Profiling is fine when Biden’s doing it

July 29th, 2009 Aliy N

A July 28, 2023 Article on the CNN website covers the new Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) bill, mysteriously introduced by Joe Biden Tuesday which will contribute $1 Billion dollars from the stimulus to putting more police on the streets in the most needed areas.

This is a great, necessary program, if this was part of the stimulus why are we only hearing about it now? Like, now that there’s a controversy between a black man and a white police officer?

In the article Philadelphia ALONE is getting 20 million. Do you know where those forces are going to be (for lack of a better word) deployed? They will be in Point Breeze, North Central, and other poverty stricken, high crime areas. We all know there is more crime in a poverty stricken area, however, the demographics of these particular areas are black, Puerto Rican, and Dominican. Is THIS profiling? Isn’t this what Obama, Gates the NAACP and Colin Powell (yes, he’s making comments about how the police should have acted better too!!!) went nutty about last week?

They think this is a bandaid. Mr. Biden was just used as a pawn in the presidents game. The president can fund profiling without coming out and saying he’s funding profiling, I can see it now..”No, I didn’t do that JOE did” Obama saves face with the NAACP and the high crime profiled areas get extra police. Sounds like a win-win to me, until you realize all he did was throw money at a problem with hopes that make it go away.

Rating: 2.3/5 (16 votes cast)

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  • Dora
    Is there really an imposter? Or are you just a drama queen calling attention to yourself? I think you need to grow up.
  • Dora
    I don't know who posted the drama queen statement. Easy enough for UC or someone to look up the poster to find that I did not. Aliy- you are far to quick to assign things to me that I have not said.
  • aliy
    More insults huh? Nasty old Dora. Yes, there was an imposter until UC got this GREAT new sign in thing going. I actually had to open a web page with nothing on it to try and seperate myself from the Anti-aliy, but I'm glad she's gone.

    And I don't know if I should be insulted by that "drama queen" comment or proud of it. I'm torn. Somehow being called names by you is just not insulting as much as it is amusing.
  • AckAck
    I have to admit, it was something else to watch former President Bill Clinton come home on that plane with those two journalists. Watching him and Vice President Al Gore stand there in the middle of this national humanitarian victory was nostalgic. It was like the grown ups finally showed up and got something done. Al has seemed to have lost one hundred pounds and for me watching those two together brought a smile to my Republican leaning face. I have NEVER been a Clinton - Gore fan and I can't help wonder what really prompted this to happen.

    The old glory days came to the forefront of my mind. Those two were one hell of a team to compete against in the arena of ideas. Later, I started thinking about how different things are now. Watching President Obama flare about aimlessly and getting almost nothing done, is something else. Watching our new president governing so far from the left, made me realize how centrist the Clinton Administration was. The gravitas comparability between the two democratic administrations is profound. The Clinton Administration towers above this child-like nonsense we are witnessing today. I know the Clinton's see what's wrong with this administration, as well as most of the people in this country, why is it being allowed to continue down the same old path?

    Watching President Obama turn over all of his agenda to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed is embarrassing for me as an American. Seeing him avoid making decisions and appointing czars in almost every area of his responsibility makes me sick! The man just is not a good leader and I don’t care how well he reads a teleprompter. It just seems he has no idea what he is doing. For me, he seems so fake. I just have a hard time believing anything this guy says. People are asking, do you support Obama’s Healthcare plan? I stand there asking out loud, “What frekin plan?” The man has just laid out a couple of things he wants and has left the entire bill to be shaped by his dysfunctional Congress. Who could support some diaphanous figment of Congress’s imagination?

    This lack of leadership from Obama has a rippling effect in the pond of approval ratings. The man doesn’t seem to be up to the job. It’s like some reality White House show, where everyone can just see he cares too much about people liking him. The whole thing is sciolistic. To make things worse, the Republican vacuum in leadership is just as alarming. This is a perfect time to wipe the floor with the Democrats and instead they can’t even give Obama credit for the things he has done right. It makes them look so petty and incapable of playing in the political sandbox properly.

    To watch John R. Bolton try to put some negative spin on our journalists getting rescued, reeks of effete leadership. It is also embarrassing and the timing couldn’t be worse. I can’t help but remember that Hilary was cleaning his clock after the Reverend Wright thing came out and how she ran out of time to catch his lead. After we all found out what kind of Church he sat in for twenty years, he barely won a state. It was just too late for her to catch his early lead.

    I think we would have been way better off with her and her husband in the White House, instead of this radical thing we have now. All and all, congratulations to Bill and Al. It is nice to see the grown ups step in for those two woman. Locked up in a North Korean prison is no joke and anyone who brings some negative energy to this humanitarian victory better stay away from me.
  • JackieM
    I would cringe at the idea of the Clinton's being in the Whitehouse again but anything is better than obama! At least I would be able to sleep at night! I think Bill Clinton did a great thing by helping to free the journalists! He also does a great job in his charity work. Now how many liberals/democrats would say what we did about the opposition? There ya go...........................
  • AckAck
    Jackie, I would never vote for ademocrat again, even the Clinton's. My real question with the post was "I wonder what kind of deals were made with North Korea?" What kind of under the table things we are going to give North Korea? I am sure when they grabbed the two girls, they knew what they had. Now, this question, WHY JUST GRAB TWO PEOPLE AND LOCK THEM UP? Aparently they were legal in being there, no matter the reason. Let's watch in the upcoming weeks to see what happens with North Korea.
  • aliy
    Dora, Not that I really care what you think of me but come ON, have I EVER posted ANYTHING like the drivel coming from whomever that is? I actually take these issues seriously, you should at least know THAT about me. I don't know who the imposter is but they are just making a complete fool of themselves (and trying to make me look like one too)

    Really, you think I'm stupid, (as you've told me MANY times) but have I EVER on this site not at least TRIED to make a real point? You HAVE to know that's not me. You're suppose to be smart, use all that smart to figure out who the real "dumb" aliy is (as you've affectionatly called me recently) and who the fake instigator is.
  • JackieM
    B2B--then you have the idiots like dora who try to defend him!  LOL!
  • Back2Basics
    Jackie, it is sad enough to see someone so stupid as to stand up and spout the untrue things Obama does.  It is even sader that idiots sit around and really believe his rhetoric!  Yes, I saw it...
  • JackieM
    only criminals can keep a straight face while lying to someone.  well, i guess actors can too!  so wonder how many acting lessons this crook has had!  hmmmmmmm!  it probably comes naturally!
  • JackieM
    B2B--I guess the most ridiculous part is that obama staged his healthcare townhall with idiots who support him.  these  people were screened.  the democrats/liberals will lie and cover up anything and everything to suit them.  it is just sad.

    did you see the clip of obama and his townhall in Elkhart?  it was abiggest joke!  he is a fool!  he discussed how these are hard times and everyone will sacrifice, etc.  well, everyone but obama and his elite mob will suffer.  he left out that part.  he left out the fact that while people are suffering and unemployment is high, he and his idiot wife are living in up in the lap of luxury enjoying their date nights and blowing a huge amount of taxpayer dollars all for his enjoyment.  what hypocrisy!  he is a crook!
  • back2basics
    Sorry for the long post.  But, there is some good reading in there for consrevatives.

    Dora, I do not believe you are the imposter...  I don't think you have enough common sense to be Aliy!  What I really think is - THE IMPOSTER IS A PIECE OF SHIT.  And dora, I rate you just a tad above that.
  • back2basics
    ***Media Research Center CyberAlert***
                        Wednesday August 05, 2023 @ 10:28 AM EDT
                        Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996

    > ABC: Town Hall Wrath at ObamaCare 'Appears to Be Orchestrated'
    > Matthews Joins Barbara Boxer in Dismissing Brooks Brothers Protestors
    > CBS Touts 'Cash for Clunkers' As 'Great for the Environment'
    > Frank Rich Calls Out GOP for Racism, Dishonestly Links Sarah Palin to 'Birther' Brigade
    > Flashback: 35% of Democrats Think Bush Knew of 9/11 Attacks in Advance

    #### A daily compilation edited by Brent H. Baker, CyberAlert items are drawn from daily BiasAlert posts and distributed by the Media Research Center's News Analysis Division, the leader since 1987 in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias. Visit the MRC on the Web:
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    To read BiasAlert posts online: ####

    1) ABC framed its Tuesday night story, on citizens using town hall forums held by Members of Congress to express opposition to ObamaCare, around undermining their credibility by asserting the reaction "appears to be orchestrated" and "organized" and thus is forcing the victimized "White House to push back" by "fighting Internet fire with fire." After anchor Charles Gibson insisted "some of that criticism appears to be orchestrated, causing the White House to push back," reporter Jake Tapper showed some instances of "people protesting health care reform with visceral anger" and relayed how "Texas Democrat Lloyd Doggett, who was shouted down before he could even speak, says there's nothing authentic about these protests." Tapper corroborated: "Clearly, some of it is organized." He cited how "Bob MacGuffie, a grass roots conservative activist wrote a widely circulated memo advising others at town hall meetings to put the Congressman quote, 'on the defensive with your questions and follow up.'"

    2) Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's, "Hardball" invited on California Senator Barbara Boxer to dismiss the increasing number of townhall protestors opposed to Obama's liberal agenda as the "angry, and "noisy," "well-dressed middle-class people in pinks and limes...Brooks Brothers Brigade." After playing brief clips of the townhall meetings Matthews devoted the first half of his show to knocking down their legitimacy, something Boxer actually instructed Matthews to do, as she urged the MSNBC host: "You, you in the media have to take a look at what's going on here. This is all planned. It's to hurt our president and it's to change the Congress." To which Matthews suggested the grassroots revolt should be ignored, as he depicted the protestors as stooges of the health care industry.

    3) After depicting the 'Cash for Clunkers' car buying program as a "runaway success" on Friday, on Tuesday's Early Show, correspondent Nancy Cordes argued: "The Department of Transportation says the program has been great for the environment. 80% of the clunkers have been pickups or SUVs, traded in for new cars with an average mileage nearly 10 miles per gallon higher." Following that declaration Cordes cited car salesman Mario Sosnowski, who praised the program: "Starting from 8:00, 9:00 in the morning, we're here till – till midnight every day because of the program, because of the excitement." At the top of the show, co-host Julie Chen depicted Republican opposition to increased funding for 'Cash for Clunkers' as a desire to "put the popular program on the scrap heap." Following Cordes' report, co-host Maggie Rodriguez asked South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint about his objections: "We now see this morning that this program is, in fact, getting more fuel-efficient vehicles on the road. It's getting people to spend money. So do you still believe, as you have said in recent days, that this is quote 'a great example of the stupidity coming out of Washington'?"

    4) Sarah Palin's a Birther? Frank Rich evidently wants us to think so: "Obama's election, far from alleviating paranoia in the white fringe, has only compounded it. There is no purer expression of this animus than to claim that Obama is literally not an American -- or, as Sarah Palin would have it, not a 'real American.'" In Frank Rich's Sunday New York Times column, "Small Beer, Big Hangover," Rich drained the last dregs out of the White House beer summit, involving the president, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, and Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley, but not before using it to launch his grand unified field theory of the re-emergence of racism among conservatives in the wake of Obama's victory.

    5) Certain MSNBC hosts have been fixated over using the "birthers" to discredit conservatives, highlighting a poll commissioned by the far-left Daily Kos site which found a majority of Republicans (58 percent) either believe Barack Obama wasn't born in the U.S. (28 percent) or are not sure he was (30 percent). Chris Matthews led Friday's Hardball with the beliefs of the GOP's "lunatic fringe" and "wack jobs," but where was MSNBC two years ago ranting about the Democratic Party's "lunatic fringe" and "wack jobs" when a survey discovered a bigger majority of Democrats (61 percent) think or are not sure if President George W. Bush knew in advance of the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

    > 1) ABC framed its Tuesday night story, on citizens using town hall forums held by Members of Congress to express opposition to ObamaCare, around undermining their credibility by asserting the reaction “appears to be orchestrated” and “organized” and thus is forcing the victimized “White House to push back” by “fighting Internet fire with fire.”
    After anchor Charles Gibson insisted “some of that criticism appears to be orchestrated, causing the White House to push back,” reporter Jake Tapper showed some instances of “people protesting health care reform with visceral anger” and relayed how “Texas Democrat Lloyd Doggett, who was shouted down before he could even speak, says there's nothing authentic about these protests.” Doggett charged: “This notion of a grassroots campaign is totally and completely phony. The Republican Party has coordinated this apparent outrage and stirred it up.” Tapper corroborated: “Clearly, some of it is organized.” He cited how “Bob MacGuffie, a grass roots conservative activist wrote a widely circulated memo advising others at town hall meetings to put the Congressman quote, 'on the defensive with your questions and follow up.'”

    Tapper did note that “one official from FreedomWorks, which is run by corporate lobbyist and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, says his group is organizing, but he says Washington ignores those real people with real emotions at their own peril.”And Tapper played video of himself at the White House briefing challenging Press Secretary Robert Gibbs: “How is their organizing and getting people to come to town hall meetings to express their feelings any different from a liberal group doing the same thing?”

    Tapper, however, concluded by returning to the theme of a White House battling against  unfair attacks: “The White House is fighting Internet fire with fire. They've launched their own Web video in which they refute a lot of the claims being made about health care reform and say, to voters, please send us any claims that you find quote, 'fishy.'”

    That would be a video on (, about “disinformation” against Obama's efforts, narrated by Linda Douglass (, Communications Director for the White House’s Health Reform Office -- and until just over three years ago a Washington correspondent for ABC News.

    Douglass is one of the twelve listed in the July 29 posting: “Revolving Door from Journalism to Team Obama Now Up to a Dozen (” Make that thirteen now (

    Nothing against MacGuffie (, but he's hardly a major national force able to single-handedly propel thousands of people to attend these town hall sessions with Congressmen and Senators around the country. He's a founder of a small group in Connecticut called (

    My Monday night item, “CBS Notices 'Voices of Protest' Against 'What They Call Government-Run Health Care (,'” recounted:

    Monday's CBS Evening News, unlike the ABC and NBC evening newscasts, found time for a story on protesters, against liberal Democratic health plans, who confronted members of Congress at forums over the weekend, though reporter Wyatt Andrews felt the need to insert “scare” quotes as he referred to “demonstrators against what they called 'government-run health care'” and “what they call 'Obama-care.'”

    The story on the Tuesday, August 4 World News on ABC:

    CHARLES GIBSON: Members of the House of Representatives are already back in their districts on summer recess, most holding town hall meetings to find out what's on the voters' minds, and what they're hearing is criticism over health care reform. And some of that criticism appears to be orchestrated, causing the White House to push back. Here's Jake Tapper. JAKE TAPPER: At a town hall meeting today, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer got an earful. [Man in YouTube video: “You're lying to me.”] It was just the latest such episode of people protesting health care reform with visceral anger, such as the not quite brotherly love in Philadelphia over the weekend.

    WOMAN AT EVEN WITH ARLEN SPECTER AND KATHLEEN SEBELIUS: You want us to believe that a government that can't even run a "cash for clunkers" program is going to run one-seventh of our U.S. economy. No.

    TAPPER: One Maryland Democrat was hanged in effigy. But Texas Democrat Lloyd Doggett, who was shouted down before he could even speak [crowd: “Just say no!”] says there's nothing authentic about these protests.

    CONGRESSMAN LLOYD DOGGETT (D): This notion of a grassroots campaign is totally and completely phony. The Republican Party has coordinated this apparent outrage and stirred it up.

    TAPPER: Clearly, some of it is organized. Bob MacGuffie, a grass roots conservative activist wrote a widely circulated memo advising others at town hall meetings to put the Congressman quote, “on the defensive with your questions and follow up.” The Congressman “should be made to feel that a majority, and if not, a significant portion of at least the audience, opposes the socialist agenda of Washington. The goal is to rattle him. Get him off his prepared script and agenda.”

    BOB MacGUFFIE, GRASS ROOTS CONSERVATIVE ACTIVIST: They need to hear the people's voice. That's what a democracy's about.

    TAPPER: One official from FreedomWorks, which is run by corporate lobbyist and former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, says his group is organizing, but he says Washington ignores those real people with real emotions at their own peril.

    MAX PAPPAS, VP PUBLIC POLICY, FREEDOMWORKS: Those inside the beltway need to know that you can't fake that kind of outrage outside the beltway.

    TAPPER TO ROBERT GIBBS: How is their organizing and getting people to come to town hall meetings to express their feelings any different from a liberal group doing the same thing?

    WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY ROBERT GIBBS: I think what you've seen is they have, they've bragged about manufacturing to some-

    TAPPER: Charlie, this is just one area where the White House is aggressively pushing back. All those town hall meetings are on YouTube, and now the White House is fighting Internet fire with fire. They've launched their own Web video in which they refute a lot of the claims being made about health care reform and say, to voters, please send us any claims that you find quote, “fishy.”

    — Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center

    > 2)
    (Video Link:
    Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, invited on California Senator Barbara Boxer to dismiss the increasing number of townhall protestors opposed to Obama's liberal agenda as the "angry, and "noisy," "well-dressed middle-class people in pinks and limes...Brooks Brothers Brigade." After playing brief clips from the townhall protests Matthews devoted the first half of his show to knocking down their legitimacy, something Boxer actually instructed Matthews to do, as she urged the MSNBC host: "You, you in the media have to take a look at what's going on here. This is all planned. It's to hurt our president and it's to change the Congress." To which Matthews suggested the grassroots revolt should be ignored, as he depicted the protestors as stooges of the health care industry.

    MATTHEWS: Do you think the health insurance companies that have made money for years on health care are the bad guys here? Do you think they're behind these so-called Astroturf demonstrations? That they're not really grassroots. These Brooks Brothers attacks on these congressional meetings?

    Before the Boxer interview, Matthews invited on the Politico's Jeanne Cummings who also pooh-poohed the demonstrators:

    JEANNE CUMMINGS, POLITICO: Well they're conservatives who are being organized by several different Republican organizations. One of them is an organization committed to defeat health care. They're running, on their site, every list of townhall meetings they can find and encouraging people to show up. The Republican House committee is also urging and organizing people to go out to these townhall meetings and basically create a fuss that can then be, go viral on the Web and make it appear as if though there is a great deal of opposition to the President's plan. The problem is at some of these townhall meetings they've been outnumbered by citizens who would actually like to discuss the issue in a more civilized way and they shouted those folks down.

    Matthews responded by playing the class warfare card, as he seemed offended that those in the middle-class would dare to fight to protect what they’ve worked hard for, as he railed: "Wow!...It's not usual to see the middle-class in up arms, but these people look pretty well-off. They don't look like rich people but they certainly are not poor people demanding health care. Apparently they have what they want, they don't want it touched."

    The following intro and exchanges were aired on the August 4, edition of Hardball:

    CHRIS MATTHEWS: The roar of the crowd! Let's play Hardball! Good evening I'm Chris Matthews in Washington. Leading off tonight, health menace! Those angry, noisy, shout ‘em down protests at congressional townhalls are getting to be a lot more about things than health care. They are about those who are not rooting for the health of this president and his future. They are about a deep political and cultural divide in this country.

    (Clip of protestors chanting, "Silent No More!")


    MATTHEWS: But first are the protests at those townhall meetings the product of real grassroots rage and resentment over big government and health care reform or are they being orchestrated by the right? White House press secretary Robert Gibbs was skeptical about the grassroots nature of the angry mobs. Here's what he had to say.

    (Begin clip)

    ROBERT GIBBS: I also have no doubt that there are groups that are, have spread out people across the country to go to those things and to specifically generate videos that can be posted on Internet sites so that people can watch what's happening in America.

    (End clip)

    MATTHEWS: What's happening in America is right now. Chris Cillizza is with the and Jeanne Cummings is with the Politico. Jeanne I want you to go first. If you had to explain American politics on August 4th 19, well 20 -- I keep getting that wrong – 20, 2009, what would you say is going on in all these crazy meetings? We're gonna show some of this B-roll of these meetings in Long Island and Texas and Pennsylvania. Everywhere a congressperson holds a meeting, apparently, these people show up. Well-dressed, middle-class people in pinks and limes if you will. Who are they? They've been called the Brooks Brothers Brigade. Who are these people?

    JEANNE CUMMINGS, POLITICO: Well they're conservatives who are being organized by several different Republican organizations. One of them is an organization committed to defeat health care. They're running, on their site, every list of townhall meetings they can find and encouraging people to show up. The Republican House committee is also urging and organizing people to go out to these townhall meetings and basically create a fuss that can then be, go viral on the Web and make it appear as if though there is a great deal of opposition to the President's plan. The problem is at some of these townhall meetings they've been outnumbered by citizens who would actually like to discuss the issue in a more civilized way and they shouted those folks down.

    MATTHEWS: Wow! Let me go to Chris Cillizza. Your thoughts. It's not usual to see the middle-class in up arms, but these people look pretty well-off. They don't look like rich people but they certainly are not poor people demanding health care. Apparently they have what they want, they don't want it touched.

    CHRIS CILLIZZA, WASHINGTONPOST.COM: Well you know Chris, to Jeanne's point, I think she's right. I'm always skeptical of turning an anecdote into a broader conclusion, which is that there's clearly an element of people whether they're organized or not organized who are not happy with this plan. If you look at national polling and lots of it has been done in the last few weeks support for the President's plan has waned a bit. That said, you know, as someone who writes a blog for a living, I'm all in favor of civil as opposed to uncivil discourse. So I think more is likely to get done by listening to one another, rather than shouting one another down.


    SEN. BARBARA BOXER: So all of this is a diversion by the people who want to, frankly, hurt President Obama. You've heard the Republican Senator Jim DeMint say it.

    MATTHEWS: Yeah.

    BOXER: "Let's make this Obama's Waterloo. Let's break him." That's what this is about. And by the way I saw some of the clips of people storming these townhall meetings. The last time I saw well-dressed people doing this, was when Al Gore asked me to go down to Florida when they were recounting the ballots, and I was confronted with the same type of people. They were there screaming and yelling, "Go back to California! Get out of here!" and all the rest of it, until I finally looked at them and I said, "You know what? Your hero Ronald Reagan is from California, you should show a little respect." And then they quieted down.

    So this, this is just all organized. Just go up on the Web site Chris. You, you in the media have to take a look at what's going on here. This is all planned. It's to hurt our president and it's to change the Congress. It's, and you know what? We went to the White House today, we heard President Obama. It was wonderful to hear him. He's so calm and cool about this. He says we gotta be tougher, we gotta be stronger, we have the truth on our side on these issues. We'll just get out there and present those facts to the American people and let them choose between people who are screaming and those of us who are trying to explain how we can really help our families afford medical care in this great nation of ours.

    MATTHEWS: Do you think the health insurance companies that have made money for years on health care are the bad guys here? Do you think they're behind these so-called Astroturf demonstrations? That they're not really grassroots. These Brooks Brothers attacks on these congressional meetings?

    BOXER: I think it’s a combination of things. I think it is definitely is the right-wing in this country trying to hurt this president and hurt this Congress. They’re out there playing politics with it. And I have to believe the insurance companies. They have the most to lose. These CEOs, they’ve been having a ball. Every year, $20 million in a salary. Do you know how many families could have had, you know, health insurance for that? It’s, it’s really a shame. We pay twice as much as any other country for health care. Do you know where we are in infant mortality Chris? 29 out of the 30 industrialized nations. And on life expectancy 24 out of 30.

    We can do better and we will do better. We have to have the courage to face those crowds to make the point that what we’re trying to do is what is really what the American people want us to do, what they voted for. Bring change and make their lives more secure by ensuring that their health insurance will be there when they need it and it will be affordable. That’s what we’re trying to do.

    MATTHEWS: Okay thank you so much for joining us tonight, Senator Barbara Boxer of California.

    —Geoffrey Dickens is the senior news analyst at the Media Research Center.

    > 3) After depicting the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ car buying program as a "runaway success" ( on Friday, on Tuesday’s Early Show, correspondent Nancy Cordes argued: "The Department of Transportation says the program has been great for the environment. 80% of the clunkers have been pickups or SUVs, traded in for new cars with an average mileage nearly 10 miles per gallon higher."

    Following that declaration Cordes cited car salesman Mario Sosnowski, who praised the program: "Starting from 8:00, 9:00 in the morning, we’re here till – till midnight every day because of the program, because of the excitement."

    At the top of the show, co-host Julie Chen depicted Republican opposition to increased funding for ‘Cash for Clunkers’ as a desire to "put the popular program on the scrap heap." Following Cordes’ report, co-host Maggie Rodriguez asked South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint about his objections: "We now see this morning that this program is, in fact, getting more fuel-efficient vehicles on the road. It’s getting people to spend money. So do you still believe, as you have said in recent days, that this is quote ‘a great example of the stupidity coming out of Washington’?"

    DeMint defended GOP opposition, explaining:

    Well, this is another program that was rushed through without even reading the bill language....And the dealers tell me it’s been so mismanaged they have no idea when and if they’re going to get their money....The problem here is instead of across the board tax cuts that would have the same effect on our whole economy, the federal government is trying to run a particular business by targeting just the auto industry here with this bill....This is just an out-of-control government at the federal level right now, and we need to stop and see what we’ve done. And it just doesn’t make any sense to keep rushing through bills, borrowing money from our children, and then saying, ‘shazam, we’ve sold some cars.’

    Rodriguez then turned to the topic of the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, attempting to portray the liberal judge as a moderate and Republican opposition to her appointment as unfounded: "I’ve been reading up on some of your objections to her nomination, and you cite concerns over whether she will uphold the Second Amendment, yet she is supported by a senator who has a perfect rating with the National Rifle Association. You say that she’s pro-abortion, but even Rush Limbaugh, I remember back in June, said that her record on abortion is not clear. What is your biggest objection to her nomination?...Do you think that her record has been a record of an activist?"

    DeMint responded: "...she’s been evasive on a lot of questions....She seems more founded in precedent than in upholding the Constitution....she has not been consistent in her comments and seemed very evasive with me in the individual meeting that I had with her."

    Here is a full transcript of the segment:

    7:00AM TEASE:

    JULIE CHEN: Has ‘Cash for Clunkers’ finally hit a roadblock? We’ll talk to one senator who wants to put the popular program on the scrap heap?

    7:05AM SEGMENT:

    MAGGIE RODRIGUEZ: Now to the fate of the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program. Automakers say it’s been great for them, but some lawmakers say not so fast. CBS News transportation correspondent Nancy Cordes is in Washington with the latest this morning. Good morning, Nancy.

    NANCY CORDES: Good morning, Maggie. That’s right. Senators who oppose ‘Cash for Clunkers’ want to get the chance to debate this before they vote on it. $2 Billion, after all, isn’t chump change. With the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program running on financial fumes and only four days left until a four-week recess, Democratic senators are urging their colleagues to vote to grant the program another $2 billion.

    CHARLES SCHUMER: Bottom line is, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. It’s working in every way. What we need to do here is not put on the brakes, but step on the gas.

    CORDES: The White House says without an immediate injection of funds, ‘Cash for Clunkers’ could be scrapped any day now.

    ROBERT GIBBS: If it doesn’t happen this week, it’s unlikely that we’ll make it to the weekend with a program that – that can continue.

    CORDES: The Department of Transportation says the program has been great for the environment. 80% of the clunkers have been pickups or SUVs, traded in for new cars with an average mileage nearly 10 miles per gallon higher.

    MARIO SOSNOWSKI [CAR SALESMAN, GOLF MILL FORD]: Starting from 8:00, 9:00 in the morning, we’re here till – till midnight every day because of the program, because of the excitement.

    CORDES: Congressional aides say a deal is in the works to hold a vote on more funding for ‘Cash for Clunkers’ as early as tomorrow or Thursday. 60 Senators would need to vote yes in order for the program to keep going, Maggie.

    MAGGIE RODRIGUEZ: Nancy Cordes. Thank you, Nancy. We know one senator who will be voting no. Republican Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina has been an outspoken opponent of the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program, and he joins us now from Washington. Good morning, Senator.

    JIM DEMINT: Good morning.

    RODRIGUEZ: We now see this morning that this program is, in fact, getting more fuel-efficient vehicles on the road. It’s getting people to spend money. So do you still believe, as you have said in recent days, that this is quote ‘a great example of the stupidity coming out of Washington’?

    DEMINT: Well, this is another program that was rushed through without even reading the bill language. It was actually attached to an emergency war supplemental bill. And the dealers tell me it’s been so mismanaged they have no idea when and if they’re going to get their money. If we give away free money, people will buy cars. But what about appliances and heat pumps and TVs? The problem here is instead of across the board tax cuts that would have the same effect on our whole economy, the federal government is trying to run a particular business by targeting just the auto industry here with this bill. That’s not what the federal government is all about. And for us to rush through $1 billion and then say, ‘well, we don’t know exactly what happened, but it’s out of money after one week, so let’s have two more billion dollars.’ This is just an out-of-control government at the federal level right now, and we need to stop and see what we’ve done. And it just doesn’t make any sense to keep rushing through bills, borrowing money from our children, and then saying, ‘shazam, we’ve sold some cars.’

    RODRIGUEZ: I also want to ask you about the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, which you will begin debating today. I’ve been reading up on some of your objections to her nomination, and you cite concerns over whether she will uphold the Second Amendment, yet she is supported by a senator who has a perfect rating with the National Rifle Association. You say that she’s pro-abortion, but even Rush Limbaugh, I remember back in June, said that her record on abortion is not clear. What is your biggest objection to her nomination?

    DEMINT: Well, she’s – she’s been evasive on a lot of questions. I met with her privately. I asked her some fairly simple questions about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. She seems more founded in precedent than in upholding the Constitution. And a number of us are very concerned about an activist court that’s trying to expand what the Constitution intends for the federal government to do. We see that-

    RODRIGUEZ: Do you think that her record has been a record of an activist?

    DEMINT: We have some problems with a number of her decisions, particularly on Bill of Rights questions such as the Second Amendment. The decision that she made about the firemen was questionable. A lot of her speeches suggest that she has a different idea of what a justice should do. But she had some confirmation conversions, and she came back to the point of view of a constructionist type of judge. But she has not been consistent in her comments and seemed very evasive with me in the individual meeting that I had with her.

    RODRIGUEZ: Senator Jim DeMint, thank you very much for your time this morning.

    DEMINT: Thank you. Good to be with you.

    RODRIGUEZ: You’re welcome.

    —Kyle Drennen is a news analyst at the Media Research Center.

    > 4) Sarah Palin's a Birther? Frank Rich evidently wants us to think so: "Obama's election, far from alleviating paranoia in the white fringe, has only compounded it. There is no purer expression of this animus than to claim that Obama is literally not an American -- or, as Sarah Palin would have it, not a 'real American.'"

    In Frank Rich's Sunday New York Times column, "Small Beer, Big Hangover (," Rich drained the last dregs out of the White House beer summit, involving the president, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, and Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley, but not before using it to launch his grand unified field theory of the re-emergence of racism among conservatives in the wake of Obama's victory.

    Deploying his usual melodramatic flare (Rich was once the paper's theatre critic), Rich wrapped the Gates arrest controversy and the Birther brigade together, and tied on other events with the slightest hint of skin-color content, like Judge Sonia Sotomayor's impending Supreme Court confirmation. The White House get-together took place to quell an outcry after Obama, during a national press conference, said the Cambridge police had acted "stupidly."

    The comforting thing about each “national conversation on race” is that the “teachable moment” passes before any serious conversation can get going.

    This one ended with a burp. The debate about which brew would best give President Obama Joe Six-Pack cred in his White House beer op with Harvard’s town-and-gown antagonists hit the front page of The Wall Street Journal. Had Obama picked a brand evoking an elitist whiff of John Kerry -- Stella Artois, perhaps? -- we’d have another week of coverage dissecting his biggest political gaffe since rolling a gutter ball at a Pennsylvania bowling alley.


    It’s also stupid to look at Harvard as a paradigm of anything, race included. If there was a teachable moment in this incident, it could be found in how some powerful white people well beyond Cambridge responded to it. That reaction is merely the latest example of how the inexorable transformation of America into a white-minority country in some 30 years -- by 2042 in the latest Census Bureau estimate -- is causing serious jitters, if not panic, in some white establishments.

    While blaming Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck for stoking racism by calling Sotomayor and Obama racist, Rich ignored examples that leaned against his overarching thesis of threatened, racist Republicans, such as scholar Gates's enlightened contribution to racial healing, as captured on the police report: "I'll speak with your mamma outside," he told Sgt. Crowley during their confrontation.

    What provokes their angry and nonsensical cries of racism is sheer desperation: an entire country is changing faster than these white guys bargained for. We’ve been reminded repeatedly during Gatesgate that Cambridge’s mayor is a black lesbian. But a more representative window into the country’s transition might be that Dallas County, Tex., elected a Latina lesbian sheriff in 2004 (and re-elected her last year) and that the three serious candidates for mayor of Houston this fall include a black man and a white lesbian.

    Rich smeared the Birthers as racist with no evidence. Conspiratorial and wrong? Fair enough. But there's nothing necessarily racist about believing Obama was born in Kenya instead of Hawaii.

    Rich then willfully conflated his chronology to smear Sarah Palin as a proto-Birther:

    Obama’s election, far from alleviating paranoia in the white fringe, has only compounded it. There is no purer expression of this animus than to claim that Obama is literally not an American -- or, as Sarah Palin would have it, not a “real American.” The birth-certificate canard is just the latest version of those campaign-year attempts to strip Obama of his American identity with faux controversies over flag pins, the Pledge of Allegiance and his middle name.

    Did Palin sign on to the "birther" movement, or did Rich post hoc draft her into it based on an unrelated, out-of-context comment from the campaign trail? And will Rich's readers catch his dishonesty?

    - Clay Waters is Editor of the MRC's TimesWatch site.

    > 5) Certain MSNBC hosts have been fixated over using the “birthers” to discredit conservatives, highlighting a poll commissioned by the far-left Daily Kos site which found a majority of Republicans (58 percent) either believe Barack Obama wasn't born in the U.S. (28 percent) or are not sure he was (30 percent). Chris Matthews led Friday's Hardball with the beliefs of the GOP's “lunatic fringe” and “wack jobs,” but where was MSNBC two years ago ranting about the Democratic Party's “lunatic fringe” and “wack jobs” when a survey discovered a bigger majority of Democrats (61 percent) think or are not sure if President George W. Bush knew in advance of the 9/11 terrorist attacks?

    Washington Examiner columnist/blogger David Freddoso pointed out a couple of hours earlier, during another MSNBC segment devoted to the Daily Kos poll (his post ( about his appearance), what Rasmussen Reports found. That poll released on May 4, 2023 determined (

    Democrats in America are evenly divided on the question of whether George W. Bush knew about the 9/11 terrorist attacks in advance. Thirty-five percent (35%) of Democrats believe he did know, 39% say he did not know, and 26% are not sure.

    So, more than a third of Democrats believe the President of the United States knew of a terrorist attack which would murder thousands of Americans and did nothing to stop it. That's quite an indictment of how a significant portion of that party thinks the absolute worst of their nation.

    Sadly, even some Republicans accept that lunacy. More from Rasmussen's summary:

    Republicans reject that view and, by a 7-to-1 margin, say the President did not know in advance about the attacks. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 18% believe the President knew and 57% take the opposite view.

    Overall, 22% of all voters believe the President knew about the attacks in advance. A slightly larger number, 29%, believe the CIA knew about the attacks in advance. White Americans are less likely than others to believe that either the President or the CIA knew about the attacks in advance. Young Americans are more likely than their elders to believe the President or the CIA knew about the attacks in advance....

    — Brent Baker is Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center
  • Dora
    Knock it off, aliy. Stop falsely accusing me.  I don't know about real aliy or fake aliy and I don't care. All I need to know is that you are crazy.
  • ok false aliy, why not talk on
    the natural born citizenship does matters along the terror help to punish America the same way social org$ and thinking$ destroyed from the inside the 1st ussr
  • ok false aliy, you want a name
    let's see, names neolibs can't match, it's too easy, buckrogers, flesh... (oops real Aliy, your Gods, bodies and dddiiiihhhiiiirrrty souls comment was too good), no flashgordon, wait!, I'll help you neolibs on your crappy names...
    apollo...gists, kremlin's bar czar$, "just" (you're boring and yes, hated) no!, wait, you think your cybernames,
    ok, anotherone, what on justcrazy, you know,  beacuse conservatives  didn't invented neolibs denie self oil and nuke power while helping the enemy not attacking SELF DECLARED, LONG NOW) ayatolas armagedon, nocorea's armagedon, chavez and the US so.border, terror sanctuary cities already, acorn, aclu, drivebymedia propaganda ...
    yes!, there is no word in English, Spanish ot the tongs of men for this...
  • false aliy, you sound as an an
    real Aliy on this conservative's opinion: Gods, jucy fleshy bodies, inocent souls... that's why I think real Aliy is a hot woman)
    and why I think false aliy is not a hot woman, and is a neolib mind, because of the bhoteam cyberblogger writting:
    "What is your damage? (neolib psyco, seeking fear, terror at the end)
    Did you make up that name so no one can post things using your name? (biden wants his magicwand back) Stop trying to use other peoples names on here. Don't hide and espeically, don't hide behind ME. You want a dialogue, say something worth debating, otherwise, go somewhere else!!!
    psst, neolibs, blog on castro toilet paper grandma, what you need so desperately, the cyber $ea of $ociali$tic inn"justice" you are programmed for, only there you'll rest... in "peace"... 
    You think it's a joke what's going on with this country? (a classic bho comunistic arrogant joke) I don't! Stop hiding behind MY name and get your own personality!"
    no forward comments
    see you conservative guys, the bhore$urrection$hip$ are blowing of the face of drivebymedia as usual, isn't it?
  • the real (and brave and seems
    aliy, the anti-Aliy, the terror related gov funded cyberblogger "thing" as acorn, aclu, etc... false as bho "is not comunist, and another chavez using money to fund terror help FOR A REASON (for them) and using state resources to "answer" conservatives in their home...sites and start terror as acorn unleashed... (they even self-declare), as ahmadineyad, Ill, chavez, castros, etc...) need armagedons, they staff&rank by fear, so anyone who talks to and legalizes chavezes, hamas, ayatolas... them self-declare terror help)...
    because physsical bombings and abstrac armagedon propaganda are same value for them, they need terror as a system too, to drivebymedia into the collective conciousness (don't waste a terror crisis) to easy localy,  "before they do their stuff to be seen as redemptor magicwand prophets" (or at list) a 0 tolerance "leader", "strong", "does as said", "main camp" hitlers "books", neolibcastroagentgovcopies way to fight both wars, war on terror, and war on ideas...
    how do I know the false aliy?: because of the writting, the minds on "me"
  • To the real Aliy: your anti-al
    The false (as bho 'eminency on ... all except helping terror as lawyer') and anti-aliy is even elaborated by team$, tv serial (remmember) NEOLIBPLAN$&BA$E$ are system copies as castro govs (elections and paralegal logistics, drivebymedia copies...), all of them, terror governments and politicians of the castroagentgovsystems (expl:) aclu, acorn, etc, still bailed out bill$ not even missing any single chavez style gov "help" (chavez bought argentina's intl. debt, funded (chavez is a miniOASadddam, bho may end up bailing castroland out), while Teaparties are not only not gov funded as law says, but they are being targeted as SHOULD BE BHOTEAM$, ACLU, ACORN, DRIVEBYMEDIA NEOLIB"LEADing": for TERROR HELPING, SELF DECLARED, BY THE WAY, AND IN TIMES OF WAR:  
    psycology+advertising+laweyer$+drivebymedia...    (((((((((CCCCCLLLLLIIIIINNNNNGGGGGG THAT DIDN'T MATTER)))))))))
    ((((((((UNTIL))))))))) (((((((((bho's (ON rusia)HIMSELF's zelaya support))))))))))
    Aliy, guys, you're brave and free my old friends...
  • aliy
    Anit Aliy. I hope UC DOES ban your IP address. This is getting really confusing to a lot of people. Bad enough Dora hates me for no reason anyway. I get enough of her "go bathe in chocolate milk" (whatever THAT means) on my OWN I don't need your help.

    Pick your OWN identity and start actually contributing.
  • aliy
    Upon reconsideration, I think the real aliy and the fake aliy are the same aliy!
  • aliy
    Yeah, it's Dora!
    Dora, you should be BANNED!
  • aliy
    Who do you guys think Anti-Aliy is?

    I have a guess. Like Anti-Aliy spells really good, and Anti-Aliy uses BIG words like the president of Mensa would. Maybe Anti-Aliy has a BUNCH of degrees too.....Oh, My guess is it's DORA.

    Anyone else want to play who the looser is that's posting as Anti-Aliy?

    I guess I should be flattered after all, I pissed someone off enough to steal my identity isn't that a crime somewhere? (a liberal, breaking laws, NOOOO) So I'm going to take it as another conservative badge and wear it proud! We all know who the REAL Aliy is right?
  • aliy
    I think we need to stop worrying about if or not he was born here and start working on impeachment. He's there, he's doing damage, we need to find a way to slow him down. This birth certificate thing isn't going to help us because in the long run he's just going to pull some crap out his butt and make it law like that part of the constitution doesnt' apply. He could care less about the REST of the constitution why bother with that little nibble of information?
  • Back2Basics
    Breaking: Is this the smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?
    California attorney Orly Taitz, who has filed a number of lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as president, has released a copy of what purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth and has filed a new motion in U.S. District Court for its authentication.
    Read the latest now on
  • Back2Basics
    Jackie, so far he's done it all without answering to anyone.  Could his luck be running out?  I think so.  I think more and more people are getting tired of his lies as the days go by.  We'll see...
  • JackieM
    B2B--yep, wouldn't it be nice to have one so that we could see for ourselves.  because of his arrogant supporters, obama doesn't think he has to answer any questions.  he thinks he is beyond reproach.  they don't hold him accountable for anything including his word.  integrity in this administration is non-existent!  that is why we should have no tolerance for his followers.  they don't mind lying and deception but we do.  therefore, there will always be conflict between the two parties.
  • Back2Basics
    Jackie, you hit the nail right on the head.  Everything was ignored that might happen to this country just to get the president we got.  (Black)  In this case, half black!  Guess that was the best we could do.  SURE AS HELL WISHED THEY WOULD HAVE GOT ONE WITH A VALID BIRTH CERTIFICATE...

  • JackieM
    B2B--i heard that too!  just so i'm fair (ha!), gibbs and geithner and two economists are battling for words right now.  they all know that these schemes they have come up with, i.e, "stimulus," healthcare bill, etc., are not going to work but they are going to ensure we pay for them.  Hard working folks are going to suffer further under this tyrant.  We knew what was going to happen before this SOB was elected.  however, the ignorant love pretty words and want to "stick it to the rich" so much that common sense went right out the door.  They also wanted to have a black man in the office so badly that nothing else mattered.  obama's plan for this country was irrelevant!  We have always said trickle up economics does not work.  well, now the proof is here for the stupid to see it.  however, they will continue to ignore it.  obama is facing a really big problem right now.  he has backed himself into a corner and won't be able to get out!  his downfall is imminent!  unfortunately, people will suffer as a result.
  • Back2Basics
    I heard on FOX today that the government will now consider all options in taxing to pay for this masive spending spree of Obama's and help pay for big government to include - GET THIS: THE MIDDLE CLASS!  Oh my goodness who would have ever believed Obama could tell a lie?

    That SOB campaigned so hard and said a dozen times that while he was in office the tax of the middle class would never go up one dime.  Go figure.
  • Aliy
    It pains me that someone so craven and so malicious would foul this wonderful site by stealing other people's names. Notice the inane "be a man" slur so common to juvenile delinquents, not to mention the disordered ranting and pitiable name-calling.

    Please find something better to do than posing as me and disgracing yourself. This health care issue is of paramount importance, so let's discuss it rationally.

    Sadly, the twisted behavior of the fake aliy proves that we must also confront the frequently neglected component of mental illness.
  • aliy
    Hey Imposter.... Stop using my name. Be a man and post your own crap in your own name. I hope you get banned from this site. You coward liberal.
  • Aliy
    Please disregard the post immediately above. This disordered impostor seeks to marginalize and stigmatize the screen name that I have labored so hard to distinguish.

    Phony Aliy, please discontinue your childishly immature pranks so that we may return to resolving the crucial issues of the day.

    Rayaboy, the people whom Mark Levin has labeled "statists" will employ any subterfuge to socialize health care.  Only by trumping their lies with facts can patriotic Americans prevail.

    According to the latest public opinion polls, just fourteen percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the quality of their health care. The statists must therefore create the illusion of a crisis to ram through their socialist agenda. We can destroy that illusion by informing people that more than half of the uninsured possess the financial wherewithal to buy insurance but choose to spend on other things. Another quarter of the uninsured are illegal aliens.

    There is no health care crisis. There are serious health care issues that must be addressed, but not by socializing seventeen percent of the economy.
  • aliy
    Someone is using my name on here B2B, you KNOW I would not say stupid stuff like that. What the heck!?

    cliiinnnnnngggggg!!!: "that doesn't matters"... correction#1: we my FRIENDLY FIRES...

    What is your damage? Did you make up that name so no one can post things using your name? Stop trying to use other peoples names on here. Don't hide and espeically, don't hide behind ME. You want a dialogue, say something worth debating, otherwise, go somewhere else!!!

    You think it's a joke what's going on with this country? I don't! Stop hiding behind MY name and get your own personality!
  • Back2Basics
    RayaBoy, I think everyone should be concerned about this healthcare scam.  Thanks for the link.
  • Rayaboy
    If anyone is interested in the Healthcare debate, check out the book at the following link.  It briliantly explains the myths that people use to defend a government plan, and then show a plan of action to actually fix what is driving up costs in the healthcare industry.
  • Back2Basics
    Oh, did you all happen to read Jr's write up on Barney Franks?  I visit her web site daily.  It is great.  It is worth the time to go and read it.  It's humorous and informative.
  • Back2Basics
    By the way Jackie, they will control the private industry through taxes!  Mark those words...
  • Back2Basics
    Here is something we need to take into consideration with all this.  History will record that Obama screwed this country up.  Not that it will matter too much to us.  Just as Carter tried to disarm our military and clinton scorned the white house by the things he did.  GHWB #1 was critized for not going on into Bagdad and taking out Saddam in the first gulf war.  They his son did it and he was critized for doing it.  You see, LIBERALS NEVER CHANGE.  We keep trying to change them and that is the wrong thing to do...  We need to just ignore them, trample them, kick them out of our way and go on with what we need to do.  LIBERALS HAVE ALWAYS EXISTED - THEY WILL ALWAYS EXIST - WE HAVE GIVEN THEM A LITTLE MORE OF A FOOT HOLD THAN THEY NEED!  We need to take most of that back, at least...
  • JackieM
    Bud--i'm glad to see folks finally speaking out and wanting their country back!  the left-wing nuts like dora will blow this off because they think we should not criticize their messiah.  they are mentality ill and are robots.  criticizing obama for taking away our freedoms is the right thing to do.  standing up for a country that we love is the right thing to do.  caring about people who are losing their jobs, homes and can't feed their children as a direct result of obama's failed policies is the right thing to do!  so obama does need to be held accountable for screwing up this country more than it was before.
  • JackieM
    B2B--i'm glad you mentioned the cash for clunkers debacle.  instead of letting us have more of our own money by giving tax cuts to everyone and letting us decide how we need to spend the money, dictator obama and his mob are deciding it for us.  instead of us being able to stimulate the whole economy, we are being forced to stimulate one sector.  what a disgrace!  ...and the democrats/liberals have the nerve to say they understand the economy and how to fix it?  i'm angry about this!  as you said, it is a diversion.  they don't want our economy to thrive and are ensuring it will be stifled as long as possible.  what they don't like is the fact that private businesses in this country will survive in spite of obama's efforts to destroy it.  of course, right now businesses are continuing to suffer and so are the people they are laying off as a direct result of obama and his crooked friends.  however, they will come out on top even if they have to move to other countries to do it!  the only way to stop this is to vote this SOB out in the next election.  hopefully, people will vote for the good of this country this time instead of how a person sounds/looks or what color a person's skin is!
  • Back2Basics
    These protest events by conversatives are unscheduled.  So, it is slowly happening, we need to get in on these.  I will have some more information on them.

    See rebellion at grass roots Call it the tea party that never ends. A rebellion is brewing in home congressional districts of incumbent Democrats evidenced by the reaction at several town hall meetings. Members are being forced to suspend meetings with their constituents, screaming protesters are being dragged out of events by police and officials are being greeted by protest signs and chants. Read the latest now on
  • Back2Basics
    Aliy, I am from the old school.  At one time in this country we could mention something that we wanted people to support in our neighborhoods and, if it was good, seems it would fall into place.  You know the good things like, God in schools, public displays of christianity, even at sporting events, public prayer, neighbor helping neighbor and you could always depend on the silent majority.  All of the younger generations have only read a little on that way of life.  I HAVE LIVED IT.  We had the bad to but was able to overcome the fallout from it's effects.

    Seems there is no movement in the silent majority now days.  I wonder if it is even there anymore.  My doubts come from experiencing things in my own church that would never have happened during my childhood.  I don't impose my raising on other people, even though I thought my raising was okay.

    This Obama Administration is nothing more than Extreme Liberal Power Seekers and they are in the position to do that.  Politicians in power do that through BIG GOVERNMENT.  Believe me, we are in big trouble right at this minute.  Liberal government equals BIG GOVERNMENT and big government HAS TO CONTROL THE PEOPLE AND PRIVATE ENTERPRISE!  Once they have control over the economy and make the people either depend on them or scared of them, they have it made.  What has to happen is the people will have to rise again and show government that they work for us and we don't work for them!  This is probably going to take something extreme to make this happen.  NAMELY, the people have to wake up and realize what is heppening.

    This administration is not stupid to being Liberal!  They are the best at what they do.  They are doing crooked things right in the face of society and making people like it.  Here's a good example.  Most of the people think this "Cash for Klunkers" program is a good thing.  That Obama is trying to help the people.  FAR FROM TRUTH!  First off, what has happened?  The government pretty much owns and controls the auto industry.  To make that work, they have to insure there are a lot of automobiles sold.  What they are doing is "selling automobiles" at "tax payers expense!"  Can you believe they are doing that and people don't realize what is happening?  The people's tax dollars are paying the $4,500 dollars for the clunkers, Obama is getting credit for doint something good for the people, the government owned auto industry is selling cars and in the meantime the government is compiling files on people for future voting in his elections.

    This administration is the world's best at creating diversions to get your focus off a real problem.   The car klunker deal is one and the beer summit was another.  The administration is full of them.  Enough people will finally realize, Hey!  This isn't right.
  • Aliy
    Damn you B2B (I don't know where you are coming from either, but this cliiinnnnnngggggg!!!: "that doesn't matters"... correction#1: we my FRIENDLY FIRES...). is obviously a Godlike figure to whom I pledge my (flabby) body and (evil) soul.

    Allow me to elaborate further. I am a brainless ditz, as each of my incoherent posts easily verifies. I should be ignored and shunned, because quite frankly each breath of oxygen I inhale would be better used to sustain plant life. Candor requires that I acknowledge occupying a position on the evolutionary ladder that is several rungs below septic tank algae.

    You mark my words,  I will die alone and friendless.
  • Aliy
    Thank you B2B (I don't know where this nut job is coming from either. He's no DS I can tell you that!

    I think the beer fest was just a photo op, after all, what did they accomplish, they agreed to disagree! That's NOT progress, that's just a photo op. And they set it up real nice around the table too, black, white, black, white. Tell me THAT wasn't staged!

    Liberals cried that they sealed up the black vote by nominating a black man, they think they sealed up the whole hispanic vote by nominating Sotomayor, does this mean with that one comment, Obama has completely messed up the whole white vote?

    Only 30% of the country strongly approve of the job Obama is doing. You know he won the election by 52% so once his approval rating dropped down below that he was loosing his OWN voters. that's 22% of his own voters gone. And it wasn't like that the day before the stupid comment. This comment showed his true colors, he's NOT trying to bring the world together, he's NOT trying to make any advancements in equality.

    He's going to stand up there and cry racist. If he looses the 2012 election, it'll be because he's black. Rev. Wright, Al Sharpton, and Obama, they want to cry equality but when it comes down to it, they throw that race card in there with ease. I won, it's because we're finally getting over race as a factor, I lost, the rest of the country are a bunch of racists. You mark my words, this is not the last time we're going to see the president throw down a race card.
  • cliiinnnnnngggggg!!!: "that do
    Good post, Aliy, but that ignorant c@cks@cker Back2Basics is ruining your fine thread with its demented rantings. Let us hope that it suffers an embolism and dies immediately.

    In fact, it is time for a prayer:

    "Our Lord who art in Heaven, please pulverize Back2Basics' internal organs until it ceases to exist. Then, render unto us the necessary charcoal fluid so that we may incinerate its lifeless body, gather the ashes, and flush them down a public toilet in the seediest section of town.

    In Jesus' name...AMEN!"
  • Back2Basics
    Good post Aliy but you got a friggin nut on your threat.  Where did this shit head come from, China?

    Anyway, on a serious note - extreme liberals are in charge in Washington right now...  Our current president is half black.  (That's probably racist in some peoples eyes - only those who want to cry racism)  When it fits into a liberal's agenda, they can say, do or justify anything they want.  They will look you right in the eye and swear the black calf is red!  I have no idea as to why liberals can get by with as much as they do.  IT WILL GET WORSE.

    This entire beer meeting thing was part a cover up because of BHO's screw up in making a stupid racist remark about a white cop mis-treating a black man.  If his true colors had not of shinned through in his statement about the situation, none of this would have taken place.

    I am glad someone finally exposed Obama as using the people around him as pawns.  In this case, Joe Biden.  But let's not forget that the professor and the cop was also used as pawns to help him clear his name.  People were talking about, oh wow, he is doing the right thing by getting them together, that is so nice, all the while he was just cleaning his own ass!  See, we need never forget where Obama came from and how he got to where he is today.  The maffia ridden, politicial circle he came up through in Chicago would snuff out their mothers to keep their own name's clean.  The problem for him right now is that he is president of the United States, not a crooked little old senator from Illinois.  He not gets press coverage whether he wants it or not.
  • cliiinnnnnngggggg!!!: "that do
    tapioca pudding...Maryann Summers...lost dentures...Galopagos...sandy spinach...East Of Eden...laptop lapdog...Donna...Dark Side Of The Moon...chesse....selfish little troll...asparagus tips dipped in fudge...Georgia Bulldogs...ostentatious...55t$$768yyyt...lost in space...curtial...queen to king's rank 4...luminescent popcorn...The Big Bopper...say it ain't so...leprosy...Dell vostro 445e...Madonna's tongue...Oh honey...salsa dancing midget...ponytail...sacred heart...soup de jour...Emily Dickenson...Oh, baby...bv78oov6bo8ibg6o9bioboi8bvbvu7bvu7v87v6i8cvyux45i8[b0b8]=bvp9c7xctyz4uu pBBVO*BV^IOVIOBVI*OV^OVO*O*...sweet!
  • cliiinnnnnngggggg!!!: "that do
    we, my friends, are being witnesses of the days of biden magicwand (from drivebymedia's $tation$ financed as chavez gov$"...
    and like this, many other single battlegrownd, physsical or/and abstract "by law"...  but there are always "some" who resist it...
    FREEDOMEDIA BATTLE STARS  years ago also started firing back one of the greatests written-piliticians-airwaves battles on history of MINDKIND (yes, MINDkind) against bhoteam$ war on the "ideas... of... friends&foes "dilema by law"..., from the "comprehension of  eyer$,rezco, you know, ... close gitmo, silence war on terror soldiers and writers, unstopable, unchallenged... 
    BA$ED ON LIE$$$$, LIEEEEE$$$$$, as only the neolib can bring you, and not for free EYER$ARUMAN$'$ govorc$, BLOWING ALL THE TIME EVEN, AND no more..."ccclllliiiiinnnnngggg!!! ! .... nope! (tedteam$'$ desk$) bho (or any neolib&chavez,zelaya,castros,no.corea,ayatolas,etc,etc,etc... propaganda  while "no oil no nuke power anymore for the USA people"...
  • cliiinnnnnngggggg!!!: "that do
    we, my firends, are being witnesses of the days of biden magicwand (from drivebymedia's $tation$ financed as chavez gov$"...
    and like this, many other single battlegrownd, physsical or/and abstract "by law"...  but there are always "some" who resist it...
    FREEDOMEDIA BATTLE STARS  years ago also started firing back one of the greatests written-piliticians-airwaves battles on history of MINDKIND (yes, MINDkind) against bhoteam$ war on the "ideas... of... friends&foes "dilema by law"..., from the "comprehension of  eyer$,rezco, you know, ... close gitmo, silence war on terror soldiers and writers, unstopable, unchallenged... 
    BA$ED ON LIE$$$$, LIEEEEE$$$$$, as only the neolib can bring you, and not for free EYER$ARUMAN$'$ govorc$, BLOWING ALL THE TIME EVEN, AND no more..."ccclllliiiiinnnnngggg!!! ! .... nope! (tedteam$'$ desk$) bho (or any neolib&chavez,zelaya,castros,no.corea,ayatolas,etc,etc,etc... propaganda  while "no oil no nuke power anymore for the USA people"...
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