O Ye of Little Faith: The Secular American Media and Religion

January 13th, 2010 Billy Hallowell

The media have an inadequate understanding of religion. This simple fact is corroborated frequently, as mainstream outlets attempt to illustrate stories, explain religious themes and delve deep into faith-based systems.  Unfortunately, most outlets miss the mark entirely, as journalists do not have proper understanding of the constructs through which they are attempting to report.  As a result, the American public suffers a lack of pointed and well-presented information on a subject that stands at the forefront of important global and domestic issues.

Case in point, Christiane Amanpour’s 2007 CNN mini-series entitled, “God’s Warriors.”  The three-part series delved into the world’s three largest religions – Christianity, Judaism and Islam.  As is typical of the secular media, an enhanced level of relativism led the Iranian-bred Amanpour (born in London to a Persian family) to equate “extremism” within and among adherents to the three religions.

While each belief system has had moral failures, equating the deaths as a result of radical Islamic fascism to those of contemporary Christianity and Judaism is absurd.  Furthermore, as is the case when journalists attempt to cover religion, Amanpour left out essential details that would have provided a more fair-minded picture.

In terms of her opaque coverage of Christianity, MercatorNew.com wrote the following,

“But she missed the obvious. [Christians] were participating in America’s legal and political system exactly as it was intended by the Founders, as a representative republic, with citizen involvement.  She missed the pre-Jerry Falwell political civil rights activism of Dr. Martin Luther King and other Christians, and she totally missed Catholic social justice and the involvement of the roughly 70 million strong Catholic community in the US in the pro-life movement. She did highlight the powerful impact of Roe v. Wade on galvanizing Christians. She just failed to mention the Catholic involvement, which is considerable.”

In its usual ideologically-balanced form, The New York Times wrote the following endorsement: “This three-part series…is a fine primer on the emergence of strains of Judaism, Islam and Christianity that want to fuse politics and religion, and have shown a willingness to blow things up and kill people to do it.”

Again, an unhealthy and unbalanced level of moral equivalence – though I will give the Times credit for writing: “the issues on these Christian warriors’ minds seem positively quaint next to the agendas of the people in Parts 1 and 2.”  Still, the inability to truly distinguish, on the whole, is a detriment to true understanding.  Unfortunately, this sort of coverage is common.

The modern secular newsroom lacks the ideological know-how to truly understand religion.  Perhaps Terry Mattinglybest exlplained the media’s “diversity problem”. According to Mattingly, “While there’s been heavy gender and racial diversity … there’s a lack of cultural diversity in journalism…”  It is this lack of diversity that leads to major misconceptions and the media’s inability to adequately tell stories that are rooted, themselves, in religious themes.

The lack of diversity may lie in the journalists themselves, as personal faith plays a role in the ability to understand and thus illustrate religious themes.  Just how religious are journalists?  According to USA Today, “the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press reported in 2007 that 8% of journalists surveyed at national media outlets said they attended church or synagogue weekly.”  Additionally, 29% reported never attending church services, with an additional 39% stating that they go a few times each year.  In sum: Not very religious – especially when compared to America as a whole.

Pew found that 39% of the public claims that they attend church services weekly.  Additionally, past Gallup pollshave shown as many as eight in ten Americans claim allegiance to Christianity.  Clearly, these numbers show the need for proper journalistic understanding and presentation, especially when covering stories rooted in Christian themes.

Not enough journalists are regular church goers. Faith is not an attribute one can physically observe, thus “affirmative action” – a promotional methodology that is highly controversial to begin with – is an impossibility (also, employment laws generally forbid interview questions of faith).  While general ignorance and inexperience with religious themes is likely a culprit amongst journalists, and consequently mainstream media outlets, complacency is also an impediment.

In a 2003 Los Angeles Times piece, David Shaw wrote the following:  “Absent…scandal — or the death of a pope and the election of his successor — the news media often seem indifferent to, ignorant of and, at times, downright hostile toward religion.”  Shaw is completely correct in his assertion.  If not indifferent altogether, the media approach religion so slothfully that it appears as though the effort to misunderstand is undertaken with a barely concealed level of hostility.

In covering the American Religious Identification Survey that was conducted in March 2009, the Pew Research Center wrote,

“A comment on the blog Matters of Faith declared, “The media’s tendency to give inordinate attention to religious dimwits and crackpots has seriously damaged the credibility of religious leaders. You rarely read or hear of the miraculously generous work of faith communities in caring for the poor and infirm around the globe. But let someone suggest that the Virgin Mary has appeared in a plate of refried beans and the bulletins circle the globe in minutes.”

This commentary targets one of the media’s main malfunctions when it comes to covering religion in general and Christianity in particular.  As is the case with most stories covered by the mainstream media, the more outlandish, the more the story is pursued.  In practice, this creates a climate of coverage strewn with the “dimwits and crackpots” mentioned above, as journalists lack the understanding or desire to seek a wide array of theological viewpoints.  Meanwhile, thousands of Christian missionaries risk their lives both domestically and internationally to make lasting spiritual and physical change in the lives of those in need.  Yet their stories go widely unnoticed.

Modern democracy hinges in part on a proper understanding of religion amongst journalists, leaders and the general public.  Matters of faith are some of the most personal aspects of American life.  Furthermore, faith is one of the only cohesive forces that, if properly nurtured, leads to interdependence and personal, spiritual and societal growth.  It is a shared and common experience.

Given the religious turmoil present in the Middle East – conflict that has affected America and Americans for for decades – one might think that the media have a responsibility to offer properly informed coverage.  While efforts to ethnically and sexually balance the newsroom have been underway for quite some time, ideological and theological divides have led to tilted and incomplete coverage in matters of faith.  It is time that the media better serve our democracy in covering a subject that will be increasingly important in the coming decades.

Rating: 2.5/5 (12 votes cast)

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  • The WC3
    Don't you understand that the vermin in the media will never take your prescription? These worms, by and large, hate families, hate traditional values, and hate religions. They love homosexuality and a foot-loose and fancy free society and want to shove down your throat every chance they get via their TV/newspaper/radio show platforms.
  • joseph smith
    "...the vermin media"???? WC- you must spend a great deal of time on FOX "news"...they love to talk about homosexuality, love T & A "news", love to paint entire peoples and parts of your country as being of one mind (the "left coast" and the "east coast elitists")- You, WC, value this insipid "reporting". I would not be surprised to hear you spend your mornings listening to the fart noise that comes from your ultimate bigot buddy, Irrational Blob Limbaugh.
  • John Q. Adama
    You replied,"Perhaps the threat is from overspending. Again,...."Overspending by Obama and the democrats in Washington apparently isn't much of a problem or concern for them as they have found a method of financing anything that they think would garner them votes " or assist in wealth redistribution, and the democrats answer to a shortage of funds.... borrow, borrow.... borrow.
  • Jeff
    The big media outlets no longer report the news. They don't investigate anything anymore. Many stories have been "broken" on talk radio and no one from the mainstream wants to report on those stories unless it furthers their agenda or they are in sync with their way of thinking.

    All they do is bash the messenger since they can't refute the message.

  • Jeff
    The big media outlets no longer report the news. They don't investigate anything anymore. Many stories have been "broken" on talk radio and no one from the mainstream wants to report on those stories unless it furthers their agenda or they are in sync with their way of thinking.

    All they do is bash the messenger since they can't refute the message.
  • S. Nicholson

    It's CNN Interenational who pays the bills so they don't care if their ratings are low. They just continue to report their theme which is actually several themes. Don Lemon of CNN has been looking for the racist in the teapot for over a year. Don likes to talk about race. Then there's Rick Sanchez, a Cuban who came here at the age of 9 and has been trying to make America over in Cuba's image. Rick has never met a Hispanic he didn't cry for. Their real boo-hoo guy is Andersron Cooper who covers every disaster. They cover disasters to the point you want to scream enough already. Put all this slanted, liberal junk together and there's a message.
  • Rita
    Some Truth about the impending war in Iran.

  • sgsimpson
    I have a question – Why is Judaism – Pushing – That there is a unbreakable bond between Chris.tians and Jud.aism ? Now there being called Judo-Chris.tians??? That Founded this Nation? Now that not only say’s the Founding Fathers were stupid – But they intentionally – Put themselves and all American generations into Bon.dage – To such propagandized beliefs – The very same way – Wall-Stre.eters – Put Americans into – Money-Bondage – Both Monarchys – The Founding Fathers despised !!! A man doesn’t need to be locked in a room – to know farts really stink !!! Fantasy Land !!!
    “ “ “ Jud.aism has never accepted any of the claimed fulfillments of prophecy that Chris.tianity attributes to Je.sus. Jud.aism also forbids the worship of a person as a form of idolatry, since the central belief of Judaism is the absolute unity and singularity of G.od. “ “ “
  • Tootee
    Gawd, what a joke this site is. Did I stumble upon the tea bagger source for all things stupid?
  • pencil
    The short length of your statement and its lack of content show a lack of any good sound arguments
  • wesholbrook
    The only agenda Corporate America, the Religious Right (wrong), and the State are promoting is the "mark of the beast." Worshipping at the altar of the "Golden Calf." All they have to do is gain control of the WH, and the Congress, so that they can legislatively declare America a Christian nation, legislatively declare Sunday as the National Day of legal worship. Those who don't accept their agenda will be intimidated, incarcerated, tortured, and murdered. Thimk of it; they can deny you insurance of any kind, credit of any kind, and employment of any kind. According to the Book of Revelation: "they cannot buy or sell, less they have the mark of the beast;" Revelation, Chapter 13, verse 17. The Gospel commission is just that, preach the Gospel unto the entire world, and then the end shall come, not make America a Christian nation, because God doesn't force anyone to accept Him. Salvation is offered to every individual. Oh, and Jesus said that hardly a rich man shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven. They become so desensitized to the needs of those most needy, because they become too engrossed in pursuing wealth, and too often ill-gotten. So, yes, there are genuine Christians and false Christians. False Christians advocate the use of torture on others and worshipping wealth as a pseudo-religion (the damning side of corrupt capitalism). You know, can't never have ehough power over others, never enough money, never enough material gain. All these things leave them empty, so they feel they have to tell others how to live their lives. They are miserable and misery loves company. Oh, and the "mark of the beast" will be Sunday worship, after it becomes the law throughout the land. God commands they He be worshipped on the 7th. day (from sunset Friday through sunset Saturday), as He commanded in Eden. Adam and Eve were not Jewish. God repeats His command given to Moses in His 10 Commandments, and repeats His command in the Book of Revelation. God sanctified (made holy) the 7th. day (Saturday), not Sunday which is a man-made day. Man cannot sanctify any day because all men are sinners. Saturday points to the one and only true God, as pointed out in His Sabbath commandment of His 10 Commandments. It will be the test of all time. Will you obey God and be sealed by keeping His Sabbath, or keep Sunday and receive the mark of the beast? We are that near to the return of Jesus. No more hate, no more killing, no more corruption, no more false pride, no more vanities of men.
  • John Q Adams
    The Saying, "That even the devil can quote scripture when it suits his purpose," seems to be a fitting response here. You have given examples by scripture that Some who hide under the banner of "Christian" act as if they were liberals, progressives, even democrats. To proclaim and condemn some who proclaim themselves to be Christians and and not recognize that some of the biggest phonies hide under the labels of liberals, progressives, democrats when actually what they are, are communists is the height of phoniness.
    Juergen Habermas, a veteran leftist German philosopher stunned his admirers not long ago by proclaiming, "Christianity, and nothing else, is the ultimate foundation of liberty, conscience, human rights, and democracy, the benchmarks of Western civilization. To this day, we have no other options [than Christianity]. We continue to nourish ourselves from this source. Everything else is postmodern chatter."
  • politics1
    student aid:-

    Representatives of some 40 religions and faith groups including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism ended a two-day retreat in the Netherlands by signing a "personal commitment to action" in which they vowed to "be clear in my words and actions that stigma and discrimination towards people living with or affected by HIV is unacceptable."medical school
  • politics1
    An Israeli government decision to relocate a hospital ward from its planned site on top of ancient graves has sparked heavy criticism from Israel's medical community, while marking a victory for the country's ultra-Orthodox religious political parties. Construction on an emergency room in the southern city of Ashkelon was halted when human remains were discovered at the site. Archaeologists determined the bones belonged to Christians or pagans from the Byzantine period. But Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, an ultra-Orthodox Jew, insisted they were Jewish bones that shouldn't be moved according to religious practice.Politics
  • davidwwalters
    "NO AMOUNT of tax revenue will be enough to feed this out of control beast riddled with social program after social program."
    -says dontpaytaxes......
    But we could get rid of just ONE Navy carrier group (we have 10 or 11) and stop building anymore Virginia Class submarines and we could save hundreds of billions of dollars. How many aircraft carriers do we need? We have more than all the other navies in the world COMBINED! And just how is a nuclear sub going to help us fight terrorists?
    I am a vet, and the real waste is from the Pentagon, not from social programs
  • John Q. Adams
    You Posted,"But we could get rid of just ONE Navy carrier group (we have 10 or 11) and stop building anymore Virginia Class submarines and we could save hundreds of billions of dollars."
    Naval vessels and military equipment becomes obsolete and has to be modernized to keep up with other countries weapon systems. The cost in dollars spent to be able to defend our country and its citizens is high but what would the cost be if we don't have the capability to defend ourselves from a determined enemy who challenges us. There are other adversaries of America than Muslim terrorists...dollars spent to fund social programs will prove to be of little use when a strong military was needed to defend us from attack.
  • davidwwalters
    John Q. Adams, if we added up the number of aircraft carriers of the navies of the world, our U.S. Navy would still outnumber them.
    Here is a graphic to illustrate this:
    How many aircraft carrier groups do we actually need to make us secure? There has got to be a cost analysis of our navy and armed forces in general.......this is exactly what President Eisenhower was talking about when he use the term "military industrial complex" in his farewell speech.
  • John Q Adams.
    You said," How many aircraft carrier groups do we actually need to make us secure?" Is there a magic number of military preparedness to answer all the possible contingencies given the number of possible numbers of troops,sophisticated weaponry our enemies might have to attack the United Sftates. Communist countries, In the end are united in their determination to spread the communist domination over all countries and if the moment in time were ever right they would attempt by force to subjugate America.Former president Ronald Reagan said, "The one lesson of world war II, the lesson of Nazism, is that freedom must always be stronger than totalitarianism and that good must always be stronger than evil." John F. Kennedy said," Only when our arms are sufficient,without doubt, can we be certain,without doubt,that they will ever have to be employed." "Peace through Strength" is the only sure way to remain free, theres no magic number, we can't afford to be unprepared for every possibility... the world is too unsettled for America to gamble on whether we have enough military might to remain free. We won't be given a second chance to get it right.
  • davidwwalters
    There is no magic number, huh? Look at the world's aircraft carriers again, and count how many of them belong to potential enemies......not many. In our ongoing war against terrorists, exactly how cost effective are these weapons systems? Not very.
  • John Q.Adams
    You posted,"There is no magic number, huh? Look at the world's aircraft carriers again, and count how many of them belong to potential enemies...." Aircraft carriers are only one element of America's capability to defend its self. No country depends upon one method of defense for its security and America would be foolish to believe that air craft carriers alone would secure our country from attack.With all these communist countries now having already obtained nuclear weapons such as nuclear missiles and Russia,China willingly supplying nuclear material and technology to any dictator ran country that Russia thinks could be useful and allied against America. We, by necessity, need to develop new and better nuclear missiles to meet the added threats to this country but instead Obama and the democrat party wants to, and agrees to destroy our present nuclear Missiles and not develop any new nuclear missile weapons... Is this what America should do or is this a sign of the obama administrations plans and desires to leave us vulnerable to any communist attack, obviously not developing new nuclear missiles isn't in our best interests when our enemies are now arming themselves with the latest missile systems and we know who they have in mind to use them on.Why would Obama agree to disarm America when he understands the threaat to this country and its people..... Why.....
  • davidwwalters
    Such rhetoric! (Why would Obama agree to disarm America when he understands the threaat to this country and its people..... )
    Perhaps the threat is from overspending. Again, how many carrier groups do we need to protect us? We have way more than is necessary.
  • JackieM
    David--where is the concrete proof obama actually understands the threat to this country? There is none and our country is perceived as weak, especially since we are so indebted to China mostly because of obama. Countries who hate us have no reason to cooperate and put down their weapons. What is obama going to do--talk them to death? China isn't cooperating with us because they have no reason to. obama's hands are tied in afghanistan and iraq and would be a fool to do any less than he is doing thanks to Bush's leadership! obama's department of homeland security idiot was worried about us on the right and said we were violent. of course, this is just another lie along with all of the rest on the left. as a matter of FACT, who is showing the violence? the San Francisco rally was a perfect example of the hatred of the left. Two on the left got arrested and a few on the right were hurt. hmmmmmmmm! The folks on the left were shouting hate speech! obama is incompetent and there is no proof he understands anything but he is good at spouting off about things he knows nothing about, especially the bills he signs. LOL! he is a fool and as you know, I predicted this! he is unqualified and it shows. he has no integrity and i wouldn't even trust him to take out my garbage!
  • JackieM
    John Q--the liberal/obama way is to sit down with terrorists and reason with them over a beer! obama's foreign policy has gotten us no where with our enemies. so what do the liberals do? continue to support him as our problems get worse! cutting our defense systems and equipment makes sense to these morons unfortunately!
  • John Q. Adams
    Thank you for your reply. America is facing its greatest danger,a president who believes in apologizing to the worlds dictators, a president who silently agrees with with the hatred that terrorists display for this country, who agrees with the Mexican president that Arizona's laws are used to racial profile and not to free Arizona them from the hord of illegal Mexican Aliens destroying the state along with the rest of the country... a president who's close friends were American terrorist themselves but now reside inside one of America's Universities. A president who associated himself with a radical racist pastor,Reverend J Wright for 20 years...A president who was a community organizer ... a disciple of "Saul Alinsky... Rules for Radicals" who was a official of ACORN This quote explains America's need to recognize its enemies,"If we continue to fail to recognize where the battlefield is, there is little hope of winning the war." America's enemies now reside in the White House... this is the battlefield that conservatives must win and take back... We and Americaneeds a president that believes in the goodness of Americaand itspeople...not a apologist.
  • JackieM
    John Q--everything you say is common sense and that is the problem. you and I have it but 52% of Americans don't. i have always been worried about the government wasting our money and now that idiot obama is in the WH, it has gotten much worse. however, the damn liberals/democrats are too stupid to realize this. obama and his clan are using the recession as an excuse to blow more money than ever before without producing results while lying to the American people. the damn democrats/liberals don't give a damn that once this failed healthcare plan passes a lot of states will be bankrupt and the rationing of healthcare for everyone but the rich will take place. they are fools and enjoy watching our nation continue to decline. david will continue to harp on military waste and i have no doubt it is probably there; however, i'm not that shallow. i look at the government as a whole and want to actually cut spending everywhere including getting rid of most of entitlement programs. if the damn idiots concentrated on creating jobs so produce more revenue, revamping the tax code so EVERYONE how can work is paying their fair share of taxes, and cutting spending while actually passing bills that help the financial situation instead of passing the "dummy" bill they just passed, they would actually accomplish something. however, that is not their agenda and they are doing exactly what they set out to do--destroy this county. obama and his idiot administration are embarrassments to those of us who understand what is happening! just as pearl harbor was an historic day, so was the election of idiot obama. now the mobsters are at work. i told david what would happen before the election and everything i said has come true. as a matter of fact, he though obama was wonderful and that he would shift the money being spent on Iraq to the veterans. i told him that wouldn't happen. that is all he cares about i think. people who are in soup lines and families who are suffering thanks to obama is of no concern to the selfish folks who are living off their retirement or whatever. if they gave a damn about this nation, obama would have never been elected or even thought about. YUK!
  • davidwwalters
    Cutting wasteful spending does not make one a moron.
  • dontpaytaxes
    Please, pass this around before the violence erupts! This is the last step before the revolution begins. Please, pass it around! Let's try and get millions of votes!!!!

    To: Congress, the House and the President

    Re: Taxes

    Sign this petition at:


    Over the past year, you’ve ignored the will of the people in many respects. You’ve pushed a monstrosity of a health care bill on us, which we’ve begged and pleaded you stop pushing. You’ve ignored the welfare and security of the people’s ability to find work and instead tossed them enough crumbs to get by through the intermittent passage of a UI bill that barely feeds a family of two, depending on where you live. You’ve pushed every possible anti-small business legislation in an order to crush the middle class and rich to help even out the dire needs of the poor. This is not America. This is class warfare, this is redistribution of wealth, this is tyranny and this is soon to be anarchy. In order to prevent anarchy, in order to prevent the violence and uprisings which we all feel are on the brink of happening, WE THE PEOPLE would like to present you with an alternative. The outcome of this alternative would end up keeping the peace, something we all want, something that is necessary to a civil society. This alternative would also help CONTROL the fanatical and power hungry desires of an out of control government. What is the alternative? Paying taxes. Or not paying taxes!

    The government needs OUR tax revenue for the overall general welfare of the country, which includes the upkeep of America’s infrastructure as well as the funding of our military, something we can all agree brings every man, woman and child protection. The problem that we all understand is that once this health care bill/education passes, among other anti-business bills such as cap and trade, the unionization of all businesses and other atrocious anti-business bills, NO AMOUNT of tax revenue will be enough to feed this out of control beast riddled with social program after social program. Just as Medicare costs were thought to be in the millions when the program first surfaced in the 60’s, in only a few short years we learned that the costs were potentially back bone breaking and today we have somewhere between 50 to 100 trillion in unfunded Medicare and social security liabilities. If it weren’t for the full faith and backing of the Chinese, Japanese and other countries who buy our treasuries and if weren’t for the productivity of the US worker whose pay check the government receives FICA taxes from, we’d had found ourselves in third world economic status in no time. But now that the government is taking away our economic freedoms, our ability to push this country forward without being swamped by social programs that tax us to death, now that the country is on the verge of losing its triple A bond rating, the possibility that those countries stop funding our liabilities is great. The fact that the US economy will be burdened by these bills and thus slow even more is no secret. And these problems equate to the death of the United States. It also means that no amount of tax revenue will keep our head above water and paying even a dollar in taxes will be a dollar wasted.

    So we come to you with this idea. Should you pass health care, should you continue to destroy the economic freedoms this country has enjoyed for two hundred plus years, we will not pay our taxes. If you think that you can control millions and millions of Americans through the IRS, then you’re sadly mistaken. Your IRS agents will be swamped with a convoluted mess of never ending paperwork, case loads and aggravation which means the revenue to the US government, which is drastically dropping due to the recession we’re in, will continue to drop and drop and drop. And let me assure you that soon enough, the US government won’t even have enough tax revenue to put gas in Air Force One.

    So we now present you with two options. The first, continue pushing through your despotic nonsense and chance losing the tax revenue of millions and millions of tax paying citizens. The second, come back to the center and start governing how WE THE PEOPLE want you to govern. I can assure you that should you choose the latter, the country will continue as it has for the past couple of hundred years but should you choose the former, you’re essentially risking civil unrest throughout the country, your political careers and potentially the life of this country. So I leave you with this… The choice is yours…. Choose wisely.

    Truly and Sincerely,

    The People of the United States

    If you would like to sign but don’t want to sign your own name, then sign “Susan B. Anthony” or “John Adams”. If an email is asked for, use ‘[email protected]’ or any other fake email. The point is to get as many signatures as possible. Thank you for your political patronage AND please, pass this around to anyone you think would be interested in signing it. Thank you!

    Sign this petition at:

  • dontpaytaxes
    Please, pass this around before the violence erupts! This is the last step before the revolution begins. Please, pass it around! Let's try and get millions of votes!!!!

    To: Congress, the House and the President

    Re: Taxes

    Sign this petition at:


    Over the past year, you’ve ignored the will of the people in many respects. You’ve pushed a monstrosity of a health care bill on us, which we’ve begged and pleaded you stop pushing. You’ve ignored the welfare and security of the people’s ability to find work and instead tossed them enough crumbs to get by through the intermittent passage of a UI bill that barely feeds a family of two, depending on where you live. You’ve pushed every possible anti-small business legislation in an order to crush the middle class and rich to help even out the dire needs of the poor. This is not America. This is class warfare, this is redistribution of wealth, this is tyranny and this is soon to be anarchy. In order to prevent anarchy, in order to prevent the violence and uprisings which we all feel are on the brink of happening, WE THE PEOPLE would like to present you with an alternative. The outcome of this alternative would end up keeping the peace, something we all want, something that is necessary to a civil society. This alternative would also help CONTROL the fanatical and power hungry desires of an out of control government. What is the alternative? Paying taxes. Or not paying taxes!

    The government needs OUR tax revenue for the overall general welfare of the country, which includes the upkeep of America’s infrastructure as well as the funding of our military, something we can all agree brings every man, woman and child protection. The problem that we all understand is that once this health care bill/education passes, among other anti-business bills such as cap and trade, the unionization of all businesses and other atrocious anti-business bills, NO AMOUNT of tax revenue will be enough to feed this out of control beast riddled with social program after social program. Just as Medicare costs were thought to be in the millions when the program first surfaced in the 60’s, in only a few short years we learned that the costs were potentially back bone breaking and today we have somewhere between 50 to 100 trillion in unfunded Medicare and social security liabilities. If it weren’t for the full faith and backing of the Chinese, Japanese and other countries who buy our treasuries and if weren’t for the productivity of the US worker whose pay check the government receives FICA taxes from, we’d had found ourselves in third world economic status in no time. But now that the government is taking away our economic freedoms, our ability to push this country forward without being swamped by social programs that tax us to death, now that the country is on the verge of losing its triple A bond rating, the possibility that those countries stop funding our liabilities is great. The fact that the US economy will be burdened by these bills and thus slow even more is no secret. And these problems equate to the death of the United States. It also means that no amount of tax revenue will keep our head above water and paying even a dollar in taxes will be a dollar wasted.

    So we come to you with this idea. Should you pass health care, should you continue to destroy the economic freedoms this country has enjoyed for two hundred plus years, we will not pay our taxes. If you think that you can control millions and millions of Americans through the IRS, then you’re sadly mistaken. Your IRS agents will be swamped with a convoluted mess of never ending paperwork, case loads and aggravation which means the revenue to the US government, which is drastically dropping due to the recession we’re in, will continue to drop and drop and drop. And let me assure you that soon enough, the US government won’t even have enough tax revenue to put gas in Air Force One.

    So we now present you with two options. The first, continue pushing through your despotic nonsense and chance losing the tax revenue of millions and millions of tax paying citizens. The second, come back to the center and start governing how WE THE PEOPLE want you to govern. I can assure you that should you choose the latter, the country will continue as it has for the past couple of hundred years but should you choose the former, you’re essentially risking civil unrest throughout the country, your political careers and potentially the life of this country. So I leave you with this… The choice is yours…. Choose wisely.

    Truly and Sincerely,

    The People of the United States

    If you would like to sign but don’t want to sign your own name, then sign “Susan B. Anthony” or “John Adams”. If an email is asked for, use ‘[email protected]’ or any other fake email. The point is to get as many signatures as possible. Thank you for your political patronage AND please, pass this around to anyone you think would be interested in signing it. Thank you!

    Sign this petition at:

  • Brandon
    This will all be solved once everyone realizes that there is no God
  • pencil
    wrong. Maybe this coming age must come so that people like you can be proven that it isn't all just the popes fault. Atheists can be really evil tooooo.
  • Chuck Strimbu
    March 15, 2023
    The Reset Button

    My Dear Friends,

    I believe you need to read this!

    Some, if not most Americans agree that our nation, our country is in serious trouble!

    As I listen, I have heard and seen across the country, and particularly from our political leaders, a change in attitude, in spirit and in mind that is alarming to say the least! It is a disturbing and unhealthy trend, if it can be defined that way, that is definitely contrary to the ideals, the moral and social principles upon which this, our nation was founded.

    This trend is apparent to many, if not all good hearted Americans who love their country.
    And it is without doubt, evidenced in the current events, of the last decade and particularly these last few years. It does not take an imagination to see it working in our political system as something escalating rapidly, out of control.

    And it is unquestionably leading our country in a direction that was never intended by those who formed this great nation.

    Certainly progress is welcome, but progress is not progress if it leads to the moral, spiritual and financial decay of our families, our friends, our country.

    Our forefathers, the framers if you will, or builders of that foundation, on which our country stands and must stand, if it is to continue to uphold the principles which were instrumental, in its formation in the first place, would be appalled at the moral, political and financial state, of today.

    I have heard the cry of many Americans, who understand this, but are at a loss as to how to correct or change the course, of this trend. It is an awesome task, but not impossible. I believe we, as Americans already have the answer and within us, the will, to turn from this present course.

    The answer is given to us, by the very men, who were charged with the task, of building the foundation, on which we, as a nation stand.

    They placed within those documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, the glue which cements us together as a people, and gives us the power to act as an honorable and right thinking nation. Included in those documents are the tools, I believe we need to correct this problem.

    The question is, will we hear what they are telling us and will we use the tools they provided?

    Consider then these words!

    The framers knew that, freedom of choice, pursuit of happiness and the right of liberty, must be guaranteed to all citizens, but they also knew that even these things cannot exists without law.

    At that time, these brave men, in the face of the corrupt nature of the governing power of the royal crown, rebelled against it, knowing that this new country, they were building, must have a foundation of law to govern the people justly.

    They also knew that this law must be based upon and relevant to the highest authority known to man, and in so doing linked forever through the documents they produced their understanding of and the necessary adherence to, the principles found throughout the Word of God, as contained, in the Holy Bible. For at that time, this Book and the God it portrays, was held in highest esteem and understood to be true, by the majority of the people.

    They also knew that it is wrong for the government to mandate a state run religion, which was what the crown had done, but none the less, they believed, that the principles taught within the Bible must be the guiding force behind all law. The evidence is clearly seen in the documents that form the foundation of our country.

    In the Declaration of Independence, they did not refer to God as an excuse for their rebellion against the crown, but rather, made their appeal referencing God, as the source of all moral authority.
    In understanding that authority, being in full agreement and subject to it, they proceeded then, with their chosen course of action. In others words, they knew they where justified in what they were doing.

    It is also written in this document, these words, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’. Does not this statement leave open then the question of what other unalienable rights exist? If this is so, we should be curious about what other unalienable rights we are entitled to? And if this is right, what document must we turn to, in searching out just what these other unalienable rights are? As I have already stated, this document I refer to is none other than the Holy Bible.

    I believe that if one looks at the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with the right moral judgment it becomes quite easy to determine that the statement I have just made is correct!

    Again the question, what other unalienable rights, has our Creator endowed us with and are as important as the aforementioned?
    I have found that there are many!

    About these other rights, I would discuses them with you, if you would like, but first let us continue to examine the foundation document entitled, the Constitution of the United States, as laid down by the framers! This document also points us to the tools we need to correct the problem that we now face as a people.

    In the Constitution of the United States it is written in article VI,
    The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

    I ask, why was it considered important that this oath is taken and to whom or what does it appeal? Does not reason demand, that if an oath is given, an affirmation is made, that in so doing, that it constitutes or validates the authority to which the oath appeals, regardless of the faith of the one who makes it? If it does not, then the oath or affirmation is useless and those that make this oath are not bound by it!

    In the same way: If we choose to ignore, or not believe the authority of the imposed law of our government, it does not in anyway lessen the authority of the aforementioned law, but only opens the door of prosecution and the prospect of judgment to the one who breaks that law. Therefore, believing in that authority, or not, does not change or lessen the power of the authority to which we appeal.

    Further I would point out that in Article VII, as the concluding text, it was important for these men, to date this document in a manner which subscribes what is about to be signed, as something created before the Lord on the seventeenth day of September in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven. A document I might add that they believed He, that is God was most certainly a witness too!

    In making this argument, then where does this, leave us, but only to conclude rightly, that the men who signed these documents, fully understood the moral jurisdiction that they placed upon themselves, as well all people who would be adherent to these documents by the langue that they used in them. That being said, is it not then true, that we will stand in opposition to this moral authority, if we enact any law that governs the people contrary to this authority?

    If what I am suggesting to you is true, this then, is the reset button, if you will, that God and the founding fathers have given us, to fix our problems.

    Please comment to me as I value your opinion.
    Thank you very much,

    Your friend,
    Just an American Citizen
    Chuck Strimbu

    [email protected]
  • toe
    Jackie, you cannot point to a single thing that Glenn Beck has "exposed" except that he is a fraud making any claims to holding truth, and constantly reminds people that he is a simpleton and a loon- nothing more.
    The absurdity of his "observations" would be laughable were it not for individuals like you who don't care to check into facts but would rather buy into his schtick .

    Like Massa, he is a joke. The only real difference between Massa and Glenn Beck is that Glenn Beck is getting rich off of your stupidity because he addresses your hard core prejudices. It's no small wonder that you have a Beck worship altar in your home.
  • Jackie M
    toe--you are lying again! i just gave you an example. as a matter of fact, he has exposed a lot of obama's cronies. keep on lying. his ratings prove people are listening and you idiots just can't stand that people like him are exposing the head idiot of your cult.
  • toe
    his ratings are for 3 reasons:

    1) ignorant people like you who worship his spit

    2) fact checkers who quote his rubbish then print the truth.

    3) people that like sitcoms and want a good laugh.

  • pencil
    Your presidents ratings are down in my mind for a number of reasons. But the number one reason is that he is ok with new "green" restrictions, hate crimes laws, and a health care bill that is going to control what health insurance every American must have. In addition, health care workers will be required to check up on every American home. They also want to take our light bulbs away and regulate the internet. Dude. I got a message for you. You leave my rights alone. You here me?
  • joseph smith
    yet another ignorant popping in- or perhaps the same ignorants using another name- check the above post..."you here me"...

    good grief.

    as far a Obama is concerned- considering what you left for him he is doing remarkably well.
    Democrats passed major legislation despite the party of nothing doing- saved and created jobs- is turning around the economy, and presenting to the world a face and attitude that has gained respect and admiration around the world.

    Jackie here will be out of her mind to read that Glen Beck is losing ratings faster than she can sprint to the bathroom. Oh how the truth hurts, Jackie.
    Pencil - you are just too ignorant and absurd for any further reply from me. Read a book. Read a newspaper. Listen to the BBC- get out more and get away from Rush Limbaugh- his words clearly have infected your brain and effected whatever residual ability remained to muster up a thought of your own.
    Pencil... you hear me?
  • JackieM
    joseph--your ignorance and irrational thought process is very entertaining. you spew liberal rhetoric that is getting old. come up with something new. your idiot "leader" is failing to get this economy back on track. as a matter of fact, I predicted this two years ago and backed it up with facts. if you want to ensure I've been right all along, go back and look on this site. everything I've predicted has come true. obama hasn't even attempted to get this economy on track again. he has no plan to create sustainable jobs. LOL! keep up your lies! as i've said here many, many, many times, as a liberal how smart he/she is and he/she will tell you! you are no exception. i didn't realize you sat in my home with me every night and monitored what I watch on TV. of course, the only other way you would know is to have video/audio equipment installed in my house. either of those would be illegal because i don't invite idiots into my home or allow people to intrude on my privacy! so let's see, either you are lying or a criminal! there is no difference! I don't know anything about beck's ratings so you are talking to yourself on that front. i hope the voices in your head can come up with an answer but it won't be a rational one as usual. your hate becoming so apparent and you need professional help. however, it is a choice.

    integrity has no meaning in your circles and obama is proof of that. he made promises he can't keep and you idiots buy into the blame GWB lies. LOL! keep it up! we know you are mentally ill. shhhhh! don't ever let yourself know the truth!
  • JackieM
    let me make a correction for all idiots/liberals--ask a liberal how smart he/she is and he/she will tell you! it is hard for them to get meaning out of a post if common sense folks make mistakes. rational and people with class wouldn't continually point mistakes out as long as the meaning is still there. however, that is all liberals have so they play on it unless they use the race card. joseph, you are a racist and bigot! now i'm using your unfounded rhetoric but you won't understand it!
  • joseph smith
    I point out the errors because it demonstrates your ignorance, lack of education, and ability to learn facts, rules, laws, the Constitution, and English.
    Jackie, you display this in every single one of your posts...and we should take you seriously, why?
    Get off the windbag noise of "oh they want to blame GWB" for everything. Face facts, Jackie.
    Obama INHERITED the mess YOU and YOUR GOP assholes created with joy and not a single care as to the consequences. Obama has stated over and over again that, while he acknowledges the inheritance which left us in a deep hole with unfunded wars and countless other items that you didn't give a damn about at the time- Obama has said, yes, it is my problem now. For you and others of your ilk- Cornin for example today on Meet the Press, to insist that Obama has not taken ownership of the problem is a damned lie and deserves to be righted.
    Also- Nobody - especially progressives, consider Obama a liberal by any stretch of the imagination. You have moved so far to the wacko right wing nut side of the room that you people even considered Bennett of Utah (one of the more conservative of the conservatives in Washington) to be too "liberal" for you. The crap the flows so easily from your face, Jackie is typical of low information voters and teabaggers who claim Obama is "taking away all of your freedoms" with absolutely no factual information at hand. You are a joke, Jackie. Uninformed, uneducated, selfish, right wing wacko nut job. It is no small wonder that the likes of you produce fellow jokes like Rand Paul, Virginia Foxx, Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachman, and Sean Hannity. Nobody- NOBODY- takes you seriously because you are just too damn ignorant of actual facts.
    Stop wasting my time with your stupidity. Read a book. Read some actual history- not manufactured history that will come from the Texas School Board. You haven't done a damn thing to help this country. Did you ever get tear gassed for standing up against an illegal war? Did you ever get arrested for a sit-in for demanding a Black Studies Course at your University? Did you ever watch a family member die because she couldn't afford health care? My list is long and my answer is yes to each of these. You? The queen of BITCH and MOAN - you contribute nothing. You are only interested in keeping what you have -not helping others. I don't have nice feelings for people like you, Jackie. But I don't suggest that you leave the country or be rounded up and kept in a "free speech zone" like the GOP did when BUSH was in office. I want you to educate yourself so that you can understand that you are being had. You vote against your best interests and allow yourself to be had because you are just too damn ignorant.
  • JackieM
    Joseph--your ignorance really makes me laugh! you judge people based on what YOU think and not by facts, which makes you look small. i can assure you my education is more than you could ever imagine but since i have a more than busy life and you are a low form of life, i don't feel it necessary to worry about making a few errors in my grammar, etc. i think you get the point but your liberal rhetoric gets the best of you. let's see GWB asked congress many, many times to pay attention to fannie and freddie. LOL! your buddy frank lied in his testimony about how solid things were. I guess you missed this? I saw it and laughed. Oh, by the way your cronies decided once again to protect their special interests and not include those two organizations in the financial overhaul bill so it is a failure already. LOL! keep up your ignorance of the facts. it is not working for you. you have no factual information on hand so you have to lie about others to spread your hate. you really need some help but that is your choice to continue to fester. if you really want to talk about facts, read my posts from two years ago on this site. LOL! You are a uninformed, uneducated, selfish, left-wing wacko nut job. It is no small wonder that the likes of you produce fellow jokes like pelosi, reid, dodd, biden, obama, sorros, and other crooks. NO ONE takes you seriously because you produce no facts but come to this site to cause trouble as all liberals do. you idiots are broken records and need some new material. i think you really need to work on that because it is becoming quite boring. why don't you read a book besides art history or pottery making. better yet quit watching garbage such as keith o or maddow. your attitude is as nasty as theirs and is so low class. again you are the most ignorant and judgemental person i know. i guess you think you can disguise yourself under the name but it isn't working. I guess I would rather focus my efforts on real issues and most of the ones you listed are not important. you are being scammed by obama and the rest of the liberal media and i feel sorry for you! you are just too damned ignorant to realize it and that is sad. i suggest you pick up a non-liberal book and learn about real history. i find them quite fascinating and am an avid reader. if i want to know what color to paint my walls, you'll be the first person i think of. lol! you have no clue what i've experienced but love to judge because you are a hateful and vile idiot! by the way, if obama couldn't deliver the 8.2% unemployment rate as he promised, he is a failure and needs to step aside and let someone with more than a community activist and teaching job take over. hmmm! may i suggest someone who actually understands and has a successful career in business. LOL! that might help! I guess his lack of experience is helping him in foreign relations? oh yeah, it hasn't because we still have no progress with our enemies like north korea. i think a beer meeting might be in order. LOL!
  • Jackie M
    toe--your continued stupidity gives me a good laugh. i won't stoop to your level and make useless lists insulting people with no evidence. prove Beck is lying. prove that him exposing corruption is just made up! like the good little robots you are, you can't. obviously the WH can't dispute him either since he left the door wide open for them to do so. as a matter of fact, it was the WH that said they would ensure that people were called on their false statements. well........................... of course you are not going to have any substance to your posts! it is expected! you haven't even answered the supply and demand question on healthcare so i guess you really are all bullshit like obama! you guys belong together.
  • johninjax
    Please go to

    and vote for Kevin Hyde. He is the only true conservative in the race!!!
  • joseph smith
    sounds like an excellent reason to be against him.

    now that young Dr. Paul (and Senator wannabe) is articulating Tea Bagger noise - the rest of the country is getting a pretty clear picture of the kind of extreme right wing nut job he really is.
    Could not be more pleased that he won. The GOP is running for the hills trying to distance themselves from Paul's words at the same time telling him to keep a low profile and not to speak to National Media. Interesting and hysterically funny. Oh please do carry on.
  • freeterrorreportflapanama
    No time now, going to court to risk again my life for this country. A police, following castro Adeelita ("my" political parafamiy, so crazy she married all my bros to her family, use a a weapon against me thru castrocoyote church of "lulu" (pastors even jailed by CIA-FBI, freed by grlattny,mayors,etc, tryed to "change" my religion wich still Catholic, normal Catholic) took my DL even over their own maincourt saying I have not to pay more money (reason I'm homeless, to pay a big "problem" on "late according city" just 1 ticket esclated into now I have to pay more to get my DL back, and all was "legally". Also, president Torrijos and now Martinelli attnys following Castro himself acussation of "my" party (Mireya Moscoso) wich proved false and illegal Castro attack on the only opposition (anti-terror) in Panama keeps paralegals like the martial big prision guard looking female (grey Explorer 585KHE tag) wich came yesterday before the public restroom I was and sh paralegaly provoqued me, she looks similar to another one who came to my turn in line and took my money to make me "fight for it", the casher told her (looks "miami law enforcement") to leave my money back, se saw me badly and left frustrted to he MALE police partners even argueing me "I'm not tough (nor crazy to fight police, "physsicaly")...
    So nw I'm going to court to have more info, so stay tunned, I'm bringing names and more city abuse in times of crisis.
  • toe
    shane, it's nice to see someone such as you here- in control of the facts . Jackie is more than a lost cause- she is proud of her ignorance and thumbs her nose at any who would stop to help another in need, declaring that they are encouraging "welfare" and not forcing them to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. The fact that they have no boots is not allowed into her thoughts.
    These people claim to be "christian" when, in fact, they have seriously no understanding of the word. The same can be said of their claims to being "real Americans" yet carry about with them NOTHING that even resembles an understanding of the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, or the Geneva Convention, to name a few.
    The "I've got mine- get your own!" mentality is so evident in every single one of Jackie's posts.
    There is nothing human or humane there. Nothing.
    Facts are pesky things that can be ignored. Rules are for other people. Speed limits are just a suggestion. Logic is a liberal tactic designed to mess with your head.

    Jackie continues to point her fingers in the wrong direction as she clings to failed policies and failed economics of the past.
    When Obama mentioned that, in times like these, there are those that "cling to their god and their guns"- people like Jackie went berserk (after consulting their bibles and making certain their guns were loaded)- again, intentionally ignorant of what was being said - reinforced by the right wing spin-heads that Obama obviously was not a christian and was out to take away their guns. Absurdity lives on. Jackie promotes it daily here.
  • pencil
    So you have "stereotypes" of conservatives in your head. Who has the facts here?
  • Jackie M
    toe--your stupidity continues to make me laugh. you and michael moore are just two examples of the hypocrisy of your party. you claim you are successful and that you live in this country. if both are true, you are a perfect example of capitalism at work! LOL! however, you are not following your own belief system if you have more than the basic necessities of life and have any money in the bank! LOL! if you don't give most of everything you earn to the government, you are only pretending to be a liberal and don't practice what you preach.

    Germany is now stepping away from its socialist roots and told obama they would not follow his liberal economic policy. LOL! since basic economics proves you wrong, you really need to stop worshipping obama. the cult leader is lying to you!

    you don't mind that under the current healthcare plan, there will be automatic healthcare rationing and the shortage of medical professionals was admitted by obama but he has refused to address the issue. as a matter of fact, until this issue is addressed, healthcare reform is a mute point. you and your party's selfish behavior is obvious and if you truly wanted to help people, you would not want this bill to pass. if you idiots really wanted to back up your words, you would have already insisted obama immediately stop wasting money with his policies and correct the fraud and waste in medicare. of course, some of the "stimulus" went out of the country thanks to obama and some went to give people who are already employed raises! LOL! if obama really wanted to save money, he would have done so in the beginning. now it is over a year into this and he has done nothing but make it worse. stay in your dream world!

    you need to prove your points instead of continually making a fool of yourself. obama is definitely not a Christian! it is easily proven if you read the Bible! of course, you aren't a Christian so you have no right to pass judgement on the subject. where have I mentioned guns? prove it! you idiots claim to understand our country but fail to abide by the "all men are created equal" part and many others! you are lying once again but that is what you do best because you liberals have nothing else!

    what do you personally know about helping those in need? giving to charities and other things doesn't prove you know anything and doesn't permanently correct the problems of most of the poor. when you actually take the poor and help them succeed by showing them how, you can say you actually help people. other than that giving money will not do much. i happen to know a lot about welfare in this country and its causes. one example is a woman i met with six children by six different "dads." she was living in government housing off welfare while getting her college education paid by guess who? the government also paid for daycare of all of her kids. she said she could easily get a part-time job but would rather the government pay for everything so she could be at home playing with her kids. she said why not take what you can get when you don't have to work for it. she thought the government owed her something and didn't see any issues with having more children out of wedlock. the two-year degree she was working so hard for would not support even one child much less six. she knew this ahead of time and wanted to continue to take from the government. this is just one example of many, many true life stories that i personally witnessed. so giving this irresponsible person assistance only perpetuated an already big problem. where is the incentive for this person and many others to take control of their own lives and support themselves? you don't help people by continuing to fund their lifestyle but you can help them by showing them how to succeed on their own. if your liberal ways worked, the people you give money to for a few years wouldn't need it forever! why don't you talk to obama and suggest he help his elderly aunt who lived illegally in this country in government housing and is on welfare. she meant so much to him that he talked about her in his book but refused to help her in her time of need and said he would leave her situation up to the proper authorities to handle. i guess his selfishness is ok since he is your messiah!

    I'm so proud to be a republican!

    Your lies about true Americans are just that. we do understand and we also know the difference between an American citizen, an enemy combatent and a person in the military from another country and how they relate to the Geneva Convention. LOL! your ignorance is out there for all to see! why don't you give the folks who want to kill us a room in your home so you can take care of them? if you truly believe all of the nonsense you spew, you would be willing to support them and be their buddy. you are welcome to pay for their lawyers also!

    this is a conservative site! you only come here to cause trouble and don't want honest facts and discussions! you are accomplishing nothing! if your objective is to teach us something or to get under our skin, you have failed miserably just as obama has!
  • toe
    I'll see your 5 LOL's and raise you a STFU. (since Jackie can only speak in childish terms- it's only fair to answer in kind- much flows over her diminutive powers of meditation and comprehension- highly grammatical ejaculations (that would be anything employing more than two syllables) would have her in an absolute tizzy.
    So, Jackie- once again you have manufactured the "welfare queen" faux argument that Ronnie and company invented to divide the haves and the have nots.
    Under Bush law- anyone... that would be ANYONE Jackie- can be declared "an enemy combatant" including American citizens...with no rights to even a phone call.
    You and other rethugs are the ones who have called the president "Messiah". You must think it so. It does seem odd that you should admire him in this manner.
    If only you had a brain that worked, and the intellectual curiosity to learn... but alas, t'aint so.
    First of all, Obama is a christian. You may not wish to claim him- but that's too damn bad. Secondly- even if he were not ANY faith- it DOES NOT MATTER. For one who claims to understand the laws of this land- you should already know this.
    Your personal hates and rants against Obama are based on only one thing- your ignorance. Your ignorance allows others to fill your empty head with misinformation, information that, if you would take the time to sort through, you would find to be not just ridiculous- you would never leave your home in order to stay clear of the ridicule for being such a gullible twit.
    Glenn Beck is the laughing stock of the country. He is your hero. It figures.

    Regarding Obama's "aunt"- again, if you had ANY ability to understand ANYTHING- you would agree that for Obama to step in front of immigration officials and the LAW would not only be illegal- it would be an abuse of power. Any fool could understand this. OOps, sorry... apparently, not every fool... you don't.
  • Jackie M
    toe-- you are a fool when it comes to every subject you have discussed so far. since you refuse to pick up an economics book, you have to be treated like a child. it is obvious that you don't like facts that can be proven and everyone of my economic discussions can be.

    obama is not a Christian and there are a lot of people who claim to be but are not! This fact can be proven in the Bible easily; however, since you are not a Christian, you have no basis for your judgement. If you would like to read the Bible and start attending church and pay attention, you would be slapped in the face with facts! however, this is the typical liberal rhetoric and nothing is new!

    Glenn Beck is laughing at his ratings and how high they are and the money he is making because he is exposing this administration for what it is. the corruption on the healthcare bill is proof that obama lied when he said his administration would be different and the Washington as usual politics would not be allowed if he was elected. LOL! the proof is out there for even fools to see. there is no doubt that obama is a nothing but a liar! even the democrats are seeing this now. there is fighting in your own party!

    again, you idiot liberals are missing the point. why didn't he step in and make sure she was feed and had a decent place to live regardless of where she was living. he could have ensure she got the appropriate legal counsel. there is no excuse for his elderly aunt to live off the government while he is living in the lap of luxury. he spoke highly of her in his book so he should have felt an obligation to ensure that she was taken care of. it is sad that your kind don't feel the need to help others in need but it is understandable since your selfishness takes over!
  • toe
    Jackie, you have constantly proclaimed that you hold truth that proves all yet you just as constantly fail to provide this "proof".
    Now you are claiming that your personal religious dogma provides proof positive by way of your bible- yet you are not even able to provide ANYTHING from this -

    Secondly- your holy praise for Glenn Beck is amusing because it only demonstrates where you get your "information". How many trips did you take to factcheck.org or media matters or snopes.com or any number of places that provide FACTUAL DATA (including the dictionary, any encyclopedia, the Library of Congress, the Congressional Record, etc.) before you took in, hook, line, and sinker -all that Glenn Beck has manufactured in his own little fantasy world.
    Glenn Beck practically soiled himself salivating over his "get" with Massa- (along with republican leadership who even tweeted how important and imperative this "get" would be) Beck, looking to have his own little expose' moment in front of millions...instead, had, what can only be called another Geraldo moment in history... more fodder for head-shaking and ridicule of the life form that calls itself Glenn Beck.

    You claim that you are a christian- this is not true. You have selective christian beliefs as suit your purpose. Period.
    As christianity relates to Glenn Beck, a well respected evangelical christian, Jim Wallis said:

    Glenn Beck says Christians should leave churches that use the word "social justice." He says social justice is a code word for communism and Nazism.

    But since the Catholic Church, the Black Churches, the Mainline Protestant churches, more and more Evangelical and Pentecostal churches including Hispanic and Asian-American congregations all consider social justice central to biblical faith, Glenn Beck is telling all those Christians to leave their churches. Of course, Christians may disagree about what social justice means in our current political context -- and that conversation is an important one -- but the Bible is clear: from the Mosaic law of Jubilee, to the Hebrew prophets, to Jesus Christ, social justice is an integral part of God's plan for humanity.

    Beck says Christians should leave their social justice churches, so I say Christians should leave Glenn Beck. I don't know if Beck is just strange, just trying to be controversial, or just trying to make money. But in any case, what he has said attacks the very heart of our Christian faith, and Christians should no longer watch his show. His show should now be in the same category as Howard Stern. Stern practices pornography and Beck denies the central teachings of Jesus and the Bible. So Christians should stop watching the Glenn Beck show and pray for him and Howard Stern.

    Beck also said that if his church was about "social justice" he would report his church to the church authorities. What authorities? Church bodies as diverse in their theology as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the National Association of Evangelicals have explicitly endorsed social justice as a biblical imperative.
    The only thing being exposed here is the folly of Glenn Beck and the poor slobs that follow every utterance of this fool. I suggest that you quote Glenn as often as possible. I will try not to be sipping my coffee as you do- having it come out my nose is soooo unseemly.
  • Jackie M
    toe-- regardless of the differences in churches, if people claim to be Christians the Bible never changes and is the foundation of every church. no one is perfect but continuing to claim you are a Christian while not following major principals proves whether you are a Christian or not. if obama wants to publicly claim that he is a Christian, he should ensure his policies and words back that up! i will not site specifics because that will start other useless, unfounded debates and only Christians have the understanding of the meaning of the Bible. since you are not one, you have no right to judge but because you are a liberal/idiot, you will turn the words of the Bible around to suit your agenda as you do everything else!

    as usual you take one person or several and try to associate them with me. knowing how you damn liberals lie and purposely take things out of context for your own gain, I ignored most of your post. I am not familiar with what he said and don't watch him as much as you assume I do, which is just another one of your lies, and until I hear what he said about the matter in the context that he meant it to be in, I'll ignore what you are saying. Unlike you, I listen to the damn liberals/democrats and obama and take into consideration the whole discussion. I know it is hard for you guys to do this. I also understand that you idiots have limited capabilities and that is why you can be thrown into the liberal pool of morons. We are now seeing huge disagreements in your party and the truth is coming out about how the mob mentallity is alive and well. who didn't know this already? i choose to follow the republican principals because they work and will not be happy with anyone who goes against them regardless of what side they claim to be on. claims are just that and anyone can claim anything. we are seeing that obama's rhetoric during his campaign were mere claims with no substance. the hope, unity and other garbage he spewed were lies. he and the damn liberals/democrats have not worked with republicans but love to spout these lies despite the evidence and admissions from your side to the contrary. keep up your dishonest posts. you are not upsetting me in the least and have not changed my mind. your attempts have failed like obama's policies. today, i am reading that obama and his mob may take out the corrupt backroom deals in the healthcare plans. duh! why were they in there in the first place?????? this just proves that they knew they were in the wrong and will go to any lengths to attempt to fool the American people into believing they are the party that can be trusted! LOL! we were told that politics as usual would not be happening in the obama world. well, i guess this was partially true in that it is not the norm but has gotten worse.

    your quote--
    "The only thing being exposed here is the folly of Glenn Beck and the poor slobs that follow every utterance of this fool. I suggest that you quote Glenn as often as possible. I will try not to be sipping my coffee as you do- having it come out my nose is soooo unseemly."

    if you want to be accurate and honest, you need to replace the name Glenn Beck in this paragraph with the name obama.
  • toe
    What's really funny here is that you claim (one of your many absurd rants) that LIBERALS are destroying the country and taking people away from religion ... and here you are with praise for your hero, Glenn Beck- who tells his followers to leave their churches. Who has a "messiah" again? Who reacts unquestioningly to the words and panic and fear mongering and lies and phony tears and fact-free statements of this loon? Why ...YOU do, dear. YOU do. Please continue to demonstrate your intellect as you have. You make my case every single day. I don't even need to say anything.
  • Jackie M
    oh yeah, i guess Becks' exposure of obama's administration and the corrupt within it is just all lies, right? lol! that is why van jones resigned after the tapes of his speeches were shown! LOL! in addition, Beck has asked the WH to prove him wrong and call them to clarify anything that he has said. The offer is there but they can't deny anything so there is no call. By the way, I'm sure obama and his attorneys, as well as other folks, would sue (and win) the network if the stories could be proven to be false. so keep up your stupidity while Beck continues to expose the truth! another fact is that obama promised the American people that there would be no lobbyists in his administration and it was proven that this was a lie. so I am thankful for people who discuss politics and expose the truth regardless of which party is hurt in the process. thanks to the damn liberals/democrats and obama there is more corruption in the WH than ever before. you fools just don't like the truth coming out because it tarnishes the false image you have created for obama!
  • bisenbek
    Your nightly KarmaLamp

    KarmaLamp pulsates with the Twitter Chatter of Left vs. Right. More Red indicates a Conservative spin. Blue represents a Progressive atmosphere. Steady Purple shows a (temporary) balance. The speed of the heartbeat increases with intensity of the dominant ideology.
  • therealamerican
    read it and weep morons
  • toe
    amber, they only read things that match their views.
    they only listen to people who mimic their views.
    they only vote for people who will work against their best interests.
    they claim to be opposed to lobbyists yet support the massive lobbyist efforts
    underway in Washington regarding health care reform- banking reform- wall street reform.
    they claim to be "pro-life" yet leap at the chance to kill- whether in wars or in town halls- or at planned parenthood clinics or using the death penalty. doesn't matter. they are for it.
    they are furious at wall street and the banks yet oppose regulation of both.
    they worship at the Altar of Ronnie" - ignoring the fact that he created HUGE deficits and raised taxes more than any recent president- spear-headed deregulation and union-busting in America- and initiated "trickle-down" that never worked for anyone and set America up for the position that we see ourselves today- the shrinking of the middle class, a country that doesn't make anything, deregulation, and lack of oversight in every single area of importance.

    Jackie brags about how great this is.
    Her IQ would equal that of her shoe size.
  • Jackie M
    toe--your lies are continuing to make me laugh but it is typical of a liberal and we are seeing this in the WH everyday. Show me the post where I'm bragging about deficits! I guess it will be the same story as when I asked you to prove the jobs created by the stimulus--you don't have anything as usual so you ignore the request! LOL! It is obvious that you don't understand the whole picture surrounding the shrinking middleclass. I have listed the reasons this is happening in previous posts months ago. Without addressing all of the items, any attempts to create jobs by the idiot democrats/liberals in Washington will fail. However, your narrow, uneducated mind doesn't understand the whole picture; therefore, you go through life believing your messiah. This is such a simple subject and the solutions to put the middleclass back to work can be resolved. However, you fools continue to use proven failed plans! I feel bad for the millions of Americans who can't feel their families because of the lack of jobs. This is solely the responsibility of your party and his supporters. I predicted this outcome before the election and after the misguided "stimulus" plan was passed. Unfortunately, I haven't been wrong yet when it comes to the state of this country under obama's rule. However, I really wish I had been because Americans would have jobs and people would not be stuggling as they are now to feed their families! I am so glad I don't have this burden on my shoulders as those who voted for this SOB! It would be impossible for me to sleep at night knowing I caused this! But that is the difference between true Americans and those who are out to ruin our country!
  • shane_b1968
    So when Obama turns the economy around in spite of republican doddering and obstruction you will see the light and vote to re-elect him, right? Sure.
  • Jackie M
    shane--obama can't turn the economy around with his plan. it is not possible and the proof is plain ole economics. i predicted the state of the economy in my posts before and after the election. all of my predictions have come true! the republican "doddering and obstruction" as you call it is the smartest thing they have done in a long while. obama has no business experience and his cabinet is lacking also. stop kidding yourself! if the right plans were in place, our economic recovery would be very apparent in the jobs created right now! however, you people don't care about the folks out of work. the proof is in the failed "stimulus." while you choose to just blow our hard-earned money while making a perceived effort, people are still suffering. the results are out there for everyone to see. we have a "stimulus" money highway project in my town. the damn highway didn't need repaving. i drive it daily and it is better than most roads anywhere. there were no bumps, holes or worn areas. the road was almost new to begin with! now that is millions of dollars wasted all in the name of "stimulating" the economy. another poster here witnessed a another debacle in his city. they had a project that needed to be completed and already had quotes. they submitted a request for stimulus money and found out that only companies with unions could be hired. damn obama and his idiots have to ensure they payback the unions (corruption). the cost for hiring a company with a union was $1.4MM more than a non-union company. so all of the other companies would have been left out in the cold and $1.4MM would have been wasted! so there are just two examples among many that i know about. you need to open your eyes and see this administration for what it is--corrupt! they are bankrupting our country and our vulnerable credit rating is proof of that if you can't see all of the other signs. this credit rating issue did not occur under Bush. we are now beholding to China and this poses a national security risk! hell, no i would not re-elect this fool! he is a moron and his inexperience with managing money and everything else is obvious! he would be qualified to take out my garbage!
  • shane_b1968
    shane—“obama can't turn the economy around with his plan.”

    So when he does you will become a democrat, right? No I didn’t think so. You will exhibit the intransigence you wishful thinkers always exhibit. You will whine about how the previous conservative wasn’t conservative enough and that democrat who cleaned up his mess was really the beneficiary of his great policies.

    “obama has no business experience and his cabinet is lacking also.”

    We all know what business experience did for the Bush Cheney administration. I think I’d like someone who studied government to run the government and let the business people mind their own business.

    “however, you people don't care about the folks out of work. the proof is in the failed "stimulus." while you choose to just blow our hard-earned money while making a perceived effort, people are still suffering.”

    When Bush left office we were hemorrhaging nearly a million jobs a month. Every economist in the country that wasn’t directly paid by the heritage foundation said we were in a death spiral and that without massive government intervention the layoffs and foreclosures and dropping property values would create a feedback loop that could take decades to escape. Less than a year later we have stopped the job losses. If in three years we are still in the great depression that economists predicted with near unanimity I’ll give a republican a shot. If we escape this drama, start creating jobs and get the deficit under control, all while providing basic health care to all Americans are YOU gonna step up and admit you were wrong? I didn’t think so.

    “the results are out there for everyone to see. we have a "stimulus" money highway project in my town. the damn highway didn't need repaving. i drive it daily and it is better than most roads anywhere. there were no bumps, holes or worn areas. the road was almost new to begin with! now that is millions of dollars wasted all in the name of "stimulating" the economy. another poster here witnessed a another debacle in his city. they had a project that needed to be completed and already had quotes. they submitted a request for stimulus money and found out that only companies with unions could be hired. damn obama and his idiots have to ensure they payback the unions (corruption).”

    Maybe so. Or perhaps the administration wanted to see that some of the money went towards payroll and union benefits where it would have the greatest impact on the economy and not into some sleazy dirt-bag corporate CEOs offshore account while he paid his employees slave wages with no benefits. The point of stimulus is not to stimulate slave wages it is to lift the economy, while accomplishing infrastructure tasks that will need to be completed anyway.

    “the cost for hiring a company with a union was $1.4MM more than a non-union company. so all of the other companies would have been left out in the cold and $1.4MM would have been wasted!”

    And that 1.4MM that you are whining about would have gone to higher wages for workers who would be able to afford not to lose their houses and who would be able to buy groceries without food stamps instead of working at a subsistence wage, subsidized by government food and housing programs just to be able to get by.

    “so there are just two examples among many that i know about. you need to open your eyes and see this administration for what it is--corrupt!”

    Get this straight. I don’t work for the administration. I’m not here to defend them. I am here to defend LIBERAL PROGRESSIVISM. I don’t care if this administration is corrupt. I am here to point the finger squarely at you and point out the flaws in conservatism…not the individual flaws of conservatives. And I am here to defend progressive liberalism…not the individual flaws of democrats.

    “they are bankrupting our country and our vulnerable credit rating is proof of that if you can't see all of the other signs. this credit rating issue did not occur under Bush.

    You got a lot of balls after the record deficits and record debt racked up under EVERY republican administration IN MY LIFETIME. A democratic administration has set not a single record budget deficit during that same period. You willful ignorance on this fact is frickin astounding.

    “we are now beholding to China and this poses a national security risk! hell, no i would not re-elect this fool! he is a moron and his inexperience with managing money and everything else is obvious! he would be qualified to take out my garbage!”

    Barack Hussein Obama got more votes – 67,066,915 - than any president in American history. That qualifies him to be president. It’s a HELL of a lot more legitimate than purging registrations of tens of thousands of voters in heavily democratic areas (while not doing the same in republican districts) and still only managing to eek out a less than 500 vote win in Florida and a major LOSS of the popular vote.
  • toe
    your endorsement of the deficit as it now stands is shown by your continued endorsement of the Bush years, your endorsement of the do-nothing but bitch and moan and say no - just say no activity of the hypocrites you have elected from your state and your longing to return to the programs and financial stupidity of the Ronnie years. you had your chance- you blew it- you brought us to where we are today- and yet, you continue to drool out such things as "true Americans", and "Obamacare", and the utter nonsense crap and LIES that attempts to pass as news on FOX- They could not formulate a "fair and balanced" format if their very lives depended upon it.
    more than this, hypocrite Jackie... another of your hero hypocrites has fallen from your holier than thou trees:

    Early Wednesday morning, State Sen. Roy Ashburn (R-Calif.) was pulled over and arrested for drunk driving. Sources report that Ashburn -- a fierce opponent of gay rights -- was driving drunk after leaving a gay nightclub; when the officer stopped the state-issued vehicle, there was an unidentified man in the passenger seat of the car.

    awwwww... perhaps he was "under cover"...with his "friend"...let's see how Faux Noise covers this- or if they even will.
  • JackieM
    toe--you are definitely either mentality ill or mentally challenged. your views are fine for those who are not true Americans! i laughed at the stupidity of this post. you have proven you are for more corruption and lobbyists in washington and have no understanding of what it is to be a true American! but hey,you prove the fact that God definitely needs to be in schools and in everyone's life!
  • govneolibgod
    a fal$e god, real... while it isn't exi$TED... like ussr, "real, until trumbelling, and not by a
    9-11, "only govorc$, oop$, I mean orc$'es govORGie$, bailoutlaw... eyer's,
    not oSama's "vi$ion"...
  • plainjanedoughnut
    Jackie, I wish to thank you for helping to pay my medical bills. I have "pre-existing" condition and cannot obtain insurance- even if I had the money- which I don't because my health prevents me from working. My "pre-existing" condition is considered by this state and the federal government to be "non-life threatening" thereby disqualifying me from obtaining any form of medical assistance. I am too young for social security, and since I cannot obtain early social security for medical reasons I have neither money nor medical coverage. My doctor's have determined that I have- at best- 5 years of life left because of this illness. Remember now, this is "non life threatening" according to the governments of my state and my country. Last week, because of my illness, I fell and broke three ribs. I went to the emergency room as I must always do. Because my illness effects my breathing and lungs- there was fear that fluid would build up in the lungs - if you have ever had broken ribs you would know already that breathing is difficult and deep breathing is impossible- at any rate, the 6 hour emergency room, tests, x-rays, morphine, etc- was $5,000+ - this does not include follow up care- also done at the emergency room. Thank you, Jackie, for helping to pay for this - I am pleased that you are willing to continue this for me- at least for another 5 years. This is the third time I have broken ribs in the last two years...so perhaps I should thank you for your help with these incidents as well. You will continue to assist me- thanks to your continued belief in do-nothing politics.
    Works for me.
  • JackieM
    plainjane--obviously, this pre-existing condition affects your brain also because you didn't pay attention to the summit. If you did, you would have seen that the Republicans are in total agreement that people need to have coverage for pre-existing conditions. Your selfish "let's pass a bill even if it is a bad one" kind of politics is just what the crooks (liberals/democrats) love so you fit right in!
  • shane_b1968
    So you think that if they could kill the whole thing and walk away from it ALL that they would get a conscience and suddenly come back and fight for pre-existing coverage exclusions? Really? And you're calling plainjane stupid?
  • toe
    just what I would have expected for a response from you, Jackie. You are a person with no soul and no heart. You take your cues from Rush Limbaugh- who suggested that people with no teeth don't need to worry because there is always applesauce. Nice. Such compassion.
    What you should do, Jackie, is take a look at Vermont's health care.
    While you are at it- take a look at San Francisco- that horrible liberal place that you hate so much- it's heads and shoulders above any large city when it comes to min. wage, health care, pre-school, after school care, transportation, - just about every single thing you can name- they do it better. You can be damn certain that your state will continue to raise trash like you that have nothing to offer.
    You know what they say...some come peanut...some just complain.
    I watched the "summit"- I noticed that the Republicans offered nothing - they have claimed that they had a plan- but, for some reason it just never appeared- perhaps the dog ate it? All they wanted was to start "with a clean sheet of paper."
    Their amendments that they wanted in the bill are in there- in the bill that they voted AGAINST- wow- surprise, surprise.
    ALL of the items that republicans initially stated they wanted addressed are in the bill that they voted against. ALL of them.
    You have had your chance- now sit down - your turn is over. Nobody wants your noise...which is all you have...just noise.
  • JackieM
    toe--as usual you are just noise and your post is too stupid to address so i'll only discuss a few points. you guys offer nothing that will fix this economy and the proof is here! the republican plans are posted all over the net and have been for some time. as a matter of fact, some of the ideas were talked about in the summit. other fact is that the republicans have tried to get obama to uphold his promise to meet with them in his office. they have continually been shut out time after time all of last year despite their letters, emails and calls to his office. obama made a fool of himself and did not deny the corruption in his administration. it was out there for all Americans to see. his unpresidential demeanor was shameful to all true Americans. so shut the hell up with your lies. apparently you are either deaf or too stupid to hear what people are saying. there was nothing in that bill that warrants the republicans vote and smart people realize this bill was wrong. you guys are failures! of course, you idiots continue to ignore the WILL OF THE PEOPLE! but hey, you are ignorant so what can we expect. trash like you will continue to attempt to destroy this country!
  • shane_b1968
    "as usual you are just noise and your post is too stupid to address so i'll only discuss a few points."

    No, she made some good points and I'd like a response not a disregarding insult designed to save you some thought and effort. Defend your position or go away.
  • therealamerican
    For the record this is Amber posting under my brothers user name.
    My brother found this funny article on cnn .com. It states that liberals and agnostics score an average of six points higher on IQ test then their religious and conservative counter parts. LOL!!!!!
  • shane_b1968
    Really? It's nice?

    Well then let's look at rationally. I quote:

    "While each belief system has had moral failures, equating the deaths as a result of radical Islamic fascism to those of contemporary Christianity and Judaism is absurd. Furthermore, as is the case when journalists attempt to cover religion, Amanpour left out essential details that would have provided a more fair-minded picture."

    The author simply states as fact that violence perpetrated in the name of radical Christianity or Judaism is not morally equivalent to the same violence committed by Muslims without any attempt at justifying such a radical statement. I can assure you that a victim of religiously motivated violence doesn't see any difference. Then he goes on to accuse CNN of doing the very thing he did in the previous sentence...namely leaving out essential details.

    He says - "In its usual ideologically-balanced form, The New York Times wrote the following endorsement: “This three-part series…is a fine primer on the emergence of strains of Judaism, Islam and Christianity that want to fuse politics and religion, and have shown a willingness to blow things up and kill people to do it.”

    "In its usual ideologically-balanced form, The New York Times wrote the following endorsement:"
    In one sentence he has used sarcasm, made an assertion that the New York Times is biased, without offering any proof of that, and he has been hyperbolic in his assertion that The NYT is usually ideological...again without any study - much less a credible, impartial one - to back up that idea. In ONE part of a sentence, this guy has committed three journalistic mistakes...but you think it's a "Nice article". That does not speak well of you.

    You can have an agenda. You can argue for it. Impartiality is better. But either way you need to back up what you say with objective facts that are based in reality. Then you can argue that the fact bolsters your opinion. What is wrong is to just assert your opinion as accepted fact without doing the work to make the case.
  • Give Me Liberty
    Do Liberals or Conservatives give more to charity?
  • aliy
    That's easy, Conservatives, we're the only ones that believe in God and his teachings. Liberals think it's their job to get everyone ELSE to be charitable.
  • toe
    aliy- you continue to be a neon example of the non-charitable hypocrite Christian.

    the above post displays exactly why you are unable to serve from your heart- you simply don't have one.
    do everyone a favor - go sit in your basement and be afraid- be very afraid of your own shadow- but more than this, be very afraid of everyone who does not think like you do. ...and take your television with you- we would not want you to miss a single episode of the , drug fried- alcoholic jello-brain Glenn Beck.
  • JackieM
    aliy--you are right as usual. did you see that idiot obama today in the healthcare summit? his arrogance was out there for everyone to see, especially when speaking to John McCain. He refused to answer the proven corruption questions but didn't hesitate to throw an insult. What a piece of trash! That shows he has no class! McCain was so polite and showed his professionalism. The funny thing is that he didn't deny this happened time and time again. It looks like he is proud that he lied to the American people about change. As we have known, the democrats/damn liberals have been lying and it was proven today. The Republicans have had plans and everyone got to hear their real solutions. I also liked that they also disproved another democrat/damn liberal lie that Republicans don't want to change healthcare. The Republicans completely made a fool out of obama. I was disappointed though that they didn't settle this once and for all by coming out with that fact that obama admitted in a TV interview that we are already short 150k doctors. So where is he going to get the thousands and maybe a million additional healthcare professionals necessary to support the routine care these 30MM people will require on day 1? I guess the democrats/damn liberals are stupid enough to sit around waiting for obama to pull them out of his ass just as they are still waiting for the hope crap to take place. What magic? Well, he is their messiah so they may believe he can do those things. Otherwise, healthcare rationing will definitely happen and the elderly will probably be the ones to suffer the most. obama would be speechless or try to lie his way out of that one! Of course, we are used to his bullshit by now. democrats/liberals love this kind of thing and that is why they voted for obama. the more corrupt and harmful to this country a person is, they will vote for and love him. From today's discussion, it is obvious those fools are either lying or really don't understand anything about business. However, we already knew this and it was evident in the credit card bill debacle. There is a big possibility those fools are also so power hungry that they are willing sell out and trick the American people. LOL! hmmmm! That is more likely since we are hearing from some damn liberals/democrats that they know this is a bad bill but they are willing to vote for it anyway and how can we forget those backroom crooked deals. As we are seeing, there is nothing like doing a less than half-assed job and getting paid. We are witnesses to that since we have watched obama and his mob for over a year now. I wonder why the democrats/damn liberals are finally wanting to come to the table with Repubicans now? LOL! They have wasted a year and gotten nothing accomplished. However, they are good at lying to the American people! I guess practice? LOL! Today the Republicans proved that they are willing to work in a bi-partisian manner to get a good healthcare bill passed. The democrats/damn liberals proved they are the obstructionists! Who didn't know this? They have no creditability and aren't interested in helping the American people!
  • Amber
    I will say it again i had first hand experience with gov run health care in Australia and it was great!!

    Now that i am back In America I realize just how bad things are. My girlfriend had to go to the emergency room (where they did fuck all) the other night, she Has health insurance we have not got the bill yet be we are bracing ourselves for a bill between 2 and 5 thousand dollars. What a joke
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    Amber--the costs are terrible and I agree with that. however, the way these idiots have gone about crafting this bill is wrong. the contents are even worse. there is no doubt we need changes but we don't need what they are proposing. this is America and can't be compared to another country. however, i'm glad you had a great experience in your country. every country is different so they can't be compared.
  • JackieM
    aliy--by the way, i would prefer to stay away from the mentally ill/challenged (liberals/democrats) because we have seen what they are capable of when they elect one of their own--obama! The republicans are proving everyday that they are finally doing their jobs and are the party of the people! They want to actually solve the big problems in this country. This is reflected in their constant discussions on job creation while the democrats/liberals are drooling over healthcare and fighting among one another. LOL! Ensuring the government does all it can to create jobs is definitely not the expertise of the left. They need to take an economics course or two but are too stupid to acknowledge it.
  • GeauxSaintsGeaux
    I am an American. So are you. Let’s talk.
    I hold no position of authority. I am not possessed of great wealth. I seek no notoriety. I am not funded by any organization or religious denomination. I am not a devotee of “talk radio.” I am neither a racist nor a homophobe nor a misogynist. I have never participated in any political event or as a member of any political party. I am simply an American who, until this moment, has remained silent.

    Until now.

    I don’t want anything from you. Nothing. I simply want to communicate with you, one citizen to another, about the peril we face as Americans. My statement to you is this: Our nation is being ripped to shreds from within and it is no accident…

    At the end of the war in Vietnam, a group of highly-motivated, well-organized radicals (largely based at several renowned universities) proclaimed its agenda for the future. Their mission was far-reaching: they would infiltrate and occupy all of the major institutions of the nation and remake America into a socialist state.

    I was there. I went to their rallies. I felt their rage. I heard their speeches. I read their literature. They meant every word of their declaration to “change” America. Forty years on, they’re close to keeping their promise. They were the vanguard of a movement that has now taken captive our government, our media, our schools and our legal system.

    This is a group of people so extremely far from the mainstream of America that I can hardly describe them, except to say that they are driven by a deep-seated anger, a rage, and a hatred of America that only a psychiatrist could explain. Their most effective allies have been our apathy, our ignorance and our sense of helplessness. Make no mistake: they are exceptionally well-funded, well-organized and highly, highly motivated…and you know them by their actions. Labels are unnecessary.

    In the past forty years, they have given us the brainwashing of “political correctness.” They have imposed “multiculturalism and diversity” in order to shred both our national identity and the territorial sovereignty of the country: our borders are intentionally porous. They have, by design, enacted legislation that has wrought havoc upon the family. They have created a welfare state that has ensnared the American black on a scale far worse than the evil of slavery. They have destroyed public education and replaced it with a program of social indoctrination and cultural engineering. They have created a cult of “victimization” – pitting citizen against citizen and family against family. They have undermined every effort to defend the nation at home and abroad. They have invented the “global climatic crisis” in an effort to destroy capitalism. They have attempted to vilify our founding fathers as racist imperialists and have demonized all that has been “America” ever since our Declaration of Independence was first pronounced.

    They have enlisted the money and resources of the media in their cause—and the wealthy, witless jesters from Hollywood and the New York media have gladly danced along. They have made religion the source of scorn and ridicule. They have purposely confused “tolerance” with “endorsement” and have built a society where the bizarre and grotesque are presented as normal. They have entrenched the slaughter of unborn children as an article of their faith. They have created a culture where parents are afraid to discipline their own children. They have stolen our tax dollars to purchase the votes of the ill-educated and unfortunate among us, to say nothing of the illegal immigrant population. They have attempted to strip citizens of their arms. They have tried to re-write and misinterpret the Constitution; a document that was designed to limit—not enhance—the power of government.

    Most insidiously, they have implemented an Orwellian “new speak” which has turned wrong into right and right into wrong.

    I ask you, are we truly a “nation?” We are not if we do not share common faith, culture and language, worship the same God, revere the same heroes, cherish the same history, celebrate the same holidays and share the same music, poetry, art and literature?

    In other words if “diversity” reigns, then “unity” dies.

    In other words, “divide and conquer.”

    In other words, their goal is to divide us and subjugate us in a totalitarian state where our freedoms are denied, our individuality is stripped and our personal liberties are extinguished. Whether you like it or not…whether you choose to believe it or not…they’re close to achieving that goal.

    Now, they want to fully socialize our medical system, to “nationalize” every major private institution in our economy, to destroy small business, to impose a crushing tax burden upon people who actually work. Ultimately, they seek to obliterate our sovereignty and enslave every citizen to the will of the state.

    Want a glimpse of your immediate future? Take a look at California, New York and Michigan. All bankrupt. Civil services and economies in ruin; anarchy standing at the gate.

    Perhaps you ask “Why?” our enemies have undertaken this campaign against us. The answer is simple: They condescendingly believe themselves intellectually and morally superior and they want to control us. More than that, they simply hate America.

    True patriots must now arise and fight back because our liberty and our very existence as an American people are at stake. Simply rationalizing that the destruction of our nation “could never happen” is the first step toward enslavement.

    We can begin to reclaim America by reading our Constitution. People have died to protect our right to do so. But if that task is too burdensome, try reading the first ten Amendments, our Bill of Rights: it will amaze and astonish you. Then, absorb as much as we can from others. Read and listen to all points of view and think critically and independently. For God’s sake (and ours) talk to one another: pick up the phone, write a letter, access the Internet, stand on your roof and shout! Champion liberty and freedom and all that once made America great. Proclaim the inherent greatness of the United States. More than any other weapon, our brains will protect us if only we use them.

    After that, take action and VOTE. Until our totalitarian enemies strip us of that right, we can exercise our right to choose our leaders (who are, in fact, our servants.) Government is supposed to work for us, not the reverse.

    Finally, if all else fails, remember Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. So, allow yourself to think the unthinkable and be mentally and physically and spiritually prepared to answer the call when it comes. Hundreds of thousands of patriots have done so before us. Can we do any less today? I think not.

    Buy a gun, learn how to use it.

    If, as I believe, we stand at the precipice of a Second American Revolution, then let it begin here and now with you and me. Now is the time to declare that we truly stand in defense of our nation, our country and our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

    May God in heaven bless the United States of America, but it is now up to us to rise and defend her.

    I call you to action!
  • neolibloggerspissyouoff
    Neoliblogservice, that really PISSESOFF, the anti-American Dream ideas, antiIraq or Vietnam wars, the "new rules of engagement", the trial Bush instead eyers,acorn,maddof,ted,dodd,pelosiraptor,reid,bho,czar$,team$,aclu,terror logistic authorities, hey!, do you want me to "meditate on this"? I will...
    noelib&terrorists;, they really piss off, rinos, anamontes position copies "lose at gov"... christmasbomber trailed on NY or any city (security invited danger and bho "firsts executions"? ((((((executions ON MEDIA))))))
    That's is neolib and terrorists "commun ground, commun goals..."... perfect traisurous mix...
    anti-civilization pissingoff, in fact, blogstockling to deathboring the sites they pretend to "change" with "war of the ideas", which isn't other thing than castroinfiltrating govagentnets, anamontes mentality, en fact, "thinking they're ruling... towards socialism, their nightmare dreammed road to tedpalpatine's hell: the old cheaptreacky $ea of social "(INN)justice" made by ted&fidel; 30 years ago... Vietnam and themachine, the started engines to actual eyer$bho noGod at schools, key issue to "change" generational "at once", like fidel and dictator terrorists teams plan as "change", the "window oportunity propaganda"...
  • theguyfromamericasheartland
    Then this guy will really piss your off.
  • bhoneedstochange
    Ok, I was (AS USUAL) just "humiliated" by "my" miamidade "friends&"jobpartners" as another needed untangible police punishment untill they "caught" me with "something" "big" while me, AND THE ANTI-TERROR PEOPLE not Gitmo detainees, acorn, aclu, bho on EVERYTHING, etc. are "attended".
    So, now I pray for the destruction of the SoFla. (and the rest) of the terror logistic preffered and dreammed kind of anamontes-katherinefernandezrundell KIND OF MIND in times of war and as a (nother, again) probe they won't change and stop helping the enemy in EXACTELLY what they want.
    Then, the only reality: WE are clearer on our minds of who neolibs and the enemy are, what they try to achieve, and... (some of us just blow them off the mind of the people, same frakin thing as we did last week..)...
    Stay tunned... comming up: how to track neoliba$e$hip$ and to use our (hidden, many don't even know about this gifts God gave us) "ray" of "neutrons" we use under pressure to neutralize'm as we just did on MA(ss)...
    They even laugh of me on "my" last police provocating paralegaltrap (normal on soFla to eliminate any kind of undessired people) at the charliecrist dhmvblablabla ( knew it all on WHO THE FRAK I AM AND WHO ARE THEM I DENOUNCE before 2004 Teaparties and Townhall, etc. creations...
    I can't wait for "my next systematic gov helping the enmy procoyote sanctuary acorn-kind of mentality "miamidade untangible important for the MENTAL CARE of the imbeciles: helping terror: rinos, neolibs and... castrogovagents, 30y/o networks, anamontes gov possition copies, castro dreammed police "mentality", the usual... we shark, joining dances to cook 'm on a reing of anti-assymetrical abstract REAGAN FIRE and blow eternaly neoliba$e$hip$ (anti-American)and drivebymediagovre$urrection$hip$ (using gov money to help the enemy by legaly pursuing US oppositors and changing Bushsecurity to anamontes'jobs... again...
    But we work to give the terrorists want they want: to explote under Patriots.
  • shane_b1968
    Dude, get off the meds and use spell check.
  • tjefferson977
    Funny how an article criticizing the inaccurate portrayal of religion by the media leaves an incredibly obvious mistake uncorrected. Do you folks have editors?
  • govpolicetreacks
    I pray for the Americans to never wake up one day having some"how" a police taking away your DLID (US flag on the arm... police, pdcruiser, years, is the system, coragables, another fact, but miamidade "recognizes them over me, so"...), specially after learn from their own courts, maincourts, a paper saying "DISSMISSED" "UNKNOWN PROBLEMS I FACE..."
    NOT ONE OF THOSE STEALLING MY ID, I know beause of they are too many and bad... people stealling my ID, I had the "legal view of me" "from their angles or perspective, so, any problem I have, I pre-acuse miamidade, panama foreign min. (canciller didn't stop legal action even terror gov of cuba proved involved, carlosalvares, anamontes, etc...proved it)
    the legal view form an anamontes position copy, a grlattny, mayor, or castro regular agents on police etc (they say what thaf(beep)p with the coyote parafamily having me before him... kind of "problems no Teaparty would have because of today they where advised by a very, very experienced freedomfighter, I have "my acusation comming from...: fidel ITself" and all the frak...
    Battlestar Rush, Sean, and all freedomedia fighting Frivebymedia govre$urrection$hip$ fleet, why not ecchoe Battlestar Sara at Teaparties?
    (((((((((((((((marxist relations of bho)))))))))))))))
    Fire at will, (Ladies and) Genttlemen...
    My Right Lib Radiogodess princess Joycecalflan, you sound TOO sexy when get mad on neolibs ruining your Beautifull AND DELICIOUS RIGHT LIBERAL AMERICA I ALSO WHAT BACK.
    Yes, I learned am a pilot for the (future, after the coyoteland is implanted by the civillian army invading and the nationals "changes" are completed, the (pilot individual machine, "new machines, quicker and boldier) selective justice TERMINATION lists include biurkas, dayly mediatic executions so nobody forgets how tough are bho, the czars, teams and stafss, the attnys, etc...
  • toe
    amber, Jackie spends her evenings in fantasy - playing over and over again Glenn Beck . she has a very sad existence with very limited knowledge of history, politics, policy, and people.
    her bigotry offers her the umbrella required to shut herself away from facts and alternate views.
    she is just a waste of time and plasma living in denial of the past, the present, and why we are where we are. her answer to the problems? no solutions...just bitch and moan.
    by the way, marshmallow mouthed McConnell put out a directive to GOP's now...no more filibustering on nominees - Jackie here will now be leaving skid marks in her undies over this- she loves the gridlock the GOP has maintained- said so herself. Shelby has held up over 80 nominations for needed posts until he gets the earmarks he wants for Alabama- does this bother Jackie? after all, she's always bitching and moaning about earmarks... but Jackie is throwing a party and ordering pizza to celebrate gridlock in Washington-
    like I said- Jackie is as big a loser as Shelby- and twice the hypocrite.
  • neolibdiversions
    They can't control our minds, so they invented a mediatic reality. They needed an army of paralegalities to even pursue us "legaly bailedout", with all gov resources...
    We can only become a star on Reagan library, my Right Lib Joycecalflan, and (sorry) one of "my girls on intellectual arms like monicacrowly, and many I can't pick like in a Rush Hour "massage spa", hulu girls, geisa fight levitating over the forest, while bho's over the rainbow, high, very, very lethal weapons, more than truelies chickfight over the rolling edge, or rush hour's casino balcony shoe&gun; fight, (hulu aviatrix bsg is already off public libraries)...
    Well, we don't care if heritage fundation "ranks" me to the level of a quasar pointing "the ray against my enemies" those "neolib astro 20th century torches igniting look like baseships blowing off the mind of the people illuminating the shape of the freedom battle stars sharking'm, you know the story, same frak we did last week"...
    I have nothing against even bho, all they still doing to me, family, my 2 soul friends dead (2000s)and as an example of castroglobalgovland.
    They won't understand, they won't change, they want us to change, on our knees, the language they share with the enemy, the friendly "enemy", and they have a plan, they're just programed, at the wrong places, at the wrong times, and, it's not casualy.
  • battlestarsourimperativeiswar
    Why bho tryed to keep BUILDING and DEVELOPING tedpalpatine's and castrogovnets even after the machines started to finaly being under The people's scopes?
    Why the rest of the continental and global socialistic terror preffered logistics even still pursue on neolibs, castro, 2nd marielito waves? (anounced by cuba itself yesterday "if they fear any risk from Cubans to overthrone castro or castro gov "leaders") ...
    Just because of they are mind programmed, as the Christmas plane again enemy combatant. that explains thw "why nobody understands the oil and nuke denied to America, but green JOB lights to the enemy, tax punishment, "legal gov$ucker acorn view of laws, and the enemy, aclu, etc. just try to touch any new marielito announced by cuba itself, they are civilian army, "not terrorists, even thow cuba is on the list of terror countries, ignored by the anamontes view of law thru EYERS $creen"...
    They won't stop and retreat by theirselves..., and ayatoland announced simoultaneously a "mayor blow to the arrogant countries", genocide selective bho's dreammed silencing of the oposition, feb 11, (2-11), ...
  • JackieM
    toe--i don't fail to dismiss anything. For example, I don't dismiss the fact that clinton admitted to having two chances at killing obama but chose not to. hmmmmm! Therefore, 911 could have been prevented before Bush came into office. You fail to recognize the impact of 911 and the internet crisis that caused economic problems and it wasn't due to Bush. so get off your stupid high horse trying to blame only the republicans for everything including earthquakes and look at your own party. this economy is now on obama. Bush didn't blame clinton for 911 but easily could have. Bush didn't blame clinton for cutting off most of our intelligence resources all in the name of saving money. thanks to your boy clinton, there weren't enough insiders on the ground to help us. that kind of intelligence takes decades to build and clinton destroyed it. thanks to clinton we didn't have enough folks trained in the middle eastern languages that we needed. therefore, those that were were months behind typing transcripts of conversations. so don't continue your lies about how the republicans did this and that.

    i get a lot of my information from the big arrogant SOB obama himself. his words are what i pay attention to. then i look at his actions. both are not related and have screwed this country up. if you are so intelligent, you would have seen this coming during the election! obama and the democrats own this economy!

    if what you are saying about your career is true, you really didn't learn too much and got big breaks because the facts about economics and business are completely ignored by you and your kind. it is sad that you are a perfect example of the dumbing down of America.
  • Amber
    ??? The Difference Jackie is 911 happened while Bush was in Office and the economic crises happened While Bush was in office.
  • JackieM
    amber--i'll play this dumb game with you for a minute. so what you are saying is that regardless of whether clinton tore down intelligence sources that took decades to build, Bush should have been able to get this reversed and solved in eight months and could have stopped 911? ok. it has been proven that 911 was planned under clinton. we will go with this ridiculous theory. LOL! moreover, since obama promised that he knew how to fix this economy during his campaign and congress passed his failed "stimulus" plan, people should now have jobs and the country should be thriving again. after all, obama has had a year and unlike Bush, obama promised that he would turn this economy around. so he had longer than Bush did to correct the problems. hmmmmmm! LOL! The AIG bonuses happened under obama along with giving another huge payout to banks and the car companies were artificially propped up. of course, the unions, who are big obama supporters, got their payout too. obviously you need to go back and read a little bit about how Bush asked congress to "rein in" fannie and freddie. you also need to look at who passed the laws that forced banks to lend to risky customers in the first place. you also need to look at your good ole boys' "tax cuts" for the middle class that totalled $13/week. LOL! you are a fool! you also need to take some economics courses to figure out that recessions will happen and are cyclical. economists have shown that a deep recession is 16 months and even economists in the WH said that if obama did nothing, we would come out of the recession in 2010. now since obama decided to blow the "stimulus" to help stop the bleeding, where are the jobs? by the way, i predicted the 1st "stimulus" would fail and i am going to say the 2nd one will to because it does not solve the problems of small businesses. since the government is continuing to fuck up this country, it will be up to the business sector to get us out of this mess.
  • JackieM
    oh by the way amber and toe--how do you justify all of the wasteful spending under obama during this economic crisis when he promised it would not happen. let's see how about a bunch of educators going to a spa for a conference in CA for $400,000 using "stimulus" money that is supposed to be used ONLY for creating jobs? even the superintendent of the county who made the decision admitted that this money was not used as intended. hmmmm! i guess your idiot obama is working overtime for this one again! wait a minute i remember biden talking about how he was given the responsibility by obama to ensure money was not wasted. well either way, it is clear obama is not capable of doing his job. toe--you have yet to prove your statement of 2MM jobs created. oh yeah, it wasn't your statement but obama's but you should be able to show proof if you are intelligent and aren't a robot!
  • toe
    Jackie- you "only make sense to people who are not liberals" in the same manner as Tom Tancredo makes sense to all who are KKK. I would imagine that you are a fan of his as well.
    Television stations will be broadcasting the Palin address to the teabaggers gathering tonight. I have no doubt that FOX will give their comments following this while standing next to the FOX Palin Altar Of Worship - while you will be sitting -glued to your screen- nodding in agreement and marveling over the "fair and balanced" approach to propaganda broadcasting.
    Initially, the event invited only "friendly" media to cover the hysteria of these people. Finding that they were not going to get their message out when only addressing their choir- opened the doors to the media. Presently, there are an estimated 250 news/reporters represented there. In other words, about one reporter for every 3 people attending this "grass roots" corporate sponsored gathering of conspiracy wing nuts. Should be fun. I know that you will enjoy seeing your fellow nut jobs in the spotlight.
  • toe
    "i get a lot of my information from the big arrogant SOB obama himself. his words are what i pay attention to."

    Jackie, you make no sense- but you are funny. You claim to believe President Obama lies constantly- and only fools and idiots believe anything he says. How then do you expect to have me believe that you have your knowledge directly from "the source" - when, in fact you do not believe him...following this logic... your knowledge is faulty. Cannot have it both ways.

    I would love to be standing in your vicinity when you finally realize just how duped you are.
    As long as you stuff your face with Glenn Beck hysteria with no basis in fact or rational , progressive, logical conclusions- you will continue to be the pitiful creature that you have allowed yourself to become. Do not push yourself off to be as anything other than the gullible. misinformed, fact-free, nasty person that you present yourself to be.
    You are afraid of shadows that you yourself create.
    You'd best not attribute "dumbing down of America" qualities to others when you are best reflective of this sad intellectual state.
    Go watch CSPAN- watch your buds in non-action. Watch why the country is fed up with your lies and obstructionism. Try to figure out why, after 9 months of objections, hold-ups, and stupidity- we finally have a confirmation for GSA chief. Final vote? 96-0. While you are at it- go look up what the GSA is. No doubt you are clueless in this as well. By the way, it's just probably just a coincidence that the President called the GOP out on this very nomination and how they have held up other major nominations for positions waiting to be filled. You bitch and moan that nothings getting done in Washington- yet you stand proud of your alliance with gridlock as created by obstructionism festering within the GOP.
  • JackieM
    toe--i only make sense to people who are not liberals! i'll say it again for you slow liberals. i get a lot of my information about what is actually happening in this administration from the SOB obama himself. read it slowly again so that you will comprehend it. i don't need any news organization to interpret what that moron is saying. he promised to fix the problems with this country and if he is failing at it, he needs to step down and let someone else take control who understands the situation.

    I would love to be standing in your vicinity when you finished realized just how duped you are. as long as you stuff your face with obama, who has no basis of fact on how to deal with this economy or anything else, you will continue to be misguided an ill-informed. that is why it is crucial that you study economics and take some classes. then if you still can't put 2 and 2 together i can fill in the blanks for you.

    Thank God for al of the holdups! Thank God! Bad policies equate to more problems in our country. But hey, you idiot democrats are the ones holding up each other! LOLOLOL!

    By the way, i was always taught growing up to be humble about my success and it is only those low class folks who will brag about it! I guess that is not something you would understand because you and every other liberal is lacking in shame, morals, values and integrity. I won't discuss my success but I can say that I don't work for anyone and have done well. However, every successful person owes their success to capitalism, which you fools are tearing down.

    Oh, I am more proud to be a Republican than ever before! The "gridlock" has been caused by your own party; however, bad policies should not be passed anyway.
  • shane_b1968
    "that is why it is crucial that you study economics and take some classes."

    Why do most economists agree that stimulus was neccessary and may not have been big enough?

    "However, every successful person owes their success to capitalism, which you fools are tearing down."

    Actually that is not true. It seems you have confusion about the difference between commerce and capitalism. I own a clothing business. I am successful. I participate in commerce but I am not a capitalist as I do not have investors who provide capital and expect customers to pay more for their product in order to funnel profits to the investor who does nothing but sit back and collect a check. It is even more egregious on Wall Street where no capital is even provided for the company once the stock is issued. It is a used stock after market that does nothing of value for the company. Once the company issues the stock the company makes no real money when the stock changes hands. It is a shell game. A casino. An ATM machine for the rich who have the resources to game the system and a trap for those who don't. If you are one of the fortunate whose great great great grandfather started Standard Oil then you continue, over 100 years later to "earn" 4 cents for every gallon of gas sold in this country for doing absolutely nothing. Yet if you suggest a national 4 cent tax on gas to pay for health care or roads or to pay for the military you get a corporately funded "Grass roots" organization rioting in the streets.

    It is true that in this country it is unlikely that one will be as fortunate as I have without capital. For the most part it requires having capital in the first place to be successful in this country, but that is only because the game is rigged to favor the corporations and big money interests who have the privilege of writing laws to suit their needs and not the needs of the small business person.
  • JackieM
    toe--you are spewing typical liberal spin. obama tried that for a long while and fooled the stupid. now it is not working. those of us who understood how this economy works, knew he was lying from the beginning. the proof is in the job numbers and polls!
  • toe
    repeating the same error and expecting a different result = the true illusions of a fool.
    Jackie, you are, indeed, this: a fool.
    I retired at age 45- 20 years ago- my success in business and finance - which you prefer to dismiss- has allowed me the time to read entire books- not just the dust jacket. It's always distressing to witness someone such as yourself who constantly puts others down with the desired outcome to have yourself appear taller. You succeed only to expose your lack of actual experience - both in business and your limited educational background- as well as your lack of intellectual curiosity and your use of dogmatic statements with no basis in fact.

    You fail to see any connection in where we are today and what transpired in the past. Things just don't appear from nothing, Jackie. Everything has cause and effect- everything has a beginning. With regards to the budget- you are woefully uninformed as to how this has come about- more than this, you are in constant denial of the past administration's financial directions and exclusions in the budget, pressed forward by a republican congress who never found a dollar they could not spend - never considering once how to pay for these things- specifically two unfunded wars and a huge pharmaceutical bill that were not paid for- your buddies saw only the present only to leave the financial mess for others to correct. Bush did not include monies for the "wars" within the budget- Obama has. Jackie- even the most basic economic rules have not been applied nor have they been understood by you...You, Jackie, who parades about with claims of knowledge superior cannot even understand the simple concept of income and out-go.
    Your rantings and ravings are misdirected. You and republicans in congress continue this denial of your own past which assisted in creating this country's current financial woes - but, more than this, you want to place us in a position to increase the problem as well as setting us up for it to happen once again with the use of obstructionism and deregulation.
    Fools never learn.
  • JackieM
    toe--you are an idiot and don't have the capacity to read the books that I do. trying reading up on derivatives products and other trading instruments. of course, if i want to know how to paint a flower and what color it should be, i will know who has the answer.
  • toe
    Jackie's message here- over and over again- if you don't agree with her, you are an idiot and most likely liberal in your thinking.
    A sexual bigot, political bigot, and a religious bigot. Not really much point in attempting any sort of logical or factual discussion with someone with so little working knowledge of so many things.
    Never have I witnessed an individual so proud of her ignorance , a person with an attitude so nasty and divisive, and a person who takes joy in putting down people's education.
    Now she has decided that it would be funny to put me down because I am a self-made successful woman- certain that I could have only managed this by cheating others and gaining the system- rather an absurd conclusion I must say. Someone once told me that for someone to accuse others of nefarious behavior must have this mindset of their own.
    I say again, I will place my P & L statement up against yours every single day of the week, Jackie...oh, that's right- you don't HAVE a business- you work for others. There's a description for people like you, Jackie- and I am quite certain that you know what it is-...however, since I am an educated woman and a lady- I will not drop to your level to pen it here. Let's just understand that you are all show and no go.
    By the way, your "fair and balanced" er..."news" program elected NOT to show Obama with Senate Democrats- as a matter of fact, feeling that they would have Obama over a cliff with House Republicans, they broadcast this until they realized that the republicans were getting their hat handed to them...at which point FAUX noise elected to "move along here...nothing to see here"
    I will quote Jackie's grown-up usual response so she will understand ..."LOL!"
  • JackieM
    toe--for your information I read from many sources and my expertise, education and many years of experience IS in the financial world! I also have a lot of other experience that I will not discuss on this site. By the way, it is obvious that you must have missed out on a great education and you must have owned some crappy businesses to not have learned more than you have to think like you do.
  • toe
    Betty and Veronica don't count, Jackie. They are comic books.
  • toe
    dream on, Jackie. your illusions are amusing - however fact-free they may be.
  • Conservative Truth and Thought
    Actually Toe, from what you said about religion in your followup to my response, I would have to say it is very hateful. I suppose in your small mind you cannot see that, and I will let it go because stupidity is something you must have gained over the years, intellect and common sense is absent. Go back and read what you said, and if that is not "hate" then you and I differ on the definition of the word. "invisible magic"?

    As for anyone making the Republicans look stupid, they do that very well on their own. president Obama said nothing ( and I watched the whole thing mind you) that would have made anyone think that he even came close to hitting a good point. It was the same talking points Toe, nothing new was said! he wants to work together (ya right!), he wants to lower the deficit, (then come out with a almost $4 Trillion dollar budget....) tells Republicans they have to meet him half way (after shutting them out of meetings) and continues to blame Bush! In now way trying to let Bush off the hook for his spending tirades, Obama has made him look good! Just look at the projected deficits for the next ten years and they only get worse, with the promise of a spending freeze that will not even put a dent in the spending of Washington. These are the facts. You can try to spin them or come back with hate, I do not care. What IS true is that Obama is spending like a drunkin' sailor, no if and's or but's about it!

    It seems like the truth is not getting through to you, Toe. I guess too much MSNBC does that to a person. If any station was not a real news network, there is one right there!
  • JackieM
    Conservative Truth--toe will never see the truth no matter how much the facts are presented. obama has admitted his failures by coming out with a second stimulus! he knew the extend of this nation's problems when he ran for office. he chose to take on the challenge of fixing this country's problems and is now bitching about who he thinks caused the problems. liberals are continuing to make up excuses on why obama is failing and how the problems were bigger than anyone knew. it was obama's obligation to understand this before spewing his rhetoric and promising every group of people in this country everything imaginable. but he and his idiot supporters are taking the wimps way out and pointing fingers. what a bunch of cowards and winers!
  • toe
    Try reading the Congressional Quarterly. Try reading the reports from the OMB. Listen to the BBC (or for you who cannot fathom just listening- they also televise their news reports on cable.)
    Read the Financial Times. There are lots of sources out there- for you to assume I watch exclusively MSNBC is pretty absurd but not surprising since you cannot get your remote to move beyond the FOX brand and T & A programming.
    Jackie- the many businesses that I have managed and owned ...bought and sold- I can tell you without hesitation and with a wealth of actual experience - you are utterly clueless with regards to a lot of things- right at the top of the list would be things financial. You further embarrass yourself with your knee jerk reactions to anyone who dares disagree with you- with your immediate reaction that of calling them idiots on the public's dollar and too insignificant for your time. You were more than willing to call me all of these things - but now call me a capitalist - something you claim to love. Make up your schizophrenic mind, dear. You see, your small mind is only able to think of progressives/liberals/democrats as welfare queens, food stamp users, lazy, public housing dwellers, and ACORN workers who - at the same time are limp-wristed, latte drinking, vegans driving foreign cars and college educated elitists. Doesn't matter, Jackie- it's pretty obvious your background and education level...and if I were you, I'd work on that.
  • toe
    as for the conservative speaker of limited truth and less thought- I did go back and read what I wrote regarding my thoughts on deity believers. What hateful thing did I say? Find it for me since I don't seem able to locate it. I stated that you are believers in some magical being that you use to explain away your failings and anything that didn't go as you had hoped...calling it god's will...and god's plan... leaving you free to own any personal responsibility for your failures. Personally, I consider you afraid of those who do not require the threat of eternal damnation to do the right thing. For us- we do not require this carrot and stick approach to humanitarianism, to decency, to living within the law, to aid others who need a hand- not because a book told them to do it- but because it's the right thing to do. I don't depend upon attending confessionals weekly to beg forgiveness - I am not "born again" because I did it right the first time. You, on the other hand, are the shining example of the hypocrisy that is oft displayed by your kind with holier than thou attitudes who spend countless hours putting forth empty words then slip out the back door to cheat on your wife, kick the dog, steal from your employer, drive over the speed limit, cheat on your taxes, switch price tags, and lie on your resume'. Not interested, bub- your true colors precede you.
  • iplaybostonagain
    I feel, for the 1st time (in long) proud again to play Boston, a man I'll never be, neolib.
    I also hope Marco Rubio voters wipe them out, all of the rinos and neolib mayors, gral atny, commisioners, etc. so their partners in other countries stop using soFla. as a terror logistic for pre-invasion coyote sanctuary and visa to the USA castro-agents, artists, bussiness, bho's gov$ucker $peciality, with "law", or pursuing Bush voters, or Bush's allies like me or my party in Panama, facing ma noriega and martinelli (the 3rd forces dividing and preffered by castro over, yes, over Mireya Moscoso), same as bho with Bush, and his CO MU NIS TIK czar$&team;$&$taff$ as they dream and psycologicaly need to feel "power", as TED PALPATINE thought'm to base their system... understood?, bases system, baseships, their bases: enemy dreammed nightmare of thinking from an "American" president, congress, borders, labor, anamontespositions, gralattnys, understood?, system?
    yes, panama's presitent's foreign minister won't. because he don't want to be "crazy" to be seen as an anti-terror anti-castrist...
  • toe
    I find it comically fascinating that you here have elected to ignore the recent supreme court decision and "regulating from the bench"- the over-reach involved in this case and the ramifications of this decision as it relates to a free and democratic election henceforth in the United States.
    I find it comically fascinating that your favorite "news" source has elected to basically ignore news regarding your "pimp" hero who will likely go to jail for his sophomoric and illegal activities while attempting another phony "gotcha" moment.
    Your selective memory regarding the debt- who created the mess- and what republican administrations have actively participated in placing upon the back of the middle class the weight of their backwards thinking and horrible results- results that have moved jobs and manufacturing out of the country- refusing to understand "simple economics" (as Jackie likes to say) - simple pay as you go. There is a long history that shows republicans cannot handle economic problems. There is now hard evidence that they cannot handle national security either. What good are you?
    Another comical moment- one of your heroes, apparently, Roger Ailes, actually compared Huffington Post to FOX "news"- noting how partisan Huff Post is- well...duh.... Huff Post is a progressive website with a stated point of view. FOX is supposed to present a NEWS reporting informational service and claim "fair and balanced" yet freely admit to being "conservative" in their coverage and commentary. Claims that ratings equals quality have no basis in reality or fact...note Jersey Shore, etc. 'Nuff said.
  • JackieM
    who in the hell is ignoring the recent supreme court decision? however, it is no worse than what obama's policies are going to do to this country. bad policies and laws are becoming an every day occurence since obama took office.;

    as for the debt, you are mistaken on all of the details about how this economic disaster occurred. BOTH parties are at fault. You are just as childish as the rest of the liberal idiots are so let me set the record straight--two wrongs don't make a right! therefore, continuing to get us into unecessary debt is bad policy for our country. obama and his idiot friends have blown more money that any one person could imagine and they have produced no results! so get off your blame game and realize that BOTH parties had their hands in the cookie jar. The liberals/democrats are in this too deep to claim innocence!

    as for the media, who in the hell wants a bunch of idiot liberals reporting garbage and lies to the American people, especially when most Americans are not liberal? Give me a break! People are listening to Fox and it does relate to quality but you are just too stupid to see it. Thank goodness we have folks like Hannity and Beck. They are uncovering crooks like Van Jones, who the liberal "news" idiots choose to ignore! LOL! Enough said!
  • toe
    two wrongs? let's get it straight- Jackie- Three REPUBLICAN presidents created a total of 9.5 TRILLION $'S IN DEBT. one trillion $'S of the current debt is interest on the previous debt. under Reagan: 5 trillion, under Bush one: 1.5 trillion, under Georgie: 3 trillion. knock it off with the "economics" lessons that you fail to understand. Read something . Start with why Reaganomics failed authored by the architect of this policy.
    Move on to CSPAN to view your representatives in non-action as they voted against pay as you go, as they vote against equal pay for women, as they vote against raising the min. wage, as they obstruct and deny the facts in front of their face. Friday your lies were exposed with facts. America saw this. America will see more of your nonsense as you will be forced to fillibuster- not just threatened- but forced to be seen as the obstructionists you are. Your failure to understand that people are ANGRY at congress...not Obama is where your whole marshmallow pedestal fails you.
    As far as the supreme court decision- read what Sandra Day O'Connor wrote regarding this. Glenn Beck has no credibility- not a clue- it's easy to see why he able to gather in your attention since you share the same abilities. Go back and look at your "czar" rants- more nonsense. Glenn Beck has been found to have promoted more hysterical nonsense than any other conservative individual- this INCLUDES the hate rants of Cunningham and Savage and the utterly misinformed Hannity and the pig of the airwaves: Limbaugh COMBINED. Van Jones was brought down by unfounded and grossly exaggerated attacks by conservatives like Glenn Beck. You have every reason to admit to your stupidity. Glad that you did.

    My paintings sell for more than you will make in the next 20 years. I sponsor little league baseball, community arts programs, two homeless shelters, a free senior transport service for homebound seniors to shop, get to their doctors, dentists, and other medical needs such as physical therapy . I sponsor heavily a no-kill shelter for animals with a free spay /neuter program. I am constantly involved in new and exciting ways to enrich my community. What do you do? Bitch and moan.
    Go read something. Improve yourself- failing to do this you are in no position to offer anything other than misinformation and disdain for people you blame for your lot in life. You have a severe shortage of factual input and all of your finger pointing only results in the majority of your fingers pointing at the actual culprit : You.
  • JackieM
    oh so you are of the art world. hmmm! that explains it. if stupid people are willing to pay a lot of money for just a painting....... how about getting a monkey to paint and see how much fools are willing to spend. but hey, that is capitalism for sure. you have no real corporate experience but claim to understand how business works! LOL! You have no clue what my income is, but hey you idiots think you know everything, right? You don't know what I read or give to charity but there again you ASSume you do! According to your messiah's "spread the wealth around" theory, if you are able to live comfortably, you are not giving enough of your income away! so follow his rules and starting giving away more! you and Michael Moore are hypocrits!

    As far as discussing economics with a moron, I will refrain because it is obvious your lack of education and common sense prevents you from understanding even the basics. According to fools like you, I guess the murtha airport project and other wasteful spending debacles don't mean a damn since your savior won't put a stop to them as he promised.

    the reason you say Beck has no credibility is because you liberals don't think he has any. well, you know how much integrity you guys have to the American people right now! LOL! keep up your rants! Van Jones was brought down by his own admissions. However, you guys don't give a damn about honesty since paying taxes isn't a problem for folks in obama's administration. He ran on a platform of change and said that it would not be business as usual under his watch. LOL! As most people are seeing, the business as usual is being ramped up by more backdoor deals and bribes. You should be so proud of the arrogance!
  • Conservative Truth and Thought
    Hey, seems like I am missing my favorite of all debates, religion and the fools who are either too blind or too stupid to figure out it has an impact on people's lives! Although the debate seemed to shift over the to the stimulus....I have no idea what to write about so I will just throw something out there, I will more than likely offend the Progressives, and we will move on.

    Toe...I have read what you have said about religion and if I did not know better I would say that you really have a hatred against people that believe in a higher power other than ourselves! maybe I am wrong, I have been known to be, just throwing it out there and seeing if it will stick. What really gets me is that you had to go on a tirade about how much of a role religion has played in past wars and how many people have died at the hands of religion. I could go back and forth with your for days, but the problem is that your view on religion in general is skewed by either a bad history or just a flat out disregard for other people's feelings and beliefs.

    As for the stimulus, which I believe I addressed in the other blog entry I commented on earlier, it has done NOTHING to help the economy! A website that costs way too much, districts that do not exist creating jobs, no logical way of counting jobs that were created, and no way on EARTH to count a job that was SAVED! The whole thing was a mess from the beginning, and what do we have to show for it? Unemployment stays in double digits, states are going broke and asking for money, the Congress keeps raising the limits on their own spending, and the President wants a trillion dollar health care reform bill! Why does this not sound insane to you people on the Left? It sounds pretty easy for me to understand...YOU HAVE NO MONEY SO WE CANNOT SPEND ANY MORE MONEY! WOW! It is not just terrible economic policy, it drives the country into a tale spin financially that will take generations to recover from.

    You can sit there and quote all the Left Wing Ideologs that you want to quote or talk about, but when it comes down to it no one in their right minds stands up for the economic policies of this Administration. President Obama is making Bush look WONDERFUL when it comes to spending, and it has only been a year! How much more debt can this country handle? Ask yourself that! Ask yourself what happens when China, like any other person that hold debt, calls that debt in and wants it repaid? What happens when we cannot repay it?

    Great points, JackieM!
  • JackieM
    Conservative Truth--as you can read from toe's response, hatred and arrogance is the foundation for this liberal's believe system. I have found it to be the case for all of the idiot liberals I have come across unfortunately. Criticizing one's religion and faith is extremely judgemental and they are good at that. Since they have no foundation, they have no way to understand good and evil.

    toe claims to be successful and if that is the case, he/she has taken money off the backs of others. our capitalist system allowed this idiot to thrive and do well but he/she is quick to condemn it just like michael moore does. did you see the intereview hannity did with moore where moore couldn't answer why he didn't give all of his wealth to others since he and all liberals want to spread the wealth. they spew their rhetoric but don't back it up. otherwise, they would have any money. LOL! i have done well myself but don't walk around bragging about it as the liberals do. they are just like obama and are all talk and no action.

    I agree with your post completely. the left wing nutjobs are continuing to ignore the facts on obama's policies and are too stupid to understand the dangers of what he is doing.

    I have asked toe time and time again to prove the "stimulus" has worked and to prove the number of jobs created that he/she claims. My request has been ignored because toe has no proof and is a mouth piece for that idiot obama. toe also said there were no teleprompters so everythinig he/she said came directly from toe. I guess it doesn't take a written speech to say stupid things!
  • toe
    it has nothing to do with "hate", foolish person- Those of you who wish to believe in an invisible magic being that guides this world and covers your butt for your own stupidity - you go right ahead. Frankly, it flies in the face of your hypocritical constant call for "personal responsibility".
    Just why is it that you hold such disdain for those who are perfectly able to function - very successfully I might add- without the crutch of having someone/something to blame or rationalize your own failures by claiming "it was god's will"?. The child that was killed because an irresponsible fool insisted upon driving drunk. It was not god's will to create this circumstance and create this misery.
    We don't operate under the creation of guilt that you have - we don't require a bible to tell us what to do- with the threats of eternal damnation if we don't ...we have brains of our own and the ability to understand cause and effect. The constant attempts to demonize those who do not need your dogma exemplifies your fears to step up your own game- preferring instead to let the blame for your failures and lot in life on "god's will".
    Face it- you fear atheists, agnostics, humanists, and freethinkers because they are able to function just fine - while you are not.

    Regarding your lack of understanding with the failure of Reaganomics - you would do well to read Bruce Bartlett's take on this- after all, he was the architect of this. Friday's Q & A session with house republicans exposed your often repeated lies and misinformation for what they were.
    Oh, and Jackie- there was NO teleprompter- so get off of that noise. The republicans were made to look as foolish as they are for trying to push off non-factual noise and unfounded accusations and blame they wanted aimed at the Obama administration and even at Obama himself. I found it particularly interesting that one of them went so far as to decide that Obama has been asleep at the switch regarding security when this particular freshman voted against the use of the body scanners that would have discovered the "underpants bomber."

    You do nothing to move conversations and legislation in a direction that addresses the needs of this nation- your mantra is to see Obama "fail" - while failing to recognize that as you push for this result- you push for the failure of this nation as well...and you deserve my respect? Hardly.
  • JackieM
    toe-how stupid are you? we want obama's policies to fail because we understand the impact they will and are having on this nation. by the way, please don't respect me because i would consider it an insult! i don't associate with people who can't understand basic economics and the most elementary problems obama has caused. oh by the way, where are the jobs? now remember when answering this question, it is black or white with no excuses. obama made a promise and people are out of work. therefore, either people have jobs to feed their families or they don't!
  • JackieM
    toe--speaking of non-facts, what was obama's problem when he lied once again in his latest speech about the supreme court ruling details? what ignorance! of course, what should we expect from someone who said there are 57 states and signs bills without understanding what is in them? Oh well, that's your man!
  • youralliesamerica
    Another country's struggle against terror logistic politicans, you know, those preffered by the enemy over Bush, never Bush, Palin, Romney, Brown, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc... (I pray for at list 200 years untill democrats are clear of IMBECILE TERROR PREFFERED tedpalpatine orienTeds...
    Ah!, yes, I have dayly psyco and physsical POLICE DIRECTED abuse by anyone interacting with me, so..., this is how manuel antonio noriegas are fought outside T USA...
    These are the allies... I lost 2 of my very best and younger friends, why always younger first?, for this... sorry, Spanish, more "intense"...
    "que importa como y quien lo diga, sistema del terror es sistema del terror, y entre ellos se hablan y se prefieren en vez de a Bush, Mireya...
    ok, cancilleria de Panama acostumbrada a pensar como carlosalvares y las gralattny procuradoras copias de la posicion de anamontes (SE SABEN 16 copias, de la posicion, depoder):
    como digo Gandalf ante el demonio del mundo antiguo,
    !!!!!!!!! iiiiiiiiiiiiijjjjjjjiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... al dejar que el mostro se enterara la espada al acercarse:
    Yo no le hecho nada (todavia) a los que me secuestraron y todos los que conspiraron por estar ocupado ayudando a crear los Teaparties, Townhalls, INVENTAR EL CONCEPTO DE BLOGUERO, superdenuncias, de opositores que piensan como yo.
    Y lo mejor, es que denuncio a estos imbeciles doctores y abogados que rodean mi familia, aprovechando la posicion para acercarseme. Para que vean que ya los grandes cayeron (fidel, ted kenedy el castro de EU, endara, presidente cuando me secuestraron, clinton ya fue a urgencia, falta algunos yo se, y los que figuran como "opositor" (ej: martinelli), etc, que dejaron a la procuradora que obedecio a un estado terrorista de perseguir todo un movimiento politico 1 año MAS. y cae "por otras cosas", mctinelli, no soy analfabeta. Un pais terrorista me acuso de ser "terrorista" hasta hoy es asi y eso lo usare en su momento, digo, por algo he ayudado a A RRES TAR A ANAMONTES, AHORA CAEN MAS DE ESA RED DE 30 AñOS EN EU, MIAMI SE SABE QUE ES SANTUARIO DE COYOTES Y MEGACORRUPCION COMO LA DICTADURA y relacionada intimamente, SOLO NESECITO QUE ME (amenazen) RECOMIENDEN Y ATIENDAN AL FIN DOCTORES Y CONSEJEROS LEGALES Y ESO, PARA QUE ME COMPRENDAN MEJOR QUIEN SOY YO, QUE SIN TECHO NI TRABAJO, LESIONADO Y PERSEGUIDO POR EXPERTOS ASESINOS DEL GOBIERNO, AUN ASI MI EMAIL ESTA LLENO DE LO MEJOR DE LA OPOSICION DE ESTADOS UNIDOS, OLIVER NORTH ME MANDO UNA POSTAL DE NAVIDAD, AL ENVIARME SUS ARTICULOS COMO TODOS, PARA QUE YO BLOGUEE SOBRE ESO.
    LEY DE LA POLARIDAD, ASI ES COMO YO METO PRESOS, SUPER PRESOS (PRIMERO MEGACORRUPCION, DESPUES, COMO noriega, se les manda a un lugar que no es esantuario como Miami, a hacerlos hablar de terrorismo...), y en el mismo Miami, superpresos sheriffs, staffs y pandillas organizadas en FLorida, cayeron arsenales en Miami y Panama, es imposible quitar esa realidad y metere preso al que me siga persiguiendo, y su entorno sera expuesto de terrorismo, al ayudar a la orden de fidel que dizque soy terrorista, persiganlo... jodanlo desde la familia, aqui estan las victimas de esas "cosas", se llama exilio cubano...
  • JackieM
    toe--i read your article. why don't you try an economics class or two or even three to get the whole story. there are so many factors that are left out of that article to even discuss here. you liberals spew your crap but don't understand how this GLOBAL economy works well enough to discuss it. however, you know everything--all we have to do is ask you. you have yet to prove all of the jobs that were supposed to have been created. the reason you have not provided proof is because there is no definite proof. the fact of the matter is that if small businesses are thriving and hiring folks, there is more tax revenue for the federal and state governments so there would be no reason to lay off government workers. therefore, to discuss true job creation, you have to look to the small businesses and what obama has done to ensure they are able to thrive without overly governing them. the truth is that obama has done more to stifle job growth than anything else. so keep up your crap. you liberals are all the same and can't discuss this subject because you have such a narrow view.
  • toe
    I hope that you watched in total yesterday's televised Q & A with Obama and house republicans at their annual "retreat" .
    Most enjoyable was the fact that it proved them AND you wrong on SO many levels.
    Of course, since you consider Faux Noise to be the only "trustworthy" outlet as your source- you would have missed the better part of this since they cut away to permit the idiot of the airwaves to babble and bawl.- allowing you to continue to wander around empty-headed - as always.

    Regarding the failures of "trickle down" - failing to deliver ANY of the items it promised- I have shown you how terribly wrong you are. The true test of a fool is to insist upon repeating known failures while calling everyone else an "idiot". You are one poor excuse for a human but a classic example of a fool. Pity that you cannot learn from any person, book, history, or example. This is your downfall.
  • JackieM
    I did watch the Q&A; and obama was laughable! I am disappointed at the Republicans for not calling him out on his lies and the fact that he was dodging the questions, skimming over them and making up excuses for his failures. In considering the source I take your personal insults as a compliment! Thank you! Through your continued nasty rhetoric, it is easy to see why you are a liberal. You have no values, standards or ethics and are a piece of trash. I choose to associate with higher class people who are educated in the real world instead of the closed-minded world you live in. You only come to this site to cause trouble and insult those of us who have the real view of the world and that shows who you really are. Why don't you go somewhere you are wanted for a change. I don't go to liberal sites insulting people because it serves no purpose and is classless! By the way, you, reid, pelosi, dodd, frank and obama fit nicely together. crooks and liars flock together as they say!
  • toe
    Yes, once again, I am forced to agree with you, Jackie- the Q & A was quite laughable much of the time and the exact reason why immediately after the event, they house members lamented that it was televised as it exposed the faulty information that they (and more precisely, YOU) constantly put "out there" as your justifications for ridicule and ridiculous republican rhetoric. Obama put straight their (and YOUR) constant noise regarding the budget, the debt, earmarks, lobbyists, and other false claims made by YOU here -as well as the mouthpieces you idolize in Washington. Not only did he answer every question- he did so after patiently waiting for house members to rattle off lists of misinformation contained within the questions.
    One of your favorite people, Ms Fox (who hails from your part of the country I believe) was gushing - following this- how pleased she was to have obtained Obama's autograph. Maybe she can sell it on EBAY and buy a clue. Hey, Jackie- they are on special this month! Why not invest in something of value.
  • JackieM
    you are a mouthpiece for obama and his lies are documented! your savior and your own party have been called out for what they are. just because you refuse to listen to CNN and MSNBC and all of the stations including FOX is your problem. Fox has the highest ratings and more viewers and included both parties. That speaks for itself! I would suggest you pay attention to what obama says versus what he does and the statement issued from the WH that admit to his wrongdoing!
  • toe
    "the house members" ^

    consider your statement regarding your assessment of my "values, ...standards, ....ethics," and your "piece of trash" comment. What exactly do you wish to accomplish with this? How does this add to the conversation? What part of these comments reflects anything other than your constant negativity and divisive behavior here? What "values, standards and ethics" do you think you possess that surpasses those of all others- and "liberals" in particular? How tragic that one individual has -at her fingertips -so much information that would assist in some understanding of the world, human nature, logic, and common decency. Sometimes I almost feel sorry for you- but then I am reminded by you that you have elected to be the way you are. Tragic.
    Tragic indeed.
  • JackieM
    you are a typical liberal that spews insults at people and gets upset when you get it back. keep it up! you got a taste of what YOU dished out! How immature!
  • veronica
    “A comment on the blog Matters of Faith declared, 'The media’s tendency to give inordinate attention to religious dimwits and crackpots has seriously damaged the credibility of religious leaders. You rarely read or hear of the miraculously generous work of faith communities in caring for the poor and infirm around the globe.' "

    This applies to all religions, not just Christianity. Fanatics always get the press, because press favors bizarre behavior. That is news. Normal people, whether they are Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Wiccan, or whatever, acting normally, peacefully, or helpfully in society rarely make the news. This is one of the reasons so many ill-informed Americans view Muslims as terrorists and suicide bombers - that is what we are shown on television. (So it must be true...) In reality, those who practice my religion (Christianity) know surprisingly little about the details of any other world religion and it is human nature to fear the unknown.

    It is, however, hard to argue against the fact that religion has been used as a justification for war at various points in time. Unless we learn to be tolerant of each others religions, it will continue to be that way.

    Go in peace.
  • JackieM
    toe--you are an idiot--trickle down works and it is proven every day when people hire people. poor people are not in a position to hire anyone! I am laughing at you right now! How do you do I'm not a business owner? Where in the hell do you get off making assumptions and lying about me? You and obama are two pieces of shit that belong together. I not only have the practical experience in the business world from small to large businesses, I have the education to back it up. I suggest you do the same because you are missing too many components to talk intelligently about the subject you are trying to discuss. YOU need to get off your high horse and stop assuming much of anything. Just because I'm a conservative doesn't mean I agree with everything every conservative does, which is unlike you morons! I don't expose my personal success on the net for obvious reasons. If you choose to do so, that is your issue and personal choice.
  • toe
    the only thing you expose here, Jackie- is your utter lack of willingness to look at bare facts.

    the rubbish that you spew regarding President Obama is so outrageously ignorant of fact you just look ignorant.
    your lack of knowledge regarding the current debt- why it is what it is and who amassed this debt before Obama even came into office- all that was there before ANY program or policy of his was in place. you chose to ignore because it doesn't match up with your ignorance. Bush didn't even include the Iraq "war" expenditures in the annual budget - if he had you'd have fallen off of your chair!
    your claims of personal knowledge regarding anything financial that trumps all others is pure bunk and you prove it daily here. "Trickle down" set forth a downward negative spiral that continues to this day.

    What you need to do, Jackie, is educate yourself on the false claims that "trickle down" fans (like you continue to hold- and the actual facts of what happened under this failure. We have been there already.
    need proof? Wanna see how that went? Facts, Jackie. Try operating with some of these on hand.

  • constitutionmarklevin
    Wao, many "big fat fi$h money gov payed pursuing for a terror country (castro) order to any "authority" on the world to follow castro, anamontes, etc. "legalviews"...
    Attn Teaparties, Townhalls, oppositors OPPOSING TERROR AND THEIR PREFFERED POLITICIANS OVER BUSH, WHY?, WHY the terror enemies prefered bho over Palin?
    OOPS: SORRY, ANOTHER MISTAKE I LOVE TO CHECK: PLEASE ADD A Z TO communications car ( CZAR) "lead$" today the (GOV USE OF PUBLIC MONEY, AND AS AN EXAMPLE OF POWER AND... TE RROR!!!!, LIVE, ON AMERICA!!! flag of intranets to "change internet" "new thing power", specially BECAUSE it's global...
  • toe
    you can babble all you wish, Jackie- but it will never make you correct.

    "trickle down" does not work- never has - never will.

    call yourself whatever you wish, Jackie- i don't care. your previously stated opinions here- regarding "activist judges" and those who would dare "legislate from the bench" - judges who YOU claimed to be "idiot liberals" are, in fact CONSERVATIVES , sitting on the supreme court, and CREATING law .

    ... for your further edification, I am a successful business owner. you are not. I am educated not just in theory but also in actual practice. I will put my P& L statement and practice up against your illusions every single day of the week.

    we had 20 years worth of your preferred financial theory practiced by GOP presidents - proof positive they
    are not just wrong- they caused so much damage to this country we will be sweeping up after you for generations. now, step aside and let the people who always have to clean up after you do our work.

  • JackieM
    toe--your lack of understanding of economics and history is showing. the unemployment rate was around 4-5% during the Bush years all the way up to the last two years. unfortunately, you don't understand recessions and how they are cyclical in nature and 16 months is considered a long one. economists said that if idiot obama did not pass the "stimulus," unemployment would be around the level it is now. Of course, common sense and an understanding of business proves this. the GDP is improving but jobs are lagging. the main reason for this is because companies are cutting back and increasing productivity with the employees that are left in addition to stocking inventories. companies aren't hiring is because they are struggling for many reasons mostly attributed to obama. In studying economics you will understand that supply and demand can only work if the government stays out of the mix. as we have seen with this administration, they refuse to leave companies alone! In addition companies will hold their hiring plans until they are sure obama's agenda of raising their taxes is nixed. Sub S corps are the most vulnerable. This includes the cap and trade bill. i'm sure you have heard of the five and 10-year business plans so you understand that companies have to be relatively sure that taxes are not going up to be encouraged to hire people. there is a small lesson for you since you refuse to get one yourself!
  • constitutionmarklevin
    Mr. Constitution and History Battle Star Mark levin, I salute you, and transmit you, all of you Freemedia, your future, "my" "legal" "problems planned along police, INS, ted's "territory, you know, borders, education, labor, family doctors and lawyers, try to get a job, real people arrested from REAL DENOUNCES FROM SOMEONE EXPERT DENOUNCING UNDER GOV PURSUINGS (I LEARNED DURRING ma noriega dictatorship because of castro continental plans I KNOW WELL), etc... things... period, on "the ted's machine state od so.Fla, along the continent and castrogovagent networks, some of the 30y/o damage already on America...
    They just replay (my family doctors, following police coverage from judges, you know, Miami authorities following 2004 castro acussation to the party I was strategist of "terrorism".
    Believe Mark, anyone comming "THAT WAY", IS AN AGENT, THERE ARE MANY ARRESTED CASTROGOVAGENTS ALREADY, BECAUSE OF THEIR programming, mind programming: they are encouraged if they see "power" "oportunity", but as UN$addam, and all (total leaders) in a row (past, present, and future) they are hollysmoked out from their sodomicdarkagesprisioncabaret-holes...
    Now, here I probe actual Panama supposedly "oppositor" to terrror castro system, but wasn't selected by castro to be acussed as "terrorist", and till this second, castromanoriega's party Panama gral attny, as on the terror sanctuary on soFla, still ordering me to just as usual: "I have to willingly even, go to them", to go to Panama, to (I swear it Gleen'sStew), same gralattney who accused the party I was and still propaganda creator, to "change by law my mind or... social option health care, and on cuba, about 30 mental patiences have died frozen, and yesterday I learn, yeas, as usual, tortured before died, and castrogov is saying "administrative mistake", I think, they will be punished by being sent to Miami or even twh, another damage on America, to learn how communications car "lead" today the flag of intranets to "change internet" "new thing power", specially it's global, and they can't control what people like me write down on...
  • JackieM
    toe--who in the hell gave you the knowledge of which side of the fence I am on when it comes to the latest supreme court ruling? this just shows your arrogance and that you have a problem when proven wrong! go ahead and change the subject but I'm still waiting on you to prove YOUR statement of job creation!
  • JackieM
    toe--I don't "FAIL" to understand anything! As a matter of fact, I can turn that back on you since you refuse to pay attention to what your savior campaigned on and what he said in his latest rhetoric. It is comical to watch you fools continue to justify his lack of integrity. Listen to what he has promised the Ameican people and watch his actions. That is news for you. I am not sure what you are trying to blame the republicans for but I can guarantee you that both parties are to blame equally and I have been criticizing them for years. However, you fools can't accept the truth and will go down with the sinking ship. Thank God for the republicans who won't follow the democrats in their corrupt dealings and bills. I am glad they are finally doing their jobs!
  • JackieM
    toe--by the way where is the proof on your statement about how many jobs were created as a result of the "stimulus"? if there is no concrete evidence to prove such information, then it has to be completely discounted as fiction. this is just normal academic research practice!
  • JackieM
    toe--yeah I guess it is easy for you to lie about my credentials to justify your lack of knowledge about business and economics. It is typical of liberals and you are reacting to facts just like the rest of you idiots including obama! I prefer to get my political news straight from the WH and am able to separate fact from fiction. The WH just issued a statement about obama's latest lie on lobbyists. I suggest you get your head out of your ass and pay attention but that is too much to ask from someone who refuses to study economics and history! Keep believing obama's rhetoric!
  • battlestarmarklevinaviewplease
    I', not sure, but I think you think I'm may be "not politicaly correctly articulated", Sr. because of have no time for checkspell, in fact, a homeless, jobless, for denouncing 1st on soFla, publicly the machine "here".
    I'm also sure your experts will translate "one of the legal problems I have to deal wherever country I go since being before one of the 1sts denouncing MA Noriega-Castro TE RROR CONTINENTAL LOGISTICS PLANS durring the 80s"... disguissed as "another more why now? new political family defended by the machine by the way I'm problematic arguing about me not willing to work, like needing mental care to forget for expl in 2004 forget the Teaparties or Townhalls "crazy" idea to battle acorn etc, terror dreammed kind of org, under their kind of preffered politicians over Bush before or Palin today...:
    I can't stop them from dayly abuse as usual labor and psyco stress anyway, but manu sheriffes and stafss and gangs togheter super jailed, rinos and anamontes neolibs on the screens...: you know, the reason of this:
    email reply: (a normal email to the authotities pushing my real family under the rule of the parapolitical castrocoyote already relatedafter noriega and chavez legal or illegal alliens, but gral attny or mayors say I'm not a trusted war on terror adhonorem blogger (YET):
    Para que no se equivoqueN:
    es natural su desgaste con la edad (no es "enfermedad, no estoy "enfermo de la espalda", muchos miles de dolares costo el QUE NO QUEDARA EN SILLA DE RUEDA O CON MULETAS, MRI: 1 DISCO ROTO (R E A L) Y 2 DISLOCADOS (RE A LES TAMBIEN, ES MAS, CON UNO SOLO DISLOCADO YA ES LIMITADO FISICO...
    Despues los que conspiran como siempre y le dicen a usted lo que hay que decir siguen, parece todavia los tiempos de adelita (daughter and relative of "my" new "family" castro attny acussed Mireya Moscoso party I was Media propaganda strategist 2 wars, I mean, 2 campaigns (big presidential) ordenando lo que hay que pensar sobre mi mente"...:
    "Si tuvistes una lesión" (MRI carisimo: 1 DISCO ROTO Y 2 DISLOCADOS, NO ES "MI OPINION O ALGO QUE YO CREO"), puedes estar seguro que si fuera peligrosa ya estarías en silla de ruedas..."
  • toe
    Jackie, your online degree in stupidity shines brilliantly. Keep speaking out- you only prove my point.
  • toe
    While you are busy howling at the moon, hysterical Jackie- you continue to ignore the facts. You and other of your ilk that have selective memory refuse to understand the quote: "those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
    and "History is the only laboratory we have in which to test the consequences of thought."

    While you are so preoccupied with your constant criticism of Obama's presidency- you constantly fail to understand and ACCEPT the fact that we are here because of people like you and your failed policies and a TOTAL inability for republican administrations to be financially responsible. every single republican administration has left this country with larger debts- and a financial mess. not only do you not remember this...you want to repeat it.

    Beyond this, you trip over yourself trying to get to the head of the line to claim that we cannot have "activist judges" court yet not a peep from you when we have just witnessed one of the worst decisions ever produced by YOUR activist judges on the supreme court.
    You rant and rave about lobbyists and the influence they have in making policy (as they have in EVERY administration, by the way Jackie- something progressives have ALWAYS tried to bring to your attention) ...guess what? The good news is that lobbyists will soon be out of a job because now huge corporate interests can BUY elections . They can flood the airwaves so people like you -and other knuckle-draggers -who have no interest in digging for facts will fall in line with whomever makes the loudest noise saying whatever the hell will get your fact-free attention.

    Economically- we have been down your road. It did not work. Period. Now, get over yourself.
  • JackieM
    toe--by the way i guess you think obama's "job summit" was legitimate, right? LOL! Representatives from the sector of the economy that employs most people--small businesses--were not invited. instead the fool decided to invite unions and educators. now we know they don't employ anyone and don't have a damn clue but hey, i guess they had lunch on us and it looked good to the stupid! so yes, there is plenty he is not doing!
  • JackieM
    toe--i suggest you take a few economics courses! the problems we have with job creation are all on obama and his failed "stimulus." there are a list of immediate actions that would have many people employed within six months guaranteed. how stupid are you? do you understand business at all? I along with others on this site have discussed this over and over again. You liberals are either purposely ignoring the simple business solutions or are just stupid. It has been proven that in a global economy you can't build an economy from the bottom up. You look like a fool when you blame or speak of Bush and his policies, especially after I have said time and time again he was not a conservative and I disagree with a lot of things he did. However, as of January, it is all on obama. He continued to give our TARP funds to banks despite people saying that there were no restrictions. The damn democrats in the Congress and Senate were told by Bush and the Republicans to include in the bill restrictions to protect the money and they refused because of the special interests. Where in the hell were you when this argument was happening? So get off your high horse and pay attention for a change. Your party is a failure and have offered nothing but promised everything to everyone. Pure economics explains everything but you refuse to do the research and get some corporate experience to see for yourself. You just want to sit from your perch just like obama and guess! Now that the damn democrats/liberals have proven to be as dumb as I predicted, they need to start paying attention to how to solve the nation's real problems. The Republicans have been telling you fools that concentrating on revamping healthcare in a recession and ignoring the economy is the wrong direction. Poll after poll also reflects this! Keep on your liberal bullshit rant. I guess it is easier than actually paying attention and learning!
  • JackieM
    obama really outdid himself tonight! LOL! I was almost hysterical with laughter. He was speaking about corruption--lobbyists, special interests, etc., and how Americans have lost faith in their government. WHAT! Let's see--he promised there would be no lobbyists in his cabinet and just made a deal with the unions on healthcare! LOLOLOLOL! Come on! He is an idiot and those who support this ridiculous excuse for a "leader" are stupid! He also spoke about earmarks--WHAT! How hypocritical! He is talking about creating jobs with Republican principals! Now that he has wasted money on the "stimulus," he is going to finally do something about jobs as the Republicans have been trying to get him to do for a year? Of course, that won't happen and his job killing policies will prevent small businesses from thriving and hiring folks! What a fool! Let's clear up something once and for all--green jobs are not the solutions to our problems. The CBO came out with a salary study over a year ago. They said the average salaries for these jobs will be between $8 and $12/hour. Now we know that companies who have to operate in the current conditions will look to move overseas as soon as possible! DUH! What arrogance! That is why he is able to get in front of the American people and lie once again!
  • JackieM
    I love that he claims to have cut taxes for 95% of Americans! Let's break it down and tell the truth. You can't make people's lives better when you "cut" their taxes by $13/week and then they are laid off! Give me a break! I'm sick and tired of the liberals/democrats lying and I'm here to ensure the truth is told!
  • toe
    I have to agree with you, Jackie- you are hysterical.
    Number one: restrictions on the "bank" loans should have been there- unfortunately BUSH and Paulson and company did not insist upon this. additionally, your party of NO WAY have not only declined to insist upon restrictions and additional regulations- those with limited memory like you fail to understand that it was YOUR policies that put us where we are today.
    I can easily prove your questions concerning jobs saved with stimulus money. Can you prove your god?
    Just what miracle are you expecting from Obama? You claim he has magic or some spiritual quality and spends his free time leaping tall buildings at a single bound- what precisely do you feel he is not doing? Time and time again he has tried to engage the party of NO WAY - time and time again they - the party of NO WAY - have had amendments that they wanted included in a bill- then proceeded to vote against it anyway. Time and time again the party of NO WAY have declined to offer up ANY ideas other than tax cuts- yet last night when Obama listed only a FEW of the 25+ tax cuts that have been passed JUST LAST YEAR the party of NO WAY sat on their hands- refusing even this acknowledgment. I don't give a damn what credentials you claim to have gained - real or imagined- you offer nothing but more of the same that brought this nation to it's knees.
  • JackieM
    toe--I didn't print my post three times; apparently it was a problem with the site! My rant, as you typical liberals call it, is true! It is easy to lump you guys together because you all say the same things. There is no honesty in this administration much less the healthcare bill. Obviously, the lack of integrity from obama is an issue. In a speech he gave the other day, he spoke about the backroom deals made by congress but refrained to mention the backroom deal he made with the unions! LOL! Why do you want emanuel gone? He is cut from the same cloth as obama is. obama is his boss; therefore, he is to blame. It is time you guys start pointing the finger at the person in charge instead of the folks he surrounds himself with. You can't separate them no matter how you try! By the way, if obama is qualified for this position and we should put our trust in his word, why is unemployment more than the 8.2%? How is giving the middleclass small breaks going to help small businesses across this country? Hopefully, even the folks who don't understand Economics 101 or have common sense now realize that obama's theory about growing the economy from the bottom up doesn't work. How will giving the middleclass tax breaks help families who don't have jobs? Why is the idiot just now working on job creation? As we know and predicted, the "stimulus" did not do what it was supposed to and money was wasted. Where is the transparency? You guys can continue to lie about us getting all of our news from Fox. I will brag and say that I get a lot of mine straight from the idiot's mouth!
  • toe
    it's too bad that you do not stay current with the facts, Jackie- you wouldn't look so foolish.
    over 2 million jobs were SAVED through the stimulus. you elect to ignore this-
    IF banks had used the money given to them in the bailout as expected- if congress had put restrictions on them - if credit was available to small businesses for payroll, expansion, inventory, etc- credit that they DEPEND upon from financial institutions- the 8.2% unemployment rate would have been realistic. If congress acted to place regulatory measures in place regarding wall street- if congress wasn't constantly bogged down by the "party of no!" THINGS could be accomplished- but your favorite people wanted to filibuster even the move to have a discussion. do yourself a favor- WATCH your heros on CSPAN. It's all there- right in front of your face. Watch your people co-sponsor (7 sponsors) a proposal regarding the debt and then VOTE AGAINST IT. watch and listen, Jackie. I dare you.
  • JackieM
    Prove your rhetoric about the 2 million jobs saved! Any claims on jobs that have been saved can't be proven and even if they could, only a fool would think that government jobs count. Who will pay for the imaginery jobs once the money is gone; they are not sustainable. obama has done nothing for the small businesses and that is where the solutions to our problems are. Who doesn't understand this? Banks giving them credit is only a small part of the problem but I guess it is expected that obama wouldn't undertand this since he has no business experience. Why is obama now claiming to be focusing on jobs? The republicans have been trying to get him to do this for a year now. The "stimulus" was supposed to solve the unemployment problem! I along with others knew it was going to fail from the beginning and predicted it. It is easy for obama to ignore the real issues since he has a job and his family is taken care of. I'm sure that is comforting to the folks I know who are out of work. Thank goodness for the "party of no." I LOVE THEM! They have exposed the real truth about these corrupt bills your crooked buddies want to pass. However, your own party is the reason these doomed bills would not pass. LOL! It is funny how you people throw the blame elsewhere. You learn well from obama! You would rather have bad bills pass than none at all. I guess some people find below average performance good and don't expect excellence but I'm not one of them. The ifs are just excuses. However, I'll give you a fact to negate everything you said about jobs. If obama had ensured there were no loopholes for banks, we would not be discussing ifs but that would not have solved the jobs problem. I laughed then and I'm laughing now. It is foolish for anyone to believe that banks would use the money any way other than for maximizing profts unless they were legally bound to do otherwise. This is taught at the lower levels of business courses in college for those idiots who don't know that already!! That is why they are in business in the first place--profits. Who didn't know this? obama is an "attorney" and understands contracts. You are a fool if you didn't predict the outcome! By the way, it is obvious that you don't understand the double edged sword this government has placed on the banks. They are supposed to lend money but prevent losses so this won't happen again? Well, who would be their customers? I won't go further because it is too silly. I can also guess that you are one of those people who think the credit card bill was a good one? Uneducated fools would think it is fabulous! Of course, those of us who understand business know that the banks will find ways to make up for the lost revenues by charging their customers fees in different ways. It is funny that your points are so easily proven wrong. Maybe you are one of those people who have spent a lifetime in education and only read books or research or are you one of those people who just didn't really comprehend the subjects when they were taught? Either way.................
  • JackieM
    Phil, in my haste I addressed you instead of Toe. I apologize. I agree with you! It is funny that these idiot liberals love to spew crap and the crap they spew describes themselves!
  • toe
    Jackie- you also printed your rant three times.

    Phil, obviously you have trouble remembering what you wrote only a few posts back- "godless" was in your post- the Christian Broadcast Network is your cup of tea if you want your god in your news...the rest of the thinking people want facts not fairy tales.
    The whole health care subject IS complicated but reform is necessary- not just to provide affordable honest health care for those in need but also to cut the obscene costs that have EVERYONE at the mercy of health insurance providers. Personally, I would be fine with putting through individual bills (partly so people like you could understand one idea rather than having to figure out more than one idea at a time)- starting with removing the anti-trust exemption granted to health insurance providers. Furthermore, I want negated the pharma deal that Emanuel cut. ( While we are on the topic- I would like Emanuel GONE along with Geithner - no doubt, this shocks you, since you lump all "liberals" in one pile and paint them with one solid colour.) Take your head out of your nether regions and stop the absurdity- it only magnifies your inability to perform simple logic.
  • Phil Kammer
    Jackie, It is not always to our best interest or that of Conservatism to argue with troublesome radical liberals. They have one goal to confuse with lengthy useless blather.

    TOE - You brought up the idea of Christian news - I don't remember suggested that, you did. Also you use the word "FACT" as if you are somehow producing it: please if your going to make a statement make a point to document it and assure that there are no holes in it.

    Jackie, Remember that Liberals will write, and write and write and produce more stuff that confuses the subject for one reason only: they need a means to cover the truth. This is exactly why the Proposed Health Care bill was so large.

    Always keep the truth simple - let the Liberal own the BS.......

  • JackieM
    Phil, I completely understand the difference between opinion shows and news and have found that cnn and msnbc and others have misrepresented the facts many, many times. It is quite comical. So get off your rant! As a matter of fact, if Fox News has mispresented the facts, it can be easily corrected. This administration has an open invitation to Fox and can clarify anything they want to the American people. However, they have refused to do this! hmmmmm! If you had any integrity and intelligence, you would never have voted for obama. He told so many lies before he was elected that I couldn't keep up with them. This trend has continued and his administration does the same! I prefer to just listen to obama himself instead of hearing it from a reporter. obama does enough lying for all of the networks so they don't even matter anymore at this point!
  • JackieM
    Phil, I completely understand the difference between opinion shows and news and have found that cnn and msnbc and others have misrepresented the facts many, many times. It is quite comical. So get off your rant! As a matter of fact, if Fox News has mispresented the facts, it can be easily corrected. This administration has an open invitation to Fox and can clarify anything they want to the American people. However, they have refused to do this! hmmmmm! If you had any integrity and intelligence, you would never have voted for obama. He told so many lies before he was elected that I couldn't keep up with them. This trend has continued and his administration does the same! I prefer to just listen to obama himself instead of hearing it from a reporter. obama does enough lying for all of the networks so they don't even matter anymore at this point!
  • JackieM
    Phil, I completely understand the difference between opinion shows and news and have found that cnn and msnbc and others have misrepresented the facts many, many times. It is quite comical. So get off your rant! As a matter of fact, if Fox News has mispresented the facts, it can be easily corrected. This administration has an open invitation to Fox and can clarify anything they want to the American people. However, they have refused to do this! hmmmmm! If you had any integrity and intelligence, you would never have voted for obama. He told so many lies before he was elected that I couldn't keep up with them. This trend has continued and his administration does the same! I prefer to just listen to obama himself instead of hearing it from a reporter. obama does enough lying for all of the networks so they don't even matter anymore at this point!
  • JackieM
    Phil--you are absolutely correct! everyone understands the difference between an opinion show and news; however, it is a blur with the liberal media shows, especially in their interviews.
  • toe
    "godless" has nothing to do with anything. you want christian news you have CBN - hardly a non-biased source in anything- but you do have that choice...including the rantings of the lunatic Pat Robertson...but, again- you have that choice.
    Jackie- apparently you do NOT understand the difference between an opinion program (Rachel, Keith, Morning Joe, Matthews, etc) and FOX "news" and their GENERAL programming- NOT their opinion programs (Hannity, O'Reilly, etc) . On a regular basis, FOX news - in the course of their NEWS broadcasting segments- have misrepresented facts, photographs, quotations, identities, sources, to name a few- and have admitted to having done so - time and time again. They mysteriously omit, crop, or misquote statements to produce a final result that will support their point of view- time and time again.
    These are facts- Jackie. If you had an ounce of honesty and curiosity - if you had the interest in truth rather than whatever supports your pre-conceived notions- you would find these items that I've mentioned on your own...but you won't. You refuse to acknowledge your failures and your personal bias with regard to TRUTH- where EVER that truth is found and NO MATTER where it leads. It has nothing to do with "godless" or "liberals" or the mysterious "gay agenda"- items at the heart of every single one of your vicious and fact-free rants. Your constant howling ceases to make a dimes worth of difference when you constantly parrot noise not news. By the way- did you find it interesting that your "fair and balanced" news source mysteriously failed to even MENTION that your hero (the pretend pimp and his co- dimwits) who was placed upon an alter by FOX and 30+ republicans in congress who went so far as to offer up a resolution to make them "true heros" after their ACORN punking- it seems FOX didn't find it necessary to include in any of their newscasts reporting that these same individuals were arrested in Louisiana after attempting to wiretap federal offices. Major federal crimes and the list of charges still grows. Crimes punishable by a min. of $250K and 10-20 years in jail. hmmmm. I suppose FOX just didn't find it necessary to report this- kind of like the "third rate burglary" that republicans found insignificant at Watergate. Nothing to see here folks... move along.
    Jackie- you want to bitch and moan about something that absolutely needs attention? Try placing some attention on your utter lack of honesty, intellectual curiosity, and respect for truth.
  • Phil Kammer
    I suppose I am showing some of my age (not that I am that old) with how I feel on this issue: there is really no reason any longer to discuss the issue, as most reasonable people know that the vast majority in the media are a Godless crew and those who know this fight the discrimination daily.

  • Willy Wonka
    What has become of America?
  • toe
    Willy, this individual who wrote this is obviously fed up with business as usual in government and America's reaction to it. When one should elect to take up such a rant and post it for all to see, it's a good idea to have some understanding of the English language and a broad enough vocabulary that does necessitate the use of offensive and foul language to make a point...one must take care in not lumping entire peoples - of any party- into one pile of trite and questionable commentary...failing to do this undermines all that one says and indicates a lack good judgment and poor education yet boasts of this by displaying themselves in such an unseemly manner.
    I'll tell you what, why not start by making a difference yourselves? American''s- through their constant search for instant gratification have served to hurt only themselves. Turn off the television. Have dinner with the family at the table. Talk to one another. Do not support or promote those who find "shock humor" (mandatory use of foul language and laced with sexual gestures). Read an entire book...or two...or three. Encourage your children in reading. Take the family bowling. Plant a tree in memory of a loved one. Rescue a shelter dog or cat. Those of you who profess to be Christians- try living it. I believe you have some belief in the "Golden Rule"- don't just mouth it- DO it.
    For anyone not to be upset with the past week's Supreme Court Ruling is not understanding that this decision hurts us ALL. You don't like lobbyists? Don't like money buying an election? Then this should have you stomping angry. The longer you sit on your hands the more numb your okole becomes.
  • JackieM
    That is a good idea--liberals/democrats need to turn off "their" TV--Maddow and the like-- and do something else. As we have seen from their tactics in Washington, they have no integrity and are ruining our country. They are in the dark anyway so it won't make much of a difference.

    For anyone not to be upset at the backroom dealings and all of obama's lies is not understanding that all of this hurts us all!
  • shane_b1968
    Here's the difference. Name an objective lie Maddow has told. Name one error of FACT she has made without issuing a retraction.

    I can name one objectively provable lie that every single right winger spouted all day long and never issued a retraction. Death panels. That was a complete lie. You know it. They knew it. They said it anyway. They have no respect for you. Why should they. You continue to listen to them week after week and you are OK with blatent lies. Why should they give you any better?
  • toe
    conservatives argue that a pro-Democratic bias permeates the American news media. Conservatives then bolster this claim of liberal bias with anecdotes, such as the alleged inflections of Dan Rather's voice on the CBS Evening News or the supposed overuse of the word "ultra-conservative" in news columns.

    But other surveys on the views of individual journalists suggest a more complicated picture. Journalists generally regard themselves as centrists with more liberal views on social issues and more conservative ones on economic issues, when compared with the broader American public. For example, journalists might be more likely to favor abortion rights, while less likely to worry about cuts in Social Security and Medicare than other Americans. [See "The Myth of the Liberal Media," Extra!, July/August 1998.]

    But the larger fallacy of the "liberal media" argument is the idea that reporters and mid-level editors set the editorial agenda at their news organizations. In reality, most journalists have about as much say over what is presented by newspapers and TV news programs as factory workers and foremen have over what a factory manufactures.

    That is not to say factory workers have no input in their company's product: they can make suggestions and ensure the product is professionally built. But top executives have a much bigger say in what gets produced and how. The news business is essentially the same.

    News organizations are hierarchical institutions often run by strong-willed men who insist that their editorial vision be dominant within their news companies. Some concessions are made to the broader professional standards of journalism, such as the principles of objectivity and fairness.

    But media owners historically have enforced their political views and other preferences by installing senior editors whose careers depend on delivering a news product that fits with the owner's prejudices. Mid-level editors and reporters who stray too far from the prescribed path can expect to be demoted or fired. Editorial employees intuitively understand the career risks of going beyond the boundaries.

    These limitations were true a century ago when William Randolph Hearst famously studied every day's paper from his publishing empire looking for signs of leftist attitudes among his staff. And it is still true in the days of Rupert Murdoch, Jack Welch and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

    The Republican and conservative bent of senior media management also is not limited to a few "name" publishers and executives. A survey conducted before Election 2000 by the industry magazine, Editor & Publisher, found a strong bias in favor of George W. Bush among top editorial decision-makers nationwide.

    aliy, the facts are readily available regarding who owns what- who donates to what political party. research on your part will find these facts that i have pointed out in this blog in previous posts. it's easy to mouth what you hear on Drudge or Fox- both right wing outlets for your favor- however, the debunking of their noise is also easily found. you might start here:


    you conservatives should be damn worried now. with the recent supreme court decision regarding allowing unlimited spending ... corporations now can push their agenda full on - giving them the ability to buy limitless advertising to drown out the voices of the people- both yours and mine. i would not be too worried about the u.s. media- they have long since been a non-factor - media consolidation has taken care of that- nothing to see here folks, move along. jackie here seems to think that Rachel Maddow is a news program- the same way that she thinks FOX presents a "fair and balanced" news force. Fox . number one, Rachel has an opinion program- so does FOX news. in this respect they are similar. The difference is that FOX pushes off their opinion as fact and "news".

    get off of your butts and think for yourselves.
  • whenrepublicanbattlestarsshark
    HMMMM, my personal info, "legal" terrorist stealing my IDs, catrogovagents denounced by me already arrested and falling... in arow, everything now is an... rowwwwhhhhhh!!!!!..., agents, acorns, rinos, elections, neolibscandals, bho's comunism, terror preffered over Bush... czarbaseships ulluminating the shape of Republican, Teaparties, Conservatives, the right libs..., all is in arow...
    AAHHHH!!!!, trillions, billions, arrests for not having govdocs telling who you are from... now on, change, hitler did same... ussr did so, and actual enemies have oil and... nuke ... by the jurassickongress, schools still without God...
  • whenrepublicanbattlestarsshark
    When republican battlestars shark and cook under a hail of anti-assymetric fire neolib DrivedByMediabaseships&DBMgovre;$$urrection$hip$, WE, on a symphony of circle fire dances, as usual, let'm blow from the inside in a row... illuminating the shape of the freedom battle stars (I still remmeber when started with battlestars Cheney, and Rush, on why ACORN, NOT BUSH should be trailed, specially after neolib tryed to trail Bush over UN$addam), OR MADDOF NOT BUSH, NO GOD AT SCHOOLS NOT BUSH, etc. "neolib policies they and me
    and we (((((((((((((( S T I L L )))))))))))))) hope they fail"...
    People and THEIR SEATS comtemplate again, amazed as the ones protecting civilization's abstract fields (some, terror targets)...
    The religion is bho, or Gleenation. The religion is the jura$$ICKcongre$$ oil policies to the USA and the enemies along the nuke "new stage of changes" enemy dreammed politicians at govs, preffered over Bush and the allies, on war, Gitmo, who the enemy is, or Bush...
    The religion is the same, people are the same, teacher marriages are the same, God at schools are the same, etc... (wherever available)...
    The local anamontes system is the same, authority's selectivity is the same, now "my" patron by law wants me to "give a friend of him my SSN", he knows many local big authorities went down protecting the terrorist FARC guerrilla threatening me in public stealling my ID while my unemployments are denied, in a row... hmmm. Neolibaseships blow off the face of the people minds in arow as bho's czar$&team;$, acorn?, aclu? he knows are acts of war even against American ANTI-TERRORISTS, anti-terror, anti-the enemy, or called simply Teaparties, Townhalls, Republicans, Conservative democrats, the right libs, independents, you tell me...
    So now, the police inside the police (I mean: untill as usual another scandal, they read the pdcruisers pcs, and whom'sever ID, and their profiles, singing vamvam anti-musiK, the machine (the starter), or just hiphopraps from some school kids choosing their clothes at the mall...
  • Lee Nahas
    If Christians were as bloodthirsty as the mass media proclaims the Christian population would have obliterated the ignorant liberal press long ago.!!
  • toe
    I don't know what "mass media" you read, Lee- perhaps you need a little history before you start spewing nonsense. Why not start with WHO owns the "media". (Hint: huge corporate CONSERVATIVES- look it up.)
    Secondly, do a little history regarding "Christians" and what part they have played in WARS and crimes against humanity in the name of their religion and their god. Why not cruise a little further in your research and study the role that RELIGION in general has played in WAR and mass execution of humans- all in the name of their "god"-
    Conservatives have a phrase that they like to use regarding liberals/democrats/progressives and especially homosexuals- how all of these people are cramming their "agenda" down your throats- Paleeeeeze. Pot meet kettle.

    The "Press" is as "ignorant" or biased or ineffective as YOU allow it to be. When Fox "News" is allowed to call themselves "fair and balanced" yet continually misrepresent the facts- wait, let's call it what it is:
    LYING- it is up to everyone who holds the truth to call them on this. You can disagree on policy- I don't have a problem that people have different opinions on what road to take to reach the same destination- but if you stand in front of me and parrot LIES to support your opinion I will call you on it every single time. If I am wrong with the FACTS I want to be told as well. How else will we ever get things righted once again.
  • aliy
    Toe, it's huge corporate LIBERALS that own CNN, MSNBC, NBC, GE, and pretty much everything with the exception of Fox. Fox IS conservative and they show it in their programing. You can't tell me the rest of the media isn't licking Obama boot trying to stay on his good side. Maybe they are all just trying to line up, once Obama has his regeime set in place (like Chavez) he will try to shut down all conservative media out there.

    Like right now, they are bouncing a bill around the house to put satellite radio talk shows under the FCC regulations. Who is THAT targeting? Considering the ONLY liberal station on Satellite just went under, I'd have to say it's the conservatives they are trying to silence. You my friend, need to look it up a little closer next time.
  • shane_b1968
    yeah, all those liberal corporate CEOs are destroying the media with their pro socialist, pro labor, pro union, pro green party propaganda they spew all the time.

    Did it not strike you as odd to whine about how all the media except fox is liberal and in the very next paragraph crow about how the only progressive radio station on satellite radio just went under? not that conservatives contradicting themselves is all that unusual.

    the problem is that conservatives hear fact checking, trying to get more than one perspective on a news story, multiple sources, actual journalism...and they mistake it for liberalism. these people have never been exposed to liberalism. it almost doesn't exist in American media.

    don't believe me? when was the last time you saw an actual communist host a talk show. a socialist? I'm not talking about your conservative hyperbolic use of the word, i'm talking about an actual communist.

    Now, I'm not a communist and I'm not a socialist. I'm a new deal liberal democrat. but my beliefs are not so fragile that I don't want to hear what a huge portion of the worlds population thinks. why aren't conservatives interested in having any view other than corporate controlled media out there?

    It comes down to this. when you know your wrong but it's not in your interests to admit then open dialogue is the last thing in the world you want. far better to scream and cry and be a jerk or be bombastic and hyperbolic.
  • aliy
    Wow did YOU miss the point. Why would they be trying to pass a law against talk radio on satellite if the only thing left was not conservative stations.

    If you believe in giving the poor money you've taken from the rich, trying to make everyone equal, you are a communist.

    If you believe that a pharmacutical company that invests BILLIONS in research and developement doesn't deserve to at last break even on a drug they develop, you are a communist.

    If you believe that everyone has a right to health insurance and doens't have personal responsibility for their own health, you're a communist.

    If you believe that spending more than you have available to you is good economic judgement, you are a communist.

    I don't care WHAT news source you go too in the end if you believe it's big governments job to take care of everyone and no one should have any personal responsibility, we will never agree.

    You try to say conservatives are so bad because they don't watch Maddow but in the end it's got nothing to do with the media we watch it's got to do with common sense, something you obviously lack.
  • Conman
    Yeah, I agree Aliy. I'm tired of all the Commie liberals out there pushing their agenda on us hard working tax paying Patriots.

    As you said, if you can't afford health insurance. Tough! You should have thought about that before you started pumping out kids and bought that big screen T.V.

    If you're old and can't afford to live on your own. Tough! You should have thought about that way back when you were working and socked away enough cash to live off when you retired. Go move in with your kids, if you have any.

    If you can't afford to send your kids to good private schools, tough. You should have thought of that before you had them. Or should have practiced abstinence until you could afford them.

    If you're sick. Tough! You should have taken better care of yourself before you got sick.

    We should privatize EVERYTHING! Even Police and Fire Departments. Why should I have to pay my hard earned money because some dummy burns their house down? Why should I have to pay for public schools when my kids go to private schools? I'm not going to be relying on Social Security so why should I have to pay into it? We don't need the FAA, FDA, FCC, SEC or any of these other regulatory bodies. If you don't know that flying on a plane is risky that's your own fault. If you eat foods without checking the labels that's your fault. Grow your own if you want perfectly safe food. If you can't regulate the T.V. your kids watch then you're just a bad parent. And if you get swindled in the stock market, well you should have gone to law school or obtained an M.B.A. so you could understand the prospectus of the investments you purchased.

    Damn liberals want to control everything!
  • aliyn
    Hi conman, You're right on most of that. I'm not saying privatize EVERYTHING. Police, fire, and schools are a state responsibility. No poblem paying a state tax to supply those things (but let's not even get me STARTED on techers unions).

    If you got robbed in the stock market, you didn't need to go to law school, you should have just done a little research, know what's in your portfolio and keep an eye on it. You know that stuff is in the papers everyday and it doesn't take an MBA to figure out if the stock was at $8 and today it's at $3 it FELL.

    I have a child, I can't send him to private school, can't afford $10,000 a semister minimum. But, I volunteer at his school every week, in the library and the classroom and the special areas as well. I'm involved, it's making a difference for my son, I know what's going on, I know what they are studying. I talk to his teachers on a regular basis, you ARE responsible for your children. Just because you pushed em out doesn't mean you're job in done.

    Major medical insurance is available just for major medical. Too many people in this country use the emergency room for a hang nail or sniffels. They need to open a hospital that does major medical ONLY and you have to pay. No more of this "we can't refuse you treatment because of your inability to pay" crap, medical cost would go down. Who do you think is paying for all these hang nails? We are with our higher costs. In retail, theft drives up cost, if a store spends $100 on an product and $50 of that walks off the shelf, they are going to have to charge more for the remaining items left on the shelf. Going to an ER and not paying is theft.

    Plus, this is just simple economics with the health care bill. Where are they getting the money to pay for all the 30 some odd million they are going to insure, many of whom are below the poverty level and get all the money they paid back and then some in their returns? (making them non-contributors), MY taxes. I may make too much to qualify for their speical plan, but it's still going to be MY taxes that are paying for them. They have to get the money somewhere. Sin taxes like pizza, soda and cigarettes are not going to cover that cost. The dems keep saying it's not going to raise taxes, who in their right minds believes that? They are talking about some of it being paid for by the sin TAX. Either way we're about to loose a giant chunck of our paychecks to pay for it.
  • shane_b1968
    I said - "It comes down to this. when you know your wrong but it's not in your interests to admit then open dialogue is the last thing in the world you want. far better to scream and cry and be a jerk or be bombastic and hyperbolic."

    And you respond by calling me a communist and saying I lack common sense. That pretty much says it all.
  • shane_b1968
    "You try to say conservatives are so bad because they don't watch Maddow"

    Show me where in my post I said conservatives are bad because they don't watch Maddow. Why can't you guys make it through a paragraph without throwing a straw man out there?

    And no, it's not governments job to take care of everyone. The rich are doing just fine, but the poor and powerless could use some help. If you don't give a damn about other people that's fine...do it because it's in your own self-interests not to have starving, desperate, malnourished, unhealthy, uneducated people living next dor to you. It's in your own self interests no to have to pay to imprison them when it's cheaper to educate them. It's in your interests to make sure they have housing because people who live on the streets are a huge drain on emergency rooms and police and fire departments. It costs far less to house them. So even if you don't give a damn about other people which you clearly don't seem to, perhaps you should give a damn about how much you are paying to have people living in desperation instead of having their basic needs met. perhaps you should be upset about how many mentally ill people you have to house in prison because there weren't adequate mental health services available to keep them from having to be sent there. Perhaps you should be angry about the fact that it is impossible to pay for college unless you are rich or are willing to start your adult life with $100,000 in debt. Perhaps you should be angry that government doesn't care what you think because you don't bundle together $250,000 in campaign contributions.

    But no...what are you teeth gnashing criminals upset about? Death panels? Gays in the military? Global warming "hoax"? Terrorists being read their rights?

    Seriously man, you guys are some backward f-ing idiots.
  • aliy
    Just like a liberal to use foul language, this conversation is done. I don't call the language you use productive or "debate" it's just you being a baby and I don't play that game, come back when you grow up.
  • shane_b1968
    Perhaps Jesus will forgive me for the way I choose to use my words.

    Will he be so kind to you when all you use your voice to see to it that 40,000 people in this country continue to die every year from lack health care and hundreds of thousands more have their life savings wiped out so (you think) you can save a few dollars on taxes? I hope it is the dying wish of every single on of those 40,000 people that you and all of your holier than thou ilk burn in hell.

    I don't need you to debate me. I could care less what you think.
  • toe
    Your comment regarding journalists: "29% reported never attending church services, with an additional 39% stating that they go a few times each year. In sum: Not very religious – especially when compared to America as a whole." presupposes that one must physically stand within the walls of a designated religious construction in order that they are certified to be "religious". Nonsense. Pure and simple.

    Secondly, your figures are incorrect regarding how many of what "denomination" - you might look here:
    for some more accurate numbers - Those of you who complain and insist that atheism IS a religion conveniently omit our numbers when attempting to reflect who is what, who's religion should have a say VS those of whom are intentionally marginalized for whatever reasons. Please note that this link takes into consideration: Atheism, whose numbers rival those of Islam and Christianity worldwide.
    Unfortunately Atheism is constantly reflected by Christians in a negative light. My reasoning for this is their own personal fear and personal lack of understanding just what Atheism is and how it is that we function just fine without the fear and guilt imposed through Christian dogma or a dire need to believe in something - ANYTHING- to assist them in explaining the unexplained and unwillingness on their part to take personal responsibility for their own participation in wrong doing and failures.
  • Kriskmk
    first of all.. Mr. author... Judaism is NOT one of the 3 largest religions of the world.. Heck, there are no more than 15 million jews around the world!!.. There are about a billion Hindus.

    Religion is the root cause of all the problems in the world. People who claim to be "religious" are basically people who believe in information without putting it to any test or rationality.

    Faith is believing in something that ain't so.
  • thespez
    Nice article
  • shane_b1968
    Really? It's nice?

    Well then let's look at rationally. I quote:

    "While each belief system has had moral failures, equating the deaths as a result of radical Islamic fascism to those of contemporary Christianity and Judaism is absurd. Furthermore, as is the case when journalists attempt to cover religion, Amanpour left out essential details that would have provided a more fair-minded picture."

    The author simply states as fact that violence perpetrated in the name of radical Christianity or Judaism is not morally equivalent to the same violence committed by Muslims without any attempt at justifying such a radical statement. I can assure you that a victim of religiously motivated violence doesn't see any difference. Then he goes on to accuse CNN of doing the very thing he did in the previous sentence...namely leaving out essential details.

    He says - "In its usual ideologically-balanced form, The New York Times wrote the following endorsement: “This three-part series…is a fine primer on the emergence of strains of Judaism, Islam and Christianity that want to fuse politics and religion, and have shown a willingness to blow things up and kill people to do it.”

    "In its usual ideologically-balanced form, The New York Times wrote the following endorsement:"
    In one sentence he has used sarcasm, made an assertion that the New York Times is biased, without offering any proof of that, and he has been hyperbolic in his assertion that The NYT is usually ideological...again without any study - much less a credible, impartial one - to back up that idea. In ONE part of a sentence, this guy has committed three journalistic mistakes...but you think it's a "Nice article". That does not speak well of you.

    You can have an agenda. You can argue for it. Impartiality is better. But either way you need to back up what you say with objective facts that are based in reality. Then you can argue that the fact bolsters your opinion. What is wrong is to just assert your opinion as accepted fact without doing the work to make the case.
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