Obama, Democrats Refuse to Listen to the American People

February 4th, 2009 Billy Hallowell

Talk about failing to learn life lessons.  After battling for governmental control, Obama is making lofty decisions that stand firmly against the will of the American people.  While he has experienced extremely high approval ratings for his performance these past three weeks, digging somewhat deeper into the polls showcases a substantive shift in public opinion.  From climate change to corruption — to funding for overseas abortions — Obama and the Democrats are paving the way for future electoral defeat.

In an era when millions of Americans are suffering job losses and struggling to meet their most basic needs due to corruption and greed, Obama has pursued individuals who have defaulted on their taxes and evaded general responsibilities to serve in his cabinet.  In no particular order there was Tom Daschle (”was” because he has now officially bowed out of consideration as a nominee for the position of Health and Human Services Secretary), who failed to pay over $130,000 in taxes.  Obama had this to say in response to the outcry surrounding the potential cabinetee (as per FOX News):

“Tom made a mistake, which he has openly acknowledged. He has not excused it, nor do I,” Obama said. He added that the “mistake” should not diminish the “many contributions” Daschle has made to the country.

Then comes Nancy Killefer, who also withdrew her name for consideration for the position of “chief performance officer.”  Killefer would have been the first to take this position, but tax problems also hampered her ability to accept it.  And then there is Bill Richardson, who — according to FOX News — withdrew his name over an alleged kickback investigation:

“Obama’s first choice for commerce secretary, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, took his name out of consideration when his confirmation appeared headed toward complications because of a grand jury investigation over how state contracts were issued to political donors.”

The confusing part of the nomination conundrum centers upon Obama’s promise to root out corruption.  So far the only rooting that’s been done is for earmarks and fiscal irresponsibility (i.e. a stimulus plan that calls for $600 million for government vehicles and funding for overseas abortions).

Aside from these shining examples of hypocrisy stands America’s new Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, who belatedly paid $34,000 in income taxes.  The irony behind this clearly centers upon the fact that Geithner, a man who did not pay his own taxes in a timely manner, is going to advise President Obama on all things economy: government fiscal policy, and domestic tax policy, amongst other responsibilities.  And I thought Gregory B. Craig’s (Obama’s White House counsel) defense of a presidential assassin was an embarrassment to the Obama Administration.  Talk about one-upping one’s self.

Clearly, the American people should have some concerns.  One could argue that the aforementioned examples simply result from human error.  But, upon examination there is a pattern building here that is disturbing at best.  Even when one looks beyond the drama surrounding nominees and confirmations, the Democrats are making decisions that rail against the will of the people.

Unfortunately, Democrats have a habit of complaining about Republicans so fervently that they eventually convince the people, through the liberal media, that Republicans are ill-equipped to lead (and some are, but it’s nowhere near the proportion of Democrats).  Then, when they finally convince their way into office, they spend the majority of their time undoing every conservative regulation they can get their hands on, while failing to take the time to formulate their own policies. It’s the ultimate na-na-na-na-boo-boo, only the Democrats are willing to throw money at any problem that their undoing of well-meaning conservative policies doesn’t immediately solve.

Just look at Obama’s major decisions thus far.  According to polls released this week, the majority of Americans stand against Obama’s first two executive orders.  As for the first of these orders — the president’s decision to provide funding to family planning organizations overseas that provide abortions -58% of Americans disagree with Obama; only 35% support the decision.

And when it comes to the closure of Guantanamo Bay, 50% of the American public opposes, with 44% supporting his decision to close Guantanamo’s doors within a year.  While his approval rating is currently high, the American people are already making it known that they disagree with his far-left agenda (these two orders are precipitating facets of his worldview).

Understanding ultraliberals is a daunting task.  They will protest in the streets when Americans go overseas to defend inherent freedoms, but when it comes to international infanticide, they sit on the sidelines and stand idle.  At the least, you’d think they’d at least spout off about the need to support the domestic abortions they support so fervently before shipping funding off to other countries.  Apparently funding clinics that provide abortions in Zimbabwe is more important than funding our crumbling educational system.

Obama needs to get with the program.  Instead of holding press conferences to tell us how he’d never have a lobbyist serve in his administration right before backtracking and hiring a lobbyist, he should spend his time making meaningful and well-planned policy.  We need him to succeed, but with uncollected decision-making at the helm, success isn’t on the horizon.

Read more from journalist and commentator Billy Hallowell at www.williamhallowell.com.

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  • Bill
    You should give our president a break.  During his campaign he promised change and he is delivering on that promise.  He has changed his mind regarding the "Buy American" requirement in the stimulus bill, he has changed the compensation plan of the CEO's of many major financial institutions, and now he has changed his mind about hiring former lobbyists.  He is also rooting out corruption, just as he promised.  Look how many corrupt politcians he has found, and he is even trying to rehabilitate them by providing them with a good paying government job.
  • Michael R.
    I believe that the world works like traffic.  When I drive down the street and see a turn signal, I believe the person is actually going to turn.  When I see a four way stop, I trust that everyone will obey the rules and we will not all crash in the middle of the intersection.  Without that trust in our fellow drivers, the roads and highways would stop, gridlock would ensue.  The economy is in gridlock today because people do not trust others to do what they say they will do.  They do not trust institutions or government to act fairly and play by the rules that the rest of us play by.
    From Geithner to Daschle;  From Obama to Blago this government of ours has thrown trust and confidence under the bus.  Senseless rhetoric about the worst economy since the Depression only adds to the disbelief that any of their fixes including an outragous stimilous preceeded by an outragous TARP plan will do anything but bankrupt us for generations to come.
    A new foundation must be layed.  A new group of Americans must step forward and win back these seats on every level.  A group of Americans who wake up everyday and say how can we be more free, how can we be more self reliant and teach others to do the same.  They are out there, they are preparing to take back this country for everyone who still believes in creating a less intrusive government that is their only to police the playing field, and not be an active participant in the game.
    Do not look for the single messiah who will save us all, but rather in a whole group of people who are regular, everyday Americans who know what it means to work hard, pay taxes, raise a family yet still have the desire to participate in politics.  We are well on our way to a ruling class and we need to reverse that course.  Let's not be the silent majority anymore...Debate, volunteer, run for a local office, do whatever it takes to protect what is still the greatest country this world has ever seen.
  • Bud Mullins
    AMERICANS, all AMERICANS, must step forward and take a look at the real problems here in our country and they are many.  We must STOP sitting back, listening to promises from corrupt politicians and waiting for someone else to take care of us and the problem!  We have grown too complacent with all that America offers the average citizen.

    I knew long ago that at some point in time our entire economy had to take a set back by what all was happening.  (Perhaps total collapse.)  Union member after union member, me included, was going on stirke for more benefits, more pay and just about more everythng without even a thought as to where it was leading us.  Everytime the workers got a raise in pay, the company they worked for raised the price of the products they produce to compensate for the difference in overall income.  This became a ritual, year after year it continued to happen and products kept going up in prices.  People made more money on the job but couldn't buy more at the stores.

    Over the years wages kept going up, prices of the products kept going up until the big inverstors decided it was more profitable to invest money in foreign companies.  Jobs started moving overseas, leaving the good old USA with the unions and the picket lines.  Madness still reigns today.  Even now , when our economy is on the edge of collapse, there are people still wanting to go on strike for more benefits.  All the while big investors are still putting more money in foreign products because they could either buy or manufacture those products over there, ship them here to the United States and sell them for more profits.  So, the madness goes on.

    What has to happen.  STOP buying foreign products.  ONLY buy what is made in the United States.  Get rid of Unions period.  (It's gotta start all over again.)  Get wages back down to where people will invest here in the United States.  (They will have to if we refuse to buy foreign products.)  Let the large companies downsize to where they can survive on their own.  THIS CAN ALL HAPPEN...  It is all left up to the people.

    We can sit around and harp in the Government, Obama all we want to but if WE DO NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT THE ECONOMY, we are screwed.  It will take time, but what else do we have right now?  This thing has to change directions.  We MUST bring lots of manufacturing companies backc to the US or we are really screwed.
  • a red voice
    Amen to that!!
    Great Post!!... with how Obama is running things - success is definitely not on the horizon.
  • ML Smith
    To Michael R. and Bud Mullins,

    Well stated and from my point of view, right on target. I have been saying this for months - the American people are in a collective stupor and if they don't wake-up now, they won't like what they see when they clear the crust from their eyes.

    This is no longer a debate - it is a life and death matter and if there are only three people ready to make some noise, then dammit, let's make it!

    We already have one decent writer and at least two people who committed to the cause...is there anything preventing us from organizing? Right now, Americans are sleepwalking. Let's wake them up!

    Am I talking to myself or is there anyone out there willing to roll up their sleeves and put the pedal to the metal...we are fast running out of time. I no longer care who's fault it is or who should be blamed. I do care about what CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED if the few begin to make the many uncomfortable...complacency and FAT are slowly and painfully killing us. Were the terrorists right when they told us our demise would come from within? 

    We still have time to make sure that they were wrong.
  • ML Smith

    Great! When do you plan to DO something. Talk is cheap.
  • ML Smith
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    ML Smith
    The King's men won't do it, but someone must.
    Join us at Urbanconservative.com
  • Michael R.
    "Am I talking to myself or is there anyone out there willing to roll up their sleeves and put the pedal to the metal...we are fast running out of time."

    I hear others talking on another thread saying that Republicans will "wonder through the desert for 40 years" and that is correct if we do not do exactly what you said.  You are not alone, none of us are.  You still are the majority in that you are an American who believes in the ability of its people to be great.  There are brilliant people both on this thread and in our own communities who need to "roll up their sleeves" and I will do it right along side of you.

    I am going to leave you with a word of wisdon from a wise, wise man.  Remember that together we can do it again but it is Conservatism and principled oposition that will return us there, not a man, not a messiah.
     “I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that, you know,  Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not.”

    “I think it’s fair to say that the Republicans were the party of ideas for a pretty long chunk of time there over the last 10, 15 years, in the sense that they were challenging conventional wisdom.”  Barak Obama
  • Bud Mullins
    Count me in... When and where?
  • Benny
    What part of the statement "You cannot borrow yourself out debt" does the government and the people of this country not understand? The first stimulus package did nothing more than perhaps delay the inevitable collapse of the credit and housing bubbles which were started the government in the first place. This package will not have any different results. This reminds me of the popular definition of insanity: One who repeats the same action while expecting different results. If the government had any real interest in fixing the problems that we were in, they would cut government expenses in half by privatizing social security and cutting entitlement programs by half. In general, the federal government should not be in the business of any entitlement programs. These are best left to the state and local governments where there is more control. Another nice gesture would be for all members of the government to take a 20% salary cut for the duration of this economic mess. As they dig deeper the whole that we are in, this administration and government is going to go down in history as the ones who turned a bad recession into a depression. I can only hope that they will somehow suffer as well along with the rest of the people.
  • JackieM
    BENNY--You are absolutely correct! 

    i know people have different opinions but this is common sense!  i think that is what we have lost.  that is why obama is in charge!
  • davidwwalters
    <<Understanding ultraliberals is a daunting task.  They will protest in the streets when Americans go overseas to defend inherent freedoms, but when it comes to international infanticide, they sit on the sidelines and stand idle.>>      -Billy Hallowell
    Billy, it's not at all that difficult to understand.....we liberals are acutely aware that when the call goes out to defend inherent freedoms, it comes from (in many cases) those who avoided service their own selves.......
    -the list is far to long to enumerate but we can place our former president&vice-president at the top of the list  (-And don't try to tell me Texas Air National Guard was service.....it was AVOIDING service, to anyone that grew up or lived in the Vietnam era....)
    As to international infanticide, we are also acutely aware of the of the women&children killed by errant bombs dropped in the zeal to possibly kill a terrorist.
    -And where was the common sense (-from Benny....."You cannot borrow yourself out debt"
    when we are asked to spend $10BILLION/month?  I heard very few conservative voices questioning the common sense of that failed judgment.
  • Bud Mullins
    The biggest problem America has had in the last 25 years is "LIBERALS."  Read the post above by DW and from that post you can arrive at a conclusion that there is nothing in his post that addresses the American problem today.  (Liberal Politicians and Radical News Media doing the blame game.)  All you can read is rhetoric about GWB and someone in battle was killed that was innocent or just about anything they can talk about or bring up that takes the heat off the Liberal politicians of today.  LIBERALS blame anything and everything for their own short comings!

    FACT: America is in a crises.
    FACT: There is an extremely far left radical, liberal president that has been voted in by IDIOTS!  Idiots that still sit around waiting for Washington to take care of their problems for them.

    Read my post above (3) and find the problem and the soloutions to the problems in America today.  We can't sit around and prove BHO is good for this country by talking about how bad the rest of them were.  We are too far down the chute for that kind of crap.  we, ALL AMERICANS, need to step up to the licking block and talk about the real problems we have.  STOP justifying the office of someone not qualified by making those in the past look bad.
  • Bud Mullins
    In an era when millions of Americans are suffering job losses and struggling to meet their most basic needs due to corruption and greed, Obama has pursued individuals who have defaulted on their taxes and evaded general responsibilities to serve in his cabinet.  In no particular order there was Tom Daschle (”was” because he has now officially bowed out of consideration as a nominee for the position of Health and Human Services Secretary), who failed to pay over $130,000 in taxes.  Obama had this to say in response to the outcry surrounding the potential cabinetee (as per FOX News):

    Maybe we can blame GWB for this crap huh?  Or, maybe it is because of the war on Terriorism...
  • Michael R.
    "LIBERALS blame anything and everything for their own short comings!"

    Truer words have never been spoken.  Guilt in their own lives creates a framework for their political beliefs.  Beyond that it is a sense of self righteousness that cause them to try and dictate to others what they are not willing to do themselves.   David wants to say he served so he knows how to defend the country better than GW or Cheney who did keep the country safe from attack after 9/11 without even mentioning Clinton who did not serve who saw a number attacks on America and American interest. 

    I can honestly say that after what I have witnessed from Liberal Admins and Liberals in general, I would be ashamed to call myself a Democrat, but David obviously has a higher tolerance for hipocracy than do I or perhaps its just that he and other liberals can relate.
  • JackieM
    I can't agree more with Bud and Michael--even obama's economists say his "stimulus" plan won't work.  but hey, liberals are just sitting on the sidelines, while obama, reid, pelosi, dodd and frank steal money from our children and grandchildren with a plan that WILL NOT WORK!  i guess tthe liberals will say that it is GWB's fault too?  i don't think so!  we are seeing our nation fail because of this idiot!  before he was elected, he was made out to be our savior and "hope for change."  ha!  his rhetoric against the old Washington politics as usual was strong.  now he is backing down from his statements and proving what a lot of us knew he was--he is corrupt!  so much for change!
  • davidwwalters
    <<FACT: America is in a crises.
    FACT: There is an extremely far left radical, liberal president that has been voted in by IDIOTS!  Idiots that still sit around waiting for Washington to take care of their problems for them.>>  -Bud Mullins
    <<.........when we are asked to spend $10BILLION/month?  I heard very few conservative voices questioning the common sense of that failed judgment.>>   -davidwwalters
    -it is a fact we are in a crisis.....it is also a fact that we have had conservative leadership for 20 of the past 28 years.  Perhaps enough idiots have recognized this important fact Bud.
    Some common sense would dictate that the $10Billion/Month we've spent on the Iraq fiasco, couple with tax breaks for the wealthy, and deregulation of banking and Wall Street Investments is the reason we are in this crisis......i only hope President Obama can fix it, but i fear it has gone too far.  Instead of the Federal Government stepping in to put money in peoples pockets to stimulate business, you'd have Uncle Sam sit back and nap?

  • Michael R.
    "the Federal Government stepping in to put money in peoples pockets to stimulate business"

    If that was the fact then I would be all for it however this is only about 25% stimulus and 75% pork. 

    • $2 billion earmark to re-start FutureGen, a near-zero emissions coal power plant in Illinois that the Department of Energy defunded last year because it said the project was inefficient.
    • A $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film.
    • $650 million for the digital television converter box coupon program.
    • $88 million for the Coast Guard to design a new polar icebreaker (arctic ship).
    • $448 million for constructing the Department of Homeland Security headquarters.
    • $248 million for furniture at the new Homeland Security headquarters.
    • $600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees.
    • $400 million for the Centers for Disease Control to screen and prevent STD's.
    • $1.4 billion for rural waste disposal programs.
    <!--startclickprintexclude--> <!--endclickprintexclude-->
    • $125 million for the Washington sewer system.
    • $150 million for Smithsonian museum facilities.
    • $1 billion for the 2010 Census, which has a projected cost overrun of $3 billion.
    • $75 million for "smoking cessation activities."
    • $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges.
    • $75 million for salaries of employees at the FBI.
    • $25 million for tribal alcohol and substance abuse reduction.
    • $500 million for flood reduction projects on the Mississippi River.
    • $10 million to inspect canals in urban areas.
    • $6 billion to turn federal buildings into "green" buildings.
    • $500 million for state and local fire stations.
    • $650 million for wildland fire management on forest service lands.
    • $1.2 billion for "youth activities," including youth summer job programs.
    • $88 million for renovating the headquarters of the Public Health Service.
    • $412 million for CDC buildings and property.
    • $500 million for building and repairing National Institutes of Health facilities in Bethesda, Maryland.
    • $160 million for "paid volunteers" at the Corporation for National and Community Service.
    • $5.5 million for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration.
    • $850 million for Amtrak.
    • $100 million for reducing the hazard of lead-based paint.
    • $75 million to construct a "security training" facility for State Department Security officers when they can be trained at existing facilities of other agencies.
    • $110 million to the Farm Service Agency to upgrade computer systems.
    • $200 million in funding for the lease of alternative energy vehicles for use on military installations.
  • Michael R.
    "deregulation of banking and Wall Street Investments is the reason we are in this crisis.."
    I was under the impression that the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act and the bank holding Act which prevented the merging of finacial companies with banks and insurance companies which is credited with much of the problems that we are seeing today.  Now that happened in 1999 and to the best of my recollection that was Bill Clinton's era and Nanci Pelosi voted yes right along with Joe Biden for the repeal.

    I seem to remeber the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005 which did not even get out of Committee.  Now wasn't the Chair of that Committee Chris Dodd who also recieved favorable mortgage rates directly from the CEO of Countrywide Mortgage?

    Somewhere along the way I remember a Senator from New York, according to the Feds cause a run on INDY MAC.  causing 1.3 billion in withdraws in only 11 days.

    I was also under the impression that it was Barney Frank who said;
    “These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis, the more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.” 2003

  • Michael R.
    Do you honestly believe if you say its Bush's fault enough that history is just going to turn a blind eye to the facts?  It is the same old stuff with the liberals, regardless of the issue....Bush lied, Blood for Oil, Limbaughs fault and on and on.  Facts do not play into your thinking at all and this is a big reason that we are now governed by platitudes and simple rhetoric.  I guess it is easier for some to simply sit back and listen to the Keith Olbermann's and Chris Matthew's of the world propagandize then to just look it up and think for yourself.

    Everyday I pop on this blog I am just astounded by a few who are so naive, so misguided and ill informed and display their ignorance with such a bias against and antipathy for the truth.  I understand the thinking behind someone who would elect an inexperienced person like Obama to be president now and it scares me.  Turn a blind eye to the truth and I guess he would have appealed to me as well.
  • a red voice
    Well said Michael, Bud, & Jackie!! Thank you for stating the facts & clearing up the muck.. I often wonder why liberal trolls keep coming back here - do they think they can convince us to believe the muck of lies??  or do they just like stirring up trouble????
  • Michael R.
    this is just their modus operandi, I call it the Obama Doctrine....

    "I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face"

    Now as you can see he didn't go on to explain to his supporters that they needed to research any fact, just do as they always do and go on emotion,  repeat a talking point over and over and over and if all else fails, call them a neocon, Limbaugh supporter and say something about the unjust war for oil.  Liberals on here or anywhere for that matter are very easy to overcome.  Just present the truth, it is hard to argue against and if you notice there is no real argument against it here either.
  • davidwwalters
    <<If that was the fact then I would be all for it however this is only about 25% stimulus and 75% pork. >>  -Michael R.  (18)
    -I'm trying to determine the difference between stimulus and pork.  In the past our congress at Bush's(Cheney's?) urging, has passed defense budgets that were laden with special no bid contracts for Haliburton subsidiaries.  Were these no bid contracts necessary for our nation's defense, or pork?
    <<"deregulation of banking and Wall Street Investments is the reason we are in this crisis.."
    I was under the impression that the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act and the bank holding Act which prevented the merging of finacial companies with banks and insurance companies which is credited with much of the problems that we are seeing.....>>
    -Michael R.  (18)
    -You mean the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act?   Uh, you forgot to mention who wrote the bill.....
    <<Do you honestly believe if you say its Bush's fault enough that history is just going to turn a blind eye to the facts?>> -Michael R.  (18)
    Michael, No.....history and events are bearing his disastrous mistakes out. 
    -Was is the percentage of defaulted home loans that originated with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?  Talk about " ......platitudes and simple rhetoric."
    -Since Reaganomics became a part of our lexicon, Republicans have never met a deregulation they didn't like.  What part of $10Billion/MONTH wasted in the Iraq fiasco is not wasteful spending that has bled our nation white?  I've been thinking long before Keith and Chris came to MSNBC, and i've seen the failed policies of successive Republican administrations (20 out of the past 28 years) which have ruined our country.  Perhaps our present Cmd-in-Chief is inexperienced as you say, yet Cheney&Bush's long resume's surely didn't help our once great nation.
    Get over the history of Republican failures, Michael.
  • davidwwalters
    <<Just present the truth, it is hard to argue against and if you notice there is no real argument against it here either.>>-Michael R.  (22)
    -well at least you can present a half-truth, can't you?
  • davidwwalters
    <<Thank you for stating the facts & clearing up the muck.. I often wonder why liberal trolls keep coming back here - do they think they can convince us to believe the muck of lies??  or do they just like stirring up trouble????>>
    - a red voice (21)
    -i often thank UC for the opportunity to state my humble opinions here on this blog.....
    i am still a registered Republican and i have moved left after observing the failures of the past 28 years.   There have been a modicum of success for our nation, but on balance, the Republican mantra of deregulation and smaller government have been shown to be merely what it is.....empty words.  I hope our present Cmd-in-Chief is successful in turning around the depression we seem to have stumbled into, and the foreign policy disasters that have followed one after the other since the end of WW2.
  • Michael R.
    "I'm trying to determine the difference between stimulus and pork.  In the past our congress at Bush's(Cheney's?) urging, has passed defense budgets that were laden with special no bid contracts for Haliburton subsidiaries.  Were these no bid contracts necessary for our nation's defense, or pork?"

    Stimulus is something that either provides greater purchasing power to the consumer and incentivises companies to produce goods.  The funding of such things as smoking cessation activities does neither.

    As for Halliburton, no other company has the capabilities that they do.  Bill Clinton came to that same conclusion when he used KBR Halliburton in Bosnia.  This to is just one of the tired old talking points that Keith Olberman and Chris Mathews has told you to use time and time again.

    You mean the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act?

    I sure do.    It was a direct response to the merger of Travelers and Citi.  This bill also called for additional regulations that less than satisfactory  rating at its most recent Community Reinvestment Act exam could not merge.  Which both Clinton and all Dems said they would fight against the Bill if it rolled back any of the efforts of the CRA for minority lending requirments (that is why the vote went down on party lines)  It also kept in place all regulation from the BHC Act of 1956 which provided for additional restrictions on outside companies who wanted to provide commercial banking services.  ie Walmart.  This bill also strenghtened privacy in Banking through the financial privacy rule and safeguard rules for customer information. This bill was signed into law  on Nov 12, 2022 by Democrat President Bill Clinton.

    As for Halliburton and my half truths;

    "The ‘no-bid contract’ in question is actually an extension of an earlier contract to support U.S. troops overseas that Halliburton won under open bidding"
    Harvard University professor, Steven Kelman, Administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Clinton administration

    and here was the breakdown of the process by  The Center for Public Integrity
    In Iraq, Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) has been awarded five contracts worth at least $10.8 billion, including more than $5.6 billion under the U.S. Army's Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP) contract, an omnibus contract that allows the Army to call on KBR for support in all of its field operations. When the Army needs a service performed, it issues a "task order," which lays out specific work requirements under the contract…From 1992 to 1997, KBR held the first LOGCAP contract awarded by the Army, but when it was time to renew the contract, the company lost in the competitive bidding process to DynCorp after the General Accounting Office reported in February 1997 that KBR had overrun its estimated costs in the Balkans by 32 percent (some of which was attributed to an increase in the Army's demands). KBR (obtained) the third LOGCAP contract in December 2001…[I]n November 2002 the Army Corps of Engineers tasked KBR to develop a contingency plan for extinguishing oil well fires in Iraq…[O]n March 24, 2003, the Army Corps announced publicly that KBR had been awarded a contract to restore oil-infrastructure in Iraq, potentially worth $7 billion. The contract KBR received…would eventually include 10 distinct task orders. KBR did not come close to reaching the contract ceiling, billing just over $2.5 billion…The contract was awarded without submission for public bids or congressional notification. In their response to congressional inquiries, Army officials said they determined that extinguishing oil fires fell under the range of services provided under LOGCAP, meaning that KBR could deploy quickly and without additional security clearances.

    i am still a registered Republican and i have moved left after observing the failures of the past 28 years.

    And I am still a registered Democrat after watching the horribly sexist tactics of the Obama camp against Hillary and then continued against Palin.  I moved right a long time ago as well after watching the hypocracy and blatant propagandizing by the left.  I really should change that registration back, thanks for the reminder.
  • Michael R.
    "he percentage of defaulted home loans that originated with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?  Talk about " ......platitudes and simple rhetoric."
    Simple Rhetoric?
    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchase and guarantee mortgages through the secondary mortgage market. They do not originate or service mortgages. So could you rephrase your rhetoric?
  • Jason
    Obama and the Democrats are working feverishly to consolidate power for a permanent Democrat majority.  They are not going to let the voters' interests get in the way.
  • Jason
    When you have as much power as they do, you don't need to listen.  They won, they will trump you.
  • davidwwalters
    Michael R. (26)
    <<Stimulus is something that either provides greater purchasing power to the consumer and incentives companies to produce goods.  The funding of such things as smoking cessation activities does neither.>>
    -Smoking cessation sure doesn't help Phillip Morris' bottom line, but it may help keep health care costs down....
    <<You mean the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act?
    I sure do. >>
    -The lead name in this act refers to whom?  Wasn't Phill Gramm the author
    of said bill.....keep on blaming it on Clinton.  Like i said, Republicans haven't met a deregulation they didn't like, huh?  Clinton was trying to be a republican-Lite....

    As for Halliburton, no other company has the capabilities that they do.  Bill Clinton came to that same conclusion when he used KBR Halliburton in Bosnia.
    -Again, just say it is and it must be a fact!  So just for the record, Does KBR have a history of quality deficiencies with DoD?

    Michael R. (27)
    Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchase and guarantee mortgages through the secondary mortgage market. They do not originate or service mortgages. So could you rephrase your rhetoric?
    hanks for clearing this up......many on this site seem to believe Fannie&Freddie was some sort of scheme to give welfare mamas a mortgage.
  • DS
    Here are some REAL solutions for our economic problems!


    Washington solutions of more money for more government, more power for politicians, more debt, and more bureaucrats will not lead to real growth in jobs and prosperity.
    We need a clear and decisive alternative that creates jobs and rewards work, saving, and investment.

    Payroll Tax Stimulus.  With a temporary new tax credit to offset 50% of the payroll tax, every small business would have more money, and all Americans would take home more of what they earn.

    Real Middle-Income Tax Relief. Reduce the marginal tax rate of 25% down to 15%, in effect establishing a flat-rate tax of 15% for close to 9 out of 10 American workers.

    Reduce the Business Tax Rate.  Match Ireland’s rate of 12.5% to keep more jobs in America.

    Homeowner’s Assistance. Provide tax credit incentives to responsible home buyers so they can keep their homes.

    Controlling Spending So We Can Move to a Balanced Budget.  This begins with eliminating Congressional earmarks and wasteful pork-barrel spending.

    No State Aid Without Protection From Fraud.  Require state governments to adopt anti-fraud and anti-theft policies before giving them more money.

    More American Energy Now. Explore for more American oil and gas and invest in affordable energy for the future, including clean coal, ethanol, nuclear power and renewable fuels.

    Abolish Taxes on Capital Gains. Match China, Singapore and many other competitors. More investment in America means more jobs in America.

    Protect Our Right to Vote in the Workplace. We must protect a worker’s right to decide by secret ballot whether to join a union.

    Replace Sarbanes-Oxley.  This failed law is crippling entrepreneurial startups.  Replace it with affordable rules that help create jobs, not destroy them.

    Abolish the Death Tax. Americans should work for their families, not for Washington.

    Invest in Energy and Transportation Infrastructure. This includes a new, expanded electric power grid and a 21st century air traffic control system that will reduce delays in air travel and save passengers, employees and airlines billions of dollars per year.
  • Michael R.
    Seriously David? 
    First, did you even read the bill?  It kept in place regulations as a replacement for Glass Steagle Act being repealed.  It went on a party line vote because the Dems, who didn't shy away from it at the time, did not want any restrictions on the Community Reinvestment Act. 

    Second, are you now hanging up the argument of the no-bid contracts? 

    Third, you make statements like "just say it is and it must be a fact" yet I haven't seen anything from you except blind rhetoric.  I present a fact to you then you just ignore it and go back to the rhetoric. 

    Finally, I am done trying with you.  I thought that if we were in a discussion, a debate, over facts that one of us may actually make a meaningful point to the other.  I have found that the only point is that it is all meaningless with you.

    Turn back on your MSNBC and your NPR and listen to the mindless dribble of Keith Olberman and Chris Mathews as they are obviously the only ones who can get through to you.  I will listen to and discuss matters with people with real ideas, real solutions like DS layed out above.
  • davidwwalters
    Invest in Energy and Transportation Infrastructure. This includes a new, expanded electric power grid and a 21st century air traffic control system that will reduce delays in air travel and save passengers, employees and airlines billions of dollars per year.
    Now i like this one!
  • Bud Mullins
    Michael, the biggest problem this counrty has RIGHT NOW is that the Dems. are in charge!  They spill it out just like they want it and if you don't go along with it, youre not bipartisan...  (They don't listen to the other side.)  Oh yes, BHO keeps ranting on that he is tryin to get the Repubs to the table for discussion, but what he's really saying is, "They're just not signing on to our BS!"  When you hear a left winger make a statement that they want BIPARTISANSHIP in Washington, they're really saying, "Vote for our BS."

    All this crap we are reading and printing out here don't mean a thing when it comes to getting to a solution to the big problem we have here in the United States.  WE DO HAVE A BIG ONE!
  • davidwwalters
    Michael R (32)
    First, did you even read the bill?  It kept in place regulations as a replacement for Glass Steagle Act being repealed.>>
    read it.  So Phill Gramm crafted an act that didn't do anything?
    -Now you tell me what the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act did to contribute to our present financial disaster.....
    (-if you want me to give you hint, just ask!)
    "-Again, just say it is and it must be a fact!  So just for the record, Does KBR have a history of quality deficiencies with
    ....No, i'm NOT hanging up the argument of the no-bid contracts.....
    (But you didn't answer my question Michael)

    Third, you make statements like "just say it is and it must be a fact" yet I haven't seen anything from you except blind rhetoric.  I present a fact to you then you just ignore it and go back to the rhetoric.
    -Michael, i'm not doing your research for you.....you seem to know pieces of facts, and half-truths and hope to give comfort to those lazy enough not to care to check.  Anyone can cut&paste.....it looks cool, and sometimes even has a glimmer of truth to it.  You attempt to cast the  Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act as a creation of President Clinton.  This simply isn't true.  And i hate to call a person a liar, and i won't do it here as i prefer to do such things in person.  So i guess you're lucky....
    So call it quits, and say you won....(Sounds like "Mission Accomplished").
  • davidwwalters
    <<All this crap we are reading and printing out here don't mean a thing when it comes to getting to a solution to the big problem we have here in the United States.  WE DO HAVE A BIG ONE!>>  -Bud
    We've tried de-regulation, tax cuts, and torturing Muslims.....i guess we should be keeping all that up, huh?   Oh, i forgot, i'm an idiot!
  • Michael R.
    I will just let others read and look things up for themselves and come to their own conclusions.  You have obviously already come to yours and I have obviously come to mine so lets just let the others on here decide.
    Read for yourselves straight from the Federal Trade Commission.

    Now I am going to visit some Liberal sites now to bring the good fight to their doorstep but with principled opposition rather than the mindless MSNBC rhetoric that David gets from the likes of Keith Olberman and Chris Mathews.
  • JackieM
    after tonight's speech, i can only say that if democrats are still supporting this idiot, they are brain dead!  he has "officially" lied to the American people and it is absolutely horrific!  of course, a lot of us knew he was a used car salesman and didn't vote for him.  i guess others need more?  well tonight was the night people!  he had the nerve to say there is no pork in this bill.  what is this idiot smoking?  how dumb are the American people to believe this?  what is the frisbee park?  explain that.  where is the sustainable job growth?  short-term bursts of money into the economy is a waste!  if the American people are not raising hell and wanting this guy out after this, it will show how dumb some Americans are getting!
  • Michael R.

    That is just the beginning of the lies.  This is from the Wall Street Journal today showing Obama's "change" ...of heart.

    <!-- ID: SB123422915277565975 --> <!-- TYPE: Politics and Policy --> <!-- DISPLAY-NAME: Politics and Policy --> <!-- PUBLICATION: The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition --> <!-- DATE: 2023-02-10 00:01 --> <!-- COPYRIGHT: Dow Jones & Company, Inc. --> <!-- ORIGINAL-ID: --> <!-- article start --> <!-- CODE=INDUSTRY SYMBOL=DLW CODE=SUBJECT SYMBOL=ONEW CODE=STATISTIC SYMBOL=FREE CODE=SUBJECT SYMBOL=OPOL -->
    Rendition Case Under Bush Gets Obama Backing
    WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration backed the Bush administration's arguments in a lawsuit involving the practice of seizing terror suspects abroad and sending them to third countries for questioning.
    The case involves five men who claim U.S. operatives abducted them and sent them to be tortured in other countries. The men are suing a unit of Boeing Co., which they say provided aircraft to the Central Intelligence Agency for the "extraordinary rendition" program. Boeing declined to comment on the case.
    Monday, Justice Department lawyers told the Ninth Circuit federal appeals court in San Francisco that the government believes state secrets and national security would be put at risk if the court allows the suit to proceed. That is the same argument the department used under President George W. Bush.

  • JackieM
    I didn't read that article.  Thanks for sharing.  I guess we all know why the mainstream media isn't covering this.  i just want to know what it will take for democrats to finally wake up?  will it be a depression (i guess they will blame it on GWBl) or another attack on US soil?  i really don't think those things will be enough to convince people that he is not qualified to be president.  however, ya know as someone who has worked hard in my career and on my education, i guess the comfort i will have is that i can go dig a ditch or operate a backhoe to feed my family!
  • a red voice
    I agree Jackie - Pelosi also said there was no pork in the stimulus.... do they think we're idiots and can't see the pork that is oozing everywhere in it...... 
    Tonight, Obama took so many swipes at Bush and the republicans & "our policy" - that somehow put us in this mess???   - so much for pulling the country together - I detest him even more now.
    & if there are any trolls out there & think this mess was merely brought on by the republicans & Bush & the free market  - go & read:  The Patriot Post - Economics 101 - Crisis of Confidence found at
    & I'm not going to even respond to any idiots who want to tell me everything is Bush's fault...  because that goes to show that they don't know anything about the economy nor do they want to really learn the facts behind what happened -so there is no use in wasting my time reasoning with the a reasonless person.

    DS - I also just got Newt's email tonight & read Newt's plan (American Solutions for Jobs & Prosperity).  Newt's got great ideas that will actually work instead of porkulous spending plans - wish he were still Speaker of the House instead of the Liar we have now.  I agree -His plans are actually REAL solutions that will really help America.  http://www.americansolutions.com/General/?Page=...

    I encourage all to take a look at his plan & spread the word.
  • JackieM
    A Red Voice--I completely agree with you and even though I haven't heard Newt's specific plan, he has been on target so far.  This problem can be fixed and the solutions are obvious but the democrats love to place blame anywhere and everywhere but on themselves.  both sides have had a hand in this and now every decision obama is making is HIS FAULT along with those idiots pelosi, reid, dodd and frank.  but hey, one of his first mandates was to send more money out of this country to fund abortions overseas.  now why are democrats not angry that he is a fraud?  i just don't understand it!  but hey, i guess under obama's plan my whole career will be down the toilet and i can do whatever is done with a backhoe (not really sure so i guess i will dig a ditch until i'm 90 years old.).  obama wants us all to be grateful he is creating those kinds of jobs for us.  we will all be equal to government slaves.  i guess that is what democrats are aiming for?
  • davidwwalters
    Michael R.....
    These two regulations apply to "financial institutions," which include not only banks, securities firms, and insurance companies, but also companies providing many other types of financial products and services to consumers. Among these services are lending, brokering or servicing any type of consumer loan, transferring or safeguarding money, preparing individual tax returns, providing financial advice or credit counseling, providing residential real estate settlement services, collecting consumer debts and an array of other activities. Such non-traditional "financial institutions" are regulated by the FTC.
    Keith O didn't feed me the notion that the repeal of the Glass-Stegall Act of 1933, which prohibited a bank from offering investment, commercial banking, and insurance services.....would be a BAD idea.

    Allowing Banks and securities companies and insurance companies to compete against each other allowed the creation(.....was the SEC even ready for this...?  
    _No, and Sen. Gramm knew this, he ain't no dummy)
    of all these insane financial instruments that i don't understand(though i am sure you do) which allowed the sale of bits and pieces of mortgages, and the fake housing bubble that was a result of this act.
    <<Now I am going to visit some Liberal sites now to bring the good fight to their doorstep but with principled opposition rather than the mindless MSNBC rhetoric that David gets from the likes of Keith Olberman and Chris Mathews.>>-Michael R.
    -You'll be savaged there if a mental lightweight like myself got you to "Cut&Run" like Ron Reagan did from Beirut back in 84.....
  • davidwwalters
    -Didn't get that from Keith Olbermann either...
  • davidwwalters
    <<Tonight, Obama took so many swipes at Bush and the republicans & "our policy" - that somehow put us in this mess???   - so much for pulling the country together - I detest him even more now.>>-a red voice (41)

    So how do you account for the fact that the nation was in MUCH better shape 8 years ago (even though we were going through a mild recession)
    than we are in today?
    Didn't the rich get enough tax cuts?  So, we get back to the argument that Michael R tried to make that it was all Clinton's fault.  If that was even true, why didn't all that Republican know how and experience.....and the 8 long years he had to work with-
    .......why didn't that help us out now?  Where was that savvy leadership we were promised in the 2000 campaign?  Why didn't he FIX the problem, unless he wasn't smart enough to see it?
    I detested Bush Jr. also......yet when our country was threatened 7 years ago
    i cautioned my liberal friends to pull together and get behind the Cmd.-in-Chief.........until he totally f**k'd-up our search for Bin Laden, and redirected our resources to take out Saddam....
    We've tried tax cuts for the wealthy and deregulation of Securities and Exchange Commission....it's time for something else.  Call it pork or whatever you want, but if it allows a former worker to have a pay check and to eat and pay his/her rent..... it is necessary.
  • Michael R.
    "If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, if we stand up there and we really make the tough decisions, there's still a 30 percent chance we're going to get it wrong." Joe Biden

    It is time that the American People stop listening to Keith Olberman and Chris Mathews and begin thinking for themselves.  We are at a time when people have to choose from putting food on their tables and paying their taxes, this has to stop.
  • Michael R.
    Walmart was the other "company" they were targeting in this bill who wanted to place their own banking services in all of their locations.  The real fight however was over the call for "additional regulations that less than satisfactory  rating at its most recent Community Reinvestment Act exam could not merge" which the Dems opposed and said that no bill that put any limits on minority lending via the CRA would get their vote. 
    but also companies providing many other types of financial products and services to consumers.

    As I said, these same old MSNBC arguments are getting old.
  • a red voice
    I said - I wasn't going to respond to the reasonless - but here it goes:

    Yup, It was all Bush's fault...

    Let see, here is a brief summary of WHY it is ALL Bush's fault:

    The Community Reinvestment Act was passed by Democrats of the 95th Congress and signed into law by Jimmy Carter in 1977. It coerced lending institutions to make loans "to the entire community," undermining means testing to qualify applicants for mortgages.


    President Clinton's mucking around in the mortgage industry (i.e. “The National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream”) as his administration went to ridiculous lengths to increase the national homeownership rate. It promoted paper-thin downpayments and pushed for ways to get lenders to give mortgage loans to first-time buyers with shaky financing and incomes. Mortgage lenders were able to make millions of loans to borrowers who, subject to free market lending practices, would not have been able to qualify for loans. It’s clear now that the erosion of lending standards pushed prices up by increasing demand, and later led to waves of defaults by people who never should have bought a home in the first place.

    These so-called "subprime mortgages," which were offered at variable interest rates, were widely perceived as good investments by financial institutions, which bought bundled mortgages from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    In 2001, the administration of George W. Bush raised caution flags about lending by the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, noting in its '02 budget request that "financial trouble of a large GSE could cause strong repercussions in financial markets, affecting Federally insured entities and economic activity."

    In 2003, the Bush administration upgraded its concern, requesting much stronger oversight. According to testimony by then Treasury Secretary John Snow, "We need a strong, world-class regulatory agency to oversee the prudential operations of the GSEs and the safety and the soundness of their financial activities."

    But Democrats, particularly Rep. Barney Frank, now chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, would not support additional oversight or restrictions.

    In February of 2004, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan testified: "What we're trying to avert is we have in our financial system right now two very large and growing financial institutions which are very effective and are essentially capable of gaining market shares in a very major market to a large extent as a consequence of what is perceived to be a subsidy that prevents the markets from adjusting appropriately, prevents competition and the normal adjustment processes that we see on a day-by-day basis from functioning in a way that creates stability."

    In 2005, Secretary Snow also urgently called for GSE reform,...

    It was at this time that John McCain was arguing for passage of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act (S. 190), which he sponsored.

    But again, Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee thwarted efforts to increase accountability for the GSEs.

    Now, it is abundantly clear that there was, in fact, a looming crisis, the result of subverting the free market with mortgage subsidies. It is equally clear that Democrats, blinded by the desire to accommodate their special interest constituencies, blocked efforts to get to reform the GSEs.

    Bill Clinton admitted, "I think the responsibility that the Democrats have may rests more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."

    Democrat Rep. Artur Davis was a bit more direct: "Like a lot of my Democratic colleagues, I was too slow to appreciate the recklessness of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In retrospect I should have heeded the concerns in 2004. Frankly I wish my Democratic colleagues would admit that when it comes to Fannie and Freddie, we were wrong."

    By 2008, because of eroding confidence in our economy, the housing market became saturated and free market prices did what prices do when there is more supply than demand -- they began to drop.

    The devaluation of mortgages has had an enormous financial impact on institutions that trade in "packaged mortgages," and consequently, on other institutions that trade with them, and, well you get the picture everything started to crash.

    But, I guess this financial collapse has nothing to do with the liberals nor were the liberals responsible for any part of it..... (after all Bush was in office - it was all his fault.)

    and during the Clinton years the country was in so "much better shape", but of course - it obviously had nothing to do with the Reagan & H.W. Bush (tax cut) years that preceded it.

    Yes, spending government money recklessly and wastefully (i.e. the 'stimulus') will result in raising taxes to pay for this increased spending which will tax businesses out of business - but somehow Obama believes this is a way to create jobs & boost the economy and the left is going right along with him - after all the economic mess was all of GWBush's fault - the libs had nothing to do with it.
  • patti
    amen to the last paragraph.
  • Michael R.
    A Red Voice,
    Great post!  As I told David, people like yourself can do the research themeselves and not simply rely on being blindly led by the CNBC media who are addmittedly in the tank for this administration.

    The only part I disagree with you on is your hesitation to post.  Make your voice heard.  That was factual, reasoned and well articulated and that is how the argument is won.
  • Michael R.
    ^"CNBC media " was supposed to be MSNBC. Sorry Kudlow.
  • davidwwalters
    a red voice....
    Michael R. (27)
    <<Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchase and guarantee mortgages through the secondary mortgage market. They do not originate or service mortgages.
    >>......this does not square with your statement
    in (48)  you claim......
    <<These so-called "subprime mortgages," which were offered at variable interest rates, were widely perceived as good investments by financial institutions, which bought bundled mortgages from(?) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
    In 2001, the administration of George W. Bush raised caution flags about lending by the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, noting in its '02 budget request that "financial trouble of a large GSE could cause strong repercussions in financial markets, affecting Federally insured entities and economic activity.">>

    -OK, Michael tells us Fannie&Freddie don't originate or service mortgages....yet you seem to be saying that Fannie&Freddie does?  Anyway, the idea that lending institutions were  coerced by President Carter is laughable!  Jimmy Carter is the reason the financial market failed?  Wow!  Was it Sean or Mortimer(Rush) that told you this children 's
    story?  At any rate, regardless of the The Community Reinvestment Act, lenders around the world seemed to be quite happy to sell these bundled mortgages......the key here is around the world......
    Phil Gramm's legislation(Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act)
    -WAS the legal instrument which allowed the mixture of banking, investments AND insurance in this country to exist at the behest of "Wall Street"...........no Jimmy Carter(laughing out loud!)
  • davidwwalters
    NOT Jimmy Carter....
  • Michael R.
    OK, Michael tells us Fannie&Freddie don't originate or service mortgages....yet you seem to be saying that Fannie&Freddie does?

    Oh my god man, you really do not understand how this works.  That is ok, most don' t so here is a little tutorial on the subject.
    Mortgage-backed securities are a bundle of mortgages that have been sold by banks to Fannie Mae, who then repackages them and sells them to individual investors. This allows the banks and mortgage companies to sell mortgages off, and take them off their balance sheets. This removes one constraint on banks to make sure the loans are to qualified borrowers.

    So no, Fannie and Freddie does not originate mortgages.  And yes, they do bundle them and sell them off.  The problem that we are facing now is a proper valuation on the bundles as they are sold in fractions as Mortgage Backed Securities.

    Now I am not going to say anything mean to you, belittle you, but does that help you, and others understand the process and explain both my and Red Voice post?  I sure hope so, but if not, look it up for yourself.
  • a red voice
    My previous post was based on all facts.... however DWW just loves to argue as I had discussion with him before & frankly it is VERY exhausting conversing with him because he can't be reasoned with and thinks he is an expert at everything, that's why I was hesitant...

    OK -- DWW stated: "the idea that lending institutions were  coerced by President Carter is laughable! "

    Yes, sometimes facts are laughable and you can't believe that it actually happened, but it did.

    This is what I stated: "The Community Reinvestment Act was passed by Democrats of the 95th Congress and signed into law by Jimmy Carter in 1977. It coerced lending institutions to make loans "to the entire community," undermining means testing to qualify applicants for mortgages."


    I never stated President Carter coerced the lending institutions directly, the act was passed by Democrats in  Congress & signed in to law by CarterIT (the law) coerced lending institutions to make loans to the entire community....
    That is all factual
    "The Community Reinvestment Act (or CRA, Pub.L. 95-128, title VIII, 91 Stat. 1147, 12 U.S.C. § 2901 et seq.) is a United States federal lawbanks and savings associations to meet the needs of borrowers in all segments of their communities, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.[1][2][3] Community activists had lobbied the US Congress to pass the Act in order to reduce discriminatory credit practices against low-income neighborhoods, a practice known as redlining.[4] designed to encourage commercial
    The Act requires the appropriate federal financial supervisory agencies to encourage regulated financial institutions to meet the credit needs of the local communities in which they are chartered, consistent with safe and sound operation. (See full text of Act and current regulations.[1]) To enforce the statute, federal regulatory agencies examine banking institutions for CRA compliance, and take this information into consideration when approving applications for new bank branches or for mergers or acquisitions.[5]"
    This law did indeed coerced lending institutions to make loans to borrowers who, subject to free market lending practices, would not have been able to qualify for loans.
    "In a 2002 study exploring the relationship between the CRA and lending looked at as predatory, Kathleen C. Engel and Patricia A. McCoy noted that banks could receive CRA credit by lending or brokering loans in lower-income areas that would be considered a risk for ordinary lending practices....They also noted that CRA regulations as it was then administered and carried out by Fannie Mae and Freddie MAC, did not penalize banks that engaged in in these lending practices. "
    "Economist Stan Liebowitz wrote in the New York Post that a strengthening of the CRA in the 1990s encouraged a loosening of lending standards throughout the banking industry. He also charges the Federal Reserve with ignoring the negative impact of the CRA.[52] In a commentary for CNN, Congressman Ron Paul, who serves on the United States House Committee on Financial Services, charged the CRA with "forcing banks to lend to people who normally would be rejected as bad credit risks."[58] In a Wall Street Journal opinion piece, Austrian schoolRussell Roberts wrote that the CRA subsidized low-income housing by pressuring banks to serve poor borrowers and poor regions of the country.[59] Jeffrey A. Miron, a senior lecturer in economics at Harvard University, in an opinion piece for CNN, calls for “getting rid” of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as policies like the Community Reinvestment Act that “pressure banks into subprime lending.”[60]" economist
    There are many sources where you can read about this, just google it & you will find that it is all factual.
  • Matthew
    Democratic politicians loves taxes, just not...you know, paying them.  Touche on the sub prime summary red voice. Its a shame the Democrats became so good at Bush bashing and the media learned to love lapping it up, otherwise someone might actually run an accurate story covering the history of this mess in something besides the WSJ.
  • a red voice
    Matthew thank you too for all your comments and explanations, it gets exhausting hearing the same ol' rhetoric about how "the cost of the war,  tax breaks for the wealthy,  the deregulation of banking and Wall Street Investments, Bush, & the failed policies of successive Republican administrations (20 out of the past 28 years) have ruined our country."... when the libs don't even know which policies actually caused the problems with economy, and who actual put the policies in, and who actually fought against additional oversite and regulations.
    Thank you for clearing some of the "myths" up
  • davidwwalters
    Michael R.(54), (gives me a tutorial!).... <<Mortgage-backed securities are a bundle of mortgages that have been sold by banks to Fannie Mae, who then repackages them and sells them to individual investors. This allows the banks and mortgage companies to sell mortgages off, and take them off their balance sheets. This removes one constraint on banks to make sure the loans are to qualified borrowers.>>
    Wow! Thanx l..... And who INSURES these bundled financial instruments?
    Or better yet, let me pose the question again, this way......
    -What was the mechanism that allowed these financial instruments to be sold as if they were AAA rated? Was it The Community Reinvestment Act? No,(a red voice, i'm still uncontrollably laughing!)
    -but, i can cut and paste too.......
    "The Glass-Steagall Act prohibited a bank from offering investment, commercial banking, and insurance services."-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gramm-Leach-Bliley_Act
    -Fact is, there was a reason Glass-Stegall prohibited banks from offering investment&insurance services.
    "The repeal enabled commercial lenders such as Citigroup, which was in 1999 then the largest U.S. bank by assets, to underwrite and trade instruments such as mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligations and establish so-called structured investment vehicles, or SIVs, that bought those securities. [14] The year before the repeal, sub-prime loans were just 5% of all mortgage lending. By the time the credit crisis peaked in 2008, they were approaching 30%."
    You guys seem to focus on one set of special interests and are blind to Phil Gram's.....i often wonder how much he made for writing that bill...
  • davidwwalters
    <<In 1999, Congress passed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which abolished “all of the significant rules put in place at the time of the Great Depression designed to prevent a repeat.” Specifically, this act “destroyed the Depression-era barrier to the merger of stockbrokers, banks and insurance companies.>>
  • Michael R.
    Wow, you copied something from a liberal blog (thinkprogress. org, really???) and pose a piece of commentary and opinion as fact.  This has become sad.
  • davidwwalters
    <<-What was the mechanism that allowed these financial instruments to be sold as if they were AAA rated?>>
    i wrote this in response to the half-truths presented in (54)........

    Mortgage-backed securities are a bundle of mortgages that have been sold by banks to Fannie Mae, who then repackages them and sells them to individual investors.
    -uh, Michael, it wasn't just Fannie Mae who bought these phony investments......
    -i think you are aware of this too, "This has become sad
  • davidwwalters
    -and you never answer the question Michael.....
    <<-What was the mechanism that allowed these financial instruments to be sold as if they were AAA rated?>>
  • JackieM
    did anyone see spector's talk today about how Americans don't care about the pork in the bill?  i found that interesting since obama said there wasn't any!  hmmmm!  why aren't people upset about this?  i really want to see Americans as having common sense but i'm finding that it has been lost somewhere along the way.  however, there are still 47% of us left.  this administration is a sham!  they should change their titles to Con Artists or to my favorite:  "IDIOTS IN CHARGE."
  • davidwwalters
    <<why aren't people upset about this?>>
    -Jackie M.
    Perhaps the 53% understand that weather you call it spending or pork, it's just a matter of semantics.  If a "pork" project builds a library in some congressman's/woman's hometown, it does put someone to work, and it does put money in that community.  Maybe a contractor can by a new truck for his/her construction business.....that helps the auto dealer, the salesman/woman, the resturant that perhaps they may patronize.  What is the oppositions plan (other than saying NO!.....)?

    “It’s a bitter pill,” he said of the stimulus, “but one I think that has to be swallowed.” -Sen. Specter
    Ingraham then suggested that Specter is supporting the package because he has been “wined and dined at the White House,” saying that he gets “treated pretty well when you’re a Republican bucking other Republicans.”

    “Oh, get off it Laura,” he responded. “I’m not drinking any wine at the White House and I don’t dine at the White House. If the president wants to talk to me, I talk to him. I make my own independent judgments,
    don’t give me this wine and dine baloney young lady.”
  • Michael R.
    "Specifically, this act “destroyed the Depression-era barrier to the merger of stockbrokers, banks and insurance companies."

    Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act, a United States federal financial statute law passed in 1980, gave the Federal Reserve greater control over non-member banks.

    It forced all banks to abide by the Fed's rules.
    It allowed banks to merge.
    It removed the power of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors under the Glass-Steagall Act (many aspects of the Glass-Steagall were reinstated by the GLBA plus additional protections for consumers) and Regulation Q to set the interest rates of savings accounts.
    It raised the deposit insurance of US banks and credit unions from $40,000 to $100,000.
    It allowed credit unions and savings and loans to offer checkable deposits.
    Allowed institutions to charge any interest rates they chose
    Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act 1982

    This is what created the Option ARM/Interest Only/Balloons.

    David please, I am trying to do some research on the current stimulus and I have to take time out to do the simple research you could do for yourself.  Get off the left wing blogs as your sources and step back and use your own thoughts, your own research, your own opinions.  Olberman has gotten into your head, next thing you know you will get tingling feelings and be lost forever.

  • Bud Mullins
    MY DEFINITION OF PORK SPENDING: Pork means spending money on a baloon, filling it with helium and turning it loose into the air.  (Watch it go out of sight.)  Yes, the baloon and helium people are momentairly pleased with their gain by selling the baloon and helium.  Now what?

    MY DEFINITION OF STIMULUS: From Webster's New World Dicrionary.  1.  An incentive.  2.  Any action or agent that causes an activity in an organism, organ, etc.  (Is this really what the spending is?)
    Why are we even talking about this stuff?  I will say this again and again, what we need in this country is manufacturing companies.  (Companies to employ people.)  Small and large.  I own a manufacturing company and have been successful for 25 years now.  I employee 7 people and have since the beginning.  I have never let it get out of hand and I have always managed the money so as to survive the slow times.  Good management?  You be the judge.  Should I get some "Stimulus?"  Of course not and neither should any of the rest of the SOB's!

    We need to quit buying foreign products.  It's as simple as that...  Quit buying those products and you will see the manufacturing companies come back to America.  You will see these countries start to gain respect for America again.  I GUARANTEE IT!
  • joe
    when are we going to wake up and take it back??  we can do this! They gave us the tools. post this EVERYWHERE!

    February 11, 2023









    Once our Declarations Pages have been received, they must begin to act. If no action is taken you MUST follow through.
    If you are self employed, refrain from paying your quarterly payment due June 15 and those which follow.
    If you are employed by a business, adjust your withholding amount through your payroll department. The higher your dependents, the less that is deducted.
    I believe in my heart that with enough citizens willing to act, this government will cease its spending and begin an intelligent debate regarding our future.
    Mail your Declarations Page to your representatives on by June 3, 2009. This should flood their offices on approximately before June 7, 2009. The date which began the original Declaration of Independence. Forward this to as many people as possible. Promote it in whichever way you canPlace your Declarations Page in a safe locationLocate your mailing address for your congressional representative and state senator (located at House.gov or (202) 224-3121 and Senate.gov or (202) 224-3121Sign and date if you wish to do so. However, understand this may result in action from the Internal Revenue Service. At this point, it may be best to leave your name blank. Use the return address of 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Mount Vernon, Virginia 22309 Fill in your 2008 tax liability as shown on your 2008 W-2 form (box 2)Please print out the Declarations Page
    Dear American Citizen,
    You are receiving this letter because I have faith in you. I believe you, and many others receiving this same letter are genuine, good and concerned Americans.
    Since it’s original inception, the government which was founded by our forefathers, has been slowing disintegrating into failure. This is due to an ever growing, government body.
    Our intentions upon the founding of these United States, were to provide a free nation with free people to self govern themselves in whichever way those free people felt inclined to do so.
    As the power of those governing those free people has increased, those governing have felt it their duty to provide for the people in ways which this government was not intended. As such, those provisions have created barriers for many Americans, while falling short of the good intentions meant by their creation.
    The debts of this great nation are beyond the comprehension of the common American citizen. Through failed leadership and poor management as well as an unquenchable thirst for political power, those leaders have set fire to the founding principles of these United States.
    The people of the United States are the powerful. You have the power to stop the out of control spending of this nation. Through their own quest for power, the very government which is destroying these United States, gave to you, The People, the power to stop it.
    Each and every one of you has this power. The taxation of your income. It is time that we unite and let our representatives know. We will no longer fund this government in the corrupt fashion to which those elected officials have become accustomed to.
    I ask that you print out the next page of this writing. Send it to your congressional representative and your senators.
    We The People, have a voice. United we shall be heard.

    My Declaration As A United States Citizen

    Dear Representative,
    I make the following decision to support myself and my family with my income rather than a government which chooses to spend its entire budget as well as borrowed funds on failed principles.
    The finances of the United States are not open funds for use as political tools. We have entrusted those in leadership for too long to manage these funds appropriately.
    As a result, the most powerful nation the world has ever seen has been reduced to a pauper begging for handouts. Our leaders have spent every single cent which has ever been collected. They have then, borrowed and promised trillions of dollars to be paid by our children and grand children.
    I no longer can support a system of government which has chosen this path.
    If leaders do not step forward and reverse the spending decisions of the recent past, I hereby refuse to support, with my tax dollars, this government.
    I will follow through on this decision on July 4, 2009. Fully understanding the consequences of my decision.
    My 2008 tax liability was ________________ (Box 2 W-2 Wage Statement)
  • joe

    February 11, 2023







    Once our Declarations Pages have been received, they must begin to act. If no action is taken you MUST follow through.
    If you are self employed, refrain from paying your quarterly payment due June 15 and those which follow.
    If you are employed by a business, adjust your withholding amount through your payroll department. The higher your dependents, the less that is deducted.
    I believe in my heart that with enough citizens willing to act, this government will cease its spending and begin an intelligent debate regarding our future.
    Mail your Declarations Page to your representatives on by June 3, 2009. This should flood their offices on approximately before June 7, 2009. The date which began the original Declaration of Independence. Forward this to as many people as possible. Promote it in whichever way you canPlace your Declarations Page in a safe locationLocate your mailing address for your congressional representative and state senator (located at House.gov or (202) 224-3121 and Senate.gov or (202) 224-3121Sign and date if you wish to do so. However, understand this may result in action from the Internal Revenue Service. At this point, it may be best to leave your name blank. Use the return address of 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Mount Vernon, Virginia 22309 Fill in your 2008 tax liability as shown on your 2008 W-2 form (box 2)Please print out the Declarations Page
    Dear American Citizen,
    You are receiving this letter because I have faith in you. I believe you, and many others receiving this same letter are genuine, good and concerned Americans.
    Since it’s original inception, the government which was founded by our forefathers, has been slowing disintegrating into failure. This is due to an ever growing, government body.
    Our intentions upon the founding of these United States, were to provide a free nation with free people to self govern themselves in whichever way those free people felt inclined to do so.
    As the power of those governing those free people has increased, those governing have felt it their duty to provide for the people in ways which this government was not intended. As such, those provisions have created barriers for many Americans, while falling short of the good intentions meant by their creation.
    The debts of this great nation are beyond the comprehension of the common American citizen. Through failed leadership and poor management as well as an unquenchable thirst for political power, those leaders have set fire to the founding principles of these United States.
    The people of the United States are the powerful. You have the power to stop the out of control spending of this nation. Through their own quest for power, the very government which is destroying these United States, gave to you, The People, the power to stop it.
    Each and every one of you has this power. The taxation of your income. It is time that we unite and let our representatives know. We will no longer fund this government in the corrupt fashion to which those elected officials have become accustomed to.
    I ask that you print out the next page of this writing. Send it to your congressional representative and your senators.
    We The People, have a voice. United we shall be heard.

    My Declaration As A United States Citizen

    Dear Representative,
    I make the following decision to support myself and my family with my income rather than a government which chooses to spend its entire budget as well as borrowed funds on failed principles.
    The finances of the United States are not open funds for use as political tools. We have entrusted those in leadership for too long to manage these funds appropriately.
    As a result, the most powerful nation the world has ever seen has been reduced to a pauper begging for handouts. Our leaders have spent every single cent which has ever been collected. They have then, borrowed and promised trillions of dollars to be paid by our children and grand children.
    I no longer can support a system of government which has chosen this path.
    If leaders do not step forward and reverse the spending decisions of the recent past, I hereby refuse to support, with my tax dollars, this government.
    I will follow through on this decision on July 4, 2009. Fully understanding the consequences of my decision.
    My 2008 tax liability was ________________ (Box 2 W-2 Wage Statement)
  • joe
    dont know why. its not pasting properly. sorry
  • JackieM
    David--it is pork when we spend millions of dollars to employ a few folks when the money could be spent to help thousands.  how about the bird project in CA or the frisbee park in FL?  give me a break.  this bill is full of pork and it is a waste of taxpayer's money.
  • DS
    Is Chuckie serious??  You have to be kidding me!!!  This is ridiculous, and just shows the stupidity of the liberal Democrats and the administration! 

    Schumer says no one cares about pork
  • davidwwalters
    Michael R. (65)......

    <<"Specifically, this act “destroyed the Depression-era barrier to the merger of stockbrokers, banks and insurance companies." Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act, It forced all banks to abide by the Fed's rules.
    It allowed banks to merge.
    It removed the power of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors under the Glass-Steagall Act (many aspects of the Glass-Steagall were reinstated by the GLBA plus additional protections for consumers) and Regulation Q to set the interest rates of savings accounts.

    It raised the deposit insurance of US banks and credit unions from $40,000 to $100,000.
    It allowed credit unions and savings and loans to offer checkable deposits.
    Allowed institutions to charge any interest rates they chose                                                                       Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act 1982                       This is what created the Option ARM/Interest Only/Balloons.>>
    <<-What was the mechanism that allowed these financial instruments to be sold as if they were AAA rated?>>.......i wrote this in response to the half-truths presented in (54)........it was Phil Gramm's Act(yes signed into law by the Democrat morph'd into a Republican lite)
    << and I have to take time out to do the simple research you could do for yourself. >>...........so i guess i understand why you stopped with the Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act 1982, so i guess i can forgive you.....True, Option ARM/Interest Only/Balloons are part of the problem, yet the bundling, and insuring these ARM/Interest Only/Balloons as allowed under GLBA. "The repeal enabled commercial lenders such as Citigroup, which was in 1999 then the largest U.S. bank by assets, to underwrite and trade instruments such as mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligations and establish so-called structured investment vehicles, or SIVs, that bought those securities."
    To understand a complex problem, one must take in the BIG picture!
    Don't stop with 1982 to solve 2008's problem.  GLBA was the catalyst allowinf this event o unfold.

    -Sorry about not responding sooner;  had to go to the doctor(.....that back problem from a lifetime of toil)
  • davidwwalters
    JackieM. (70)
    David--it is pork when we spend millions of dollars to employ a few folks when the money could be spent to help thousands
    -if the "pork" stimulates Caterpillar to re-hire some of the recently laid off workers, how is that NOT a stimulating act?
    I guess the definition of pork is anything presented by anyone other than a true Republican(......not Sen. Specter)
    <<how about the bird project in CA or the frisbee park in FL?>>
    -Sean just made frisbee park up Jackie, remember Sean doesn't report news, just propaganda.
  • davidwwalters
    Dear Representative,
    I make the following decision to support myself and my family with my income rather than a government which chooses to spend its entire budget as well as borrowed funds on failed principles...........
    -You should have posted this years ago before we began to spend 10BILLION/Month on the failed Iraqi experiment, huh?
  • davidwwalters
    DS (71).......
    Lots of this seems like necessary stimulus......things we need to do to get people back to work while improving infrastructure this nation has put on hold for too long.

    $2 billion earmark for FutureGen near zero emissions powerplant in Mattoon, IL
    $39 billion slush fund for “state fiscal stabilization” bailout
    $5.5 billion for making federal buildings “green” (including $448 million for DHS HQ)
    $200 million for workplace safety in USDA facilities
    $275 million for flood prevention
    $65 million for watershed rehabilitation
    $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges and libraries
    $650 million for the DTV transition coupon program
    $307 million for constructing NIST office buildings
    $1 billion for administrative costs and construction of NOAA office buildings
    $100 million for constructing U.S. Marshalls office buildings
    $300 million for constructing FBI office buildings
    $800 million for constructing Federal Prison System buildings and facilities
    $10 million to fight Mexican gunrunners
    $1.3 billion for NASA (including $450 million for “science” at NASA)
    $100 million to clean up sites used in early U.S. atomic energy program
    $10 million for urban canals
    $2 billion for manufacturing advanced batteries for hybrid cars
    $1.5 billion for carbon capture projects under sec. 703 of P.L. 110-140 (though section only authorizes $1 billion for five years)
    $300 million for hybrid and electric cars for federal employees
    $198 million to design and furnish the DHS headquarters
    $255 million for “priority procurements” at Coast Guard (polar ice breaker)
    $500 million for State and local fire stations
    $180 million for construction of Bureau of Land Management facilities
    $500 million for wildland fire management
    $110 million for construction for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    $522 million for construction for the Bureau of Indian Affairs
    $650 million for abandoned mine sites
    $75 million for the Smithsonian Institution
    $1.2 billion for summer jobs for youth
    $412 million for CDC headquarters
    $500 million earmark for NIH facilities in Bethesda, MD
    $160 million for “volunteers” at the Corp. for National and Community Service
    $750 earmark for the National Computer Center in MD
    $224 million for International Boundary and Water Commission – U.S. and Mexico
    $850 million for Amtrak
    $100 million for lead paint hazard reduction
  • Bud Mullins
    As President Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, said last November, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." It didn't take long for the liberal Democrats to put that political strategy into play. They have taken advantage of our nation's present economic woes to ram through Congress the biggest spending bill in American history. President Obama, who talked so much about a new era of bipartisanship and cooperation on the campaign trail, didn't take long to throw that rhetoric out the window to support Nancy Pelosi's liberal spending spree. Our economy is in trouble. We all agree on that. President Obama says that it is only the federal government that can give our economy a boost. But even if you believe that silly premise--only 15% of the massive spending increases in the Obama/Pelosi spending spree will take place in 2009. The remaining taxpayer dollars they plan to spend pay out over the next ten years! A budget watchdog group calls this bill a "lobbyist full-employment act." And one Washington lobbyist called the special interest frenzy surrounding this bill "the Super Bowl." And at the heart of it all is the liberal Democrats' goal of the permanent expansion of the federal government's power and the redistribution of wealth. $160 million to pay "volunteers" at the Corporation for National and Community Service. $45 million dollars for the removal of fish passage barriers. $248 million to buy furniture for the Department of Homeland Security. Make no mistake, the Democrats' so-called "stimulus" bill does a lot more to expand government than it does to give America's ailing economy a much needed boost. I ran for the job of RNC Chairman to lead our Party forward with its core principles as a guide: shrinking the size of government and creating private sector jobs that won't go away as soon as taxpayer money runs out. The Republican Party must vigorously champion these rock-solid cornerstones of the American success story.
  • Michael R.
    Let me get this straight, GLBA was when and SIVs began...when?
  • Bud Mullins
    As President Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, said last November, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
    It didn't take long for the liberal Democrats to put that political strategy into play.
    They have taken advantage of our nation's present economic woes to ram through Congress the biggest spending bill in American history.
    President Obama, who talked so much about a new era of bipartisanship and cooperation on the campaign trail, didn't take long to throw that rhetoric out the window to support Nancy Pelosi's liberal spending spree.
    Our economy is in trouble. We all agree on that.
    President Obama says that it is only the federal government that can give our economy a boost.
    But even if you believe that silly premise--only 15% of the massive spending increases in the Obama/Pelosi spending spree will take place in 2009. The remaining taxpayer dollars they plan to spend pay out over the next ten years!
    A budget watchdog group calls this bill a "lobbyist full-employment act." And one Washington lobbyist called the special interest frenzy surrounding this bill "the Super Bowl."
    And at the heart of it all is the liberal Democrats' goal of the permanent expansion of the federal government's power and the redistribution of wealth.

    $160 million to pay "volunteers" at the Corporation for National and Community Service.

    $45 million dollars for the removal of fish passage barriers.

    $248 million to buy furniture for the Department of Homeland Security.

    Make no mistake, the Democrats' so-called "stimulus" bill does a lot more to expand government than it does to give America's ailing economy a much needed boost.
    I ran for the job of RNC Chairman to lead our Party forward with its core principles as a guide: shrinking the size of government and creating private sector jobs that won't go away as soon as taxpayer money runs out.
    The Republican Party must vigorously champion these rock-solid cornerstones of the American success story.
  • Michael R.
    The CBO isn't confident in this either.
  • Michael R.
    "-Sean just made frisbee park up Jackie, remember Sean doesn't report news, just propaganda."

    Wall Street Journal
    Austin, Texas, could use $886,000 to build a 36-hole "disc golf" course, for frisbee tossing. It would be "environmentally and financially sustainable."
  • Bud Mullins
    Michael, my whole point and only point in all this is that we can read and study all this until it runs out our ears.  We can blogg on every web site on the Internet.  We can contact every talk radio show in the country.  We can spill our intelect until hell freezes over and it does no good what so ever.  I don't even get relief from it anymore!  I dont even like to hear it talked about anymore.  I'M TIRED...

    What hurts me about all this is WE CAN DO NOTHIN ABOUT IT!  We just read and bitch and nothing good happens.  The whole system keeps traveling in a downward spiral and we just watch.  We just keep electing these retards and they just keep screwing up everything.
  • Michael R.

    I understand, and I disagree.  This has been the goal all along by the left, to disinfranchise, and disincitivise you and to make you feel that there is nothing you can do.  Bud, I want you to look back only about 8 or 10 years ago and we had discussions about the end of the Dem. party. 

    We are there now but I think we are better off because conservatives (not rep.) have a core set of beliefs and values that will guide us through this, identify the the non conservatives, and embrase the true ones.  Don't give up, fight, get inspired, inspire someone else and we will have another 1994 where we understood that conservatism wins.
  • Bud Mullins
    I believe the so called "Conservatives" let down the Republican Party!  (Since 1994)  That's why the Party is where it is at today.  If you remember, anytime  the Dems had a vote on something, more and more (two faced) Repubs crossed the line and voted against the Party.  I know right is right and wrong is wrong, but never did you see this in the Democratic Party.  (Didn't matter to they who was going to hell or not!)  THEY STOOD FIRM!  The Repubs could have a bill for vote and the Dems threw fits about anything and everything...  Almost all of them would always vote against it.  Especially in the Bush administration.

    You're right though, I am spouting - I will stand firm and keep reading and keep commenting.  By the way, has anyone ever figured out why Bush is hated as much as he is?  Is it because of his success in the Republican Party and in Washington???
  • JackieM
    Thanks for the backup on the frisbee park.  however, i can name another one just in case liberals have trouble understanding that the park is a waste.  how about the bird project in CA.  that is pelosi's idea and it is in the bill.  my point is that there is so much pork in this bill, that it is a joke.  government should ensure policies are in place that help private businesses create jobs.  it is a lot cheaper and much more effective that this load of crap they are selling.  in addition, our children and grandchildren would not be paying for it.  i am tired of this also.  it really bothers me that people would vote for such an obviously incompetent person who is now turning our country to socialism/communism.  it is sickening!  i want this guy to fail because he is leading us down the wrong path.
  • JackieM
    by the way, heaven for bid the democrats do something to help this country.  the solutions are as simple as tying ones shoes!  until the trade agreements are amended to be fair to US industry, we don't have a chance.  that is just one fix that would go a long way to help in this recovery.  obama has proven he is a puppet.  this is not even his bill but he is claiming it.
  • Michael R.
    Bud, I think you have it backwards, the Republican party let down the Conservatives.  We have some house cleaning to do first and that is going on right now.  For Colin Powel to come out and say he is a republican and then support the most liberal member of the senate for President is not conservatism.  We need to draw a distinction (which will not be hard to do) and internally reinstate our principles, not redefine them.

    After the loss in 2000, MoveOn.ORG came out and said "we bought it, its our party now".  I feel better about our chances of getting back to conservative principles than I do about the Dems ever escaping the grips of Soros who Lieberman (who generally only agrees with us on the war on terrorism) said that he was doing things that he considered to be "UN-AMERICAN".  That party was taken over by extremist and if we move to where the dems were, liberal light, then we can't show the American people just how far left they really are.

    We are lucky Bud.  We do not have to pick up weapons to fight so our voices can be heard.  Instead we can do it right here and we can organize and remake our GOP again.  Its already begun.  We dodged a bullet in the sense that we did not elect a Republican who would have taken our party down the road McCain described and killed the party forever.  Now we can focus on Principled Oposition, not mindless rhetoric against a true liberal.  Point out the weaknesses, point out the errors, and at the same time work to strengthen the conservative arm of the Republicans beyond what it was in '94 and it all starts with you.
  • JackieM
    Michael R--i agree with you.  i also think we as a party did not stand up for our beliefs and let our representatives get away with all that they have.  i have listened to Michael Steele and like what i have seen so far.  I hope he will be a driving force to get us back to our principals.  However, those who voted for the opposition aren't really republicans or conservatives for that matter.  i know all of the rhetoric that is out there, but people who have backbones don't vote against their true principals, especially when everyone knew obama was campaigning on the ideas of socialism.  Also, anyone who believes in killing children in the late stages of pregnancy is sick!  that proves that 52% of Americans have become brain dead!
  • JackieM
    David--because this nation is in trouble and we don't have the money to pay for every pork project these people can come up with, Americans need to be able to account for every single cent of this "stimulus"/pork project.  there should be no tolerance for this kind of crap!  it is cheaper to keep jobs than to create them and the government is not focusing in the right direction.  the republicans (except for 3 imposters) are finally stepping up and standing their ground.  i can only hope they continue.  the pork in this bill is solely the responsibility of the democrats, and when this bill fails to deliver all of its promised success (as obama's own economists have predicted), our country will suffer futher unfortunately.  even obama has his doubts.  but heaven for bid the democrats actually try to fix problems by enacting fair trade policies and working to keep lobbyists and unions out of government!
  • JackieM
    having problems posting again.  hopefully, this post will go through this time.

    David--because this nation is in trouble and we don't have the money to pay for every pork project these people can come up with, Americans need to be able to account for every single cent of this "stimulus"/pork project.  there should be no tolerance for this kind of crap!  it is cheaper to keep jobs than to create them and the government is not focusing in the right direction.  the republicans (except for 3 imposters) are finally stepping up and standing their ground.  i can only hope they continue.  the pork in this bill is solely the responsibility of the democrats, and when this bill fails to deliver all of its promised success (as obama's own economists have predicted), our country will suffer futher unfortunately.  even obama has his doubts.  but heaven for bid the democrats actually try to fix problems by enacting fair trade policies and working to keep lobbyists and unions out of government!
  • TitusHunt
    having problems posting again.  hopefully, this post will go through this time.

    From:  Jacke M. --
    David--because this nation is in trouble and we don't have the money to pay for every pork project these people can come up with, Americans need to be able to account for every single cent of this "stimulus"/pork project.  there should be no tolerance for this kind of crap!  it is cheaper to keep jobs than to create them and the government is not focusing in the right direction.  the republicans (except for 3 imposters) are finally stepping up and standing their ground.  i can only hope they continue.  the pork in this bill is solely the responsibility of the democrats, and when this bill fails to deliver all of its promised success (as obama's own economists have predicted), our country will suffer futher unfortunately.  even obama has his doubts.  but heaven for bid the democrats actually try to fix problems by enacting fair trade policies and working to keep lobbyists and unions out of government!
  • TitusHunt
    having problems posting again.  hopefully, this post will go through this time.

    From:  Jacke M. --
    David--because this nation is in trouble and we don't have the money to pay for every pork project these people can come up with, Americans need to be able to account for every single cent of this "stimulus"/pork project.  there should be no tolerance for this kind of crap!  it is cheaper to keep jobs than to create them and the government is not focusing in the right direction.  the republicans (except for 3 imposters) are finally stepping up and standing their ground.  i can only hope they continue.  the pork in this bill is solely the responsibility of the democrats, and when this bill fails to deliver all of its promised success (as obama's own economists have predicted), our country will suffer further unfortunately.  even obama has his doubts.  but heaven for bid the democrats actually try to fix problems by enacting fair trade policies and working to keep lobbyists and unions out of government!
  • TDC
    President Obama says only government can save us.

    Treating us  like mushrooms by keeping us in the dark and feeding us manure is NOT the kind of change Americans are seeking Mr. President!
  • Bud Mullins
    I have my sights on her for 2012 and I feel if we keep her in the spot light, it will work...

    Dear Fellow American,

    Last week, I launched a new political action committee called SarahPAC, dedicated to building a better and stronger America. I thought long and hard before taking this step. So friends, let me tell you about it.

    As Alaska's Governor, I've been blessed with the opportunity to work on issues that affect every Alaskan family. Of course each one of those issues - energy independence, fiscal responsibility for taxpayer dollars, affordable health care, protecting America's security and supporting a culture of life - are real matters that affect us all.

    Throughout my political career, I've fought for these issues. I built my public life fighting corruption and working for smaller and smarter government. Now I want to continue this work through SarahPAC, and I am asking you to join me.

    My goal for SarahPAC is to begin building a better future for every one of us, and for our children. Right now, we are all hurting because of unchecked greed and irresponsibility. The solutions for these challenging times lie in the knowledge and faith that America's better days are ahead.

    Today, I hope you will take a few minutes to join me and show your support by joining SarahPAC. With a generous donation of $10, $25, $50, $100, $250 or more, you will be standing up as a strong voice for our shared ideas and values. Your donation will allow me to help support candidates who share our ideas about the future of the United States of America.

    Each and every one of us has a responsibility as an American to get involved as our country faces an unprecedented economic crisis. You know I will speak out. And you know I will speak for you.

    So, please join me in my efforts today by following this link to join and support SarahPAC by making a donation. Every dollar raised will go a long way in advancing our shared goals and ideas.

    I look forward to working with you in the future as we build a community of supporters to confront 21st century challenges with integrity, innovation and determination.

    With an Alaskan heart - indeed with a servant's heart - I thank you for allowing me to ask for your support.


    Governor Sarah Palin
  • amber
  • davidwwalters
    Bud Mullins (76).....
    -Complained about the stimulus bill.......
    "only 15% of the massive spending increases in the Obama/Pelosi spending spree will take place in 2009"
    ......uuuuh, thats 800 Billion X 0.15 =
    120Billion/Year   .....................................Maybe you're correct for once Bud!
    Because by that logic, the $10Billion/Month X 12 months/year=
    120Billion/Year! (what we've wasted in Iraq)
  • davidwwalters
    Bud Mullins (83).....
    ruminates about the previous (looser) occupant of the White House.....
    " By the way, has anyone ever figured out why Bush is hated as much as he is?  Is it because of his success in the Republican Party and in Washington???"
    -No Bud, it's because of the state he left our once great nation in....Let us hope President Obama can turn his mistakes around, and we all should be supporting him.....
    (Christians, that means prayer)
  • davidwwalters
    Michael R. (80)......
    Wall Street Journal
    Austin, Texas, could use $886,000 to build a 36-hole "disc golf" course, for frisbee tossing. It would be "environmentally and financially sustainable.">>
    -and you complain about someone supposedly sourcing facts from "Countdown".......do you actually believe Rupert's Murdock's "Wall Street Journal" has any more credibility?  Sounds of hypocrisy!
  • davidwwalters
    .....and no comments about how the projects i spelled out in (75)
    thatDS (71) linked to, could NOT help our country out while employing people who lost their jobs due to inept leadership over the past 8 years?
    Come on people, lets use our god given brains here....
  • Michael R.
    Austin, Texas, could use $886,000 to build a 36-hole "disc golf" course, for frisbee tossing. It would be "environmentally and financially sustainable.">>
    -and you complain about someone supposedly sourcing facts from "Countdown".......do you actually believe Rupert's Murdock's "Wall Street Journal" has any more credibility?  Sounds of hypocrisy!

    So David, you are saying this is not part of the Bill?  There is no $886,000 for a frisbee course?  How about field mouse preservation, is that not part of the "stimulus"?
  • Michael R.
    "No Bud, it's because of the state he left our once great nation in....Let us hope President Obama can turn his mistakes around, and we all should be supporting him"

    I support my President in upholding the Constitution, not the mass socialization and nationalization that we are seeing today.  Do you support that David?  Do you support what Maxine Waters said about nationalizing the oil companies?  Do you support what Soros said about nationalizing the banks?
  • Michael R.
    David, why don't you tell me a news outlet that we both can agree is objective.
  • Michael R.
    ".....and no comments about how the projects i spelled out in (75)
    thatDS (71) linked to, could NOT help our country out while employing people who lost their jobs due to inept leadership over the past 8 years?"

    David, is that the entire bill that is coming out of Conference?  Is there anything more?  I am trying to use my "god given brain here" and the math doesn't add up to 790 billion dollars.  Where and what is the rest?
  • davidwwalters
    Michael R. (93)
    <<I support my President in upholding the Constitution, not the mass socialization and nationalization that we are seeing today.  Do you support that David?  Do you support what Maxine Waters said about nationalizing the oil companies?  Do you support what Soros said about nationalizing the banks?>>
    "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."-Preamble to the U.S. Constitution
    Nothing is noted about what form of economic system we should use, as "We the people....." are concerned about a perfect union that includes justice and tranquility, as well as defense.  I could see where it could be argued that the bottom line of a firm could disrupt the "perfect union" by upsetting the "domestic tranquility", and that congressional action to seek a remedy to the situation by means that could arguably be defined as socialistic.  The disruption in the financial markets could fit this criteria.  An oil company's need to maximize profits in a time of decreased demand (such as is occurring now as production of crude prices plummet, and gas futures rise), strains our nations further, calling on a remedy that could be construed as socialistic.
  • Michael R.
    And once again, I support my President in upholding the Constitution, not the mass socialization and nationalization that we are seeing today.  I am in support of one, wholey seperate from the other.  I will support Obama when he protects the country and the countries interest from threats, both foriegn and domestic and the protection of those who can not otherwise protect themeselves.  I WILL NOT support Obama or anyone else who sees to destroy this countries traditions and values.  Therefor I cannot and will not support this President, this Congress in the fleecing of America and its people for generations to come.   This is wholey a Democratic Bill and the Democrats will be held accountable for the repercutions.
  • Bud Mullins
    Dittos Michael.  David, it's amazing how different you can see things from this side of the fence...  Try it sometimes!
  • Michael R.
    Cost ($ millions)
    Total (Funds appropriated)
    Estimated outlays (Congressional Budget Office estimates of actual cost of programs)

    Repairs, security improvements and rental payments at Department of Agriculture

    Repairs and security improvements at Agricultural Research Service

    Salaries for staff to modernize IT system at Farm Service Agency

    Funding for watershed and flood prevention projects

    Funding for watershed rehabilitation

    Loans to rural homeowners

    Guaranteed loans for rural community facility building

    Guaranteed loans for rural businesses

    Grants for rural waste and waste disposal

    Broadband grants to rural communities

    Oversight of Department of Agriculture spending

    Extra money for women, infants and children (WIC) special nutrition program

    Extra commodities for food banks

    Adult and child day care meals and snacks

    Crop insurance reinstatement for farmers who failed to keep up with payments, emergency loans and grants to farmers

    13% increase in food stamp payments


    Urban industrial core and rural economic recovery programs

    Extra money for Census

    Salaries and expenses for program to create broadband inventory map of the country

    Grants to provide wireless and broadband infrastructure to communities, including public computer centers and sustainable adoption of broadband service

    Coupons, education and consumer support for digital to analogue converter box program

    Oversight of Commerce Department spending

    National Institute of Standards and Technology research, including research into technology with high-growth potential and program giving technology to small and mid-size manufacturers

    NIST facilities construction and maintenance backlog

    Extra money for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration facilities and research

    Extra money for NOAA satellite development including climate data sensors and modeling

    Grants to state and local law enforcement

    Grants to rural law enforcement

    Grants to law enforcement on southwest border

    Grants for victims compensation programs

    Grants for tribal law enforcement

    Grants for state and local law enforcement to pursue Internet sex offenders

    Grants to state and local law enforcement to hire extra police officers

    Grants for violence against women prevention and prosecution programs

    Costs of administering extra grant money

    NASA shuttle construction

    NASA climate research

    NASA aeronautics research

    NASA rebuilding of facilities damaged in 2008 floods

    NASA spending oversight

    National Science Foundation research

    Construction of new research equipment and facilities for NSF

    NSF education activities

    NSF spending oversight


    Restoration and modernization of Defense facilities in U.S. and territories

    Research and development of renewable energy generation for military

    Improvements and reparations to military medical facilities in U.S. and territories

    Department of Defense spending oversight


    Flood control and water management construction, regulation and investigations

    Mississippi River and tributary construction

    Clean-up of 'brownfield' former industrial sites

    Water reclamation and reuse projects

    Home weatherization grants to low and middle-income families

    Funding for Energy Star program offering tax credits to consumers purchasing new, efficient appliances

    Advanced batteries manufacturing grants

    Energy efficiency grants to states and local governments

    Transport electrification grants

    Funding for states and local governments to buy efficient alternative fuel buses and trucks

    Research and development of renewable and efficient energy technology

    Loan guarantees for standard renewables

    Transmission loan guarantees

    Fossil energy research and development

    Research into low-emission coal plants

    Grants for industrial carbon capture and energy efficiency improvement projects

    Grants for identifying sites to store carbon dioxide emissions

    Grants for training and research on safe storage of carbon emission\

    Administration of funding program

    Physics research including high-energy physics, nuclear physics and fusion energy sciences

    High-risk research into energy sources and energy efficiency

    Cleanup of former nuclear sites

    Uranium enrichment decontamination and decommissioning

    Cleanup of former nuclear defense sites

    Money for federal power marketing administrations in electric power transmission systems

    Construction and repairs for federal marketing administration

    Modernization of the electric grid

    Training of electric grid workers

    Oversight of Energy Department spending


    Oversight of 'making work pay tax credit' and economic recovery payments

    Treasury grants to community financial services and economic development groups

    Construction, repair and energy alterations to federal buildings and facilities

    Purchase of fuel efficient vehicles for federal fleet

    Oversight of General Services Administration spending

    Costs to Internal Revenue Service of providing health coverage help to workers laid off because of outsourcing overseas

    Funding for Recovery and Accountability Transparency Board

    Small Business Administration loans to businesses

    Extra money for SBA administration of loans

    Oversight of SBA spending


    Funding for departmental site security, IT infrastructure, furniture, fixtures and other costs for HQ

    Oversight of Homeland Security spending

    Construction, repairs and equipment for ports of entry to the U.S.

    Purchase and deployment of non-intrusive inspection systems for Customs and Border Protection

    Tactical communications equipment for Customs and Border Protection

    Border security fencing and technology

    Immigrations and Customs Enforcement information-sharing technology

    Explosive detection systems for airports

    Funding for Coast Guard acquisitions and construction, which cannot be used for pre-acquisition surveys or construction of a new polar icebreaker

    Repairing and removing bridges hazardous to marine navigation

    Grants for security upgrades to mass transit

    Grants for security upgrades to ports

    Competitive grants to upgrade state and local fire stations

    Extra emergency food and shelter funding for homeless


    Deferred maintenance on federal lands

    Priority road, bridge and trail repairs

    Wildland fire management

    Wildlife refuge and fish hatchery construction, deferred maintenance, road maintenance and energy efficient visitors centers

    National Park Service deferred maintenance

    Preservation grants for historically black colleges and universities

    Repairing facilities and equipment for USGS' seismic, volcano, monitoring and stream gages

    Repair of schools, detention centers, roads, bridges, housing, irrigation and dams on Indian reservations

    Indian guaranteed loans

    Interior spending oversight

    Cleanup of hazardous and toxic waste sites

    Cleanup of petroleum leaks from underground storage tanks

    Loans for communities to upgrade wastewater treatment systems and drinking water infrastructure

    Environmental Protection Agency spending oversight

    Renovation of forest roads, bridges and trails, remediation of abandoned mines, removal of barriers to fish and other critical habitat

    Fire hazard reduction on federal and state lands

    Indian Health Facilities construction, maintenance and equipment

    Indian Health Facilities sanitation construction

    Indian Health Services IT development and deployment

    Smithsonian Institution

    Grants to fund arts projects in non-profit sector


    Grants to states for adult employment and training activities

    Grants to states for youth training, including summer jobs

    Grants to states for dislocated worker employment and training activities

    Grants to states with highest unemployment numbers for employment and training

    Funds to national reserve assistance for dislocated workers

    Training high-risk youth in construction job skills

    Community service program for low-income over-55s

    Funding for states' unemployment insurance and employment service agencies

    Extra funds for department to manage enforcement of labor laws

    Office of Job Corps construction and modernization of residential facilities for at-risk youth

    Department of Labor spending oversight

    Renovation and health IT purchases for community health centers

    Training of nurses, primary care physicians, dentists to practice in underserved communities in the National Health Service Corps

    National Institutes of Health biomedical research

    NIH buildings and facilities repairs and renovations

    Funding for research comparing effectiveness of treatments funded by Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP

    Grants to states for childcare services for low-income working parents

    "Head Start" programs for low-income preschoolers

    "Early Head Start" programs for low-income infants

    Grants for community employment, food, housing and healthcare projects

    Grants to faith-based and community organizations

    Grants for elderly nutrition services including Meals on Wheels

    Extra money for Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology

    Funding for community preventative health campaigns, vaccination programs, healthcare-associated infection reduction strategies

    Funding to improve IT security at the Department of Health and Human Services

    Oversight of Department of Health and Human Services spending

    Funding for 'Title I' education programs for disadvantaged children.

    Construction funding for school districts without a local property-tax base.

    Funding for school computer and science laboratories and technology training for teachers.

    Funding for services to homeless children including meals and transportation.

    Grants for states to address teacher shortages

    Grants for special education programs

    Grants to states for vocational rehabilitation for disabled people

    Grants to states for independent living centers and services for elderly blind people

    Increase in Pell Grant to $5,350 in 2009 and to $5,550 in 2010, and other increases to student aid

    Money to increase size of colleges' student aid funds

    Money for colleges' work-study programs

    Grants for teacher training and professional development

    Funding for grants for states to create systems tracking individual student data

    Department of Education spending oversight

    Extra money for AmeriCorps volunteer programs

    Extra money for National Service Trust volunteer programs

    Corporation for National and Community Service spending oversight

    Construction of new National Computer Center for Social Security Administration

    Extra money for Social Security Administration to process disability and retirement claim backlogs

    Oversight of SSA spending


    Oversight of economic recovery package


    Army child development centers

    Army "warrior transition complexes"

    Navy and Marine Corps troop housing

    Navy and Marine Corps child development centers

    Navy and Marine Corps energy conservation and alternative energy projects

    Air Force troop housing

    Air Force child development centers

    Defense hospital construction

    Defense energy conservation investments

    Army National Guard construction

    Air National Guard construction

    Army family housing construction and repairs

    Air Force family housing construction

    Programs for military homeowners facing mortgage problems

    Improvements to Veterans Affairs benefits administration, IT and claims processing

    Renovations and energy efficiency improvements to veterans medical facilities

    Grants for construction of state extended care facilities for veterans

    National Cemetery renovations and repairs

    Oversight of VA and military spending


    Passport and training funding for State Department

    Creation of information management backup facility for State Department, funding for participation in cybersecurity program

    State Department spending oversight

    Repair and rehabilitation of flood control levees on Rio Grande, with remainder of money for IT investments at U.S. Agency for International Development


    Grants for airport improvements

    Upgrades to Federal Aviation Administration power systems, air traffic control centers and towers and airport lighting, navigation and landing equipment

    Grants for highway improvements

    Grants to Amtrak

    Grants for capital investments in designated high-speed rail corridors

    Public transit improvements and infrastructure investments

    Grants for investments and improvements to small domestic shipyards

    Department of Transportation spending oversight

    Repairs and modernization of public housing projects

    Grants to rehabilitate and improve energy efficiency on Native American housing programs

    Grants for community and economic development projects

    Grants for short-term help with rent and housing relocation for homeless families

    Energy efficiency retrogrades to low-income housing, including new insulation, windows and furnaces

    Funds for communities to buy and rehabilitate foreclosed and vacant properties

    Funds for building and rehabilitating low-income housing using green technology

    Grants for removing lead-based paint in low-income housing

    Department of Housing and Urban Development spending oversight

    Increase in government-sponsored mortgage provider conforming loan limits


    Aid to states to balance education budgets, prevent cutbacks and modernize schools

    Aid to states in form of bonus grants for meeting key performance measures in education

    Aid to states for public safety and critical services


    Tax breaks for low-income housing investors




    $400 payroll tax credit for workers earning up to $75,000; married couples filing jointly get $800 for income up to $150,000

    Increase in earned income tax credit for working families with more than three children

    Increased eligibility for refundable child tax credit, with all income over $3000 qualifying

    Tax credit of up to $2500 for tuition and college expenses

    Computers and computer technology will qualify for inclusion in tax-advantaged savings plans

    A tax credit for first-time homebuyers increases from $7500 to $8000, and will not have to be repaid

    Taxpayers earning less than $125,000 can deduct sales and excise taxes paid on new cars

    $2400 of unemployment benefits will not be subject to federal income tax

    Middle-income taxpayers get an exemption from the alternative minimum tax of $46,700 for an individual and $70,950 for a married couple


    Businesses will be able to more quickly deduct the cost of investments in plant and equipment from their taxable income

    Businesses will be allowed to recover alternative minimum tax and research and development credits faster

    Small businesses will be allowed to write-off up to $250,000 of capital expenditures in the year of acquisition

    Unprofitable small businesses with annual receipts of less than $15 million can recoup taxes paid in the past five years, up from two

    Companies will be allowed to defer taxes for five years on several transactions aimed at restructuring balance sheets, and repay the taxes over the following five years

    Businesses will be able to claim a tax credit for 40% of the first $6000 of wages paid to unemployed veterans or 16-25-year-olds hired

    Small businesses will be able to exclude 75% of the gain from the sale of some stock held more than five years

    Taxable corporations converting into S corporations will have a 7-year holding period for assets subject to built-in gains tax, from 10 years

    Restoring tougher rules on taxpayers claiming losses incurred by a company before they bought it is projected to raise money

    Some companies restructuring may not be subject to those tougher rules


    Manufacturing facilities producing "intangible property" such as patents can qualify for industrial development bonds

    Facilities making advanced energy property may be able to claim a new 30% investment tax credit


    $10 billion "new markets tax credits" will be available for 2008 and 2009

    $25 billion of bonds for investment in economic recovery zones will be created

    Tribal governments will have fewer requirements on their ability to issue tax-exempt bonds


    High-speed rail facilities for trains capable of going at 150 miles per hour will qualify for facility bonds

    Rules affecting state and local government bonds will be changed to improve marketability

    A 3% withholding on payments to government contractors will be delayed for one year

    $22 billion in new tax credit bonds for construction or repair of public schools

    $2.8 billion of bonds for schools working with businesses

    35% credit to bondholders for infrastructure bonds, 35% refundable credit to issuers of bonds


    Extending by three years the placed-in-service date for renewable energy investments

    Investment credits in lieu of production credits for renewable energy purchases

    Removal of cap on tax credits for purchase of small wind systems

    $1.6 billion extra allocation of clean energy bonds

    $2.4 billion extra qualified energy conservation bonds

    30% cap on tax credit for energy efficiency purchases by homeowners, up to $1500 per residence

    Credit for purchase of residential solar, geothermal, wind and fuel cells

    50% tax credit for purchase of alternative refueling stations

    Tax credit for plug-in electric vehicle conversion

    Equalization of parking and transit tax-free employer benefits at $230 for 2009


    Grants to states for low-income housing projects in lieu of credits

    Grants to states for energy projects in lieu of credits

    Customs and Border Protection will not demand that U.S. lumber, steel and other companies repay money they were given from Canadian and Mexican import duties


    One-time payment of $250 for retirees, disabled people, SSI recipients, railroad retirees and disabled veterans

    One-time refundable tax credit of $250 for some government retirees not eligible for social security benefits




    Two-year extension of program providing income support and training benefits for workers who lose their jobs because of outsourcing overseas

    Extension of jobless benefits for up to 33 weeks

    Increase in weekly unemployment benefits by $25

    Grants for states modernizing unemployment compensation coverage among low-wage, part-time and other workers

    Waiver on interest payments and accrual in interest on loans held by state unemployment trust funds

    Extension of unemployment compensation by 13 weeks for railroad workers

    Aid to states to administer extended benefits

    Aid to states for temporary assistance to needy families payments (TANF)

    Extra aid to states with high population group or increased poverty for TANF payments

    Extra funding for child support enforcement

    Costs of providing health coverage help to workers laid off because of outsourcing overseas


    65% subsidy for laid-off workers to continue paying premiums for former employer's health plan for nine months


    Incentive payments to hospitals and physicians who computerize medical-records systems


    Federal aid to states for Medicaid spending





    Sources: House Committee on Rules, Joint Committee on Taxation, Congressional Budget Office
  • Michael R.
    ^that was a well layed out table before I sent it but I think everyone can get figure it out.
  • davidwwalters
    Michael R. (95)
    <<David, is that the entire bill that is coming out of Conference?  Is there anything more?  I am trying to use my "god given brain here" and the math doesn't add up to 790 billion dollars.  Where and what is the rest?>>       

    .....-it's in Millions of dollars Michael.    So when it says:  "Costs of providing health coverage help to workers laid off because of outsourcing overseas.......... $457"....it means $457Million.
    -(97), you stated:  <<This is wholey a Democratic Bill and the Democrats will be held accountable for the repercutions.>> -This seems like all the Republican congressional delegation learned from the vote to allow the President to invade Iraq. (Make sure you're name isn't in the "yea" column in case things go bad).  What a way to govern.  It(the stimulous)........may not work totally.  But it will allow employment and relief to the American people that are suffering from the mismanagement of the previous administration.
    Bud Mullins (98).......                                                                                                                   <<Dittos Michael.  David, it's amazing how different you can see things from this side of the fence...  Try it sometimes!>> -i did.....remember i was a republican once, serving proudly to protect the rights of Americans (......and American investments).
  • Michael R.
    <<David, is that the entire bill that is coming out of Conference?  Is there anything more?  I am trying to use my "god given brain here" and the math doesn't add up to 790 billion dollars.  Where and what is the rest?>>       
    .....-it's in Millions of dollars Michael.    So when it says:  "Costs of providing health coverage help to workers laid off because of outsourcing overseas.......... $457"....it means $457Million.

    And when you list out programs that added up to 58.5 billion from a 790 billion dollar spending package, I ask again, wheres the rest.  My list was the macro funding list and added up exactly to $787,241 million dollars or 787 billion.  See the difference?

    And to your next line that shows you don't understand Congress at all, Republicans offered a plan that was approx half this amount that cut out most if not all of the "bridge to nowhere" spending.  Any legislation for the sake of "just doing something" is always a recipe for bad legislation and the right side of the isle understands that.

    "i was a republican once, serving proudly to protect the rights of Americans"
    You were a Republican, I am a Registered Democrat and I am saying "my party" just made a huge mistake.
  • Bud Mullins
    I was a Democrat and then a Republican and now I guess I am a Socialist!

    Can someone answer two questions for me?

    1.  Where do I go to get my check?
    2.  Who do I see to get my house, or my mortgage paid?

    It's been far too long now and now I'm getting a little scared this thing might not work.  Could it be that we ALL are not going to get our mortgages paid?  Could it be that this was directed at the people WHO are already getting their checks and the rent free?  WOW!  I just can't figure this thing out.

    I'm mad now!  We were suppose to get this stuff done as soon as BHO was in the white house.  Well, WHERE IS IT?  Now I'm hearing it was all a hoax...
  • davidwwalters
    -it's law now (the stim package).  Some people will get checks, others won't.  I sure hope you guys get what you've earned.  I feel you are getting the short end of it......I sense a lot of anger. 
    Me?  I get 2 checks(from our uncle) each month, and yes i earned 'em.  I just bought a used car (hybrid), to help stimulate the economy.  It's the best i could do with what i have.
    And not to belabor the point just for a cheap shot, but most Americans know who was asleep at the wheel for these past 8 years.  My hope is that Bush Jr. didn't F**K it up past the point of no return.  Obama sure has his work cut out for him.....
  • Bud Mullins
    "The Proposal" - IT ALL ADDS UP! When a company falls on difficult times, one of the things that seems to happen is they reduce their staff and workers. The remaining workers must find ways to continue to do a good job or risk that their job would be eliminated as well. Wall street, and the media normally congratulate the CEO for making this type of "tough decision", and his board of directors gives him a big bonus. Our government should not be immune from similar risks. Therefore: Reduce the House of Representatives from the current 435 members to 218 members. Reduce Senate members from 100 to 50 (one per State). Then, reduce their staff by 25%. Accomplish this over the next 8 years (two steps/two elections) and of course this would require some redistr icting. Some Yearly Monetary Gains Include: $44,108,400 for elimination of base pay for congress. (267 members X $165,200 pay/member/ yr.) $97,175,000 for elimination of their staff. (estimate $1.3 Million in staff per each member of the House, and $3 Million in staff per each member of the Senate every year) $240,294 for the reduction in remaining staff by 25%. $7,500, 000,000 reduction in pork barrel ear-marks each year. (those members whose jobs are gone. Current estimates for total government pork earmarks are at $15 Billion/yr) The remaining representatives would need to work smarter and improve efficiencies. It might even be in their best interests to work together for the good of our country! We may also expect that smaller committees might lead to a more efficient resolution of issues as well. It might even be easier to keep track of what your representative is doing. Congress has more tools available to do their jobs than it had back in 1911 when the current number of representatives was established. (telephone, computers, cell phones to name a few) Note: Congress did not hesitate to head home when it was a holiday, when the nation needed a real fix to the economic problems. Also, we have 3 senators that < /SPAN>have not been doing their jobs for the past 18+ months (on the campaign trail) and still they all have been accepting full pay. These facts alone support a reduction in senators & congress. Summary of opportunity: $ 44,108,400 reduction of congress members. $282,100, 000 for elimination of the reduced house member staff. $150,000,000 for elimination of reduced senate member staff. $59,675,000 for 25% reduction of staff for remaining house members. $37,500,000 for 25% reduction of staff for remaining senate members. $7,500,000,000 reduction in pork added to bills by the reduction of congress members. $8,073,383,400 per year, estimated total savings. (that's 8-BILLION just to start!) Big business does these types of cuts all the time. If Congresspersons were required to serve 20, 25 or 30 years (like everyone else) in order to collect retirement benefits, tax payers could save a bundle. Now they get full retirement after serving only ONE term.
  • DS

    I love the idea!  Of course we know it will never happen since they would have to actually work for a living like we do.  I would like to see term limits myself.  Rhar way there wouldn't be any lifetime politicians!
  • davidwwalters
    Bud Mullins(105)........
    actually not such a bad idea to cut some real money outta our bloated budget(.......which is part of our economic woes).  But it would take an amendment to our constitution to get these kind of cuts.  Not likely.
    I can also come up with a good savings  that would save BILLIONS, yet due to the power of lobbyist from K Street, it too would be a non-starter.............
    -We could cut the Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier program and save far more than $8 Billion...........$3.1 Billion are slated for this in just the 2009 budget.
    It's not like we don't have any aircraft carriers that are far better than any other nations, or that we have enough of them (11 or 12)-far more than any other nation.  So we are still quite capable of projecting our military might globally for now and in the future.  We still use lots of old equipment, like the B-52 and C-130...........both began in the 1950's.
    Yet i never hear conservatives talk of making judicious budget cuts in this area, even though we can't afford these systems and they save LOTS of money.  There are lots of weapons systems that are unnecessary or could be delayed for a few years that could save hundreds of billions of dollars.  But the special interests of defense contractors won't allow this to even be discussed.
  • DS
    But those projects are providing jobs to people who need them.  That wouldn't be a nice, socialist thing to do now would it?  ;-}
  • Bud Mullins
    David, there is always a glitch to any projected plan of stopping spending by government in this country.  Or, any country as far as that matters.  You say if we unemployee some of the big guys in Washington that would be cutting jobs.  Well, how about stopping the aircraft carrier program?  How many jobs would that do away with?  What about the trickled down effect that would have on work forces through out our nation.  I would rather build them and park them than to even think of cutting that program.  There is just no way to trim this thing unless you put someone on the street.  I rather it be some of the Washington big wigs!

    So, really your suggestion makes about as much sense as mine I guess...
  • davidwwalters
    -my suggestion(to stop building really expensive aircraft carriers, when we have some really good old aircraft carriers), was intended to illustrate the socialistic nature of our nation.  The military industrial complex funnels money of the tax payers to the arms manufacturers and the good men&women who work for said arms companies.  It can be a good thing for oh so many local economies.  I come from an "Army" town, it's economy is and always has been(since WW2)tied to the federal dollars tied to funding Ft. Bragg.  After my dad retired from 21 years of military service....he brought home a good retirement check in addition to his civil service job @  Ft. Bragg.  The classic "double dipper", he bought many new automobiles, a nice home.......all contributing to the local and national economy. 
    Bud, you came so close to the nature of the real problem which IS in Washington.  We could go through the the complicated process of amending the constitution, or you can simply outlaw legal bribery.  Paid lobbyist of every stripe operate a form of legal bribery.  Pay to play is not isolated to instances in Illinois......is is ripe in D.C.  Votes for programs are paid for in many ways.....i will not insult your intelligence by listing them, you know what i'm talking of.
    Government waste comes in many forms. It can be called defense spending, pork or economic stimulus, that is simply semantics.  I am proud of our nation's military power....i have always been a part of it(i was born in Ft. Bragg).  I saw the U.S.S. Iowa zero her 16" guns on Vieques Island when she was recommissioned back in the 80's-awsome!  But there comes a time when we have to be cognizant of the waste in military spending.  I have 1st hand experience with weapons systems soldiers neither wanted nor needed yet were fielded because it was useful to the local economy of some congressman. Remember, it wasn't some wide-eyed liberal/commie who coined the phrase "military-industrial complex".
  • Bud Mullins
    David, you hit a very important nail right on the head when talking about economy waste.  "Wasteful spending in and for the military."  For every legitmate dollar spent, there is about a bizillion wasted.  I had a list one of my nephews gave me one time.  He worked in a ship yard in Virginia.  They drydocked and repaired Navy ships.  Not only did the list contain the cost of large objects such as repacement parts of all kinds but the bolts, nuts and washers to attach those items were listed and included in the itemized list of costs.  Even wrenches and screw drivers was listed to attach the bolts, nuts and screws.

    If my mind serves me correctly, a toilet lid was something like $800.00.  Some of the bolts were $40.00, nuts were like $25.00 and washers $12.00, these were not large fasteners also.  If I went to a hardware store and bought the same fasteners, they would probably cost a buck or a buck and some change for a complete bolt, nut and washer.  Someone in Washington must be aware of all this huh?

    Also, I have a friend that works on overhauling the old B-52s and he told me one time that his entire crew was just showing up for work and cleaning the floor, goofing off where ever they could because of a work stopage in his department.  The work stopage was caused by a lack of a cable that they used in the B-52s.  Crazy part of that was that they actually had the cable (to a tune of about $16,000,000.00) but did not have the paperwork on it.  Somewhere in the system the paperwork got lost.  More cable was on order, they were waiting for it to come in so they could resume work while the same cable lay close by.  He also said the old cable would probably end up in the scrap pile and be scraped.

    These illustrations don't even scratch the surface of waste in the military spending.  Before I retired, I had a building and remodeling company in Oklahoma.  A sub contractor that sometimes contracted from me asked why I did not contract for the military.  He said he had been in with something called "Quick Repair" or "Emergency Repair" contractors or something to that nature.  Anyway one illustration he gave me was that his company replaced one floor tile in the base commissary at a tune of $1,300.00.  A job my company could have done for about $150.00.

    Any way, government money seems to have no value when it comes to Greed!  Everyone does or wants to rip the government off and the dumb ass politicians wont do anything about it.
  • JackieM
    Bud, i agree with you.  however, instead of cleaning this mess up both sides have ignored it.  true republicans would try to cut waste and that is what we need in washinton for a change.  if obama is the savior as some believe (certainly not me), we would already be seeing big strides towards fixing this problem.  however, as we can see obama is a liar!  his first days in office proved this by him repealing the executive order banning sending money overseas to pay for abortions in other countries.  wasting money is what he is all about!
  • davidwwalters
    <<Everyone does or wants to rip the government off and the dumb ass politicians wont do anything about it.>>-Bud
    .......and it's not a Republican or Democrat thing, it's a Republican and Democrat thing.  The problem is Lobbys, and i can't see either one doing much to really solve the problem since money(..............contributions to the campaign for re election)       -greases the system.
    In the sense that taxpayer money IS being wasted, it seems as if we have to live with this(and that sucks!).  Both parties use stories of  waste to further their own particular brand of remedy.  My idea is that we have tried the "tax cut for the investment class remedy", didn't seem to and it is time for something else.  JackieM calls the "give the unemployed a paycheck for public works projects" a black hole.  Maybe it is, but in the end, the people who had jobs and are willing to work don't care weather their paycheck ultimatly comes from a congressionally mandated project (pork) or from an investment from the private sector (which doesn't exist any more).  America needs solutions that leads to money being circulated into an economy that is shrinking due to lack of investments.  How do we accomplish this?  It would be best if those shipyard workers and the people whos jobs depend on the economic stimulus created by that workers paycheck(and his bosses profit margin) get more of the mandated money and less for the company that bills the government for overpriced nuts&bolts.  This in my mind is stimulus.
  • DS
    While we're talking about waste and misuse of taxpayers dollars, let's not forget about all of the money that is being wasted on social programs that don't work!  We have poured enough money into schools and the quality of education hasn't improved an iota!  Why?  A big reason is that the money isn't being used for the purpose it was given.  Greed and fraud is ocurring in all of those programs.  Democrats like to play the greed card on corporate America, but they refuse to acknowledge the same for all of their spending programs!  Why can't they be honest and crack down on them as well?  Haven't we seen enough Demcorats being investigated for fraud to prove this?  Obama campaigned on cleaning up Washington ethics, but has done NOTHING but hire more crooks.  I actually wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope for the best, but it is becoming more obvious everyday that all he is going to do is to reward his extreme left wing supporters which is going to ruin our country.  I am now VERY leary of everyhting he does, and will do whatever I can to stop him from implementing socialistic polices which aren't what this nation needs to flourish again.
  • DS
    This is absolutely absurd, and is another reason why we ALL need to be very critical of Mr. Obama.  Could he actually be THE antichrist, or AN antichrist?  This is scary stuff!!  Time will tell....

    Poll: Obama More Popular Than Jesus, Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Michael R.
    This administration can only be defined as Amateur Hour!  No one believes in the government anymore, be it Bush or Obama.  I believe in DS, I believe in Bud, I even believe in David's ability to meet their own responsibilities and not relying on those who are responsible to carry the water for those who are not.  Too many people are asking why am I paying my bills, my mortgage now.  Too many people are asking why am I going to write a check to the IRS this year if that money is just going to go into what is proving to be failed policies of, not just Obama, but the government year after year. 

    We have all been let down.  I am not just mad at the politicians, I am mad at the people who put them there, myself included.  I worked hard to put in place politicians who are just as guilty as the current President in matters of failed liberal idealism.  We are all willing participants in a shell game that is destroying our country on every level, from health care to welfare, from housing to border security.  We are taking from the hardworking like each of us, and giving to the non working at such an alarming rate that it is disensintivising everyone who contributed. 

    It is time we stand up, speak out, and stop this.  Another spending bill is in the works now.  Talks of another stimulus plan is already being considered.  Global negotiations of a joint stimulus has been proposed. 
    We need leadership now, not campaigning!  We need responsibility, not bailout after bailout.  No one here can tell me that it hasn't crossed their minds to stop paying for a month or two on their mortgage in order to qualify for some of this "stimulus" because I sure have (and I am in the business).

    CNBC is getting it right.
  • Michael R
    US. Led Coalition kills 13 Civilians in Afghanistan.

    Has anyone asked what the exit strategy is in this war?  17,000 troops, there should be Congressional hearings demanding this so has anyone heard of one?  I heard that troop levels would have to be kept elevated for up to 4 more years, should we not be demanding to bring them home now?  I am so confused when we have one administration leaving and another coming in what I am supposed to be protesting now.  Enquiring minds want to know.
  • DS

    It is obvious that Obama said ONLY what he had to say in order to get elected!  He has already backtracked on a lot of his promises, and continues to make mistake after mistake.  He has VERY poor judgement and decision making abilities.  He signed the executive order to close Gitmo, and today they are saying that Gitmo passes all of the U.N. and Geneva Convention requirements.  It seems to me that Obama probably knows that he screwed up and is going to backtrack on this one too!  I have NEVER seen a more inept administration and congress than what we have now.  I'm sure there will be more spending packages in the future, and MOST of it non-stimulative.  I feel so bad for my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren that I don't even have yet.  They are getting stuck with the bill, and have had no say in it at all.  These politicians are as IMMORAL as you can get, and God will judge our nation for it!!  Come quickly Lord Jesus!!!!
  • Bud Mullins
    David - 112

    .......and it's not a Republican or Democrat thing, it's a Republican and Democrat thing.  The problem is Lobbys, and i can't see either one doing much to really solve the problem since money(..............contributions to the campaign for re election)       -greases the system.
    In the sense that taxpayer money IS being wasted, it seems as if we have to live with this(and that sucks!).  Both parties use stories of  waste to further their own particular brand of remedy.  My idea is that we have tried the "tax cut for the investment class remedy", didn't seem to and it is time for something else.  JackieM calls the "give the unemployed a paycheck for public works projects" a black hole.  Maybe it is, but in the end, the people who had jobs and are willing to work don't care weather their paycheck ultimatly comes from a congressionally mandated project (pork) or from an investment from the private sector (which doesn't exist any more).  America needs solutions that leads to money being circulated into an economy that is shrinking due to lack of investments.  How do we accomplish this?  It would be best if those shipyard workers and the people whos jobs depend on the economic stimulus created by that workers paycheck(and his bosses profit margin) get more of the mandated money and less for the company that bills the government for overpriced nuts&bolts.  This in my mind is stimulus.

    What a mouth full.  This is right on target.  I do feel like the only way we can stimulate the economy is to create jobs, period!  If people are working, no matter how small the scale, they pay taxes and spend that money.  GIVING MORE MONEY TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER WORKED IS INSANE.  90 percent of the Billions donated to Greed and the Special Interest does nothing what-so-ever to create jobs!

    My very own wife and daughter used to laugh at me when I would pick something up in a department store and lay it back down because it was made in China or some other foreign country.  They are not laughing now that everything you can find in these large chain stores is foreign made.  How have we let this get this far?  Why do we continue to buy this crap?  SOMEBODY HELP ME!

    We continue to buy and continue to moan and groan about the economy going bad.  MANUFACTURING jobs are stationary jobs and those are the ones we have lost.  WE THE PEOPLE are guilty.  Buying boat load after boat load of this stuff is exactly why our economy is as F - - K E D up as it is today!  (Please excuse my language, I am mad as hell!)
  • davidwwalters
    <<We are all willing participants in a shell game that is destroying our country on every level, from health care to welfare, from housing to border security.  We are taking from the hardworking like each of us, and giving to the non working at such an alarming rate that it is disensintivising everyone who contributed.>>
    -you know, i agree with the premise of being "willing participants in a shell game...."
    Except (as you'd expect from me) that you forgot about the mortgage brokers, investment bankers and all the traders on stock markets everywhere .......and their crucial role in the bubble that just popped.   Easy money for these guys, with no regard for our nations economy.  Rick Santelli is among the guilty crowd and he has the gall to call Anyone a loser!  He is just another jaded con artist.
    In (116) you seem to be calling for a pull out from Afghanistan......are we getting on the same side here?
    The end of American manufacturing is the key to our nation's demise.  I feel we are on a long downward trend as a nation.  The boom cycle of the past decade was nothing more than an accounting trick to create wealth out of thin air.  Where will home prices fall to?
  • DS

    I feel your pain, and I can't say that I totally understand or agree with the "global economy" and "free trade" arguments, but I can see that free trade is probably a good thing for all countries involved including the US.  I hated to see our manufacturing jobs all go overse3as, but we need to ask ourselves why it happened....and be honest enough to face reality!  The reason they left is because we (U.S.) couldn't be competitive in the global economy with our tax penalties and cost structures the way they are!  Why would ANY company want to open shop here when they have to pay so much more in taxes than they do in other countries?  Companies are in business to make profit and to provide returns to shareholders.  And if they can do that better by outsourcing why shouldn't they?   And unions have also killed our manufacturing jobs.  They demand more pay and benefits than similar non-union jobs.  That cuts into profits as well, and makes our companies less competitive than those overseas.  I don't blame the companies.  They have to do what they can to be profitable.  I blame our politicians!  They keep our tax structure the way it is, and give companies the reason to leave.  They also back all of the unions because they get funded by them to remain in power.  It isn't complicated Bud.  It is IMMORAL!!  Cut the tax rates to match Ireland and eliminate unions and you will see THIS country return to be the greatest country in the world again...and see the stock market rise to unprecedented levels again!!  It is a simple concept, and easy to fix.  BUT it won't happenb until we get rid of all of the greedy and immoral politicians in Washington and in our state governments as well.  That's why I think we ALL need to push term limits for ALL politicians, nationally as well as locally.  If any of your states ever get it on a ballot, make sure that you vote for it!  And maybe there is someone, somewhere who can start this revolution and recapture our country again!
  • davidwwalters
    DS (120)
    Companies are in business to make profit and to provide returns to shareholders.  And if they can do that better by outsourcing why shouldn't they?
    -Perhaps the zeal to make a profit and provide a return to shareholders is not in the national interest.  During WW2, it would have been profitable for a business to do business with Nazi Germany (yet we know know many did, like IBM, and George H.W. Bush's dad, Prescott Bush), yet it wasn't in the national interest to do so.
    I see a nation that exists solely to facilitate the profit-making interests of corporations and the profit of Wall Street speculators, while the will of the people are brushed aside.
    I never thought NAFTA was a good idea.  As soon as it became law, what little manufacturing that was in North Carolina vanished.  Textiles and furniture manufacturing outsourced since then.  Yes, some people did make money off of outsourcing but the well being of the people who live and work here has not been served by this act or any other global economic initiative.  Maybe it is time to revisit the idea of a global economy.  What if we did default on our loans to China?  Our nation has something very few other nations enjoy.  We should use our own assets to provide for the welfare of all citizens of our nation, and not just to provide greater profits for corporations and their shareholders.
  • Michael
    "you know, i agree with the premise of being "willing participants in a shell game...."
    Except (as you'd expect from me) that you forgot about the mortgage brokers, investment bankers and all the traders on stock markets everywhere .......and their crucial role in the bubble that just popped.   Easy money for these guys, with no regard for our nations economy.  Rick Santelli is among the guilty crowd and he has the gall to call
    Anyone a loser!  He is just another jaded con artist."

    Everyone was a willing participant.  Everyone took advantage of the naive policies enacted by the government to promote homeownership and the did what they were supposed to do, and then came the inevitable unintended consequences.  The same thing will happen now.  People will take advantage of the new set of naive policies and again will come the unintended consequences.  This is what happens when the government puts in place policies that special interest groups lobby for that affects a marketplace in one sector yet has a ripple effect in all others.
    As I mentioned above, I am in this business.  My wife is in this business.  I will be able to take advantage of many of Obama's policies and it will put us back into the same predicament as before, with another needed fix 5 years out (and perhaps many more smaller fixes sooner).  Eventually we have to let "loosers" fail and "winners" win which is an economic term when describing ecomomic systems that pick "winners and loosers".  The market allows for them to pick themeselves as it allows for success as well as failure.  The propping up of failure is a darwinistic way that allows for failing market segments to do what they should do...fail. 

    Is that out of the realm of reasonability?
  • Bud Mullins
    David (119).....

    The end of American manufacturing is the key to our nation's demise.  I feel we are on a long downward trend as a nation.  The boom cycle of the past decade was nothing more than an accounting trick to create wealth out of thin air.  Where will home prices fall to?

    David (121)...

    while the will of the people are brushed aside.
    I never thought NAFTA was a good idea.  As soon as it became law, what little manufacturing that was in North Carolina vanished.  Textiles and furniture manufacturing outsourced since then.  Yes, some people did make money off of outsourcing but the well being of the people who live and work here has not been served by this act or any other global economic initiative.  Maybe it is time to revisit the idea of a global economy.  What if we did default on our loans to China?  Our nation has something very few other nations enjoy.  We should use our own assets to provide for the welfare of all citizens of our nation, and not just to provide greater profits for corporations and their shareholders.

    I read bits and pieces of the real problem all through these posts.  Here is the equation for our failed economy.

    Greedy people (you and I, investors and greedy corporation owners included) + orgaized labor unions (which has turned into partnership with our elected officials in Washington) = Pricy products that people can't afford to buy.  Jobs moving out of our sector.  (USA)  Investors buying from overseas and selling here and still making a bigger profit, and on and on.

    Who's to blame?  The people.  Is it as simple as that?  Yes it is.  We can further complicate it as much as we want to by injecting different levels of intellect as a suggested solution, (such as we are doing here) BUT THE BOTTOM LINE REMAINS: The people has always been in control (or out of control) of this and when it explodes, the people are to blame.  If we are willing to buy the stuff, it will continue to show up.  It will never be manufactured in the US again.  If we stop buying it, someone will make here locally.  If we continue to join unions, stand on picket lines, demanding more money, prices will continue to rise in accordance with profit intake.  WE, THE PEOPLE ARE IN CONTROL IF ENOUGH OF US WANT TO BE!

    First step - STOP buying products with foreign labels on them.  (I too believe very strongly in foreign trade.  But, let's at lease balance it out.)

    Second step - Organized Labor Unions has got to go...  Labor Unions has become a very large part of the problem and not the soloution anymore.  (Labor Unions now pretty much own the politicians in Washington with their money gifts and their voting power.)  THEY HAVE TO GO... 

    Once the people regain control, the people in Washington will again start working for us.  DON"T TRY TO TELL ME IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE, IT IS!  It wouldn't be easy, but it is simple.
  • DS
    Bud and David,
    People won't buy American if they can buy foreign goods cheaper...and that's a fact!  Why is Wal-Mart so successful?  Because they offer everything cheaper than others, and there are a LOT of folks who can't afford to pay more for American made goods.  Government HAS TO lower the corporate tax structure so they can compete with foreign countries.  Otherwise, they will NEVER be able to manufacture goods at the same or nearly the same prices as foreign goods.  Then,a dn ONLY then we might see manufacturing jobs and companies come back to the U.S.  They WANT to be here as we are one of their best customers and they could save even more on shipping costs if they were here.  BUT the tax liabilities are TOO great for them to be able to operate here.  And as Bud and I have also said....GET RID OF THE UNIONS!!!  Their time has come and gone.  These two changes would solve ALL of our problems....permanently!!  STOP trying to band-aid the problem and SOLVE it!!!
  • Michael
    Bud and DS are correct.  Both of you however should read, if you haven't already, the Competitive Advantage of Nations by Michael Porter.  Each nation thrives at producing certain goods and services better than others due to varying factors, labor, taxation, infastructure, natural resources and on and on.  We as Americans need to ask what sort of economy do we want and what are the restraints to getting there.  Bud, you are well on your way to describing some of the things that make us less competitive in manufacturing but we are in jeopardy of loosing our standing as the financial center as well.

    We do need change and that change comes in working backwards from the consumer back to the manufacturer and, once again, identifying those obsticals that stand between a global consumer and a local manufacturer.
  • JackieM
    Bud--your comment:  JackieM calls the "give the unemployed a paycheck for public works projects" a black hole.  Maybe it is, but in the end, the people who had jobs and are willing to work don't care weather their paycheck ultimatly comes from a congressionally mandated project (pork) or from an investment from the private sector (which doesn't exist any more).

    I never specifically said this.  you are incorrect.  you took my words and twisted them around.  i said this bill contains a lot of pork and does very little to help small businesses who employ most of Americans.  i said the "stimulus" is a waste because it doesn't get the most bang for the buck.  that is what we need here.  a small part of the bill is directed to infrastructure but where is the REAL oversight.  we need a stimulus NOW and not in two years as they are predicting.  all of obama's own economists are not on board with this.  there are nonpartisan experts out there that say this "stimulus" will do more harm than good.  they are correct.  the money is being misdirected for the most part.  are you saying you trust the states to make decisions on our money?  there will be more money wasted than it is worth, and our children and grandchildren will pay for this stupity.  a lame attempt (this stimulus) to correct this problem is not the answer.  politicians know the simple solutions to stimulate this economy.  some are willing to take a stand on them but most are not.  the solutions are easy but the system is corrupt.
  • Charles Rayney
    The sad fact of the matter is that Obama, Democrats, and other socialist loonies couldn't care less what the American people have to say.

    This bunch of phonies is absolutely convinced that they speak for Americans.  That is why they make such an effort to censor and silence conservative speech whenever they can - heaven forbid they be contradicted when they are speaking from on high.

    When liberals hold power, they have this great tendency to distance themselves from reality.  It would almost be fun to watch if it weren't ultimately so very dangerous.
  • davidwwalters
    <<When liberals hold power, they have this great tendency to distance themselves from reality.>>
    -Charles Rayney
    My god man, what parallel universe have you been residing in?  In reality we have had 8 years of conservative rule.....uh, look what we got.  Now Obama has to try to fix this Cluster F**k.
    We've tried tax cuts for the wealthy, de-regulation, and wars for no good reason that cost the tax payers $10Billion/month and now the nation is spiraling down in a way that is reminiscent to Herbert Hoover's fiasco.  So now we have to fix it.  You guys had it your way, now it's time to try something a bit different.
    JackieM  (126)
    I never specifically said this.  you are incorrect.  you took my words and twisted them around.  i said this bill contains a lot of pork and does very little to help small businesses who employ most of Americans.
    ackie, i worked for several small surveying firms.  There is NO work out there for these guys.  Hopefully my former bosses can get a contract to perform some of the infrastructure work ("PORK" as you define it......)
    the Stim package mandates.
    Michael (122)
    <<Everyone took advantage of the naive policies enacted by the government to promote homeownership and the did what they were supposed to do, and then came the inevitable unintended consequences.>>
    you just have to keep on with the disinformation.......Most of these toxic loans were re-finances, you know that.  Guys wanted a new pool or a remodeled kitchen.  It was the artificial valuation of the security (home prices), coupled by the way these silly loans were repackaged (securitization) caused the housing bubble to bust.  But you did get the "naive policies enacted by the government" (Gramm-Leach-Biley Act)
    part right! :)
  • Bud Mullins
    Bud (123)

    Greedy people (you and I, investors and greedy corporation owners included) + orgaized labor unions (which has turned into partnership with our elected officials in Washington) = Pricy products that people can't afford to buy.  Jobs moving out of our sector.  (USA)  Investors buying from overseas and selling here and still making a bigger profit, and on and on.

    Unions have got to go, and labor cost reduced along with the taxes of wages and taxes on individual items.  I hate to say this and probably half of the workers in the US would hate to hear it, but we need lots of manufacturing jobs in the US under 15 bucks per hour.  We need to raise the Import taxes to match.  Everyone in this Blog knows that the power is still with the majority of the people.  If enough of the people step up, someone in power will listen.  Always have, always will.
  • davidwwalters
    Bud, who can live on $15/hour?
  • Michael
    "-you just have to keep on with the disinformation.......Most of these toxic loans were re-finances, you know that. "

    You sir have no idea about this business whatsoever, I do know that.  You have made it abundantly clear time and time again.  There are a whole host of types of loans that are being defaulted on.  Most of the defaults came because of resets, not refinance.   That was due to what the particular ARM was set to.  Some were set to the LIBOR that have actually seen a decrease lately so not all were bad, but many were.  Other defaults were due to a feeling of many that they could default at this time and be lost in a sea of defaults without anyone thinking ill of them (same happened after 9/11 with businesses folding.

    As I have mentioned before David, I am in this business, I think I may know a thing or two about what is really happening without having to resort to what you call "disinformation".
  • davidwwalters
    Michael(131), pompously states:
    <<You sir have no idea about this business whatsoever, I do know that.>>

    "Rick Santelli& all his buds are so quick to brand the
    uninitiated as "losers", when in fact neither he nor any of his educated, degree holding buddies said or more importantly did anything to mitigate the problem, except trade more securitized financial instruments (toxic assets now)....."-davidwwalters(40)
    "Republicans surpass democrats on twitter......"
    With all the business degrees the so-called experts hold (including you sir),  did anything about the meltdown of financial institutions except stand there looking to Washington with your collective hands out, screaming in unison..."save us!"

    As I have mentioned before David, I am in this business, I think I may know a thing or two about what is really happening without having to resort to what you call "disinformation".
    -You talk about resets, but not about the artificial OVERVALUATION of the mortgaged properties, as if that had no influence on the situation.  Michael, it was YOU and guys like Rick Santelli who ran like sheep over the precipice talking our nation's economy on a plunge.  Most of us "losers" are intelligent enough to understand that simply assigning an arbitrary value to inflate home values that is NOT grounded in reality.
    It is simply an artificial means of manufacturing wealth, where there really is none.  So take all that knowledge and experience and take a sabbatical....maybe you'll learn something from all this.  Hopefully some humility will come your way my friend.
  • Bud Mullins
    David Walters (130)

    Bud, who can live on $15/hour?

    David, my first warehouse job was at $2.65 per hour!  I had a wife and daughter at the time.  I Paid rent, bought food, paid the utilities, drove a car.  I even took my family to movie occasionally.  Explain that to me please!  Wages had not been inflated, F _ _ K I N G prices of things was not through the roof.  Why did that happen?  Why did prices of everything in America go through the roof?  GREED by you and me, that's why!  Don't hand me that ole "That was way back then" crap.  People demanded more pay, prices of goods went up, people demanded more pay, prices of goods went up, people demanded more pay, prices of goods went up, people demanded more pay, prices of goods went up, people demanded more pay prices of goods went up!  GET THE POINT?  A raise in pay did no good as the price of goods just went up to match it.

    To purchase what I bought for $2.65 back then you would have to spend $26.50 today.  EVERYTHING has to go back down.  It can't survive going up.  The inflation is much too prevalent in the entire world today.  There is no easy way to do it, but it can be done.

    By the way David, people in my area are making a living on 15 bucks an hour.  I don't know where you live, maybe you are one of those auto union workers that has screwed up most of this thing.......
  • JackieM
    I know a single mother who is making $10/hr and making it.  it is hard but she has no skills and refuses to get a certificate or extra training.  in addition, she has no benefits or retirement.
  • Michael R.
    "OVERVALUATION of the mortgaged properties, as if that had no influence on the situation. "
    Valuations are set by the market demand and availability to capital at any given time.  Are you accusing everyone, in every market of fabricating apraisals?  David, I don't think that this particular conversation is a road that you want to go down with me.
  • davidwwalters
    Are you accusing everyone, in every market of fabricating appraisals?
    David, I don't think that this particular conversation is a road that you want to go down with me.
    -So i should be in awe of your professional expertise?  IT WAS EXPERTS LIKE YOU THAT GOT US INTO THIS MESS!
    Maybe this is bullshit......and there's no fraud going on in the housing market.  But from my own experience, i know that if it can go wrong, it will.
    Given the possibility that a killing can be made manipulating the market (.....in this case the housing market)......it seems reasonable to assume that in fact this has happened.  But the example i cite is only one the FBI has uncovered.   Given the fact that Bernie Maddoff was easily able to skirt the SEC for all these years, i would make the assumption that many more case like this have occurred and will continue to occur until we have regulations in place that will make fraud less likely.
    As to my friends who believe that our economic mess is caused by labor unions and workers making more than they should are deluded.  Bud, i once made $1.65/ hour.....yet an automobile cost about $3,000 at that time. 
    Jackie(134) states....
    <<I know a single mother who is making $10/hr and making it.  it is hard but she has no skills and refuses to get a certificate or extra training.  in addition, she has no benefits or retirement.>>
    -Contradicting yourself Jackie.  If she doesn't have any health insurance, she sure as hell ain't gonna make it when she gets sick.
    It seems to me that American workers will have to make far less in wages and benefits to compete in this global market.  The impression i get from the right is that American workers need to have the marketplace determine their wages to compete globally.  So American workers should make drastic cuts so their bosses can have more money for investments?
    That is how our economy should work?
  • JackieM
    David--my point is that people can live off of less, and we have become a very spoiled nation compared to other countries.  we should be willing to work for what we have and not rely on the government to provide it.  those values have been lost in this country.  the government should make policies that enable companies and its workers thrive.  companies who do not make profits need to fail.  keep in mind people have the option to start their own businesses and not work for others!  the person i'm talking about is an idiot and lives on a hope and a prayer every day.  i've tried my best to help her in every way possible.  we even gave her money to show that we are on her side.  yet she refuses to better her life by going back to school, getting more training, moving, etc.  it requires effort.  luckily she has not gotten sick, but i guess it is inevitable.  folks like that should never get government aid of any kind.  the marketplace should work based on competition.  this could be greatly improved in the US if the people in Washington would get off their asses and work on the trade agreements to make them fair.  of course, the lobbyists should be banned!  i am glad to see some manufacturing go overseas, i.e., cotton mills, etc.  i saw firsthand growing up what people in that environment endured.  it was slavery at best, and i don't wish that on anyone.  We will be great again when we have the know-how that others do not, be ahead of the game in product development and technology and creating better quality products than anyone else.  i know there are good American-made vehicles but through the years a lot of them have not been very reliable.  However, the workers and executives of the auto companies were still rewarded for their failures.  that is what we need to stop!  i know so many people who continued to buy American-made cars even though they had to constantly put money into the cars they had just to keep them running.  keep in mind the American-made cars they had fell apart at about four to six years old.  they have blown a lot of money trying to do the right thing.  well a lot of folks don't have the money to flush down the toilet like that.   by the way, i was at a Ford dealership years ago (against my will) and the salesman pointed out a model on the lot and said that if i was looking for a car that would last, i should not buy that one!
  • davidwwalters
    <<David--my point is that people can live off of less, and we have become a very spoiled nation compared to other countries.  we should be willing to work for what we have and not rely on the government to provide it.......>>
    Most countries DO provide health care to their citizens.  And you seem to be saying Americans are somehow lazy!  Wow, i hope i am misreading you on this.
    There are many fellow citizens who are not as capable as you and i with respect to education and the lack of opportunities that they have compared to us.  Minimum wage, single parents have to have government assistance just to be able to afford rent, utilities, child care, and food.  In a sense, this is welfare for the employer, since the government has to assist these people so the employer can profit.  A form of corporate welfare?
    One VALUE that should be promoted in our nation is that honest labor pays a living wage.
    <<.....those values have been lost in this country.  the government should make policies that enable companies and its workers thrive. >>
    -Yet it is policies on the right that enable companies to thrive at the expense of the government and the people.
  • JackieM
    David--if we nationalize healthcare, we will be waiting for six months or more to see a specialist and that is just one issue.  how is that good care?  for example, the vet care is lousy now, and i know from a close friend of mine the major problems for years and years.  they have had go through hell to get the proper care for the marine's wife during her pregancy. the same person has had numerous subsequent operations that have been botched (medical malpractice) only because the government would not allow her to go to better doctors.  substandard care and non-cooperation from the government has been the result.  also, from the documentaries and stories have have come out about healthcare, who in the hell would want it?  you seem to think you can just wave a majic wand and get doctors on the same ship.  the government cannot control everything and everyone.  it will be a mess on so many levels.  a lot of us want to have a say in our own healthcare and not have the government involved.  my friend is a perfect example of what happens to people who have to rely on government healthcare.  she almost died!  i also do not want to pay for those who choose to not work or get better skills to earn a better living or those who have children they can't pay for.  i don't have an open wallet to anyone and everyone.  i have a family to take care of myself.  this subject is ridiculous!  minimum wage folks have choices 99% of the time but choose not to take them.  there are so many services from the government that will help people get on their feet but people love to claim ignorance!  don't get me started on that subject because my blood pressure will rise, and you'll have to visit me in a hospital so we can argue there!  i want flowers and candy!  ha!  the other patients would probably not like the debate!
  • davidwwalters
    <<David--if we nationalize healthcare, we will be waiting for six months or more to see a specialist and that is just one issue>>
    -Why would that be?  Does doing away with insurance companies somehow make doctors and nurses vanish off the face of the planet?  There will still be a specialist there.  It will be no different getting a single payer system to refer a patient as it does for a private insurance company.....it may make it easier for all we know.  So this notion of waiting 6 months is simply a scare tactic brought to us by insurance lobby s(.....a very well paid outfit i have no doubt)
    <<the vet care is lousy now, and i know from a close friend of mine the major problems for years and years. >>
    Vet care is lousy only because of the UNDERFUNDING mandated by our budget cutting republican friends properly, the care will improve.
    <<i also do not want to pay for those who choose to not work or get better skills to earn a better living or those who have children they can't pay for.>>
    doesn't seem so much a choice as it is an inevitability these days Jackie.....and why is this?  We have tried all the magic in the republican bag of tricks like tax cuts for the rich, tax cuts (and the attendant reduction of service as in the VA)........and all the other forms of so-called investment stimulus clamored for by the right, and to what avail?  We need to try a different approach.
  • JackieM
    David--the government always, always is takes longer than necessary to do anything--it is called a bureaucracy.  it is nothing but a big mess.  other countries who have nationalized healthcare have the same problem with taking at least six months to get appts. and that is a big complaint.  if everyone has healthcare, we would need more doctors and nurses.  have you ever lived in a state where doctors are leaving by the numbers because of high malpractice insurance and other reasons?  the government will not allow the doctors and nurses to give patients the care they need in all cases.  there will be too many restrictions placed on them because of $.  so there will be a shortage of medical personnel like this country has never seen.  the system will be worse than the insurance companies we have now.  so if i were to say that underfunding was the only problem vet healthcare has (which it is not), do you think there is an endless amount of money that would be put into the nationalized system?  i don't think so.  David, you can't use obama's plan and expect the economy recover.  i can't believe that you see tax cuts as you do.  you know better.  the government can help in a lot of areas in that regard without interfering with companies being able to earn profits and still give tax cuts to small businesses and working folks.  a tiered-flat tax for all able-bodied citizens and companies with no tax deductions would correct the problem.  tax cuts for businesses have worked, David, but they need to be better managed.  look at the years of prosperity we have had!  give me a break!
  • JackieM
    WASHINGTON -- Administration officials say President Barack Obama is planning to announce that most U.S. troops will be out of Iraq in less than 19 months.
    The plan would leave a interim force of between 30,000 and 50,000 to advise and train Iraqi security forces and to provide intelligence and surveillance. They would have to be out by 2011.

    that is a joke and after all of his rhetoric--troop withdrawals were already planned under the Bush administration in an agreement between us and the Iraqs.  also, it is not within the sixteen-month timeframe obama promised the American people and there will still be forces left.  oh well, who is worried about truth when it comes to his administration anyway?  i guess those that voted for him are just letting everything pass because he is their savior!  that is the only thing i can figure.  if it were me and i had elected someone who has cause so many problems and lied so many times just within the first month of office, i would be upset.  what is honesty at this point i guess.  at least he could have waited a while to start lying.  that is what is so ridiculous about his whole office.  Most Americans have definitely become stupid because they still approve of him when it is evident he is not a leader.  his buddy Pelosi is calling a lot of the shots and that is evident in the bill she wrote.
  • JackieM
    When Bush signed the agreement last fall, i told my husband that if obama was as big of a liar as i believed him to be, he would take credit for it later.  well it happened!  i must be a magician or just understand that 52% of Americans are just dumb or don't care about our country!  boy, there is nothing that he has done to date that i haven't predicted, unfortunately.  i would have liked to have been wrong about this idiot.  we have too much at stake to have this incompetent fool in office making decisions that are destroying our country.  i would like to know why 52% of Americans can't see this????????
  • Bud Mullins
    David, you once made $1.65 per hour, an automobile cost about $3,000.00.  Explain to me how we got from there to here!  Explain to me how much progress has been made by going from $1.65 an hour when you could buy an automobile for $3,000.00 to now when you make $25.00 an hour and an automobile cost $30,000.00.  How in the hell is that progress?
  • Michael
    "Maybe this is bullshit......and there's no fraud going on in the housing market.  But from my own experience, i know that if it can go wrong, it will."

    David, I respect you as a person, you have given me no reason to do otherwise.  I do not however respect you as a professional as you have given me any reason to do so.  There is fraud in everything, there always has been, there always will be.  It was not fraud that got us into the housing issues that we see today.  I could make the case to you now, even knowing all of the consequences, to do the exact same thing that did cause much of the problems that we are now having.

    One such issue is that we have a large segment of our economy who make "unreported" income.  Take a waitress for example or a hair dresser.  Both make the majority of their income "unreported" through tips.  Now if that person came to a mortgage broker and wanted a loan on a 100,000 home yet could only show W2s that represented less than 20% of their actual pay, should they be turned down for the loan?  If you say yes, then you are denying someone who potentially does have the ability to repay that loan.  If you say no, and you make the loan, then you just did a stated income loan that has a default rate that is tremendously higher than a standard mortgage.  Which would you choose to do?

    I can do this same scenerio for almost any type of loan program that many people would say, even today, would be a loan that should be made.  I/O loans make perfect sense for someone moving into an appreciating marketplace (and they still do exist out there) who does not plan on being in the house for very long.  And I could go on and on and once again, many people would say "we should do that."

    I am not on the lending side and I am not on the residential side.  But everything that is being demonized right now, well meaning DEMOCRATS and Republicans lobbied for in Congress and was proposed and passed by both parties as well.  When lending requirements were placed on banks by these new regulations, it opened the door to homeownership to many people who never had a chance before and some of those people defaulted while 95% still pay their mortgages on time. 

    Should we have not allowed for people in the "cash" industries participate in the housing market?  What do you think?  Should we not have tightened enforcement of Redlining and forced banks to make more "Good Neighbor" loans to areas that, on average, had a 6 X default rate?  What do you think?  Well meaning people passing well meaning legislation to meet a well meaning homeownership rate goal pushed the limits and it came back on us.

    That is only half the story however.  While we saw headline after headline saying that "Realestate" is in decline, not all realestate actually was.  Look at the early articles and they show worse case scenerios in California, Florida and Arizona.  Those worse case scenerios were translated by the average person as every scenerio and negatively affected all markets.  After reading any of the stories that state the housing market is tanking and you are about to put in an offer on a home, what will that offer look like?  Low ball.  You would be crazy not to.  Get enough people to put in the low ball offers, one after another and that places downward pressure on pricing.  It is a self fulfilling prophesy.

    Now David, read everything I wrote above and tell me I am wrong.  Fraud happens yes, but it was much more than fraud that put us where we are.
  • Michael
    "Maybe this is bullshit......and there's no fraud going on in the housing market.  But from my own experience, i know that if it can go wrong, it will."

    David, I respect you as a person, you have given me no reason to do otherwise.  I do not however respect you as a professional as you have given me any reason to do so.  There is fraud in everything, there always has been, there always will be.  It was not fraud that got us into the housing issues that we see today.  I could make the case to you now, even knowing all of the consequences, to do the exact same thing that did cause much of the problems that we are now having.

    One such issue is that we have a large segment of our economy who make "unreported" income.  Take a waitress for example or a hair dresser.  Both make the majority of their income "unreported" through tips.  Now if that person came to a mortgage broker and wanted a loan on a 100,000 home yet could only show W2s that represented less than 20% of their actual pay, should they be turned down for the loan?  If you say yes, then you are denying someone who potentially does have the ability to repay that loan.  If you say no, and you make the loan, then you just did a stated income loan that has a default rate that is tremendously higher than a standard mortgage.  Which would you choose to do?

    I can do this same scenerio for almost any type of loan program that many people would say, even today, would be a loan that should be made.  I/O loans make perfect sense for someone moving into an appreciating marketplace (and they still do exist out there) who does not plan on being in the house for very long.  And I could go on and on and once again, many people would say "we should do that."

    I am not on the lending side and I am not on the residential side.  But everything that is being demonized right now, well meaning DEMOCRATS and Republicans lobbied for in Congress and was proposed and passed by both parties as well.  When lending requirements were placed on banks by these new regulations, it opened the door to homeownership to many people who never had a chance before and some of those people defaulted while 95% still pay their mortgages on time. 

    Should we have not allowed for people in the "cash" industries participate in the housing market?  What do you think?  Should we not have tightened enforcement of Redlining and forced banks to make more "Good Neighbor" loans to areas that, on average, had a 6 X default rate?  What do you think?  Well meaning people passing well meaning legislation to meet a well meaning homeownership rate goal pushed the limits and it came back on us.

    That is only half the story however.  While we saw headline after headline saying that "Realestate" is in decline, not all realestate actually was.  Look at the early articles and they show worse case scenerios in California, Florida and Arizona.  Those worse case scenerios were translated by the average person as every scenerio and negatively affected all markets.  After reading any of the stories that state the housing market is tanking and you are about to put in an offer on a home, what will that offer look like?  Low ball.  You would be crazy not to.  Get enough people to put in the low ball offers, one after another and that places downward pressure on pricing.  It is a self fulfilling prophesy.

    Now David, read everything I wrote above and tell me I am wrong.  Fraud happens yes, but it was much more than fraud
  • davidwwalters
    ....it  WAS more than fraud.....it was conflict of interest as well that allowed bad loans to be underwritten by essentially the same firm that issued them.
    And this problem is a direct consequence of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999.
  • davidwwalters
    How many Americans make $25/hour today? 
    <<How in the hell is that progress?>>
    "From 1995-2004, there was tremendous growth among household wealth, as it nearly doubled from $21.9 trillion to $43.6 trillion, but the wealthiest quartile of the economic distribution made up 89% of this growth. [2"

    Though you may not like the source, i urge you to do your own google search.......and it is common knowledge that "the rich keep getting richer, while the poor......"
  • davidwwalters
    ....that is a joke and after all of his rhetoric--troop withdrawals were already planned under the Bush administration in an agreement between us and the Iraqs.  also, it is not within the sixteen-month timeframe obama promised the American people and there will still be forces left.  oh well, who is worried about truth when it comes to his administration anyway?

    Troop withdrawals were FORCED upon Bush by circumstances and politics.
    As i recall, the republican candidate to be Cmd.-in-Chief was confused as to his stand on withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq.  I would like for ALL our sons&daughters to be out of Iraq, the sooner the better.  The truth?
    -it's much harder to fix a screw up than it is to make the mistake.
  • davidwwalters
    other countries who have nationalized healthcare have the same problem with taking at least six months to get appts. and that is a big complaint.
    I have friends&family residing in Germany.....NONE of them would trade health care plans with what we have in the U.S.  And NONE of them wait 6 months for an appointment.
  • JackieM
    David--i won't make a judgment on why the troop withdrawal agreement was put into place.  so obama doesn't need to take the credit!

    As far as healthcare goes, look at the taxes in other countries!  you are trying to ensure working folks have higher taxes and our children and grandchildren will suffer more than we will.  of course, those who don't work don't have to worry about it do they, David?  it is only us working stiffs that will bare the burden, huh?  everyone should pay for their own or not have any! 

    of course, obama is going to raise taxes on small business owners that have gross incomes of 250k.  now you will say boy, if they make that kind of money, they deserve to pay more.  that would not be a fair statement on any level, but democrats are conveniently not disclosing that a lot of small business owners file taxes under sub S corps and they will be screwed under obama.  so any notion that we have to more to keep up others is not going to fly with me.  we are a welfare country and there is no doubt.  as your "leader" said last night, personal responsibility can mean going back to school to gain skills to earn more.  maybe less children will help?  i don't know but entitlements have to stop!
  • davidwwalters
    <<As far as healthcare goes, look at the taxes in other countries!  you are trying to ensure working folks have higher taxes and our children and grandchildren will suffer more than we will. of course, those who don't work don't have to worry about it do they, David?  it is only us working stiffs that will bare the burden, huh?  everyone should pay for their own or not have any! >>-JackieM(159)
    Jackie, the higher taxes we will pay will be MORE than offset by the amount of Premiums we'd pay to an insurance company.......
    Not to mention the burden that would be delivered to the business that provide coverage to their employees.
  • davidwwalters
    << .........obama is going to raise taxes on small business owners that have gross incomes of 250k.>>
    Maybe it would be wise, if your business is that successful, to incorporate, huh?
  • JackieM
    some businesses are not that successful, David, and there are a whole other slew of reasons that they need to be under subS.  i'm not an accountant but know thanks to the tax system, it is not that simple. 

    David--If healthcare is nationalized, which it should not be, EVERYONE should pay the same taxes towards the insurance and if they can't pay the SAME, they don't get it!  i've seen many interviews through the years where people talk about how their country's nationalized healthcare and it was a nightmare.  i for one don't need the government to come in and run my life.  i would rather do that myself.  however, i see that most Americans now are looking for the government to solve all of their problems and be parents to them because they don't understand the principals our parents SHOULD have taught us as kids--be responsible for yourself.  instead it seems that most people would love everyone else to do everything for them so this entitlement system will only get worse because there is no incentive to be independent, and blaming others for one's problems is easier.  government needs to intervene to make drugs and healthcare competitive and get the lobbyists out of Washington, then most of the problems will be solved.  healthcare quality will certainly increase instead of decrease under a government program.  we have become a nation of whiners instead of problem solvers and cry to our government to direct every aspect of our lives!  it is a sad time but it won't break my spirit!  i'm not a wimp!   i'm a winner and not a loser as my dad likes to say!
  • Bud Mullins
    I don't know if the medical industry, (Hospitals, doctors, drug sales, etc.) can get any more inflated.  However, a Nationalized Health Plan would in fact do just that.  Remember when the health insurance (medicare) was passed for the aging?  When hospital beds went from $135.00 per night to $635.00 Per night?  Nothing has changed!  People are still greedy and are going to get everything they can for nothing...

    Total Government Control?  Isn't that communism?  That seems to be the norm though, no matter what the cost as long as the government is paying.  We can make millions and millions.  Now that the government is taking control of the entire money distribution, we are talking about going from Capitalism to Socialism to Communism!  IS THAT WHAT BHO AND THE REST OF THE DEMS WANT?  I say yes!
  • Michael
    And this problem is a direct consequence of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999."

    What types of loans are in default?  Now don't go to some left wing blog to do your research, go to the real sources.  Politics is the reason that we are in this mess.  Catering to segments of the population that could turn in massive votes by way of favorable lending practices while knowing there was a default rate of 6 times higher than the traditional mortgage.

    I know you didn't read everything I wrote above in my lengthy explanation but I recommend you do.  Then tell me I am wrong. Don't come back and embarrass yourself by continuing to say that this was GLB and this problem STARTED in 1999.
  • davidwwalters
    GodBless the free market!

    -I keep hearing "...and blaming others for one's problems is easier." from some.  Yet when i bring up the failures of the unencumbered market system, the common retort is to blame socialism or something like that.
    In a country that is based on rule of law, the ones with the most money are able to get the rules and law bent to suit their needs.  Government works, in cases such as these, to allow even more profits to be made at the expense of the tax payers. 
    When Exxon's tanker spoiled the pristine waters of Alaska 20 years ago due to gross negligence, they hired pricey lawyers to bring the lawful fines they owed America down to make their bottom line more profitable, thereby helping their shareholders at the expense of all the taxpayers.  What kind of message is this sending?  We can solve all our problems by hiring expensive lawyers?
    I guess we should allow companies to produce food that sickens us, chemicals that can kill us and leave it to the magic of the market to protect us.  Regulation?  -Socialist!  Un-American!  We can't depend on the government to solve our problems......you have a choice not to breath, if the chemicals some company dumps into the air (.....as if it were an open sewer)
    happens to make you or your kids sick!
  • JackieM
    David--government should ensure the policies are in place to ensure fair trade, healthy food standards, and many, many more!  that is the government's role.  they should do their job for a change and let the American people handle the rest.  the government's role should help the markets while not hindering them.  the dumbing down of American comes when we don't have to make hard decisions and be innovative any longer because the government will take care of us.
  • Michael
    David, it is almost a futile effort to explain this to you so lets try something different.  You explain it to me.  Lets work backwards and explain to me how a single default on a home loan is traced back to GLB step by step.  Lets see some cause/effect relationships between someone not affording their mortgage on a home and anything in the GLB.  Please explain...and slowly please because this is apparently way over my head as I haven't been able to figure it out at all.

    Here is the direct link to the bill so we can all follow along at home.

    Educate me please Mr. Walters.
  • davidwwalters
    <<-government should ensure the policies are in place to ensure fair trade, healthy food standards, and many, many more!  that is the government's role. >>
    -Well, this is good to hear (that the government has a role......which is exactly what the republican party has been trying to undo.  Undo what?
    David, it is almost a futile effort to explain this to you so lets try something different.  You explain it to me.  Lets work backwards and explain to me how a single default on a home loan is traced back to GLB step by step>>
    So let's take it back to 1999.  yeah, i like this, so let's take it back to it's essentials, Michael.....
    Back to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.  This effort, written by Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas and introduced in the House by Jim Leach, R-Iowa.  On May 6, 1999, the Senate passed the bills by a 54-44 vote along party lines (53 Republicans and one Democrat in favor; 44 Democrats opposed).  It was signed into law by the republican in democrat clothing, President Bill Clinton.
    The impetus for the legislation in 1998 was  when Travelers, a financial services company with everything but a retail/commercial bank, bought out Citibank, creating the largest and the most profitable company in the world. The move was technically illegal and provided impetus for the passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
    Essentially the act was the mechanism which allowed the toxic loans to be underwritten and traded(and the attendant conflict of interest) world wide.  Try as you might, the federal government didn't cause the meltdown by forcing banks to loan to poor people of color.  It was the work of Lobbyist of the investment and banking world which brought us this mess.
  • Michael
    Are you defining toxic loans as subprime loans?  Was this the mechanism that created this?  Did this Bill keep in tact all provisions of the CRA?  How did this Bill create a single default?
  • Michael
    Could you please put in the provisions from the bill so I can follow along and better understand the cause and effect?
  • Michael
    Now I understand, or I think I understand, you are saying that the GLB "act was the mechanism which allowed the toxic loans to be underwritten and traded(and the attendant conflict of interest) world wide"
    It has always been my understanding that  The ability to charge high ratesand fees to borrowers was not possible until the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act (DIDMCA) which was adopted in 1980 and preempted state interest rate caps. Plus the AlternativeMortgage Transaction Parity Act (AMTPA) in 1982 wich permitted the use of variable interest rates and balloon payments.  Am I missing something?

    So you are saying that the Tax Reform Act of 1986, when Congress created the Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (REMIC) to facilitate the issuance of collateralized mortgage obligations had nothing to do with almost all CMOs being issued in the form of REMICs.   And you are saying these REMICs weren't issued with different risk characteristics?  So in exchange for a higher coupon payment this didn't allow them to choose to take on greater credit risk?   Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were not the largest issuers of these securities?

    See, I thought this whole time that the first ABS went back to 1985 but I guess you are saying they didn't start until 1999.  Please help me understand all of this because I am really feeling that everything I know is wrong.  Where did you learn this David, a MSNBC Special Report hosted by Keith Olberman?
  • davidwwalters
    <<Could you please put in the provisions from the bill so I can follow along and better understand the cause and effect?>>
    You're the so-called expert, what with your MBA and all.....it's funny that NONE of you experts saw this coming.  And you now want to blame it on poor people?
    Perhaps it galls you that a rube is able to be the one that says:
    This economic crisis and the role of you "experts" in it reminds me of another "expert".......Gen. William Westmorland.(".....there is a light at the end of the tunnel")  He had no clue either.
    So explain to us all, expert business guy, MBA.....how was this NOT a direct consequence of repealing Glass-Steagall Act of 1933?  Are you trying to sell us that tired bill of goods that claims that minority loans caused this all, and not the de-regulation of the investment banking industry?  I can understand why you guys would want us rubes to believe your crap, but people are beginning to wake up.  To have an investment firm have its own subsidiary underwrite its loans isn't a conflict of interest Michael?
  • Michael
    I guess you are saying it all boils down to Travelers and Citi merging that caused the whole economy to tank.  My neighbor lost his home in forclosure, not because of a reset of his interest rate, but because of underwriting.  Subprimes collapsed at a default rate 6.5 times that of prime loans and forclosed at a rate of 10 times because of the merger? 

    My head hurts after having this conversation but perhaps you could clarify this a bit more for me.  I am having real trouble linking this to....well, anything.
  • Michael
    So explain to us all, expert business guy, MBA.....how was this NOT a direct consequence of repealing Glass-Steagall Act of 1933?

    That is the question I am asking you in response 171 and I believe we spoke about this once before on here.  Look, politics aside for a minute.  When a person walks into a lending institution wanting a loan on a house, their primary concern is nothing but what their monthly payment is and whether or not they can afford it.  Now a couple of things happened simultaneously, one, interest rates on ARM's reset and we saw a tremendous amount of foreclosures at that point.  Two, home prices began to decline in many areas which left people upside down on their homes and unable to unload them for what was owed. 

    It isn't rocket surgery!
  • Bud Mullins
    David (165)

    In a country that is based on rule of law, the ones with the most money are able to get the rules and law bent to suit their needs.  Government works, in cases such as these, to allow even more profits to be made at the expense of the tax payers. 
    When Exxon's tanker spoiled the pristine waters of Alaska 20 years ago due to gross negligence, they hired pricey lawyers to bring the lawful fines they owed America down to make their bottom line more profitable, thereby helping their shareholders at the expense of all the taxpayers.  What kind of message is this sending?  We can solve all our problems by hiring expensive lawyers?

    Now we have the ACLU (Over paid Devil Lawyers) to content with...

    I like reading these posts from both of you because it's obvious you both have done quite a bit of home work on these subjects.  Let's take the mortgage industry.  The percentage of people who make their payments on loans on time is 92 percent.  This leaves 8 percent in default which is too much.  However, if you could go and check each of the defaulted properties and the people living in those homes, your questions of "WHY" would all be answered.  Not only WHY the defaults are prevelent but also why these loand were made in the first place...  Of course if you bring this up in the radical main stream news media, you are prejudice, a racist or both!  These are subjects the media are forbidden to mention.
  • davidwwalters
    Subprimes collapsed at a default rate 6.5 times that of prime loans and forclosed at a rate of 10 times because of the merger?
    -And these sub-prime loans were made into  a commodity......underwritten by the instruments provided for in the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and sold as investments by their investment banking arm.....
    -No conflict of interest here!  I hope this will suit your needs as to why the financial markets found it profitable to make a commodity out of sub-prime loans.
    "To many, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) is most notable for its repeal of the Glass-
    Steagall Act restrictions on commercial bank affiliates’ investment banking activities. Of at least
    equal interest, however, are provisions that widen the entrance for banks into the insurance

    Bud Mullins(174).....<<Not only WHY the defaults are prevelent but also why these loand were made in the first place... >>
    Bud, i know you and many would like to place the blame squarely on the shoulders of  minorities......
    But the reason WHY these loans were made is because a way was found to make a huge profit out of the governments desire to expand home ownership.  If they can, they will.  It was that these companies making the loans found a mechanism provided for in GLBA to bundle these sub-primes, securitize them, and market them.  In addition to this were the fees made off of every loan made.  There was simply to much opportunity for greed.
  • davidwwalters
    I became interested in this last summer when i heard Phill Gramm, acting as John McCain's unofficial economic adviser, make this comment:
    "We have sort of become a nation of whiners. You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline," said the former Texas senator. "You've heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession."
    It was clear to me that this man was out of touch with the realities of life for everyday people, and also, he was in a huge state of denial.  So i began to study this man.....
    I am no expert like Michael, but i can read, and come to a conclusion based on facts.
  • Bud Mullins
    Let me tell you the real reason Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid pushed through the biggest spending bill in history - without proper debate, without Republican input, and without any public scrutiny at all.
    Simply, they are trying to turn the United States into a one-party country and to put the Republican Party out of business once and for all.  (This is just the beginning, conservative talk radio is next.)
    The massive appropriation called a stimulus - some $787 billion of your money - is really a political war chest for the Democrats.  (we, the taxpayers, are footing the bill.)
    They want to change the face of American politics forever, and they are useing your taxpayer money to do it.
    They want to use billions from our treasury to reward their political friends - and have huge amounts of cash to dole out before the 2010 and 2012 elections.
    Some people have wondered why, if the country is in dire need of emergency "stimulus," most of the money appropriated by this law will not even be spent this year.
    Instead, spending will go on for five to 10 years.
    There is no mystery here, as the answer is simple: These billions in taxpayer funds will fund the Democratic political machine for many years to come.
    Chicago Machine Takes Over Washington
    You must remember - the radical left wing media won't tell you this - that Barack Hussein Obama is a product of the corrupt political machine in Chicago headed by Mayor Richard Daley.  His crooked political lawyers and mafia friends in Chicago was how he got a Senate Seat in the first place.
    Chicago is run as a one-party city. The Democratic political machine and the government are one in the same.
    Just like we saw recently in Congress, there is no real debate in Chicago. Deals are brokered in the back rooms among the ward leaders, the mayor and their cronies.  We have only been introduced to the tip of the ice berg.
    What the political machine decides, the public has to accept it. The city council serves simply as a rubber stamp - much the same way the Congress just acted for Obama.
    And public money in Chicago is used to protect and serve the interests of the machine.
    Obama - as I will reveal to you with the stimulus plan - is simply replicating the Chicago machine in Washington.
    It is a frightening thought because our freedoms depend on a vibrant two-party system.
    But that's what you believe, not what Obama and his crew believe.
    Barack Hussein Obama and his Chicago gang, which includes his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, also a congressman from the Chicago machine, have a starkly different view.
    They want a one-party system headed by a strong man.
    We, as American People should be deeply troubled not only by how much the stimulus plan spends but also the way it was implemented.
    We just witnessed how the basic and open democratic process of our republic was flouted.
    We should fear that the actions by Obama and Congress that we just witnessed threaten the very foundation of our republic.
    Consider that we have long believed America is the greatest democracy in the world.
    Yet Congress passed the largest spending bill in it's history - by essentially suspending vital democratic processes, including debate and public examination of the pending law.
    We know that the Democrats, working late into the night, secretly agreed to a "compromise" bill among themselves - and then refused even to share it with Republicans or the public until just hours before the bill went to the floor for a vote.
    The final stimulus bill was 1,079 pages long. We know Barack Hussein Obama never read the bill.
    Many members of Congress have admitted not one senator or congressman even read the bill before they voted for it!
    The Democrats say they suspended normal procedures because the country so desperately needed to avoid what Barack Obama said was an economic "catastrophe."  (If the situation was so urgent, why is the majority of it layed out long term?_
    The bill apparently was so urgent that the Democrats even excluded Republican leaders from any involvement in negotiations on it.
    When, in our republic, does Congress simply vote on a bill when its members have no idea what it says?  (That is, unless you are raised in the Chicago Machine of Politics!)
    And, how could congressional leaders like Pelosi and Reid, as well as President Obama, present a monumental law but not allow even one day of scrutiny by Congress, its staffs or the public?

    I will never understand how the majority of the American People can still not see this!
  • davidwwalters
    Simply, they are trying to turn the United States into a one-party country and to put the Republican Party out of business once and for all.  (This is just the beginning, conservative talk radio is next.)
    aybe you're right Bud....but given the HUGE mess the republicans have made, it would almost be fair.  But you know, it just wouldn't be right.  We really do need a strong 2 party system in this country.  I think it would make the democrats, uh too cocky...they may "-  suspend(ing) vital democratic processes,...)
    Wow!  That would be bad!!!  At least they didn't suspend due process or torture.....
    -This is what the American people saw when they voted  last November.
  • Bud Mullins
    Maybe you have a point David.  I don't know.  I do know this, the American People, Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives and what ever else is out there that cares about this country, had better come together and soon!  We need to get back to being Americans.

    We will ultimately turn to Dictatorship when our party changes to anything but a two party system.  THE OPERATING SYSTEM OF THIS ENTIRE COUNTRY HAS SURVIVED ON THAT SINCE STATEHOOD.

    We need to have a good ole American Party.  No Dems, no Repubs allowed, just Americans...
  • Michael
    We need to have a good ole American Party.  No Dems, no Repubs allowed, just Americans...

    Bud I would be the biggest supporter of that.  Don't get caught up in Dora or David as one is a chronic depressive while the other, according to Obama, is a bitter gun clinger who has an antipathy towards anyone different than him. 

    All along I should have been having a reasonable discussion with you and Jackie instead of wasting my time with those two...live and learn.
  • davidwwalters
    We need to get back to being Americans.
    One thing i loved about being an infantry soldier was the team work.  EVERYBODY chipped in to achieve the mission.  It was the most physical and mentally demanding endeavor i've been a part of and it was a satisfying experience overall.  However, My work in the civilian sector  was marked by so much petty backbiting and backstabbing.....i'm glad to be retired now!
    I often wondered about the difference in motivations, and perhaps it was we (as soldiers) knew we'd always be in  situation where everyone was "locked&loaded".....
    and a dickhead may end up dead.
    But the point is we must somehow work together to achieve a common goal.  Right now we have to find a way to employ the 5 million who are on or filing for unemployment.  The issue becomes clouded with rhetoric as some, for whatever motivation don't want to be a "team player".  The words "socialism" are bandied about (as if some form of government intervention in our day to day lives never existed).  FDR was branded with the "S-word" throughout his first 2 terms.
    You know how little respect i have for our previous president.  Yet when we were poised to invade Iraq, i argued for his ability to be Cmd-in-Chief.
    Far too much was at stake to do otherwise as my sons&daughters were going into harms way.  I had my own doubts about how thin our numbers were(troop levels).....but i gave Bush Jr. the benefit of the doubt.....
    I hope a good portion of those 5 million people now unemployed have a paycheck next year.  Hopefully those paychecks will have a ripple effect on the economy and stimulate the private sector to rebound.  I hate the deficit we are incurring, but remember, it was Hoover's plan to keep the budget balanced in 1932.....that didn't go so well. 
    Keep honing your argument.  I do pity you....it is an unenviable position to have to defend the arguments of the right (deregulation, tax cuts for ONLY the wealthy......)
    -So that now you are reduced to the shrill comment "Don't get caught up in Dora or David as one is a chronic depressive while the other, according to Obama, is a bitter gun clinger who has an antipathy towards anyone different than him." -It is a tough row to hoe.
  • Bud Mullins
    I did not like nor want the Viet Nam War, I do not like nor want the Iraq War but, I supported our President and his decisions as wrong as they may seem today.  I don't want Gitmo closed but I support this President as wrong as this dedcision may seem today.

    I hate it when the Democrats say they want the Republicans to join together and invite them to the table to VOTE for their agenda with out due discussion but, I strongly support our two party system.  (By the way, the Republicans do that too...)

    I hate it when something is said that the current President is doing wrong and you hear 15 things that Bush did wrong with no regards to the first mentioned subject.  (Making Bush look as bad as this guy is no solution to the problem.)

    You know we have just about as much to argue about as far as the Civil War was concerned and it would mean about as much:


    That secession was legal

    That the Emancipation Proclamation did not free a single slave

    That leading Northern generals - like McLellan and Sherman - hated abolitionists

    That bombing people "back to the Stone Age" got its start with the Federal siege of Vicksburg

    That Stonewall Jackson founded a Sunday school for slaves where he taught them how to read

    That General James Longstreet fought the Battle of Sharpsburg in his carpet slippers

    That if the South had won, we might be able to enjoy holidays in the sunny Southern state of Cuba.

    There are a bajizzillion things to argue about!  Let's find some common ground and come together on something...
  • Bud Mullins
    Here is a good web site to visit. I encourage you to do so regareless of your politican affiliation.


    Good reading, a little right wing but good.
  • Michael
    I am truly sorry for comment number 182 and the "shrill comment" as I should have sited a statement that was not my own but that of Barack Obama.  Let me try it again, Bud is simply one of those described by Barack Obama in the campaign who "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them"  ie David.  I should have given credit where credit is due, sorry Barack.  The deppressive thing about Dora was an answer to a person who is obviously crying out for help and I tried to do just that, link and all.
  • Bud Mullins
    Obama Lies -- and YOUR Money!

    There are a lot of things irritate me but liberals are a different breed...  I have come to that conclusion, as I see them going down with the ship, that they might not have the ability to tell the difference between who sank their ship and those who are trying to rescue them!

    They always think liberalism fixes the problem -- even when it was liberalism that caused the problem in the first place!

    Case in point, the Financial Meltdown of 2008 (and counting).  To hear liberals tell it, it all goes back to Ronald Reagan -- who with his seductive "B-actor" charm fooled America into thinking that by slashing taxes, regulation, and government spending we could unleash free enterprise and create a new wave of prosperity.

    Sure, liberals concede, that seemed to work for, oh, the better part of three decades, but now we're paying the price for all that "GREED."  The Solution?  A return to the pre-Reagan policies of Jimmy Carter, LBJ, FDR...  Speaking of which, what will victory look like in the "War on Poverty"?  When are they going to produce an "exit strategy" from the quagmire?

    Unfortunately, the facts -- as always when you're talking about liberal theories -- tell a different story.  A story in which all the major villians, it turns out, have one thing in common: Government.

    That's right.  From the "Community Reinvestment Act" that pressured banks into affirmative-action lending, to those "government-sponsored enterprises" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- who bought up all the resulting subprime loans and repackaged them as "Investment grade" securities -- the greasy thumb-prints of government were all over this fiasco from beginning to end.

    But those, as I say, are facts.  And facts have no place in the fantasy world of Democratic policy-makers.  Nor does history -- true history, that is, as opposed to the public-school propaganda that teaches, for instance, that FDR's New Deal got us out of the Great Depression, when in reality it only deepened and prolonged it.

    But the question remains; what can those of us in the fast-dwindling, Reality-Based Community do to survive financially as the Obamnacrats prepare a "New, New Deal" that threatens to outspend the original by about ten thousand to one?

    Personally, I don't have a clue and I bet you don't either.  I'll bet 90 percent of the Republicans in Washington don't have a clue either...
  • Michael
    Unfortunately Bud, even those that do have a clue do not have a chance of having it heard.  There are tough choices to be made here and as you said, there is history to look back on.  Double digit interest rates and high unemployment was what we were facing in the 80's, far worse than today yet the approach to bring us out of it was completely the opposite, and it worked.

    Some things are simple when you look at them on an individual level vs national.  Bud, the more money that you can keep, the better off you are.  You most likely will make rational decisions with that money that you have earned and spend, invest and save.  Taxation at every level, and now we are looking at new proposals for increased gas tax, property tax, sales tax and on and on take money out of your pocket yet you are still expected to keep your ratios of spending, investing and savings all the same.  You will not.

    Another thing that was proven during that time was the Laffer Curve that showed that increased taxes did not result in increased revenues for the government as it is a disincentive to produce.  The liberals understand that concept when it comes to raising things like cigarette tax to disincentives smoking etc.  But they are learning the hardway that increased corporate tax or real estate tax disincintivises a person moving a business to or buying a property in that location. 

    We do know what works and what doesn't, we have the history.  Unfortunatly where you and I want to get to vs where the current administration wants to take us is two entirely different places.  Higher taxes and astronomically higher spending is a means to an end to the liberals.  A simoultaneous class warfare, state wellfare, and reorganization of economic structures that they see as unfare is the end for them.  Unfortunatly it is the end for us all as we have seen this fail time and time again.  No one taxes themeselves into prosperity, no one spends themeselves into economic sustainability.  Perhaps the next generation will have the benefit of one more chapter in history that reitorates what we ourselves should already know.
  • Michael
    Here is a good summary of what is going on and the assumptions that are being made by the administration.
  • DS
    Well said Michael.  Unfortunately, I don't think there is anything we can do to stop them.  I have been worrying about this, my retirement, and my unemployment situation for some time now.  But God was FINALLY able to get thru to me and reminded me that He (and only He) is my provider, my protector, my defender, my God.  In Him ONLY should I trust.  Man will lie to me, steal from me, and disappoint me in everything, but God still loves me and will provide for me.  I've been a christian almost 30 years, but my faith was weak.  It is time for all of us who know Him to stop worrying, and be ready to comfort those who need it during this terrible time.  God loves us all, and died for everyone's sin.  Our nation continues to sin against Him, supporting immorality in so many ways.  His judgement has begun.  God forgive us for sinning against you.  Use whatever you need to bring us back to you.  You are our God and our provider.  Bring down the things of this world so that you may be lifted up!  We give it all to you God.  In Jesus name, Amen!
  • JackieM
    Michael--You are completely accurate.  The only positive thing that I can see out of all of this is that WHEN this country is completely destroyed because of the policies of the democrats, people will wake up and never let them be in power again in our lifetime.  Of course, I wish our country didn't have to be a rock bottom before this happens but I don't see democrats stopping until then.  I don't have any glimmer of hope for our nation until the democrats are out.  Their actions prove they really either are dumb as rocks or don't give a hoot about our country.  all of the issues that you discuss are common sense.  they are not something that you can just pull out of a hat.  As I mentioned in several of my previous posts:  Americans have "dumbed down."  I know that is not correct English but that is the only description I can think of that fits.  I hope our party has finally learned their lessons also.  They seem to have started following our principals again.  However, i'm not clear on the 40% pork problem with this new bill.  However, Michael Steele said he would be on the phone today with every republican who had pork projects in this bill to stop this.  I called the RNC today, and they said Steele would threaten to pull funding if they continued to disregard their constiuents and principals of our party.  I hope he sticks to his promises of ensuring the party will not repeat past mistakes.  Even though I know it won't help, i also called the comment line at the Whitehouse and raised hell.  I gave them example after example of obama's lies and wasteful spending and demanded that it stop!  ha!  i'm sure they love me!  I will continue my rant until that ##%Q#@$^$#^ is out of office no matter how long it takes!
  • davidwwalters
    I hate it when something is said that the current President is doing wrong and you hear 15 things that Bush did wrong with no regards to the first mentioned subject.  (Making Bush look as bad as this guy is no solution to the problem.)
    he reason i have to beat this dead horse is because we are in a HUGE mess do to his idiocy.   It is pertinent to the argument of how to fix the country by understanding  WHAT BUSH DID WRONG !
    What would you have us do Bud?  More Tax Cuts for the wealthy?  More banking deregulation?  -That sure would help, huh?
  • JackieM
    I find the comment about more tax cuts for the wealthy comical.  where do you think most of the money will go to when you are building infrastructure besides the materials?  do you think the money will go to the ditch diggers or engineers?  who do you think will benefit the most from the money?  i'll tell ya!  the so-called wealthy business owners.  so how are you going to get away from that, David?  the government will award contracts and waste money like they do now--inefficiently!  Don't get me wrong i'm for capitalism, but according to David and other liberals, we don't want to give money to the rich!  David, if you are so worried about that, why don't you complain about the pork in the spending bill, i.e., money to keep down the pig smell!
  • davidwwalters
    i've been "poor-mouthed" by more than one business owner when i ask'd for a raise......same story every time.
    "I'm barely making it as it is....."
    I remember hearing this from one of my bosses.....yeah he was barely making it.  So one day i was at the office sitting there (it was a rain day, so i was working on some drafting).....so i decided to  check out his files.....
    found an invoice for his new airplane.  No wonder he couldn't afford to pay me what i was worth.....so i found a new job, and quit.
    <<I find the comment about more tax cuts for the wealthy comical.>>
    -Do you?  Glad you liked it, but we both know they can afford it and they need to be "team players" when times are tight.
  • davidwwalters
    -The reason i have to beat this dead horse is because we are in a HUGE mess due to his idiocy.(194)
    -sorry 'bout the error!
  • davidwwalters
    The only positive thing that I can see out of all of this is that WHEN this country is completely destroyed because of the policies of the democrats, people will wake up and never let them be in power again in our lifetime.>>
    what if the people come to see that Obama has brought our nation out of the ruin that Bush and his republican helpers in the Senate like Phil Gramm have brought to us?
    Does that mean that the republicans will never be in power in our lifetimes?
  • JackieM
    <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 <![endif]--> <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> Nope, because the republicans will hopefully finally follow their principals! Go Newt at the CPAC!
  • JackieM
    <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 <![endif]--> <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} -->

    Nope, because the republicans will hopefully finally follow their principals!
  • davidwwalters
    <<You completely missed my point about who will benefit the most. What I said was that the owners of the companies that are going to build the infrastructure will stand to make a pile of money like they have never seen.>>
    y bad....and a good point you make.  They will make some dough....let's hope they make some sound investments, buy lots of new equipment....you know, stimulating kinda things.
    <<The government will be throwing money at them. So do you honestly think the workers will see that kind of money come their way?>>
    -Right again!  Perceptive.....and it's just like any other government contract.....(there have been lots of arms contracts for weapons systems we don't really need, but they sure get lots of investors rich)....
    -But at least workers will get a check, it's better than being unemployed (especially if you live in Louisiana!)
  • JackieM
    David--with less competition, the prices for these contracts will be higher so taxpayer dollars are thrown out the door.  the "stimulative" effective of the economy will be miniscule compared to the amount the government spends.  the money could be allocated so much better than this.
  • Michael
    "Their actions prove they really either are dumb as rocks or don't give a hoot about our country"
    I wish that were it.  It is two differening economic theories, Friedman vs Tobin.  The liberals, not just in this country but worldwide, truly believe in an economic theory that has been proved wrong time and time again.  No system is perfect but we do know what happens when you attempt to spend your way back to prosperity.  To borrow money to pay for the spending, the government will issue bonds, which means investors will be buying U.S. Treasuries instead of investing in equities or products, negating the stimulative effect. It also will does nothing to unlock frozen credit.

    They are not dumb but they do not have any faith in markets or people and see them as a necessary evil at best that should be controlled at all levels.  I believe differently and time will be the ultimate judge (again) but I find it odd that even Putin is warning us against the path we are taking.
    "We must not revert to isolationism and unrestrained economic egotism... Excessive intervention in economic activity and blind faith in the state's omnipotence is another possible mistake. True, the state's increased role in times of crisis is a natural reaction to market setbacks. Instead of streamlining market mechanisms, some are tempted to expand state economic intervention to the greatest possible extent... In the 20th century, the Soviet Union made the state's role absolute. In the long run, this made the Soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson cost us dearly. I am sure nobody wants to see it repeated." Vladimir Putin
  • Titus Hunt
  • Titus Hunt
    testing! testing!
  • JackieM
    having trouble posting so ....from JackieM--

    Michael--I agree with what you are saying and am a financial person myself and am very familiar with how this all works.  however, i think we may disagree on the terms I used to describe the democrats.  i stand by my statement of "Their actions prove they really either are dumb as rocks or don't give a hoot about our country."  We both know their ideas have been proven not to work so the conclusion I draw is..................................  I just wrote a long email to the Whitehouse sharing facts they already know.  (i understand it is falling on deaf ears but....) i just thought having a lot of facts in one place would help them pull everything together since they apparently are lacking in something upstairs.  i'm not saying what but.............ha!  You are being too nice tonight!  seeing this country fall apart right in front of my eyes for no good reason is really making me ill! 

  • Titus Hunt
    having trouble posting so ....from JackieM--

    Michael--I agree with what you are saying and am a financial person myself and am very familiar with how this all works.  however, i think we may disagree on the terms I used to describe the democrats.  i stand by my statement of "Their actions prove they really either are dumb as rocks or don't give a hoot about our country."  We both know their ideas have been proven not to work so the conclusion I draw is..................................  I just wrote a long email to the Whitehouse sharing facts they already know.  (i understand it is falling on deaf ears but....) i just thought having a lot of facts in one place would help them pull everything together since they apparently are lacking in something upstairs.  i'm not saying what but.............ha!  You are being too nice tonight!  seeing this country fall apart right in front of my eyes for no good reason is really making me ill! 

  • Titus Hunt
    having trouble posting so ....from JackieM--

    Michael--I agree with what you are saying and am a financial person myself and am very familiar with how this all works.  however, i think that this is more simple than that.  a lot of folks voted for obama because they wanted change.  they didn't understand what was meant by change but it sounded good.  some folks voted for obama because he promised every person from every group something just to get their vote.  some people said they voted him in so now he owed them.  they wanted him to pay for their bills.  some people (i know some) voted for him because of the color of his skin.  we may disagree on the terms I used to describe the democrats.  however, i stand by my statement of "Their actions prove they really either are dumb as rocks or don't give a hoot about our country."  We both know their ideas have been proven not to work so the conclusion I draw is..................................  I just wrote a long email to the Whitehouse sharing facts they already know.  (i understand it is falling on deaf ears but....) i just thought having a lot of facts in one place would help them pull everything together since they apparently are lacking in something upstairs.  i'm not saying what but.............ha!  You are being too nice tonight!  seeing this country fall apart right in front of my eyes for no good reason is really making me ill! 

  • davidwwalters
    but they do not have any faith in markets or people and see them as a necessary evil at best that should be controlled at all levels.....
    Instead of streamlining market mechanisms, some are tempted to expand state economic intervention to the greatest possible extent...>>

    -When the stock market crashed in 1929, Hoover  decided not to pursue legislative action, believing that it would make people dependent on the federal government......kinda like what i hear from you and other conservative champions. 
    In large measure, i think Obama won the election because people intuitively understood our economy was crashing in a way reminiscent to 1929(......i understand it isn't exactly the same but similar, nevertheless).
    In what ways is your idea for economic recovery different from Herbert Hoover's?
    We haven't yet reached the 1932 level of unemployment.  At what point should we yield to some form of government intervention and attempt to re-regulate facets of our economy federally, and stimulate the economy in the way President Obama is trying?
  • Michael
    We have a completely different set of circumstances today.  If you are looking to compare it to something 81 and 82 would be the best example.  I say that for a couple of reasons, one we are no where near Depression levels, and two, the economy, its rules and the systems that we have in place now in no way represent what we had in the 30's it was a different time.

    In 1982, unemployment rates were over 10 percent which lasted from September 1982 to June 1983, with the highest of 10.8 percent in December 1982. In contrast, January 2009's figures indicated only 7.6 percent Americans were unemployed.  Inflation during the early 1980s was at a staggering 13.5 percent. Last month, inflation was at a negative .07 percent.  In June 1982, the prime interest rate hit 21.5 percent. The current level is 3.25 percent.
    The prescription then was to cut taxes, shrink the federal bureaucracy and put the money and control back in the hands of the people again.  Some of these "regulations" that you talk about now are part of the problem.  Control, dictating winners and loosers are not the type of regulations that insure that markets aren't abused.  Today we have equity being bought up by the government changing publically held companies into nationalized companies.  They aren't going all the way yet but what equity investor is going to put their money into shares of these institutions without knowing what the true intentions of the government is.
    I gave you another example a post or two ago whereas we are told on one hand that banks will start lending again and money will be made available for home purchases etc and on the same day Fannie raises its condo requirement to 70%.  Things like that go unnoticed by the ordinary person but has a crippling effect on our housing industry.
    Unintended consequences is the result of government intervention that is desinged to make people feel good.  What sounds good on one hand is a nail in the coffin on the other.  We have to take a step back and look at the rest of the world and what is going on with their systems.  The EU is falling apart under the weight of this economic downturn and their systems, which is the model for what we are trying to turn ourselves into, is failing.  Decuplazation was the first action when each country did not want a joint bailout.  China, Russia, Dubai are all unable to deal with this current recession yet their economies are hit worse.  Why?
    The problem with those in power now is that they look at the economy as a pie chart.  Make one piece of pie larger and another has to get smaller.  The whole chart never gets bigger to them but in reality it does.  Economies grow and shrink.  Everyone in our system prospers when our economy grows.  Our poor have housing, food, most even have cars.  Compare that to the systems we are trying to copy.  It is the shared misory, not success that we are venturing into.
  • Bud Mullins
    David (190)

    What would you have us do Bud?  More Tax Cuts for the wealthy?  More banking deregulation?  -That sure would help, huh?

    Sorry David, those kinds of answers don't cut it with me.  What would I do if I had the power?  This suggestion is only one small plart of the equation, this would be the correct, or my way of starting to correct this mess.

    If I could impose regulations to have any effect on the economy what-so-ever, it would be to regulate businesses.  I don't mean oversee them with a mafnifying glass, I mean give them the opportunity to run their own businesses as they see fit.  That is until the business was no longer productive.
    For instance, if a business can produce a product, pay it's workers $100.00 per hour and sell it's product for $100,000.00 each (Or any price) and make a profit, so be it.  More power to them.  When it gets to the point that a business cannot make a profit for either of these reasons, (or any reason) and you can't keep the doors open, you would have two options - shut your doors or take a chapter 11 bankrupcy.  If you choose bankrupcy, reform, get rid of all the baggage, (Unions, payroll, overhead, etc.) submit a re-origanization plan that looks workable, then you might be egible for federal loans.  If not, bye, bye!  NO EXCEPTIONS...  Having said that, all business would have private lending funds available to them if they could do that.

    Encourage new business.  Fill this country up with small manufacturing businesses.  Give them the opportunity to compete.  Make available to qualified persons funding options (Loans through banks with insurance guarantees to the lender.) to start those businesses.  Have you tried the Small Business Administration Loan options lately?  IMPOSSIBLE!  That would be over-hauled also.

    David, this would be just a start and I believe the correct place to start.  I honestly believe I could take a shirt factory and run it successfully today.  I'm too old now to start a business but I sure could teach others how to be a success.

    Oh, by the way, on my employment applications, I would not have a question pertaining to your political affiliation...  Maybe one that asked do you love your country.
  • davidwwalters
    If you are looking to compare it to something 81 and 82 would be the best example.>>
    -Michael, i'm not so sure 1981&82 are a good analogy to today's crisis.
    By your own admission things couldn't be different.....
    <<Inflation during the early 1980s was at a staggering 13.5 percent. Last month, inflation was at a negative .07 percent.  In June 1982, the prime interest rate hit 21.5 percent. The current level is 3.25 percent.>>
    -So, how again is this current economic mess like 1981-82?
    -What would Reagan do? 
    -I got this gem from a blogger named James Joyner.
    Reagan's name is constantly evoked by many, even our current president.......

    “In the present crisis,” referring specifically to the high taxes and high levels of federal spending that had marked the Carter administration, “government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” He then went on to say: “Now, so there will be no misunderstanding, it’s not my intention to do away with government. It is rather to make it work.” Government, he said, “must provide opportunity.” He was not rejecting government, he(Reagan) was calling — as Barack Obama did Tuesday
    for better management of government, for wiser decisions.

    -James Joyner (not exactly a liberal)

    So, should we make the government work as Reagan stated, or should we do nothing(except more of the same policies that have landed us in this situation) as contemporary republicans seem to want to do?   Remember, Reagan tried something different when he began his term to fix things.
    How can more of the same fix a problem?
  • davidwwalters
    If I could impose regulations to have any effect on the economy what-so-ever, it would be to regulate businesses.  I don't mean oversee them with a magnifying glass, I mean give them the opportunity to run their own businesses as they see fit.  That is until the business was no longer productive.
    >>   :)
    good answer!  There is a lot about this that i like....

    <<Oh, by the way, on my employment applications, I would not have a question pertaining to your political affiliation...  Maybe one that asked do you love your country.
    -One of my problems with corporations, is that they are 1st and foremost loyal to the bottom line.  Not that anything is intrinsically wrong with profit as a motive, yet many times a company's profit motive and public policy, with respect to our various local, state, and federal governments, can clash.
    How can we as a nation ensure that profit & policy fit together for the good of the nation......or is our nation totally beholden to private enterprise?
  • Bud Mullins
    Our nation should be beholding to the people, PERIOD! 

    1st Order of Business:  Get rid of or put stiff regulations on labor unions.  Here's just a small part of why:

    U.S. Supreme Court Deals Blow to Union Boss Overreach
    This week, the United States Supreme Court agreed with the National Right to Work Foundation and ruled that states indeed have the right to stop government union bosses from using payroll deduction to divert public employees’ money into union political coffers.
    In the 6-3 decision, the Court upheld a disappointingly limited Idaho law.  More importantly, however, the ruling makes it clear legislatures may pass effective versions of the Idaho law — laws that would stop government union bosses from using payroll deduction privileges to collect ANY and ALL union dues, regardless of their use. 
    Of course, the ultimate solution to forced unionism abuse is the enactment of more Right to Work laws and repeal of union monopoly bargaining privileges, but this ruling is an encouraging victory for employee freedom in an otherwise difficult time.
    To learn more about the latest National Right to Work Foundation victory for workers’ rights, Ysursa v. Pocatello Education Association, click here.

    Unions have became powerful through LOTS OF MONEY (Money they get from members dues to belong to that organization.  They also donate lots of this money to Washington Politicians.) and VOTES for the politicians.  THIS SHOULD BE A CRIME!  Do you remember when blacks could not vote?  I do.  You never saw a white politician put his arm around a black man in public until they became elgible to vote.  Politicians have never changed.  If he hugs me, he wants something from me!

    2nd order of business:  Make sure elected officials do their jobs...
  • Bud Mullins
    3rd order of business: Straight taxes across the board.  NO EXCEPTIONS!  Throw out all the tax regulations we now have.  (Fire all the people it takes to keep all those regulations in order, hire a few for the new order.)

    HYPOTHETICAL: A 10% straight across the board.  If you earn $1.00 per year, you pay $0.10 tax. and so on.  No lower or upper limits, you pay on your gross earnings, PERIOD!  (A dollar or Billions)  Once you become 65 years old, you are taken out of the tax bracket.  (Removed from the pay list and placed on the draw list.)  DON'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO AFTER THAT AGE.  When you reach that age, retirement age, you are then put on a pension.  Draw that until you die.
  • davidwwalters
    Unions have became powerful through LOTS OF MONEY (Money they get from members dues to belong to that organization.  They also donate lots of this money to Washington Politicians.) and VOTES for the politicians.
    st to be fair, don't corporations hire their own lobbyists to get congress to enact laws that favor the company boss over the workers?  So workers should NOT have a voice in matters that affect their pay, safety, and unfair labor practices?  Is it really fair to think that a company will always look out for the interests of it's workers?   :(
  • davidwwalters
    ybe do away with income taxes altogether, and institute a national sales tax.......that way, even those engaged in illegal activity, (ie.  drugs, prostitution,).......or those who are paid "under the table still contribute"
    -Just a thought.
  • Bud Mullins
    David (200)

    How can we as a nation ensure that profit & policy fit together for the good of the nation......or is our nation totally beholden to private enterprise?

    There are some very fine lines here and your last question could open up a barrell of worms that could eat all the crops we just planted!  Personally, I know there has to be a margin of profit for a business to operate effectfully and strong.  I think you know that but sadly most of America don't think that way.  We, at my company, set our margin of profit at 35%.  That is above everything.  We continually keep watch over manufacturing cost which regulates our market price of our products.  How we do that is through keeping simple records of cost of products used in our manufacturing process.  We can also hold down manufacturing cost through volume buying, etc.  If we utilize that margin of profit effectively, and don't spend it all on foolishness, we can have bonuses at the end of the year.  If we foolishily spend it through the year, WE GET NO BONUSES.  Ownership of businesses have privelidges, it also has responsibilities.  We set a percentage of that profit for employees bonuses at the end of the year.  Bottom line, our employees will always get bonuses even if we don't!  Just like out government should be responsible to the people, the business has to be responsible to the employees.

    Let's keep one thing in our minds and on the front burner, businesses has to make profits.  That's the bottom line.  Large corporations that are beholding to investors has the same responsibilities as small businesses do to employees.  They just structure their employees a little different.  I do not have a Vice President at my company, I also know companies that I do business with that have Vice Presidents three layers deep.  I see no gain in that.  My secretary dont have a secretary!  I think that is a pure waste of somebody's money!  However, like David said, CEO's and such within large corporations measure success on how many big parties they can afford or how much time out of the year they can spend in vegas or Hawaii and not so much as to how the actual employee is feeling.

    All this can be regulated by a set profit margin.
  • Bud Mullins
    David, I actually entertain the idea of a National Sales Tax.  That is really a logical way of keeping better records because rather than chasing millions and millions of people around with hundreds and hundreds of forms, trying to collect taxes, you would only have to chase businesses.  That would cut the cost to the governments tremendously.  I have never thought that suggestion was anything but wise.
  • Bud Mullins
    David (203)

    Just to be fair, don't corporations hire their own lobbyists to get congress to enact laws that favor the company boss over the workers?  So workers should NOT have a voice in matters that affect their pay, safety, and unfair labor practices?  Is it really fair to think that a company will always look out for the interests of it's workers?  

    This was my 4th order of business: Clean all this up.  Make it a crime to lobby any elected official for personal favors or gain.
  • davidwwalters
    surprise me....
    We don't agree on everything, yet i sense a man of principle, principles that on a whole would be part of a better world if more people practiced your ideas. 
    <<All this can be regulated by a set profit margin.>>
    ...i find this intriguing.  Yet there are many that would oppose an arbitrary measure limiting profit, saying it would stifle the potential for re-investment. 
    Me?  I was never cut out for business....but i prided myself on my work ethic.  I'd have been happy to have had a boss that thinks the way you do.
  • Bud Mullins
    I want my fairness to be contributed to the fact that I am a good and decent American Citizen, not becaue I am Republican, Democrat, Liberal or Conservative.  That is a solid principle in my life.
  • davidwwalters
    <<I want my fairness to be contributed to the fact that I am a good and decent American Citizen,.....>>
    Americans ain't perfect, but the majority of us ARE fair, and try to be good & decent citizens. 
    However in congress, we all know those on each side of the aisle who are greed driven.....and like you said in (207)....
    This was my 4th order of business: Clean all this up.  Make it a crime to lobby any elected official for personal favors or gain
    Dinners, vacations, campaign contributions, and any kind of gift must be banned......lobbyist have a purpose, but it's their undue influence that makes them so insidious.
  • Titus Hunt
    David-"lobbyist have a purpose, but it's their undue influence that makes them so insidious."

    so are you saying that lobbyists have influence over such things as business?  if so, that would make competition difficult, wouldn't you say?
  • mike
    Well we want to be just like europe and fall for this cap and trade stuff. We are already falling down this slipper slope of socialiszm. For the first time since this man is was elected I am scared for what is about to happen to this country. Never before have I seen so many people fall for the global warming myth
  • Dora
    mike- whether you believe there is global climate change or not does not make it less true... it just makes you look silly for ignoring what is already taking place.
  • Titus Hunt
    i don't make judgment on whether there is global warming or not but know that we need to be responsible people.  however, since Gore make a shit load of money and got an prize for his research, i guess we should believe it?  hmmm!
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus (218)

    Titus, I can't think of any good reasons for lobbyist.  Can you name some for me.

    OBAMA FUNDRAISERS: Lobbyist ties

    These 38 fundraisers for Barack Obama's presidential campaign work for law firms that have lobbying operations in Washington, D.C. The dollar figure reflects the minimum amount each has pledged to raise for the campaign.


    Scott Harris
    Harris, Wiltshire and Grannis

    Allan J. Katz

    Akerman Senterfitt

    Michael Lawson
    Skadden, Arps

    John Levi
    Sidley Austin

    Karol Mason
    Alston & Bird

    Thomas J. Perrelli
    Jenner & Block

    Thomas A. Reed
    Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Preston Gates Ellis

    Christina Tchen
    Skadden, Arps

    Tony West
    Morrison & Foerster

    Mark L. Alderman
    Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen

    Timothy M. Broas
    Winston & Strawn

    Peter Bynoe
    DLA Piper

    Gregory B. Craig
    Williams & Connolly

    Norman Eisen
    Zuckerman Spaeder

    Nicole Lamb-Hale
    Foley & Lardner

    Andrew Schapiro
    Mayer Brown

    Charles C. Adams Jr.
    Hogan & Hartson

    David Burd
    Arnold & Porter

    Tom Cole
    Sidley Austin

    Michael H. Dardzinski
    Reed Smith

    Howard W. Gutman
    Williams & Connolly

    Jeff Horwitz
    Proskauer Rose

    David C. Jacobson
    Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal

    Hrishi Karthikeyan
    Covington & Burling

    Ronald Kirk
    Vinson & Elkins

    William T. Lake

    Edward Lazarus
    Akin Gump

    Jack Levin
    Kirkland & Ellis

    Kenneth G. Lore
    Bingham McCutchen

    Charles B. Ortner
    Proskauer Rose

    Susan Pravda
    Foley & Lardner

    Paul N. Roth
    Schulte Roth & Zabel

    John Schmidt
    Mayer Brown

    Robert M. Sussman*
    Latham & Watkins

    Kathryn Thomson
    Sidley Austin

    Barry B. White
    Foley Hoag

    Steven M. Zager
    Akin Gump

    Robert S. Litt
    Arnold & Porter

    * Robert M. Sussman retired as a partner on December 31, 2007.

    Source: Obama for America, Center for Responsive Politics, Public Citizen
  • davidwwalters72
    so are you saying that lobbyists have influence over such
    things as business?  if so, that would make competition difficult,
    wouldn't you say?
    As i understand it, a lobbyist's job is to secure funding or a law that benefits their client....so, yeah, i suppose it definitely can create an unfair advantage of one company over another.

    <<.......and fall for this cap and trade stuff. We are already falling down this slipper slope of socialiszm.>>
    -Socialism? Actually, cap and trade simply makes carbon savings a commodity, which makes it a very capitalistic concept, huh?
    Presently, we are giving companies pretty much a free ride when it comes to treating the atmosphere we breath like an open sewer.  The air belongs as much to me as it does to say, Duke Power.  It is only fair that Duke has to pay for fouling my air.  And if they can figure out a way to reduce the amount of carbon they pump into my air, then they can sell this as a commodity!
  • davidwwalters72
    -The author of this blog visited here a while back and left his address.  I visit his blog as often as i do here and for those who enjoy thoughtful, civil, dialogue on conservative issues, visit Steven Lee's blog "The New Republicans". 
    For those who do not want to hear any opposing opinions and be free to spew hateful diatribes, visit noleftturnz
    You can be assured that no thoughtful rebuttal to silly statements will be tolerated there!
  • Scott
    Once you go Black you can't afford to go back.
  • Michael
    -Michael, i'm not so sure 1981&82 are a good analogy to today's crisis.
    By your own admission things couldn't be different.....
    <<Inflation during the early 1980s was at a staggering 13.5 percent. Last month, inflation was at a negative .07 percent.  In June 1982, the prime interest rate hit 21.5 percent. The current level is 3.25 percent.>

    Much better analogy than the Depression that you made that is wayyyyy beyond 81 and 82 and as I mentioned, did not have the same systems as we shared with the 81 recession.  But you do raise a point none the less.  Things were much worse then than now yet the actions that we took then that saw a deep, yet recoverable recession is the opposite than we are taking now that is less deep but as Obama said, potentially unrecoverable.  I agree with him, taking the actions that we are taking today and the actions that Gordon Brown is about to lay out will decimate the US economy.  

    I said it before on here that I think we are done.  If we follow down this route, our economy will bare the load of the mistakes of other governments across the world.  If you don't believe me, listen closely to the news this week.  It is not about the recovery of America anymore, it is about everyone being on the same playing field, equally sharing in, not the success, but the burdens of the world.  To each according to his needs, from each according to his ability.  To the US nothing, From the US everything.  Brave New World!
  • Michael
    I had to go back an reread your post several times as I thought for sure I had misread it.

    “Now, so there will be no misunderstanding, it’s not my intention to do away with government. It is rather to make it work.” Government, he said, “must provide opportunity.” He was not rejecting government, he(Reagan) was calling — as Barack Obama did Tuesday 
    for better management of government, for wiser decisions."

    "Government is not the answer to our problems, government is the problem"
    From his own mouth....

    This was the central theme throughout his life, not just political career. Do you still really believe that Reagan was endorsing Government as the solution?
  • Michael
    David, at some point you should read the whole speech that you sited.  You didn't even give the entire second sentence....

    "Now, so there will be no misunderstanding, it is not my intention to do away with government. It is, rather, to make it work — work with us, not over us; to stand by our side, not ride on our back. Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it."
  • Titus Hunt
    Michael:  i really don't understand how democrats can't add!  they want nationalization of healthcare.  now you and i both know the numbers don't add up, but just for shits and giggles, i'll go ahead with it.

    1.  same number of doctors but more than likely less because doctors' fees and abilities will be more restricted.  We definitely won't have more because of the added crap from the government.

    2.  more people that need services.

    hmmm!  i'm not a math wizard but i think i can handle this one!

    so the conclusion is we are screwed and care will diminish!  even a democrat can figure this one out but i guess they choose to ignore the FACTS over obama's "hope and change" rhetoric.  they are going on blind faith i guess!
  • davidwwalters72
    ".....speech that you sited"
    -I had no idea where the speech was, much less had anything to do with it.
    Oh.....did you mean cited ?  Yeah, i see now that makes more sense.
    '.....he(Reagan) was calling — as Barack Obama did Tuesday
    for better management of government, for wiser decisions.

    -James Joyner (not exactly a liberal)"
    James Carter's government failed to to make people comfortable with liberal decisions of the previous 4 yeas.  Perhaps Dub-Ya has made people less open to conservative solutions to our present situation.....
    (last year @ CPAC it was 4more years, this year all of a sudden, Dub-Ya was transformed into a democrat.)
    -So maybe it was wise to change management in November, we'll see.
  • Michael R.
    Lets stick with your siting the speech for a minute.  Would you call that intellectual dishonesty when you did not even finish the sentence and broke the speech up to fit your argument?

    Did your post meet any of the following criteria of intellectual dishonesty?

    the advocacy of a position which the advocate knows or believes to be false or misleading
    the advocacy of a position which the advocate does not know to be true, and has not performed rigorous due diligence to ensure the truthfulness of the position
    the conscious omission of aspects of the truth known or believed to be relevant in the particular context.
    Why should we believe anything you write if these are the tactics you will employee?
  • Titus Hunt

    Liberals lied about Rush for propaganda and have launched a campaign for those who are ignorant to what is happening in politics.  i guess "honesty" has a different meaning on the other side.  it's like saying i can't drive a car because i don't have my glasses.  the other side would twist the sentence to mean that the person is incapable of driving the car.  i think obama's failed policies that are destroying this country are being ignored, and they are grasping at straws for CYA purposes!
  • Bud Mullins
    Newt Gingrich on Border Security:
    "Secure the Border, Don't Ban Guns: I've spoken out in the past about the bloody and escalating drug wars in Mexico that are threatening the very sovereignty of that nation as well as the safety of both Mexican and U.S. citizens along the border. It's a very serious situation. But now some politicians on both sides of the border are using the fact that U.S weapons are involved in the drug violence to call for more gun control. Mexican authorities are blaming the U.S. for the failure to stop the smuggling of U.S. guns into Mexico, which is, to say the least, ironic, coming from a government that has long turned a blind eye to human smuggling across the border. In any case, the answer isn't to further limit 2nd Amendment rights but to secure the border. Now, more than ever."
  • Titus Hunt
    I think we should have an electrical fence all the way around the border of mexico and the electricity go 200 or more feet underground.  the borders should be sealed so that an ant can't get through without us knowing.  so people would be automatically shocked (maybe not to death but close) and an order of shoot on sight if the officers feel threatened.  if necessary, cars and trucks should not be allowed to cross the border into the US.  let the legal ride bicycles across the border.  landowners should be able to shoot someone on sight if the mexicans are caught on their property.  i know it is extreme, but i think enough is enough and we need to stop this mess.
  • davidwwalters72
    Would you call that intellectual dishonesty when you did not even finish the sentence and broke the speech up to fit your argument?
    u do know quite a bit about intellectual dishonesty.....
    "......for better management of government, for wiser decisions."-R.Reagan(a snippet)
    Yes, we are all aware of Ron Reagan's positions.
    ....James Joyner's
    argument was that Reagan wanted to use the power of the federal government to further his agenda.  Government does have role to insure the welfare of our nation.  Reagan used his ideals of what government should do, and Obama will do the same.

    So i guess it was wise to change the subject you started in (207)
    where you made the ridiculous argument that the recession of the early 80's was more like our present situation than the crash of 1929....
    <<.........inflation during the early 1980s was at a staggering 13.5 percent. Last month, inflation was at a negative .07 percent.  In June 1982, the prime interest rate hit 21.5 percent. The current level is 3.25 percent.>>
    ......and then by your own admission showed how different they were!
    Yes, the unemployment rate peaked higher than it is now, but we have yet to peak(if we do nothing as the republicans call for)......But the bank&market failures are more reminiscent of 1929.
  • Michael
    "So i guess it was wise to change the subject you started in (207)"
    Are you talking about the subject that I picked up on my next post in 229?

    And you change the subject by intellectual fraud.  You truncate speaches to fit your arguments.  You make claims that others change subjects even when a lengthy response is right there in my following post to 207 in post 229? 

    I am changing the subject now to addressing your poor way of debating.  If you truly believe in a position then there is no need for the conscious omission of aspects of the truth known or believed to be relevant in the particular context!  Get your facts straight.
  • davidwwalters72
    -Back @(8), Michael quoted.....
    “I think it’s fair to say that the Republicans were the party of ideas for a pretty long chunk of time there over the last 10, 15 years, in the sense that they were challenging conventional wisdom.”  Barak Obama
    where are the is the "challenging of conventional wisdom" you cited?
    Your only ammunition is to attack the messenger with idiotic pronouncements such as "intellectual fraud" (how can that be if i'm not even an intellectual.....)
    -I've seen this when someone has "no game" and cry "foul".....it's all they have.
    In this ongoing argument over whether it was "poor bankers" with a gun held to their collective heads to make sub-rime loans, or whether it was de-regulation i Have stood all your arguments on their heads, and i guess it angers you that a rube such as i can out think you&your MBA.  So you reach in to your bag of tricks and change the subject.
    <<You make claims that others change subjects even when a lengthy response is right there in my following post to 207 in post 229?>>
    Really?  Again, i explained in (209) i pointed out how "By your own admission things couldn't be different.....
    <<Inflation during the early 1980s was at a staggering 13.5 percent. Last month, inflation was at a negative .07 percent.  In June 1982, the prime interest rate hit 21.5 percent. The current level is 3.25 percent.>>

    So you repeat the same argument without answering the real question
    "-So, how again is this current economic mess like 1981-82?"
    .....with a silly attack on misquoting Reagan......
    "I am changing the subject now to addressing your poor way of debating"
    You say but never was able to answer why your statement in (209) was so ridiculous.  Why?   Because you CAN'T.
  • davidwwalters72
    .......where are the is the "challenging of conventional wisdom" you cited?
    .........where is the "challenging of conventional wisdom" you cited?
    -Sorry, thanx
  • Joe
    This should come as no surprize--well maybe to those that were Star-struck by the elegance and brilliant speaking that Obama did during his election. His lack of desire to ease the financial burden on the American people came to light quickly with the overturning of the "Mexico City Policy", a Stimulus Bill loaded with "Pork", and little to actually improve such hardships to the taxpayer, further exposes this smokescreen. Obama nominees (Geithner, Lynn etc.) show that the "Pied Piper" is not leading the mice out of town--He is bring the "Rats" in!
  • Dora
    joe, you had nothing during the election process, and you have nothing now- with the possible exception of sour grapes and lemon juice. 
    obama won by an overwhelming majority - both with popular vote and electoral vote.  a confidant and commanding mandate  by the people that said we tried it the GOP way, we did not like it, it did not work, and it got us into the mess we are presently situated- under no circumstances did the American people wish to go down that road which you treasure so.
  • JackieM
    Joe--you are absolutely correct.  the liberals have proven themselves to be total idiots time and time again.  i can make a list for folks who can't follow the logic.  however, i'll name one:  cap and trade.  the cap and trade will increase prices on everything we buy.  so the idea that obama is helping the middle class is a lie!  the smoke screen is only for stupid people!  the rest of us understand how he is doing more harm to America than good!

    I'm not able to post much because of my surgery!  it is really taking a toll on me and the recovery is longer than i thought.
  • Joe
    JackieM--very true, once the "Star-Struck" clear their eyes and are capable of seeing through the Smoke, start paying attention to some of the "Spending" this Admin. is doing, Policies enacted, Foreign Policy--(sorry Hillary--it is not my fault Mexico has so many Drug Lords), they will see the lack of interest in "We The People". In a time of such financial hardship in America--Billions to build schools etc. in Pakistan!
  • Dora
    "sorry Hillary"...????  more noise from the party of no.
    in case you haven't really given it any thought- we don't need AK47's for any type of animal hunting here- yet you and other freaks constantly decline to keep these available for anyone with the $$$ to purchase these.  we don't need grenade launchers for any sort of "home protection"  ... these are the types of weapons being used by drug runners in Mexico against all who would attempt to stop them-  weapons obtained easily within the borders of the United States.
  • Dora
    should have read "yet you and other freaks constantly decline to keep from having these available for anyone with the $$$ to purchase these. "
  • Joe
    Dora--The American people are not responcible for the actions of Mexico Drug Lords, as far as the "AK", I don't recall making a statement regarding firearms or hunting with grenade launchers (However-the Yugo Sks does have a really nice one). My statement of "Hillary" was directed to Her statement regarding the U.S.' being responcible for such behavior.  I suggest you start reading a Little more about this Admin's policies and ventures--of course, with an open mind, and stop falling for the agenda of such groups as the "Brady Bunch, it is better to form your own opinion from your own research, rather than broadcast the opinion of others.
  • davidwwalters
    <<i can make a list for folks who can't follow the logic.  however, i'll name one:  cap and trade>>-JackieM (244)
    we should allow industries the use of OUR atmosphere as an open sewer?
    -Hope you are feeling better!
  • Bud Mullins
    Dora (243)

    Dora, you still don't get it do you?  You really don't understand how Obama wins elections.  (Actually how most politicians win elections.)  You really must not know how Obama got his Senate Seat!  So, I'm assuming you really don't know how he got elected to the highest seat in this land.  (Maybe you do know and like many other good liberals, you're too busy bashing everything the other side does regardless of whether it is good for the country or not.)

    As far as guns are concerned, I think a person should be able to own a 120mm field artillery cannon if they can afford it.  I was born and raised in eastern Kentucky.  (In the mountains.)  When I was a child attending school many of the older boys brought shot guns to school.  Not for the purpose of shooting anyone or killing a classmate, only for the purpose of hunting game on the way home.  Many times I heard the teacher say, "Make sure that gun is unloaded."

    I honestly believe owning and carrying a gun is one of the priveleges afforded me under the constitution.  (That is what we are talking about here in these posts, not whether you can own a cannon or not, that's just my belief.)  I have carried a conceled gun most of my adult life.  I have never had the urge to shoot anyone or anything.  I certainly would in self defense.  I believe I should have the same right to defend myself in the mall as I do at home.

    By the way, I carry a bible in the glove box also.
  • JackieM
    David--i can't believe your statement and it doesn't even make sense  to direct that at me.  i believe in corp responsibility and think there should be restrictions.  however, cap and trade will burden the very people obama said he was going to help.  that was my point.  for some reason you think that obama is helping the middle class?  this is not true.  not only will we all face high inflation rates in a few years as a result of his economic policies, the cap and trade costs will further drive up costs.  you say it is the greedy rich folks that are causing middle america to suffer?  well, you can now include obama and his merrymen in that crowd also!  it will be entirely on obama's doorstep! 

    on a side note--i'm really in a lot of pain right now but hopefully, it will subside in a week or so.  at least that is what the surgeon is saying.  it is definitely more than i bargained for!
  • Dora
    bud:  perhaps, since you carry all of the wisdom, you would share with the class just how obama got elected...   try to be factual... i know it's a strain on your brain cells, but give it a go.
    i want to learn how obama managed to manipulate himself into the white house.  please share how he managed 365 electoral votes while McCain ended up with 173. ... 69,456,897 votes  were cast for obama- just what mystic magic was employed to brainwash nearly 70 million americans?  hmmmmm?
    i will be waiting over here taking notes.
  • Bud Mullins

    check out this site and this is only a tip of the ice berg.

  • Bud Mullins
    Many say ACORN stole votes in 2008.

         Now it appears that they'll have the opportunity to steal congressional seats in 2010?

         You remember ACORN - the gang of wild-eyed leftists who registered legions of fictitious voters for Barack Obama just last year?

         Investor's Business Daily wrote:

    "[ACORN's] voter-registration fraud is rampant. In Nevada, state officials say the fraudulent registrations included forms for the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys football team, including quarterback Tony Romo... Nevada, along with several other key battleground states, requires no ID to vote."

         Do you want this shameless swarm of ideologues helping Barack Hussein Obama run your government?

         It seems that Obama does... in December he told a cheering mob of extremist groups, including ACORN:

    "We're going to be calling all of you in to help us run the agenda. We're going to be having meetings all over the country."

         And he's been as good as his word! Guess what ACORN will doing next year!

         Fox News reported that ACORN "signed on as a national partner with the U.S. Census Bureau in February 2009 to assist with the recruitment of the 1.4 million temporary workers needed to go door-to-door to count every person in the United States."

         That's right, the storm troopers of ACORN will be knocking on doors all over the country, pretending to count Americans the way they pretended to register voters.

         The only question that remains is; are you going to let them get away with it?

         Who do you think ACORN targeted in their quest to sign voters?  Where did they go and who did they register and who did they get to vote?  It is a recorded fact that 95% of the voters that ACORN registered that actually voted did not even know anything about the election.  The did not even know who his running mate was!
  • Not Rush
    Bud--this can come as no surprize to you. The actions we are seeing involving this Government is showing signs (To those that will look) of a "Ruling Class Agenda". "The best for the People", Bipartitionship, and a transparent government--brilliant words appealing to the hopes of the people--yet empty words. Obama wants to insure access to personal info (Computers) in the name of "National Security. Lobbyists may be told who they can speak with, and the subject matter (I thought we had that "Freedom of Speech" thing. Geithner wants more control of private Financial Institutes ( If you control the "Big Guy" shortly you will control "The Little Guy")-a careful and open minded search will find the list goes on and on.

    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

    Ronald Reagan
  • davidwwalters72
    <<David--i can't believe your statement and it doesn't even make sense  to direct that at me.  i believe in corp responsibility and think there should be restrictions.  however,.............. >>
    ..................cap and trade will burden the very people obama said he was going to help.  that was my point.  for some reason you think that obama is helping the middle class?>>-JackieM(251).....

    suppose the key here is "corporate responsibility"........
    -Is there there such a thing?  I could believe in free, unfettered capitalism perhaps if there were such a thing (....as corporate responsibility). 
    Our nation has drifted down this path of corporate infallibility since the Reagan days.  The notion that business has the inalienable right  to make a profit and a return for its shareholders at the EXPENSE of the well being of our nation and the people is the point i'm making. 
    Yes, it is true that in the short term Cap&Trade will cost utilities and other companies.  Solutions for our economy and environment are NOT mutually exclusive but will take a long term approach.....
    -Get well and i hope the doc has prescribed good pain management.  I have a consult tomorrow with a back surgeon.
  • davidwwalters72
    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
    -Ronald Reagan
    .......i often wondered about exactly what "Freedom" ol Ron was talking about.  As far as i can tell, it was freedom to profit.....
  • Dora
    Bud... OMG...  I am attempting to type while holding my sides -  doubled over with laughter with your response on just how Obama got elected.
    You site, as you example for your beliefs a "film" that is a JOKE to all serious people who have at their fingertips the actual facts.
    As a film, Media Malpractice is porn for people who need to hear what they already believe to reassure themselves that they are not wrong for getting behind lackluster Republican leaders -- it's that the media made their heroes look bad. If Ziegler's whole argument actually was a case in a court of law on charges of malpractice, it would be thrown out for lack of evidence.

    You further bring up ACORN and the tiny tiny few individuals employed by ACORN who fudged registrations in their attempt to screw ACORN.  Bud... you need to go read what ACORN did.  How ACORN actually went after the people who fudged the registrations.

    Bud,  you are a joke.  Perhaps you should try to get on Glenn Beck's program-  I love a good laugh.
  • Dora
    Now, Bud... I can suggest a good foundation to assist in covering your flushed face... but, unfortunately, you will have to deal with your built- in ignorance.
  • Dora
    I wonder, Bud... Just how do you account for the millions and millions and millions of people around the world... Japan, Germany, London, Indonesia, Guam, China, Spain, Iran, Norway, Brazil, to mention a few... who rejoiced at the election of Obama... could it have been ACORN International?   could it be.... hmmmm ?   Or maybe they saw it for what it was... as did nearly 70 million Americans did... a vote for Obama was a mandate to take this country in another direction.   McCain did not represent this idea.   Period.   He was rejected.  Period.
    You lost. Period. 
    Get over it.
  • Bud Mullins
    Dora, please explain to me and these compassionate readers just what direction are you talking about that Obama is taking us in!  Please, I would love to hear some more bunk...  I know the readers are compassionate because they have not attacked you for the things you said.
  • Dora
    Bud said : "I know the readers are compassionate because they have not attacked you for the things you said."

    OH?  Bud, perhaps you need to scroll up... or select any other thread where I have made a comment regarding the "bunk" spewed here as fact...  where I have, time and time again given you facts, dates, and exact quotes yet there are those here with their fingers in their ears saying "la la lal la la I can't hear you.  This is a conservative site, why are you here.   Go back to your Daily Kos.   Liberals want us to fail.  " and other crap.  "compassionate"?????  get real, bud.

    Bud what you and Jackie/Titus lack in actual information, you more than make up for with your hysteria.

    in answer to your question above:
    a change in direction from the previous administration- you are either dreadfully stupid or woefully blind  ... perhaps both- so BUD
    you can start with torture, bud.
    you can proceed to the constitution, bud, just what parts of this document do you feel we need to ignore as bush did?
    ...you can look to the justice department, bud... what did bush/cheney do with regards to the justice department, bud?
    you can look at transparency vs secrecy, bud. 
    ... you can throw away the notion of "no bid contracts", bud
    ... you can eliminate government contracts and tax advantages to those corp entities that send jobs overseas,  bud.
    ...you can find any number of avenues that the bush administration decided to take rather than the right, proper, or legal way, bud.
    these alone would explain what changes you see in an Obama administration.  you want to glide along a little more?  Bush dragged this country into the gutter and through the mud.   People, countries, and world leaders now look to America as actually  reflecting what it has always proclaimed itself to be.

    when Spain... SPAIN... bud... is ready to indite Gonzalez and other former Bush cabinet officials for war crimes... what do you have to say about this bud?   we signed on to the Geneva convention just as they did.  bush found those pesky laws a nuisance, bud.  we have now a president that believes in the rule of law.  big difference, bud.  huge.
  • Bud Mullins
    WOW!  I think Dora loves me...  She talks just like my wife!
  • JackieM
    Bud--the problem is that Dora lies!  that statement can be backed up if you look that the facts that i've used to back up my posts that she loves to ignore.  she doesn't like it when there are folks who are actually in the field of economics and finance that live it everyday and can dispute what she clearly doesn't understand.  she can't comprehend that there are folks who are successful at their jobs in this field and can do more than teach the subjects.  that is evident in her posts.  she also loves to throw my name into the pot to spew hatred.  however, this ignorance will not be understood by her.  just ask her and she will let you know how intelligent she is on subjects that she barely understands.  her posts would make sense to those who are just like her.  she leaves huge chunks of information out to be able to back up her lame claims.  now it is obvious she hasn't seen the news lately.  there are many leaders who are rejecting obama's economic policies to say the least.
  • Dora
    Jackie,  I have neither a reason nor an interest in lying.   A difference of opinion is hardly a "lie".   You are more than welcome to find where you believe I have "lied" and point it out for all to see.   You take great care to make certain you call me a "hater" at every possible opportunity.  Why do you do this?  Because I profoundly disagree with your interest in making laws based upon your YOUR particular religion?  This is unconstitutional, Jackie.  That is a FACT.  You and others here spent the entire presidential campaign spouting absolute lies concerning Obama.  Why?  The facts are easy enough to find- why do you avoid this?  Afraid to find just how silly you look?   Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Black Liberationist,  Muslim,  Terrorist,  Elitist,  Messiah, Appeaser,   ...these are just a few of the names still being used by you and others here.  Why?  
    Why is it that you cannot get through your head that YOUR ideology is a very large reason why we are in the mess you see?  Economics, you claim as your forte'.  Great.  For every single opinion presented by one economist you will find opinions directly in opposition to this.   Don't proclaim to me that you are the ultimate expert in this field.  You clearly are not.  You have opinions.  That is all.    You though it hilarious that I hold a masters degree in art history and a masters in philosophy- so I could not possibly be as smart as you who "works" in the financial field.  You were even so ridiculous as to suggest that I should have nothing to say regarding any financial matter.   (Who is the elitist again?)   You seem to spend a great deal of time looking for minute nit picking instead of looking for common ground from which to move forward.  This is a shame.  You call me a hater.  Why?  I don't hate you or anyone else here.   I disagree with you and your tactics.  You are divisive.  You cannot leave your religious dogma out of political law making.  You spread misinformation.   You want to vote on whether or not I should have the same civil rights as you have.   Jackie,  why is this?   You ignore the hypocrisy, pocket lining,  and illegalities of the previous  administration.  The fact that Bush, almost single-handedly  sullied the name and goodwill of the American people to the rest of the world does not phase you in the slightest.  Why?  The fact that Obama represents the total opposite of this bothers you to the extreme.  Why Jackie?  
    Why?  It's as if you enjoy the misery.
  • JackieM
    Dora--I knew what your response would be and am ready for it.  I called you a liar because you continue to ignore every fact that I and others bring to your attention.  You also bring up the same subject time and time again without disproving anything that has been said before because you can't prove it to be wrong.  the reason you can't prove anything i've said to be wrong is because i have stated facts.  you somehow find comfort in bringing up my religion for which you know nothing about.  Rush is also a big topic with you for some reason.  maybe it is my morals and values that scare you?  you have your opinion on Bush and I have mine.  your comment--The fact that Bush, almost single-handedly  sullied the name and goodwill of the American people to the rest of the world does not phase you in the slightest.  Why?--is a joke.  i spoke about obama's problems in posts last fall and they are coming to light.  you should be ashamed of yourself for not paying attention to the damage obama is causing.  if you understood the mid-eastern and asian culture as i do, you would not even bring up the relationship issues.  obama is doing more to cause the nation to be looked down upon that any president we have ever had.  do your research and you should be able to figure it out without me having to go into detail.  maybe you should branch out more and actually work in the real world and study other cultures.  facts are facts.  obama is a lame duck on so many levels.  contrary to what you and your liberals friends think, he is now responsible for America's decline.  He had his chance to have an immediate positive impact on the economy and blew it!  how many errors does he have to make before you guys will see him for the fraud he is?  he is over at the G20 meeting now and is speaking on topics he knows nothing about.
  • Bud Mullins
    JackieM (266)

     He had his chance to have an immediate positive impact on the economy and blew it!  how many errors does he have to make before you guys will see him for the fraud he is?  he is over at the G20 meeting now and is speaking on topics he knows nothing about.  (I LOVE THIS.)

    Jackie, a Good Captain will go down with the ship.  A lot of liberals are Good Captains!  If liberal thinking people spent as much time trying to understand conversatism as they do justifying their own downfalls, they would understand.  A good Liberal will never  do that...  They will spew their justifications, spread their lies in the meantime and follow the captain down with the ship.
  • JackieM
    Bud--You are right.  I just can't believe people are that stupid!  Now don't get me wrong, I know they are but they are spreading this crap to our children (not mine, of course)!  It is sick!
  • Dora
    Jackie,   I see that you failed to find a single specific lie.  Not one.

    furthermore, you stated:
    "...if you understood the mid-eastern and asian culture as i do, you would not even bring up the relationship issues. "

    I cannot imagine how you managed to even come up with this statement or what possible bearing your imagined expertise would be.   As an Asian-American I am amused at your foolishness.    

    Do you even know what a "lame duck" is, Jackie?  Your reference to this indicates that you do not.

    Your foolish notion that there was some magic (and apparently obvious) instant-fix solution to the current global economic situation that Obama opted to ignore, choosing instead to scare the crap out of people like you with some nefarious agenda  is downright silly.   Jackie, I have heard more logic from the babble of a drunk in the gutter than from your posts  which contain contain nothing  even remotely resembling sane rational thought on your part. 

    Oh, and Jackie... not that you will look it up- you are far too afraid of the truth- but Obama is currently enjoying an extremely favorable rating ...Obama's current approval rating is 68%- Michelle is even higher President Obama's favorability rating is at an all-time high. Two-thirds feel hopeful about his leadership and six in 10 approve of the job he's doing in the White House. 
    Those, my dear Jackie are FACTS.
    You wish a source?   The Wall Street Journal.  Hardly a liberal rag.
    FACTS,  Jackie.  Not my opinion.  Not lies.  Just the facts.  Try one on for size... just once.
  • JackieM
    Dora--since you are still not understanding my post, i'll explain it.  you are not telling the truth when you continue to talk about the same ole crap that has been proven wrong by several people on this site including me who have backed up our posts with facts.  the dumbing down of america is really in affect and that is apparent because obama's supporters do not understand who they are supporting.  the polls after the election prove this.  the polls looked at who voted for him and why.  that is easily understood and i won't go through that again because it is too easy.  so since you are asian american you understand mid-eastern culture?  since you are asian american you understand the put up or shut up mentality?  do you understand that talk is cheap in some cultures?  i guess being asian american means............?  apparently you are not too versed in culture if you can't figure out what i'm saying.  you are amusing yet it is scary that there are more like you who continue to spread your stupity.
  • JackieM
    excuse me.  let me clarify my misspelling--stupidity.
  • Bud Mullins
    I just promoted Dora to Admiral - She is past the Captain stage!
  • Not Rush
    Which reminds me of something Someone said:

    How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.
    Adolf Hitler
  • Bud Mullins
    Not Rush 273

    Did you know that less than 2% of the world's population are real leaders.  10% percent are leaders who don't qualify as a leader and the other 88% are followers.  Out of that 88% about 10% know what or who they are following.  The rest are the ones Hitler was talking about.  They just follow...  They don't think, they just follow!
  • Not Rush
    True, and the scary part of this, is the "following" is so involved in the voicing their opinion, which is actually a mirror of what they have been told, that they are heard the loudest. Given the large number of people that stand on rhetoric, and can convey no facts when backed into a corner, a great number of this "following" are little more than Sheep!
  • DS
    Why are you so afraid of "religion"?  Are you afraid that you might have to reconsider your value system?  Are you afraid that if you acknowledge the value of religion that your arguments will carry less weight?  Are you afraid that if God is not eliminated from the public square that you will someday be forced to deal with your lost condition?  Dora, I sense so much hate and confusion in your spirit.  I wish I could help you, but only God can do that.  God loves you Dora, and wants to have a relationship with you.  He will let you come to the end of yourself, and then be there to pick you up.  God is real Dora!  Someday we will ALL be judged for what we did in this life.  Are you ready for that Dora?  You never know when your day will come.  Don't wait Dora.  Ask God to forgive you and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.  He is faithful and willing to forgive EVERYONE who asks.  Do it today Dora.
  • Dora
    Jackie, glad that you addressed your spelling- at least there- (now if only you were educated enough to understand the difference between effect and affect)-    
    If you continue to believe in Jay Leno's sidewalk interviews as representative of all Americans (nearly 70 million) who voted for Obama-  you really do hang with ignorant people.  As you can probably guess,  I worked very closely with the Obama campaign.  Volunteers comprised of all ages,  genders,  and etnicities.  With rare exception,  most were college educated and held professional positions.   It seems from your comments that you have no working knowledge with regards to the "dumbing down of America"-  to what it referred, and what EFFECT (please note proper use of this word)  is has upon education as it exists today.  My children are in the 99th percentile- do you know why?  (or...do you even know what this means?)
    You really do need to get your story straight, Jackie-  either we are "elitists" or we are a reflection of the dumbing down of America.  
    here's a little reading material for you- to get your feet wet.

    You have yet to point out a single "lie" you claim I have put forth - keep looking.   I'll wait.

    DS- I am not afraid of religion.  I don't need to be threatened in order to do the right thing- apparently you do. "If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for a reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed."  (Einstein) I believe in logic- apparently you do not.   I believe in common sense- again,  apparently you do not.   I am neither filled with hate nor confusion.   I know exactly how to function.  I don't believe in superstitions- you do. 
    what you need is some reading material to help you sort out fact and fiction:

    DS, you and Jackie fear anything that does not fit in the mold of your preconceived notions.   At least you have the Rush clone as company.
  • Not Rush
    Dora--"Rush Clone", now that is funny, it is always funny to watch one of the "Walking Liberal Robots" spew forth their name calling and insults, of course, at least you did not fall back on the "But We Won" logo made so popular by Pelosi. You still have not given me your opinion on the matters I questioned you about in another post, yet, it is possible that you have no opinion--by the way--If the "Rush Clone" insult was directed at me because, I speak my mind and do not have to have anyone do my thinking for me--Thanks!  Since you do not know me, nor have you visited my site, I imagine that your insults are directed towards me , not because you know what you are talking about, but because I would dare to question your "Political Messiah". Yes--I disagree with a few of his policies, I also disagreed with a few of Bushs--Oh Well-- now the conservatives can come after me also!
  • Bud Mullins
    Dora, no wonder you're a "Radical - Left Wing Extremist" - You have all the material you need for the schooling in those links you posted.  Oh, by the way, I can't speel either!
  • DS
    God still loves you!  He will wait patiently for you, but there is a limit to His patience.  Repent of your sins and believe in Christ.  He gave His life dor you Dora.  He invites you to come.  Accept Him Dora, as you do not know the day or the hour that He will come.  Jesus loves you Dora.
  • DS
    "for"....typo, sorry.
  • JackieM
    Dora is an idiot and she just proved it again by not being ashamed of working for that moron obama.  i'm more educated than she is in the real world as experience and higher education goes.  however, i guess if you count art history and philosophy degrees as an education and you can spread ignorance while having no experience in the real world, I guess it means something to someone!  if spelling is all she has to correct me on, she is unfortunately one of THOSE teachers w/no real basis to pull her intelligence from.  now don't get me wrong i've had so many great teachers during my time and contribute their success in teaching to the fact that they were ex-corp folks who had experience in how this economy functions and didn't get everything from a book.  i commend them and look down upon people who communicate crap.   keep on correcting my grammar, dora, if that is all you have.  you don't get any points from working  with obama's team.  please don't let his lack of leadership be an example to live by because you would be going down the wrong path.  he is not scoring to highly w/the world leaders because they see through his rhetoric.  by the way, i've known a lot of really ignorant educated folks and obama administration is a perfect example.  let's see obama hired tax cheats, mobsters, lobbyists and has no experience in business, the markets, or foreign policy.  so why is in president?   oh yeah, i forgot for a second who voted for him.  ha!  that was a good joke and a PERFECT example of the dumbing down of America!
  • amber
    What we have here, is authentic white trash jibberish. You folks are ready for an episode of jerry springer.
  • Dora
    no doubt, amber.  but i am not certain if springer allows repeats of idiots already aired showcasing such stupidity- i confess though- i don't watch it.

    Jackie:  your item: " hired tax cheats, mobsters, lobbyists and has no experience in business, the markets, or foreign policy."...

    Take a look at this... and wiggle your brain cells to discover how this description fits exactly the previous president.   You voted for him... TWICE.

    Furthermore,  your personal assessment of how Obama is being received in Europe by nearly 2 dozen heads of state is so incorrect that it's laughable.   Even the drama queen, Peggy Noonan,  and the ever- critical Morning Joe have rave reviews on Obama in Europe. 
    Damn,  woman.  In what cave do you reside?  Do you even read?
  • Dora
    and Rush-clone,  I have seen your site-  what you fail to tell people is that it's a comedy site. 
    here, let me join you in your song:
  • Dora
    tsk.. tsk... Jackie.   again with the name calling.    Again with the standing on a ladder to make yourself look taller.   I may hold degrees you believe to be irrelivent-  (a problem that only you can address) - I have spent my adult life in the business world operating my own business. With  $3,500 , I  took advantage of my own ability,  education,  and background to create a business 35 years ago that still flourishes today.   Two of my young employees (out of 35 employees)  bought my controlling interest to allow me to retire at an "early" age to pursue my artistic endeavors.    I don't need your approval, your insults, or your imagined superiority.   You love to pontificate upon subjects about which you hold minimal knowledge.   It's amusing on some level but alarming how one can desire to remain so ignorant of simple facts yet sling insults at those of whom would hold opinions different than those of yours.   Jackie,  that's anything BUT impressive.  You claim possession of  working knowlege,  street-smarts,  and some nebulous illusions regarding personally obtained impressions regarding things ecconomic  yet nearly every one of your posts diisplay  your fragile grasp of the English language,  your lack of understanding as to the the facts of the 21st century global economy,  the actual workings of government,  how a bill is created and how it becomes law.   You have displayed a complete ignorance regarding "pork/earmarks"- why they exist, what they do, who inserts them,  and which ones have actually been of service to YOU specifically.  
    I don't have illusions that you will ever seek to round out your informatonal rollodex  to include ideas,  sources, and individuals  that would be different than yours,  ideas that would not serve your selfish interests, spite-filled ideology, and tiny tent of right wing-nuts.   (again, something only you can address).  

    It's fairly clear that at some point in your life you were dropped on your head, severely damaging your ability to reason logically.   I hope that your future will be better than your past.   Bon chance.
  • Bud Mullins
    Dora, what did you say you majored in in college?  It must have been "IGNORANCE!"  I don't think they have a degree in stupid!
  • Dora
    Bud:  That's Stoopid 101 to you.   I am sorry that you are so jealous.
    See?  I can speel just like you too.  We are more alike than we are different.
  • Dora
    oh... bud... except that WE WON.   YOU lost.   too bad.  so sad.
    here, have a cookie.
  • JackieM
    Dora--your last comment said it all!  i guess you are more concerned about winning and not about what is best for this country.  your immaturity and ignorance is obvious.  the socialist countries are even warning us against obama's economic plan.  your other post is a joke and i won't even respond to it.  facts are definitely not something you understand.  you are getting nowhere in your posts on this site but I think your stupidity is genuine.
  • Bud Mullins
  • Bud Mullins
    Darn it!  That shud hve ben stoopid 101.  Sorry for the mis-spell...  Since I declared myself a bonafied "RED-NECK" I have been havin problms speeling things.
  • DS
    Give up and repent of your sins.  God will forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.  He loves you and wants you to be with Him forever.  When you go to sleep tonight, remember His promise........
    "For God so loved the world (Dora), that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus), that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  This is a promise from God Dora.  It is His FREE gift to you.  Take it Dora.  You will become a NEW person.  You won't be sorry Dora!
  • Bud Mullins
    Dora, please listen to DS.
  • Michael
    "You love to pontificate upon subjects about which you hold minimal knowledge.   It's amusing on some level but alarming how one can desire to remain so ignorant of simple facts yet sling insults at those of whom would hold opinions different than those of yours" Dora

    Dora, this sums up your post.  Every single one of your sentences in post 286 I would use to describe you.  I have said on here before and I will say it again, you have a habit of projecting your own faults onto others.  If you want to go head to head on education/experience and its relevance to the "global economy" and matters of governmental roles and procedures as it relates back to our economy, then pick on me.
  • Titus Hunt
    Dora--just give it up!  you can't defend a party that would sign a bill without reading it.  obama graduated from............ and has what degree?  hmmmmm!  you continue to defend the undefendable.  but it is always erase, erase, erase when it comes to him.  let's just sweep everything he does under the carpet!  ha!  dodd is finally being noticed.  others in your party will be too and it is about time!  by the way, make fun of my spelling and anything else you want!  i really don't care and consider the source.  my posts error sometimes so i have to get them in pretty quickly and don't have time to proof them all of the time.  it is typical of a democrat though to try to divert the subject on to something else because there is no way to truly defend obama and his loyal subjects.  do i need to mention is poor aunt?  hmmm?  look what he has done to her and the taxpayers.  we have supported her unnecessarily.  HE NEEDS TO PAY THAT MONEY BACK!  all of the democrats in Washington need to give up their salaries until their economic plan sees results that can be tied directly to those policies.  i hope they have plenty of savings!  you need to have some knowledge about economics to be a challenge to me and you don't have that skill.  i'm so proud of the republicans right now!  they are finally representing the working folks again and are trying to protect our future.
  • Robert
    Dora, what did you win?  A $7 to $9.2 Trillion deficit over the next 10 years?  That is much better than Bush did.  Obama said since he was inherited a $1.3 million dollar deficit, he is going to triple it and we are going to live with it for years and cause our children to pay for it.

    We sure showed Bush, right?
  • Michael
    And to say that "We won", Bush won TWICE, so what does that mean, he too had a mandate to do anything and demand the support of every American?  Did you, Dora, follow the same "We won" philosophy for the past 8 years?
  • Michael
    Really, if you want to compare them side by side Obama and Bush recieved almost the same popular vote count.  62.95 million to 62.04 million.  And seeing as though Bush won twice, you should probably stop complaining about him then according to your own logic.
  • Bud Mullins
    Ignorance is certainly an excuse for not knowing something.  Ignorance can be treated.  (Just learn about it.)  Stupid can't!

    Michael, I wouldn't worry about any mis-spelled words as a result of typos or the lack of time for your post.  I'm positive that all who needs to receive your message, gets it...  For those who can't get it no matter what, too bad.  I don't justify my spelling mistakes and you don't have to apologize for yours.  Especially not to Dora.

    People who really support losers usually fade away in the back ground when things go bad.  Most of them head for higher ground and seem to disappear.  Thats because the foundation they based their morals on was missing.  Things are surely going bad for Obama.  They will continue to get worse until one of two things happen.  Either we go under as a nation or enough people wake up and realize you cannot be a leader just because you are of a certain race, creed or gender.  I think that is happening now.  I'm glad.  YOU CAN'T RUN A NATION WITH WORDS!  Faith without works is dead.
  • Bud Mullins
    Robert (297)

    Dora, what did you win?  A $7 to $9.2 Trillion deficit over the next 10 years?  That is much better than Bush did.  Obama said since he was inherited a $1.3 million dollar deficit, he is going to triple it and we are going to live with it for years and cause our children to pay for it.
    We sure showed Bush, right?

    Wow!  Robert, I love this post.  Short and to the point...  No pork here, just a simple post that seems to sum it all up.  Thanks
  • Dora
    re: post 296

    Barack Obama attended Occidental College, but received his undergraduate degree in political science from Columbia University, an Ivy League member currently ranked 9th in the country by U.S. News and World Report. Obama also graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Harvard Law School, where he also served as President of the Harvard Law Review. Harvard Law School is ranked the best Law School in America.
    Columbia University - B.A. political science with a specialization in international relations.
    Harvard - Juris Doctor (J.D.) Magna Cum Laude
  • Robert
    So Dora, Obama is the best college graduate and Harvard-educated lawyer we ever had to wreck our economy with George Soros' blessing?

    The Unabomer, who killed 3 people, graduated from Harvard in 1962.  Fred Gwynne who played Herman Munster on TV graduated from Harvard in 1951.

    What does Harvard prove?
  • Titus Hunt
    Dora--His education proves that there is no excuse for his policies and behavior!  He may know nothing about business or the markets or much of anything else but he should at least ensure that the policies are read before he signs them.  The basic law courses would have taught him that.  I've had those.  obviously, common sense has certainly not helped him with the simple concepts.  Maybe he was helping his elderly aunt the day his professor mentioned that it is a good idea to understand what you are signing?  He is definitely an idiot!
  • Titus Hunt
    Robert--good post.  I trained a young girl in a job years ago.  she was from a top school and dumb as a brick.  she carried a 4.0 GPA and was a complete idiot!  She was unable to grasp the simplest concepts and could not even enter a simple formula in an excel spreadsheet.  this went on for over a year.  she was not capable of doing anything but robotic work.  it just goes to prove that common sense and applying book knowledge is not a skill that some people can do.  apparently, obama is one of these people.  of course, he doesn't have the experience or education in the markets or business so he isn't much use as the leader of our country during this time of crisis.  however, according to some, he has a great smile and can speak well.  ha!  folks like us understand where this country is headed and I really don't want to watch!  obama's idea of security is going to the UN security council for the millionith time and shaking his figure at Iran while saying "shame on you."  we know that will work--not!
  • Titus Hunt
    obama's experience as a community organizer isn't helping to rally the countries overseas to give him money.  with his agenda and wasteful spending, he should have been begging all of the countries in the G20 meeting for handouts.  i would not agree to take from others but that seems to be the goal of the democratic party.  besides giving eloquant speeches and conning the stupid, community organizing is all he is qualified to do.  if obama has his way, we will need welfare from every country possible because the taxpayers will not be able to pay this money back unless we all give the government every dime we earn!  i guess the democrats would call this patriotic and successful?  when people in obama's camp don't pay there taxes democrats give them a pass?   his trip has been a waste of taxpayer dollars.  i am really embarrassed and do not call him a leader.  he is a failure at best!  he, pelosi, dodd, frank and reid have definitely brought our country to a new low!  so much for helping the middle class!  smart folks knew that was a lie among many!
  • Robert
    Thanks, Titus.

    You should check out my website http://iloveobamavideos.blogspot.com .
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, nice post.  I am from the old country school.  When I was a kid, a strong back and a bunch of common sense together with a push from dad made us a successful lot.  We were actually taught that education was good but a fiddle won't play without strings or a bow.  WE WERE TAUGHT COMMON SENSE.  If you bought a car, please learn to drive it.  I don't think they teach that at Harvard.

    Obama is an IDIOT!
  • Dora
    Bud, Robert, Titus-  your constant dribble is so yesterday.   None of you have yet understood why Obama  won.   What the American people REJECTED.  
    Oh... here's a Hint:  YOU.
    Obama's visit overseas has been a tremendous goodwill visit as well as productive in many aspects.   Your utter failure to note even this displays that absolutely anything Obama does will not meet with any sort of approval from you.   It frosts you to no end that Obama is the most popular President this country has had for a VERY long time.   You continue to mouth the rhetoric of  tiny minds and teeny tiny segment of the ultra right wing nuts.   As I have said before, on some level, it's amusing- but there comes a point when you have to dust your hands of hopeless individuals.  You could be better human beings  with very little effort,  but instead you  elect to carry about vinegar in your blood and spite in your words.  (how very Christian of you-  forever the hypocrites)   I almost feel sorry for you... almost.  
    Your sour attitude, Titus/Jackie is so off-putting.  Your proclaimed "educated" self - pfft... please.  I have not seen a single post by you that did not contain ENGLISH ERRORS that a 6th grader would not make.  Pretty difficult for you to make any sort of case for your "advanced"  learning.   You are noise.  Lots of noise.  Little more.
    My interest in finding common ground for a healthy discussion is wasted on individuals who are too selfish,  too  ignorant,  too lazy  and too narrow minded to seek truth ...  no matter where it 's found.  You people are scared to find truth.  
    I think that you all should continue to enjoy Glenn Beck's absuridity and phoney tears, the irrational and pompus, drug-induced Limbaugh,  and Sean Hannity,  found to be the most consistantly incorrect right-wing talker with  his statements...he's  right up your alley. 
    Don't ever read Media Matters.   They actually use the entire quote and show the entire transcript.
    Please continue to watch O'Reilly- he'll sift out the truth for you and hand you what's left. 
    Please continue your admiration of your sooooo christian hypocrites who carry your flaming cross and incite hatred and divisiveness.  
    You three should be ashamed to be calling yourselves Christian.
    You display none of the traits you claim your savior requests of you.  
    What a waste of plasma.
  • Robert

    I'm from Chicago originally. I knew about Obama before the rest of the country.  As a matter of fact, I met several of his friends, including a domestic terrorist named Bernadine Dohrn.  He even stabbed a woman I knew there in the back politically.  Her name is Alice Palmer.  Look that up.

    Obama was not the "people's choice" when he ran for the Illinois State Senate in the mid-90's. He got everyone kicked off the ballot, including Alice Palmer.  Therefore, no one had to vote for him at all.  He won by default by his political chicanery.   He decided he wanted "change," not the people of that district.

    How do you like that for integrity?

    By the way, what part of the multi-trillion dollar deficits over the next 10 years that Obama is creating do you like?  Bush only had $1.3 trillion. Obama wants to spend at least 3 times more.  Ins't that great? What part of the extra $6 trillion dollars in debt because of Obama that do you like?

    George Soros will love them because he makes billions during recessions. And he endorsed Obama.  Soros knows he wants to make money.
  • DS
    The "truth" you talk about can only be found in God!  If truth is determined by man, then there is no such thing as truth since each man determines what truth is for himself.  That is not truth at all.  "IF" there is such a thing as absolute truth, then it MUST come from a supreme being who is capable of making such a claim.  And that being is called God.  Dora, you seem to be an intelligent woman, but wordly intelligence won't get you anywhere.  You (and all of us) need the truth that only comes from God.  And in order to get that truth (wisdom) you have to ask God for it.  But in order for Him to grant you that wisdom, you first need to acknowledge Him, and agree that He exists.  It appears from your previous posts that you do not.  God says that "the wisdom of man is foolishness to God."  He says " My ways are above man's ways."  Believe today Dora, and ask Him for wisdom that is far beyond anything that man can muster on his own.  Once you have His wisdom, your eyes will be open to all of the things that you have geard from christians on this site.  Give up your pride Dora.  God will make you into the person He created you to be.  Think about it tonight when you go to bed, and again tomorrow morning when you get up.  He will speak to you Dora.  he will save you just as He did me, the chief of sinners.  God loves you Dora.
  • DS
  • Titus Hunt
    Dora--good will is not going to solve our nation's problems.  i guess you think the dress the wife was wearing made a huge impact too?  i don't really give a damn about your insults because you are as small as the rest of the democrats.  there are many reasons obama was elected and you haven't named any of them yet so keep trying.  you need to improve on your social skills and not criticize others' English.  trying to solve your own mental problems should be more than enough to keep you busy.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud and Robert:  I guess you noticed dora has yet to acknowledge obama's integrity and other issues.  obviously, she would rather concentrate on someone's english errors than the actual content of the post because that is all she has.  I have heard about obama's lack of ethics from friends of mine in Chicago.  it is coming through loud and clear in the Whitehouse also.  that is what we should expect from the most corrupt political system in the US.  my friends also tell me that his efforts as a community activist failed, and the problems just got worse.  so what happens to a failure, stupid people elect him as the "leader" of the free world!  it is so sad!  of course, dora will not comment on the truth.  she would rather continue down her path of total ignorance!
    she has the typical "dumbing down of America" syndrome that i have spoken about many times.  they are "special" people with low morals and values and want to see our country destroyed.
  • Titus Hunt
    Robert - wow!  thanks for the link!  the video was very telling of obama's agenda.  it is sad that 52% of "Americans" (if you call them that) are responsible for the destruction of our country.  it is hard for me to understand how democrats are proud of their choice.  unfortunately the folks that didn't vote for him will have to pay a big price for the stupidity of others!
  • Robert
    Ethical problems? There is a woman who raised over $200,000 for Obama's campaign and donated $28,000 to his committees. Her name is Desiree Rogers. She is now his secretary.  A man and and woman both raised $50,000 each for his campaign. Their names?  Ron Kirk, now U.S. Trade Representative and Dr. Susan Rice, now U.N. Ambassador. Both are cabinet-level posts.  These facts are documented.  That is called "patronage."  You give good jobs to those who put out the most for you in your campaign. That is also called "The Chicago Way."  I know Chicago politics because I have lived in it. I knew Chicago politicians and  I worked in Chicago political campaigns (and learned my lesson).  I have told people that Obama would bring Chicago politics to Washington.  And there you have it.

    Also he was the chair of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge which was to "reform" the Chicago Public School system.   The Chicago school system is one of the worst in the nation.  If he helped to improve the Chicago School System, Obama supporters would have bragged about that for months.  What do I hear?

  • Dora

    On America's Newsroom, on-screen text falsely claimed that President Obama's $3.6 trillion FY 2010 budget is "4x bigger than Bush's costliest plan." In fact, President Bush submitted a $3.1 trillion budget for FY 2009 and a $2.9 trillion budget for FY 2008.
  • Dora

    Sean Hannity aired a clip of President Obama's speech in France and claimed Obama was "blam[ing] America first." However, at no point during the show did Hannity note that immediately after the part he aired, Obama criticized "anti-Americanism" in Europe as well as Europeans who "choose to blame America for much of what's bad."
  • Robert

    I did not use American's Newsroom as my source. I used the Associated Press, not a "right-wing, Republican" news organization, a news organization that has been supportive of Obama in the past:

    "Obama budget could bring $9.3 trillion in deficits
    <cite>"By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer Andrew Taylor, Associated Press Writer </cite><abbr title="26-0700">Fri Mar 20, 7:43 pm ET</abbr>
    <!-- end .byline -->
    "WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's budget would produce $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than four times the deficits of Republican George W. Bush's presidency, congressional auditors said Friday.
    "The new Congressional Budget Office figures offered a far more dire outlook for Obama's budget than the new administration predicted just last month — a deficit $2.3 trillion worse. It's a prospect even the president's own budget director called unsustainable.
    "In his White House run, Obama assailed the economic policies of his predecessor, but the eye-popping deficit numbers threaten to swamp his ambitious agenda of overhauling health care, exploring new energy sources and enacting scores of domestic programs.
    "The dismal deficit figures, if they prove to be accurate, inevitably raise the prospect that Obama and his Democratic allies controlling Congress would have to consider raising taxes after the recession ends or else pare back his agenda.
    "By CBO's calculation, Obama's budget would generate deficits averaging almost $1 trillion a year of red ink over 2010-2019.
    "Worst of all, CBO says the deficit under Obama's policies would never go below 4 percent of the size of the economy, figures that economists agree are unsustainable. By the end of the decade, the deficit would exceed 5 percent of gross domestic product, a dangerously high level.
    "White House budget chief Peter Orszag said that CBO's long-range economic projections are more pessimistic than those of the White House, private economists and the Federal Reserve and that he remained confident that Obama's budget, if enacted, would produce smaller deficits.
    "Even so, Orszag acknowledged that if the CBO projections prove accurate, Obama's budget would produce deficits that could not be sustained.
    "'Deficits in the, let's say, 5 percent of GDP range would lead to rising debt-to-GDP ratios that would ultimately not be sustainable,' Orszag told reporters.
    "Deficits so big put upward pressure on interest rates as the government offers more attractive interest rates to attract borrowers.
    "'I think deficits of 5 percent (of GDP) are unsupportable,' said economist Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Economy.com. 'It will lead to higher interest rates to the point where it will force policymakers to make changes.'
    "Republicans immediately piled on.
    "'This report should serve as the wake-up call this administration needs,' said House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio. 'We simply cannot continue to mortgage our children and grandchildren's future to pay for bigger and more costly government.'
    "But Obama insisted on Friday that his agenda is still on track.
    "'What we will not cut are investments that will lead to real growth and prosperity over the long term,' Obama said. 'That's why our budget makes a historic commitment to comprehensive health care reform. That's why it enhances America's competitiveness by reducing our dependence on foreign oil and building a clean energy economy.'
    "Obama's $3.6 trillion budget for the 2010 fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 contains ambitious programs to overhaul the U.S. health care system and initiate new "cap-and-trade" rules to combat global warming.
    "Both initiatives involve raising federal revenues sharply higher, but those dollars wouldn't be used to defray the burgeoning deficit and would instead help pay for Obama's health plan and implement Obama's $400 tax credit for most workers and $800 for couples.
    "Obama's budget promises to cut the deficit to $533 billion in five years. The CBO says the red ink for that year will total $672 billion.
    "Most disturbing to Obama allies like Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D., are the longer term projections, which climb above $1 trillion again by the end of the next decade and approach 6 percent of GDP by 2019.
    "Among about a dozen major changes to Obama's budget, Conrad is looking to curb Obama's 9 percent increase for non-defense appropriations to show short-term progress and insists that the long-term deficit and debt crisis will have to be addressed via a special bipartisan commission.
    "'The budget that I'll submit will cut the deficit by more than two-thirds over these first five years,'  Conrad. 'These imbalances are just absolutely unsustainable.'
    "The worsening economy is responsible for the even deeper fiscal mess inherited by Obama. As an illustration, CBO says the deficit for the current budget year, which began Oct. 1, will top $1.8 trillion, $93 billion more than foreseen by the White House. That would equal 13 percent of GDP, a level not seen since World War II.
    "The 2009 deficit, fueled by the $700 billion Wall Street bailout and diving tax revenues stemming from the worsening recession, is four times the previous $459 billion record set just last year.
    "The CBO's estimate for 2010 is worse as well, with a deficit of almost $1.4 trillion expected under administration policies, about $200 billion more than predicted by Obama.
    "Long-term deficit predictions have proven notoriously fickle — George W. Bush inherited flawed projections of a 10-year, $5.6 trillion surplus and instead produced record deficits — and if the economy outperforms CBO's expectations, the deficits could prove significantly smaller.
    "Republicans say Obama's budget plan taxes, spends and borrows too much, and they've been sharply critical of his $787 billion economic stimulus measure and a just-passed $410 billion omnibus spending bill that awarded big increases to domestic agency budgets.
    "The administration says it inherited deficits totaling $9 trillion over the next decade and that its budget plan cuts $2 trillion from those deficits. But most of those spending reductions come from reducing costs for the war in Iraq."
    So what part of this long-term deficit do you like the most, which also adds greatly to the National Debt?
  • Robert
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    Obama Plus Soros Equals Disaster
    by Robert Oliver
    Enter Barack Obama, President of the United States. The following is The Heritage Foundation’s analysis of Obama’s budget:
    During his presidential campaign, President Barack Obama promised the American people a "net spending cut." Instead, he signed a "stimulus" bill that spends $800 billion, and he has proposed a budget that would:
    * Increase spending by $1 trillion over the next decade;
    * Include an additional $250 billion placeholder for another financial bailout;
    * Likely lead to a 12 percent increase in discretionary spending;
    * Permanently expand the federal government by nearly 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) over pre-recession levels;
    * Raise taxes on all Americans by $1.4 trillion over the next decade;
    * Raise taxes for 3.2 million taxpayers by an average of $300,000 over the next decade;
    * Call for a pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) law despite offering a budget that would violate it by $3.4 trillion;
    * Assume a rosy economic scenario that few economists anticipate;
    * Leave permanent deficits averaging $600 billion even after the economy recovers; and
    * Double the publicly held national debt to over $15 trillion ($12.5 trillion after inflation).
    Before the recession, federal spending totaled $24,000 per U.S. household. President Obama would hike it to $32,000 per household by 2019 - an inflation-adjusted $8,000-per-household expansion of government. Even the steep tax increases planned for all taxpayers would not finance all of this spending: The President's budget would add trillions of dollars in new debt.
    All that does not sound like a great future. (By the way, President Franklin Roosevelt did not end the Great Depression with the New Deal despite the claims of some. To make the unbelievable claim that government jobs created by the New Deal ended the depression is very dishonest in light of the facts. Even in 1939, unemployment was still high, 17.3% to be exact, higher than today’s figures. Does that sound like getting out of a depression to you? John Maynard Keynes whose economic theories have been praised by those who make those false claims, is to economics as a witch doctor is to legitimate medicine. He said spend, spend, and spend your way to prosperity. When you borrow, borrow, borrow and spend, spend, spend, as Obama is doing, somebody has to pay for that spending. It will be you, your children, your grandchildren, and your great-grandchildren. We still have a national debt that is over $11 Trillion and is increasing every second. Are they any plans to cut the national debt in half? Ask your president. The Great Depression ended because of the war economy of World War II. That was when many jobs were created, not just government jobs. Those of you with parents who lived through the depression probably told you that World War II ended it and not Roosevelt. The entrance into the war took many men off the streets and put them into uniforms, right? There is even evidence that Roosevelt prolonged the depression longer than it should have lasted.)
    Enter George Soros, 78-year-old Hungarian hedge fund manager. He hated George W. Bush as much or more than some of you all did. He declared war on Bush. This is what the Daily Mail newspaper of London had to say:
    George Soros, who predicted the global financial crisis twice before, was one of the few people to anticipate and prepare for the current economic collapse.
    Mr Soros said his prediction meant he was better able to brace his Quantum investment fund against the global storm.
    But other investors failed to take notice of his prediction and his decision to come out of retirement in 2007 to manage the fund made him $US2.9 billion.
    And while the financial crisis continued to deepen across the globe, the 78-year-old still managed to make $1.1 billion last year.
    'It is, in a way, the culminating point of my life’s work,' he told national newspaper The Australian.
    In other words, while your friends and relatives were losing their jobs, having problems paying bills, etc., Soros was making lots of hundreds of millions of dollars, profiting off of misfortune. I wonder if he made any contributions to RainbowPUSH, the NAACP, or the Urban League. I wonder how many jobs he created after making that money.
    What does President Obama have to do with this? I am on the mailing list of the organization 501(c) (4) non-profit group MoveOn.org. That organization also declared war on George W. Bush. This organization is really pushing support of Obama’s budget despite its obvious flaws as you have seen. Then I got a hunch. I started to do research and see if there is a connection between MoveOn.org and George Soros.
    There is and it sticks out like a sore thumb. The Capital Research Center in its March 2004 issue of Foundation Watch had this to say:
    It should be no surprise that George Soros has lavished a huge donation on this scrappy upstart (MoveOn.org). In September 2003,Wes Boyd, the president and co-founder of MoveOn.org, visited Soros in his New York City offices. The California computer entrepreneur was not sure why the billionaire philanthropist wanted to meet him. But Soros quickly made his intentions known. He told Boyd he would give $2.5 million to the MoveOn.org Voter Fund, the newly-established 527 adjunct, to produce and purchase anti-Bush advertising.
    Soros’ billionaire comrade-in-arms Peter Lewis made a matching $2.5 million gift. Soros and Lewis also promised to match every $2 donation to the voter fund with a dollar of their own up to $5 million. That added up to $15 million—and it was all intended for anti-Bush campaign commercials. “I like what they do and how they do it,” said Soros. “They have been remarkably successful; I want to help them be even more successful.” Boyd predicted that the contributions, while significant in themselves, would motivate other donors. “The Soros-Lewis match will…make even more small contributors step forward and become part of the political process.”
    Boyd was right. By early December, the MoveOn.org Voter Fund realized its $15 million goal. Soros’ large donation motivated a wave of giving from small donors. Within 24 hours after announcing the Soros gift in early November, the MoveOn.org Voter Fund received $1 million from more than 15,000 of its members.
    Investor’s Business Daily said in 2007: <strong>“MoveOn.org has gotten financing from the deep pockets of billionaires such as George Soros, who pledged it $5 million in the past and implied he would give more if that's what it took to win elections. That's not his only cause. He funds a network of organizations that have critical uses to the Democrats, such as a think tank closely associated with Hillary Clinton's supporters and ex-aides called the Center for American Progress, and plenty of others.”
    George Soros endorsed Barack Obama. Now be logical. George Soros makes money when economies downturn. I repeat: George Soros makes money when economies downturn. Why would he be interested in a recovering American economy? As I said MoveOn.org, an organization that he funds, is pushing Obama’s budget which I have shown is flawed.
    Also, a BBC news report of March 25 said: “The Czech prime minister has condemned US President Barack Obama's economic recovery plans as ‘a way to hell’. Mirek Topolanek was speaking in the European Parliament, in his capacity as current holder of the EU presidency…Mr Topolanek, whose government collapsed last night in a Czech parliament vote of no-confidence, said the United States was not taking ‘the right path’.
    “He attacked the US's growing budget deficit and the ‘Buy America’ campaign, saying ‘all of these steps, these combinations and permanency is the way to hell’.
    "’We need to read the history books and the lessons of history and the biggest success of the (EU) is the refusal to go this way,’ he said.”
    For George Soros, the bricks on that way to hell are made of solid gold and MoveOn.org , knowingly or unknowingly, cheerleads the bricklayers.
    When you lose, he wins and laughs all the way to the bank.
    Therefore Obama plus Soros equals disaster.
    Robert Oliver is a writer and photographer. He can be reached at [email protected]
  • Robert
    Obama Endorses Soros Plan to Loot America

    Cliff Kincaid

    At the G 20 summit in London, President Barack Obama won rave reviews from reporters, many of whom clamored like school kids for the chance to ask him a question at his news conference, but the official conference document proves that plans are being made for what can only be described as the further looting of American taxpayers in order to feed unaccountable and corrupt global entities.

    This is not “global cooperation,” as so many in the media described it, but a massive new expansion of the power and authority of international agencies and institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

    By embracing the “global plan for recovery and reform,” which is how it was officially described, Obama explicitly endorsed International Monetary Fund (IMF) surveillance of the U.S. economy, creation of a global “Financial Stability Board,” the expanded use of a new global currency called Special Drawing Rights, a new global warming treaty, and costly fulfillment of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This is in addition to the explicit and reported commitment of over $1 trillion in additional taxpayer money to the IMF and the World Bank.

    The Special Drawing Rights proposal, which is a vehicle for further U.S. foreign aid to the rest of the world, was the brainchild of billionaire George Soros, who told CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo that the G 20 conference was a “success.”

    Dubbed the “Lenin of the 21st Century” by the Ripon Forum magazine, because of his apparent transformation from super-capitalist into “neo-Marxist,” Soros waged an expensive but unsuccessful campaign to defeat President George W. Bush for re-election in 2004. He has been determined to install a puppet in the White House.

    In addition to financing Democrat Party politicians and left-wing organizations such as the ACLU, he has subsidized a wide array of liberal causes, ranging from abortion rights to gay rights to legalization of dangerous drugs. Even former members of the terrorist Weather Underground, such as Bernardine Dohrn and Linda Evans, have appeared at functions sponsored by his so-called Open Society Institute or accepted its grants.

    Soros had backed Obama for president in 2008, saying that he had “the charisma and the vision to radically reorient America in the world.” His prediction seems to be eerily coming true.

    In the final analysis, the grand total of money to be looted from American taxpayers as a result of Obama’s commitments at the G 20 conference could easily surpass trillions of dollars. In a major understatement, the official conference document calls it “unprecedented and concerted fiscal expansion.”

    But while Obama endorsed the document and its recommendations, the Congress of the United States can still have some say over whether some of the commitments he made are put into law.

    Consider the commitment to the UN MDGs, for example. The document includes the statement that “we reaffirm our historic commitment to meeting the Millennium Development Goals…” This is, in fact, a disguised attempt to make then-Senator Obama’s Global Poverty Act the law of the land through executive action. This measure alone has been estimated to cost $845 billion and it was never passed by Congress because of public opposition. In similar fashion, the current Congress can also resist compliance with the U.N. mandate.

    “We will support, now and in the future, to candid, even-handed, and independent IMF surveillance of our economies and financial sectors, of the impact of our policies on others, and of risks facing the global economy,” the document states. There is no exception for the U.S. Hence, the IMF will now be in a position to officially monitor and pass judgment on U.S. economic policies. We have become like any other second- or third-rate power in need of global oversight and supervision.

    The proposed “new Financial Stability Board (FSB)” will have a “strengthened mandate” and work with the IMF to “reshape our regulatory systems.” Among other things, its mission is to “assess vulnerabilities affecting the financial system, identify and oversee action needed to address them,” “promote co-ordination and information exchange among authorities responsible for financial stability,” and “monitor and advise on market developments and their implications for regulatory policy.”

    The Financial Stability Board is the new name for a more powerful and expanded Financial Stability Forum, a body originally designed to “promote international financial stability through information exchange and international co-operation in financial supervision and surveillance.” Members of the group include the central banks of various nations, international financial institutions, and supervisors in important financialcenters.

    The document also states that “we call on the UN, working with other global institutions, to establish an effective mechanism to monitor the impact of the crisis on the poorest and most vulnerable.”

    Is this the same UN that has achieved a reputation for corruption, fraud, waste, and incompetence? Is this the organization whose “peacekeepers” have been found guilty of the sexual abuse of women and children around the world? It is one and the same.

    In the name of holding big banks accountable, therefore, Obama has put the U.S. in the hands of “global institutions” that are somehow supposed to help provide a “global solution” to the “global crisis.” If anything, the record demonstrates that these institutions make human problems worse, not better.

    Nevertheless, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown declared that “A new world order is emerging and with it we’re entering into a new era of international cooperation.”

    But viewed in another light, Obama has sold out the sovereignty of the United States and has laid the groundwork for the death of the U.S. dollar as the world’s dominant currency. While President Bush started this insidious process of holding G 20 meetings, Obama has taken the process much further down the road. It is truly unprecedented.

    The “London Summit ― Leaders’ Statement,” dated April 2, 2009, was only nine pages, and there were some vague and confusing statements in it. But much of it was both understandable and frightening, if reporters would only take the time to bother to read it.

    “We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250 billion into the world economy and increase global liquidity, and urgent ratification of the Fourth Amendment,” the document says. Basic research would disclose that this is a reference to Special Drawing Rights, a so-called international “reserve asset” which under the Obama plan would evolve into a kind of new global currency based on the willingness of the U.S. and other countries to dramatically increase funding of the IMF. In the words of the IMF, a Special Drawing Right is “a potential claim on the freely usable currencies of IMF members.” That means that its worth is based in part on claims to U.S. taxpayer dollars. It is a new form of foreign aid.

    The reference to ratifying the Fourth Amendment (of the IMF Articles of Agreement) means that Obama has agreed that the U.S. will vote to greatly expand the use of SDRs. But the Congress can have a say in this.

    This proposal had been demanded by billionaire leftist George Soros. Indeed, according to a news account in advance of the London meeting, he had come up with the specific $250 billion figure.

    As we had documented years ago, Soros has long viewed Special Drawing Rights as a variation of a global tax to finance more foreign aid. Expanding the use of SDRs is another obvious effort to drain wealth away from the United States.

    The two annexes to the G 20 document are full of detailed recommendations for regulating such matters as pay and compensation at financial institutions and “international standards in relation to tax transparency.” One of the main objectives is to reduce the ability of people and corporations to avoid high tax rates.

    “We reaffirm our commitment to address the threat of irreversible climate change, based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, and to reach agreement at the UN Climate Change conference in Copenhagen in December 2009,” the document states. This is a commitment to sign a new global warming treaty that could cost the U.S. economy even more trillions of dollars. But this agreement would also require Congressional approval.

    In a virtual throwaway line, the document calls for extending “regulation and oversight to all systemically important financial institutions, instruments and markets,” including “for the first time, systemically important hedge funds…”

    If such a proposal were actually implemented, and there are strong doubts that it ever would be, such supervision could possibly shed some light on the mysterious behind-the-scenes activities of George Soros himself, one of Obama’s biggest backers, who was convicted of insider trading in France.

    While decrying the lack of regulation, Soros has made billions of dollars operating a secretive off-shore financial hedge fund and manipulating international financial markets and foreign currencies.

    Known as “the man who almost broke the Bank of England” and described by some as “extremely evil,” Soros engaged in a complex financial transaction that resulted in the Bank of England losing billions of dollars defending the British pound before having to devalue it. He has controversial investments in places like Colombia, where the banks have been penetrated by drug cartels eager to launder their drug money.

    In a major court case filed by the law offices of David H. Relkin, Soros has recently been charged with “money laundering, bankruptcy fraud, and bid rigging” and of having a “pattern of money laundering activities” that includes the investment in the Colombian bank and using an off-shore tax haven that protects the identity of investors from disclosure. A Soros representative was quoted by the Reuters news agency as saying that the lawsuit was completely without merit.

    The Soros role in the U.S. housing market collapse continues to be the subject of speculation, interest and even Congressional hearings. The collapse of the financial system in mid-September greatly damaged the electoral chances of John McCain and Sarah Palin, who were ahead in the polls at the time, and paved the way for Obama’s victory.

    In 2008, Soros was once again on the list of highest-paid hedge fund managers, according to Institutional Investor magazine’s Alpha publication. He made $1.1 billion during the economic collapse and recession.
  • Bud Mullins
    Robert (320) & (321)

    Robert, too bad radicals like Dora will never get much out of a great post like these two!
  • Robert
    Thanks Bud.  Now feel free to pick apart the following  ridiculous article for obvious reasons:

    April 1, 2023
    Economic Scene
    Stimulus Thinking, and Nuance

    Every so often, history serves up an analogy that’s uncomfortable, a little distracting and yet still very relevant.
    In the summer of 1933, just as they will do on Thursday, heads of government and their finance ministers met in London to talk about a global economic crisis. They accomplished little and went home to battle the crisis in their own ways.
    More than any other country, Germany — Nazi Germany — then set out on a serious stimulus program. The government built up the military, expanded the autobahn, put up stadiums for the 1936 Berlin Olympics and built monuments to the Nazi Party across Munich and Berlin.
    The economic benefits of this vast works program never flowed to most workers, because fascism doesn’t look kindly on collective bargaining. But Germany did escape the Great Depression faster than other countries. Corporate profits boomed, and unemployment sank (and not because of slave labor, which didn’t become widespread until later). Harold James, an economic historian, says that the young liberal economists studying under John Maynard Keynes in the 1930s began to debate whether Hitler had solved unemployment.
    No sane person enjoys mixing nuance and Nazis, but this bit of economic history has a particular importance this week. In the run-up to the G-20 meeting, European leaders have resisted calls for more government spending. Last week, the European Union president, Mirek Topolanek, echoed a line from AC/DC — whom he had just heard in concert — and described the Obama administration’s stimulus plan as “a road to hell.”
    Here in the United States, many people are understandably wondering whether the $800 billion stimulus program will make much of a difference. They want to know: Does stimulus work? Fortunately, this is one economic question that’s been answered pretty clearly in the last century.
    Yes, stimulus works.
    When governments have taken aggressive steps to soften an economic decline, they have succeeded. The Germans did it in the 1930s. Franklin D. Roosevelt did so more haltingly, and had more halting results. Even the limp Japanese recovery plan of the 1990s makes the case. Although dithering over a bank rescue kept Japan in a slump, government spending on roads and bridges made things better than they otherwise would have been.
    No matter what happens in London on Thursday, President Obama and other world leaders are sure to claim the meeting as a success. (“I do not regard the economic conference as a failure,” Roosevelt said in 1933.)
    But if the meeting is going to be an actual success, it will have to do more than put a happy face on trans-Atlantic disagreements. It will need to begin nudging the discussion about stimulus toward a more accurate reading of history.
    The Americans and Europeans aren’t really as far apart as Mr. Topolanek’s AC/DC homage suggests. Europe is doing less than the United States, but the gap isn’t huge. It just seems so because European stimulus tends to arrive quietly, from existing safety net programs. In this country, where the safety net is weaker, stimulus comes largely from new laws.
    Yet the rhetoric from Europe — even the more subdued recent remarks, like those of Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany — still creates a problem. Stimulus skepticism today will make it harder to pass more stimulus tomorrow. And more will probably be needed.
    George Soros, the billionaire investor who was born in Budapest and works in New York, came to Washington last week and captured both the problem and the potential for a solution. “I think they can be brought around,” he said of the Europeans. “I am actually hopeful something constructive can happen.”(After he made over $2 Billion from the recession. You think he wants to lose money in a recovery? -- Robert)
    The objections to stimulus tend to come in two forms: Its costs are too high, and its benefits too small.
    Mr. Topolanek and German officials have been pressing the first argument. They say that the additional government spending can lead to inflation and government debt. The Weimar Republic of the 1920s, where inflation helped lead to Hitler’s rise, casts a long shadow.
    Stimulus opponents here in the United States — mainly Congressional Republicans (though not, tellingly, Republican governors of some large states) — have been warning about debt, too. But they have also been making the second argument. When the government spends money, they say, it simply displaces spending by the private sector. Republicans on Capitol Hill have taken to citing a recent book by the journalist Amity Shlaes, “The Forgotten Man,” which claims the New Deal didn’t work.
    Theoretically, neither of these arguments is crazy. But they don’t have much evidence on their side.
    The best takedown of Ms. Shlaes’s thesis came from Eric Rauchway, a historian, who pointed out that her favorite statistic did not count people employed by New Deal programs to be employed. Excluding the effects of the medicine, the patient is as sick as ever!
    When Roosevelt stuck to a stimulus program, unemployment fell markedly, and the biggest stimulus of all — World War II — did the rest. (Unemployment in 1939 was 17.3%, twice that of today. So who did that help?  And we had Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo to thank for that war stimulus, not Roosevelt -- Robert) It’s true that economic models say the economy shouldn’t work this way. When resources are sitting idle, businesses should find a way to use them profitably. But they often don’t.
    People become irrationally pessimistic during a downturn. They are driven by what Keynes called animal spirits. Only government can typically change the dynamic.
    Could the government spending eventually lead to inflation and crippling debts? Absolutely. But the mistakes of the last 80 years have gone in the other direction. During the Great Depression, Japan’s lost decade, the Asian financial crisis and even the last 18 months, governments didn’t act aggressively enough. Deflation and lack of growth ended up being the real risks.
    These are precisely the risks facing the world economy now. In Spain, prices are already falling. Layoffs are still mounting around the world. Financial firms have more losses to acknowledge.
    Given the diminished standing of the United States, Mr. Obama won’t be able to get the Europeans to fall in line behind him this week. But he can still make progress. He and the American delegation can, in gentle terms, ask the Europeans to live up to their own standard — and remind them of their self-interest.
    Two weeks ago, responding to criticism, an executive of the European Central Bank wrote a letter to an Italian newspaper claiming, “fiscal stimulus in European countries is wholly comparable to that seen in the United States.” That simply isn’t true, as the chart at right makes clear. The difference amounts to about $200 billion over three years.
    Because the global economy is in many ways integrated, Europe can benefit from American stimulus without pulling its own weight. But because the global economy isn’t completely integrated, European stimulus would still help Europe more than anywhere else. And that presents the American delegation with perhaps its most persuasive case.
    Right now, Eastern Europe appears to be one of the world’s most vulnerable places. It is a relatively poor region, where the population is disaffected and where the economy is shrinking rapidly. In both Estonia and Latvia, the gross domestic product fell 10 percent last year.
    At the G-20, the leaders of the richer European countries will be asking the world to help Eastern Europe. By all means, the world should help. But Europe should reconsider its part, too.

    Copyright 2009 The New York Times Company
  • Bud Mullins
    Here is a simple solution to all the US Crises: A letter to the president from all of us.

    Dear Mr. President,

    SUBJECT: Patriotic retirement:

    There's about 40 million people over 50 in the work force; pay them $1 million apiece severance with three stipulations:

    1) They leave their jobs. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.

    2) They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed.

    3) They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage- Housing Crisis fixed.

    RESULTS: All National financial problems fixed!!!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--Awesome post!  That was great!

    Robert--You did a great job on your analysis!  Thank you!  Also, thanks for shedding light on the Chicago politics.  You basically had a front row seat.  My friends have lived in Chicago most of their lives and don't have anything good to say about obama and his tactics.  They agree with you about the school system and said that obama is a failure.  so as a result the stupid folks gave him a huge promotion.  that is typical!

    Dora has yet to address any of the facts that we have brought to her attention.  instead she tried to divert the issues by bringing Fox News into this.  hmmmmm!  that is called "politics as usual" but doesn't fly with people who have an IQ over a 2.  By the way, the stories on Fox News that I have seen in the past few days have represented obama correctly.  They have shown the whole clip.  It clearly shows what obama is up to and it isn't good!  I've also been watching the liberal channels.  They tend to gloss over the real story but do show the whole clip.  It is a joke!
  • Robert
    Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth:   The Rules of Disinformation   (Includes The 8 Traits of A Disinformationalist)  by H. Michael Sweeney
    Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth:   The Rules of Disinformation  (Includes The 8 Traits of A Disinformationalist)  by H. Michael Sweeney
    copyright (c) 1997, 2000 All rights reserved
    (Revised April 2000)

    Permission to reprint/distribute hereby  granted for any non commercial use  provided information reproduced in its entirety and with author information in tact. For more Intel/Shadow government related info, visit the Author's Web site:

    Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation

    Built upon Thirteen Techniques for Truth  Suppression by David Martin, the following may be useful to the initiate  in the world of dealing with veiled and half-truth, lies, and suppression of truth when serious crimes are studied in public forums. This, sadly, includes every day news media, one of the worst offenders with respect to being a source of disinformation. Where the crime involves a conspiracy, or a conspiracy to cover up the crime, there will invariably be a disinformation campaign launched against  those seeking to uncover and expose the truth and/or the conspiracy. There are specific tactics which disinfo artists tend to apply, as revealed here. Also included with this material are seven common traits of the disinfo artist which may also prove useful in identifying players and motives.
    The more a particular party fits the traits and is guilty of following the rules, the more likely they are a professional disinfo artist with a vested motive. People can be bought, threatened, or blackmailed into providing disinformation, so even "good guys" can be suspect in many cases.

    A rational person participating as one interested in the truth will evaluate that chain of evidence and conclude either that the links are solid and conclusive, that  one or more links are weak and need further development before conclusion can be arrived at, or that one or more links can be broken, usually invalidating (but not necessarily so, if parallel links already exist or can be found, or if a particular link was merely supportive, but not in itself key to) the argument. The game is played by raising issues which either strengthen or weaken (preferably to the point  of breaking) these links. It is the job of a disinfo artist to interfere with these evaluations... to at least make people think the links are weak or broken when, in truth, they are not... or to propose alternative solutions leading away from the truth. Often, by simply impeding and slowing down the process through disinformation tactics, a level of victory  is assured because apathy increases with time and rhetoric.

    It would seem true in almost every instance, that if one cannot break the chain of evidence for a given solution, revelation of truth has won out. If the chain is broken either a new link must be forged, or a whole new chain developed, or the solution is invalid and a new one must be found... but truth still wins out. There is no shame in being the creator or supporter of a failed solution, chain, or link, if done with honesty in search of the truth. This is the rational approach. While it is understandable that a person can become emotionally involved with a particular side of a given issue, it is  really unimportant who wins, as long as truth wins. But the disinfo artist will seek to emotionalize and chastise any failure (real or false claims thereof), and will seek by means of intimidation to prevent discussion  in general.
    It is the disinfo artist and those who may pull their strings (those who stand to suffer should the crime be solved) MUST seek to prevent  rational and complete examination of any chain ofevidence which would hang them. Since fact and truth seldom fall on their own, they must be overcome with lies and deceit. Those who are professional in the art of lies and deceit, such as the intelligence community and the professional criminal (often the same people or at least working together), tend to apply fairly well defined and observable tools in this process.However, the public at large is not well armed against such weapons, and is often easily ledastray by these time-proven tactics. Remarkably, not even media and law enforcement have
    NOT BEEN TRAINED to deal with these issues. For the most part, only the players themselves understand the rules of the game.
    For such disinformationalists, the overall aim is to avoid discussing links in the chain of evidence which cannot be broken by truth, but at all times, to use clever deceptions or lies to make select links seem weaker than they are, create the illusion of a break, or better still, cause any who are considering the chain to be distracted in any number of ways, including the method of questioning the credentials of the presenter. Please understand that fact is fact, regardless of the source. Likewise, truth is truth, regardless of the source. This is why criminals are allowed to testify against other criminals. Where a motive to lie may truly exist, only actual evidence that the testimony itself  IS a lie renders it completely invalid. Were a known 'liar's' testimony to stand on its own without supporting fact, it might certainly be of questionable value, but if the testimony (argument) is based on verifiable or otherwise demonstrable facts, it matters not who does the presenting or what their motives are, or if they have lied in the past or even if motivated to lie in this instance -- the facts or links would and should stand or fall on their own merit and their part in the matter will merely be supportive.

    Moreover, particularly with respects to public forums such as newspaper letters to the editor, and Internet chat and news groups, the disinfo type has a very important role. In these forums, the principle topics of discussion are generally attempts by individuals to cause other persons to become interested in their own particular position, idea, or solution -- very much in development at the time. People often use such mediums as a sounding board and in hopes of pollination to better form their ideas. Where such ideas are critical of government or powerful, vested groups (especially if their criminality is the topic), the disinfo artist has yet another role -- the role of nipping it in the bud. They also seek to stage the concept, the presenter, and any supporters as less than credible should any possible future confrontation in more public forums result due to their early successes. You can often spot the disinfo types at work here by the unique application of "higher standards" of discussion than necessarily warranted. They will demand that those presenting arguments or concepts back everything up with the same level of expertise as a professor, researcher, or investigative writer. Anything less renders anydiscussion meaningless and unworthy in their opinion, and anyone who disagrees is obviously stupid -- and they generally put it in exactly those terms.

    So, as you read any such discussions, particularly so in Internet news groups (NG), decide for yourself when a rational argument is being applied and when disinformation, psyops (psychological warfare operations) or trickery is the tool. Accuse those guilty of the latter freely. They (both those deliberately seeking to lead you astray, and those who are simply foolish or misguided thinkers) generally run  for cover when thus illuminated, or -- put in other terms, they put up or shut up (a perfectly acceptable outcome either way, since truth is the goal.) Here are the twenty-five methods and seven traits, some of which don't apply directly to NG application. Each contains a simple example in the form of actual (some paraphrased for simplicity) from NG comments on commonly known historical events, and a proper response.[examples & response- http://www.proparanoid.com/truth.html]
    Accusations should not be overused -- reserve for repeat offenders and those who use multiple tactics. Responses should avoid falling into emotional traps or informational sidetracks, unless it is feared that some observers will be easily dissuaded by the trickery. Consider quoting the complete rule rather than simply citing it, as others will not have reference. Offer to provide a complete copy of the rule set upon request   (see permissions statement at end):

    Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation

    Note: The first rule and last five (or six, depending on situation) rules are generally not directly within the ability of the traditional disinfo artist to apply. These rules are generally used more directly by those at the leadership, key players, or planning level of the criminal conspiracy or conspiracy to cover up.

    1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of what you know, don't discuss it -- especially if you are a public figure, news anchor,  etc. If it's not reported, it didn't happen,  and you never have to deal with the issues.
    2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus  on side issues which can be used show the topic  as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the  'How dare you!' gambit.
    3. Create rumor mongers. Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method which works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public  can learn of the facts are through such 'arguable rumors'. If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a 'wild rumor' from a 'bunch of kids on the Internet' which can have no basis in fact.
    4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent's   argument which you can easily knock down to make  yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges.  Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.
    5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary 'attack the messenger'  ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as 'kooks', 'right-wing', 'liberal', 'left-wing', 'terrorists', 'conspiracy buffs',  'radicals', 'militia', 'racists', 'religious fanatics',  'sexual deviates', and so forth. This makes others  shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.
    6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet  and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism, reasoning -- simply make an accusation or other  attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint.
    7. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could be taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal  agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.
    8. Invoke authority. Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough 'jargon' and 'minutia' to illustrate you are 'one who knows', and simply say it isn't so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources.
    9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.
    10. Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man -- usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with - a kind of investment for the future should the matter not be so easily contained.) Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually then be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues -- so much the better where the opponent  is or was involved with the original source.
    11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions. Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the 'high road' and 'confess' with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight, was made -- but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, 'just isn't so.' Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later, and even publicly 'call for an end to the nonsense' because you have already 'done the right thing.' Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for 'coming clean' and 'owning up' to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues.
    12. Enigmas have no solution. Drawing upon the overall umbrella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve. This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to lose interest more quickly without having to address the actual issues.
    13. Alice in Wonderland Logic. Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards or with an apparent deductive logic
    which forbears any actual material fact.
    14. Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best with issues qualifying for rule 10.
    15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions. This requires creative thinking unless the crime  was planned with contingency conclusions in place.
    16. Vanish evidence and witnesses. If it does not exist, it is not fact, and you won't have to address the issue.
    17. Change the subject. Usually in connection with one of the other ploys  listed here, find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic. This works especially well with companions who can  'argue' with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues.
    18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can't do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how 'sensitive they are to criticism.'
    19. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. This is perhaps a variant of the 'play dumb' rule.  Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant  and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon.) In order to completely avoid discussing issues, it may be required that you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance.
    20. False evidence. Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations -- as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed
    with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications.
    21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, or other  empowered investigative body. Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion. Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when properly handled. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed and unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favorable verdict is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed. Usually, this technique is applied to find the guilty innocent, but it can also be used to obtain charges when seeking to frame a victim.
    22. Manufacture a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.
    23. Create bigger distractions. If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues, or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable  events such as trials, create bigger news stories (or treat them as such) to distract the multitudes.
    24. Silence critics. If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents from circulation by some definitive solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely. This can be by their death, arrest and detention, blackmail or destruction of theircharacter by release of blackmail information, or merely by destroying them financially, emotionally, or severely damaging their health.
    25. Vanish. If you are a key holder of secrets or otherwise overly illuminated and you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid  the issues, vacate the kitchen. .

    Note: There are other ways to attack truth, but these listed are the most common, and others are likely derivatives of these. In the end, you can usually spot the professional disinfo players by one or more of seven (now 8) distinct traits:
  • Bud Mullins
    Why is it that decisions made by the Democrats caused so many problems and so far none of them have taken any blame!  I don't get it.  If the Republicans would have done stuff some of the Democrats have done they would have been put in front of the firing squad...

    The Democrats are directly responsible for the financial crisis that has wiped out trillions in wealth, many have felt the lash of public outrage.
    Fannie and Freddie. The idiot-bankers. The AIG bonus babies. The Democrat backed big labor unions, even some of the Bush Republicans and Barney Frank Democrats who bullied banks into making mortgages to minorities who could not afford the houses they were moving into.

    Why is it that some of these people are sitting back pretending they are the gurus of fixing the problems we have?  How can the very people that caused the problems, take credit for fixing it?  WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIE NATION?
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--i think our nation is going down the toilet quickly.  i don't understand why the majority of the republicans aren't fighting back.  i am angry and do what i can do spread the truth about obama's administration but what about others in the party?  it seems as though everyone is standing on the sidelines.  i have been raising hell at our politicians and obama even though it seems to fall on deaf ears.  their agenda of destroying this country is on track.  i am also saddened that people who call themselves Christians voted for him.  that is obviously a contradiction in every sense of the word.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, you are soooo right!  Our founding fathers knew what was going to take place long before it started happening.  Their hopes were that if they got their stuff right, enough of us would stay strong and and keep in the majority.  Remember when you could say "I am in the slient majority?"  Well, the church not only stayed silent, it also shifted in belief from the membership.  They quit going in the public and talking about homosexuality being a sin.  No one, even the church people don't depict the actual acts of homosexuality when men or women are engaged in it.  They now call it gay and it seems to be okay to be gay.  It's now pro life or pro choice.  They don't call it killing babies anymore.  The lingo isn't there, neither is the true belief.  There are far too much greed in our society at all levels.

    You know, money itself isn't the root of all evil, the love for money is.  When we damanded more money from our employers and they raised the prices of the products and we just demanded more money.  We wanted MORE MONEY!  Somewhere in the past it didn't make a difference how much money you made, you wanted or needed more.  Women went out of the home and got jobs and left the kids either by themselves or with someone who probably didn't give a damn!  They wanted more money to!  So with that, society went into a spiral and never to look back at the real problem.  We just kept wanting more money and looked at our politicians to provide that for us.  That all started with the welfare act.  First it was welfare, then it was free housing and food stamps, etc.

    This thing is so screwed up and has traveled in the downward direction so long, it will never be right again.
  • DS
    Bud, Titus, JackieM, and ALL Patriots;

    Make sure you attend a Tax Day Tea Party on April 15th!  This is going to be a great day as there will be millions of Americans getting together across this great country to protest what is happening in our country right now.  MAKE SURE that you inform everyone of this, and that you attend a party near you.  We are in the beginning throngs of a revolution not experienced since the original.  Don't give up!  And with God on our side, we will NOT be defeated! 

  • Bud Mullins
    Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says President Obama's plan to raise taxes on upper-income earners is designed to create bigger government and a more secular America.

    Author and political commentator Newt Gingrich of American Solutions calls President Obama's tax program a "war against churches and charities." Gingrich accuses President Obama of "deliberately" trying to take away the charitable deduction for successful people so they will not give as much money to churches or charities.
    "I think there's a clear to desire to replace the church with a bureaucracy, and to replace people's right to worship together with a government-dominated system," he contends.
    The former House Speaker says the Obama administration is talking seriously about taking away the right of conscience in terms of performing abortions.
    "This is most aggressive, militant, secular program I can remember," Gingrich admits. "And I think you have to be really clearly aware that they want an America which is radically different than the country which was created by those pioneers who first landed back in 1607 at Cape Henry and erected a cross to thank God for having allowed them to Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says President Obama's plan to raise taxes on upper-income earners is designed to create bigger government and a more secular America.
    Author and political commentator Newt Gingrich of American Solutions calls President Obama's tax program a "war against churches and charities." Gingrich accuses President Obama of "deliberately" trying to take away the charitable deduction for successful people so they will not give as much money to churches or charities.
    "I think there's a clear to desire to replace the church with a bureaucracy, and to replace people's right to worship together with a government-dominated system," he contends.
    The former House Speaker says the Obama administration is talking seriously about taking away the right of conscience in terms of performing abortions.
    "This is most aggressive, militant, secular program I can remember," Gingrich admits. "And I think you have to be really clearly aware that they want an America which is radically different than the country which was created by those pioneers who first landed back in 1607 at Cape Henry and erected a cross to thank God for having allowed them to cross the Atlantic Ocean."
    Gingrich believes people often forget that the first act of the first successful American colony was to "erect a cross at Cape Henry, to thank God for their survival and their salvation, and then to go up to Jamestown to found the colony."
    cross the Atlantic Ocean."
    Gingrich believes people often forget that the first act of the first successful American colony was to "erect a cross at Cape Henry, to thank God for their survival and their salvation, and then to go up to Jamestown to found the colony."
  • Titus Hunt
    Did you guys see that idiot bow to the king or prince or whatever of saudi arabia?  obama can't play dumb on this one.  there are people in the whitehouse to teach him the proper mannerisms in these situations and he knew what he was doing.  why are his ratings still high after he has set America up to fail?  what in the hell are our citizens thinking?  oh, i'm sorry we are talking about democrats.  they don't think about anything but themselves and what they can milk out of others.  his office has a grade of an F as far as i am concerned.  we republicans need to stop being so nice and proper.  we need to take a stand up for what is right and demand this country have morals once again.  those that choose to ride the line or stay quiet are losers, which is the category the democrats are in!  i have tolerated democrats around me for a long while but don't anymore.  they are not welcome in my life!  when i meet someone i don't have to ask their party affiliation.  i can always spot a democrat just by the conversation.  once i do the heavy discussion begins!  this country has too much to lose to tolerate their behavior and i put them in their place every chance i get!  why would anyone want to be friends with folks who want to destroy our country?  that is where all of us can help make a difference!
  • Bud Mullins
    Why is AFA sponsoring TEAPartyDay.com? This video will show you the truth about our national debt. If you can watch only one video concerning the national debt, this is the one to watch. Watch it. Then forward it to your friends and family.
  • DS
    We have over 1,000 patriotic Americans who have committed to our local Tea Party on the 15th.  This is a grass roots movement which is going to take back our country from the thugs in Washington, D.C. 

    Make sure that you attend a Tea Party close to you (or host one), and actually do something to show how much you love our country!  NEVER give up, NEVER give up, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give up!!!
  • Bud Mullins
    From our Speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi

    Windfall Tax on Retirement Income

    Adding a tax to your retirement is simply another way of saying to the American people, you're so darn stupid that we're going to keep doing this until we drain every cent from you untl you wise up!  That don't seem to be the case so, on we go with the show...  That's what the Speaker of the House is saying. Read below...............

    Nancy Pelosi wants a Windfall Tax on Retirement Income.  In other words tax what you have made by investing toward your retirement. This woman is a nut case! You aren't going to believe this.

    Madam speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all stock market profits (including Retirement fund, 401K and Mutual Funds! Alas, it is true - all to help the 12 Million Illegal Immigrants and other unemployed Minorities!
    This woman is frightening.
    She quotes...' We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income, (didn't Marx say something like this?), in our country and at the same time limiting the amount the rich can invest.'  (I am not rich, are you?)
    When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied:
    'We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long way to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as 'Americans'.'  
    (Read that quote again and again and let it sink in.)  'Lower your retirement; give it to others who have not worked as you have for it.'  
  • Robert
    What They Will Say When Obama Fails

    By Robert Oliver

    Today is Wednesday, April 8, 2009.  These are predictions of what Obama supporters, if there are any remaining, will say after Obama fails:

    “The Republicans messed things up so much it needed a superhuman effort to make things right.  It probably needed more than 8 years by Obama to fix it”

    “The Republicans and the traitorous moderate Democrats (probably closet Republicans themselves) did their very best to obstruct Obama’s policies.”

    “The Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate did not rally around him like they should have.”

    “The Congress cared more about their own power than about supporting Obama.”

    “Obama had traitors working with him.”

    “People demanded too much out of him.”

    “God is punishing the nation for not backing Obama.”

    “The ‘Birthers” wanted to bring him down. They should have left the birth certificate issue alone.  Where Obama was born was nobody’s business.”

    “Wall Street wanted to bring him down.”

    “Rogue elements of the Antiwar movement worked against him when they should have kept their mouths shut about Obama continuing Bush’s policies. And they should have kept it a secret that Obama was expanding the war in Afghanistan.  They were only supposed to protest Bush only!”

    “Those right-wing blogs, like http://canyouhandletruth.blogspot.com, and right-wing idiot writers on the internet confused clear-thinking people and got them brainwashed.”

    “You all didn’t give him a chance.”

    “Racist white Americans (every white person who did not vote for Obama) did not want to unify this country.”

    “The Media, like Chris Matthews, only pretended to love him.  Then they showed their true colors.”

    “Sellout black conservatives and sellout anti-Obama black liberals conspired together.”

    “Anti-Obama YouTube viral videos passed around destroyed the Presidency.”

    “The Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, etc. did not do their jobs correctly to set the record straight.”

    “Those evil right-wing talk show hosts brought him down.  We told you they should have been silenced!”

    “Those ‘Tea Party’ people should have been put in prison for treason and sedition.”

    “You all didn’t give him a chance.”

    “MoveOn.org, ACORN, and Organizing for America did a lousy job in supporting our President.  No excuses!”

    “The fascist Pro-Life Movement did everything they could to undermine our President.”

    “They all worked to make sure that the first black president failed.”

    “Those PUMA Democrats brought him down.”

    “He had bad advisors.”

    “They set him up.” (Who are “they”?)

    “You all didn’t give him a chance.”

    “You all resisted the will of God by resisting Obama.”

    “Bush set him up to fail.”

    “He was a public servant, not a perfect servant.”

    “He is only human. He had good intentions.”

    “You cannot expect one man to have all the answers.”

    “The weight of the world was on his shoulders. It was just too much for him. He is a good man. He really tried.”

    “He was misunderstood.”

    “He is an imposter! That was not the real Obama.  It was a Republican Obama clone who was paid off to fail. The real Obama was kidnapped!  He never had a chance!”

    Robert Oliver is a writer and photographer in Southern California.  His website is http://canyouhandletruth.blogspot.com. His email is [email protected].
  • Bud Mullins
    Obama Administration Cuts $8 Billion From Our Troops



    Dear Military Families United Member and Supporter,
    As you may know, yesterday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates unveiled the budget proposal for our military.  While the plan has some positive attributes, such as a commitment to expanding our forces and money for military families and veterans, there are also significant cuts for critical weapons systems.  Those programs currently on the chopping block include:

    $1.4 billion cut in missile defense spending
    Reducing aircraft carriers from 11 to 10 and slowing production of other surface combatants
    Delaying amphibious ship programs
    Halting the planned increase of ground-based interceptors in Alaska
    Cancelling a second airborne laser (antimissile) aircraft
    Terminating the ground-vehicle element of the Army’s Future Combat Systems
    Ending development of a new Air Force search and rescue helicopter
    Canceling the development of the next generation strategic bomber
    Ending the C-17 transport aircraft
    Stopping production of the F-22 at 187 fighters

    We at Military Families United have found several key problems with these defense cuts. America’s military is commonly blamed for fighting the last war, but this budget cuts back the future capabilities of the Armed Forces.  The capabilities added by the Army’s Future Combat System program and the Navy’s amphibious ships would help the United States in all types of conflicts, all around the world.  Cutting the fat in the defense budget is good, but Military Families United hopes that Congress will not cut the bone. 

    That thinking was what led to our troops having to buy their own armor to go into combat in Afghanistan and a lack of appropriate equipment to fighting the war in Iraq. While we must focus on the wars at hand, some of the cuts will affect what America’s servicemen and servicewomen can do in the future. 

    This budget will allow American capabilities to stagnate and our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and guardsmen to continue to use old and out of date equipment like the 1950’s era KC-135 aerial refueling tanker and B-52 bomber.   We are especially concerned about the $1.4 billion cut in missile defense spending, which equals 15 percent of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency’s budget. This drastic cut comes only one day after North Korea conducted what it called a “satellite test,” but what every other country called a test of their long range ballistic missile capabilities. North Korea already has nuclear weapons and they continue to be aggressive and antagonistic towards the community of nations (which includes the United States). The continuation of North Korean missile testing is very dangerous and by cutting the Missile Defense Agency’s funding America is left potentially unprepared for a missile attack.
    Sec. Gates’ defense budget must now go to Congress before it can take effect. We need to take action now to protect our homeland and provide the funding that our troops need and deserve. We have produced a web ad about this topic and need your support.

    Go to <a href="http://www.urbanconservative.com/do/redirect?url=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.fundourtroops.org%252F" rel="nofollow">FundOurTroops.org to stand up for our Troops.

    Also, if you do not know where your tea party is, visit this link.

  • Titus Hunt
    Well, the liberals got what they voted for--a loser!  it is extremely unfortunately for those of us who actually want to live.  I guess now we don't have that right either!  our safety is being threatened whether it be our financial security or our national security!  Liberals:  stand up and take a bow.  you are idiots!
  • Robert
    This is from a liberal point of view. But it is very telling about how Obama voters got "short changed":


    Lip-stick Wiped Off: How Obama

    Has Betrayed His Supporters

    Supporters of Pres. Obama may be asking themselves, "Who is the pig wearing lip-stick now?" In less than four months, Obama has broken his faith with his supporters in many ways.
    Obama continues the program od secret wire-taps used by Bush:
    "The Obama administration is again invoking government secrecy in defending the Bush administration's wiretapping program, this time against a lawsuit by AT&T customers who claim federal agents illegally intercepted their phone calls and gained access to their records."
    Obama covers up torture and continues the torture policy, despite the Red Cross report detailing war crimes:
    "'We deplore that a confidential report was made public,' Barrett said. 'It was only intended to be shared with senior officials in the US government.'
    The report is a new embarrassment for the former administration of president George W. Bush. It said that beyond the ill-treatment of the 14 prisoners interviewed, their detention amounted to "arbitrary deprivation of liberty and enforced disappearance, in contravention of international law."
    Shortly after taking office in January, President Barack Obama banned the use of torture and ordered the closure of all CIA detention facilities.
    Obama has so far been cool on calls for enquiries into alleged abuses under his predecessor, but he has not ruled out possible prosecutions.
    CIA spokesman George Little noted that the White House has ordered agents to 'not use interrogation techniques outside the Army Field Manual.'
    He also said that no one acting "on legal guidance from the Department of Justice at the time" faced investigation or punishment."
    Obama's torture policy is riddled with loop-holes, so torture can continue:
    "The loopholes in President Obama's executive order on torture may permit cruel abuses of prisoners to continue, using a legal parlor trick. Labeling detainees the product of counterterrorism operations rather than of armed conflict, or holding detainees in detention facilities operated by entities other than the CIA, may allow government agents and private contractors conforming to the letter of the president's order to continue practices most would consider torture. The president should close these loopholes or explain to Americans why he won't."
    Obama has expanded the war in the Mideast, instead of ending it.
    "But Obama's decision to send another 21,000 troops to Afghanistan to help stabilize 'the most dangerous place in the world,' as he calls it, is shifting some anti-war activists into (reluctant) opposition. It's also forcing some members of Congress to explain to voters why they opposed a troop buildup in Iraq but now support one in Afghanistan.
    'This could be a one-way ticket to a quagmire,' says former US Rep. Tom Andrews (D) of Maine, national director of the Win Without War coalition. "
    Obama has sided with corrupt executives in the Zombie bank-bail-outs.
    "The Obama administration is engineering its new bailout initiatives in a way that it believes will allow firms benefiting from the programs to avoid restrictions imposed by Congress, including limits on lavish executive pay, according to government officials.
    Administration officials have concluded that this approach is vital for persuading firms to participate in programs funded by the $700 billion financial rescue package.
    The administration believes it can sidestep the rules because, in many cases, it has decided not to provide federal aid directly to financial companies, the sources said. Instead, the government has set up special entities that act as middlemen, channeling the bailout funds to the firms and, via this two-step process, stripping away the requirement that the restrictions be imposed, according to officials."

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  • Bud Mullins
    All this is true and well and good.  It means nothing if we don't get out and attend a tea party and rub it in their face.  PLEASE, attend a tea party even if it is just to show up and be counted.  WE MUST BE SEEN!  Send this link to all your friends and have them do the same.  LET'S GET THIS THING IN GEAR...

  • Robert
    Canada Free Press - Printer Friendly Version
    Michael Lux, The Way Forward, People for the American Way
    Tea Party Poseurs Sent By Left Working To Undermine Big Day
    Canada Free Press - Printer Friendly VersionBy Judi McLeod Thursday, April 9, 2023
    Canada Free Press - Printer Friendly Version
    Mata Hari would have nothing on today’s far left, whose latest wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing sabotage aims at the heart of America’s growing Tea Party Movement.
    Sabotage moonbat moves to undercut America’s 2,000 plus Tea Parties has bypassed sneaky for sinister.
    “Just this morning, I received word that a new radical organization calling itself “A New Way Forward” has put together an underhanded sneak attack designed to undercut the popular uprising known as the Tea Party Movement,” Bill Wilson, of Americans for Limited Government (ALG), warned mainstreet Americans yesterday.
    “Simply put, their idea is to stage phony rallies throughout the country on April 11--made to look like they are part of the Tea Party movement--while actually opposing Tea Party principles and supporting the complete government takeover of our banking system.”
    Memo to mainstream Americans: The far left, masters of hypocrisy and street theatre, will use decoys in “The Way Forward” to pose as YOU in an attempt to undermine and shut down the Tea Party movement.
    Just like the Moonbats, they can count on the mainstream media to help them pull off their doublecross.
    “`The Way Forward’ scam was conjured up by an Obama activist named Michael Lux,” says Wilson.  “Lest anyone try to tell you that Mr. Lux is sincere in saying he wants to “help rebuild the banking system”, don’t you believe it for one single second.  Before starting up his new Obama front group, Lux was a high-paid lobbyist for the AFL-CIO, a top executive for the leftwing People for the American Way, and a special assistant at the Clinton White House.”
    “His plan now is to divert people’s attention from the April 15 Tea Parties by holding his phony rallies, on April 11th.  He knows his fellow left wingers in the mainstream media will go along with his scheme to nationalize our banking system--and that’s why it is up to you and me to expose it for what it is right now!”
    “So here is what I am asking you to join me in doing now:

    “Alert your family, friends and neighbors to the fact that the “Way Forward” scam has nothing whatsoever to do with the real Tea Parties;
    “If “Way Forward” sets up one of its phony rallies in your community, organize your own protests and make sure the media knows you are standing up for free enterprise and;
    “Send me any information you can to help expose the “Way Forward” rallies for what they really are--a blatant move to socialize our banking system.

    “If Michael Lux and his “Obamunist” comrades have their way, they will nationalize our banks, seize their assets, and place fellow Obama lackeys in the top positions of authority.  That’s how ruthless they actually are.”
    Meanwhile, on April 15 be on the lookout for tea-drinking wolves in sheep’s clothing.
    National Tea Party Day April 15, 2023
    Map of Locations
  • Bud Mullins
    Good information at:

  • Bud Mullins
    Sorry for the typo:

  • Robert
    What do you take for a fatal case of BUYER'S REMORSE?


    Obama Is Naive - Sorry To Say This

    Written by Dr.Kenny Iwunwa.

    I am sorry America, but our new leader is going to down in history as the weakest president this nation has ever had.

    Hilary Clinton was right. When your phone ring at 4.00AM in the morning...who would you rather have pick it up? Is he ready to serve? Recent incidents points me to say a big "NO".

    He is more interested in keeping his celebrity image and appeasement message than he is in strong leadership. His wife is new a super model.lol. Obama can talk to the press and deal with the congress but he is weak in dealing with real world leaders. Do not rush me. I will mention those issues at the end of this article. Just read on.....

    I voted for him. I liked his message then. I stiil like him as a person now. I think he is cool brother. Women think he is cute. And the dude comes off like a saint who's got a going on.

    Goosh, he spent few years studying how to pocket America. He knows we are an emotional nation. He went for it and got every single person that he needed. He played on our emotions. He realized that we are a people that love those that comfort us. We love sympathy. We love cool dudes. We love those that tells us that things will be okay. That is why we love pastors when they say we will have a breakthrough...lol. Yeah right!. We love those that tells us that our fate is not our faults. So, Obama knew it all and came out to buy us. He did. He gave many sermons on the mount. It was like watching ladies in the church when their pastor is preaching a pro-women marriage sermon. They look like they had married their pastors, but until they see him divorce his wife.

    But Obama came out swinging with a tripple-barrel attack of the cool and trimmed style of Clinton; the eloquence of Reagan and the emotional annointing of Martin Luther King. And people like you and I and our children ran out to the streets to hail him. Would you blame us? We did not know any better.

    Some people called him the present day Christ. Some said he is God sent. Others sold their dresses and shoes to donate cash. Families were divided. Kids broke away from their parents who cautioned against such uncontrolled blizzard. We could not get enough of him. Me too. Was I fooled? I hope not.

    Obama had a few tough times. When he seemed to be dying after the drama with his spiritual father, Rev. Jeremiah Wright (the man that knew him too well), we helped to lift him up. And again, after he went went during his friend's Ayers saga, we helped. Lastly, when it was discovered that ACORN (his support group) was a clandestine voter registration foundation, we again help him. Nothing bothered us about him. Black people were blinded by his color, ladies were blinded by his coolness and whites were blinded by his message. We became zombies.

    We failed to question our guts and gave deaf ears to our inner convictions. I was guilty of that sin. If you are reading this, chances are that you are also guilty of the same sin.

    CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, New York Times, and all the other Times, helped to build a messiahic monster out of him. He became unbeatable. McCain had a more meaningful (but non emotional) matured message. But who cared about an old man's raps...lol.

    The chief loser was Hilary Clinton. She was robbed by the media. Chris Mathew and Keith Olberman and the rest of CNN, MSNBC crew joined hands to rob her. Sorry, Hil. That was the pettiest drama ever on television. Though, I voted for Obama but watching these two men (Mathew/ Olberman) at that time was like watching kids and their mom at McDonalds. Chris Mathews was like a little Chimpanze clinging unto her mommy for milk, while Olberman looked like a missing dog with an eyeglass looking for a master. Clinton was misquoted and mistreated day and night. They did. . They wanted the love of black people in USA. They needed that spotlight and Obama's candidacy made it easier for both. Oh, what a glory we have in Obama! Together, they led him throught the shadow of the valley of death. And in the end, a cool dude had a face-off with McCain.

    Along the way Obama promised more than God ever did in the bible. He promised water to the waterless. Food to the hunger. Sight to the blind. Legs to the lame. Skin to the leper. Husband to the widow and children to the childless. Obama also promised peace to Iraq, Iran and N.Korea, Afghanistan and told Africa there will be no more hunger. He promised free education, Free healthcare and in fact, he promised life without end to everyone that came to him with a need. He covered his wing well. Goosh, he was damn crafty to survive.

    I went out to vote. I was not mad that he won. I was glad. I am still glad for him and want him to succeed. I was up all night because McCain could not have won anyway. How was that ever going to happen? First, he picked a cute looking Chihuahua as VP. Secondly, America needed to come out he Bush and saw a safe heaven in the Barack. Nothing could have made Mccain presidency possible. The nation was given no option but Obama - the new found messiah. Bsed that drama, I was okay with my vote. George Bush left us without a choice.

    But after the votes and the results was out...things have changed. The day has broken. Truth is here. The real Obama is with us and he is no messaih. He has no miracle. He has no healing powers. He has no answers for the many things he promised. Our pain is still our pain. You bills havent changed. Your energy company is still sending high bills.

    The rich is still getting richer. The banks are taking bailout money and you are not. You will remain poor until you find a way to get rich or you die poor. Your job is not come back. Forget it. Find another or start a business. Join network marketing or form some form of investment club witht eh litle cash you have at hand. Last time, I provided you guys with alternatives to saving on every thing. Today, I will add this auto repair savings: http://www.kensautoregister.com/. Next time, I will talk about savings on groceries, clothes and shoes. I never stopped ranting until we come of this together. I am the president of the common class with onformation on how to get real help. No politiking.

    Oh, no, he did not cause the problems but no, he is not solving them either. Only corporate America are sharing their bonuses. Not you. Not me. America has not changed. The over-night medicine man is human like you and I. The new messiah is weak. He has been exposed.

    First, everyone he appointed to cabinet position, except few have issues with tax evation, including our treasury secretary- the man who will heal our finances...lol. By our counting, about 40% of Obama's cabinet appointees and staff members had had one type of problem or the other with tax but was never found out. All them claimed it was oversight. ..(lol). Yes, it was. The VP himself never gave out more than $1,000 anually in his entire life to charity. It was oversight too.

    But again, none of those things bother me as much as knowing that President Obama is weak and naive. He seems to cool and yet, unsure of what to do with this generation of co-leaders. Sitting in between N. KOREA, Iran, Russia, Venezuala,China, France and Germany, America looks like a dying life tree. We are fast becoming a nation of beggars and country of appeasement. Once a cornerstone is about to become a debris of an empire- a nation that has lost its salt. Chi anyi ekwena alu mee" (an Ibo language exclamation that says 'God forbid that a bad thing should happen in the land of great men')

    In Obama's hand, America is no longer a great voice but a choir member with a treble note. Obama is more like a little child explaining why he broke his master's ceramic plate, and had to work had to save money to replace it other than a world leader in control of his national and global destiny.

    He has not fully realized what the oval office mean, and how to run it. He thinks that the answer to every need is peace and that pleasing peolple will bring the much needed hope foe this generation. He is wrong. He is still looking at this world from Jeremiah's sermons in Chicago. He is has not awoken to the reality that N.Korea and Russia and Iran are a team on one corner while USA is standing as the only outspoken and primetime road block to human destruction.

    Peace with an evil empire only last for a moment until a Pharoah that does not know Joseph emerge as the new leader of the same evil nation.(Bible story)

    He is no match for Kim, Ahmadenijad, Putin (forget Medved), Sarkozy and or even Markel. He is no match to the new Israeli PM, Netanyahu. I do not want to believe that we wasted our votes. I do not think that America's problems are only at home. Rather, I believe that that what will destroy this greatest nation on God's green earth is going to come from outside America. This nation therefore need a leader that can stand out, speak, act and stay still without shaking. He must seek peace when possible and be aggressive when neccessary. American leader should be taking orders from anyone else. Obama may end up becoming an errand boy to the rest of the nations that we use to give orders. That will be a sad prophecy!

    President Obama has shown signs of weakness and small mind. Was it a coincidence or a real insult when N.Korea blatantly kidded him last week? Kim called his statement a rant and went ahead to launch his missile anyway. That to me was a real test. KIM did not stop there. He went further to warn that if America take any action, he would step up to cause havock. He won the same day our president was adressing world leaders on nuclear disarmament. Obama ranted and flew back with his fortunate new American supermodel wife, Michelle. What a leader of the free world!

    Then Iran annouced yesterday that it has made progress with nuke. Another slam and slap on Obama's face. What has Obama said so far? Nothing that made sense. He wants to sit down and make peace with Iran and hear their demands. He does not know what Iran is asking for. Obama is new . But I know what they want. First, They want to erase Israel or relocate the Jews. Second, Iran want to be alowed to act as independent nation that should be allowed to develop their own nuke when and how they need it. Thirtd, they want to be recognized as world leader and be among the G-7 or 8. Finally, they want to change the world to Islam.

    So, now let us begin to discuss these here before president Obama opens his mouth to make his long speech that will please an unknown enemy. He has no clue what to do. War may not be the answer but his appeasement style is not always for this present world. He is not ready. Hilary was right: When you phone ring at 4 AM in the morning...who would rather have answer? Who is answering our phone at 4.AM. Clinton is a prophetess.

    These unified mean leaders are playing with Obama. Mark my word. After Iran, Chavez is next. He will try something new. Then America will go to please him. And little by little, they will get everything that they want.

    THE SOMALI PIRATES! What....is that? Who are they?:
    Can you believe that Somali Pirates are holing a US ship captain hostage? Can you believe that we have a president in oval office? I do not like G.W but can you imagine GW in office now? When will Obama prove that he can lead America? In his speech? How Where? How many are these pirates anyway? Under whose law are they operating? What right do they have over the waters of the earth? What weapons do they have? Who are afraid of? Where do they come from? Where do they live? Do we know their leaders? Do they have a land base? Do we need permsion from Somali to proect American lives?

    Did we vote a man or a kid into office? I miss GW. Do you miss him too. In case our president does not know what to do, I know. Yes, it has happened in the past and president Jefferson ordered an all out destrution. Obama wants to hold talks with criminals too.

    This president with his cool message is out of touch with reality. He is weak.....
  • Robert

    Dear President Obama: Where's the Change?

    (President Obama You're Beginning to Look like Bush in a Good Guy's Clothing)

    By Donald Pennington

    Dear President Obama;

    I'm writing you this letter with the friendliest of intentions. I, like many of my fellow Americans, understand that not every problem faced by the people of this country is the fault of the government. But, since no one single entity has the sway that's enjoyed by government, I'd like to voice some of my concerns, here in a public forum, where responses are welcome from all.

    I'd like to believe that the campaign promises you made were genuine. When I heard you on the campaign trail you talked of change coming to Washington. You promised to close Guantanamo. You said you were going to end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. You promised to protect Free-Market Capitalism.

    But, President Obama, I fear that you've done what countless other American politicians have done. You've made the promises to the American People that they wanted to hear, to get elected, and now that you're in office you're going to do otherwise anyway.

    Guantanamo's still being ran the same as usual. One of the first things you did, as far as the war is concerned, was to send more troops to Afghanistan. Recent legislation doesn't resemble anything that's going to protect our Liberty Loving Republic. No. In fact it appears quite the opposite.

    Mr Obama is it simply too dangerous to close Guantanamo Bay Prison? Is that why it's not been done yet? If that's true, then what you'd said on the campaign trail must not have been very well researched. Silly me. I thought, these past eight years, that making bad choices on bad information was a "Republican" trick.

    President Obama, were you to explain to me, that the situation overseas simply requires more troops I can understand. It's a nasty war against a bunch of folks that see dying in a ridiculous "jihad" as a tremendous honor. But then, doesn't that beg the question, that your campaign promises weren't based on reality in the first place? Were you just telling us all what you thought we were wanting to hear?

    And President Obama...about that "Capitalism" thing: Why are so many industries being taken over by the government? In a free market, laissez-faire, capitalist system, if any company's not managed properly and profitably, it fails. Why all this "bailout" garbage? If AIG can't do right by their customers, and policyholders, and investors, then they simply don't deserve to be in business. If GM, and Chrysler, don't run their respective businesses like profit-oriented businesses then they don't deserve to survive either. It really is that simple.

    We Americans have weathered losses of major companies before. What do the individuals in a Free Society do in response to such challenges? We adapt. We improvise. We overcome. We replace those companies with others, on our own, and without government assistance.

    We do not need the wealth and prosperity of our future generations stolen from them, by gun-backed lawyers in DC, before they're even born. The reality of what you and your cohorts in Washington DC are doing to this great nation's future is mind-numbingly sickening. I believe it was Winston Churchill who said: "That government governs best which governs least."

    We, the American Public, are also wise to this recent rash of legislation that's being presented and passed that serves no real purpose other than, to give the government more undeserved power, and more unearned wealth. That's our power those of you in DC are stealing Mr. President. Those tax dollars are ours too sir. We earned them. You didn't President Obama.

    President Obama you've caused many of us in this great country some grave concerns. I'm afraid the honeymoon of your Presidency is over. At the very least you'll be voted out after only one term. There may even be plans in the making for impeachment.

    Every single act coming from President Obama and the American government as of late, resembles the exact same policies of the past few recent former Presidents, enough so that I'm inclined to believe that, there's absolutely no difference between the so-called Democratic Party, and that of the so-called Republican Party. Are you all answering solely to foreign interests? Mr Obama...which country are you concerned with? Is it our government that matters or that of the government other countries?

    Try working for us, and not foreign interests, and not just for your own personal, temporary, short-sighted reasons. I promise that if you do that then you'll have hundreds of millions of wonderful Americans behind you in anything you and our government do.

    But, like I said in the opening of this letter, this is written with the intentions of being friendly. I only write this to speak up as a citizen to let you, and every lawyer in government in Washington DC know that, We the People are watching your every move. It's not too late for you to at least attempt to be the kind of President that America needs.

    I hope you have the courage to try President Obama. I like you. I like every member of the Obama family. You have that certain quality that draws people to you. Lots of folks got behind the Obama campaign. Were you to make the necessary efforts to let America remain free, and to restore ourselves (We do best when government stays out of our way) where we once were, you'll be seen as the Greatest American President of the 21st century. Otherwise Mr. Obama, you could be known for being, the President that ended the United States.

    President Obama is that the legacy you want?

    2009 © Associated Content, All rights reserved.
  • Titus Hunt
    Robert--interesting articles.  however, i disagree that the people who voted for obama didn't understand what they were getting.  i think everyone had their own motives and selfish reasons, i.e., he is going to pay for my mortgage, make rich people pay for my kids' educations, etc.  during the election, obama stood in front of crowds and laid out his plans to destroy this nation.  it was evident then and now!  however, maybe the people who voted for him weren't paying close attention to his rhetoric.  i can believe that one but that is no excuse.  their intentional actions are causing the destruction of our country!  i have a problem with that!  there is no excuse for what 52% of people in this country did on election day!  that is definitely UNAMERICAN!
  • Robert
    Titus, Obama is like Christina Aguilera's Candyman. He made the voters' panties drop.  It was a case of seduction.  After they woke up in bed, they discovered he was not laying to them and left the motel room, without leaving the voters a note.

    And he did not even leave change for taxifare.

    I hope the voters are not named Alex (Fatal Attraction).

    (By the way, I think Dora is really Joy Behar.)
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus (346)

    "i think everyone had their own motives and selfish reasons, i.e., he is going to pay for my mortgage, make rich people pay for my kids' educations, etc.  during the election, obama stood in front of crowds and laid out his plans to destroy this nation."

    Titus, you hit one of the nails right on the head with this post.  What you failed to state is the 'Over the top votes.'  These were people who believed all these things would be given to them.  They not only believed it, they also told all their friends about it through direction from radical organizations such as the ACLU, ACORN, NAACP, Planned Parenthood and other nasty groups.  (By the way, these are groups that get government "PORK" money through our elected officials who add it to bills.)  Like a heard of robots they just all went out and voted for Obama.  Knowing absolutely nothing about the election itself or what it means to the United States.  Sad thing is, those folks still don't understand anything about it today, and will never understand it!  Most of them are a bunch of idiots that you would not even want in the stands of a softball game.

    I have to get into name calling but if the shoe fits, someone has to wear it.
  • Titus Hunt
    Robert--that was funny but unfortunately true and maybe you are right about Dora!  Behar is a crazy nut job and has issues on so many levels.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--you are right!  i don't think those folks will ever get it!  the folks on the left acuse us of spreading hate and say that we are reduced to name calling.  of course, that is a lie.  the truth hurts and they love to try to divert it.  however, i am not going to back down.  they are directly responsible for tearing down our nation and i'm sick of it.  I refuse to be a friend of anyone who voted for that socialist!  as i stated in another post, liberals are not welcome in my home and this includes relatives!  this country has too much to lose to stand for anyone trying to destroy it.  i am quick to challenge them every chance i get.  they can't stand it when i do!  it is quite interesting to watch them squirm and to see how fast they run from me!  this has happened so many times, especially with folks in the teaching profession.  they are wimps and refuse to talk about their choices!  The few in the teaching profession that are conservative love to discuss their views but unfortunately are not willing to be as vocal as they should be!  (This is not my career.)  it is time for conservatives to stop being nice.  i will go further to say that anyone who voted for that person can't possibly believe in God or any other religion that promotes goodness!  obama's plans for this nation go directly against any positive religious or moral teachings.
  • Titus Hunt
    ya know i'm not a history buff, but it is times like these that i wish i was.  one of the many problems with liberals is that they don't want to learn from history.  they twist history around to their advantage instead of looking at it for what it was--lessons that we should learn from.  it is just like telling someone not to walk in front of a train.  the reason we know that trains will kill you is because others have done this before us not to mention the fact it is common sense.  so liberals refuse this rationale for whatever reason and spew their hatred towards those of us who just see the issues as lessons from the past and common sense.  i've heard the stupid comments they make about this being a new era and we need to make changes.  sure changes need to be made but let's make the right ones, people.  duh!  let's don't make the same mistakes that others have made and let the cycle keep repeating itself.  that is what obama is doing.  i guess his supporters think his policies sound good and he is their savior so they don't question him?  give me a break!
  • jane dough
    OMG  Titus Hunt- you are certifiably nuts.  Not calling names- just pointing out a fact.  Lady, you need to need to sit in some jello and chill.
  • jane dough
    and stop with the "savior", "messiah" nonsense, woman- it's only the nutcases like you who use these terms. 
    say... did you notice?

    THE SKY IS FALLING...THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
    RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (*Thanx  Dora- If you don't mind, I will use your warning every time I see these nitwits - I believe it's akin to the finger-crank at the temple signifying "nutcase")
  • Bud Mullins
    True Liberalism is sort of a medical condition - it seems to be a real sickness!  People who are real Liberals don't seem to have the capacity to utilize their own experiences in life as tools to either do something or not to do it.  If they have a bad experience, they just rationalize, justify and trudge on.  Never do they use their experiences to correct mistakes.  They cannot see how their agenda in life effects others.  Sad part of this is, they don't really care if it kills you and I or not.  Actually, most liberals are cowards.  They hide behind organizations that speak for them.  They hide behind all kinds of frontal protection.  They spew their hatred through sick news outlets and papers and magazines.  Time and time again, they have been out numbered in protests and they just seem to disappear.

    Liberals are kind of like computer chips, they are programed for one thing and that's it!  What ever they are programed for, don't try to change it... Whether it is right or wrong, they will defend it at all cost.  As long as they don't get any apposition, they just keep going.  Remember the borg in Star Trek?  Liberals are sort of like that, they don't operate well outside the collective.

    I know one thing, Christians really need to get it together before they have to hide in basements and caves to have prayer.  That is where it is heading so take it seriously.
  • Robert
    To Jane Dough:

    I dedicate this next Top-40 hit to you:

    "I Will Follow Him": Obama As My Personal Jesus
    By: Maggie Mertens
    Posted: 9/18/08
    Obama is my homeboy. And I'm not saying that because he's black - I'm saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters t-shirts from a couple years ago that said, "Jesus is my homeboy." Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.

    While you may be overtly religious and find this to be idol-worshipping, or may be overtly politically correct and just know that everything in that sentence could be found offensive, I'm afraid it's true anyway.

    As with many spiritual enlightenments, mine came in the middle of a bleak, hopeless period of my life. The innocent, idealistic world of politics that had shaped my childhood, the one that taught me how the president is a good guy, one who makes you feel safe, gives a speech on TV every once in a while and one you'd feel honored to shake hands with, had been slowly whittled into a deep rooted cynicism to anything politically related.

    The crush of the Bush victory over Gore was only the first mar on my previously consummate ideal of the American administration. And the tragedies just kept continuing: Bush's response to the Sept.11 attacks, the invasion of Iraq, the tax cuts for the rich, the downward spiral continued squashing my scant hope that the political world and state of our country could be saved.

    Then I found my miracle. Stumbling through my hopeless world, afraid to turn to anyone with my political questions of morality, my concerns about the afterlife of the country I called home, a voice spoke to me.

    Barack Obama bore to me his testimony in 2004 at the Democratic National Convention, a testimony that included believing in concepts as simple and wholesome as the Constitution; a belief the current administration had done away with entirely. I was 17 and my antipathy for politicians was already in place before I had even reached the age to legally vote for one. He, though, seemed different. I was intrigued. I would follow him. I believed however, that my discipleship would lead me on a much longer path to political change than was true. He was much too young, not white enough, not rich enough, not jaded - the country certainly wasn't ready for this, maybe in 12 or 16 years he would be able to run in the Democratic primary, I thought.

    My interest was piqued, but the dark time lived on until my faith in others was renewed on Jan. 4 in the Iowa state primary. Obama had beat out squeaky clean southern boy John Edwards and former first lady and next in the line of political succession Hillary Clinton. I was in shock. And then I came to Jesus/Obama.

    I donated to the campaign. I followed every primary with bated breath, and muttered my prayers to the political gods while proselytizing the miracle of my new prophet. I got a car magnet, I bought a t-shirt; a pin and bumper sticker are on their way to my campus mailbox. Then the media and right wing questioning began: what is he? A rock star, or the next president? Bono or Britney? The naysayers used his popularity among young people against him. Who had ever heard of political posters in college dorm rooms? Bumper stickers on the back of your high school neighbor's Jetta? Guess what those "Jesus is my homeboy" t-shirts were replaced with at Urban Outfitters? A smiling Obama under his own cutesy sayings like "Obama for yo Mama."

    I must admit, I questioned this myself. After all, would I have ever bought a t-shirt with Al Gore's face on it? Was this all he was, the newest pop culture fad? I questioned my newfound faith - was it all only a phase, like the time I thought I was Baptist in junior high? But my inner dogmatic struggle only helped cement my beliefs as I followed politics more closely than ever before. Obama's mere presence, knowledge and enthusiasm in the political realm inspired my own desire to understand what exactly had gone wrong, what exactly he could do to remedy the mess we'd made.

    Then I began to realize I wasn't the only one trying to buy a WWOD bracelet and spending my weekends scouring CNN.com. The rock star-type love for Obama wasn't just because he was pretty and in the media. Others too, had seen him as a shining light, heard that mythical voice boom out over the mountaintops; people were wearing the t-shirt because they would rather wear something representing a politician than a pop star. People everywhere, young and old, were caring again. So what's the problem here?

    I've officially been saved, and soon, whether they like it or not, the rest of the country will be too. I will follow him, all the way to the White House, and I'll be standing there in our nation's capital in January 2009, when Barack Obama is inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States of America. In the name of Obama, Amen.
    © Copyright 2009 The Sophian
  • DS
    Happy Easter everyone!  HE IS ALIVE!!!  And because He lives, we live!!  God raised Him from the dead, and that same power that raised Jesus from the dead has raised us from death into life!  We are no longer slaves to sin and death...hallelujah!!  Praise be to God our Father, and to Jesus Christ His son!  Believe in Hin this day and be saved!!   You never know when your day will come.  Don't wait......believe in Jesus today!!   Praise you Jesus!!!!
  • Bud Mullins
    Jane Dough...  I know of another Jane - could there be some connection here?  Sure sounds like it.


    Thanks for the great posts.  Man cannot serve two masters.  If I serve me, I cannot serve God...
  • Titus Hunt
    Jane Dough--as usual you liberals like to spew insults with no facts to back anything up.  you are typical!
  • Titus Hunt
    It is quite amusing that liberals use the "sky is falling" against conservatives when obama, their savior, used this rhetoric on his stimulus package.  oh darn, i spilled their dirty secret.  of course, we all know how unsuccessful that was.  in reality the sky is falling for a lot of folks that i know because they can't find jobs and their money is drying up!  so liberals i guess your stupidity is showing again!  be proud that you are the problem!  hopefully you can sleep at night knowing that there are people out there suffering as a direct result of obama's failed attempts at solving our economic crisis!  enjoy it while it lasts and keep spewing your hatred.  it is getting you no where!
  • Titus Hunt
    i'm laughing over here at how upset the liberals get when you call obama their savior.  they buy into everything the used car salesman is selling even when he is proven wrong time and time again.  however, they like to throw daggers by using Rush and others every chance they get.  too funny!  their game is up!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--Your comment #354.  I like it!  That sums it up.  Thanks for the prospective.
  • jane dough
    Titus- if you think that the current economic problems, the unemployment numbers, the credit problems, are all of the Obama administration's doing- or that there is one single "snap your fingers" solution to correct what has taken nearly 28 years to create- you are even more of a crackpot that you have already indicated. ...and that's pretty difficult.  The sky is falling!! EEEEEEK!  Put on your tin foil hats, duck and cover for god's sake!
  • Robert
    Jane Dough:

    Can you give some specific examples of how Ronald Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush caused this mess today?  What specific acts did all of them sign into law, what executive orders they issued, what appointments they made, what lobbyists they worked with, etc.? Also can you cite references of your documentation?

    Thank you.
  • Robert
    Wednesday, April 08, 2023
    <!-- Begin .post -->
    Obama Disappoints Again

    Not the change I voted for.....

    The Obama administration has filed a brief in EFF's lawsuit against the government for its program of illegal, mass wiretapping of Americans, defending the practice, arguing that the lawsuit should be dismissed, endorsing the Bush administration's invented "State Secret" theory, and augmenting it with a new theory, that "the Patriot Act bars any lawsuits of any kind for illegal government surveillance unless there is "willful disclosure" of the illegally intercepted communications." This brief was not written by Bush cronies left behind by the outgoing administration: this is an invention of the Obama administration.
  • Titus Hunt
    Jane Dough--you are more of an idiot than I thought.  the sky is falling for those who are out of work and can't feed their families!  You are a nut job!  obama has signed bills that are wasteful and ineffective!  he also voted for the TARP, which I was against!  I hold him accountable for what he did and didn't do but could have.  Yes, there was a way that we could have created jobs almost immediately but that ship has sailed.  I guess those proven ways are just for the folks who actually want to see positive results quickly to actually help the economy and those in need.  Let's not forget who signed a bill that wasn't read!  so who is the fool?  hmmmm!
  • jane dough
    every post I read from you, titus, you call anyone who dares to disagree with you an idiot.   you are continuously stink talking   "liberals" for name calling yet you can do little else.  (are you actually michelle bachman in disguise?  you certainly sound as loony.

    here is something that you should absorb:

    More hot air was vented on the Right in making elementary errors of logic, and more verbiage spent condemning the bow to King Abdullah, than in discussing any of the meatier issues broached during Obama's trip abroad. The ever greater concentration on minutiae, and the investment of more and more passion in matters of no moment, signals the bankruptcy of conservative philosophy. Its proponents have stared transfixed as the ruthless implementation of their most cherished principles produced a series of economic, social and foreign policy calamities from which it may take decades to recover. The spectacle of their spokesmen misunderstanding English, hyperventilating over dark suspicions of surrender of sovereignty or reeducation camps, condemning a Muslim country like Turkey for setting a bad example by being insufficiently theocratic, and engaging in mock auto-da-fes to illustrate their inner rage, raises the question of whether the Republican Party is having a collective nervous breakdown. Meanwhile, Obama and the rest of the country have begun seeing "glimmers of hope."

    I doubt seriously that you will read the entire article though,  titus- for you are totally unable to engage in thoughtful dialog,  alternate ideas,  responsible research,  acurate quotations, and factual history.  Your continued ignorance regarding anything - other than your own personal bathroom habits,  has rendered you insignifigant and irrelivent.  You continue to produce nothing but venom,  spite,  jealousy,  and,  perhaps the most glaring: an attitude of haughty superiority and disdain towards those of whom you take issue; a most UN-Christian activity. 

  • Titus Hunt
    Jane Dough--judging my abilities will only make a fool out of you!  i call people idiots when it is justified.  liberals don't choose to understand the facts about the economy and markets and the effects of obama's policies on them.  but hey, that doesn't count when you are not personally affected, huh?  the venom is for those who have chosen to support bad policies that are preventing people from feeding their children.  you are the typical liberal that loves to quote articles.  you must be another teacher type or something close to it!  why don't you try actually stating proven economic principals that include ALL of the facts and not just the ones liberals twist to their own liking!  other points of view are great as long as they can be proven to work and are factually accurate.  liberals have a hard time doing this.  you guys prefer the "hope" and "change" philosophies that have no substance.  oh, and let's not forget obama's inability to understand the bills he is signing!  that says it all!  i laughed at your post and i suggest you actually start understanding the whole picture before you spout lies/half-truths.  obama is a joke and the foreign leaders are laughing behind his back.  his trip was a waste!
  • Michael
    "more verbiage spent condemning the bow to King Abdullah, than in discussing any of the meatier issues broached during Obama's trip abroad. The ever greater concentration on minutiae, and the investment of more and more passion in matters of no moment, signals the bankruptcy of conservative philosophy"Jane Dough (salon.com)

    So you can empathize with how Reagan, Bush Sr. and Jr. were all treated by the left?   Are you also saying to that the Liberal philosophy was bankrupt during those administrations?  Obama seemed to think so when he said that "I think it’s fair to say that the Republicans were the party of ideas for a pretty long chunk of time there over the last 10-15 years..."

    "I doubt seriously that you will read the entire article though,  titus- for you are totally unable to engage in thoughtful dialog"
    We too are berated for putting up any information that is even remotely right leaning while you put up an article by Salon that is pure "in the tank" leftist.  You present opinion articles like this as something other than what it is, opinion while you say that people like Titus produce "an attitude of haughty superiority and disdain towards those of whom you take issue" but it is these very people who are taking issue with the current administration and is met with your venom, spite and jealousy.  You have produced nothing but anothers opinion to back up your own and this is what you stand on to express your disdain towards Titus for taking issue with the President.  The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds.
  • DS
    jane dough,

    UN-Christian activity

    Since you brought it up with Titus, I would like to pursue it a little bit with you.  The posts on this blog, as well as most other blogs usually devolve into a finger-pointing game after about two posts.  And you are correct to state that they become "UN-Christian activities".  Since the election of Pres. Bush in 2000, the debate between conservative vs liberal ideas in our country has become so violent that nobody seems to be willing to listen at all to the other point of view.  And why did it have to happen?  Who/which side started this incineration?  Let's be perfectly honest about all of this, please?  Yes, you can say it began with Clinton being impeached, but why was he impeached?  He lied to a grand jury, and that should be an impeachable offense don't you think?  And let's not forget that a lot of good things happened for the country during Clinton's time in office because the Republican Congress worked with him for the good of the country.  After that, the liberal Democrats decided that they would do "whatever" it took to keep Republicans from gaining the Whitehouse.  When Bush defeated Gore in 2000, the Democrats created the fire of discontent and hate against the results of the election, and set off on a course to destroy "everything" that Pres. Bush would attempt to do for the country during his time in office.  I'm sure you don't disagree with that.  Then 911 happened, Pres. Bush decided to defend our country rather than continue the policies of previous administrations of ignoring the threats abroad, and actually did what the oath of office dictates a President to do by defending us from the attacks of Islamic terrorists around the world.  We don't need to debate all of the policies that he implemented to keep us safe.  let's just agree that we haven't been attacked in our country since then, ok?  Then the vitreal of the liberal Democrats became ever more apparent with the results of the 2004 election.  And, in my mind, that is when "all of the stops" were pulled out by the Democrats.  They engaged on a journey to destroy Pres. Bush and everyone who agreed with him about anything!  And then we began hearing more about George Soros and all of the violent left-wing groups that were springing up everywhere, violently protesting Pres. Bush and all of his policies.  We can agree to disagree on everything that has happened since then, but we know it has been anything other than christian.  Christians (for the most part) are conservative.  I don't think we disagree on that.  We could spend a lot of time talking what it means to be a christian, and I'm willing to discuss that with you.  But would it make a difference in the way you think or feel?  Christians aren't perfect Jane.  But they do believe in something (someone to be more specific) which provides them a basis for what they believe.  I know that when Obama was elected, most christians were willing to support him, and give him time to implement policies which would help our country get out of the economic situation that we are in.  We also wanted to allow him time to develop his own foreign policies.  BUT, one thing we would never agree to is to allow him to move change our country into a socialist state as in Europe.  And that is exactly the direction he is headed.  And his economic policies of bailouts and spending are doing little to solve our problems, but they WILL be burdens on our children and grandchildren.  And look at all of the people that he has promoted to his administration, as well as all of the people that he assciates with.  I see very little moral values in any of them that could be considered christian.  But do you really want to see christian values promoted in our society Jane?  It seems that liberals are doing everything they can to purge God from our society.  I don't think you will disagree with that.  Should christians just lay down and say nothing?  If you know anything about christianity, you know we can't do that.  Christ is our example.  He wants everyone to know Him, and to come to the realization that they need Him.  We will fight to keep our country christian until the day we die Jane.  That is our whole reason for living, as He ives in us!  Come to Him today, repent of your sins, and ask Him to be Lord of your life.  He will accept you as you are Jane.  He will change your heart, and make you the person He created you to be.  Then, I suspect you would have a much different viewpoint about our country and our government.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Michael--Your posts were excellent!  It is the love for this country and our freedoms that I'm standing up for.  The liberals are taking our freedoms away and the fight has begun.  People are finally getting angry and will hopefully stand up for what is right!  Conservatives are true Americans who won't take what the liberals are dishing out!
  • Titus Hunt
    I guess the article below is a big blow to the liberals today.  Maybe that is why it is so quiet.  hmmm!  Do you think they understand that obama promised everything to everyone just to get votes?  He knew he would not fulfill them all but hey the liberals still love this liar!  I guess 47% of us were right all along!  Bush was obviously protecting our country and obama finally figured that out.  i guess it takes some longer than others due to brain leaks/blockages, mental issues, etc.  his campaign rhetoric and insults proved he had no idea what he was talking about.  all talk with no substance!  big surprise, huh?  hosting the easter egg party today is about all he is qualified for.  wait a minute, i was wrong--he is good at signing bills that haven't been read.  i apologize for missing this FACT!  I found this article quickly on Fox News and wonder why the subject was not on the other liberal news outlets?  LOL!

    Obama Administration Maintains Bush Legal Argument for Terrorist Surveillance Secrecy


    For the liberals who always have trouble understanding the basics, here are some excerpts.

    Obama criticized the cooperation during the campaign, calling it an abuse of authority and arguing that the Bush administration "undermined the Constitution."

    After a full review, Attorney General Eric Holder and the administration has asked the case be dismissed, arguing that hearing it would cause "extremely grave harm to national security. "
    "The Obama administration is making a very spirited, a very robust assertion of state secrets privilege just like the Bush administration did before it," said former Justice Department attorney Dave Rivkin.
    "You would think that if the critics were sincere in the past but had real problems with the Bush administration they might take some note of this but no they are really not interested. They are just as disinclined to trust the Obama administration's officials when it comes to balancing individual liberty and public safety as they were with regard to .... officials of the Bush administration," he said.
    "This is the attorney general and the director of national intelligence that were strongly supported by the left wing of the Democratic Party and I don't know what critics think happened," Cunningham said. "I don't know if they think Admiral Blair and Attorney General Holder got sent into the Dick Cheney mind meld machine or what." 
    Instead of the mind meld, analysts say Obama's eyes were opened as he learned more about the program and now realizes it is both lawful and necessary. But critics don't accept that. They think they've been betrayed by the man they expected to reverse almost every policy of the Bush years, especially this one.

    So let me get this straight--the last paragraph says that obama didn't know what he was talking about during his campaign, right?  i don't need to ponder this one!  too funny!  liberals, continue to love your savior because he offers "change" and backs up Bush!  LOL!  be proud of your man today!
  • Titus Hunt
    I saw part of an interview from a liberal (surprise) on MSNBC in which the person lied about what the T.E.A parties are all about.  i had to turn the channel before i threw up.  of course, liberals will buy into these "untruths" because they are brainwashed.  i guess morals, integrity and character are not a part of the liberal movement.  they will do anything to further their cause to destroy this nation.  this is evident in a speech obama made before the election.  he lied to retirees in FL about McCain wanting to "mess" with their social security.  that was fear mongering at its best.  however, the republicans were blamed for instilling fear into people.  give me a break!  there have been other blogs that i have read where liberals still believe this nonsense.  i really think, as someone else put it, that they are robots who will believe anything their master obama tells them.  no wonder msnbc and cnn have poor ratings.  so i will say again that the liberals are idiots and the dumbing down of America continues.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, lies to justify their own cause is normal with liberals.  Think about this, if you believe killing babies is ok and homosexuality is not a sin, lies mean nothing!  If you are steped in sin so deep that none of these things are of any value you will do anything.  It's almost unbelievable to think there are really people like this...
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--your comment--It's almost unbelievable to think there are really people like this...

    you are exactly correct.  it is also hard to believe that people who go to church and call themselves Christians would support obama.  His beliefs go against everything Christianity stands for.  it is a sad time in America!  however, i'm willing to stand up for what is right and hope others will too!  I am seeing and hearing people talk about a big revolt but i wonder if it actually will happen.  there would have to be a huge portion of the population involved before changes would take place.  I know the T.E.A. party is a start.  your thoughts?
  • bill
    Im sorry, this article misquotes the link it refered to. Obama is not "funding overseas abortions". The way it worked before was that if any NGO's provided any information at all about abortions, then they couldnt recieve federal funding. Many of these clinics were the only clinics for miles that provide reproductive health services, and they wouldnt get any funding if they refered some people to other places for abortions. Obviously refering people to other places for abortions was a small part of what they do and what US dollars were used for. I guess this is sort of a subtle distinction, and perhaps its not immediately evident depending on how the question is phrased.
  • Bud Mullins
    Yes, you are correct.  I quit my men's church group because I mentioned Bill Clinton being a sinner and parading around in churches saying he is a christian.  Half the group got mad...  Go figure!

    The deal was, I said "I don't see how I could support someone with such radical beliefs and not accept some of that person's sin on my shoulders."  In reality, if I support a leader of a country that kills babies, believes homosexuality is okay, steals, lies, cheats, etc., for the very fact that person is in a leadership position to make all this happen, THAT MAKES ME A SINNER JUST AS MUCH AS THE PERSON I AM SUPPORTING.  As a christian, I cannot sit arount in churches and pretent that I am not responsible for my actions.  I cannot pretent a lie is not a lie.  I cannot pretent that murder is not murder, and all the other stuff they pretent has no value.  THAT IS EXACTLY HOW LIBERAL BELIEF IS.  If you notice when a liberal makes a mistake, the high ranking democrats simply dismiss it as an error or a mistake and that person wont do it again.   

    In our quest, what the Christian movement has to watch out for is not get burried up in the rhetoric the leberals are putting out to stop us.  It has already started.  Remember, these are liberals, they have no morals!
  • DS

    As we all head off to our local Tax Day Tea Parties, we must keep in mind the fact that we are christians, and to not get involved in useless arguments with the ACORN, Code Pink, and/or any other liberal infiltrators that come our way.  We have a right to peacefully protest, and I hope that we see great turnouts in all of our parties!  But let's keep everything safe and show our love for those that hate us.  Father, as we go out today to protest the anti-God practices of our government we ask for your protection and your wisdom.  We ask you to give us your heart and your love for the people we will encounter today.  We also ask your forgiveness for all of the terrible things that our country is doing.  Please bless this time today, and cause our actions to bring glory to you.  May this be just the beginning of our country turning back to you!!   Amen!!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--Wow!  I agree with you completely.  As they say, it is the company that you keep............  Parents used to raise their children to understand this basic idea; however, that too has been demolished to suite the liberal agenda.  It is definitely true that liberals have no morals.  I know people that are running out of their unemployment benefits with no hope of finding work.  these are folks who want to work to feed their families but can't.  obama chose to make it difficult for companies to survive without laying off employees or closing and as a result, people are suffering.  Of course, they claim their way is the only way to get results and it is not working.  It is absolutely UNAMERICAN and all a part of the evil liberal political agenda.
  • Dora
    Bud... the word is "pretend".
    pretent is urban slang for something else entirely.

    you know, titus,  you look really foolish with your vast and incorrect generalizations regarding what a liberal is, does, and has.
    but then... looking foolish is what you do best.
    carry on.

    oh yes... "the sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  • Titus Hunt
    Dora--you are an idiot and i see the results of the liberal stupidity.  get some morals and values.  start giving a damn about the people who are suffering unnecessarily due to obamas so-called leadership!  tell obama and the other liberals in Washington to actually read a bill before signing it and to stand by obama's campaign promise not to spend money we don't have.  wasting money is not something we need and liberals are supporting an idiot who doesn't respect the hard-earned money of the taxpayers.  then and only then will you actually have any ground to stand on!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--here's goes dora with her spelling lessons again!  have you noticed her trend of correcting others' writing?  however, she doesn't have any substance to her posts at all.  hmmm!  oh, and let's not forget her generalizations of conservatives.   they are typical for a liberal because they don't have a leg to stand on after their savior obama has continued to destroy this country!
  • DS

    Just back from my Tax Day Tea Party and it was a HUGE success!!  We had over 3,000 patriots show up, and it was WONDERFUL!!  I have been hearing from all of the other Tea Parties around the country, and they were all great!  We had no problems at our event.  God was definitely there.  It was soooo good being with so many other like minded patriots, and we DEFINITELY sent a message to both our state and national politicians who have been robbing us and our children/grandchildren thru over spending and taxation.  This is ONLY the beginning!  We need to keep this going until we get all of them removed from office!!  And it starts with each one of us individually.  Keep educating your friends and neighbors on what is happening, and make sure you vote EVERY time there is something on the ballot.  We're going to be voting down the Fairness Doctrine in an upcoming election here in California.  Then we begin replacing all of the thugs in our local, state, and federal government.  Don't believe any of the junk you hear on CNN or other liberal media outlets about the Tea Parties.  They were a BIG success!!!   Keep in going patriots.  We ARE taking back our country!!!
  • Bud Mullins
    Dora, Dora, Dora...

    A typographical error: A typographical error (shortened as typo) is a mistake made during the process of , the manual application of, writing.

    Never made a mistake huh?  You really did by visiting this web site.  Please now, tell me you have more for me.  Don't tell me that is all you have...
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--it was a fabulous thing to see.  I had to watch it on TV due to my surgery.  I could not take a chance on being in a crowd of folks and someone accidentally hitting my upper arm where the incision is (it is quite large).  I really wanted to be there.  I hope this is not the end because we need to stand up for our freedoms that are being stolen from us.  yes, i noticed that cnn and msnbc were spreading nothing but lies about what the cause was really about.  however, just like all liberals lies are what they do best!  there is no honesty among thieves.  spreading the word is the best way at this point and i'm working hard at it.  i think if the liberals love obama so much, they should be the ones to pay the majority of the taxes.  that would stop their agenda!  i know it is wishful thinking but i'm tired of this stupidity.  i understand that there are people that attended the TEA party that were obama supporters but are now angry at him for his policies.  did you see any of that?
  • Dora
    "I cannot sit arount [sic]  in churches and pretent [sic] that I am not responsible for my actions.  I cannot pretent [sic] a lie is not a lie.  I cannot pretent [sic]  that murder is not murder, and all the other stuff they pretent [sic]  has no value. "

    Bud- once is a typo- twice is lazy- 5 times is just plain ignorance.   You would do well to bone up on your English to justify your self proclaimed superiority.  Titus will continue to sport about her ignorance.  She wears it proudly.   tsk tsk.

  • Dora
    Your T.E.A.  noise was just exactly that.  (Taxed Enough Already)
    The premise of this "event" was non-factual at it's root. 
    consider this:

    BIGGEST. TAX CUT. EVER.... A few weeks ago, when the House approved the economic stimulus bill without any Republican votes, David Weigel noted that he literally couldn't remember "a time when the entire Republican conference in either house voted against tax cuts."
    That's true, but let's go a little further. The compromise plan announced last night includes $282 billion in tax cuts over two years. With that in mind, Steven Waldman argues, persuasively, that when the vast majority of congressional Republicans oppose the package, they'll be voting against the biggest tax cut "in history."

    According to the Wall Street Journal, Bush's first two years of tax cuts amounted to $174 billion. A second batch in 2004 and 2005 cost $231. And those were thought to be bigger than the tax cuts offered by Reagan, Kennedy or others.
    Now, perhaps some new analysis will show that the tax cuts end up not quite being the largest in history by this measure or that. But it's clear they're massive.
    I'm ducking the debate on whether this is economically a good or bad -- but surely it ought to be a big story.

    True. Waldman also notes that this is also an example of a liberal Democrat delivering early on a tax cut he promised during the campaign, a pledge "few Republican thought he'd keep."
    What's more, let's also not forget that Obama's tax-cut plan in the recovery package is not only arguably bigger than previous cuts, but also better targeted. George W. Bush's tax cuts were long-term income-tax rate cuts, which amounted to a generous break for those at the top, since the wealthy pay most income taxes. Obama's tax cuts, meanwhile, are short-term refunds paid directly to working and middle class families (some of which Republicans have denounced as "welfare").
    As such, GOP lawmakers are going to reject one of the largest, if not the largest, tax cut ever proposed by a president -- which just so happens to be targeted at the working and middle class families Obama vowed to look out for.
    When the economy recovers, I suspect many on the right will argue, "Obama's policy only worked because he passed a quarter-trillion dollars in tax breaks." That will surely make them feel better. But how will those same conservatives respond when it's noted that Republicans stood up to oppose one of the biggest tax-cut plans in American history?

    so what type of signs were seen at your "grass roots" noise?

    "Let's see the REAL birth certificate"
    "Osama = Obama"
    "Obama is a marxist"
    "Obama is a communist"
    "Obama is a facist"
    "A Kenyan cannot be president here"

    oh yeah... you certainly have come a long way now haven't you. NOT.
    pfft.   How in the world do you expect anyone to take you seriously?
  • Titus Hunt
    Dora loves to ignore facts.  her and barney frank must be buds.  he testified just last july that fannie and freddie were not broken.  he also did what liberals do best and that is to attempt to demean republicans that were concerned about the impact these two companies would have on America.  well, we all know how that turned out.  yep, lies are lies and facts are facts!  give it up Dora!  you are losing your lame attempt to defend your leader!  tell him to make sure he knows what he is signing and to live up to his campaign promises.  even though both would ensure the destruction of this country, at least some could call him an honest communist/socialist if there is one!  obama would then have to admit he is taking away our freedoms.  he now agrees with Bush on Terrorist Surveillance Secrecy.  How do you like that?  Bush made good decisions to protect our country!  Now that obama is educated on the issue he is not going to put our nation more at risk because he knows that would be the end of his career as a used car salesman--flip flopper.  this proves that he was not qualified for the job as a lot of us already knew!  his campaign rhetoric has now come back to bite him again!  so keep defending this moron!  it is funny!  oh and by the way, he bowed to the saudi king!
  • Titus Hunt
    prove me wrong, Dora!
  • Robert

    Excepts from:

    "Projected deficit unsustainable
    and deplorable"

    "Auditors for the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) have stated repeatedly that Mr. Obama's steroidal spending levels and sky groping deficits are unsustainable. On March 20, an AP story reported that the Obama budget would produce $9.3 trillion in deficit spending in ten years. While history shows that most government spending sprees and programs quickly surpass their budget projections, the CBO has thrown down a gauntlet in stating that the Obama budget is 'unsustainable.'

    "Meanwhile, Obama has left more than 140 thousand troops in Iraq where their death toll has began to rise under his clouded mission there, while ordering a surge in Afghan American troop levels as much of Europe and Canada retreats. Already he has requested billions more in extra spending to pay for his Afghan surge. Many Americans are no less than shocked by these reversals from what he said he would do during his campaign and what he is doing as President.

    "According to the CBO, whose purpose is to analyse such national budgets, the dismal figures regarding Barack Obama's budget means that Obama's deficit spending will be four times larger than those of the Bush Presidency. A growing number of Americans are experiencing buyer's remorse over the Obama Administration and those who did not vote for him are becoming even more outspoken. While the Obama Administration has simply blamed the former administration to date for everything wrong from economics to agriculture, more Americans are viewing the unsustainable debt that Obama and the Democratic Party are incurring on behalf of the next generation as a horrific burden that is being kicked down the road to their children."
  • Robert
    Keith Olbermann Lashes Out And Obama’s Diminishing Support With the Far Left
    "The far left actually believed that the president was going to end the war regardless of what the commanders on the ground said. The far left also believed that the president would end warrant-less wiretapping and many of the other fail-safes that have been put in place by the Bush administration to monitor terrorist activity. And why wouldn’t they? While a candidate the president hammered the Bush administration’s policies and promised to end them. However, now as president he looks to continue many of the Bush administration’s policies including warrant-less wiretapping and it is not sitting well with the far left wing of his party which is growing ever more dissatisfied.
    "Now that he is no longer a candidate and now that he is the president that Utopian vision has disappeared and reality has set in. The president now realizes that what he said during the campaign does not match reality and he has adjusted his position. He is not going to recklessly and irresponsibly end the policies that have kept us safe. Unfortunately for the president his far left admirers are not privy to the information that he is (especially since he has now invoked state privilege) and now they are turning on him."
    "'Obama has said no place should be out of reach of the law. Now, he’s done precisely that,' said Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University. 'You have this administration routinely stating principles as a precursor to violating those very same principles.'"
    "What we have here is a classic case of a candidate saying whatever it took to get elected but once the candidate became the president and he entered the real world he learned that things weren’t as easy as they seemed. There is a difference between campaign rhetoric and reality, especially on an issue as vital as this. Now his supporters need to realize this.
    "The problem is that the far left bought this package hook, line, and sinker and now that he can’t fulfill his campaign promises to end Bush era war policies they are disgruntled. While they should have known better it isn’t totally their fault, the president is an empty suit and a blank canvas. He was able to paint a picture on that canvas, and much like art, the interpretation is left up to the viewer. Because this president had no record on which he could be judged the interpretation was left up to the voters. The voters were able to interpret the art into whatever they saw fit. Whatever they wanted to believe.
    "When you are the Democrat nominee for president of the United States you can say whatever the hell you want to in order to appease the far left, but once you actually are sworn in and sitting in the oval office it is a different world altogether. Suddenly the world isn’t all rainbows and gumdrops. Suddenly there is an enemy that won’t throw down their arms just because you promise to appease them. Suddenly the threat that you mocked is real and there is no longer an opportunity to appease.
    "The president managed to convince the voters that all of President Bush’s policies on the war and foreign relations were wrong and now that he is following Bush’s policies he will have to attempt to spin this back into his favor. So far he is losing that battle.
    "People like Keith Olbermann feel duped and are taking out their frustrations on the president. They need to look into the mirror, because they saw in this president what they wanted to see. Keith Olbermann’s view of the world may be idealistic and glorious but it is not based in reality.
    "The crux of this dissatisfaction seems to be coming from the president invoking the state secrets privilege, executive privilege, that he derailed the Bush administration for invoking. In a way I don’t blame his supporters for growing angry at the president, they were sold a bill of goods. But really, did they think that all would be right in the world just because their man became president? Did they really think that this administration would keep no secrets from them?"
  • Robert

    Obama continues Bush power grab
    "Obama's new Department of Justice has come out in defense of Bush-era ideologies elevating Presidential authority beyond legal and Constitutional restraints. Under this on-going power grab lies a desire to maintain for the Executive branch powers that were claimed in the aftermath of 9/11.

    "Even if Congress passes a new law specifically limiting Presidential authority, the President can claim national security concerns, that it's his job to 'protect the American people.' Thus the urgency of the Presidential mandate exceeds that of Congress or the Courts. National security concerns, enshrined the DC consensus 'war on terror,' allow for much more expediency in the use of Presidential authority than pre-9/11.

    "We've become imperial, with more of our political sphere revolving around the President, our Emperor-equivalent, and less about our institutions, history, or the rule of law and pre-9/11 precedents. It's as if Caesar has brought down his throne to the floor of the Roman Senate, to show his magnificence. It's downright un-American to put at the center of our government the omnipotence of one man and his agents, and probably un-Constitutional as well.

    "The current civil liberties issues are made poignant by the fact Obama was a professor of Constitutional law. As an outsider, he protested Bush's seize of authority from Congress. Now, as the incumbent, Obama has flip-flopped. Just like Bush, he's using the war on terror as a rationale to expand spying and limit accountability for acts constituting torture."
  • Robert
    Obama's Budget Supports Failed Bush Policies
    "In fact, as Riedl pointed out, the Obama and Democratic budgets would 'actually accelerate' Bush's fiscal policies, producing "more runaway spending, more bailouts and even bigger deficits. The president is not repudiating Bushism -- he's doubling down on it."
    "Is he ever. Increasing government spending by $1 trillion over the next 10 years; raising taxes on millions of Americans and businesses by $1.4 trillion over the next decade; and doubling the publicly held federal debt to more than $15 trillion."

    Is this a good thing?

  • Robert
    Legal left cools toward Obama
    "A growing chorus on the legal left is cooling toward President Barack Obama as a result of recent actions by the Justice Department vigorously defending the Bush administration in what it termed the war on terror.
    “'Obama Position on Illegal Spying: Worse Than Bush,' a large graphic declared over the weekend on the home page of a respected group advocating freedom on the Internet, Electronic Frontier Foundation.

    "Obama has been pilloried by a liberal TV icon who was one of President George W. Bush’s most vociferous critics, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann.

    “'During his run for the presidency, Barack Obama, who taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago, argued strongly against the Bush administration’s use of executive authority, including its self-justification, its rationalization of the warrantless wiretapping of American citizens,” Olbermann said on his show last week. “That was then. This is now. ... Welcome to change you cannot believe in — or sue over.'

    "Obama is also under withering attack from an attorney who was one of the most widely read critics of Bush’s legal strategy in the war on terror, Glenn Greenwald. He recently blasted Obama administration moves as 'extremist' and 'bizarre.'

    “'Reading this brief from the Obama DOJ is so striking — and more than a little depressing — given how indistinguishable it is from everything that poured out of the Bush DOJ regarding secrecy powers in order to evade all legal accountability,' he wrote on Salon last week, before calling his fellow civil libertarians to rise up. 'It is simply inexcusable for those who spent the last several years screaming when the Bush administration did exactly this to remain silent now or, worse, to search for excuses to justify this behavior,' he said."

    I'm not making this up.
  • Robert

    Very Bad News: Afghanistan's Bagram Air Base Will Be Obama's Guantanamo
    "Less than a month after signing an executive order to close the Guantanamo Bay prison camp, President Barack Obama has quietly agreed to keep denying the right to trial to hundreds more terror suspects held at a makeshift camp in Afghanistan that human rights lawyers have dubbed 'Obama's Guantanamo.'"


    "Tina Foster, executive director of the International Justice Network, the New York human rights organisation representing the detainees, warned last night that 'by leaving Bagram open, the administration turns the closure of Guantanamo into essentially a hollow and symbolic gesture.'"
  • Robert
    Yet More Enthusiasm for Obama
    A comment:
    "And I was extremely disappointed in Obama when he not only insisted on maintaining the warrantless wiretapping on Americans and associated secrecy that the Bush Administration pressed for, but actually argued that the secrecy should be expanded. I lost a ton of respect for Obama over that... and we're just 80 or so days into his administration. "
  • Robert

    Obama Administration Endorses Continued Spying on Americans -- Justice Department Moves to Squash NSA Spying Suits
    "Since fatuously declaring his to be a 'change' administration, President Barack Obama has quickly donned the blood-spattered mantle of state secrecy and executive privilege worn by the Bush regime.
    "On Friday April 3, the Department of Justice filed a motion to dismiss one of the Electronic Frontier Foundation's (EFF) landmark lawsuits against illegal spying by the National Security Agency (NSA)."
    "Arguments in San Francisco federal district court by U.S. Attorneys have been described by constitutional law experts as being 'worse than Bush.' In their motion to dismiss Jewell, the Obama administration cited the same perverse logic of the previous regime: that the state secrets privilege requires the court to dismiss the issue 'out of hand.'"
  • Robert

    Yet Another Satisfied Obama Supporter
    a comment
    "I can't believe this. Obama is becoming a Traitor to his own supporters. I'll admit I voted for him, and yes now I am beginning to regret it. This is Outrageous! I fell for the empty rhetoric and slogans, he is continuing Bush policies. Gerald Celente and Jesse Ventura were right."
  • Robert

    "I'm Disappointed in Obama "
    "Obama isn't going to change things like I hoped. This is really disappointing. I thought he'd at least stand up for the Constitution."
  • Titus Hunt
    Robert--thanks for the articles and comments!
  • Bud Mullins

    The word is out and that is it...  They (Liberals) can't (PRETENT - For Dora and other attending liberals) (Pretend - for conservatives) anymore, it just now happened.  THE GREATEST AND THE MOST SUCCESSFUL RALLY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!  Liberals are squirming where ever they are at...
    TWO great things just happened.  The biggest turnout at a ralley (Protest) ever recorded just happened.  It happened not just in LA or New York, it happened in all the major neighborhoods in the United States of America.  NUMBER ONE, it was the biggest ever recorded.  NUMBER TWO, not one window was broken, not one car overturned, not one building was burned, just a beautiful, peaceful protest with a clear message.  WE'RE FED UP WITH LIBERAL CRAP!  Reason for this success, it wasn't filled up with left wing radicals.  Liberals spewing hatred and destruction to properties and such.

     I for one, am ready for this thing to double in size.  How about you?  Any comments Dora?
  • Dora
    interesting, Robert, that you find no problem making reference to liberal/progressive web sites and blogs if it serves to make your point- other than this,  these sites/blogs are left-wing crazies and irrelevant powered by individuals with no scruples,  morals,  or intelligence that could ever come close to yours.  Rather selective reasoning, wouldn't you say??
    The fact remains that you call yourselves  good christians  with high morals exclusive to you alone- yet you cannot find it in your heart or brain to examine for scrutiny a single thing, phrase, item, action,  of a positive sort to say about Obama.  "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." "...not in your vocab.  "Turn the other cheek"... not in your vocab.  "That which you do to the least of you...you do to me"... not in your vocab.  Your continued efforts at creating divisive statements indicate that you still have nothing to offer but sour, bitter, acidic, statements... poorly formed conclusions, misquotes,  half-truths,  and utterly void of productive ideas.  You claim to be patriotic yet cling to the coat-tails of those calling for and wishing for this President- thereby this country to fail.   You and your buds here label those who would dare to disagree with your opinions as "idiots".  
    And you wonder why you garner no respect from me???!    You are the ultimate hyocrite.  
    God save me from your followers.  They kill for sport and revenge yet claim to be pro- life.  They cling to their bible unless it is not handy that day.  They claim to be Americans but cannot support the Constitutional rights of others.  They point fingers in every direction looking to place blame rather than address the problem thereby serving the greater good.
  • Bud Mullins

    President Obama said he was unaware of tens of thousands of protesters on the street in all our neighborhoods across America.  He lies through his teeth!  Just more of the same?  He sat in Rev. Wright's church for 20 years and did not know what his pastor was saying all those years...  He says he was born in Hawaii.  Proof is coming out that he was really born in Kenya.  Liberals or Conservatives, I don't care who you are, how can you accept this?  Please, this has got to get to you.
  • Dora
    Bud- you are either dreadfully misinformed, or intentionally stupid.
    The largest rally EVER occurred during the Bush administration- it was a WORLD WIDE event- and it involved protests over the announced intentions of this country to invade Iraq. 
    The Teabag participants  was a free-for-all for Obama haters and  religious bigots,  no coherent specific protest-  no permits to carry out their intentions, and no productive ideas.
  • Dora
    Good grief, Bud- you really are rowing with only one oar.
    I will ask the Great Spaghetti Monster to give you guidance ASAP.
  • DS
    I'm not going to respond to any of your outrageous comments regarding the Tea Parties except to say that you are wrong on all accounts. You didn't attend any of them, so your statements about who attended and what their meesages were is ignorant at best. You can believe all of the extreme left-wing media lies if you wish, but that doesn't change the truth! I was there Dora, and I can tell you that people from all political persuasions were there (except maybe extreme left-wing haters), and they were all angry with this administration. Their message wasn't directed at Obama specifically. It was sent to ALL of the thugs in local, state, and national politics! It just happens that Obama is now the man in charge, and he gets credit/blame for all of the failing policies that are being implemented and recommended by his party, just as Bush took the blame for everything. If you seriously believe that this is a fad which will quickly disappear, you are wrong. The coming elections in 2010 will be just the beginning of proof that WE are taking back our country Dora!! I think Robert has tried to point out to you that there are even many left-wing believers who now realize that Obama lied to them to gain power, and they will not let it happen again. He is definitely on a short leash, and if he cares anything about this country he will reject the current budget and cut out all of the pork. He will also stop all of the reckless spending and bailouts which have done nothing to stimulate the economy. All of his actions have been carefully calculated for one purpose.....to increase the size and power of the federal government, and to take away the inalienable rights of the citizens! This will backfire for him in the end. I will end this with a couple of words of wisdom from God's word.

     Joshua 24:15 (New International Version)
    15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

    Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
    5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

    Dora, choose today whom you will serve. Obama isn't the messiah that everyone made him out to be.
  • Titus Hunt
    Dora is the perfect example of a hypocrite when she mentioned that we don't have anything good to say about obama.  LOL!  Where are her posts that discuss Bush in a positive light?  Turn about is fair play!  Thank goodness even the liberals are wising up.  Dora has been given example after example of obama's lies and failures, but yet she refuses to address them.  Of course, it is her right to continue to be in denial.
  • Dora
    DS- once again, you are wrong on so many levels.  First, I did attend a gathering here.   The hate-speak there was thick and deafening.  The signs ranged from swastika symbols and Obama  bowing to Osama  to fetus photos to Hitler to concentration camps.   The ignorance sported would be comical were it not for the fact that these people managed to reach chronological adult age without a clue as to: how to spell, logical thought progression,  actual facts,  what the Boston Tea Party was about, to name just a few.  I heard repeatedly the exact words spoken by both Glenn Beck and the ever Loony Michelle Bachman. 
    In attendence also were many liberals who attempted to engage sign toters in conversaton in a most polite manner and were told to leave the USA,  called communists,  traitors,  baby killers,  ...and those were the nicest replies.
    These are your people, DS. 

    I am an atheist, DS.  I do not believe in your god or anyone else's god.  Quotes from your bible hold no interest to me.   Do you invite Jews into your home and serve pork?  Do you invite Mormons into your home and mock them about "magic underwear"?  Do you find it funny to call Arabs towel heads?   If you do- then this explains why you feel the need to insult me with your fairy tale beliefs.   I am sorry that you are so feeble that you cannot function without this.
  • bill
    Im sorry to all the other commenters, but Dora is right to point out that Obama did just pass a large tax cut that reduces taxes to 95% of americans. The top 5% of earners (which is everyone making over 200k single and 250k married) will have their taxes returned to the level they were at during clinton (in which we were very prosperous). Keep in mind that this is just a couple of extra percent for wealthy people.
    Considering this huge tax cut, I guess I dont understand what the tea parties are about.....is everyone just mad about the spending? If people are mad about high taxes then what about the tax cut they just recieved? *confused*
  • Bud Mullins
    Dora (401)

    The fact remains that you call yourselves  good christians  with high morals exclusive to you alone- yet you cannot find it in your heart or brain to examine for scrutiny a single thing, phrase, item, action,  of a positive sort to say about Obama.  "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." "...not in your vocab.  "Turn the other cheek"... not in your vocab.

    Dora, here are some real truth to life facts: God loves you and Obama both.  He will forgive you both if you would let him.  The real truth, as I see it, is there is nothing positive to say about Obama.  So far, I see nothing positive to say about you.  Tell me something good about either of you and I will repent to respect.  However, I love you both;  but, it does not matter if I love you or not.  What you need to realize is that GOD REALLY LOVES YOU.

  • Robert

    Let's explore this issue together. 

    You said:  "interesting, Robert, that you find no problem making reference to liberal/progressive web sites and blogs if it serves to make your point- other than this,  these sites/blogs are left-wing crazies and irrelevant powered by individuals with no scruples,  morals,  or intelligence that could ever come close to yours.  Rather selective reasoning, wouldn't you say??"

    Here is my response:

    I believe you intended to compliment me. You said: “individuals with no scruples,  morals, or intelligence that could ever come close to yours.”  In other words, you are saying I have much more scruples, morals, and intelligence than those “crazies.”  I’m very flattered that you think so,
    However I disagree. Those people are as wise or wiser than I am.  I think the people on the forum would disagree with you that I’m more intelligent than they are.  Bud, Titus, etc. are free to put me down for being less intelligent than those “left-wing crazies” you refer to.

    If you remember, you used a "right-wing" news source to make your point. You had no problem in doing that. You said in #317:

    "On America's Newsroom, on-screen text falsely claimed that President Obama's $3.6 trillion FY 2010 budget is "4x bigger than Bush's costliest plan." In fact, President Bush submitted a $3.1 trillion budget for FY 2009 and a $2.9 trillion budget for FY 2008."

    Is that not your handwriting?

    Whether the facts are right or wrong, you used a right-wing crazie source to make your point.  And on a previous post I used that off-the-wall left-wing crazie website of the Associated Press, an organization that no one has ever heard of.  Reference #319.  Here is an excerpt:  "White House budget chief Peter Orszag (a left-wing crazie in the White House, of course) said that CBO's long-range economic projections are more pessimistic than those of the White House, private economists and the Federal Reserve and that he remained confident that Obama's budget, if enacted, would produce smaller deficits. Even so, Orszag acknowledged that if the CBO projections prove accurate, Obama's budget would produce deficits that could not be sustained."

    You did not object to that article. You did not even dispute any of its facts, such as what the left-wing crazies at the Congressional Budget Office said about Obama's budget.  Can you dispute any of the facts of the article?

    You object to me using left-wingers to prove my point. And you call it "selective reasoning."  Since you don't like America's Newsroom, which I never used, you would object to me using right-wingers to prove my point, wouldn't you?  If I used only "right-wingers," websites what would you have said?   That they have no credibility, right?

    It is interesting that you are using the language of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh to substantiate your argument.  You call the sources I cited "left-wing crazies."  Why?  Because they once supported Obama and now they do not?  If they had not changed their mind about Obama, would they have still been "left-wing crazies?  They would have been to many people on this forum, for sure.  Then you would have objected to calling those intelligent Obama supporters "left-wing" crazies" right?

    For example, in #355 “I Will Follow Him": Obama As My Personal Jesus.” She is not a left-wing crazie right?  She is a very down-to-earth rational woman.

    But in #397 "I can't believe this. Obama is becoming a Traitor to his own supporters. I'll admit I voted for him, and yes now I am beginning to regret it. This is Outrageous! I fell for the empty rhetoric and slogans, he is continuing Bush policies. Gerald Celente and Jesse Ventura were right." But he or she is a left-wing crazie, right?

    Also is the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) a left-wing crazie organization, ref. 396?

    From 394: "Tina Foster, executive director of the International Justice Network, the New York human rights organisation representing the detainees, warned last night that 'by leaving Bagram open, the administration turns the closure of Guantanamo into essentially a hollow and symbolic gesture.'" Is the International Justice Network a “left-wing crazie” organization for telling the truth? Or is MoveOn.org an organization with “integrity” because they stay silent on this issue while they were screaming about Bush and Guantanamo?

    By the way, you missed that I used Townhall.com and Americaswatchtower.com as sources – right-wing crazies. You cannot say I have selective reasoning now, can you?  Therefore you should fault me for using both right- and left- wing websites when it serves to prove my point. I guess I'm narrow-minded.  I guess I’m very simple minded in that I use facts from all sides.  An intelligent person would never use facts, right? But you claimed I was more intelligent than the left-wing crazies.

    Oh before I forget, go to 393.  That real loony, left-wing crazy website Politico.com wrote: 

    "Obama has been pilloried by a liberal TV icon who was one of President George W. Bush’s most vociferous critics, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann.

    “'During his run for the presidency, Barack Obama, who taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago, argued strongly against the Bush administration’s use of executive authority, including its self-justification, its rationalization of the warrantless wiretapping of American citizens,” Olbermann said on his show last week. “That was then. This is now. ... Welcome to change you cannot believe in — or sue over.'

    Yes, MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann is surely a left-wing crazie too, right? Is he the Worst Person in the World now? I believe that is the only point that Bud, Titus Hunt, and everyone else on this forum would agree with you on 100%  It is very nice that we all can be in agreement on something on this forum.  (Right Bud and Titus?)

    You said: “yet you cannot find it in your heart or brain to examine for scrutiny a single thing, phrase, item, action, of a positive sort to say about Obama.”

    I can say something positive about Obama. He has better abs than I do.  He produced two beautiful daughters. And I’m getting more impressed with his wife.

    I have one more very positive thing to say about Obama. He put Rev. Jesse Jackson out of business. You don’t see him in the news anymore. You don’t even see him in the White House as a guest. Good job, Mr. President!

    By the way, have you noticed I have not said anything positive about George W. Bush in any way? I never voted for him. My previous references do not have anything positive to say about Bush either.  Notice that no one said, "Robert, don't you have it in your heart to say anything positive to say about Bush?"

    Having said that, people on this forum do not have to say anything positive about Obama.  Pro-Obama forums do not have to say anything positive McCain, Bush, the Clintons, Palin, conservatives, Republicans, etc.  You would agree on that, right?  I bet I can speak for all on this forum in that we do not care about pro-Obama forums not saying anything positive about McCain, etc.  I can also bet we are not going to pro-Obama forums looking for something positive about McCain, etc.  If you are looking for positivity here, you got the wrong drug store. If you want to find anything positive about Obama go to BarackObama.com, his own website.

    Oh, I just remembered. You will not find everything there positive.  I found this item there too:

    I cannot understate how disappointed I am in Barack Obama. Torture is being ignored by an Attorney General I thought was going to be a good one. He lets Stevens get away with all kinds of stuff and leaves Siegelman swinging in the breeze after Rove cut him off at the knees. Obama is acting like Bill Clinton who acted like a Republican. George Bush is a war criminal and I have heard nothing about what Spain is doing. Also. many of the cabinet members cannot balance their checkbooks and we expect them to run the economy. Four Bush hold overs are dispersing the TARP funds to wall street so Summers can get paid. Holder and Obama are exactly like Colin Powell, who caused us to get into an illegal war, and is a coward and a traitor in my book. So disappointed! Obama has become one of the elites and Michelle, who was looked upon as a savior of sorts is now trying to be Jackie instead of acting like the rest of us. It is a shame. I thought we would improve the country but now it looks like the joke is on us, as usual. By the way, when is Obama going to let go of the bipartisan canard and focus on doing what is RIGHT. The Republicans are hateful and are never going to give an inch. When is Obama going to admit it. If not, he is a fraud. Looks like the America people are screwed, big time. By the way, single payer health care is the only way that will help the most people. Stop the war and spend the money at home and stop the tax breaks for the rich."

    Dora, I'm sorry. I take back what I said about BarackObama.com. Don't go there.  It is a left-wing crazie website “irrelevant powered by individuals with no scruples, morals, or intelligence.”  You were right. I was wrong.

    You mentioned something about  "poorly formed conclusions, misquotes,  half-truths."  Can you give me an example of how I poorly formed a conclusion?  Can you give me an example of a misquote I wrote?  Can you give me an example of a half-truth I wrote? 

    Can you dispute any of the facts I put forth previously?  Go back through the comments and find something.

    Let me ask you, when Barack Obama was first elected to the Illinois State Senate in the mid-90's, did the voters of that district make a good choice. In other words, was Obama the people's choice above all the other candidates running against him on the ballot?

    One last question.  Do you feel that Obama is continuing George W. Bush’s policies for the common good?

    Thank you for your time.
  • DS
    Tax cuts to the 50% of people who don't pay taxes?  This is absurd, and is actually income re-distribution.  Most people understand that to be a socialist concept.  People who don't pay taxes shouldn't receive anything that is designed as a tax cut.  Do you not agree?  And I'm sure that you're aware that the top 10% of wage earners pay more than 70% of all income taxes?  Is this fair Bill?  How much is too much?  I, and many other Americans believe that we are ALL paying too many taxes already (T.E.A.), and that government spending is totally out of control.  We want the madness stopped now!  I wish we could vote on each and every proposed spending program that comes out of congress, but we can't.  We want to be able to determine where our taxes are spent Bill.  Where does the madness stop?  If nothing is done, it will NEVER stop!  Therefore, many Americans have determioned that NOW is the time for it to stop.  Please stop quoting left-wing talking points and just use your God-given common sense.  Anyone who is honest will say that we are taxed too much, and that government spending is way out of control.  And we aren't defending the spending of Bush and the Republicans, so stop trying to make this a partisan issue.  This is NOT partisan.  This is common sense stuff.  Get real and be honest.  Join the rest of us patriots who are concerned about the future of our country and of our children/grandchildren!  Force politicians of ALL parties to represent us as they have been elected to do.  They work for us, NOT the other way around!  We need to get rid of all of the lifetime politicians and elect patriots who love this country and want to do what's RIGHT for everyone.  Why should the government be able to spend money we don't have when we can't do the same for our families?  We have to abide by a budget, and they should too!  Everyone knows that spending more to get out of debt is totally ridiculous!!  It will NOT work!  Join our movement Bill.  And Dora, we invite you as well.  This isn't about partisanship.
  • simonesdad2009
    Why are you calling out our President for not paying  any attention to all of you teabaggers?  The very blog you are calling him out on has no mention of it and it's a conservative blog!  Plus, a man who can draw 100s of thousands of people to his own rallies maybe doesn't recognize a few 100 people standing in the rain talking about birth certificates as an actual "rally."  The numbers I found online total 200-250 thousand people at 450-500 "rallies" nationwide.  That comes out 500- 550 per rally (yes, some were bigger but a lot were smaller).  When you start factoring in actual registered voters...well, you get the idea.

    If someone has some other numbers, speak up.  I'd love to hear Fox estimates or estimates from conservative sites (as opposed to conservative estimates.  You know what I mean).  Chances are there won't be any form the conservatives because...well, you know why. 

    I think the idea was good, but it was poorly planned, poorly executed and poorly attended.  Perhaps the conservatives are in need of some good community organizers?  Oh wait...never mind.
  • Bud Mullins
    Liberals hate truth!  It just seems to rattle their cages...
  • bill
    I didn't say anything partisan, just stated what the tax cut was. So I'm confused then, it sounds like you want more taxes for poor people (since they get money back without paying taxes) and less taxes for rich people(since they supposedly pay 70% of the taxes). Is that what you mean?
  • DS
    Dora (407),

    I must respond to your post in it's entirety.


    DS- once again, you are wrong on so many levels.  First, I did attend a gathering here.   <>

    The hate-speak there was thick and deafening.  The signs ranged from swastika symbols and Obama  bowing to Osama  to fetus photos to Hitler to concentration camps.   <<That doesn't surprise me, but our TEA Party had very few signs like that.  Unfortunately, there are always going to be extremists on both sides.  Most of our people are God-fearing people who don't resort to that kind of name calling.>>

    The ignorance sported would be comical were it not for the fact that these people managed to reach chronological adult age without a clue as to: how to spell, logical thought progression,  actual facts,  what the Boston Tea Party was about, to name just a few.  <>
    I heard repeatedly the exact words spoken by both Glenn Beck and the ever Loony Michelle Bachman.   <>

    In attendence also were many liberals who attempted to engage sign toters in conversaton in a most polite manner and were told to leave the USA,  called communists,  traitors,  baby killers,  ...and those were the nicest replies.
    These are your people, DS.  <>
    I am an atheist, DS.  I do not believe in your god or anyone else's god.  Quotes from your bible hold no interest to me.   <

    Do you invite Jews into your home and serve pork?  <<I would not serve pork to Jews unless they wanted pork.  I know their religion well enough to not do things like that.  Do you invite Mormons into your home and mock them about "magic underwear"?  <<I'm not sure what the magic underwear statement is all about, so I obviously wouldn't do that.  I would engage them in fruitful discussions about God however, and where we differ.  I have done that with Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses.  I respect them because they are people, and God loves them.  Do you find it funny to call Arabs towel heads?  <<No, I don't.>>   If you do- then this explains why you feel the need to insult me with your fairy tale beliefs.   I am sorry that you are so feeble that you cannot function without this.  <

    Jesus loves you Dora!  Come to Him today!!
  • Robert

    I would like to contact you directly about a certain matter. 

    I don't need your primary email address. Please post here a spare email address you have that you don't mind putting on this forum.  I know this is a public forum and bots and people farm email addresses to send spam.

  • DS
    Bill (414),

    Please don't put words into my mouth.  I did not sugest that poor people pay more taxes.  What I said was that we ALL pay too much taxes!!  And to have the top 10% pay more than 70% of the taxes is immoral in my mind.  Cut spending and lower taxes for EVERYONE!!  That is what will bring back the economy, and believe it or not, I believe that would also diminish the level of class warfare that the liberals try to use to their advantage.  Of course, that is the main reason why they will never support spending cuts or tax decreases.
  • DS
    Robert (416),
    What do you want to talk about?  If you want to provide me an email address, I will reply to it.  But I don't have one that I want to give out, sorry.
  • Robert
    I don't mind giving mine because it is on my website.

    It is interactionswest (at) gmail (dot) com.

    Everything you say I agree with 100%. Based on some things you have said, I have some useful and important information for you.

  • DS
    May I first look at your website?  What is the url?
  • Bud Mullins
    DS, hold your cursor over Robert's name and click on it.  Mine to...  That is our web site URL.
  • DS
    Thanks Bud.  I had done that and went to his site, but didn't see the email address that he had given me.  This time I saw it, so I will be sending you an email Robert.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill--DS is right!  However, I don't consider giving the middleclass $13/week a tax cut!  Give me a break!  It is incredible that you actually call that a tax break.  it is called throwing the middleclass a bone and hoping the stupid folks will appreciate it!  it is just too ridiculous to even call it a tax cut.  I think you guys do understand what the TEA parties were all about because it is a very simple concept that has been talked about over and over again.  If obama wanted to actually help the economy, he would do it.  there are simple ways to do this to produce immediate impacts.  however, liberals love to tax and spend.  what happened to obama's campaign promise not to spend money we don't have?  that went into the toilet.  most educated folks knew that the economy would worsen back in the fall so nothing has changed.  economists were predicting this.  obama and his liberal cronies--reid, dodd, pelosi and frank--have used this economy to further their tax and spend agenda.  there is so much waste and very little substance.  i don't call that responsible!  how dare they include a project to keep down pig smell in any bill.  of course, the list goes on and on.  does this kind of spending tell you that obama is not serious about solving this economic mess?  this is just common sense and liberals seem to be lacking it.  there are people out there who are suffering and anyone who supported this idiot is to blame!  and by the way, you can't be stupid enough to think that increasing taxes on the very people who create jobs in this bad economy is smart?  obviously, these folks know how to manage money, and would ensure their five-year business plan reflected job cuts as a result.  you and every other liberals can't be that dumb!  if so, this proves my point on liberals not having common sense!
  • DS
    You are so right on!!  I don't believe I have ever gotten a job from a poor person.  This is so common sense stuff that you just have to ask the question....do the liberals REALLY care about the future of our country, or are they ONLY concerned about keeping power and their jobs.  The answer seems pretty obvious at this point.  Now, if Obama and Congress will "turn around" (same term used in scripture for forgiveness by the way) and begin doing the right thing for our country, then I'll be one of the first to congratulate and support him.  But those order of events are very important....no, they are critical!  That is where conservatives and liberals differ.  Liberals would NEVER consider giving a conservative ANY support for ANY reason, period!  That is where our country is, and has been for a long time.....very unfortunate.  But God will sort it all out eventually.  This life is but a breath in the course of eternity.  Where we go and what we do after this life is much more important!!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--i can only speak for myself, but I think my faith is really being tested right now.  It is so hard to stand by and watch people purposely ruin our country.  That is why I'm angry at liberals for trying to destroy this Christian nation.  the right has made mistakes and I haven't always agreed with every decision.  However, the left-wing nuts have gone too far!  It is very hard for me to understand that liberals are human because I know they are not kind and compassionate people.  that are the worst that our nation has to offer.  That is obvious!  I forgot to also add in my last post something very important.  You read Bill's post and probably noticed how he blew off the idea of raising taxes as "no big deal."  Well, this shows the typical shallow nature of all liberals.  I didn't mention the added problem of obama wanting to phase out tax deductions for donations to charities.  Now that so-called leader (not mine because I refuse to be lead by someone who is destroying the fabric of our nation) wants to take taxpayer dollars and distribute money to those non-profits that the government sees as worthwhile.  Of course, the churches will not be able to partake and this is socialism and communism at its best.  So the "rich" who employ us will end up paying more than they did before the Bush tax cuts.  Now there is another negative consequence to obama's stupid plan.  the people who benefit from these charities will suffer because there will be less money.  now if obama really wanted to help those in need, he would not make dumb decisions that would take food, clothing and shelter from those who can't help themselves.  what kind of compassion is this?  obama is nothing but a failure to put it politely.  however, due to his arrogance, he would consider himself to be a success because he really doesn't give a hoot about helping anyone but himself.  this act alone proves it but the list could go on and on.  So again the liberals are lying.  that has become what they do best.  Communism is also shown by this administration in the left-winged office of homeland security statement that was put out yesterday about radicals.  They are simply spouting lies and have no proof of anything because there is none to be found!  We are definitely now facing Communism.  obama and putnin will be the best of friends.  congratulations, liberals!  this is the result of your stupid decisions!  obviously these are facts and liberals hate facts and ignore them!  of course, liberals aren't Christians and are too arrogant to believe that there is a creator!  now there are plenty to pretend to be though but being a liberal automatically makes them a liar due to their principals.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--I was not happy when obama went on his failed overseas trip and spoke lies on behalf of the American people.  We are a Christian nation thank goodness.  He had no right to spew such garbage.  however, there are others as well as idiots here also and he is one of them.  He has no right to speak on these subjects but he is a used car salesman and isn't qualified for much more.
  • Bud Mullins
    DS (424)

    You are so right on!!  I don't believe I have ever gotten a job from a poor person.  This is so common sense stuff that you just have to ask the question....do the liberals REALLY care about the future of our country, or are they ONLY concerned about keeping power and their jobs.  The answer seems pretty obvious at this point. 

    DS, most liberals, (I am being liberal by saying "most") only have a one way line of vision.  Meaning, it is nearly impossible for them to look inward.  THEY WILL NOT LOOK AT THEMSELVES OR THEIR MISTAKES.  I often wondered why that was so obvious and I just heard the answer on Fox News.  Glenn Beck was on the O'Reilly Factor and he stated that "Liberals went through life so busy trying to make conservatives look bad that they had no time to look at themselves!"  He went on to mention the fact that you could state one bad fact about Obama to liberals and they would respond by giving you two bad facts about Bush.  Whether they be truth or lies, THEY DON'T CARE!  They will never look at the problem with Obama.  Liberals do not care about anything except their own agenda...
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--....and their agenda is to destroy this country.
  • DS
    Bud and Titus,
    You have both correctly stated the problems with liberals, but we still need to love them as God does.  We can (and should) hate their sin, but be careful to not hate the person.  Titus, this has relly tested my faith as well.  My family is from the midwest.  My mom, dad, and youngest sister are all Democrats, and Obama supporters.   And they are also christians.  Strong christians?  I don't think so, or they wouldn't be able to support anyone who is for abortions, gay marriage, socialism, or any of the other anti-God policies that he is pushing.  I've often wrestled with God about this.  God, how can this be?  Why can't they see the error in their thinking?  I often end up debating them, and it doesn't help.  I don't want our political and/or christian values to get in the way of me loving them.  I struggle with it a lot, but I have to keep asking God to give me His love for them.  I do this for other liberals as well.  I need His eyes, His ears, His tongue, His wisdom, and His love to be able to deal with them appropriately.  I ask Him to give you that same love tonight.  We (christian) are called to love our enemies and be good to those who persecute us.  And Jesus says we will be known by our love.  What benefit is it if we love those who love us, but hate those who hate us?  This is how they behave.  We are called to be different, so we will be.  That doesn't mean that we have to agree with what they do, or step aside and let them destroy our country.  We will NEVER give up!!  But let's love Dora, Bill, jane, and all of the other liberals on this site so that Jesus will be glorified.  In His name.....Amen!
  • bill
    Hey DS
    I haven't really revealed any political inclinations to the left or right. In my post before, I was trying to understand your point and be a receptive listener. Sometimes restating things you hear as you understand them can help both people figure out if what the person said was understood. So please, help me to understand your position. You want poor people to not get tax refunds, and rich people to get taxed less. Is this correct?
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--you are right about loving everyone.  I do that but i don't accept behaviors of folks who are a part of taking our freedoms away.  I also will not associate myself with those (liberals) who choose to ignore the basic principals that our country was founded on.  Unfortunately, obama and his supporters have pushed decent, nice people past the point of tolerance.  When our freedoms and lives are at stake, I will not accept those who choose this path.  I may love them but love them from a distance.  As you said, DS, it does no good to talk to them.  That is exactly my same experience.  They don't even understand by watching those leading by example.  If we continue to tolerant such garbage, that is the outcome we are going to get.  I don't think as a nation we have ever seen such evil and have ever been so close to losing everything we stand for.  Our national security is also at stake with obama's lack of backbone and policies.  I will not stand by and tolerate people who don't care enough about the welfare of others and our future generations.  that is what this boils down to.  thank goodness my side of the family feels the same way.  my husband has had a hard time with his because there are a few who voted for obama.  he now distances himself from them because of the serious nature of their decisions.  this is not about loving people, it is about protecting our country and everyone in it.  however, by caring deeply about this nation and true Americans, love is definitely shown.  I know people that can't find jobs and are losing their homes and can't feed their children.  you can't get closer to torture than this when moms and dads can't provide for their children and they are left with no where to turn.  where is the anger about this?  i pray for them.  however, I also know that obama and his supporters are to blame for a lot of this at this point.  the right had its hand in the cookie jar as well but now it is easy to see which party is making the problem worse.  as we know, there are easy solutions to create jobs in this country.  the left winged nuts decided they would not allow people to simply keep their jobs or get new ones.  it is also known the "green" jobs typically pay $8 to $12/hr, which won't feed families or put roofs over their heads but they insist people should love the idea of working for nothing.  i won't even go to into the "anything goes" philosophy the liberals have.  70% of AA babies are born out of wedlock.  if you are a single parent in this country, you are at a very high risk of living below the poverty level.  i understand the later because I was once a divorced single mom who decided not to be a statistic.  I worked hard to obtain an education while working full time at a very low paying job to be able to one day provide a future for my son.  i did this with no help.  it can be done but it is extremely difficult and many lessons were learned along the way.  my son values those and has become a really good man at 23 years old.  he has a heart of gold and is an extremely hard worker while attending college.  this is leading by example.  liberals do not want this kind of responsible behavior!  there are many others that don't want to make the effort and force their children to live a life of worry and pain.  I've personally witnessed this.  the liberals support this with the massive welfare and entitlement programs.  i've seen it time and time again.  the liberals don't give a damn and continue to cater to bad behaviors in which children ultimately suffer and the cycle continues.  so i'm angry and rightly so.  obama's supporters should not be able to sleep at night for all of the trauma they are now directly responsible for!
  • DS
    I can't argue with anything you've said Titus.  And believe me, I'm angry too!  But let's make sure that our anger is followed up by action.  I know I don't have to worry about patriots like you, Bud, and Robert.  The true spirit of our forefathers is alive in all of you, and I know that we will be successful.  It may take time, but the truth will overcome in the end.  God Bless America!!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--I'm willing to roll up my sleeves and help in anyway I can.  I'm ready to fight for this country and all that she stands for.  I did some research a few years back on my family tree.  My ancestors came to this country in the 1700's and were extremely hardworking folks.  just like many people, they came here for freedom and the opportunity to work hard to feed their families.  They were persecuted for their religion in their native land.  I take pride in the sacrifices they were willing to make to ensure our family had a future and would not want to dampen their legacy with liberal values (or lack of).  it would be a disgrace to not respect the morals and values that they passed down through the generations.  a person's word was his/her bond.  character was so important.  handouts were not considered and would not have been accepted.  it would have been too embarrassing.  there are two words that liberals literally hate and consider cuss words:  personal responsibility.  for some reason those two positive words that have huge meanings cause the left to spew hatred and show contempt to those of us who value and live by them.
  • DS
    I love you sister!  I look forward to seeing you in heaven if not before.  You are a great American!  Good night.
  • Bud Mullins
    DS (431)

    I can't argue with anything you've said Titus.  And believe me, I'm angry too!  But let's make sure that our anger is followed up by action.  I know I don't have to worry about patriots like you, Bud, and Robert.  The true spirit of our forefathers is alive in all of you, and I know that we will be successful.  It may take time, but the truth will overcome in the end.  God Bless America!!

    DS. I too pray for America on a daily basis.  You mentioned "it may take time" I am afraid time is what we do not have a lot of as far as rescuing our society from Socialism.  I am 70 years old, if you can see our society as I have watched it for decades, you will know there isn't much of our ship above water as of now.  I accepted the fact that we are not in a submarine, we are in a plain old ship and it is sinking fast.

    I listen to all the talk show hosts that talk a lot and make a lot of money but I see no change.  I talk to people on the Internet and in personal life and all the change I see is in the same direction.  All the talk in the world isn't going to change that direction.

    I was glad the Tea Party ideal went well and on the other hand I am disappointed.  Two reasons I am disappointed.  Number one is, nothing has changed.  They made it all about taxes, which was good.  Number two is the main factor here.  I watched all the reports on Fox News, CNN, HNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC and all the local reporting I could muster up on the tea parties.  Of all the news clips I watched, I did not see any of the Black Brothers or Sisters at any of them.  Does this seem odd now that we have a Black President?  Think about it.  Have we went to this level.  Really think about it!
  • DS
    I hear ya, but we must continue to have faith.  They want us to give up!  That we will NEVER do!!  When I say it may take time, I have no idea how long that may be.  If Obama decides for some reason (maybe God will change his heart) that he is doing the wrong thing , we might see things change faster than we think.  I know that is really a stretch since Obama isn't the only problem we have.  Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Schumer, Frank, and all of the other evil liberals may actually be worse than Obama as I believe he is actually doing their work in a lot of cases.  So, we also need to get rid of all of the thugs in Congress, including all of the Rhino's.  That could take a little longer, but it WILL start next year.  Dodd is pretty much gone.  Kennedy isn't going to last much longer (God save him before he goes).  So, we have to make sure we work hard to get the voters out there every time we have an election!  That is one thing that the Democrats have actually done better than we have.  And they have the results to show from it.  We know they have used misleading (no, lies) and illegal tactics to accomplish it, but they did it.  We can only step up the pace on our side and let God do the rest.  If America is being judged by God for our sins (which I believe is definitely true to some degree), then we may not be able to do anything UNTIL we repent of our sins, and invite God back into our society.  I do know that God spared Sodom and Gomorrah because there were a few righteeous men there.  But there is a limit to His patience as we all know.  So, it is very possible that we will see things get much worse.  Some believe that we are living in the "final" last days, and that He will be coming back soon.  I have my opinion on that, but won't voice it on here.  Bud, I'm almost 59, so I've seen a lot of the things you talk about.   I am working and praying for my children/grandchildren now.  I have lived most of my life, and I am so thankful that I received Christ early in life.  My life with Jesus has been wonderful.  Yes, I've had to endure some difficult things in life, but He has ALWAYS been there with me.  He has blessed me and my family so much!  I love Him, and desire that everyone come to know Him as I do.  He is there and waiting for ANYONE who will ask.  Dora, He is still waiting......
  • DS
    What's next for the Tea Parties?  Get involved.  Run for office or become a more effective activist.  This is just the beginning patriots!

  • bambi eats grass
    tea parties shmee parties-  bring on the weed!
  • bambi eats grass
    hey ds, I have a 10 incher.
    you know, a big,  er... bible.
  • bambi eats grass
    Bud - the plastic patriot.  
    I am thinking of having a Bud doll made.   Naturally it will have a flag pin.  It will come with his very own steel-toed boots and a pre-stomped liberal.   An enclosed bottle of red liquid will indicate a fresh kill as often as one wishes.
    Anyone have Mattel's number?
  • bambi eats grass
    A  Titus doll is certain to be a big hit.
    Complete with suspenders for her boobs ,  a lift for her butt ,  and a microscope for her brain...permanent curlers in her hair... a tin foil hat to tune in only the "right"  voices... and a little boy that clings to her apron strings.  He's 23, a little light in the loafers but heavy in the gut . He comes with his very own cover girl.  The Titus and Sonny  deluxe will feature the double wide and a Reagan-stickered  mini van that can park under the torn carport awning.
  • DS
    Dust it off and try reading it.  It is full of truth!
  • bambi eats grass
    DS- I have no doubt- you seem full of it.
    No, really... full of it.
  • bambi eats grass
    I have an Urban Conservative Doll underway- he does not do much- just hides under the table and hires others to speak for him. 
    He does not speak,  just tweets.
  • DS
    at least i don't eat grass hon.....
  • bambi eats grass
    bambi is a deer,  pea brain.
    and grass tastes mighty fine in the brownie.
  • DS
    when you signed up it asked you for your name hon....so you chose bambi.  sorry you chose a deer's name deerie.  try smoking the brownie....
  • bambi eats grass
    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The more often Americans go to church, the more likely they are to support the torture of suspected terrorists, according to a new survey.


    Do you support the death penalty also, DS?
    Wouldn't be surprised if you did.
  • a red voice
    ...so maybe this new government should ban going to church (as they seek to control every aspect of our lives and take away our freedom)...
    and meanwhile let's free the terrorists so that they are free to murder another 3000 innocent people like they did in 9/11. 
    Shame on all of the American church goers for supporting efforts to stop the terrorists and protect ourselves from another 9/11.
  • Bud Mullins
    Bambi - (440)

    Bud - the plastic patriot.  
    I am thinking of having a Bud doll made.   Naturally it will have a flag pin.  It will come with his very own steel-toed boots and a pre-stomped liberal.   An enclosed bottle of red liquid will indicate a fresh kill as often as one wishes.
    Anyone have Mattel's number?

    Bambi, the number is 1-800-EAT-SHIT

    My doll must have an AK-47 and a Bible.  I WILL ACCEPT NOTHING LESS!
  • godlessliberalwithoutshame
    hey, I called that number and got an operator in India named "Bud".
  • Obama's best friend
    Bud,  are you a real american?
  • Bud Mullins
    You gotta be a big time liberal if you're stupid enough to actually call that number.  What a laugh...

    10-4 good buddy, I am a real American.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud is a real American!
  • DS
    Bud and Titus are both real, GREAT Americans!!  I love you guys!!


    BOTH parties (Democrats and Republicans) have ruined our country!  There is a BIG "Independent" movement gaining steam right now, and here are two links to their sites which will provide you an education on how we got to where we are, as well as information on how we are going to take back our country. 


    This is NOT a partisan movement!  I think we can all agree that our country looks nothing like it did when it was born.  And most of this nonsense started in 1974!!
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus & DS you are both "GREAT AMERICANS." I love you both in Christ.

    DS, I love our two party system and it would take more than a Lame Brained Democratic President and a few foul mouth liberals to make me think any different.  Anyway, we pretty much have a couple of front runners for our party as of now.

    For President in 2012 - Newt Gingrich
    For Vice President 2012 - Sarah Palin

    You will be hearing a lot more about them and from them as time permits.  There should be a lot coming up on the web site as the information comes in.

    We already have some running names highlighted.  My favorite one is - "NEWTIE" and the "BEAUTY" IN 2012. That's sure to piss off some libs...
  • Obama's best friend
    Bud has an outsourced job located in India.  Some nerve he has coming in here.     This is a place for Americans.
    Real Americans. 
    Doesn't curry any favor with me.

    Oh Bud, did you know that of the top 100 major American corporations,  83 of these have off-shore tax havens.  Ahhhh ,  let's hear it for the poor,  poor greedy corporate America.   Now why on earth would we want them to carry their share of the load?  I  know I want to pay additional taxes to make up  for lost revenue caused by 83 humongous tax evaders.   I know you all do too.
  • Frank N. Ernest
    Hey !  I have an idea- (gosh, that one more than the republicans have)
  • Freida
    Frank-  every time the republicans have an idea-  they get shouted down by Rush Limbaugh- like today... the other day the GOP's grand poobah's all met and had pizza and said they were on a listening tour.
    Then Rush said they should not be on a  "listening tour but a teaching tour. "... How'd that go?  Well, today,  Mr. (re)Cantor said that they weren't on a listening tour.  
    Did you ever take a packaged drinking straw, stand it up  and squish the paper down so it looks like an accordion...then you set it on the table and drip water- just a drip now- and watch the paper squirm-  watching the republicans is sort of like this,  but more fun!
    Be sure to clean it up when your finished with your paper straw viewing.  The waitress works hard enough as it is.
  • bob the builder
    Yes, I saw that too, Freida.  How silly they look indeed.  Cantor said that they wanted to let the people know that the GOP understood how people felt about not being heard in Washington- today he said they are not listening.  It wasn't a listening tour. 
    I am glad to be rid of this bunch of fools.
  • a red voice
    Isn’t irony ironic?

    President Barack Obama vowed to "detect and pursue" American tax evaders…

    Is he going to pursue most of his cabinet, including his Secretary of the Treasury?
    If you want to talk about tax evaders-- hmmmm let's look at Obama's cabinet - huh - it's full of tax cheats. The list is getting pretty long, including: Kathleen Sebelius, Hilda Solis, Ron Kirk, Nancy Killefer, Tom Daschle, as well as Rahm Emanuel, Timothy Geithner, Adolfo Carrión, and Bill Richardson.

    By the way ... I love Newt too!! I would love to see him run for 2012!!
  • Titus Hunt
    A red voice--yes it is ironic.  however, this is ok with liberals!  go figure.  obama apparently doesn't consider cleaning his own house before going after others.  lying, cheating and deception is the liberal way.  unfortunately obama's poor elderly aunt who is living in poverty off the government is a victim of obama's hypocrisy.  this instance with his aunt says it all.  it is very telling of the kind of person this moron obama is.  He is not a man but a wimp.  a man takes responsibility for his family and obama only takes responsibility when it is convenient and doesn't make him look bad.  obama doesn't have any integrity, morals or values.  that is why liberals love and worship this idiot.  of course, there are also lobbyists in his cabinet.  that is just another lie obama told among money during his campaign!  that is why this whole administration is laughable and liberals can't really defend them.  instead they throw insults at us because that is all they have.  i would not want to be in a party that associates itself with the likes of obama, pelosi, reid, dodd or frank.  each is as crooked as the other.  oh and by the way, obama didn't support Bush's surveillance policy!  you know the one obama railed Bush for.  oh no, that is just all a fairy tale the liberals love to ignore!  LOL!  LOL!  the dumbing down of America continues!
  • Freida
    dear , dear, foolish Titus.
    how did you get to be this way.  you compare a few thousand dollars to BILLIONS?????  shows where your priorities are doesn't it?

    You worry about "pork and earmarks"  yet do not even blink an eye when US  corporations evade paying their taxes entirely.

    a short story:   i won some money in vegas.  enough that i needed to sign the tax forms there.   when i prepared my taxes 10 months later, i completely forgot about this winning.  The IRS came after me with a vengeance - took my expected refund entirely (which i understand) then proceeded to take my only money- $300 in my checking account- they left me $1.   The total amount of my tax due from the winnings was a mere $1,000.     They nearly broke their legs to get my money owed- yet the IRS let major intentional evaders slide.   And you think this is good...why?
  • Freida
    Newt is hardly representative of these high "morals and values" that you claim to be important in your candidates.  Oh, that's right, he's a republican- that makes it ok.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, DS, did you guys see the Glenn Beck segment where he had that CEO from ACORN on?  What a slime ball huh?  He hit on one of the secretary's when he was leaving.  Talking about a bucket of puke!  Looking and listening to him made me wonder what the low end of ACORN was like if he was the high end.  WOW!

    I have a couple of good friends that are democrat and I heard through the Democrat grape vine that a lot of the Dems. are very mad at Obama right now.  I have a web site I am visiting right now that has an awful lot of bad stuff about Obama.  As soon as I find out some stuff about it, I will share it with this blogg.
  • DS
    I missed that segment, but nothing that we find out about ACORN will surprise me.  It's obvious that they are an illegal, extreme left-wing recruiting arm for the Democrats.  They're also in big trouble in several states right now.  Hopefully they'll be prosecuted and forced to comply with the law, something that most liberals don't understand or agree with.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud and DS--I didn't get to see Beck today but would have liked to.  I like his show.  Acorn is just a prime example of what the democratic party is all about.  you know--crooks!  Thank goodness Specter is gone from our party and I'm sure there may be more, but I'm glad we have cleaned house.  Too bad the other side still doesn't see pelosi, dodd, reid, and frank, obama and others selling out our country and taking our freedoms away.  For me it is not about how many folks we have right now because I don't want crooks representing what I'm all about.  However, apparently the other side likes their party's lies and deception.  That is understandable since morals and values are not important on the left.  Of course, there is the dumbing down of America at its best!

    Obama has supported several of Bush's policies after running his mouth during the campaign about how bad they were.  Obama is an idiot and this is just another way this is proven.  The surveillence policy is just one example of how Bush kept us safe after 9-11.  Obama was ignorant and tried to degrade this policy and wanted to change it.  Ha!  Well, now we know he "changed" his mind.  Maybe Bush was right?  Hell yeah Bush was right!  However, the liberals don't give a damn about that.  They will use any excuse to try to degrade Bush and everything he did to protect Americans!  This is probably one reason the left-winged mental cases are pissed!  I thank God for Bush!  I am glad my friends and family are safe as a direct result of all Bush did to ensure we were protected.  This yahoo we have now that people call a "leader" is a joke!  If anyone dislikes Bush's surveillence policy, i would suggest them finding a vacant island somewhere and moving to it.  the media then would report where those "Americans" were on a map.  we true Americans need to ensure the island is not subject to any protections we have.  Let's see how long it would take the terrorists to blow their asses up.  hmmmmm!  maybe then a lesson would be taught?  unfortunately, you can't tell stupid people anything so they may need to be shown!  I'm so sick of the garbage of the left!  Does it show?  ha!
  • Bud Mullins
    National Day of Prayer

    Today is the National Day of Prayer, and for the first time in nine years there won't be a White House ceremony in observance of this day.   President Barack Obama will reportedly pray privately, but will make no public acknowledgement other than a White House proclamation.
    According to The American Presidency Project website, President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation for the first National Day of Prayer in 1864.  The proclamation reads as follows:

    Whereas the Senate and House of Representatives at their last session adopted a concurrent resolution, which was approved on the 2d day of July instant and which was in the words following, namely:
    That the President of the United States be requested to appoint a day for humiliation and prayer by the people of the United States; that he request his constitutional advisers at the head of the Executive Departments to unite with him as Chief Magistrate of the nation, at the city of Washington, and the members of Congress, and all magistrates, all civil, military, and naval officers, all soldiers, sailors, and marines, with all loyal and law-abiding people, to convene at their usual places of worship, or wherever they may be, to confess and to repent of their manifold sins; to implore the compassion and forgiveness of the Almighty, that, if consistent with His will, the existing rebellion may be speedily suppressed and the supremacy of the Constitution and laws of the United States may be established throughout all the States; to implore Him, as the Supreme Ruler of the World, not to destroy us as a people, nor suffer us to be destroyed by the hostility or connivance of other nations or by obstinate adhesion to our own counsels, which may be in conflict with His eternal purposes, and to implore Him to enlighten the mind of the nation to know and do His will, humbly believing that it is in accordance with His will that our place should be maintained as a united people among the family of nations; to implore Him to grant to our armed defenders and the masses of the people that courage, power of resistance, and endurance necessary to secure that result; to implore Him in His infinite goodness to soften the hearts, enlighten the minds. and quicken the consciences of those in rebellion, that they may lay down their arms and speedily return to their allegiance to the United States, that they may not be utterly destroyed, that the effusion of blood may be stayed, and that unity and fraternity may be restored and peace established throughout all our borders:
    Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, cordially concurring with the Congress of the United States in the penitential and pious sentiments expressed in the aforesaid resolution and heartily approving of the devotional design and purpose thereof, do hereby appoint the first Thursday of August next to be observed by the people of the United States as a day of national humiliation and prayer.
    I do hereby further invite and request the heads of the Executive Departments of this Government, together with all legislators, all judges and magistrates, and all other persons exercising authority in the land, whether civil, military, or naval, and all soldiers, seamen, and marines in the national service, and all the other loyal and law-abiding people of the United States, to assemble in their preferred places of public worship on that day, and there and then to render to the almighty and merciful Ruler of the Universe such homages and such confessions and to offer to Him such supplications as the Congress of the United States have in their aforesaid resolution so solemnly, so earnestly, and so reverently recommended.
    In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
    Done at the city of Washington. this 7th day of July, A. D. 1864, and of the Independence of the United States the eighty-ninth.
    By the President:
    Secretary of State.
  • Bud Mullins
    I guess Obama went under cover with Reverend Wright...
  • gero
    Bud, you are an ass.
  • Bud Mullins
    Here is that link.  Actually, UC put it on this site.

  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--obama is a typical liberal!  he claims to be a Christian but hides so that his supporters won't realize it since they are not.  can everyone say "obama is an idiot."  all together now!
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus you are so right.  Here is the real problem with what's actually going on.  You have so many dummies that don't know jack crap about what is really happening in this country right now.  They wouldn't know what the Second Amendment looked like, or the Constitution even if you showed it to them.  THEY ARE JUST REAL DUMB ASSES!  Those same people are running around shouting they support Obama, they support Obama.  THEY DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER!  Most of them don't even know why.  It does not matter if it is right or wrong, THEY JUST DO!  Thank God that some of the moderate to near conservative democrats are realizing what is going on and changing their minds on some things.
  • DS
    I can, I can!!!   obama is an idiot!!  obama is an idiot!!! obama is an idiot!!!!

    You are so right about obama faking his christianity!  It is obvious to any honest person that he doesn't believe or practice what he says.  I gathered with about ten other patriots at lunch today at our city hall for prayer.  We thanked God for the privilege of being able to stand outside and pray without being hauled off to jail as is the case in a lot of countries around the world.  Unfortunately, we don't know how long we will enjoy this privilege.  It seems that obama and his henchmen are taking away our rights as quickly as they can.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--I agree with you that a lot of people support obama and don't have a clue what he is about.  unfortunately, those morons are causing this country to go down the crapper!  (how'd ya like that one!)  ignorance is not bliss in this case for sure.  the liberals love to "erase, erase, erase" all sense of reality when it comes to this ridiculous jerk!  for some reason the basic principals set forth by our forefathers are being ignored.  A lot of it is ignorance; however, i think another side is the diehard liberal agenda of just not giving a damn.  So when liberals want to understand what true Americans are, they need to look to the Constitution.  However, they will try to mutilate it to fit their own sick agenda!  That is typical.  it is just horridous for liberals to declare themselves Christians when a very basic commandment is violated without even so much as a glance.  I can't speak for those folks that declare themselves to be of other faiths because I'm not familar with them and don't know if random killing of babies is allowed!  i would hope not!  Thank goodness only liberals can get the dumbing down of America syndrome.  i wouldn't want to catch it!  masks are not necessary since we are immune!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--you are funny!  I wouldn't want to count the number of times i've PROUDLY called that clown obama an idiot.  I really hope there is enough of us to stand up against obama and his wicked tribe of crooks to stop our freedoms from being taken away more than they already have.  you will notice that the "stimulus" plan is a complete failure.  there are still 600,000+ jobs lost each month and obama hasn't shown any concern!  oh, i know that last month the rate was a little less and that they say his construction jobs may kick in later down the line and that his band of crooks are going to ensure the states don't waste the money and some people will get jobs, digging ditches, operating heavy machinery, etc. (i have to laugh at the last one-they don't pay taxes and they are in charge of watching others?  hmmmm!  that is a good joke!)  here's another one:  there will be no lobbyists in obama's administration!  LOL!  since people need jobs to feed their families now, how is this helping and everyone is not able to drive a backhoe.  of course, it would be a ridiculous to think that saving jobs immediately by ensuring private companies can stay in business and grow is the RIGHT thing to do.  of course, that would yield much faster results and would be cheaper.  we wouldn't want that now would we?  oh i'm sorry i'm talking about stupid liberals again!
  • DS
    Thank you for the "fresh" reminder on how well that stimulus package is working.....NOT!!  If it wasn't so sad, we would all be ROTFL about the latest reports on how the economy has bottomed out, and seem s to be improving!!  HA!  Unemployment continues to rise.  Why, because corporations believe that we have reached bottom?  I don't think so.  And then we hear that the real estate crisis is bottoming out.  Yeah right!  I'm seeing more and more houses going into foreclosure, as well as many more that are for sale because people have lost their jobs and need to seel them before they lose them!  And we haven't even seen the collapse of the commercial real estate market yet!  Yep, I'm just getting chills all up and down my legs because of how well obama's plans are working!!  Please help me, I can't contain my excitement!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--you are right.  obama and his mobsters don't pay attention to such things as home foreclosures, job losses, company forecasts, etc. when determining what is best for this country.  why that would be looking at the economy from an actual leader's viewpoint, and we won't want that would we?  ha!  instead liberals want the "hope" and "faith" philosophy that has not worked so far.  i guess it is good to live in the imaginery liberal world where you receive three meals a day in a rubber room if you are caught (most haven't been)!  thank God for smart business leaders!  they will be the ones to ensure our economy recovers inspite of obama's lack of stimulus plan!  of course, what should we expect from a failed "community organizer?"  we have learned not to expect obama to actually put his law degree to work when it comes to reading documents.  we know where that got us!  and we also have seen what happens when he promises to use the pay-as-you go philosophy in spending.  i could go on but there is no need.  Intelligent folks get the point!
  • jane dough
    Beck echoes tired falsehood that ACORN received stimulus funds
    Glenn Beck echoed a false Republican talking point by stating, "By including ACORN, or groups like them, in the stimulus package, we have guaranteed them billions of dollars to buy more votes for the party that helps them the most." In fact, the stimulus bill does not mention ACORN or otherwise single it out for funding.


    Beck on ACORN "brownshirts" and "their henchmen" at SEIU: "[T]hey break kneecaps... Maybe they do, maybe they don't, I don't know"
    Beck rants about "power grab," claims "they are going to silence voices like mine"
    Beck: "I think this whole college thing is a scam... we're making it so easy to get, everybody can have a free education, it's meaningless to a lot of people"
    Beck declares phrases "lives in the real world," is "compassionate" and "understands social justice" are really "code language for Marxism"
    Beck: "Am I almost 90 percent chick? I mean, I blubber all the time."
    Beck falsely claims that under DHS report, "a teabag person is kind of a threat possibly to the United States"
    Beck defends his assertion that there were political motives to response to swine flu
    Beck claims "the global warming movement... is about population control"
    More Beck paranoia: Links Obama administration's swine flu public health emergency declaration to already scheduled Sebelius confirmation vote
    Beck compared Gore's global warming "lie[s]" to "Goebbels or Hitler"
    Bud, Titus, and DS,  Glenn Beck has been shown to be totally off the wall countless times.   This explains why the responses from you three here are equally  ridiculous.   You three need to open your eyes wider to what's actually going on instead of regurgitating total nonsense from this pea brain. 

    Your continued rantings regarding the "National Prayer Day"  are equally ridiculous. 
  • jane dough
    you won't dare watch this, DS-  Titus- and Bud.

    you are afraid of your own fears. 
    all other rational people feel free to look and gain some understanding why these three are viewed by me as total nincompoops.  if you look in the front row there, you will see Titus-

  • southern belle
    Titus lives near me- most of the neighborhood looks on her as a flake  - I have engaged her in conversation and she is absolutely paranoid.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus (476)

    Titus, I wonder where the liberals will go when this whole stimulus package goes down the drain?  Most of them don't have the brains to care.  IT WILL HAPPEN.  Even with the individual state's part of any money they get it goes to repair something.  YOU CANNOT CREATE NEW JOBS THAT WAY!  Those jobs were already waiting in line for the states to get the money and do they jobs...  Eventually they would have done the jobs even without any money from the government.   Remember this as we troll on down the road: ALL CONSTRUCTION JOBS ARE TEMPORARY.  They start, they end.  Nothing out of this entire stimulus money was used in the right places.  NEW MANUFACTURING JOBS!  Jobs that will be around in the 22nd century.  Not jobs that start today and end in 3, 4 or 5 months.  It really doesn't take an idiot's level of thinking to see that.

    Think about the amount of dollars that have been given out as of late.  Now, list where all this money went.  I haven't seen one new company arise out of all this.  Billions and billions of $$$ and look at what is still waiting in the wing and tell me face to face that this is not TOTAL FAILURE in the making!  It has to be, the stage is now set for this country to go ahead and sink...  THEN WHAT?


    What part of this is so complicated that the President of this Great Country can't understand?  I guess I have a real problem as to why everyday Americans don't see this regardless of who you are.  IT EFFECTS YOU TO!
  • bill
    Bud-I think the purpose of spending on infrastructure is that better infrastructure will make stronger businesses since products and services can be delivered quickly and efficiently. Plus there is the bonus of more construction jobs. Also, the states would not have :"done the jobs eventually without money from the government" The money has to come from somewhere. Theres no such thing as a free lunch!:)
    One last comment, manufacturing jobs are not the way of the future. American factories cant compete with factories in developing countries since our wages are so much higher. We are the best at innovation and high quality products requiring ingenuity and thought. We should play up our strengths and move on from old ways of doing things!
    Do you agree?
  • Bud Mullins
    Bill, excellent post and excellent points.  I agree.  I am for all the construction jobs we can muster up in this country.  I AM FOR JOBS PERIOD!  My main point in my post was that there are millions of people out of work that would work for, oh let's just say $15.00 an hour.  (Or minimum wages to start.)  I know a lot of people right now that work for a lot less.  What we need to top this thing all off is a lot of manufacturing jobs that are not just over night jobs.  WE CAN COMPETE!  People just need to suck it up a little.  The big $75.00 per hour jobs are fading away.  I feel like the unions have to go since they out lived their effectiveness.  I really believe that.  I don't think it would be a matter of competing with 3rd world countries if our elected officials in Washington were doing their jobs CORRECTLY.

    Unions has hurt big business.  No doubt about that.  They have kept small business from competing in our market place.  THAT IS A FACT.  Do you agree with that?  I also believe that if the Obama administration would have focused on manufacturing the way they focused on the "Bail Out" plan, most of Americans would have agreed with him.  He would have a lot more people on his side right now, including me.

    The majority of the American people need to realize, democrats, republicans or otherwise, this country belongs to all of us and if we let nut cases run it, it will be a nut case country.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--as i've said many times before, manufacturing can't compete because of many reasons.  We don't have fair trade policies.  obama has not even touched this issue.  it is just like healthcare; obama doesn't start at the root of the problem and work from there.  he wants to put a temporary bandaid on any issue and hope people will buy it.  in addition, as you mentioned, Bud, the unions have brought major problems to our country and continue to do so.  as long as people in Washington (democrats) are in bed with them, we don't have a chance at keeping some of the manufacturing in the US.  We need jobs in this country now!  families are suffering right now.  as a matter of fact, everyone probably knows someone personally that is struggling to find work.  I see it everyday.  I also know that obama refused to ensure there was an immediate positive impact on the economy by saving and creating jobs.  it is sad that liberals choose to ignore facts.  the results would have been immediate.  construction jobs include day laborers, which means more illegals are employed, our healthcare and education system is more stressed, etc.  Money will continue to be wasted until liberals finally get a clue and really want to help the people and not themselves!  as most of us know they live in a fantasy world and this will not happen.  they will continue to lie and take personal diggs at people because that is all they have.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus (485)
    Bud--as i've said many times before, manufacturing can't compete because of many reasons.  We don't have fair trade policies.  obama has not even touched this issue.

    You are right and you are right...  About not being able to compete.  Obama isn't going to touch this issue either because he is for big unions.  Here's what we need to realize and what has to happen.  We need to realize WHY THE MANUFACTURING COMPANIES MOVED OUT OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE FIRST PLACE.  (You first have to identify the problem)  Once we understand this and see clearly why this is the way it is; then and only then, can we start to mend this problem.  (Get into the solution of the problem.)

    Obama is just like all the rest of the presidents before him that was in office as this problem progressed.  He is on the upper end of it now.  This started years and years ago.  If you go back and research it, you will see that it started several presidencies ago.  Unions came on the scene.  They got bigger and stronger.  Politicians got involved with the unions, the Kennedy's being the biggest of their times.  Union membership got bigger and bigger - (more votes for the politicians)  As the unions got bigger, government got more involved in backing unions - (for the votes - nothing more)  Unions got more powerful, companies had to belly up and pay higher and higher wages.  Problem here is everytime they gave all the employees more money and more entitlements, they just raised the price of products to compensate for the difference in price - (companies have to make money to stay in business)

    It got to the point that grocery warehousing companies fell prey to the unions and went belly up.  The big trucking industry was highly effected by the unions.  (a lot of them went under.)  The steel mills were the first to go.  And on and on.  Now the auto industry is facing the same thing.  All these companies just shut their doors because they could not operate with the "Overhead" - this included wages and other expenses.  Not that these companies wanted to close the doors, they were forced to do so.  When it got time for new companies to merge and make a place in the US marketplace, guess what they said at their first meetings?  "Let's go somewhere and establish our business so we won't have to deal with the labor unions."  This got to be the norm.  The main excuse the people of the United States used was "we can't pay those high prices for American made products."  Duh!  The very same people that stood on the picket lines, demanded more money, caused the prices to be high in the first place.

  • bill
    Bud, Titus
    I agree that you look at our competitiveness with our countries correctly. However I feel that you are placing too much emphasis on unions. Unions do raise wages, but honestly the competition we are up against is willing to pay their workers soooo much less. I was in cambodia a few years ago, and some one working at a clothing plant said she made 70 us dollars a month.  Unions or no unions, thats ALOT less then american workers make. I think we just need to adapt. Over the next several decades we should be the technology leader switching our economy off oil and coal. If we can do that, then we will have a strong economy, in my humble opinion.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--you are right.  there is a huge manufacturing company that has several locations around the area i live in.  this company, of course, has the union.  i've been around this area for a lot of years and have seen how this company operates.  every time the union goes in to get more benefits, i.e, pay raises, etc., for the employees, there is a layoff sometime afterwards.  now the employees are non-skilled labor for the most part and most brag about how much money the make.  it is good money for hourly folks that have no skills otherwise I guess.  the whole process is just a vicious cycle.  now i know people who have worked there 30 years and still haven't figured it out yet.  they are layed off periodically and complain that they have no money but yet wait on the company to possibly call them back to work.  how stupid can people be?  the company treats their people like crap because the union allows it.  the union dues are outragious also!  the liberals love this kind of behavior in the ignorant and play up to the unions every chance they get.  their crooked behavior is rewarded by the idiots who keep electing them.  oh by the way, the kennedys are just as good as the obamas and we know how crappy they are!  i'm just glad i choose to actually have morals and values.  i refuse to stoop to their level and am glad i am not a liberal!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud and DS--i saw a small portion of the acorn interview with Hannity.  It was quite interesting.  there is too much out there to deny this organization is corrupt.  i saw many interviews of their employees during the election.  there were people admitting to persuading people to vote for obama.  there was even a person admitting she knew it was illegal to do so but did it anyway.  in addition, there was a tape of a huge meeting held by acorn employees that promoted obama.  now that would be a big indication this group is corrupt but liberals can't see it because they will do anything illegal or otherwise to get someone into office that will destroy this country!  if this was not the case, liberals would be angry that organizations like acorn that were breaking the law.  however, they lay silent in their snake beds.  so we know the liberals are in bed with acorn and it is proven by the fact that they are still allowing them to get taxpayer's money.  so i will call liberals crooks and the lowest forms of life for not having any morals and values.  they should have denounced this type of behavior but they won't because they weren't taught right from wrong growing up or they choose to ignore the lessons of their parents.  either way, they are disgusting!  let me throw up now!  but you know liberals love to spew lies about others as we have noticed here on this site and other fools buy into it.  they will go to great lengths to personally attack people because they can't rationally back up their "messiah's" behavior.  it just goes to prove the dumbing down of America syndrome that i diagnosed a long while ago.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill, i agree that we need to adapt but I also know that we need to ensure our government doesn't keep us from competing globally.  tax rates, trade policies and healthcare costs are just a few areas that need to be addressed.  that is why the "stimulus plan" will be ineffective.  obama's healthcare plans are ridiculous!  he wants to continue to spend money we don't have.  he refuses to start at the root of the problem, i.e., lobbyists, corruption, and then medicare and medicaid, etc.  until those areas are corrected, healthcare costs will continue to take a bite out of folks who actually work hard and earn a little money.  they should not have to pay for the healthcare of others (there are a few exceptions) and should not have to pay outragious prices for the services they receive.  obama doesn't want to address the real problems and that is obvious!  in addition, people need to earn a fair wage.  people who are unskilled should not expect to earn a big salary.  it is just not possible for businesses to stay viable when this happens.  unions add overhead costs to companies, employees and consumers and that hurts everyone in the end.
  • bill
    So what do you propose should be done with tax rates, trade policies, and healthcare costs?

    Although we are changing the subject slightly, someone has to pay for helathcare.....nearly 50 million people are uninsured and have no coverage...what should be done?
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill--with healthcare-lobbyists should be banned from Washington and the corruption should be stopped.  policies should be put in place by the government that allow the free market to work.  there should be regulations placed on pharmaceutical companies so that people in the US don't pay more than people in other countries for the same products.  medicaid and medicare need to be cleaned up.  unnecessary lawsuits need to be eliminated to bring doctor's insurance down.  healthcare should not be an entitlement!  if that is the case, we have what we have now, which is people having children they can't afford and expecting others to pay for their care and people not saving for their retirement and living on social security (that was not supposed to be the sole income) and medicare/medicaid.  personal responsibility has to be a requirement.  for example, the baby mama disease needs to be dealt with and looked down upon in our society.  this needs to stop!  however, a lot of folks have come to accept it as a norm.  that is a problem.  we also need to crack down on illegals coming into this country and those that are already here.  they are further burdening our system and taxpayers are paying their bills.  until this happens, obama is merely putting a bandaid on a growing problem.  obama does not mention the fact that he can't control every aspect of healthcare.  if 50M people don't have healthcare now and obama is going to ensure that we have nationalized healthcare, where are the doctors coming from?  it is not reasonable to think that students will be flocking into the medical field knowing the care they are providing is not always in the best interest of the patient since the government will have a hand in it.  This subject is similar to education.  a lot of people criticize those who don't want to continue to pour money into a failing system.  they think that is the answer.  it is not.  until parents are held responsible for their children, the problem will continue.  teachers can only do so much regardless of the money that is available.   

    Tax rates and trade policies are easier issues to deal with.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill:  As a businessperson, i make choices that will yield the best results.  Trackrecords/trends help in decision making.  the government (both parties) has screwed up this nation!  that is its trackrecord/trend.  surely everyone will agree with that.  therefore, common sense dictates that the government should not manage healthcare!  Medicaid and Medicare are prime examples of this!  Why would any rational humanbeing want the government to have its hands in our healthcare much less any other part of our lives?  it doesn't make sense!
  • DS
    You go girl!!!  Titus, you are wayyyyy too logical and honest...and I must say smart as well.  Of course we know that those aren't traits that the libs on this site are used to, so we can't expect them to ever say anything bad about their messiah!  Whatever he does is perfect in their minds, even after he lies to them.  They are still so focused on hating Bush that they can't see the forest through the trees.  I also agree with you that "both" parties are to blame for the mess we find ourselves in today.  The minute they decided to embrace "globalism" in all of its' ugly forms, our nation began to decline.  They claimed that globalism would raise all of the third world countries to the level of the civilized world, but we have found that in order to raise them up they had to tear us down.  Now, it is going to be very difficult to turn this around.  That's why I'm ready for change!  I think we should vote all of the bums out of office and start over.  Let's at least push for term limits.  That alone would do a lot to eliminate the effect that lobbyists have on politicians today.
  • Bud Mullins
    Bill, Titus, DS, this country is like a big ole washing machine that has faaaar tooooo many clothes in it to get them clean.  To look at the problem as a whole, it looks hopeless.  At least it is that way to me.  Our biggest problem right now is the politicians themselves.

    Bill, thanks for your comment in (Post 487).  Please, don't judge me wrong, I am not anti-union.  In fact, I was a union man for many years.  I was a shop steward and help negotate contracts for the unions.  I was just saying first hand that unions have worn out their effectivness...  They are no longer for the worker.  They use the workers anymore instead of being for them.  The unions have become large, organized crime organizations that do nothing for their money.  They pretend to represent the worker and grant you union workers make a lot of money and beiefits.  Remember when you had that new set of tires put on the old Chevy?  They looked good, we walked around, looked at them and kept them good and clean.  Well, it's now 100,000 miles later and not only do they not have any tread on them, they're down right dangerous to drive on.  That is just an illustration, in my opinion, how the unions are today.

    This started way back with the Kennedy's.  Organized labor got bigger and there were a lot of voters there for the politicians.  Union leaders went into Washington and jumped into the pockets of politicians.  THAT IS THE ONLY REASON POLITICIANS BACK BIG UNIONS TODAY.  (FOR THE VOTE)  Do away with lobbyist in Washington, get rid of unions and I GUARANTEE YOU THIS COUNTRY WOULD RE-INVEST IN MANUFACTURING!

    If you look at the over-all picture, it really seems impossible to make that old machine run any faster.  What has to happen.  Somehow enough Americans has to realize the problem - in this case: overloaded washer...  Start by taking one piece of clothing out of that machine at a time, not all of them.  Work on that one piece.  The usual procedure would be to work from bottom to top - I think in this case we should work from the top down.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--You guys are right on it as usual!  so liberals are a recording.  they have said time and time again for us to come up with solutions.  well, they are being deceitful as usual in their comments.  they are stupid but can't deny they don't understand the solutions.  however, they choose to ignore them and still scream for us to bring solutions to the table.  of course, i understand they are the scum of the earth and am used to their games.  the solutions are there for the morons!  now if saving money, cutting spending and getting this economy on track were part of their agenda as they claim, a plan that is similar to what we have outlined above would be in place to get this country on track again!  ha!  THOSE ARE REAL SOLUTIONS!  we know that is not happening.  instead we get the same ole business as usual from obama and his crooked merrymen!  now we heard obama's lies during this campaign that this would not happen.  liberals get silent over these issues because those that have IQs above a 2 know they are caught and the others well.........  Tax and spend is the liberal way and they can attempt to lie about it all they want but their game is up!  the proof of their failed policies is in the economy and the unemployment rates!  this administration is a joke and if i were a liberal, i would be embarrassed for my name to be associated with it!  we understand that obama lied about bipartisanship but even for the liberal idiots, it can't be denied!
  • bill
    Titus-thanks for your thoughtful reply. I agree corruption in healthcare should be reduced, as well as lobbyists influence and am for a reworking of tort law to bring insurance costs for doctors down. I question how additional free-market practices by insurance companies will help anyone though. Insurance companies tend to dump people that are sick, and try and take on people that are healthy. Will giving them more free reign help americans who need healthcare? Also, Im not sure how we are paying illegal immigrants bills. I dont know of any programs that gives money to illegal immigrants. In fact, Im sure most illegal immigrants would be happy to pay taxes, but they cant because they would get in trouble for not being legal!
    As far as where the doctors will come from, wouldnt that be a free market thing? If there is a greater demand, then doctors will get paid more, and then more people will want to go into the medical profession...and hence there will be more doctors! If there is a national insurance plan it could help create this demand, instead of people just going into the emergency room once they are very sick with no way to pay.

    I guess to summarize the healthcare issue, you did point out some ideas for reducing costs, which is good! I think everybody agrees on that. However, just reducing costs alone wont solve the problem. It sounds like you don't like the idea of a national insurance plan, but what should we do about the 50M uninsured ppl????

    Bud-I see what your saying about unions. They were definately useful, but they do seem to just try and grab what they can from management now adays dont they? I bet sometimes it is deserved by employees, and sometimes it isnt!
  • Bud Mullins
    I could see a national insurance plan.  But, stop and think of everything that would have to be in place in order to make it work the way it should.  Actual cost of all the individual services would have to nationalized.  This would have to include doctors fees, hospital fees, every single thing down to a bandade would have to be accounted for.  These items would have to cost the same in California as they do in Kentucky.  Otherwise, we get more government rip-offs than we already have.  You got to have maximum over sight up the bootie.  Too many crooks around just waiting to make a buck.

    I could go for a flat rate tax plan.  25% to 35% straight out.  That could be accomplished by simply paying your tax everytime you purchase something.  Merchants would be responsible for turning all the collected taxes over to the government.  This could be divided up between federal and state by percentages.  No federal or state income income tax would be filed by individuals.  This would simplify taxes.  Throw out all the tax codes we have currently an start the ball to rolling.  Far too many people who needs to pay taxes, don't!

    I think with a flat tax rate plan, there would be billions of dollars accounted for that isn't being accounted for right now. 

    Just some thoughts.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill, DS, and Bud--

    Bill--your comment-Insurance companies tend to dump people that are sick, and try and take on people that are healthy. -that is an area government can solve with laws/regulations.  As for illegals, we are paying for their kids to go to school and they won't be turned away from hospitals for healthcare.  this is wrong hence the title "illegals."  huge costs are incurred and we pay for them.  a free market would work as long as government doesn't have its fifthy hands involved in patient care and that is what would happen.  free markets in healthcare would not exist under a nationalized healthcare plan.  we would not have enough doctors willing to work under the strict standards the government would place on them.  the salaries would definitely not go up.  limited regulations need to be put in place to ensure that people can get insurance in a system that is not corrupt.  competition would then be able to thrive.  right now there is no competition because government is in bed with the companies and lobbyists.  this wouldn't change simply because there was a nationalized healthcare system.  look at how many lobbists are in obama's cabinet when he said there would not be any.  it would become worse and our taxes would increase dramatically.  i don't want a nationalized anything!  healthcare should not a right for every citizen and EVERYONE should pay for their own with the exception of disabled folks, etc.  there is no excuse for families not to have healthcare coverage regardless of the situation.  i found myself divorced and with very little money and still provided for my son.  at the time i didn't have a college degree or people to help me yet i found my way.  others can too!  it is called effort and hardwork!  once a couple decides to have a child, it is their responsibility to pay for all of that child's necessities.  if they don't the law should step in.  personal responsibility should be required! people that have the baby mama syndrome and who are irresponsible should be ashamed of themselves but the public now accepts these practices.  if they are embraced, the cycle continues.  we refuse to accept this disgusting kind of behavior from my child and family and we don't have the problem.  if a situation would occur it would be handled within the family and the government would not be expected to step in.  the family member would have some hard lessons to learn and the family would ensure he/she learned them.  it is not the responsibility of taxpayers to foot the bill for irresponsible behavior.  it is called tough love!  it is also time for taxpayers to stand up and insist that everyone pay their own taxes and take care of their own families.  that is what is great about this country.  people can make something of themselves if they try.  if they choose not to, they suffer.  giving them entitlement programs only encourages them not to strive to make a better living.  children are the result of choices.  parents need to take responsibility for them.

    Bud--I like the idea of the fair tax but like the flat tax better.  it would be less complicated for the government to handle i think.  EVERYONE needs to pay their fair share if they live in the US (disabled folks, etc. excluded).  soldiers fight for everyone's freedoms and children go to school so everyone needs to pay.  that is fair and it angers me when i hear about the over 40% who don't pay taxes but enjoy our freedoms and the services the taxpayers provide.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud:  Did you see this article?


    "Officials said that upon further analysis they realized that they had overestimated savings and tax increases proposed in February to help pay the bill."

    Hmmmmm!  is this not what the republicans have said all along?  of course.  it was talked about and talked about and because liberals can't add and think obama is their savior, this is what happens!  true republicans have been proven to understand the economy and the solutions and the other folks are dumbshits!  it doesn't take a genius to figure it out!  oh i'm sorry we are talking about obama, pelosi, reid, dodd and frank and their supporters here.  that explains it.  what in the hell is going to happen to jobs now that the crooked obama folks are going to raise taxes?  hmmm!  let's see..........................  we know the answer to this one.  liberals are stupid!  however, they won't call obama a liar and will say he just made a "mistake."  this is not a "mistake" and we understand this.  he is a SOB who needs to be thrown out.  however, liberals love liars and cheats and that is why they elected obama.
  • Bill
    Titus-Im glad we agree on closing insurance company loopholes. I just want to clarify that I would not be in support of a government insurance program if that meant that there were no private options. I think you are right, that would cause government to have undue influence in choosing which care options are available (this is one of the major criticisms of health care in england). I'm for a reasonable amount of basic insurance coverage made available through an optional government plan. That way private plans are still available, and hospitals are still private. You can choose to be in the government plan, or not. This allows the free market to work. I guess I disagree with you as I think a safety net should be available to the millions of americans who ARE hardworking, but just have jobs that dont offer health benefits, or who have been laid off, cant find a job etc. This is the majority of the 50M americans who are uninsured. I'm sure that there are some people who want something for nothing, but I look at it as throwing the baby out with the bathwater if we dont make a plan that can protect hardworking people who need it.

    Bud-Im with you on the option of having an insurance plan.
    I disagree about the flat tax. I feel it will unfairly overtax essentials like food and consumer products used in everyday life. For instance lets say a CEO makes 100 times more an hour than a factory worker. The CEO maybe doesnt spend 100 times more on food and things like electronics  then the factory worker, and hence will be taxed less as a percentage of income. Plus once the CEO invests his money, he's not "buying" anything, but will be earining a considerable amount of money. I guess I havent thought about taxes enough to offer a viable alternative though. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
  • DS
    Go Titus!!!  You are right on sister!  I want to make sure that everyone on this site understands that Titus, Bud, myslef, and other conservatives on this site are compassionate people who are just tired of seeing the government ruin our country, and the lives of all of the people.  What we say may at times sound hard, and liberals always choose to interpret it as  we don't care, but that is NOT the case!!  Reality is that we DO care!  We care so much about our country, and the freedom of EVERY citizen that it makes us angry when we have to sit by and watch our country being destroyed!  We have solutions, and I think that Bud and Titus have done an excellent job of detailing them on this site.  But they do involve  responsibility on behalf of both individuals and the government.  They depend on honest, fair, and responsible decision making.  We have a lot of problems in our country with very simple solutions which would be fair for ALL people across the board.  But they aren't considered because they are touted as "unfair" because they are "class-less" solutions, and don't support the agenda of the progressive left in this country!  They depend on class warfare to gain and keep power, and will go to ANY extreme to keep it going!   UNTIL this country ADMITS that it is wrong, and AGREES to stop playing that card, it is going to be difficult to solve even our most basic problems.  We are all equal according to God and our Constitution!  This means that we all have the same rights and provilieges as any other person, NOT less and NOT more...but EQUAL!!  There are a lot of us who could share similar stories as Titus.  We all had to decide at some point in our life whether we wanted to make something of ourselves, or whether we would rather rely on others to take care of us.  Yes, that is a fact whether liberals want to accept it or not!  It was, and is a choice we make EVERY day!  And our government has made the choice too easy for people to rely on government for their well being.  That's a fact!!  Yes, there are some who need help, and a safety net is appropriate for them.  But the amount of people using it is unnecessarily TOO large.  And it's all because of power hungry politicians!  They keep the poor people poor so that they can rely on their votes to keep them in power.  Let's be honest people.  EVERYONE knows this!!  Now, let's fix it.  Most of our nations problems come back to this very same root cause.  Be honest, fair, and responsible, and we CAN fix them!  And it will probably start by throwing ALL of the dishonest, unfair, irresponsible, power hungry politicians out of office.....as quickly as possible!!!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--loved your post.  you said it all!  liberals will try to manipulate your post too because it helps them to sleep at night unfortunately.

    Bill--the government needs to make laws and not entitlement programs.  they are bad at managing all entitlement programs and money is wasted.  so i will never agree to give government more power.  there are very few people in this country that can't make it if they work hard enough so i don't buy that we need a government-run insurance program.  it is just another way to increase the size of government and increase taxes for the really hard working folks so we are unable to take care of our families.  if a person needs healthcare, during a normal economy they should be able to find a job with healthcare benefits esp. if healthcare costs are lowered for everyone.  if the businesses without healthcare don't provide it and people want it, they will have a tough time finding employees (supply and demand).  i know people right now without healthcare but refuse to move to another city/state to find better jobs.  they would rather rely on the government to provide it for them.  years ago in my city, jobs at fast food joints, malls, etc., were mostly left to teenagers/retirees.  now you see grownups working in those places.  the mills have now mostly disappeared (thank, God because it was slave labor) and the unskilled folks lost their jobs.  however, they were told they would have no jobs due to mill closings 20 years before and had options to go back to school but didn't.  i personally know so many situations like this.  so they are examples of the working poor unfortunately.  when one of the big mills went out of business a few years back, there were tv interviews with the employees complaining that they would run out of money in a week and had worked at this place for 20+ years.  now there is a problem with that.  i can't tell you how many folks that i've known throughout my life like this.  it is almost a guarantee that they will have a fine new car with big car payments sitting out in the parking lot.  it is sickening!  i grew up watching this industry and the people working in it.  thank goodness i wasn't a part of it.  some take no responsibility for their own behavior and blame others when it is convenient.  this type of mentality needs to stop.  personal responsibility needs to be at the forefront of the problem solving of the economic crisis we are facing today.  under the solutions i've proposed (the only way to actually solve the healthcare situation) healthcare costs would be lowered, and if obama would do his job for a change and ensure jobs are created through private businesses, we wouldn't have a unemployment problem.  however, as we know, obama refuses to do this because it would be the easiest and quickest way to ensure economic growth.  he would rather use tax and spend policies that are guaranteed not to work and will put undue stress on the future generations.  i was not raised to think the government should step in to help me and i had to rely on myself to survive.  That was what America was all about.  Now we have a bunch of pansies wanting the government and "rich" to provide their basic needs!  I'm going to go throw up now!
  • Bill
    Wow! This post was a lot less respectful:( Lets keep things nice! I think conservatives AND liberals want what is best for this country, they just think it can be achieved by different means.
    I understand the point you are trying to make about americans working hard. I think the problem is that surely a large number of the 50M uninsured ARE hardworking americans who are being let down by the private insurance industry as they are not providing services that are needed. People will take jobs without healthcare if they are desperate, and companies know this.

    Also a government program wouldn't be free. People would have to pay to be in it, the only difference is that profits wouldnt be scraped off the top as is the case with private insurance companies. A major complaint by insurance companies over a government plan is that it would be unfairly better then what they choose to provide.

    At the end of the day sooooomebody has to do unskilled labor jobs, and one of the great things about our ideals is that we believe that these people shouldn't be unfairly treated. Thats something that makes america great, that we believe that anybody who works hard should be able to feed themselves and their family, have access to shelter, healthcare etc. If private industry drops the ball (as it is doing with helathcare right now) why cant government compete too and offer a national insurance plan. Again, if we dont do this, then what should we do to offer affordable insurance to the 50M uninsured?
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill:  the government can't manage anything correctly.  that has been proven time and time again.  it just isn't going to happen.  if healthcare is lowered, people can pay for it.  i worked two of those low paying jobs at one point in my life.  i would have worked three if i had to so that i could make ends meet.  however, i was smart enough to understand that i either had to get an education to obtain a better job before i thought about having a family.  there are plenty of folks that could work in the lower paying jobs, i.e., retirees, students, folks who don't need the insurance because the spouse provides it, etc.  even the retail stores around my area have healthcare benefits.  people can choose to work those jobs if they want but we taxpayers should not be responsible for paying for it.  you said the consumers would pay for the premiums but i don't think that would ever happen.  any government program has huge and bloated overhead costs because they waste money.  so the premiums would more than likely be higher than if a private insurance company handled it.  if the government ensured the proper laws were in place in the first place, there would not be a problem.  my posts do tend to get harsh to some because i am upset at the whole liberal agenda.  liberals in fact don't want the same things as conservatives do by definition.  we want smaller government, less intrusion and lower taxes for everyone and that equates to more freedoms.  our borders should also be shut to all illegals and those here in this country should be punished harshly for breaking our laws.  there is no respect for our laws any longer.  this economic mess could have been solved long before now but Washington chose a different path.  in the meantime, unemployment claims continue be more than 500 thousand per week.  people are out of work and are running out of options.  i have a friend who has tried everything to find a job and is about to run out of unemployment benefits in a few weeks.  she is desparate to find a job but cannot.  so within just a few months she will lose her home, car and everything she has.  obama is not helping her through his economic plan and will actually hurt her chances.  if he had done his job instead of wasting money, private businesses would not be struggling as they are and jobs would be created.  it is simple and really a shame!  who in his/her right mind would support someone with his agenda?  i can't imagine and never bought into the whole "hope" and "change" thing and i was right!  you need not look any further than pelosi, reid, dodd and frank.
  • ann southern
    welcome to the "The Shrinking Republican Party Directly As A Result of it's Narrow Minded Base"  program.
    See you next season folks- same channel- same results.
    enjoy your crow.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, I like your explainations in your posts.  You seem to have your home work behind you and you display your feelings most vividely.  BIG QUESTION: How do we get conservatives active?  How do we get our own party off it's dead ass and moving.  All kinds of crap is happening in our schools, (God taken out) around our state houses, (Can't have God's name in public) prompted from the left and nothing happens from the right.  (One Liberal can get God out and all the Conservatives in the world can't get God back in!)  What's wrong with this picture?  The ACLU operates at will anymore and the gay movement just gets gayer.  The illigals just get more benifits and our representatives just go more to the left.  (I thought Illegal was, WELL - Innegal!)  I'm not going to quit but I feel I am less effective today than I ever was because of this.  We sit here and complain to each other and no one's listening.  How do we overcome this? 

    Bill, when comparing left wing to right wing anymore, it's not like it used to be.  I believe most of the right wing still includes our country and the people in it's agenda.  (Good)  Whereas, the left's agenda has become more on personal gain, power through big government and it seems the people as a whole are left out.  (Bad)  It doesn't matter what their agenda does to the American people or the entire right wing or even America as a whole.  If they think it's right for them, to heck with everything else.  It is so bad now that they can stand up in plain sight and lie.  If they get caught, a few talk show hosts complain but that is the extent of it.  Not one of them gets punished.  Are they under sworn oath? 

    The way I see it, their agenda is destroying America, but the conservative agenda is still to preserve America.  Granted, when you are on either side you don't spend much time trying to determine if the other side is right or wrong!  You just fight for your agenda.  What MUST happen is, both sides have to come together...  That probably will never happen.  So, we continue down the slide, blogging and blogging.
  • Bud Mullins
    WASHINGTON -- Senators are considering three different designs for a new government health insurance plan that middle-income Americans could buy into for the first time, congressional officials said Friday.
    Officials familiar with the proposals said senators plan to debate them in a closed meeting next week. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because details of the controversial plans have not been released.
    Creating a public plan is one of the most contentious ideas in the debate over how to overhaul the nation's health care system to cover the uninsured and try to restrain costs.
    President Barack Obama and many Democrats say a government option would serve as a check to keep the private insurance industry honest.
    Insurers fear the government would use its power to drive them out of business. And Republicans call a public plan in the legislation a dealbreaker, dashing hopes for bipartisan legislation for overhauling the health insurance system. Employer groups are also opposed.
    The three approaches being discussed are:
    --Create a plan that resembles Medicare, administered by the Health and Human Services department.
    --Adopt a Medicare-like plan, but pick an outside party to run it. That way government officials would not directly control the day-to-day operations.
    --Leave it up to individual states to set up a public insurance plan for their residents.
    But many key details would still have to be fleshed out.
    Among them is whether the public plan would be open to everyone, or be limited to small businesses and individuals purchasing coverage on their own.
    Also, would the plan reimburse medical providers at discounted Medicare rates or the higher fees that private insurers pay? And would it be financed by tax dollars, or entirely from premiums?
    Senators on the Finance Committee will consider the proposals during a closed-door session scheduled for late next week. Committee leaders want to bring a bill to the Senate floor this summer. It's unclear whether a public plan in any form will emerge from Congress.
    Citing surveys that show most seniors are happy with Medicare, Democrats say they believe that a public plan would be a political winner. But Republicans counter that it would be a step toward a government-run system in which medical services sooner or later would be rationed.
    The majority of Americans now get health insurance through private insurers, about 170 million people in all. Most of them are enrolled in employer-sponsored plans.
    A recent report by the Lewin Group, a numbers-crunching firm that serves government and private clients, found that a new government plan could radically alter that landscape -- or maybe not.
    It depends on the design.
    If the public plan were open to all employers and individuals -- and if it paid doctors and hospitals the same as Medicare -- it would quickly grow to 131 million members, while enrollment in private insurance plans would plummet, the study found.
    By paying Medicare rates the government plan would be able to set premiums well below what private plans charge. Employers and individuals would rush to sign up.
    But the results would be far different if the government plan was limited to small employers, individuals and the self-employed.
    In that smaller-scale scenario, the public plan would get from 17 million to 43 million members, the study said. It found that a government plan could be effective in reducing number of uninsured.
    Lewin is a subsidiary of UnitedHealthcare, the nation's largest health insurer. The consulting firm says it makes its own judgments, however. Its work is used by groups on all sides of the health care debate, including supporters of a public plan.
  • DS

    I know that there are those who like to quote 50 million as the number of uninsured, but that number is considered very exaggerated by many who should know.  As you may or may not know, that number originally came from Michael Moore's movie "Sicko", and we don't want to really get into what we all think of Michael Moore do we?  Take a look at the article below and you'll see what is considered to be the real number, and it is even questionable. 

    My son is a good example, and I'm sure there are LOTS of people who do the same thing.  When he got out of the Navy, he got a job.  They didn't offer healthcare, so he CHOSE not to get healthcare on his own.  He could have afforded it, but he figured he was young, and would eventually get a job that provided it.  Therefore, he CHOSE to be uninsured!  He CHOSE to buy a new car and various other "nice to have" things rather than to purchase healthcare.  Is it appropriate to include him in the number of those without healthcare?  I don't think so!  And I believe that his situation is not atypical.  Also, I would like to say that I don't believe it is a "right" to have healthcare, a house, or any other "thing" that we would like to have.  Those are privileges, and there is responsibility that comes with getting anything that we want/need.  We make choices every day that impact our way of life.  We buy things we don't NEED, take vacations we can't afford, and spend money on lots of things that aren't necessary.  I'm SURE that almost every American family could afford healthcare IF they knew they needed to provide it for themselves, and not EXPECT it to be provided by the government.  And who is REALLY providing it?  Other taxpayers like us who work hard, make the tough, responsible choices about our lives are the ones who foot the bill.  Is that fair?  I don't think so!  And the illegal immigration issue is making it much worse!  As I said before, the politicians are using them for their purposes!  Both parties want them for votes, and the Democrats want to use them to promote nationalized healthcare!  So, let's be honest, fair, and smart about this healthcare problem.  Titus has described various ways of fixing it, and I think they are well thought out solutions.  There are probably more, but we first have to agree that nationalizing healthcare is a BAD thing.  The government mismanages EVERYTHING that they touch.  And when they do, they end up taking away more of our freedoms, and take more of our hard earned tax dollars to solve THEIR problem.

  • Bill
    Titus-I understand not wanting government to control too much, and I agree. However, government DOES do many things brilliantly. What about our armed services responsible for the defence of our country?  Our system of roads? One of the best public university systems in the world? All these things and more are run by government. Now I agree that government shouldn't run EVERYTHING, but there do seem to be some areas where government should run things and look out for the people.
    Just to make sure I understand you, your solution to the healthcare problem is to lower costs by getting rid of lobbyists to the point where it is affordable...is that correct?

    Bud-As much as you dislike the how liberals are going about doing whats best for the country, I really disagree that they are trying to destroy the country. They have its best interest at heart, but just think the best way to go about it is different. Ithink you'll find that many liberals feel the same way about conservatives unfortunately. I think you inherently agree, but are just so frustrated that you get angry at them. Is that true?

    DS-Yeah the 50M number may not be correct. Even if its half that its too much. Ive looked into plans not provided by employers and they SUCK. 100 bucks a month with a 5k premium. We can do better than that I think. From your anger at your son not taking responsibility for getting his own healthcare I'm sensing a common theme between you, Bud and Titus. It seems that the idea of people abusing the system is really upsetting. I completely agree. However, I don't think a few bad apples should spoil things for everyone. If there is an affordable helathcare plan that lets say 1000000 deserving people could really benefit from...should we scrap it because of that?
    Also, about illegal immigrants, I'm sure there are some who use the system, but lets put the problem in perspective....how many are there running into our hospitals getting expensive medical treatment? 1000? 10000? 100000? You can't just walk into a hospital and get anything more then emergency room treatment....

    Titus has suggested a few things about helathcare, and I think everyone agrees costs should be lowered. In fact this may cause an uproar, but even Obama has called for lowering healthcare costs! Will that be enough? Can costs be cut enough so that everyone can afford it? If so how come it hasnt been done already?

    Thanks for all of your guys' great ideas! Im enjoying the conversation:)
  • Bill
    Ooops...I meant to say:
    If there is an affordable helathcare plan that lets say 1000000 deserving people could really benefit from that 1000 people abuse.....should we really scrap it because of that?
  • DS
    First, I'm not angry with my son about his decision.  I'm just pointing out to you that there are people who CHOOSE to not have healthcare even if they could afford it.  And they shouldn't be included in the numbers.  And I think there are more of these people than you want to admit.  Second, you refuse to address the real issue here which is personal responsibility!  Everyone makes choices, and if they choose not to spend their money on healthcare, that's their choice!  They shouldn't EXPECT it to be provided by anyone else, including the government.  The constitution doesn't provide it, and nobody should EXPECT it.  Healthcare, housing, and  transportation are all privileges, just as are televisions, microwaves, washers and dryers, and any other convenience we are all accustomed to.  That's the problem isn't it Bill?  We all want "what we want, when we want it".  That isn't reality Bill.  People need to understand that and start living within their means again.  That is the way it used to be before government started providing everything. i'm sorry, but we have a basic disagreement about what the role of the government should be.  Titus has made it clear as well, but liberals just don't want to accept it.  Personal responsibility is a BAD thing to liberals.  That is just wrong!!
  • Bill
    DS-I agree....NOBODY should get something for nothing. NOBODY should just expect the government to give them things (transportation, housing, healthcare) just because. We certainly have a common ground in that area. I also think that people should live within their means.
    Whats wrong with the government trying to affordably provide an option to people who don't have 9-5 jobs when private industry (in this case the insurance companies) have dropped the ball????
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill--you are missing the big point here!  the government doesn't manage anything well.  you list the military as one program the government manages.  do you really think they manage it well?  i can tell you they don't and money is wasted.  what about the military healthcare?  it is lousy and i can give you examples of folks i know in the military that didn't get the help they needed.  do you think they manage medicaid, medicare and social security well?  well, i'm here to tell you they don't.  so their trackrecord is lousy!  over 40% of people in this country do not pay taxes so people do get services for free already.  whether they actually collect welfare or not when they live in this country and don't pay taxes for the services the government provides, it is welfare on every level.  there is already $646B (i think is the number) that is going to be set aside for healthcare.  we are paying for this so far.  so why should we foot the bill?  so everyone who decides to get into the program will pay their fair share so that the other folks who choose insurance elsewhere will not be affected?  i don't think so.  I didn't say that getting rid of lobbyists was the only way to cut down on costs.  my post outlined a lot more.  for some reason you are missing the point again.  you have to have every component that i listed and probably more before healthcare costs would be cut to the levels that would benefit Americans.  you can't leave out one of them but the liberals don't really won't to actually put in the work that it would take to ensure healthcare costs for the American people are affordable!  that is an accurate statement and can be proven with the recent article about the proposals in Washington.  they are making a half-assed effort and their supporters will buy it because they have bought everything else these idiots were selling.  look at what the administration said in my post #500.  does this not tell you something?  when is are liberals going to finally see the actual truth.  this blog points out the many lies obama has told and you guys still refuse to realize that you have been duped! 

    I am in total agreement with DS and Bud.  Bud mentioned the liberal agenda is to destroy this country and he is correct.  if liberals think we are trying to destroy this country, i can definitely say they are not educated enough on the actual facts to make that determination and I can and will prove it in every conversation that could be brought up.  i can also definitely prove this by the policies obama has implemented when it comes to the economy and the markets--that is my expertise.  he is a joke and not a leader.  he spoke about being everyone's President and how he would work across party lines.  that was a lie!  I would venture to say that he can't remember all the lies he has told because the list is getting too long.  obama is a used car salesman.  I thank God that he blessed me with the capacity to see through obama.  my instincts about this idiot have proven to be correct so far.  i'm too smart to buy that junk car he is selling.  simple math proves him wrong on many issues.  he calls it "change."  It is bad for our country!     

    Bud--thanks for the news on healthcare.  it is a joke and i am really not shocked at the stupidity of this administration.  let's not get to the root of the problem because that would take too much effort-sad.  it is just so much better to implement a program that will waste money--not.  whooohooo!  go obama!  he is a total moron but the liberals will buy into it as they always do!
  • Bud Mullins
    Bill (510)

    Bud-As much as you dislike the how liberals are going about doing whats best for the country, I really disagree that they are trying to destroy the country. They have its best interest at heart, but just think the best way to go about it is different. Ithink you'll find that many liberals feel the same way about conservatives unfortunately. I think you inherently agree, but are just so frustrated that you get angry at them. Is that true?

    Bill, does this sound better?  They are destroying this country with what they are attempting to do.  I don't think the majority of them think far enough ahead to realize the consequences of their actions.  About "the best interest at heart", I'm inclined to belive this also.  I don't think any of them would drop an atomic bomb on America, I honestly don't think in their political minds they have to capacity to know what is good or bad for this country.  They just think straight down their own tunnel, come what may.  If one can forget the very roots of our creation, what are they capable of next?
  • Bill
    Titus-I guess I have more faith and respect for our military. I think they are doing a great job, certainly better than the private army (blackwater for instance). If you dont think government should be involved in military matters, infrastructure construction and maintenance or universities, what IS the role of government?

    Your right, I didnt list all the things you mentioned as cost cutting measures. I think congress people on both sides of the isle need to cut down on corruption and costs of healthcare. That is on the liberal AND conservative agenda.

    Bud, having the opinion that you stated in bold is totally valid. (Now if you can only talk Titus into it! :) ) To me thats really integral to this debate as well. We may disagree on how to do it, but we ALL want what is best for america. There should be a healthy, respectful political debate....but at the core of that debate is that we are working together for a common good, we just believe that there are different ways to go about it. However there are more ways for us to come together. For instance, liberals are for lower taxes on the middle class. Conservatives are too....why cant we institute middle class tax cuts? Theres a common agenda. Like you said about taking one piece of laundry out at a time, this would be a great place to start! ideas?
  • Bud Mullins
    Bill, GOT IT!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill--we have the best military in the world.  it is the folks who manage them -- not the generals, etc.  the administration folks that blow our money.  again, you are taking what i say and not putting it into the correct context.  the role of government is to keep us safe and to make laws that ensure our freedoms among other things and not create  entitlement programs.  road construction is just a small part.  obama was throwing around the idea of requiring soldiers who are hurt in battle to file with their insurance first.  that is absolutely insane and would have been a nightmare for the soldier.  that shows obama's character.  he doesn't have a problem sending money out of this country during a time of economic crisis to fund abortions overseas or approving a project to keep the pig smell down but will consider this?  come on!  this is nonsense.  the liberals are in charge now but will not consider getting lobbists out of Washington.  obama has them in his cabinet how much real effort do you think he will make in solving our problems?  None is the answer.  it is all window dressing.  Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank and obama are in bed with the lobbyists and the unions and apparently you support their agenda.  I would not support anyone in my party who do this and would want them out of office.  If Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank and obama were in my party, i would consider them crooks just by their affiliations alone (forget their agenda; that is another reason) and would raise hell to get them out!  Liberals are for cutting taxes for the middle class?  are you joking?  even obama wanted more cuts and instead your guys gave them $13/week?  where is the anger from your side--there is none!  what kind of help to the middleclass is this?  obama's policies will create inflation in a few years.  that will further hurt the middle class.  i won't get into what cap and trade will do to them.  in addition obama is stifling job growth for big and small businesses.  who do you think that is affecting the most?  the middle class.  the liberals are not for helping the middle class or obama would not have been elected in the first place.  i was right when i said before the election that he would hurt this country and especially the middle class.  it is sad.  stopping the unemployment bleeding would not be difficult to do but obama refuses so who is hurt the most--the middle class.  his agenda proves that he doesn't want to help the very folks who need it the most but his supporters don't really want to see this even though it is right there in front of their faces!
  • Bill
    You like my idea I take it?:) If so then we are making PROGRESS!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill--as for ideas there are so many that have been out there that have actually proven to work but as usual there are just pieces of a huge puzzle that have to all be used together to make it work.  bipartisanship was tried from our side and obama was smug and replied "i won."  he is an arrogant asshole who has proven he won't work with both sides.  even if he was sincere, which obviously he is not by his own words, he would have to be a leader and ensure pelosi, frank, dodd and reid follow the same idea.  he is not a leader and it won't happen so there's the gridlock.  obama's agenda is doing the opposite of what he says he wants it to do.  economics 101 dictates that it will fail.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, I have read a lot of the suggestions that supposed to be in the direction of "Fixing" the tax problem.  Making it fair.  THERE WILL NEVER BE A FAIR TAX!  Again, the "Fair Tax" plan is probably the best I have heard.  I still say the "Flat Tax" is the best and most fair way to go.  I know people will say "well it's not fair to tax this and tax that."  There is a argument on which ever direction we discuss.

    The flat tax would be paid by everyone in this country that spends money.  From the people who draw welfare and do not pay taxes right up to the President of the United States.  NO EXCEPTIONS!  If you spend a dollar, or a million dollars, you pay your taxes.  I have not seen any plan as simple as that.
  • Bill
    Hey TItus-gosh i'm just trying to find common ground here. Wheres the love?:)
    About the military, I guess Im not sure who your talking about. The government gives the military money, and the military makes decisions and is part of the government. Its completely government run.
    If Im not taking what you say and putting it in the correct context its that i dont understand....but Im trying to! A little help and patience would be great. Lets find some areas where we agree!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--I like the flat tax the best and always have because everyone pays.  that is as fair as it gets for having to pay taxes.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill--i have to admit that you are one of the nicest liberals i've had discussions with.  DS and Bud will probably faint at me saying that but it is nice.  i'm a money manager just by the nature of my chosen field so i won't tend to agree with anything on the liberal side.  the military needs people who can manage the money better.  however, politics and agendas get in the way.
  • Bill
    Thanks for the compliment Titus! I think as long as we are respectful we can learn alot form eachother, and hopefully take the best ideas from both philosophies. Conservatives are great at saving money....they should contribute ideas to do so.

    I saw this in the news....it went along with our conversation, and seems to be exactly what you suggested...hopefully it will provide you with some satisfaction seeing it done:
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill--i still don't see the lobbyists out the door.  i still don't see obama holding true to his campaign promise of not allowing them in his cabinet.  i don't want to see a nationalized healthcare program and know this will lead more people to suffer with higher taxes in the end.  whether obama will admit it or not, inflation is a direct result of his outragious spending habits.  that will occur in a few years.  cap and trade will result in higher prices for everything we buy.  so the combination of the two will further hurt the middleclass and struggling retirees who are on fixed incomes.  liberals don't seem to care about this.  how is the $13/week going to help then?  95% of working folks did not and will not receive a tax cut if you look at the real situation.  that was a lie.  they will end up in a deficit.  i haven't even mentioned obama's plan to cut the tax deductions for charitable contributions.  the very group of folks who can afford to donate are being penalized.  however the real losers in this game obama is playing are the needy.  they will not get the help from churches and other organizations as they would have before.  so now the poor will go without.  does this sound like liberals are caring people when they support obama?  i don't think so!  it is quite the opposite.  this is reality and really says a lot about obama and his true agenda for America.  if china decides not to continue to buy our debt or call in the loans, we are in a lot of trouble.  why would the greatest country in the world be put in this position unnecessarily?  there are so many people out there who would make better decisions and are more qualified than he is.  now we will have to live with this for at least 4 years.  i'm sick over it.  obama uses the same philosophy on every decision he makes.  he makes a lame attempt a solving an issue and leaves it to move on to the next problem.  it makes him look good to the left i guess.  instead of working on a complex problem and resolving every aspect of it like a true leader, he leaves it and his supporters have "hope" that it will work.  that is not a good way to lead this country.  look at his elderly aunt that he left high and dry.  he mentions her in his book but allowed her to live off welfare and throw her to the wolves when her immigration status was revealed.  this woman is someone who supported him.  i would really hate to have to rely on someone with obama's trackrecord and character.  i am willing to discuss any issue rationally but will not support obama and his agenda to destroy this country.  i have outlined some of the ways in which this will happen in this post and others.  the facts are there but people on the left refuse to realize it.  i love this country and want it to prosper.  it is easy to see that obama and his merrymen and women do not.  schumer said the American people don't care about the money being wasted and that was a lie.  there should not be one penney used in any bill that is supposed to help stimulate this economy that will not create many, many jobs.  when i say job creation, i don't mean the low paying energy or construction jobs.  that is not sustainable work for people.  a perfect example of the waste is murtha's airport with three commercial flights.  if obama was a true leader and wanted to ensure he fulfilled his promise to cut down on earmarks, he would have ordered the bill to be stripped of them or he would not sign it.  instead he goes along with his party as usual and blows billions of dollars.  it is time to get serious about this country's problems and until obama, pelosi, reid, dodd and frank and others are out, we have no chance to fix what is wrong with Washington.  thank God for the private sector (obama is trying his best to destroy it).  they are going to be the ones to get us out of this mess inspite of obama's bad economic policies.
  • Bill
    True, Obama didn't just do eeeeverything you wanted, but lets just stick to the healthcare issue for now. He is proposing massive health care spending cuts, just like you advocated. He is also working with industry groups to do it, which is another action you called for. Isn't that what you wanted? If not, how is it different then what you proposed?

    We can talk about the tax cut issue next time:)
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill:  there are no massive cuts per se.  the healthcare industry has agreed to not raise healthcare costs as much as they would have over a long period of time in the hopes they can sway obama's decisions.  that is all this is.  working with the groups is not the answer in this case, and it would only possibly be beneficial down the road.  getting the corruption out of Washington that would impede the best solutions for healthcare for the American people is the first step and only logical step.  anything else is just another half-assed effort on obama's part.  it is like working with the mofia to get rid of drug trafficking.  LOL!  this is not about what I want.  it is about obama's integrity.  obama was a snake in his campaign promising everything to everyone just to get votes.  a certain amount of that is expected but he railed the Bush administration on the very things he is now in favor of.  it is ridiculous.  so when he said he would not have lobbyists in his cabinet, i expect him to fulfill that obligation.  if not, it is obvious the corruption will continue and this includes corruption in the healthcare industry.  this is the same ole politics as usual that obama said would not happen.  i don't understand why this isn't apparent to you.  efficient problem solving requires solving issues from the ground up and obama hasn't done that.  are you going to continue to overlook the obvious?  the tax cut issue is a mute point because at the end of the day obama once again screwed the American people.  it is too bad they are not smart enough to see it.
  • DS
    So tell me...

    What do all of you good hearted, people loving liberals have to say about the remarks of Wanda Sykes at the White House Press Dinner last night?  These were disgusting remarks, and not atypical of what we continue to hear from the left wing liberals in our country! 


    Can you agree that there is a double standard in the press when it comes to conservatives and liberals?  Please at least acknowledge that, and then let's do something about it to make this country better....that is if you really care about this country, and are a true American!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--yuk!  i didn't watch it because i can't stand to watch obama and his crooks on any show.  they are popping up everywhere.  however, thank you for sharing.  that is really disgusting.  ya know it just goes to show that for the one millionth time a liberal chooses to take Limbaugh's words out of context.  I'll express that I hope Obama fails.  His liberal agenda disgusts me!  It would be treason to think otherwise!
  • DS
    I also want obama's policies to fail.  At least we don't wish his kidneys would fail.  This is the difference between liberals and conservatives.  You never hear conservatives wishing harm on liberals.  We may want them to fail politically, but we don't wish them harm.  Liberals are constantly wishing harm on consewrvatives.  Look what they did to Bush, Cheney, Rove, and what they always do to Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Levin, or any number of other conservatives.  They can't stand the fact that they are "right", and feel it necessary to make fun of them and wish they were dead.  They have no class!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--you are right.  now i don't claim to be able to watch every news show but i haven't seen the outrage towards Sykes from liberals.  wonder what channel they are on?  i guess i'll just have to keep watching for it!  LOL!  they definitely don't have any class and don't have a problem following a failed lying leader.  i'm glad that there are several folks on here that have the philosophy--"the spin stops here."  It is up to you, Bud and me to ensure the liberals are shown for what they are.  have you noticed that during times like these they go into hiding.  do they all go into the same hole, cave or something?  LOL!  sorry about that!  i had to say it!  i can't be nice all of the time!
  • DS
    LOL.....I think they're checking all of their liberal sources for comebacks....probably on the Huffington Post.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--yeah, the huffington post is an excellent source for bullshit so the liberals must flock to it!  LOL!
  • DS
    yeah, I think Ariana is their messianic mama!  ;-}  She is one dumb lady!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--your comment was comical!  well, today i heard some of obama's "jokes" from last night.  they weren't funny at all.  only a fool would make fun of the fly over.  i guess scaring thousands of people and wasting over $300k is something to joke about?  hmmm!  i need a new joke book i guess.  I worked with a very sweet older lady at a huge bank in NY years ago.  of course, i was in a different city and we had business discussions via phone many times a day.  i was on the phone with her when the first plane hit on 911, which was blocks down from their building.  they had no idea what was going on and i was telling their whole office what was happening from the news reports on my radio.  they were scared to death.  all they saw were ashes and smoke all around them.  they were not told anything.  when i heard that the second plane hit i told them and they ran for their lives!  now this sweet lady was out of work for months after this.  from what i understood she was not able to handle the situation and became ill because of it.  she retired early and never went back into that office.  i also worked with people at a huge brokerage firm in NY.  All of the folks in that building that i knew died that day.  The plane made a direct hit into their floor.  So i am offended when liberals joke about anything related to that day.  I remember speaking to the folks at the same brokerage firm who were in another office in NJ a day afterwards.  Thankfully those folks didn't have business in the NY office on 911.  the guy i spoke to was a broker and he cried over the phone.  he was devastated.  all day long families would call in begging for information on their loved ones and the brokers had no news.  everyone was heartbroken.  so for the next few months everyone in that office personally donated their entire paychecks to the families of employees who were killed.  those are true Americans and those people (liberals) who choose to not stand up and get angry at obama's comments obviously aren't Americans in any sense of the word.  when their party makes disgraceful comments, liberals run and hide and refuse to speak out against them.  they will continue to support idiots.  simply paying taxes doesn't constitute a person to be a true American.
  • Bud Mullins
    DS, I know you are true to your faith and I admire you for that.  I try to be to.  Well, not try, I am...  I have such a struggle across the board to find those today who are true to their values while living them out, articulating them without denigrating others and/or not just hustling for their own gain.  Sadly, I find this just as true in areas of the Christian community as in the political arena.  (No as bad on the conservative side, but it's still there.)
    I have no problem with anyone earning money.  I like money.  I like nice things.  I’ve had periods in my life where I had plenty and periods where I had little.  My balance comes from my faith so my sense of peace doesn’t falter but my comfort level sure does. 
    What I find difficult to reconcile, particulary with leaders who call themselves Christians, is that they aren’t consisitently demonstrating use of the only barometer they really need:  Answering to the best of their human ability, “What would Jesus do in this situation?”  I'll bet the majority of our politicians in Washington goes to church for image.
    I can’t imagine Jesus prostituting himself like so many on both the left and the right do today in order to “sell” Christianity or to buy loyalty. 
    I do watch Christian tv shows from time to time.  I have certain ones I like.  One night when I was changing channels on tv a religious service caught my eye and I stopped only to hear some woman giving her testimony about “…I got my holy water and within 48 hours I got a $25K check from back child support!  Praise God!  I tell everyone to get their holy water from brother so-and-so…”
    Brother so-and-so is nothing more than a charlatan who is likely living in a mansion and being driven around in a limo!  He enslaves people by convincing them that God is little more than “Santa behind a Wizard of Oz Curtain.”  The Lord must absolutely GRIEVE to see people use HIM as a marketing tool for their scams!  I know these people will stand in judgement but what can we, as true Christians, do about it?   
    What makes that pastor different from Barack Obama and his cronies?   Very little in my mind.  They both “market their wares” in the name of “God” and their brand of social justice but their actions say simply, “I want power, glory and your money and I’ll do whatever I have to to get it.”
    Years ago…proportionately,  few in America owned slaves.  They provided food, clothing and shelter to human beings in return for extremely hard work.  Horrific idea…trafficking in human beings.  (That is a part of our history, like or not.)
    Today…proportionately, few in America (i.e. politicians) are executing an agenda that just as surely enslaves people by ”bailing them out” via welfare, foodstamps, housing assistance, medical and dental care and other social programs.
    The differences in my mind?  Today the “slaves” are of all races and creeds and instead of hard work the people are asked mostly just for their votes…or for a few bucks in donation for their holy water.
    Horrific idea…trafficking in human beings…regardless of which side of the aisle or whether in church or in Washington.

    When I call myself a conservative republican, it don't mean as much as it used to.  I am still proud that I am and I will defend that to the end.  Our entire society has been infiltrated with a breed of people that could care less about America.  Matter of fact, they don't even know what America is supposed to be like.  They have a philosophy of their own.  (Anything goes)  CAPITOL HILL IS FULL OF THOSE PEOPLE INCLUDING THE PRESIDENT!  When a commedian can stand up for an entire hour, criticize George W. Bush and the Republican Party and make people laugh - SOCIETY IS SICK...  Real sick part of that is "People pay to hear that stuff!"

    Here's the kicker, we say - "How do all these idiots get elected?"  Because our society is filled with idoits just like them.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--Excellent post!  I'm just as puzzled about the whole thing as you are and will wait for DS to comment!  Help, DS!
  • gero
    Limbaugh is a comedian,  Sykes is a comedian.
    The event was a roast.
    Look up what these are you foolish people.
  • gero
    The former Vice President has no business trying to undermine the business of the country.  This is what he is doing.  This is what Limbaugh is doing. 
    This is what you are doing.
    Go away or run for office.
    See you in the funny papers.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, here is what really pisses me off about this society we live in.
    When Sarah Palin came on the scene, radicals, news media and ooze came out of the cracks to attack her.  SHE WAS UNDER CONSTANT ATTACK.  Why?  Not because she was a woman.  Not because she was a politician.  She came under attack because of her conservative views.  Because she was married TO A MAN, of all things - because she proclaims to be a christian and speaks out for her christian values.
    Miss California, SAME THING!  One comment that she thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman and BAM!  Every pot of rot there is attacks her.  They are digging so deep it is unreal.  WHERE IS ALL THE OPPOSITION?  We should be burning cities over this crap...  I don't mean that literally, but we should be dancing in the streets following every homosexual in the nation around with signs.  NOT HAPPENING!
    FOX news is reporting on it but all the rest are making a fun of it.  I turned to ABC this morning and there was three of their best, laughing and making joke.
    These are the scum buckets that I spoke of in my last post when I stated our society has been infltrated with thes maggots!
  • gero
    Bud, your continued stupidity is amazing- not surprising- just amazing that you can shelter yourself from the facts so consistantly. 

    A.   Sarah Palin did not have a clue - even about the duties of the Vice President.  She did not understand foreign policy.  

    B. She had (and has) a history of trying to insert religious viewpoints into policy. 

    C.  Both she and her husband participated in and supported a group that advocated secession from the United States.

    D.  Questions of unethical behavior on her part was proven to be true.

    E.  Her choice as a running mate was not based upon her skills, her knowledge of politics, or her history in public life- it was based upon the fact that she was a "skirt"- to attempt to gather in frustrated Hillary supporters that Karl Rove failed to understand did not exist- the democratic party had united in their support for Obama. 

    F. As Mayor- she left the town in debt,  as mayor and as governor, Palin hired cronys and high school friends to run offices  far beyond their abilities and background. 

    You are welcome to believe your nonsense above, Bud.  But the facts are there and there are any number of places that will back them up.  There are any number of REPUBLICANS who came forth and said that she was a very poor choice for a running mate.
  • gero
    Your crap about Miss California again proves your continued stupidity and ignorance.  Miss California signed an agreement when she agreed to place herself as a contestant.  The agreement (she lied) says in essence that she did not have a background that would bring negativity to the pageants or a non-wholesome background that would focus the pagents in a bad light.

    She lied.

    With her  posing for nude/semi-nude photos in the past have shown that she LIED.  

    Additionally,  reports are currently that Miss California is neglecting her responsibilities she currently has with this crown she holds  because of her activities with the anti-gay  marriage PAC she is currently involved in so heavily. 

    Stop throwing shit all over the wall, Bud- go look up some facts.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for having the ability to think and refusing to use that ability.

    Titus here - from what I have seen, does not hold a single thought of her own- she gets them all from Glenn Beck.   Reason enough to discount anything she says.

    DS- your hypocrisy continues.  and yes, i am a Vacuum Satanist.  I worship the Dirt Devil.   My house is clean.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--you are correct about Sarah Palin and Miss CA.  obama was a good speaker and made so many "mistakes" due to his ignorance in his speeches about foreign policy and other matters.  we caught it but the mainstream media did not.  of course, the liberals didn't give a damn that he had no clue what he was talking about because he was their messiah and anything goes with him.  obama has proven his ignorance to foreign policy and every other issue and i am ashamed that he is associated with this great country.  Sarah Palin was not liked for her beliefs.  She is a strong woman and I admire what she has accomplished.   Political correctness is what liberals do, which equates to lying.  I am not for lying and am a proud conservative!  Thank God we live in a land where we have a voice and can ignore stupid people--liberals.  Miss CA had the same issue.  Although i don't give a rats butt about beauty pageants, I'm proud that Miss CA keep her crown and her beliefs.  the press conference today made it clear that even obama felt as she did (that will make it alright in the eyes of the liberals or they will have to start standing up against him. ha!).  i would be fine if liberals wanted to kick the crooks--obama, biden, pelosi, reid and dodd--out of office.  that would solve our economic and foreign policy issues!  it is funny that when people have the same beliefs and discuss them all the time, we are compared to others on the news.  that is too ignorant for words so i'll just put those people where they belong--down in the rat infested gutters.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud-- i saw a clip of obama the other day during his campaign.  he was talking about how many states he had visited and he said he had visited 57 so far and had more to go.  that says it all.  so liberals need to look in their own den before venturing out.  they will find a lot of garbage in there-obama!
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, that just proves how liberal minded politicians are.  Especially, BHO.  Here is something to read and elaborate on.  This was sent to me by a friend who has followed this historic event.  Wonder how the dems act when they read something like this, IF THEY EVEN READ IT!

    Guess our national leaders didn't expect this, hmm? On
    > Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a
    > victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton,
    > Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary
    > Committee's subcommittee. What he said to our national
    > leaders during this special session of Congress was
    > painfully truthful.
    > They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it
    > received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every
    > teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every
    > psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous
    > words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and
    > deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as
    > a voice crying in the wilderness. The following is a portion
    > of the transcript:
    > "Since the dawn of creation there has been both good
    > & evil in the hearts of men and women... We all contain
    > the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of
    > my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of
    > that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died
    > must not be in vain. Their blood cries out f or answers.
    > "The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew
    > his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the
    > club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club
    > Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for
    > the murder could only be found in Cain's heart.
    > "In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I
    > was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at
    > groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am
    > not a hunter. I do not even own a gun.. I am not here to
    > represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe
    > that they are responsible for my daughter's death.
    > Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If
    > I believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder
    > I would be their strongest opponent.
    > I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a
    > tragedy -- it was a spiritual event that should be forcing
    > us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame
    > lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the
    > pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem
    > just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best.
    > Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
    > Your words are empty air.
    > You've stripped away our heritage,
    > You've outlawed simple prayer.
    > Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
    > And precious children die.
    > You seek for answers everywhere,
    > And ask the question "Why?"
    > You regulate restrictive laws,
    > Through legislative creed.
    > And yet you fail to understand,
    > That God is what we need!
    > " Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist
    > of body, mind, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a
    > third part of our make-up, we create a void that allows
    > evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc.
    > Spiritual presences were present within our educational
    > systems for most of our nation's history. Many of our
    > major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a
    > historical fact. What has happened to us as a nation? We
    > have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the
    > doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible
    > as Columbine's tragedy occurs -- politicians immediately
    > look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek
    > to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away
    > our personal and private liberties. We do not need more
    > restrictive laws. Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped
    > by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone
    > who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real
    > villain lies within our own hearts.
    > "As my son Craig lay under that table in the school
    > library and saw his two friends murdered before his very
    > eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law
    > or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every
    > young person in America , and around the world, to realize
    > that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was
    > brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers
    > offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the
    > new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that
    > violates your God-given right to communicate with Him. To
    > those of you who would point your finger at the NRA -- I
    > give to you a sincere challenge.... Dare to examine your
    > own heart before casting the first stone!
    > My daughter's death will not be in vain! The young
    > people of this country will not allow that to happen!"
    > Do what the media did not - - let the nation hear this
    > man's speech. Please send this out to everyone you can.
  • gero
    Political correctness is what liberals do, which equates to lying. 

    What a stupid statement.  

    Nice to see that you support Miss California and her "morals" and her "ethics"  that so closely reflects those of your own Titus.  

    My daughters have not posed nude or semi-nude. They have no interest in this. 
    They are also progressives.  Wouldn't you just know it- they obviously have no morals or ethics in the eyes and words of Titus the Hypocrite.  Damn you are one stupid woman, Titus.  Everyday you prove it here.  
    Sarah Palin proved her "not ready for Prime Time" every single time she opened her mouth. 
    You two were made for each other, without a doubt.   Just curious, Titus, did you also have to get married?  Sarah did.  Did your child indulge in promiscuous behavior,  Sarah's did.   Is your mother-in-law a meth addict?  Sarah's is.   Do you advocate
    secession of your state from the Union?  Sarah did.
  • gero
    Bud, we have a separation between church and state.  you want prayer in your children's school?  send them to a private school.  public school is for everyone- religious or not, handicapped or not,  whatever your ethnic background, whatever your financial status, public schools are there for EVERYONE.  I understand why you oppose this. You are a conservative republican who still believes that you think and speak for the majority of Americans.  
    Clue to you, Bud:  you are surrounded by those who do not see things your way.  You are not just in the minority,  your unconstitutional desires and  your bigoted anti-American behavior just will not fly.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--I'm so glad the father got to have his say.  He said what a lot of Americans will never get the chance to say to this administration.  It is sad that we have the scum of the earth representing our great nation.  Thank goodness we are not all like that.  I would suggest that liberals go back into their hole and reflect on obama's stupidity before throwing daggers at others.  it would have been nice if obama actually knew what he was signing in the stimulus package.  hmmmm!  liberals won't acknowledge this kind of problem.  go figure!  but hey, at least he wised up on several of Bush's policies and decided to keep them after he railing on them and Bush during his campaign.  what a fool!
  • Bill
    Titus(post 528)-Only 2 trillion dollars???? No cuts per se? Ummmm thats 2.5 times the stimulus! how much money would have to be cut to make you happy? That was EXACTLY what you called for....lowered health care spending. Obama pulled industry groups together to lower it by 200 billion a year and you just blew it off. I understand you don't like obama, but when he does do something at least give him support for going in the right direction.

    DS,Titus,Bud - If you find gero's language disrespectful, hopefully you'll reflect on your own language and how it feels to others.

    Gero-I agree. However I did find the Sykes joke about Limbaugh being the 20th hijackers not funny....but at least she realized it by saying "too far?" lol.
  • gero
    Bud, we have a separation between church and state.  you want prayer in your children's school?  send them to a private school.  public school is for everyone- religious or not, handicapped or not,  whatever your ethnic background, whatever your financial status, public schools are there for EVERYONE.  I understand why you oppose this. You are a conservative republican who still believes that you think and speak for the majority of Americans.  
    Clue to you, Bud:  you are surrounded by those who do not see things your way.  You are not just in the minority,  your unconstitutional desires and  your bigoted anti-American behavior just will not fly.  

    Titus,  Obama was on the campaign trail for 2 straight years- non-stop- with very little sleep and endless days-  your idiotic insertion of his "57 states"  displays your continued stupidity and endless nit-picking - looking for items of negativity hoping this would be effective in proving your rabid hate for Obama.  Actually, Titus,  given that you are at your own home,  getting adequate rest and food,  you still manage to repeat misrepresentations,  half-quotes, and lies.  What's your excuse, Titus?
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill--it is not actual money yet!  they "graciously" cut the money from what the rates they were going to raise.  those are unrealized gains.  it is easy to do when you have so much money to work from and a tactic used by lobbyists everywhere.  ask me how i know that and i will tell you i've seen it with an energy company firsthand.  i blew it off because now they have more leverage with obama.  i will give obama credit when he gets the very folks that are causing the corruption in the healthcare industry and elsewhere out of washington and his cabinet.  that is fair because he promised he would not have any lobbyists in his cabinet and it would not be business as usual in Washington.  he needs to clean his own house before venturing out, i.e, lobbyists, medicare and medicaid wastes within government, etc.
  • DS
    That says it all!!  I have provided many scriptures in this post from the word of God which echo the same words spoken by Darrell Scott.  I can tell gero has read them since he took the opportunity to slam me in his posts.  Liberals can go on and on about the facts they believe in, but all of the "facts" that they spew come DIRECTLY from the Democratic playbook!  They don't think for themselves!!  That is the difference bewteen liberals and conservatives.  Conservatives aren't afraid to think for themselves, nor are they afraid to stand up against the Republican party when they do the wrong thing.  Liberals would NEVER do either!!  They are merely lemmings following after their messiah, and all of their greedy, lieing, evil, anti-God associates.  They wouldn't know the truth if it lived with them!  Their minds have been so scrambled that they are unable to think, and UNWILLING to listen to the truth!!  As I have said so many times, they have a mental disease which occurs from a spiritual disease which can ONLY be healed by God. 

    I doubt that gero will take the time to read this, but here is THE truth about how he/she became the way he/she is.  It's only one little chapter from God's word, but it says it all!!

    Romans 1
     1Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God— 2the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures 3regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendant of David, 4and who through the Spirit[a] of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God[b] by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord. 5Through him and for his name's sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith. 6And you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ.
     7To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints:
          Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Paul's Longing to Visit Rome
     8First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. 9God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you 10in my prayers at all times; and I pray that now at last by God's will the way may be opened for me to come to you.
     11I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— 12that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith. 13I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that I planned many times to come to you (but have been prevented from doing so until now) in order that I might have a harvest among you, just as I have had among the other Gentiles.
     14I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish. 15That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are at Rome.
     16I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. 17For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last,[c] just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."[d]
    God's Wrath Against Mankind
     18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
     21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
     24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
     26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
     28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
  • gero
    I probably would have passed on the hijacker joke, Bill- but that's just me.
    I had friends killed in the twin towers.

    The kidney joke I would have included.  Both Rush and The Dick have placed themselves out there.  If they can dish it, they should expect to receive it as well. 
    It was a roast.  
    As for Titus, and the other nimrods here- quite a number of liberals/progressives have said that they disagreed with Sykes use of the hijacker joke-  Including Keith O.
  • gero
    If you thought for yourself, DS, you would not need your bible as a crutch.
  • Bill
    Titus-Thats the definition of spending cuts. You take things that you were gonna spend the money on, and then you don't spend it....
    For instance if you have an electricity bill for $100 and you decrease spending by 25%, then you are only obligated to pay $75 in the future. That doesn't mean that someone gives you $25. It just means in the future you will be charged $25 less.
    So over the next 10 years we will have to spend 200 billion less on healthcare....a spending cut...just like you asked for...reduced costs!:) You should be happy! If your not can you explain why not?
  • gero
    I deny your god and your bible- have said so for many years, DS.  No tree has fallen on me,  no lightning has struck me,  I have never been arrested,  never drove drunk,  never molested a child or adult, never forced myself upon a woman, never cheated on my exams,  never stole from my employer, never gave a finger to a rude driver, never kicked my dog or hit my cat.
    I never cheated on my wife or lusted in my heart for another.
    I have three daughters who are well educated and have beautiful families.  We all pay our taxes without fudging the figures, DS.
    That's how moral we are.
    Those are our values.
    That's how we live.
  • DS
    I know that gero would rather "think for himself" ha! than read anything that God has to say about him/her.  That is all part of the problem, and won't change until his/her heart is changed!  gero, repent of your sins and receive Jesus Christ today!  Then you will be able to think again, and will WANT to read and share God's truth with everyone.  You will then realize that your thoughts are so inferior to God's thoughts.  God says you are a fool gero.

    Proverbs 1:7 
     7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
           but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
  • DS
    I'm glad that you and your family try to practice moral behavior.  That is more than I can say for obama and his ilk.  But, I can tell you that you aren't righteous enough to stand before a holy God on Judgement Day!  And you WILL stand before Him gero, no doubt about it.  One more little chapter for you gero.
    Romans 3
    God's Faithfulness
     1What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? 2Much in every way! First of all, they have been entrusted with the very words of God.
     3What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness? 4Not at all! Let God be true, and every man a liar. As it is written:
       "So that you may be proved right when you speak
          and prevail when you judge."[a]
     5But if our unrighteousness brings out God's righteousness more clearly, what shall we say? That God is unjust in bringing his wrath on us? (I am using a human argument.) 6Certainly not! If that were so, how could God judge the world? 7Someone might argue, "If my falsehood enhances God's truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?" 8Why not say—as we are being slanderously reported as saying and as some claim that we say—"Let us do evil that good may result"? Their condemnation is deserved.
    No One is Righteous
     9What shall we conclude then? Are we any better[b]? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. 10As it is written:
       "There is no one righteous, not even one;
        11there is no one who understands,
          no one who seeks God.
     12All have turned away,
          they have together become worthless;
       there is no one who does good,
          not even one."[c]
     13"Their throats are open graves;
          their tongues practice deceit."[d]
       "The poison of vipers is on their lips."[e]
        14"Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness."[f]
     15"Their feet are swift to shed blood;
        16ruin and misery mark their ways,
     17and the way of peace they do not know."[g]
        18"There is no fear of God before their eyes."[h]
     19Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. 20Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.
    Righteousness Through Faith
     21But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, 23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement,[i] through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
     27Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. On what principle? On that of observing the law? No, but on that of faith. 28For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law. 29Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too, 30since there is only one God, who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through that same faith. 31Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.
  • gero
    I am " righteous enough to stand before " you,  any court of law,  or anybody else you can name, DS.  I am not a "sinner" - I am sorry that you are.  Stop being a bad person.
  • gero
    and stop stuffing your religion in my face. it's very rude.
  • Bud Mullins
    gero, shut your friggin face and get off this site.  You are the one came here shoving your shit around!

    Too bad political correctness only goes one way...
  • DS
    God loves you gero, and He wants you to love Him.  He is the ONLY way, the ONLY truth, and the ONLY life!!  He created you gero.  he knows your heart better than you do.  He knows you are a sinner, just like everyone else that has ever lived EXCEPT one....His son Jesus Christ.  Jesus came and lived among us as a man, subjecting himself to all of the same temptations that we face every day.  Yet, He was without sin!!  He died for us on the cross, and rose again from the dead after three days.  And He sits on the right hand of God, the Father today.  God sent Jesus so that He could fulfill righteousness for all of us, so that if we accepted His "free" gift we could be saved....both now and for eternity to come!!  All you have to do is to repent gero, and ask Jesus to come into your heart.  It is as simple (yet hard) as that.  Do it today gero before it is too late!!  You don't know when you will die.  Only God knows that day and hour.  He is patient gero, but He won't wait forever.  What keeps youfrom believing today?
  • Bud Mullins
    Good post DS.
  • DS
    Most of us have already seen this BEFORE the libs had it pulled from YouTube, but in case they haven't, check it out.  I wonder what arguments they use to deny this, other than the fact that it was reported by Fox News....Duh!!  They're the ONLY channel that is even interested in reporting the truth anymore!  All of the others are lemmings, following obama as closely as they can in hopes that he will toss them a few cookies in exchange for them lieing for him.

    Ya just gotta "love" our politicians!
    Our new president inherited who's mess?????????   
    This video clearly shows that George Bush warned 
     Congress starting in 2001, that this economic crisis was 
     Coming, if something was not done. But Congress refused to listen,
    along with the arrogant Congressman, Barney Frank.
    This video says it all. 
    The liberal media reportedly did not want this video on 
    You Tube; it was taken off. 
    This link is of the same video, but is routed through 
     Canada.20 Everyone in America needs to see this before it is yanked off
    the Internet again! 
     Let's see how far we can spread it before it's 
     Pulled it off the Canadian site. 
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill--it is not a definite bill so you are mistaken.  i have had experience in dealing with lobbyists on the energy side.  here's how it works; pick a number from the sky and then cut it by a certain amount.  then are you really saving any money?  it is extremely padded in the first place.  unless obama is willing to go through the books of every company he is dealing with, he won't even have a clue of whether it is a cut or not.  even if he did go over their books, there would be hidden charges in there that he couldn't find.  there would have to be someone who is extremely knowledgeable and unbiased about every company looking at them too.  so these companies have volunteered the cuts.  does that say anything to you about the legitimacy of the amount of rising healthcare costs in the first place?  there is probably some increases in costs but to what extent?  see there we will never know and can't count on the experts because of the lobbyists.  obama is not accomplishing anything a moron couldn't accomplish.  it is easy because he is going to the heart of the problem of healthcare and working from there.  however, his supporters will take what he says and the "apparent" progress he is making and think he is really doing something!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--i saw another testimony by frank from last july basically saying the same thing and i talked about it before the election.  he was angry that anyone would even question him.  he also said we didn't need to fix something that wasn't broken.  Thanks for putting this out here.  the liberals love to hate and their target is Bush for the most part.  they don't want to look within their own party but i have no explanation of why.  they will follow crooks til the end of the earth i guess.  it is like chicago politics.  they will continue to vote in crooks while understanding that chicago is the most corrrupt political machine in the US.  that is why obama was elected and his lies continue to be ignored by the left.  liberals don't want change.  they like politics as usual so they voted for obama who learned from the crooks in chicago.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud -- i hope you don't mind if i use one of your previous posts to prove a point.  Bud said in post #14:

    In an era when millions of Americans are suffering job losses and struggling to meet their most basic needs due to corruption and greed, Obama has pursued individuals who have defaulted on their taxes and evaded general responsibilities to serve in his cabinet.  In no particular order there was Tom Daschle (”was” because he has now officially bowed out of consideration as a nominee for the position of Health and Human Services Secretary), who failed to pay over $130,000 in taxes. 

    Does this not say what kind of person obama is?  well if it doesn't we need not look any further than obama's elderly aunt and what he did/did not do for her.  this also says a lot about obama's supporters who allowed this SOB to get into the highest office in the land!  what assholes!  liberals can't not justify anything at this point because they have no integrity!
  • Titus Hunt
    Gero--you are the rude idiot who came to a conservative site to cause trouble.  you didn't come here to learn but to spread your hate.  so keith o. has maybe three viewers and the real outrage from these comments are where again?  i haven't seen liberals all over the talk shows and news raising hell about such trash.  so where is it again?  i don't call you people progressives or anything of the like because it is all garbage and you can't use common sense in any of your arguments.  so your group is for stupid people who have no morals, values or understanding of our constitution, founding fathers' intent or anything else!  oh yes, IN GOD WE TRUST!  get over it.  it is in our government!  every liberal's comments are boring and are too easy to refute.   go back to obama and list his lies.  that ought to keep you busy for a long while.  i might help you with one or two on your list if you are that stupid and get stuck after the first 100.
  • DS
    Don't misinterpret Titus's comments.  She loves you just as I and Jesus do.  She just doesn't like liars, manipulators, cheaters, haters, and obama lemmings.  She prefers to be around people who want to see the truth, tell the truth, and act on the truth.  She loves her country, and hates to see it destroyed by a bunch of thugs in Washington!  I agree with her.  America.....love it or leave it!!!
  • ashamed republican
    " You are the one came here shoving your shit around!"

    said Bud - his reply to a request not to have religious dogma thrown in another's face.
    this is what's wrong with my party. 
    you people are not republicans nor are you conservatives- and I have serious doubts if you have America's interests at heart.   the constant picking apart of every single thing Obama has or has not done is not at all productive.  You only show yourselves to the the bitter losers.  Shape up.  Stop calling people names.  Stop with the "messiah" nonsense.  It only defines your bitterness that we lost.
    This place has become nothing but a coffee clutch for the sad sorry people that you have become.
    Obama is my President now.  I will support my President and do not wish him to fail for this would mean we all fail.  This outcome is not acceptable to me nor should it be to you if you truly cared about this country.  
    DS- I respect the fact that you have certain religious beliefs- but when people ask you to stop pushing it on them- you should respect this.   Anyone can quote the bible- but can you live up to the words you claim as your beliefs?   All indications are that gero - with or without your bible verses is able to be productive,  respectful of other peoples property,  a loving husband and father,  and manages just fine without your insults.

  • Titus Hunt
    DS--Thanks you are right.  i don't hate anyone but dislike bad people who are ruining our country.  We have the right to say what we want and this is a conservative site.  oh, and we are conservatives......what a novel thought! 

    ashamed republican--we have the right to criticize someone who is supposed to be leading this country when it is clear he is leading us down the wrong path.  that is common sense.  you must have liberal tendancies to "twist" the truth.  i have never heard anyone say they wanted obama to fail as a humanbeing so stop the nonsense!  that is inaccurate and is coming from the left only.  i along with every person who loves this country want obama's policies to fail because if they succeed we will be in a socialist society.  you can also add dictatorship and other terms.  we have discussed why this is so many, many times.  so if you are a conservative, you will know why.  if you are a liberal, you won't get it.  by your comments, it is easy to see you are not a true republican.  the very principals that we stand for are basic and common sense to most.  therefore, we would never compromise our principals to satisfy idiots like you who choose to go with the flow.  that is not the basis in which our country was founded!
  • DS
    it's ok for you to go the way of powell and specter if you are that ashamed.  i don't think republicans really want to be a "democrat lite" party!  if they do, they will lose!  and that is what you libs are really hoping deep down in your gut.  you don't want the republican party to return to it's greatness....believing in God, the constitution, limited government, lower taxes, and individual freedom for all!!  you know that if they go there they will end up taking back our country, and God will again be allowed to be in our country!  so stop whining already about how conservative christians are hurting the party!  their values are what the republicans need to become great again!   go ahead and leave the party ashamed!  we can manage just fine without you and all of the other rhinos that have hurt our party!  goodbye ashamed!
  • Titus Hunt
    for all of the liberals--obama and his merrymen are now throwing around the idea of taxing healthcare benefits for everyone!  hmmm!  does that sound like a campaign promise gone wrong once again?  do you morons have any clue what this means?  lower and middleclass tax increases is what it means.  hmmmm!  so much for the tax breaks.  they would be gone much sooner than i thought, which is within two years when the inflation from obama's spending habits and cap and trade hits.  hmmm! integrity is out the window with this administration!  surprise, surprise.  what a SOB!  who in the hell voted for him?  ha!  let me guess!  this is what you idiots voted for!
  • Titus Hunt
    gero--because you love obama so much, let me help you out!  see my above post.  now add this to your list of his lies.  unless you want to see our country fail, you and every moron who supported this SOB will be angry.  of course, that is if you have the capacity to understand what he is doing.  go back and listen to his campaign promises.  that will prove who obama is.  in case you miss it--he is a liar and fraud!
  • Titus Hunt
    Go, DS!
  • Bud Mullins
    Ashamed, you are so right - people like you is why our party is screwed up.  YOU PROBABLY WANT TO NEGOTIATE WITH TERRIORIST TO!  

    The good thing about being a conservative on a conservative site is we don't have to tell a lie.  The problem with being a liberal on a conservative site is you can't tell nothing but lies.  Everything I have read here about Obama seems to be true.  So, what is the real complaint?  I'll bet you are one of those wolves in little sheeps clothing, huh?  I'll bet you arn't what you pretend to be.  Oh well, there's always room for you in ACORN...  Are you standing in the shadow of something big like a tree or something?   Really, I would like to know.  The old saying is "The nuts don't fall too far from the tree."  You arn't one of those ACORN nuts are you?
  • ashamed republican
    "The problem with being a liberal on a conservative site is you can't tell nothing but lies."

    Bud,  it's one thing to go off half-cocked all of the time as you do here, but combined with your obvious poor education as shown in your quote above displays with your limited intelligence, it's no wonder you say the things that you do.  
    Titus- listen to yourself.   You tell anyone who disagrees with you or your opinions to go away.  Believe me, Titus,  true Republicans are
    leaving in droves because they do not wish to be associated with the likes of you.  Limbaugh does not speak for me.   Neither do you.
    Estimates are that those who find your ethnic and religious cleansing  necessary in order to be a "true Republican"  are measured in tiny, tiny numbers- nearly as low as the former Vice President.   You go ahead and keep your nasty attitude and your name calling.   Decent people with rational minds will move along and you will become a bitter, sour, vindictive old woman.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud and DS--I have previously noted that the liberals go hide under a rock, in a cave, or something every time they are proven wrong.  Well, today is no exception.  So I can say that the snakes slithered from the truth again.  These issues are so elementary that they are no challenge to discuss.  Maybe we can blame the government for the failures of the school systems to teach liberals simple thinking skills.  Nah!  That would be a liberal thought!  We need to blame parents for not teaching their children to think critically and understand that there can be huge consequences when we don't, i.e., electing obama equals socialism, higher taxes for the middleclass, etc.  In addition, parents need to be blamed for not teaching children high morals and values.  It is evident throughout the whole left-winged nut party that they lack these essentials.  Moreover, as they become adults, we can blame them for not picking up an economics book or comprehending what they read in the book.  Do they only read liberal books?  Maybe that explains it?  LOL!  I guess we can't expect them to understand what being an American means.  We knew from the beginning the stimulus would not work and guess what?  We were right again!  We have been blessed with intelligence my friends!  However, until now I didn't think it would take much to figure out obama's agenda was going to destroy this country.
  • ashamed republican
    Dora, your post #309 was right on the mark.  I hope that you will continue to post on this site.  I appreciate your notice of the very poor grammar used here.   Titus still does not understand what the "dumbing down of America" means.  She uses this phrase in a most peculiar manner displaying this lack of understanding constantly. 
    What did these people do while the rest of us attended school I wonder.  Simple English grammar concepts seem lost on them- I wonder if they are first in line wanting English as the official language though- and for all ballots to be English only.   I find that rather odd.
  • ashamed republican
    Titus,  I am afraid that you sound like a lunatic.
  • Titus Hunt
    ashamed republican--first of all i am not old.  i just understand the principals of both parties.  my son can even figure this out.  people are leaving in droves because they never had the republican principals to begin with.  you must be a very sad person to state such stupid rhetoric.  read the principals of both parties, you idiot!  if you believe in big government, heavy government involvement, socialism, high taxes, tax and spend philosophies, etc., obama is your guy.  i'll just say i feel sorry for you!  obama said today that there will be an increase in taxes for the middleclass.  so add that to his list of lies he has told the American people.  i can name more but you are obviously not on a level to understand it.  i suggest you start reading and watching obama yourself.  try picking up an economics book and understanding it for a change.  duh!  pure economics 101 proves obama wrong.  it is sickening to listen to such stupidity.  you sound like a broken record from the left.  get your facts straight before spewing garbage.  maybe you need to go back to your parents and blame them for your stupidity!  i'm glad i have never met them because i would be glad to explain their bad parenting skills to them!
  • Titus Hunt
    ashamed republican--thank you.  i'll take that as a compliment coming from a liberal.  state policies and facts and we can discuss them.  however, you have not done this.  your lack of knowledge about the issues is apparent.  most liberals don't understand them either so don't feel too bad.  you are with a group of dumb folks so you will blend in! 
  • Bud Mullins
    WHERE ARE ALL THE JOBS?  I repeat: WHERE ARE ALL THE JOBS?  All the stimulus money went to states and supposed to create thousands of jobs!  WHERE ARE ALL THE JOBS?  States are continuing to cut state programs, lay off workers.  California is going to file bank-ruptcy.  Arizonia is cutting state programs and laying off more and more of their state workers.  Oklahoma is not cutting programs and getting ready to trim jobs.  HEY!  Isn't there a state worker union in all the states?  Well, maybe they can work for the unions...  No problem though, Obama says he got it covered.  Yea, Bill Clinton didn't have sex with that woman either!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--the proof of obama's success or failure is right here!  let me see which side he falls on!  jobs equals success and no jobs equals failure!  i know, i know.  oh please, oh please let me answer this question!  LOL!  maybe they will come next year or the next or the next or.......blah, blah, blah.  that would be too late since we need them now!  i think i'll put my faith in common sense and not in rhetoric.  i'm winning on common sense!  wow!  what a discovery!  seriously, it is a shame that obama's supporters don't give a damn that people are struggling to feed their families.  it is getting to be dire for some folks and the soup lines are growing every day.  so now the liberals are just sitting back enjoying the fact that obama was elected while the failure of obama's policies are evident.  they are ignoring the men, women and children who are losing their homes because there are no jobs and obama promised to deliver them!  they would rather use rhetoric because there are no excuses.  well i have news--people who can't find jobs and feed their families are the ones who are losing under obama's policies.  i guess that is change we can believe in?  hmmmm!
  • DS
    Bud and Titus,
    You both make me so proud to be a conservative!  Common sense is alive and well in you, and we all know where it comes from don't we?  My prayer is that someday all of the liberals will be able to attain simple, common sense as well.  When I went to school, I was always taught to think for myself, and to not believe everything that people told you.  That value no longer exists with the libs.  They believe everything that the messiah says, even when he has been caught lieing over and over again!  They can't help it!  It's what they have been taught in their schools.  The dumbing down of America is alive and well in our highschools and colleges.  Usually, kids grow up and realize that what they were taught in college was a lie, but there a lot of libs today who apparently never grew up, or refuse to admit the failures of their education.  Either way, they are a menace to society.  I wish they would go find a country which shares their same value system....maybe Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, or North Korea?
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--i think liberals should all gather on a far away island.  i'll be glad to tell the terrorists where they are.  i'll even pay for the advertisements in the middle eastern papers.  liberals won't mind since their idea of protecting our country is to talk to those who seek to destroy us.  they won't care that they have no protection.  maybe the terrorists would simply get in a boat and go talk to them instead of blowing them up.  well, at least the liberal theory would be able to be proven or disproven at that point.  personally, i would rather be a republican and believe in a strong national defense but to each his own i guess!  now i don't wish anyone harm but think the liberals need to start living in the real world for a change.  it would help them to understand the real problems we face.  it is apparent that obama got a rude awakening when he backed Bush's surveillance policy.  before that he trashed it!  hmmmm!  obama was unqualified to be the leader of the free world?  yes, that is correct!
  • DS
    Titus/Bud 2012!!
  • Titus Hunt
    whoohoo!  however i think DS and Bud should run.  Please let me handle the finances for you!  i would ensure every penny would be accounted for and not blown.  we would then have real results to show for every taxpayer dollar spent.  that is a guarantee!  once a year DS and Bud could invite all of the world's leaders to discuss world peace and any other issues; however, grilled hamburgers and hotdogs would be served due to monetary restraints.  (one per visitor.)  No more visitors allowed to eat on the taxpayer dime during the year other than the one occasion.  LOL!  senators and congress would not be allowed to expense anything but pens and paper.  airplane trips and car leases would be out!  now that's is how tight the whitehouse should be with our money since we are in a crisis and people are losing their homes and are struggling to feed their babies.  that is called respect and responsibility.  those words are not in the liberal dictionary but i'll let the liberals borrow mine!
  • Bill
    Titus-I'll assume that you're joking (albeit in poor taste if you want to have a mature discussion) about putting all the liberals on an island and killing them all. The last western government to do that was a national socialist one......:(

    Also, you still seem confused about the role the government plays....you like the armed services, but hate them because the people who "run" them don't spend money wisely......
    You enjoy the road system, and the government builds and maintains them.

    I asked this before, but never recieved an answer...what IS the government supposed to do? Should private industry run the army? Build the roads? Run the schools?
    If you say that we need more regulation to stop bad government, keep in mind that thats a liberal position......I personally think we should have more regulation....
  • Bill
    DS Bud-Im dissapointed you guys are ok with titus going off like this.....she just suggested helping terrorists murder liberals.....I'm sure Jesus would love that! How can you talk about morals when someone suggests that? Its like literally the worst thing you can do.......:(

    Ashamed Republican-I think the republicans can bring some good ideas to the table...but they are too far to the right now. Our economy IS having problems...however its NOT being choked by overtaxing. Thats why cutting taxes wont solve the problem. So looking to that as the only solution to our woes is pretty short sighted. Between that and the number of voters they lose due to exclusion by their socially conservative beliefs, they willhave a hard time winning elections for awhile. This is dissapointing because they should be there to temper the democrats.....what do you think?
  • DS
    ok Bill,
    Sorry Titus, but I'm going to speak for you.  YES!!!  Provate industry should run everything Bill.  They would do a MUCH better job than the government!!   There, are you happy?
  • DS
    Titus is just being sarcastic, and you should be smart enough to figure that out!  obama thinks he can solve the world's problems merely by talking to the bad guys.  She knows differently, so she would like you to go to an island far away to do your talking as we know how it would turn out.  If liberals are so sure they can convince terrorists to stop hating us, why not take up the challenge and prove it?
  • Bill
    LOL now I know you dont believe they should run everything......

    Well about talking to our enemies.....it worked really well with north korea....until they got nukes. Iran is about to get them...guess it didn't work there either:(

    Reagan talked to the soviets in the cold war....guess that worked pretty well.

    If we dont talk with them they just do what they want.......
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill--you are twisting my words again.  when will you stop.  i said that if liberals think the way to solve the problem with people who want to kill us is by talking and weakening our national defenses, which is what is happening according to the middle eastern culture, they should not have a problem testing out their philosophy.  that was it.  it was not humor.  this theory can be proven and since you guys are the ones who support obama and he wants to talk to them to get peace......  let's see if it works.  you guys should be willing to back up what you say.  if it works........all is well!  then you guys will have taught us conservatives something.  now i happen to know it won't work so i'll choose to stay in the US under the protection of our military and the strong national defense that Bush put into place.  however, obama is tearing it down as we speak! until this happens obama's actions are endangering us all.  you guys are the ones who think you understand the minds of criminals and crazy people!  you should not be willing to endanger others on just a theory.  that would be selfish!  so liberals should be willing to put up or shut up.  if i had that stance, which i don't, i would have the guts to stand behind my convictions.  do liberals?  i doubt it! 

    Bill, you are twisting my words around again!  please stop!  government has a role in ensuring our protection, assisting in the infrastructure, making policies for the good of our nation while protecting our freedoms.  the government also has a responsibility to ensure that the taxpayer's money (every penney of it) is spent wisely.  for example, if it is decided that a stimulus package is necessary to temporarily create jobs, there should be nothing in that bill that wouldn't create jobs for the masses and not just the few.  so the tatoo removal and pig smell prevention project would not be allowed because it doesn't serve that purpose and it is a waste of money.  now if obama wanted to pass a bill that was for the purpose of blowing money these two projects should be included along with others.  in this time of crisis and according to obama's promises, he should have been a real leader and threatened everyone on both sides that any bill will be vetoed that doesn't specifically serve the purpose it was intended for.  now that is a leader and obama would have shown integrity for living up to his promises to the American people.  that didn't happen and no one read the bill he signed.  how stupid was that?  this cannot be argued even by liberals because of the problem afterwards concerning the bonuses.  expecting taxpayers to throw their hard earned money into a black hole is stupid!   

    your comment--If you say that we need more regulation to stop bad government, keep in mind that thats a liberal position......I personally think we should have more regulation....

    that is crazy!  we need the right balance and you guys have no clue what that is and take it to the extreme.  that is the problem.  too much regulation can hinder capitalism!  that is happening now with our trade agreements and it is proving not to be in the best interests of the American people.  can't you see the difference here?  how can you think that today's announcement by obama concerning taxing every taxpayer's healthcare benefits is right?  this is hypocritical since obama spoke against this specifically in his campaign rhetoric.  so this is another one of obama's out and out lies.  he lied to the American people once again.  do you have a problem with this?  I do and so do many others.  are you going to just sweep that under the carpet too?  if you do, there is another piece you are missing.  the nothing of a middleclass tax cut he just gave of about $13/week is out the door with this new idea.  now the middleclass is in the hole again and this does not count obama's promise of creating jobs that is not happening!  so obama's lies are piling up and you guys are just standing by watching.  how disgusting!  i am a true American because i care about this country and don't want obama's agenda of destroying this nation to succeed!  every dime that obama takes from families because of his tax and spend policies is a dime that a mother or father can't spend to buy food for their children or to put a roof over their heads.  that is a problem and liberals are ignoring it!

    this conversation is tiresome because even my son understood these principals as a young teenager.  this is common sense to him and we didn't discuss any of this until he got older.  i just let him talk about it to me.  he laughed at the stupidity of the liberal agenda (and he didn't understand who liberals were or the term) even back then and understood economics better than most people in college and had not even had a course in it yet.  he quoted basic economic theory to me without even knowing what it was.  it was just common sense to him.  so what happened with folks who are supporting obama?  His "hope" philosophy  is clearly not working! 

    in another post i explained how these medical companies work and how obama is deceiving the American people by saying that they are going to save us $2 trillion.  this is a fact and i understand how lobbyists work because i saw them in action.  so what do you have to say about that?  you didn't answer.  what happens to people who have private insurance when obama taxes it and they can't afford to pay for the copays because obama is stealing their money?
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill--you really have a problem understanding English i think.  it is like when Rush clearly spoke about wanting obama to fail and you guys purposely lied about what he actually said.  i don't listen to Rush and have no clue what channel he is on.  however, i saw his clip and understood it immediately.  his message was clear as it could be.  when Rush further explained it on the news, you guys still purposely spread lies about the true meaning when it was clear as a bell in the beginning and he should not have explained it further.  these lies continued.  i hope obama's agenda fails also.  if it does America will win!  facts back that comment up and you can read them throughout this blog. 

    You also purposely misread my comments on liberals on an island.  it was clear as a bell to DS.  he understood it so why can't you?  did you read my note about me not wanting anyone harmed?  does this comment mean anything to you?  i think you are the typical liberal who refuses to actually comprehend what is said because my post plainly stated its purpose. 

    talking with other nations' leaders works when it is done based on how the other country will receive our message.  a country's culture has to be understood first.  obama clearly speaks as if every culture is the same or maybe he is ignoring it entirely, which is a big mistake!  obama should have learned his lesson about cuba after he returned home from his trip when fidel refuted the whole conversation obama had with his brother.  i guess it will take an attack on our soil or something drastic for liberals to understand obama's philosophy is wrong!  i learned a lot about middle eastern culture through my studies and i am not an expert.   however, i even understand it better than obama. 

    by the way, it is apparent that you don't understand how business works in this country by your comments on taxation.  that is so elementary that i won't even address it now but i can say that you are wrong again.  if you think you are right, prove it.  i will be glad to prove you wrong.  this is an area i'm good at but it is common sense also.
  • Titus Hunt
    this is just more proof that democrats don't want to stop corruption.  add this article to the list.  this list is not inclusive but it is late. 

    1.  obama choosing people in his cabinet that don't pay their taxes.
    2.  obama choosing people in his cabinet that are/were lobbyists.
    3.  frank, pelosi, reid and dodd--their list is too long to name.
    4.  obama is from the most corrupt political system in the US. 
    5.  Acorn

  • ashamed republican
    do not use Fox "news"  as a source for anything but humor - their skewed reporting has been shown over and over again to be too biased to be seen as anything close to reliable.
    Those wishing to spread hate and fear mongering spend a great deal of time there.  Cheney is an excellent example of this.  Titus, another excellent example.  Nobody with any grasp of the facts find their ramblings anything but mere lunacy.
  • DS
    So who do you use for your source?  All of the other media outlets are in bed with obama and his socialist agenda!  And I wonder why?  is it because all of the schools they attended were filled with anti-American professors?  Could it be that most of the professors are non-recovering druggies from the 60's?  Could it be that most of the professors are true socialists, if not communist?  How do we expect to get "true" journalism in this country?  Fox News is the most fair and balanced news media out there, and it is laughable that you don't get it.  But then again, I can't expect you to because you are a liberal!  And Dick Cheney is a great American!  He helped keep our country safe, and is always willing to speak the truth, even if it isn't what you libs want ot hear.  He isn't wishy-washy like Powell, Specter, and all of the other rino's.  He was never worried about re-elections!  He just did the right thing!  It's time that other politicians do the same. 

    Liberals will NEVER get it as long as they bow to their gods of bael, instead of to the King of the Universe, Jesus Christ!  He alone is THE way, THE truth, and THE life ashamed!!  And you can know Him personally!  Repent of your sins, and He will forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness!  Do it today ashamed!  Don't wait until it is too late!!
  • DS
    By the way, why don't you change yourname on her to "proud liberal" because that's what you really are!  It sickens me to converse with another wishy-washy republican who really isn't!!
  • a red voice
    or how about change your name to "idiotic liberal who likes to bash on true republicans"
    DS, Titus, & Bud thank you for all your comments and support for true conservatism, what our country was founded and based on.
  • Titus Hunt
    ashamed republican--where are your facts to back up your rhetoric.  you and obama have no integrity and hide behind stupidity.  you guys belong together and i'm glad you are not on my team.  i would not want you around me.  when you are talking to us, back your thoughts up with facts. 
  • Bud Mullins
    DS, Titus, a red voice - YOU'RE ALL GREAT AMERICANS!  Great Americans is the very reason our country started out on the RIGHT foot and is still the greatest today...  Great Americans making the ultimate sacrifice is why we have lived free all these years.  Great Americans paying the ultimate price is why we arn't Communist or Natzis or some other form of foreign scum.  YES, we have all done it for liberals to...  DON'T EVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENT.
  • Bud Mullins
    On April 15, concerned and caring individuals held TEA Parties in over 2,000 cities. Hundreds of thousands of Americans participated in the TEA Parties. Despite those numbers, the liberal media practically ignored the event. When asked if he knew about the TEA Parties, President Obama said he was unaware of them.
    Another TEA Party day is scheduled for July 4. Our elected officials in Washington continue to lead us down the path of heavy debt. The massive spending spree will leave a mountain of debt to be paid by our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
    I’m writing asking you to help by organizing a TEA Party rally in your community. You pick the time and the place for your rally, then publicize it and get others to help you promote it. Under “Locations” on the TEAPartyDay.com web-site you can find if others in your community are participating. If so, get with them and try to work together.
    Our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren need you to support this movement. Please support, attend and/or help organize a TEA Party rally in your community. Please encourage others to do the same.
    • I ask one favor. If a radio station in your community has a talk show, would you call the host and ask him or her to sponsor and support the TEA Party rally in your community. Thanks so very much.
  • Titus Hunt
    a red voice--i love your website!  your pro-life articles are excellent.  we are glad to have you here.  please join in often.  your thoughts would be appreciated.
  • Bill
    Titus-I answered in post 556 about healthcare....I see the point you are making, and I agree in the sense that even more should be done to decrease costs.. That being said, 2 trillion in decreased future spending IS a step in the right direction...why can't you admit that? Healthcare spending increases 6% a year currently...now it will increase at 1.5% a year. How doesn't that reflect future savings?

    As for twisting your words, I think you forget things you say. You said that "anything government gets its hands on it ruins" Well...the government runs the army, our roads, universities....etc. You can't make those statements, then discount them and expect people to understand what you are saying. Either government DOES ruin everything it gets its hands on or it DOESN'T. one or the other.....you said it DOES...I disagree.

    About the islands comment....its hard when you say many hateful/disrespectful things to differentiate when you are kidding from when you are serious. How am I supposed to know that when you say liberals are liars/hate the country/have no morals/are stupid you are serious and then suddenly are joking when you say you want something bad to happen to them you are joking? I don't really care, but when you are so hateful Titus it is hard to tell the difference:( Notice that I don't speak like that in my posts.....

    As far as the middle class tax cut....thats my POINT...taxes AREN"T CHOKING OUR ECONOMY. They aren't screwing it up. Lowering taxes won't help fix it then. We had 8 years of tax cuts and our economy tanked....why would lowering them further do anything?

    I have no idea what you are talking about with taxation in the last paragraph.

    I realize Im talking with extremists here, but I'm glad that you guys are out. The country was doing great under clinton...then bush came...ruined it and left the crisis for the next guy...Now Obama will fix things over the next 8 years.

    I'm debating continuing to post here. I was looking for some intelligent discussion to help me understand and so far I've had alot of Titus talking about how I have no common sense. What do you guys think?
  • ashamed republican
    Hannity twists Wash. Post report to claim "the stimulus is failing"

    as seen on FOX

    Fox News pushes GOP horror story of Obama setting Gitmo terrorists loose in U.S.
    May 12, 2023 6:18 pm ET

    as seen on FOX

    Fox Nation asks: "Is it Empathy? Or Is Obama Shredding the Constitution?"
    2 hours and 10 minutes ago

    as seen on FOX

    Slippery Dope: O'Reilly, others on Fox News warn of "triads" with legalization of same-sex marriage

    as seen on FOX

    Right-wing media continue to hint at anti-Obama violence
    2 hours and 6 minutes ago

    as seen on FOX

    Titus- why you continue to defend the fear mongering is beyond me.
    you put all proud republicans in a bad light.
  • DS
    I don't see any reason for you to hang around.  You don't want to see the truth, and you seem to be getting confused all of the time.  I think Titus, Bud, and I have done all that we can to help you see the truth, but you have refused like all of the other libs on here.  The only answer to help you overcome this disease is to come to the Lord, and allow Him to reveal the truth to you Himself.  Then, you might be able to actually help turn this country around!  See you later Bill.
  • ashamed republican
    and yes, I am ashamed of you daring to call yourself a member of the loyal opposition.  you are a lunatic right wing fringe fanatic.  nothing more.
  • Titus Hunt
    well it looks as if the incompetent administration is going to seek their so-called "healthcare reform" and it is going to be handled the same way as the "stimulus package"--half-assed.  that seems to be the theme around this administration and its supporters--let's do everything half-assed so that it is done regardless of whether it is efficient or accomplishes anything.  let's ensure billions of taxpayer dollars are wasted that we cannot track while ensuring the companies the lobbyists represent are taken care of in the process.  liberals love this!  this is what they want.  now in the real world these unAmerican morons would be just what i see everyday--just another idiot i've had to work with who has no morals or values and is selfish to the core.  those people are everywhere.  thank God i'm not one of them!  i can spot a liberal within just a few minutes into a conversation and we don't even have to talk about politics.  i've yet to be wrong.  they have bells going off all around them and i stay away from those who have lower intelligence than the average rock--liberals.  as we have seen in the past few days, obama's rhetoric about how he was going to pay for all of his "programs" has failed and he is now seeking to take money from everyone in any way possible.  so if we have to pay more taxes on soft drinks and the like, it will be the liberals fault.  if the middle class has to pay more for anything, it is the liberals fault.  Liberals--thank you for bringing down America!  I am proud to be a true republican.  it is a party that actually understands how to solve problems and long ago we were warning the idiot liberals that this would happen.  the smartasses thought they knew it all and voted for this SOB anyway.  way to go you idiots!  liberals will continue to go along with this joke of an administration until money starts coming out of their pockets and more jobs are lost.  then the crying and sobbing will start because they are a bunch of wimps and losers.  obama's plans for stopping the tax havens for companies will ultimately hurt America in a time of crisis as most of us know.  in the long run more jobs will be lost but you can't tell a liberal this.  their stupidity overrules common sense!  my posts have not changed since before the election.  i knew what was going to happen if obama was elected and have the posts on this site to prove it.  i just wonder how liberals are able to dress themselves in the morning much less sleep at night.  i think they are afraid to believe in God because they understand enough to know they would have a hard time dealing with fire for eternity!  so they are chicken!
  • ashamed republican
    I remember a time when being a republican in this great country was a respectable thing- you Titus, DS, and Bud put to shame our name- replacing our party with your constant belittling those that do not agree with you - then you claim that liberals criticize you for the small tent that you wish to maintain.  you cannot have it both ways.  every single time GOP RNC head, Steele makes a comment that even resembles something moderate-you people on the fringes have a fit.
    Steele ends up withdrawing his statements and we look as disorganized and narrow minded as before.  As long as you, Titus, continue promote this culture of hate and divisiveness this will never change.
  • DS
    Media Mattaers?  Are you serious?  They are a hack job organization if there ever was one!  If you use them to get your news, you are in BIG trouble!!  What was there for any of us to comment on in the links you sent?  Most of them don't provide any information other than a statement someone on Fox made.  Yet, even so, I agree with all of the statements Fox News hosts made in your links.  Do you ever think about anything?  Their statements are ALL true!!!  Get a grip ashamed!  No, get saved ashamed!  Then you will be able to think properly!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill and ashamed republican--  continue to call people who use common sense along with economics 101 fanatics.  go ahead and make fools of yourselves.  apparently you can't understand ENGLISH because obama speaks it very plainly.  listen to his words and get someone who has some common sense to translate it for you. 

    Bill--it is easy for you to "just discuss" issues when you don't see that obama is destroying this country.  it is easy for you to stay calm when you don't have the understanding what is actually happening.  it is easy for you to sit by and praise obama when you don't worry about feeding your family or children and have a roof over your head.  it is easy for you to sit back and enjoy the suffering of others who are the direct result of obama's failed policies.  seeing $320k thrown out the door to get a picture is just one example of wasteful spending.  how about the hundreds of millions of dollars now going overseas to fund abortions thanks to obama.  don't you think struggling families could have used this money.  oh yeah, i forgot--you are a liberal and those things are irrelevent.  oh here's one more--money designated for tatoo removal.  so go ahead--talk away.  tell us how great obama is and continue to have "discussions and trade ideas" with those of us who actually give a damn about this country and its people! 

    ashamed republican--i would suggest that your continue down your plight of extreme left-winged ideas.  so the shows for you are keith o and rachel maddow.  they ought to be right up your ally.  since they lie about every other sentence and have left wing nutjobs on their shows, you will just enjoy it!  more power to ya!  you will be one of about three listeners.  Fox is number one for a reason but is only for those who actually speak and comprehend ENGLISH!
  • Bill
    Thanks for your input...keep in mind though, when I'm "confused" it means that I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt over an idea of (Titus's usually) that is wrong.
    You hate government but love the armed services, the idea that one person could be abusing a social program is reason enough to cancel it regardless of how many people it helps. You want to tax rich people less even as they take your money from you. These are the pedestals you stand on. No wonder the base running current conservatives are screwed.

    You guys are pretty hatefilled, with all the name calling, belittleing and joking about sending liberals to an island to be murdered by terrorists (Jesus LOVED joking about murder...right? or wait.....). Conservatives of your sort won't ever be in power again. Real Americans rejected your goofy ideas in the last election after they fucked up our contry.
    Conservatives DO have a place at the table once they temper their views on social issues, environmentalism (or lack thereof), and an absolutely overzealous aversion to taxes. Until then....enjoy patting eachother on the back on some godforsaken blog! I'm gonna look for smart conservatives...... peace ouuuuuuuuut!:)
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill-by the way, if you think that all aspects of the military are run well, i have some swamp land to sell you.  the reason we are safe is because there are republicans and blue dog democrats who actually give a damn about protecting this country, i.e., George Bush!  Patraus is another excellent example!  however, try to get medical care for family members who have major problems, look at the money blown that can't be tracked.  these issues are the fault of both sides.  the construction projects in this nation are definitely done but at what cost?  have you ever seen a newly completed road project that already has issues?  why don't you admit that illegals work as day laborers and get cash under the table to send back to their families.  hmmmm!  why doesn't the government stop this?  the word ILLEGAL is important to note before making a decision on this one.  i know the answer!  keep up your liberal thoughts, it is really not helping you see the government for what it is.  if you need another example of this, look at social security.  i predicted a long time ago that if obama got into office and followed his agenda, social security would suffer more than it would have if the republican agenda was followed because jobs would have been saved and/or created and the economy would have recovered faster due to basic economics.  why didn't you think of this?  another one of my predictions is now coming to light unfortunately!  it seems to be an all or nothing deal with liberals.  for example, if the true cost of a needed project is $100 but $10,000 is spent, liberals think they did an excellent job and finished the job and everyone should praise them.  efficiency and the wasting of taxpayer money doesn't come into play.  if republicans say something about it, liberals call them extreme!  if republicans then scream because the idiot liberals want to raise taxes as a result, the liberals call republicans names.  hmmmm!  it is all a game to you people!  however, your gig is up and it is just a matter of time!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill--good luck and glad you are leaving.  go find a blog with people who are willing to listen to your rants and lies and it will be a liberal one.  your comment--peace ouuuuuuuuut--resembles a young punk!  wonder if you listen to the nasty rap music that belittles women too?  oh well, not my problem.  conservative values are constant and i really dislike your party dividing us as a nation by your radical views that are obviously failing.  litmus test--where are the jobs, you moron?  now i must go mourn your leaving us!  LOL!
  • Titus Hunt
    Fellow conservatives--have you ever noticed that liberals love to take our words out of context even when they are quite clear to most average thinking adults?  then when we explain and explain the obvious, they continue to twist our words in the end.  they use their twisted ideas of what we say against us even though they know they are lying.  that is evil and they are scum.  you can't make something sweet out of a lemon so being honest is the only way to go.  after the explanations go on and on and they are clear, liberals lie because that is what they do best.  logic is not used in any of their thought processes because they don't have any.  they are continuing to divide this country even further with their hate.  then somehow it is our fault--not really.  however, we are expected to understand obama and biden's many, many, many, many "mistakes."  these mistakes are so huge that they impact our jobs and families but we are just supposed to ignore them.  how in the hell can anyone not understand what Rush said the first time he said it?  how in the hell can anyone not understand my example of the island?  this idiot bill insisted that i wanted liberals to die.  what kind of fool would say that?  hmmm!  i can say that my party has been too tolerant of stupid people for far too long and we have been the ones who have just sat back and watched liberals in action.  well no more!  liberals don't want to stand for anything because they have no morals.  they don't want to prove their theories because they are afraid they won't work.  you and i have heard millions of times now about their "hope" and "change" philosophies.  yeah, they are very UnAmerican.
  • Titus Hunt
    I just read an article about obama and his lawyers trying to stop the release of the pictures showing abuse.  duh!  what the pictures actually contain is not certain!  why did he wait so long to say anything?  is this not common sense?  he is trying to stop a group of people from his own party so that American lives will not be endangered.  obama might continue to ruin our economy, destroy our freedoms, continue the corruption in washington and further destroy our standing in the world but he doesn't want the senseless killing of our soldiers due to these pictures being made public on his head.  even he has his limitations.  that is great that he doesn't want this to ruin himself in the eyes of liberals, which are his loyal subjects.  you know they stab people in the back in an instant for their own gain.  however, i'll give obama credit for letting his corrupt PR machine run its course before making a statement.  for weeks we have heard a lot of lunatics-liberals-discussing how they want the pictures released.  now that their messiah said no, they may shut up!  we can only hope!  we all know that common sense is not on their side.
  • DS
    I totally agree Titus!  The bottom line is that the Democrats and left wing nut jobs spent all 8 years bashing Bush, stirring up hate and discontent, and creating class warfare.  That has gotten us to this point.  Even "normal", everyday citizens have been brainwashed to the extent that they can't see the forest through the trees!  They see evrything through the "Bush hating lens", and the left wing media nut jobs do everything they can to keep that lens polished and focused.  I think Bill might be one of those "normal" citizens who have been so corrupted that he couldn't see truth, even if it slept with him.  Deny, deny, deny........hate Bush, hate Bush, hate Bush.....attack conservatives, attack conservatives, attack conservatives!!!  That is their mantra, and they won't change UNLESS Jesus changes their hearts!!  Jesus, we ask you right now through the power of the Holy Spirit, to change their hearts and their minds!  Show them the error in their ways Lord, and cause them to get to their breaking points so that they have nothing left to do but to surrender to you!!  We pray this for obama, his cabinet, all of congress, and to every person in this country who doesn't know you.  In jesus' name, Amen!!
  • DS
    Hang in there Bill.  Seek Him and His righteousness, and ALL things will be added unto you.  Matthew 6:33
  • a red voice
    Titus - thanks for the welcome - I can't always blog as often as I would like ( I have 4 young kids, am pregnant, homeschool, & am secretary for our business, so sometimes I can't squeeze the blogging & commenting in.) I do appreciate all your comments & thoughts.

    As for Bill & Ashamed Republican if you would "really" & "sincerely" like to learn what the conservative party stands for & the reason behind the economic mess- here is a fabulous site with many articles & essays based on many facts. There are many essays on the site that explain many questions you may have. The Patriot Post It is not a blog so you can't bash - but there's much information posted for those that really want to learn what conservatives really stand for.

    My brother is one of the "rich" business owners that makes over $250K that Obama wants to punish with taxes. My brother should pay his "fair" share plus everyone elses because he is successful.  But what has happened to his business & his employees? He has had to lay people off, & with more taxes to pay - he has more liabilities and risk than the average American who doesn't own a business - so he will have to continue to lay people off.  So tell me how do higher taxes help average Americans and the economy? If you hurt the businesses with taxes, it does trickle down & the average Americans are hurt too. The more he owes in taxes, the less he has to invest in & expand his business and because of this he is less likely to hire more people.

    I don't like to bash or argue & I get disgusted with liberals who come around on conservative sites who just want to bash & not really learn. If you want to stay in your beliefs that "socialism" will actually save America - then go to a Liberal site & your beliefs will be confirmed.

    Bill you stated: "The country was doing great under clinton...then bush came...ruined it and left the crisis for the next guy...Now Obama will fix things over the next 8 years."

    I believe Bush made mistakes too. He spent way too much. However, there is much more to the economy than the President... Congress is important too for checks & balances. Realize that under Clinton, there was a Republican Congress - Newt was in. Now there are no checks and balances.

    Many of the economic problems stemmed from the housing crisis. Here is some more info about the housing crisis & the economic cascade it has caused - It cannot be attributed entirely to Bush.  There's much more info on the site, if you'd like to learn what really happened.
    The Community Reinvestment Act was passed by Democrats of the 95th Congress and signed into law by Jimmy Carter in 1977. It coerced lending institutions to make loans "to the entire community," undermining means testing to qualify applicants for mortgages.
    In 1989, President G. H. W. Bush signed the Financial Institutions Reform Recovery and Enforcement Act increasing public oversight of the process of issuing CRA ratings to banks, in the wake of the savings and loan debacle of the
    1980s. That helped restore some integrity to the CRA.
    However, Bill Clinton's signature on legislation making it easier for minority constituents with bad credit to obtain mortgages really reseeded the crisis.
    On 20 November 1994, Clinton signed the United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Article V(e)(iii) of that treaty asserts that all people have a "right" to housing. A year later, in order to comply with the treaty and win the hearts and minds of millions of low income constituents, he had his Treasury Secretary, Robert Rubin, rewrite the lending rules for the CRA, opening the Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association) and Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) subprime flood gates. In other words, mortgage lenders were able to make millions of loans to borrowers who, subject to free market lending practices, would not have been able to qualify for loans. Clinton's legislation, in effect, applied affirmative action to the lending industry, which is to say that the current crisis is NOT a "free market failure" but the result of socially engineered financial policy by the central government. The mortgage markets welcomed their new customers with open arms, fueling a real estate boom across the board. These so-called "subprime mortgages," which were offered at variable interest rates, were widely perceived as good investments by financial institutions, which bought bundled mortgages from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Investors used the high-risk bundled mortgages to secure assets in other markets fueling profits for investment banks and mortgage lenders. The subprime market expanded rapidly and the mortgage instruments were used by other firms as collateral for investments in stocks, commodities and the like.
    In 1999, financial analysis by The New York Times noted, "Fannie Mae, the nation's biggest underwriter of home mortgages, has been under increasing pressure from the Clinton Administration to expand mortgage loans among low and moderate income people.... In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the [thrift industry] savings and loan industry in the 1980's."
    Indeed, the article quoted economist Peter Wallison from the conservative American Enterprise Institute, who warned, "If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry."
    But the S&L bailout was a drop in the bucket compared to the gathering storm over mortgage lending practices.
    In 2001, the administration of George W. Bush raised caution flags about lending by the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, noting in its '02 budget request that "financial trouble of a large GSE could cause strong repercussions in financial markets, affecting Federally insured entities and economic activity." A year earlier, the administration had backed a bill to tighten regulation of Fannie and Freddie but Democrats, particularly Rep. Barney Frank, now chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, protested. Frank insisted the concern was "overblown," and that "there is no federal liability there whatsoever." Responding to the Bush administration's concerns in 2002, Frank proclaimed, "I do not regard Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as problems."
    In 2003, the Bush administration upgraded its concern, requesting much stronger oversight. According to testimony by then Treasury Secretary John Snow, "We need a strong, world-class regulatory agency to oversee the prudential operations of the GSEs and the safety and the soundness of their financial activities." The New York Times reported in September of '03, that the administration's plan was "the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago," and "an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt -- is broken." But Democrats would not support additional oversight or restrictions.
    On 10 September 2023 Barney Frank declared in congressional hearings: "These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis. The more people exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness, the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do not see. I think we see entities that are fundamentally sound financially and withstand some of the disaster scenarios. And even if there were a problem, the federal government does not bail them out." Rep. Maxine Waters added, "We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac and particularly Fannie Mae under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines." (That is the same Frank Raines who directed enormous campaign contributions to Democrats John Kerry and, you guessed it, Barack Obama.)
    On 25 September 2003, Frank again insisted, "I do think I do not want the same kind of focus on safety and soundness that we have in OCC [Office of the Comptroller of the Currency] and OTS [Office of Thrift Supervision]. I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing. I believe there has been more alarm raised about potential unsafety and unsoundness than, in fact, exists." And a week later, Rep. Waters again: "I have sat through nearly a dozen hearings where, frankly, we were trying to fix something that wasn't broke. Housing is the economic engine of our economy, and in no community does this engine need to work more than in mine. [W]e should do no harm to these GSEs." In the Senate, Charles Schumer objected to concerns about the solvency of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: "My worry is that we're using the recent safety and soundness concerns, particularly with Freddie, and with a poor regulator, as a straw man to curtail Fannie and Freddie's mission. And I don't think there is any doubt that there are some in the administration who don't believe in Fannie and Freddie altogether, say let the private sector do it. That would be sort of an ideological position."
    In February of 2004, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan testified: "What we're trying to avert is we have in our financial system right now two very large and growing financial institutions which are very effective and are essentially capable of gaining market shares in a very major market to a large extent as a consequence of what is perceived to be a subsidy that prevents the markets from adjusting appropriately, prevents competition and the normal adjustment processes that we see on a day-by-day basis from functioning in a way that creates stability." Barney Frank responded, "I think Wall Street will get over it."
    In 2005, Secretary Snow urgently called for GSE reform, noting that recent events "reinforce concerns over the systemic risks posed by the GSEs and further highlight the need for real GSE reform.... Half-measures will only exacerbate the risks to our financial system." Fed Chairman Greenspan also warned again, "Enabling [Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] to increase in size ... we are placing the total financial system of the future at a substantial risk. If we fail to strengthen GSE regulation, we increase the possibility of insolvency in crisis." It was at this time that John McCain was arguing for passage of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act (S. 190), which he sponsored. But again, Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee thwarted efforts to increase accountability for the GSEs. Sen. Schumer asserted, "I'll lay my marker down right now. ... I don't think Fannie and Freddie need dramatic restructuring in terms of their mission, in terms of their role in the secondary mortgage market, et cetera. ... I think Fannie and Freddie over the years have done an incredibly good job and are an intrinsic part of making America the best-housed people in the world. If you look over the last 20 or whatever years, they've done a very, very good job."
    In 2006, Sen. McCain again went to the Senate floor warning, "The GSEs need to be reformed without delay." However, every Democrat on the Senate Banking Committee voted against regulatory reforms. Now, it is abundantly clear that there was, in fact, a looming crisis, the result of subverting the free market with mortgage subsidies. It is equally clear that Democrats, blinded by the desire to accommodate their special interest constituencies, blocked efforts to get to reform the GSEs.
    In October of this year, Bill Clinton admitted, "I think the responsibility that the Democrats have may rests more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress ... to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."
    Democrat Rep. Artur Davis was a bit more direct: "Like a lot of my Democratic colleagues, I was too slow to appreciate the recklessness of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In retrospect I should have heeded the concerns in 2004. Frankly I wish my Democratic colleagues would admit that when it comes to Fannie and Freddie, we were wrong."
    By 2008, because of eroding confidence in our economy, the housing market became saturated and free market prices did what prices do when there is more supply than demand -- they began to drop. The housing "bubble burst" leading to the first big collapse of a mortgage lender, Countrywide, the nation's largest subprime lender. Then banks and mortgage lenders large and small began downsizing, dumping assets and closing their doors, which triggered a further drop in housing prices and mortgage defaults. A few months later, Bear Stearns filed for bankruptcy.
    By the summer of '08, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, holders of trillions of dollars in mortgages, were bailed out with 200 billion taxpayer dollars. Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, and insurance giant AIG was given an $85-billion taxpayer prop to keep it solvent.
    The confidence in the perceived value of real estate has far outpaced economic realities, and consequently, as more investors bought into the recession, mortgage defaults trended upward. That realization has resulted in what now has become a precipitous erosion of confidence in the value of residential real estate, and consequently, housing market values have collapsed in many areas of the country where values were unduly inflated.
    While perception can be shaped and molded, reality is finite. The reality, in this case, is that a house and its outstanding mortgage are worth not a nickel more than a buyer is willing to and capable of paying for it.
    Thus, the devaluation of mortgages has had an enormous financial impact on institutions that trade in "packaged mortgages," and consequently, on other institutions that trade with them, and, well you get the picture. The dominos have begun to fall.
    Moreover in an effort to keep their dominos standing, because of the potential that any new lending would result in additional foreclosure exposure if the housing market continues to decline, banks have restricted lending in order to preserve the capital necessary to cover the cost of a growing number of foreclosures. The constriction of the money supply extends far beyond the housing markets, as loans for business development and expansion are also drying up. This combination of events creates the perfect economic storm, and the rain is falling.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--i agree with you!  i just have a problem with nutjobs like bill coming to this site under the cover of "let's have discussions so we can learn from each other."  the real intent comes to light after their second post.  after their first post, one of us responds with a well thoughtout discussion that brings the actual truth to the surface.  the liberal's second post is always the same rhetoric and he/she "seems" not to get it.  at this point, my first thought is always "does this individual have several floors missing."  i do have to say bill tried to be polite at first but couldn't hold on when the truth came out.  LOL!  it is just like a recording for these people with the same ole, same ole.  thank goodness we stand our ground.  liberals are wimps as proven by my island story.  they would rather test their theories out on the whole country so that innocent people are hurt instead of ensuring their plans will work first.  they are losers and really don't believe in their own lies!
  • DS
    "Conservatism is the political belief that best mirrors human nature across time and space; but because its precepts are sometimes tragic and demand responsibility rather than ever-expanding rights, it requires adept communicators -- not triangulators and appeasers whose pleasure is only for the moment." --columnist Victor Davis Hanson
  • Titus Hunt
    a red voice--whoa you have a busy life.  we are in the process of adopting and have a grown son.  we may add a third but........  my dad is one of the "rich" obama wants to tax to death.  i don't think liberals care about the negative impacts of obama's tax plan as long as the "rich" are "punished."  that doesn't make sense to us but.........  i talked about the same impacts as you just did before the election and was bashed by the liberals.  they refuse to see it because they want to "punish" anyone who had realized the American dream by hard work.  it is apparent that the middle and lower class folks who lose their jobs as a result is of no concern to them either.  i guess they think it is a game and if there are casualities, that is ok?  liberals also refuse to believe any truths about the housing crisis.  i understand how the housing crisis came about but don't remember much about the carter years because i was a tot.  however, i do remember the speech clinton gave about how he wanted to ensure everyone owned a home.  i couldn't believe it back then and knew what would happen.  now i didn't know how big the impact would be but i knew there would be trouble ahead.  even though the facts are there for everyone to see, liberals will still refuse to believe it.  they will continue to spew their hatred and place the blame on Bush and twist everything around to their benefit.  unfortunately, that is why i refuse to socialize with folks like that.  i really wish it had not come down to this.  Being an American used to mean something to everyone; however, now the true meaning is recognized by fewer people.  jump in anytime because your thoughts are appreciated!
  • Bill
    DS- I won't be here to see it, but c'mon...joking about killing people? You wanna explain that to Jesus? You can say something against titus...its ok.....

    Titus-You keep calling me stupid, insulting me, and insisting your right even against your own arguments that you used earlier.That being said, i still haven't insulted you even though you've said horrible things about me and others. Sooooo I WAS polite even in the face of your insults. I guess I feel bad for you that your wires are all crossed:(

    A Red voice-Thanks for the thoughtful and respectful post. I appreciate your effort. I also appreciate that you recognized some of Bush's shortcomings, and I agree that conservatives could be better served by someone who was actually conservative. (If they actually decreased spending, unlike Bush). I think this is possible, and that if Conservatives rise from the ashes it may be with someone who actually practices this.

    Im blocking this site from sending updates so i won't see any responses.
    Peace ouuuuuutttttttttttt!
    (hope thats ok Titus!)
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--how true!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bill is a moron!  Thank goodness he is gone.  my post had nothing to do with killing people and it was clearly noted but he is a liberal and lies.  that is what they do best!  oh and they get angry when the truth is told.  we can explain and explain.  i won't apologize for calling someone stupid who is.  liberals don't apologize for electing someone who has caused our country to go into further decline.  i would not want to carry that burden on my shoulders.
  • DS
    Bye Bill....hope to talk toyou again someday after you've been saved.  i think our conversation will be much different at that point.  God bless you Bill.
  • Bud Mullins
    Man, go figure.  It must be really dark and lonely inside that world of denial that people like Bill live in.  Or, liberals period.  They run around cursing conservatives and making joke all the while Obama and his henchmen are destroying this nation.  ARE THEY REALLY PEOPLE?
  • DS
    And what happened to gero?  He hasn't been around since almost 100 posts ago!  They're dropping like flies!  LOL
  • Bud Mullins
    BHS changed his mind on the photos being publicized.  I wonder if he really has the troops' best interest at heart or maybe, just maybe some high ranking democrats would be in big trouble if this thing was pursued?  Like Pelosi, and others who, through briefings, knew exactly what they were doing!  Hummm.  Very interesting.  You know I want to believe he's sincere in this, that would give him one plus mark in my book.  JUST ONE!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--obama's track record would dictate that there is more behind this than protecting the lives of our soldiers.  where was his common sense to begin with.  obviously, thinking of our soldiers' safety does not come naturally to this idiot.  that was the first thing i thought about when the story broke and i'm not even in obama's position.  doing the right thing doesn't come naturally to him.  however, either way flip flopping is a sign of weakness in a leader and he is definitely not a leader.  i would not want him leading me anywhere and would require he follow me.  he is definitely a follower of pelosi and the rest of the crooks.  imagine what the middle eastern countries are thinking about the US now.  their put up or shut up culture would be an indication of what they think.  this shows that we are weak!  what liberals fail to understand is that it doesn't matter what it looks like to us as much as it matters what the middle eastern countries think since we are at war with terrorists from that part of the world.  otherwise, it would not as important to give a shit what they thought.  we need to be seen as a strong nation willing to protect our soldiers and citizens at all costs.  however, it is obvious that the liberals don't want that so the result is a weaker defense.  they are winers, cryers and pansies!
  • DS
    I think Titus is probably on the right track here.  why would he change his mind about releasing photos when he approved the release of the enhanced interrogation techniques?  That did more to harm our country and soldiers than releasing any photos!  He is so shrewd and calculating about everything he does that it is very difficult to understand or believe anything he says!  He and his administration remind me of a three ring circus.  There is so much going on everyhwere that it is hard to focus on what is happening in any one ring!  I'm convinced that that is one of their strategies.  Unfortunately, we will have to take a wait and see attitude about most of what he says and does.  And that scares me to death!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud, this administration is all over the board with so much that it is impossible for them to be good at anything.  they don't finish one big task before moving on with something else.  i agree with DS in that it is nothing but a big circus.  i will add that obama, pelosi, reid, dodd and frank are the clowns but i'm not laughing!  they all fail miserably at leading us out of anything but they sure lead us into a big mess!
  • Titus Hunt
    i have been reading the posts here for awhile now and tonight i have come to a big conclusion.  now my friends DS and Bud are more intelligent than i am in every way so they probably know this already.  however, i have concluded that liberals can't just do the right thing from the beginning.  for example, look at obama and the flipflopping of the release of the photos.  they don't have that natural ability to come up with honest solutions that are in the best interests of our country or anyone else for that matter.  they can skim over the surface of an issue and make a half-assed attempt but they are just incapable of knowing right from wrong and can't resort to common sense because they don't have any.  this has been proven time and time again on these posts.  my friends who are not on this site can't believe the stupidity of these folks when i tell them some of the liberal thoughts that are directly from this site.  so i am then faced with the challenge to explain just how dumb liberals are.  it is just incredible and would be unbelievable if i had not read their posts myself.  it is a shame that there is no rationale when it comes to their thinking and sometimes i wonder if they are worth the time and effort of my explanations!  having differences of opinions is one thing when facts can back up theories; however, the liberal views are not rationale and cannot be backed up with complete facts.  they usually only tell part of a story!  so sad, so sad!
  • Rid E Cule
    I have read gero's posts here as well as Bill's.  Each and every time you three have bullied,  called names, told them to go away, and mocked their views.   How very adult of you.  How very Christian.

    David who used to come here and try to have intelligent conversations with the three of you also was called names.  Constantly.

    ashamed republican- tried to explain why you three have sullied the name of the GOP- why he left the party.  he was called names, invited to leave the site or leave the country.

    Dora, also called names- told to leave the country.

    Toe,  constantly called names- told to leave the country.

    harrysmom,  constantly called names. told her opinions did not matter.

    and on...and on...and on. to everyone who found your ways insulting and your "information" misrepresented.

    see a pattern here?
    this is what you do.  constantly.

    DS  thumps his chest and pounds his bible in everyone's face.  He does not care about much of anything and is depending upon the rapture to cleanse the world.  Heaven forbid that he should take any personal responsibility for anything.  He is more than willing to blame his god/satan for the ways of the world.  He waits for his god to correct these ills.  He does not DO- he just complains.

    Titus froths at the mouth like a rabid dog with only a tiny fraction of the facts on hand and NO understanding.  Her constant misuse of the English language indicates her poor education and inability to comprehend complicated facts,  intricate details, and sensitive situations.  She is a dangerous person,  armed with bigotry, hate, and vindictiveness.

    Bill is a poorly educated man who supports "my way or the highway".  He proudly clings to his guns as an extension of his penis.  His poor grammar and use of English is indicative of his low level education and knee-jerk reactions to countless topics.  

    You three are unable to carry forth a discussion of any depth or subject with anyone holding a different view.  You three are the exact reason why Republicans will have a very hard time in the near future getting elected to anything.   Every single time you tell people to go away- you shine a spotlight on your own poor educaton, insecurities and stupidity. 

    Frankly,  I hope that you keep it up.
  • Rid E Cule
    should have read "Bud" ... not Bill.  my apology to Bill.
  • Bud Mullins
    What should be done about the ACLU and the New York Times?  I saw that idoit this morning, Chris Anders, from the ACLU.  "Well, ya, buttin, this way, well, uh, now this."  HE WAS A TRUE NUT CASE.  I really did not understand a thing he was trying to say about why the photos should be released.  He never said anything good in defense of what he stood for in this deal.  WHAT THE HELL IS THE ACLU DOING butting in with how our military treats terriorists?  He kept saying "Well, the people need to know."  "Well, the people want to know."  I'm wondering if he ever checked with any of the people to see if any but liberals want these photos released?  I DON'T THINK SO...  The ACLU is a "devilish" organization, so is the New York Times!  He kept mentioning the Bush Administration for some reason...  Hummmm - what could be their reasons for wanting these pictures publicized?

    Titus, I LOVE YOU GIRL...  Everything you say is right on and you sure know how to say it in a "KICK-ASS" way.  BHO is totally BRAIN DEAD when it comes to the task of knowing how to run this country.  HE DOES NOT HAVE A CLUE.

    DS, right on.  The only thing he has going for him is his close in clansmen.  They have been off track for years.  I have to ad the radical news media which will be going bankrupt soon.  As soon as our government runs totally out of money and all the concerned people quit buying the BS they keep puting out.

    I used to wonder how third world countries got to be the way they are.  With dictators in every part of their countries and their justice system included hacking off heads, and arms and legs.  Punching out eyes and cutting off tongues, beating each other and on and on.  NOW I KNOW.  I learned by watching the Obama administration and the democrats.  This is an illustration but true to date.  THEY ARE CHANGING THIS COUNTRY.  This country is changing and for the worst.

    Maybe we really should close GITMO.  I'm for this as long as each lawyer from the ACLU gets one or two of those guys for their personal use!  If there were any left over, we could give them to the New York Times.  Think they could teach them to mow grass or sweep sidwalks?  Think those lawyers and the New York Times would like that?  They are really pushing for this to happen.
  • Bud Mullins
    Rid E Cule, so you don't think all this crap you guys throw out is bad huh?  EVERYTIME one of you show up on this web site, you immediately start foaming at the mouth.  WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM US?

    Congratulationsgoes out to you though - You just described three GREAT AMERICANS with your sarcasm.  You see, you pissed me off when I looked at your blogg name Rid E Cule.  Very cute dumb ass!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--The liberals want all of our country's secrets on the table and they won't be satisfied until someone gives it to them.  They want everything out in the open for every country to see.  They would be happy to have all of the war strategies, maps, and secret intelligence agents exposed.  Why else would they be so stupid as to want pictures that would put our American soldiers' life in danger?  Why would they even think about it if they were looking out for the wellbeing of the citizens of our great country?  jeopardizing our national security for the sake of their own political agenda just proves how far they are willing to go.  The ALCU is just following that agenda and they are just as evil as every liberal I've ever known.  Liberals are stupid as we know.  They don't want to punish their own corrupt policians, i.e., Nancy Pelosi, Murtha, etc (they have so many).  However, they are at war with true conservatives on every level because we represent something they don't understand--integrity and morality.  I hope that if the liberals go ahead with this dog and pony show called testimonies, which is wasting time and taking the focus off of the biggest issue we face right now--the economy, we as true Americans will file a lawsuit against pelosi for her dealings with waterboarding.  this goes to show that liberals don't want justice.  if so, they would not support an administration that would tolerate such garbage in the first place.  Common sense dictates that in the end we are all Americans.  The protection of our freedoms and of one another should be a top priority.  however, liberals no longer have those beliefs unfortunately.

    Bud and DS--you guys are awesome and are examples of what made this country great.  Thank you for being true Americans.  We need more like you.  Integrity and morality is worth fighting for.  If both are lost, we can look to the liberals to see what kind of people our future generations will become.  That thought personally disgusts me on many levels so i will continue to get angry with total stupidity.  as my father as said many times, talking to a liberal is just a waste of time.  you can't reason with them because they don't understand anything but their own agenda.  they will continue to ask conservatives the same questions over and over again.  we can continue to give them the same answers over and over again.  they will still refuse to acknowledge anything you say.  i think we have seen evidence of this.  

    personally, i don't think anyone can "just" change parties.  if so, that means they have changed their principals, morals and values.  i may be wrong but i don't think sane people do this as often as the wind blows.  so i don't buy into the whole theory that a person left the republican party because of blah, blah, blah.  we have the same principals.  however, we have gone more to the left than we should have.  so if someone leaves our party, do they all of the sudden believe in killing babies and wasting billions of taxpayers' money?  hmmmm!  that is too far of a stretch to me but i'm not a lunatic!  LOL!     

    Bud--loved your comment to that asshole!  I'm still laughing.  wonder if he is in love with Nancy Pelosi?
  • Titus Hunt
    This is a wonderful, accurate tribute to obama that both parties should enjoy. 

  • DS
    Bus and Titus,
    You guys are totally awsome!  It's interesteing that every time a liberal gets on her to rant about our morals, yet they have none themselves!!  IF they were really concerned about morals they would be so disgusted with obama and his ilk that they would RUN (not walk) away from everything that he stands for!!  Their actions speak louder than their words!  Don't get me wrong.  I'm "hoping and praying" that there are just a few liberals out there who have a tiny portion fo their brain left, and that one of their logical neurons "might" just fire off one of these days and allow them to understand and accept the truth!!  Then maybe we can begin to have a civil, logical conversation with them, and begin to educate them...first to innocense, then to a full understanding of truth, justice, and equality for ALL....the great American promise!!

    Rid E. Cule,
    You are just another in the long line of ignorant, brainwashed, evil liberals who have nothing to say other than to bash Bush and spew your hatred towards God, morality, and America!  By the way, what was your previous name on here?  Are you really Dora, ashamed, or Bill in disguise?  I know you're not David Walters.  David, even though he is liberal would not blaspheme like all of you have been doing!  I'm sure that there are a few of you who keep re-incarnating on this site so that yu can make people think you are many!  Kind of like what ACORN does huh?  You sure you don't work for ACORN Rid E Cule??  By the way, you should hurry and leave this site beofre I sick God on you!!
  • DS
    Sorry Bud.
  • Titus Hunt
    i saw a news segment on cnn on credit cards and what obama is trying to do to protect the public.  a comment the anchor woman made stuck me as strange.  she said that if Americans knew the actual interest rates the banks were charging them, they would pay off their cards every month.  hmmmmm!  i could not believe that comment.  people do know when they are being charged too much and know when they have lived beyond their means.  there are exceptions, such as the folks who lost their jobs, of course.  this stupidity is no more ridiculous than people voting someone into office that has an agenda to destroy this country.  there is no personal responsibility any more so throwing this nation under the bus is of no concern to those idiots either.  the dumbing down of America syndrome is everywhere.  unfortunately, it has been proven that a lot of people can't manage their own personal affairs very well in a good economy so what kind of responsibility would they have in voting for the leader of our nation?  that is why we have a failed administration and it is no wonder.
  • Bud Mullins
    DS & Titus, I'm sure by now you are aware of Rid E Cule's many faces!  Too bad he/she don't have the brains to match!  How simple it is to check on some on computers...
  • Bud Mullins
    DS, that's okay, I'm still enjoying it...
  • DS
    So can you enlighten us on who/what Rid E Cule really is?
  • DS
    I have been wondering why there are so many poeple out there who "just don't seem to get it", and are so in love with obama and his "hope and change" message.  It just boggles my mind that good, American folks would allow themselves to be used by anyone to this extent.  I always knew that class warfare was the Democrats/liberals key strategy to gaining power, but how did it start, and WHO was behind this movement?  obama is THEIR mouthpiece today, and has grown up in THEIR greedy, evil system.  He was brainwashed by THEM just as all plain, simple, ordinary Americans have been in the past 30 years.  So who are these people, and what is their goal?   
    Take the time to read the following three articles, then step back and think about them for awhile before responding to my post.  Ask yourself some serious questions about them, and be honest with yourself.  Could this really be happening?  Am I being duped?  I really do love America, but is this really best for America?  Does this represent the principles on which America was founded?  Am I being so selfish that I am willing to allow my country and my family to be destroyed in order to promote this philosophy?  I'm sure there are more questions you can ask yourself.  Just take the time tothink, and be honest with yourself, PLEASE!
  • DS
    Strategy for forcing political change through orchestrated crisis:
    Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis:
    ACORN's Food Stamp Mortgages:
    Below is just a couple of the quotes you will find in the last article above:
    ACORN's overall strategy has a name. It's called the "Cloward-Piven Strategy" of manufactured crisis (named after two anti-capitalist sociologists) and it calls for packing the welfare rolls to encourage dependency on the government and to overload it with financial demands in order to hasten the collapse of American capitalism.
    "Enough is enough. We will wait no longer for the crumbs at America's door. We will not be meek, but mighty. We will not starve on past promises, but feast on future dreams."
    I KNOW that most of the liberals on this site won't even bother to look at the articles and ask the questions I proposed.  They are just too brainwashed to even consider such a thing.  But there may be a few out there who are still thinking a little bit for themselves.  You have spent most of your time getting your news from left wing, liberal media sources that you have begun filtering everything you hear and read through their ideological positions.  But you can stop this now before it is too late!  Just read the articles and ask yourself a few of the simple questions.
  • Titus Hunt
    the stupidity of the liberal agenda is shown time and time again.  the memos that were released recently about waterboarding were one sided.  the CIA admits there are other memos and doesn't deny they are the ones Chaney was refering to.  so this is a one-sided issue again.  the obama administration and the liberals are the ones who have divided this country.  they are responsible for this debacle and many others.  obama and his crooks decide which documents are made public and ensures they are partisan.  this is not democracy and goes against everything this country stands for.  where is the liberal outrage?  it is hypocrisy at its best again.  do liberals see this government is not working for the people of the US and that obama lied about representing all people?  liberals turn a blind eye to justice.  they will also allow pelosi to get away with lying and hold her close to the level of obama, but not quite.  this country is not about justice for all or democracy any longer.  it is about the crooked liberals and those who support them.  this country has fallen quickly and i hope we can pick it up again in the next election.  this lack of "leadership" is now a dictatorship with socialist and communist agendas.  if this is not true, we would not see this kind of behavior.
  • Bud Mullins
    DS, in your (647) post you asked me to elaborate a little on good old Rid E Cule.  I would be most honored to.

    Once I have said what I am going to say, you too will say "aha" that's right.  Everything is documented above.  Have you not noticed when one liberal disappears, another one shows up?  Have you not noticed the odd posting names of the negative ones.  Have you not noticed when a new one shows up it knows exactly what to say about us.  (I like referring to us as "The BIG three")  Read Rid E Cule's last post and look how far it goes back in reference to the things we have said and who all we have ran off.  BAM!  He/She shows up and BAM!  They hit us.  That only means one thing to me, there is only one or two idiots running around and doing this stupid stuff.  We got it right when we said he/she is probably from ACORN.

    I have been doing some posting on another site longer than I have been on this site and I have not seen those kinds of things happening.  Every now and then someone shows up with a hammer and no one responds to them and they disappear.  So, with that in mind, I have made up my mind that because we responded in the matter we did, he/she just kept showing back up with different posting names.  Just my thoughts...

    Well, our speaker of the house is digging a deeper hole for herself huh?  She said today that the CIA lied to her!  After she said they didn't brief her on what was going on with the torture in GITMO.  That was after she said they did mention it in the briefings but she didn't really know what they ment...  Duhhhhh!  Here is the sad part of this.  FOX news is reporting madly on this but you don't see it on CNN, MSNBC or any of the other liberal media out there.  It bugs me that radical left wing people will lie in a heart beat and if you catch them it's like - uhhhh, I didn't hear that.

    Titus, you mentioned it don't seem possible for people to be so blind as not to see what is going on.  Well, I believe some on the left are seeing for the first time what really is going on.  There are some high level democrates in Washington that are waking up a little.  You know even though Reid, Palosi and the rest of the big six will hover around BHO, some democrats there may not if this thing gets worse.  Grant you it is going to.  He too is digging a big hole with his "Freshman" mentality of governing this country.  If Palosi comes under investigation for telling lies about the CIA, she may get the boot.  If BHO insists these investigations of "Past Washington Cabinet Members" be investigated, Palosi will have to answer to that investigation also.  Grant you, the radical news media won't report it but whe will have to anyway.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--i hope this is the downfall of their crooked party.  i liked your comment about obama's "freshman" mentality.  i would like to elaborate on that if i may.  he is unqualified, ignorant, uneducated, and a typical stupid liberal that has many, many floors missing.  his law degree has not helped him know what he was signing before he signed it so that is discounted completely since that is one of the first things you learn in law classes.  maybe he skipped that whole semester and was smoking something?  since that is all he has under his belt besides being a failed community activist in chicago, i can truly justify calling him uneducated.  he also has no experience running a business, having a real job in business or in the markets or in international matters.  so where does that leave him?  this leaves him at the mercy of stupid, ignorant morons (liberals) to elect him into office.  a lot of folks would disagree with him being uneducated but have basket weaving degrees themselves so that won't help their case any.  micky mouse would make better choices.  a five-year old child would make better choices.  i could go on but my point is made.
  • Titus Hunt
    Now i'm sure you have noticed that you don't see a lot of democrats/liberals jumping to pelosi's defense at this moment.  does that mean they are willing to throw her under the bus?  have you also noticed that obama is having trouble with his ridiculous gitmo closing idea because he doesn't have a plan.  where are the followers of the messiah now who should be trying to defend him?  they all of the sudden get quiet because there is no defense and they know it!  now i think it is stupid to even consider that idea but we are talking about liberals here so we know they can't understand much.  however, i can say that obama's rhetoric was really strong during his campaign and even then he didn't mention where these terrorists were going.  i caught on to this quickly but the liberals must have been sleeping again.  ha!  so now the idiots are upset that obama doesn't have a plan and some in washington are going against obama now.  it is about damn time!  how stupid do you have to be to vote this ignorant SOB into office to begin with?  well, i guess we are finding out!  way to go liberals!  you are as stupid as we thought you were!
  • Bud Mullins
    Howdy!  Yes, your point is clear.  Kind of makes you wonder how this guy is president with all these unique qualifications?  Well, from everything I have read on him in archives here and there tells me that he came up throught the extreme crime end of politics.  He came straight out of Chicago Politics where you roll with the flow or you don't roll at all.  I have read that all his promotions in politics was backed by croked lawyers and mofia like clans.  These lawers are smart in crime and use all the loop holes to accomplish their goals.  I'm not saying this is positively true, it's that the stuff I read led me to believe that way.

    I hope there are enough of us out here that identify the failures of this administration before it completly destroys this country.  It is getting deep enough into his term now that the old "Blame it on Bush" syndrom isn't going to bail them out much longer.

    I was surprised that the main stream media was questioning Nancy Pelosi today.  Did you all see that?  She was completly lost in what to say.  WOW!  First time I seen that from the main stream media in a long time.

    How about this idiot Howard Dean?  Why does anyone even pay attention to this nut pot?  He is one real looney.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, all this confusion with Obama, Palosi, Reid and the rest has got the democrats slapping each other in Washington.  Remember, these are liberals and they all are power hungry!  Yes, they will throw Palosi under the bus.  She is now standing in the way of the libs and the ACLU's publishing of the photos.  If she has to go down, they will put her down like an old dog.  Which is a high priority of the democrats agenda.  They now need her out of the way, she is literally standing in the way of their agenda.  They are still wanting to bash the Bush administration including Dick Cheney.

    This is all coming to a great big head just like the one on a big red boil and it will rupture.  MARK MY WORDS...
  • Titus Hunt
    Well now i can say an "I told you so" to the idiot liberals.  When the boil bursts I'll be there to SHOUT it to them.  It would not be premature to shout it now however.  LOL!  the poll numbers i saw that came out on obama today showed his approval rating dropping.  i can't wait to see what the numbers are next week.  wonder if the messiah will be still worshipped in a month?  the liberals are too stupid to know any better from the looks of things! 

    I saw the liberal media asking pelosi tougher questions, but they would have been harder on a republican in the same situation (thank goodness we are the innocent party).  we don't have to play dirty politics and can just sit back and watch the fools destroy themselves.  the devil is working here.  i think the coma state the media has been in may be disappearing a little.  i blame all of this on obama.  is he not the "leader" of this country.  the word leader is used loosely here.  where is he during all of this.  if he were a true leader, this would not have happened, especially in his own party.  he is a weasel!  this would have been a non-issue if he had stepped up to the plate and put a stop to the Bush haters.  Now it is coming back to haunt him because if people are prosecuted for protecting this country, there will be many democrats that will be right there on trial also or there will be many lawsuits by the private sector.  this plan to destroy the republican party backfired in the democrats' faces quickly.  the reason is because they did think it through before making a decision on whether to proceed or not, they didn't have a plan and it was not justifiable in the first place.  imagine that!  obama doesn't have a plan for the detainees if gitmo is closed either.  he isn't thinking clearly on the healthcare issue either.  he also didn't think the "stimulus" plan though either because IT DIDN'T WORK!  is there a common theme here?  you betcha!
  • Rid E Cule
    DS-  I will be waiting for you to sic your god on me-  I look forward to this, actually.   In fact,  here's my direct email address:
    [email protected]
    of course, god already knew this- and since you have this direct phone to god, I am surprised that she did not tell you my email addy or IM you via a burning bush or perhaps some message in your velveeta cheese.
    perhaps you just aren't listening to the right god.  perhaps you are just so screwed up that you cannot tell which of the voices you hear  is directing you these days.  who knows.  

    Bud,  how's your penis? 

    Titus,  I suppose you understand that you actually agreed with Obama regarding the release of additional TORTURE photos. 
    LOL.   Take a photograph of this moment and order pizza.  Titus agreed with Obama.  

    You all claim- and I do mean CLAIM to be Americans-  you CLAIM to believe in our laws,  our Constitution, and the Bill of Rights yet you constantly bad mouth the ACLU who's very purpose is to defend our liberties and freedoms guaranteed us with these documents.
    I guarantee you that if you, Titus,  were denied a job based upon the fact that you were a woman,  or perhaps if you were physically handicapped,  you would look to the ACLU to assist you in your grievance - and they would take on the case.
    DS- If you were reading your bible in a public park and someone asked you to leave or not read this in a public area,  the ACLU would defend your right to do this. 
    Bud-  If you had a registered handgun and a permit to carry but had your gun confiscated from your home, the ACLU would beat a path to your doorstep in your defense.
    These scenario are favorable to you- no doubt- but when an entire neighborhood is "redlined" because of their ethnic background- you have a problem with anyone finding this a bad thing.
    You have a problem with the ACLU taking up a lawsuit upholding the establishment clause of the first amendment.  I'm sorry to tell you but everyone in the U.S. do not follow the Chrisitan belief.
    Additionally there are many CHRISTIANS who do not want government involved in their religion.  

    I know that it's a waste of time to expect you to absorb any of this- hell, you haven't even figured why you lost the last two elections yet.

    DS- don't forget to tell god I am waiting.  I have the coffee on and fresh apple pie, thanks to the Mrs.  I even have napkins,  courtesy of McDonalds,    just for the occasion.
  • Rid E Cule
    cannot figure out who I am?  obviously I am part of the Great Liberal Conspiracy to undermine your morality and values.   Gosh, if only I could be more like your T.E.A party organizer who owes over $150,000 in back taxes.   pfft.    pot meet kettle.
  • Titus Hunt
    Rid E Cule--you have to be stupid or mentality challenged.  obama flipflopped.  in order for him to have any credibility he needed to follow through with what he said.  this would, however, have resulted in the killings of American soldiers, not to mention the end of his career.  he did not flipflop out of the goodness of his heart.  he doesn't automatically understand what doing the right thing is or he would have stopped this nonsense from the beginning.  you are a nasty humanbeing with no class.  your comment to bud shows what kind of trashy lowlife that you are.  thank you for proving it yet again!  by the way, you can't undermine our morals and values because they can't be touch by the likes of you or any liberal.  i suggest you go find some also.  your life will change for the better.  maybe your parents are to blame?  obviously they are failures or you decided to go against everything they taught you.  either way, you should be a disgrace to all that know you.  of course, i suggest hanging around liberals because they are the party of the ignorant and will accept extremists anyday.  go ahead and continue to defend your messiah.  you will look like the fool you are just as pelosi and obama have shown their true colors. 
  • Titus Hunt
    Rid E Cule--back up your rhetoric with facts for a change.  defend your messiah with actual facts.  be a grown up or is that a stretch for you?
  • Rid E Cule
    Bud makes up for his lack of brain power by trying to flaunt the extension of his penis aka his guns.  I am not impressed nor should you be.  Apparently you are.   Obviously you are not impressed by actual information.
    I don't give a damn what you think of me.  Your opinion counts as less than nothing.  You have already proven your stupidity on a regular basis.

    Obama made a decision after speaking with pentagon officials regarding the additional photos and the publication of these.
    The courts had already  ruled that the photos be released under the freedom of information act, Titus.  LOOK IT UP.  Obama declined to do this,  feeling that it possibly placed our troops at additional physical risk AND that the photos would not inform us of anything that we did not already know.   That Bush, Cheney,  and  Rumsfeld  along with the CIA and independent "contractors"  TORTURED.  Now, you fools are complaining about what, exactly?   That Obama did what you wanted him to do?   Nancy Pelosi and Congress were lied to by the CIA.  The recently released Torture memos prove that your Bushie peeps had ALREADY BEGUN their "enhanced interrogation techniques"  ...meanwhile, out of their other face, they informed congress that SHOULD they decide that these "techniques" be required to gain necessary information,  the legal staff had found them to be "within legal limits".    FACTS,  Titus... easy to find... look them up.   They told congress that they HAD NOT YET used these techniques... which included waterboarding.   Waterboarding has been illegal for over 60 years Titus.   LOOK IT UP.  Find the names of people who were convicted of this crime.   FACTS,  Titus.
    You are totally without these.

    As for your tea party coalition founder, Michael P. Leahy,  he, for the past 16 years - has been in courts over un paid taxes- total non paid due is nearly $150,000.    FACTS.  Titus.
  • Rid E Cule
    can you say "hypocrisy".  you promote the most immoral presidency and it's "legacy"  this country has EVER seen.  you defend it.  you are pretend Christians and phony Americans.  any opinions and names that you throw at me is laughable.  
    DS- until you can actually live what you pretend to believe- you are a walking joke and hypocrite in the first degree.

    I have at least a dozen more progressive friends that will be walking through here to poke you soundly when you spew your hate and lies.
    At least 20 others just read your posts.   It's too bad that your narrow world and your narrow views don't allow you to see just how ridiculous you are.
  • Titus Hunt
    obama flipflopped on the pictures.  common sense would have told him soldiers' lives would be at stake if they were released.  that should have been his first thought and he should have stopped it before it got started.  that is no leader!

    you and the liberals call it tortore but it actually isn't.  the prisoners in gitmo are not subject to the G conventions but you are liberal and don't give a damn about the protection of our freedoms.  apparently, pelosi and the rest of the democrats didn't mind it.  they were right not protest waterboarding when they were briefed because saving American lives were more important than anything else.  i applaud them for that but see how they backstab people after the fact.  where is the proof that pelosi was lied to.  there are witnesses that she was briefed and told the truth.  keep on dreaming.  yeah, it is good to accuse the CIA of lying when they protect our country and can relax their efforts to allow us to be attacked.  good thinking--not! you can continue your rhetoric all you want but if the idiots decide to go forward with convictions, your buddy nancy and other democrats will be right along with them.  oh what fun!  you guys are then saying to hell with weakening the national security of our nation.  give out all of our secrets so the terrorists can laugh at us and be empowered. 

    the people responsible for the TEA parties were everyday folks who organized parties all over the country.  by the way, if you are worried about people paying their taxes, i would suggest you check out obama's cabinet buddies first before you cast a stone toward any republican.  oh and in case you have forgotten, one of them is the head of the treasury department, which is over the IRS.  how ironic!  i would worry about them more than anyone else since obama and his crooks should be setting examples by following the law instead of breaking it.  oh and let's not forget obama's campaign promise about lobbyists.  hmmm!  ...and what to we have in his cabinet?  oh by golly what a big surprise.

    i don't give a damn what you think of me.  you are a liberal and an idiot.  your filthy references to body parts shows your mentality.  nothing else you say has merit to anyone on this board except for other mentally deranged folks like yourself.  you voted for the idiot so now shut up and enjoy his failures.  oh and by the way, where are the jobs?  unemployment went up again!  go figure!  some democrats now are questioning obama's stimulus finally.  i guess they picked up some common sense or an economics book.  either is good.  obama's approval rating is declining according to the latest polls.  whoohoo!
  • Titus Hunt
    boy, you just gave me an early xmas present when you said there are other idiots out there like you that are waiting to post here.  i can't wait and am so excited.  this is elementary to me and if you knew my background you would be ashamed of yourself for challenging me.  you won't win.  however, you can try.  however, this is so easy for me that i get bored.  you must be college kids or folks who have never had jobs in the corporate world or if you have, you must not have learned much.  either way, you are not showing your intelligence by threatening to bring other idiots to this site. 

    i am proud to be associated with a presidency that saved the lives of the American people by keeping us safe in the US after 911.  this is especially rewarding because it took a lot of hard work to establish our overseas intelligence again after clinton cut most of it out all in the name of saving money.  look it up!  i am also proud to be associated with a President that would not stop at protecting our nation even though there was criticism.  In addition, i'm proud to be associated with a President who did what no other President has ever done--saved millions of lives in Africa due to his AIDS project.  Bush made his mistakes as all do but cared about this country and worked hard to keep it safe.  i am glad they were able to keep secrets.  duh!  i don't want everything out there so the terriorists know our every move.  duh!  that is called dumb and a liberal.  obama has proven his inability to lead this nation time and time again in just the few months he has been in office.  so challenge me, if i have the time and inclination, I'll respond but won't guarantee it because obama's f...ups are too many to name.  in addition, i may think the post is too stupid to respond to.  just remember you are coming to a conservative site.
  • DS
    Ridiculous Kool-Aid Drinker,
    You really hurt my feelings.  :(  I think I'm going to cry!!  Wahhhhhhh, Rid E Cule called me names.  Wahhhhhh, he doesn't like President Bush, or appreciate everything he did to keep him safe after 911.  Wahhhhhh, he desn't think we play fair on OUR site!  GET LOST JERK!!!  And make sure you tell your mindless friends that they AREN'T welcome here!!  Only people with at least half a brain are welcome to post here.  We haven't heard from one yet from your side of the aisle idiot!!!   Now, if you want to hear what God has to say about you and your evil friends, just take a look at some of these previous posts. 

    276, 280, 293, 311, 356, 369, 405, 415,553, 558, 559, 563, 599, 619

    You ONLY need to hear the same things that were told to Dora, ashamed, Bill, and all of the other blasphemers who have visited the site. 

    And do NOT be deceived Ridiculous Kool-Aid Drinker, God WILL visit you when you least expect it!  Have a good night sleep, and DON'T think about God when you go to sleep.  He may just scare you with some of the things He wants to tell you!!!
  • Rid E Cule
    Titus,  news flash:  penis is part of the human anatomy.
    so is vagina.

    you still calling them baby names?

    do you hide from yourself when you take a bath?

    you have so many issues, you small minded woman.

    what does DS's post say about your unwillingness to hear or discuss opposing points of view.   

    over 4,000 american lives were killed through george bush's actions after 9/11.   tell their families how safe he kept them.

    pelosi has stated without qualification that she welcomes any investigation into who knew what when regarding TORTURE. 
    the bush administration cherry picked information that supported their original intent to take out saddam-  this was their goal prior to 9/11-  the attacks on 9/11 in their mind justified attacking iraq even though intelligence proved absolutely no connection - they continued to "sell" this to fools like you, Titus.  you bought it hook, line and sinker.  
    the united states signed on and thus agreed to the articles and provisions contained in the geneva convention. torture is a war crime. waterboarding has been legally ruled as torture.   individuals have been tried and convicted for waterboarding.  you,  Titus- are one poor excuse for a human being.  
    you start out with your opinion and seek only that "information" to support this thought.
  • Titus Hunt
    Rid E Cule--this proves my point about you!  apparently you don't understand the fact that there is a time and place to use those names and it is completely inappropriate and vulgar on a political forum.  i will not respond to your ignorant rant on the Iraq war because it is just too stupid to commment on.  As a matter of fact, i probably won't respond to anything else you say. 
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--Well, the liberal agenda may be working again and this time it may be a biggie.  Washington is now tossing around ideas of how to pay for this half-assed national healthcare plan.  there is nothing definite yet but it just shows the mindset of these morons.  as we have know for a while liberals want to kill business in this country and the jobs that businesses create.  well, if their idea comes to light, this is exactly what will happen.  now they claim republicans didn't come up with ideas and democrats saved the day with the stimulus package.  now, not only is that a lie, there are still no jobs as they promised.  they are going way beyond lying now and i would say it goes to treason.  intentionally destroying people's lives and future generations' hopes for a good life is just despictable to put it nicely.  in these economic times, we need jobs.  so our dearest democrats/liberals in Washington now are comtemplating taking more money out of businesses pockets to fund this healthcare program of theirs.  we have seen this coming for a long time because obama's numbers didn't add up in the first place even though he said he knew how this plan was going to be paid for.  republicans knew this and talked about this before the election, which was through cutting spending.  people were warned.  he indicated that he would protect small businesses in this country.  ha!  where did that go?  this is another lie that has appeared for all to see.  average thinking folks understand that this action will take more away from the bottom line of businesses so what to the idiots think will happen next?  well, they don't really seem to understand simple math.  so i'll explain it to the morons.  there will be less money to pay employees so employees will lose jobs.  You guys understand this but liberals don't.  there will be less jobs and unemployment will go up.  the economy continues to decline.  DS and Bud, what in the hell is happening to our country?  everyday we hear something else that obama and his crooks are planning to do to carry out their agenda of destroying this country and the liberals are standing by laughing while millions of people are headed or already in the poor house.  the propaganda out there from liberals has to be one of the most funny things i've heard in a long while.  they say that the republican party has problems.  ha!  well, i have news for them.  all we need to do is to sit back and watch these democrats (morons) in action.  unfortunately, we will may to have to wait until our economy has gone into a depression and we have been attacked again.  right now we are watching a soap opera play out in washington with all of the in-fighting that is going on with the democrats/liberals.  the tide is beginning to change already.  i don't feel bad for the democrats and liberals that are out of jobs and struggling right now because they are the ones who put the person in office who is directly responsible for the further decline in our economy.  however, i do feel sorry for the 47% that didn't vote for that moron and understood the consequences of doing so.  there are a lot of people in that 47% that are unemployed and can't take care of their families as a direct result of obama the moron and his merry crooks.  when America hits rock bottom, it will be the turning point of America once again and the democrats will be out of power for a very long time.  they won't, however, walk away in shame because they don't know what that means.  the words honor and love (for this country) are not in their dictionary.

    by the way, i would love for the ten liberals that the liberal on this blog said he was bringing here are paying attention.  maybe the punks will learn something for one time in their lives.  obviously, economics classes aren't working for them.  remember idiots--back up everything you say with facts and not just clippings from the liberal news media.  site economics when you discuss this subject.  then you can't prove me to be wrong.  LOL!
  • Rid E Cule
    not so very long ago on this post, Titus-  your bud,  Bud posted:

    "1-800-eat shit"

    now this is vulgar.

    if you believe penis to be a vulgar word-  what about lips or fingertips or kneecap?   these are parts of the body. 

    as far as your steadfast but foolish noise on your belief that torture is not just ok with you but necessary-  this explains why you and others are willing to break the law - you will observe only certain parts of the constitution,  observe only select parts of your bible,  and steal when you can get away with it.- the end justifies the means in your mind.  this will be your downfall.  don't ever let me hear you again get all high and mighty about how moral you are - how your values are far and away above non-christians, gays, atheists, liberals, progressives, hollywood people, musicians, stamp collectors,  butterfly admirers, candle makers,  pencil chewers, toads, paperclips, and whatever other nonsense you can spew.

    you are a fake and a flake.
  • Titus Hunt
    ha!  DS and Bud--we have a bunch of college kids or less on this board now!  what a thrill!  shu fly shu!
  • Rid E Cule
    I am still wating for DS to sic his god on me.
    so far,  nothing-  in fact I just won $500 on the scratch off ticket.

    wooo hooo.   must be a punishment of some sort.

    yesterday we had to eat the entire apple pie ourselves- god never showed.  maybe if i get placecards and a blind date for god-  oh, that's not such a good idea-  i need someone who will be able to be an eye witness.
  • Rid E Cule
    Shu is an Egyptian god.

    Maybe you mean "shoo"

    [good grief these people are soooooooo uneducated.]
  • Rid E Cule
    "here are still no jobs as they promised."

    according to ABC news,  only 3% of the stimulus money has gone out.
    according to other sources,  only 6%  has been distributed.

    150,000 jobs is a lot more than none, Titus.  I thought that you were good with numbers.  You keep claiming this.

  • Rid E Cule
    for the love of pete- say something nice or shut the hell up already, Titus.   you are like a fountain that produces nothing but urine.

    oh,  urine is probably not on your list of acceptable terms, is it... maybe we need to say "piss"-  that's what word Bud uses.
  • Titus Hunt
    nope, i have advanced degrees thank you!  i did that on purpose to prove how immature you are in your posts.  when you grow up you will learn to actually pay attention to the important things in life and not the trivial ones.  liberals and punks (sometimes they are one in the same) don't have anything else better to do than look for english mistakes.  i'll remind some of the people i've met lately who are out of jobs, losing their homes and can't feed their children of who the folks are that are directly responsible for their situation, which are liberals.  making fun of one's religion is just another sign of immaturity and stupidity.  kids will be kids.  some grow up and others just turn out to be jerks.  some have good parents that teach them right from wrong beginning as a toddler and throughout their adulthood and some don't.
  • Rid E Cule
    penicillin can aid you in your advanced degree.  stop shlepping about with scum.
  • Titus Hunt
    Rid E Cule (punk) -- i know the numbers already and could have spouted them off without even blinking.  however, it is stupid to talk about them because of two reasons.  1) 150,000 jobs saved/created cannot be proven.  if they are in fact jobs that were saved/created, they could be the private sector creating them as a result of good management decisions.  we need millions of jobs now to save families and obama can't prove any have been created as a direct result of anything he has done.  that is just another example of the rhetoric that you liberals believe.  duh!  obama and his folks said it so it must be true.  ha!  2)  3% of the money has gone out.  so what!  we need jobs now and can't wait until the idiot obama decides to "stimulate" the economy, which economically speaking won't work anyway.  now we may have a very temporary short burst but if you listened in your economics and business classes, both long term planning and short term planning are necessities and permanent sustainability is necessary.  obama's plan is temporary at best.  the green jobs are for the longer term but they only pay $9 to $12 on average.  so that subject is a mute point.  i didn't even mention the increase in inflation that is going to hit due to obama's spending habits as well as the higher prices on energy that the middle and lower class will pay as a direct result of obama's cap and trade plan.  here again, you have proven to be stupid.  if i were you, i would start doing some research on my own after you hear a new idea from obama.  listen to both sides of the argument and pick up an economics book and actually read it.  then ask someone who actually has an executive position in the corporate world working in economics about it.  as a matter of fact, talk to a few of them to ensure you get all of the information.  then maybe you would be qualified to talk about a subject.  by the way, urine?  i would have to say immaturity isn't your only problem.  you may be in high school or elementary school or still have that mentality but you have emotional issues to use words such as this on a political blog especially since it is a conservative blog.
  • Bud Mullins
    TITUS for president 2012
    DS for vp 2012
    BUD Secretary of Defense 2012

  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--hhaha!  you are funny!  however, us three would definitely do a great job in any capacity that were were in because we give a damn about this country and its people.  we are definitely more qualified than obama and have integrity.  hell, a child would make better decisions than obama and his merry crooks!
  • DS
    Your IQ is surpassed only by your use of foul language, and your desire to spew hate and discontent.  You are either a lost soul who believes everything you are told, unable to think for yourself, whose goal is to suck on the government's tit;  or  you are deeply involved in the socialist agenda for the last 40 years to destroy our country.  Which is it?  If the former, we may be able to help you here.  If the latter, you are without hope, and are nothing but a complete asshole who cares nothing about our country!  You have absilutely NOTHING important to say, so you may as well run along and find another site where you can spew your hate!  You are nothing but a lonely asshole in the great big world of the obama "outhouse"!  Run along now and play with your friends...if you have any!  Otherwise, keep playing with yourself.  I think it has already runied whatever brain you had to start with.  Only God can help you RidEculous!  Repent tonight and ask Him to forgive you for your sins.   Until yo do that, you will never know true wisdom.  Bye now.....
  • DS
    This site is used as an "enhanced interrogation technique" against liberal nut cases!  If you don't agree with torture, then you better not land here!!  If you do, you are "choosing" to subject yourself to the introduction of honesty, logic, and good old common sense!  If that isn't what you want, then run along and find some other place to spew your lies, confusion, and hate!  But, before you go, let me remind you that God loves you and wants you to love Him.  He is patient, but He won't wait forever!  Repent and believe today, as you never know the day or the hour of your judgement!
  • Rid E Cule
    "suck on the government's tit...
    keep playing with yourself."

    let's see... WHO'S VULGAR?????


  • DS
    Just using the only language that you seem to understand RidEculous....that's all.  If you are offended by it you should stop using that language yourself and others might treat you the same.....dickhead!!
  • DS
    So which person are you RidEculous?  You didn't answer my question.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud and DS--i just read an article about nationalized healthcare in european countries.  the comments from the articles were from folks in europe that have experienced this.  they were horrible.  the bottomline according to these folks was that if you were sick, this kind of healthcare would be a terrible thing to have.  they said that if you have lived in a socialist country all of your life, you don't know anything different so it is hard for some folks to understand that what they have is substandard care because they don't know anything else.  taxes are also high and you don't get what you pay for.  i just can't believe people are stupid enough to want this but then again i never thought people were stupid enough to elect obama.  liberals are idiots.  liberals can preach about this all day but at the end of the day, talking to folks that have the healthcare and the results of what happens when you are sick are what's important.  it would also be nice to hear from the elderly folks who were denied care because they government decided they were not worth the cost any longer.  so sad!  yep, we are seeing obama's agenda f... up this country so we can only expect more.  liberals just love destroying our nation!
  • amber
    All knowing titus, I have dual citizenship, both US and Australian, I lived in the US most of my life and I feel blessed to have done so. Now i live in Australia, Which has nationalized health care. I can tell you from experience that it is great. It removes the fear of being financially ruined if you get sick. MY uncle recently died of a stroke, he was young and had a familly. when he had the stroke  he was air lifted to sydney had several surgery's. his imediate family was flown to sydney and put up in a hotel courtesy of the australian goverment. They were not charged a cent.  I was their for several days and saw what the family went through. Money was never an issue. Australia is a conservative nation but their  health care system is very popular (politicaly untouchable) and even sorce of pride for this nation. They have heard the stories of the US health system and they cant understand why America would resist a nationalized health plan. I dont know what right wing rag you are reading but i would guess national health care is very popular in Europe .
  • Titus Hunt
    Amber--it is nice that you know everyone and every instance that has occurred as a result of nationalized healthcare.  wow!  you are just amazing--not!  i've read too many articles that have first account experiences to discount them.  in addition, taxes are high in some of the countries.  so all knowing amber is an idiot!  if all of the other people are lying and you can prove it, you are a genius!  go ahead and get everyone of these people to recant their statement to show us "republicans and teach us a lesson," you jerk!
  • number 7
    DS- you are such a hypocrite. 
    and why are you so obsessed with Rid?  Did he hit a sore spot?  Pointed out your weaknesses?  Too true for you?   Personally, I think that you have some repressed feelings  for your same gender.  Most homophobes are this way.
  • number 7
    look at Titus go-  calling names AGAIN.  What an evil witch she is.
    Someone go and ring her doorbell so we can get a look at her "company face".   Her real face that shows in here is disgusting.
  • sandy beach
    just popped in to look at the children running with scissors.
    DS-  have your mother wash your mouth out with soap. 
    Repent your foul words and deeds.
    You think you are a preacher- but you are nothing but a prick.
    Go sit in the gutter with the rest of the hypocrite slime.
  • DS
    amber, number 7, and sandy beach,
    Go back under the rock you came out of.  You are all slimebags and don't justify a response from eith Titus or myself.  You all need to repent and believe as well.  I pray that the Holy Spirit would begin His good work of convicting you, and that you will be broken to a point where you have no other recourse but to cry out for God!!  Then you will be saved!!
  • amber
    Titus I am not saying I know of every ones  experience with nationalized health care (obviosly). I am however saying that as a resident/citizen of a country that has nationalized health care that Just about every one I know over here has had experience with the system. In fact they have regular experience with it because they/we can see a docter any time we want free of charge, and if we get seriosly hurt we go to the emergency room, if we needan operation we get surgery chemo ect all free of charge.  I can say with absolute assurence that Australians overwelmingly favor the system, consider themselves lucky to have the system and you could say it is considered almost sacred. It is also safe to say that any politician or party who suggested privitizing the system would be finished.
  • amber
    DS you are a psycho
  • DS
    you are naive.  are you saved amber? 

    Psalm 111:10 

     10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
           all who follow his precepts have good understanding.
           To him belongs eternal praise.
  • Titus Hunt
    Amber--maybe in your country it works for most people.  this is not a partisan issue and this partisan attitude needs to be taken off the table in favor of coming up with a plan that is best for our country.  but that will not happen because obama and his merrymen have talked about ensuring a plan (whether it is good for our country or not) will be passed without republican input if necessary.  that is outragous since we have seen how they are spending our money to date.  nationalizing anything in the US is a bad idea, i.e., social security.  it won't work because of the beauracracy and lobbyists in Washington and all those folks in the administration that are in charge that refuse to deal with this issue.  the lobbyists rule this system unfortunately.  obama has refused to address this issue so anything further actions taken on healthcare is a mute point.  as a result taxpayers we will continue to pay higher than necessary taxes because of the added costs.  i have seen interviews from people in canada, germany and england.  they give accounts of how bad the system is in their countries and how high their taxes were as a result.  it is not cut and dry and our government is corrupt.  if lobbyists were taken out of the equation and laws were passed to ensure that people were treated fairly (limited laws, of course) the private sector could take over and the competition would be good for everyone.  government involvement otherwise would lead to a disaster.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud and DS--did you guys see this article?  Biden did it again.  He revealed the location of a secret bunker that was supposed to protect the SOB and his staff members.  the incompetence of this administration is unbelievable.  it goes beyond stupid and ridiculous!  they are making fools out of our country.  wonder what is next?  will they reveal every intelligence secret the US has?  i would not doubt it because they are well on their way now from the looks of things.  i knew our country would be comprised by these morons before the election.  however, this is exactly what the liberals wanted and voted for.  there were no secrets about what obama and his crooks wanted to do to our nation.  that is why i get sick to my stomach thinking about it.  obama and biden are fools but liberals respect fools.  it is too bad the liberals refuse to see what is happening.  they would rather criticize the folks like us who actually love our country and don't want to see it fail.  liberals want to focus on the right and not on this incompetent administration.  what a joke!  even if liberals were somehow miraculously cured of their mental illness and realized what this administration is doing, they would never have the balls to stand up and fight to take America back! 

  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--have you been watching the news about the idiot obamas' commencement speeches.  first stupid michelle talked about how we should help others less fortunate.  duh!  where in the hell did she pull this from?  oh yeah, this is hypocrisy once again!  she should have said you should help everyone except elderly people who are in poverty living in government housing and off welfare.  obama refused to help his aunt while being a millionaire and living in the lap of luxury.  what morons!  what happened here?  where is the outrage over this?  second the idiot obama himself is so arrogant and has no respect for the catholic college.  he knew he would be the cause of major problems there.  instead of politely declining their offer so that the graduates would be able to graduate in peace and without conflict, the attention once again is put on the liberals' idea of a savior.  he is has no class or respect.  i guess it is nice that he thinks a lot of himself.  tell me again who supports these UnAmerican people?  i hesitate to even call them people at this point.  the dumbing down of America syndrome is spreading!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud and DS-- In his commencement speech obama urged Notre Dame graduates to seek common ground.  give me a break!  we are either preventing a life or we are allowing it to live.  we are either following the "all men are created equal" principal and allowing the everyone who is created to live or we are allowing selective births by killing life.  i guess this moron and all of his followers are nothing but irresponsible fools who kill babies!
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus yes, I was aware of this article about Biden blowing the cover of the secret bunker...  I think Obama picked him because he's soo stupid!  He had to get someone with less brains than him.  That way he could look the best in front of his comrades.

    Obama is stupid, he is a good speaker and people suck that up.  Idiots I mean, suck that up.  He was against protection for babies who survive abortions.  Now seems like he changed his mind on that too.  This is one screwed up guy and what I don't get is his followers!  I guess he really is a messiah to some people.
  • DS
    Bud and Titus,
    I amy have to post several times to get my response to you as I've been experiencing some problems with the site.  I will tell you when the last one is sent.
    Titus and Bud,
    I think you are finally starting to see what I have been saying for some time now.  What we are experiencing with obama and his thugs is the culmination of over 40 years of planning by the socialists/communists who are determined to destroy our country!  obama can't take too much credit for it.  He is just their mouthpiece at the moment.  He is the one who will finally push the button to usher their utopia into being, but he is really just a "stupid pawn" in their evil game of world conquest!!  See my previous posts (648 and 649) below.  NONE of the liberals responded to my challenge.  NONE of them have the personal honesty and integrity to even "consider" that something is wrong with this picture!  Unfortunately, I still can't tell if most of them are simply "poor, ignorant, lazy, Bush haters" who have been duped by the messiah, or whether they are actually deeply involved in "the plan" of overthrowing our government.  The only reason that it really matters is that if they are merely ignorant, we "may" have a chance of waking them up.  But if they are deeply involved with the plan, their minds will NEVER be changed by us!!  ONLY god will be able to change their hearts!!  PLEASE Jesus, break down their lives, convict them of what they are doing, and cause them to repent and come to you today!  PLEASE save our country Lord!  Come against EVERY evil being/power that is involved in this and destroy them Jesus!!  Show us your mighty power Lord!!  Come and save your people now!!!  We want you to come Jesus!!  Come Lord Jesus, come!!!
  • DS
    Second post....
    I have been wondering why there are so many poeple out there who "just don't seem to get it", and are so in love with obama and his "hope and change" message.  It just boggles my mind that good, American folks would allow themselves to be used by anyone to this extent.  I always knew that class warfare was the Democrats/liberals key strategy to gaining power, but how did it start, and WHO was behind this movement?  obama is THEIR mouthpiece today, and has grown up in THEIR greedy, evil system.  He was brainwashed by THEM just as all plain, simple, ordinary Americans have been in the past 30 years.  So who are these people, and what is their goal?  
    Take the time to read the following three articles, then step back and think about them for awhile before responding to my post.  Ask yourself some serious questions about them, and be honest with yourself.  Could this really be happening?  Am I being duped?  I really do love America, but is this really best for America?  Does this represent the principles on which America was founded?  Am I being so selfish that I am willing to allow my country and my family to be destroyed in order to promote this philosophy?  I'm sure there are more questions you can ask yourself.  Just take the time tothink, and be honest with yourself, PLEASE!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud and DS--it is funny that people can justify voting for obama and call themselves something other than liberals.  the people that voted for obama were liberals.  liberals are responsible for this mess.  in this country people are free to call themselves what they choose; however, the facts are that anyone who voted for this SOB is a liberal.  it was easy for folks like you and me to see what kind of idiots obama and biden would be if the UnAmerican people put them into office.  We knew this last year.  If our country's freedoms weren't at stake due to obama and his supporters (liberals), i would proudly say "I TOLD THE LIBERALS SO."  It is just too sad to do this at this point!  The arrogance of this administration will be their downfall.  liberals won't see it though because they have no morals or values.  if it wasn't so serious, it would be funny to watch everyday just to see the soap opera play out among all of the crooks in the obama administration including the liberals in congress and the senate.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--we see your second post but didn't get the articles you are referring to.  I hope your issues are corrected.  I enjoy your posts.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--i heard a snippet of obama's speech today and he was speaking about coming together and finding a common ground on abortion.  this is just like his bullshit on bipartianship that he lied about!  this is just his normal rhetoric that the stupid liberals will gobble up.  the problem is that he has been proven time and time again to be full of it.
  • DS
    third post...
    (649)  - Check out these articles!!  They will enlighten you as to who/what is behind obama and his evil soldiers!!
    Strategy for forcing political change through orchestrated crisis:
  • DS
    fourth post.....
    Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis:
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--by the way i sent an email to Hannity and I hope he finds the ironic nature of michelle's speech of helping people less fortunate but yet her and obama ignored obama's poor elderly aunt and threw her to the wolves.  i can relate this to the dumb crook news.
  • DS
    last post.....
    ACORN's Food Stamp Mortgages:
    Below is just a couple of the quotes you will find in the last article above:
    ACORN's overall strategy has a name. It's called the "Cloward-Piven Strategy" of manufactured crisis (named after two anti-capitalist sociologists) and it calls for packing the welfare rolls to encourage dependency on the government and to overload it with financial demands in order to hasten the collapse of American capitalism.
    "Enough is enough. We will wait no longer for the crumbs at America's door. We will not be meek, but mighty. We will not starve on past promises, but feast on future dreams."
    I KNOW that most of the liberals on this site won't even bother to look at the articles and ask the questions I proposed.  They are just too brainwashed to even consider such a thing.  But there may be a few out there who are still thinking a little bit for themselves.  You have spent most of your time getting your news from left wing, liberal media sources that you have begun filtering everything you hear and read through their ideological positions.  But you can stop this now before it is too late!  Just read the articles and ask yourself a few of the simple questions.
  • DS
    yeah!!!  there is more than one way to get out the truth!!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--we are continuing to actually bring out the truth of the liberal agenda.  the liberals will be angry that we are revealing their evil plan to destroy this country.  this blog is full of factual posts in which we have exposed the liberals for what they are--liars!  They are not Americans!
  • Bud Mullins

    Most of the so called "Middle of the road voters" (Moderates) that voted for Obama went into hiding.  They won't stick their heads out of their holes.  Staying totally quit and hoping everything will go away.  They just stay in there and don't even look out listening to CNN and hoping they can hear some good news.

  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--i'm with you Bud--GOD BLESS US ALL!  We need God's help right now more than ever!  obama is a nut case for the reasons you stated.  there is no middle ground when someone talks about abortion.  the middle is bullshit and obama has given us plenty of that.  either babies are allowed to live or liberals allow them to die.  i would like to know what common ground we can come to on the infamous late term abortions?  liberals kill babies and we are supposed to.................?  i'm not sure but if i had to guess, i think liberals want us to just let them do it.  that is their idea of compromise.  they are a bunch of wimps.  liberals will buy anything obama is selling and his campaigning continued today with his rhetoric.  if i were a parent of one of the students graduating today, i would be raising hell at the idiot who gave this moron permission to speak.  it would be actually termed as more than raising hell if i had spent my hard-earned money for four years and had to see this.  i don't think so.  anyone who voted for this SOB is guilty by association.  they are not conservatives either.  yes, they a lot of them are hiding in their holes right now but rested assured i will meet some of them because i can spot a liberal within just a few minutes into a conversation.  liberals are weinies.  they won't get away without hearing some things from me.  believe me i've done it and will continue to do so.  i stand by my statement that liberals are not welcome in my home.  they have divided this nation and are responsible for destroying it.
  • Titus Hunt
    liberals are pansies and obama is continuing this mentality throughout his administration and wants to use it to weaken our defenses.  this is obvious just with the CIA/pelosi situation this past week.  it is sad.  however, thank God there are folks like us to stand up and fight against it.
  • DS
    Titus and Bud,
    obama's ideas of common ground are right in line with the "Cloward-Piven Strategy" as noted in the articles above.  He said that we need to make the adoption process easier.  That is probably a good thing to do, but it isn't the reason girls are having abortions!  Then he said we need to support the single mothers that choose not to get an abortion.  That is obviously something that we already do, but he is using it to promote more of his socialist agenda!  Themore people they can get on welfare, or dependedn ont he government for their healthcare, jobs, etc., the more they can implement their socialistic programs.  And eventually, we will be a socialist country, or possibly worse!!  Have either of you read Mark Levin's book "Liberty and Tyranny"?  If not, get it!  After only the first two chapters you will have a really good idea of what is happening.  He calls socialists "Statists", and describes them in great detail!  I recommend EVERYONE on here get his book and read it soon!  Our liberty and freedom depends on us!!
  • Titus Hunt
    obama's bullshit o'meter is running high today.  according to what i see, it is on fire again!  however, there is no difference between today and every other day he has been in office.  i have now figured out what the problem is.  liberals didn't buy an obama bullshit o'meter!  wow!  they must have been recording his rhetoric to spew it back out as fact, which it's not, while we were buying ours!  wow!  mistery solved!  LOL!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud-- i'm still really amazed that liberals entrusted these two idiots that are more like laurel and hardy than leaders with top secret information.  now we see what happens when they get their hands on it.  biden reveals it and obama flipflops and follows Bush's policies.  hmmmm!  do you think they are more like the ralph and ed on the honeymooners or maybe two of the three stooges and with the third being the other liar pelosi?  hmmmmmm!  i'll have to ponder that.  giving obama and biden confidential information on anything is scary.  and those idiot liberals elected them to get top secret information pertaining to our national defense?  oh come on!  where is the slightest bit of common sense?  well, proof is in the pudding as they say and we see what happens when information is given to these morons!  an I TOLD LIBERALS SO is coming on.  i can feel it!  LOL!  however, i guess we are lucky that biden didn't share a map of all of our top secret locations, the exact positions of our soldiers in Iraq and the war plans to go along with it.  that may be a matter of time.  of course, now the terrorists know where the VP hideout is.  this cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars to build and the cover is blown.  obama chose this idiot and is totally responsible for him.  both of them should be responsible for paying the taxpayers back the money so that another hideout can be built.  what else are they going to do?  i really don't want to know.  neither are qualified to take out the garbage much less lead this country.  we already saw that obama didn't pay attention in his law classes when they taught him that he must understand the content of any document he signs.  give me a break!  i had a few law classes and that was one of the first things we discussed and i am not an attorney.  duh!  their actions will continue to destroy our country and liberals will enjoy it every step of the way.
  • smoke and mirrors
    Good heavens.  I happened upon this site and read the latest active posts and then read some earlier threads.   There seems to be only three people that come here with any regularity.  It also seems that their cockeyed notions have chased everyone else away-  not surprisingly.   These three,  Bud, DS, and Titus reflect themselves to be seriously outdated in their information and their education, and their inability to understand complex issues foreign and domestic.
    These are your original "single issue" voters, blinded to all else other than their pet issues.  Knee-jerk reactions, name-calling,  and deaf ears to any that do not share their opinions are their modus operandi.  
    I was particularly struck by the ignorance contained in above posts by Titus, making reference to Obama's half-Aunt.   Her obscenely ignorant statements are proof positive of her lack of information regarding this woman, her relation to Obama,  her current status,  and why Obama has not involved himself in her legal or personal affairs.   All of this information is readily available for all to read and understand.  Titus, it seems, prefers to rely upon Glenn Beck's version of things rather than the truth. 
    DS here seems to think that he is doing everyone a favor by pushing his personal religious beliefs upon anyone and everyone.   Perhaps he feels that this will place him further to the front of the God line.
    The actual effect upon others here is to see clearly through his cellophane exterior as his responses to those not in agreement with him have been  disrespectful, and very non-Christian.   His selective acceptance of individuals while bad-mouthing others is shameful for anyone but particularly so for someone who constantly (mis)represents himself as a devout Christian.   His hypocrisy is his failure.
    Bud is practically a cartoon- but certainly a caricature of the uninformed voter, easily swayed by any candidate dishing out a free buffet and hate speech for his vote.   Rather than addressing his own phobia regarding homosexuals,  he elects to encourage discriminatory behavior towards individuals he feels are inferior to him.  His references to hate sites reflect his continued determination to note only those items that support his twisted, bigoted,  fundamentalist, and discredited notions.   Bud , from the sound of his writings, is  about the age of my mother who will be 80 this year.  The difference between them however is that my mother never stopped being curious,  constantly reading all sides of issues,  never missed an election,   can quote house bills,  senate resolutions,  and can name every single senator from every state.  
    She volunteers at the Vet. Hospital here and  attends PFLAG events- not because any of her children are gay, but because she feels that every gay child deserves a parent that cares and understands the torment and hate directed towards homosexuals by people like Bud.  The gay community has adopted her for her steadfast support and courage.  
    Sites like this one encourage stupidity and hate.  Fortunately there have been a few sane voices that pop in now and then- but they are quickly brow-beaten,  called names,  and invited to leave this haven of ignorance and bigotry. 
    Cannot say that I blame them. 
    One comfort:  people like Titus, Bud, and DS are few and far between- and their numbers dwindle daily.   These three encourage divisiveness and backwards thinking.   Fortunately,  a plurality of thinking Americans have rejected this neanderthal thinking.
  • DS
    smoke and mirrors,
    since you have nothing original to say, you can run along with the rest of your evil friends and create hate and discontent somewhere else!  WARNING: If you dedcide to stay here you WILL be subject to hearing from the God of the Universe!!  I know that will make your blood boil since you and your father (the devil) are opposed to everything that God desires for all of us, so you better run along now before the Holy Spirit makes a surprise visit!!
  • smoke and mirrors
    DS are you actually expecting me to believe that you are threatening me with God on the end of your whip??
    My God, and my religion look upon you as a heretic filled with hate.
    Only you can save yourself from the fate you have chosen for yourself. 

    You sad, hypocrite of a man.
  • DS
    smoke and mirrors,
    who is your god?  can you tell me his name?  and what has he done to earn your allegiance?
  • smoke and mirrors
    DS, your reply to my post is exactly what would be expected from you based upon what you have posted on days previous to this.
    Interesting that you freely acknowledge all others before me for duplicating my impressions - this should tell you something.  Should.
    It should give you pause to revisit your thoughts and words directed at others and consider the words of others.  No one is correct on everything.  We all base opinions upon our life history along with items that have influenced our family, finances, and upbringing.  Thoughtful thinking people will be able to discern isolated incidents as just that.  For example,  as a young child,  we had a lady who came to our house weekly for household work (cleaning, ironing, etc).  This woman was friendly, engaging, and did very good work.
    As it happened,  she was black.  After several months in our employ, we discovered that she had stolen some checks from my mother's checkbook and forged herself additional pay.   She was dismissed.
    Obviously,  some would prefer to believe that she represented ALL black people. 
    In my adult life - both in college and in the workplace,  I studied and worked with numerous Black, Asian, and Mid-eastern people.  To a person, we remain close friends - and as our individual families have expanded- so has our circle of friends.  I am forever grateful to have been able to have their understanding and input in my life.

    DS,  while I see your words here,  and see your reactions to those words that differ from your thinking- I see intolerance that knows no barrier.  Your attempt to hide behind your religion and throw scripture as your spears is an affront to all serious theologians and thinkers of any realm- be they secular or religious. 
    You do not frighten me with idle threats and thoughtless ridicule.
    You do not impress me with your ability to ignore decency and humanity. 
    What you display is ignorance, intolerance, and bigotry. 
    Why are you proud of this?
  • DS
    you didn't answer my questions.  your rant didn't do anything to change what i believe about you, or what you need in your life.  can you please just answer my simple three questions?  then maybe we will have something to talk about.  otherwise, i consider you just like all other liberals who are unwilling to answer questions and address the truth.
  • smoke and mirrors
    DS, it is not up to you to decide what I "need" in my life.  My religion is personal to me alone.  My belief is in a loving God who may light a path for me, but trusts in me to make solid, informed judgments,  live with humility, treat all with humanity, and sympathy towards those in need.   My religion leaves no room for your type of selective behavior towards individuals.  I am Christian-  but labels are not the issue here. The issue is goodness.  I am having trouble finding that you have any understanding of this word.
    Others here broadly label "liberals" as something that should have been removed along with the friday rubbish pick-up.   You fall right in line and echo these thoughts and feelings.   How unfortunate you cannot see the shallowness of your thoughts and the hypocrisy of your words.
  • smoke and mirrors
    My God's name? 
    You mean like Fred, or Bob, or Louise?

    How trivial you are, DS.
    Shame on you.  You need to stop projecting your own fears and hate upon others.  Not everyone is as foolish as you are, DS.  Some of us actually read.
  • DS
    you say you're christian, but you are unwilling to tell me your god's name, or why you pledge allegiance to him/her?  that seems a little odd smoke.  are you sure you believe in "a god", or are "you" your own god?  be honest smoke.  tell me more about your god.  my God would like to hear more about him/her.  i would like to compare my God with your god smoke.  are you afraid to look at them side by side?  what are you afraid of smoke?  are you afraid that you will have to stand judgement before my God?  you should be, because you will smoke.  EVERYONE will be judged by my God when they die.  are you ready for that smoke?   who is your god smoke?  there are many gods in this world.  which one is your god?
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--liberals don't want to follow anything up with facts and use their spewing of hatred to divide our country.  it is obvious they don't want to engage in conversation.  i guess the pelosi conflict and biden revealing national secrets is outdated?  as for obama's aunt, i'm going by the statement obama himself issued.  if there was something else, he needed to have cleared it up publicly since he made the statement to begin with.  liberals are idiots!  let them spew their hatred.  excuses for obama and his merrymen of crooks is all they have because there are no justifications for this administration's lack of leadership and obama's lack of qualifications.  i don't like the clintons but i can say that hillary had it right when she said obama didn't need to learn on the job and needed to be able to start on day 1.  well, we see the liberals decided the person in office only needed to learn as he goes.  that is the reason we see his flipflopping on his rhetoric and deciding to use several of the Bush administration's policies.  the liberals are fuming now and i'm laughing that their igonorance.  obviously, they don't like the fact that Bush protected this country and implemented the policies in place to ensure our safety.  booohooo!  tell the liberals to get over it and concentrate on the corruption in their own party.  they need to clean house starting with obama and working their way down.  liberals are mentally ill and want to take away our freedoms.
  • DS
    you are absolutely right!  Here is just one quote from Mark Levin's book which I believe says it all.

    "We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing.  With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others, the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men's labor.  Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name - liberty.  And it follows that each of the things is, by respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names - liberty and tyranny."
                                            -  Abraham Lincoln
  • smoke and mirrors
    DS, your very words betray the falsehood your professed "beliefs" and have shown you to be a fraud in any respect that you care to consider.
    One must take care not to trivialize  or marginalize the beliefs of others in order to insist favor for those of  one's  own.  Hypocrisy is the act of pronouncing a personal profound belief in something and chastising others for not doing the same,  while , at the same time that person displays and acts in direct contrast to those stated "beliefs".
    DS, this is what you are doing.  This hypocritical behavior leaves you no moral high ground whatsoever.  You may some day find your way to a better understanding.  I hope so.
    Your sacrilegious and insulting demand that I pull out "my God"  for some sort of pissing contest against "your God"  is ludicrous on it's face,  and demeaning to all who hold their religious beliefs sacred.

    Titus,  in response to your additional comments regarding Obama's half aunt,  I have the distinct impression that if Obama had intervened in this you would have jumped all over him for "family favoritism" that would have placed her above the law simply because she was a distant relative.   His doing nothing,  allowing the law to address her situation, has you fuming that he "does not care".   It just would not matter what Obama did- you would hate him nonetheless.   That, Titus, is what you do.  Your hate consumes you.   Your every post is driven by hate and fear.  Fear unfounded and hate unexplained.  Your fears and imagination have led you hide from your own shadow.
    You attempt to justify your hate and bad behavior towards others by claims that you hold the moral authority and have values that all must acknowledge as the only true way or be prepared to be called "idiot" and "stupid" and any other name you find in a gutter near your home.    You three that I have mentioned as being the trio that post here stand naked , with your hate and bigotry fully exposed as you daily display your foolish selves.
  • smoke and mirrors
    and one more thing, Titus- Bill Clinton said that there is just no way for anyone to be "ready" for the job of the Presidency.  All other currently  living past US Presidents have concurred with this statement.   Every President is forced to "learn on the job".  It is the nature of the office in an ever-changing and complex world.
    If you want routine,  perhaps you are thinking in terms of a fast food restaurant, Titus.
  • DS
    i'm sorry, but i think you are the one who is acting hypocritical.  "If" you are really a christian, you would not be able to support politicians (or anyone for that matter) who believe that abortion, gay marriage, stealing from one person to give to another, and removing God from society is acceptable!  do you support those things smoke?  if so, you are either a hypocrit or a liar.  which is it smoke?  i won't tell you what i think, i'll let you tell me for yourself.  think before you speak tho, as you may incriminate yourself.  i "believe and procatice" what i have pronounced to you smoke.  i love all people, just as Jesus does.  but i don't have to love and/or accept what they do.  that is where you and all liberals get it wrong.  your attempt to minimalize christianity and it's precepts are disgusting, and will NEVER succeed!!  why do i know that?  because my God has already said it!!  whoever isn't for Him is against Him, and evil will NEVER win over righteousness!  so don't think your strategy of denying truth and justice will get you anywhere with me!  i know THE truth, and THE truth has set me free!  it can also set you free smoke!  repent and belive in Him today!  He will take your filthy rags and turn them into riches!
  • Titus Hunt
    smoke and mirrors--you are proving your ignorance on every post.  DS is of high morals and values and your opinion doesn't count anyway.  slamming him is getting you no where and making you look like a fool.  in case you missed the heading of this site, this is a conservative sight.  you liberals have no integrity so what you say is meaningless.  you just come here to spread your hate and try to divide this country further than you already have.  we recognize this.  for some reason you Bush haters try to blame everyone else in the party for everything that happens and it is ridiculous and unfounded.  the lame excuse you gave for obama about his aunt is just that and it is stupid.  however, you liberals will definitely try to take up for him.  she was living in government housing and off welfare.  that didn't happen overnight.  he mentioned her in his book and she donated to his campaign.  he thought highly of her according to his words.  because of that close connection he should have known where she was and what was happening with her.  if you think highly of someone and that person helped you in your life and the person is a relative, you will know what is happening with the person.  well...let me take that back, that is unless you are a slithering, selfish snake only out to make a name for yourself like obama.  it is sad that as much money as he has and after all of his rhetoric about helping people, he chose to ignore her and let her live in poverty.  that is a disgrace and example of his bad character.  so go ahead and justify his behavior as liberals love to do but there is no excuse.  i would never let a relative of mine live in poverty if i had the means to help them.  that is disgusting.  if you agree with obama you are as selfish and disgraceful as he is.  so yes, DS, Bud and I have higher morals than any liberal.  who in the hell would dare try to take up for this SOB?  oh yeah, another piece of scum.  this world is full of you guys.  as for being "ready" for the presidency, talk to your buddy hillary.  she begged to differ in her campaign.  i don't think anyone will know everything but he should have had experience at something related to his job to make him qualified for it.  being a failed community activist (if you go here, you won't win) and a senator who was not present most of the time because he was campaigning, does not give him a resume to become the president.  he didn't even have business experience or experience in the markets or any outide real job managing anything of relevance.  of course, we know he didn't have foreign policy experience as hillary point out.  in addition, he has "changed" his mind about some policies and has resorted to Bush's policies after railing Bush on them before.  this is hypocrisy and he is a loser.  i won't get into his lies about the economy but i easily can since that is really where my expertise is.  however, liberals don't give a damn about qualifications or integrity but like that he is a good speaker.  ha!  we see where that has gotten us!    
  • smoke and mirrors
    DS,  unlike you, I understand the necessity of the separation of church and state.  I do not wish the government playing God any more than I want any religion playing King.  
    I don't ever intend on having an abortion- nor does my wife.  I do, however understand the tremendous personal decision this involves for a woman.  So do the courts.   There are no "pro-abortion" people.  Un-intended pregnancy is a fact.  Some are a result of rape or incest, some are otherwise.  I am for reducing the un-wanted pregnancy rate.   The courts have stipulated when exactly a legal abortion can take place.  Essentially, it has taken "viability" as a factor in this determination.  You disagree?  Do not ever contemplate having an abortion.  This is your choice.  It is not up to you to make this decision for others. 
    No one is trying to take anything from you.  A same-sex couple takes nothing from you.  Rights afforded gay couples take nothing from you.  Inter-racial marriages take nothing from you.   Gays in the military take nothing from you.  On the other side, you deny every single one of these people basic civil rights that you take for granted.  Not having the ten commandments displayed on government property takes nothing from you.  Having them displayed gives all implication that the government endorses that religion.  The government does not promote ANY religion- nor does it take from any religion.  You want everyone to think as you do.  In some parallel universe,  perhaps,  there are societies such as this, not here.   We are individuals- and in the case of Americans,  fortunate individuals to be able to pursue directions of our choice and interest without fear of persecution or denial because that interest does not fall in line with the theocracy of the government.

    I have no filthy rags- with the possible exception of those used in the garage when I last changed the oil filter.  
    I have no regrets or apology for my life,  nor do I feel compelled in the slightest to explain myself to you.  You are a fraud.  Your hate for people  (or their personal lives) appears based upon your own narrow vision and fears.  Your words here express this more than I could ever say.
    I am ashamed to hear you pass yourself off as a Christian.  You carry with you none of these traits.
  • smoke and mirrors
    Titus, your disrespect for individuals is hideous and offensive.  Your words are like vinegar- and your references that Obama and this administration are determined to destroy this nation is lunacy.  You are simply put, a crackpot.
  • Titus Hunt
    smoke and mirrors--for liberals i'm vulgar or whatever.  i don't care.  if you look up the meanings of the words, you will find them to be true if you are honest.  i feel sorry for you if you are a liberal because you are incapable of being honest.  if the shoe fits, wear it.  do you call biden and idiot for giving out national security secrets?  well a liberal wouldn't i guess because you are definitely an idiot.  if you don't like it, don't post here. 
  • Bud Mullins
    At lease we still have a two party system...

    1.  Republican Conservative Party

    2.  Democrat Socialist Party.
  • Titus Hunt
    smoke and mirrors--that is a typical line of liberals --the separation of church and state.  so we can agree that all are created equal then?  well if you agree with this then you will agree that choosing who lives and dies is wrong since we are all created equal so abortion is wrong.  that has nothing to do with religion you moron!  you are a typical liberal idiot and full of hypocrisy because you have no morals or values and are incapable of understanding what they mean in the first place.  we have heard every line liberals use over and over and you guys are broken records.  it is typical but annoying and lacks any basis for common sense.  i just proved that obama was hypocrital concerning his aunt but you will fail to see it.  that is normal for a liberal.
  • Titus Hunt
    smoke and mirrors--your comment--your references that Obama and this administration are determined to destroy this nation is lunacy.

    prove it.  i can prove my statement and if you read my previous posts about the economy and businesses you will see part of it.  i can name others also but i won't because you are an idiot and obviously, need to pick up an economics book and research for yourself.  this subject is just too elementary to discuss for those of us who understand how this country operates, the economy and the markets.  however, you are a liberal and want to believe in your messiah, obama and the "hope" fantasy.  duh!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud Mullins--you are right Bud but can we reserve the right to modify the name of the democrat socialist party?  as we are seeing with the new ideas floating around obama's head, we are likely to see more jobs lost because of his stupidity.  so i would like to add dictatorship and communist to that party.  by the way where in the hell does obama think he is going to get the 1,000,000+ doctors and medical support staff to ensure everyone gets medical attention?  LOL!  that is where the dictatorship comes in.  he will fail because he will not be able to control people like he thinks he can.  so we will be lucky to get to see a doctor in six months for any type of illness.  i just hope the republicans don't have fatal illnesses and can see a doctor before it is too late.  as for the other side, i really don't have sympathy since they will have been the reason we are in this mess to begin with.  it is like obama thinking he will tax businesses for not being able to provide employee healthcare or making them offer paid sick leave.  well, for those who can't afford the extra costs involved, they will merely shut their doors, lay people off and/or move to another country where they can thrive.  simple, simple, simple!  this is similar to when CA decided to raise taxes to bring in more revenue for their liberal entitlement programs.  what happened?  some people with money moved to WA.  ha!  now WA has their tax revenue.  from what i understand many people moved.  what a great idea!  this is just an example on a smaller scale of what will happen when obama brings new taxes in simply to fund unnecessary spending and entitlement programs.  however, the stupid liberals don't understand this.  i wouldn't expect them to at this point though.  i find it humorous that liberals think you can force people into submission by passing laws to ensure there is less money in their wallets.  it won't work.  i laughed at obama's idea of possibly taxing sugar drinks.  so people will drink less of these and the businesses will suffer and layoff or close their doors.  this is further proof that liberals hate businesses but love inefficient government.  nothing beats biden's big mouth running off about top secret national security issues.  that takes the cake!  however, why isn't anyone blaming the person who hired him?  obama and the rest of the country knew what kind of moron biden was before the election.  i guess this is just further proof obama is not going to be held responsible for anything because he is their messiah.
  • DS
    i knew you weren't a christian from your first post.  you can't be christian and support the "murder" of innocent babies, or support changing God's definition of marriage!  notice i used the word "murder" and not "killing".  theyhave distincltly different meanings, and should be used differently depending on what circumstance you are talking about.  we could argue about economic policies, foreign policies, and many other differences between conservative, christian values and liberal, socialist values, but let's just stick to those two.  you CAN'T be a christian and support them!!  don't be deceived smoke.  if you really believe that you're a christian, then wake up man and repent!!  ask God to forgive you for supporting those values, and begin to act, think, and vote like a true christian!!  look at the candidate honestly.  what are their values?  how have they voted?  who are their friends?  can you trust them to do what they say they will do?  these are questions that you should ask about EVERY candidate.  then after researching and praying about it, cast your vote for the one which most closely represents your (and hopefully God's) values.  if everyone did that, we wouldn't be in the mess that we are in today.  the choice was obvious, and America chose the most un-godly candidate of the bunch!  now, i'm afraid that our nation will experience the wrath pf God for at least the next four years.  "If" we wake up and start electing Godly politicians to represent us, then we may see God's blessings on our nation again!  otherwise, we just may see our nation go down in flames, hopefully not literally.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--You said it!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--liberals sometimes claim to be Christians and can somehow justify to themselves that abortion is ok.  i have never understood how they could lie to ensure they can sleep at night.  it is a selfish way to live and i am thankful i don't have to deal with that.  liberals also get angry and criticize me for calling obama and his administration what they are.  of course, there are many adjectives that truthfully describe them and i use them often.  i'm sure there are more but i haven't thought about them yet.  However, i'm taking suggestions so throw them my way!  LOL!  As you, Bud and I have clearly shown and talked about numerous times, we love this country and understand the principals by which it is founded.  it is evident that liberals do not and want to twist anything and everything to meet their selfish agenda.  when conservatives stand up against them trying to protect this nation's freedoms, we are then the bad guys!  what morons!  liberals don't give a damn about this country.  they try to downplay what obama and his crooks are doing by saying that conservatives don't like folks who have a different opinion.  that is a lie, of course!  we don't mind people who don't agree with us but they have taken their agenda to the extreme and our freedoms are being taken away.  smoke and mirrors is nothing but another liberal fool who can't figure this out.  they are all alike and want to follow any crowd that seems to be the trend/flavor of the day.  if obama said jump, they would ask how high.  if obama said jump off a bridge, they would either drown or swim.  the DDOA disease is spreading rapidly.  i'm spraying bug repellent around my house so i can't be bitten!  LOL!  you can't get rid of it once you are infected unless God steps in and truly that is what we need at this point!
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus and DS, you all know this idiot has been here under a dozen different names don't you?  I know you know that already.  UC is checking on this because this is a form of spam.
  • Titus Hunt
    i figured as much.  he never backs anything up with facts.  of course, all liberals do this.  can we start calling liberals spam for the hell of it?  LOL!
  • spam is a food and you are an
    Bud,  responding to a post is considered spam?
    you are even more stupid than you first appeared.
  • smoke and mirrors
    DS, Bud, and the "lady" who goes by Titus:
    Your insults intended for me are of no use.  You three have demonstrated your divisive behavior endlessly.  There is no sting in your bite.   You merely continue to flaunt lunacy. 

    DS,   my pointing out to you  that your actions and words do not reflect any known form of Christianity seems to have rattled you considerably,  even to the point of your personal claim that I am not a Christian.  DS,  I work very closely with Rev. C. Welton Gaddy of the Interfaith Alliance.  A truly decent and honest man who lives what he says.  Do some homework , sir.  This gentleman could teach you a thing or two.   I honor his work and Christian ethics. 
    You sir, are a fraud.
  • Bud Mullins
    You're right responding to a post is not spam.  posting on these sites from the same computer under different user names - IS A FORM OF SPAM!  Wise up...
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--this guy is just another punk liberal that can only claim to be a Christian but is not.  Any one who condones abortion is not a Christian so his "teacher" that he refers to must be a fraud if he agrees that the murder of innocent lives is ok.  hopefully this "teacher" is really a Christian and would condemn such behavior and this punk is just pretending to be a follower of his.  they are dividing this country and are assholes at best.  there is scum everywhere and if he had any sort of decency, he would not be a spammer and go somewhere else where he is wanted.
  • Dora
    smoke, thank you for a voice of reason and sanity. 
    i may not personally agree with your religious views- but i certainly respect your attitude and am pleased to learn of your association with Rev. Gaddy.  would that other religious leaders had this man's reason and kindness.  you are correct in saying DS could stand to learn a thing or two from the Rev.   thank you for demonstrating what class looks like.  i don't expect these three to understand, however.  they believe class is elitist and they take pride in being ignorant and crass.
  • Dora
    Dear, dear ignorant Bud...
    I presently have 18 like-minded friends visiting my home in honor of Armed Forces Day.   Every single one of these people have either served in the military or have lost members of their family while in service to this country.  Several have taken a turn on my computer to speak to your continued nonsense and insults constantly flung about in here. 
    Bud,  you continue to demonstrate your poor education and slow learning ability.  Wise up.  And stop insulting actual patriots.   You sicken me.   Try to stay out of the sun, your plastic will melt.

    Titus-  I think you have finally jumped the cliff.   Whatever thin thread of sanity you once had is no longer evident.  

    DS- the street corner bible thumper-  as always,  the hypocrite.

    Now,  I must get back to the grill.
  • Titus Hunt
    dora--love your incorrect post!  you are wrong as usual.  regardless of what side of the isle you are on, as an "American" we should all be worried about our freedoms.  We should also be worried about the completely irresponsible tax and spend policies of obama.  if you are not angry about what they are doing in Washington, you are truly not thinking clearly to say the least.  Biden put us at risk the other day by revealing secrets on the national security level.  now that cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.  it has now gone up in smoke because another location will have to be found/built.  that is not to mention the more than $300,000 wasted on a photo opportunity.  obama is the leader so he is responsible for the people he places in these positions.  Biden is fool and an idiot for disrepecting our country and giving terrorists literally a roadmap to a target to blow up.  this is not a gaffe or a mistake.  these offices are not for children and obviously, that is what we have in them now.  you may not give a damn about the security of familes and children but I certainly do.  so you can stand on some stump and try to pretend we are just so terrible for being angry at the stupidity in Washington.  I won't apologize for caring about the future of our nation and the people in it.  obama and his crooks are ripping our country into pieces and laughing the whole way and i knew this would happen.  what else is next?  i don't want to know!  yes, i'm am an elitist if that means standing up for the principals our country was founded on!  oh by the way, i'm proud of it too!  so keep up your rhetoric.  you only pretend to be nice and cordial when it suits you!
  • Bud Mullins
    Evil has many faces, but the shit is always the same color...
  • Titus Hunt
    Dora--you are just a typical liberal.   if there are soldiers who are liberals they are idiots too!  just becuase you can't handle the truth, you should not insult others.  oh yeah, i forgot that basketweaving degree of yours entitles you to know everything.  LOL!  hope you stay on the grill!
  • Titus Hunt
    oh yeah, just in case you are stupid enough to notice, there are mistakes in my post on purpose, you moron!
  • Bud Mullins
    DS and Titus, are you enjoying the re-runs of this clown?
  • DS
    Bud and Titus,
    i just got back from grocery shopping with my wife.  i see you have been busy since i left, and we found out who the mystery poster was didn't we!!  i thought it was probably Dora, and her little bambi who werew responsible.  i won't respond to Dora because i already told her everything she needed to know tobe saved...which is what she needs!  she has no wisdom because she doesn't fear God.   i even included the footnote so that Dora and other lost souls could understand God's definition of "fool".  By the way

    Proverbs 1:1-7 

    Proverbs 1
    Prologue: Purpose and Theme
     1 The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:
     2 for attaining wisdom and discipline;
           for understanding words of insight;
     3 for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life,
           doing what is right and just and fair;
     4 for giving prudence to the simple,
           knowledge and discretion to the young-
     5 let the wise listen and add to their learning,
           and let the discerning get guidance-
     6 for understanding proverbs and parables,
           the sayings and riddles of the wise.
     7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
           but fools [a] despise wisdom and discipline.
    Proverbs 1:7 The Hebrew words rendered fool in Proverbs, and often elsewhere in the Old Testament, denote one who is morally deficient.

    <!--end of footnotes-->
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--not really.  their information is old and uninformed.  oh, did i mention it was stupid?  i'm glad to see that they take our freedoms seriously--not!  it is sad.

    by the way, i was just reading an article where biden's aid said that biden didn't give out secrets; he was just describing a bedroom.  What?  in the comments section people were laughing saying yeah, i guess he was describing a bedroom when he talked about the different secured doors you had to go through to get to it.  ha!  the aid forgot to mention all of the communications equipment in the same room that biden spoke about.  i think that is a typical bedroom, don't you?  ha!  they are once again trying to cover biden the idiot's tracks.  some of the comments were that he needed to be impeached, you can't fix stupid and just think biden is next in line to be president if something happens to obama and we think we are in trouble under obama.  LOL!  all of them are unfortunately true.  it is obama's responsibility and we all know he can't be the leader of trash detail much less anything else.  i spoke to a business owner today and he is worried about the new ideas floating around in liberals' empty heads.  he is worried about the tax penalities small businesses may have to pay if they can't afford health insurance and the bill up for debate concerning making it a requirement for businesses to give employees seven days paid sick time.  of course, this stifles businesses further.  the person i talked to said he would rather shut his doors than to pay obama's administration one more dime because he is taxed to death already.  he is seriously thinking about this.  i'm sure there will be lots of other small business folks doing the same.  they hate the government already because of the liberal idiots who are running it.  these are the last people we need to be angry.  they are the ones who employ the most people.  however, as we know, obama has no experience in business and doesn't understand the impacts of his decisions.  well, at least i hope he doesn't understand them because that would mean he is purposely trying to create a depression in this country.  i think you know what i think.  the proposal of taxing sugar drinks is further proof whether this gets any flight or not.  more layoffs and business closings are in our horizon.  obama's policies are hurting Americans and the liberals are standing by watching it happen.  They are not Americans in any sense of the word.
  • DS
    you keep verifying everything i suspected about you.  you are not a christian smoke, and neither is Rev. C. Welton Gaddy.  he is a fraud!  check out his speech at the Center for Inquiry and check out the comments from viewers.  causey90 has it right!


    also see the mission statement of the Center for Inquiry below.  this organization practices humanism, and is NOT christian! 


    you need Jesus smoke!!  STOP following these false teachers and repent of your sins, ask Jesus to come into your heart, and follow Him!!  He, and ONLY He can save you!!  accept Him today before it is too late!!

    Jesus is the ONLY way!!

    John 14:6 
    6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, Dora is just one of the names that jerk is using.  Yes, I am
    trying to get UC to check on the IP (Internet Protocol) address that
    is assigned to each computer modem and is activated by the service
    provider each time a connection or communication is made.  In other
    words, everytime we post using the same modem, don't matter what name we use, that location is recorded.

    By the way, I have a UC widget on my web site now.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--from what dora says that guy is great because he is nice and kind.  ha!  yeah, ...and from the outside obama "appears" nice too, but we know he is a snake!  we know obama is ruining this country and pure economic theory shows us that.  some people who don't have real jobs out in the business world need economic theory because their common sense is lacking.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--to clarify--dora and her "friends" must not have had experience out in the real world so they only can base their understanding of what obama is doing to our country with economic theory because they don't have common sense to pull from.  it is ridiculous that those idiots can make fun of conservatives for actually caring what happens to millions of Americans who are out of work, can't pay their bills or feed their families.  liberals claim they are the caring ones and the ones who are out there for the common man.  well, it is obvious that that is a lie.  unions have screwed the people who support them and are in bed with the democrats in Washington.  those employees have been sold out and the democrats are in charge and we see what is happening to correct this--nothing.  small businesses are continuing to lay off as a direct result of obama's policies.   yeah, the regular folks are suffering at the hands of the democrats and the liberals are laughing about it.
  • DS
    very true, but God will have the final say someday!  we may have to suffer greatly in this life because of the actions of evil men, but don't lose heart Titus.  Continue to fight for the faith that is in you.  God will reward us in His time!  In the meantime we will continue to speak the truth, and those who have ears will hear.  Those who refuse to acknowledge the truth will be judged by the living God for everything that they did and said.  God have mercy on their souls for rejecting Him who died for them!!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--you are right.  you know i've often wondered what it was like living in the 1700-1800's.  as you know i was raised by my great grandmother and great aunt so i heard a lot of stories growing up about their lives.  my great grandmother was born in 1894 and she had vivid memories of her childhood at the turn of the century and on.  so i became interested in our family tree.  the tidbits of information that were available taught me a lot.  people really had a hard life but things were simple because families took care of each other and neighbors helped neighbors.  in the area my family is from being proud of their country and family was an everyday occurence.  most people did the right thing from the beginning because being evil would not accomplish anything that was good for the community.  now we have liberals!  Ugh!  they are selfish, self-centered, arrogant assholes who only want the "anything goes" lifesyle.  whatever feels good at the time is what they think they should do.  they have no morals, values or thoughts that would prevent them from causing shame to our country.  this is a time in history that should cause shame to a lot of people!
  • dora
    They're coming to take our guns away
    Cop killer Richard Poplawski is an extremist. But amid the deafening din of the right wing's anti-government rhetoric, how extreme is he?
    By Gary Kamiya
    April 7, 2023 | It would be convenient to pretend that Richard Poplawski, who killed three Pittsburgh policemen on Saturday with an AK-47, was just a right-wing nutcase. A devotee of the white supremacist Web site Stormfront, Poplawski believed that the United States was controlled by a secret Jewish cabal that had a master plan to abrogate freedom of speech and use the U.S. military to police Americans.
    It would be easy for us to cordon Poplawski off, pretend that his ugly and paranoid worldview had nothing to do with the Obama hatred spouted by the American right. But the truth is that Poplawski's hateful views cannot be separated from the increasingly extreme ideology and rhetoric that characterize the contemporary American conservative movement. As his friend, Edward Perkovic, told the Associated Press, Poplawski feared "the Obama gun ban that's on the way" and "didn't like our rights being infringed upon."
    Such obsessions don't come out of a vacuum. Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and the GOP have been whipping up hatred and fear of Obama and "liberal Democrats" for years. Joined by the National Rifle Association, which has run false and irresponsible ads claiming that Obama is planning to take away Americans' guns, they have encouraged and helped to create a pathological right-wing subculture in which free-floating hatred of "the government" mixes with a maniacal fetish for guns. Poplawski is the diseased fruit of that ugly tree.
    Yes, Poplawski dwelt in the most extreme part of the right wing. He is responsible for his action. You can't tar every conservative because a pathological murderer shared some of his or her core beliefs. There has been no epidemic of shootings carried out by whacked-out readers of "The Turner Diaries." Only the most unhinged neo-Nazi wing of the right will defend Poplawski's actions, just as only the most brain-dead "radicals" defended Lovelle Mixon's shooting of four Oakland police.
    But the Lovelle Mixons of the world do not have a powerful media machine, not to mention a major political party, loudly whipping up fears that policemen are coming into black communities to terrorize their inhabitants. With the collapse of the GOP into the party of Rush Limbaugh, and as Limbaugh and his ilk grow ever more reckless in their attacks on Obama, the boundaries between "respectable" right-wing paranoid hatred and "extreme" right-wing paranoid hatred are getting more blurred. Right-wing fanatic du jour Glenn Beck teased his recent Fox show with images of Hitler, Stalin and Lenin and said that he was wrong to say that Obama was leading America to socialism -- because Obama is actually a fascist. "They're marching us towards 1984," Beck intoned. "Big Brother, he's watching."
    If the demagogues on the right had any conscience, the Poplawski case would force them to realize that their shrill ravings border on incitement.* But they won't. There are ratings to be maintained and a rabid base to be catered to. If every now and then some disturbed member of the base loses it, it's not their problem.

    Poplawski's black-helicopter and anti-Semitic ravings put him at the outer edge of the right. But his paranoid fear that Obama was going to take away his AK-47 is mainstream among conservatives. That fear, fomented by the NRA and echoed by right-wing commentators from Lou Dobbs to Limbaugh, is ubiquitous online. A right-wing, pro-gun Web site I Googled at random, Theodore's World (slogan: "The PC Free Zone Gazette is American first and Conservative second. It is never anti-American!"), highlights several stories about black men who killed police officers. Commenting on one incident in which the suspect was wounded by another policeman, someone posting as "Bob F" writes, "It's too bad when the cop's partner shot back, he only wounded him. Now the taxpayers are going to have to pay for medical treatment and prison. The cost of a bullet is probably only .50 cents. Unfortunately, it's only going to get worse on the streets as Obama and his minions disarm law abiding citizens while criminals run rampant."
    Much of the responsibility for this paranoia lies with the NRA. During the presidential campaign, the NRA ran ads that falsely painted Obama as coming for Americans' guns. Screaming that he had a "10-point plan to change the Second Amendment," the powerful lobby claimed that Obama planned to "ban use of firearms for home self-defense" and "ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns."
    The NRA's ad was a tissue of lies and distortions. In fact, Obama has -- characteristically -- staked out an extremely cautious, centrist position on gun control, one that has disappointed many advocates of more far-reaching gun control laws. He has never called for banning the use of firearms for home self-defense, nor has he called for handguns to be banned. He has adopted the conservative "individual right" interpretation of the Second Amendment favored by the right wing and the NRA and opposed by gun-control groups, many legal experts and the New York Times. When he has called for gun control, his positions  have been moderate. He has called for the registration of handguns, making the ban on assault weapons permanent, closing the gun show loophole that allows private transfers of arms, banning high-powered ammunition that could pierce policemen's protective vests and for national legislation against carrying concealed weapons.
    It's true Obama has taken some earlier positions, regarding the regulation of handguns, that might lead some zealots to wonder if he was really a True Believer in Americans' God-given right to pack heat. But none of those positions, and certainly not his careful current stance, could remotely justify the NRA's hyperbolic and alarmist claims.
    When the nonpartisan consumer advocate Web site Factcheck.org, run by the Annenberg Foundation, asked the NRA  to explain its false and misleading statements, its public affairs officer simply replied, "We're comfortable with what we put on there. We believe our facts." Apparently the fact that their "facts" are not facts, but opinions, is of no concern to the NRA.  [SOUND FAMILIAR, TITUS IT SHOULD,  THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT FACTS VS. YOUR OPINIONS.]
    When accusations are based on ideology, not facts, they acquire an ominously conspiratorial tinge, one that plays into the psychopathologies of losers like Poplawski -- or like Timothy McVeigh, whose life bears a disturbingly close resemblance to Poplawski's. And you'd have to go back to Barry Goldwater to find a degree of conspiratorial paranoia equal to that being pumped out by the right today.
    Opponents of any form of gun control have always painted themselves as law-abiding citizens who simply demand their constitutional right to defend themselves against armed evildoers. Theirs is a Hobbesian world in which law enforcement cannot be trusted to stop criminals. Hence their favorite slogan, "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." Poplawski proudly subscribed to that belief.
    If the right wing keeps whipping its troops into a frenzy by accusing Obama of being a fascist, gun-hating dictator, America may have a new group of outlaws to fear: freedom-loving, gun-worshipping "patriots" like Poplawski.


  • Titus Hunt
    dora--what a joke and obviously a leftist interpretation.  everything is a result of hatred for you isn't it dora.  conservatives want the right thing to be done and you guys don't understand what that is unfortunately.  so we spread hate and venom and lies?  i don't think so.  pick up a damn economics book and try to understand it and if you can, you'll see we are right!  it is common sense for a lot of people.
  • dora
    DS,  Not only is the Rev. C Welton Gaddy a well known and respected member of the religious community,  his calm, rational, and thoughtful discussions regarding religion and it's role bring decorum to what has been,  from your hole in the world, DS,  acidic and hate-filled.

    You, DS, (after first running to Google to first learn who he was, no doubt) decided sanctimoniously the he was not the "right kind of Christian" -according to you, and you dismissed him outright.
    Your ignorance and fears do not allow you anything but the ever-increasing paranoia you display here daily.  You continue to be a fraud.  Titus is a crackpot.  Bud lives in fear of his fears posturing with his penis when he cannot logically support his off-the-wall conclusions.
    The most recent Gallop poll explains exactly where the GOP has lost people-  and the losses are reflected in almost every single demographic- young, old, middle age, moderate, Christian, atheist, middle income, higher income, college educated, high school only, and the lists continue.   You can place blame all over the place until the cows come home,  but it is your narrow minded,  spite-filled,  revenge motivated,  divisive, hate-filled speech that is chasing people away.  Paint it however you wish- the facts tell the story.  The facts and your opinions do not match.
    You are a fraud, a panic-stricken uninformed fanatic without a clue.
  • dora
    Titus- if, in fact, you learned everything about economics placing you head and shoulders above and beyond all others in the world- you would not be babbling on a website that is so meaningless, even the "host" does not show up anymore. 
    Once a month he brings in some flunky for monkey say, monkey do.

    There are theories in economics- if  practiced as written in theory- the outcome would be predictable, generally speaking.  You have absolutely no grasp on the magnitude of the economic problems that face countries all over the world.  You have no grasp on a solution because your "solutions" do not address the fact that the financial world - and I do mean world is so interconnected that if the USA sneezes,  Germany, Brazil, and Japan catch a cold.  Your ideology and your ignorance restrain you from any logical thought progression.  Your noise about Obama, liberals, and the less fortunate are filled with vile, putrid stink.  You are nothing but a crackpot.
  • Bud Mullins
    Dora, why even post all that garbage on this web site.  NO ONE READS IT!  Go to one of your oozy web sites with all the other nit wits and exchange crap there.  You're smelling up this site...
  • Titus Hunt
    dora--you have no clue what my chosen profession is or my complete experience.  if you did, you would be ashamed of yourself for assuming things you know nothing about.  you are a joke!  oh yeah, you are a teacher so you know about art history and blah, blah, blah?   don't continue making a fool out of yourself by assuming what a person does and does not know.  your posts prove your knowledge is very limited.  i happen about international business better than most people do and that is all i'll say about that.  go crawl back into your hole.  when you decide to get out of it again, go somewhere else.  you are not wanted here.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus & DS, here is the article that we discussed about BHO's stand on abortion.  Now, tell me WHERE DOES HE STAND?  This is like, "Well, I am for it - yet, I am against it - but I will let the person decide...  Is there anyone out there that understands the term "Sensible Conscence Clause?"  Read this article and tell me if I am right.  WE ARE GETTING MORE OUT SPOKEN ON OUR RIGHTS!  We are now being heard.  This article was from One News Now. 

    In a commencement speech at the University of Notre Dame yesterday, Obama said, "Let's honor the conscience of those who disagree with abortion, and draft a sensible conscience clause." He offered no details on how broad that might be. The president said he and other people of faith can never know for sure what God wants, and that element of doubt should make them "wary of too much self-righteousness."

    The Catholic university's president, John Jenkins, emphasized in his introduction that Notre Dame opposes Obama's "policies on abortion and embryonic stem cell research." Dozens of U.S. bishops said that should have prevented Notre Dame from inviting Obama to speak and presenting him with an honorary degree. (More details)
     Meanwhile, nearly 40 people were arrested amid protests over Obama's address at Notre Dame on Sunday. Hundreds converged on the Indiana school's front gates to protest the president's support for abortion rights and embryonic stem-cell research. During the ceremony itself, at least three protesters interrupted as Obama began his address, one yelling, "Stop killing our children." The graduates responded by chanting "Yes we can" -- the slogan that became synonymous with Obama's presidential campaign.
    Eric Scheidler, a spokesman for the Pro-Life Action League, was among the pro-life protesters in South Bend. "I think all Americans can be proud of how well our First Amendment is being expressed and respected here at the University of Notre Dame today," he shared. He described the school's honoring of the president as a "scandal."
    Among those arrested outside was Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff identified as "Roe" in the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. She's now a Christian who opposes abortion.
     Bishop John D'Arcy, whose diocese includes Notre Dame, joined a peaceful prayer protest by students, calling them "heroes."
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--I know exactly where he stands on this issue.  He stands for in the middle so that he doesn't have to make a public decision about it.  obama is an appeaser and plays to his audience and supporters.  this is a typical politician and not a leader.  He is not going against the grain and make a stand because it would cause him to lose votes in the next election.  he is a self-centered SOB that is only interested in protecting his own best interests.  He is not that stupid and knows where God stands on this issue.  Playing dumb is easy for him because he is a good actor.  Liberals will buy into it every time.  i think the interpretation of the clause is purposely left to the listeners' imaginations.  he was as vague as possible and he said something but really said nothing at the same time.  do you know what i mean?  i know someone like obama.  he has gotten far in his life but i am unwilling to compromise my integrity to do the same.  the person i know will backstab anyone at anytime to get what he wants.  i've seen it happen and see obama doing the same things.  i am definitely better than that and so are you and DS.  however, there are a lot of folks who are not.  liberals are perfect examples of this.
  • DS
    Dora and dora,
    interesting that you both use the same name, and share the same values as your father, the devil!!  maybe you should call your Rev. Gaddy and schedule a "prayer" meeting with your father!  the world has seen Gaddy's act many times throughout history.  the bible warns us about wolves in sheep's clothing, and the Holy Spirit provides us the spiritual discernment to recognize them when they raise their slimy heads up out of the hole in the ground where they live!  there are many "so-called" christian organizations out there such as the Interfaith Alliance, but they are as far from being christian as satan is!!  they are merely works of satan designed to deceive everyone they can into following them and their beliefs. satan comes as an angel of light.  he is an imitator of God!  he knows that God's Word is truth, and that people who read it and meditate on it will eventually come to God.  so what does he do?  he sets up these "imitation" churches and organizations led by false teachers.  and voila, he is able to deceive many who are either too ignorant to know better, or are appealed to their teachings because they tickle their ears and tell them what they want to hear!  which is it for you Dora and dora?  are you just ignorant and blind, or are you deliberately following Rev. gaddy and his ilk because they are tickling your ears?  i suspect both are true actually!  REPENT TODAY!!!  TURN from your wicked ways!  Receive Christ into your life, and BEGIN to live the way God intended for you to live!
  • Dora dora
    Freakazoid DS,  you'd better get a bib, your froth is leaving a trail.
    Again you have shown how utterly void you are in the brain department. 
    As you already know- I don't believe in god or any of the fairy tales that involves- this includes your god and your personal bogyman, your Satan.   Here's another well respected group who have the ears of many- including mine.  I have no doubt that you will also claim them to be "not the right kind of Christians".    You sorry little man.  You demonstrate every single day here that you...YOU, DS,  are not ANY kind of Christian.  You are a certifiable nut job with no ability or interest in thinking for yourself.


    With very rare exception,  all who listened to Obama's remarks at Notre Dame found it to be one of his best - demonstrating, once again,  that he is unafraid to take difficult issues head-on.    Obama has never wavered on his personal opinion regarding his own feelings on abortion- just as he has always promoted the school of thought that more emphasis should be placed upon reducing unexpected pregnancies.  This is just one of the many services that Planned Parenthood addresses.  You know, those places that fanatics like you vandalize daily- and intimidate, threaten, and harass every single day as you attempt to stuff your religion down their throats.  Terrorists.  Christian Terrorists.   You think nothing of it that you support killing physicians who perform legal medical procedures-  but claim to cherish every life.
    Fraud.   Hypocrite.  You can add terrorist to the list you represent,  DS- since you seem to take some obscene pleasure in threatening others who do not share your personal lunacy.
    You bore me with your ignorance.
  • Bud Mullins
    A surprising revelation from a homosexual activist over the purpose of the "hate crimes" bill is drawing kudos from at least one pro-family spokesman.

    The activist is Andrew Sullivan, one of the movers and shakers in the international homosexual movement. "The real reason for hate crime laws is not the defense of human beings from crime. There are already laws against that," Sullivan writes on his blog, "and Matthew Shepard's murderers were successfully prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in a state with no hate crimes law at the time."
    Sullivan continues: "The real reason for the invention of hate crimes was a hard-left critique of conventional liberal justice and the emergence of special interest groups which need boutique legislation to raise funds for their large staffs and luxurious buildings. Just imagine how many direct mail pieces have gone out explaining that without more money for [Human Rights Campaign], more gay human beings will be crucified on fences. It's very, very powerful as a money-making tool -- which may explain why the largely symbolic federal bill still hasn't passed."
     What's the primary motivation behind 'hate crimes' law?

    Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel read the blog entry and offers this take on Sullivan's comments on Senate Bill 909.
    "He is to be commended for his candor," says Barber. "He has admitted publicly now that the hate crimes bill...is, among other things, simply a money-making scheme drummed up by the organized homosexualist lobby."
    S. 909 is called the Matthew Shepard Act to honor a young homosexual man who was tortured and killed in 1998 not because of his sexual orientation, but during the course of a robbery. As Barber notes, the murder has been used as a money-raiser, too.
    "Andrew Sullivan points this irony out and points out how ridiculous it is that they are using [Shepard's] name, exploiting this poor young man's horrible death to try to push a money-making scheme...a social ponzi scheme," says Barber.
    "The cat's out of the bag," he continues. "Sullivan's admission...is both refreshing and stunning at the same time."
    The hate crimes bill, which has already passed the House, would add sexual orientation to other protected classes.
  • Bud Mullins
    It's hard to imagine what things people will do to accomplish their agenda.  This is really sad...

    Michael Steel was pretty impressive today on Sean Hannity radio show.  He said Obama was using a lot of the past conservative tactics now but the general public probably would not hear about it because the liberal news media wouldn't touch it.  He also said there was a lot of frustrations among the democrats but they were keeping it low key.  The Dick Cheney movement has taken an effect on what Obama is doing with the CIA documents and Gitmo.  How about them apples.  I LIKE IT!

    Further, Nancy Palosi betrayed the American the people, and her fellow congressmen when she lied about the CIA.  Obama is tuning in on the conservative agenda of the past because of all the corrupt people he has working around him and for him.  The big six are mader'n hell right now at him.  GOOD!  He deserves it...
  • DS
    Dora dora,
    sounds a bit like tora tora!  we won't go into what that infers right now, but if it fits....

    (D)dora (for short).....do you expect me to expect you to admit your sinfulness and repent right here on UC?  LOL  I don't expect that.  God will break you in His time and place (D)dora.  Don't worry, you will be ready when it happens.  Your life will become so desolate and empty that you will literally fall on your face and cry out for help when it is time.  And guess what (D)dora...He will be there to help you!  My only prayer (and His too by the way) is that you come to your sense before you die, as there is no turning back at that point.  Don't be fooled by your false teachers (D)dora.  Actually, they aren't your teachers anyway are they?  You said you are an atheist and don't believe in any god, so they can't really be your teachers UNLESS they are teaching something different than what God teaches in His Word.  Is that it (D)dora?  Is that why you keep listing these "teachers" instead of real, bible believing men of God?  Isn't it interesting (D)dora why there are so many liberals who follow these men?  They share the same moral values as you do don't they (D)dora.  Have you even done your homework on these nutjobs?  Jim Wallis is one of the most dangerous "teachers" in this country!!  He is known by ALL real christians as a lunatic and false teacher!  He is a political hack for the liberal, left wing socialists of this country!!  Unfortunately, there are many fales teachers like Wallis and Gaddy in our nation.  There always has been, and always will be.  Jesus told us that would be the case.  But they don't fool real christians who know the Word of God.  They fool people who want to have their ears tickled, or atheists like you (D)dora.  They are "useful idiots" for non-believers, corrupt politicians, ignorant people who don't WANT to believe in anything greater than themselves!!  So, I'll continue to bore you with truth as you bore me with your ignorance of it!!  I think my boredom will pay off for me.  Yours will cost you your life!!   Jesus loves you (D)dora!  Repent and accept Him today, before it's too late!!!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--the below article is about how the credit card companies are going to get around the latest bill that was passed for curbing interest rates and fees.  these kinds of bills in washington sound good to the average person; however, they end up hurting them in the end because these companies WILL find other ways to squeeze money out of consumers.  obama is not smart enought to close every loophole to protect consumers so it then becomes a game.  when in the hell will this idiot administration learn to stay the hell out of private business?  they need to balance the right about of legislation and know when to butt out because they will make things worse if they don't.  it has been obvious obama is not qualified to make these kinds of decisions and neither is anyone on the left.  this will hurt average Americans but obama and his idiot buddies will never learn.  i think the premise was a good idea and don't blame republicans for voting for this bill because it was going to pass anyway.  to the average person, if the republicans had stood up against this, it would have been broadcasted all over the news by the democrats that we don't want to protect consumers, which is a lie.  this is just another stupid move by the left who are trying to ruin hard-working people.   

  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--did you see this.  sorry it is so big but i copy and pasted this.  looks like "some troubles a brewin with the idiocrats."  hmmmmm! 

    Senate Dems Pull $80 Million in Gitmo Closure Funding, Oppose Transfer of Detainees to U.S.
    Senate Democrats have decided to pull $80 million from the $91 billion war spending request -- money President Obama had requested to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility by Jan. 22, 2010.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--have you ever noticed that liberal idiots always called statements by people in their own party mistatements, or gaffes?  maybe it is because the members of their party are morons and unqualified to speak to the public?  maybe they aren't really leaders after all?  or......just maybe they make excuses for them in the hopes that people would forget about them.  hmmm!  has anyone been keeping a list of all the f...ups this administration has made that is leading to the destruction of our nation?  there are too many to count at this point!   

    Reid joins Biden, Pelosi in misstatements from the AP
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, I have noticed it.  One can't help notice some things.  I have a feeling they have small brains.  That's what I am told.  They usually have poor hygiene, most of the time they smell bad and they look like a bulldog in the face.  You can tell the younger ones by their eyes.  They are looking outward, almost like a chicken's eyes.  When they get much older they have a tendacy to draw inward.  Sort of looking at their noses.

    We had a tragic thing happen in our little town the other day.  There is a round silo just off the main road and they say he (a liberal) needed to use the bath room.  The liberal stopped his car, jumped out and ran his self to death around the silo trying to find a corner to pee in...  GO FIGURE!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--too funny!  i'm laughing over here!  boy, you are on a roll today.  I just saw an interview with Ron Paul on Glenn Beck.  Paul spoke about the credit card bill that passed today.  He voted against it and afterwards a democrat walked up to him and asked why he voted this way.  Paul said that people need to make their own decisions and it should not be up to the government to do it for them.  The democrat said that people in the U.S. were not smart enough to make decisions like these for themselves.  I am not shocked that the idiot democrats in Washington think this.  I am sure they do because of their encroachment into our lives.  obama wants us to be dependent on the government more and more (socialism).  we will have less choices and freedoms.  it is happening now.  democrats are so stupid they can't see this when it is hitting them in the faces.  this is why i have no tolerance for them.  oh and if a democrat read my post, he would still say, what freedoms are we losing?  duh!  they are arrogant, ignorant assholes!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--I am glad that the democrats finally did something today that made sense.  They squashed the money to close gitmo until obama has a plan for the terrorists.  it was obvious six months ago that he didn't have a plan and republicans were talking about that then.  however, the democrats were too stupid to understand and went along with the plan until now.  they should have questioned obama at the time he made the decision.  where's the common sense?  obama is not looking so good at the moment.  now he can't say he didn't know this was going to happen.  well, he could say it like he said there would be no lobbyists in his cabinet but no one would believe him now except for liberals.  obama's integrity is gone but i don't think he ever had any in the first place!
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, I know more of the democrats see what we are talking about than just those who are finally taking a small stand against BHO.  The smooth talk isn't working so well anymore for BHO but you will never hear this from a liberal.  (Or the liberal news)  They will go down with the ship before they will ever hold him responsible for anything.  I just don't understand how a human being can be like that!  WAIT! - ARE THEY REALLY PEOPLE THOUGH?  I'm beginning to wonder.
  • DS
    Titus and Bud,
    A bit of good news today from my home state of California!  I think it proves that people of ALL political persuasions are beginning to see through the big government lies and starting to fight back!!  This is only the start my firends!!

    2009 California Election Results in Rebuke to Political Class
  • Bud Mullins
    Well, I am seeing more and more in the news that people, including democrats, are waking up and realizing just how much they are paying already and how much more they are going to have to pay in the coming years.  Never in my life have I seen so many tax dollars spent with nothing to show in return.  It's just spend, spend, spend and raise taxes to try to fill the gap but the gap never gets filled because they just spend, spend and spend again!

    I used to be for taxes and was proud to pay mine because that is the way we run our country but this is ridiculous.  This is absolutely unbelievable.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--i am so glad that the folks in CA stood up against big government and wasteful spending.  i heard on the news that the gov. announced he was going to cut teachers and firefighters but i didn't hear if he was going to cut the wasteful projects and entitlement programs.  it would seem to me that the project and entitlement programs would go first and the important jobs would be saved.  i do think some people are finally getting it in CA but i don't want every taxpayer in the US to bail them out anymore than i would want any other state to be bailed out.  liberals will vote for the most radical left-winged nut out there, which is obama, and insist he is the savior.  like Bud said even when his policies are failing and unemployment is skyrocketing, the liberals still don't get the full picture!  i scratch my head on that one.  however, as we have seen from obama, he is a big talker but when it comes down to results, he doesn't produce.  he is a loser but we knew this!  so when the liberals' taxes start to go up and the prices increase on everything they purchase and they begin to feel the pinch, they will squeal like pigs and whine like babies.  oh poor, liberals--not!  as i'm sure you know, the more restrictions obama and his merry crooks try to impose on business owners and others, the more they will retaliate by moving, laying off, or shutting their doors.  so for any liberal moron who thinks that obama's big government and higher tax plans will work, you are sadly mistaken.  Californians are moving and are perfect examples of this.  the states' revenues are dropping as a result.  who couldn't see this coming?  ha!  liberals have this stupid idea that obama will be able to force people to pay higher taxes.  that is not true in all cases.  the very folks that will pay the most are the small business owners and "rich" folks.  they have options.  i know people right now who are saying they will not pay more taxes to this administration regardless of the cost and will blame obama for having to layoff employees and shut their doors.  liberals don't seem to understand that it is a free country and there is only a certain amount certain groups of people will take.  i've been told that even if their businesses are doing well, which they are, they will not tolerate obama's garbage.  so obama's plan to increase taxes for these people to bring in extra money will fail.  liberals are puppets and will not understand this concept because they don't understand what being a true American is all about.  however, i think it is about time they learn!
  • DS
    Titus and Bud,
    Thanks to obama, our credit cards will now cost us more than they used to, and all of the perks will be gone as well.  The bad apples who shouldn't have even had credit cards to begin with have ruined it for all of the good folks who used theirs wisely!  Banks (credit card providers) aren't stupid!  Freeze the interest rate that they charge, and they'll make it up by charging yearly fees again, and by making us pay interest on every transaction rather than only at the end of the month!  How many more times will obama and his band of merry men rob from the rich to give to the poor?  And yet, the poor will end up suffering along with everyone else!  I can't believe how blind liberals are!  It seems like obama is either stupid or naive.  I have to tell you that I believe there is more to it than that.  I believe that he and his socialist buddies know EXACTLY what they are doing!  I think they are purposely destroying our country.  But, God is greater than obama and his thugs!  I think God spoke today, and I'm excited to see what He is starting to do!  With the voters speaking in California and Kris Allen winning American Idol, I think that the conservative christian voice has spoken loud and clear!  I look forward to more victories in the future.  Thank you Lord!!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--you are right!  i think the liberals know exactly what they are doing to this nation and are laughing about it!  they have no morals, values or common sense. 

    Did you see this headline?  Now during a time of economic crisis, sending $178K or any amount to fund unnecessary projects is a slap in the face to true Americans.  can you imagine what an unemployed family could do with this kind of money?  oh but instead obama decides to send it overseas.  his administration is responsible for this so he is to blame!  what about the hundreds of millions of dollars going overseas to fund abortions?  we are the lucky ones in the nations because he shows favor to us-a joke!  for those middleclass employed folks he did throw them a bone and gave them $13/week.  giving them a bone is the correct term because they will be playing a game of fetch like dogs because they will be giving that amount and more back with the inflation and cap and trade that is coming.   however obama apparently he decided that people outside this country are more important so he give them money to blow.  how nice of a man is this?  ha!  the liberals will ignore this like they do everything else but when pressed they will always try to make excuses for him.  i really dislike obama! 

    NIH Spends $178,000 to Study Why Prostitutes in Thailand Have High HIV Risk
    The National Institutes of Health is funding a study to investigate the personal and cultural pressures on female and transgender prostitutes in Thailand, a study that began on April 15, Tax Day.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--i am beginning to think the reason the liberals want more government control is that they can't think for themselves and want someone else to do it for them.  if they have limited choices like the communists countries do, they will be abe to cope with life.  otherwise, their lives would be just to complicated and they would actually have to make their own decisions.  they have such simple minds and apparently small ones too!  well, i want government to stay the hell out of private businesses.  while they are at it, they can stay the hell out of my life too!  obama and his mofia are too close for comfort for a lot of us and their plan is to even get closer.  i will not give up the fight against these SOBs.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus & DS, there are some in high level positions that are nothing more than RADICAL LIBERALS!  The mind-set of these individuals is that of a dictator who wants to rule the world.  (SOCIALISM) The thinking of Hitler, Sadam Hussein, the ruler of Japan and other SOCIALIST AND COMMUNIST RULERS also had that same mind-set of ruling the world from one tower.  Obama has baffled a lot of liberal thinking people, democrats, republicans and those who are not capable of THINKING AT ALL...  The only thing in his mind and the minds of some of his powerful followers is to be able to look down from that tower and rule with an IRON FIST!  All orders come from one place, one person.  You kiss only one hand unless he tells you to kiss another.

    I know a lot of Republicans and other normal people in this country are waking up to those facts.  (WE DON'T WANT A DICTATOR NOT DO WE WANT SOCIALISM IN THIS COUNTRY.)  There has got to be at least enough middle of the road thinking Democrats to see what is happening.  I am following all the mess in Washington right now, as I know both of you are also.  I see changes and I see people finally standing in the way of the chosen one.  I really think his so called accomplishments have leveled off, if not started to move in the opposite direction on him.  A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE NOT LIKING THINGS RIGHT NOW.  I mean a lot of high level Democrats.

    We are doing the right thing.  We just need to keep doing it and pick up the pace along the way.  I AM READY AND WAITING FOR MY MARCHING ORDERS...

  • god speaks to me too
    Then Bud,  march yourself right over to the rubber room with the padded walls, you lunatic.
    The noise coming from you and Titus and DS over the credit card rein-in is yet another example of right wing fanatics shooting off their mouths with no regard to the facts at hand. 
    For YEARS, fools,  the credit card biz have been abusing their customers with fine-print interest increases and  retroactive charges.
    The bill- which does not address every need but does prevent many abuses underway presently by credit card companies- For example, under the bill, a cardholder would have to opt to be allowed to go over a credit limit. If customers don't agree and the bank authorizes a charge that would push them over their limit, the lender couldn't levy an over-limit fee.
    Another boon for consumers is limiting a practice known as "universal default," when a lender sharply increases a cardholder's interest rate on an existing balance because the customer is late paying that bill or other, unrelated bills. Under the new legislation, a customer would have to be more than 60 days behind on a payment before seeing a rate increase on an existing balance.
    Even then, the credit card company would be required to restore the previous, lower rate after six months if the cardholder pays the minimum balance on time.
    The bill passed the Senate 90-5 you idiot right wing fanatics.  90-5. This is overwhelming support- from  both parties.
    Personally,  I don't use credit cards- haven't had one for over 20 years- I pay cash.  I do not patronize car rentals that require a credit card- those that accept my debit card get my business.   I do not have overdrafts or any credit card bills.   If you are suckered into using credit cards because you are too inept to structure your finances according to your income (TITUS the economic wizard) that speaks to your continued foolhardy daily lives.  Stop blaming everyone else for your own self-created woes.
    God told me to ignore people like you.  God said that you haven't used the ability to think for yourselves.  God said that.  I  have it on tape.  For a copy, you can send $27,259.00 (no credit cards) to:
    [email protected]

  • DS
    god DOESN'T speak to you,
    you are a perfect example of a lost, ignorant, obama follower.  they can't think for themselves.  all you can do is repet what you've been told by your messiah and his media counterparts.  you know good and well that Republicans were pigeon-holed into voting for that bill.  yes, a few things in the bill are good, but you didn't deny the fact that banks will still get their money from us by reverting to yearly charges and charging interest on each transaction.  you are a typical, boneheaded liberal.  because there might be a tiny bit right in a bill doesn't make it a good bill!  you know that a broken clock is right twice a day!  and you know that Republicans would have been torched if they voted against this bill.  lastly, you think nobody should use credit cards because you don't use them?  that is retarded.  credit cards can be a useful tool if used properly, which is the way a lot of us were using them.  i used them sparingly, and made sure the bill was paid every month.  now, i won't be able to do that without incurring a yearly fee and instant interest charges.  thanks a lot dummy!!
  • CSPAN viewer
    Who is the dummy?  You?  You have the option of dropping your credit cards.  Get rid of them.  But you would rather be used.  Who's fault is that?
    Who's the dummy?  Your fellow Republicans who also voted overwhelmingly in favor of these new credit card restrictions to help your sorry lazy ass?
    Who's the dummy?
    Why don't you sit and count your remaining teeth.  Use your left hand to keep track of the number.  ( hint: most hands have five fingers, if you run out of teeth before you run out of fingers, you have less than 5)- you might wish to call in your neighbor to verify your count. 
    There's a dummy hiding in your bathroom mirror.
  • god speaks to me too
    DS-  God said that you were produced to provide an example of what not to be.  I must say, God did a good job there.

    hey, CSPAN,  they never watch this-  they don't even know how to spell it.
  • god speaks to me too
    I see that Titus had her own personal messiah forced to admit that he does not research anything. 
    Poor, poor Glenn Beck. 

    I feel a tear coming on... oh wait,  that's rain.

    God told me it was going to rain.  Good thing I got that umbrella isn't it.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--i've never heard such stupid nonsense from the two liberals here.  people need to use credit cards on certain occasions and those of us who use them wisely will now be punished.  the stupid fool that said we don't have to use them is ignorant.  what happens when you travel?  it is a necessity if you travel overseas.  these are typical liberals who think half-assed policies are better than none at all.  LOL!  they need to set up shrines in their homes to their messiah obama.  worshipping him is the only way they can ignore his lack of leadership and misguided policies that are destroying our country.  i would venture to guess that they are not small business folks.  if they are, they are lucky that their businesses do not need these cards to operate.  most do.  a lot of small businesses will be hurt by this credit card bill.  at this point we do not need anything stifling businesses further but i understand that liberals don't give a damn about job creation/retention in this country!  it is only lipservice!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--these two liberals are perfect examples of the selfishness of the democratic party.  if they don't use credit cards, no one else should--that is their mentality.  they would never stop to think about people who have lost their jobs and can't afford insurance.  if there is an emergency, they may not have a choice but to use their credit card.  what SOBs!  thank goodness there are still people in this country that have common sense!  it is also interesting to hear the nastiness coming from liberals!  what jerks!  i am so proud to be a conservative republican, especially now!
  • god speaks to me too
    I am a small business owner,  idiot Titus.  I give discounts to all who pay in cash because credit card companies charge ME for allowing their use and processing.   American Express is particularly slow in payment.  They are the absolute worst.  I no longer accept this card at my business because of this. (By the way- they - American Express- has always charged a fee to card holders for the "privilege" to use their services.)
    My business is doing very, very well- (TYVM) .
  • god speaks to me too
    Timothy McVeigh was pretty proud of himself too. 
    Much of his thinking was right in line with yours, Titus.

    One of his favorite films: the 1984 Patrick Swayze epic Red Dawn. It follows a group of small town teens' conversion to guerilla fighters when a foreign army invades America.
    Like McVeigh, the teens stock up on survival gear - mainly guns and ammo - in order to defend their country from annihilation.
    And one of McVeigh's favorite books: The Turner Diaries written by former American Nazi Party honcho William L. Pierce, under the pen name Andrew Macdonald.  Its hero - Earl Turner - responds to gun control by making a truck bomb and blowing up the Washington FBI Building.
    The perpetrator, twenty-seven-year-old Timothy James McVeigh, by now safely away from the devastation was convinced he acted to defend the Constitution, for he saw himself as crusader, warrior avenger and hero.

    How different are you from McVeigh?
  • Titus Hunt
    god speaks to me too--you are very small minded!  some businesses cannot operate this way.  it is selfish of you to compare your business to every other business!  i'm traveling to another country in the next few months.  i will have cash but need a credit card because the expenses i will incur will be more than i can carry.  what would you suggest i use while on my trip--rocks?  they will not accept anything but cash and credit cards.  they will not take money orders or anything else.  by the way, it also depends on what kind of businesses people have.  my father would lose too much money with the cash only mentality. 
  • god speaks to me too
    Witch Titus,  does your broom run on your own personal gas?
  • god speaks to me too
    Traveler's checks are widely accepted around the world, Titus.
    As a "financial wizard" I would expect you to have known this.
    It's what I use when I travel.
    I also use my brain to think.   You really ought to try it.
  • Titus Hunt
    god speaks to me too--you have mental issues and have no right comparing me to a murderer!  no wonder liberals think the way they do.  your party is full of people who hate.  keep up your stupidity and ignorant acusations.  you are no match for me! 
  • Titus Hunt
    god speaks to me too--how stupid are you?  i have an answer to that one.  we are adopting a child, you fool.  this country does not accept them 99% of the time.  you are a narrow-minded, ignorant SOB! 
  • Titus Hunt
    god speaks to me too--we are not talking about cancun here!  you obviously don't understand the financial mentality of businesses and governments all of the world but will will claim you do like most liberals.  keep up your rhetoric.  it is as empty as obama's. 
  • Titus Hunt
    god speaks to me too--thank you for calling me a witch.  i consider that a compliment coming from a liberal.  we are used to liberals doing this on this site because they have nothing else.  as a matter of fact, it is getting a little boring!  you are typical and only have rhetoric.  you can't discuss the issues intelligently because liberal ideologies aren't rational.
  • DS
    Titus and Bud,
    i don't know who "god speaks to me too" is, but it is obviously someone who has been here for quite some time.  it's interesting that all of these libs have to keep changing their names on here.  i wonder if it is because they want us to think there are more libs on here than there really are, or if it is because they feel like their previous name (and arguments) had been destroyed so much that they needed to change?  either way, they are playing a silly, ignorant game which everyone can see right through! 

    i don't know if anyone has used this already, but i just came up with a new term for obama and his messianic followers.  from now on we should refer to them as the O'cult.  how do you like it?  appropriate?
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--love the term O'cult!  it definitely fits and i would like to use it.
  • Dora sometimes likes upper cas
    If you feel that Christians are a member of a cult-  I'm with you on that.  Keep yourself included in that group, Bub.
    Did you notice I changed my name?
    Because I felt like it.
    It keeps you confused.
    But that's simple enough.

    Oh noooze... the sky is falling!
    oh... it's rain. 
    never mind.
  • dora sometimes likes upper cas
    Titus-  how much unlike McVeigh are you?
    How about Bud?

    You sound pretty similar to me- nut jobs, convinced they are coming for you.  In your tiny nut job world the sky is always falling.
    Dim wit Titus cannot find a truth with a microscope.
    Bud is so damn uneducated,  I actually almost feel some measure of pity.   Almost.  Ignorance is correctable, Bud- get busy.
    And DS- the religion fruitcake and admitted occult follower.  pfft.

    Get a grip.
  • DS
    Dora sometimes acts like a nut case,
    you aren't confusing anyone Dora.  from now on i will call you Dingbat which covers all of your silly nicknames.  how's that Dingbat Dora?  i hope it won't confuse you!  now, you can crawl back into your hole Dingbat before God causes a tree to fall on your head......
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--when will obama quit trying to blame the Bush administration?  i really see now how much class President Bush has.  He didn't blame clinton for the mess he was left with.  He could have blamed clinton for not killing bin laden when he had the chance (clinton admitted to this later) and he could have blamed him for cutting our intelligence overseas to the point of crippling our capabilities all in the name of saving money.  if we had the intelligence we should have had, none of this would have probably happened because the attack may have been prevented.  we will never know now thanks to the democrats.  however, Bush chose to rise above this and move forward.  that is a leader and he showed so much class.  this idiot obama choses to continue to rail on the past administration and frankly it is getting boring and showing his lack of leadership and low-class demeanor.  obama has told so many lies to the American people in his short time in office so he has no creditability except with his o'cult followers and we know how smart they are--not.  i also would not believe an idiot who has flipflopped as many times as he has.  more importantly, he has no experience in anything he is discussing so opinions is all he has.  now if he had 20 years of experience on terrorists was there at the location watching when the interrogations occurred and had creditable witnesses, he would have something to stand on.  rhetoric is all he has.  his own democratic buddies aren't standing with him now and won't give him the money until he has a plan.  duh!  this has been discussed for at least six months but the democrats didn't give a damn until now.  they are slow i have to say.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--and if you feel like switching it up a bit, dumb dora will fit too!  LOL!  this is just like a typical liberal to play games.  instead of backing up their rhetoric with facts, they have to resort to stalking us and stooping to the lowest levels possible.  for some reason, they think it works?  well, it doesn't.  they aren't accomplishing anything but showing that they are the scum of the earth.
  • dora likes playing with dumbel
    poor, poor uninformed lily-livered DS.   sic your god on me. 
    what nice christian ideas you have.
    fraud.  the only fear you create in me is your constant ignorance and the fact that they let you roam the streets- babbling away like a mad man.
    Titus- go find something do- I'm getting dizzy watching you spin facts into fiction. 
    Oh LOOK- a shiny object!   Fetch Titus!  Run!
    Don't despair,  any minute Rush or Glenn will find a bone for you and you will chew on that for another week even after is has been debunked by every reliable source known to man.
  • dora likes playing with dumbel
    Bush inherited a SURPLUS.  He spent it all and billions and billions more on his religious crusade to rid the world of "evil". 
    He ignored the facts given to him by the Clinton administration that Osama had plans to attack the US.  He ignored them.  Oh, did I say he ignored them? 
    Bush created one hell of a mess- financially- looting our treasury for an invasion of choice that had nothing - absolutely nothing to do with the attacks on the twin trade towers.  He looted our national guard,  our military, our treasury,  and over 4,000 american lives.  He lined his pockets and those of his chicken-hawk friends with no-bid contracts with absolutely no supervision, oversight, and accountability.
    There are BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ENTIRELY MISSING.   MISSING.  GONE.  LOST somehow in Iraq.   KBR 's inept electrical work - another no bid contract awarded courtesy of Bush- KILLED - electrocuted american service personnel.  KBR was awarded $83.4  million in BONUS money even after it was confirmed that their work was not just shoddy- it KILLED PEOPLE.    You are squeeking about your credit card and a possible annual fee while you stand there and defend Bush ???   You selfish, thoughtless, uninformed,  putrid woman.  
    You can call me whatever name floats your boat- but tomorrow you will wake up and you will still be as ignorant as you are today.
  • Titus Hunt
    dumb dora--i knew where you would go with this so i'm prepared as usual.  but let's go back for a minute because you need a little lesson apparently.  on the surface clinton left a surplus.  however, in reality if he had replaced the borrowed money from social security that was and is legitimately owned, he would have been in a deficit.  in addition, he cut our intelligence sources that took decades to establish.  if clinton had not done this, he would not have had the surplus he had.  we were so severely hurt by this that we didn't have enough translators to translate intelligence information.  Bush hadn't even been in office long enough to correct things so the blame cannot be placed entirely on him but you didn't see him in the news harping on this because he has respect for our nation and didn't want the US to appear weak by arguing something that was in the past.  this is common sense.  the world is seeing this garbage  and should not because it is another instance that makes us look weak.  duh!   in addition, clinton could have prevented this in the first place if he had done his job to begin with and not been a wimp as liberals are and given the military permission to kill obama.  the military should not have needed clinton's approval to begin with but that was the policy i guess.  clinton admitted his mistake and you guys just ignored it.  this was a huge mistake and unfortunately the next administration had to deal with it.  this goes to show that mistakes happen on everyone's watch.  if you can ignore what clinton did and not ignore Bush's best efforts, you are a hypocrite and liar.  so if you guys lived in a glass house, you could talk.  however,................  so whatever you say is ignored.
  • Titus Hunt
    dumb dora--keep spewing your hate for me!  i proves my point about liberals being divisive and spreading hate.  you are wasting your time, honey, darling and deary!
  • DS
    dumb dingbat dora,
    you and your O'cult have sang this tired, loathsome song for sooooo long that it doesn't mean anything anymore!!  Bush is gone, so it is time for you to move on, just as one of your favorite socialist organizations like to promote....moveon.org baby!  Bush has more class in his little pinky than  Carter, Clinton, Gore, or obama all put together!!  all of your ex-"leaders"? are nothing but a bunch of crackpots, poor losers, America haters, and low-class scum of the earth excuses for people that i have ever known!!  they were (and still are) out for ONLY themselves, and what THEY can get from the American people!!  they are all disgusting!!  it used to be a practice that ex-Presidents would NEVER say anything contrary to America, and what the current President was doing.  that ALL changed after Bush was elected!!  their Bush hatred and desire for riches and fame trumped their love for our nation!  they gave up any moral conviction that they "might have had", and sold their souls to mammon and satan!!!  they will get their just rewards (punishment) in the hereafter!  don't be deceived dumbell dora.......EVERYONE who denys God's existence and rejects His son, Jesus Christ  will BURN eternally in hell.  REPENT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--good post.  i like dingbat too!  LOL!
  • Bud Mullins
    DS & Titus, I have to laugh everytime this idiot changes his/her/it's blogg name.  It reminds me of a badger caught in a trap and don't have anywhere to go or anyone to blame for it's misfortune.  I get a good laugh everytime one of us pisses it off.  If it wasn't so stupid, it wouldn't keep hanging around.  Agree?
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--i agree.  it is a stalker!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud-- did you see this?  Who knew Bush loved America and protected us?  We knew this!  Ha!  boy, the liberals won't be talking about this too much!  Wonder how the liberals like the way we probably received this information?  probably not! 

    Patriot Act Likely Helped Thwart NYC Terror Plot, Security Experts Say
    It's too early to know what surveillance methods were used to arrest four men accused of plotting to bomb two New York synagogues, but national security experts say measures implemented under the Bush administration likely played a critical role.
  • Bud Mullins
    Yes, I saw it.  You are right, the radical left news media reported on the incident but would not say anything about it being from the Bush's National Security plan.

    President Bush saved thousands and thousands of lives.  It is untelling how many lives have been saved by the programs he implemented after 911.  You never hear anyone elaborating on it.  You see, the one thing you can't sell in this country is prevention...  The main reason you can't make people believe anything was prevented is because you can never know what was really prevented.  (YOU CAN'T SEE IT)  A pound of prevention is worth a ton of cure.  People will not buy prevention.  This society will only act after the gator bites, not before.

    I personally know there are many people living today that would have been dead if not for Bush.  It is just too easy for the radicals to say "show it to me" and in reality, you can't.  Because you cannot see prevention.
  • Bud Mullins
    DS & Titus, have you seen any of the bill board photos that are being erected around the country that say "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"  I hope it continues, and it looks like it is going to.  You know the birth certificate they produced was a computer generated one don't you?  It was never authenticated.  I have it in my archives if you have never seen it.
  • Stalker Dora
    In seven short years, the American electorate has radically changed, as voters' priorities have shifted to the economy and away from such wedge issues as abortion and gay rights, as well as away from the threat of terrorism and from the war in Iraq, according to a comprehensive survey released Thursday morning by the Pew Research Center.
    From 2002 to 2009, voters' partisan identification has moved from virtual parity -- 43 percent Republican and 43 percent Democratic at the height of George W. Bush's popularity in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 -- to a massive Democratic advantage today of 53 to 36, a 17 percentage point split, by far the largest difference in the past two decades.
    The Pew survey is a testament to the miscalculations of the Bush administration and of the Republican leadership in Congress. The two were handed an extraordinary opportunity to build on an outpouring of public support in the wake of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Instead, those chances to revive a Republican majority were squandered on a mismanaged invasion of Iraq and dissipated by ill-advised culture war offensives, as well as by disclosure of corrupt lobbying and spending scandals in Congress under Republican rule.
    Those are the facts.   I have no doubt that Titus and her little band of men will find some way to dismiss these facts since they do not at all reflect their personal viewpoints.
    As for the apprehension of  a plot to bomb a synagogue in the Bronx-  the arrest occurred by means of good old fashioned police work- a plant by the police and FBI inside of the group,  supply of fake bombs and fake missile supplied by the police,  no rubber hoses were used,  no "enhanced interrogation"- just old fashioned police work.
  • DS
    Titus and Bud,
    yes, i saw the news about the foiled plot.  thank you Pres. Bush!!  and i love the billboards even though i haven't seen one in person yet.  i can't wait to see one, especially if they put one up here in SF.  the O'cult will go absolutely nuts!!  LOL  i suspect it will be vandalized fairly quickly after it goes up, but if i see one i'll take a picture of it and send it to you.  i live in what we call the "belly of the beast" here in the Bay Area.  but we have a lot of patriots here as well.  our Tea Party was great, and i can't wait for the next one!!  i think we're scheduling one for Labor Day weekend.  oh yeah, i can't wait until dumb dingbat (D)dora changes her name again!!   LOL
  • DS
    well there it is....Stalker Dora   LOL
    good old fashioned police work huh?  you mean the same police that are being hounded and criticized every time they arrest a black person because they were a little rough on them?  and are told that that they can't go after illegal immigrants?  you mean the FBI agents who are part of our intelligence agency who apparently lied to pelosi about the EITs?   yes, our wonderful patriots who are still doing their jobs EVEN though the O'cult is doing EVERYTHING they can to hinder them?  those same patriots?  yes, i give them credit for loving their country more than their president and his idiotic administration!!
  • Bud Mullins
    For Immediate Release: - 05/17/2009
    For Further Information Contact:
    Philip J. Berg, Esquire
    555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12
    Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531
    Cell (610) 662-3005
    (610) 825-3134
    (800) 993-PHIL [7445]
    Fax (610) 834-7659
    [email protected]
    Berg states the Obama’s give Commencement Addresses but
    fail to be honest with the graduates about who they really are.
    Barack Obama is really Barry Soetoro, an illegal alien, an
    Usurper who is Constitutionally “ineligible” to be President
    of the United States.
    Michelle Obama is a “disbarred” attorney in Illinois – how
    and why ?
    Why does the public not know the backgrounds of the
    phonies in the White House ?
    Obama is the biggest “HOAX” against the United States in
    over 230 years !
    Time to e-mail !
    (Lafayette Hill, PA – 05/17/2009) - Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the first
    Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator
    Obama's lack of Constitutional "qualifications/eligibility" to serve as
    President of the United States and has three [3] cases that are still pending
    in the Federal Court system, Berg vs. Obama [2 cases – 1 under seal] and
    Hollister vs. Soetoro a/k/a Obama, et al, announced today that he is asking
    everyone to e-mail the messages below to DEMAND THE OBAMA’S to
    release the “truth” about their backgrounds.
    The purpose of our President is to protect our Country, the U.S.A.
    and “We The People”, not to leave us with doubts and fears. If “We The
    People” and our Country, the United States of America, are important to
    Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barack H. Obama, he would do everything in his
    power to put all doubts and fears to rest. It is a very easy solution; all he
    has to do is provide his Constitutional eligibility credentials and records.
    Yes, transparency and openness as promised by Obama !
    Our country is in a financial crisis, BUT WORSE, a “Constitutional
    Crisis” as Obama is not “Constitutionally eligible/qualified” to be
    Send one [1] e-mail to the following: The White House, Vice
    President Biden - http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/; Nancy Pelosi -
    [email protected]; ASSOCIATED PRESS - [email protected]; New York
    Times - [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected]; Washington Post - [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected]; Washington Times -
    [email protected], [email protected]; Los Angeles Times –
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected]; The Chicago Tribune – [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected]; The Sacramento Bee - [email protected],
    [email protected]: ATLANTA JOURNAL – CONSTIUTION - [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]; BOSTON GLOBE -
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected]; BUSINESS WEEK - [email protected],
    [email protected]; ABC - [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected]; CBS - [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected]; NBC - [email protected]; FOX News -
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]; CNN and CNN
    Headline News - http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form1.html?6,
    http://www.cnn.com/feedback/; [email protected], [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]; MSNBC,
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]; CNBC -
    [email protected]; PBS - [email protected]; NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO -
    [email protected]; THE RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW - [email protected];
    SEAN HANNITY SHOW - [email protected];
    “To Barack Hussein Obama a/k/a Barry Soetoro and Michelle
    Obama: As your administration is to be “open and transparent,” why will
    you not divulge your backgrounds? I know why.
    As both of you are addressing graduates of college, you are being
    dishonest to all of them as you fail to tell them about your backgrounds.
    What a disgrace !
    Because both of you are putting on the biggest “HOAX” in our
    country in over 230 years.
    Barack or rather Barry [Soetoro], you know you are an illegal alien,
    not only “Constitutionally ineligible/unqualified” to be President, but also
    it was illegal for you to have served as a United States Senator from
    Illinois for 3 ½ years.
    Michelle, just be honest ! You are being honored as First Lady
    without explaining to the citizens of our country that you were “disbarred”
    from being an attorney in 1993 – why ? The public has a right to know.
    Michelle and Obama, you both know that you are putting forth this
    great “HOAX,” that is so dangerous to all of us, the people of this great
    Reveal yourselves and Obama resign, as President “now” as
    everything you do is void or voidable. Why are you putting our nation
    through this turmoil ?
    Thank you,
    Jim Comfort
    For copies of all Press Releases and Court Pleadings, go to:
  • Bud Mullins
    DS, I am loving Dick Cheney.  He has hit the democrats with both barrells and they are scared to death right now.  Have you all been following what has been going on with him?  Gotta love it.
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud and DS--i haven't seen the billboards yet myself but will start looking for them.  that will surely shake things up a bit.  CA is so full of liberals that it would be funny to sit and watch people see the sign for the first time.  DS, i would like to see a picture of it.  unfortunately liberals are nasty its and they will attempt to destroy anything that is against their beliefs.  I like Bud's thoughts on national security.  he has a good point in that we may never know about specific incidences but doesn't mean Bush's policies are not working.  liberals would love to expose every national secret we have so it can be proven to them that Bush's policies worked.  they also would not have a problem with the whole world knowing it either, especially if the terrorists are given all the information they need to blow us up.  liberals wouldn't care as long as they weren't affected.  they are the most selfish people i've ever encountered.  small children are less selfish than these SOBs.  it is sad how they forget about everything President Bush did to help our country.  I didn't hear all of obama's stupid speech today but i was unfortunate enough to hear bits of it.  he gets more arrogant every day.  if he actually had experience in these matters, integrity and a different stance, i would listen a little.  however....... as we know he is a moron!  does this guy ever tire of seeing himself on TV?  i can't stand to see his face and my MIL calls me when she sees him and gets angry just looking at him.
  • DS
    i'm right with you friend!  i love Dick Cheney for being a stand-up guy and speaking the truth when there isn't anything in it for him.  He is just a great American who loves his country and wants to [preserve our freedom and liberty.  I know Pres. Bush would have a lot to say as well, but he has too much class and wouldn't go against the tradition of past, honest presidents who have just disappeared into the sunset.  although, i wouldn't blame him a bit if he decided that enough was enough with the O'cult, andspoke out against them as Cheney is doing!  why not, carter, clinton, and gore have done it.
  • DS
    you are so right about obama staying in campaign mode!  it would be funny if it wasn't so serious!  he obviously feels like he must defend himself or he wouldn't have to continue in campaign mode, and would start governing instead.  why is that?  is it because every decision he makes is controversial, and he knows it is wrong?  he feels he must defend it?  i remember Pres. Bush, and how he governed.  he made decisions and went on.  he didn't respond to criticism or to the media because he KNEW he made the right "moral" chocie for our country!!  obama KNOWS that he isn't doing that.  it must weigh very heavy on his heart when he goes to sleep at night!  let's continue to pray that he will come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and accept Him as his Lord and Savior.  Until he does that, he will continue to destroy our country with his terrible decisions.  if he begins to fear the Lord, and asks Him to come into his life, we will see a major difference in his decision-making.  Father, we pray for obama right now.  convict him Lord, and cause him to not be able to sleep until he bows his knee to you Lord!  bring calamity upon him and his household for the purpose of bringing them to salvation, and to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!!  In Jesus name we pray, Amen!!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--yes, i have been watching him.  Cheney is a very knowledgeable man with so much national security experience.  obama has no credibility or experience and has never been involved in these matters so he should just keep his mouth shut.  the liberals can't face up to that.  they would rather put in an inexperienced person that has only been a community activist.  that is not what we need during this time when people want to destroy our country.  of course, he has that big law degree that didn't help when he signed the stimulus bill because he had no clue what was in it (business law I).  notice i'm not counting his experience in the senate because he was absent most of the time.  he was getting glamour shots done and calling it campaigning.  I haven't even discussed the awful mess we are going to be in with the new credit card bill that just passed.  things are continuing to go downhill as we predicted!  by the way, where are the jobs he promised us?  hmmm!  i guess they are MIA!

    on a lighter note, i'm guessing that it was dora was running her mouth earlier about credit cards.  it is unfortunately hard to tell with deceitful people (liberals).  they are all alike.  the ignorance from that poster was unbelievable.  I laughed when it talked about traveler's checks because they are not accepted in some parts of the world.  i never got an apology for that one.  it crawled back into its hole for a while i guess.  that should be a telling sign to liberals--don't argue with me about anything concerning money!  i understand it!  LOL!  sorry, i couldn't help that last one.  you and DS are so much more knowledgeable than me about so many issues.
  • DS
    you are right on with that question about jobs.  where are they?  seriously, i want to know!  oh yeah, i forgot.  he promised to "save" OR "create" so many jobs.  i guess they were all saved since i don't see many companies hiring right now!  but how do i know how many were saved?  is there some website somewhere that can help me with that?  oh, i get it....just another way for him to promise something without being able to prove it!  one fo these days the media will probably catch him on that....NOT!!!  you are the finance queen Titus!!!  and don't be so humble.  you have the wisdom of God on your side.  that is more than than any of the O'cult have!
  • Titus Hunt
    DS--the other day some idiot liberal on this site tried to justify obama's position on jobs.  IT said that only three percent of obama's stimulus money had gone out.  duh!  1) who is responsible for shelling out the money in the first place?  obama's administration!  now we know the plan is not going to work but if we follow obama's lead on this, we can then conclude that the reason jobs haven't been created is because obama is not leader and doesn't actually want to create/save jobs for the American people.  now if they would only quit sending out checks to people who don't pay taxes and dead people, we would still have a shitty failed plan but at least obama would only look like a fool and not something lower.  2) the plan won't work!  obama has a hard enough time staying away from the glamour shots on TV so does anyone actually think he understands the economy enough to be able to help fix it?  i think he knows more than he is letting on (he is a good actor) but refuses to ensure our economy is headed in the right direction again because the liberals don't want this.  as i've said so many, many times before,  economics teaches us what works and what does.  we are not talking about arbitrage between three or four countries or any other more complicated finance formulas here.  it is just plain economics with a touch/dab of history mixed in and solutions for this crisis are no-brainers.  of course, you know where i'm headed with that one so i won't................!  obama wants to stay in the spotlight and be treated as the democrats' hero.  solving this nation's problems are not going to happen under obama's lack of leadership.  he will continue to blow off or do a half-assed job in his responsibilities and blame his failures on Bush!  liberals will eat this stuff up!
  • Bud Mullins
     President Barack Obama said in Turkey : "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values."
     I  found this very interesting. Do you know the Preamble   for your state?

    Be sure to read the message at the bottom! 

    Alabama 1901, Preamble: We the people of the State of Alabama , invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution.. 
    Alaska 1956, Preamble: We, the people of Alaska , grateful to God and to those who founded our nation and pioneered this great land. 
    Arizona 1911, Preamble: We, the people of the State of Arizona , grateful to Almighty God for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution... 
    Arkansas 1874: Preamble We, the people of the State of Arkansas , grateful to Almighty God for the privilege of choosing our own form of government... 
    California 1879, Preamble: We, the People of the State of California , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom... 
    Colorado 1876, Preamble: We, the people of Colorado , with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of Universe... 
    Connecticut 1818: Preamble. The People of Connecticut, acknowledging with gratitude the good Providence of God in  permitting them to enjoy. 
    Delaware 1897: Preamble Through Divine Goodness all men have, by nature, the rights of worshipping and serving their Creator according to the dictates of their consciences. 
    Florida 1885, Preamble: We, the people of the State of Florida , grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, establish this Constitution... 
    Georgia 1777: Preamble We, the people of Georgia , relying upon protection and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish this Constitution... 
    Hawaii 1959, Preamble: We , the people of Hawaii , Grateful for Divine Guidance ... Establish this Constitution. 
    Idaho 1889: Preamble We, the people of the State o f Idaho , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings. 
    Illinois 1870: Preamble We, the people of the State of Illinois, grateful to Almighty God for the civil , political and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors. 
    Indiana 1851: Preamble We, the People of the State of Indiana , grateful to Almighty God for the free exercise of the right to choose our form of government. 
    Iowa 1857: Preamble We, the People of the St ate of Iowa , grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of these blessings, establish this Constitution. 
    Kansas 1859: Preamble We, the people of Kansas , grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious privileges establish this Constitution. 
    Kentucky 1891: Preamble.. We, the people of the Commonwealth are grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties.. 
    Louisiana 1921: Preamble We, the people of the State of Louisiana , grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberties we enjoy. 
    Maine 1820: Preamble We the People of Maine acknowledging with grateful hearts the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe in affording us an opportunity ... And imploring His aid and direction. 
    Maryland 1776: Preamble We, the people of the state of Maryland , grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberty... 
    Massachusetts 1780: Preamble We..the people of Massachusetts, acknowledging with grateful hearts, the goodness of the Great Legislator of the Universe In the course of His Providence, an opportunity and devoutly imploring His direction  
    Michigan 1908, Preamble: We, the people of the State of Michigan , grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, establish this Constitution. 
    Minnesota, 1857, Preamble: We, the people of the State of Minnesota, grateful to God for our civil and religious liberty, and desiring to perpetuate its blessings: 
    Mississippi 1890, Preamble : We, the people of Mississippi in convention assembled, grateful to Almighty God, and invoking His blessing on our work. 
    Missouri 1845, Preamble: We, the people of Missouri , with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, and grateful for His goodness . Establish this Constitution... 
    Montana 1889, Preamble: We, the people of Montana , grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty establish this Constitution ..
    Nebraska 1875, Preamble: We, the people, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom . Establish this Constitution. 
    Nevada 1864, Preamble: We the people of the State of Nevada , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, establish this Constitution... 
    New Hampshire 1792: Part I. Art. I. Sec. V Every individual has a natural and unalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. 
    New Jersey 1844, Preamble: We, the people of the State of New Jersey, grateful to Almighty God for civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing on our endeavors. 
    New Mexico 1911: Preamble We, the People of New Mexico, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of liberty.. 
    New York 1846, Preamble: We, the people of the State of New York , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure its blessings. 
     North Carolina 1868, Preamble: We the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for our civil, political, and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those... 
    North Dakota 1889, Preamble: We , the people of North Dakota , grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, do ordain... 
    Ohio 1852, Preamble: We the people of the state of Ohio , grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and to promote our common. 
    Oklahoma 1907, Preamble: Invoking the guidance of Almighty God,=2 0in order to secure and perpetuate the blessings of liberty, establish this 
    Oregon 1857: Bill of Rights, Article I Section 2. All men shall be secure in the Natural right, to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their consciences 
    Pennsylvania 1776, Preamble: We, the people of Pennsylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly invoking His guidance.... 
    Rhode Island 1842, Preamble: We the People of the State of Rhode Island grateful to Almighty God for the civil and religious liberty which He hath so long permitted us to enjoy, and looking to Him for a blessing... 
    South Carolina , 1778, Preamble: We, the people of he State of South Carolina grateful to God for our liberties, do ordain and establish this Constitution. 
    South Dakota 1889, Preamble: We, the people of South Dakota , grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberties ... 
    Tennessee 1796: Art. XI..III. That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their conscience... 
    Texas 1845, Preamble: We the People of the Republic of Texas , acknowledging, with gratitude, the grace and beneficence of God. 
    Utah 1896, Preamble: Grateful to Almighty God for life and liberty, we establish this Constitution. 
    Vermont 1777, Preamble: Whereas all government ought to enable the individuals who compose it to enjoy their natural rights, and other blessings which the Author of Existence has bestowed on man .. 
    Virginia 1776: Bill of Rights, XVI Religion, or the Duty which we owe our Creator can be directed only by Reason and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian Forbearance, Love and Charity towards each other 
    Washington 1889, Preamble: We the People of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this Constitution 
    West Virginia 1872, Preamble: Since through Divine Providence we enjoy the blessings of civil, political and religious liberty, we, the people of West Virginia reaffirm our faith in and constant reliance upon God ... 
    Wisconsin 1848, Preamble : We, the people of Wisconsin, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, domestic tranquility... 
    Wyoming 1890, Preamble: We, the people of the State of Wyoming , grateful to God for our civil, political, and religious liberties, establish this Constitution... 

    After reviewing acknowledgments of God from all 50 state constitutions, one is faced with the prospect that maybe, the ACLU and the out-of-control federal courts are wrong!   If you found this to be 'Food for thought' make it your job to see that as many people as possible get the opportunity to read these words. 

    (Please note that at NO time is anyone told that they MUST worship God.)

  • Bud Mullins
    DS & Titus, I saw on FOX this morning, that there were 149,000 manufacturing jobs lost in April and 750,000 lost so far in 2009.  BHO, WHERE ARE THE JOBS?  We were supposed to have jobs with the billions and billions thrown out by the Obama administration.  WHERE ARE THEY?  I see none in my state.  We just keep closing doors and laying off people.  WHAT'S GOING ON?  Oh, I know what's going on - THIS IS THE CHANGE THE GREEDY LIBERALS VOTED FOR!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--concerning your post about the preambles.  liberals will refuse to acknowledge that this a part of our government.  our nation was built with God as a foundation.  that is what makes our country great.  the idiot liberals want to ensure our country is destroyed and will refute our forefathers' intents for our nation because they are a "do what feels good" society.  next we may see sex on the streets and quite possibly sex with between animals and humans.  i know it sounds sick and is but that seems to be the path our nation has taken thanks to the liberals.  in addition, we are no longer a going to be known as a world leader and our national defenses HAVE been weaken all because of the liberal agenda.  liberals are just as bad as the Iranian president because they continue to defy everything that is right just to bully those who actually have morals and values.  i'm here to say that they can't bully true Americans and liberals aren't true Americans!
  • Bud Mullins
    You are so right about the liberal left.  WE CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud Mullins--obama's policies are failing and people are suffering.  liberals have no sense of sympathy.  they obviously don't give a damn about families and children who have been devastated by this economy.  last year i blogged about what would happen if obama was elected.  everything is coming true as i said it would.  others discussed this issue also.  the liberals refused to pick up an economics book and research this themselves although i can't imagine anyone is that stupid to need to do that since it is common sense.  but when people have basketweaving degrees and sit on the sidelines and voice their uneducated opinions, this is what we get.  a lot of those ITS have never had to actually run a big business where competition is fierce or work in the corporate world where economics and the markets were just a way of life.  however, it really is not necessary if the ITS were born with common sense and if they had good parents who taught them morals and values.  liberals elected an unqualified moron.  that is what they wanted and now our nation is paying for it.  the democrats are the party of "no."  they are refusing to ease the economic strain of this nation and are ensuring policies are in place that will stifle job creation in this country.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, I wonder how anyone with a some-what sane mind can read the Preambles of our great states and still determine that we are not a christian nation?  Or at least founded on the principles stated by our constitution.  Where is the legal rights of the people who believe that?  Political correctness has replaced a lot of our constitutional rights as free citizens.  Only a few have those rights anymore, and then it is only what the liberal judges say.  My dad would probably have gone to battle long ago over this.  Maybe I should to!

    Sorry for the mis-leading statement above that might have indicated liberals may have a some-what sane mind.  My mistake...  LIBERALS DON'T HAVE BRAINS!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud--you are right!  i also wonder why liberals don't understand that "all men were created equal."  that clearly spells out the issue of abortion and that when we are created, births should not be selective.  liberals can't even grasp one concept so i guess we can't expect them to grasp two even though these are pretty simple to say the least.  that is definitely telling of their mental state.  these kinds of ITS F... up our nation.
  • Cheney = Treason
    it seems that the Republicans are being renamed as the Banana Republics.
    that seems about right.
  • DS
    Titus and Bud,
    i think we're making progress on defining who obama, his messianic followers, and extreme left-wing liberals really are.  through great research and extrapolation of inferrences made by them on this site, we have come up with the following two labels which precisely define them. 

    O'cult - cult of obama supporters who blindly follow him and believe everything that he says and does.

    IT - name for each individual liberal left wing lunatic who either has no common sense, or refuses to use it.  logic is something they don't understand as they are driven entirely by emotion and their hatred of Bush and God.   i suspect there will be more as we continue our psychological search for truth concerning this sickness.  Feel free to add more as you discover them along our search.
  • put up or shut up
    all of you loudmouths here that tremble over "socialist" programs
    are hereby expected refuse social security,  medicaid, medicare, government backed loans, use of national parks, your home will no longer be saved by your fire department, your security will no longer be provided by your local police, your government will no longer keep controls on your food safety or your children's toys.  you may not use the public sidewalks,  your city parks,  drive on interstate highways or use any mass transit.  you may not participate in unemployment programs and your banked money will no longer be insured by the FDIC.  your children will not be eligible  to attend public schools without payment.  there will be no food stamps allowed to you under any circumstance.   your use of the public library must cease. 

    perhaps a red tattoo on a prominent facial location should be in place so that everyone can see that you have no rights to these programs and benefits.   those found to be in violation will be sent to prison without trial.  they are already obviously guilty.  tattoo proved it.

    i know none of you will have a problem with this proposal.
    who will be the first to sign up?
  • the "its" are coming to take a
    we know where you live.
  • the "its" are coming to take a
    no workplace marriage benefits allowed for anybody.  they are costing us way too much money.
  • the "its" are coming to take a
    since right wing crazies insist waterboarding is not torture-  we will select seven crazies a day for this public display. 
    sounds reasonable.  cheney said it's ok.
  • the "its" are coming to take a
    none of you will be allowed to procreate.   stupidity cannot be allowed to re germinate.
  • the "its" are coming to take a
    the only public discussions allowed will be mine-  there will be no opposition.  you must all attend my church or be burned at the stake as heretics.
  • Titus Hunt
    put up or shut up--you are a liberal idiot and we understand that you have mental problems.  as long as I pay for it, i'm entitled to it.  if i don't pay for it, i should not be ENTITLED to it.  i don't want to pay for social security and i'll invest the money and do a lot better.  right now i know where i can get a 22% return on my money guaranteed.  will social security give me this?  hmmmmm!  of course, idiots who don't save for retirement or those who are just too lazy to get out there and make their own way will have a problem paying for much of anything and will want everyone else to pay for their stupidity.  let the liberals do it.  you guys are just so generous with your money so pay for others you idiot!  you will lose on this site.  by the way, i would rather fund my child's education completely without government intervention, thank you.  if the damn liberals and the liberal government would stay the hell out of my business, i would be able to do that.  fair share of taxes should be for all and not just half the population.  what i pay for, i should receive.  i suggest everyone else do the same, you moron!  you are in the wrong place here.  we are way above your league here so either listen and learn and interact like a mature adult or go with your ignorant liberal friends.  your arguments are stupid and without merit so get lost!   
  • Titus Hunt
    none of you will be allowed to procreate.   stupidity cannot be allowed to re germinate--how nice it would be that there would be fewer liberals.  i think i'll celebrate now.  all of the sudden i don't feel as sick as normal because there is hope for our country!  yahoo!
  • the "its" have the power and y
    too bad- so sad.  boo hoo.
    since we have been given the names and told what we are- we might as well do what you accuse us of already doing.
    shut the hell up titus.  you have been voted irrelevant .
    get out of the way.
  • the "its" have the power and y
    my arguments are stupid?   without merit?   gosh,  I'm just repeating to you what you claim we already are- why so shocked.
    go soak your sox- you stink
  • the "its" have the power and y
    don't you have some poor people in your town that you have not offended yet this week? 
    maybe you need to get one of those billboards for your front lawn.  "Obama is an illegal alien" 
    "Hey, don't blame me, I voted for hitler"
    Prove to everyone how asinine you are with a personalized license plate:

    don't waste your time with me,   I have already read all of your shit.
  • DS is just another pompus hypo
    and he lives here with the other flakes. 
    i have to go pick up my welfare check now so I can buy some junk food,  booze, and cigs on my way to my subversive planning committee.
  • Bud Mullins
    I think we should start rounding them up and deporting them.  The don't know how to carry on a conversation even...  They're all evil!
  • DS
    the "its" have proven our findings about them during our search for truth!  they have proven once again that their gene pool has been corrupted, and that they are totally incapable of logical thought and communication.  spewing hatred is ALL that they know...oh, i forgot that they do a really good job of repeating the liberal, socialist, statist talking points which they have either heard on their messianic socialist network (MSNBC), communist news network (CNN), or have been brainwashed by their marxist professors.  it doesn't matter HOW they got this way really!  the question is, will they EVER grow up and realize how deadly wrong they were, and then have the guts to admit it and change their way of thinking.  of cousre, the main reason that they are able tobe brainwashed and deceived is that they are spiritually bankrupt...void of the truth, and unable to recognize right from wrong!  this is man's normal condition (lost), and his ONLY hope to change is to first understand and admit he is lost, then repent of his sins and ask God to forgive him and take over his life!  but we know how difficult that is for many. 

    Jesus said: 

    Matthew 7:13-14 

    The Narrow and Wide Gates
     13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
  • DS
    i challenge EVERYONE on this site to pick up Mark Levin's book titled "Liberty and Tyranny".  Read it and come back to me so that we can discuss what he said.  If you liberals are so sure that obama and his administration is on the right track, then read the book and let's debate the principles which distinguish the differences between conservatism and socialism/marxism.  "class warfare" is THE main strategy used by socialists/marxists to promote their agenda.  can any of you libs argue that class warfare is a good thing?  i don't want to hear your excuses for WHY they use class warfare.  i simply want to know whether you believe it is morally right or not.  think before you speak please!  then we may be able to at least start a logical conversation.  it may not last long, but it would be nice to start that way at least...don't you think?
  • Bud Mullins
    DS, I am so glad one of is still willing to talk to these nut cases.  I am glad it's you and not me.  You're better at it than me anyway.  I just want to call em names...  This has got to be a RAG HEAD!  I have never seen an
    American that stupid.
  • Titus Hunt
    DS and Bud--the it that is stalking us is scum.  what should be expected i guess.  the it doesn't want to discuss the issues because the it can't back anything up with actual facts.  if anything the it usually attaches some left-wing opinion and expects us to say oh yeah you are right!  it is easy to disprove everything they say.  however, the ignorant will buy into anything.  i am not even reading the posts from the it anymore because we know who the it is unfortunately.  all i have to do is to glance at the heading and i know to skip it.
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, you crack me up.  Glad I am not a liberal.

    Did you all happen to catch the Nancy Palosi segment from Washington today?  They were expecting her to avoid the question, and she did.  She brought 3 other dudes with her and they put so much spin on the news people it got boring.  They would take turns chattering something that made no sense.  Just buying time so she would not have to answer the question as why she said the CIA lied to her.  Finally one reporter asked her and she said she was sticking with her original story and that was it.  Don't ask me about it again.  Needless to say a lot of people got really mad and now they are requesting an investigation into her lies.  BRAVE!  It was kind of sick the way she studdered and stamparded around with subjects no one wanted to hear about.

    I don't think IT qualifies for a degree in basket weaving...  Just my thoughts!
  • Bud Mullet
    You cannot hide from it.
    Repent now.
  • titless economy major
    The it girl.
  • BS preacher man
    he flings it but can't take it.
  • DS
    i'm right here idiot!  we have taken everything you "its" have dished out and proven you are idiots every time!  go back to the hole yuo crawled out of before God sends lightning your way!
  • Bud Mullins
    DS, you're soooo funny.  I love you guy.

    Titus, I wonder how this faggot got hold of a computer?  Makes you wonder don't it?  Bet IT is sitting in a padded room, bored to death, eating boiled eggs with the shells on them and playing with IT'S little computer, among other things, thinking IT'S funny...!
  • Titus Hunt
    Bud and DS--it doesn't have a life!  

    Bud--yes, i saw part of the interview with Pelosi.  i can't and refuse to watch an entire liberal interview.  it is really disgusting because they always lie.  liberals are too stupid to understand that they look really bad associating themselves with the likes of pelosi and the merry crooks.  there was an interview tonight with Dick Morris.  he said that the police commissioner of NY verified to him that there was a terror plot foiled that targeted the Brookyn Bridge which would have killed tens of thousands of people during rush hour.  the only way they were able to find out about this plot was through Bush's policies.  I think he said they found out through waterboarding (i'm tired so i think that is what i heard) but i know he said Bush's surveillance program also gave them the proof.  these are the things liberals hate and i'm sure if it had not been stopped and one of their family members died, they would have screamed and blamed Bush!  liberals are nasty its and are not human but they are assholes!  Thank God for Bush!
  • DS
    Titus and Bud,
    i think cousin it is attempting to remake itself into a nastier it than before....it's are like worms.  you cut them in half and they just grow themselves back.....slimier than ever!   iccckkkk!!!
  • Bud Mullins
    Titus, I know the feeling.  I was only watching the part about the question of did the CIA lie to her and congress.  She would talk about it.  I to could care less about anything she has to say.  It's all nil to me.  I like to see liberals squirm like a worm.
  • Bud Mullins
    Corrections.  She would not talk about it.
  • Bud Mullins
    Read the following article from OneNewsNow and tell me if you feel safer under BHS than you did Bush.  The Obama Administration don't say a thing about Radical Islam.  GO FIGURE!

    NEW YORK - The arrest of four Muslim ex-convicts in an alleged homegrown terror plot in the Bronx is renewing fears about the spread of Islamic extremism in the nation's prisons.

    At least two of the four men suspected of plotting to bomb synagogues and shoot down military airplanes converted to Islam behind bars. The alleged mastermind is also a convert, and the fourth man identified himself as a Muslim when he entered prison.
    But this week's foiled plot is not the first terror scheme implicating Muslim convicts, and it comes despite reports of progress in screening chaplains and materials on Islam in the prison system.
    "Basically, the threat is real," said Paul Rogers, past president of the American Correctional Chaplains Association. "Prisons have unstable people and people who are on the edge of a lot of different things. The radical elements of any religion can be emphasized."
    Those fears were heightened this week as lawmakers debated the fate of detainees if President Barack Obama shutters the prison at Guantanamo Bay.
    FBI Director Robert Mueller said terror suspects brought to the U.S. could end up "radicalizing others" or plan attacks on the country. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Obama would do nothing to endanger the public and decried "fear-mongering about this."
    The four defendants in the New York terror case had been in and out of prison.
    Laguerre Payen said he converted to Islam in prison, but a Muslim prayer leader who counseled him when he got out said he had a poor understanding of the faith. Onta Williams had registered as a Baptist in prison, but his uncle said he converted to Islam inside. David Williams and James Cromitie had registered as Muslim in prison, according to correction officials.
    Payen appears to be a Haitian citizen, while the three others are Americans. The Williamses are not related.
    Mitch Silber, a top New York Police Department intelligence analyst, said inmates converting to Islam are so common that he and his colleagues call it "Prislam." Though many drop the faith once they are out, for some "the conversion sticks" and can fuel anger toward the United States, said Silber, co-author of the 2007 NYPD report "Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat."
    Just as young people can be radicalized by "cut-and-paste" readings of the Quran on the Internet, new inmates may get a distorted view of Islam from gang leaders or other influential inmates, according to "Out of the Shadows: Getting Ahead of Prison Radicalization," a 2006 report by the George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute and the University of Virginia Critical Incident Analysis Group.
    Several imams used the term "Jailhouse Islam" to describe a form of Islam in prison that incorporates gang loyalty and violence, the report said.
    Many states are doing a better job of screening the reading material that comes into prisons, Rogers said. But other problems arise when there are no qualified chaplains or volunteers.
    "Sometimes inmates rely on other inmates, and it's sort of the prison way," Rogers said. "They turn to someone they trust, their 'celly' or someone in their cellblock, and put them on a pedestal as someone who has more knowledge about the religion. He could be spreading knowledge, or could be spreading ignorance."
    Inmates who were radicalized in prison include:
    - Jose Padilla, a former Chicago gang member, who converted to Islam behind bars and was recruited at a mosque to become a mujahedeen fighter, authorities said. Prosecutors accused him of plotting to detonate a radioactive "dirty bomb," but he was convicted of unrelated terror support charges.
    - Richard Reid, a British citizen and follower of Osama bin Laden, who was a prison convert in England and became involved with militants after he was freed. He pleaded guilty in 2002 to trying to blow up a trans-Atlantic flight with explosives hidden in his shoes. He is now serving a life sentence at a maximum-security prison in Florence, Colo.
    - A group of prisoners in California who converted to Islam and were arrested in 2005 on charges of plotting behind bars to attack military sites, synagogues and other targets.
    Islam took hold in U.S. prisons in the 1940s, when members of the Nation of Islam were held for refusing to fight in World War II. Malcolm X was one of their most famous prison recruits.
    The religion spread when Muslim inmates successfully sued for more freedom to practice their faith. Get-tough sentencing laws enacted in the 1980s filled prisons with large numbers of blacks and led to another spike in conversion. By this time, many blacks who once were in the Nation of Islam embraced mainstream Islam instead.
  • god speaks to me too
    Bud said:  "The Obama Administration don't say a thing about Radical Islam.  GO FIGURE!"

    Go figure indeed- and while you are doing that, dim wit, try going over Obama's talk the day before yesterday where he mentioned exactly this.   Again,  you are so utterly inept and uninformed, Bubba- constantly looking for something upon which to bitch and complain about that you take great care to look everyplace to find something to support your misguided notions except where the facts are.   Obama has - on a number of occasions, as a matter of FACT- mentioned those who intend harm on America.
    Do your damn homework, pinhead.
  • ambwe
    Hey UC your site is going down hill fast you've got a religious wingnut,a loudmouth know-it-all, and a bigot representing conservative values. Sound like the a real cross section of the republican Party.
  • god speaks to me too
    One News Now:


    AFN is a Christian news service - with more than 1,200 broadcast, print, and online affiliates in 45 states and 11 foreign countries - that exists to present the day's stories from a biblical perspective. We not only feature the latest breaking stories from across the United States and around the world, but also news of the challenges facing Christians in today's society.

    At OneNewsNow.com, you will get your news from reporters you can trust to give the latest news without the liberal bias that characterizes so much of the "mainstream" media."
    so much for your sources, bubba.

    so let's look here:
    Former Vice President Dick Cheney delivered what is being billed as a rebuttal speech to President Barack Obama's address on the contentious issue of how best to protect Americans against terrorists. In the blogosphere, Cheney's remarks received intense scrutiny, both for factual accuracy and for the manner in which they were delivered. But one mainstream Republican critic, Senator John McCain, took issue with Cheney's notion that torture procedures such as waterboarding are not only efficacious, but are also morally justified.

    Speaking to The Atlantic's Jeffery Goldberg, McCain (himself a victim of torture) said this of Cheney's speech:

    "When you have a majority of Americans, seventy-something percent, saying we shouldn't torture, then I'm not sure it helps for the Vice President to go out and continue to espouse that position..."
    McCain added:

    "...[Cheney] believes that waterboarding doesn't fall under the Geneva Conventions and that it's not a form of torture. But you know, it goes back to the Spanish Inquisition."

    Bubba,  you sorry little man.  You are more than willing to jump right in on the fear mongering because you are so damned uninformed.
  • god speaks to me too
    you want specifics on the Cheney  lies, bubba?

    listen then look up the facts for yourself. 
    it's all there.


    you are right, ambwe-  these three that post here almost exclusively are representative of what's left of what the GOP likes to call their "base".   Base would be a good word.  They are so afraid to be proven where they are dead wrong on so many issues- they are afraid to read anything but their own one-sided sources.   Religious sites,  and follow known flunkys like Limbaugh,  Michael Savage and other chicken hawks.
    I wonder if they watched  conservative radio host, "MadCow" agree to be waterboarded-  knowing that this was "not torture"-  he lasted all of 6 seconds.  It's all on tape.  go to You tube and watch it.
    His response following this:  Waterboarding is TORTURE.   Liz Cheney should really give it a go for herself instead of blabbering on things about which she knows nothing.  I would say Cheney should as well,  but he would die with his bad heart.   I don't wish this on anyone- even that asshole.
  • god speaks to me too

    look it up, bubba.
  • god speaks to me too
    it does no good to attempt conversation with UC- he never shows up these days.  i think even he finds the ignorance seen here  - spouted daily by the bible thumper,  the pretend patriot,  and the evil, foul mouthed witch without a clue,  an embarrassment.  he just likes the traffic to his site, so every once in a while he brings in some other flunky to drop some off-the-wall noise then waits to see what sticks.
  • JackieM
    Having trouble posting under Titus Hunt but will not stoop to the liberals' level of deception by trying to hide like wimps and pose as someone i'm not!  you have to lie to be a part of their cult of obama worshippers anyway! 

    DS and Bud--i saw that the credit card bill passed as we knew it would.  is obama going to address the American people about the negative consequences of this bill?  is he going to be held accountable for ensuring that small businesses will suffer as a result?  LOL!  i'm holding him accountable and hope the American people will too.  the middleclass will be the ones to suffer most as usual.  in his campaign idiot obama promised to help the middleclass.  well, that is just another lie on top of many others that he has told.  unfortunately people are too stupid to realize this until it is too late.  there will be a lot of average people who will suffer and i really hate to see it.  democrats are idiots and have no clue about helping Americans.  this is evident in this bill and many other ones.  obama and his supporters are sick SOBs.  because they are incapable of seeing the whole picture on any issue, they think it is ok to spew hate towards conservatives.  they pick a tidbit out of any obama position and run with it.  it is a joke and shows the narrow-minded morons that they really are.  it is a game they play and unfortunately for them, it isn't working!  they also think that just because a lot of folks are worshipping obama, it is the right thing to do.  well, we see what happened when people were inducted into the nazi mentality.  i'm glad i'm not such a failure in my life to follow such shallow-minded idiots.  i would rather think for myself and do what is right.  Americans are suffering under the dictatorship of obama and his policies are definitely not working...................so why are people still following him?  i guess it is just what DS said it is--a cult!  hmmmm!  let's see i can be an independent thinker or follow a cult leader.  which one should i choose if i want to do the right thing for America?  LOL!  what idiots! oh, and by the way, you know that clinton left us a surplus according to the democrats right?  LOL!  well, i guess if everyone discounts the fact that money was/is owned to social security and money was cut for intelligence, which made us more vulnerable, you could say that.  they will justify anything even if it is a lie.  What morons!
  • amber
    Hey jackie does your last post count as spewing hate, "Democrats are stupid cult worshiping, morons, shollow minded nazis, incapable of understanding, clueless, sick SOBs, idiots and failures. Anyway I am curious how the credit card bill will hurt the middle class
  • newsflash
    Jackie,  for a mere $19.95 you can order your very own official right wing diet fruit nut cake.  Hundreds on hand. 
    Why waste all that money on diets that don't work? 
    One bite of this fundamental fruit nut cake is all anyone can swallow.
    Watch those extra pounds evaporate!
    Watch those squinty eyes soften!
    Watch your circle of friends widen!

    Act now before all that extra baggage you tote around rots your brain and devours your soul.

    The first 10 orders will receive a free collector's edition,  personally autographed redacted bible donated by DS.  

    send $19.95 now along with $39.00 for postage and handling -
    cashiers check or money order only- to:

    No More Fear Mongering
    PO Box 666
    Chicago, Il  60630
  • Bud Mullins
    (POST 877) That would be the "BIG THREE" to you maggot!

    Titus, I know you are going to kill me but I feel good this morning.  I AM GOING TO SEE IF I CAN FIND SOMETHING GOOD TO SAY ABOUT BHO...

    Okay, he wants to close GITMO and let the very people we are at war with loose here in the United States.  Hummm, that one didn't qualify.

    Here's another one I will try.  $1,000,000,000,000.00 paid for bail outs and he promised Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!  (He promised to pay out another $1,000,000,000,000.00 to really get it going!)  There was 136,000 new unemployment applications in April alone.  750,000 already in 2009.  And talk of thousands and thousands more for the remainder of the year.

    As an American, should I pat him on the back?  Hummm, don't think so.

    I could go on and on with the stupid things he has done and is trying to do with his clown following in Washington.

    Everybody seems to not understand why conservatives don't have much to say positive about Obama.  DAMN!  What part of this guy don't these people understand?  You know, I think we need to think of another name for Obama, IDIOT is much too good for him.
  • DS
    newsflash, amber, god doesn't speak to you, and all other blasphemers on this site..............your words do not scare me or cause me to give up sharing the "good news" with you.  Jesus loves you, and wants to have a relationship with you!  Don't despise those who come to you to share His good news.  It will not go well for you according to God's Word.

    Matthew 10 

    Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
     1He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out evil[a] spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.
     2These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; 3Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; 4Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.
     5These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: "Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. 6Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' 8Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,[b]drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. 9Do not take along any gold or silver or copper in your belts; 10take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic, or sandals or a staff; for the worker is worth his keep.
     11"Whatever town or village you enter, search for some worthy person there and stay at his house until you leave. 12As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 14If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. 15I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. 16I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
     17"Be on your guard against men; they will hand you over to the local councils and flog you in their synagogues. 18On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. 19But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, 20for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
     21"Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death. 22All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. 23When you are persecuted in one place, flee to another. I tell you the truth, you will not finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.
     24"A student is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. 25It is enough for the student to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If the head of the house has been called Beelzebub,[c] how much more the members of his household!
     26"So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 27What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. 28Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29Are not two sparrows sold for a penny[d]? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. 30And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
     32"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.
     34"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
       " 'a man against his father,
          a daughter against her mother,
       a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law -
        36a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.'[e]
     37"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
     40"He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me. 41Anyone who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet's reward, and anyone who receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous man's reward. 42And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward."
  • DS
    newsflash, amber, god doesn't speak to you, and all other blasphemers on this site..............find rest for your souls!

    Matthew 11

    Rest for the Weary
     25At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. 26Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.
     27"All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
     28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
  • DS
    newsflash, amber, god doesn't speak to you, and all other blasphemers on this site..............we are all sinners!  But God sent His son to pay the price for us to be acceptable before God!  Accept His free gift today and be saved!!

    Romans 3:21-28 

    Righteousness Through Faith
     21But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, 23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement,[a] through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.
     27Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. On what principle? On that of observing the law? No, but on that of faith. 28For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law.
  • Bud Mullins

    Tell Congress to Oppose Obamacare: "government takeover of health care will result in rationed care with bureaucrats making decisions for patients."

    FaxDC.com wants to send this urgent and personalized Blast Fax message to all 535 members of the House and Senate for YOU.

    Alert: Senate and House Republicans offered a health care reform bill Wednesday that aims for universal coverage, but takes a much different track than Democrats to get there.

    In the first major alternative from congressional Republicans, the federal government
    would raise money by taxing health care benefits for the first time and turn that revenue back to individuals through tax credits to purchase their own insurance.

    There would be no new government-run insurance plan option and no mandates on individuals and employers to buy coverage two proposals favored by many Democrats to expand access to health care.

    The bill suggests, however, that Republicans might find conceptual agreement with Democrats in other areas. It would create heavily regulated state insurance exchanges where participating insurers would be required to offer a certain standard of benefits and people would be guaranteed coverage despite preexisting conditions. And it would create an auto-enrollment system in which people could sign up at DMVs and emergency rooms and through places of employment.

    "We are showing America can have universal health care access without the government running it," said Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee. The Patients Choice Act shows how to give all Americans access to affordable insurance where the patients and doctors are in charge not the government.

    The four Republican authors want the bill to create a contrast with Democrats, who favor a comprehensive health care fix with a more extensive role for the government. Senate Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander of Tennessee endorsed the plan. And Republican activist Grover Norquist affirmed in a letter to the group that the bill was revenue neutral and would not violate the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, a no-new-taxes pledge that many Republicans have signed.

    Still, the Democratic National Committee was quick to criticize the Republican proposal, calling it a rehash of ideas rejected last November. Republican presidential contender John McCain proposed a similar plan for taxing health benefits and providing tax credits to individuals to purchase their own insurance.

    The Republican bill would provide a $2,300 tax credit for individuals and $5,700 for families. Low-income families would receive an additional $5,000 to pay for their health care costs.

    The bill would remove the stigma of Medicaid by allowing recipients to take a tax credit and subsidy and enroll in private insurance, the co-sponsors said.

    The DNC called the tax credits and subsidy inadequate. The average annual premium for families is about $13,000 for families and $5,000 for individuals, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

    Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said the cost of insurance would drop for everyone with a strong emphasis on prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, which account for a large proportion of overall health care costs.

    The other Republican sponsors are Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and Rep. Devin Nunes of California. (politico)

  • JackieM
    Bud--well you failed your own test and couldn't find anything good to say about hussein.  LOL!  I can't think of one single thing i can say positive about him or his wife.  i feel sorry for the children and dog.  the MIL can move in but the elderly aunt is left in poverty living in government housing with the possibility of being deported.  i hope someone helps this poor woman.  obviously, that SOB hussein isn't going to do anything.  idiot liberals would call the truth fear mongering.  Ha!  we just call facts the truth and they can't handle it.  it is sad the media doesn't cover stories of the suffering of folks who are losing jobs, homes and can't feed their families.  that would be the truth and liberals don't want that, especially when the suffering can be directly tied back to hussein.  liberals are self-serving assholes who don't give a damn about the negative effects of obama's policies. 

    The republicans'  healthcare plan would work better than the idiot democrats' plan and everyone can see this.  however, the democrats want more welfare and want taxes to continue to increase for everyone including businesses.  of course, increasing taxes for businesses will follow the liberal agenda of losing more jobs and more suffering for the American people.  liberals don't want to hear this!  if hussein would get up off his ass and get lobbyists out of washington and his cabinet and work on the appropriate legislation for once to ensure captialism, healthcare costs would automatically go down.  the liberals don't want this though because there would be no excuses for anyone's taxes to go up and people would have to take care of their own health insurance.  liberals consider personal responsibility as cuss words so they will object.  f...ing up this country is the liberal agenda.  you will notice they throw stones but can't back anything up.  that is why i quit reading any of their posts.
  • JackieM
    Bud-- your comment--Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said the cost of insurance would drop for everyone with a strong emphasis on prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, which account for a large proportion of overall health care costs.

    I could share some personal stories about how this senator helps people and our nation but won't.  i can just say that this is a great guy and he really knows what he is talking about.  he is a true American.  on a side note, he represents the people of his state very well and votes for the good of everyone and not just for his political gain.  i admire him and that says a lot because there are very few folks in washington that are worth a shit!  I really hope the crooks (liberals) don't ever influence him and bring them down to their level.  to date, this hasn't happened.
  • Bud Mullins
    Tom Coburn is one of our senators here in Oklahoma.  He is a cool guy...
  • Bud Mullins
    This is a "TAX IT AND FIX IT" administration.  Liberals run around and talk about taxes not going up.  How can they do that?  Everything from a book of matches to a soft drink is being taxed.  Things are being taxed so fast they are working 24 hours a day notifying retail outlets.  There's so many, news reporters don't even talk about it anymore.  Just because YOU DON'T WORK, and live off the government, don't mean you wont pay taxes.  If you buy things YOU WILL PAY TAXES.  Silly ass people with lame brains caused all this crap!  EVERYBODY WILL PAY FOR OBAMA'S SPENDING SCHEMES...  Somehow that sounds good...  I don't know why but it does - I guess.
  • be afraid, be very afraid of b
    Bud- you have rendered everything you say null and void.
    Because you are too stupid to take seriously.
    In your post regarding detainees at Gitmo- you stupidly said
    Obama is about to let them out to roam in your neighborhood- (possibly at your neighborhood Starbucks-or Walmart, I s'pose)
    What an ass you are!
    How did you get this stupid?
    Do you practice or does it just come naturally?
    Interesting that the other two dim wits here take you at your word.
    Stupid is as stupid does.

    Steele may be the punchline- but you are the joke.
  • DS
    John 3
    Jesus Teaches Nicodemus
     1Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him."
     3In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.[a]"
     4"How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!"
     5Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. 6Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit. 7You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You[c] must be born again.' 8The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
     9"How can this be?" Nicodemus asked.
     10"You are Israel's teacher," said Jesus, "and do you not understand these things? 11I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. 12I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 13No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.[d] 14Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.[e]
     16"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[f] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. 19This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."[
  • amber
    DS this isnt a bible study group. I appreciate your passion on the subject and and could even engage in a conversation on the subject at another time, but to mix it with politics.??
    Question for
    DS What do you think about the seperation of church and state?
    TITUS. How will the credit card bill hurt the middle class?
  • Bud Mullins
    Jackie & DS, I love this.  Go to this link it is advertising on the billboards asking "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?" This thing is getting bigger and bigger.

  • DS
    That was hilarious!  I loved it.

    Why are you concerned about me sharing the Word on here?  You and all of the other liberals seem to think it's ok to share what you "claim" is the truth, so I think I'm perfectly entitled to share the "real truth" as well.  Anyone who is "truly" searching for the truth will recognize it and respond to it.  Those who aren't concerned about the truth and merely want to spread their religion of socialism and humanism will be offended by it.  That doesn't surprise me as Jesus warned us about that.  Any true believer would not be concerned about it, or be ashamed of it.  the gospel is the power of God unto salvation!  And to answer your question about separation of church and state.....it isn't in the constitution amber, and don't let anyone tell you it is.  Read it yourself and tell me where it is.  Everyone knows that wasn't the "intent" of our forefathers!  They merely wanted to ensure that our nation wouldn't mandate a national religion, or become a theocracy similar to dictatorial nations of the past and present.  They ALL believed in God amber.  God is mentioned over and over again in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.  They would be rolling over in their graves if they knew what has happened to our country!  They would NEVER have allowed atheists to remove God from the public square!  That is nothing but hogwash, and we need to stand up against it!!  I welcome a discussion with you regarding God, Jesus Christ, or any other subject you want to discuss concerning religion and God's plan for the world.
  • DS
    Bud and Titus,
    I just had to share this one with you!

    Sorry to bother you Mr. Obama, Sir .............. 

    Excuse me Mr. Obama, I mean President Obama, Sir. Um . . I know you're busy, and important and stuff. I mean running the county is very important and -- ah -- I hate to bother you Sir. I will only take a minute.

    Ok Sir? See, I have these missing pieces that are holding me up, and I was wondering Sir, if you could take time out of your busy schedule and help me out. You know, no big deal, just some loose ends and things. Hey, you have a nice place here! The wife sees houses like this on TV all the time and says boy she wishes she had digs like this you know? Is that painting real? Really? Wow. I saw something like that in a museum once! Oh, sorry Sir. I didn't mean to get off the track. So if you could just help me out a minute and give me some details, I will get right out of your way. I want to close this case and maybe take the wife to Coney Island or something. Ever been to Coney Island Sir? No? I didn't think so...

    Well, listen, anyway, I can't seem to get some information I need to wrap this up. These things seem to either be "Not released" or "Not available." I'm sure it's just an oversight or glitch or something, so if you could you tell me where these things are -- I -- I have them written down here somewhere -- oh wait. Sorry about the smears. It was raining out. I'll just read it to you.

    Could you please help me find these things Sir:
    01. Occidental College records -- Not released
    02. Columbia College records -- Not released
    03. Columbia Thesis paper -- "Not available"
    04. Harvard College records -- Not released
    05. Selective Service Registration -- Not released
    06. Medical records -- Not released
    07. Illinois State Senate schedule -- Not available
    08. Your Illinois State Senate records -- Not available
    09. Law practice client list -- Not released
    10. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate -- Not released
    11. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth -- Not released
    12. Record of your baptism -- Not available

    Oh and one more thing, Sir, I can't seem to find any articles you published as editor of the Harvard Law Review, or as a Professor at the University of Chicago. Can you explain that to me, Sir? 

    Oh but, hey -- listen! I know you're busy! If this is too much for you right now -- I mean -- tell you what. I'll come back tomorrow. Give you some time to get these things together, y' know? I mean, I know you're busy. I'll just let myself out. I'll be back tomorrow. And the day after. .. .

    What's that Mr. President? Who wants to know these things? We the People of the United States of America! You know, the ones that vote. Now if anyone has any of the above information please let us all know.
  • DS
    I forgot to tell you that it contained of image of Detective Columbo at the top of it.....for those of you old enough to remember him.
  • Bud Mullins
    DS, thanks for the Columbo skit.  I love that guy.  Oh, by the way - you talk awfully nice to that little maggot that keeps hanging around this web site.  I, on the other hand, cant be Mr. Good Guy any longer.

    Maggot, why don't you kiss DS's ass right up in the brown and leave him alone.  Take your faggotism preaching elsewhere.  GET IT?  This is a conservative web site and you don't qualify!  So, BEAT IT!  So, get your little wormy ass out...

    Sorry DS, I couldn't help myself.  Jackie, hope you don't read this.  I have more respect for you than to talk this way.  I'll feel bad tomorrow but it felt good today.
  • amber
  • JackieM
    DS--that was a funny skit. 

    Bud--don't worry about it.  these liberals tend to be aggrevating with their stupidity.  i'm refusing to answer them anymore.  it is funny that they continue to ask the same questions over and over again even though we have answered them before.  oh well, let them look at every issue from one side.  that just continues the hussein agenda which will screw up this country more than it is.
  • DS
    All libs here,

    I made this challenge wayyyy back in post 858, but to my surprise, nobody responded to it.  Now, I don't expect you to buy the book and actually read it, so can you at least respond to my question regarding class warfare?  Thank you in advance!


    i challenge EVERYONE on this site to pick up Mark Levin's book titled "Liberty and Tyranny".  Read it and come back to me so that we can discuss what he said.  If you liberals are so sure that obama and his administration is on the right track, then read the book and let's debate the principles which distinguish the differences between conservatism and socialism/marxism.  "class warfare" is THE main strategy used by socialists/marxists to promote their agenda.  can any of you libs argue that class warfare is a good thing?  i don't want to hear your excuses for WHY they use class warfare.  i simply want to know whether you believe it is morally right or not.  think before you speak please!  then we may be able to at least start a logical conversation.  it may not last long, but it would be nice to start that way at least...don't you think?
  • JackieM
    DS and Bud--did you see that North Korea had a nuke test?  Obama said,

    "North Korea is directly and recklessly challenging the international community," Obama said in a statement. "North Korea's behavior increases tensions and undermines stability in Northeast Asia."
    Obama said Washington will be working in the days ahead with the Security Council and other nations that have been trying to pursuade North Korea to give up on its nuclear ambitions.

    obama acts as if we had not been working with the security counsel for years and years before now.  the security counsel is a joke and North Korea knows it.  i hope the counsel decides to finally do something but know they probably won't as usual.  obama is a weak leader and only points his finger to these countries while saying, "shame, shame on you."  that is how ineffective the idiot is.  of course, the liberals love a non-leader and that is what they have.  as republicans, we knew what kind of ineffective jerk he would be on all the issues including national security.  obama is going to issue a "statement" each time one of these countries does anything to threaten the world.  ooooooooooo!  that will scare them into submission--not!  talking to them will surely stop them--not!  talking is all he can do because he doesn't have the experience necessary to understand these matters much less other issues.  you would think that if democrats gave a damn about this country, they would want somone who is more qualified than just sounding good.  hussein is finding out that he has to lie because his tough campaign rhetoric was just that.  he didn't know anything about what he was talking about and his words were just fluff.  now he is facing the realities and can't handle it.  however, as i've mentioned before these cultures don't care about words.  they want to see what we are willing to do and that will determine whether we are weak or strong unfortunately.  of course, he always has the option of blaming Bush because the liberals will just eat this up.  that is how stupid they are!
  • JackieM
    hey, Bud--can we add something to your list of positives about obama?  let's see-he is weak on terrior and national defense--nope!  i guess the list is still at number 1.  LOL!  rest assured i'm trying to help you come up with something.  maybe he is responsible for the shit on the front lawn of the whitehouse?  oh yeah, that was his dog!  HA!  sorry about that.  i am still trying! 

    your disscussion of "OBAMACARE WILL BE A COMPLETE DISASTER"--we can see how wrong obama's plan is for our nation.  however, liberals can't.  they are so stupid.  even after going over fact after fact, they can't seem to grasp the simplest of concepts.  all we may be able to get from them is duh, duh, duh, drool, drool, drool!  can someone please pass the liberals some napkins or something!  they are making a mess!
  • Bud Mullins

    yes, I have been following the North Korea Nuke Program.  This is their second (Known) nuclear bomb test.  The first was much smaller than this.  Did you also know they have tested three rockets capable of 2,500 miles in range that can carry a nuclear war head?  Matter of fact, they just fired one today.  This is serious.  But know what, no one seems to want to take the bull by the horns either on North Korea or Iran with their nuclear capability.

    Could this be something good about Obama?  He produced a birth certificate...  Nope, wont do - it was phoney.  I'll just keep looking and searching for something to say positive about him.  If someone knows something, let me know I am tired of loosing sleep!
  • Bud Mullins
    Amber (898) Faggotism????

    Well, let's see how to explain this to you.  Faggotism: Extremism in form.  Going to the Extreme.  Webster's says that Extreme is defined as "Either of two things that are as different or as far apart as possible from each other."  That's me and you on homosexuality.

    Faggotism - explained: When someone admits they are homosexual and then demands the world accepts their despicable acts and pins a metal on them!

    Not gonna happen in the BUBBA household!
  • JackieM
    Bud--you just have a way with words that i can't explain.  you make me laugh!  well, obama can't just seem to get off the tv to actually accomplish something.  his premadonna, arrogant attitude is disgusting.  i would appreciate a speech on Memorial Day if he he wasn't such a SOB intent on destroying this country and if God Bless America was in his closing.   i can't even stand to hear his voice anymore and won't watch any of his speeches.  Memorial Day will not have the same meaning as long as that SOB is in office.  he does not represent anything i stand for!  he takes away from the basic principals this country was founded on and it makes me ill to think about it.  he is as UnAmerican as they come.  oh, obama just said he "strongly condemns" the actions by North Korea.  hmmmm!  boy, i know they are shaking in their boots on that note-not!  maybe if he shakes his finger when he says this, it will have more of an impact.  i think he should say, "shame, shame on you, you bad people."  what an ineffective moron!  how many times does he have to say this to a country before he actually does something about it?  i'm really ashamed to have obama even associated with this country.  i'm sure the leader of North Korea is laughing at his incompetence.  if he is relying on the security counsel to do something, i think we will be waiting forever.  i hope i'm wrong but if their past behavior is indicative of their future behavior....................  of course, obama is continuing to put this country at a disadvantage due to the increased unnecessary debt to china.  we need china to help in this situation but they have no reason to at this point.  the democrats/liberals need to finally see that talking is ineffective but we have known that for a while now.  obama is an idiot and so are his supporters!
  • Bud Mullins
    DS & Jackie, hope you had a quite day basking in memories as I did.  I watched a lot of the Memorial stuff on TV and it never ceases to amaze me what comes up.

    I visit a lot of the Civil War National Battle Grounds, Pearl Harbor, National Cemetaries and one particular thing jumps out at me everytime I get engrossed in study at these places or about these places...  That one thing is this - most of the younger generations of this country knows very little about war history or why we even had those wars.  Most of them wont watch them on TV, even on an important day like Memorial Day.  They have no clue how they have the freedom they enjoy today.  They have no clue of the sacrifice that has been made over the decades to keep this country free.  They have no clue of how many lives were given and how much pain was endured to give them those rights.  To allow us all to voice our opinions and walk the streets as a free people.

    Our church has a Memorial for the Veterans today.  Sometimes you feel proud to be an American.

    Obama has no clue of these things and how important they are to our country as a whole.  He has never been in the military - yet, he is their Commander and Chief.  GO FIGURE!
  • DS
    Yes, I have also been pondering the sacrifice of so many to keep our country free.  My dad served in the Army-Air Force at the end of the Korean War.  I served in the Navy during the Vietnam War, and my son served in the Navy during the first Gulf War.  None of us had to give our lives for our country, but we all would have if required.  I am thankful today for all of the men and women who gave their lives for us!
  • Bud Mullins
    Jackie, if BHO's dog crapped on the front lawn, does that mean he's republican?  LOL  I probably would and I am a republican!
  • amber
    To Titus and DS how come you dont call Bud out on his racist and homophobic comments. The guy comes of as a ignorant bigot and you respond to his post with total indifference ???
  • Bud Mullins
    Amber, go back and read the post on this site.  See how many names I have been called just for posting my thoughts and trying to carry on a decent conversation.  I only respond with this stuff to get back at people.  Give me a decent conversation and I will talk like a decent person.  Please, go read the comments that have been made about me and the names I have been called.  I don't do this as a habit, I do it to get even.

    I promise you, if you talk decent to me, don't call me names and degrade my education and where I am from, I'll be nice to you.  You keep it up, I'll keep it up...  FAIR ENOUGH?
  • JackieM
    DS and Bud--Today I have thought about all of the men and women who have bravely fought for our freedom.  I am so thankful for their service.  In addition there are so many families who have suffered while their loved ones were fighting for us all.  it is a disgrace that obama doesn't represent what our country stands for and take pride in our founding principals.  I could not watch the ceremonies on TV due to this.  It is just a shame our country has elected such a non-leader.  he is definitely not an American and is taking our freedoms away.  He is not someone I'm proud of.
  • Bud Mullins
    Jackie, thanks for that post.  I guess I let it get to me when I see things so clearly and others don't.  My family consists of six boys.  Four of them served in the military.  One of them retired with 23 years of military service.  The reason the other two didn't go into the service was for medical reasons.  My oldest brother had polio when he was a baby and was left with a bad left foot.  The other had an enlarged heart.  So, two of them could not pass the medical part of the entry exam.  They tried, if they could have gone, we would have had 100% in the military.

    Did you see the segment on Hannity tonight with Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI)?  He is the ranking member on the house budget committee.  He talked about "6 Ideas to Save America."  He really made sense on taxes, insurance and education.  Fox News has the segment on it if you care to pull it up.  It was pretty interesting.  I like him, he makes a lot of sense to me when he talks about the problems we have here in this country as of late.
  • JackieM
    Bud--I didn't realize you had so many folks in your family that were in the military.  wow!  that says a lot about your family's dedication to this country.  my uncle retired from the military years ago and i have a cousin that served. 

    I saw part of that interview and it really made sense.  however, the damn democrats will continue to play games and discount anything that will actually work in favor of blowing our money while telling the American people they are working to help us.  they haven't worked across the isle as obama said he would.  that is just another lie.  their plans for this country have f...ed it up even more but they are unwilling to listen to anything that will work because it makes sense.  the damn democrats accuse republicans of not spending more money on education.  booohooo!  maybe that is because spending money will not solve the problems with education.  the SOBs will continue their lies and rhetoric to ensure the ignorant will buy into what they are selling.  it is tooo sad for words.  i can say that the healthcare plan will ensure we have more illegals to support coming from Mexico, there will be people who don't have to pay a dime for it, our healthcare that we pay for will be compromised, and the entitlement programs will continue at the working folks' expense.  oh yeah, i forgot to add one more item--i will continue cussing the obama and his supporters.  they have succeeded in the destruction of our nation.  by the way, where are the jobs?  obama has not accomplished one single, positive thing since he has been in office.  his is nothing but a failure with good speech habits as long as he has a teleprompter to guide him.
  • JackieM
    Bud and DS-- our local news was talking about the green jobs obama is supposedly creating.  these jobs are predicted to pay on average from $9 to $12/hour.  now how is this helping our country?  families will starve working for this kind of money.  i'm glad obama is showing his true colors to all that have a brain.  i knew this would happen and have posted about these crappy jobs before.  obama is a joke and a loser!  this country needs real leadership!   the liberals will never acknowledge it though.  i'm currently looking at our tax situation and will ensure i don't pay that SOB one more dime than necessary.  i will look to stay under a certain threshold so that i am not cheated out of more money than what is fair.  obama is going to steal from folks who work hard and earn what they have.  there will be a lot of true Americans who will do the same i'm sure.  they are already showing signs of disgust at this administration.  it will only continue to grow.  i would be ashamed if i had voted for that SOB but liberals are just to ignorant to know what they have done!
  • JackieM
    DS and Bud--Here we go again!  Please see below.  So much for bipartisanship.  obama is just an arrogant, lying, SOB! 

    Liberals:  how can you justify obama's actions?  You can't so keep supporting that moron and continue to show your low morals, values and standards! 

    Obama to Nominate Sotomayor to Supreme Court Tuesday

    Souter generally sided with the liberal wing of the high court, so Obama's selection would not tilt the ideological balance of the body. But Sotomayor is considered one of the most liberal of Obama's potential nominees, and could set off a fight from the right during confirmation -- even though Republicans are far outnumbered on Capitol Hill.

  • liberal and proud
    first of all,  you idiot rethuglickan,  the dimwit rethugs in congress had already announced that they were going to vote against any- ANY person that Obama nominated-  didn't matter if it was god-  so, screw you all-
  • liberal and proud
    nobody really cares what you say, Jackie- you hate everything so your opinion is worthless at this point.  predictable, bitchy, complaining, grumbler, nasty noise from your end of the political spectrum.   you still lost.  and you are the reason why.
  • JackieM
    the liberals on this site are exactly why people are suffering in this country.  they are nasty, hateful, fools who spread their garbage to those who will take it.  i didn't lose anything; Americans lost.  I am perfectly happy in my life except i love this country.  liberals hate everything and everyone who does not agree with their agenda.  we see the kinds of scum that post here and I really don't give a damn about their opinions!  they are as UnAmerican as they come and do not have the capacity to be anything but narrow-minded, uneducated assholes!
  • Bud Mullins
    Jackie, you're right.  The libs only show up here to try and bug us.  They show up under different names and anything their pea size brains can muster up to irritate sensible people on this site.  Smart people, like us...

    The other day I went downtown to run a few errands and had quite the adventure.

    I went into a coffee shop for a danish pastry and a coffee, which was a treat for me since I drink very little, coffee that is. I was only in the shop for about five minutes. When I came out, a cop was standing at the curb, writing out a parking ticket.

    I said to him with a bright smile and in my most polite tone, “Come on, man, how about giving a retired person a break?”

    He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. His lack of sensitivity annoyed me, so I called him a Nazi. He glared at me, gritted his teeth, and wrote another ticket for having worn tires.

    So I proceeded to call him a doughnut-eating Storm Trooper. Whoa. I could tell that zinger hit too close to home.

    He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then, after I called him a moron in blue, he wrote a third ticket for having a license plate holder that obscured the name of the State. The more grief I give him the more tickets he wrote. That process continued for about 20 minutes until I got tired of the jerk’s lack of empathy and left.

    Personally, I didn’t really give a rat’s ass how many tickets he wrote. I came downtown on the bus, and the car that he was ticketing had one of those Obamma/Biden ’08 bumper stickers. Serves them right.

    I try to have a little fun each day now that I’m retired. The doctor tells me that it’s important to my health.
  • JackieM
    Bud--You have me in stitches over here! I love your humor! I guess the cop thought he was accomplishing something or that it was your car. That was funny, especially since you took the bus! LOL! I am with you in that I don't feel sorry for anyone who has obama stickers on their car. they deserve every one of those tickets because they are going to be responsible for increases in taxes of everyone except for the moochers who don't pay taxes anyway. those folks just received a $250 check in the mail for doing nothing at the expense of those of us who will end up having to pay the debt back. of course, some dead people received money also. how nice-not! The new judge obama has appointed will be cleared because the left-winged nuts are just that and she is one of them. her comments have proven she is a racist and that is not what we need on the supreme court. other comments she made were disturbing also but it is a mute point because liberals are idiots and don't want our justice system to work as it was intended to in the first place. this is just par for the course for this lame administration. on a positive note the economists are predicting the economy will began to come around by the end of the year. well, we know that it is not a result of obama's stimulus package or any other decision he has made. however, as with any recession without intervention, jobs will lag way behind so for most folks who are unemployed, the jobs will not be available for well over a year from now. it will be a slower than necessary recovery because obama's policies are stifling companies and will continue to do so until that SOB is out of office. if the proposals for his welfare/healthcare plan go through, companies will definitely continue to struggle/shut down unfortunately. this is a sad time for our country and the liberals on this site prove to be idiots everytime they post. their ignorance about who won is continuing. they still are trying to divide this nation. if they were true Americans, they would understand that it is not about winning. it is about what is best for our nation. this is a perfect example of how uneducated liberals are. (basketweaving degrees do not count.) LOL! the threats by N. Korea are very real and should scare everyone. with the increased debt of our country, obama has once again made us vulnerable to other nations. this time it is China. China will be a superpower and control our every move before long thanks to obama. China is our best bet for solving this threat from N. Korea. how in the hell could anyone in this country continue to support this son of a bitch! notice i spelled it out this time. i really have more disgust for democrats every day. they won't stop their nonsense until an attack kills thousands and thousands and perhaps millions of people in this country. i am beginning to wonder if democrats would give a damn even then. then they will just say "shame, shame you mean terriorists!" obama and his supporters continue with their garbage of trying to talk when no one is listening. obama has proven himself to be a failure in running this country (if you call it that). this is especially true with the relationships of countries that want to kill us. during the campaign he lectured everyone on how talking would ensure our safety. yeah, right! he is full of hot air but we knew that already! cutting our missile defense budget was smart too--not!
  • Bud Mullins
    If you held a job and people were questioning your qualifications, and all you had to do to put an end to those questions, not to mention more than a dozen lawsuits filed against you, was to produce a valid birth certificate you claimed to possess, would you refuse to take that simple step? Or would you, as Obama has done, spend at least $1 million to fight the lawsuits? I think most people would agree that someone who chose the latter is either crazy or doesn't have a valid birth certificate.

    Let's say you got a job in which you succeeded someone with whom you disagreed passionately.Would you try to have that person prosecuted over those differences, knowing that some day, someone with whom you disagree would succeed you and possibly contemplate the same course of action? That's what Obama talked about doing in the case of his disagreement with George W. Bush over the practice of coercive interrogations – policies, I might point out, that were employed not just by his immediate predecessor, but by every war-time president in the history of the United States.

    Or what do you make of Obama's efforts to ban the use of the words "terror" and "terrorism" from his administration's lexicon? The administration prefers to call attacks on terrorists "overseas contingency operations." And terrorist attacks at home are referred to as "man-caused disasters." These new terms are apparently considered less offensive to terrorists.

    While there are hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens voluntarily serving in arms overseas, the Obama administration put out a report to law enforcement agencies throughout the country to be wary of returning veterans, because they might be more inclined to get involved in "right-wing extremist" activities.

    Obama presides – legitimately or illegitimately – over a nation founded on the ideals of "independence" and "national sovereignty." Yet, in a speech given in Prague, what was his prescription for making the world a better place? "All nations must come together to build a stronger, global regime," he said.

    How about his solution to an economic crisis spurred by too much indebtedness? More debt.

    Let's say you're the first black president. Do you appoint a black attorney general who indicts the people who just elected you as a "nation of cowards" on matters of race?

    Imagine appointing to a top policy position at the Defense Department, a columnist from the Los Angeles Times who believes U.S. policies were to blame for the 9/11 attacks by al-Qaida. That would be Rosa Brooks, who also previously referred to Obama's immediate predecessor as "our torturer in chief " and a "psychotic who need(s) treatment" while comparing Bush's arguments for waging a war on terrorism to Adolf Hitler's use of political propaganda.

    I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
    I don't know if any of these actions mean the president is crazy. But I do know they mean he is dangerous to the security and prosperity of the nation.
    For a more complete diagnosis, I refer you to the May issue of WND's acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, titled NARCISSIST IN CHIEF: Experts explain what makes Barack Obama tick.
  • JackieM
    Bud--obama is crazy and is a narcissist and so are all liberals.  this is serious stuff but democrats aren't listening!
  • Bud Mullins
    Jackie, I know the liberal democrats are not listening...  I'm equally sure most of the republicans in Washington are not listening either.

    I honestly believe that all the politicians in Washington are so corrupt that they are afraid to stand up or say anything because they are afraid THEY WILL GET CAUGHT!  You're right, this is serious stuff...
  • JackieM
    Bud--the only hope i see is that some republicans are starting to do their jobs for a change.  that is what i like about this time.   they want to get the party back on track and those who fail to do this will be called to the carpet.  i think they see they have no choice.  the corruption on the other side will continue to get worse if that is possible and obama is included.
  • Bud Mullins
    Jackie, I would like to see one, JUST ONE, republican or democrat step forward and say they had a bill passed through the house that did not have PORK spending in it!  Do you know of any.  Maybe I am in the dark here, but to this point, I don't know of any.  Back to my previous post, THEY'RE ALL CORRUPT!  Maybe not, that's just how I feel right now...
  • JackieM
    Bud--i would like to see that also.  i don't buy their arguments for any pork spending.  i look at them as bribes to get people to vote for the bill itself.  this is a corrupt system that doesn't even have a chance of being corrected until obama is out.  it was corrupt before and now it is worse.  obama had to ensure the corrupt politics continued by bringing in his friends from Chicago.  they are from the most corrupt political system in the US.  obama learned how to be a politician from this system so the stupid liberals decided to bring this idiot and his mobster friends to Washington to ensure they destroyed this country.  IL is in disarray and they are hurting for money while taxes are increasing.  IL has the same tax and wasteful spending agenda as Washington does.  liberals refuse to even notice that now this country is following IL and it is going down the crapper.  i just happen to like the idea of sending checks to dead people!  LOL!  it really makes a true American feel good to know his/her money is being thrown down a bottomless pit.  ....and liberals harp about republicans not wanting to give to the bottomless pit called a school system?  LOL!  Let's just give the money to dead people!  hahaha!
  • expert opinion
    you neo-con pretenders really take the cake- I'll give you that. 
    you, Jackie,  you have to be the most sour person I have ever seen- online or off.  you, unfortunately, are typical of the numerous chicken hawks I run into daily.  Having served three tours in Iraq  - I am more than a little fed up with you people playing the military like some sort of game that you can watch from afar while my ass was on the line.  My company overwhelmingly voted for Pres. Obama.  The huge majority of us in Iraq were overjoyed when we learned that he'd won.  A voice of reason was finally in the White House and "cowboy diplomacy"  was sent packing.   You people learned nothing- nothing at all from the past administration's lack of ethics,   and their constant use of the military as nothing more than a photo opportunity.  
    Don't presume to speak for me and push yourselves off as "real Americans".  You insult us daily.
    as for the supreme court nominee- she should be approved with very little effort and by a large margin.  your yelling and jumping serves no purpose except to show how little you understand her, her opinions, her past, and her future.
  • Radical Conservative
    JackieM, I am with you on the Supreme Court Nominee.  I am glad I am not the one that has to approve her.  Although, I would like to know more about her background.  I think John McCain said it all on Hannity this afternoon when he said a lot of stuff will come out that we are not hearing in the public.  I think she will be approved no matter how radical she is.
  • feedback
    I could understand if any of you even read any of her rulings- or could appreciate the fact that not even 1% of her rulings have been overturned-  (look up the current supreme court judges on this aspect alone!) - she is a very pragmatic, even-handed, logical, judge who believes in the rule of law.  your right wing radio and television talking heads conveniently leave out the rest of the quote you have heard so frequently in the past two days.  go read the rest of what she said IN CONTEXT.   Fools. 
    For you lame-brains to call her "racist" is absurd.  For Glenn Beck to entirely misquote her is not only dishonest,  it sums up exactly what he does on such a regular basis.  You uninformed lame-brains fall for it every single time- so predictable.  And you , YOU have the balls to sit over in your dusty little corner and call liberals,  moderate republicans, and anyone else that disagrees with you names. 
    What a waste of time you are.  This site is utterly lame.
  • Extreme Right Winger
    We can argue all day, call each other every name in the book and still not solve anything.  SHE IS A RACIST!
  • JackieM
    Radical Conservative and Extreme Right Winger --

    I ignore the left wing nuts on this site because they come here to spew hatred.  I agree that she will be approved but only because the left wing nuts will approve anyone who is a radical.  She definitely is a racist.  It is so sad that there are people who don't want true justice.  i would not care which side of the isle she was on if she was proven to be impartial and driven by the law.  however, i heard her say that people in her position make the laws and then say i should not have said that.  True Americans want the laws enforced regardless of the group affiliation.  This moron has proven the law will not be the same for everyone.  unfortunately the liberals will continue to embrace anyone with no morals, values or ethics.
  • Jackie and the other extremist
    In their reporting of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's 2005 statement that the "court of appeals is where policy is made," several media figures and outlets have advanced the falsehood that her statement represented, in the words of Fox News' Sean Hannity, "the definition of judicial activism." In fact, numerous legal experts have stated that Sotomayor's comment was, in the words of Hofstra University law professor Eric Freedman, "the absolute judicial equivalent of saying the sun rises each morning" and "thoroughly uncontroversial to anyone other than a determined demagogue."

    In a May 26 article, PolitiFact.com concluded that it was "misleading" for the Republican National Committee to use Sotomayor's statement "to suggest it means she would be an activist judge on the Supreme Court." PolitiFact.com further reported:

    So keep in mind the audience and the question here, said Tom Goldstein, a partner at Washington law firm Akin Gump and the founder of ScotusBlog, a widely read blog on the Supreme Court. Goldstein watched the full video, and simply sees it as Sotomayor noting that in comparison to district court judges, "there's more policy involved" in the appeals courts.
    "The truth of the matter is, in the court of appeals, they are dealing with gaps and ambiguities in the law," Goldstein said.
    There's a lot for judges to interpret. Appeals court judges often have to make a call when a statute is unclear. In a sense, the policy is set by those calls made by the judges, even if they don't want to.
    To use that one line from Sotomayor to paint her as an activist judge is misleading, he said.
    "She's not a sweeping visionary ideologue in any way," Goldstein said. "Conservatives who are genuinely concerned about the direction of the Supreme Court, they are sort of grasping at straws here. That's an awful lot to put on one sentence."
    David Garrow, a historian who follows the Supreme Court, agrees.
    There has always been two schools of thought on the role of judges, Garrow said: those who see the law almost as an academic exercise, trying their best to mechanically apply the law; and the legal realists, who believe interpreting the law involves making choices, discretion.
    "What she (Sotomayor) said there is simply the honest version of what any judge knows and realizes," Garrow said. But "you're not really supposed to acknowledge it on the record."
    It's unfair to extrapolate that comment to suggest Sotomayor would mandate policy, he said.
    "To anyone who knows the intellectual history of judicial decision-making, she's just being honest, not activist," Garrow said.
    Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States (2005) notes that federal appellate courts do in fact have a "policy-making" role:
    The courts of appeals have also gained prominence because of the substance of their caseload. For their first twenty-five years, these courts dealt primarily with private law appeals. Diversity cases (suits between citizens of different states), bankruptcy, patent, and admiralty cases made up most of their work. However, as federal regulation increased, first during the Progressive Era, then during the New Deal, and finally during the 1960s and 1970s, the role of the courts of appeals changed as appeals from federal administrative agencies became a larger part of their caseload. Other developments that increased these courts' policy-making importance were the increased scope of federal prosecutions, especially those dealing with civil rights, drugs, racketeering, and political corruption, increased private litigation over various types of discrimination; and litigation concerning aliens' attempts to gain political asylum. Also adding to their importance were their post-1954 use to oversee school desegregation and reform of state institutions such as prisons and mental hospitals, along with controversies like that over abortion.

    You right wingers are quick to jump on anything and everything without any research whatsoever.  
    You both are so pathetic it makes your continued yelling and screaming useless and laughable.
  • JackieM
    Keep on spewing hate, Dora.  this judge is a racists and you are an idiot!  nothing ever changes.
  • Dora
    Who rattled your cage today?
    I see your grammar and spelling are in your usual mode.
    Too bad your reading skills are on the same level.
  • Red Neck Conservative
    Dora, where did you go?  What's wrong with Jackie today?  Are you still homo?  I see you still have nothing good to say about anybody.  BUG OFF!
  • Red Neck Conservative
    Jackie, sorry that didn't sound right.  What I mean is Dora still homo?
  • Red Neck Conservative
    Dora eats bugs with her forked tongue.
  • Red Neck Conservative
    Post (933)
    Hey duffas, this is pure extreme left wing liberal shit!  Do you believe for one second people on this site read this crap?  You gotta get a life child if you gonna make it in this world.  Come on over here on this side of the fence and say those words piglett...  We'll send you packing!
  • Dora
    Gosh, Jackie/Titus- your "Red Neck"  friend is calling you a liberal.

    "Red Neck"-
    1) everyone knows that I have sporks.
    2)  what's with the gay question?  it's not like a Monday, Wednesday Friday thing.
    3) are you still stupid?
  • JackieM
    Red Neck Conservative--I can assure you that anything i say is from a conservative view.  liberals are idiots!
  • Extreme Right Winger
    Post (932)
    Hey duffas, this is pure extreme left wing liberal shit!  Do you believe for one second people on this site read this crap?  You gotta get a life child if you gonna make it in this world.  Come on over here on this side of the fence and say those words piglett...  We'll send you packing!

    Jackie, sorry I made a mistake on the post number.  You're lovely girl.
    Dora, get out of the hen house and come up here with us roosters.  You might like it!
  • JackieM
    Extreme Right Winger--it is nice to have another conservative on this site!
  • Liberal Bashing Red Neck Conse
    Dora, what is your job with the liberals?  Is it just to spew the foam out of your mouth like a vermin?  It must be, I have not heard anything from you that makes any kind of sense.  Why don't you go find some more "GOOD FOR NOTHING" nasty little crap eaters like yourself to hang with.  Yur presence here is smelling up the site.
  • Extreme Right Winger
    Thanks JackieM.  I have been looking for one of these sites.  Most of the people just post and leave.  I like duking it out, especially with the kind of low life scummy liberals you find on the Internet.  They are lower than whale crap and that stuff is on the bottom of the ocean.  Cant get much lower than that.

    I like your knowledge of politics.  I dont have much that I can say except I love America and I know this Obama guy is screwing everything up and his dumb followers just seem to get dumber and dumber.  I think that everyone that voted for him should have to visit old Dora on the bottom of the ocean and scrape whale crap for awhile.  Dont you?
  • Extreme Right Winger
    JackieM, a friend recently told me that the reason radical liberals hang around these sites is that they dont have anywhere else to go!  I tried to find some liberal sites for discussions, but all I could read on them was "out of reality" thinking.  Do liberals really hate America?  I am beginning to think that is actually the case.  I wont allow them in my house any more.  I am going to get me a door mat that says "absolutely no liberals allowed!"  I had a dog that barked liberal and I shot him...  Guess I am a little EXTREME!
  • JackieM
    I can't think of a thing liberals are good for.  They are the lowest of the low in this country.  I was visiting a site yesterday and found a post where the gays (of all people-who would have "thunk" it) were angry at obama and were having second thoughts about voting for him!  of course, i said a thing or two about that!  i just find it funny that even the most extreme liberals are angry at obama.  of course, they are about as selfish as they come since we have more important issues in this country right now than gay rights but you can't get them to understand this.  families are losing their homes and jobs and can't feed their children as a direct result of obama's failed economic policies.  these are the issues that deserve the protests and anger right now and true Americans understand this.  as true Americans we need to take a stand against this administration for not protecting this country's jobs and throwing our money into a black hole.  obama had the opportunity to ensure small businesses could thrive.  job creation would have been immediate.  however, the idiot wanted to play to his supporters at the expense of the middle and lower income folks.  so we have what we have now thanks to liberals.  i saw someone from obama's administration on tv the other day and he said that inflation was not a major concern for them right now.  LOL!  what in the hell is wrong with these people?  this administration knows it is coming.  the economists are predicting this and have for a very long time.  of course, those folks who know anything about economics and common sense know this too!  i guess the liberals don't give a damn about the plight of the people in this country.  what a sad time for America.  obama has not made one positive contribution yet.  our country is lost!
  • JackieM
    President Bush gave a speech in which mentioned the enhanced interrogation tactics and obama.  he said the tactics worked and he did not like it when the previous president criticized him so he would not criticize obama.  President Bush has so much class.  He could come out swinging and defending his decisions but chooses to take the high road.  He could rightly blast obama and his idiot supporters for obama's obviously failed policies.  However, even though he made some mistakes, overall he did the right things for America.  it's too bad liberals will never understand what class really is and what obama is actually doing to this country.  their hatred overcomes any common sense they might have had if they were ever capable of having any.  this administration has so many problems that it has created that it need look no further to place blame.  however, placing blame on others and lying is what democrats do best.  oh yeah, i forgot one more thing they are great at--using divisive tactics to take attention off of their screwups!
  • potus
    you are a broken record, Jackie- complete with the screechy noise associated with this. 
    your constant rant against "liberals" is so yesterday- just as is all of your backwards thinking.
    get a life.
  • JackieM
    Dora--obama=backwards=no jobs!  how much clearer is this.  your "so yesterday" comment is a fad statement, which is stupid.  this country is not a fad and neither are the people in it so you get a life you nasty bitter IT!
  • The Country Bumpkin

    Left-wing groups in Washington, DC, are panicked. The New York Times and other Team Obama whitewashers are downplaying the connection between the Obama presidential campaign, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and Obama's old employer Project Vote (ACORN's nonprofit canvassing arm). Alas, the truth keeps seeping out.
    At a closed-door powwow hosted Thursday at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, activists discussed how to combat a relentless stream of corruption charges from ACORN/Project Vote whistleblowers. But it's too late for a reputation bailout. Former Project Vote official and whistleblower Anita MonCrief has harnessed the Internet to crowd-source a massive cache of documents showing ties between Obama staff members and the supposedly "nonpartisan" ACORN operations.
    Last fall, The New York Times abandoned an investigation into whether Obama had shared donor lists with Project Vote, a 501(c)(3) organization that is prohibited from engaging in political activity. Public editor Clark Hoyt earlier this month called it "the tip that didn't pan out." Critics suggested the donor lists could have been compiled through public records. But I have obtained the lists -- not only of Obama donors, but also lists of Democratic National Committee, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry contributors. The records include small donors to the Obama campaign, who are not disclosed in public campaign finance databases. It's information only a campaign could supply.
    MonCrief testified under oath last fall that her then-boss, Karyn Gillette, gave her the Obama donor list and told her the campaign had furnished it. Moreover, e-mail messages between ACORN, Project Vote and other affiliates, including ACORN subsidiary Citizens Services, Inc. (CSI), make explicit references to working on "Obama campaign related projects." The "list of maxed out Obama donors" is specifically mentioned in staff e-mail. Another message from ACORN/Project Vote official Nathan Henderson-James warns ACORN and affiliated staff to prepare for "conservatives...gearing up a major oppo research project on Obama."
    Henderson-James wrote, "Understand I'm not suggesting that we gear up to defend a candidate's campaign." But that, of course, is exactly what the ACORN enterprise did.
    Why does this matter? Transparency, tax dollars and electoral integrity. ACORN's own lawyer Elizabeth Kingsley acknowledged last year that a vast web of tax-exempt ACORN affiliates were shuffling money around -- making it almost impossible to track whether campaign rules and tax regulations were being followed. ACORN receives 40 percent of its revenues from taxpayers. Americans deserve to know whether and how much commingling of public money with political projects has occurred over the last four decades -- and what role the Obama campaign played in this enterprise.
    Remember: Last August, the Obama team admitted its failure to properly disclose $800,000 in payments to CSI -- which works hand in hand with Project Vote and the ACORN parent organization. Obama mysteriously reclassified the campaign advance work expenditures as "get-out-the-vote" activities. Nary a peep from electoral integrity watchdogs.
    Despite heated denials from Team Obama, the links between ACORN, Project Vote and CSI are inextricable. As Obama himself reminded ACORN leaders after its political action committee endorsed his presidential candidacy in February 2008:

    "I come out of a grassroots organizing background. That's what I did for three and half years before I went to law school. That's the reason I moved to Chicago was to organize. So this is something that I know personally, the work you do, the importance of it. I've been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drives in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work."

    As I've reported before, the Obama campaign's "Vote for Change" registration drive, run simultaneously with ACORN/Project Vote, was an all-out scramble to scrape up every last unregistered voter sympathetic to Obama's big-government vision.
    In an e-mail message to whistleblower MonCrief last summer, New York Times reporter Stephanie Strom told the truth: "The real story to all this is how these myriad entities allow them to shuffle money around so much that no one really knows what's getting spent on what." By Oct. 6, 2008, Strom had thrown in the towel in the wake of blistering phone conversations with the Obama campaign. She wrote:

    "I'm calling a halt to my efforts. I just had two unpleasant calls with the Obama campaign, wherein the spokesman was screaming and yelling and cursing me, calling me a right-wing nut and a conspiracy theorist and everything else....I'd still like to get that file from you when you have a chance to send it. One of these days, the truth is going to come out."

    It's only just begun.
  • Extreme Right Winger
    JackieM, Obama in any direction spells "NO JOBS!"  Radical Left Socialist Obamacrats "CAN'T SEE ANYTHING!"  That's reality, it's just plain facts.  Obama said we were out of money (The United States HAS NO MONEY...) yet, there is still a few trillion we need to pour into what ever it is he is pouring the trillions into already.  WHERE ARE THE JOBS?  I wish some Liberal, or somebody would show me where they are at.
  • Dora
    country pumpkin,  your post taken from
    (actually taken and reprinted from another reactionary right wing fringe site; onenewsnow- )
    you will, no doubt, rattle the cages of the neo-con inmates here that have no desire or ability to learn facts before posting them.  

    this fixation you all have about ACORN  is amusing though. 
    will the birth certificate noise be next?  

    so much lunatic nonsense ... you really need to get a hobby.
  • Dora
    Extreme nut case-  I hope your keeper does not mind cleaning up the drool and froth mess you must leave about with your continued ranting and lunatic noise. 
    actually,  I am worried about you,  you are taking your meds on time, aren't you?  remember, we talked about that.  you said you would try to do better.  have you fallen off again?  remember what happened last time?
  • Country Bumpkin
    Dora, I am so surprised.  You actually got something right.  No need to tell me about it you bucket of pus, what ever you have to say, say it to your like friends.  I have nothing WHAT-SO-EVER in common with you.

    The original was by my good friend Michelle Malkin, posted in One News Now.
  • JackieM
    Dora--way to go with your usual rant that has no meaning!  keep it up!  why don't you use your time wisely and go get the checks that obama mailed to the dead folks before they are cashed illegally?  that would be a big help to those of us who give a damn about wasteful spending, especially since our children and grandchildren will be burdened by this massive debt thanks to obama.  of course, you and every other liberal asshole are responsible for this waste because you voted for an idiot that you worship!
  • Dora
    Your foul language always tells the story.   No class.  No ideas.  No leaders.  No party.   No way you'll ever get anyplace.  No doubt.
    The one redeeming thing is that the more you all rant-  the sillier you look  &  the longer it will be before anyone listens to you fools.

    carry on.
    oh please.  carry on.
  • Dora
    Pumpkinbrain,  I don't know what caused your constipation that has you so stopped up.   Perhaps some whole grain bread or some shredded wheat might help.   It's made you quite nasty for no earthly reason.  I've done nothing to you.  Unfortunately you are a glittering example of those here with no ability to be civil.  Perhaps you are  related to Jackie-the- basket-case.   You sound like her kind of trash.
    Hard to be impressed with anyone that foul and acidic.  Frankly,  I am not certain she's a woman at all-  for certain, she's no lady.
  • dora
    a little something about your "good friend" , pumpkinbrain:

  • Extreme Right Winger
    Lawhora Dora, you are a dirt bag.  You hate all conservatives?  Do you not have just one little positive thing to say about us?  I mean, I might be your dad - you never can tell.  I've been around the country.  Now, wouldn't you feel bad if I turned out to be your dad and you abused me the way you do.  You bad girl you.  (If you are a girl - you might be an it!)
  • amber
  • Country Bumpkin
    Dora La-Whora, I too do not read garbage.  Where is your brain?  Do you not think I am capable to see through all the crap of these little so-called crooked blogg sites that libs muster up to make conversatives look bad.  My brothers Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh and my sisters, Malkin and many more are the targets of the hate spewing left wing nut.
  • DS
    I really wasn't planning on posting here anymore since I believe that I've said everything that I need to say.  God is going to have to "fix" our nation and "finish" the battle that has been going on here since the 2000 election.  Folks, the war we are waging is more than just a battle between political ideologies.  We are engaged in a "spiritual" battle, more fierce and more intense than anything that you would experience on a physical battlefield!  We are fighting a spiritual war between good vs. evil, between God vs. satan/humanism.  How is it possible to finish this battle, or come to a conclusion that everyone agrees with UNLESS there is a "right" way of looking at things, or a "truth" that is independent of what others might think or "want" to believe?  Without an "absolute truth", there is no truth....and people will continue to believe what they want to believe no matter what.  You see, without God, who created the Universe and EVERYTHING in it, man will always disagree about what is right or wrong because he sees everything through himself, and what he wants!  Man, left to himself, is selfish and isn't interested in the truth.  He will only pursue the ideology that fulfills his own desires, and he sees that as "his truth".  Logically, there can't be more than one truth, or it isn't truth at all.  And that is our problem.  I don't expect every person on here to understand, or even "want" to know the truth.....until God reveals this to them through the Holy Spirit.  God is a good God, and wants EVERYONE to come to the knowledge of the truth, of Himself.  I KNOW this is truth!  That being the case, I KNOW that God reveals Himself to EVERYONE in this world at some time or another.  But what do they do with this revelation?  Do they seek it out, or do they reject it because it doesn't line up with "their" ideology?  Obviously, many choose to reject the Holy Spirit when He speaks to them.  EVERYONE has an empty void in their heart which ONLY God can fill.  UNTIL they "allow" God to fill that void, they will continue to be self-serving, and seek ONLY "their" truth.  This is what fuels spiritual battle, and causes them to do all of the terrible things that they do to each other....in order to fulfill "their" own selfish desires.  This is a very simple concept, and God has made the way to salvation even simpler.  He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die for all of us so that "whoever" believes in Him could experience "life".  And with this life, man has direct access to the "truth" which comes ONLY from God.  And Jesus said, "You shall KNOW THE truth, and THE truth shall set you free."  He sets us free from our selfish desires, and gives us His desires.  He desires for all of us to live in peace, and to love each other as He loves us.  But that is ONLY possible AFTER we accept Him into our hearts, so that He can take His rightful place on the throne of our hearts.  Then, and ONLY then will we be able to live in peace and to love one another.  He is speaking to each and every one of you today.  Contemplate this "truth", and ALLOW God to come into your heart so that you can KNOW the truth, and so that you can be set free from all of the things that bind you today!!  He will be faithful to do EVERYTHING that He has promised!!
  • Dora
    If you had any brains,  you would realize that your "brothers and sisters" mentioned are pretty much considered the butt of the joke - by both republicans and democrats. these days.   Nobody with serious thought, reason, and a good supply of the facts take them at all seriously.   If you wish to align yourself with them,  that is certainly your choice.
    It has nothing to do with hate, dimwit- it has to do with the fact that their fear-mongering,  name-calling,  non-factual renditions of current events , misrepresentations of individuals, lives, quotations,  and their surreal inability to understand that,  in these days of the 24-hour news cycle,  the internet, the google, and youtube,  it's very, very easy to ignore damn near everything they have to say as pure rubbish.  You want examples?  Go to Media Matters and find one single item there that proves this incorrect.  This is a challenge made to UC long ago by me and others.  He too, has NEVER been able to take on this challenge because Media Matters actually uses the ENTIRE QUOTE in CONTEXT.  They have the FULL transcript of an Obama speech- not snippets as FOX uses.  They point out the hypocrisy shown daily by your "brothers and sisters" who like to pass themselves off as "reporters" except when call upon, then claim themselves to be something other than this.

    As for your continued foul and nasty noise leveled at me- clearly you are a simple man-   simply slow,  simply uneducated, simply rude,  simply crude,  simply narrow-minded,  simply unable to converse with any intelligence whatsoever.   I rather expect that you are representing yourself as someone new on this site, when, in fact, you have been bouncing along in here for some time.  Why else would you, out of the blue,  stomp right in and start in on me- calling me every filthy name your small mind can muster and use the crude language you have towards me that you have?   You have demonstrated that any further notations in your direction are of no use and a waste of time.  Most likely, if you are not Titus/Jackie- you are a member of her sad excuse for a relative.  At any rate,  pfft.  The venom that flies from her as she slithers about the boards here is anything but impressive-  you want to talk hate- direct your comments towards the Titus/Jackie source-she is, by far, the expert in spewing this.
  • JackieM
    DS--thanks for your comments!  they are appreciated!  God is needed in our nation more than ever.  dora is a prime example of why.  she is just a nasty humanbeing that speads hate and isn't worth the dirt beneath my feet.  she is ignorant and uneducated and her posts show this.  i'm so thankful for folks like you who understand what is happening in this world.
  • Country Bumpkin
    DS, thank you for your words of wisdon.  We sure need more of that on these sites.

    JackieM, I was just about to address Dora, thanks for your support.

    Dora La-Whora, you libs are so predictable.  You only know one thing  SPEW!  That's it!  You're like running water, your little pea brains only travel in one direction.  Oh, by the way, one of my other sisters, Ann Coulter, I know you have heard of her, she says "If you guys had any brains, you'd be Republicans."  That's true...
  • blah blah blah
    you people are the dirt beneath my feet.  RIGHT ON, DORA!!
    for my money you can kick him/her bumpkin in the brain- won't damage a thing & it might serve as an improvement.
  • Dora
    The challenge is there, Jackie/Titus/pumpkin - do it or shut up.
    If you cannot meet the challenge your words are dust in the wind.
  • JackieM
    hmmm!  i think i hear some noise called dora.  i'll ignore her just as i ignore other liberals.  they refuse to defend obama's actions because there is no defense.  why don't they defend his treatment of his elderly aunt who lives in government housing.  obama says for us to help one another so how is he helping her?  how is he helping the taxpayers when we have to pay for his aunt's upkeep.  hypocrisy.  i could go on with the list but there is no point because this example gets to the core of what kind of SOB obama is.
  • Extreme Right Winger
    Dear Fellow Conservative:
    During his campaign, Barack Obama often spoke of his desire to "remake" America, to be a "transformational" President.
    Not "restore," mind you. Not "rebuild." "Remake" -- as in, turning America into something it wasn't before.
    Transforming it.
    And over the next few months, President Obama and the Democrats in Congress plan to deliver on that promise.
    Under color of "solving" an economic crisis that their buddies helped create and their policies will only make worse, they are engineering the most radical change in the relationship between our government and its citizens in America's 233-year history.
    This is not "change" as you and I want it.
    And if they succeed, the country you and I know and love will no longer exist. Everything we conservatives have fought to defend and preserve will have been lost.
    In its place will be a country we scarcely recognize. What will it look like? Let me give you a glimpse...

    IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where a majority of citizens receive lavish government handouts and benefits but pay no federal income taxes, meanwhile voting themselves still more benefits from the shrinking minority who do pay taxes -- at ever more "progressive" rates
    IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where "universal health care" means waiting months, even years, for urgently needed treatment -- unless you happen to be politically powerful or connected -- and where all your private medical information is on a government database (don't worry: they promise never to use it against you!)
    IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where "green" ideologues and other nanny-staters dictate what we drive, what we eat, home energy usage, the size of our houses, and even how many children we can have
    IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where our major industries, crippled by government mandates, taxes, and regulations, end up becoming taxpayer-supported dinosaurs that can no longer compete in the global marketplace
    IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where all employers will be forced to hire and promote not according to ability but according to race, gender, and ethnicity -- all in the name of "diversity"
    IT WILL BE AN AMERICA where our once-great centers of finance, industry, culture, and innovation -- from New York to Silicon Valley -- will have gone to seed, while only Washington, D.C., and its environs prosper
    IT WILL BE AN AMERICA, in short, where only politicians, government bureaucrats, and their favored constituencies are able to thrive -- and where the only "liberty" that remains is the government's unlimited freedom to control every aspect of your life

    I ask you now, my friend: Would you want to live in such an America? Would you want to bequeath such an America to your children and grandchildren?  Aparently a lot of idiots do!
    Neither would I. But guess what? We don't have to. Because believe me when I say...
    We CAN stop this nightmare from coming true.
    Because make no mistake: Our would-be masters in Washington will stop at nothing to secure the power they've come to think of as theirs by divine anointing. They will do everything they can to harass, intimidate, and marginalize any conservative opposition that stands in their way.
    Already, they're preparing to use the full force of federal power to stifle their most influential opponents -- by reviving the "Fairness Doctrine," for instance, to silence conservative talk-radio... by enacting "card check" laws that would expose anti-union workers to intimidation and harassment... by passing the so-called Freedom of Choice Act to force pro-life medical professionals to refer patients for abortions.
    And who will stop them? The "watchdog" mainstream media? The ACLU? Don't make me laugh.
    But all is not lost -- far from it. For as bleak as things may seem right now, freedom of speech and of conscience is not dead in America. It's just gone underground...
    ... to The Conservative Underground -- where people like you and me are free to think, say, and believe whatever we wish, no matter what the forces of political correctness may have to say about it.
    Here in The Conservative Underground, you're free to speak your mind even if...

    ... you don't believe that Barack Obama is the Second Coming of J.C. (unless that J.C. is Jimmy Carter)
    ... you don't believe that America needs a "New New Deal" -- in the form of a trillion-dollar "stimulus package" -- to solve today's financial crisis (knowing that, in fact, it will only make things worse)
    ... you don't believe that bans on oil drilling in ANWR and off our coasts serve America's need for energy independence -- or that wind and solar power are better for our country than nuclear power
    ... you don't believe that the U.S. Constitution is a "living document" that means whatever any Supreme Court majority declares it to mean
    ... you do believe in all the old-fashioned virtues and principles -- such as faith, family, freedom, and self-reliance -- that made America great, and can help restore that greatness once again.

    If those are the things you value most -- and that you think are still worth fighting for, no matter how bleak things may seem at the moment -- then let me be first to say...
  • Extreme Right Winger
  • JackieM
    Extreme Right Winger--i'm with you all the way!  (I like the jimmy carter reference and think obama will go down in history as the absolute worst, even below jimmy carter.)  notice i don't associate obama and the P word in the same sentence because the morons voted him in.  I didn't.  i am ashamed of this idiot!

    ...and liberals have the nerve to acuse us of what?  give me a break!  they have the audacity to ridicule us when obama's agenda is clearly destroying our country.  oh yeah, that's right.  they just lie and blame everything on Bush.  liberals are SOBs who voted for an extremely corrupt politician.  then they lie to justify their actions.  obama has not done one positive thing for our country to date.  his half-assed attempts at an economic recovery plan have failed as we predicted.  the healthcare reform plans are doomed from the start for many reasons.  one of them is the fact that he lied to the American people when he said he had the plan paid for without seeking additional monies from the middleclass.  now he is scrambling around trying to find a way to tax everyone to get the needed money for this wasteful program while refusing to get the corruption out of washington to begin with.  that is the main problem but obama doesn't have the guts to actually get to the root of the problem.  he is a wimp!  he would rather put bandaids on the issues.  liberals will buy into anything he says so they will think he actually earned his keep.  LOL!  i'm waiting for him to tax dead people next.  he sent some of them checks so i wouldn't put anything past that SOB!  liberals actually think he is doing a great job--that doesn't surprise me!  liberals probably don't have a problem with obama flying his wife to a show on airforce one at the taxpayer's expense either.  that is disgusting and so hypocritical.  in case liberals don't know--we are in an economic crisis where people are losing their jobs and obama wants to protect the environment.  taking his idiot wife on a date in airforce one wastes money and pollutes the air!  what morons!
  • Bud Mullins
    So much for spending stimulus money.  Here's my story from a small town in America.

    Perkins, Oklahoma needed a new sewer treatment plant.  Got bids and lined up the contractors.  The entire job was bid in at $5,000,000.00 turnkey.  (That's five million for Dora and the liberals on here.)  The stimulus package was released and the town officials decided to apply for some stimulus money to help pay for the plant.  They seriously wanted to make it better for the small town tax payers since they had already approached them and got a tax bill passed to pay for the plant.
    BOOM!  They got a grant for $1,500,000.00.  That's big money for a small town named Perkins, Oklahoma.  Subtract that from $5,000,000.00 and you come up with $3,500,000.00.  Relief for the tax payers in that little town was sure on the way with this grant.  NOT SO FAST...  Along with the grant money came stipulations that they would have to use union contractors that had union workers therefore they had to agree on paying union wages.  Union contractors were summons and the job was now bid in at $7,000,000.00.
    So, if that little town accepts OBAMA'S HELP the job will cost $2,000,000.00 more and with $1,500,000.00 of American tax payers money being poured into the project to help pay for the government union workers, the little town will now have to ask it's towns people for another $500,000.00 to pay for a job that was initially $5,000,000.00.
  • Carl Bentham
    Zero republicans support a public health care option, while an enormous 72% of Americans support it, and somehow Democrats are the ones refusing to listen to the American people?  That's blatant bias.
  • liberal_founders
    Country Bumpkin --

    Why are we fighting conservative terrorists over there when conservative terrorists like countrybumpkin are already here.

    Do America a favor, bag a conservative today!!!!
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