I am looking for conservative bloggers

July 19th, 2009 Urban Conservative

I need some serious help, please. I launched this site about two years ago and I am quite surprised at its growth in readership and web traffic.  I really wasn’t expecting it. 

Last fall before the election, I was asked by CNN & MTVif someone from this site would be willing to debate a liberal blogger from Dailykos on television.  I had to decline.  Part of it was because I was kind of scared to go on live TV; but also, I really didn’t have the time or support to fulfill the request. And, if you look at the frequency of posts here I have had a hard time keeping up since.

This site is ranking number one for “conservative blog” as well as other terms and it drives a mass amount of traffic to this site, unfortunately many of them are liberal trolls who offer no valuable dialogue whatsoever. 

I have a couple of bloggers today who contribute when they can but I need more.

Here are some topics that I would like to see (from a conservative viewpoint of course): 

  • The Economy
  • Health Insurance Reform
  • Iraq & Afghanistan
  • Social Issues

What I am looking for in a blogger:

  • Original content. I would prefer not to have reposts from your blog. Posts don’t have to be too long. It can be a quick opinion piece based on the latest news.
  • Someone with a backbone. There are some rude liberals on this site and I would expect you to respond if necessary.
  • Commitment:  It would be great to get one post per week from each blogger.  Again, blog posts do not have to be very long.
  • Passion for conservative values. Need I say more?
  • Linking back to your site is okay, as long as it’s relevant. 

Can you help me? If so, please email me at [email protected] and we can talk about it. 

Once I get all the bloggers set up with accounts, I will then create a page (an activity feed) pulling in the bloggers Twitter streams as well as thier blog’s feed, if they have one. I will also create a page featuring all the Urban Conservative bloggers with personal bios and links back to their sites.

Please let me know if you are interested.

Rating: 2.9/5 (22 votes cast)

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  • No Way In Hell
    So you are deriving advertising revenue from your sponsors AND you are offering the opportunity for us to provide you with free material?

    We do the work.

    You keep the cash.

    Happy happy joy joy!!!!!!!!
  • RootyTootyFreshAndFruity
    I am looking for nymphomaniacal women between the ages of 18 and 43. Ladies possessing Double D cups will receive enhanced consideration.
    Please let me know if you are interested.
  • Question Everything
    Just wanted to see if I could answer the question correctly.
  • Aliy
    Jr. will LOVE this...

    Bernacky was just on PBS saying that the stock market didn't cause the great depression a huge bank in England which collapsed in 1931 did. Now, what's wrong with THAT statement? Didn't the great depression start in 1929?????

    This is like Obama saying he was conceived at Selma in 1965 when he was actually born in 1961 and everyone fell for it THEN too.

    I"m really thinking SOMEONE besides me (who SUCKS at math) can figure these things out right?

    New poll today Obama gained a point he's at -10 right now with 30% approve, 40% disapprove.

    Someone pointed out to me the other day that Obama really shouldn't worry about his approval rating...until.....

    Obama had 52% o the popular vote, McCain had 45%. So, until Obama dropped under 52% all he was doing was reading the approval rating of people who didn't vote for him anyway! But, now at 30% approval, he's loosing HIS people.

    Suck on THAT for a while liberals!!!
  • Leslie H.
    JackieM- I just checked out the link you posted, and I can't help but wonder where Dora is now.  She has fallen oddly silent on the issue of Democratic crooks.  I noticed she has a tendency to disappear anytime someone has an answer for her accusations.  Oh well! It must be depressing for liberals such as herself.  So many hysterical declarations, so few facts to back them up.
  • JackieM
    Leslie H.--with all of those crooks involved, doesn't it give you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside to know we are in their hands?  NOT!  you may have these people figured out!  We can go to sleep at night with visions of ACORN, the unions, and George Soros's servants dancing in our heads.  There is sure to be trouble tomorrow we can gasp as we lay awake all night scared to death of what they are going to do next to continue to destroy our country! 

    have you seen this article?


    surprise, surprise we find out dodd and conrad aren't honest.  hmmmm!  what a shocker--not!  these are some more of dora's buddies as if she didn't have enough crooks that she supports!
  • Leslie H.
    I imagine the democratic bill writing process works more like the shoemaker and the elves.  The congressmen and women go home for the night, and while they're gone- ACORN, the unions, and George Soros's servants come in and work their magic.  When congressional proceedings open the next morning, there is a stack of shiny new bills waiting for signatures.  It's almost magical!!!
  • JackieM
    oh, but people like dora don't have a problem with supporting these fools!  they call themselves educated but don't require their own party to know what they are signing!  then obama's supporters defend bills they know nothing about!  the dumbing down of America continues!
  • JackieM
    Ok, so these democrats/liberals meet and decide to write a bill.   someone is taking notes i guess.  then they put everything together and somehow people slip shit in without others knowing.  is this how it works?  so if no one reads the bill, knows whats it in, or understands the language used, how in the hell has obama got the nerve to stand in front of the American people and talk about it?  then the democrats/liberals place blame on others and lie about how this is good for America.  explain this!  his supporters look more stupid by the day.  obama and his mob are embarrassing our country and all true Americans!  Even though the democrats/liberals admit to this and I know how stupid they are, it is hard for me to believe.  this proves how low our country has gone and the stupidity of the people who voted for this morons!  i just can't believe this is happening to our country!
  • Back2Basics
    Jackie, somebody must know what's in the bills!  Who in the hell writes them?  I guess I want to be a "Bill Writer"!
  • Aliy
    So, I heard a comment from Conyors today saying (I SWEAR TO GOD THIS IS A REAL QUOTE)

    "These people stand up and say "read the bill" it's funny, how are you going to read a 1,000 page bill, takes you two days and two lawyers to understand what it is you just read"

    You know what man, if it's THAT hard on you to READ THE BILL BEFORE YOU SIGN IT. Maybe you're just a little too dumb to be representing anyone. And the way I see it you had no problem reading $100,000 in BRIBE MONEY but you can't read a 1,000 page bill before putting your signature on it!?

    THIS is where we need to start demanding that a law be passed that you MUST read the bill. They should have to take a test on what's in the bill before they can vote on it!

    Even Dora can't argue that it's OK to vote and sign into law something you didn't even bother reading. This practice of saying you support something when you don't even know what it is...Wait. That's what got us into this mess in the first place, but you know what, I EXPECT that of non-contributors and I EXPECT that of people who could care less.

    But come ON our representatives should be reading what they are voting on and signing on to for the rest of us, am I alone in thinking that maybe, just maybe, before you sign a law that's going to affect ME I should expect you to at LEAST take a few minutes and read it?!
  • JackieM
    Leslie H.--well you know dora wants to be fair to all involved!  LOL!

    did you see the new poll numbers that are out for congress?  60% dislike the job they are doing.  so let's go back to elementary school for the dumb folks so even liberals/democrats get this.  if 60% of people think congress is doing a lousy job and the congress is controlled by the democrats, what does this say about the controlling party?  they are on their way out!  however, they will cause as much grief and havoc on this country as they can before then.  i would love to be there to tell pelosi, reid, dodd, frank and the rest of the morons not to let the door hit them in the ass on their way out!
  • Leslie H.
    I'm sure, that since Dora is sooooo committed to facts she is just studying the list really intently.
  • JackieM
    Leslie H.--thank you for the link!  wonder why dumb dora left out these facts?  hmmmm!   let me see--maybe it is because she is a hypocrit herself!  wasn't it just so convenient?  LOL!  i'm sure it is because she just forgot!  you know she wouldn't leave out facts on purpose (lie)!  LOL!
  • JackieM
    i would like to know what tactics pelosi is using to force people to vote.  yeah our democratic system is blown out of the water with this b.... and others just like her.  they are nothing but a huge mob!  sorry about the b word but i'm angry at the thought of the strong arming and bullying they are doing right now.  that is not change we can believe in for sure.  of course this is normal business for the liberals/democrats.  they like this kind of corrupt behavior! 

    i would like to see them impeached and thrown out without passing go and collecting $200.  i would fly up there to watch it!
  • Leslie H.
    Dora and huh- as far as this nonsense goes about conservative hypocrisy, (1.) republican and conservative are not the same thing (2) when our guys screw up we demand that they step down, unlike liberals who make heroes of them (Bill Clinton, just about any Kennedy) (3) We understand that all men are sinful, even members of our own party.  Where as the left just pretends there is no such thing as sin (4) the media tends to not mention the party affiliation when they are democrats.  Being the caring person that I am, I found an extensive list of a few hundred democratic indictments to get you started on.  Dora, I know you especially are a stickler for facts, so I'm sure you'll appreciate it.  http://www.boycottliberalism.com/Scandals.htm No thanks necessary!!!
  • 2bluestarmom
    This O administration, is a Trojan horse.

    Absolutely no doubt in my mind.
  • 2bluestarmom

    I hear ya~  I don't have the patience to debate.  They want to argue the same thing over and over and don't listen. 

    Yes, I am proud to be an American and hope the Republican party gets it together quick.  I always considered myself an independent but always voted Republican because they were on the same page for the most part.

    I have never understood the dems.  I have tried. There have been a few good ones that is for sure.  I like Joe Lieberman.  Not 100% but alot.
  • 2bluestarmom
    "Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi have had enough with the health
    care debate -- they are pressing for a floor vote in the
    House THIS WEEK and Pelosi is guaranteeing passage:

    "When I take this bill to the floor, it will win," Pelosi said.

    Obama and Pelosi are so desperate to rush the bill through
    that they are threatening to bypass the Energy and Commerce
    Committee where a group of Democrats are still raising objections.

    In short, Obama and Pelosi are determined to pass socialized
    ObamaCare BEFORE their August recess because opposition is
    mounting and they are losing momentum!"

  • JackieM
    2blue--i don't mind debating but refuse to debate with people who don't have common sense and want to destroy this country--liberals/democrats.  they come to this site to cause trouble and that is their only reason for being here.  learning and acknowledging that they screwed up when they voted for dumbo obama is not what they want to do. 

    i agree with your reason for being here and that is the same reason i'm here!  our party is uniting and i'm so proud to see this happening!  i don't think there has ever been a better time to be a republican!
  • 2bluestarmom
    Our country will not last another 4 years under O.  It will be too late. The damage will be too devastating and will take decades, if even possible, to undue what they have done.

    I am not just talking out my butt here.  We are experiencing a take over from a dictatorship type of government.

    They have planned this for years. That was also part of the tree story.  That analogy is not only used for the ACORN tower of babel, but it can be seen in many other facets.
  • 2bluestarmom
    I am not here to engage in debate. If I were going to do that, I would be a politician.  No thanks! ;-)

    I am here to reach out to my fellow americans who are just as scared, concerned and quite frankly, freakin out over what is happening.

    As we all start sharing our thoughts, ideas, support, we will be stronger and can find out what's going on in our world so we can get involved. 

    Others will be drawn here and point us in the directions we may need to go to ban together and stop the madness.

    We, We are, We are coming! LOL    Just a joke....(Torchwood!) ;-)
  • JackieM
    yep, 2blue, this is definitely the case.  obama won't get control as he wants but he sure is trying. 

    that was a big fly you just killed!  whoa!  its gone now!  Ha!  i'm buying a bigger fly swatter.  mine is getting a little too worn and dirty!
  • 2bluestarmom
    O knows full well the plan won't work. It's all about control.
  • 2bluestarmom

    That's correct. My take on it and everything he has put his hand to. 

    The tree is not bearing good fruit.  Nothing the money was slated to go to is being used for what it is supposed to be used for.  Trillions sitting there.  Banks being told not to lend to us. No jobs etc.

    The only ones who are benefiting from this "stimulus" are special interest groups, acorn, unions, states, companies, organizations who put him in office.

    That's it in a "nut" shell
  • 2bluestarmom

    "That was pretty impressive, wasn't it? I got the sucker."
  • JackieM
    2bluestarmom--the healthcare debacle could be corrected by laws passed to even out the playing field for everyone.  that would ensure the costs were lower and the industry was more competitive.  however, as usual obama doesn't want to actually fix problems, i.e., the "stimulus."
  • huh
    Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.

    ~AA Milne
    In some cases, weeds do good things for the yard and garden. Certain types of weed flowers attract friendly insects that remain to prey upon undesirable pests such as aphids, bean beetles, and whiteflies. Umbelliferous weeds (those with umbrella-like seedheads) such as Queen Anne's lace, host beneficial insects like lacewings. In Northern California, savvy homeowners allow some wild blackberries to grow near their gardens because of the many beneficial insects they host. Other weeds type plants, such as motherwort, a pretty Eastern weed, attract bees which aid and abet the essential pollination process among the plants in the landscape.

    Your problem, 2blue, is that you not only cannot tell the forest from the trees,  you cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction. 
    Your loss.  You just look stupid.
  • 2bluestarmom

    Re: article "medicaid falls short.."

    "Under current law, Medicaid eligibility varies from one state to another. In several states, eligibility is set at less than 100 percent of the federal poverty line, which is $22,050 for a family of four. Poor children are eligible for Medicaid; their parents often aren’t. And childless adults are usually ineligible."

    There needs to be insurance reform but not O's way.  He is totally changing the system and creating another government run system, like that we see in the V.A.  It won't work. It doesn't work now and has never worked.

    Multiply that times millions more crammed into the "new system" and we collapse.

    What needs to be addressed are the issues that are immediately obvious, illegals receiving free care, insurance companies need to be over seen, regulated and fraud within our government run systems with ie; medicare/medicaid to name a few.

    Hundreds of billions of dollars would immediately be saved, realized, available.

    I believe in capitalism.  But the insurance companies are in the pockets of the washington bureaucrats, like so many other entities, unions, etc which has polluted and bankrupted the system.

    Lobbyist and special interest should be outlawed.

    It's a direct conflict of interest.

    Illegals.  Basically if it were not for the fact they have completely drained our resources, should not be allowed to remain here unless they become citizens and even this should be discouraged because, they broke our laws coming here illegally.  Duh!

    Everyone probably knows this:

    If you take someones car, you do not have a drivers license, you are driving illegally.  You get into a wreck.  Someone else hits you. 

    YOU ARE AT FAULT!  It doesn't matter if the other guy ran the stop sign!  You were not supposed to be driving the vehicle, you were driving illegally, it's against the law.

    You will be prosecuted and pay heavy fines, at minimum!  And you are a legal citizen.

    Along comes an illegal who basically, snuck into our country.  They are here, illegally.  Not only are they rewarded for breaking the law, they are protected, directed, fed, clothed, housed and medically treated, for free.

    This is discrimination.  We cannot break laws. We pay the idiots who make and enforce the laws. But they do not enforce them on "special groups"

    It is absurd, makes no sense.  It has destroyed our economy.
  • JackieM
    2bluestarmom--good post.  i'm ignoring dumb dora aka huh! 

    did you see this article?  even liberal news organizations are showing the failure of obama and his merry crooks!


    the article doesn't say whether the parents are illegal or not but i think they probably aren't.  that is the first problem.  that aside, doctors aren't accepting these patients now.  this is just one of the problems a government run healthcare system would have.  if the government tries to force doctors to accept these patients, they will just close up shop rather than lose money.  obama and his supporters are smug right now.  they think they are going to bully us and the healthcare system into whatever they want.  their arrogance will only be short-lived at best.  of course, companies will start moving overseas, people will not work as hard to ensure their income is below the threshold for higher taxes, and the medical professionals will leave the industry.   this government will see a decline in its tax revenue like we have never seen before.  people will ensure they don't work as hard because there is no incentive.  obama wants to steal from the folks who work and if he doesn't get enough money to waste, he will go after more.  this is in addition to higher inflation and the cap and trade taxes that we will pay directly due to obama's incompetence!  people won't stand for this and we are already seeing this by obama's poll numbers.  i wonder if he will actually hit zero.  LOL!  i think people will study this failed administration for years to come and it will be known as the most corrupt in history.  so much for being a great moment in history when obama was elected!
  • 2bluestarmom
    Another acorn nut seed has fallen from the tree into our garden.

    What say you folks?!

    What do you do with a mutant, diseased,  seed that wants to propagate?

    Weed it out. Starve it. Then walk away.
  • huh
    And now for religious hypocrisy!

    Just when you thought there's no more juicy religious hypocrisy, there's this!
    A priest who resigned from a church in an affluent Connecticut community misspent up to $1.4 million in parishioner donations to lead a life of luxury with another man, according to a church-directed investigation.
    Full story

    Minister blames attorney for convictions
    The evangelical minister who counts homosexuality and "wicked, sick, perverted rap music" among the contributors to society’s ills now blames his conviction for soliciting sexual favors from a borough boy on his defense attorney.
    Full story

    Christian Love?:
    Anti-gay church hounds military funerals
    New laws have been passed in the United States to counter the activities of a bizarre church that has been disrupting military funerals with anti-gay protests on the grounds that the soldiers died fighting for a land that tolerates homosexuality.
    Full story

    Most of us have seen the 'Letter to Dr. Laura', but for the few who haven't, here goes:

    Full story
  • huh
    Don't let homosexuals destroy the institution of marriage.
    That's a job for "Christian" Republicans politicians:
    Ronald Reagan – divorced the mother of two of his children to marry Nancy, who delivered their daughter only 7 months into the marriage.
    Gerald Ford – married to Betty (a divorcee).
    Sen. Bob Dole – divorced the mother of his child, who had nursed him through the long recovery from his war wounds, to marry "Liddy".
    If you think George H.W. Bush was a model of virtue, check out en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Fitzgerald
    Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas – divorced & remarried.
    Sen. John Ensign of Nevada, confessed to long term cheating on his wife with his chief of staff's wife.
    Sen. Larry Craig pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in an airport bathroom homosexual sting operation.
    Sen. Lauch Faircloth – divorced & remarried.
    Sen. Alfonse D'Amato of New York – divorced & remarried.
    Sen. John McCain of Arizona – divorced & remarried.
    Sen. John Warner of Virginia – twice divorced (once married to Liz Taylor.).
    Newt Gingrich – divorced the mother of his two daughters, while she was dying of cancer. He then went on to marry again, divorce again, and marry again (and to then abandon his Baptist faith for the faith of his 3rd wife, Catholicism.)
    Dick Armey – House Majority Leader – divorced & remarried.
    Republican ex-congressman Bob Barr of Georgia Barr, now in his 50's, has been married three times. Barr had the audacity to author and push the "Defense of Marriage Act."
    Rep. Helen Chenoweth of Idaho – divorced & remarried.
    ex-Rep. John Kasich of Ohio – divorced & remarried.
    Rep. Susan Molinari of New York – Republican National Convention Keynote Speaker – divorced & remarried.
    Henry Kissinger – divorced & remarried.
    Gov. Mark Sanford admitted to long-term affair and neglect of his duties.
    Gov. George Allen of Virginia – divorced & remarried.
    ex-Gov. John Engler of Michigan – divorced & remarried.
    ex-Gov. Pete Wilson of California – divorced & remarried.
    ex-Gov. John Roland of Connecticut – divorced
    (imprisoned for corruption after resigning in shame).
    George Will – divorced & remarried.
    Rush Limbaugh – Rush (30-pill a day drug addict) and his latest wife, Marta, have six marriages and six divorces between them.
    Dr. Laura Schlessinger, right wing conservative radio host. Promotes family values, estranged from her mother, opposes birth control, has had her tubes tied, espouses saving oneself for marriage, admits to having had sex before she was married, opposes adultery, has committed adultery while she was married, and has slept with a married man, opposes divorce, is divorced and remarried, has posed for nude photos which are available online.
    Although Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been an ultra-conservative judgmental Catholic in most respects, he has been uncharacteristically liberal when it came to his own "sacrament of holy matrimony".  Two years after divorcing the mother of his one child, a Catholic woman whom he had married 13 years earlier, he took a second wife - something which conservative Catholics like judge Thomas often condemn, at least for those who don't have the prestige that Thomas enjoys.-
  • huh
    DOMA-  conservatives love this because liberals/progressives/democrats are trying to destroy marriage... here's a few examples of those freaks and their marriages:

    Calif. Gov. Pat Brown - married 72 years when wife died in 2002.
    Sen. Robert Byrd of W. Va. = married almost 69 years when wife died in 2006.
    Sen. & presidential candidate George McGovern = 66 years in 2009.
    Sen. & presidential candidate John Glenn = 66 years in 2009.
    Journalist Walter Cronkite = 64 years when wife died in 2005.
    Pres. Jimmy Carter = 63 years in 2009.
    Sen. Howard Metzenbaum = 63 years, when he died in 2008.,
    Former Attorney General & activist Ramsey Clark = 62 years in 2009.
    Former NY governor Mario Cuomo = 55 years in 2009.
    Journalist Bill Moyers = 55 years in 2009.
    Journalist Dan Rather = 52 years in 2009.
    Sen. Harry Reid = 50 years in 2009.
    Pres. Harry Truman = 53 years when he died in 1972.
    Sen. & V.P. Walter Mondale = 53 years when wife died in 2008.
    Actor & Activist Alan Alda = 52 years in 2009.
    Entertainer & Activist Harry Belafonte = 52 years in 2009.
    Speaker Nancy Pelosi = 49 years in 2009.
    Actor & Activist Martin Sheen = 48 years in 2009.
    Sen. Patrick Leahy = 46 years in 2009.
    Comedian Bob Newhart = 46 years in 2009.
    House Leader Charlie Rangel = 45 years in 2009.
    Sen. Pat Moynihan = 46 years when he died in 2001.
    Former NY governor Al Smith = 44 years when he and his wife died in 1944.
    Sen. Hubert Humphrey = 42 years when he died in 1978.
    Speaker Dick Gephardt married = 43 years in 2009.
    Journalist Daniel Schorr = 42 years in 2009.
    Comedian Billy Chrystal = 42 years in 2009.
    Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt = 40 years when he died in 1945.
    Sen. Paul Simon = 40 years when his wife died in 2000.
    Pres. Lyndon Johnson = 39 years when he died in 1973.
    Sen. Paul Wellstone = 39 years when he & his wife died tragically in 2002.
    Sen. Al Franken = 32 years in 2009.
    Sen. and V.P. candidate Joe Biden 31 years to 2nd wife after his first wife and two daughters were killed in a tragic auto accident. His family is so important to him that all those years in the Senate he had no home in D.C., but spent 4 hours in travel each work day to and from his home in Delaware to D.C.
    Journalist Journalist Tim Russert was married 25 years to his one wife before dying prematurely at age 58.
    As of 2009, the Weathermen co-founders, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, had been together for about 38 years.
  • 2bluestarmom
    I got to thinking about this.  You know we are referred to as "like trees" in The Word.

    There is alot of significance in, "a tree" and the fuit it bares....

    Right now, I am thinking about the seed that predecessors of BHO and his socialist, fascist,  community,  activist, alliances, have planted and nurtured. 

    It all started from a seed.  ACORN if you will.......(did you know that the "acorn" is the "fruit" from the oak tree "nut"?)......

    On a beautiful, sunny day, a seed was planted by "The Owner of the Garden/Orchard." 

    The Owner of the land stated to his family, "this is your inheritence"

    All we had to do was,  nurture, water, cultivate, carefully.
    We would reap and enjoy the fruit,   the shelter of the shade, watch  as other trees flourished and grew to make a beautiful, wonderful garden.

    A Disseisor/squatter comes along and when no one is looking, steals a small corner of the garden that has been neglected, not been cared for, carefully.  It is so far away in the corner of the garden/orchard, that no one pays attention to this area and assumed it was being nurtured.

    A seed was planted in the dark of the night by the squatter and his family. At night, in the cloak of darkness, every night for many, many years.  It has been nurtured, watered, cultivated, carefully, diligently, thoughtfully to be the tree it has become.  

    It's seeds were then scattered throughout the garden/orchard and now many smaller trees have rose up, now also, weeds grow amidst it.

    The many branches of the tree have been pruned through the years by the Disseisor/squatters family,  to make this tree the tallest, fullest tree that will tower over the garden/orchard.  The tree had so many nuts in it, the seeds were soon more abundent than the  good tree, the bad trees soon covered the orchard. 

    The roots are so deeply rooted it has fed on, drained the nutrition, water, smothered, choked, starved, blocked the light from the rest of the garden/orchard and has over taken the orchard so vastly, the orchard is at risk of extinction.

    The squatters family soon learned how to "graft" in to the "good" trees branches, thereby causing the strong, healthy parts of the good tree, to be mixed, intertwined, malformed thereby destroying the good fruit it once bore.

    We saw the squatters family cultivating the other tree on the other side of the garden, but it looked to be no threat as it was so far away and so small and there was no fruit on it, so we ignored it.

    But our tree was neglected because The Owner left it to us to watch over and we took everything for granted, stopped caring for the trees in the garden,  fell asleep on the job.

    The Owner of the Orchard has been trying to tell us for a very long time, the tree is in danger of dying.  The fruitless tree has not only grown bigger,  but has almost totally infested the entire garden now, over taking the garden/orchard and the good fruit is quickly becoming bitter and losing it's sweetness.

    The land owner has noticed the tree is now in the shadow of darkness.  The Light has to get to this tree.  The squatters family are now trying to destroy the roots of our tree.  

    Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
    Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
    Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
    A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
    Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
    Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
  • JackieM
    ........and hussein obama is destroying this country, its people and everything we stand for.  i call that criminal.
  • huh
    Here's an interesting article from "Pat & Jerry Country":
    "Convicted sex offender wins 'Republican of the Year' award",
    by Matthew Roy, The Virginian-Pilot ©
    February 13, 2023
    Suffolk,VA -- " previous commitment will keep a Suffolk man from traveling to Washington, D.C., to accept a Republican of the Year award: He's serving a 26-year state prison sentence.
    Spokesmen for the National Republican Congressional Committee, an arm of the Republican National Committee that raises millions of dollars to elect GOP candidates to the U.S. House of Representatives, acknowledged Tuesday that convicted sex offender Mark A. Grethen was invited to accept the award at its Business Advisory Council's luncheon in March. U.S Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va., chairs the NRCC. . . The award was rescinded after the NRCC learned that Grethen, 44, a former businessman, was convicted last year of six sex crimes involving children -- two counts each of forcible sodomy, aggravated sexual battery and indecent liberties.  He is in the Deep Meadow Correctional Center, and his projected release date is Sept. 25, 2024."
  • huh
  • huh
    damn those "community organizers"!!!

  • huh
    state by state outstanding conservatives!!:

  • JackieM
    Aliy--your point about how the liberals don't care what their members do can be validated in IL.  I have a lot of friends in Chicago and they tell me time and time again that unfortunately their state will always have democrats running it.  as a whole the democrats don't really care about what their governor did and they know how corrupt their political system is yet they continue to vote for the same crooks time and time again.  while a "community activist," obama and his mob made sure that the education system continued on a downward spiral.  obama didn't contribute to anything positive overall and the idiot voters promoted him.  my friends complain about how corrupt the system is and how their taxes continue to go up.  they also tell me about how bad the educational system is thanks to obama and people like him.  so there ya go!
  • JackieM
    2bluestarmom--You are telling the absolute truth so it can't be disputed!  I'm with ya!  We just have higher standards for those who represent us.  Now we may not always agree with them, and unlike the democrats, we will voice our discontent!  We are honest and want our party to be the same.  If they are not, we call them out!  The damn democrats have no morals or values; therefore, as long as a democrat fills a position, they don't care what the person does.  it is just a matter of filling a seat with a democrat.  we see this time and time again in their party, i.e., frank, pelosi, reid, dodd, obama, biden, etc.!  they are disgusting people and the democrats just love 'em!  biden is as dumb as a rock and yet according to the democrat standards, he is one of their best!  LOL!  hahahahahhaahaha!  sorry about that!  i couldn't help myself!
  • Aliy
    2 Blue, classic example, We on here have been saying we would like to see Sanford resign for what he's done. Liberal equivlent: John Edwards runs for president!!!!

    I hear what you're saying. I really do, and I totally agree. You can throw any amount of corruption at us because we WILL ask that our party members step down, the reason it's not so wide spread in the liberal party is because they don't CARE if someone's taking a bribe, they don't CARE if someone's cheating on his wife, they don't CARE if their leader is a crook, drug addict or alcoholic! They will support them anyway.
  • Aliy
    -11 Index rating holding strong!!!!

    We have to make voices heard. Here's the thing, it's nice to say "in 2010 the Dems are going to loose enough seats to slow the train" but unless you get out there and make some noise about how unhappy you are, no one's going to know.

    You can't wait until 2 weeks before the election and say "Gee, not happy, can everyone vote for something else" you need to make noise the WHOLE time. You need to keep these issues at the front of everyone minds election year or not. You need to keep hammering away at the invalid arguments the left will make to expose them as liars.

    You have to keep making noise, you have to keep letting everyone you know you're unhappy, maybe they are too. Maybe they didn't know enough about what was happening to know they were unhappy too. Maybe they will tell 10 of their friends how unhappy they are too. THAT is how you win. Sitting back and saying "Well, it'll change in 2010" isn't going to work. You have to tell they WHY we need that chance in 2010! Keep up the good work guys, hammer away and let's make sure everyone knows how unhappy we are for 2010!!!
  • 2bluestarmom
    Here is how it works and I challenge anyone to dispute it.  Actually, you can't dispute truth and fact:

    When a conservative breaks the law, any law, man's, God's whatever, he steps down or he is compelled to step down by his party.  They don't want him governing.  So, he/she steps down almost immediately.

    Shoe on the other foot, liberal....arrogant, defiant, in your face with no shame folks, never step down without a fight and again, like a pit bull.
    However, big difference, typically, he is not compelled  because the don't think he did anything wrong and will go through great lengths to assure that we all buy into this and accept it.

    Unless the lib does something to hurt O or their cause and they didn't like the person anyway then the get him out.
  • JackieM
    Aliy--you have me laughing already this Monday.  Damn those flys!
  • JackieM
    2bluestarmom--i say we continue to fight and spread the truth!  the person on this site that said we should quit calling obama names and talk to win the democrats over really doesn't understand the severity of this problem.  when crooks/obama are trying to screw this country, they will stop at nothing to ensure the ignorant are on their side.  last week obama continued to spread lies about republicans and i won't stand for it.  it is the democrats who are the nasty, filthy scum that trash the truth every chance they get.  my husband and i see this frequently.  when we talk to most people, we don't mention obama or our party affiliation.  as a matter of fact, we wait until the other side brings up politics unless they annoy me beyond my tolerance level.  if we happen to be talking to a democrat, we can tell that right off the bat when they open their mouths.  they are the first to start lying about how obama is trying to clean up the mess Bush made during his eight years.  they are nasty people.  i will bring up facts to prove they are wrong and won't back down.  i also tell them to do their own research and they will see it themselves.  however, my husband is more polite and tries to reason with them.  it never works.  they are ignorant, liberal, self-centered assholes who want to ruin this country.  the majority of a certain group of people don't give a damn about what obama is doing to our nation.  they are only concerned with the fact that a black man is in the whitehouse.  i've heard this time and time again from this group.  now i don't mean everyone in this group but am speaking about the majority.  so we don't have a choice but to stand up for what is right!  silence has resulted in the destruction of our country.  the SOB is failing and is now using any tactic he can to survive.  his true personality, which we already know, is coming out!
  • Aliy
    How's the Conyors bribe case coming, man that was another conservative that totally....No, wait....He's a LIBERAL. AGAIN Dora making up numbers...
  • 2bluestarmom
    Yes, by George I think you got it!

    Remember the "buzz" when O swatted (killed) one  with his hand?  Big, huge news! 750,000 citizens of the world watched as their Ninja took out the fly and stating afterward ""That was pretty impressive, wasn't it? I got the sucker.""

    Ohhhh, that was the highlight of my life!  He's not only a God, he's human like too!  I can relate even more to him.  

    The talk show host who was interviewing him got off on that and the folks in the studio acted like he just made a touch down or hit a home run!

    Now, if we kill a fly, we are all religious hypocrites.

    What's a poor girl to do?
  • JackieM
    2bluestarmom--a newspaper might come in handy during times like these but it has to be rolled up pretty tight.  how about a bug catcher?  it makes a really loud noise though when the bugs hit it!  LOL!
  • 2bluestarmom
    Where's my fly swatter?!
  • Dora
    It gets really tiresome that you "conservatives" are so terribly selective when it comes to memory,   history,  and facts.

    "Liberals have no morals or values!!" (Jackie pounds this out every single damned day- I guess she figures if she says it often enough someone is going to buy her crap....and you yup yuppers sit and nod in agreement).
    dim-witted 2blue even went so far as to say "I think they need to send all of the terrorist nations supporters who are in the media, hollywood etc...to the countries they sympathize with that are torturing their own people. "

    ... how quickly you forget- or perhaps you just haven't been paying attention:

    Political Corruption just from 2000-2007
    Republicans:  102..... Democrats:  1
    Republicans: 5... Democrats:  1
    Under Investigation
    Republicans:  21.... Democrats:  1
    Republicans:  75.... Democrats:   0
    Total:  203 Republicans   ... Democrats: 3

    oh... and of the top 10 states with the highest teen pregnancy -  ALL but ONE are considered conservative.

    ah... but there's more you see... of the 21 states with the highest murder rates, all but 4 are considered conservative...

    wait,  more yet... of the top 8 states with the highest suicide rates
    ALL of them are conservative states.  

    pornography... well,  look no further than Utah-  religious, conservative Utah is the largest consumer of porn.

    now,  I haven't even gotten into the Republican Sex Scandals-  especially those involving little boys and  little girls,  but you are welcome to read them- all documented.   http://www.armchairsubversive.org/

    You fools love to throw Reagans  name about like your personal conservative messiah...of course you easily like to forget that by the end of Reagan's two terms, 138 officials in his administration had either been convicted, indicted, or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations.  "In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever."

    Knock it off with your constant "holier than thou" noise.  It just doesn't wash.

    What you cannot stand is the fact that we have someone in the White House that speaks and understands English.
    You cannot stand that he is smarter than you. 
    You cannot stand that he actually is able to think and reason.
    You latch on to every single tin foil hat nonsense that comes down the road because you blame Obama for your lot in life.  
    Pretty odd- since you claim to be the people who cherish the notion of personal responsibility, high morality, and values that dim the sun,   yet you display every evidence of religious and racial bigotry,  intellectual stupidity,  marital infidelity, and hypocrisy that seems to have no bounds. 

    ENOUGH of your crap.
  • Back2Basics

    My explaination of "True Colors".  A liberal's true colors show up when a conservative makes a statement in conservative form that differs from that of a liberal.  This is when the uhh, well, humm, ahhh's become part of the conversation.  Those time consuming studder words are simply a preparatory part of a sentence that allows the liberal time to set up their defense.  In other words, THE LIE!  All part of the liberal vocabulary.

    Watch BHO, he is the world's greatest with the studders to bide for time until he finds what he wants to say.
  • 2bluestarmom
  • Deeked
    I love this site. Thank You very much and keep up the great work.

    BTW, Approval index -11

  • 2bluestarmom

    You are so correct and positive in so many things, but here is the problem, well, one of many.

    Our "republican" party, are too worried about offending those in the middle, that they have compromised their values.  They are supposed to be representing "us" conservatives, americans, citizens, VOTERS who put them there.

    They criticize us for our stand on abortion, our stand on our beliefs and the religious freedoms we are suppose to be able to participate in, because, it is costing them votes! 

    So, here we are, in what is supposed to be "change" but our country has been sold out for 30 silver coins, by our "elected" congress, senators, etc.

    It's not only Obama.  They are all corrupt! 

    I would like to see change alright!  I have never seen nor ever thought I would see so much deception and betrayal in this country.  They are all Benedict Arnolds!

    We need those conservatives to fight for us!  We need folks with backbone, balls, cajones, honest, decent folks that believe in what this country used to be!

    What our founding fathers, generations of souls who shed their blood for us to give us what freedoms and benefits we are all reaping and yes, those who sacraficed their lives, including my great great great grandparents to free all men!

    I don't even recognize my country any more.  Filthy crap on t.v. all the time, insane realty shows with a bunch of looneys on them, people murdering little innocent babies, child molesters walking away with not even a slap on the hand, states allowing teenage high school girls to strip, treating our soldiers like terrorist......enough! 

    I want my country back and I will stand with those bold souls who want the same thing.

    We have alot of fixing to do.  I think they need to send all of the terrorist nations supporters who are in the media, hollywood etc...to the countries they sympathize with that are torturing their own people. 

    My God the whole world has gone nuts!
  • Rayaboy
    Oh and if you really want to impeach them all, start with your senator and congressman in 2010, and go out and campaign for people with conservative views, who actually care about this country.  Most congressmen and Senators are just trying to protect their seat, so they do what it takes to bring home the pork to their districts.  By doing that it ensures that the local leaders will stand behind them when election time comes.  If we want to change that we need to stand behind people who promise to go up their and "do nothing".  Sounds strange, but really that is what we want right, to be left alone by the government.  To be able to work and keep most of our money, and come home and be with our families without much government intrusion.  To be able to start a new business without having to jump through the hoops of Green Activists, or Special Interests.  I would say find candidates that are for less government intrusion in your life, who do not make promises to bring money home to your state/city.  Those are the ones that will become corrupt in the end, because in order to get the pork you have to give up your votes when the time comes.
  • Rayaboy
    Blue Star Mom,
    I am not saying negotiate with the politicians, are you or I even in a place to do something like that.  I mean presbo won't even sit down with meaningful conservatives and have a discussion. 
    I am saying that in order to effectively win people over to the conservative cause, and get people to realize that socialist ideals do not lead to more prosperity but less, we have to utilize better tools besides name calling or subjective feelings.
    Example, A member of the silent majority (your neighbor maybe) has very few veiws other than who they think should win American Idol.  Your out mowing your lawn, and you stop to say, "so what do you think of the stupid idiot president we have and his communist healthcare lie.  I hate him!"  Your neighbor look perplexed because he has health insurance, and has not been following the debate as closely as you are.  He automatically shuts down and says, "oh I don't know, but how about that American Idol Huh?"  He did not even vote in the election, so he really does not follow the issues as much.
    A better approach may be, " Hey neighbor have you heard about the health bill that congress is trying to pass?"  No, "well you should look into it because it is a dramatic reform that has the potential to cause rationed care down the road, like they are doing in Canada and England right now."  Then he is all ears because he has heard about the Canadian system in the past.  You may have just won someone to the cause, and they may take action and call their congressman. 

    This same thing happens on these blogs, people come in after searching for some information, and they see "Obama Sucks" "Impeach them all" and all kinds of other nonsense, that is based on feelings, and they leave thinking how crazy those conservatives are. 

    I am for reasoned arguements, and standing up for my causes at these fair-tax rallies, and Tea Party events.  Yet the only publicity that they get are from the people who have their signs that say "Obama's Plan, White Slavery"  (that actually was a sign) 

    You may get like minded people to nod in agreement with some of the words we use, but isn't the goal to convince those who are on the fence to come to your side?  You do that be reasoning and objective arguements.
  • 2bluestarmom

    I understand what you are saying, but that hasn't worked.

    Yes, he is very slick/smart.  People don't give him enough credit.

    As for as "negotiating" with these folks by "sitting at the table"

    Terrorist don't negotiate.

    They are terrorizing our country.  Politicians are not stopping him. There is no accountability or prosecution for the corruption from the crimes the far left has committed.

    I personally wish there were a way to impeach them all. 

    Seems to me that charges of

    Embezzlement, racism, segregation, breech of trust, treason, obstruction of justice, rico and I'm sure there are more things to add to the list, would be good enough reason.
  • 2bluestarmom
    So my friends, you do realize that Nerobama is forcing the entire country to go completely union, don't you?

    And the baby boomers, we will be euthanize, basically.  Listen to his interviews, look at the evidence. 

    They do it to unborn babies, then handicapped/challenged, elderly, christians and anyone who dare defy, denounce, ridicule, mock, attack the Big O.

    It is going to happen if he stays in office and if he passes through this "health care reform" or excuse me, he changed the game with wording again to "health insurance reform"  oops, a slip of the fingers, there.

    How have other dictators wiped out nations? "CHANGED" things if you will?

    Call it what it is but...doesn't he have a new Czar now who wrote about this subject below.....hmmmm

    Forced sterilization in Germany was the forerunner of the systematic killing of the mentally ill and the handicapped. In October 1939, Hitler himself initialed a decree which empowered physicians to grant a "mercy death" to "patients considered incurable according to the best available human judgment of their state of health."
  • Rayaboy
    I know that we want to call Obama evil, or an idiot, but this is not the most effective way to fight the conservative cause.  We have facts and objective reasoning on our side, while they have feelings and subjective statements. 
    When we step down to their level and start calling Obama names, and calling the healthcare bill stupid, it shuts people out who otherwise might read on.  I don't want to tell people what to say, but if we are going to win people to our cause we need to use rational objective thought, because it is what we have on our side.
    Whether you believe it or not, this guy is smart.  He knows that if he speaks first, he can frame his ideas the way he wants to, and then our arguements against his ideas become useless.  Look what he did with Rev. Wright during the election, he went on public T.V. before it blew out of propotion to "settle" the issue.  Afterwards, for many, it was settled.  They used his arguements to defend him when we brought it up.  
    They are doing the same thing now with the healthcare bill.  We need to step up as conservatives and let people know the truth, not based on our feelings.  This will be a battle of communication, to our congressmen, and leaders, since conservatism has all but left Washington years ago.  I hope that we can defeat this move toward socialism for my childrens sake.  The only way we will be able to is through objective reasonable arguements, I hope that all of you agree.
  • 2bluestarmom
    We have no leaders Dora.  We answer to only our Heavenly Father.

    You on the other hand, have a BIG, HUGE, problem.

    But keep your "faith, hope, change, progress and obey" because when the sky does fall, who will be there to save you?

    "The One"  I think not.   The finger of God is writing in the sky.  Yes Dora, keep your eyes open, look up into the heavens! 

    God is watching you!  Oooh, that's so comforting, isn't it?
  • 2bluestarmom
    Dora, the explora, the sky is falling.  Do you know what's up there? Better run! ;-)
  • Dora
    You all certainly deserve one another.

    And... you deserve to be mocked every single day for the idiocy that drips from your faces.
  • Dora
    "They infiltrated our education system, they went after the youth.  Now most of the youth are all under the training of this movement. "

    The sky is falling!!!!!!
  • Dora
  • 2bluestarmom
    I never thought I would see some of the biblical prophecy's coming to pass in my life time.  It seemed impossible that our country would or could EVER deteriorate the way it has. 

    In a way it was subtle but when you look back, you can see how and when most of the "change" started revealing it's ugly head.

    They infiltrated our education system, they went after the youth.  Now most of the youth are all under the training of this movement. 

    You can see it everywhere and the spirit of rebellion etc.

    At least 40 years ago.  In retrospect, about the time that Israel became a nation!

    I do believe we are entering into the time of trouble. Trouble that has and never will be seen like this again.

    We know how that will play  out though.
  • JackieM
    2bluestarmom--he is definitely evil!
  • 2bluestarmom
    Yeah...his posters

    Hope, Change, Progress, Obey

    Look at those words again.

    Now look at who we are suppose to live those words under!

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

    Ya know, every good thing God has done or will do, the enemy counterfeits with evil.

    This man, Barack Hussein Obama, has a very dark heart and he does not get his orders, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, from The Heavenly Father.
  • JackieM
    2bluestarmom--you are right!  obama made it clear that he wanted to tear down this country during the campaign.  he even claimed that his healthcare plan would be paid for and he knew how to do it.  LOL!  there is more more lie.  i wish i had kept a running tally!  the toilet paper roll would have to be a double!  obama's supporters didn't give a damn about the reality of what he was saying even though we kept telling them what the reality was.  they only heard "hope" and "change" and were gullible enough to just buy it.  now those were abstract words with nothing behind them.  plain ole economics, history and common sense went out the door and those who claim they are "educated" are only fooling themselves.  the dumbing down of America syndrome was rampent and the fevers much have been over 104 degrees.  otherwise, who is stupid enough to vote for someone with no experience or substance behind "hope"  and "change?"
  • 2bluestarmom
    If there are any conservative politcians left, who see what is really happening, they need to kick them while their down.  Give it to them like they have given it to us, Endlessly, ruthlessly until they run.

    They have the support of the majority of real Americans, behind them!
  • 2bluestarmom
    They are the Goliath.

    They have mocked God.

    We are David.

    God is not done.  Heaven is watching.  Angels waiting. Children listening to his voice.
  • 2bluestarmom
    I have felt since last year that this was much more than a typical politician and a typical election. 

    I know you folks are discerning what is happening here.  Many Americans are.  We are receiving in our  spirits, truth.  We are hearing what the holy spirit is speaking to our minds and hearts.

    Now, what do we do with it?

    Personally, I could care less of the "accuser of the brethren" and what they have to say.  They have used intimidation in the past but I am blocking it out.

    It's too petty and this is a spiritual warfare that is happening.

    I have made quite a few predictions last year.  So far, all have come to pass. 

    There is going to be alot of things happening soon that is biblical.

    Those who have ears listen
  • 2bluestarmom
    What is really disgusting, all of this was revealed when Nerobama was running for pres.  The corruption in high places, franks, dodd, reid, acorn, and how they all helped to cause the demise of this country,...everything was exposed and the idiots still voted for him!

    It was not by accident.  Think about it.  Tear it all down to rebuild.  Change.  He has revealed all of these things in his speaches.  Buy they are hints, subtle remarks...this way he can say he told them what they were getting...This whole thing has been intentional.  Unfortunately it will be a while before it is all realized.  By then, it will be too late.   He tickled their itching ears.  They have to live with their choice.

    But we don't!  

    We are going to see a huge revolt in this country.  No one wants to admit it because it is a horrific thought.  But it's going to happen.

    Epic porportions.
  • Back2Basics
    Aliy (97)

    That's a MASSIVE plumet in numbers!!!!

    His index was hovering between -6 and -8 and just in the last 48 hours he's dropped to a -11 and since no one moved on health care, and cap and trade is sitting there and no one confirmed Sotomayor, I'm guessing the reaction is from him sticking his nose in a police local matter and trying to play the race card!

    That's all this was too. He was just trying to remind the country and black voters he's black. Even HE doesn't see them as individual people, even HE is saying "you should side with me, I'm black too, remember the racism"  When the cute bedtime story, little wink and soothing voice start failing, throw down that race card.

    This guy is such a disgrace to his race it's pathetic. I think black people should be standing up against this guy. I KNOW he looks at the country like a bunch of pesants, how many times has he answered a tough questions with "I'm the president, not them!" but he's treating his own race like a bunch of pawns in some manipulation game.

    Just like I was saying before, all liberals feel like if they can get the support of 1 black man, the rest of them have to fall in line. It's sad that Obama is standing up there playing that card and trying to tell black people "I made a decision for the race, support me"

    That question was Obama playing the race card plain and simple.

    Aliy, Obama and the race care has got him where he is today.  White people won't say much about it, white politicians are deathly scared to say anything about it, talk show hosts fear it more than anyone, so everyone just stays quiet and the beat goes on.  Matter of fact, WHITE people have got us into this mess we are in right now.  Not just white liberals, white people in general.  I don't know when it became more important to do the, quote - "Right Thing" and support a black person and let our country go to hell in a hand basket.  It happened and that is where we are at.  I don't know when, I don't know why but the white person started following the black person a long time ago!  White kids are trying to mimic black kids.  White girls are having black babies.  I don't know what the hell is happening except we're in a downward spiral and can't stop it with talk.  It is going to take a catastrophic event to change anything in this country anymore!

    Bottom line, all this led to Obama being elected as president of this nation...

    Look at if you want to or just keep ignoring the real problems in this country and we'll keep getting what we have been getting.

    For something to change, two things have to happen.

    1.  You have to identify the problem.
    2.  You have to get into the solution.

    If both of these don't happen, it stays the same or gets worse...
  • JackieM
    Does anyone beside me get a sick feeling knowing that the biggest crooks in the world, pelosi, reid, dodd, frank and obama are trying to revamp the healthcare system?  Yuk!  this is really scary stuff.  Today i found out that obama put a huge spin on his statement that the AMA supported obamacare.  that is not true!  i said huge spin because i'm sick of saying that obama is lying again! 

    The CBO said there would be no net jobs in the next five years.  I don't think that is change we can believe in.  so why is this SOB on a vacation that we the taxpayers are partially paying for?  we need to continue to ensure we let people know what obama is all about!  i'm shouting it from the rooftops.  the good thing is that the proof is there.  at least the people are smart enough to understand obama is trying to divert attention away from the economy and we still don't have jobs! 

    while obama is living in the lap of luxury mooching off the taxpayers and not doing his job, this country is continuing to go down the crapper!  the toilet is being flushed every second!
  • JackieM
    Aliy--your comment--
    29% of the country strongly agree with Obama
    40% strongly DISagree!!!!

    WHOOOOOOHOOOO!  Alrighty then!  I knew it would happen.  perhaps this is the reaon the wimps/liberals have stayed off this site for a while.  LOL!  Thanks for sharing.

    In biden's op ed piece he started off by saying they inherited this economy!  give me a break!  ya know it wouldn't be so bad if obama had not voted for the Tarp or for the budgets.  both of these morons are so arrogant and can't get their head out of their asses long enough to breathe.  biden himself said that some of the money was wasted.  i remember when he said that not too long ago.  now he is trying to say that jobs have been saved but that statement cannot be proven!  if they can't prove it, it isn't happening!  someone on his cabinet said these numbers cannot be proven.  so .................................?  they need to get off of it and quit lying to the American people. 
    it is not very Presidential to invite people for beer.  what in the hell is this?  when did this office stoop to this level?  this is just not the way a leader carries himself.  he has no class and is trash regardless of his fancy suites or eloquent words.  now the gates guy says he is ready to get past this.  what?  everyone is past this.  he was in the wrong period!  he said maybe "we" can learn from this.  LOL!  the only people that are learning from this are children old enough to understand that disrespecting a police officer and then screaming racism is appropriate behavior according to obama and his low class friends.  except for the liberals/democrats, the rest of us have learned that gates is as stupid and racist as obama is. 

    why didn't we hear obama railing the SS administration for wasting $700K of taxpayers money on a resort gathering?  why did obama blow $25k of taxpayers money on one night out?  what did obama accomplish to earn a vacation that costs the taxpayers money for the three aircrafts and security?  he has done nothing since he has been in office except make things worse.  who calls this a hard day's work?  he is a clown in a suit!  when we said he was unqualified for this position, we were right! 

    i am really proud of the republican party right now.  of course, i haven't always been in the past and have railed the republicans when they needed it.  republicans aren't afraid to do this.  we are accepting of all races and genders and only judge people by their actions and principles.  i can proudly say that we are the party of tolerance!  obama hijacked what would have been a great day in history when he was elected!  instead he has made a mockery out of our country!
  • Aliy
    Jackie, I counted 9 times in 1/2 an hour that Obama referred to what he "inherited" from the last administration. Still playing the blame game.

    I don't remember Reagan pissing and whining for 4 years that it was all Carters fault! I remember him getting in there and fixing the problem! And let's be REAL clear on this one. Reagan wasn't a genious.

    Reagan was just smart enough to surround himself with really smart people who KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING. More presidents need to think that way instead of "who gave me the most money, give him a cabinet seat" if they thought more about the country and less about paying back a debt we'd be in better shape.

    You can't tell me the people around Obama are SMART. The day after that press conference where Obama use the words "The police acted stupidly" the press secretary came out and said "He never used the word Stupid" I gotta ask, does HE think WE are stupid because this "I never said that" crap isn't flying anymore!

    Check THIS OUT:

    As of today:

    29% of the country strongly agree with Obama
    40% strongly DISagree!!!!

    That's a MASSIVE plumet in numbers!!!!

    His index was hovering between -6 and -8 and just in the last 48 hours he's dropped to a -11 and since no one moved on health care, and cap and trade is sitting there and no one confirmed Sotomayor, I'm guessing the reaction is from him sticking his nose in a police local matter and trying to play the race card!

    That's all this was too. He was just trying to remind the country and black voters he's black. Even HE doesn't see them as individual people, even HE is saying "you should side with me, I'm black too, remember the racism"  When the cute bedtime story, little wink and soothing voice start failing, throw down that race card.

    This guy is such a disgrace to his race it's pathetic. I think black people should be standing up against this guy. I KNOW he looks at the country like a bunch of pesants, how many times has he answered a tough questions with "I'm the president, not them!" but he's treating his own race like a bunch of pawns in some manipulation game.

    Just like I was saying before, all liberals feel like if they can get the support of 1 black man, the rest of them have to fall in line. It's sad that Obama is standing up there playing that card and trying to tell black people "I made a decision for the race, support me"

    That question was Obama playing the race card plain and simple.
  • JackieM
    let me clarify--my comment "why play politics and blame republicans for the problems in their own party?"  i meant to say that obama blames republicans for problems that the democrats/liberals have within their own party.  i guess the stupid still can't see the corruption!
  • JackieM
    Before and after the election, I called obama and his associates mobsters.  well, as we have seen, that is exactly what they are.  I really would loved to have been wrong!  for the past week obama has been trying to blame republicans for not agreeing to this debacle of a healthcare bill.  he has ridiculed our party and acused us of trying to go after him instead of working on this bill.  what a joke?  he has now become paranoid!  has anyone else noticed this?  now why start trouble and play politics if you are really trying to do what is right for the American people?   why play politics when you intentionally exclude the other party to begin with?  why play politics and blame republicans for the problems in their own party?  obama is an evil SOB that uses any deceptive tactic he can to get what he wants without regard to doing what is best for our country.  his latest tactics are transparent and even his supporters aren't that stupid that they would let this slide or are they?  the corruption in this administration is the worst that we have ever seen.  the people that voted for this son of a bitch really need to be ashamed of themselves.  obama's tactics are apparent and his supporters are not Americans!
  • JackieM
    I really could not believe the deception in obama's healthcare speech.  He spoke about there being 50 million Americans without healthcare and we know that is a lie.  We also know that he conveniently included the 10-12 million illegals and called them Americans.  When is someone going to call this SOB to the carpet and challenge him?  I would love too.  He wouldn't last five minutes in an interview with me!  When are the morons on the left going to realize that we have no obligation to help illegals because they are ILLEGAL!  Apparently, the word ILLEGAL doesn't resonate with the democrats/liberals.  America cannot support everyone in this world but with all of the foreign aid that is thrown at other nations, we do help millions of people.  This aid needs to be scaled back tremendously because we are spending money we don't have.  We don't need to encourage people to break our laws but the left has no respect for them.  If this healthcare bill passes, we will have an influx of people come across our borders like never before.  This will add to the massive problems we have in this country thanks to bagdad bob/obama and his supporters.  Personally, I'm insulted and embarrassed that he is able to speak in public for this nation.  He is a disgrace to our country.  I'm not proud of him and am actually ashamed of the idiot.  I don't want other countries to think everyone in America is this stupid because we are not!
  • Rayaboy
    This healthcare debate has be bewildered.  They are already arguing about the "cost" and how to control them.  They are already worried about the budget, and keeping it deficite nuteral.  Can anyone believe that in the long run, based upon these things that they won't start cutting coverage because of budget constraints.  I certainly don't want the politicians to make decisions based upon less tax revenue this year, so less health payouts next year. 
    Right now if a hospital has to few beds, they make an economic decision and build an addition, because they can make more money on those new beds.  The government will in the same situation say, well  we don't have the budget this year to add more beds, so lets find a diffrent solution.  Amazing that we are even having this debate in America, well we get what we vote for.  Lets try waking up in 2 years everyone, and get serious about real candidates.  Let the "silent majority" stand up against rediculous socialist policy.
    If you like cool shirts check out www.cafepress.com/freedomoft
  • 2bluestarmom
    <img src=https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=533bdfdd01&view=att&th=122b32959854a11b&attid=0.0.1&disp=emb&zw>
  • 2bluestarmom
    Let me make this perfectly clear!

    And, because I make this statement

    DOES NOT mean I'm against immigration!!!

    Welcome to come through like everyone else has.
    Get a sponsor!
    Get a place to lay your head!
    Get a job!
    Live by OUR rules!

    Pay YOUR taxes!


    If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone,


    When will

    We've gone so far the other way .. Bent over backwards not to
    Offend anyone. But it seems no one cares about the
    that's being offended!

    WAKE UP America !!!
  • Back2Basics
    DS is around, lurking in the shadows.  He is always around, looking out for us, guiding us and counselling us when necessary.  HE WILL BE BACK!
  • 2bluestarmom
    In the grand scheme of things folks, it's just like when the children of israel were disobedient, turned their backs on God etc.....

    Let's just hope there is no 40 years in the wilderness.  I know all things are possible with him, but, I think time is running out. 

    The MAJOR reason,  millions of unborn babies, being murdered.

    I know this passage refers to something that was happening at the time, but the importance of what children/babes mean to Him, is the point:

    "And they brought young children to Him, that He should touch them: and His disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God"
  • 2bluestarmom
    Where is Susan?!  Yoohoo, Susan, where are you?  ;-)
  • JackieM
    where is DS?
  • JackieM
    Boy, we are really having great discussions on this site lately.  i'm learning a lot from you guys!  Thanks!
  • JackieM
    B2B--you should know me better than that!  i'll never be taken alive and go to the other side!  LOL!  how did you like my poetry?  you should have heard my sarcasm screaming from the post!  LOL!  if you ever get a post from me that is liberal in any way, please know that you need to call the police because someone is impersonating me!  liberal and democrat bullshit is not coming from this person!  they are no better than terrorists.  both want to tear our country down.  as a matter of fact, they are worse because they are already in this country!  it will be a cold day in hell before i make an attempt to associate with terriorists/liberals/democrats!
  • Back2Basics
    Sorry for the omission of a word.  Should have been:

    but we are experiencing a crises from people who really "DON'T" give a shit about what we think. MAYBE they are there, I just don't see them when it comes to standing up against what is going one. Tell me I'm wrong and prove it to me. I'll welcome it with open arms. I just don't see it right now
  • Back2Basics
    Jackie, I'm cracking up here over the vacation thing. For a moment I thought you had joined the rest of the loons in looneyville. I'll know better next time.

    2bluestarmom (77)

    “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

    This should be of vital concern to those who desire to rightly appraise present world conditions as the earth becomes increasingly filled with violence and blood. The inhuman acts of men and women toward fellow human beings must be inspired from a source other than human.

    The Bible definitely declares this to be so and gives important information which points to the presence among us of evil personalities who are extremely active in the affairs of men and nations today.

    “The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear.” (Psalm 58:3-4)

    Translation difficulties have hidden the true facts from the average Christian, and our spiritual leaders in the churches and theological seminaries, whose task is to instruct us in all truth, have been negligent in their duty in this respect. Furthermore, they have belittled any reference to this phase of supernatural manifestation and power.

    ***True spoken words. I think the real problem for us anymore is that there isn't enough of really true believers. This country is filled up with people who WANT what Obama has to offer. They WANT this country to be ran by a dictator. They WANT the government to tell them what to do. They WANT the government to hand them everything they need without working for it. Sorry, but we are experiencing a crises of people who really give a shit about what we think. MAYBE they are there, I just don't see them when it comes to standing up against what is going one. Tell me I'm wrong and prove it to me. I'll welcome it with open arms. I just don't see it right now...
  • 2bluestarmom
    Another thing, if you are copying this from other websites, paste it to your notebook / word first so this other mumbo jumbo doesn't come up.
  • 2bluestarmom
    Saturday, July 25th, 2009 at 6:16 am

    "OK, can someone help me out here? Do I have to retype this document into the post?"

    I have a suggestion when doing lengthy post here....copy it before you hit submit!  I have lost a few because the session timed out.  It's hard for me to remember sometimes esp when I get passionate about what I am stating.  So, copy then hit submit, that way if you lose it, you can do it again. Your messages have show up twice now so you don't need to do it again.  If you want to elaborate by adding other things, just start typing, but don't forget to copy it! ;-)
  • drogovska
    OK, can someone help me out here? Do I have to retype this document into the post?
  • drogovska
    I am new to this, and it seems that I cannot merely copy and paste a Word document in here, so I will attempt to repost the previous item in a more readable way. Here goes:

    <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]--> <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:1; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-format:other; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 0 0 0 0 0;} @font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:swiss; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:-1610611985 1073750139 0 0 159 0;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide:no; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; margin-top:0in; margin-right:0in; margin-bottom:10.0pt; margin-left:0in; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} .MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; mso-default-props:yes; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} .MsoPapDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; margin-bottom:10.0pt; line-height:115%;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> <!--[if gte mso 10]>-->

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    For too long, conservatives have lost major arguments to liberals in the minds of the public. Liberals are experts at demagoguing an argument. They take control of every discussion with red herrings and emotional, populist appeals. We need to learn to do the same thing skillfully. Liberals predictably mischaracterize conservatives as heartless and stingy in front of the cameras. They come across as the reasonable, compassionate ones, even though they are taking away the liberties of those whom they claim to help.
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    This was another gradual shift in the American consciousness. The next logical step in this progression is the government taking care of everything for its citizens—education, food, healthcare, transportation housing- the seductive utopian dream. Along with this shift came another shift—the money we earn and own is not ours, but actually community property. This is not spoken, but it is an underlying assumption. This is the idea we must overturn in the public consciousness. I say THIS IS THE ONE WE PICK ABOVE ALL OTHERS. Our money and property are our own, and any money that the government confiscates from us that is spent for things not necessary to essential government functions is IMMORAL, IT IS THEFT!

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    Their mastery of public relations is no accident. They meet together and strategize, and have done so for the last 50 years. Yes, it is true that they own the media, so many of the hosts of news shows don’t need to be in the strategy session. They know what liberals represent, and they just cooperate with their presentations, and finesse their way through. My point is, however, that we must begin to orchestrate and strategize. We must learn to play the game as well as they do. Reliance upon the fact that “the truth is on our side” is a lazy, ineffective position. We must learn to defeat liberalism with their own weapons.
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    The public has been listening to liberal ideas for the last 50 years. The reason that enough people, especially “swing voters,” have been convinced of the propaganda, is that those ideas are simply repeated over and over again. The assumption made by the uneducated, compliant mind is that “their saying it on TV, so it must be true.” The global warming issue is a good example. It has been repeated until it has crept into the consciousness of the average mind. After all, all these “experts” on TV, radio, and print can’t be wrong.
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    But even more to the point, the reason that our government has grown to an unmanageable size is that the public has gradually lost the principle of fiduciary responsibility. What I mean by that is, the idea that our tax money was meant to be spent only on the necessary functions of government. From the beginning of our republic, the idea of the government taxing its citizens was onerous, but it was accepted as necessary. Taxes were low, and the money was used for the administration of government, ie, courthouses, post office, and military readiness.
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    This gradually shifted more and more, until FDR’s new deal, which used massive amounts of tax money for social programs. This set a precedent in the modern mind. We got used to the idea that money could be used for social security, medicare, etc. Then social security was used for far more than just widows and elderly who could not work. It was given to every person with Attention Deficit Disorder, education benefits for children of widows, etc. Then came Lyndon Johnsons “War on Poverty,” in which unmarried mothers were subsidized, and millions of food stamps were issued.
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    To illustrate, here is a parable of a residential community had a homeowner’s association. All the homeowners in the neighborhood were contractually obligated to pay dues to the association for the upkeep of the clubhouse, tennis courts, pool, and the sign at the entrance to the subdivision.
    All went well until the president of the board obtained a credit card in the association’s name and started buying personal items, like medication for his sick mother and jewelry for his girl friend. When the treasurer found the credit card statement, he confronted the president. The president, however, offered to buy him a Jacuzzi for his silence. The vice president found out and the president bought her new furniture for her house.
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    News leaked out to the members that the officers were raiding the till, and an emergency meeting was called. There was an uproar, and the claim was made that the money was not meant for these purposes. The officers attempted to buy off the members by offering them free vacation cruises. A third of the members quieted down after this, and accepted the offer. Another third of the members were offended by the thought that they could be bought be such a frivolous bribe. Instead, they insisted on regular contributions to their children’s college funds. To this, the president acceded.
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    The groups shook out as follows: one group (we’ll call them conservatives), maintained that spending the dues for things not related to the upkeep of the association’s properties was theft. The second group (we’ll call them moderates), took the position that it’s not theft as long they approved of the purchase. The third group (let’s call them liberals), said “it’s not stealing, since the money belongs to all of us.
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    They conservatives called the police, but the homeowners association made contributions to the Policemen’s Charity Ball. Every time the conservatives objected to money being spent on the college funds, they were asked “what do you have against education?” When they objected to the purchases of the vacation cruises, they were told “you just have no heart! These people work hard and need a break!” When they objected to the money being used for medication for the president’s mother, they were asked “what do you have against the elderely?!”
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    And so it went. When the credit card bill came due, the board increased the dues. They kept increasing their spending and bribery, and had to keep raising the dues rate. Finally they raised the dues even more on the more prosperous homeowners. Every time the conservatives would try to gain power on the board, the liberals and moderates would vote them down. Finally, some of the homeowners could not pay the exorbitant dues, so the homeowner’s association put liens on the houses and some were even confiscated by the association with the help of the local judge, who ignored the law because he agreed with the liberals, who saw all the potiential good that the association could do for children’s college funds.
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    And so it went . . . and so we go. Is this not where we are now?
  • drogovska
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    For too long, conservatives have lost major arguments to liberals in the minds of the public. Liberals are experts at demagoguing an argument. They take control of every discussion with red herrings and emotional, populist appeals. We need to learn to do the same thing skillfully. Liberals predictably mischaracterize conservatives as heartless and stingy in front of the cameras. They come across as the reasonable, compassionate ones, even though they are taking away the liberties of those whom they claim to help.
    Their mastery of public relations is no accident. They meet together and strategize, and have done so for the last 50 years. Yes, it is true that they own the media, so many of the hosts of news shows don’t need to be in the strategy session. They know what liberals represent, and they just cooperate with their presentations, and finesse their way through. My point is, however, that we must begin to orchestrate and strategize. We must learn to play the game as well as they do. Reliance upon the fact that “the truth is on our side” is a lazy, ineffective position. We must learn to defeat liberalism with their own weapons.
    The public has been listening to liberal ideas for the last 50 years. The reason that enough people, especially “swing voters,” have been convinced of the propaganda, is that those ideas are simply repeated over and over again. The assumption made by the uneducated, compliant mind is that “their saying it on TV, so it must be true.” The global warming issue is a good example. It has been repeated until it has crept into the consciousness of the average mind. After all, all these “experts” on TV, radio, and print can’t be wrong.
    But even more to the point, the reason that our government has grown to an unmanageable size is that the public has gradually lost the principle of fiduciary responsibility. What I mean by that is, the idea that our tax money was meant to be spent only on the necessary functions of government. From the beginning of our republic, the idea of the government taxing its citizens was onerous, but it was accepted as necessary. Taxes were low, and the money was used for the administration of government, ie, courthouses, post office, and military readiness.
    This gradually shifted more and more, until FDR’s new deal, which used massive amounts of tax money for social programs. This set a precedent in the modern mind. We got used to the idea that money could be used for social security, medicare, etc. Then social security was used for far more than just widows and elderly who could not work. It was given to every person with Attention Deficit Disorder, education benefits for children of widows, etc. Then came Lyndon Johnsons “War on Poverty,” in which unmarried mothers were subsidized, and millions of food stamps were issued.
    This was another gradual shift in the American consciousness. The next logical step in this progression is the government taking care of everything for its citizens—education, food, healthcare, transportation housing- the seductive utopian dream. Along with this shift came another shift—the money we earn and own is not ours, but actually community property. This is not spoken, but it is an underlying assumption. This is the idea we must overturn in the public consciousness. I say THIS IS THE ONE WE PICK ABOVE ALL OTHERS. Our money and property are our own, and any money that the government confiscates from us that is spent for things not necessary to essential government functions is IMMORAL, IT IS THEFT!
    To illustrate, here is a parable of a residential community had a homeowner’s association. All the homeowners in the neighborhood were contractually obligated to pay dues to the association for the upkeep of the clubhouse, tennis courts, pool, and the sign at the entrance to the subdivision.
    All went well until the president of the board obtained a credit card in the association’s name and started buying personal items, like medication for his sick mother and jewelry for his girl friend. When the treasurer found the credit card statement, he confronted the president. The president, however, offered to buy him a Jacuzzi for his silence. The vice president found out and the president bought her new furniture for her house.
    News leaked out to the members that the officers were raiding the till, and an emergency meeting was called. There was an uproar, and the claim was made that the money was not meant for these purposes. The officers attempted to buy off the members by offering them free vacation cruises. A third of the members quieted down after this, and accepted the offer. Another third of the members were offended by the thought that they could be bought be such a frivolous bribe. Instead, they insisted on regular contributions to their children’s college funds. To this, the president acceded.
    The groups shook out as follows: one group (we’ll call them conservatives), maintained that spending the dues for things not related to the upkeep of the association’s properties was theft. The second group (we’ll call them moderates), took the position that it’s not theft as long they approved of the purchase. The third group (let’s call them liberals), said “it’s not stealing, since the money belongs to all of us.
    They conservatives called the police, but the homeowners association made contributions to the Policemen’s Charity Ball. Every time the conservatives objected to money being spent on the college funds, they were asked “what do you have against education?” When they objected to the purchases of the vacation cruises, they were told “you just have no heart! These people work hard and need a break!” When they objected to the money being used for medication for the president’s mother, they were asked “what do you have against the elderely?!”
    And so it went. When the credit card bill came due, the board increased the dues. They kept increasing their spending and bribery, and had to keep raising the dues rate. Finally they raised the dues even more on the more prosperous homeowners. Every time the conservatives would try to gain power on the board, the liberals and moderates would vote them down. Finally, some of the homeowners could not pay the exorbitant dues, so the homeowner’s association put liens on the houses and some were even confiscated by the association with the help of the local judge, who ignored the law because he agreed with the liberals, who saw all the potiential good that the association could do for children’s college funds.
    And so it went . . . and so we go. Is this not where we are now?
  • 2bluestarmom
    “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

    This should be of vital concern to those who desire to rightly appraise present world conditions as the earth becomes increasingly filled with violence and blood. The inhuman acts of men and women toward fellow human beings must be inspired from a source other than human.

    The Bible definitely declares this to be so and gives important information which points to the presence among us of evil personalities who are extremely active in the affairs of men and nations today.

    “The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear.” (Psalm 58:3-4)

    Translation difficulties have hidden the true facts from the average Christian, and our spiritual leaders in the churches and theological seminaries, whose task is to instruct us in all truth, have been negligent in their duty in this respect. Furthermore, they have belittled any reference to this phase of supernatural manifestation and power.
  • 2bluestarmom
    "did you see the latest in this gates' garbage?"

    They are all from the same seed. Branches.  It could be political suicide for O but they are very slick.  It is being spinned, of course.  We knew it would be.

    They will go after him like they did Joe the Plummer.  I hate to keep bringing him up but that was a real eye opener for many and the others who voted for this man, are going to reap what they have sewn.  He is a great deceptor. I am not saying he is "the anti christ" but he and his followers have the "anti christ spirit"   They are of their father, the evil one.

    These statements I make are truth.  When they come out and call you religous nuts, put on the armour!  The fiery darts will bounce off if you ingore them.
  • 2bluestarmom
    Remember how Neros "community organizers" went after "Joe the Plummer"?

    He hasn't stopped there.  Anyone who speaks out against him is being taken down. It's a shake down of unprecedented proportions.  That's just the beginning.  Soon and very soon, we will not be allowed to speak as we are speaking now.  They will silence us. Conservatives will be shut down. What does history show from dictators who took over countries/nations? 

    They have to be stopped.  You can bet, they will google this and UC may be no more as well as other media outlets who speak out against him.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it. And it's not as if we weren't warned during the elections. Libs tried to make conservatives look like nuts when they started exposing the true Nero and his history.

    Now we are seeing it play out.  We have to hit them/ Nerobama while they are down.

    “The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Their poison is like the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear.”

    “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)
    They would rather believe the lies put forth by their Ba’al Priest than hear the truth of the word as recorded in the Scriptures and the evidence before their very eyes; and is recorded in their newspapers daily.
    So instead of seeking the truth, they will attack anyone who tries to present the truth to them; and of course there is always one of the sons of the Devil or one of their book licks the Judeo-Christian ministers and etc., on the list to divert our peoples attention away, screaming that they are not followers of Yeashua.
    Of course they are lying and they know it but the deceived masses do not know it. Much the same as when Elijah met the Ba’al Priests and told the people of Israel, who were just watching the proceedings saying nothing. At the end when Elijah prevailed and the people actually saw he deception that these false priests, ministers and etc., were feeding them, they slaughtered them. This is what is going to happen when Yeashua comes back again to these false Judeo-Christian teachers.
  • JackieM
    2bluestarmom--I think you and i are in the same boat.  i'm so angry at this crook obama and to his supporters for being this stupid!  let's continue to hold them accountable!  when i find out someone voted for that SOB, it is not a pretty picture.  i go after them and don't give a damn who they are. 

    did you see the latest in this gates' garbage?  gates is being shown special treatment.  the police force needs to treat him just like any other idiot who decides to disrupt police from doing their jobs.  he is just another fool claiming racism when there is none to be found.  apparently he refuses to act like an adult and take his punishment for being disruptive and disrepectful to a law enforcement official.  gates has put shame on his family and community but is too stupid to realize it!  he needs to get over himself just as obama does.
  • 2bluestarmom
    ACORN is paying for it.  Just like they paid for him to be where he is today.  You are going to see that ACORN, the seed, has turned into quite a tree.

    Soros, Saulalinsky, Booth, Ayers, Rathke, Americorps, Obama.

    All from the same seed.  Community organizers.  Wealthy, powerful socialist who put Nerobama into office.  Just a few nuts from the same branches of the tree.

    Google these people.  There is much more to this than folks realize.  This is a take over of our country.  If you don't see it, you are blind and ignorant.

    This has to be rooted out from the bottom up.  Fight fire with fire. 

    Discernment, wisdom, knoweledge, understanding.  "If it were possible, even the elect would be deceived."  Sound familiar?
  • JackieM
    It is really nice to see obama take a vacation.  whew!  he has worked so hard to get this economy back on its feet and everyone now has jobs.  his work is done!  he would be a hypocrit if he took a lavish vacation while people are still losing jobs.  thank goodness he has been responsible during his time in office!  oh, wait a minute i must have been dreaming.  he is a hypocrit and is rubbing his vacation in the faces of those who can't take one and/or feed their families.  he is an elitest SOB and doesn't think he should have to do his job before he relaxes.  hmmmmmm!  how many other people have this luxury?  the news reports that he is paying for this expensive vacation but is he really?  is he paying for the secret service quarters and the plane trip also?  he is a jerk and that is a nice name for him!
  • JackieM
    Wow!  what great conversations!  I'm enjoying them and, of course, agree with every word!  I have always, always, always been outspoken about my beliefs and don't compromise them and have never understood why people don't do the same.  That has gotten us into the mess we are in now.  Our country is going down the crapper because a lot of folks have compromised their beliefs through the years.  their children caught on and were raised in a more liberal environment.  it is sad but true.  the morals and values of this country have deteriorated and we need to do something about it without worrying about offending others.  who cares!  we need to take back our country!

    right now we have an idiot who claims to be an attorney but won't read the bills he signs.  at least he should know what is in them before he does.  what a moron!  you will notice that the liberals/creeps that come to this site ignore this!  people in the country have become so enamored with this idiot that they refuse to believe the obvious--if a leader doesn't know what the hell he signed, we are in trouble!  duh!  i would think that people would at least acknowledge that the leader of this country needs to be able to read and comprehend important bills.  maybe his law degree was an honorary one!  LOL!

    Thanks, Aliy, for posting the new polls!  people were stupid for voting for this idiot but at least they are finally seeing the light.  it might be through a small peep hole but they are seeing something at least.  the dumbing down of America is here to stay.  I guess we need vaccinate ourselves against this.  Is there medicine to prevent this disease?  i don't want it.
  • aliy
    Race Realtions:

    I can't even REMEMBER what idiot liberal was saying in another dialogue that conservatives (as a whole) have a problem with people of color. Once I pointed out that ALL the civil rights bills over the past 150 years were preposed and supported by conservatives, it changed from "color" to "I meant ALL minorities"

    This same bozo said the following:

    "With the nomination of Sotomayor we've sealed up the hispanic vote!!"

    Now, I gotta explain the concept of EQUALITY to people here. Equality is NOT treating EVERY black man like a group instead of person. It's not thinking you've got the support of ALL hispanics because you hung out with one.  This idea seems really, really lost on liberals. 

    And I could not have given a better example than Barbara Boxer when the president of the black chamber of commerce was talking about cap and trade and she holds up a paper and says "I have a statement from the NAACP saying they support a cleaner environment" and he looked her dead in the face and said "Why?" Maybe she thought if she just said "look blacky, someone already took the stand for your race" He would go "oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize my whole race made this decision already, I must have missed that meeting"

    I want to know why SHE can get away with that but when a police officer responding to a 911 call, being berated and insulted, having his MOTHER brought in on insults, with witnesses and multi agency back up standing on the corner watching them, HE is a racist?!

    If I were the president of the black chamber of commerce I'd be about livid at the NAACP, where are they to back HIM up?! Why are they taking on the case of someone who told a cop he was going to do stuff to his Mother but the president of the black chamber of commerce is getting no support? Where's the NAACP for HIM!?

    I have a friend who lives in a very poor part of town. He's a great guy but AGAIN the other day someone walked up to him (while we were at lunch) and said "We did it!" And tried to high 5 him. He looked up and said "What did WE do?" and the man said "Well, black president, he totally gets what the poor people in the hood need and he's going to help" and my friend popped a cork, I don't think I've ever SEEN him that mad. He was like "look, I've NEVER seen you talking to the boy selling drugs on the corner across from my house about going back to school. You don't come to my street, hand out condoms and tell the kids about safe sex. All you did was vote for a black man!" He's just sick to death of people thinking he OWES them because they voted this chump in!

    Once liberal start to understand each person, no matter what skin color, religion etc. is still EACH INDIVIDUAL person. They are NOT a collective group, they have their own thoughts, they have their own opinions and they have their own problems in life there will never be equality. Lumping one skin color in a group of "what's good for one is good for the rest of them" THAT is not civil rights, THAT Is NOT equality, that is just as oppressive making them ride the back of the bus.
  • aliy
    New Numbers:

    30% strongly approve
    38% strongly DISAPPROVE!!!

    Just in 1 press conference his numbers plummeted by a couple % there!

    I think a lot of people saw the racial final staged question for exactly what it was and it blew up in this idiots face.
  • aliy
    I don't like the idea of abortion. I don't like gay marriage. I think they are both sins. I will mind my own business if you want to damn your eternal soul but please, leave my soul OUT OF IT. Everytime someone brings up how I need to "accept" gay marriage or abortion, I explain they are cramming religion down my throat and I don't like it.
  • Back2Basics
    2bluestarmom, I grew up with a christian mother and a father who worked the mines and made moonshine.  (A hard knock kind of man.)  My mother was a devout christian and taught us the values of good from bad.  She taught it like this, "Good vs Evil".  I was taught about God and I was taught about the devil.  Good was good and the devil was evil.  Only evil takes a human life because good cannot.  A life is given (formed) by God and only God can take it.  Any other form of volunteer killing is evil.  Bottom line, ABORTION IS MURDER!

    One other point you are right on - We are so bass ackwards in this country it's pure evil!  WE NEED TO WAKE THIS COUNTRY UP!  I have about 300 members in my church and I still don't see a positive movement leading up to a boycott of the government...  These are the people who have to stand up and make note.  NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO...
  • Leslie H.
    I totally agree with you guys.  Things are so upside-down right now, that we are doing our children a disservice by being politically correct.  When people's values have become so backward, maybe the best thing you can do is be somewhat offensive.  I'm not talking about being rude or disrespectful, but we can't keep sugar-coating our beliefs.  There is nothing wrong with calling wrong "wrong" and calling right "right."  If we really want to change hearts and minds, we have to stop tip-toeing around, these people need someone to spell it out for them.  And if we offend them a little, who cares? At least they're listening for once.
  • 2bluestarmom

    Peta!  I have been saying that for years! I love animals, all of Gods creation.  But there is NO justification for women allowing their babies to be murdered. Yes, MURDERED!  Free Choice?  Whatever! If it is for an emergency situation, I understand. But, convenience? Hell No!

    This country is ass backwards!

    I cry when I think of the millions of precious beautiful little souls that are being pulled apart, limb by limb, innocent children's blood being shed!

    Whenever we talk about this, some ignorant liberal comes on and like always, tries to divert the issue and states "soldiers have killed children"

    What the Hell!?  That has nothing to do with it! 

    My God, I can't bear to even think about it sometimes, it's so painful. Don't you know God's heart is breaking?!  But, he will not allow this crap to go on much longer.
  • Back2Basics
    Leslie, great standup.  I just snapped when you said "this conversation is over" to the fact that I play the politically correct game without even knowing it.  WE ALL NEED TO WAKE UP EVEN MORE THAN WE ARE!

    Dora visited my web site and left a snotty little remark.  You know, I don't even need to be having a conversation with people like her.

    Lets see now, here is the $64,000 question: If the police officer was black and the professior was white and GWB was president and said the police officer was stupid - what would be the reaction from the radical media?

    An even bigger question: Where the hell are they right now?
  • Leslie H.
    JackieM and B2B-the one that gets me is the ultra-liberal PETA crowd, they want to protect every form of creepy-crawly on the earth (of course I don't support torturing animals, you know the people i'm talking about) from discomfort, but they are totally cool with killing unborn children.  When ever I meet a vegan or hard core animal rights activist the first thing I ask is "are you pro-life?" If they say they are pro-choice I always say, "then I am done with this conversation, because I won't indulge a person who values animals over people with a debate."- that usually quiets them pretty quickly
  • Luco
    How long will people allow legislators to continue to pass thousand page bills without reading them? There seems to be little outcry about the practice. And these a bills with enormous impact! How can they represent us if they dont know what they are voting on?
  • JackieM
    B2B--you made some excellent points.  that is why i don't give a damn about being politically correct.  people need to get a few balls and stand up for our freedoms and do the right things instead of listening to the morons--liberals/democrats!  i was telling my husband exactly the same thing about abortions the other day.  killing babies inside the womb is ok with liberals/democrats because they can justify it to themselves this way.  however, we know that it is no different than killing a baby after it is born.  we are intelligent and they are just plain ole stupid and evil!

    2bluestarmom--i know exactly where you are coming from.  i am really pissed at this whole obama situation.  did you see the press conference obama just did about his friend the professor?  it was absolutely the most lame one yet.  he is really a moron and is making a fool out of our country and all that it stands for.  i hope parents have enough sense to tell their children not to look up to that SOB.  he is not someone that should be held in high regard or in any regard for that matter.  he is an example of what not to be!
  • 2bluestarmom
    OMG!!! Girls, don't even get me going on this stuff! I am about to blow a fuse with the madness!

    We got to keep it together! 

    Remember, when a dictator takes over a country, they do it with shock and awe!

    Even Rush Lumbaugh??sp? said he is in awe.

    That's how they get control.  We need someone to come along and clean this mess up before it can't be.

    Honest to God, I fear for our country.
  • Back2Basics
    Jackie, isn't it stupid that we can't do nothing about the illegals in this country but we can't do something legal either?  I get sick just thinking about how politicially correct you got to be if you do something correct like you are trying to do.

    Another example, you can kill your baby in your womb but not after it comes out.  Kill it in the womb and no one gives a shit!  Kill it after it is born and seems everyone in the country cares about it...  WE ARE SCREWED UP IN THIS COUNTRY FOR SURE!
  • JackieM
    2bluestarmom--i agree!  obama's supporters don't want to do what is right for this country and they want it to fail.  they are not true Americans in any sense of the word.  one of them on this site said she/he was an American because she/he paid taxes.  well we all know this is not true and liberals don't have any common sense much less anything else.  just because someone donates sperm doesn't make him a father so just because someone pays taxes doesn't make him an American!  can we have bumper stickers make with this saying?  LOL!
  • 2bluestarmom
    "there is no one to complain to that will do anything about it.  so i said all of this to say that this is a typical government run program and this is what the liberals/democrats want!  they are mentality unstable!  obama makes me ill and needs to be impeached! "


    I had my own horror story I tried to put on here yesterday but it didn't go through. The one thing I forgot about this site is that if you don't get it in her and post fast enough, it wipes out your post when you click submit!

    Have to remember that! LOL

    Before he does anymore damage to our country, he needs to be removed.  Everything about this man and those connected with him whether past, present or future, is bad, bad news!

    This government is so inept they don't even know what's in the bills they legislate much less how to govern them.
  • JackieM
    this professor is a perfect example of the trash obama hangs around.  now i call anyone trash who can't respect the law or anyone else of authority.  from the comments obama has made about the republican party and the folks at fox news, we see that he doesn't respect people who disagree with him.  he will try to make fools out of anyone who follows the Constitution!

    On a side note I want to share with you my experience recently.  it will show why government healthcare in any form will fail.  We are adopting so we have to deal with the adoption agency, the country's government, the US consolate, the country's consolate, the US department of immigration, etc.  the US dept of immigration has been the worst of every organization we have dealt with.  they have a generic phone number you call and the people on the other end of the phone can't answer any questions about adoption.  they only deal with paperwork for immigrants.  they also refuse to give you a phone number of anyone who can help or the local office in my city.  so i have to work with my senator's office who has to fight with them to get answers.  now for six weeks the dept of immigration wouldn't return calls from the sentator's office.  so finally when they heard back the lady didn't help much.  that was just the beginning of my battles to get the paperwork i needed for adoption.  it gets worse.  to make a long story short, i ended up making an immigration appt and went to the local office.  now they make you take a number when you get there even though i had an appt and herd you like animals where they want you to go.  i've been up there three times and haven't gotten it straightened out yet.  so each time i sit for at least 30 to 45 minutes waiting on my number to be called and when it is i walk up to a booth to talk to someone behind a glass partition.  i had to give our personal information to her.  now there is no privacy so everyone in the room waiting for their turn heard everything i said.  this person can't help me because they know nothing about adoption.  there was only one time the adoption person was even there and she refused to come out and speak with me so the person trying to help me relayed messages back and forth.  the information i received back was shotty at best.  i didn't even mention the fact that i'm being charged extra for a service i'm not even getting and don't need.  the other offices across the US don't do this but this office does.  there is no one to complain to that will do anything about it.  so i said all of this to say that this is a typical government run program and this is what the liberals/democrats want!  they are mentality unstable!  obama makes me ill and needs to be impeached!
  • 2bluestarmom
    Nero-Obama is a racist.  That has been obvious from the get go.  He has shrouded himself in the company of activist who are all, RACIST!

    What hypocrites they are!

    I REALLY enjoyed watching the entire Police Union express their outrage with Nerobama!

    BIG, HUGE Mistake!

    I can assure you, he will not apologize, liberals don't do that. The only way he will apologize is if it will affect his votes for 2010. 

    His advisers will pressure him to do this, you can bet! Just like when he was running for President,  they did with Rev Wright and others who were radical activist that he has been associating with.  Had the mainstream media been looking out for citizens and done their job, Nerobama would NEVER have been elected.

    I am quite sure that just by briefly listening to the rantings of Gates, he is racial and a rioting activist as well!
  • Luco
    A New Book available at LULU Publishing
    “Too Big To Survive”
    Book: "Too Big To Survive" Tracks the exponential growth of the Federal Government. Denotes corruption and failures of both Republican and Democratic Parties. Describes the views of a Constitutional Independent. Proposes a State Guided Federal Limit Amendment solution.
    Email for details:  [email protected] or go to:
  • aliy
    I was holding comments on Officer Crowley until I got a little more of the story. Like someone reading the police report VERBATEM (Hannity did it last night)

    There was once a time when my alarm went off. The alarm company called and I told them the password, they said "nope"and proceeded to send the police to my house. I was asked to step outside (knowing this was coming, I'd gotten my STATE ID WITH MY ADDRESS ON IT out of my wallet) I was respectful, showed the police the license. They called the alarm company and come to find out the guys who wrote down the password spelled it wrong based on the accent he heard coming from my mouth. The police officer almost fell over laughing. Now, had I opened the door, handed him my school ID and told him his Momma was going pay for this. I would have expected to go to jail.

    That is pretty much the rule everywhere isn't it? Don't mouth off to the police? By the time the man was arrested they had plenty of back up, people standing on the street watching the commotion, and the HARVARD police there to confirm who this guy was becuase he STILL hadn't shown an ID with an address on it.

    And I've noticed the president now saying there are WAY more important things to talk about. He sets up that question at his press conference but now that the truth is coming out he's not backing up what he said about the cop being a racist and stupid? That's crap!
  • Back2Basics
    Aliy & Jackie, you both are great American women.  Way to go - you sound like my wife.  She is a dedicated christian but I believe she would slap a liberal in a heart beat!

    She is an ex-nurse and she used to really work at making the liberals mad the last place she worked.  That included a couple of gay nurses, some men hating liberated women and some others she didn't care about.  She used to go around singing "Put Another Log On The Fire" for them.  It's a wonder they didn't catch her in the parking lot and beat her up.

    Conversatives have always taken a hit when it comes to fairness being one sided.  Conservative talk show host has to be far more careful of what they say than liberals.  They lose their jobs and liberals don't.  Go figure...
  • JackieM
    Aliy--way to go!  i am so glad there are people besides me in this world that are willing to stand up for our beliefs regardless of the consequences!  Thank God!  i could not help but snicker when I read the part about the lady singing obama's praises because i knew without a doubt you would have something to say about that!  I would have loved to have been in on that focus group also.  i would have chimed in with you!  i would haven't gotten kicked out too but would have enjoyed it!  it makes me sick when i think about the liberal bias in the media.  they seem to think their way is the norm and don't give a damn about what our country was founded on.

    by the way, i have been amused at the big hoopla surrounding obama's comments on his professor friend.  all of the shows that i've seen including the ones on Fox have completely missed the mark.  The fact is that this professor was an arrogant SOB just like obama.  it all boils down to respect.  i was taught to do what a police officer says and not to talk back to anyone of authority.  well, a police officer has a gun and can arrest you.  so if he tells you to come out of your house because he doesn't know if you are being held at gunpoint by someone else and wants to secure the area, you do it.  you don't talk back or cause a scene period!  this idiot disrepected a law enforcement officer and deserved to be arrested.  the police do not have time to deal with idiots!  now if this officer does not use the correct protocol, that is a different story.  so obama quickly assumes his friend is in the right and does not apologize for his stupidity in accusing the police officer of doing something stupid.  so now people are jumping on the race wagon once again.  it is more convenient to do this than to tell the truth.  our children need to learn to respect people.  how can they do this when the parents don't have respect for anyone themselves?  i'm disgusted as usual!  however, my son was raised better than that and proves it everyday by his treatment of everyone!  Thank God for that!
  • Aliy
    I have been SOOO busy (all day yesterday) fighting with a liberal magazine group. I was part of a focus group for a major magazine to see what really mattered to women. I brought up health care, another woman started signing the Obama praise and I asked a question, the moderator came in and said that maybe health care wasn't something "real women" want to talk about, to which I popped a cork and told her no wonder no one reads her magazine, it's all gardening and fluffy stuff just so she knows that's NOT what REAL people care about. So, me and the other 3 conservatives got thrown off. I have NO IDEA why they threw THEM off but it was ALL the conservatives that got thrown off. Not ONE liberal, even got a warning. It was a direct target of political views.

    At least there's a slew of magazines out there for "real" women who only care about making sure their lipstick is on straight when their husbands get home. What ever would we do without the tips like "make sure the dinner is on the table when he gets home"

    Backward thinking magazines, no wonder readership is down!
  • 2bluestarmom
    Jr Accountant:

    "Hey Joanne,
    If you don't need it, why are you here?"
    That was so cool! ;-)
  • 2bluestarmom

    Loved the nerobama ten commandments.  How true, sadly.

    Loved even more your beautiful letter.  In the grand scheme of things, nothing else really matters.

    I think I will print it out and tape it up on my desk. Reminds you how blessed we truly are.

    This other stuff going on in our world is, unfortunately a diversion.

    After all, the only ones who will hate your post, are those who have no conscience, no joy, no peace, no Saviour.

    Thanks for sharing.
  • Back2Basics
    I have placed a daily reflection area on my web site.  I don't know if anyone reads it or not.  If one person does and gets out of it what I do, it's worth the daily hassle.  Below is a letter from a softball friend of mine of many years and the message kind of let me know what it is I am trying to achieve with the daily reflection thing on my site.  This gentelman is one of our dedicated senior softball players and has always enlightened the environment around him with his smiles and sencerity for life.  Just thought I would share this with you all.  I may not put anymore here because this is not a site for this kind of posting so, if it offends you, I apolitize.

    A forwarded message from Ernie Downs on July 23, 2009:

    To all my friends,

    As I sit here in Omaha, Nebraska, watching the sun come up I found myself
    looking at a photo of myself and my daughter, and I felt I needed to send an
    email to all my friends.  You know the importance of family and friends, but do
    we really take the time to let them know how much they mean to us?  In my case,
    not nearly enough!  So I wanted to remind you all just what is "REALLY"
    important - -  it is NOT the things we can buy like that new house, or our dream
    car that we saved for, or the latest gadget to make our hobbies easier - - while
    those things are important - - they are not what will sustain us.  The important
    things in our lives is the people we have in our lives.  I know this because
    since Oct 2005 I have been going thru a battle with cancer, and as I near the
    day of transplant I have been reflecting about all the ups and downs - - and the
    two constant things thru it all have been my faith in God and my friends. 
    Without BOTH of these the survival is not possible.  God for his incredible
    grace and mercy, and you my friends for your unwavering support and prayers.

    Let me take a few moments to share some of the many blessings God has given me
    to illustrate what I am so horribly trying to say.

    First, is the family God has given me.  My kids are the one true blessing in
    this life.  One example is a little girl that would come to me and say, "Dad,
    can we go to the park?", and while dealing with the chemo I would have to say to
    her "not today, I don't feel good", and she said "that's ok, some day you will." 
    My friends, stop and look around you and you too will see the countless
    blessings God has provided you.  Then let them know what a blessing they are.

    Next, as many of you know, I still play softball with the greatest group of guys
    you could ever know.  Here is why they are so great aside from carrying me thru
    the cancer.  Earlier this year at a tournament in Tulsa the guys did something
    for me that chokes me up every time I think about it.  After playing the
    tournament and not playing as well as I wanted, the team gave me and my daughter
    Jaclyn as tourney MVP.  While I did not play like one, my team told me that I
    was their MVP for just being there and contributing to the team after going thru
    chemo.  You do not know just what that means to me.

    In closing let me say to all of you, Thank You for being here for me thru this
    all, but don't forget to be there for each other and all those in your lives - -
    you will not regret it.  I look forward to the day soon when I can see all of
    you and tell each of you thanks for being my friends.  I will be back in approx
    100 days from this Friday (transplant day).  I can't wait to wet a hook, hit a
    softball, hack at the little white ball and to go to the woods and to simply
    share a glass of tea.  Take care of yourselves till then.

  • Back2Basics
    After observing Obama on the campaign trail and during his first six months in office, I have concluded that our President lives and governs according to his own set of "Ten Commandments." They're certainly NOT the Ten Commandments you learned in Sunday School. In fact, many are the direct opposite! To prove that our conclusions are correct, you will find a link to source documentation for each commandment on the Patriot Update web site.

    I. Thou shalt have no God in America, except for me. For we are no longer a Christian nation and, after all, I am the chosen One. (And like God, I do not have a birth certificate.) SOURCE
    II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, unless it is my face carved on Mt. Rushmore. SOURCE
    III. Thou shalt not utter my middle name in vain (or in public). Only I can say Barack Hussein Obama. SOURCE
    IV. Remember tax day, April 15th, to keep it holy. SOURCE
    V. Honour thy father and thy mother until they are too old and sick to care for. They will cost our public-funded health-care system too much money. SOURCE
    VI. Thou shalt not kill, unless you have an unwanted, unborn baby. For it would be an abomination to punish your daughter with a baby. SOURCE
    VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery if you are conservative or a Republican. Liberals and Democrats are hereby forgiven for all of their infidelity and immorality, but the careers of conservatives will be forever destroyed. SOURCE
    VIII. Thou shalt not steal, until you've been elected to public office. Only then is it acceptable to take money from hard-working, successful citizens and give it to those who do not work, illegal immigrants, or those who do not have the motivation to better their own lives. SOURCE
    IX. Thou shalt not discriminate against thy neighbor unless they are conservative, Caucasian, or Christian. SOURCE
    X. Thou shalt not covet because it is simply unnecessary. I will place such a heavy tax burden on those that have achieved the American Dream that, by the end of my term as President, nobody will have any wealth or material goods left for you to covet. SOURCE
  • Back2Basics
    Want to read some good stuff on the birth certificate?  Go to:


    Something big is going to happen just like I have suspected all along.
  • 2bluestarmom

    "half-assed job is acceptable in their party"

    With the shoe on the other foot, if it were a nurse or doctor who delivered a "half assed job" there would be law suits out the ying yang! 

    Ya know, watching this whole thing play out, I can see now how a nation can be taken over, changed, almost over night, by the "shock and awe" of what these folks are doing.

    Americans, true Americans like myself, conservative whatever, have common sense, morals, compassion, remorse and intelligence but many are lacking in foresight and intuition.

    I think about history and how some of these dictators were able to come on the scene, virtual unknowns and degenerates by any stretch of the imagination, mesmerize, bedazzle an entire civilization only to ultimately destroy them all.

    Their actions take everyone by surprise.  Most don't see it coming and when it starts coming, it's like labor pains of a woman in travail!

    Next thing you know, all rights are taken away, children turn their parents in for "speaking out against the government, folks imprisoned for asking questions, seeking truth, defying the dictator.  And the most drastic and horrific thought, executions. 

    I see that happening here.  Many don't want to see it. Which I am quite sure is what happened to nations that were over thrown by dictators from past and present.  That's how they are able to pull it off.

    Subtle at first then shock and awe.

    Liberals trolling the internet to jump in and try to intimidate conservatives by mocking and ridiculing are nothing less than empty vessels.

    They jump in, throw a few jabs, cowards that they are,  try to use the old tactics of fear mongering by saying we are all religious fanatics, hypocrites etc...just another ploy.

    When you put their feet to the coal, they run.  First they spin uncontrollably then fly off into cyberspace to another site and it starts all over again.
  • bho mind remmembers me of manu
    Panama learned (aparently recently), to DON'T DIVIDE OPPOSITION with candidates (but the guys who just "won" wheren't pursued BY CASTRO USING PANAMA STATE, SO CAN'T BE TRUSTED AS ANY FROM MOSCOSO ADMINISTRATION) after several elections which noriega's party prd "won" (same acorn, aclu, govs, ect... kind of organized communities, Panamanian drivebymedia versions, 90's global politics... prd imbeciles as UN$addam wheren't disturbed any more by Bush)...
    Now, bho wants zelaya, who PU BLIC LY  TRYED TO CHANGE HONDURAN CONSTITUTION FINANCED BY chavez, WHO IS BASED ON CUBA KIND OF GOV, over a no comunist legal new gov?
    are you sending troops to fight Hondurans and take back your COMUNIST FRIENDLY zelaya anymore bho?
    as last naight proved on bho brain: yes, because he (bho) is a 
    co mu nist...
    and as a comunist, he'll (and his team$ of course along the rest: maddof, blogo, etc...) face the consecuences for trying to change America... very, very bad
    I know you'll never believe me, as UN$addam, alzarkawi, ma noriega...
    which I thank God for
  • JackieM
    B2B--obama is the biggest elitest of them all. 

    2bluestarmom--i still see so many left wing nuts still falling all over obama the fool!   the few blue dog democrats are really worried about their own political future now so they are starting to back away from him because they realize he is poison!  democrats have the belief that passing a bad bill is ok.  as we have seen, they don't even have to know what is in it to sign it!  LOL!  doing a half-assed job is acceptable in their party.  as long as the subject matter is addressed and some liberal points are in it, they will sign it.  they don't give a damn if it is effective.  now that is stupidity at its best!
  • Back2Basics
    Well, most of their rhetoric is self-explainatory. The pattern of extreme liberals, followed by liberals, followed by liberal following democrats and republicans, is that they just say it! They just do it! They don't think! If they do think, it's like we are stupid and don't know what they are talking about in the first place. If one of us happen to catch on that their spin happens to be wrong or a lie, they just laugh a little, hick-up once of twice, a couple of umms, ands, aahs or buts and they just made it okay with most of the world. We are supposed to laugh a little, or smile, and accept it as being a mistake. OBAMA IS THE GREATEST UUUUHHHH AND AAAAWWWW MAN IN THE WORLD. He can tell a lie with a smile.

    On the health care thing and the fairness in it. That is Obama's thing. He wants every black in the United States that is on Welfare, or otherwise, to be on an government insurance policy. Those are the people he is looking out for with this health care plan! Damn the wealthy, damn the middle class, damn the employers and basically, DAMN THE WHITE MAN IN GENERAL!

    I hope you all caught the little explaination of why he, as president, can't be on the same health care plan that they are offering you and I. He rattled around with his usual stumble, stumble and finally said, "His insurance had to be different because he had doctors around him 24/7"! Basically, everytime he farted there was a doctor with him. Everytime he travels, there is a doctor and complete medical staff that travels with him. What he was saying was, the government could not afford us the quality health care he was getting...

    Oh well, same ole, same ole!
  • dora, ask bho on acorn electio
    dora, I told you to go to Iran and have a pijama party with your friends, film and post it there to see what is comming with ajmadinejad ( friendly "enemy" of bho... they even post their excecutions so you'll be at tv, famous)...
    after that (if survive and escape), just meditate on the reason to exist of acorn, aclu... and why bho is attacking with all america, now he realized 2010 and 2012 elections are conservative's (not rinos, neolibs and independental$), as 2004 democrat conservative and Bush record re-election participating voting...
    last night bho had a tv national television tv relaity show, whic reflexes how they are treating your minds Americans even before the neolib healthcare rule) he hadn't a Presidential address (like Independence day the movie, when the Bush kind of President was asked after the "Martian ship" was parked over the WH: what now? and he answered, address to the nation, there most be a lot of scared people outthere...)
    hey miamidade cyber "control" imbecile, goodmorning, did you had your GOV salary check this month?, ahh!, surely, "you're here to make write down a mistake", sure... "I writting delusional imaginary wars and cyberspace, etc. things on bho, and bhoteam$ with acorn, hamas..."...
    just keep letting us record you, neolibs, keep talking... keep your agents and operatives active and visual... bhoaaaahhhaaaa   haaa hhhaaa...
    stay tunned, I don't think maimidade castronetgov$ is going to stop "motivating me" by pursue me assymetricly with imbeciles to make me "mad and write down no oil no nuke for America... kind of CRAZY AND TERROR HELPING kindof "imaginary thinkings"...
  • 2bluestarmom
    Got balls?

    Last year I was criticized and mocked by the libs, whom are likened to cock roaches that  come out at night, in the cloak of darkness,  devouring truth and propagating their diseased philosphy,  for my premonitions of how dangerous Nerobama is.

    The whole election was a sham.  Most Americans watched in horror and disbelief, fellow Americans starry eyed and goggling at Nerobama like he was a rock star, messiah, the one.

    The corruption, media take over, deception, acorn, the money involved in one of the most triumphant, strategical, political take overs of the U.S. And no one, stopped them!

    McCain was too afraid of upsetting the "politically correct" generation and calling it what it is.  A spade is a spade. No pun intended!  That was his downfall.  He would not stand up to them. He refrained himself because he was advised it would make him look mean, bad.

    He lost my vote when he lost his balls!

    Think about the decades of strategic planning, cultivation, grooming folks from all walks of life by infiltrating our most influential group of people, our youth!

    The radical left wing citizens of the world have now accomplished what they have set out to do.   The political "killing fields" of the next generation of "americans" are so deeply embedded into the very fiber of their being, they can't or won't see "truth" because the have been spoon fed lies which started in elementary school from socialistic, embedded educators.
  • bho showed twice lastnight his
    Why any of the self-programmed (and trying to program us, to "let us die with dignity" )neoliblockcrapstocklers (dora, ml smith, etc..., the "libczar freedom of speach comunist ruler countest") on this CONSERVATIVE, NOT neolib site "parrot talking" on bho face when had no-drivebymedia-made questions?...
    twice he showed last night his dreammed dictator face and voice... (experience:  acorn sue blod$ocker lawyer begginings as "somebody important and brilliant")? (sueing orgies as assymetric$ started before mortgage, and the rest of the neolib global bubble$)...
    wao, here comes "my" miamidade (democrat gral attny, mayors...)  imbecile "cyber"pursuer (this time I'm sure this guy is a "media face, I'm remmembering his name, it's a "local" "big one"...
    you see doctors and city imbeciles, your psycopolice castroagent at fiu protected by you and spy network base blown off the face of the Earth is your destiny, as a pack...
    lastnight, bho proved the frustration of "can't (at this time, but "controling health"... he dreams fun ordering you to "adopt" what is crazy and what is not) self declare CO MU NIST and castros, ayatolas, zelayas, chavezes, etc... what terror?
    ok, imbeciles, thanks for "motivating me with showing me what is comming, and "thinking stress is make me just change my mind"...
    mmmmbbbbhhhhoooo   uuaaaaaahhhhaaaaa   haaaa haaaaa!...
    (notice) I don't use LOLs, because that is a chat term, and this is ...
    war on terror ideas, not a chat on fashion or actors life tv "reality" crap to distract on the intellectual war on bho kind of chavezes LIES, and old, old comunist plans...
  • 2bluestarmom
    It would behoove our politician's, to forfeit their health care that we pay for,  to show by example, their confidence in this new health system, how well it works.  If in a couple of years it works for them, we will consider reviewing their plan.

    We want facts, statistics, concise and clear language!

    O wants community service, sacrafice etc.  Show, lead by example.  You lead the way. That's what a good leader does!

    If you are correct and hold true to your convictions, it will prove to be so.

    You will know a tree, by it's fruit.
  • JackieM
    2bluestarmom--your comment--Like I stated earlier, NO ONE, signs a contract without reading it first!

    except obama!  how in the world do the democrats/liberals put up with this?  it shouldn't matter what side of the fence you are on on this one.
  • 2bluestarmom
    He HAS to be stopped!

    What's the rush?

    If this Health Care bill is so good for "us", if he has so much confidence in it, (he hasn't read it but knows it's what's best for "us"?!!) then it will pass the test of time, while being reviewed and debated, by Congress, the Senate and the American public!

    Like I stated earlier, NO ONE, signs a contract without reading it first!
  • 2bluestarmom
    I will tell you right now.  I became a nurse for many reasons. My desire started as a young girl due to my fathers injury from Viet Nam era.

    It wasn't for the money. That being said, the pay for nurses is ridiculous when you have, garbage pick up workers, or to be politically correct "sanitation workers" making more than we do, with no education!

    You think there is a shortage now?  Let's hope this bill does not go through.

    I can almost guarantee it will. He will override and pass it no matter what!  He has to. To complete a take over of our country, we have to be totally broken, at his mercy, unable to undo what he has done.

    We have seen unprecedented actions by this administration.  They are tearing down the structure of America as we knew it.  It will never be the same again.  Once they have restructured everything that influences our survival to fit their New World order, only then, will they slow down a tad.  Only a tad.  You ain't seen nothin yet!  (Dora, I purposely misspelled that!) They will push and I do mean push, cram down our throats, everything that fits their agenda.

  • JackieM
    Aliy--i agree with you!  the doctors will have no reason to be in the profession any longer .  how are they going to make a living while paying for the malpractice insurance when their salaries are lowered?  college students thinking of going into the medical field will quickly change their minds.   i still didn't hear him address the additional doctors and healthcare professionals that will be needed and how we will get them on day one.  

    i think there are folks in the media that are beginning to question him more but i didn't see them really challenge him on the hard stuff.  that would have been the true test of obama's acting and speaking skills.  i don't think he could handle it. 

    when obama blamed the republicans for criticizing him, my mouth dropped open.  how unprofessional!  republicans have the right to call him out and he didn't like it!  however, he didn't have a problem with pelosi telling the democrats not to work with republicans!  what a moron!
  • Aliy
    And finally, put yourself in a doctors shoes.

    Obama has said he's NOT going to limit malpractice suits.

    You are a doctor who charges $80 for an office visit. Obama comes along and says "you can't charge more than $40 a visit"

    Basically saying you have to do the same amount of work for 1/2 the money. I don't care WHAT you do, you would NOT put up with that. If they tried to do that to the bagger in the grocery store a union would take a fit, but it's OK to do that to Doctors.

    Anyway, back to the story. So, now you're getting 1/2 the money for the same amount of work. You see a patient, she is 30 with a headache. You want an MRI, the government says "no, that's stupid, she's 30 with a headache, send her home with some asprin" you do. 6 months later she dies from the brain tumor!!! According to the plan as it stands right now.....


    Seriously, WHAT doctor group is actually BEHIND this plan?

    Why am I the ONLY person to see this?!
  • Aliy
    However, he DID say one thing that made my eyes pop out of my head. And I don't know if anyone else caught this but he made the comment that people are paying money to insurance companies for the people who get treatment and skip on the bill, "we're going to insure them so you don't have to pay for them anymore" So, WHO actually does that? Illegals, so he's just admitted he's going to give illegals healthcare!!

    And here's the kicker, WHO is going to pay for THEIR healthcare since they are non-contributors?!  DUH, it's US. He makes it sound like he's taking a burden off our hands when in reality he's just shifting it from us paying the insurance companies to us paying the government. Either way we're going to pay!!!
  • Aliy
    This is what I think of Mr. Obama, I think he truly believes if he comes out and just says ANYTHING, gives us a little wink we'll all be back under his spell. I'm surprised he didn't come out and just read Shell Silversteins Giving Tree, wink and leave the stage! This time though, I'm noticing people in the media going "he really didn't SAY anything. He really didn't tell us WHAT is going to happen, just that it needs to happen NOW. The reporters didn't really challange him."

    There are a lot of people coming off that Obama high who are sitting there right now going "Wait a minute, he really didn't TELL me anything, he talked at me, but he didn't give me any information to make an informed decision"
  • Aliy
    9 times, I heard him comment 9 times in 1/2 hour about "Bush left me" and "what I inherited" and "The prior administraion" blame blame blame.

    And I hate to be the one to point this out but Bush didn't really do anything with healthcare. That's been a HUGE complaint of dems everywhere, that everyone talks a good game but no one ever does anything. So how can this POSSIBLY be Bush's fault?
  • JackieM
    I would like to know how many times obama said that he "inherited" this economy last night.  of course, we all know he was in the senate for a few days before he started to campaign.   did Bush force him to run up the deficit many more times over?  i didn't realize Bush was such a powerful man!  poor obama has to now clean up this mess--LOL!  obama has caused a lot of it and there are still no jobs!  he is good at helping this economy deteriorate and he is good at convincing people with low IQs that he actually knows what he is talking about!
  • Back2Basics
    I have read some of the posts on this threat.  Like all the rest, when a thread is first started, all kinds of crappy brains shows up.  Most of it is not worth reading and the rest has already been talked about somewhere else.

    Why move here and agrue about the same ole things we argued about elsewhere?  Don't make sense to me...

    Come up with a good issue and let's talk about it.  Sort of like the president's speach, I didn't listen to it all because it's the same ole spin.  Nothing new - just lies and liberal spin.

    Just my thoughts.
  • JackieM
    Ok now someone tell me if i missed the part of the this idiot's speech where he discusses where the millions of doctors and healthcare professionals that are going to be needed on day one of the implementation of this failed plan that will suck the life out of this country are going to come from?  how many times is he going to tell everyone who he is and what his title is?   he is the biggest SOB and liar that i've ever seen.  let me have a debate with him.  he literally be speechless when i got finished with him if he could manage to hang on that long.  his lies would be exposed!
  • JackieM
    Aliy--44% of the people are those obama's supporters that are still in lala land.  you know--the faith and hope people who can't use common sense and simple math!  i have listened to part of that idiot's speech and have heard him talk about providing "Americans" heathcare.  when the reporter asked him about who would be covered among the 47MM people who don't have healthcare (his numbers not mine), obama made damn sure he didn't answer him directly.    he didn't distinguish illegals from Americans but instead lumped them into all Americans.  so now i'm sure the illegals from Mexico are going to flock over here now.  why not?  if this idiot gets his way, our problems in this country will continue to increase.  that is not what we need.  i just heard obama talk about what he inherited and how his "stimulus" was necessary.  haahahahhahaahahhaah!  he had the nerve to say it was working.  there is no one in the room to challenge him i guess.  the audience is the same left winged wimps that will just let him get away with lying again.  why doesn't he have real Americans in there to ask him quesions?  we know the answer to that.
  • aliy
    New Ramussen poll numbers:

    29% of people strongly approve
    35% of people strongly DISapprove
    As of 10am
    53% of people OPPOSE the health care reform bill
    and check THIS out:
    78% of people think there's a strong possibility that the new health care bill will mean more taxes for the middle class and only 56% of people believe it will raise taxes.
    That's amazing, that 44% of the country doens't know spending BILLIONS AND BILLIONS will COST something in the long run!!! I can't believe there are that many people out there like that. What do you people think, money grows on trees?! It's YOUR taxes that are going to pay for this. How stupid do you have to be to think the president can spend BILLIONS and no one's going to owe?!
  • aliy
    John Walsh a PNHP member said the following:

    "Obama rose to prominence in Chicago in part by pledging to labor and to prominent activists, like national PNHP coordinator, the wise and witty Dr. Quentin Young, once upon a time Obama’s personal physician, that he was committed to single payer. And you can be sure that Obama was thoroughly educated by Quentin Young on single-payer."


    "....Obama must be supported, because he will include a public sector, Medicare-like option for everyone in his “reform” plan. The insurers will not be able to compete, or so goes the argument, and hence they will eventually be driven from the scene."

    If that doesn't speak VOLUMES to people nothing ever will. There are no greater examples of flat out lies from this man's mouth.

    However, after Mr. Walsh goes on to explain that Obama=LIAR because when it came time to write the bill, he excluded all the PNHP people and brought in LOBBIESTS.

    He also goes on to say:

    "What a tragedy it would be if we allowed ourselves to be diverted by a deceptive Messiah at a moment of possible breakthrough."

    EVEN HIS SUPPORTERS ARE SICK OF HIS CRAP!!! Guess the PNHP is having buyers remorse for THAT vote huh?
  • aliy
    So, Obama said in an interview this week:

    "I NEVER said I was for a single payer system"

    So, I give to you, the 2003 speech where Obama says he's for a single payer system:


    Keep in mind, this from a left wing, PRO single payer system group. This is not fancy editing by conservatives. it's LIBERALS posting this.
  • aliy
    2 Blue, that question was actually for Dora but it's sooo nice to see someone actually ANSWER my question since everything I pose to Dora gets a response correcting my spelling or grammar and never actually answering anything!!! I've gotten to the point I don't usually address her directly because it's not worth it.

    Again, Thanks for actually answering!!!
  • JackieM
    2bluestarmom--i agree with your posts about healthcare!  a lot of democrats/liberals refuse to understand that passing this bill is not better than doing nothing at this point.  this bill will not achieve the goal that obama's supporters say they want.  medical professionals that have read this bill don't understand it.  therefore, it is a failure from the beginning and leaves the door open to continued corruption in the healthcare system and government.  that is what the democrats/liberals want.  the bottom line is that obama and his supporters really don't want people to have quality and affordable healthcare.  their agenda is to gain as much power as possible regardless of how much it hurts the American people.  i think the healthcare bill is just a front to get their agenda accomplished.   it is just a sad situation!  another example of their agenda is the "stimulus" bill.  no one read that one either and the idiots/obama supporters still don't get it even when jobs are continuing to be lost and the deficit is increasing.  i don't think these people will stop until our country is bankrupt.  they are not Americans and don't want to see this country prosper.  this has been proven time and time again.

    you have a very valid point about the bills not being read.  obama is an attorney by trade but should be disbarred.  there is no excuse for an attorney to not be held accountable for what he signs.  he should not be allowed to claim he didn't know about a certain part of the bill, i.e, the bonuses in the "stimulus."  no other attorney in this country would be allowed to get away with what obama has.  he should be held at a higher standard than most because of his degree just as doctors, nurses and other folks are in their fields.  of course, he is only getting away with his lies with his supporters.  we know the truth and are holding him accountable.   obama and his administration have no credibility with real Americans!  they have proven their incompetence and dishonesty over and over again!  the only good thing out of all of this is that obama has ensured that the democrats won't be able to be in power again for a very long time.  however, the bad side is that this country is being destroying and I don't know how much of it can be turned around!
  • 2bluestarmom
    And yes, we need drastic measures to change our health care system.

    But not to destroy it or America in the process!

    This  Universal/National health care legislation, is not making sense to them much less us! 

    The O has "delusions of grandeur" to the highest degree.
  • 2bluestarmom

    Garafalo has delusions of grandeur

    First off, you did not know my political posture and your mind is open.  That's refreshing!

    It's been a while since I have posted here and back then, there was no doubt.

    That being said, I am an American. I want our country to improve, but not the way Obama and left wing liberals see, improvement.

    "I also had a question for you. Garafalo was on the BBC the other day saying that the media in the US is totally right wing and there's not a single outlet for liberal news. Do you think that's true? I'm just wondering how far left you really are."

    On the contrary!

    Garafalo has delusions of grandeur and in observing these folks that exhibit this delusional behaviour,  in various forums, media outlets, newpapers etc..  they all seem to have this in common among other things.

    "Professing to be wise, they became fools"

    The mainstream media, the extremely powerful and wealthy elitist,  put O in office as did the hundreds or thousands of left wing liberal web sites.

    These folks all have a destructive agenda.  They want to completely tear down America as we knew it and so far, they have been successful, to certain degrees.  It's been a long work in progress for them, at least 40 years. 

    He was groomed, set up, positioned,  america was groomed, the world was too,  for such a day as this. 

    We conservatives handed it to them, on a silver platter.
    Our politicians handed it to them as well.
    Now, it's time to really make change!

    delusions of grandeur:

    Megalomania (from the Greek word μεγαλομανία; megalo-, meaning large, and mania) is a historical term for behavior characterized by an obsession or preoccupation with wealth, power, genius, or omnipotence—often generally termed as delusions of grandeur or grandiose delusions. Megalomania denotes an obsession with having and/or obtaining, grandiosity and extravagance (especially in the form of great fame and popularity, material wealth, social influence or political power, or more than one or even all of the aforesaid). It may be a symptom of manic or paranoid disorders.[citation needed] However it is not considered a distinct mental disorder of itself according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
    Delusions of grandeur, commonly seen in psychosis, may be seen as distinct from megalomania: a megalomaniac's overwhelming and excessive preoccupation with his or her own importance, though it may be considered pathological, is not necessarily delusional. A delusion of grandeur, if it is a true delusion, must meet the psychiatric criteria for delusion. Whereas it is possible, in the case of megalomania, for an actually important man/woman to be preoccupied with his/her own actual importance, a person suffering from delusions of grandeur would stubbornly entertain patently false, generally fantastic and often highly complex ideas of his/her own importance, often with a supernatural or science-fictional bent. A person suffering from delusions of grandeur may actually be an important figure, as in the case of the mathematician John Nash, who once rejected a prestigious academic chair on the grounds that he was due to be enthroned as the Emperor of Antarctica.[1]
  • aliy
    2 Bluestarmom:

    I have been trying to point out to everyone I know that in order to get us this "better" health care option they have already decided to CUT medicare by 13 billion dollars which equates to 60% of home health nurses OUT OF WORK. That's not creating jobs or getting "better" health care in my book.

    As for Dora, I'm getting my sources from Rasmussen which is a site a LOT of liberal media use to get poll numbers. I also read the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and a few others who totally disagree with that 60 some odd precent you're making up.

    Try looking up more than 1 source for your information and you'll find they often conflict. However, I'm using a site that MSNBC, CNN and other liberal media outlets have sung the prasies of in the past. Of course, now that it's not saying what Bush's approval rating is, maybe they think they're full of crap now, but they ALL LOVED Rasmussen when it was saying how low Bush was in approval rating.

    I also had a question for you. Garafalo was on the BBC the other day saying that the media in the US is totally right wing and there's not a single outlet for liberal news. Do you think that's true? I'm just wondering how far left you really are.
  • what's NOT UNDERSTOOD: 2009, w
    A single prove of "something's wrong with the image of identities":
    worst lib congre$$ (on history)=bho won? 
    equation:  global(libplanned)megabubble$ + org$ "authority"+ who is having personal info?, anamontes on cuba still a "law", hamas-bhoteam$, "checking points on free speach, Gitmo, zelaya..."
    + self declarations of all (war, friend&foe "dilema?",economy, security...) = drivebymedia + neolibmind programming
  • 2bluestarmom
    Ignorantia juris non excusat

    Would you sign a contract without reading it?

    Let's say in your haste to "seal the deal" you overlooked critical components that have a negative impact on ie; you, your family or your business...

    If you were to petition the Courts, who do you think the Judge will say erred?

    Yet, those who legislate, have conveniently "excluded" themselves from this rule of law

    Conn Carroll Morning Bell:

    "With the public’s trust in his handling of health care tanking (50%-44% of Americans disapprove), the White House has launched a new phase of its strategy designed to pass Obamacare: all Obama, all the time.
    As part of that effort, Obama hosted a conference call with leftist bloggers urging them to pressure Congress to pass his health plan as soon as possible.
    During the call, a blogger from Maine said he kept running into an Investors Business Daily article that claimed Section 102 of the House health legislation would outlaw private insurance. He asked: “Is this true? Will people be able to keep their insurance and will insurers be able to write new policies even though H.R. 3200 is passed?” President Obama replied: “You know, I have to say that I am not familiar with the provision you are talking about.” (quote begins at 17:10)
    This is a truly disturbing admission by the President, especially considering that later in the call, Obama promises yet again: “If you have health insurance, and you like it, and you have a doctor that you like, then you can keep it. Period.” How can Obama keep making this promise if he is not familiar with the health legislation that is being written in Congress? Details matter."

    Ignorantia juris non excusat
    "ignorance of the law excuses no one") is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because he or she was unaware of its content.

    The rationale behind the doctrine is that if ignorance were an excuse, a person charged with criminal offenses or a subject of a civil lawsuit would merely claim that he or she is unaware of the law in question to avoid liability, even though the person really does know what the law in question is. Thus, the law imputes knowledge of all laws to all persons within the jurisdiction no matter how transiently. Even though it would be impossible, even for someone with substantial legal training, to be aware of every law in operation in every aspect of a state's activities, this is the price paid to ensure that willful blindness cannot become the basis of exculpation. Thus, it is well settled that persons engaged in any undertakings outside what is common for a normal person, such as running a nuclear power plant, will make themselves aware of the laws necessary to engage in that undertaking. If they do not, they cannot complain if they incur liability.
  • 2bluestarmom
    From the NCPA website:

    "Several proposals for reform of the US health care system are currently being considered by Congress. To help you learn more about what’s in these proposals and how they might affect you, your family and friends, we have put together a variety of informational and educational materials for your use."

    Send a message to Congress:

    Join the other 603803 people who have signed this as of this posting!

  • 2bluestarmom
    As a nurse and private citizen, I am directly affected, as well, by this "universal health care" which is, complicated, confusing, fallacious legislation that O nor anyone else have completely in it's entirety, read through!

    No one can even answer a few basic, common sense questions as to what, where, why, how, how much, when.

    The exhibition by "The One" parading a couple of citizens in a press conference, (who were not "petitioned" on our behalf, that is, health professionals), as "representatives" or "our voice" from the AMA or ANA, is not indicative nor do they speak for millions of medical / health professionals.

    It's "their" opinions as "citizens", not inclusive of the majority, in fact, possibly and most likely, the minority of health care providers who are bedazzled with, O.

    It was misleading, misconstrued and deceitful!

    I am quite sure, hundreds of thousands of medical professionals, take great offense to those few, who have authoritative roles, in an organization, to "assume" they are our voice,  just as I am not the voice of all others in my profession!
  • Dora
    But hey-  why bother with facts when these pebble-brains will buy into anything.
  • Dora
    Aliy-  it would be nice if you could actually read a poll or report it accurately:

    Obama Job Approval Trends Downward in Second Quarter
    Overall 62% second-quarter average compares favorably to immediate predecessors

    PRINCETON, NJ -- Barack Obama's second quarter as U.S. president, spanning April 20-July 19, began with some of the highest approval ratings of his presidency, but these slumped a bit near the end of the quarter, including a term-low 56% approval rating in July 5-7 polling. Overall, he averaged 62% approval for the quarter.

    Six months into Barack Obama’s presidency, 54% of Americans who approve of the job he is doing cite his assiduousness in tackling the nation’s problems as their rationale. Most detractors (65%) cite policy differences -- primarily spending and industry bailouts -- as the reason they disapprove.
    If you want to be specific on policy polls or other accurate information -you are welcome to actually read something.  You can start here:

    Latest poll:
    Approve:  59%
    Disapprove:  34%
    last update: 7/21/09
  • aliy
    Obama approval rating today:

    29% of people strongly approve
    34% of people strongly dis-approve!!!

    And 37% of the people know who lives in a pineapple under the sea but have NO CLUE who lives at 1600 Pennslyvania Ave.

    Update approval rate again tomorrow!
  • aliy
    I'm IN. I would be PROUD to post here!!!  I have PLENTY of issues to talk about!!! Like, is ANYONE really going to give Acorn Thugs their personal information for a "census"?

    Do you have any idea the privacy issues involved with a census? And they want to let ACORN do it?! The group that's under federal indictment in 14 states???

    Why do liberals want to give money we're suppose to MAKE off the stimulus and big jobs like census to THEM!???? (we're not getting a dime off the stimulus yet and not likely too but they already spent the profit on ACORN!!!!)

    I heard someone say today that THIS democracy is the equivlent of putting 4 pedophiles and 1 mother in a room to decide the age of consent! SO TRUE SO TRUE!!!
  • UC, "we have a problem": I'm o
    let's say it this way, as Gleen's Stew would say:
    I live on a "fangorn forest coyoteland protected by $aruman$ the trator", I even got a comunist terrorist farc gerrilla stealing my ID for more than a year... and a gov labor agency cutting my unemployment (forever, I just tryed and same frak), having me on a "program" for months and making fun on my face for no jobs... for nobody...
    I have (war on terror ideas) fought many wars and (abstractly) sleight many men (on neolibland-u$$rus II c$ar$ replacing deities ba$e$hip$ blowing ups the face of the face of the Earth), but as on last night Truelies... they where all bad... literaly
    I confess the "deep blue" "beautyfull water of 2012themovie over Himalayas just made me meditate on how would I'm willing to wait (as any meat eating creature, too...) for the return of Jesus, in peace with the American dream as the direction, as all over the Earth? ...
    or on a global cuba?"...
  • OF COURSE can't understand wit
    p.d.: how did you like last night Jupiter 2nd in 2 decades 2012 size of impacts?
    and killing abortion survivors, by comunist, socialist who castros, ayatolas, zelayas...etc. accept o rather (than BUSH kind of administrations)? specially on HEALTH, prosperity, Liberty, economy, WAR ON TERROR, recognizing who the enemy is, and any single main direction stand and views of Bush... (who had also 8 EYER$ OF ACORN, ACLU, DRIVEBYMEDIA, ENEMY "DREAMED GOV AGENTS" ON BANKS, LABOR, BORDERS, PENSIONS, EDUCATION, ANAMONTES ETC... "LAWS" ("castro is not terrorists, nor whomever he accepts or rather, or neutrals on cuba gov)...
    Romney-Palin12 (Palin-Romney, I don't care)
  • RightSideofTexas
    I haven't been reading your website for very long, but I will catch up today and tomorrow. Look for my email.
  • we were all phetus mermaids
    phetuses have at the beggining some kind of "fish tail" instead legs yet...
    doesn't that make killing abortion survivors an "other life problem" we don't need to explore if 2012 "asteroid mega tsunamies" are true, even if Earth is able to shoot at it with nukes as so far to change what is needing to be changed, at the wright direction, when is needed?
    yes UC, you want some conservative bloggers, live?
    yes, we are around and plugged on...
    and we are diferent than neolibs...
    thanks to OUR GOD Master Plan... you know, "he has worst enemies than just ussrczar$,chave$e$"...
    aaaand, I have more agents to denounce, you know, following up me proving they can easily know on my denounces but their programming does them always do the Saddam "thing" (remmember during trail) when a brother of a "conspirator" executed under Saddam acused him and Saddam just laugh as usual, and like a sandinist asked back: "was I there?, did I shot?, you saw me?", after laughing, ordered the judge (new gov) to as a neolib on castro terror, to just close case, suggesting to "trial back the dead's brother, you know, as usual, a... SYSTEM...
    How do you like this blogging UC?
  • JackieM
    Yeah, keeping lying to yourself, Joanne!  Liberals live in their own worlds and prefer to keep the truth away!  There are too many conservatives to count and obama is losing support from the very people who voted for him!
  • Jr Accountant
    Hey Joanne,

    If you don't need it, why are you here?
  • joanne hart
    we don;t  need your bs conservative rhetoric....haha, There arent any more conservatives around anymore.
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