Urban Conservative Officially Relaunches

October 29th, 2009 Billy Hallowell

Hello, America!  I am extremely excited to be writing to you this evening, as I officially begin my journey as editor-in-chief of UrbanConservative.com.  My name is Billy Hallowell and I am honored to introduce myself to you all.  

I have been a contributor to this site for the past two years.  I am a journalist and commentator who has been working in media for nearly 11 years (I’m 26, so I started fairly young).  In 2003, I founded Pathufind Media and I am currently the host of RENEWtv, a web show devoted to renewing American conservatism.  And now, I’m officially a member of the Urban Conservative family!

But enough about me.  You can surely read more on my Web site, but I’m guessing you’re most interested in what will be happening here on UrbanConservative.com!  Tomorrow, we will become a daily publication.  Many of you have been actively reading UC for years.  This new change will afford you even more access to valuable news and information!

You’ll notice we’ve launched a plethora of new topics.  While these subjects are of great importance to American politics, please be patient as we build our content around them (i.e. there may be a lag before all topics have streaming content).  But, we will be branching into new and uncharted news categories, as you can see.

Also, in November, my show — RENEWtv - will officially join forces with Urban Conservative.  

These are just some of the changes in store as we move forward!  Please be patient as we transition, add new blogs to the CONLIST and forge our path moving forward.  I thank you for your support and readership and I look forward to serving you!

- Billy Hallowell, Editor-in-Chief

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Who won the third Presidential Debate, John McCain or Barack Obama?

October 15th, 2008 Urban Conservative

No commentary needed. No analysis. No ranting. No complaining.  We should all be confident in who we think won this debate.  It’s obvious. Chime in and let your voice be heard:

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It’s clear that almost everyone on this site agreed that Obama won the last debate at Belmont University in Nashville. Out of 800+ votes, 70% of those voted that he did win; and 23% voted for McCain. This is probably because this site has been infiltrated by Dailykos weirdos and the Obama Geek Squad (Rapid Response team).

It’s also important to note that Obama has taken double digit leads in almost every poll known to man:

  • CBS poll has Obama with a 14 point lead
  • Zogby poll - Obama 48%, McCain 44%
  • Rasmussen poll – Obama 50%, McCain 45%

It’s no secret that McCain has run the most disgusting and horrible campaign ever known to man. He was WAY TOO SOFT. No balls, no cojones and always worried about damaging his honor; and unfortunately, it is his honor that will cost him this election.

Well “my friends”, I guess it’s time to usher in the next Commander in Chief, President Barack Obama (and, no…I’m not going to threaten to move to Canada like those silly liberals did when Bush got reelected.)

Tags: who won the final presidential debate, who won the third presidential debate, 3rd presidential debate, Obama or McCain, campaign, 2008 election, 2008 debate, zogby poll, rasmussen poll, cbsnews poll, Hofstra University


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You Decide: Who won the CNN Republican Debate?

January 30th, 2008 Urban Conservative

CNN Republican Debate

Republican presidential candidates will face off Wednesday night (tonight) without a familiar face as Rudy Giuliani is expected to drop out and endorse Senator John McCain.

The remaining candidates (Romney, McCain, Ron Paul and Huckabee) will take the stage in what’s expected to be a heated debate — sponsored by CNN, the Los Angeles Times and Politico — beginning at 8 p.m. ET .

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You Decide: Who won the 2008 Republican Debate in New Hampshire?

January 4th, 2008 Urban Conservative

So, who do you think won the 2008 ABC News/Facebook Republican Debate in New Hamspshire?  Did Huckabee take the cake? Did Romney’s charisma dominate the rest.  What about Ron?  Did he finally convince us conservatives that he is the right candidate (umm, I think not) to be President?  Whatever the case, let’s all hope and pray that Hillary is nominated. I would love to see her mopped up by the right side, literally.  Chime in and tell us who you think won the debate. Vote today!

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You Decide: Who won the 2008 Democratic Debate in New Hampshire?

January 4th, 2008 Urban Conservative

So, who do you think won the 2008 ABC News/Facebook Democratic Debate in New Hamspshire?  Did Richardson, Biden or Dodd even get a chance to speak their minds? Probably not.  Did Hillary shine in front of millions of viewers, or did she annoy us all with her irritating laugh? How about Obama or pretty boy Edwards? How did they do? Chime in and tell us who you think won the Democratic debate in New Hampshire!  Vote today!

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You Decide: Who Won the CNN/YouTube Republican Debate in Florida?

November 28th, 2007 Urban Conservative

Chime in and let your voice be heard! Who do you think won the CNN/YouTube Republican Debate in St. Petersburg, Florida?

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You Decide: Who won the Democratic Debate in Las Vegas?

November 16th, 2007 Urban Conservative

So, who really won the Democratic Debates in Vegas? Hmmm…I will probably get a lot of heat for this, but if I had to choose a democrat to vote for, I would “hands down” vote for Biden. He is the most intelligent of them all; even though he is a complete idiot!

Technorati: joe biden, hillary clinton, bill richardson, democratic debates, barack obama, chris dodd

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You Decide: Who is the most Influential Conservative?

November 4th, 2007 Urban Conservative

Well, here you go my friends. Another poll, but this one should be fun! I have chosen political candidates, pollsters, campaign operatives, journalists, bloggers, fundraisers, big-money donors and the occasional celebrity. I, personally, do not consider everyone in this poll a true conservative, probably 50% or so; and no, I am not on the list — not yet at least. Have something to say? Chime in and let your voice be heard!

Technorati Tags: liberal, liberalism, conservative, michael savage, sean hannity, rudy giuliani, fred thompson, mitt romney, matt drudge, rush limbaugh, george bush, michelle malkin, laura ingraham, dick cheney

Rating: 2.6/5 (29 votes cast)

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