Joe Biden’s three letter word: J – O – B – S!

October 16th, 2008 Urban Conservative

This is what happens when you choose NOT to use teleprompters or a script. Whatever the case, this is straight comedy and I hope you enjoy it.

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tags: joe biden, three letter word, 3 letter word, jobs

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  • Titus Hunt
    I agree that congress can close loopholes but they haven't done it!  however, now is not the time!  companies are for profits and being patriotic is not a part of the plan.  now that doesn't mean some people are not patriotic but a business plan is based on profits.  now i have never said that is right or wrong because my opinion does not count.  businesses don't care what we think.
  • David W. Walters
    Congress can close tax loopholes for large corporations that do business in America......and it will be patriotic for them to join in supporting the infrastructure that allows them to prosper.
  • Titus Hunt
    Toe-  it is apparent that the only way you know anything about actually being in business is from what you read!  i should have saved you the trouble and told you that the big corps. usually don't pay taxes.  who didn't know that?  i thought everyone did.  apparently you have read some of my posts because you respond with dumb comments.  i have said time and time again that closing corp loopholes is an option.  However, it would be a dumb thing to do in this bad economy!  they will not take it out of profits.  The government and you cannot make them!  that is what is so stupid about these comments.  whether i like it or not or whether you like it or not is irrelevant.  big corporations do what they wish.  so Obama will screw the middleclass people by increasing corporate taxes, especially now.  jobs will be lost.  you liberals seem to think the money will come from.........the sky, profits, executive bonuses, money trees, selling one of their yachts?  just pick one and think again!  look around and see the companies that are laying off now!  can you imagine what will happen if Obama raises taxes?  cities, states and the country will be ruined in this horrible economy! 

    however, mid to small businesses get soaked in taxes and depending on the business, industry, competition, etc., profit margins are low.  so let's see--you increase their taxes, people lose jobs. 

    now i don't need a magazine, news or to study these facts since i understand the economy extremely well and understand business because i'm in it everyday.  i laugh at you trying to convince me of something you obviously have never been involved with.  however, if you have experience in big business and haven't yet learned this, something is wrong.

    the government cannot force companies to pay more taxes!  however, tax increases will be passed on in the form of higher prices for everything we buy, layoffs, company closings.  guess who will be screwed---you, me and everyone who is not wealthy!  this is common sense!
  • toe
    McCain says that American businesses pay high tax rates. One of his examples offered yesterday... "Ask John Chambers, CEO  of Cisco,"

    Yet another instance that shows how  McCain (and Titus) is utterly ignorant and out of his league.

    Cisco Systems, the second-most valuable company in America, paid no federal income taxes for its latest fiscal year thanks to a little-known corporate tax break on employee stock options.
    Microsoft, which ranks No. 4 in market value, did not pay any federal taxes either, it seems.
    Like many high-tech firms, Cisco and Microsoft are allowed to take a tax deduction for money their employees earn when they ``exercise'' options and buy stock in the company at a preset price.
    These options have become an increasingly popular way for businesses to reward employees, but they also have huge benefits to the companies themselves.
    The tax break was established decades ago, when companies doled out stock options to only a handful of top executives and the tax benefit they generated was minimal.
    But now that many companies -- including Cisco, Microsoft and most other new-economy firms -- give options to everyone, the tax break is becoming enormous.
    In Cisco's case, this benefit wiped out $1.8 billion in federal taxes, and probably more than twice that for Microsoft.
    Some people, even those who oppose taxes, think it is unfair that wealthy companies paid none to Uncle Sam.
    For the fiscal year ended July 31, Cisco had $23 billion in sales last year, $2.7 billion in net income, and its almost $400 billion market value is exceeded only by General Electric's.

    This is just one example of corporate America cruising on the taxpayer's dime- and McCain wants them to have additional  "tax breaks".

    Titus, I don't care about your opinion of me-  considering your level of thought and information behind your statements
    Next  time you rant,  try  to bring along the facts.
  • amber2
    i suppose by hard question, titus means, are you a marxist
  • Titus Hunt
    ha!  Biden has an IQ above a 2.  i saw part of the interview he did with the reporter in FL.  he was asked some hard questions for a change and now the Obama camp has said that station will not be granted anymore interviews.  they have a right to do so but McCain/Palin would be blasted for doing the same.  i guess if Obama wins this election, we will look forward to more of the same and those idiots Pelosi, Frank, and Reed will actually be running things with Obama as their puppet since he doesn't go against his party.  Deeper recession/depression, here we come!  NOW THAT SCARES THE HELL OUT OF ME.
  • Right Klik
    only conservatives make gaffes, don't you know?
  • Titus Hunt
    David:  i agree with your comment about no welfare for wallstreet and i also think we should make it so that there is no welfare for anyone that is able to work.  wagearners are going to be screwed if obama gets in because more jobs will be lost and prices of food, clothing, etc will go up.  so he is not looking out for anyone and just wants a vote.  the only people who should get help are those who are disabled and can't care for themselves.  social security should be abolished because everyone except those who are unable to care for themselves has choices and should be responsible for their own retirement.  i would have loved to have stayed home with my child but i was responsible enough to understand that would not be possible so i worked.  people have choices and should prepare.  i will go out on a limb and say a dirty word to most liberals dislike--"plan."  that is important when making any choices in life. 

    big corporations should pay their "fair" share of taxes while being able to compete in the global community; however, mid and small businesses pay more than their fair share and those folks are the ones that are going to be hit the hardest under obama's plan.  i don't care what obama says. if you know anything about businesses and the way they have to file taxes, they will be hit hard under his plan.  Obama is lying about how small businesses will be affected under his plan.  that is obvious to anyone who knows how businesses are run and who actually have done it successfully.  he will destroy our country.  of course, since he doesn't go against his own party, pelosi and reed will be there to cheer him on!
  • Titus Hunt
    i can tell you that articles you are referring to may be indicative of the huge corporations but not the middle to smaller ones.  the average corporation do pay an extremely large amount of taxes including a lot of the companies that i'm personally familiar with.  they don't get the tax breaks that the "big boys" do.  everyone and every company should pay their fair share since we all partake of the services the government provides.  so we are talking about differences in sizes of companies here.  i work for an extremely big corporation and would guess (i'm not sure) they do not pay much in taxes.  i think that should be stopped.  however, if you look at what they do for the entire world as well as the community, it is astounding.  i can say the they spend more than their fair share in helping people all over the world.
  • David W. Walters
    "David:  i'm on your side with this one.  however, i also think the government needs to make corporate taxes low so that they can be more competitive, productive and hire more employees while staying in the U.S."
    Thanx Titus.....but how much lower can you go than ZERO (0)?

    <!-- /Inline toolbox -->
    "............In a stunning report released by the United States Government Accountability Office in July 2008, Americans learned that many corporations, including those with assets over $250M, reported no tax liabilities. In fact, from 1998-2005, 72% of foreign-controlled domestic corporations (FCDC's), and 55% of US-controlled corporations (USCC's), reported zero tax liability for at least one of those years."

    -Check the "stunning report" PDF file....-it's from the GAO, (though it was reported in Huff Post)
    While the wage earner is working hard to prepare for the future, many of their employers are getting a free ride....
    And you didn't really answer the question i posed about what to do if you are struck down and unable to save for your future......

    Point is.....we already have corporate what's wrong with helping individuals?
  • Titus Hunt
    David:  people have choices and that is what is so great about this country.  unfortunately since divorce is high, this can happen.  the government should not be looked upon to give handouts to people for their choices.  if a woman stays home with her children and then gets a divorce, she should have had plans in place from the beginning to ensure her stability.  this is too important not to plan for and it can happen to anyone.  that is a dangerous situation that unfortunately a lot of women are facing because they do not plan and act accordingly.  if a person is financially able to stay at home, that is great.  being financially able means understanding the risks and being able to plan for them.  i'm sure there are exceptions but very few.  i would have loved to be a stay at home mom when i remarried but knew that it would not be possible.  i lived on a tight budget even though i didn't have to and saved.  now when my next child comes (we are adopting), i'll be able to have choices that i didn't have before.  people don't want to sacrifice but want everything.  that is entitlement and it needs to go away.  The construction worker is not stupid because his company doesn't offer 401k plans but he gets there when he doesn't save for himself for his future.  there is help out there for people who don't know how to save but some are not willing to ask for it.  i run across that everyday.  

    "the government should aid us by passing bills that allow free trade and fairness to its people while encouraging a free market economy."
    And if "Free Trade" dictates a company to outsource it's American Jobs......
    Is this FAIR?

    David:  i'm on your side with this one.  however, i also think the government needs to make corporate taxes low so that they can be more competitive, productive and hire more employees while staying in the U.S.
  • David W. Walters
    "..........people who are stupid enough not to save for their retirement and only rely on social security,...."
    Titus, you are on a slippery slope, you're assuming that ALL people who rely on Social Security are STUPID ?
    WoW!   -What an ELITIST statement!
    So what about the woman who spends her life as a housewife homeschooling her kids and ends up divorced?  Is she stupid? 
    -Or a construction worker who worked for a variety of firms that didn't offer 401K plans (as many construction jobs are...)  Is he stupid also?

    "the government should aid us by passing bills that allow free trade and fairness to its people while encouraging a free market economy."
    And if "Free Trade" dictates a company to outsource it's American Jobs......
    Is this FAIR?
  • Titus Hunt
    David:  yes, i'm an educated person and am also a proud conservative republican.  that means that i don't ever want to bailout anybody that makes stupid decisions.  i don't want to bailout greed, folks who have children they can't support, people who are stupid enough not to save for their retirement and only rely on social security, and people who want the government to pay for their problems.  Personal responsibility has been thrown out the door.  the government should aid us by passing bills that allow free trade and fairness to its people while encouraging a free market economy.  i also don't like this bailout plan and my only interest is to get the economy flowing again.  this will help people keep jobs to feed their families.
  • David W. Walters
    You're an educated person.....
    I hate to think what would have happened to wage earners money if we HAD passed a bill creating Welfare for Wall Street.....which is exactly what this amounts to......Money would have been funneled out of workers pockets into the stock market!   I had some money in a 401K.....good thing i am drawing Social Security and a VA pension....'cause the value of that 401K has been more than half-ed.
    No, Welfare for Wall Street never was, and never will be a good idea!
  • Titus Hunt
    You are wrong.  privatization of social security accounts is not a bad thing if it is done the way McCain requested.  People who are receiving social security now would not be affected (Obama lied in a rally in FLA to a crowd of elderly folks) and the younger people would have a choice whether to go into this plan or not.  a private savings account would be set up and the person would get to choose from a few investment options.  they money they contribute to SS would go into that account and could not be withdrawn until retirement age.  right now the interest on SS is a treasury rate, which is a lousy return.  People who have a long time before they would need the SS would benefit by being able to get a better return in relatively safe investments (mutual funds).  In the long term the returns would be like your 401k.  So the idea of it being risky is incorrect. 
    As we educated people know, there is a lot more to a bill other than what is on the surface.  have you asked John McCain what was in those bills that caused him not to vote for them?  could it be something that would negatively affect vets or maybe there were too many pork projects that would waste the taxpayers money?  We don't know until we ask him and only he would know why he didn't vote for them.  I don't go entirely by the voting records until i understand them a little better.  i have found several bills that on the surface were questionable as to why a senator did or did not vote for them.  it was only later when i found out the reason that i truly was able to judge the decision.
  • toe
    McCain Voted for Bush’s 2006 Social Security Privatization Plan. In 2006, McCain voted for the Social Security Reserve Fund. The proposal would shift Social Security’s annual surpluses into a reserve account that would be converted into risky private accounts. [SCR 83, Vote #68, 3/16/06; SCR 83, Vote #68, 3/16/06]
    In 2000 McCain Wanted to Divert Social Security Money to Private Accounts. The Wall Street Journal reported that “[a] centerpiece of a McCain presidential bid in 2000 was a plan to divert a portion of Social Security payroll taxes to fund private accounts, much as President Bush proposed unsuccessfully.” The plan would put workers’ retirement money into the risky market and reduce the amount of Social Security payments they would receive from the government. The plan would undermine the Social Security system. [Wall Street Journal, 3/3/08]
    McCain STILL Proposes Privatizing Social Security—Despite What His Website Says. McCain told the Wall Street Journal he still backs a system of private retirement accounts that he supported in 2000 and President Bush pushed unsuccessfully. The Journal reported he “disowned” details of a proposal on his 2008 campaign website that says he would “supplement” the existing Social Security system with personally managed accounts. But when asked about the position change he denied it and promised to change the website to reflect his true position. “I’m totally in favor of personal savings accounts… As part of Social Security reform, I believe that private savings accounts are a part of it—along the lines  that President Bush proposed,” McCain told the Journal.[Wall Street Journal, 3/3/08; Campaign Website, accessed 3/3/08]
  • toe are correct, McCain has a connection with vets...
    but not a good one:

    Veterans' groups have concluded that McCain has voted at least 28 times against  veterans' benefits since arriving in the Senate in 1987. Those votes tried or succeeding in to blocking important benefits for America’s veterans.

    In 1991, after the close of the Persian Gulf War, John McCain voted against providing automatic annual cost-of-living adjustments for certain veterans’ benefits. Four years later, McCain supported an appropriations bill that underfunded the Departments of Veterans Affairs and other federal agencies by $8.9 billion. The following year, McCain voted against an amendment to increase spending on veterans programs by $13 billion.

    Between 1999 and 2001, McCain stood against appropriations bills that provided regular annual increases in funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs. And in 2003, after the US had been at war in Afghanistan for more than a year, McCain stood up again to providing additional funding for the VA. This was his maverick move.

    In 2005, when it became clear that US troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan were suffering unprecedented cases of PTSD, McCain voted against an amendment to appropriate $500 million annually from 2006-2010 for counseling, mental health and rehabilitation services for veterans diagnosed with mental illness, PTSD or substance abuse.

    The following year, McCain opposed providing an assured funding stream for veterans’ health care that would increase at the same pace as inflation and the growth of the veterans' population. One month after that definitive vote, McCain voted against providing an additional $430 million to the Department of Veterans Affairs for outpatient care and treatment for veterans.

    A strong supporter of privatization and outsourcing in general, McCain opposed a 2007 amendment that would have prevented the Department of Veterans Affairs from outsourcing jobs, many held by blue-collar veterans at VA facilities. McCain took this position even after congressional investigations linked scandalous treatment at Walter Reed Army Hospital to privatization of some of the hospitals services.

    This year, John McCain opposed the 21st Century GI Bill, and failed to vote on the final passage of the measure in favor of attending a Republican Party fundraiser in California. Since its passage, despite Mccain's opposition, the new GI Bill has begun to provide better educational opportunities to veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, paying full tuition at in-state schools and living expenses for those who have served at least three years in the service since the 9/11 attacks. McCain said he opposed the bill because, as he told one FOX News program, he thought the benefits were too generous.

    In all, McCain has cast his vote 28 times against veterans. When casting their votes on Nov. 4th, veterans will be rethinking the real meaning of McCain's promise to "take care of them."

    Facts...Titus...honest to goodness Facts. 
    All a matter of public record... which I is it that you were not able?
  • Titus Hunt
    I agree with you to a point.  We don't need troops as such but we do need people who have infiltrated the border of Iran to ensure we know what is happening on the ground.  I don't think we need to go to war w/Iran unless there is no other choice, and if we need to, there should be other countries involved.  Obama's pledge is as good as a wooden nickel.  McCain promised he would ensure you had better healthcare and facilities and promised to follow through.  i think the difference is clear.  McCain has a connection with all vets because of his past and he has two sons serving now.  ya know it is one thing to talk but it is another to actually have a personal interest to get things done.  there have been a lot of things said from both sides and i understand that.  however, trusting just words is not the best way to choose a candidate.  Obama has given me plenty of reasons to know he won't fulfill his promises, i.e., telling the elderly folks in a rally in FLA that John McCain wants to privatize their social security.  that was an out and out lie.  McCain wants to give young people the choice to privatize their SS to get better rates with solid investment choices and protect their money.  The folks who are getting SS now would not be affected.  Obama also lied about public financing and i could go on and on.  So, since we have nothing to go on but his word and he has not been honest...........................  David, that is why i would not count on it, especially since the money would have to fund Afghanistan next.  we have no where else to pull the money from.
  • David W. Walters
    "....... we don't need to know the details or the date.  if we know, the terrorists know.  We also need we leave people there who can watch Iran.  however, as i have said before that $10B will not come back over here.  I'll bet it will go to Afghanistan"
    -As a draw down won't be a secret to many....especially in Iraq.  Iraqis will know before we do, you can count on that.  But leaving troops in Iraq is a bad idea.  They'd be just targets.......and quite unnecessary to "watch" Iran.  Check your nearest map....Iran is flanked by Iraq and Afghanistan .....but the point is moot.  Invading Iran isn't gonna happen.  Our military is not up to that job (unless we institute a draft and invest huge sums of money we just don't have.
    And the money saved fro our Iraqi deployment.  Obama pledges it to our VA system that has been systematically underfunded by every administration since 1980. (Hell, the VA is just another form of SOCIALISM anyway!)
  • Titus Hunt
    Russell and Fighting4AmericasSurvival: 

    I agree with you.  Toe's best friend must be Nancy Pelosi.  As we have seen, she is likes to hear herself talk.
  • Titus Hunt
    David:  i agree that we need to get out of Iraq but General Patraus should be the one to make that decision.  He is the expert and we are not.  No one understands the situation better than he does so he should be able to do his job.  he has to do what is best for our soldiers and even if the decision is made to leave, we don't need to know the details or the date.  if we know, the terrorists know.  We also need we leave people there who can watch Iran.  however, as i have said before that $10B will not come back over here.  I'll bet it will go to Afghanistan.  We can say bye to that for a long while.  the only chance we have is if McCain can cut the costs down as he has promised.
  • Fighting4AmericasSurvival
    Toe - you are soooo funny.  The shit spewing out of your finger tips is exactly how conservatives view you liberals.  Is there a mirror around here?

    No wonder the country is divided.
  • Russell

    Toe-bama calling someone a "low information voter.

    THAT is funny.
  • toe
    Titus- there comes a point in viewing a person's statements that are so off-the-wall- false and ridiculous that they don't even merit a response.
    You, ma'am are an excellent example of a low information voter. 
    Just keep putting your fingers in your ears..."la la la la.." 
    What ever you do, don't open your eyes- for you will find yourself standing alone. The rest of the world will have moved along.
  • David W. Walters
    "My favorite part of Obama's rhetoric is when he talks about the troop withdrawal and setting a time table"
    Titus.....the sooner we are out of Iraq the better. Regardless of whether  or not Iraq was a good idea..... Don't you think this is a monumental waste of money($10BILLION/Month).......given the economic hardships this nation faces?

    "Bin Laden and other senior al-Qaida leaders are assumed by most experts to be hiding in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas. A lawless stretch of territory that borders Afghanistan, the tribal areas have become a sanctuary for al-Qaida, the Taliban and associated Islamist militant groups, including the Islamic"
    uh, this is where the terrorists are according to General Patreaus....Even Gen. Colin Powell believes Obama's judgment and decision making is superior to John McCain's

    It isn't my intention of being nasty.....just trying to be factual.
  • Titus Hunt
    Condescending remarks towards me are meaningless.  I don't mind the criticism coming from the left because i consider the source.  I'm glad i don't have to tell you about how hard it is to make it in a male-dominated society so you should appreciate the fact that she was able to accomplish as much as she did in such a short period of time. 

    but let's not talk about the "list" of despictable people Obama has associated himself with.  Oh, no!  then we are spreading hate!  I always told my son to associate himself with good people that he could trust because the friends and associations you keep are a reflection of who you are.  I guess that may apply to some people but not Obama?  He is a jewel!  if he wanted to be in politics, he should have known better or maybe, just maybe he did know.  the later is more likely.  there are too many coincidences to call them mishaps but he has excuses for everyone of them.  Those associations are a testament to his character.  boy, and you guys are willing to accept it?  good for you!  There are many more questions, i would like to ask Obama myself that i'm sure he would not like to answer. 

    if you want to call it an abuse of power, that is your right.  i would have done the same thing and called it self defense.  the guy admited on TV to tazering(sp) her nephew and he also threatened her parents and family.  How many people would not do what it takes to protect their families?   He didn't need to be in a position where his job was to protect and serve.  his boss should have fired him to protect the citizens because if the officer would do this once, he would certainly do it again.  so call her a very horrible human being and i'll laugh!  For every person that says something negative about her in Alaska, i'll be willing to bet there will be five people that will say something positive.  She has a very high approval rating and that says a lot about a person's ability to lead and function on behalf of the people. 

    It's funny that the media picked up on her clothes expenses.  The other candidates are wearing really nice suits too but they don't report what kind they are or how much they cost or who paid for them.  Obama's character is more important that Palin's clothes.  His association's are only part of the reason I question him.   

    As for unqualified, what has Obama done that is worth noting?  What is his record of great achievements and what is his foreign policy experience?  I would like to know what the people of IL were paying him for when he voted present and what did that accomplish?  How did he stand out from the crowd of liberal democrats in the Senate?  Please don't count him being the most liberal.  He's a good speaker that memorizes his lines well is all i see and he is running for President?  Biden would be great in front of the Iranian leader when he gets the facts wrong during serious talks about nuclear arms.  And he has been in the senate for how many years?  36 years, i believe.

    My favorite part of Obama's rhetoric is when he talks about the troop withdrawal and setting a time table.  of course the terrorists are listening because that is information they can use.  They are probably thinking boy, this is great the day after leave we will send our troops in.  I know they have now agreed on possible timelines because the General obviously thinks the Iraqi's are able to protect themselves but that should be entirely left up to General Patraus (sp?) and Obama is/was in no position to make such remarks at the time.  it was just a way to satisfy all of the folks who were against the war and score votes. 

    I will say I don't agree with every part of this compaign but didn't expect to.  However, i will not stoop to personal nasty remarks just because I disagree with your beliefs.
  • Titus Hunt
    Condescending remarks towards me is meaningless.  I don't mind the criticism coming from the left because i consider the source.  I'm glad i don't have to tell you about how hard it is to make it in a male-dominated society so you should appreciate the fact that she was able to accomplish as much as she did in such a short period of time. 

    but let's not talk about the "list" of despictable people Obama has associated himself with.  Oh, no!  then we are spreading hate!  I always told my son to associate himself with good people that he could trust because the friends and associations you keep are a reflection of who you are.  I guess that may apply to some people but not Obama?  He is a jewel!  if he wanted to be in politics, he should have known better or maybe, just maybe he did know.  the later is more likely.  there are too many coincidences to call them mishaps but he has excuses for everyone of them.  Those associations are a testament to his character.  boy, and you guys are willing to accept it?  good for you!  There are many more questions, i would like to ask Obama myself that i'm sure he would not like to answer. 

    if you want to call it an abuse of power, that is your right.  i would have done the same thing and called it self defense.  the guy admited on TV to tazering(sp) her nephew and he also threatened her parents and family.  How many people would not do what it takes to protect their families?   He didn't need to be in a position where his job was to protect and serve.  his boss should have fired him to protect the citizens because if the officer would do this once, he would certainly do it again.  so call her a very horrible human being and i'll laugh!  For every person that says something negative about her in Alaska, i'll be willing to bet there will be five people that will say something positive.  She has a very high approval rating and that says a lot about a person's ability to lead and function on behalf of the people. 

    It's funny that the media picked up on her clothes expenses.  The other candidates are wearing really nice suits too but they don't report what kind they are or how much they cost or who paid for them.  Obama's character is more important that Palin's clothes.  His association's are only part of the reason I question him.   

    As for unqualified, what has Obama done that is worth noting?  What is his record of great achievements and what is his foreign policy experience?  I would like to know what the people of IL were paying him for when he voted present and what did that accomplish?  How did he stand out from the crowd of liberal democrats in the Senate?  Please don't count him being the most liberal.  He's a good speaker that memorizes his lines well is all i see and he is running for President?  Biden would be great in front of the Iranian leader when he gets the facts wrong during serious talks about nuclear arms.  And he has been in the senate for how many years?  36 years, i believe.

    My favorite part of Obama's rhetoric is when he talks about the troop withdrawal and setting a time table.  of course the terrorists are listening because that is information they can use.  They are probably thinking boy, this is great the day after leave we will send our troops in.  I know they have now agreed on possible timelines because the General obviously thinks the Iraqi's are able to protect themselves but that should be entirely left up to General Patraus (sp?) and Obama is/was in no position to make such remarks at the time.  it was just a way to satisfy all of the folks who were against the war and score votes. 

    I will say I don't agree with every part of this compaign but didn't expect to.  However, i will not stoop to personal nasty remarks just because I disagree with your beliefs.
  • Titus Hunt
    Condescending remarks towards me is meaningless.  I don't mind the criticism coming from the left because i consider the source.  I'm glad i don't have to tell you about how hard it is to make it in a male-dominated society so you should appreciate the fact that she was able to accomplish as much as she did in such a short period of time. 

    but let's not talk about the "list" of despictable people Obama has associated himself with.  Oh, no!  then we are spreading hate!  I always told my son to associate himself with good people that he could trust because the friends and associations you keep are a reflection of who you are.  I guess that may apply to some people but not Obama?  He is a jewel!  if he wanted to be in politics, he should have known better or maybe, just maybe he did know.  the later is more likely.  there are too many coincidences to call them mishaps but he has excuses for everyone of them.  Those associations are a testament to his character.  boy, and you guys are willing to accept it?  good for you!  There are many more questions, i would like to ask Obama myself that i'm sure he would not like to answer. 

    if you want to call it an abuse of power, that is your right.  i would have done the same thing and called it self defense.  the guy admited on TV to tazering(sp) her nephew and he also threatened her parents and family.  How many people would not do what it takes to protect their families?   He didn't need to be in a position where his job was to protect and serve.  his boss should have fired him to protect the citizens because if the officer would do this once, he would certainly do it again.  so call her a very horrible human being and i'll laugh!  For every person that says something negative about her in Alaska, i'll be willing to bet there will be five people that will say something positive.  She has a very high approval rating and that says a lot about a person's ability to lead and function on behalf of the people. 

    It's funny that the media picked up on her clothes expenses.  The other candidates are wearing really nice suits too but they don't report what kind they are or how much they cost or who paid for them.  Obama's character is more important that Palin's clothes.  His association's are only part of the reason I question him.   

    As for unqualified, what has Obama done that is worth noting?  What is his record of great achievements and what is his foreign policy experience?  I would like to know what the people of IL were paying him for when he voted present and what did that accomplish?  How did he stand out from the crowd of liberal democrats in the Senate?  Please don't count him being the most liberal.  He's a good speaker that memorizes his lines well is all i see and he is running for President?  Biden would be great in front of the Iranian leader when he gets the facts wrong during serious talks about nuclear arms.  And he has been in the senate for how many years?  36 years, i believe.

    My favorite part of Obama's rhetoric is when he talks about the troop withdrawal and setting a time table.  of course the terrorists are listening because that is information they can use.  They are probably thinking boy, this is great the day after leave we will send our troops in.  I know they have now agreed on possible timelines because the General obviously thinks the Iraqi's are able to protect themselves but that should be entirely left up to General Patraus (sp?) and Obama is/was in no position to make such remarks at the time.  it was just a way to satisfy all of the folks who were against the war and score votes. 

    I will say I don't agree with every part of this compaign but didn't expect to.  However, i will not stoop to personal nasty remarks just because I disagree with your beliefs.
  • David W. Walters
  • David W. Walters
    "just a regular gal hockey mom" just spent - thanks to your donations to the McCain campaign and the RNC- more than $150,000 outfitting herself courtesy of Saks and Neiman Marcus.  All of the hockey/soccer moms I know do this.  The accent? Phony, put on- listen to her- go to you-tube, go to her debates in Alaska, go to candid moments just in the past week, go to her current stump speeches."
    -Love ya Toe!
    I heard this tonight.....(on a Biased Liberal Media outlet)
    That America is beginning to see the real Palin is being shown in this newest polls...... must all be stupid, right Titus?
    Reacting to a crisis is the only time McCain will dabble in Socialism....
    Screw the wage earners, and their call for parity ......but make sure Wall Street is covered.
  • toe

    Good grief, woman!
    That was the single most, lame, uninformed, gawd awful, nonsense babble coming from a woman in defense of  Palin that I have seen yet.  
    First, don't tell me about how you "know" about "making it" in a male dominated business- because I've been there and  not just once- not just twice, but in three different business arena that would be considered male dominated- in addition to owning five restaurants, holding elective office,  and having raised two children as a single parent. 
    It took me all of 30 minutes to find public information about Sarah Palin that McCain's staff of feebles were not able to absorb or obtain in weeks and weeks in preparation for their selection of this woman.  Her "record" as both mayor and governor is not good- for a number of reasons- not the least of which is "abuse of power", proven and certified.   You really need to sit yourself down- and look a bit more at actual public records- and recorded actual statements by actual people that actually live in her actual state, for starters.
    Beyond all of this- is the fact that this woman STILL believes that the vice president holds other powers other than 1) acting as a tie breaker should the senate reach a tie,  and 2) be ready to be the president should the president become incapacitated.  
    The McCain campaign know how totally unqualified and uninformed Palin is.  They KNOW this.  Why do you think they have not allowed ANY open questions from the press?   Why do you think she has only been "allowed" out to be fluffed up to appear on FOX ?  What is their reasoning behind her refusal to release her medical records?  What is her justification for having the state provide her per diem expenses so she can live at home at her option?  The "natural gas pipeline" that she claims success for completion has not even been started.  It's tied up in legal matters.
    Your "just a regular gal hockey mom" just spent - thanks to your donations to the McCain campaign and the RNC- more than $150,000 outfitting herself courtesy of Saks and Neiman Marcus.  All of the hockey/soccer moms I know do this.  The accent? Phony, put on- listen to her- go to you-tube, go to her debates in Alaska, go to candid moments just in the past week, go to her current stump speeches..  Titus, you can stuff your ears and cry "la la la la" all you wish- it won't alter the facts.
  • Titus Hunt
    Russell:  i am laughing hysterically at your comment number 33.  Although i could never mention my name and the "L" word in the same sentence, i would like to know the secret code and handshake.  however, i don't think i could infiltrate their world and pass for an "L."  Thank goodness my son and husband are Republicans (no prompting from me).  As a matter of fact, i've raised our two beagles as republicans also.  whooohooo!  life is good from that perspective.  my son told me today that he is having a hard time with one of his college roommates and i asked him why.  he said "mom, he is a "L" and we disagree on everything."  i laughed and said he was learning a good lesson in life.
  • Titus Hunt
    Palin was the governor of Alaska, dealt with the oil companies and fought people in her own party.  Do you think she could do that while having a family and be clueless?  ha!  don't think so.  she also held her own in the debate.  Biden has been in government for 36 years and she was able to debate him pretty well.  he even screwed up his points at least 5 or 6 times if i can remember.  (i counted the ones i heard but can't remember specifics now).  as long as he has been in government, you'd think he would get the facts straight.  some say he held back and i say he had his chance and that was his fault.  as an outsider, she did well.  we need fresh ideas, thoughts, and perspectives and she is it!   

    In the two years Obama has been in the Senate, what big accomplishments has he had?  How many times has he stood up against his own party?  I think he is more of a "call me of you need me guy"!  That is not a leader!
    His economic plan shows how dumb he is because it won't work.  i wish it would because i would be able to sleep at night and wouldn't be worrying myself sick over it! 
    If McCain/Palin lose, this government will have no checks and balances.  Pelosi and Frank will be right in there ensuring our country will be run into the ground.
  • David W. Walters
    Titus....i'm not making fun so much as stating facts........she is clueless.
    Cute, but clueless.
    Common sense?  In what way?  I am a common sense kind of guy.....i would love to see the common sense Ms. Palin has that has escaped me.
    To effectively communicate with people, one needs a modicum of knowledge, and she hasn't shown that in ANY interview i've seen that she has participated in. 
    You may make the unfounded statement that Obama is "dumb as bricks"......but there is nothing you have presented that backs that assertion up, my friend.  Simply coming from nowhere and running the knd of campaign he has shows he ain't exactly dumb.  I ain't exactly stupid, but i doubt i could come close to achieving that.....
  • Titus Hunt
    You can make fun of her all you want but she has more intelligence than Biden any ole day.  She brings common sense to the whitehouse.  That is something Obama and Biden need.  The whitehouse definitely could stand a lot of that.  She also has a way to communicate with people that is fabulous.  She would do well with foreign leaders and would be accepted.  that i have no doubt of.  Obama is also full of crap.  I meet dumb people from top schools all the time.  they can present themselves well.  however, i can usually see through them in a minute.  some of them are as dumb as bricks.  so that doesn't impress me.  i want to see substance and i don't see it.  his resume is so thin i would be afraid to touch it before it desinigrates.
  • David W. Walters
    Well a tough cookie is ok for some jobs.....but for my President, i want a ton of smarts to go with the "tough cookie" part.
    Yeah, Obama had every thing on a silver platter, right?  And he graduated from an Ivy League School near the top.....his professors must'a just passed him 'cause he was black.....(Damn'd affirmative action crap!)

    " i like her and because she is not the conventional good ole boy and she doesn't have the normal whitehouse mentality, she will hold her own and raise some hell if she gets to Washington.  If she asks me, i'll help!  Watchout! "

    Oh, i'm watchin' out....y'a bet c'ha!  So what is she bringing to the white house?  Wolf killin'?  Moose dressin'?  Her high school classmates?
    Members of her church?  The way i see it, she is just an un-conventional good ol that change?
    Hell naw! (he says with a southern accent)
  • Titus Hunt
    Well 50% of the folks don't understand what i know and are not thinking clearly and don't know what they are talking about!  how's that for an answer?  she is definitely a tough cookie and those folks are wrong!  i would put her up against most of anyone and be confident she would do well.  i like her and because she is not the conventional good ole boy and she doesn't have the normal whitehouse mentality, she will hold her own and raise some hell if she gets to Washington.  If she asks me, i'll help!  Watchout!  

    Because it is a democratic country, Pelosi should have let the vote happen because the people should be the ones to dictate what happens and we wanted the vote.  yeah right-she is a dictator and look how that has gone so far!  Regardless of what she thinks, she has an obligation in her position to be respectful of the President and she has done nothing but be unpatriotic to say the least.
  • David W. Walters
    "Fifty-five percent of voters say Palin is not qualified to be president, up from 50 percent two weeks ago."

    But this is just a poll....what do they know, huh?  She did in fact become governor of a very conservative state, and her appeal does not seem to be her smarts.....

    Perhaps speaker Pelosi understood that having just 3% of the world's oil reserves does not allow America to just "drill" our way out of our energy problem.  I much of Alaska's oil actually goes to American gas stations?   Hummmm, i wonder!
    Remember, leadership comes from the top (the Executive Branch)...
    not the Legislative Branch.....
  • Titus Hunt

    I beg to differ on whether Sarah Palin is qualified or not.  As it happens,  in college there were about five women in my classes because the field i chose was/is very male-dominated.  it is better now but when i started, i had to be tougher and stronger and struggle harder than any man in my same position.  So I can say just from my experience that any woman who can go from being on the PTA to governor of Alaska in that short length of time does not have to ask for respect.  she has it!!!!!  My field is one of the toughest for a woman to succeed unfortunately.  however, politics is worse.  It takes guts, intelligience and backbone to get where Sarah Palin is today.  However, a lot of people haven't been in the situation i have faced so i guess they can't relate and refuse to actually look at what she has accomplished.  She can hold her own so don't underestimate her.  Those who underestimated me were suprised, shocked and humiliated in the end.     

    I agree with you on not having a bandaid fix.  But we need to do something now instead of waiting on the alternatives to be developed and brought to market at an affordable price.  Sweet, dear, darling Pelosi did her undemocratic responsibility and decided not to allow a vote to drill even though the citizens of the US wanted it.  i guess we don't count anymore and it is truly not a democracy after all.   I remember Pelosi promising that when the democrats took over, they would fix the problems Bush created.  ha!  they have been right in there with him in creating the problems.  now it was not Bush today that is talking about how they can get money out of folks--it was Barney Frank.  They are as corrupt as they come.  however, there are republicans that can fit that bill too but see i can do the same as you -- blame the ones in charge.  Bush did not say this today nor did he act undemocratically and prevent a vote to drill.  that is what we all have to look forward to except you guys will not be able to blame Bush.  It may be the cook's fault?
  • toe
    it would be rare that given any 6-month period of time during any presidency that some potentially dangerous, fragile, delicate, somethingorother does NOT occur.  Biden is not doing crystal ball gazing, merely pointing out the obvious. no biggie - don't get yourself into a pretzel over it.
  • toe
    new voter registrations must present ID's at the polls.
    if that potential voter's registration was red-flagged (meaning they tried to verify the information- but were unable to reach the person-( because of the time frame involved, that being a name cannot be removed -purged-from the registration list 90 days before an election)  the registration is "red-flagged" and the voter given a "provisional ballot.

    russell, why don't you go down and volunteer at your local polling area- they could use the help, and you might learn something.
  • David W. Walters
    so this guy who drank his wild turkey and smoked his butts is gonna remember?   Come on.....what a joke!
  • Russell
    In Ohio, you are registered in conjunction with either a SSN or a drivers lic number. So if you register 50 dead people, all you have to do is memorize the numbers and voila. Instant voter fraud. Not saying it is happening, and I sincerely hope it isn't, but the means are there. And I am definitely not buying ACORNs sidestepping of the issue by throwing all their employees under the bus. They are in the tank for Obama, uber-liberal, and it would be all too easy to let that get in the way of the work they do.
  • David W. Walters
    So once the name has been crossed out......that voter can't vote again!
  • David W. Walters North Carolina, the Name is registered in conjunction to an address.....
    Not a SS number, so it doesn't matter how many SS numbers a voter has.
  • Russell
    Ameriken #31--absolutely right.

    I just hope the "testing" doesn't come with the loss of American lives. Very steep price to pay, even for the chosen one.
    I know they know who McCain is, and there will be no test.
  • Russell
    I agree with you completely that ANY kind of voter fraud is offensive.

    To answer your question, if that person was registered with 15 different SSN numbers, and doesn't have to show any form of picture ID (which they don't), I'd say they have the potential to vote 15 times. That math isn't even fuzzy.
  • David W. Walters
    ok Russ......suppose someone did register a name 15 times.....
    How many times is that person gonna vote ?
    But using this lame excuse to wipe voter registration rolls clean smacks of Real voter fraud......something this Vet finds offensive.
  • Russell
    David #29
    David said:
    And what is this voter fraud you are whining about?  I suppose we need a poll tax or some other test before a citizen can vote, huh?

    Whoa there. I am changing my position on this deal. I am now on your side. As a matter of fact, let's take it all the way. Let's just give ACORN authority to go out and pick up anyone and everyone they can find. Who cares if they are members of this country, speak the language, or even have any idea what state they are in. Let's pick them up, give them a pack of cigs and a flask of Wild Turkey and tell them all they have to do is pull the lever for Obama. Sounds great to me.
    What we can't afford is to actually have the old divisive non-partisan crap going on. We definitely do not need to inform them and help them draw their own conclusions.
    I am going liberal. Bribery is best, cause if anybody knew what I stood for, nobody would talk to me anymore.
    Now that I am a liberal, is there a secret handshake or decoder ring or something??
  • David W. Walters
    Powell was duped (read Woodward's book)
    on WMD' i was too.   It was the Powell Doctrine that was trashed by the Bush Doctrine that highlights his foreign policy acumen:

    The Powell Doctrine states that a list of questions all have to be answered affirmatively before military action is taken by the United States:

    Is a vital national security interest threatened?
    Do we have a clear attainable objective?
    Have the risks and costs been fully and frankly analyzed?
    Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?
    Is there a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement?
    Have the consequences of our action been fully considered?
    Is the action supported by the American people?
    Do we have genuine broad international support?

    Had the Powell Doctrine been applied.......
  • ameriken
    Russell #26......  Gaffe-man has come thru again, assuring America that if Obama is elected, he will be tested and there will be a major international "incident". I am just absolutely lovin' Biden!!!!!!

    It's the on-the-job training Biden was referring to back in the primaries.
  • David W. Walters
    Living in North Carolina, i see Obama's ads quite often......he likes to point out how McCain will tax health care benefits.....but the negativity

    is the backbone of McCain's campaign here.
    And what is this voter fraud you are whining about?  I suppose we need a poll tax or some other test before a citizen can vote, huh?
  • ameriken
    David Walters #24 said (re: Powell): "You would do well to trust his judgement on this matter. "

    What have democrats said for years regarding Powells judgment on WMD's in Iraq?
  • Russell
    He is definitely a new breed of politician. Out with the old divisive politics of the past and in with running a hate commercial every thirty seconds in swing states in the middle of an economic crisis and voter fraud. Yeeaaahh
  • David W. Walters
    $150 million reasons why Obama is doing so well,
    Joe Biden, notwithstanding!
  • Russell
    Who else wonders how much McCain is paying Joe Biden???

    Gaffe-man has come thru again, assuring America that if Obama is elected, he will be tested and there will be a major international "incident". I am just absolutely lovin' Biden!!!!!!
  • David W. Walters
    "Every Republican president in the past 60 years has presided over increasing income inequality, including Dwight Eisenhower in the midst of the "Great Compression" of the post-war decades. And every Democratic president except one (Jimmy Carter) has presided over decreasing or stable inequality."

    "......Democrats favored expansionary policies producing substantially higher employment and growth rates, while Republicans endured and sometimes prolonged recessions in order to keep inflation in check. (Not coincidentally, unemployment mostly affects income growth among relatively poor people, while inflation mostly affects income growth among relatively affluent people."
  • David W. Walters
    Gov. Palin isNOT cut out for the job.  Being a christian may be the reason you support her.....i don't know.  Yet i would hate to think what would happen if she has to "take the helm".  As president, there isn't a lot of room for err, which Gen. Powell surely knows well.....having worked under a variety of Chief Executives.  You would do well to trust his judgement on this matter.  I don't think his core is rotten....

    Titus....this present administration has already come close to destroying our economy......and had we followed President Carter's plan of seeking alternative energy sources and conserving our resources, we'd be in a whole lot better shape today.  But Ron Reagan had a better more middle eastern oil.
    The next president is going to have to take bold action to bring change to how our economy runs.  A band aid fix isn't going to do the job....
  • iwantsarahpalin
    And people were criticizing Sarah's performance...see, we all have mistakes. The Christian thing to do is to not harp on the eloquence, but to look to the deep truth of what they are TRYING to say. It's their core that matters, and you can just tell that some people are rotten to the core, no matter what you say.
  • Titus Hunt

    Glad to hear.
  • Kristi
    I agree with what you guys are saying- no true conservative wanted McCain as their first choice- but with Palin by his side, and looking at our other "choice", I think choosing is easy... especially when Biden keeps making comments like this...
  • Titus Hunt
    unfortunately that is how most of us are able to eat.  it's survival.  we have to either work for someone or work for ourselves.  either way businesses have to stay in business.  it is what it is.  I haven't thought about it being patriotic or not but it is food for thought.  however, we have to have strong businesses, which will lead to a strong economy and more jobs.  that is why i definitely know Obama will destroy this country in a way that we have never seen before.  i hope you will consider my comments and take them into consideration.  My first choice would not be McCain but he is the best of the two if we want to eat!
  • David W. Walters
    it sounds as if America is being held hostage by business and corporations......"keep our tax breaks or we'll lay every one off!"
    WoW!  It's so Damned Patriotic!
    -it's what i fought to protect!
  • Titus Hunt

    i understand you are passionate about your beliefs as i am.  i am really afraid for this country.  i'm am afraid because the economy is the most important issue here.  without a strong economy, the government has no money for the military, education, social security, medicare, disability, or anything else.  the only way these programs are funded is through taxpayer dollars.  as you know everyone does not pay taxes.  therefore, the working folks (including me) have to be able to find jobs.  at this point job creation is the most important factor.  without that the whole country will be in a depression.  companies cannot survive in this economy with higher taxes.  look at GM.  they are laying off over 3,000 employees and it may not stop there.  Obama will raise their taxes.  Regardless of what we as normal folks think, the company will not only layoff the 3,000, they will layoff in massive numbers.  that will happen all over this country.  every city will be devastated.  small and large businesses will layoff, close and/or move their businesses overseas.  the backbone of our economy is our strong businesses.  if people do not invest in them, jobs will not be created and we are screwed as a nation.  Under Obama's plan capital gains taxes will be raised.  if potential investors cannot earn any money off their investments, they will not invest.  with the depressed markets, we need investors.  if present investors are not earning any money, they will eventually pull out.  this especially applies to institutional investors responsible for the big 401k plans.  they don't want to hear complaints from their customers and are very nervous right now anyway.  the institutional customers account for a tremendous amount of trading volume and if they get nervous, it will be devastating for our economy.  we saw this some last week with the big swings.  a big portion of the big swings can be contributed to these institutions.  in addition these big customers as well as smaller ones will look for bargains overseas and take their money out of this country.  can you imagine of investment is not encouraged and more taxes are applied?  this is why i'm extremely worried about Obama getting into office.  it has nothing to do with whose party he represents. 

    Obama has already proven that he does not care about our money by his comments about the pork barrell spending (he blew off the comment by saying it was not much money.  i heard him say it in the debate) and by doubling the foreign aid (Biden in his debate).  McCain has never proposed any pork barrell spending (i looked it up and it is true) and has saved the taxpayers millions of dollars in a military project that he thought was a waste.  He has too much to lose to keep us longer in Iraq--his sons are there!  He will always be thinking of them and his experience during war.  He has a mission to help vets in anyway possible and with his service, i know he will.  that is why i trust him in that respect.  we have to be careful in the middleast.  they don't care about words.  their culture is "show me" and "you leave, you lost."  those people spread hatred propaganda and will come for us here.  i'm not just talking about Iraq, it is all over the world.  we have to demand their respect or we are history.  Obama has no record and we can't count on just what he says because we have too much to lose.  The news today is the leaders around the world think obama is weak.  well that is bad news for us!   

    As you can probably tell i work in the financial world but won't go further than that.  Obama's economic plan will not work. it is not a matter of my opinion, it is a matter of the way our economy works.  if i thought his plan had a chance, i would be able to sleep at night.  i'm literally stressed out over this and wish everyone would quit ignoring my blogs about economics.  All of my economics points can be verified by millions of sources.
  • David W. Walters
    ......or maybe some of us see McCain for the Bullshit artist he is RJ......i am a bit of a cynic about an Obama presidency, yet i see the disaster a McCain presidency will entail.

    Titus.....i doubt Obama will waste the sums of money in Iraq that Bush&McCain did.
  • RJ
    You know Kevin Willis, you are everything that is wrong with America, and why Obama will probably win. Becaues Americans are stupid, lame-brained, lazy and uneducated, and prefer to wallow in ignorance. Statements like "that's all I need to know about the guy" are so dangerous, but Americans like to pretend they feel involved but by doing only the bare minimum. Get to know one characteristic or iota of history of a candidate and make up your mind on that, pretending you are now suddenly aware of everything about that particular individual. You "like" the guy? Politics isn't about liking somebody, it's about whose views you feel are best at steering the country. That's whats wrong. College-aged liberal retards and middle of the road middle class middle-aged Middlepeople think Obama sounds like a nice person and suddenly its the popularity vote in 8th grade all over again. God knows his claims are as unrealistic as an 8th graders. "I promise Fridays off, no more homework, and free pop machines in every cafeteria."
  • Titus Hunt
    David:  yes, i meant any program and i do understand that it is $10B/mo.  we can kiss that $10B/mo good bye for years to come.  it will all go to afganistan next.  i was just pointing out a fact.  Obama blew off the $17B+ savings per year as "not much money."  that is what he said in his debate and speeches. of course, during his debate, Biden said they may be willing to forgo their plan to double foreign aid because of the bailout.  wasn't that just nice of him?  all of this is a good indication of how they feel about taxpayers money.  i don't care if it is a $1, it is our money and obviously they don't respect it.  does this not tell you something about how they are going to spend our money?  regardless of the bailout, how dare they want to give double the foreign aid to other countries.  that has been their plan and this country has been in a crisis for about a year and a half so why would they even think about doing this in that long ago?  Yesterday after being hammered by McCain about his plan to give 95% of americans a tax cut and the economists saying it was not possible since 40% of americans do not pay taxes, Obama is now saying it is working americans.  here's the problem, in his plan he is going to send the people who don't pay taxes a check.  however, he is not clarifying that point.  i have listened throughout his campaign to ensure i was not misunderstanding and he never has mentioned working americans until now; he said 95% of all americans.  so .95 + .40 + .05 = 100%?????  IMPOSSIBLE!  i may not be an expert in a lot of areas but i am close to one with money!!!  but hey, if he is president, don't say i didn't tell you so when more jobs are lost because of his plan!  it is obvious and a fact!
  • David W. Walters
    When you said:
    "...............besides, our government can't run any program efficiently."
    Do you mean the military as well?
    I wonder if we can find some fat in the defense budget that would offset some budget shortfalls..........
    (like the $10BILLION/MONTH we are wasting in Iraq.....a MONTH, not yearly)?
  • Titus Hunt
    Russell:  i agree with you completely.  if people don't already know it is a bad idea, this should help educate them.  besides, our government can't run any program efficiently.  they have PROVEN track record going back decades.  so all of the sudden they are our saviors and can run a government program well?  surely people cannot possibly believe this!  It is not rational to say the least!
  • Russell
    Still want nationalized health care????,2933,439607,00.html

    Hmmmmmm. maybe not such a good idea. Turns out when  you give it away, people stop paying for it.

    Who knew???
  • toe
    both candidates were great fun at the dinner- the writers are to be commended - Obama's had me in stitches-
  • Titus Hunt
    Biden is ridiculous and i normally this would be funny.  however, the issues are too important to this country right now for me to laugh. 

    if it weren't for that pesky little issue of the global economy, Obama’s plan to create jobs still wouldn't work.  how can you create jobs when you give money (welfare) to those who don't pay taxes and give a check to the middleclass of about $500 or 1,000 per year?????  that is my question!  even if it was a few thousand dollars, how does this create the kind of jobs we need in this country?  how does this encourage people to get an education and better themselves like i did?????  their theory is that those folks will spend the money and jobs will be created to produce the goods and services.  i have studied economics and watched the economy for years and years.  what about the need for businesses to compete overseas to sustain themselves and grow?  if Obama's plan was the answer and it was this simple and businesses would prosper and create jobs by this relatively little amt of money going back into the system, why would businesses need to do business overseas????????  well, the answer is that most of the businesses in the U.S. MUST be able to sell their products overseas to stay in business.  with one of the highest tax rates in the world, we can't compete as we need to and people lose jobs.   GM is laying off 1500 employees.  now under Obama's plan he would give folks about $1,000 dollars.  how long will that sustain the layed-off plant workers?  if they spend this money, will people be able to buy cars and the workers get their jobs back???????  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is a little more complicated than that!  would now be the time to raise taxes on GM?  i don't think so!  right or wrong the rich protect themselves and the folks like you and me will suffer.  Companies pass the higher taxes on in the form of higher prices paid for goods and services.  They do not actually have to pay anything more—we pay for it all!   so is this plan sticking it to the rich people?  ha!  quite the opposite.  we are going to pay higher prices for everything under Obama's plan.  so those idiots who like taxing the wealthy will just love the repurcussions of their stupid decision to vote for Obama.  Those folks should be willing to shell out the price differences to people like me who actually understand the plan and vote against it.  How is this helping the country? 

    did anyone hear Biden in his debate say he and Obama would be willing to put on hold their plan to double foreign aid?   Well, isn't that nice of them!  wow!  forget keeping the money to help the citizens of the U.S.  they want to send it overseas.  yeah, we are in a war and are not watching the spending and both parties are at fault.  where are the watchdogs on both sides??  So more money should go where and to whom? 

    i don't think John McCain should have to explain all of this in his economic plan because we as citizens should be smart enough to figure this out.  for adults it should be common sense and as simple as tying shoes.  oh, i'm sorry i keep forgetting how stupid some folks are.   i think John Mccain has done an excellent job of talking about his plan but he doesn't go into detail.  I think he gives those folks opposing his plan way too much credit and thinks they will eventually understand and get the picture.  ha!  obviously not!  so democrats in your quest for change we will definitely continue to lose jobs and cause this country to fall further into a recession leading to a depression.  what will you say then?  it is the republicans fault?  has anyone listened to the hearings when Barney Frank testified there was nothing wrong w/Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and those who dared questioned him were basically barking up the wrong tree??????????????  so i think all is to blame here.  we don't need 4 more years of crooked democrats and republicans.  where is the common sense? 

    i heard some folks on these blogs talk about how republicans are stupid and we believe anything they tell us.  well, i'm very educated in the financial world and live it everyday and i also do my own research so i understand more than the basics and care about how Obama's plan will affect every American family and not just my own.  unlike a lot of folks in this country, i actually look out for others. 

    i quit commenting for a while because of the stupid comments.  in particular one of the last ones i received.  someone said that if my father who owns a small business earned more than $250k, he could afford to pay more taxes.  I cannot believe how stupid of a comment that was.  He puts the money right back into his business and buys more products to sell expanding his business and hires more people!!!!!!!   So you stupid democrats, vote for Obama so my father can shut down his business, lay off employees and take a vacation.  He has not had one in 40 years because he concentrated on trying to build his business and employ people.  That is called working hard and earning more than most to have more than most.  That is smart, huh?  How many other businessmen will follow?  I can tell you there will be thousands and i personally know some of them.  Good luck in finding a job then!  what morons!  some comments are just too stupid to respond to, much less read.  

    i think Obama and Biden are pretty intelligient men--they have been able to convince people their plan is the right plan.  ha!  now that is a lie and immoral but what is the harm in putting people out of work while they live in the lap of luxury in the whitehouse and enjoy the power with Pelosi and Reed?
  • Titus Hunt
    I just think Biden is ridiculous!  I know this should be funny but considering the serious nature of what he and Obama will do to this country, i can't laugh.  He and Obama only know how to make this country worse than it is.   

    if it weren't for that pesky little issue of the global economy, Obama’s plan to create jobs still wouldn't work.  how can you create jobs when you give money (welfare) to those who don't pay taxes and give a check to the middleclass of about $500 or 1,000 per year?????  that is my question!  even if it was a few thousand dollars, how does this create the kind of jobs we need in this country?  how does this encourage people to get an education and better themselves like i did?????  their theory is that those folks will spend the money and jobs will be created to produce the goods and services.  i have studied economics and watched the economy for years and years.  what about the need for businesses to compete overseas to sustain themselves and grow?  if Obama's plan was the answer and it was this simple and businesses would prosper and create jobs by this relatively little amt of money going back into the system, why would businesses need to do business overseas????????  well, the answer is that most of the businesses in the U.S. MUST be able to sell their products overseas to stay in business.  with one of the highest tax rates in the world, we can't compete as we need to and people lose jobs.   GM is laying off 1500 employees.  now under Obama's plan he would give folks about $1,000 dollars.  how long will that sustain the layed-off plant workers?  if they spend this money, will people be able to buy cars and the workers get their jobs back???????  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is a little more complicated than that!  would now be the time to raise taxes on GM?  i don't think so!  right or wrong the rich protect themselves and the folks like you and me will suffer.  Companies pass the higher taxes on in the form of higher prices paid for goods and services.  They do not actually have to pay anything more—we pay for it all!   so is this plan sticking it to the rich people?  ha!  quite the opposite.  we are going to pay higher prices for everything under Obama's plan.  so those idiots who like taxing the wealthy will just love the repurcussions of their stupid decision to vote for Obama.  Those folks should be willing to shell out the price differences to people like me who actually understand the plan and vote against it.  How is this helping the country? 

    did anyone hear Biden in his debate say he and Obama would be willing to put on hold their plan to double foreign aid?   Well, isn't that nice of them!  wow!  forget keeping the money to help the citizens of the U.S.  they want to send it overseas.  yeah, we are in a war and are not watching the spending and both parties are at fault.  where are the watchdogs on both sides??  So more money should go where and to whom? 

    i don't think John McCain should have to explain all of this in his economic plan because we as citizens should be smart enough to figure this out.  for adults it should be common sense and as simple as tying shoes.  oh, i'm sorry i keep forgetting how stupid some folks are.   i think John Mccain has done an excellent job of talking about his plan but he doesn't go into detail.  I think he gives those folks opposing his plan way too much credit and thinks they will eventually understand and get the picture.  ha!  obviously not!  so democrats in your quest for change we will definitely continue to lose jobs and cause this country to fall further into a recession leading to a depression.  what will you say then?  it is the republicans fault?  has anyone listened to the hearings when Barney Frank testified there was nothing wrong w/Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and those who dared questioned him were basically barking up the wrong tree??????????????  so i think all is to blame here.  we don't need 4 more years of crooked democrats and republicans.  where is the common sense? 

    i heard some folks on these blogs talk about how republicans are stupid and we believe anything they tell us.  well, i'm very educated in the financial world and live it everyday and i also do my own research so i understand more than the basics and care about how Obama's plan will affect every American family and not just my own.  unlike a lot of folks in this country, i actually look out for others. 

    i quit commenting for a while because of the stupid comments.  in particular one of the last ones i received.  someone said that if my father who owns a small business earned more than $250k, he could afford to pay more taxes.  I cannot believe how stupid of a comment that was.  He puts the money right back into his business and buys more products to sell expanding his business and hires more people!!!!!!!   So you stupid democrats, vote for Obama so my father can shut down his business, lay off employees and take a vacation.  He has not had one in 40 years because he concentrated on trying to build his business and employ people.  That is called working harder than most folks to have more than most folks.  That is smart, huh?  How many other businessmen will follow?  I can tell you there will be thousands and i personally know some of them.  Good luck in finding a job then!  what morons!  some comments are just too stupid to respond to, much less read.  

    i think Obama and Biden are pretty intelligient men--they have been able to convince people their plan is the right plan.  ha!  now that is a lie and immoral but what is the harm in putting people out of work while they live in the lap of luxury in the whitehouse and enjoy the power with Pelosi and Reed?
  • Jack
    yeah!  the truth is that i have never been hired by a poor person.  if it weren't for that pesky little issue of the global economy, their plan to create jobs still wouldn't work.  how can you create jobs when you give money (welfare) to those who don't pay taxes and give a check to the middleclass of about $500 or 1,000 per year?????  that is my question!  even if it was a few thousand dollars, how does this create the kind of jobs we need in this country?  how does this encourage people to get an education and better themselves like i did?????  their theory is that those folks will spend the money and jobs will be created to produce the goods and services.  i have studied economics and watched the economy for years and years.  what about the need for businesses to compete overseas to sustain themselves and grow?  if Obama's plan was the answer and it was this simple and businesses would prosper and create jobs by this relatively little amt of money going back into the system, why would businesses need to do business overseas????????  well, the answer is that most of the businesses in the U.S. MUST be able to sell their products overseas to stay in business.  with one of the highest tax rates in the world, we can't compete as we need to and people lose jobs.   GM is laying off 1500 employees.  now under Obama's plan he would give folks about $1,000 dollars.  how long will that sustain the layed-off plant workers?  if they spend this money, will people be able to buy cars and the workers get their jobs back???????  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is a little more complicated than that!  would now be the time to put a tax on GM?  i don't think so!  right or wrong the rich protect themselves and the folks like you and me will suffer.  Companies pass the higher taxes on in the form of higher prices paid for goods and services.  so is this plan sticking it to the rich people?  ha!  quite the opposite.  we are going to pay higher prices for everything under Obama's plan.  so those idiots who like taxing the wealthy will just love the repurcussions of their stupid decision to vote for Obama.  Those folks should be willing to shell out the price differences to people like me who actually understand the plan and vote against it.  How is this helping the country? 

    did anyone hear Biden in the debate say he and Obama would be willing to put on hold their plan to double foreign aid?   Well, isn't that nice of them!  wow!  forget keeping the money to help the citizens of the U.S.  they want to send it overseas.  yeah, we are in a war and are not watching the spending and both parties are at fault.  where are the watchdogs on both sides??  So more money should go where and to whom? 

    i don't think John McCain should have to explain all of this in his economic plan because we as citizens should be smart enough to figure this out.  for adults it should be common sense and as simple as tying shoes.  oh, i'm sorry i keep forgetting how stupid some folks are.   i think John Mccain has done an excellent job of talking about his plan but he doesn't go into detail.  I think he gives those folks opposing his plan way too much credit and thinks they will eventually understand and get the picture.  ha!  obviously not!  so democrats in your quest for change we will definitely lose jobs and cause this country to fall further into a recession leading to a depression.  what will you say then?  it is the republicans fault?  has anyone listened to the hearings when Barney Frank testified there was nothing wrong w/Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and those who dared questioned him were basically barking up the wrong tree??????????????  so i think all is to blame here.  we don't need 4 more years of crooked democrats and republicans.  where is the common sense? 

    i heard some folks on these blogs talk about how republicans are stupid and we believe anything they tell us.  well, i'm very educated in the financial world and live it everyday and i also do my own research so i understand more than the basics and care about how Obama's plan will affect every American family and not just my own.  unlike a lot of folks in this country, i actually look out for others. 

    i quit commenting for a while because of the stupid comments.  in particular one of the last ones i received.  someone said that if my father who owns a small business earned more than $250k, he could afford to pay more taxes.  I cannot believe how stupid of a comment that was.  He puts the money right back into his business and buys more products to sell expanding his business and hires more people!!!!!!!   what a moron!  some comments are just too stupid to respond to. much less read.  

    i think Obama and Biden are pretty intelligient men--they have been able to convince people there plan is the right plan.  ha!  now that is a lie and immoral but what is the harm in putting people out of work while they live in the lap of luxury in the whitehouse and enjoy the power with Pelosi and Reed?
  • ameriken
    @ Kevin #5......interesting analysis. I just got done watching the Alfred E Smith annual dinner, where both candidates appear. I was laughing out loud at some of the jokes from both Obama and McCain.....maybe a little moreso with McCain, but nevertheless, both. 

    This is a setting where you could see a different side of the candidates.....the two weren't pitching or bitching or campaigning, rather it was nonconfrontational where one could them in a different light. Too bad the tone of both campaigns couldn't reflect what we see when they are not campaigning.
  • ameriken
    Kevin.....My point was Biden has gotten a pass from the same folks who fired some hugely negative flak at Quayle for that little spud.  

    As for Biden, I do like him too, he is a very down to earth, heart-on-his-sleeve-guy, see-ya-at-the-bar kind of guy....perhaps too much for his own good. As for're not suggesting Biden writes everyone elses material all by himself are you?   :-[)
  • Kevin S. Willis
    I was just thinking . . . it's strange. I can forgive Biden his gaffes, and Obama. Frankly, if I take politics out of it, I really like Obama. I really like Biden. I really like Sarah Palin. 

    There's only one of the four I don't care for. That would be McCain. 

    Introduce politics, and I don't like any of 'em but Palin.
  • Kevin S. Willis
    @Ameriken: "Yet, liberals give Biden and Obama a pass on their gaffes"

    Can you really lump Biden and Obama together on gaffes? I think Obama has made a few natural mistakes in speaking, and none worse than McCain or Palin. Biden, on the other hand, is a machine. He is Dan Quayle with hairplugs, on his gaffes are more frequent and--unlike the misspelling of potato where Quayle was going with the material provided to him by the people running the spelling bee--Joe Biden writes all his own material himself. Well, except when he plagiarizes it. ;)

    Biden wanted to send Iran a check for $250,000,000, no strings attached, after 9/11. As a gesture of good will to a known sponsor of terror. After that, I don't need to know anything else. I like the guy, he seems amiable and sincere, generally, but I would prefer he not actually have any real power.

    As VP, I'm thinking that will probably be the case.
  • ameriken
    Remember all the negative remarks from liberals about Dan Quayle and how unqualified he was when he gaffed? They did the same with Bush when he bumbles his speeches and press conferences. Yet, liberals give Biden and Obama a pass on their gaffes and goofs as just meaningless 'spoonerisms'. I just love listening to the explanations why it is ok now.
  • clintusmaximus
    This just illustrates the random, out of touch, narcisistic, void we are dealing with. Its like listening to a 4 year old explain nuclear physics. And this guy made it out of law school?! I guess its all the same since we have professional athletes in the NFL that cant't read or write. You if you took the bombs that this guy has dropped and replaced "Joe Biden" with ANY republican there would be impeachment hearings or some sort of investigations at the least. The crap these DEMs get by with is incorrigable.
  • ameriken

    Biden has the funniest gaffes of all the candidates, he's a riot.

    On a more serious note, we need j-o-b-s in all 57 states......oops, I left out the last one..........Alaska and Hawaii. :-[)
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