The Ralph Nader Campaign Releases Commentary in the VoterWatch Media Player

September 29th, 2008 Billy Hallowell

By Billy Hallowell for VoterWatch

Over the past week, we’ve been talking about the wide range of commentators who have partnered with VoterWatch for the 2008 Presidential Debates Project.  Already, we’ve posted commentary in the VoterWatch media player from Dick Morris, Brett Winterble of CovertRadio and the Bob Barr for President team.  Now, we are ready to release official commentary from the Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez campaign.

Aside from providing us with commentary, the Nader team offered up some editorial thoughts about Friday’s debate.  When it comes to analyzing McCain and Obama, Nader encouraged individuals to focus more on “what won” rather than “who won.”  This is an intriguing take when it comes to the partisan divide that often centers upon the politicians themselves, rather than the issues that are and are not discussed during presidential debates.  Here are Nader’s words:

Always ask after you watch a debate, not who won, but what lost and what won.

Militarism won.
Boondoggle star wars won.
Corruption won.
Corporate crime won.
Bailouts for Wall Street won.
Nuclear power won.
Aggressive NATO won.
What Lost?
Peace advocates lost.
Consumers lost.
Workers lost.

Solar energy really lost.

These two candidates are really afraid of challenging corporate power.
It’s our job to make them more afraid of the people than big business.

Now, let’s explore interactive commentary from Toby Nelson of the Nader/Gonzalez team: video

Technorati Tags: ralph nader,matt gonzalez,voterwatch,2008 presidential debates,cynthia mckinney,bob barr,covertradio,dick morris

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  • Kevin S. Willis
    Nader? He's still around?

    Peace advocates lost.
    Consumers lost.
    Workers lost.

    Sheesh. Could he be any more tedious? No wonder he was never able to get more that a few percentage points of the vote. "Everything is terrible! It is the end of times! Despair, despair, and vote for me!"

    He's like the Democratic party, only more so. Way, way more so.
  • Kevin S. Willis
    Ooops. Sorry for the , trying to make it italic. I always forget. I'm a bad commentor.

    Say, what did Perot have to say about the debate? Let's talk about a 3rd party candidate who actually got some real votes out there.