If there is one thing that Liberals are good at, it’s protesting

November 12th, 2006 Urban Conservative

Some of my very good friends and family members are liberal and we get along just fine, assuming we don’t talk about politics or religion. In fact, I really admire them for their sincere and unwavering belief system (regardless of how insane those beliefs may be). On the other hand, my conservative friends think they are uninformed, hard-headed and even unreasonable. And, in many cases, depending on the particular individual all three may be true. 

As individuals, my liberal friends possess several positive qualities like being good parents, law abiding citizens and possess the most basic moral principles like kindness and integrity. But as a group, the one thing that separates them from conservatives is their great ability to protest; and I admire them for that. If conservatives could protest half as good as libs, we would be winning allot more elections.


The great protester Cindy Sheehan.

Our friends in the UK.

The crazy a!# libs in San Francisco.

More libs in San Francisco.

Off to jail Cindy.

Technorati Tags: liberal, liberalism, conservative, cindy sheehan, sheehan, anti war protest

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  • Kalison Cook
    This is so true. They are great at organizing. On a side note, did you see Sheehan's latest book singing...she said that she had a dream that she killed George Bush when he was a baby, or something like that.

    She is an absolute FREAK!
  • Kalison Cook
    I found a video that shows some of the book signing.

  • Justin
    I disagree with your comment that liberals are good at "protest." Their protesting skills are "good" only in the sense that they make their side sound stupider. I think that very few liberals can actually protest to make their voices heard or to steer public opinion in a general direction; often, they only call attention to themselves, making broad, sweeping generalizations in the process and causing greater rifts within the American political framework. Though some may see causing a stir as the most important measure in the effectiveness of a protest, I see its affects as the most important grade; and, merely angering conservatives, as most protests serve mainly to do, seems to achieve the antithesis of the desired affect these "successful protesters" wish to achieve--making real political change, as it just makes conservatives fight harder against them.
  • Heathenhater
    ummm - Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement Justin. they are both a bit old, i know. but great examples of protesting that made change. Had you been around, you probably woulda been against all of that, calling them unamerican or something like that.
  • Justin
    ummm - Vietnam and the Civil Rights movement Justin. they are both a bit old, i know. but great examples of protesting that made change. Had you been around, you probably woulda been against all of that, calling them unamerican or something like that.

    I have no idea why I said all of that. I'm pretty sure I had to be trolling or something.
  • Justin
    All right. I think I remember what I was getting at here.

    You're right, the Vietnam protests were different, heathenhater. But what about PETA? How about Michael Moore? These people only cause trouble.

    The Vietnam protesters were eventually able to end the Vietnam war, that's different than stripping naked to try to get people to stop wearing fur, or making a movie about 9/11 that only serves to preach to the choir. I never attacked those people. They're different than some of the liberal protesters we have today.
  • Justin
    Ok, I think I remember what I was getting at here.

    Heathenhater, I wasn't attacking the Civil Rights Movement or Vietnam protesters. Those people were the types who moved public consciousness in a different direction. They helped pass the Civil Rights Act and end Vietnam.

    I'm attacking those protesters we have today who only serve to anger everybody. Good examples include PETA and many of the works by Michael Moore. Stripping naked to try to get people to wear fur is different than keeping your space on a bus to try to help all your race keep their spaces on the bus.

    Basically, Civil Rights Movement is different from the protests we have today. It was concerted, it was smart, it made people think. Does PETA really get people to think or does it just shout loudly? I think the latter more than the former.