Reverse Party Logic Proves Faulty

May 3rd, 2009 Billy Hallowell

“Agree with her or not, she seems like a sweet kid who means well.”’s Allah Pundit recently Tweeted this reassuring proclamation to his followers. The subject: Meghan McCain. The context: Her political philosophy. Surely, Allah Pundit’s right. Meghan does, indeed, have good intentions. But it is her somewhat anti-conservative viewpoints about which direction the Republican Party should head that drive a wedge between her and her constituents.

In reality, Meghan’s perspectives comprise just one of the many tenants competing for GOP dominance in a smorgasbord of ideological muck. Conservatives and Republicans are embroiled in a high-stakes battle-of -the-ideals, with all sides vying to capture the party’s heart and soul.

Unfortunately, some conservatives have forgotten that we live in a constitutional democracy. If you’ll recall, Laura Ingram was so incensed over Meghan’s political proclamations that she called her a “useful idiot” and made fun of her physical appearance. Just as Miss California had every right to voice her perspective during Sunday’s Miss USA pageant, so does Meghan McCain have the right to express where she stands on her party’s sociopolitical alignment (I bring up this totally random side-note to remind conservatives not to perpetuate a double standard when criticizing “rogue conservatives.” This is America. May we all speak freely).

Two, Contrasting Perspectives

So, what’s the big deal about Meghan, you ask? She describes herself as a Progressive Republican. Others, like political strategist Patrick Ruffini, would likely counter efforts to bestow such an anti-conservative title upon the party. Ruffini sees a need within the movement to return to conservatism – an effort to clarify party roots, while infusing the values and ethics that made the Republican Party so appealing to the Reaganites.

In truth, this brief description is less that a totalistic view of what is occurring within the GOP; Meghan and Patrick merely represent two opposing sides, with a middle-range so diverse it couldn’t possibly be captured in mere paragraphs. Ideological stances are surely in battle, but I’d hardly call it a full-fledged war. The Republican Party has lost step and those within it are attempting to repair its standing. The point of contention surrounds defining a literal meaning for “repair” and crafting an action plan that the majority of the party can embrace.

This past week on Twitter, Patrick said, “We can be more conservative AND more aggressive / dynamic / forward focused. These things are not in tension.” In contrast, Meghan McCain recently wrote, “I consider myself a progressive Republican…” and claimed that “…being a Republican is about as edgy as Donny Osmond.” Talk about a difference of opinion.

The two contrasting perspectives define, in a macro sense, the issues facing the party. While I am a big believer that current perspective is important in determining next steps, exploring the past is the best way to predict what’s to come in politics. A recent history lesson shows us that moving in the opposite ideological direction isn’t necessarily indicative of future success. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the democrats. Following its 2004 electoral defeat, the Democratic Party moved so far left that it’s currently dangling off a cliff over a sea of socialistic decree. Barack Obama’s nomination and subsequent election is the literal manifestation of this reality.

Clinging to the Outer Fringes

Aside from his overt inclination for “spreading the wealth” and his less than moderate positioning on issues like abortion and diplomatic relations with rogue nations like Iran, from 2004 and 2008, Barack Obama distinguished himself as the most liberal member of the United States Senate (or, as the Democrat’s like to say, he earned the title of “Miss Congeniality”). That’s like a baby learning to run before taking first steps. Or, to put it in a more realistic perspective: When a party embraces a candidate whose ADA rating beats Ted Kennedy’s, one can safely say that said party is clinging to the outer fringes of liberalism. Barack Obama is the most left-leaning president America has elected to date. Hands down.

The GOP is now the Democratic Party post-Kerry. This in mind, the notion that becoming more “liberal” will redefine the party in a positive way just doesn’t make sense. Unless Republicans want to see a split that rivals the Catholic-Protestant disunion, I’d advise against such a move.

If you follow the Democratic model, you’ll see a party that elevated another ADA-favorite and a liberal, yet average guy — John Kerry — to take on George W. Bush during a time of relative domestic and international instability (2004). Following electoral defeat and a steady increase in discontent, the Democrats saw a clear opportunity in 2008 to make “change” through the nomination of the most left-minded candidate they could find. Enter, Barack Obama.

A State of Shear Dormancy

When I hear the debate about how the GOP should react, I wonder: Have some Republicans been in a dormant state? Are drugs that induce sense-retardant inclinations being consumed without their knowledge? Don’t they get it? From health care to abortion rights, Barack Obama thinks we’ve done it all wrong. His self-proclaimed mission is to reboot any and all conservatively-influenced policies and his prescription for success is a hyper dose of Democratic doctrine. Meanwhile, Americans are encouraged to stand by while he continues to perform euthanasia on the financial markets.

What simply doesn’t make sense from a strategic or logical standpoint is the idea that becoming Democratic Light will equate to a positive reformation for the Republicans in 2010, 2012 and beyond. Did the Democrats make themselves more conservative, or more moderate for that matter following their 2004 defeat? The most recent bailout and tax code changes should answer that question for you.

As much as I believe Meghan McCain to be an effective leader and someone who does, indeed, deeply care for her country (she is John McCain’s daughter, after all), I deeply disagree with some of her insinuations that the party must move left for sake of survival. Retracing our conservative steps is the answer to formulating a true contingency plan. America doesn’t need a more liberal GOP; she needs a more rational and doctrine-abiding one.

To clarify, this means looking at where the GOP has been in an effort to retrace and correct party wrongs. This process transcends architectural tweaks to the party; it requires recapturing the movement’s heart and soul. It’s not about gay marriage – or abortion (to name only two controversial social issues). This is not to say that conservatives cannot and should not hold opinions about these issues. Everyone is entitled to individual perspective (yes, even Meghan McCain). But, if we truly want to save capitalism, the conservative heart must shift focus to the most pressing issue of our time: America’s economic decline. Fiscal conservatism is the answer.

Conservatives, for what it’s worth, have stuck solidly to the structures surrounding America’s social paradigms, but we have neglected and abandoned our small government mantra. We have allowed our own party members to engage in excessive spending, while sitting back and watching our economic doctrine lay dormant. The fiscal irresponsibility and vampire-esque future-feeding that the current administration is engaging in is a dangerous detriment to our democracy. The GOP needs to retract irresponsible spending policies and make good on its claim that human beings are the primary benefactors and architects of their own destiny.

It’s time to truly embrace small government ideologies. It is not time to abandon our principles in pursuit of a party construct that already exists. What made the GOP so powerful was its embracement of important social and economic issues. In keeping in step, the only natural reaction is to return to our roots, while making good on both areas of political inquiry.

Technorati Tags: Billy Hallowell,RENEWtv,GOP,Republican,Rebuild the Party,Democrats,Meghan McCain,Patrick Ruffini,Obama

Rating: 2.3/5 (19 votes cast)

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  • bob the builder
    Billy,  as usual,  you aimed for the nail and hit your foot.   There is little doubt that the GOP is in deep trouble - and will remain so for years to come.  Why?  Because they allowed themselves to be defined by those with the narrowest of views- both social and political.  They continue to insist this is "their base".  
    The conservatives like to promote themselves as the people of high morals and values - with a direct line to god.  Today, a poll defined exactly where people stand relative to this:
    favorable ratings for Obama:
    Jews: 80+% favorable

    Catholic:  67% favorable
    Protestant:  58% favorable
    Agnostic/Atheist: 73% favorable

    These are telling figures, no doubt.

    Billy,  you have - as have the GOP leaders- entirely misread the American people.   You will probably find followers of your mind set here on this site, Billy- because the ever shrinking "base" of the GOP is located here.  They are not reflective of what a vast majority of republicans find appealing.  As long as the GOP continues to keep their tent so narrow minded- they will continue to erode.   Meghan is someone that the GOP should embrace for she is one person who could actually make a difference from within- but your narrow-minded "base" called her names and made every attempt to marginalize her- making every attempt to have her look like  just another air headed blond.    Democrats would welcome her- the GOP dismissed her. 
    General Powell and George Will endorsed Obama.  Did you ever listen to WHY Billly?  I was a registered republican.  I agreed with their reasoning.  I voted for Obama and have since changed my status to independent.
    If the GOP continues to take their  current direction they will continue to dwindle in membership,  their progress will resemble that of a hamster on his wheel.
  • bob the builder
    I recently made a comment on this site regarding these issues, Billy.
    One of this site's active posters dismissed all that I said and proceeded to call me names for disagreeing with her.  I was automatically irrelevant for voting for Obama.  I was placed on her hate list. 
    Sadly,  she represents "the base".
  • simonesdad2009
    Billy, I get the point you are trying to make but you inexplicably interchange conservative and republican.  Like here:

    "Conservatives, for what it’s worth, have stuck solidly to the structures surrounding America’s social paradigms, but we have neglected and abandoned our small government mantra. We have allowed our own party members to engage in excessive spending, while sitting back and watching our economic doctrine lay dormant."

    A rookie mistake.  Conservatism is a philosophy.  True, there is the Conservative Party but I don't think that's what you were talking about here.  And there lies the problem with you guys.  You are stuck like glue to old alliances and strategies and outdated ideas.  Conservatives make up only a small fraction of republicans, yet you seek out their favor like some insecure schoolgirl.  It's interesting how you say it's not about abortion and gay marriage NOW.  Those are bedrock social conservative issues.  For some, there are no other issues but those two. 

    So you argue for "conservatism light" on social issues while you urge a "return to our roots" fiscal/small government battle cry.  The two are interwoven in a way that IS conservatism.  When you try to separate them out like Meghan McCain did, you see what happened to her.

    The other thing with conservatism is that the philosophy has not given us anything new in 50 years.  This country is now completely different than the America that existed when the modern day conservative movement was born (I'm using Goldwater as a starting point).  Ok, we get it.  Small government, cut taxes, guns for everyone, no abortions or gay people or social programs or regulations.  What else you got?  You did have a captive generation or two still longing for Ward and June Cleaver's America.  That day is over.  Your strategy seems to be to wait for the super dominant Democrats to overreach (and eventually we will) but this time is a little different.  You have the legacy of incompetence and gutter politics on a historic level.  Some superpower muscle flexing by our side won't wash that stain away.
  • MAS1916
    Conservatives have to break the cult-leader's hold on a good chunk of the voting public.  This will require engaging each leftist who has expressed some regret over his November vote.  There are many of these and it is a growing population.

    In any event, here is a 12-step plan to work with those that worship Obama and are trying to break free of His cult and of CNN.
  • Billy Hallowell

    "Rookie mistake"? You misread the paragraph specified.  Conservatives generally belong to a party.  Statistically speaking, that party is the GOP.  There was no confusion there.  I made the distinction clear. The article focuses on the party not moving toward the center.  "Our own party members" refers to the GOP, a structure that many who associate (most, rather) with the conservative philosophy identify with. You're point was weak at best.  But, thanks for the commentary.
  • jane dough
    billy,  one of the main problems with the GOP has been their refusal to see the problems that they themselves created.    They continue to worship at the shrine of Ronnie- candidates invoke his name with reverence and awe, promising to follow in the footsteps of their lost hero. 
    perhaps a review of Ronnie's legacy would be in order since he is your #1 - A+ - stand-up - perfect conservative.
    Mr. Reagan was:
    First to serve as Governor on a "conservative" platform and increase spending by 112%.
    # First Governor to increase personal income taxes by 60%, increase the cigarette tax by 200%, and increase state tax collections by 152%.
    # First to have a popularity rating of only 35% after his first two years in office.
    # First to increase spending by 80%--in only 8 years.
    # First to spend more in eight years than was spent in prior 50 years.
    # First to cut taxes by 60% for his rich pals.
    # First to have increased the national debt faster than growth of national income.
    # First to "almost": triple the national debt.
    # First to increase the national debt faster than growth of GDP.
    # First to double the deficit.
    # First to turn America into a debtor nation.
    # First to set a record for the largest one day percentage decline in the DOW in history. 10-19-87.
    # First to have "real" interest rates of 8% after averaging 1% over 35 years.
    # First to keep prime interest rates at 20%.
    # First to have home loan interest rates as high as 16%.
    # First to allow the savings and loan industry to be raided after signing a deregulatory bill and proclaiming "I think we have hit the jackpot". Come and get it the vaults are unguarded.
    # First to have an admiral plead the Fifth Amendment.
    # First to have a Marine LT. Colonel plead the Fifth Amendment.
    # First to have a sitting cabinet member indicted.
    # First to have an Assistant Secretary of State indicted.
    # First to have an Asistant Secretary of Defense sent to prison.
    # First to have over 100 members of an administration charged with crimes.
    # First to have more members of his administration charged with crimes than the cumulative total of all other presidents in the twentieth century.
    # First to testify "under oath" 130 times that "I don't remember".
    # First to have an Admiral with a photographic memory testify 128 times " I don't remember".
    # First to repeatedly falsify his wife's age, as though anyone cared.
    # First to promote his religious faith and while never having an active membership in any church.
    # First to have unemployment at 10.8% since great depression.
    # First to attack a small unprotected nation with 88,000 inhabitants and 10,000 bb guns, and then proclaim "America stands tall again". "we have whipped the Vietnam Syndrome. We have defeated communism".
    # #1-in farm foreclosures.
    # #1-In bank failures.
    # #1-In Savings and Loan failures.
    # #1-In percent increase in personal bankruptcies.
    # #1-In having servicemen killed during peacetime.
    # #1-In largest drop in popularity in one week.
    # #1-In being first to honor Nazi Storm Troopers by calling them" Innocent Victims".
    # First to lie - over and over- to reporters "I do not dye my hair; my barber uses a special shampoo."
    # First to have his wife sit nearby and whisper answers to questions.
    # First to have his press secretary remove him from the microphone when he could not answer questions. (When the reporter shouted out "answer my question", the president replied "my handlers won't let me speak").
    # First to have a Special Assistant say on national TV "sometimes you had to hit him on the head with a 2 x 4 to get his attention".
    # #1-In needing a staff person standby during press conferences to tell the press "what he really meant"

    so much for your hero.
  • Aliy
    Why do some republicans want us all to follow suit and become "democrat half caf"? The only way the republican party is going to survive and get back on the right track is to stick MORE to the conservative values and fight back. Stop trying to negotiate with a terrorist (yes, I'm equating dem's with terrorists). You can't. Have you EVER tried to get a liberal to see your point? I asked someone a quesiton the other day about a policy and the only response I got was "you racist" It's a waste of air to agrue with them. They are not going to be happy until we are all dem half caf and people like Meghan McCain shouldn't be sticking out the candle of hope on this issue, get behind your party or switch to the party you want to be with and stop speaking for the rest of us!
  • catherine
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    I appreciate the concern which is been rose. The things need to be sorted out because it’s not about the individual but it can be with everyone.
    The Bible
  • jane dough
    Aliy- it's sorry thinking such as yours that will keep the GOP in the deep hole it now rests.  R.I.P.
  • bob the builder
    @Aliy-  do you hear the "love it or leave it"  in your comment?

    I left the republican party because of the narrow scope of ideas and lack of inclusion in the GOP.
  • simonesdad2009
    OK Billy.  Are the terms conservative and republican interchangeable?  Can they be mutually exclusive?  Can conservatives ONLY be republican?  What percentage of republicans self-identify as conservative?

    Your answers will tell me if you understand my point.
  • jane dough
    Michael Savage banned from entering UK as country publishes list of people not allowed.
    LONDON — Britain on Tuesday published its first list of people barred from entering the country for allegedly fostering extremism or hatred, including Muslim extremists, a right-wing American radio host, an Israeli settler and jailed Russian gang members.

    another one of your heros, Titus-  guess what-  Britain does not think you and your ilk fosters love and warm fuzzies either.  Imagine that.... but hey,  we're all crazy and Titus is right.
  • harrysmom
    Interesting article.  Well articulated and fairly well argued.  I have one question though..when did Meghan McCain become a leader?  Has she been elected to an office?  Has she even run for an office?  What are her qualifications other than being the child of a former presidential candidate with a laptop and an internet connection?  This is actually the first time I've read a description of her as a leader and I'm really quite surprised.

    Regarding the base of the Republican party, I have an alternative perspective that might add something to the debate.  I would argue that neither party has an actual base, per se.  Let's face it, most Americans are interested in having a safe place to call home, seeing their children succeed, watching the big screen and visiting Disney World at least one time (taking a little license there).  

    Very few Americans possess any hard held views on the size of the government, the role of the government, or the machinations of who should do what inside the wonderful world of 495 (the Beltway that is).  Most Americans do, however, have an opinion on abortion, gay rights, the death penalty, gun rights, the deserving or undeserving poor, get the picture:  social issues.  However, social issues are a trope.  Both parties have, and do, dance in and out of the social issues ballroom at will depending on who they need to vote for them at whatever time in history.  Karl Rove and his ilk have long exploited this fact in garnering lots and lots of support for the Republican party by branding it with a certain "social flavor" over the past 20 years.  Again, this is a trope.  A Republican can be in favor of abortion just as easily as a Democrat can feel icky about two men walking down the isle.  It's not about the social issues.

    The Republican party is feeling the sting at the moment because it has built its base on social issues that, frankly, don't have much to do with it's basic tenant: small government.  And the fact that those social issues are holding less and less water over the years (let's face it, time moves forward and people feel less and less icky about two men doing it as we progress as a species), has left the Republican party without any grounding.  

    I agree with the idea that the GOP needs to drop it's social issues mantra and simply stick to what it is about: small government, laissez-faire economics, and private liberty.  Leave the anti-evolution, manifest destiny, anti-intellectualism wingut "base" in the dust and start from scratch.

    I'm a liberal and I gotta' tell you that W. really effed you all up.
  • simonesdad2009
    Well put harrysmom.  I've said many times that we have no idea how we feel about a lot of social issues until we are personally confronted with them.  If the child of a republican was being denied their rights or benefits because they were gay, wouldn't they, as parents, stand up for their own child?  I think they would.  Therein lies the problem.  Everyone knows they would yet they go out on their stumps and advocate the exact opposite.  Think about it, a constitutional ban of gay marriage would be the only thing in the document that restricts or prohibits rights.  The Constitution is a document that grants rights.  So what is the ultimate goal of the gay marriage ban movement?  On the religious side people forget that marriage is a function of the government.  The Pope himself can preside over your wedding but if you don't have that piece of paper from city hall, it is not a recognized union that grants the rights and benefits due.  So any way you look at it it's a loser politically.  Maine and New Hampshire are on board as of this week.  Miss California is on her way to Anita Bryant status.

    As for Miss McCain as a leader.  Rush is a high school grad only, drug addict who used to call Kansas City Royals baseball games on the radio.  He is the de facto leader of that party.  It's not meant to disparage the man.  It's all true.  I point it out to say there are many self appointed, non elected leaders on both sides really.  Talk show hosts rarely put their own skin in the game.  They are talkers who probably couldn't be eleceted dog catcher in their own neighborhoods.  Al Franken is the exception of course.  So if Miss Meghan wants to put herself out there, there is no test or requirements or (apparently) no standards.  Poof!  You're a leader.
  • harrysmom
    Ha Ha- I'd forgotten about Anita Bryant, but I've never been able to drink Florida orange juice without gagging.

    You are right- the social conservatives have always been able to wiggle their way in the public discourses with little to no qualifications.  Where did Phyllis Schafly come from anyway?  I can't think of any social progressives who have had the same kind of impact, except maybe Timothy Leary- but he was a Harvard professor.  Either way- they seem to latch themselves on to a political party that fundamentally has absolutely nothing to do with their social agendas and ZOOM! they are off to set their program in motion.  

    As for Al Franken....I still expect him to look up and say "Damnit, people like me"
  • southern belle
    conservatives are pro torture and anti law.
    pro freedom to worship as you please as long as it's christian.
    pro civil rights as long as you are not gay.
    pro life except for the death penalty.
    pro freedom of speech as long as you agree with them.

    welcome to the "no spin zone"
    watch Titus call me names next.
    you can tap dance all you wish but your music stopped a long time ago.  pay attention.
  • AynReagan
    “Agree with her or not, she seems like a sweet kid who means well.”

    So Close!
    Take Two:

    "Agree with her or not, she seems like a blithering idiot who is totally clueless."

    favorable ratings for Obama:
    Jews: 80+% favorable

    Obama has authorized Turkey to arm the Lebanese military which is dominated by Hezbollah and he is directing $800 million to Hamas. Apparently, arming and funding genocidal anti-Semitic terrorist groups is the surest way to make four out of five American Jews swoon.

    Frankly, I am surprised that a president who has stocked his administration with anti-"Zionists" isn't even more popular in the Jewish community. 

    Will Obama's rating amongst Jews suffer after he coerces Netanyahu to trade land for terror and demands that Israel unilaterally disarm?

    Fear not.

    Lemmings have a greater survival instinct than Jews who support Obama.
  • southern belle
    Israel does not get a blank check.  They have overstepped and occupied land that they have been told to vacate.

    you can paint all kinds of lipstick on anything you wish but underneath it all nothing in the middle east will EVER change until the revenge aspect is set aside and logical fair discussions take place.

    eye for an eye just will never settle anything.
  • southern belle
    anyreagan  - your facts are upside down and backwards.
    go read up on facts not opinions.  you just look dumb.
  • ann southern
    hey, what happened to the guy who started this site.  hardly shows up at all does he.  i think that he  probably got sick of you bible thumpers and chest pounding knuckle-dragging neanderthals.   you cannot have a serious discussion without dragging your religion in as your argument.  hasn't anyone told you that we have a separation of church and state here in the US?  do you know WHY?
    i would be embarrassed to have you all as my spokespersons. 
    your cruelty and ignorance is absolutely obscene and comical respectively.
  • Nick
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    In 2010, it is imperative that we send a message to Washington D.C. and elect true Constitutional liberty candidates, such as:
    1. R.J. Harris in Oklahoma for the U.S. House: &
    2. State Senator Randy Brogdon for governor of Oklahoma:
    3. Ray McBerry for governor of Georgia:
    4. Debra Medina for governor of Texas: &
    5. Adam Kokesh in New Mexico for the U.S. House: &
    6. Peter Schiff from Connecticut for the U.S. Senate:
    7. Dr. Rand Paul from Kentucky for the U.S. Senate:
  • AynReagan
    Dearest Southern Belle,

    Being called dumb by you embodies the essence of irony.


  • AynReagan
    Dearest Southern Belle,

    Upon further reflection, I am pleased that the institution for the criminally insane has allowed you access to a computer. This happy event enables the following remedial actions:

    Slam your head into the keyboard.



    Continue the process until the cumulative concussive effect renders you conscious.

    I am rooting for you.

    With Greatest Sympathy,

  • harrysmom
    AynReagan, thank you so much for your concern for the Jews.  You are correct, the right really needs us around so we can be there to throw in the fiery pit during the end days.  Good thing we've got the Republicans around to protect us from ourselves!

    I'm interested in the logic of your argument.  You suggest that we should be concerned - more concerned- than American gentiles about Hezbollah.  It appears that you are following a "all Jews stick together" kind of logic.  While I'm not arguing that the concerns of Israel's are of no interest to me, why should they be of GREATER interest to 
    me than they are to you? Just asking AynReagan...because this tribal type rhetoric- especially the religious sort- is the exact kind of social issues identification with political identification is the exact kind of trope that I speak of above.
  • AynReagan

    Hezbollah has pledged to kill every Jew everywhere.

    Hezbollah has not pledged to kill every Gentile everywhere.

    Therefore, Jews should be more concerned than Gentiles, although Gentiles who oppose genocide should also be concerned.

    Hopefully, the tribalism of that logic is not excessive.

    By the way, do you accuse blacks of tribalism for opposing the Klan?

    Or would that be politically incorrect so you reserve the snotty comments for Jews?
  • harrysmom
    The Klan is in the US, and I believe that all Americans who are interested in social liberty would be equally opposed to the Klan, regardless of racial identification.  I'm simply saying that you questioned American Jews being in support of Obama's decisions because, from your estimation, they are in support of  Hezbolla, who is not committed to killing Jews everywhere, just the ones who oppress Palestinians.  So no, I don't believe that any racial, ethnic, or religious affiliation should make one more sensitive to the oppression of their own socially assigned group.  Oppression is oppression, and I actively oppose oppression wherever and to whomever it occurs.  

    Again, there is a logic that associates social interests with political interests.  We really need to unpack that because it's causing political gridlock and frankly, it's damaging to our two party system which I, as a Democrat, feels is necessary to continue for very good reason.

    Sorry if I came off as "snotty." I really didn't mean it...  well, maybe I did.  :)
  • aynreagan
    Hassan Nasrallah: "If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." (Daily Star, Oct. 23, 2002)
  • Battlestarter wrote: tradition
    GOP, Conservatives, Loyaliberals, noactivist gays... we have allways being winning, just check history, battles come and go, specially social (against abstract control by u$$ru$libland "intellect") concepts are allways in constant ideabattles, for example, "torturous" water on the face for info to stop actual plots like 9-11 kind and drivebymedia-noilcongre$$program$-u$$ru$libland "marketing politics" covering the fate of abortion (from the butchery, ripping out appart... part) survivol, sistematicaly institutionalized, nationalized... socializ...  education culture&borders desicion "makers" (rainmaker$) as another 'global new changes things?"...
    bsg dogs of war would be a nice ideas ice breaking, for starters, what on Democrat Loyaliberals programeFREE LEFT?, you know, texas Governor is not the only one teaching how to avoid gov a$$ymetric bombs, in times of war, and over hollyland, homeland of the eagleswatch...
  • SB
    Our beliefs do not need changing, only the delivery of our message. Anyone who believes the GOP needs a philosophical makeover, or a shift in our beliefs is wrong.
  • harrysmom
    AynReagan, and your point is?  Hot air abounds with these fanatical types.  I feel safe in my temple, the mall, and my home.  

    You never responded to my critique of the tendency for people to focus on their own personal social issues and glom them with a political identity.
  • JW
    Interesting discussion - oops, I mean closed-minded argument. There's no doubt that an identity crisis exits in the GOP. There's also no doubt that historically there's been a lot of "agree with me or else" attitude from Republicans - but, there have been a lot of changes..both in the type of person one finds in the Republican party, as well as the belief system. It's also true that when it comes to small-mindedness, corruption, or hate mongering the Dems have no room to talk. So now we have two groups that are willing to say anything about the other - true or not. Although I've got to say, there seems to be more tolerance these days coming from conservatives.
  • aynreagan
    "Hot air abounds with these fanatical types..."

    So true. Remember when Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that he was going to exterminate Jews? Thankfully, insightful individuals like you dismissed his threats as merely being rhetorical excess, and it turned out that he was just kidding.

    Betty Ford Center: (877) 872-7538
  • aynreagan

    "Although I've got to say, there seems to be more tolerance these days coming from conservatives."

    That is not saying much. Liberalism has degenerated to the point where beauty pageant contestants must be destroyed for agreeing with a Democratic president about gay marriage. The liberal movement currently possesses the same level of mental health generally associated with women who date OJ.
  • JW

    "...where beauty pageant contestants must be destroyed for agreeing with a Democratic president about gay marriage."

    The president has been given a free pass by the left. Everyone knows a politician will say what needs to be said to become elected. I believe the perception is that he really doesn't believe everything that he says. After all, one must placate the masses.
  • Rid E Cule
    foolish people say foolish things:

    Watch: Beck Uses Toys To Explain Slippery Slope
    O'Reilly's Ark: Gay Marriage Could Lead To Goat, Duck, Dolphin, And Turtle Marriage
    Fox Nation, Hannity Peddle Twisted Claims On Stimulus
    Fox Nation portrays Democratic Party moving "From Thomas Jefferson... to Karl Marx"
    Fox News pushes GOP horror story of Obama setting Gitmo terrorists loose in U.S.
    Limbaugh: Obama administration's economic "objective" is "unemployment" and "more food stamp benefits ... think forced reparations"
  • Rid E Cule
    fox news twists information to suit their political agenda.
    they are a joke.
  • Rid E Cule
    more than this,  people on this site buy EVERY SINGLE WORD FOX SAYS WITHOUT EVER CHECKING THE FACTS.
  • Rid E Cule
  • imbecile SB with myavatar 0.2,
    so bho teams from acorn have myavatar0.2 powering, SB (SuperBubble) you have "my mind brieffeings payed by no oil attack congre$$ covered by local govs and mute drivebymedia" as more of us, as stars on the sky oppositors of your terror helping in times of war.
    if you read them, you'll immediately realize (if have un programmed brain areas left) Reagan American Heritage may have me on their e-libraries saying (((((((conservatism DOESN't NEEED TO BE REDEFINED))))))))))
    but you just pursue us i l l e g a l l y same way ussr, cuba, ma noriega, etc. you keep the social plans till your as usual ends (abstarctly or ... phisicaly like UN$addam, alzarkawi...) in fact, your assymetrics armies left unexposed shall be made invisible, and destroyed, of course...
    but bho acorn teams can shut this pc like just a few minutes ago, or now, turn on the fire alarm on this public site, or PI me, don't PI me bro, don't tax me bro...
    We need more Teaparties kind of orgs... we need more conservatives and freeliberals, un programmed independent ships for a main opposition to global abortion payed by America, and more taxes and changes to help terror...
  • I wasn't born in America but I
    Joyce, you know how important where for "my" Reagan and "your" JFK the space, I know you don't like space, as That70'showJackie, you're a freelib, a princess kind of freeliberal, loyaliberal...
    I'll love you and your show even if you're not voluntiers for potential space colonies and I do...
    space Hubble superscope is very important for the education, safety on potential asteroid or any other kind of celestial "problems", they're comun, like iceages or heat starting with the sun...
    starwars missile belts are also important for deffending the homeland and even the world already, you've heard about the latest changed courses by man asteroids?
    Those "things" have past before, and will happen again, is just "a few million of years, billions more/less for those "accounting days have come down in the mountains, behind the hills... into shadow...
    but don't worrie, you just need to do your duty, some will care about this as other's duties...
    I love Serenity scifi
    and, this is very creationist and deeply conservative: Jupiter 90s COMET "misterious turn and ripping appart falling safely every 12 hours"?, too big to man's artcrafts: ets... the friends "some conservatives, liberals and independents still looking up for"...
    You have nice friends too Joyce
  • conservative610am BattleStarSc
    Mostly Foxnews..., I've no time, I'm afraid of not mentioning many others who care and fight many ways not only here, nor for not only America, American dream is an universal dream, older than many would even believe, why be like the enemies?
    there're no excuses for helping terror by being ignorant and help them not distinguishing those the enemy preffer rather than Bush...
  • BattleStarGleenation from cons
    Oppositors on Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, thay are watching us, orgs and activists, acorn kind of org$ (bailled aout by bil$)  won't let to be organized as commpetition and as with Creation, other "philosophy", they've being roaming freely destroying as they go for decades, unchallenged...
  • harrysmom
    AynReagan, Miss California agreed with Obama, and apparently he announced recently that he agreed with her.  I thought the whole hoopla over her answer was ridiculous.  Who cares what she or Perez Hilton think anyway?  Why are you bringing pop culture into a political discussion too?  Oh yea, social issues are sooooooooo relevant to politics.

    ""Hot air abounds with these fanatical types..."

    So true. Remember when Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that he was going to exterminate Jews? Thankfully, insightful individuals like you dismissed his threats as merely being rhetorical excess, and it turned out that he was just kidding."
    I wasn't born when Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, and frankly, had I been I would not have supported any political or military actions against him because of it.  That would have been "preemptive action," or what some others call stupidity.  However, when he started invading countries and removing civil rights from citizens based on ethnic and religious identities, well, then I would have been in support of any political stance against them.  
    And please stop calling people stupid and giving out numbers to clinics.  You look small.
  • Florida Light Beam signal
    castro-related/neutrals&libs like Crist
    Texas Governor is a real model of what trueconservatives, loyaliberals and realindependents WANT.
    I warned you Mr. Gov, Florida NEEDS CLEANNING on GOVs, you helped bho knowing America is turning into a chavez state and every politician who support that is going to blow off this gov face of the Earth.
    Florida have being begging you to don't support T E R R O R H E L P E R S, the imbeciles on (proved 30 years P O L I C E TRAINNER AND FIU HELP CASTRO ACTIVIST BRAINMASTER OF LAW alvarez, LEGAL VIEW for attnys, police, judges, paralegals, managers, etc. ON FL) kept pursuing me even if I supported your gov campaign, they still laughing on me, and America...
    My mom, my sister and some of my accepted families have being raped, CITY MAYORS, PO LI CE AND GRAL attny, paralegals, judge and
    P U B L I X managers had had party time on me, and I still being injured seriously, homeless, jobless, adn the fraking sycoterror po li ce related paralegals still (payed by US money) discriminating me on jobs and opportinities.
    OK terrorists on govs, you want to know why I haven't exiled on Texas or Alaska?,
    The answer is simple as "my" job as anti-terror activivist: castro agents on the Pentagon, or Miamipolice("law point of view"), and MANY others on America or Panama ARE FIRST DE NOUN CED FIRST BY ORDINARY CIVILIANS (THAT WILL BE ME), is just that, "civilians drink Tea... and talk on American Heritage...
    You never know what you would find on the "jobless" lists from labor agencies...

    back injury and familycrimes, remmember
    Ah!, crist, you have TODAY to STOP THE REPLACING NON CASTRO PEOPLE PREFFERED ASSYMETRICAL CIVILIAN ARMIES PRE INVASION TERRITORY (LOGISTICS) FROM JOBS, HOMES, RULING SIDE OF FAMILY, JUDGES, MANAGERS, GRAL ATTNY, MAYORS, POLICE WHO PURSUE ME AND HAVE ALL MY INFO BUT "IGNORE BY LAW?" "MY" DE NOUN CED PARAPOLITICAL FAMILY CASTRO COYOTE BY MIAMI LAW , you know, Cubans and Hispanics we speak loud, start demostrating you won't be the bho unfamous already social stupitities HELPING TERROR "dreammed" 60th vote to... more terror megahelping this time, and with "MY" and Fl support...
    remmeber, forget about any votes if tomorrow still "like nothing" laughing (WITH POLICE) the CIA already
    interveined "castrocoyote churches" (why those "pastors" can be freed over CIA, FBI?: gral attny, mayors...), jobplaces with "my" records from "miamidade police or gral attny, mayors paralegals, judges (pedraza f/expl), "what have you" still have me homeless while a castrocoyote nest is being made inside my real family, or police car-stress, whatever, and... as usual you"ll deal with my AD HONOREM job (I MAKE AMERICA SEFAR THAN ALL OF YOU TOGHETER) I was waiting this latests years for this job...
    I'm tired of police getting mad if I found any cleanning windows jobs mad because I'm not dead yet on their streets of infamy...
    OK?, we're now eye by eye...
    remmember, NOT EVEN ONE car following, not even one face from gangs or police mad because I can eat today...
  • Ah! bho60votecrist, I want "my
    AHHHH!, 60th vote, I want all the "by law following and info-bank me" paralegal network names receiving money from gov, armed and with a pc on the pdcruiser, so efficiently selectively, to give to Rush and others fighting for what you "ignore so UNAMERICANly" so other families castro don't want on the gracefull America soil or any soil won't suffer again...
    out of touch?, actual u$$ru$libland&friends are SOOOO OUT OF  GRACE...
    ok?, attention!, terror logistics imbeciles, bring you ugly faces to my anti-assymetric ax
  • aynreagan
    "I wasn't born when Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, and frankly, had I been I would not have supported any political or military actions against him because of it."

    Dear Harrysmom,

    In the future please use contraception.

    Thank you.
  • harrysmom
    I get the impression you think you are another anne coulter. Her humor is corny, and you don't even come close.  
    I find it curious that you can't respond to ANY of my critiques.  Shows how empty the basis of your beliefs are.
  • aynreagan
    Gee, harrysmom, that is only because your critiques are inane.
  • harrysmom
    I'm rubber.  You're glue.  


    Still no response....
  • aynreagan
    I'm rubber.  You're glue.
    Now that is an insult to rubber.
    And judging from your responses, you've been sniffing glue.
  • ATTN redstate blogging is bloc
    attn redstate, I can't post from public places, public lybraries, public internet like k-mart's, don't know why, it can be prepared, you know, less opinions around, they blocked me this:
    crist is bho unfamous proterror 60th vote (SO WILLINGLY)
    I warned you crist to eliminate castrocoyote lourdes suarez (already CIA-FBI before interveined pastors who miami dade mayors, judges like pedraza, gral attny, etc... know and help and release from jail over CIA or FBI or whomever tryes to jail them, and every time more angry on me) who is still protected from miami dade "legal view on cuba, noriega's prd gral attny, paralegals, managers like publix pedraza oney, police like capn noel on doral, they all know who I am and who are and what do "my" by miami law ruler parapolitical family...
    You'll pay with votes and unveiling terror help and the question from anamontes: what terror on cuba"? and my family suffering crimes by "law",  my sister was raped, beattened, homeless, jobless like me, several times for years under police control, she as me can declare against police protected castrocoyote, I did, I'm declaring now this VERY SMART WAY TO GET RID OF YOU..., and I still homeless and jobless, back injuried, paralegaly pursued, ertc... but, I don't need your clothes or perfume to be a Teaparties pioneer, or A VERY EFFECTIVE PROPAGANDA GENIOUS OR TERROR LOGISTICS DES TRO YER (expl: alvarez 30 years networks and anamontes "legal vision on terror stablisher on So.Fla)
    Prepare for more, all of you
  • harrysmom
    where are all of the intelligent Republicans?  Oh wait...........
  • aynreagan
    They are celebrating your comprehensive lobotomy in which all four lobes were successfully removed and replaced with Bandini Premium Compost.
  • god speaks to me too
    you adopt ayn's name- i assume you support her ideas on objectivism?  you do know, of course, that she was an atheist.
    are you as selective in your agreements with her as you are with constitutional rights?  most right wing fanatics are. 
    just wondering.
  • aynreagan
    you adopt ayn's name- i assume you support her ideas on objectivism?

    As a right wing fanatic, I support her idea on humanitarianism, which posits that Bearnaise is the appropriate sauce when consuming human beings.

    Insofar as the Rand laissez faire embrace of the law of the jungle, I find myself increasing receptive since being surrounded by baboons on this site.

    By any chance, did you sire harrysmom's child? If so, an urgent call to Child Protective Services is in order.
  • from the FREEFLEET rightwing"f
    (I'm just another abstract flyboy) comming in to help Ayn, from the Star Fortress Ronald Reagan:
    just prepare to re-play all bho, pelosi, etc... SELF-DECLARATIONS ON
    E V E R Y T H I N G, "self-desarment, surrender and changed direction to
    tataaaaa: u$$ru$+friends (also, you and rinos are preffered instead Bush by iran, cuba, north corea, chavez, ma noriega's party prd, sandinists, colom, evo, krishners...)
    how do you call it?, just leftwing "thinkers"?
    we'll destroy your stinky abstract bases from libland, govs and comuni(s)ties...
    yeap, terror largest funder (what relation to terror?) UN$addam still not believe "me", he still listen to drivebymedia (their end)
    attn Freedomedia fleet, prepare to cover Republicans (specially Marcorubio ships), Democrats and Independents popping in to the fight,
    from now on...

    we are at war...
    "my" (WBush) slogan: more sacrifice, I can't believe this deep words in the middle of the mist, record volunteering, he's a LOTR Gandalf on Moria, he saw us, and... just...
    jumped for the kill,
    God bless you,
    your country,
    We'll wait for your comeback too
    JBush for Republican Party Direction
  • from the FREEFLEET, "my" abstr
    The liberals need a new direction:
    why drivebymedia still silenced on UN$addam NUKE MATERIALS ENOUGH FOR A LONG DIRTY BOMBING TO ANYBODY?
    Don't worry, the nuke material enough for a long dirty nuke rain is safe in Canada, not Venezuela or Cuba (are terrorists?), it was before bho...
    my brothers and sisters
    launch your abstract missiles of truth
  • god speaks to me too
    ayn- you are sadly and foolishly wrong on so many levels.
  • god speaks to me too
    obama is speaking... go listen
  • Stardestroyer MichaelSavage, t
    Mike, it's an honor to visit your fleet, troubuled?,
    did you heard the Brittish oppositor speach?
    my eyes where wet, I remmember of you immediately
    psst, we are not alone on this
    you are not alone
  • "god"talkstometoo, you're a go
    hey "god"talkstometoo, what are you doing this hights on stratosphere?
    ok, another fighter will deal with you, "I only blow libaseships off the face of universe", you're just an acorn or aclu comuni(s)ty parapolice, and...
    enjoy the bombing of libland in Gitmo, quite a beautifull view?
    isn't it?
    stay tunned to Freedomedia,
    Flyboy over...
    (radiotunningnoises fadding... by now)
  • calling battle star Sara Palin
    I just remmeber of your fist speach, thanks for those momments of REAL AMERICAN AMAZING GRACE
     We need some other speaches, would you Maddam?
     I feel so alone on space watching the battle from the distance
  • aynreagan
    obama is speaking... go listen

    I love the smell of ambient deceit in the morning.

    So, what do you admire most about Obama?

    The socialism that will kill the golden goose?

    Or the appeasement that guarantees America will be terrorized?

    Obama is Hero To The Stupid, so feel free to worship him endlessly.

    By the way, you seem to forget that when God spoke to you He said, "Shut up!"
  • god speaks to me too
    God told me that ayn was right on homosexuality.  Government has no business in these areas.  Glad that you agree,  ayn.
    God said ayn speaks with a sporked tongue.
    I laughed and agreed.
  • god speaks to me too
    Cheney prepared his remarks in "reply" to Obama's speech today before having heard what Obama said.   Wow- no wonder he managed to misstate repeatedly the opposite of what Obama actually said.
    We are a nation of laws.  Not a nation of laws as defined by Dick Cheney.
    The office of the Vice President is in the executive branch - subject to the duties and limitations as prescribed by our Constitution.   Dick either never read this document or cherry picked which items he liked and dismissed the rest.
  • god speaks to me too
    What part of Obama's words today did you find upsetting, ayn?

    Which part of "we are a nation of laws"  disturbs you?

    What part of "waterboarding is torture and is against the law" do you not understand?

    What "socialist" programs are you enjoying today and have been enjoying since you were born that you would like now taken from you? 

    What planet are you from?
  • Starmind flyboy backing Ayn fr
    "god"talkstowhatever, what part of bho THE EYER$OF$AURON (INVITED RECENTLY TO VENEZUELA BY chavez himself, yes, publicly) words?
    "lib-law views, carter waterborder, see Euro socialism, soviets, castro...
    Earth 2009
  • aynreagan
    What part of Obama's words today did you find upsetting, ayn?
    The part where he misrepresented reality, which occurred each time he opened his mouth.
    Which part of "we are a nation of laws"  disturbs you?
    The part where being law-abiding is conflated with passively absorbing terrorist attacks.
    What part of "waterboarding is torture and is against the law" do you not understand?
    The part where Obama believes that coercing information from a degenerate jihadist is somehow worse than allowing the mass murder of Americans.
    What "socialist" programs are you enjoying today and have been enjoying since you were born that you would like now taken from you? 

    The "socialist" program where I work from January through May to subsidize your addiction to government cheese.
    Now I have a question for you:
    Is your affinity for anti-American terrorists related to your lack of sufficient oxygen intake at birth?
    Follow-up question:
    Is it difficult for you to type while wearing the red rubber nose and big floppy shoes?

  • harrysmom
    you are a profoundly angry person.  I'm really not trying to be smarmy or condescending.  I know that we differ about political stuff, and this is only a blog, so it's rather impersonal.  But when I read your text, your barbs are sort of evil, even though they come off as your trying to be funny.  

    Do you really work for social services?  Well, that must get tiresome, but if you haven't ever been in need of the "government cheese," then it's hard to really hold contempt- don't you think?
  • starman harrysmom go blog on c
    Where are the intelligent republicans? (harrysmon, Aynreagan's piont of view can't be "stock the site to death boring way out of this"
    "Just asking AynReagan...because this tribal type rhetoric- especially the religious sort- is the exact kind of social issues identification with political identification is the exact kind of trope that I (harrysmom) speak (s)"...
    It's pure granma harrysmom...
    ah!, mayors on miami paralegaland and dangerous toughbadges (if I see another dademayor look-like, this time at list didn't insulted me (wearing like "me" covered (quick paralegal traps, very dangerous) and the TERROR$ANCTUARY EDIL OR JUST AN OFFICER, GANGERO (no God at school program + gang prision gov mentality "with a perfect accent, natural borns like France's  assymetric ilegal inmigrant army")  MAYBE, MA NORIEGA PEOPLE MAYBE, I don't care...
    You see, miamidade, I saw acorn, aclu letters on "my" (your 20 years activity castrocoyote parafamily jefa by "law" religious groups, deeply related to ma noriega, chavez, farcs... while I'm an anti-terrorist on harmsways ad honorem who has helped to unveil mega agents like anamontes's Pentagon's views on cuba dangers or MI A MI PO LI CE
    I'm picking selectevely too ("my ideas war targets" and my anti-assymetrics, abstract, don't worry, I'm not sending you "political family paying needs to vote against you any created or regular problem you would have" ...
    wao, quite a text, not like harrysmom's (never ad honorem) fraking
  • I, I am Cyberstarman and I apr
    Hey Rush, bho "urges" Americans to tribute veterans?
    Hey Rush, he susgests there's being "nobody Star Levin last night fairy God bless America tribute to war", we Teaparties minds bsg tribute all veterans in the world every day letting you know what you allready knew a tribute is) salute you, the rest of Freedomedia fighting a bailled out way out of this drivebymedia bil$ + pbs + npr + (cling$ cling$, wellcome my son wellcome tooo oo oo ooo mmmmma "machine... at work")...
    (tunning noises fadding) Cyberstarman calling home Battle Star ...
  • BSHome to Cyberstarman: recomm
    kids resistant text
    in fact, so powered deep magic words it can ko to sleep the toughests kids...
    very similar to the equivalent actual conservative ideas, and spirit...
  • aynreagan
    "I'm really not trying to be smarmy...: harrysmom

    Apparently, you do not need to try.

    Convey my profound condolences to Harry.

    The poor little inbred has been cursed with a maternal unit whom I wouldn't wish upon anyone.
  • god speaks to me too
    i was not aware that you thought the best way to tackle the keyboard was through the use of the nose and feet-  no small wonder then that your posts make no sense.

    you can sit in never-never land all you wish-  but Cheney has been shut down and shut up regarding his affinity for torture.  You are living in the wrong country if you feel this is a necessary tool in your bag.    What you and the other pinheads here fail to understand is this:  When the tide of opinion in America turned against our invasion into Iraq- it was not because people like me stood upon rooftops and hollered - not because John Kerry pointed out Bush's flaws,  not even because of the flag-draped coffins that held within them our military personnel that Americans were not allowed to see,  it was the Torture and Humiliation done in our name that made Americans stand up and say: " NOT IN MY NAME!  DAMN YOU ! THIS IS NOT WHO WE ARE!"
    Now that may be who YOU are.  It absolutely is who Cheney is- he even re-stated this the other day- even though countless statements by him were flat out lies.  Every major political writer, newspaper, and op-ed writer have pointed them out.   Worse than this, ayn, sorry asses like you believed him.  It's no secrete that Cheney devised and implemented much of the "Bush Doctrine". 
    Bush simply did not have the interest, experience,  or brains . 
    Cheney,  so arrogant that  he made claims that he was not a member of the Executive branch of government.  Perhaps he feels, as you do, that the Constitution is merely a list of suggestions.  Use those you like and ignore what you find unacceptable.
    I am so sorry to tell you- as disillusioning as this may be,  this is just not how we roll.

  • god speaks to me too
    pinheaded  aynreagan said:  she opposes  "The "socialist" program where I work from January through May to subsidize your addiction to government cheese." So sorry to further point out your continued stupidity, ms reagan,  but I do not get government cheese,  public housing,  or free medical.   First, lets address this government cheese that offends you so.  Most likely you are noting "WIC"  The Women Infants and Children program. WIC provides Federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk. What part of this bothers you?   That these people are eating?  That our government institiutes a program to address the needs of the needy?  Although the WIC Program is not designed to be a disaster assistance program, and therefore is not considered a first line of defense, WIC policies are designed to allow State agencies flexibility in program design and administration to support continuation of benefits to participants during times of natural or other disasters.   Again,  which part of this bothers you?  What I see coming out of your face is nothing but thoughtless,  selfish,  all-about-me- rhetoric.  May you never be in the position that would require assistance and someone like you comes along to spit in your face.
    What a nasty person you are.

  • aynreagan
    Dear god speaks to me too,

    You should be waterboarded continuously from now until the end of time.

    Then, when the end of time arrives, you should be waterboarded again.

    I hope that you take this suggestion in the constructive manner which it is intended.
  • god speaks to me too
    ayn-  what are you, 12?
  • Cyberstarman says Ayn is "his"
    To the audience, thanks for visit this site somewhere on time, may be in the future folks remmember us on same side in history...

    ah, mi love Ayn (abstract, don't know Ayn, or Mrs Ayn...) I think now harrysmom is reffering #12 as a name from galactica series... that female softness on some words... Ayn is #12 as battlestar galactica sci-fi cylon-flesh named just #6 (and any single fraking female there, even the ladypresident)
    Intellect and splendorous idea can come from earlier 12y/o
    I think Ayn is at list 35 (oops, end of the dream), if 12, kid, you're a writer pal... and brave, "youngling", but if 21+ and single, bored,  next moon you'll see I'm going to be "wishing" you good night my love...
    then in the mornining you'll be a little mad because I called you other name, but that is my mistake, you female are terrible to forget, all of you...
    Cyberstarman pops out
  • uuuuhhy Ayn, your waterbording
    The sexiest thing on Earth, Starbuck (wet hair needing help to walk because was tortured recently... remmebered me of Joan of Arc miracolus resurrected at down scared the hell of the English commander) was even just rescued from an enemy clinic, and her crue catched a psycologist copy, it was waterbording, and the cylon doc didin;t tell like those who told the army what could had being several 9-11s on several cities, in fact, as a treebeard poem invisible magic words spreaded around the globe and helped avoid what is now tryed to change war on terror name into "human caused desaster cylons would bow to"...
  • aynreagan

    It is the harmonic convergence of that which never was and that which never can be.

    It is the integration of forces so disparate that co-mingling is at once inevitable and impossible.

    It is the question that transcends being asked, the answer endlessly ungiven.

    It is two...two...two mints in one!
  • dear Ayn It's not easy being a
    As you can see my abstract flygirlfriend Ayn, it's easy to post with my name because the nature of my signing, I always use a different nickname, I belong not only on "the air ideasbattle, but on space"...
    By the way, today I suddently was impulsed for chocomints, I was eating chocomints when read your "two mints in one cyberorgasmic poem on waterbording hollywood can even dream"...
    By the way, I'm being a cyberwizard in your dreams (if you allowed me) next moon you see, I warn you'd get super abstractly preagnent of me with like 6 princess Fiona's garden-kind of songs the birds will sing with you...
    I think you'll recognize my texts...
    let's see if you are brave when it matters too, you know, it's easy to talk about waterbording and mints that way, and "being physsicaly near by me talking like that sexy"... I'm joking
    you're a nice lady
    see guys how you "arrow a woman"
    naaa I'm joking, you know, under war...
    superman, oops, cyberwhatever... over'n out
    (by now)
  • aynreagan
    I was eating chocomints when read your "two mints in one cyberorgasmic poem on waterbording hollywood can even dream"

    That is an amazing confluence of events!

    Even more amazingly, I was dreaming of you eating chocomints while I was posting the message!!

    Working cooperatively, we have answered the ultimate question of life:

    "Is there a God?"

    And the answer is:

  • Abstract celestial lover: Ayn,
    An amazing grace land, where other princesses like Loyal liberal's  talkradio Joyce, and many more fighting to bring back America just roammed free perfuming everything with American magic, as it should be and we men just wishing, and wishing...  but instead those times now we have to create, imagine, risk, seek for help...
        I'm bringing those places in eternal blossom back to replace the mordor is forming on govs, I'm here to fight, I'm just a flyboy on tough skies abstact theaters of operations, not alone, I just join the fights along many patriots for the idea of the universal American dream, just like you and the others, right now I have paralegaly (local authority prepared) trying to provoqe me (these mafia inside the police have tryed the same old song, every day, and allways involving castro-noriega people, the coral way/67 restaurant had crist photos remmembering me of when I helped texting for him and now I understand why so much laugh on me(self declared this time t-rex esbirro as usual with most of them (they rank themselves thru abusing and prepare (covered by authorities on this cuba extension on authorities "some kind of independent multilevel organization pointing to the toughests "yes he was even by noriega's HQs, and 'coincidentaly, the mexican attender there I even think I saw her with "my" by miami law "step mother" castrocoyote so protected by local authority, CIA and FBI have always her "pastors" and others always a kind of "Monopoly out of jail card, and more mad on me every time, on Miami USA, painfull, isn't it Ayn?)...
        But don't worry, I think I'm visiting you in your dreams soon, you're going to be very, very tired and splendorous next morning you'll be the cyber envy from some like harrysmom or "god"talkstowhom? and hollywood "sex obsesion animal kind of biggest orgsms they seek and surely shall never find" would be jellous of cosmic abstract orgsms from people "like us", bussy, but also enjoing the chat God give us sometimes.
        Ayn, God turns into a she when "youtalktometoo"...
        Didn't I tell you Godesses "powers" (and you women have many already as "only humans") just appear when pleassed and well loved women sing "with the birds before breakfast"...
        I'm just 43y/o "self suspected wizard.. or something"...
  • aynreagan
    "...self declared this time t-rex esbirro as usual...."

    Well you're dirty and sweet, clad in black
    Don't look back and I love you
    You're dirty and sweet, oh yeah
    Well you're slim and you're weak
    You've got the teeth of a hydra upon you
    You're dirty sweet and you're my girl.

    Get it on, bang the gong , get it on
    Get it on, bang the gong, get it on

    You're built like a car, you've got a hub cap diamond star halo
    You're built like a car, oh yeah
    You're an untamed youth that's the truth with your cloak full of eagles
    You're dirty sweet and you're my girl.

    Repeat chorus

    You're windy and wild, you've got the blues in your shoes and your
    You're windy and wild, oh yeah
    You're built like a car, you've got a hub cap diamond star halo
    You're dirty sweet and you're my girl.

    Repeat chorus

    You're dirty and sweet, clad in black, don't look back
    And I love you
    You're dirty and sweet, oh yeah
    You dance when you walk so let's dance, take a chance, understand me
    You're dirty sweet and you're my girl.

    Repeat chorus
  • a celestialdiehard barelly wal
    (VanHalen entrance for prettywoman, guitarrs crying like wolves):
    hi honey,
    I'd like to dedicate a song for you, I was thinking on that song, 80s rock I think "this burning hart of mine... ohhh let me be....", or
    "alone again from dokken", or aeroshmith "simply crazy"...
    But we have kids in the audience, and you're a lady, so, Carpenter's would be "politicaly correct" (let's use old libland weaponry) , no not the waywewhere, but that with fairy backgrounds one, I don't remmember the name, "because you're in love"?, that which started with a fairy entrance, lots of silence (difficult for any song), how it was... children, it's what we find to be children... what my surprise to discover... we all keep in ourselves, what kind of people did want to be... no answer is what I can give...  I didn't sleep at all last night... mama comes to you like yesterday... (fairies intensify in background) ... when I'm afraid...
    wait for my battle star Home return...
       Tasty Ayn, we'll need a hole planet for us to "populate by God's law" if we keep talking...
  • aynreagan
    And yet, if past is prologue your flirtations will prove fleeting:

    In a little while from now
    If I’m not feeling any less sour
    I promise myself to treat myself
    And visit a nearby tower
    And climbing to the top will throw myself off
    In an effort to make it clear to who
    Ever what it’s like when you’re shattered
    Left standing in the lurch at a church
    Where people saying: "My God, that’s tough
    She's stood him up"
    No point in us remaining
    We may as well go home
    As I did on my own
    Alone again, naturally

    To think that only yesterday
    I was cheerful, bright and gay
    Looking forward to well wouldn’t do
    The role I was about to play
    But as if to knock me down
    Reality came around
    And without so much, as a mere touch
    Cut me into little pieces
    Leaving me to doubt
    Talk about God and His mercy
    Or if He really does exist
    Why did He desert me in my hour of need
    I truly am indeed Alone again, naturally

    It seems to me that there are more hearts
    broken in the world that can’t be mended
    Left unattended
    What do we do? What do we do?

    Alone again, naturally
    Now looking back over the years
    And whatever else that appears
    I remember I cried when my father died
    Never wishing to hide the tears
    And at sixty-five years old
    My mother, God rest her soul,
    Couldn’t understand why the only man
    She had ever loved had been taken
    Leaving her to start with a heart so badly broken
    Despite encouragement from me
    No words were ever spoken
    And when she passed away
    I cried and cried all day
    Alone again, naturally
    Alone again, naturally
  • Ayn, I'm just a cyberfighter
    Thanks for the melodies (may I name any girl we would have Melody? at list 2nd name?), but, my love, right now "I only have on  mind bhoRessurrection ship (main weapon: biden magic"wand" cliiiingg... that doesn't matters) blowed up, and me naked under water...
    Badguys"throwing"... roger
  • Jane Wilkes Booth
    If it's a girl..."Melody".
    If it's a boy..."YellowMatterCustard".
  • Barry Obama
    I am completely unqualified to be president.
  • Jane Wilkes Booth, are you imb
    I have another blog super close pursuer
    What another "coincident" on this crapy terror authority city, are you the usual miamidade pursuer figuring "how to come to me without police"?
    another coincidence I woke up totaly sourrended by terrorific (they walk proud of their terror and COMPLETE CONTROL OF ANYBODY'S "TALK", armed, strong badged, internet, you are still mad I HELPED TO ELIMINATE YOUR "STABLISHMENT OF PSYCOLOGY LAW POINT OF VIEW"? psycologist arrested for castro spying as police recluiter and trainner, ah!, anamontes, the "bigger system (as new bho law tool) INN the system WAS PUERTORICAN FEMALE HISPANIC TOO... (wait,WHAT YO SAY IMBECILE? the paralegal next to me  "by miamidade law" is babbling something on "I will see' or something, he's next sit, so close I can spit him with no effort, what are you policebabbling imbecile? as that ted look like imbecile at coralway94 library $yStem, are you reading my screen?, READ WELL, you soon company carlosalvarez...
    bho, the bloodsucker lawyer for acorn (as pelosiraptor for aclu, comunist and enemy helper logistic$$$$ bailed outs) have "no problem with this no donnuts cops"...
    "If it's a boy..."YellowMatterCustard" sounds like abortion material, are you a miamidade doctor?
    be carefull, you can be waterborder to talk on police before a Starbuck (attn, Starbucks cafeterias are attacked any time I "proppagand"a them, localy, no arabs or something, pure lib youth)...
    But bho thinks he'll succed as castro o chavez, white roofs for energy saveing?
    authority programming (self) is a sickness on their head...
    Yellow matter custard, you need to be waterboarded to talk who else on police, doctor or city authority thinks like you, and recieve gov salary, arms, strongbadge, pdcruiser...
    welll, I was paralegaly attacked (twice, at the end I wasn't payed for my job) at francis bakery 2441 sw 67av (WEST MIAMI POLICE CONTROLED OPS this time, many of the bussines I work for have "things")...
    By the way, police psycologist castro agent, several sheriffes and crues, CIA interveining castrocoyotechurches "leaders"  (city releasses them over CIA, not only as before FBI)...
    but the police need to send people to their sodomic prisions...
    I'm watching your "ba$e$tar$ being blowed out the face of the civilians  with all your money, police, lawyers, GRAL FL ATTORNEY, doctors, children$family (no GOd) madrasas, bussines, managers, judges like pedraza (no catsrocoyotes/, ah) etc...
    I invoke Battle Star Marcorubio and oppositors fleets to permanently attack terror logistics "$tabli$ment$", propaganda'Rus
    Florida is open...
    fire at will, gentelmen
  • today'snameCyberstrategy: simp
    but my message today: Fla and Panama GRAL ATTORNEYS NEW PUBLICLY AS ALL OF YOU KNOW EASILY BY INTERNET NOW ALL, CASTROCOYOTE$$$ PROTECTED BY "LAW", I EVEN HAVE A POLICE OFFICER (WHY YOU TREASONED USA SO LONG?) EX-MARRIED TO  "jose's actual wife, cabezas, supposedly oppositors to noriega in Panama (please, let only castro people visit his garage, 8stsw and 70something av), ahsan'7-11s have "lots of money" and went over a bho strategist amy's brother ryanm I had 2 weeks in a row of dangerous paralegalisms, he has  another restaurant at flaggler and like 68av, middeastern, please, don't bring him more money to pursue me...
    wao, this place looks plenty of police on civil, it must be a miamidade megacorrupted person being followed and paralegaly set on traps (violence, allways violence tryed)
    remmeber that So. Fla., when you're voting
    mmmm, yes, why not, I'm thinking to write down who still giving them money
    powerfull gral attny, still don't know anything?
    watch charliecrist ba$e$tar blow up and illuminate "my battlestars shapes"
  • Fla. Gral (DE MO CRAT) "atorne
    I'm sorry, American people, Ayn, I'm sorry.    I think I'm concentrating "my abstract fire on SoFla at the time, it's seems "I" have to help (throwing massively as a rain of badguys to the CIAs or FBIs windshields to be "notice") cleanning So. Fla., and then help the braves to destroy libland on the rest of the homeland.
    Yes Rush, "we can't abstractly shoot 2 liba$e$ on different places at the same time", ahhhh!, that explains many things, got it FreeAmerica?.
    Freedomedia has good commanders, also America and the allies have the best armforces, police, firefighters, rescue, realconservatives,
    loyal(toAmerica)liberals and trueindependents, I think "I'm" dealing with So.Fla terrorcities "my self", good hunting, "I"'ll meet you later...
    remmember freeflyboys/girls/?, "concentrate your fire on the nearest liba$e$hip" (f/expl: self declarations of bho "supreme" court nominee, he even American idol or oscar "wellcomed her: "and the nominated is...", seek for infiltration illegal inmigration assymetric invasion army authorities, protecting the $y$temS...
    Ayn, the babies after conception have something like fish tail, may I call any potential fetus girl "littlemermaid"?
  • terrorist system gral attny, I
    It seems that when I was kiddnaped (along with several people from opposition alliance) 45 mins because mctin torrijos lost that time (and surely won in 2004 "without people like me WRITING", and out of Panama),  you help me prove acorn was very active at the time, even beyond American borders...
    Cigarret smokers are the largest market ever, Europe (I was there STU DING) tryed to socialize taxes for smokers, and... tadaaa:  same principle as russia, iran and venezuela megagigaruin high prices mean less sales, savings, and on crisis....
    God, thanks power corrupts (and even gives brain cancer, above your money, power possitions), you know, anamontes $y$tem you still rule from, crazy, thanks for being so crazy you thing you'll getting away as blagoyevik, maddof, UN$addam long, long years "happy and powefull"...
    absolute power...
    I can't wait for more paralegalism helping terror from gov to give me the motivation to take away from you voters (ah, you "win" and auto-congrat yourself even thow you never have other candidate running against, are you sure nobody thinks you're crazy already?...
    more paralegals please, to send with your castro agent (30yrs) on MI A MI DA DE   PO   LI  CE  PSY CO LO GIST  "stablisment "creator"
    psy co lo gist
  • Steven Wright
    All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.
    The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
    I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.
    OK, so what's the speed of dark?
    How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?
    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked
    Support bacteria - they're the only culture some people have.
    When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
    Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
    Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.
    Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.
    Shin: a device for finding furniture in the dark.
    Many people quit looking for work when they find a job.
    I intend to live forever - so far, so good.
    Join the Army, meet interesting people, kill them.
    If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
    Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
    Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.
    When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded.
    Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo!
    Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?
    What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
    I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.
    I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
    Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?
    If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
    Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
    For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.
    The colder the X-ray table, the more of your body is required to be on it.
    The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread.
    The severity of the itch is proportional to the reach.
    To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is
  • Melody, the phetus littlemerma
    Yes I am... watching Battle Stars Marcorubio's and  Seanhannity's fighter words, artillery libland resurrection ship, Stardestroyer Savage taking English beaches, along more battles around...  after meditate like Superman in orbit (with phetus littlemermaids and seahorsies "flying around"), before the most beautyfull blue of planet-wifes of the god king suns (and Queens, Y.R.M. Queen of England, your kingdom's sons and daughters  have an eternal Memorial D day on the mandkind's Europe... you allways stood...) 
        Mr. Steven Wright, I loved the rare taste of your writing, "I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.
    OK, so what's the speed of dark?
    How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?
    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked
  • the phetus littlemermaid's dad
    But, Mr. Wright, it sounds very scary on this site something you wrote too, in fact, doesn't sound so canservative at all:
    "Shin: a device for finding furniture in the dark.
    Many people quit looking for work when they find a job.
    I intend to live forever - so far, so good.
    Join the Army, meet interesting people, kill them?, (while libland tyranies seed homeland, go nuke?).
    If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?...
    I mean, we are at the 'reverse psycology party thing', but, that part was too deep for me...
  • Dora

    what will Limbaugh, Beck, Cheney, Cheney  mimic daughter, and you sad cases here:

    Question: So is sending this signal that we're not going to use these kind of techniques anymore, what kind of impact does this have on people who do us harm in the field that you operate in?

    Gen. Petraeus: Well, actually what I would ask is, "Does that not take away from our enemies a tool which again have beaten us around the head and shoulders in the court of public opinion?" When we have taken steps that have violated the Geneva Conventions we rightly have been criticized, so as we move forward I think it's important to again live our values, to live the agreements that we have made in the international justice arena and to practice those.
  • dora, are you and other blocks
    Dora, why you insist to us to accept your mental illness?
    Are you trying to get the bho "cyberczar" po$$ition?
    go blog on granma castro toiletpaper, and take your imbecile lib mentalill sitestocklers tt death boring, and cra zy people out of here, understand, we are not like you, you'll never understand here...
    and please, don't psycoanalisis me and reply, I don't care about you, we don't care, we only care here is to blow your liba$e$hip$ off the face of the universe, so you'll and your friends will not get what you want anyways... so
    we need our cyberspace to talk with people we accept, you have granma, and many bailedout site$, you have pb$, npr, and, drivebymedia like bho "creator" soros msnbc, please, American people, give him a worst ending than then same cnn "czar"
    why bho uses so much "RUSSIAN WORD" czar?
    please, don't reply, I don't care dora, go have a pijama party with your friends on iran, film it and cyber post it, let's see what an already working "cyberczar does"...
    I would like to see their posting then, of all of you...
    steven "wright", are for the bhocyberczar po$$ition? (now it is "only" for cyber fraud,?, mmmmmhhhhmmmmmm... but people got scared anyway as AF-1 terrorizing NY),
    why don't you cyberwrite on the same bho "pre$$idential" team which was responsible?, and...
    but no hoo hoo ho, instead you write:
    "join the Army, meet interesting people, kill them.
    If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
    Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
    Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.
    When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded.
    Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo!
    Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?
    What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
    I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.
    I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
    Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?
    If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
    Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
    For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.
    The colder the X-ray table, the more of your body is required to be on it".
    AAHHH????, mr. s "wright", posting "deep things" on "a wrigt wing fanatic site"...
    we are entertained already here...
  • steven wright, your 'poem" sou
    I preffer Aynreagan ("my" muse in the head) poems, deep, deep poems...
    Ayn, psst, there's a crecent moon "thing" going on...
    and... I'm "loaded of littlemermaids flying around with birds melodies singing"...
  • opera: the fanadango is on the
    oh mama mia! don't let them succed, hope them to fail... again, see history, they only prepare and make assymetric wars, there they win... sometimes... not...
    remmember, they want anybody's piece of mind...
    psst!!... they are punishing people already before 9-11, and they kept punishing people (not only oppositors, or neutrals, even their's)...
    until a... war is "borned"
    two... two... of them, the question is simultaniuosly?...
    I just think... that... 1 by one is more power concentraiting against it?...
    meditate on this I will...
    and... keep succeding
  • Dammit Jim I'm A Doctor Not A
    Invocations (nsfw) cannot be called by Thylan because Thylan is not privileged - sorry
  • VioletCreamSludge
    The poison came in liquid.
    They found you on the floor.
    You'd promised me forever.
    Now forever is no more.
  • viole(N)tcreamsludge, you are
    The poison came in liquid.
    They found you on the floor.
    You'd promised me forever.
    Now forever is no more.

    you're a cyberplayer from bhoteam$
    how much does it costs?
    way aren't you working on pbs, or npr?
    and traying to "Now forever is no more" us?
    my muse in the head says libcheapsycotreackcrapropaganda...
    and I, I want more of you exposed doing things everybody know help the enemy...
    but, please, don't believe me
    a man who always is the same, poor or rich, can invest more than only money, power, systems, worlds, whatever...
    don't replay, I'm not distracting audience with egocheaptraps
    I don't blame Bush, nor Freedomedia, I blame the name of the fraking assymetric person doing the assymetric thing, wich is beyound ordinary megacriminal things, and any "authority" who ignored this elementary reality is... taaadaaaa; accomplice of terror, and if needed to silence or phisically tryied to eliminate, specialy thru family or work, neighbourhood, city things...
    I want to write deep my way for the gold too
    stay tunned meanwhile to freedomedia, not drivebymedia
    stardestroyersavage, you haven't helped me neather, I keep write for you, and homeless, jobless, agents on the family, work, and above all, I still destroying by making visible as enemy espies bigger than just those around me, so, not easy, but...
    people like "me", keep
    hope for at list one, one, another of their libaseships blow  (sometimes they blow in a row, beautifull, out the face of the universe illuminating some of the shapes of  the waronterror battle stars, "here and there", no matter I'm rich or poor and paragovernly pursued (for 20 years, before, even, before "teaparties ideal, concept or propaganda, or save abortion survivor, 'things'), before "my country's  or foreign (actual, aprentice or former pro-terror dictator's fateS", )...
    you can be a star on the war on terror, more than you can imagine, It allways amazes even Bush "wars supporters, no bailouts of bil$", no propaganda in fact, and drivebymedia helping terror...
    but I'm just a "littlestary", there are better people understanding "my" piont of view, and "my" intentions, no terror logistics, no terror...
    terror logistics, local assymetric "I'm not an agent, kind of people" (related to castro gov, dictatorships accepted by cuba, iran, etc... kind of assymetrics, authorities accepting even today anamontes brieffings on cuba terror, I think are even publicly being "dialoged"  kind of assymetrics... even only by civilians, worst if authority, anamontes kind od legal"views" logistics, "things"...
    "heavenly gifts from stars are for defenders, worlds defenders"...
  • howardsternsnose
    You are absolutely correct in everything you say...although I do not understand anything you say. This forms the basis for a level of communication others can only envy.
  • howardsternsnose main thinking
    howardsternsnose how?, how can you understand if you name yourself "nose of somebody "expert" on sex?, sex is the oldest and natural of ego-distractions, and on liblands, a perfect programator...
    how, how can we know if you aren't just another bhoteam$ just 'trying to change most of the universe's mentality', from u$$ru$liblands, how can you not understand the difference between Bush kind of presidents and iran's, cuba, etc, ACCEPTED OR PREFFERED bho, carter, who 'legalize them", socialist presidents recognized or accepted, by cuba, iran...
    I think howardsternsnose is self-programming even thow he already read here what he is working again$t, and, "preventing people like me, who don't need to succed an idea without acorn, aclu, pbs, npr, etc... bailed out bil$, and helping the enemy, in times of war (nuke, ignored by bho because his team$ are competing to be the "next cyberczar, and have lists of "non dessiered people on their societies", ignoring ON PURPOSE IRAN, N. COREA (+ other dictatorships, and "sleeper presidents... all accepted each other) PUBLIC NUKE ATTACK PLANS...
    howardsternsnose wrote, and I understand why can't undesrtand, that level of real, simple, explanation of what an assymetric logistic does, on media, arts, culture, education, borders, schools, justice, politicians...
    of course you'll write then:
    "You are absolutely correct in everything you say...although I do not understand anything you say. This forms the basis for a level of communication others can only envy".
    of course you can't understand, this is like Jesus's parabolic speaches, learn how and why he spoke that way...
  • NapalmTastesJustLikeChicken
    You made the key point when you wrote this elegant passage:

    bhoteam$ just 'trying to change most of the universe's mentality', from u$$ru$liblands

    Not that anyone would, but anyone who failed to appreciate the cosmic significance of your argument is to be pitied and reviled.
  • billowingcloudsofsaffron
    of course you can't understand, this is like Jesus's parabolic speaches, learn how and why he spoke that way...

    Actually, it is more reminiscent of a pregnant braying warthog mired in a Seringheti sinkhole...

    Or the mournful call of the earwig...

    Or the belligerent war cry of the once-bald-but-now-hirsute eagle (thank you, Rogaine)...

    Or the silent screams of the carnivorous herbivores of Rigel 12...
  • hey imbecilebillowingcloudsofs
    (I WROTE) of course you can't understand, this is like Jesus's parabolic speaches, learn how and why he spoke that way...(the imbecile bhoteam$ cyberambi$iou$ "blgger" wrote:

    Actually, it is more reminiscent of a pregnant braying warthog mired in a Seringheti sinkhole... (bhoooo ho... so that's it, "no more God things"?)
    Or the mournful call of the earwig... (uuuuuyyyyy, Archangel Michael is calling his troops to quit and run, bho ME$$iah team$ are superior... in bailedout bil$...
    Or the belligerent war cry of the once-bald-but-now-hirsute eagle (thank you, Rogaine)... (hhhhhaaaahhhh!, u$$ru$libland won the wh and still mad?)
    Or the silent screams of the carnivorous herbivores of Rigel 12...

    I would add Chivasreagal after I have a meal, meat from carnivorous, pork, and cows
    "Or the silent screams of the carnivorous herbivores of Rigel 12"...
    thinking this crap, how can you posible understand?
    again, cybercrap, and from your fraking bhocybercheaptreackcrap trying to "change public opinion?, I'm even poor, you beasts, ideas aren't GM, housing, taxe$, labor, illegal alien civiliar (pre)invasion logistic armies voting bhoma$e$ "dream$" financed by u$$ru$libland, and eating money, even hitler CAN'T AND SUFFERED FACING REALITY'S FACE, ALL OF YOU, UN$ADDAM, ALZARKAWI...
    please, don't try to understnd here, go to fidelcastro's toiletpaper granma, there the cyberspace matches with cyberimbeciles...
  • hey NapalmTastesJustLikeChicke
    you really hate America, don't you imbecile?, you can't wait till "when the revolution comes", the 3rd world at the southern border, castrostatesagents govauthorities, many cities already, no oil for America, but the enemies getting even nuke, publicly announcing armageddons,
    so castrocuba gov-kinds (all dicatorships globaly have cuba state example to "copy") is "the future, the problems to get over it"?...
    what world you lived?, how can  a mind de-generate?, how did you do to "convince yourself Bush did wrong, and bho wright"?,
    and about:

    You (I) made the key point when you wrote this elegant passage:
    bhoteam$ just 'trying to change most of the universe's mentality', from u$$ru$liblands: ????, use your brain, ambision, you know, power corrupts... absolute power... absolute VODKA

    now you "look better" here:
    "Not that anyone would, but anyone who failed to appreciate the cosmic significance of your argument is to be pitied and reviled".
    I mean, how you call Bush's wars record conventional bombings?
    did you see how terrorized where the terrorists?
    North Corea, Libia even accepted Bush's world terms...
  • IAmDatingYourMother
    Dear hey NapalmTastesJustLikeChicken, would you do "the chicken thing" in front of a cammera?, dare, please, you may WIN CYBERCZAR po$$ition,

    You Lose.


    All of you, terror agents who just got used to use aythority po$$ition$ to satisfy your terror ambi$ion$ (using the other terrorists, the ones who also behead after unthinkable tortures, and suffering to any oppositor's family, work, thru any city office...)...
    anamontes networks for example, "the vision on cuba", yes, I belong to the force of civilians who first localize and realize the terror destruction are better for the terrorists and their networks, very, very dangerous networks...
    so "mr.kindof" "god"...$illa... as the rest of you are visible, long ago now, you'll suffer a lot (legal bases linking any of you to terror helping... voters, my field), a lot beyound you always feared to be visible, and your "bigovfatpork$" (yes, you shall) will be apeaced, like after a big roman lunch's nightmare$$$$ (yes, you understand from here, more of your "power$ource$" destroyed, just look at barniefrank$ or soro$ "empire$ cnn prooved CAN AND SHALL BE DESTROYED, BECAUSE THE WORLD IS NOT LIKE bho THINKS), even the ammount of money or "power" you believed can't have another colosal ending (you know, as UN$addam, MANY SPIES ON US GOV&ALLIES...)...
    keep being publicly imbecile, please
  • mrIAmDatingYourMother, miamida
    yes, mayors, ted, bho, bhoteam$, acorn, aclu, pelosiraptor, and other anti-Bush security and economy,
    soFla. terror logistic authorities SHALL SUFFER AS AN EXAMPLE, bho revealed at the beggining and not at the end (AS MY PLAN WAS DETAILED, AND THE "PEOPLE" I WROTE FOR WHERE ATTENDING!!)...
    you know my job, mostly elections (wherever "I"m available) you're dating my mom, are you a judge's A$$instant?, police?, doctor?,
    gess what and above your possition,  you're going to gitmo, the very place all of you tryied to close, why?, do you fear it?, have you nightmares on places like tghat even thow you "have both, power and money"?...
  • themotherdating(I'mdatingyourm
    From a stratospheric "wider" point of view (conservative this times) and... "thinking", the guy who abstractly (but phissicaly, laborly&taxe$ shutdown, but... simultaniously, as a Kahlil Hibrain (CatholicMaronits) "Prophetic windows", also... 
    floted alone on cyberspace (a very "Hubble kind of antena, michr and picture) with flying little mermaids and stuffs around...
    before the battlefields... and time...
    you know, independently bho or iran (all candidates from same ayatola parties, some faster) there still widder risks (normal each 35,000yrs both, galaxy alignment and 2012... "kind of potential kind of global risks"... for expl) ...
    asteroids or other kind of (I fear the big") iceages are each  ancient suspected '2012 galaxy aligning' (2004 tsunami kind of "unusual mass movements" and...
    I hope the every 35,000yrs coincidentaly "are simultaneous "mayor worries than the terror global state infiltrating and invading any country down here the surface, 2012 kind of "out there kind of old, very old space fireballshowers"... are just that, a coincidence, please, serious scientists and spiritworld learners, please, blog on this,  the 35,000years timeclocking (now I think may understand ancient mithology texts (even at moovies)... "where is the horse... and the ridder; where is the horn that was blowing... they have passed like rain on the mountains... like wind in the midow,
    the days have come down on the WEST, behind the hills...
    into $$$$ from... libland...
    ((((((((((((((HOW DID IT COME TO THI$$$$$!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!))))))))))))))))
    and both, 2012prophesies&galaxyallignings...
    so, we need to have... as usual, no more, no less than more complete victories, we are "condemmed to this", we have NOT to change that, neather... as bush says, more sacrifice, more volunteers, more care, more I do, do you?), more America, more and free friendly birthlands, "my lands"...
    moral of the story: universal (natural or more evolutionated species weaponry) dessaster (ending of worlds) cycles are easier to face and prepare for under Bush, Reagan, Blair, Tatcher (even Englishlibs, Brown was one of the firsts Euros to publicly reject bho plan$, surely, after insulting protocols and internal RRPPs),
    yes bhoteam$&libgovlogistic$ are already pursuing, I'm being warning this for years, it's just that, now they have more moneygov, and more iran election and silencing marketing kind of "professional point of views")...
    and it seems after iran ayatola (like cuba) elections parties, as libs did legalized iran, venezuela, castrists, sandinists, ma noriegas paries and state rulings, the "dreammed teacups shacking between "iran's people and libamerican people is not far now", just wait for the days to... come down in the west, behind the hills...
  • cyberspace=publicopinion=frees
    but I, I think libland won't understand, again, and for free
    I mean, libland biden mediamagicwands, cliiiiinnnnggggg!!!! !!!!!
    that doesn't matters...
    how can not to put on any gov possition with that "kind of assymetric weaponry, an infamous version of a Bond James Bond stories kind of villanes, on "sophisticated, articulated and marketingtvfashions", with self declared "I don't know anything on cars, but he's 're-shapping car industry' kind of anywhere possitions acting QUICKLY AND BOLDLY!!!
  • cyberspaceflyer, jumping back
    (radionoises... ... tunning...)
    somebody tell me why, why that anchorman, the cowboy hat and westclothing one, and Nixon, why overthroned? for political spying?,
    it's normal today...
    and why many big possitions on gov are still pursuing oppositor and dennouncing voices, using gov resources?
    and why biden kind of mediamagicwands, anamontes on cuba dangers, bho teams party on af-1-b, cyberpursuing, local acorn kind of authorities pursuings "kind of assymetric weaponry"?
    please, we need to get rid of libland nightmare, quicly, and boldly...
    the celestial time clicking is counting, to "rust"...
  • cyberspaceflyer name today, to
    "my" biodimensioninternetcyberspace equation of the day:
    freepublicopinion=freespeach=freemarkets=freeconomy=freecyberspace=freeeducation=I care=doyou?
  • "astralboy today": "worlds are
    Just in case, I don't think the world is ending on 2012, BUUUUTTTT!!!! that thing every 35,000yrs looks like "local regional universal level of damages, that "magnetic alligning with the center of the Milkyway thing", not a universal end of humanity (I'm not sure, but believe me, "the heart reveals so, soul approves), I'm not an astrologist, I consider myself as an early astronomist child, I don't even believe on signs as "Mosses signs kind of things wich nobody can even asure are real stories unless, of course, you're a conservative by the 2,000AD, about 10,000yrs after "the latest" universal flood, 16,000yrs after Addam&Eve's "timedoorway" thing "just popped them up here", about 75,000yrs after elves and stuffs, and about (I've read "it" on many universal religions) 100-150,000yrs from "the latests angelic wars", you know, 'the largests full scale wars on the history of the universe... kind of wars, full tecnology and... spirituality...    
    "you know", superior human creatures, greather dangers... kind of worlds...
    But I would wish to see govs rescued from liblandhand$$$$...
    and responsible on defending and protecting free world and not terror related (terror from ayatolas who still trying the "bho recognition as chaves with carter", etc... terror dictatorSHIPS examples)...
    and... sczars possitions are unveiling as a u$$ru$libland, so what you gonna do?...
    analize that sczarblogger$ from "the lawyer in chieff" ba$ed on the wrong place, at the wrong time...
  • Lisa
     I agree with the thoughts in this article. The primary problem that Republicans have had is trying too hard to gain support of moderate and left-leaning Americans.  In that effort, we have forgotten who we are.

    Blogs all over the web are telling Republicans to forget about the good old days with Ronald Reagan.  However, there is a lesson there.  He was not at all apologetic for his beliefs.  He stood for something and did not apologize for it.  However, those days are gone.  We have no idea who we are or what we stand for.

    Focusing on limited government and fiscal conservatism (especially right now) would be breath of fresh air.
  • denied unemployment, police ti
    while Americans are terribly learning how to tea and talk, again (as Hondurans, who's leftist president zelaya was fired for TRYING TO CHANGE THE 'not-left world left' "legaly", from state, "things" bho, leftist oscararias "ignore again"), I mean, he wanted to be a chavez as bho wants now, "at once", at list bho or chavez took years 'saying no I'm no leftist, "I'm not socialist, I (they) don't help ayatolas, sandinists, colombian farcs, cuban farcs, anamontes system authorities recognizable by being a continental authority joined task force, SI LEN CING  AL REA DY, the psyco-police-judge network, the paralegal war, the castro-coyote sanctuaries already BATTLING US, who oppose leftists neolibs, castro agent authority networks, rinos, globalbubble maddof$, barneyfranks, zoros(astro)$e$, al-jazeera cnns, the terror logistic, "the view tv realities, idols and similars...
    and... city authorities PURSUING SELECTIVELY us, while acorn, aclu, etc.... make war acts against Americans on their homeland, simultaniously gov-funded social and state arms, helped ("governing stablishments" by chavez, castros, bho, sandinists, etc...  
    the left is loosing countries, even their global crisis attacks, and they are the "state owners", have org$, npr, pbs, msnbc, lefthispanicmedia, they loose Argentina, Panama, the domino effect waited so long (at list the last 3 decades as castro-agents point) they are being fired because the Americas people as USAmericans have already begin to understand how the enemy has help again and again from the inside governments, plan being displayed at UN, American States Org... hello!!!, they have acorn, aclu, etc kind of org$, they funded them with billions, maddofs, crisis, no oil, no nuke power but ayatolas can... inside countries people, international demonstrators (fidel even publicly used as a 'power source" propaganda the 1+million people he can put anywhere, assymetrics, terror logistics, ruling even, 'the authorities'...
  • why miamidade is a pre-invasio
    answer; because castrocoyotes are a massive pre-invasion logistic, and 'they live on so.Fla' mostly, and I whish them to fail... again
    I pray god for them to be fired from 'their gov job$', I want them to be pointed by authority what they are, anytime they seek for a job, it can be because of denounces, as neolibs joining publicly on favor of pro-cuba zelaya with sandinists, chavez, bho...
    comming up: unemployment, stop ticket ally at coralgables 'signals' nightmare, uniformed agents, doctors (if I accept the lil traffic school, names, yeah!, I'm homeless, jobless, my family bho, I never beated or raped any of yours, so, you shall learn your place on history you $ith)...
  • assymetric invasion, assymetri
    what masses?, ma$$e$$ of castro civilian inmigration, a France local votings experience, perfect accent, "in their future, soon, their anti-Palin, anti-Romney, the rino "drivebymedia made phenomena" oooohhhhh!!!!!....
    bhooo hoooo
    by the way, on labor, their assymetrics are just possitioned on govs, not only cities localy, they are having a replacing season window, they have a paralel exodus from so Fla., every leaving person is replaced for agents, and they have managers preparing this for years, and... terror helper authorities, I wonder how the ted's "public" library and labor awi AGENT offices can still even working there as nothing, as a biden's magic drivebymediawand cling, just... that doesn't matters, sure...
    like the Honduran ex-castrofriend president zelaya's unconstitutional dictatorship, similar as cuba, venezuela...
    now, here, on labor,  anotherone...
    adj: k c rocker, you have acces to "my info", I already denounced ted's agency (before the so Fla. scandals era of gov year$$$ of funding program$$$ + NO JOBs for the needed, ID stelings (remmember I denounced a TERROR CASTRO GUERRILLA FARC stealing my ID and that agency "authorities" laughing on me), and, "listings", selecting...
    so "mr" powerfull, I wish you are fired from that "paradisiac job possition", and seek for jobs, and everywhere you go, that CASTROGERRILLA STEALING MY ID AND A LABOR GOV AGENCY LAGHING ON ME... I want all this to be exposed to the employers too, so they can know MY PART OF THE STORY, AND MY POINT OF VIEW...
    I wish the anti-war on Iraq to fail, I want them to fail on the Honduran presidency, the castro-chavez -zelaya-etc. (electoral machines, again), and the 30 years old castro USGOVagents  networks, why castros, chavez, etc... exists?, why the sodomic sex from hollywood?, anti-Vietnam, anti-Iraq, who recognizes chavez, castro's anamontes studies on terror?
    are there more?
    yes, and we are smoking them out their darkne$$...
    free Iran/ no ayatolas, free Honduras/ no castro-zelayas
    why not just... keep the zelaya reality as a model and just... wipe them out, all of them... from Latinamerica?
    castro "new presidents kill, torture, go to the families, societies, education, labor, borders... no oil, no nuke power, AND IRAN, NORCOREA, CHAVEZ EVEN ANNOUNCING THEY ARE DOING IT AS A TERROR PROPAGANDA "POWER" SOURCE...
    bho teams, you think you'll do what hitler himself, castro, lenin, UN$addam, musolini, raulreyes, maddof, blogo, cnns on al-jazzera, the view, libland on iran, cuba, zelaya, chavez...
    It's amazing a little country is again, showing the bigger how to do things... you know, to stop castro terror...
  • Dora
    the acceleration of right wing hate-  find yourself here Bud, Aliy, Jackie
  • Dora
    how ironic that an overwhelming number of Americans voted for the idea that we are not "red states or blue states but the United States" - yet the feeble minded right wing nutcases continue to push divisive legislation,  hate speak,  para-military organizations,  and condone the murder of individuals that represent views different from their own. 
    people like Savage, Limbaugh,  Beck, Hannity, and O'Reilly embrace these small minds that cherish the hate speak.   Laura Ingraham ,  fills in as a guest host - speaking negatively of Planned Parenthood with their logo in the background- target crosshairs superimposed over the logo.  How stupid does one have to be to not realize that the fringies on the right (the American version of the taliban)  need only one of their unhinged nutjobs to do the unthinkable??!!
  • Dora
    Since 9/11, the right wing hate talkers have stepped up their vitriolic attacks against anyone who doesn't agree with them or doesn't look like them. Through their demonization of liberals, Muslims, Hispanics, and gays, they've opened the door to a new era of intolerance and hate in this country. And with that hate has come an increasing number of politically-based murders - murders which are becoming so frequent this year, that we haven't gone a solid month without some right wing nutjob pulling out a gun and killing people who didn't agree with their beliefs.
  • Dora
    Yes,  indeed, Jackie- you, Bud, DS, and Aliy - you four are clear representatives of the far right no-nothings- the fringies,  the thumpers,  the fanatics...America's very own Taliban.  Destructive, divisive, distasteful, and deliberately dumb.
  • JackieM
    dora--it is funny that you call us names and compare us to the taliban.  but that is ok because that is all you have.  obama is failing the American people and you can ignore it if you want!  i really don't give a damn!  my husband was out and about on Saturday and met a few people here and there.  every one of them mentioned how obama was the worse we have ever had.  he didn't even know these people and didn't start the discussion of politics.  some of the folks were citizens now but were born in other countries.  people are waking up finally!  so keep up your talk and ignore the abortion issue, especially the late-term abortion issue.  that way you can sleep at night.  say in your little world and you won't see obama's destruction!
  • JackieM
    dora's comment--Since 9/11, the right wing hate talkers have stepped up their vitriolic attacks against anyone who doesn't agree with them or doesn't look like them. Through their demonization of liberals, Muslims, Hispanics, and gays, they've opened the door to a new era of intolerance and hate in this country.

    dora's comment-- you four are clear representatives of the far right no-nothings- the fringies,  the thumpers,  the fanatics...America's very own Taliban.  Destructive, divisive, distasteful, and deliberately dumb.

    so which side hates who?  LOL! LOL! LOL!  too funny!  i guess dora and the others can't help their lies.  it is why they are liberals.  we are not the haters and she knows it.  she has been told so many times on this site that we don't hate anyone.  however, i personally dislike everything she stands for because innocent people are being destroyed right now!  i encourage her to keep up her rhetoric because it is so comical!  moreover, it just shows the left's intolerance and selfishness!  instead of trying to help get the idiots in Washington to listen to the folks who can't find jobs and feed their children, she decides to ignore the situation all together because she would have to admit obama is a failure.
  • JackieM
    dora will continue to spread her lies in the hopes the stupid will believe them!  she doesn't see anything wrong with associating herself with the pelosi, reid, dodd and obama crowd!  personally i would choose a higher class of people but that is her choice!
  • from the battles for justicefi
    (playing bsgtotalwaryoutube):  
        from loyal to America cyberfighters been acornly targeted, aclustate rocketed with contemplating how the enemy have helpers, unveiled and going nuke armagedon mutes, ayatoland, mentally Ills king youngs on the grown, I, I say...
    yes, I'm different than actual lib $ect controling democrats, we are not like them, we celebrate ussrs size enemy falls and being helped, and re-attack again us, or 'little' ma noriega, anamontes, actual world orgs, local, gov authorities protecting illegal sanctuary cities, safe zones while so. border is having a Colombian farc guerrilla exclusion "legal  zone" assymetrics 9daaaangerous for actual irani or no.corean dirty nuke bombings, like Israel was by thousands of missiles in months or years, "only 2 or 3 per day"), castrocoyote sanctuary cities size falls...
    ... but something happened then... the lib did not intended...
    it was again, bsgresurrectionship destroyed from the marketing that bho, not Bush is wright, on any, main field, war, economy, allies...
    yes, I, I come to you, my friends, in the year of our Lord of 2009,
    the nuke finghers, the little mermaid's abstract daddy shotdown on taxes&security as any American and civilian on the world...
    floating on the timeles cyberspace "recently discovered"...
    but ussr 1 was destroyed without it...
    by the best of the world...
    no oil?, no nuke powers, disarment, self declared everything and denie and say what Lord Bush would do, against pelosiraptores, vietnamdefeaTED"ideas"$puppet$, a$$ymetric$, what destroyed u44r 1, and already destroyed bubbleland$ of libland, actualy... the 2nd u$$ru$libland "under rebuilding$", megaeconomic a$$ymetric attack$ are as punishment for America unveiled bho teams and hammas, castro, ayatolas, rusia, zelaya, etc... going nuke and oiled, by libcongre$$, by "law"...
    Battlestars Cheney, Sara, Bushtimeportal, I dreamed of you...
    and, I just wish you all the blessing from the one who, you know...
    also "walks over the Milky Way"...
    and as usual, victories for America, allies, and the world
    this justice battle will be short, as usual they have drivebymedia-gov 'power' as a protective '$hield', bailedout, what can a single abstract single pilot guns can do to this beastiality, BattleStars Rush, Sean, StarClusterEraser Joyce, Starnation Savage, Gleenovaland, Freedomedia Stars, a kind of abstract Superfriends abstract courts fields war fighter defender, with, by the way, self declarations as selective, political guided intentions on justice by another act of war against America and allies by the same bunch of enemy helpers from actual libland, and some few rinos...
    aaaand, extremely unsafe, painfully long death expensive, and 
    bho orders, and laughs with his team$$$$$$$$$
    "very experienced" community  activists, on "assymetric matrimony", with chavez or castros, sandinists, etc, protesting because bho haven't arrested anti-terrorist president Micheletti, and returned the (bho dreamed "I'm taking total control of state "law") former right wing zelaya, now, being defended publicly by bho, actual UN counsil thing (iran, china, rusia, cuba, etc...), comunist who arrested 2 Costarrican anti-terrorist presidents by self friendly party there (same who still helping zelaya go back to sacred honduras lands)...
    (transmission fadding... see you next time, same channel, any... hour, any name, for free, as only Freedomedia can bring you...)...
  • from the battle for OAS
    "my abstract single nuke" of the morning...
    OAS insuklsa, is, co mu nist...
    tic, tic, tic...
  • oops, sorry, OAS in$ul$a, not
    another shot, this time, a single abstract "little" rocket well directed:
    target: pro terror oas "power" $ource$ (what on former UN$addam no-oil/food mega$candal$ gral. secretary?, where they pursued as Pinochet?)...
  • lets help Teaparties
    since the enemy helpers have "bailedouted $hields (acorn just had 4.+BILLION$ and Teaparties?: 0, and "terrorist nicknames from no tax holder$, another "bho smart a$$e$" HELPING TERROR BY COMMETING ASSYMETRIC ACTS OF WAR AGINST AMERICA, RECORD AGRAVANTS, AND THEY never stop, as saddam, alzarkawi...
    lets abstractly firecover Teaparties as we did with freedom soldiers on Iraq...
    wao!, I, I'm very, very no lib minded...
    and, I have more, names... self public declarations during specific times, while the enemy had what they needed US gov whould do, many on times of war or self-lib created crisis and "new economy vision" "law$" while denie oil and nuke power to USA and HELPS NUKE AND OIL ayatolas, king young ILLS, zelaya, THE WORLD KNOW IT, THE WORLD KNEW THEM FROM ussr 1...
  • $teve and Edie Amin
    Mustard is an excellent condiment when feasting on the flesh of leprechauns.

    Fart not, lest ye be farted.

    If they ever remake Bonanza, I hope that Rosie O'Donnell plays Hoss.
  • Bababooey HongKongPhooey
    The woman lets Huck into the shack but eyes him suspiciously. Huck introduces himself as “Sarah Williams” from Hookerville. The woman chatters about a variety of subjects and eventually gets to the topic of Huck's murder. She reveals that Pap was a suspect and that some townspeople nearly lynched him. Then, people began to suspect Jim because he ran away the same day Huck was killed. Soon, however, suspicions again turned against Pap, after he squandered on alcohol the money that the judge gave him to find Jim. Pap left town before he could be lynched, and now there is a $200 reward being offered for him. Meanwhile, there is a $300 bounty out for Jim. The woman has noticed smoke over Jackson's Island and has told her husband to look for Jim there. He plans to go there tonight with another man and a gun.
  • (O)ba(ma team$)baboyhongkong(n
    the perfect mind match for any bho team$ czar po$$ition orgy competition, acorn, aclu, ayatolas, castros, sandinists, zelayas...
    bababoyhongkongpoop wrote:
    "the woman (abstrac intention: a political woman who bho fears along Romney) lets Huck into the shack (I, a bho oppositor ad honorem are related a some shack look like place), Huck introduces himself as “Sarah Williams” from Hookerville... (but I suspect it's sen, ted palpatine desperate for bho had everething and keep falling u$$ru$libland alone... to their own darkne$$...
    he could be lynched, and now there is a $200 reward being offered for him. Meanwhile, there is a $300 bounty out for Jim... (psst: fl gral attny paralegal assymetrical gerrilla, eyers-ted creature bho's team$, acorn, aclu, police, judges, so.Fla, terror snactuaries)...
    told her husband to look for Jim there. He plans to go there tonight with another man and a gun."...
    yes, terror helpers on OCCIDENT, and ORIENT, MY "THING": how do you like brains for example, BIG ONES? mmmm, kingyonILL, chavez, ted (you never accepted BattleStar Sarah Palin thing, mmmmmmm!!!!!!!!...)...
    understood Freedomstrategists?
    bho "drivebymedia-state-image thing" proves a LIE (a bsg resurrection ship destruction WE ALWAYS WIN OVER the system) but, "changes" for bho... is not comunist, helps castros, ayatolas, ruin and disarm America, allies, no.corea-ayatola dirty nuke armagedon being prefered as world "doom" "future but never bho loose power, as zelaya, castros, aclu, acorn... same comunist world wide plan" thing...
    enjoy your billion$, saddams...
  • (O)ba(ma team$)baboyhongkongpo
    there are always 2, a master (sen ted palpatine) and an aprentice (bho, czar po$$ition $eeker$ from... tadaa: bho team$ locals only, selected)    their assymetric armies, acorn, aclu, gov$, bailout bombing$,  bho supremecourts, racist, political motivated, selective, (biden magicwand protected by terrorauthorities on govs, cities + drivebymedia fleet) better than white people...
    better to resurrectionship destroy neolibland, again, no matter what their paralegals, and paramedia say...
    total war, redemption, and terror helpers on gov www still fighting the war for the ideas of Liberty, fisicaly (pursuing oppositors) ...
    we have the best men and women (and gays and lesbs, what the hell) fighting that, neolibland's friends territory...
    USA is dealing also now, with the terror helpers on govs, orgs...
    no matters bho teams don't think so,
    maddof, UN$addam, etc, didn't neather...
  • Battlestar Cheney bhoteam$ (re
    (signal fadding, the latest) from the bridge: tell FreedomRadio to swicht to salvo fire covering Teaparties, acorn has 4+BI, BI LLIONS, Teaparties: 0, and are declared just "dangerous, as castros "law" potential social dangers, WE ARE DANGEROUS, THEY FEAR US, ABOVE ALL ESLE< ALL TRILLION$, OIL PRICES, NUKE ARMAGEDONS, AMERICADISARMENT bho declarations while the enemy goes nuke and swears nuke many lands as CURRENT SELFDECLARED PROPAGANDA bho helps
  • neolib primary weapon: biden m
    even if you can imagine how the real battles are developed, how drivebymedia fleet ships cover neolibland and blame "predecesors"...
    how active anti-terrorists are being paralegaly pursued localy or governMENTALY insitu USA by a(n) accepted system barneyfranks, maddofs, bhoteam$, acorn... by 50 y/o system of castros more than "MY 30yrs/old vietnamizations terror helper on The USA NETWORK I MADE VISIBLE" system "law": potential SOCIAL danger, as teaparties or anything dares neoliblandczar$ru$ "socialspace" death$tar$...
    how many bigger than Nixxon's watergate, ted's toilet castro-style state cue tv inn"justice" zelaya "laws"  (caribean dictator bho team$ kind of REALITY ON "GREEN LIGHT FROM GOV,  those preparation nights minds...
    biden drivebymedia magicwand (cliiiingggg.... that doesn't matter$$$...., a cla$$ic notaxesworst than al capone)...
    I think a GODzilla from wasila (with skirts and eyeglasses, not EYER$gla$$e$) could help "on the grownd... I mean, do you believe me bhoteam$, do you understand me?,
    psst: I realized after castro pursuing "my" Moscoso party using Panama state as Miami did and, still, in you know, fact, acorn...
    and against me thru ma noriega-castrocoyote sect parafamily (a 20 years/old punishment, costed ma noriega's himself fate, but the rest of the mass is "civilian uniformed matter"...
    I mean miamidade: you torture my family with a parapolitical family related to terror, many blown off the face of the motherlands already "big of your battleships and bases", logistics as carlosalvarez system even publicly proved castro agents, 30 years old, as recent Washington castroagents, and neolib$ headquarter$ still using anamontes "job" (wich NOW I DO AS IT SHOULD BE, agents on cities...
    next... some of "my" spies on gov following, you know, LITERALY...
  • F(U)jiAshrimp{gaga)325xl%
    I met her in a club down in old soho
    Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola [lp version:
    C-o-l-a cola
    She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
    I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said lola
    L-o-l-a lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation

    Well Im not the worlds most physical guy
    But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine
    Oh my lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola
    Well Im not dumb but I cant understand
    Why she walked like a woman and talked like a man
    Oh my lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

    "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

    Well we drank champagne and danced all night
    Under electric candlelight
    She picked me up and sat me on her knee
    And said dear boy wont you come home with me
    Well Im not the worlds most passionate guy
    But when I looked in her eyes well I almost fell for my lola
    Lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola
    Lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola

    I never saw a Purple Cow, I never hope to see one; But I can tell you, anyhow, I'd rather see than be one

    I pushed her away
    I walked to the door
    I fell to the floor
    I got down on my knees
    Then I looked at her and she at me


    Well thats the way that I want it to stay
    And I always want it to be that way for my lola
    Lo-lo-lo-lo lola
    Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
    Its a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for lola
    Lo-lo-lo-lo lola

    The shadows are lengthening for me. The twilight is here. My days of old have vanished - tone and tints. They have gone glimmering through the dreams of things that were. Their memory is one of wondrous beauty, watered by tears and coaxed and caressed by the smiles of yesterday. I listen then, but with thirsty ear, for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille, of far drums beating the long roll.
    In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield. But in the evening of my memory I come back to West Point. Always there echoes and re-echoes: Duty, Honor, Country.
    Today marks my final roll call with you. But I want you to know that when I cross the river, my last conscious thoughts will be of the Corps, and the Corps, and the Corps.
    I bid you farewell.

    Well I left home just a week before
    And Id never ever kissed a woman before
    But lola smiled and took me by the hand
    And said dear boy Im gonna make you a man


    Well Im not the worlds most masculine man
    But I know what I am and Im glad Im a man
    And so is lola
    Lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola
    Lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola
  • F(U)jiAshrimp{gaga)325xl%,thep
    I have another thepolice song, it's famous, Roxanne?,
    na,na,na, it's ... sonia,
    sooooniiiiaaaah... you dont have to put on your red line,
    those days (of bailout bombarding$ unstopable) are over...
    pelosiraptor, your ba$e$ are blowing brighter...
    todd, reid, and the rest of the bubble "creator$" economy assymetric (along with your no oil no nuke, and bho desarment and diplomatic recognizing to chavez, zelaya, ayatolas, china CO MU NISTS  just made "LEGAL" genocide, again the enemy of civilization FEELS SOME 90s YES, NEOLIBS HELP TERROR, JUST FOR NOT RESIGN FOR

    T    H  E   I   R             "    JOB$   "
    Their neolibland vision on "their mi$$ion": czar deities "job$", you know, the 30 years old castrogovnets, just the reason that explains instantly why bho tryes again and again, like re-loadding and bailout bomb and bomb again and again, he haven't even "desapeared to hawaii" like several times since 1 week before elections a DEM JUDGE RULED he didin't proved born cert, and on his own papars there's 1 year after he was born the land became part of hawaii anyway + papaers also proving he RESIGNED (now say "anybody does those things"), and plenty of mega other (bubble$, bail$ to acorn after half year of PROVE ACTS OF WAR INSITU USA FOR THE ENEMY, HAMAS-bhoteams, many many BIG BANG LEVEL of reasons to at list resign from TWHorror... and exile and enjoy $1000 pzzas with ajmadineyad, or the king young ILL, cuba, actual NY tax HQ, why nobody wants to move over there?
    ccccccclllllllliiiiiiinnnnnnggggg    biden magic wand covered by media UNIFORMELY AS AN ENVY FOR liliputin rusiandrivebymedia...
    understood?, Teaparties, CIA, FBI, Boyscouts, police, judges, politicians, plumbers, conservative and loyal to America liberals, independents, any,
    lets sing, soooooonnnniiiiaaaaahhhh (taaa   daaaa!!) 
    you dont have to wear that dress tonight...
    you are a bho team level employee, you can't just denie your own statements your way out of here,
    after living and enjoed publicly bho, eyers, teams, acorn, aclu.... world?years, statements, by the way,
    and the "cliiiinnnnngggg!!! that doesnt matters,no oil,no nuke,disarment of America...
    I, I say:
                  (((((((((((((((((((((((YOUR STAFF... IS BROKEN))))))))))))))))))))))))
    assymetric gov agents, zelaya govs, chavez electoral (welcome my son...) machines, pro-enemy org$... the "dreammed government the enemy would wish", acts of war (gitmo, EVEN STILL TRYING JAIL WAR ON TERROR PEOPLE, RELEASE TERRORISTS EVEN 9-11 MASTERmind, economy, allies left to stand alone, enemy propaganda joining bho team$ globaly (gov-gov), specially on KEEPING anamontes (castrocuba is not terrorist, cooperate, jail their enemies, are enemies with bho, acorn... anyway) "stablishment", security, borders, pensions, labor (coyotecities), education (ready "nirvana hiphoprap youth" sodomic machine ruled by travesti POLICE ACCEPTED OF COURSE, MIAMI IS NOT POLITICAL COUNTY POWER BASE, WHAT? cuba IS TERRORIST? YOU ARE "CRAZY" "BY GOV LAW"...
     AS cuba's potential danger jailing system...
    an abstract action, dedicated to Battle Star Sarah...
  • bhoteam$ wont stop, me neather
    my "other" strategic "thing" insitu words bhoteam$, my mistake on bho resignation... (to his American by mom, not place of born citizenship not allowing to president) I wrote:
    OK bhoteams, acorn, sofla. gral attny, and the already jaikled for castroagent nets, and similars...
    keep DON't BELIEVE ME "you are visible, and acting..."
    keep programed to your own world you accepted and helped to build, even after bho declarations (FROM motherland RUSIA, A MAYOR BOOST OF PROPAGANDA FOR TERROR) on Honduras...
    another bigbang one on bho mega crimes against America, and Humanity (already USmoney to promote kill abortion survivors, globaly... and close to 2012 (true or hoax), wich shows DON'T CARE IF GOD GETS MAD WITH MEN... AGAIN)
  • S#saivating8-4+toastnyCraigigl
    Salamanders roasting in the midnight sun alongside delicious mounds of napalmed maggots for whom the electoral process constitutes mayonnaise-like taste sensations whereupon the ol' pigskin is punted into space the final frontier these are the voyages of john paul george and ringo not that ringo but another one is the loneliest number loosey goosey and whatever happened to Baby Jane Pauley THE END almost but not quite now THE END.
  • S#saivating8-4+toastnyCraigigl
    I was meditating on the intention of castro,bho,(hillary stopped talking like one of 2 on "bigovpo$ition$ narnia witches because the far left and enemy preffered is being taking The USA from "the inside")...
    now they try to get the polls by being some Bush (suggesting no more bailout$, war on terror "resurrected until bho is positive nummbers", easy with drivebymedia)...
    they're possitioning America and keeping the circumstances, publicly and rethoricly, which means joined terror propaganda...
    the frozzing of America and her allies (frozzing age plan, no oil no nuke power to America) while the enemy openly announces their armagedon, you know experts on psycology and advertising (creatives, only of course) on why neolibland tryes again and again same castro-soviet plan, social, plan one, "discredit "legaly" their opposition (specially intelligence community, which is not acorn or aclu staff) using castrogovnets against whomever dennounces them...
    that means, of course, they are battling the ideas wars as castrocuba does to their enemies, "no Geneva conventions"...
    and media says bho "lost his cool speach"? it's a threat for "mayor acorn$"?, open legal systematic linchings?, selectively?
    was he cool before?... 
    it seems 2012 is the panic buttom for the enemy, they don't care on make God mad on killings by neolibgovs, you know, promoting globaly to kill abortion survivors and desarm America space nukes (showing also don't care if OTHER AS USUAL asteroid or any celestial body comes close to Earth and needed to be "changed" from trayactory... if can't control the world, to the hell with them)...
  • S#saivating8-4+toastnyCraigigl
    So they "stopped the opposition" with...:
    "Salamanders roasting in the midnight sun alongside delicious mounds of napalmed maggots for whom the electoral process constitutes mayonnaise-like taste sensations whereupon the ol' pigskin: (it's a Godzila from wasila going other way to fight, MR JOE THE PLUMBER, YOU DO YOU EXCELLENT JOB, OTHERS DO OURS, ON ANY FIELDS)...
    ... (it's not a "pig with leapstick" as bho CAN PIGGY INSULT AND SHOW HOW LOW THEY ARE WILLING TO GO),: is punted into space the final frontier ...": (bholand "dreammed" "cyberspace", wich they CAN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND)...
    THIS IS FROM SAME "vietnamizers" desk$, "gov job po$$ition$:
    "are the voyages of john paul george and ringo: (supposedly those who feel entertained readding conservative bloggs or big conservative figures) "not that ringo but another one is the loneliest number loosey goosey: (senator tedpalpatine humor) and whatever happened: (they think we think "with them") to Baby Jane: (my sister's name is "similar" and was systematic legaly tortured by police knowledge and cooperation, doctors still insisting, also on me any "legality has a "value" for them, at the soFla. NEOLIB AND at legaland of ANAMONTES POSSITIONS COPIES) Pauley THE END (neolibs end, working with the enemy, again) almost but not quite now THE END"... (classic castrogov agent state of mind)...
    classic UN SUPERPOWER saddam thinking, they all even laugh and get mad on tv...
  • AA
    Ravioli lacks the essential viscosity to be an effective motor oil.
  • AA "loves" ravioli oil motor
    no AA, I'm not debating blogstocklers, and you can understand here because this is not castro toiletpaper grandma, there... is plenty of minds like you... Ravioli lacks the essential viscosity to be an effective motor oil...
    To the rest of the universe... 2 comets "courses changed by theirselves (no Jupiter gravity's pull catches those sizes and speeds) in the lasts 2 decades?, Jupiter has being watched before Galileo Galilei, I don't remmember any other impact (and could be, I haven't read everything, even I can't remmember anything "at once") and if craches, are separated by ages from each other impact times (I'm almost sure, have to check some time)...
    Why aren't we good and stop killing God's unborn (this near to 2012, just in case) by gov money which is being used as assymetrics (if voilation and pregnancy, I accept the fecundation time/no conception jet (could be days) and a pill, because the mother has no God order to have a rapist as a husband, and never married (my opinion)...
  • yes,yes,and yes bhoteam uNBOrN
    more "big" neolibs bases blown ups, and their friends the dictators and terrorists OLD PLANS AS USUAL, what they feared, the "nets at the time", the bhoteam$&personnel,hamas,evos,chavezes,ayatolas,castros,pelosiraptores,blogoyevicks,maddofes,UN$addames,
  • Enormous Tiny
    soup dee da boo boop boop
  • Stir Fry Small Fry
    Castro nastro Bobby K Sirhan no way! Underwear? Under there!! Warren Burger Jane Chastain fifth amendment probable common cause licorice whipped Condoleeza frosted flakes kinda sleaza International Brotherhood Of Teamsters Jimmy Hoffa Jimmy Cagney{} Cagney and Lacey/Barbra is a woman in love...The Libertarian impulse...the red badge of porridge::Roe 24 Wade 13}//Happy days are here FDR, love Eleanor's rear FDR.

    Rahm Emmanuel is a kapo.
  • bhoteam (communications)c$arco
    hey UC, this is how you want "the bloggers"?, I "still hope it was only because of the $billion$ of acorn societies "rule of gov (castroagentgovs)resources" from all the times bailout$ neoliba$e$hip$ all the times also blown off the face of the Earth? ...erasing comments like my last response to the other bhoteam$ uNBOrNFeTUSeMBRyO (just analize the name)
       I think it was erased becouse of the "BattleStar Sarah's classic vipershipspistol belt shooting at short range bhore$urrection$hip watching other BattleStars and some (Bush kind of) SuperStarfortress, clear&right libprincesses like radioJoycecalflan... shark neoliba$e$hip$ under a reign of fire illuminations on the top of the stratosfere while floating at the distance playing braveherath martial Scoth music" strategy (for free) on BattleStar Sarah Palin "swift to salvo fire some drivebymedia$", suggesting another (as usual above govbailingout$ their way out there) re$urrection$hip blown off: blogoyevic, maddof, holder and the rest of the bho (after 8years old eyer$, rezcos, zelayas, bho JOB czar CO MMU NIST "smart people" terror helpers on gov branch "big" ho$t$...
       Oh!, that comment was cool, very... cool...
        Ah!, dadaists from tedland, you are Enormous tiny... inside the... massive blackhole... hhhhkkkkkkccccmmmm!, mass...
  • "BattleStar Sarah's classic vi
    Yes, I'm the (conservative at the 2000s) the starman "floating on cyberspace" shotdown on taxes, defense and.. the rest of the neolibs helping the enemy, as usual... watching again the braves and free Rushgodvoices fight back and win OVER dRIVEBYMEDIA on any field, matter or abstract, over the times...
    Comment ready to be erased, but still have counciencesnes from the soul, ("my" eternalmothership) "popped in" the mind of the Earth, in the year of the Lord of 2009... (neolibs get mental illnesses reading this unavaluable letters, they hate no-hitlerscreamming kind of castro, zelaya, chavez, liliputin, ayatolas... speaches and words)...
  • RedRedWino
    Dear "BattleStar Sarah's classic vipershipspistol belt shooting at short range bhore$urrection$hip correction#1:playing braveheartmartial Scoth music" strategy,

    I implore you to put the lime in the coconut and mix it all together.
  • RedRedWino, get a REAL JOB...
    lasts examples of "my swearings": UN$addam, ma noriega...
  • I'll Talk To Your Mama Outside
    Your "swearings".
    I wipe my fat --- with your swearings, you swine-faced little eunuch!
    Your are the filthy spawn of Roseanne Barr and Rosie O'Donnell.
  • I'll spell To Your Mama Outsid
    God, thank for We are different to neolibs&rest of the self-mindprogrammed te rro rists ...
    we don't go after defenseless people...
    hey mama talker, you can't believe in that crap head a homeless can destroy neoliba$e$hip$, and... bring down anamonteses, etc...
  • BotoxPelosiBotox
    le sida
    food poisoning
    l'intoxication alimentaire (f)

    l'ambulance (f)
    l'hôpital (m)

    l'anésthésie (f)
    l'infection (f)

    intensive care
    la réanimation

    le bandage
    la médecine

    le pansement
    le médicament

    le cancer
    l'infirmier (m)

    la canne
    les cachets (m)

    la capsule
    la pneumonie

    le plâtre
    le poison

    chicken pox
    la varicelle
    l'écharpe (f)

    le rhume
    le stéthoscope

    les béquilles (f)
    la civière

    le remède
    le chirurgien

    le diabète
    la chirurgie

    le diagnostic
    la seringue

    la maladie
    le comprimé

    le médecin
    la tumeur

    first aid kit
    la trousse de secours
    le fauteuil roulant

    la grippe
    la radio
  • I'll spell To Your Mama Out, y
    so We don't go kill you, nor go into your families..., your job, your "records" from a castrocoyote sanctuary UNFAMOUS city, and recieve paid from gov, and... in "just" times of what war"?...
  • I'll Talk To Your Mama Outside
    I wipe my fat (surely a gov future right braincancer) another of  "my swearings" , as you know... nocorea's ILLed, chavez, ted, dodd, the other gov imbeciles using acorn as a pre-paramilitar assymetric ruler civilian_FARC guerrillas, with the assymetric "migration, now are legal along illegals, almost a France, you know, local born, on police, judges, politicians... AND OF COURSE ALREADY" on MY LISTS AND PRAYERS "of what power on collision (and THANKS GOD THEY IGNORED MY MMMM... WORDS?: destruction, as the1st ussr, fidel PHISSICAL FALL IS LIKE BEING PUSHED BY AN INVISIBLE ANGEL... THEY STILL NOT ACCEPTING TRUTH BEFORE THEIR FATFI$SH TERROR LOGI$TIC$" so...
    "my speacialty to my rings"  --- with your swearings, you swine-faced little eunuch!
    Your are the filthy spawn of Roseanne Barr and Rosie O'Donnell trying to convince us comunism "doesn't brings you easili brain cancerS and other phissical what things ah?"... having "it what all envy"...
    understand, you're all crazy neolibcomunists, and you're proved completely terror helpers, grown on your own mentalities and that global americancastrocuba gov helping the other terrorists SHALL BE DESTROYED EVERY TIME ANY OF you imbeciles denie from now, the you know... year of the ...and, you know, you needed to be stoped of assymetricaly and phissicaly (something castro, or hitler himselves did or even dare to "dream".... but with dino$aur$ agent$ of castrogov$, inc, along suicider market bussines... as new terrorists... and they illnesses, and become alone into no creation ape, no son of Addam...
    now, how in the road to hell you think you can possible even dream to "scape you way out" from God's fury against you, accumulated by decades?... aaaannndddd, the war on terror?... aaaaand your neolibbhoresurrection $hip again, blown off the face of drivebymedia, proudly declared: (as fidel and his agents even on the USA) calls us "terrorists, rightwings, full of hate, failures, no dessireble, finalsolution lists lines ASAP" I dreammed flying the stealth, saying:...
     I hope nobody is looking out of the window... right now, please...
    starbuck, apollo... this ship is old history, it's all yours...
  • I'll Talk To Your Mama Outside
    aaaaand your neolibbhoresurrection $hip again, blown off the face of drivebymedia, proudly declared: (as fidel and his agents even on the USA) calls us "terrorists, rightwings, full of hate, failures, no dessireble, finalsolution lists lines ASAP" I dreammed flying the stealth, saying:...I wipe my fat (surely a gov future right braincancer) another of  "my swearings" , as you know... nocorea's ILLed, chavez, ted, dodd, the other gov imbeciles using acorn as a pre-paramilitar assymetric ruler civilian_FARC guerrillas, with the assymetric "migration, now are legal along illegals, almost a France, you know, local born, on police, judges, politicians... AND OF COURSE ALREADY" on MY LISTS AND PRAYERS "of what power on collision (and THANKS GOD THEY IGNORED MY MMMM... WORDS?: destruction, as the1st ussr, fidel PHISSICAL FALL IS LIKE BEING PUSHED BY AN INVISIBLE ANGEL... THEY STILL NOT ACCEPTING TRUTH BEFORE THEIR FATFI$SH TERROR LOGI$TIC$" We don't go kill you, nor go into your families..., your job, your "records" from a castrocoyote sanctuary UNFAMOUS city, and recieve paid from gov, and... in "just" times of what war"?...
  • RE-EDITING TEXT, the new neoli
    RE-EDIT, BEA$T$ RE-EDIT, arise serpent, arise...
    so you re-edit and sign text trying to make sou"confussing"?, get a job, c'mmmnn...
  • RE-EDITING TEXT, the new neoli
    RE-EDIT, BEA$T$ RE-EDIT, arise serpent, arise...
    so you re-edit and sign text trying to make sou"confussing"?, get a job, c'mmmnn...panda shmanda ayatollah roackandrollah
  • re-editorbhore$urrection$hip$,
    (before I forget) remmember re-editor, the big ones of you who systematicly also fall along your co mu ni$ tic police$, aaand, proved helping the enemy... again.
    And, the $y$tem'$ propaganda iS  B A $ E D  (bhore$urrection$hipS made to blow because of... the $y$tem, expl: the 1st ussr, a psyco-system) on  a barbho's new joke: (from one of his czar$&team$ text "eminencies"), re-edited by a poor out of the drivebymedia ad honorem person, easyly, just copy/print on the right place... at... the right time..., thanks, God
  • re-editorbhore$urrection$hip$,
    oops, I'm sorry for the blog vistitors, forgot the barbho joke, and co mu nis tic castrogov agent b a s e d arrogancy, again...
    yes, the czar possition seeker "destruction of my words" by... just adding what is in the mind of all these neolibcreature$,  get a job, PAY YOUR TAXES, DON'T BE AN ENEMY AGENT,  c'mmmnn... what is this?, what about the people's intellect?, you even believed fidel "had unnatural powers?", neolib thoughts, pure... neolib crapy message of what is comming on free speach ASAP:  panda shmanda ayatollah roackandrollah
    that was the barbhore$urrection$hip... to be... again blown off the face of drivebymedia, and re$urrected angrier, by biden'$ (also using same re-edited) drivebymedia's wand: ccclllliiiiinnnnngggggg: "that doesn't matters, the war is lost, un$addam didn't have nuke material instead claery proved mooved away chemicals, bho, carter, anamontes, maddof, etc... are not assymetrics, not co mu nis tic, what the enemy needs...
    well, drivebymedia!!, bhoteam$&orcs, oops, org$&simmilars!!!... harken to me: your $taff$ are broken
    psst: now is clear why you all need to close Gitmo, zelaya, anamontes on cuba stablishment, ayatolas...
    hey neolib blogger crap!!, thanks, you remmeber me all the imbecile agents following me while I use them to easy anti-terror feedback wich, I'm sure bho, anamontes, maddof, eyers, etc...  shall even believe, and of course... understand
    thanks God, again