How About We Throw All Christians, Muslims, and Hindus in Prison?

November 13th, 2006 Urban Conservative

Below is an excerpt from an interview on November 11, 2022 with the Press Association and Elton John.

He said there was a lack of religious leadership, particularly in world politics, and complained that people do not take to the streets to protest any more.

Sir Elton said: “I think religion has always tried to turn hatred towards gay people. Religion promotes the hatred and spite against gays.

“Organized religion doesn’t seem to work. It turns people into really hateful lemmings and it’s not really compassionate.”

C’mon Elton, just because a group of people don’t agree with your lifestyle, you want to ban everything they believe in? What happened to tolerance? You libs always talk about tolerance, yet you don’t have any tolerance yourself. It is and always has been a double standard. Forget banning, how about locking all Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc. in prison. I am sure that is legislation that you would vote for.

You say there is a lack of religious leadership, yet you want to ban religion. Which one is it? Are you for the $87 billion or are you against it? Take a position and stand up for it!

No, religion does not promote hatred against gays. Of course, in some Islamic countries you can get your head cut off for a variety of different reasons (i.e. if you are gay, practice another religion, if a woman exposes her face to another man) and the list goes on. You are generalizing all religions. That is like me saying that all liberals are anti-christian. Of course, many of them are but not all of them.

I do have to agree with you that sometimes people can misinterpret religion and perform heinous acts in the name of religion (i.e. Al Qaeda, KKK, those who kill abortion doctors); but in the broad scope of things, these random acts of violence are in the minority.

It seems to me like you are just another one of those UNINFORMED liberals.

Technorati Tags: liberal, liberalism, conservative, elton john, christianity

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  • Ted Germany
    Christians, Pagans, and the like have had their bad dealing in history but it ended, period. you take the Islamist they have been involved in conflict for hundreds of years, when all other religions have stepped back and decided that preaching the word and not forcing the Islamic word thorough violence is the best way. People will believe how ever you want them to believe if there is a threat of death or stoning. I feel that we were given the parts we were to procreate, i am sure that the only way the studs on legos stay together is with some really good engineering and glue.
  • John Rodriguez
    I am sure the ACLU would want just the Christians in prison....
  • v.b.
    Elton John is gay, as we all know it. He can't except all people to support gay and lesiban marriage. They are not right, its against the nature. Oh by the way, we should respect Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Jewish and other religion's opinions towards gays and lesibans, no matter how bad it is.
    Well, I read the Elton John quote above and didn't see where he suggested "banning" religion, so just cool it, ok?

    V.B. "we should respect Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Jewish and other religion's opinions towards gays and lesbians, no matter how bad it is."
    HUH? If that is true we would have to respect all religious mandates, no? So, if a particular religion calls for the extermination of a group of people, we should respect that? I don't get that at all.

    Religion is the last (hopefully) adult fairy tale.
  • lysdexia
    All marriage is against nature. Ban all wedship!
  • Reaper
    False; the act of raising a child in a truly natural setting requires both a man and a woman. While rearing and raising a child, a woman can't very well get food for herself. Men are responsible for that. That is where marriage came from -- the mutual commitment to procreate. It is only in our modern age that a woman can provide for a family without the assistance of a man.

    That's my main problem with homosexuality. If it is a choice, then the "victims" of it are depraved sickos that don't need to be in society. If it is genetic, it is basically a very clear indication from Mother Nature that there is something severely wrong with them and that she wants their bloodline wiped out. Either way...I see no reason to yield to any demands they make.
  • Mary
    a) I don't see where he talks about "banning religion". He simply points out some problems that organized religions and their blind, extremist followers have caused/worsened.
    b) Reaper- you even say yourself that a single women can effectively raise children alone today, how does that show that two women or two men cannot? 
    "If it is genetic, it is basically a very clear indication from Mother Nature that there is something severely wrong with them and that she wants their bloodline wiped out. "  That's not only hateful, but it's incomplete. You assume that people are influenced by nothing but their genes and their own choices.
    Umm, there is no such thing as a " gay bloodline".  Kind of an uninformed statement, which deprives you of being taken seriously on other issues. 

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