Debt Crisis Portends Liberalism’s End

December 16th, 2009 Carter Clews

From the Washington Examiner:

With its most vigorous advocate in memory presiding in the White House and commanding Democratic majorities in Congress, it’s difficult to believe that the end of liberalism may be within sight. We base this suggestion not on a hunch or on wishful thinking, but on mathematics. The Petersen-Pew Commission on Budget Reform has produced a new report warning that “[o]ver the past year alone, the public debt of the United States rose sharply from 41 to 53 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Under reasonable assumptions, the debt is projected to grow steadily, reaching 85 percent of GDP by 2018, 100 percent by 2022, and 200 percent in 2038.”

Long before the debt reaches such stratospheric levels, the commission warns, “Fears of inflation and a prospective decline in the value of the dollar would cause investors to demand higher interest rates and shift out of U.S. Treasury securities. The excessive debt would also affect citizens in their everyday lives by harming the American standard of living through slower economic growth and dampening wages, and shrinking the government’s ability to reduce taxes, invest, or provide a safety net.”

In other words, within the lifetimes of the vast majority of living Americans, government as we have known it since the New Deal will become paralyzed, unable to deliver even basic services, let alone the myriad of entitlements that politicians had promised would last forever. Liberalism will owe its undoing to its blind faith that government could forever be the inexhaustible provider of ever more spending, more benefits and more prosperity, with nary a day of reckoning.

Read the original post from NetRightNation…

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  • salinamanamana
    You're an idiot. I love how conservatives think Obama started this crap we are all wading in. He is attempting to revive a near dead country thanks to Bush. And liberals will not die out. They will continue to grow. At leas 87% of those under the age 30 consider themselves somewhere between mildly liberal to extremely liberal. We will one day run this country and all the complaints of the right wing will be overshadowed. Republicans have beceome such extremists in the past few years and I don't see that changing. The more extreme you get, the more you narrow your followers. SO keep up the bs.
  • LegalizeMe
    87% under 30 considering themselves liberal is total crap.
  • chuck bennett
    The guy in charge is the best thing that could have happened to a lazy, no-direction U.S.A.. He has placed the basic foundations of democracy in jeopardy and as a result has aroused the average American in a way that nothing else could have done. The average American is your basic "go with the flow" type of personality until you challenge his standards and anger him. He has resourses and intellect not yet possessed by the Americans who placed the new guy in charge. The key is his knowledge of what being on the correct side of an issue or philosophy truly means and is willing to sacrifice just to make a point. He will cut off his arm in order to break yours. And he will do it while looking in your eyes. Don't sell this guy short. Pay attention and make up your mind to flee or fight. And understand that he doesn't want you to flee. He can only achieve his goals if you stand your ground.
  • dontpaytaxes
    Please, pass this around before the violence erupts! This is the last step before the revolution begins. Please, pass it around! Let's try and get millions of votes!!!!

    To: Congress, the House and the President

    Re: Taxes

    Sign this petition at:

    Over the past year, you’ve ignored the will of the people in many respects. You’ve pushed a monstrosity of a health care bill on us, which we’ve begged and pleaded you stop pushing. You’ve ignored the welfare and security of the people’s ability to find work and instead tossed them enough crumbs to get by through the intermittent passage of a UI bill that barely feeds a family of two, depending on where you live. You’ve pushed every possible anti-small business legislation in an order to crush the middle class and rich to help even out the dire needs of the poor. This is not America. This is class warfare, this is redistribution of wealth, this is tyranny and this is soon to be anarchy. In order to prevent anarchy, in order to prevent the violence and uprisings which we all feel are on the brink of happening, WE THE PEOPLE would like to present you with an alternative. The outcome of this alternative would end up keeping the peace, something we all want, something that is necessary to a civil society. This alternative would also help CONTROL the fanatical and power hungry desires of an out of control government. What is the alternative? Paying taxes. Or not paying taxes!

    The government needs OUR tax revenue for the overall general welfare of the country, which includes the upkeep of America’s infrastructure as well as the funding of our military, something we can all agree brings every man, woman and child protection. The problem that we all understand is that once this health care bill/education passes, among other anti-business bills such as cap and trade, the unionization of all businesses and other atrocious anti-business bills, NO AMOUNT of tax revenue will be enough to feed this out of control beast riddled with social program after social program. Just as Medicare costs were thought to be in the millions when the program first surfaced in the 60’s, in only a few short years we learned that the costs were potentially back bone breaking and today we have somewhere between 50 to 100 trillion in unfunded Medicare and social security liabilities. If it weren’t for the full faith and backing of the Chinese, Japanese and other countries who buy our treasuries and if weren’t for the productivity of the US worker whose pay check the government receives FICA taxes from, we’d had found ourselves in third world economic status in no time. But now that the government is taking away our economic freedoms, our ability to push this country forward without being swamped by social programs that tax us to death, now that the country is on the verge of losing its triple A bond rating, the possibility that those countries stop funding our liabilities is great. The fact that the US economy will be burdened by these bills and thus slow even more is no secret. And these problems equate to the death of the United States. It also means that no amount of tax revenue will keep our head above water and paying even a dollar in taxes will be a dollar wasted.

    So we come to you with this idea. Should you pass health care, should you continue to destroy the economic freedoms this country has enjoyed for two hundred plus years, we will not pay our taxes. If you think that you can control millions and millions of Americans through the IRS, then you’re sadly mistaken. Your IRS agents will be swamped with a convoluted mess of never ending paperwork, case loads and aggravation which means the revenue to the US government, which is drastically dropping due to the recession we’re in, will continue to drop and drop and drop. And let me assure you that soon enough, the US government won’t even have enough tax revenue to put gas in Air Force One.

    So we now present you with two options. The first, continue pushing through your despotic nonsense and chance losing the tax revenue of millions and millions of tax paying citizens. The second, come back to the center and start governing how WE THE PEOPLE want you to govern. I can assure you that should you choose the latter, the country will continue as it has for the past couple of hundred years but should you choose the former, you’re essentially risking civil unrest throughout the country, your political careers and potentially the life of this country. So I leave you with this… The choice is yours…. Choose wisely.

    Truly and Sincerely,

    The People of the United States

    If you would like to sign but don’t want to sign your own name, then sign “Susan B. Anthony” or “John Adams”. If an email is asked for, use ‘[email protected]’ or any other fake email. The point is to get as many signatures as possible. Thank you for your political patronage AND please, pass this around to anyone you think would be interested in signing it. Thank you!

    Sign this petition at:
  • 2012 President
    Well said VegasRage but I believe our economic issues began unraveling with the democratic created community reinvestment act and Freddie/Fannie mack. The democrats had good but ill advised intentions in those instances. Lets get back to fiscal responsibility and limited government.
  • VegasRage
    I don't think republicans can take any solace on the deficit problem, it has steadily risen on an exponential curve since 1980 and really took flight starting 2004 and Obama is only adding to it. Neither party deserve any respect for their role in ignoring this issue for so long. I see a boom market coming in pitch forks and torches followed closely by a vigorous rally with said products marching on capitol hill tarring and feathering any and all politicians. And if I were Bernanke, I'd be looking into one way plane tickets to some non-disclosed location.
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