China Earthquake: Please consider donating to the Red Cross Fund

May 20th, 2008 Urban Conservative

C’mon people; let’s put our money where our mouth is and donate to the China Earthquake Relief Fund.  For a community that already doesn’t have a lot, they lost everything. It’s the least we can do.

On May 12, a powerful earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale struck Sichuan province in southwestern China, killing thousands of people. The American Red Cross is working with its partners in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, including the Red Cross Society of China, and other partners to assist those affected by this disaster. Donate here.

See China Earthquake Photos below (maybe these will inspire you to give): 

China Quake

Bodies are seen after they were pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building in Dujiangyan, in China’s southwest Sichuan province Wednesday May. 14, 2008. The official death toll from Monday’s earthquake reached almost 15,000 Wednesday, with many thousands more missing.


Earthquake survivors sleep at a temporary shelter in Beichuan County, Sichuan Province, China


A relative wipes Zhang Jiachi’s tears, who lost both his arms after his school collapsed in Shifang following Monday’s quake, at a hospital in Deyang in Sichuan province, China

A young earthquake survivor sleeps as her mother looks on at a hospital in Deyang following Monday’s powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Sichuan province, China


Zhang Jiachi, who lost both his arms after his school collapsed in Shifang following Monday’s quake, receives medical treatment at a hospital in Deyang, Sichuan province, China


A father rests beside his daughter, who survived Monday’s earthquake after her school collapsed in Hanwang, at a hospital in Deyang, Sichuan province, China


In this photo released by China’s Xinhua News Agency, one-year-old baby is fed with milk by medical workers in the quake-stricken Deyang City, southwest China’s Sichuan Province Wednesday, May 14, 2008. The baby and her grandmother Jiang Yijun were finally rescued after a hard living under the ruins for three days since the mass earthquake on May 12

A soldier carries a child by boat from Yingxiu to the Zipingpu Dam as roads are still inaccessible near Dujiangyan, southwestern China’s Sichuan province, Thursday, May 15, 2008. China warned the death toll from this week’s earthquake could soar to 50,000, while the government issued a rare public appeal Thursday for rescue equipment as it struggled to cope with the disaster.

Rescuers carry out the body of a boy from the debris of a collapsed middle school in Beichuan county in southwest China’s Sichuan province Thursday May 15, 2008.

In this photo released by China’s Xinhua News Agency, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, left, comforts earthquake survivors in Muyu Township, Qingchuan County, southwest China’s Sichuan Province on Thursday, May 15, 2008.

Tags: Beichuan county, Mianyang city, Sichuan province, China Earthquake, photos, images, pictures

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  • lolly
    so sad!!
  • jane dough
    so are the spelling errors in your post.
  • a
    Well very sad to see there condition but it is a common site.
  • kate
    Sad, so sad. :(  
    An efective article
  • J
    what are we talkin about here? i may not know much about taxes but dont the rick and that 5.56mm guy be feeling sry 4 the people who suffered in the sichuan earthquake. we know millions died but what about the families of the dead, would you two guys noe? what if you were a relative, would you like someone to go on talking bout "taxes"! what the hell....
    by the way uc is great
  • L
    i feel that you are all being extremely side-tracked from the real problem that this conversation started with: the people in china effected by the earthquake.
    I do agree though, you cannot blame the injured of their governments mistakes
  • Peter Johnston
    Please help funds like these and ours, I am one of a small group heading up the Queensland Business - China Earthquake Appeal please help raise awareness for appeals like this one and ours!!! 100% of donations go directly through red cross to Sichuan Provence. Go to and donate or support us by raising awareness!

  • Heathenhater
    The test of our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those who have much. It is whether we provide enough to those who have little.
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • 5.56mm
    Heathenhater, what? It appears you're the dumb one destined to remain irrelevant. The upper class already pay an exorbitant amount in taxes. A very small (single digit) percentage of Americans pay the vast majority of the tax burden. You don't think there's an assault on the middle-class ... just wait until the "tax breaks for the wealthiest American's" expire, we're about to see the largest tax increase on the middle-class in a generation.

    Add to that the many other forms of ridiculous taxation that are on the horizon ... personal carbon tax ... it's coming ...
  • Heathenhater
    okay rick you're dumb. The only reason you would have to pay more in taxes than you do now is if you are in the upper class. Therefore, if you are in the upper class, you need not worry about your money. Because, then you could give money and have enough for the "tax burden" placed on you.
  • Guest
    good point Rick; and I hear you about the taxes to come regardless of who becomes the next president.

    My take is that you can't blame the innocent people in China for their government's wrongdoings.
  • Rick
    I don't think so UC. At the risk of sounding apathetic to the plight of these Chinese children, I am going to withhold my dollars to pay the taxes that are sure to follow an Obama presidency.
    Besides, China devalues its currency to flood our markets, pollutes worse than any other country on earth (visit Beijing in May), and is repeatedly guilty of human atrocities...humanity aside, why should we throw support toward this nation?
    Without question, I donate a considerable amount of my active duty military pay to the Combined Federal Campaign and the Air Force Assistance Fund and have always felt doing so came without reservation.
    I compare the current situation in China with the recent events in New Orleans...did China offer to help? Did we receive an outpouring of support from the 2 BILLION people in that country?
    Don't mean to offend anyone thots
  • American Interests
    Good posting UC, really good ....
  • Heathenhater
    Great Post UC,

    My family has already contributed, and I plan to contribute singularly as well.

    Great message.

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