MSM helped start the war. How much positive coverage of it do they have? None. Good news is not something you find for some reason. It's not as fun to say "soldiers found a weapons cache and confiscated hundreds of weapons" as it is to say "an IED killed 3 soldiers today bringing the death toll to 2674 so far." Every time the news is on I hear, "Presidents approval rating at all time low." If the media was being controlled by the government or conservatives, why would they be giving news stories like this?

Comment by Jonathon Nierengarten
June 5th, 2008 7:22 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Why would I care if media press conferences are staged? What difference does that make? How is that relevant? The media has a huge liberal bias, once again, with 97% of the media being registered democrats. They freely report on whatever they want, even if they're required to present questions ahead of time.

Who cares? Does that mean the press isn't free? No. Is the president REQUIRED to hold press conferences? No. Do any of us care? No.

How about the nice news piece above about Obama being a total crook. I noticed you ignored that tasty tidbit.

Comment by Harlie
June 5th, 2008 9:57 am MyAvatars 0.2

The problem is that it is a personality contest. Most of my fellow 20somethings are People don't understand political theory and have no business being in a voting booth.

Comment by Heathenhater
June 5th, 2008 10:21 am MyAvatars 0.2

What a private University does with its funds is not for the public to decide. Also, if the ethics board decided there was nothing wrong, what makes it a crime as you so name.

And you dont care?????? wow......thats pathetic. You are the exact type of person Hitler took advantage of. Well played.

Comment by Jonathon Nierengarten
June 5th, 2008 3:49 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

And you Heathenhater, are too stupid to understand quid pro quo.


Comment by Heathenhater
June 6th, 2008 3:04 am MyAvatars 0.2

I understand that U of C received an earmark. But a few questions. Did Barack bring forward the measure. And even if he did. He alone can not vote for it and have it pass. A majority of people had to sign for it, and the president had to sign it. I understand quid pro quo perfectly fine thank you.

Comment by Heathenhater
June 6th, 2008 6:06 am MyAvatars 0.2

This video helps people understand how Barack's Foreign policies are not as dangerous to the US as people like to think.

Comment by HOBOBOH
June 6th, 2008 8:39 am MyAvatars 0.2

One cannot command if one has never served.


Comment by Urban Conservative
June 6th, 2008 11:31 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

echoing HOBOBOH

One can never lead, if one has never followed.

Comment by Urban Conservative
June 6th, 2008 11:32 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

btw - new posts gents. Chime in and let's keep the discussion going.

Comment by HeyZues
June 6th, 2008 12:14 pm MyAvatars 0.2

Hey fellas, lets leave those lame sayings for after Labor Day eh?

Catchy though, makes me wonder who you are talking about.

Comment by OhHolyKnight
June 6th, 2008 2:47 pm MyAvatars 0.2

"One cannot command if one has never served."

"One can never lead, if one has never followed."

Nice. So every president has to be a military general? Actually, though, I'm fairly positive that Obama has both served and followed. As an American lawyer, he follows the laws; as an American citizen, he serves the government and the people. As a church-goer, he follows the word of God and the official church doctrines and creeds; as a religious man, he serves the will of God and the will of the people. That sorta seems like serving and following to me. In fact, if you're part of any religion, you both serve and follow. That's the best damn example of serving and following! So how hasn't he done that exactly?

And Jonathon, you are priceless. How don't you care that the press conferences Bush holds to rally the people around a war or a cause are completely stages so that only the questions that would MOTIVATE, and not deter, are asked? Like HH said, you are the reason Hitler got so far. Yet now, people like you are complaining about Iran and how it's the next Hitler. There's a disconnect.

The press being required to submit their questions ahead of time is the definition of restraint. That's not free at all, Jonny. If the question is bad, it's rejected. Otherwise, there would be no reason for them to submit it ahead of time. A free press can get up and ask whenever and whatever it wants in a press conference. That's not happening at all.

BlackNationalist, I agree to an extent. The media is not liberal. In my opinion, it's not really either. In fact, you actually say that. You say that the press reports on what is interesting, on what will hold the people's attention, whether its conservative or liberal. But as for the Clinton thing, I agree. Pretty much any president in the last couple of decades would have done something similar. Will Obama? I can't be sure. At least to an extent, but not like this. Like I said, the press isn't free and we're on the wrong track.

Comment by HOBOBOH
June 7th, 2008 4:36 am MyAvatars 0.2


You don't seem to be able to read in context. Maybe some professors in English can be of some assistance. No one said anything about Generals. You don't have to be an officer to serve. JUST SERVE. He hasn't, not in any sense of the word. Every now and again America gets all giddy and "girly like" in times of "apparent" peace and votes in a Bill Clinton.
Of course he let America down in terrible ways that have cost us many lives since.
Now, AMERICA is at WAR. We are not going to pull out, no matter who gets in. If you think Obama is going to reverse Iraq policy, I have some real estate I'd like you to look at. So, yes, in times of war, I would prefer someone who at least has SERVED the military and our country.
I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar that the rest of the country feels the same way.

Let's recap the Man's (OBAMA) qualifications shall we?

1.) He has served as a FEDERAL politician for THREE years, of which he has spent TWO of those campaigning to be President. He gained that seat through a vacancy.

2.) He has voted to the far left on every issue where he could be forced to actually take a stand and vote. He MISSES alot of votes. In hindsight he likes to tell the American public how he WOULD HAVE voted. Gosh, that's nice. I'm sure he's truthful.

3.) He is on NO serious committees. This makes sense since he has NO experience.

I'm at a loss to go much further. I mean there just isn't much to work with at all.

This guy is another JImmah Carter, plain and simple. And that's a shame. I was hoping for better. Much better.

So yes, In times of WAR, you do NOT elect Neville Chaimberlaine BOYZ!. Gosh, I mean just about everybody knows that except the liberals.

McCain will beat OBAMA handidly if he runs straight at him. This guy is a house of cards and it won't take much wind to knock it down.

As for the rest of your diatribe OHK. He is a lawyer so he follows laws? Your parents should demand their money back. I follow laws, does that make me a lawyer?
You don't see a difference between serving in the Military and going to Church? HOOBOY!!
He goes to church so he follows G*D'S laws? Follows church tenants? here's a cupie doll for yah son. His church believes that Jesus was black. OK kind of nutty , but OK. HIS church believes that the white man is the devil. His church believes the white man invented AIDS. Now we're into full NUTTY!
Nothing wrong with going to church. Of course one may be judged by the things one believes in. Obama is lookin a little nutty and dangerous.

He also has quite a temper. Ask Joe Lieberman.

The media is overwhemingly registered to the democratic party. Only an ostrich would think other. Or someone too lazy to look up the facts.

All questions are not sponaneous anywhere on TV. I don't care if it's on Sunday moring or at the White House or Congress. Name a federal politician that hasn't done this plz. Heck, JFK taped ppl ( the victim didn't know they were being taped) in the oval office so he and brother Bobby could look good for prosperity. Ppsst, that's how Nixon taped everybody. JFK put the secret system in.
You guys are just waking up to the fact that the questions for federal politicians are reviewed beforehand? Where have you been for the last 50 years? Wake up!! By the way the press AGREES to this. It's a dog and pony show. It takes two to do it.


Comment by Heathenhater
June 8th, 2008 5:32 am MyAvatars 0.2

You guys are just waking up to the fact that the questions for federal politicians are reviewed beforehand? Where have you been for the last 50 years? Wake up!! By the way the press AGREES to this. It's a dog and pony show. It takes two to do it.

EXACTLY!!!!! If the press was so liberal, they would not AGREE!

"So yes, In times of WAR, you do NOT elect Neville Chaimberlaine BOYZ!. Gosh, I mean just about everybody knows that except the liberals."

please watch this video. I would rebutt, but this video does it so much better.

And actually listen to the arguments. Don't write it off as "liberal bullshit"

Comment by HOBOBOH
June 9th, 2008 2:49 am MyAvatars 0.2

The press does it no matter who is in office buddy. So the political leanings of the media are not intertwined with Q&A preps. There is no correlation to draw from. This is quite simple and you are wasting my time with it.


Comment by breeknee
June 9th, 2008 7:15 pm MyAvatars 0.2

I dislike Obama a great deal but I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE SAY HE IS A MUSLIM! He is NOT nor has he EVER BEEN a muslim! His father was way before he even met obama's mother and they weren't together for obama's life. obama HAS NEVER been a muslim!!!!!

the reason this bothers me is that if you dislike obama and you want people to take you seriously, you shouldn't make claims that aren't true otherwise they will just call you an idiot and not take you seriously. we want people to take us seriously so they won't just get made, but maybe they'll see our side and not vote for him!

Comment by noracist
June 11th, 2008 6:25 am MyAvatars 0.2

Obama is promising us things he doesn’t have, or can’t control. He sounds so ridiculous talking, that many people are turning off the TV saying, “You got to be kidding”.
Obama turned election campaign in a comedy. The day of voting I have two options.
Vote for John McCain, or
Go Fishing.

Comment by Jonny Wonder
June 11th, 2008 10:10 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

"All questions are not sponaneous anywhere on TV. I don't care if it's on Sunday moring or at the White House or Congress. Name a federal politician that hasn't done this plz. Heck, JFK taped ppl ( the victim didn't know they were being taped) in the oval office so he and brother Bobby could look good for prosperity. Ppsst, that's how Nixon taped everybody. JFK put the secret system in.
You guys are just waking up to the fact that the questions for federal politicians are reviewed beforehand? Where have you been for the last 50 years? Wake up!! By the way the press AGREES to this. It's a dog and pony show. It takes two to do it."

Liberal; read above. Everyone's comments have been screened. Once again, who cares?

Comment by OhHolyKnight
June 11th, 2008 10:26 am MyAvatars 0.2

nora is that you? Sounds like something you'd say. You tried to pull the wool over our eyes by adding those extra letters, didn't you? Very clever!

Yeah, Obama turned it into a comedy. Good call. If you have seen or heard about any election in the 1900s, then you would be very familiar with a term called "mud-slinging." It's not new. It's decades old. Mud-slinging is what turned our nation's politics into a laughing stock, you dink. Not Obama. People like HillRod the McCaininator are the ones perpetuating that bullshit, not Obama. So think again.

Mr. H, I've gotta say, bravo in proving my point. By your logic, a), we can't give any credit to any lawyers in any part of the country for knowing or abiding by the law, and b) we can completely disregard everything that any church-goer or Christian has to say about anything. Fantastic! I didn't even have to suggest that one! I'm not saying that anyone who follows the laws is a lawyer, you stupid monkey. I'm saying a lawyer follows laws. Have you ever heard of a saying like A must be B, but B doesn't necessarily have to be A? The rectangle and the square, for instance. Not everyone who abides by the law is a lawyer, but lawyers, by definition, and shady or not, use laws to prove their points. Think your arguments through next time.

And oh my god! They thought Jesus was black?!?! Fuckin psychos! Why can't they wake up and acknowledge that Jesus was white? Oh wait, he wasn't. Yet every church--every correct one, anyway, right H?--KNOWS Jesus was white. Or maybe they just wanted him to be.

And in any case, that is a belief. Who cares if it's mainstream. Does that discredit him? No. But I like how you say he believes in black Jesus, and not black Muhammad, cus here I thought he was Muslim. Excellent point though, H. Anyone who believes anything other than mainstream should be labeled NUTTY and disallowed to do anything important. I'm liking the thought process

Comment by Stix
June 11th, 2008 10:34 am 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

Oh Holy Knight

it is not that they think that Jesus was Black. It is thatBlack Liberation Theology is a Marxist political theory that is using religion as asmoke screen. Look up "Black Liberation Theology" andalso look up "Lineration Theology". It has nothing to do with religion or Christianity in any way.

And the reason the country is all messed up is because the lawyers are ruling. Mymom is lawyerand believes that. They make the laws so ambigious that the couts have to figure out what it all means. That is why we need Sepreme Court Justices that look at the Constitution and not European Law.

Comment by HOBOBOH
June 11th, 2008 12:10 pm MyAvatars 0.2

OHK, You are starting to worry me. I'm thinking A.D.D. may be your true affliction.
When I said the word "SERVE", it was quite easy to see I was referring to MILTARY service. For some reason you need to go off on tangents that are not relevant to the subject at hand to make your points(?). Church? Lawyer?
I mean I can take that whole thing apart for you and grind it up better than homemade sausage, but .. ............. (read below)

My time is valuable and I may have to reconsider responding to you in the future.
1.) I'm not sure you are capable of following a thought to its fruition.
2.) Hence, I'm not sure you could ever think effectively enough to be conservative.

There is a thread on this blog about "Imagine a world without liberals". I'm not sure thats possible. Not everybody has the same mental acuity of a conservative. In the same sense that while the United States Constitution protects everyone EQUALLY under the law, not everyone is BORN equal.

You may be a victim of the latter axiom. I'm sorry for that.

It's not mudslinging if it's true. Just to correct you, .. again.


I notice you argue the one point of which I let slide. Yah know, the "black jesus" bit. Notice you didn't respond to the more serious facts of which I did not even scratch the surface. I could really go on and on about it, but no need, it'll all come out again and again until barack is sitting in the corner wondering what the heck happened. His associations will do him in.
He's a NEWB POLITICIAN who is just getting started for Pete's sake.
His associations will do him in already?

The "OBAMA MAN" is another JIMMAH CARTER in a better suit. Yes, he dresses nicer. I'll admit that.


Honestly, I cannot say I am at all happy about any of our last 5 elections. It is quite apparent that the most qualified people are NOT in politics. That was not what the founding fathers intended. I'll say more about it later.


Comment by Urban Conservative
June 11th, 2008 12:37 pm 48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2" align="right"/>

watch this video gents .. it pretty much sums up everything I have been talking about for weeks now.

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