Sen. Inhofe Discusses Climategate, “The Greatest Scandal in Modern Science”

December 8th, 2009 Todd Thurman

Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), ranking Member on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee (EPW), spoke to bloggers at The Heritage Foundation’s weekly Bloggers Briefing today and focused his remarks on the controversial “Climategate” scandal — the series of leaked e-mails that have blown holes through the theory of man-made global warming.

As Sen. Inhofe sat down to speak, he opined that he was just in the Senate trying to convince Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) to investigate the subject of the e-mails, instead of the people who uncovered the e-mails. Sen. Inhofe was the leader of the global warming opposition ten years ago when he chaired the EPW Committee; when a blogger asked him what he thought about the emergent news that the science was flawed, the Senator quipped, “Redemption.”

Senator Inhofe is not alone in his views on “Climategate.” The UK Telegraph called it the “greatest scandal in modern science,” and the UK MET is reevaluating over 160 years of climate data because “public opinion of man-made global warming has been shattered by leaked e-mails.” Sen. Inhofe seemed confident that neither climate bills would pass the Senate, but feared the Obama Administration would circumvent the legislative process and use the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to force regulation through the Clean Air Act. Sen. Inhofe fired back by releasing a YouTube video saying that the EPA finding that CO2 is a pollutant was based on faulty science.

Now, the United Nations is in the middle of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, where “the science is settled.” However, as we have stated, the science is far from settled. Now, the world has learned that the basis of the science that climate change was founded on could be proven faulty. This has not stopped the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change from creating a treaty that will be costly to the US economy and not have any real impact on the environment. And it’s a treaty that would infringe on our national sovereignty.

You can listen to Sen. Inhofe’s remarks here.

You can watch the video of his remarks here.

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  • Joseph Smith
    You call that a response??
    Not a word there that you have not used before.

    Wait, what's that noise...oh, it seems your ship has come in.
    Don't forget your tin foil hat. Have a lovely trip home.
  • Jackie M
    You have nothing constructive to add as usual and are all BS. you have done nothing but continue to sprew hatred and are sinking on obama's ship. Your smartass comments are old and are the same as every liberal that has come to this site. There is no cure for the mental illness you have. Your kind loves to spread lies about subjects you can't even comprehend and then gets quiet when you are proven wrong. The lies your kind sprewed about tea party folks are perfect examples of this. You idiots are unAmerican and don't like it when you are exposed. The republicans have continually exposed obama's bills and the folks in his administration for the lying crooks they are. You can't stand the heat so you attack with false statements just to avoid the obvious. You are a sad, pitiful person who has no boundaries, morals or ethics. Therefore, you can't have rational conversations with anyone but your own kind. As a result, you think it is funny to come to conservate sites to bash folks who think differently than you. That is intolerance in case your feeble mind can't figure it out! So much for your party's claims!
  • Joseph Smith
    @Jackie, go check into which politician did NOT receive campaign monies from
    a) oil and gas ind.
    b) pharma ind.
    c) insurance ind.
    you will find perhaps two.

    go check what deals your buddy, MR. CHENEY, made with the oil ind. IN SECRET, as he crafted our "energy policy".

    as for what I did, seeking to prevent "spills" like you view presently in the Gulf and beyond, I have fought for years against drilling offshore among other places where the hazards far outweigh any short term profit. YOU? "drill baby drill"-
    yes, Sarah loves wilderness and wildlife- especially when she can encourage shooting defenseless animals from helicopters. she loves wildlife and endangered species so much she went out of her way to ignore the plight of the polar bears- denied that there was a problem at all.
    don't get me started on the air-headed Sarah Palin. She nothing but an opportunist and poorly educated individual who has spent her life skating by on her looks. When she opens her mouth she spews platitudes and known lies. She's a quitter who saw the gold ring and dumped her job and her elected responsibilities to cash in...certainly legal, but then, so is picking your nose in public- it's still offensive.
    It's nothing new to read any of your posts here- you never have anything to contribute in any positive way. You complain constantly about "liberals" and this determination you claim they all have to intentionally go out of their way to "destroy America". Have you ever stopped to think?
    Have you ever tried to figure out how you got so ignorant? The statements that you make are beyond absurd- you are a frothing-at-the-mouth nut-job. I have gone back to read many of your older postings. Having done this, I can only state my conclusion that you are FOX educated.
    I read countless regurgitations that originated from this outlet and repeated over and over again on right wing websites like Druge, Michelle Malkin, and World Net Daily. You chant constantly the corruption and dishonesty involved in "Chicago politics"- you cannot name a single state that does not have corruption at it's highest levels because there isn't one.
    Your constant babble about our President is utterly absurd on every single level on every single issue. You constantly insist that he has a pre-constructed plan to destroy America. (Isn't your spaceship due to arrive soon for a pick-up?). You, in a series of posts some time back, went on and on about "czars"- (so did Glenn Beck- coincidence? nope). "Czars" a shortened title given to heads of many departments in Washington has been used since Nixon- yet you and buddy Glenn insist this is some sort of obvious display that the President is pushing a communist, socialist, marxist, whatever agenda. Idiocy.
    You have involved yourself in discussions here involving homosexuality- with claims of their "agenda". I have a gay daughter and know very well her friends and, as a member of PFLAG, am very familiar with the community at large and in total. There is NO GAY AGENDA that plans to take over your world. Full stop. They all laugh when fools like you repeat this noise and nonsense.
    In short, Jackie, more than likely- the constant Michelle Bachman-like foolishness that you type here constantly displays your ignorance, bigotry, and total inability to do any independent research to discover just exactly who said what, when, and why; and to have a truthful, knowledgeable, factual grasp of the issues, pending legislation, passed legislation, and how they will or will not effect you. You don't understand that which you claim to hold dear: the US Constitution. You don't understand what you claim to a believer of: Christianity. You are a racial bigot. I say this because of items you have placed here. Generalizations regarding an entire people based upon a few people that you heard about that did something wrong.
    You are a religious bigot, a political bigot (displayed in every single post "LOLOLOLOLOL you liberal!!! Keep on talking you idiot!") , and a homophobic sexual bigot. Is there something good in you? I don't really know. You have been given ample opportunity here to display even a fraction of this. You are simply unable to provide this in any form.

    No wonder the original host gave up on this place. No wonder even the new host doesn't bother with this place as seen by the fact that he has not even bothered with anything for almost 6 months- any that are left here are screw-loose gods/guns/n'grits wing nuts like you. Like Palin, you could be using this time to educate yourself- yet you have no interest in bettering yourself.
    You prefer to point fingers and display your stupidity rather than work at making anything better.
    You are nothing near a solution- you are part of the problem.
  • Jackie M
    Joseph--i knew your answer when I wrote my last post and was prepared for it. it is easy to predict a liberal's response because they are all the same. so you are saying that obama's promises of changing Washington and not catering to the special interests mean nothing? how did you become so ignorant? obama campaigned against the very things he is now doing. you damn liberals are all the same. i always teach my children that there is no excuse to behave in a way that is wrong just because others do it. this is a concept that a lot of children learn at an early age. i guess you liberals either didn't listen to your parents or they weren't worth a shit and didn't teach you this primitive lesson. either way it is sad that you idiots decide to throw stones at others all in the name of defending the defenseless actions of your idiot leader. apparently not holding obama to his word and allowing him to lie is ok with your kind. your party has no integrity and neither do you! lying is an everyday occurence to you idiots!

    i guess you haven't seen barbara boxer's admission about socialism. LOL! she told on herself and obama so there is no dispute on where they/you want to lead this country. however, you have the right to lie and deny it all you want. the truth is out there and i laughed along with the people people beside boxer.

    what in the hell are you talking about the gay "agenda" for? i never bring the subject up until some idiot liberal decides to attempt to take a stab at me. you idiots want to throw up subjects that are irrelavent just to cause trouble. so get off this garbage. you are not going to prove anything and your points are meaningless.

    go ahead and prove i'm a racist bigot. LOL! that has the be the funniest thing you have said yet. however, you liberals are all the same and use this tactic when you have nothing else. calling me those words mean nothing. i was taught that sticks and stones....blah, blah, blah. you idiots need to learn this too but are incapable of it.

    i am so glad you have expressed your dislike for me. i would rather associate with rational people and don't like anything your kind stands for.

    unfortunately your posts are full of hate and intolerance but that is expected. it is sad that you idiots claim to want equality for all except when YOU decide to make exception for special interests/people. it is telling of your true agenda.

    where have i discussed guns? LOL! you are making things up again! you are the problem in this country and haven't offered any solutions to any problems.
  • Joseph Smith
    @Jackie, go check into which politician did NOT receive campaign monies from
    a) oil and gas ind.
    b) pharma ind.
    c) insurance ind.
    you will find perhaps two.

    go check what deals your buddy, MR. CHENEY, made with the oil ind. IN SECRET, as he crafted our "energy policy".

    as for what I did, seeking to prevent "spills" like you view presently in the Gulf and beyond, I have fought for years against drilling offshore among other places where the hazards far outweigh any short term profit. YOU? "drill baby drill"-
    yes, Sarah loves wilderness and wildlife- especially when she can encourage shooting defenseless animals from helicopters. she loves wildlife and endangered species so much she went out of her way to ignore the plight of the polar bears- denied that there was a problem at all.
    don't get me started on the air-headed Sarah Palin. She nothing but an opportunist and poorly educated individual who has spent her life skating by on her looks. When she opens her mouth she spews platitudes and known lies. She's a quitter who saw the gold ring and dumped her job and her elected responsibilities to cash in...certainly legal, but then, so is picking your nose in public- it's still offensive.
    It's nothing new to read any of your posts here- you never have anything to contribute in any positive way. You complain constantly about "liberals" and this determination you claim they all have to intentionally go out of their way to "destroy America". Have you ever stopped to think?
    Have you ever tried to figure out how you got so ignorant? The statements that you make are beyond absurd- you are a frothing-at-the-mouth nut-job. I have gone back to read many of your older postings. Having done this, I can only state my conclusion that you are FOX educated.
    I read countless regurgitations that originated from this outlet and repeated over and over again on right wing websites like Druge, Michelle Malkin, and World Net Daily. You chant constantly the corruption and dishonesty involved in "Chicago politics"- you cannot name a single state that does not have corruption at it's highest levels because there isn't one.
    Your constant babble about our President is utterly absurd on every single level on every single issue. You constantly insist that he has a pre-constructed plan to destroy America. (Isn't your spaceship due to arrive soon for a pick-up?). You, in a series of posts some time back, went on and on about "czars"- (so did Glenn Beck- coincidence? nope). "Czars" a shortened title given to heads of many departments in Washington has been used since Nixon- yet you and buddy Glenn insist this is some sort of obvious display that the President is pushing a communist, socialist, marxist, whatever agenda. Idiocy.
    You have involved yourself in discussions here involving homosexuality- with claims of their "agenda". I have a gay daughter and know very well her friends and, as a member of PFLAG, am very familiar with the community at large and in total. There is NO GAY AGENDA that plans to take over your world. Full stop. They all laugh when fools like you repeat this noise and nonsense.
    In short, Jackie, more than likely- the constant Michelle Bachman-like foolishness that you type here constantly displays your ignorance, bigotry, and total inability to do any independent research to discover just exactly who said what, when, and why; and to have a truthful, knowledgeable, factual grasp of the issues, pending legislation, passed legislation, and how they will or will not effect you. You don't understand that which you claim to hold dear: the US Constitution. You don't understand what you claim to a believer of: Christianity. You are a racial bigot. I say this because of items you have placed here. Generalizations regarding an entire people based upon a few people that you heard about that did something wrong.
    You are a religious bigot, a political bigot (displayed in every single post "LOLOLOLOLOL you liberal!!! Keep on talking you idiot!") , and a homophobic sexual bigot. Is there something good in you? I don't really know. You have been given ample opportunity here to display even a fraction of this. You are simply unable to provide this in any form.

    No wonder the original host gave up on this place. No wonder even the new host doesn't bother with this place as seen by the fact that he has not even bothered with anything for almost 6 months- any that are left here are screw-loose gods/guns/n'grits wing nuts like you. Like Palin, you could be using this time to educate yourself- yet you have no interest in bettering yourself.
    You prefer to point fingers and display your stupidity rather than work at making anything better.
    You are nothing near a solution- you are part of the problem.
  • Joseph Smith
    where is your dear Sarah Palin now- huh? Her hubby worked for 18 years for BP- your "drill baby drill" chant is now "spill baby spill"- you should be so proud- unimaginable sea life loss- countless livelihoods in the fishing/shrimp/oyster/crab industry lost- devastation to the wetlands, and, just to make things more interesting, once this "spill" gets into the gulf stream- it has the ability to even reach New York. Worst case scenario - the Atlantic Ocean dies. Good work you assholes. As always, republicans/conservatives want instant results- never a care for long term. Your results= disaster.
  • Jackie M
    Joseph--that is a stupid comment! Sarah Palin didn't have anything to do with the spill! She loves wildlife more than most people do. What is it with you damn liberals? What in the hell did you personally do to stop the spill? So you think that the other countries that are drilling near our borders couldn't do the same thing? The garbage and hate you idiots spew is getting old! However, that is what you guys to best as we have found out! Good work as usual, asshole! You have some nerve talking about wanting instant results. LOLOLOL! That is really hypocritical since you idiots don't have problems with passing bad bills just to get them through! LOLOLOL! You are making me laugh and that is all you people are good for! Let's see--i'll give you just one example of many! we are broke and found out last week that the healthcare bill would cost more than the damn left said! hmmmm! does that surprise anyone? hell no! you have no integrity. it was convenient to finally address what the right had been saying all along--there is already a shortage of doctors and other healthcare professionals and now healthcare will automatically be rationed. well, it will be rationed for the average and poor folks. the rich will be able to hire private doctors and will not be affected. who is catering to the rich? who took money from goldman and wallstreet? your precious crook obama himself! keep up your stupidity! the damn liberals/democrats=disaster! Asshole!
  • Jackie M
    I just read about how much obama received from BP! LOL! Keep it up liberals!
  • dontpaytaxes
    Please, pass this around before the violence erupts! This is the last step before the revolution begins. Please, pass it around! Let's try and get millions of votes!!!!

    To: Congress, the House and the President

    Re: Taxes

    Sign this petition at:

    Over the past year, you’ve ignored the will of the people in many respects. You’ve pushed a monstrosity of a health care bill on us, which we’ve begged and pleaded you stop pushing. You’ve ignored the welfare and security of the people’s ability to find work and instead tossed them enough crumbs to get by through the intermittent passage of a UI bill that barely feeds a family of two, depending on where you live. You’ve pushed every possible anti-small business legislation in an order to crush the middle class and rich to help even out the dire needs of the poor. This is not America. This is class warfare, this is redistribution of wealth, this is tyranny and this is soon to be anarchy. In order to prevent anarchy, in order to prevent the violence and uprisings which we all feel are on the brink of happening, WE THE PEOPLE would like to present you with an alternative. The outcome of this alternative would end up keeping the peace, something we all want, something that is necessary to a civil society. This alternative would also help CONTROL the fanatical and power hungry desires of an out of control government. What is the alternative? Paying taxes. Or not paying taxes!

    The government needs OUR tax revenue for the overall general welfare of the country, which includes the upkeep of America’s infrastructure as well as the funding of our military, something we can all agree brings every man, woman and child protection. The problem that we all understand is that once this health care bill/education passes, among other anti-business bills such as cap and trade, the unionization of all businesses and other atrocious anti-business bills, NO AMOUNT of tax revenue will be enough to feed this out of control beast riddled with social program after social program. Just as Medicare costs were thought to be in the millions when the program first surfaced in the 60’s, in only a few short years we learned that the costs were potentially back bone breaking and today we have somewhere between 50 to 100 trillion in unfunded Medicare and social security liabilities. If it weren’t for the full faith and backing of the Chinese, Japanese and other countries who buy our treasuries and if weren’t for the productivity of the US worker whose pay check the government receives FICA taxes from, we’d had found ourselves in third world economic status in no time. But now that the government is taking away our economic freedoms, our ability to push this country forward without being swamped by social programs that tax us to death, now that the country is on the verge of losing its triple A bond rating, the possibility that those countries stop funding our liabilities is great. The fact that the US economy will be burdened by these bills and thus slow even more is no secret. And these problems equate to the death of the United States. It also means that no amount of tax revenue will keep our head above water and paying even a dollar in taxes will be a dollar wasted.

    So we come to you with this idea. Should you pass health care, should you continue to destroy the economic freedoms this country has enjoyed for two hundred plus years, we will not pay our taxes. If you think that you can control millions and millions of Americans through the IRS, then you’re sadly mistaken. Your IRS agents will be swamped with a convoluted mess of never ending paperwork, case loads and aggravation which means the revenue to the US government, which is drastically dropping due to the recession we’re in, will continue to drop and drop and drop. And let me assure you that soon enough, the US government won’t even have enough tax revenue to put gas in Air Force One.

    So we now present you with two options. The first, continue pushing through your despotic nonsense and chance losing the tax revenue of millions and millions of tax paying citizens. The second, come back to the center and start governing how WE THE PEOPLE want you to govern. I can assure you that should you choose the latter, the country will continue as it has for the past couple of hundred years but should you choose the former, you’re essentially risking civil unrest throughout the country, your political careers and potentially the life of this country. So I leave you with this… The choice is yours…. Choose wisely.

    Truly and Sincerely,

    The People of the United States

    If you would like to sign but don’t want to sign your own name, then sign “Susan B. Anthony” or “John Adams”. If an email is asked for, use ‘[email protected]’ or any other fake email. The point is to get as many signatures as possible. Thank you for your political patronage AND please, pass this around to anyone you think would be interested in signing it. Thank you!

    Sign this petition at:
  • sunmagmapullstoped
    you know what you "geniouses", let's pray solar spots (globalwarming periods) are back like in these 3 last decades, because of (planetary) Earth"s mass activity remains while bigger astros like the Sun are quiet, our star shows no more of this internal magma activities, earquakes, in Sun crowns and stuffs, and may be because of the galactic alignment of 36 years which started on 1980 ends 0n 2016, so... we are finishing our path before the megablackhole, I'm afraid... solar activities and the warming waves, remmember?, are "gone"...
    I don't like this, history shows longer and bigger iceages than "few decades with one or two years of warm"...
  • therealamerican
    I have a question for any conservative climate change denier. What if your wrong? Any thoughts on that?
  • Harrison
    Firstly, "denier" is a charged word. In order to deny something you must first prove that there is something to deny. "Global Warming" has not been proved therefore one cannot deny something that has not been established as fact.

    Secondly, Global Warmers claim that man-made CO2 is causing the Earth to warm and yet man only contributes 0.117% of all CO2 produced. It seems highly doubtful that 0.117% of CO2 could do anything.

    However, in answer to your badly worded question, if Global Warming it can be shown beyond a reasonable doubt that mankind is causing it steps will need to be taken to address the situation.

    However, the cost of doing nothing is nothing and the result of doing nothing is uncertain but the cost of "doing something" would be to send civilization back to the stone age in terms of CO2 reduction and, thus, it is more advantageous to wait and see.
  • shane_b1968
    Wow. Really? The stone age? You don't say.

    How about this? What if the rest of the world gets really concerned with pollution and CO2 because they listened to scientists and not right wing kooks who think the world is 6000 years old and that man walked with dinosaurs? And then, what if all those people in all those other "sciencey" "intellectual" countries start buying tons and tons of high tech, state of the art, low emission, renewable technologies FROM CHINA OR GERMANY because you right wingers are such a pack of a neanderthals you'd opt not to put yourselves out if you CAUGHT ON FRICKIN' FIRE?!!!
  • Harrison
    Hey Shane... nice dodge! Good one. Try answering the question.

    Ever study the input energy required to make those "high tech, state of the art, low emission, renewable technologies"? Guess not. Why don't you look it up. Oh, and, by the way, those "high tech" products ARE made in China... using coal fired power plants.
  • shane_b1968
    It's knuckleheads like you that handed Japan dominance in the auto industry.
  • shane_b1968
    "Global Warmers claim that man-made CO2 is causing the Earth to warm and yet man only contributes 0.117% of all CO2 produced. It seems highly doubtful that 0.117% of CO2 could do anything."

    I believe the vast majority of scientists who study the subject...particularly in light of the fact that it keeps coming to light that the few scientists willing to put their reputations on the line coincidentally always turn out to be collecting large sums of money from the petroleum industry and have a vested interest in seeing those paychecks continue.

    As far as your statistics on CO2, I wouldn't accept a statistic from a right wing, metaphysical thinker, such as yourself without some serious documentation. You knuckle draggers have earned your reputation for deciding the way things are and then going out and cherry picking or just plan making up the evidence that suits your arguments.

    True to your nature as deceitful slugs it turns out that though that statistic has been trumpeted by right wing websites for at least 5 pages into the google search results, I could not find a single "credible" source for such a claim. Forgive me, but you guys are such liars I'll need something more than your word on that.
  • Harrison
    Like most Liberals who are confronted with facts and other things, you become angry and insulting using names such as "right wingers." Wow, I'm so thinned skinned that is such an effective tactic!

    I have not insulted you yet you have insulted me several times. I will no longer be wasting my time on you but enjoy some facts:

    It really doesn't matter whether you believe me or not... the global warming side has discredited itself and nobody believes them, or you, anymore, and that's what counts.

    Have a wonderful life being so angry at total strangers that you have to insult them on an internet site. I bet you're a lot of fun at parties...
  • shane_b1968
    Wrong. I don't care about being confronted with facts. I like it. Bring it on.

    What I don't like are you sniveling weasels on the right and the mess you guys leave the adult to clean up every time you get power.

    Who has discredited itself? After the Bush administration you slimy worms want to talk about discrediting ourselves?

    OK. So when Cheney went on TV and said point blank that this country doesn't torture and all the right wing talking heads swore up and down that it was all a left wing conspiracy and all the sheeple watching FOX were still against torture because their Great Leader hadn't yet come out of the closet as a mass torturer...Cheney knew the whole time he was going on TV and denying it that people were being beaten to death and water-boarded and attacked with dogs and having their children threatened with torture and murder. They were being systematically sexually humiliated and being left in the desert in metal cargo containers in 120 degree heat until they died. They used the same tactics regardless of the installation where the prisoners were held. And did you watch him blame a few bad apples and let them take the fall when he knew it was the administrations explicit policy to torture confessions out of people that there was a Saddam 9/11 connection when there was none? And you wonder why I hate you and your kind?

    You think I hate your stinking guts with every fiber in my body because you spew out some right wing talking points? NO!!! I don't give a damn if you point out some "facts". That's not what makes me angry at all. It's that you and people like you exist. If I had my druthers you'd all die painfully of untreated syphilis.
  • Name
    it is so funny that this idiot is so mentality ill that he lumps us all together when we are the ones who criticize our own party first. i also love his made-up half truths but hey it is his right to believe what he wants and hate. that is what the liberals do best.
  • shane_b1968
    Really? Let's hear some of glaring critique. I'd love to hear the conservative answer as to where Bush screwed up. Let me guess. He didn't cut social spending enough for you. You creeps are all the same. Self centered, whiney and entitled.
  • Jackie M
    shane--you are mentally ill so i won't try to discuss anything with you. however, if you would like to become educated for once in your life, you are free to read my posts on this site before and after the election. they discuss my thoughts on Bush. keep judging people and spreading your hatred and lies. you obviously don't know what it is to be an American because you don't believe in the Constitution and everything that has made our country strong. thanks to obama and the left-winged nuts, we are crumbling. please give me proof that children are dying because of lack of healthcare. obviously, you don't understand the laws of this country but i realized that you are not capable of doing so in your state of mind! who in the hell are you to judge whether someone else has enough or not? do you know everyone's personal situation and have access to financial information? hmmmmm! i guess the mentall ill don't understand what freedom is!
  • shane_b1968
    Also, since you're so big on offering me an education perhaps you'll be interested in this:

  • Jackie M
    so this proves?????? unfortunately, these kinds of things happen in war. i can only hope that we have corrected the problem so that children don't suffer. measures should be taken to correct the problem. i really don't give a damn about the "torturing" issue! if someone had my child and wouldn't tell me where he/she was, i would want all measures to be taken to ensure he/she was found. if all other tactics were used and there was a possibility that beating the hell out of the person who took my child would help, so be it! you pansies won't get anywhere with people who have been trained not to give up information. common sense dictates that asking them politetly, may not produce the desired results. of course, our own soldiers went through waterboarding. anyone who is involved in these radical groups that are determined to hurt innocent people has no rights! we are fighting a war and it is sad that there are idiots like that out there in the first place! you fools don't give a damn about the number of lives that have been lost as a result of these people much less the lives that may be lost in the future if we don't stop them!
  • shane_b1968
    “so this proves?????? unfortunately, these kinds of things happen in war. i can only hope that we have corrected the problem so that children don't suffer. measures should be taken to correct the problem.”

    What measures have YOU taken to correct the problem? It’s YOUR tax money. Why is your moral outrage confined to giving affordable medical care to poor, working and middle class people?

    “i really don't give a damn about the "torturing" issue!”

    I understand that. None of your kind give a damn about it. You lack the empathy gene, which is bad enough, but you also lack the logic and empirical evidence gene. Your fear mongering and revenge blood lust makes you blind to the fact that torture doesn’t work. It produces false confessions and sends people on wild goose chases and diverts resources. There are much more effective and reliable ways of obtaining information. Torture leads to innocent people being fingered (and consequently tortured) all to make the pain stop. Waterboarding and torture has never been effective for intelligence gathering, it has only ever been effective for getting people to tell you what you want them to say…like Saddam was linked to 9/11 and has weapons of mass destruction. None of it was true. Every weak useless trail they followed that lead us into Iraq – a massive waste – was derived from torture.

    How many people became “terrorists” because of the Abu Ghraib pictures? How many soldiers and civilians have had to die fighting these people? How much harder has the war in Iraq been because we couldn’t follow the law?

    if someone had my child and wouldn't tell me where he/she was, i would want all measures to be taken to ensure he/she was found. if all other tactics were used and there was a possibility that beating the hell out of the person who took my child would help, so be it! you pansies won't get anywhere with people who have been trained not to give up information.

    So when a trained, expert FBI interrogator came into interview the kidnapper you’d say “thanks but no thanks. I want this inexperienced Blackwater contractor to beat the crap out of him even if it means seeing my child die locked in a shed somewhere.” Because that’s what happens with torture. They hate the interrogators and there is no way they will give them anything valuable. They give disinformation. Your common sense has been proven wrong time after time. Bush didn’t ask interrogation experts how to get information. He asked torture experts what the best way to torture is. But the results speak for themselves. Nothing of value has come from torture, and plenty of bad has come of it.

    “common sense dictates that asking them politetly, may not produce the desired results. of course, our own soldiers went through waterboarding.”

    Why don’t you ask them if they though it qualifies as torture? Better yet, try it yourself and then spout your nonsense.
  • shane_b1968
    Hatred yes. Lies NO!!! I do hate you lowlife scum…with a passion. You people deserve to be at the margins of society...not anywhere near power.

    But you have yet to point out a single objective lie I have written. You just throw that out there, because you are a conservative and objective reality has no place in conservative rhetoric. You just spout your crap as fact because the other conservative metaphysical thinkers - who lack the capacity for critical thought that only having a religious education that tells you that man walked with dinosaurs can provide - believe you.

    Let's talk about what made this country strong since you brought it up. Slave labor, cheap labor, and abundant natural resources created the wealth. Also, having a government that was separate from the private sector or religious affiliation helped, as well as a largely transparent and trustworthy government filled with people who believed in government's power to do good and believed in public service, people who had reverence for democracy and the constitution...not people who thought government was the problem and wanted to see it shrunk to the size where it could be drowned in the bathtub.

    "you obviously don't know what it is to be an American because you don't believe in the Constitution"

    So, I take it you protested in the streets of DC when you Yoo's torture memos, or when you heard we were locking prisoners up without access to the red cross or Geneva conventions protections (why would we do that if we were following the law?) or when you saw Cheney on TV claiming there was no torture going on only to find out years later that he was fighting for the torture program the whole time he was looking straight in the camera and denying that we were torturing he even admits it was torture.

    No, you servile's YOU who don't give a damn about the constitution.

    We have been crumbling for eight years. Where was your moral outrage when Reagan had tax cuts at the same time he was posting record deficits, or Bush 1 and his record deficits? Why didn't you become a democrat when Clinton gave us one of the biggest economic booms in history and was on track to wipe out the national debt in TEN YEARS? Where was your sense of doom when Bush 2 gave us more record deficits and still only managed to eek out a limp-wristed, lack-luster, slow growth, stagnant wage, weak job creation economy followed by the near collapse of the world economy...and then McCain offered absolutely nothing different but more tax cuts and more slashes to federal spending?

    Left wing nuts? Listen, if liberals had as bad an economic record as conservatives I can guarantee you there would be changes to the liberal agenda. We believe in government's ability to function and want to see it function well and benefit all, not drown it in a bathtub.

    "please give me proof that children are dying because of lack of healthcare."

    A Harvard study states that 40,000 people die every year from lack of medical coverage. You can draw a pretty easy conclusion that at least a few of them are children.

    But beyond that, I have a friend who had a middle class life style, a business running optical computer networks and had a daughter who was got liver cancer and a host of other devastating problems related to it and she is terminally ill. He was wiped out financially. He can't even work now because if he does his daughter will lose her Medicaid coverage and being self employed he had no access to affordable insurance.

    Everything he worked for is gone. He is watching his daughter die. He can't work. He has no car and is barely hanging on to his place to live and his daughter is living in poverty in her very few years she will get to spend on this planet.

    And this is all to protect the 30% profits and bonuses in the 10s of millions of dollars of health insurance companies. They are spending millions of dollars to protect their billions, by convincing you that health insurance reform will bankrupt the richest country on earth, by convincing you that tax payers will be funding abortion, by telling you Obama wants to kill you Gramma. It's all lies. They have a vested financial interest and they are protecting it by heavily funding fake grassroots organizations with corporate money and you suckers are buying it all hook, line and sinker.

    So, who am I to judge what is enough? Well, perhaps I am not qualified. So you do it. You tell me. What is enough wealth for one person to control. Is ten million enough? 50? 100? A billion? A trillion? When does it end? What is obscene and immoral to you? Is the answer for you that if the suckers are willing to pay, if you've got them over enough of a barrel, if you are corrupt enough to be able to buy favorable legislation by buying millions in advertising - even at the expense of the entire economy - that no amount of money is too much? Is that REALLY the world you want to inhabit?

    "i guess the mentall ill don't understand what freedom is!"

    So even though conservatives are the ones who support one person being able to decide if you are an enemy combatant with no court oversight of that determination, it's liberals who don't understand what freedom is? Even though conservatives are the ones who support torture, it's liberals who don't understand what freedom is. Even though conservatives are the ones who support indefinite detention without a trial or protections under the Geneva Convention, it's liberals who don't understand what freedom is? Even though conservatives are the ones who support illegal, warrantless wiretaps and sneak and peek searches and searches of library records, it's liberals who don't understand what freedom is?

    For conservatives there is only one freedom they are concerned with, the freedom to make money and keep it to their selves. In itself, perhaps that’s not a bad freedom to have, within reason, but if you were going to make list of government crackdowns on freedom you'd have to admit it ranks near the bottom...unless you are into authoritarian, right wing government where renditions and torture and disappearances are the norm.
  • Jackie M
    shane--you are a typical liberal who ignores what people say to ensure you continue your life with blinders on! i love it when you talk about conservatives, power and money. what in the hell do you think you idiots do? you fools support trial lawyers, unions, pharmaceutical companies, etc. your own people are corrupt as hell and are right in there with the idiots on both sides who choose to game the system for their own personal gain! lol! look at one of your own who had to step now because of the allegations of corruption against him. you are stupid if you think that your side is not involved as much as the right. so you are lying when you blame the right without cleaning your own house first! i guess i could take the wimps way out and hate your side like you hate mine! however, i'm a smarter person than that. hating gets nothing accomplished! so continue to hate and spew crap. the garbage that you post is easily refuted and i've done that. your lack of understanding of economics is a huge problem but i guess some people choose ignorance.

    our country was built by the sweat of its own citizens. i can tell you success stories of people in my family and many others who started out with nothing but through their hard work, they were able to do well! you keep up your stupidity! the folks i know didn't own slaves and they didn't take advantage of others. so you are saying that after years of sacrifice they should give up their money to people who have sacrificed less? lol! if that is the case common sense says there will be less people who strive to do well because the sacrifice is not worth it if they have to give more than their fair share to everyone else. the results will be less jobs and tax revenues will continue to decrease. are you saying that all of the money they pour into the community to help people should be re-routed and given to the government to waste? you live in a dream world. i guess your buddy obama lives by the same standard as you do, right? i guess his two bedroom shack in Chicago is proof that he lives by what he preaches? lol! so what is his excuse about not helping his poor elderly aunt who is living illegally in the US in public housing? he thought so much of her he wrote about her in one of his books? she is old and poor and probably doesn't understand the trouble she is in and if she does, she has no way to get herself out of it because of the lack of funds! i feel badly for her. obama turned his back and issued a statement saying let the law take its course. how disgusting! go ahead and justify his cruel and heartless action! i'm sure you will come up with something because he is your messiah! i guess you make sure you drive a twenty year old car and live in a shack while eating rice and beans and give the rest to the government to blow? with all of the waste in Washington, you are stupid to believe that additional money will solve the problems! the school system is a perfect example. pouring money into an already broken system won't work. when teachers have to spend their time dealing with young criminals and others who don't want to be there, nothing will ever change. until parents are held accountable for their children, there will always be problems. my son always complained about the people who received free lunch because those folks used to make fun of him because he didn't get into wearing the "ghetto" clothing. he didn't like the style. they wore $150 shoes and $100 pants! they wore new clothes all the time. that was more than we spent on my son's clothing. we didn't waste our money like that but they did and they were rewarded by getting free lunch. hmmmmm! the school board in my city refused to conduct an audit on those receiving free lunch to ensure they were eligible when there was evidence presented that abuses of the system were occurring. lol! so money is being wasted! in addition, until all educators are made to perform and waste is controlled, there will always be problems.

    your stupidity is showing up loud and clear! enemy combatents are just that and should never be allowed the same freedoms and rights as we have! it is a matter of our own security. you idiots don't mind the freedoms of US citizens being taken away by these people! children who lost a parent in 911 now don't have the freedom to have both parents in their lives! the emotional damage they suffer is off the charts! you fools want to give rights to people who take away ours? yeah, keep on talking about freedoms. obviously, your definition of freedom is warped. freedoms are taken away from Americans when there is a threat of terrorism. why don't you personally take out ads in the newspapers letting the terrorists know that you have empathy for them and are willing to give them messages to relieve their stress?

    there is no question that healthcare needs to be reformed. republicans support this and you know it. unfortunately, the damn liberals/democrats wasted a year creating a corrupt bill while shutting the republicans out. it was only when forced that they made the "appearance" of reaching accross the isle. everyone knows this and only the idiots refuse to acknowledge it. the republicans have been trying to work with the damn liberals/democrats even though the left wing nuts continually showed their asses and shut them out. the prove is out there. they have violated their equality stance in this bill. now according to them equality is NOT for everyone. they are the hypocrits!

    obama has made deals with pharmaceutical companies and AARP so that they will continue to enjoy nice profits. is this called reform? of course, not! people in your own party do not like the bills the democrats formulated. they know it is corrupt and offers too little for too much money. you morons want to pass a bad bill that will ensure people suffer for generations to come instead of passing a good one in the first place! obama could have easily ordered an aggressive attack on fraud in medicare last year. instead he is waiting ensuring this continues. if he was doing his job, he would have already done this and tackled the jobs problem in this country. the more jobs created, the more likely people will have healthcare.

    remember the promises he made about job creation and how he was going to fix the problem. now he is ignoring his promises and has proven he can't do this job. he should never have shown his arrogance and promised something he can't deliver! now he is making up excuses and an half-assed jobs bill is in the works! in addition, tax revenues will increase giving the government more money to pour into a black hole.

    you need to start exercising your brain and stop spewing obama's rhetoric!
  • shane_b1968
    “what in the hell do you think you idiots do? you fools support trial lawyers, unions, pharmaceutical companies, etc.”

    I support the right of a person to sue a corporation, and yes that requires a trial lawyer. The alternative which you seem to advocate is to do away with them and thereby limit an individuals right to fight back against corporations who have vastly more resources and power.

    I support unions, because I think that there should be a balance of power between labor and management. Objective data shows consistently that areas and industries with a lack of organized labor suffer vastly worse, more dangerous working conditions with less pay and more abuse suffered at the hands of management.

    I don’t know where you got the idea that liberals are in love with Big Pharma but that’s just preposterous on it’s face.

    “your own people are corrupt as hell and are right in there with the idiots on both sides who choose to game the system for their own personal gain! lol! look at one of your own who had to step now because of the allegations of corruption against him. you are stupid if you think that your side is not involved as much as the right.”

    I am on the side of liberal policies so your weak argument against individuals is wasted breath.

    “so you are lying when you blame the right without cleaning your own house first!”

    Slow down sister. Don’t you dare call me a damn liar. Name one time I’ve lied or STFU.

    “i guess i could take the wimps way out and hate your side like you hate mine! however, i'm a smarter person than that. hating gets nothing accomplished!”

    Yeah, maybe…or maybe somewhere buried deep, deep down in that empty void you call a soul you know you are wrong and that conservatism is based on selfishness.

    “so continue to hate and spew crap. the garbage that you post is easily refuted and i've done that. your lack of understanding of economics is a huge problem but i guess some people choose ignorance.”

    Lots of accusation there but little substance to back it up. Which economic theory do you posit have a more in depth grasp of than I?

    “our country was built by the sweat of its own citizens. i can tell you success stories of people in my family and many others who started out with nothing but through their hard work, they were able to do well! you keep up your stupidity! the folks i know didn't own slaves and they didn't take advantage of others. so you are saying that after years of sacrifice they should give up their money to people who have sacrificed less?”

    Yes there was a time in this country where sweat alone could bring you the American dream, but that is rare indeed in this economy. The fact is, cheap labor, whether it was your ancestors or slaves or immigrants or hard working citizens built this country…and the vast majority saw little from their enrichment of the privileged class.

    “lol! if that is the case common sense says there will be less people who strive to do well because the sacrifice is not worth it if they have to give more than their fair share to everyone else. The results will be less jobs and tax revenues will continue to decrease.”

    So why don’t you see jobs decrease when taxes are raised? Why don’t you see more jobs when taxes are cut? You’d think it was true. It sounds good. But the evidence does not support it. There is never such a correlation.

    “are you saying that all of the money they pour into the community to help people should be re-routed and given to the government to waste?”

    That is a straw man. Why would I support waste? I think the government has a valuable constructive role. To say I am supportive of waste is nonsensical.

    “you live in a dream world.”

    Maybe so but I am not resorting to straw man arguments.

    “i guess your buddy obama lives by the same standard as you do, right? i guess his two bedroom shack in Chicago is proof that he lives by what he preaches? lol! so what is his excuse about not helping his poor elderly aunt who is living illegally in the US in public housing? he thought so much of her he wrote about her in one of his books? she is old and poor and probably doesn't understand the trouble she is in and if she does, she has no way to get herself out of it because of the lack of funds! i feel badly for her.”

    You don’t seem to get it. I’m not here to defend Obama. He is not liberal enough for me and he isn’t paying me to defend him. Where he supports liberal POLICIES I support him.

    “obama turned his back and issued a statement saying let the law take its course.”

    Gee, how refreshingly un-Bushlike of him. He values the law.

    “how disgusting! go ahead and justify his cruel and heartless action! i'm sure you will come up with something because he is your messiah!”

    Hyperbole and misguided.

    i guess you make sure you drive a twenty year old car and live in a shack while eating rice and beans and give the rest to the government to blow?

    I drive a 2005 Sienna minivan if you must know. I’m a Dad. I cooked my kids filet mignon and a healthy salad, and I pay my taxes without griping about it. My kids go to a fantastic public school that has a foreign language immersion program and I feel like my taxes are well spent. I would spend more if it meant other kids could have as good an experience as my kids get.

    “with all of the waste in Washington, you are stupid to believe that additional money will solve the problems! the school system is a perfect example. pouring money into an already broken system won't work. when teachers have to spend their time dealing with young criminals and others who don't want to be there, nothing will ever change.”

    Shoot, why bother with school at all? You’ve written them off. Why not just cut out the middleman and send them straight to prison?

    “until parents are held accountable for their children, there will always be problems.”

    My folks always told me it wasn’t really fair to hold someone responsible for something but not to give them any choice about it. Maybe the problem is that parents are working 60-70 hours a week just to get by at low wage jobs. Are there bad parents? Sure. But there are also plenty of good people who are so squeezed that they just can’t make it.

    “my son always complained about the people who received free lunch because those folks used to make fun of him because he didn't get into wearing the "ghetto" clothing. he didn't like the style. they wore $150 shoes and $100 pants! they wore new clothes all the time. that was more than we spent on my son's clothing. we didn't waste our money like that but they did and they were rewarded by getting free lunch.”

    So the fact that you feel put out by some people gaming the system is going to make you be willing to let other children who that meal may be the one meal they eat that day go back to the malnutrition and illnesses that were rampant before the federal food assistance programs? Really? Are you that far gone from humanity? OK, even if you are a heartless SOB, those poor kids with malnourishment wind up in hospitals because of health problems related to malnutrition…and YOU have to pay for it…unless you want to go for the full monty and cut off ER visits for dying children who are too poor to pay. How many school lunches can you pay for with one hospital stay?

    “hmmmmm! the school board in my city refused to conduct an audit on those receiving free lunch to ensure they were eligible when there was evidence presented that abuses of the system were occurring.”

    Wow, seriously? You actually spent your activism, your energy and time and resources trying to get kids kicked off the school lunch program? That is the behavior you modeled for your son? “Hey son, look…a homeless person sleeping on the sidewalk, let’s kick him!” Jesus Christ!!! What is the matter with you people? How many kids would Jesus try and get kicked off the school lunch program. You dirty little scum. You wonder why I hate you?

    “your stupidity is showing up loud and clear! enemy combatents are just that and should never be allowed the same freedoms and rights as we have! it is a matter of our own security. you idiots don't mind the freedoms of US citizens being taken away by these people!”

    You have a fundamental misconception of freedoms and rights. They are protections for individuals against our own government, not foreign entities or individuals. When you say that the president can declare anyone an enemy combatant without any court oversight and that that person no longer has any constitutional rights or freedoms, that this person can be held in secret with no access to the red cross, no court proceedings, no defense, then by definition YOU have no rights and freedoms.

    “children who lost a parent in 911 now don't have the freedom to have both parents in their lives! the emotional damage they suffer is off the charts! you fools want to give rights to people who take away ours? yeah, keep on talking about freedoms.”

    Yes. I want those freedoms for all. Otherwise, there is no meaningful freedom for anyone. Before Bush tortured people you probably would have agreed with me.

    “obviously, your definition of freedom is warped. Freedoms are taken away from Americans when there is a threat of terrorism.”

    Rights and freedoms are not granted by terrorists and cannot be taken away by them. They are granted by democratic government with a strong constitution, which guarantees those rights for all. You have weakened the very foundation of your freedom by undermining democracy and the constitution.

    “why don't you personally take out ads in the newspapers letting the terrorists know that you have empathy for them and are willing to give them messages to relieve their stress?”

    It’s massage. And until you realize that I don’t care about protecting constitutional rights because of empathy for terrorists, I care about it because I empathize with my daughters growing up in a country where those rights are weakened – we will never agree.
  • Jackie M
    my statement-- "in addition, tax revenues will increase giving the government more money to pour into a black hole." should have said would instead of will!
  • Jackie M
    shane--these are the last posts that will be directed towards you. the hatred that you express proves that you are mentally ill. besides that it is a sure sign of immaturity. as long as hate is there, the truth will be stifled! hating is not the way to go through life and i hope you are able to get some help! i have chosen a better path!
  • shane_b1968
    It's so much easier to call someone names than it is to put up a good argument for a weak position.
  • Jackie M
    by the way the liberals and democrats are the tolerant folks! LOL! not this deranged fool! LOL!
  • shane_b1968
    No. I don't give a damn about having tolerance for the well-healed, flag-waving, bible thumping, holier than thou, hypocritical, whiney, entitled torture chimps. Not a bit.

    If you legitimately need my help I'm happy to be there for you, but for folks that have everything they need and even a bit more (and I include myself in that category) to whine and whimper and stampo their feet about taxes which by historical standards are very low while people watch their children die from lack of health, you don't get an ounce of tolerance from me. You can go straight to hell as far as I care.
  • Harrison
    Oh yeah I'm sure wonderful American products like the Ford Pinto, Chevrolet Chevette or the Mercury Topaz have NOTHING to do with Japanese cars selling so well. Not to mention the wonderful gas mileage enjoyed by those fine, union-built sleds.
  • shane_b1968
    Gee, how patriotic of you. Just like all other right wing "values" patriotism is fine when it serves your self interests but it all it really is is a bludgeon to beat your opponents around with when it suits you and then toss away like a used peice of toilet paper.

    Go wave your giant flag of freedom you big flagget.
  • therealamerican
    what if we act to late?
  • Anders
    Why not invest in alternative fuels and power sources? Why not insure the health of our environment? Why not insure the health of our economy? Why not insure the health of our nation? Gasoline, no matter how great one believes it to be, is not a renuable resource and won't be available for eternity. Our planet is our home. Whether you agree in athropogenic climate change or not, it is undeniable that harmful polutents are released into our environment every day and these polutents have had profound effects on many individuals. The America of tommorow will be different from the America of today. As our non-renuable resources become more scarce we will rely on more alternatives. Alternatives ore the future of our economy and they come at a price. Like a rising star, individuals must take a risk and invest in them in order to make them more economical, more efficient, and more advanced. But this investment will yeild great dividends when our economy rides on "green" technology and the petroleum is not in demand. The well being of this nation and any nation rides on the well being of its economy, an economy that fits the times; today, a green economy.

    As a young conservative you may inapropriatly call me liberal. But is that wise? Numbers of young conservative voters are rapidly decreasing. Can you really afford to ignore the young American population? As a conservative of tommorow, I challenge you to consider my thoughts and refuse to ignore them. I don't think the health of your party can afford ignorance.
  • Harrison
    That's cool but not with my tax money.
  • shane_b1968
    If I have to choke down the vomit in my throat as I watch no-bid contracts for Halliburton and Blackwater, wars of choice, nuclear weapons we can never use and should never use, depleted uranium shells and the corresponding illnesses suffered by our troops, corporate subsidies, monpolies, wallstreet giveaways, cayman island tax dodges, tax cuts for muli-billionaires...then forgive me if I have not a single god damned ounce of patience for conservatives who run record deficits EVERY TIME THEY COME TO POWER lecturing me on what they will accept their tax dollars to be spent on. You lost. You don't get a say anymore. Go move to someplace with no social programs, low taxes, no government limits on corporations, Honduras or Chad are probably your best bet. But these free market paradises tend to be 3rd world cesspools.
  • Harrison
    Looking at your MSNBC laundry list I'm sure you are aware that many of the things you listed have been continued by Obama. Enjoy.
  • shane_b1968
    What makes you think that I even watch TV? Listen, brother, the fact that I would have to listen to MSNBC in order to hear that particular "laundry list" of war crimes is not an argument against MSNBC it's an argument against everything station where it appears committing murder and torture is not worthy of criticism.
  • mrspearone
    Back to the topic. Leave it to political folks to just hate hate hate. You guys sing to the choir like every day here so let me actually make it interesting. We ALL should be supporting alternate green energy and thats the bottom line. Preserve the EARTH and respect the EARTH its a planet and its here for future generations. It annoys me to no end that the argument is "oh its a lie, so now we can ignore the whole green energy thing and helping the EARTH". Who cares whether the data is right or wrong, its irrelevant for people like me who don't like or trust either party or the government as a whole in the U.S anyway. I'm here as a person who lives to do good things for people, animals and the earth. I don't root for colored teams e.g "republicans'(RED) "democrats"(BLUE). Politics isn't a sports game. Just because you like one side doesn't mean you shut out common sense and just throw away the the discipline and practice of doing right for the EARTH. Try supporting a cleaner greener EARTH and don't let the government make you believe that its not important because a democrat likes the idea. Seriously we all need to continue to reduce, reuse and recycle, seek out alternate energy sources and transitioning to cleaner fuels for our cars and more fuel efficient cars is a must. Bring this party of conservatives to the future and try to care about the planet. Thank you.
  • Dora
    be careful, mrspear... you speak logic...they don't get logic here... they don't believe in this.
    common sense "get rid of it!" they say... lend a hand to those that need it "who the hell cares!" they say..."I got mine the hard way, let them do the same, damn it!!" they say...
    assholes with legs- that's all they are- I have no time left to spend on such ignorance demonstrated on this site. Judging by the lack of comments generated by the posts now that the original host has also lost interest here - nobody gives a shit about this site, it's three inhabitants, and the crap/hate/lies/ and recycled debunked material they spew. Enjoy your stupidity- you wear it well.
  • AckAck
    Dora, you're on the wrong thread "Code Pink" is next door in bat shit corner!
  • Harrison
    Save the planet? In the US there are more forests, the water is cleaner, the air is cleaner than it has been in over 100 years. You should be preaching to the Third World and their corrupt politicians who keep their populations poor and starving. If you don't see how politics plays into this then you are naive my friend.

    Hybrids destroy the environment why don't you look at what the mining of these rare metals does. The gasoline engine is one of the most efficient, cleanest burning sources of power ever developed. I'm sure you wouldn't mind dumping hundreds of billions of dollars into wind power that doesn't work when it's not windy or solar power that doesn't work when it's not sunny. Are you in favor of nuclear power?

    What is this "cleaner fuels for our cars" of which you speak? There IS no cleaner fuel than what we have now my friend. Ethanol is wasteful and polluting as is diesel.
  • madinalabama
    At the rate the Liberals are ramrodding their ideals down our throats we may need to look at individuals running for office on the platform of repealing all this garbage. Can we charge these people for perjury or bring them before the Supreme Court for breaking their oath of office to protect and defend the constitution from enemy foreign and DOMESTIC! Wake up Washington.... This is how the last revolution was started.
  • shane_b1968
    Conservatives have a lot of nerve to whine about liberals ramming things down their throats after GWB and his rabid conservative policies, none of which were supported by the majority of Americans were foisted on us and after all the economic devastation they caused.

    Name a single constitutional right Obama has broken. You have a conservative supreme court. Shouldn't they have weighed in on all the constitutional affronts perpetrated by Obama?

    What, did he torture people? Did he break search and seizure laws? Did he spy on US citizens without a warrant? Hold people without trial? Did he instigate an armed rebellion against the lawfully elected government of the United States as you seem to want to do?

    Were you posting on this website for GWB's arrest for perjury while he was actually blowing apart the constitution - the one which you hold so sacred when democrats are in office but would gladly use for toilet paper when your own right wing uber patriot holds sway - or are you just a partisan hack, an intellectually dishonest wannabe traitor who uses their values of freedom and democracy as a bludgeon when it serves them and disregard them when they are no longer convenient for furthering your right wing agenda?
  • celestialpoetry
    oops again: (you see, I'm teaching to even use failures into remarking propaganda):
    Please, Change: "authorities using state and gov resources to silence those who DON'T oppose defend T USA and the Allies...)
    Obabafeet, the Darth Moll govcylon $ith in chief (never "my" chief) really believed sen ted palpatine you have mind contrl powers?, you sound like expecting a kind of "Acuaman telepatic sound effects when you lie your very expensive teleprompter readings, another (dangerous non stopable) chavez (in 4 more years), another UN$addam after 8, (emperor's voice: everrriting is going as planned... bwaaaa, haaa, haaa..... (and the empero marches away... tan tan tarantan tarararan tan tan taran tanrarararan .... (methal trumpets): tan tan tan, tan taran tan taran... tadadada tan taran tan taran... (here comes globalhoax effect and the band fails in inaudible noises) tan dfhfjgyn, hnfgj hfjgkgkd (bho: where is the melody?)
    psst: hitler didn't conquested the world just because he didn't have a Starwars march of the empire... bwaaa, ha ha...
  • celestialpoetry
    oops, sorry, bho 43 (and dayly down 1 pnt/day), Bush (going up dayly, and no team$&czar;$, no acorn, no sanctuary city authorities using state and gov resources to silence those who oppose defend T USA and the Allies, freedomfighters, govtrillions...) BooHoO 47% apprvl on Thursday, 46 Friday, so by next week he's BOXED along with the rest of the terror mental dessease desorder imbeciles who think only to silence us at the congress (no oil&nuke; powers to T USA, but oil&nuke; powers to the sweared armageddons of the enemies of civilization.
    Psst: tangible bailedouts are as criminal terror help as authorities giving UNTANGIBLE satisfaction (unvaluable) to all the terror logistics to pursue, bring us in harma ways under their "legalities and gov agencies and sections, prisions are already sodomic torture and inhuman treatments but for the terrorists"...
    Believe me, untangible permission and help to hurt (using legalities, judges, police, paralegals, gov resources, info, etc.) freedomfighter people and their family and friends are very, very dangerous and powerfull recluitment for more terror logistics, as social options atracts as a coyote tourism magnet (imans) for the freecare, aclu, acorn systems, dengerous potential amnesty voters, then completely "change" Amerika, their sick nightmares...
    bho (as the hole neolibbases already commited many acts of war (economics and freedom rights), Gitmo, trial Bush instead acorn...)
    And because there is no sign of repent or even slow down, then, WE SLOW THEM DOWN THEN...
  • celestialpoetry
    Celestial poetry: Bush 44% (without bailedouteam$), BooHoO: 44%, neolibcongress by the 10s%...
    ccccrrrrmmmmm... (I call Treebeard to recite my poem, an (oppositor) Ent story (extended LOTR):
    ...."Beyond the far forests of the intellect , under dryed leaves over the roots...
    ...."Lays the intellectuall dreams and nostalgic thoughts of the free heart and mind persons..." under God...
    ...."Come back to me, come back tooooo meeeee, aaaaand say (very smoth here)... my land... is... (alsmost wispering:) the best..."
    ...."We come from the Earth, the Stars are our fathers, we are baby Moon's brothers and sisters, the silver Moon..."
    dedicated to all cyberfighter, did you liked it?, 2ndBlueStarMom, Jakie, Alliy, Townhalls, Teaparties, Civilist crusaders, Cuban oppositors, Iranian oppositors, Venezuelans oppositors, American... oppositors...
    psst: there is plenty more where this poem came from, is ONE IDEA, from the one who also walks over the Milkyway...- por BooHoO, has THE WORST PRESIDENT apprvl rate and hasn't even being 1 yr at the WH chair.
  • Jonwards
    Freedom Lovers: At least something will be rotten in the state of Denmark when the White House Squirrel (tied to Acorn) arrives in Copenhagen to find ways to CHEW us out and SNUFF out freedom! Speaking of Copenhagen, we've gotta find ways to cope with that squirrel which keeps hoggin' the spotlight! Squirrel Watcher
  • Harrison
    It does not matter what is said or what information if produced Liberals are after the money to be made from CO2 and global warming. They will stop at nothing to get at it.
  • shane_b1968
    Yeah, those money grubbing liberals. That's what liberalism is all about. Self-enrichment.

    Wow. Say, do you guys ever think before you talk?

    So listen, I was starting out in the world and trying to decide what would be a more self-serving, selfish path to self enrichment and I was thinking about becoming a conservative because I'm basically a selfish guy know...conservatism is all about what's good for me personally regardless of who suffers. And being that I am selfish and greedy I thought that would be the way to go. But you have really made me think about things. Perhaps I had it all wrong. Perhaps I need to be a liberal, because that is all about making money. do I make money out of providing food for malnourished kids or getting help for mentally ill homeless people?

    Ahh screw it...those people don't have any money. I think I'll just stick with my original plan of being a conservative and hiring people at slave wages with no health care and busting unions and cutting money for the education that could help them find a way out and fighting minimum wage increases and then I'll criticize them for not being as worthy an achiever as I am.
  • Denver SEO
    Climategate has a little brother - the coverup by the formerly main stream press! They have refused to ask difficult questions of our so called experts - things like, "don't you think Americans are capable of understanding the raw data?" and... why did this data need to be falsified or manipulated if the case for global warming was clear and unequivocal?
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