The Gay Mafia: Prop 8, the Mormon Church and now Obama

December 18th, 2008 Black Conservative

I’m black and I didn’t vote for Obama. I disagree with is politics and think that some his past acquaintances are shady, but whatever.  I give the man credit though, especially for his decision to have Rick Warren, the senior pastor of Saddleback Church in Southern California to deliver the invocation at his inauguration. Now he is getting heat from the gay community.  The president of Human Rights Campaign, Joe Solomonese, wrote to Obama Wednesday:

Your invitation to Reverend Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at your inauguration is a genuine blow to LGBT Americans. We feel a deep level of disrespect when one of architects and promoters of an anti-gay agenda is given the prominence and the pulpit of your historic nomination.

And so it begins folks. Over the next 6 months, more and more Obamamaniacs will soon realize that Obama is not as liberal as they want him to be (crossing my fingers and praying right now). I just don’t get why the gay mafia is so outraged. From the beginning, Obama has said that he “believes marriage is between a man and woman”. Did you really think that he would have selected Jeremiah Wright or better yet, a transsexual preacher wearing camouflage pants and a Code Pink sweater to appease both sides?

I really can’t wait for the protesting to begin so I can laugh, point fingers and think how stupid they are. Are they going to call for his resignation like they did for those who voted for Proposition 8? Are they going to set fire to the White House?  Or maybe declare a Jihad against all Christians and the so called “anti-gay”, intolerant, right wing nut cases? This is insanity at it’s best but it sure is fun to watch.

One love to Urban for allowing me to post! Thanks kid.

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  • Leo Emmanuel Lochard
    This comment regards the unnatural abnormality of homosexual sodomy and lesbianism – Speaking the truth: A discussion for mature adults – No “tiptoeing through the tulips” necessary!
    As stated above, we are mature adults and are not ignorant of our anatomy.  Terms and words that depict body parts of our anatomy are used in this essay with the respect that is due to our Humanity.  For God created us this way because of the Laws of Thermodynamics.  First, we pray for God’s forgiveness for our sins of commission and omission as we face this problem that plagues our nation and threatens human civilization.
    This treatise is designed to elicit both appreciation of the OPPOSITE sex and rejection of homosexuality and lesbianism as anti-life, anti-nature and anti-biology.
    As we grow up and mature as adults, we learn that every thing has its purpose and place in this world.  We are beings who know the Organizing Principle.  We classify, categorize and put things in order.  We know how to integrate and differentiate.  The brain is the organ of thought, the liver detoxifies the blood and the human body, lungs are for breathing, the heart is for pumping blood, kidneys filter the blood and bodily fluids, etc….  The whole human body is scientifically and logically structured for organized processes and organic activity that give us metabolism, motion, energy and life.
    You have heard that, though apples and oranges are fruits, they are different kinds of fruits and cannot be compared with each other.  In the same way, we are all human beings; but human beings are created male and female, man and woman, boy and girl, son and daughter.  A man does not have a vagina; a woman does not have a penis.  The man has a prostate gland; the woman has fallopian tubes.
    However, for the excretion of fecal waste matter, they both have anuses.  And the anus is NOT a sex organ.  Things only EXIT the anus, and nothing ever naturally or normally goes in.  When something comes in, such as a thermometer, it is usually for MEDICAL reasons.  We are mature adults and must speak truth without dissimulation for the good of all concerned.  My God Almighty!  For these reasons, The Holy Bible declares the abnormal acts of homosexual sodomy and lesbianism, “abominations.”  Under Jewish law, in the Old Testament, Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, these unnatural, abnormal, immoral sex acts, are punishable by death.  In the New Testament, because of the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross and His Resurrection from the dead, homosexuals and lesbians are given the opportunity to repent of their evil ways, to receive forgiveness of sin, to then develop normal loving relationship with the opposite sex.  This is not impossible.  Many homosexuals and lesbians have done so.  And we thank God for that.
    The godless secular liberals are so fanatical in their refusal to practice the truth.  We have freedom of religion, of speech, of press and of peaceable assembly to petition government for a redress of grievances.  We have the God-given constitutional right to proclaim our views on this matter.  Homosexuals and lesbians are brazen in their advocacy for an abnormal “relation.”  Marriage can never be between two males, or between two females.  That is unnatural, abnormal and biologically immoral.  Man with man cannot reproduce; woman with woman cannot reproduce.   They represent a dead-end and abnormally practice the death of the human family.  Their “union” is against the laws of God, the laws of Nature, the laws of Life, the laws of Biology and the laws of Logic. 
    A woman has a vagina, fallopian tubes to release the egg, a uterus and a womb to conceive a child and give birth to children.  The woman’s sex organ is created by God to receive the male organ, the penis.  A man has the penis made for a vagina; a woman has the vagina made to receive a penis.  The man carries the seed of life, the seminal fluid; the female carries the egg that is fertilized by the male sperm for conception.  Two males “getting together,” abnormally for sexual perversion, cannot compare themselves in equality to the male-female union for normal marriage.  This comparison is invidious, uncivilized, illogical and unnatural to real common sense, common law, positive law, scientific principle and God’s commandments, from all frames of reference that are validated by reality-checks.  
    Men do not have a vagina – they practice anal sex, sodomy.  The anus is a hole for the excretion of fecal waste matter – it is not a sex organ.  And that’s why homosexual “relations” are bound to produce filth, disease and death eventually.  For, only the woman’s vagina was created to receive the penis; it is the right sex organ for the man in that a child is procreated while the sex act between a male and a female is naturally pleasurable for both the man and the woman.  In the same vein, two females cannot procreate; they cannot naturally perform the sex act – neither have a penis. They have to use artificial appendages to insert into each other’s vagina or anuses. 
    We hope and pray that homosexuals and lesbians will come to their senses and change their ways in order to improve their living conditions with spiritual maturity and a clear conscience before God and the human family.  God commands us to love our neighbor but to condemn the evil they perpetrate; for the fear of the Lord is hate of evil (Proverbs 8:13.)  It is not persons we revile but the vile practices they are attempting to impose on us and our children are morally objectionable and destructive of the common good.  It is deplorable what has been happening to our society.  For, at the same time that godless secular liberals are promoting homosexuality and lesbianism, ritual infanticide as abortion has made it easier for men to mistreat, disrespect and abandon women who are left by themselves to “fend alone,” as “single mothers,” just because these mothers want to give life to those men’s children.  What a disgrace that men no longer assume responsibility for their own flesh and blood.  Those men are engaged in a form of “punishment” against the women who gave life to their children.  We all know that individuals are accountable for their own actions.  A man should face the destiny of his child, before he engages in sexual activity, not afterwards.  For once a life is conceived, to end that life is tantamount to infanticide.  Homosexuality and lesbianism are condemnable practices that contribute to the emotional and psychological abuse women and children in our nation, in addition to the immoral consequences they engender against the nuclear man-woman family as ordained by God for the continuity of the human family.
    Homosexuals and lesbians craving equality with a normal marriage between a man and a woman are using non-equivalent comparisons in order to sway public opinion, the courts and the legislatures of the States for favorable treatment.  First of all, both men and women as classes of gender, already have equal protection of the laws in a normal marriage between a man and a woman.  Men, as a class, are already protected – men can marry women.  Women, as a class, are already protected – women can marry men.  That’s real equal protection of the laws based on common law and constitutional law already guaranteed to individuals enjoying their equality simultaneously as God has instituted and as Nature has instituted for the procreation of the human family.
    Equal protection of the laws is guarantied by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.  Genuine union or marriage between a man and a woman never needed “advocacy,” in the  past.  For all human beings already understood, it speaks for itself.  Both men and women are already given equal protection of the laws, in that a man has the right to marry a woman, and a woman has the right to marry a man.  In that manner, both are protected at the same time - males-men as a class, females-women as a class.  Homosexuals cannot marry; lesbians cannot marry.  For real marriage is only between a man and a woman.  This is not an opinion.  This is a fact that is scientifically and logically based on the reality of our biology and our Judeo-Christian moral tradition and is recognized by all cultures on the earth from the beginning of Time as the only sane (“making sense,”) normal and real sexual relationship given to human beings.  We thank God for His commandments, righteous judgment and infallible wisdom.
    God bless the United States of America.
  • Leo Emmanuel Lochard
    Dear Christian Friends,
    By the stroke of the pen on an Executive Order, President Obama has reversed the ban on fetal stem cell research.  I don’t believe we should lose hope and conclude it’s a foregone conclusion that researchers will continue to abort human babies for the purpose of extracting their embryonic cells for implant into adult brains whose owners suffer from Altzeimer’s or some other disease.  There are ways such “research” can be stopped even if Congress fails to act against the President’s misjudgment. 
    When researchers talk about “stem cell treatment,” we must understand what they are doing, how they intend to do it and what their expected results are.
    When asked to explain how the process would work, proponents of stem cell treatment are at a loss.  Reasons are, first, they don’t know; second, there is nothing to know, since it would not work as intended.  The logic upon which the research is based is flawed and expected conclusions false.  In short, it amounts to infanticide, and body-part “can-nibalism” – like the Air Force that takes parts from one airplane on the ground to install them on other planes still flying.  
    The activity of stem cell treatment proponents is not bio-medical science but is anchored in greed and godless lawlessness.  It is imbued with selfishness and heartless callousness towards unborn babies who will be murdered in order that a few human “scavengers” can survive.   To hear them speak on television programs or to read their apparent pleas to let the “research” continue amounts to validating the cries of hyenas on a rampage for prey.
    First of all, these embryonic stem cells belong to unique, already procreated, formed-in-the-womb human beings whose embryonic development to maturity has been stopped, interrupted and discontinued due to external intrusion by laboratory technicians.  These so-called embryonic stem cells are already predisposed, pre-designed, pre-purposed to differentiate and specialize into body organs and parts that belong to a specific human being.  Just because the baby’s development in the womb has been stopped at a specific time, i.e., embryonic or fetal stage, just because there is dislocation from purposed locus of maturity, do not entail a change in genetic design or imprinting.  The cells, from the standpoint of biological development and maturity are already pre-destined to differentiate and specialize into that specific human being whom the sperm and the egg have had already formed into existence, regardless of age.  Dislocation from that specific human being and transplantation into an Altzeimer’s patient’s brain do not change the genetic predestination and individuation of those cells.  
    Thus, were those cells allowed to mature, they would be organs and body parts belonging to the specific baby formed by the sperm and the egg, before the baby was murdered prematurely, whether at the embryonic age (3 days old in the womb), or fetal development age (2 months old in the womb).   This genetic specificity and unique individuation will not change just because the cells are dislocated and transplanted in another body; and no biological or chemical process will take place in the patient’s brain that will effect a change in his own neurons.  They might as well take the baby’s toes and do the same with them – transplanting one body part from one human being into another.   This demonstrates how flawed their logic is and how false their conclusions are from these unscientific assumptions.   The only reason these cells are called “stem cells” is because at that age (not “stage”), i.e., the embryonic, they are not yet formed or differentiated into body parts, such as the eyes, the mouth, the feet, or specialized into organs, such as the heart, the liver etc…  They pretend to  forget that the sperm and the egg from which this unique human being is being procreated form only one genotype, one human being with a specific genome and no other.  And these cells are not “stem cells” from the standpoint of biology but only from the perspective of human beings who have already committed murder and must justify their acts by identifying “cells” with their victim’s age in the womb, i.e., embryo – stem cell.  But at the age of un-arrested and uninterrupted development, e.g., 5 months old in the womb, the baby is a “fetus.”  Why?  The baby was not murdered; cells too young to form body parts and organs, now, are maturing through the development process into their specific genetic predestination and bio-organic individuation.  Consequently, so-called “stem cell treatment” is selfish self-deception and godless self-delusion.  These babies are dying needlessly and murder is being rewarded with media hoopla and taxpayers’ hard-earned money.
    Please do not lose courage, nor despair.  It is not too late to stop them.  We need to spread the truth with scientists who will listen to biologically sound scientific knowledge, citizens and public officials who will then take constructive action before this gruesome undertaking is launched on this land against the most defenseless victims amongst us, unborn babies.
    Thank you.  God bless you Christ Jesus, our Lord.
    Leo Emmanuel Lochard, BA, MA, Certified Teacher, State of Illinois , USA
  • Leo Emmanuel Lochard
    Dear Fellow Americans,
    Global warming is a concept predicated upon certain computer-programmed atmospheric parameters that tend to diminish the complexity of Earth eco-system inner-workings.  "Global warming" is not a concept that originated from human analytical scientific thinking but is an interpretation of certain data from a computer program.   And it is not right that a whole propaganda-agenda of fear be generated in every nation which, as it breeds extremism, would endanger continuum economic prosperity, even here, at home.  For, regulatory measures being sought from national governments would impinge upon innovations by free enterprise, consumer product and reality-based production methods by private industry.  We can be sensitive to a clean environment vision without holding to the “global warming bandwagon."  The problem is particulate emissions and not the gases themselves, for particulate emissions (e.g., quantities in PPB’s or “parts per billion) return to earth as “acid rain,” for example; and, in addition, they contribute to cancer, lung disease and respiratory problems. There is no scientific evidence for the computer-program generated “problem;” still, corporate industries have to be socially responsible and must abide by the requirements of Clean Air Acts regarding atmospheric smokestack emissions, hazardous waste control, and comprehensive potable water protection. 
    I have read a scientific research report by OISM - OREGON INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE - PETITION PROJECT at  This is the most scientific reading I have had on this subject which elucidated how one must approach all discussions of "global warming," – very cautiously, very prudently.  I did not even know how this debate began and where the term came from.  And OREGON INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE scientists explain, "Predictions of catastrophic global warming are based on computer climate modeling, a branch of science still in its infancy."  It's no less than "weather forecasting" with the same machines from which our nightly weather news come, e.g., "50% chance of showers."  The climate always changes from season to season.  Let me emphasize this: The human body is the climax of all the complex laws of physics, chemistry and biology and is the most efficient organic system in the Universe. And human beings exhale Carbon Dioxide as a natural by-product of biological metabolism, namely respiration.  How can Carbon Dioxide then present a danger to us or the atmosphere?
    In the same vein, all efficiently burnt carbon-based fossil fuels, like petroleum and coal, result in emissions of Carbon Dioxide and Water.   So why is there a cry regarding "Carbon Dioxide emissions?"   Is it because industrial smokestack emissions are not absorbed by the atmosphere, and do not degrade into basic chemical elements?  Do they just accumulate and hover above the breathable atmosphere?  Questions then are, does Earth temperature really increase because of that?  What quantity or volume does it take in order for this to occur?  Unfortunately, the on-going debate is mainly ideological with pressure groups taking the lead rather than earth scientists explaining the details of scientific principles involved.  But the Great Flood of the times of Noah recorded in the Holy Bible, an account also reported almost in every culture on the Earth, did occur.  Human recorded history is replete with natural catastrophes, from floods, to tornadoes, to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.  Vesuvius erupted in Italy and buried a whole city in ashes. And there had been no industrial revolution then, thus, no smokestack gas emissions.  Freezing and thawing are routine geo-physical events due to solar activity and seasonal variations. 
    The research project at OISM did conclude that changes in Earth temperature are due to Solar activity and not to human hydrocarbon use, which only dates back to the 1880's - about 128 years of fossil fuel exploitation (1880-2009).  The USA is older than that.   We began in 1776!   And emissions come from major industrially developed nations, a minimum number, comprising The United States of America, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan, and more recently, India and China, rather than from all nations of the Earth. Most of the "global warming trumpeters" abide by the Theory of Evolution and believe the Universe is billions of years old; then how could just 128 years of variegated human industrial activity provoke such catastrophic temperature consequences?  Is this scientifically possible?   Goes “out of the window” the concept of so-called “adaptation!” There is no evidence it is.  However, "acid rain" is real, objectively concrete and provable with evidence of tree damage, for example, because the particulates traveling in smokestack gas emissions are trapped by cloud formations that then liquefy and fall down as “acid rain water.”   
    Scientists must enter the dialogue to prove whether the problem of “global warming” is real.  These problems must be scientifically understood if a scientific solution is being sought.  Cannot emission-trapped particulates be filtered out before emission release into the atmosphere?  Government administrators deserve to know the root-source and cause of national debates so that they are not deceived into investing resources, manpower, hard-earned taxpayers’ money, in the pursuit of "solutions" that are originally based on flawed hypothesis and false assumptions - from an electronic computing machine.  After reading the material published by OREGON INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE on its website, analyzing and evaluating it, I concluded that all this "hoopla" about "global warming" is due to a weather-forecasting computer program and not to reality-connected, true-to-Earth sciences and solar system scientifically proven facts.  The electronic machine cannot think, it cannot anticipate or weigh, prioritize or factor pertinent variables, but only performs as programmed; it is rather "number-friendly" but is not an analytical thinker.   
    Research must be conducted to find out what happens to industrial by-products such as dioxin, sulphur dioxide and nitrous oxide molecules - do they degrade into atmospheric composition gases?  Do they remain within the different atmospheric layers until absorbed, yet without decaying back to atomic elements?  Is non-absorption why they continue to hover below cloud-cover, as particulates there-in return to the soil as "acid rain?"  For example, logging and deforestation must be accompanied by a program of tree replanting.  Plants and trees are renewable resources - farmers know.  Corporate industries are accountable and responsible for atmospheric emissions also in accordance with international laws, treaties, and Clean Air Acts.  But scientists ought to be doing the thinking, rather than let the interpretation of an electronic climate program generate fear-of-living on the Earth, as is this demagogy being perpetrated by the "global warming" progagandists.  The greater question is, given that industrial producers are using petroleum-based processes – carbon-based fuels - can emission compositions be different from what they are now?  And if not, what can be done to clean them up of particulates before atmospheric release?  And are CO2 emissions dangerous by nature or is it due to the accumulation, non-absorption and non-degradability thereof?

    Thank you for allowing me to share these concerns with you.  God abundantly bless you in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.
    Leo Emmanuel Lochard, BA, MA, Certified Teacher, State of Illinois, USA
  • Michael R.
    what amazes me is not your lack civility in your post, but rather your lack of shame in the fact.  If I spewed half the hatred you did my conscious, my dignity would keep me from showing my face on here again.  I hope this is just "blog talk" for you and not the way you deal with others of opposing views in your daily life.

    I do not know what you believe you are accomplishing here; changing minds? persuading us through your uncivilized rants that all of the worlds ills falls at the feet of whatever Conservative is told to you by the Media is the target of the day?

    It is easy to see Dora after your "hows your truck" comments that you simply look down on others.   I have no doubt that deep down, racism, antisemitism, and bigotry course through your veins.  I am ashamed for you and I am ashamed of you to say that you are even posting on the same site.   Your comments are no less insensitive or foolish than any of those other that have served to keep this country back from any true unity and equality.  Bigotry has no place on this site or anyplace else Dora.
  • JackieM
    Dora--just continue to stay in your world because you are good at ignoring simple facts.  let's start with the housing crisis and how it started with clinton in 1995.  we can continue with frank and his lying to congress about the shape of freddie and fannie and criticized GWB and other republicans for even questioning there was a problem.  look at the current debacle with the stimulus now.  i could go on but until you realize your own party's hand in this, you will never be able to see the issues as they really are!
  • Dora
    "Being nasty to others is low class.  Someone on this blog either didn't grasp the basic kindergarden principal of "playing nice," just likes to spread hate and/or doesn't understand the title of this site." the way, speaking of grasping...i see that you have not grasped the difference between principle and principal...
    the nasty you put it... has come at me from every one of your names in here, Titus.  perhaps you would use your grasping skills to show me where i have produced this giant hate indicator.  
    and.. this country is already in a deep recession going on depression with a snowball effect that should concern even you.  obama inherited this mess.  even
    you know this.  pelosi, frank, and any other liberal or democrat that you wish to name might make you feel better to believe them to be the cause... but you are sadly mistaken.   turn that finger around and point at yourself- and you will have the root cause- belief in an ideology that believed that the free market and capitalism could run amuck without regulations and oversight. 

  • JackieM
    Shannon--good point.  she has continually talks about how American's elected obama because they rejected the republicans and all they stand for.  i merely stated the facts about who voted for obama and why.  it is all over the news through research and interviews.  there are no suprises here and yet she ignores it and will say the same thing a little while later.  it is amazing!
  • Shannon
    "you can't express yourself without spreading hatred! that is what the problem is.  your inaccurate view of republicans time and time again is ridiculous.  even when people correct you, you continue to put us all in one pot and compare us to limbaugh.  it is a joke."

    I told Dora on another thread that I believe that her problem is that she projects her own issues on others.  She stereotypes conservative, but I am sure she probably does that with all groups of people.  Hate eats at a person after a while and I wonder if there is anything left of Dora.  Hopefully she will come to grips with her own issues.
  • JackieM
    Dora--as usual you are wrong again.  i don't mind you expressing your opinions.  however, that is not what you are doing.  you can't express yourself without spreading hatred! that is what the problem is.  your inaccurate view of republicans time and time again is ridiculous.  even when people correct you, you continue to put us all in one pot and compare us to limbaugh.  it is a joke.  you are off the deepend with your assumptions.  get some facts before you speak.  i guess you don't know the difference.  i would suggest you understand economics and listen to the experts on both sides (even people in obama's own cabinet) who say that obama's plan will not work.  but hey, i don't expect you to actually listen because that is not what you do best!  most people who have either common sense or are educated in economics will tell you that sodding will not create permanent jobs that will help this country.  how about contraception?  how will that help create jobs?  i could go on and on but i don't think you will ever get it.  Thank God for the republicans in the house and senate along with less than a handful of democrats who are fighting obama and the left-wing nuts to get the pork out of the stimulus and are working to get tax cuts for small businesses who are closing their doors.  i just hope it works or the democrats will run this country into a depression.  but hey, to a lot of Americans, obama is looking like a fool right now.  the smart ones saw this a long time ago.  unfortunately, those of us who care about this country are worried because we understand where obama, pelosi, reid, dodd and frank are taking us.  it is sad!
  • Dora
    it will always be impossible for some of you to EVER come to terms with one another as long as you have individuals like "Titus" who seem to feel that because I do not share her views I should not be here- to read, to comment, to opine.  More than this,  you somehow think that if you slink over to some blundering conservative's website put up by an individual who still bends his knees at the Reagan Alter Of Learning while filled with the absolute knowledge that this deity of yours- who championed the Voodoo economic theory of "trickle down" - is the EXACT cause of today's problems. 
    You can swim in your nonsense pool all you wish,  when you decide to get out of the water and look about , you will find that your economics have ALWAYS put this nation in the toilet and democrats have a history of better economic planning,  caring for "the commons",  advancing thought, and getting the job done.   Your all-about-me attitudes are at the very root of why YOU LOST.  Until you can come by a different attitude that includes the voices, ideas, and input of others, until you can take your bigotry and fanatic religious attitudes and put the in the rubbish- you will forever be the utter and outer fringe element of the right wing fruitcakes whose nonsense will be dismissed as idiocy and backward thinking.
    You are like the gambler who insists upon betting on the horse with the broken leg-   it will win- he cannot even stand , but let's bet on him anyway.
  • Rob
    I'm not sure where the "separation of church and state" came into this conversation, but I just have to comment on this because it is so commonly misinterpreted.

    Nowhere in the founding documents does the phrase "separation of church and state" appear. Rather, the wording if I remember correctly is more like: "congress shall make no law regarding religion or limiting the free expression thereof." (or something like that)

    I can pray wherever I want to, school kids can pray wherever and whenever they want to, and yes, even teachers can express their religion the way they want to (theoretically). What we are guaranteed is "freedom of religion" not "freedom FROM religion." All people have the right to express their religion (or lack thereof) however they see fit.

    The constitution does not call for "separation"
  • Jamie
    There was equal parts mudslinging from both sides, but that's not a discussion, so I'll leave that at that.

    As for the Church/State thing, it's difficult to allow prayer in schools since it sets a precedent whereby religious practices are permitted in an area that is controlled by the state. The situation can only really be one of total integration, or complete separation. Anything else would require a lot of regulation and difficult decisions on where boundaries are drawn. Outside of the USA, you can see how France is struggling to adhere to the tenet of 'laicité' - a totally secular government - by banning all religious symbols in schools or any government controlled building. That includes even a small crucifix, unless hidden away.

    It's a very tricky scenario, but it seems that if the constitution calls for separation, separation should remain.
  • Phil
    I said what I said in reference to Dora's rambling about how it was the Democrats who freed the slaves.  Was the emancipation conservative?  I agree it was not at all a conservative move on Lincoln's part.  However, most all of his politics stuck to conservative belief of the old and tried. 

    Also, the separation of church and state gets very clouded in many discussions.   Christians aren't arguing that you MUST have God in schools.  Forcing prayer is very different than simply allowing prayer. 

    It seems as though some like to talk down to other people on these posts, Dora and Jamie, rather than have a discussion.
  • Jamie
    I see more name calling and general nastiness on conservative blogs than liberal ones. I see more hypocritically immoral republicans than democrats. I see a conservative president who took a budget surplus and turned it into the largest deficit in history. I see Abe Lincoln touted as a conservative. Wrong. He was a Republican - conservatism is defined as: the disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change. Lincoln freed the slaves - a massive change.  The two terms are NOT synonymous.
    You can have god in schools....oh wait, no you can't. Separation of church and state. Weird how the constitution seems to be a pick-and-choose document, isn't it?
  • Titus Hunt
    Being nasty to others is low class.  Someone on this blog either didn't grasp the basic kindergarden principal of "playing nice," just likes to spread hate and/or doesn't understand the title of this site.  but hey, that person fits right along with reid, pelosi and frank so i guess for people with low morals, this behavior is satisfactory.  However, I am glad that there are people here who act like adults and have healthy debates.  For this reason and many others, God needs to be back in schools.  Maybe respect for others will follow.
  • Dora
    To take it down to simpleton terms, James- the report that you and other right wing crazies like to note did not incorporate all of the data necessary to make an accurate determination thus creating a flawed result.   Stick with the Dick and Jane books, James.  they are more on your level.
  • Dora
    jAMES - since you are so obviously inept, once again I am forced to do the homework of the lazy and pig-headed.    Additionally, your use of the "feminazi" crappola is proof positive of your limited scope and precious little brain power.   I am curious, however- at what age did you decide that you already had all of the information that you thought you'd ever use?  Third grade? Second?
    By Jane Hamsher- thurs, Oct. 9 2008
    Every time I do a debate with some wingnut these days, they are always citing the National Journal poll that lists Obama as the most liberal member of the Senate.  More liberal than Russ Feingold?  Really?  More liberal than socialist Bernie Sanders?  Seriously?
    I guess it's time to debunk this myth once again.
    Common sense alone should tell anyone that Barack Obama's voting record is almost idential to Hillary Clinton's, and she's roundly considered a "centrist" Democrat.   So how did the National Journal screw this up? Josh Patashnik at TNR actually did a good analysis.
    Problem #1 -- they don't count missed votes, and Obama was on the road campaigning for much of the time.  He publicly supported free trade with Peru, which would have counted as a "conservative" vote, for instance.  Since a large group of Democrats are only separated by a few votes, one or two votes could dramatically change the rankings.
    Problem #2 -- they impute ideology when it isn't necessarily there:

    Two of Russ Feingold's four "conservative" votes were against Democratic bills that would have endorsed a partition of Iraq and limited the mission of U.S. troops there to counterterrorism and training missions. These "conservative" votes, like Sanders's on immigration, came because he was further left than the bulk of the Democratic caucus.

    The ridiculousness of the system explains why Chris Dodd was ranked the 23rd most liberal senator, casting four "conservative" votes:

    One was against the Office of Public Integrity bill. Another was against an obscure amendment that, in a similar vein, would have tightened conflict-of-interest rules for individuals serving on FDA advisory panels (Kerry and Ted Kennedy took the "conservative" side with Dodd). The other two were Iraq votes on measures setting withdrawal timelines for American troops, which Dodd, who during the presidential campaign criticized Obama and Hillary Clinton from the left on Iraq, opposed because he wanted an even more aggressive timeline. And because Dodd was absent for so many votes, the impact of these "conservative" votes was magnified--so the very liberal Dodd landed right in the middle of the Democratic pack, despite not casting a single genuinely conservative vote.

    During his first two years in office, when he wasn't campaiging and was there for most votes, Obama ranked 16th and 10th, which is probably a lot closer to where he stands.  As TNR notes:

    A separate and more elaborate ranking system, developed by highly regarded political scientists Jeff Lewis and Keith Poole, found him to be the 11th most liberal senator in 2007 and 21st most liberal in the previous Congress.

    The good news?  Despite being pegged as a "liberal," Obama is still winning.  Which means that its negative connotations may be disappearing.  This is no doubt largely due to the fact that its alternative -- modern conservatism -- is associated with those who have driven America into a ditch.
    Thanks, wingnuts.  It would have been hard to reclaim the word "liberal" quite so quickly without such a spectacular, all-consuming flameout.
  • James
    Dora, of course you would recommend meds for someone, you probably support a healthcare plan to hand out free ritalin to boys that just act like boys in school that don't comform like good little feminazis that they are taught to be. And as far as dumbing up my street, yes. I live on campus at Portland State University and you can find PLENTY of dumb, aka liberal students that have listened to the feminine propaganda that we were all taught in public schools as you obviously have. Are you too ignorant to look at BHO's voting record? Even if my talking points were to be right wing radio talking points, what's wrong with it? They are COMPLETELY relavent and you are just too closed minded to even acknowledge their importance!
  • Dora
    James, I would suggest that, rather than you just continuing to mouth right wing radio talking points that you actually check the facts.  Learn what criteria was used in this often repeated- yet wrong information- regarding the "most liberal" Obama.  You need to expand your information gathering otherwise you will continue to look as foolish as you do now.  All individuals who actually know about that which they speak will tell you that Obama is far from "liberal".   He's just not stooopid... and that bothers you a great deal .  How sad is it that you all glorify stupidity.
    The dumbing down of America is right up your street.
  • Titus Hunt
    well if i was stupid enough to have voted for obama, i would be upset that he has lied before he takes office.  he promised to raise the corp tax and on those who made over a certain amt.  what what is a big fat lie to stand in the way of how great and honest this guy is?  now as i predicted, he is backing down and only said what he needed to in order to get votes.  he succeeded and is a good used car salesman/politician!  this economy was in the toilet back then, and i knew it would get worse so he can't use that as an excuse if his IQ is more than a 2.  liberals think his is so intelligent and put him on a throne!  what a joke!  but hey, thanks to the democrats and those who falsely claim to be conservative republicans, there is no real oversite on the money that has flown out the door so far.  oh i'm sorry, there is in fact supposed to be oversite according to the bill that passed.  the team makes up the very people who are already up on the Hill.  ha!  there is no oversight.  why am i the only one that seems to give a damn about this and the wasting of hard-earned money?  of course, to idiots obama's plan is wonderful!  it will give money to build our infrastructure.  now we all know that giving it to the states is like putting in into a black hole and we know giving it to the feds is the same.  so just tell me who is going to ensure the money goes where it is supposed to and what idiots on both sides are going to vote for this?  i am emailing my senators and telling them to stop this!  what a bunch of morons!  oh let me clarify:  the morons are the people who voted for him and anyone supporting this bill!  the so-called jobs obama will create will put illegals to work, and Americans that need jobs will have to take very low-paying jobs and probably won't have benefits!  what a fine mess we are in now!  oh wait a minute!  obama left those facts out!  thank goodness i have cash to ensure my family is safe!  i hope everyone else does too!  oh yeah what am i talking about!  if you don't work and don't want to work, obama is increasing welfare in this bill so you will get a check!  i could be selfish like the people who voted for this _______ and be happy i will get a tax cut.  however, this country is in turmoil and people are still as selfish as they were before this crisis!  Unbelievable!  we need God in government and everywhere else more than ever because we are definitely in trouble!  To obama, pelosi, reid and frank, i say:  go ahead and ruin this country.  you are on target!  few will give a damn!
  • Titus Hunt
    well if i was stupid enough to have voted for obama, i would be upset that he has lied before he takes office.  he promised to raise the corp tax and on those who made over a certain amt.  what what is a big fat lie to stand in the way of how great and honest this guy is?  now as i predicted, he is backing down and only said what he needed to in order to get votes.  he succeeded and is a good used car salesman/politician!  this economy was in the toilet back then, and i knew it would get worse so he can't use that as an excuse if his IQ is more than a 2.  liberals think his is so intelligent and put him on a throne!  what a joke!  but hey, thanks to the democrats and those who falsely claim to be conservative republicans, there is no real oversite on the money that has flown out the door so far.  oh i'm sorry, there is in fact supposed to be oversite according to the bill that passed.  the team makes up the very people who are already up on the Hill.  ha!  there is no oversight.  why am i the only one that seems to give a damn about this and the wasting of hard-earned money?  of course, to idiots obama's plan is wonderful!  it will give money to build our infrastructure.  now we all know that giving it to the states is like putting in into a black hole and we know giving it to the feds is the same.  so just tell me who is going to ensure the money goes where it is supposed to and what idiots on both sides are going to vote for this?  i am emailing my senators and telling them to stop this!  what a bunch of morons!  oh let me clarify:  the morons are the people who voted for him and anyone supporting this bill!  the so-called jobs obama will create will put illegals to work, and Americans that need jobs will have to take very low-paying jobs and probably won't have benefits!  what a fine mess we are in now!  oh wait a minute!  obama left those facts out!  thank goodness i have cash to ensure my family is safe!  i hope everyone else does too!  oh yeah what am i talking about!  if you don't work and don't want to work, obama is increasing welfare in this bill so you will get a check!  i could be selfish like the people who voted for this _______ and be happy i will get a tax cut.  however, this country is in turmoil and people are still as selfish as they were before this crisis!  Unbelievable!  we need God in government and everywhere else more than ever because we are definitely in trouble!  To obama, pelosi, reid and frank, i say:  go ahead and ruin this country.  you are on target!  few will give a damn!
  • James
    You hit it right on the head, this sweeping awe that overtook a little more than half of voters was from the get-go too good to be true. But now the morons that were dooped will reap what they sewed. And yes, I hope he truly isn't as liberal as his senate record says!
  • Phil

    Abraham Lincoln, he who freed the slaves, was conservative just to fill you in.
  • Dora
    ML:  re: your post #16.   I don't recall using profanity to express my opinion.  I find your input as non-essential as the "writer" of this original post.  
    I don't "do" laundry.  I have people for that.  Apparently you don't "do" smart.  Do you have people?
    My suggestion for you?
    One word: MEDS.
  • Dora
    What a collection of nonsense.  How do you manage to even dress yourself in the morning ? 
    What you really need to do is sit yourself down and make a reasonable attempt to look into things beyond your very narrow keyhole of a world view.  Turn off Hannity.  Turn of Limbaugh.  Turn off Savage.
    Turn off Fox Noise.  Pick up actual reading material written by knowledgeable individuals (this would exclude Ann Coulter) . 
    You could start with the U.S. Constitution - then the federalist papers would be good... Take a look at the charges that have been leveled against Bush and Co.  and learn why he such a failure.  Take a look at "Reaganomics"  and see just where this failure of a theory led this country to where we are.   Take a look at what the last level headed republican warned about the "military industrial complex". 
    Learn something. 

    For the record: Liberals love America. In fact, what makes us liberals is that we actually read and believed all those pretty words in the Declaration of Independence about "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," and in the Bill of Rights about freedom of speech, religion, assembly, privacy, and all the rest of it.
    We're idealists that way. We want to live in the country the Founders described. We believe that the nation's founding documents expressed a uniquely powerful moral contract between the people and their government, and an audaciously positive vision of people's ability and competence to shape their own future. When we get annoying and whiny, it's usually because we believe so much in America's astonishing promise—and our own responsibility for realizing it—that we're sorely disappointed when the country falls short of that standard. We really want to believe we can do better.
    Conservatism, by contrast, tends to take a dim view of human nature, prefers hierarchy to liberty, and isn't completely convinced people can or should be trying to contravene the will of God or their betters by trying to arrange their own futures. This tends to lead to a selective reading of the Constitution (as well as the Bible), and—as we've seen in the Bush years—a far more flexible attitude toward its interpretation.
    The proof, however, is in the history—and it's pretty irrefutable. America's greatest moments of progress, generosity, and moral strength occurred when the country stuck most closely to its progressive ideals. We loved America so much that we freed the slaves, passed child labor laws, built schools and colleges, gave the vote to women, enacted civil rights laws, rebuilt Europe after a war we helped win, and put a man on the moon. All of these were progressive projects—and all were fought tooth and nail by conservatives in their time, simply because they feared change and saw power as a zero-sum game. Yeah, we sometimes overshoot and miss—but you can't argue with the daring scope of our dreams.
    Conversely, most of our worst moments—the Native American genocide, the continued justification of slavery and Jim Crow, the Japanese internment, Abu Ghraib —were conservative projects that were driven by narrow-minded xenophobia and short-term greed, and are regretted by everyone (including most conservatives) when we look back now.
    Frankly, Joe- you should be ashamed to be associated with your hate and your history.
  • Joecoffee
    I fail to comprehend why the hateful liberals are so upset.  I guarantee Obama will give them all more than they ever thought they would have.

    Liberals can not help themselves, they are naturally angry, p.o.'d people.  They are not truely angry at the Mormon church, nor Obama for the choice of Rick Warren.  Rather, they are angry because this is who they are.  They are angry ticked off little people, it is in their nature, they can not help it.  Hopefully, someday we can get them the mental help they so badly need.
  • Scott
    The best protest against the LDS:  Attend their sacrament meetings as a gay couple.  As long as you are respectful, what is the Bishop going to do?  Call 911 and report you for attending church while gay?
  • Chuck V
    How do you drive GAYS and liberls crazy....FREE SPEECH!!!!
  • Aaron Proctor
    I am SO glad I found this site.  Feeling pretty alone being an "urban Conservative" myself.  And feeling even lonelier in the blogosphere.

  • ML Smith
    DORA #11


  • pleasehelp
    Oh, Lord.

    Both Republicans and Democrats continue to run over the common people.  The only questions: 

  • Jason
    It is amazing to me that homosexuals are making such a fuss over Rick Warren.  Obama is every bit as liberal as he has shown himself to be, and homosexuals will get nothing but cooperation from Obama.
  • Cat
    TL, you are so typical of the liberal mentally-disordered populous who hates American, and its heritage.  I'm sad for you bud....why so angry against the country that gave you everything you have.....
    Thanks Urban, for being a light in the darkness.......God bless you and keep on bro!
  • Marlene

    FINALLY Gays can feel the insult pain they have inflicted upon Blacks unmercifully and relentlessly.  Oh how sweet is thy KARMA. Gays ignore Black cries of hurt of equating Gay rights with Black Suffering. Now finally some mortification can raise the zombie intelligence. Gays and the leftwing radicals are too dumb to know they problably insult Obama on a constant basis. Remember Obama have A Black wife and children with Slave Blood descendancy.  They want to talk about how Obama is mixed, he may be, but not culturally. Didn't they listen to the fact that he went to a church for 20 years focused on Black Liberation Theology.  Now grant you he knows Blacks are unprepared for what it takes, which is death.
    So he dare not stray from the middle of America to accomodate them.
    However that does not mean he is not insulted with comparing dung smashing and fisting of the anus with his children and wife skin color.
    Also the Man boy love association part of the Gay community proves men want the right to have sex with boys and want it validated by marriage. Gays want to change the definition of marriage so bad, yet if they can't get it, then they say it has no place or should meet certain specifics for the populus to be able to do it.  Gays equate intelligence with sanity.
    Intelligence seduces many into insanity!! Especially when the Height and arrogance of Privilege is left unchallenged. These lesbos on television look like children in temper tantrum disturbed by their white privilege being disrupted. Their sponsors need serious boycottting, so do them freaks in Hollywood. Also Civil Uniions in States need to be stopped since the Gays are claiming they are not equal they shouldn't exist because straight couples don't get all these exceptions.  Furthermore all Americans better get on an Offensive Push of Heterosexual Rights.
    These gays need to feel pain enough to take their slimy asses back in the closet,  like those with class and respect did a couple of decades ago.
    And them being Pissed off is music to all those they insult. It will make the holidays a whole lot brighter them feeling the pain of privilege.
  • Dora
    There are some posts that are just too downright idiotic and not worth
    a reply.
    "Black conservative" your item above  represents such.  What a waste of time.
  • simonesdad2008
    I would think you conservatives would applaud the gay community and their opposition to Rick Warren.  They sound just like you guys when you were harping on Rev. Wright.
  • homosbeingused tochangeschools
    wao, I said all already just on the tittle...
    thanks for the compliments guys, but I'm male, and work alone...
    but... you are right on your points on ayatoland, their friends,  and The US and their friends, and are funny on your judges to other's comments, even from a lonely, vagabound wizard, working along the men against evil...
    you are wellcome to the dream (in "my dream..."), all my legions have moonlight counsuel from eterial female elveS (female have malE of course, or some gays and lesbs, they won't change the world)...
    wellcome to the war for the conservative ideas...
    there are many battles ahead...
    see you my oldfriends...
  • Dr. Jeff
    It is hilarious to me that any conservative who is against gay marriage (which the community equates to being anti-gay) is labeled a "hate-filled bigot", yet Obama, who is also against gay marriage gets a free pass. Let us also take note of the fact that the gay community had no problem with Obama indicating that he would sit in talks with the president of Iran; a place where homosexuality is outlawed. The hypocrisy is too funny.
  • ML Smith
    #5 - That may be the best post I have seen...ever! Such clarity of mind - you turn a phrase with the ruthless delicacy of an armadillo in heat. "Ruthless." A strange word, wouldn't you say? The absence of Ruth? That must be why they named him Barrack. 

                                 I SAW THEM IN ALL THEIR GLORY,
                               AS THEY CAVORTED WITH SUCH JOY,
                           THOSE BOLD ENOUGH TO TELL THE STORY,
                         HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN GEORGE'S RUBBER TOY,
                                             BUT WHAT NOW?
                               SHOULD WE THINK OF MR. OBAMA?
                                MAY LAND THE MAN IN THE SLAMMA.'
                                 AS YOU RIDE YOUR CAMEL TO WORK,
                           THERE WILL SURELY BE AN ABSENCE OF SMIRK,
                                            PARDON 'EZ MOIS SIR,
                            IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT THAT YOU ARE A JERK.
  • Mel
    Excellent post!!!
  • Mormons and any mayor church W
    This 2 hot lesbs and enybody accept a religious group home without a permission to enter.  Gays and lesbs have the same rights and have no right to C H A N G E the rest of the no gay/lesb based lifes.
    Because then, they would have to build their own schools, God? as the center of society?, managing, employment, worlds inside the already worlds living before  (and who already let the gay/lesb to live as they wish).
    This is because of God being put away from kids at schools already, and from the courts (that unveil their willing to cover God's light society based), from "holly"sexwood anti-American long prooved...
    They try to "re-make the future societies", "the future families", "the future knowledge", everybody's future, and the worst news...
    LATINAMERICA, u$$r nightmare, AFRICA, EUROPE (hitler nightmare was NATIONAL S O C I A L I S T), USA (ANY LIB PRESIDENT AS USUSAL, ex: not killing binladen when had...
               ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( t h e   t i m e s )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
                                         ( what terrorist menace?)
                               (ana belen montes on fidel assymetrics)
                                (what terror helper politicians?)
                                 (terror logistics, cities, even doctors?)
                                   (silencing war on terror supporters?)
                                            (what war on terror?)
                                                 (what terror?)
              (do the ones who terrorists accept or preffer are their helpers?)
                                (is socialism a legal arm for comunism?)
                                     (why America is a world police?)
                            (do not chalenge the terrorists, help them)
                                     (open US touri$m to cuba)
                        (help them like u$$r, UN $adam, chavez and noriega)
  • Bud Mullins
    Urban, awesome post...

    A note to the gay's.  I don't usually fling names around but this has gone far enough. I have posted some comments on here and been privately called names. Now, having said that, "You idiots are showing how stupid you really are by selecting the churches to display your foolishness to."  You should be demostrating in Washington, DC.  The churches has too much MAN POWER for you to mess with!

    Urban and the rest.  I am a Democrat that voted for McCain because of Sarah Palin.  However, I must say I have enjoyed the Obama win probably more than I would have any of the others.  WHY?  So far, he has gone against the grain of so called "Minority Groups and Specialty Groups."  I am absolutely loving it.

    He hasn't filled the white house with Minorities or Special Interest People.  I love how this thing is playing out.

    Urban, keep us posted here.
  • newrepublican

    Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope all is well.

    Would you mind updating our link (The New Republican) to

  • TL Kincaid
    "a transsexual preacher wearing camouflage pants and a Code Pink sweater to appease both sides"

    1. How many of you dumb ass conservatives are going to say that EXACT same line? Are you individuals or do you just speak as a collective like the Borg from Star Trek?

    2. I think a transsexual preacher wearing camouflage pants and a Code Pink sweater would be an awesome thing to see. I'm all for anything that's interesting. Rick Warren is a boring choice, but then, Obama is the boring president of a boring country on a boring planet.
  • Chris
    love it man. thanks for the knowledge.
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