Benjamin Netanyahu back in office, bummer for Iran

April 1st, 2009 Urban Conservative

Well, it’s been a while since I last wrote; and I am only writing now due to recent developments in the Middle East.

Just yesterday, in an interview with The Atlantic, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel could go it alone and attack Iran if the country went nuclear. He said in unusually blunt language (according to the article) of the Iranian leadership, “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs. When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the entire world should start worrying, and that is what is happening in Iran” … and dammit, he is absolutely right.  A nuclear Iran would surely wreak havoc not only in the Middle East but the world abroad.

He also said that “The Obama presidency has two great missions: fixing the economy, and preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons … and that Israel would not necessarily need American approval to launch an attack.”  This will prove to be Obama’s first major test in the Middle East.

The issue, in my opinion, is not Israel’s Military capability. Foreign leadership across the globe knows that Israel does not play games when it comes to protecting their land from foreign invasion. Past history is clear that those who attack Israel get dealt with very badly – no holds barred, no protesting from Code Pink, no congressional approval, no remorse.  The question here is simple.  Does Netanyahu have the stomach to launch a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities? I think he does.

Now will someone from Mossad go shut Chavez the hell up? His big mouth rhetoric is sickening to my ears.

Tags: Iran, Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mossad, Obama, pre-emptive strike, nuclear

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  • BillCheshireJr
    Israel is very dear to my heart. It makes me sick to see how this current administration is bowing down to the enemies of Israel, let alone snubbing Israel with she comes over for a visit. What's that all about? I say: Let's vote ALL these 'yahoos' 'out', in November, and set 2 4-year term limits, in all congress, and reach out, again, for our conservative Christian, God-fearing, roots. I did say, 'Christian', didn't I?!
  • Leo Emmanuel Lochard
  • Leo Emmanuel Lochard
    (Quote below is from John Agui) "Any ideas as to how this conflict can be resolved other than going to more and more, longer and longer wars? Any ideas as to what happens when Christians in Europe and the United States tire of Jews again?" As for me, I do not believe the conditions that precipitated World War II persecution of Jews still exist. This could not happen today in the same manner as before, because, for the past sixty years, new organizations have sprouted and a new understanding has emerged as to what moves the irreligious masses into frenzied mob action. Countries, worldwide, have taken appropriate measures to attend to the needs of the poor, the dispossessed and the disadvantaged, so they are not manipulated by "strong men" who profit from human misery by destructive appeals that focus guilt and blame on specific groups - a process analogous to what took place in Europe in the aftermath of Stock Market collapses in the 1920's and 1930's. For example, Goebbels and his method of mass indoctrination to mobilize collective agreement with "government policies" have not escaped the attention of historians and social scientists. In America, individual rights are supreme with freedom of worship and freedom of conscience. In addition, thankfully, there are international organizations that make much needed charitable contributions to alleviate the sufferings of hunger, disease and death from natural disasters, etc..., on a worldwide basis. Internationally, people of every nation recognize this need and act in consort to benefit from a good that has constructive benefits for all concerned. As long as people are given hope in the future while their present predicaments receive care and concern, they are less disposed to externalize their frustrations by looking for "scapegoats." An as long as they are able to think for themselves with freedoms of expression, speech, religion, press, peaceable assembly to petition government for a redress of grievances etc..., as we safeguard our Bill of Rights, there will always be a way to legally twart extreme fascistic views that seek to mobilize them for destructive and harmful ends. For example, we have freedom of association at the same time that we cannot be forced into collective mobilizations for illegal actions that violate our conscience. In the Twenty-First Century, due to emerging econnomic relations between countries, it appears that the problems that will confront every nation, including Israel, will tend to have "global imprinting" in nature. It is the relentless march of global financial instrumentation. international economic entanglement, and enmeshment in "causes" that seem to cross all borders, as, for example, so-called "global warming" or "climate change." All cultures should take precautions so as to not blindly mobilize their populations behind so-called "international causes" that concern the so-called "good of all humanity," such as "global warming," and "climate change." For example, in Brazil, it is not unusual to witness youth and children "diving in dumpsters" to obtain something to eat. For, usually, "global causes" are prescriptions for enactment of the "herding principle," or "group-think," in which "manipulators" will drown individual rights and questioning voices. (Noting a fact in passing, and without disparagement of Mr. Al Gore, but when Mr. Gore, the "global-warming-and-climate-change King" appeared in front of Congress, it was revealed that he is now worth $100 million, whereas, after he lost the presidential election of the year 2000, he was worth only $2 million. When asked whether he was personnally profitting from his "clarion call" on "global warming" and "climate change," Mr. Gore retorted with his own question; the jest of his question was, "Do you have anything against someone being in business?" So by his own confession, Mr. Gore is "in the business" of "global warming" and "climate change.)" Nations that are tied to, entangled and enmeshed with "international movers" of global finance, or "global causes" that require internal mobilization of their people, if they allow it, will get dictated to, in a manner never seen before - this whole process will mimic previous movement towards "one-world government," "one-world economy," or "one-world religion." And that is why every nation must insist on preserving national sovereignty and protecting individual rights within internationally recognized national borders, while exercising caution in the way they mobilize the energies of their people, collectively. Because of present understanding regarding how the masses of people are entrapped into destructive collective mobilization, I do not anticipate a worlwide movement that would blare ethnically-motivated anti-Jewish hostilities, whether in Europe or the United States. Things will appear to devolve "naturally" as nations, through their respective governments, legally take action to fashion domestic legislation and international relations in accordance with what they perceive to be in their own comprehensive national interests. In that manner, they can all appear to proceed on equal footing as they each endeavour to function in the best interests of their people, respectively. For, "international movers" take great care not to arouse the ire of the people in a direction that does not suit their ultimate objective - to "unite" the world, "by hook or crook," while they "reap the harvest of spoils." Nations, beware! Thanks. God bless you and God bless the United States of America. LEO
  • John Agui
    Leo Emmanuel Lochard:
    Read the article. Do you think that's even a possibility for Jews to be "admitted" to the EU? I lived in Europe, and I can tell you, the only people they hate as much as Arabs/Persians are Jews (well maybe Gypsies too).  I personally don't think so. I've always wondered why Israeli's consider themselves more European when the Europeans didn't want them there--and made a pretty good attempt to get them out too, along with Christians refusing to allow Jewish refugees into the United States during the holocaust, while many Arab countries did.  It seems to be me that regardless of the last 50 years, there is a far longer history of mutual protection with Arabs than with Europeans.  Any ideas as to how this conflict can be resolved other than going to more and more, longer and longer wars?  Any ideas as to what happens when Christians in Europe and the United States tire of Jews again?
  • Leo Emmanuel Lochard
    It is interesting, to say the least, that the "new" Prime Minister of Israel, Mr. Netanyahu, is insisting on Iran recognizing the State of Israel as a "Jewish State."  Why the focus on race, ethnicity or biological descent?  There is a complex dynamic that is tearing the Jewish community apart, a people with such a great spiritual tradition and moral heritage.
    In the first place, "Jews want to be Jews," in contradistinction to every other "people group" on the earth, supposedly due to historical precedents of persecution, such as the Holocaust, hence, in order to "preserve" Israel as a "Jewish enclave" wherein Jews from all over the world can escape to,  in case of persecution.  And in the second place, there appears to be another movement in both Jewish thinking and practice that causes Jews in Israel to struggle against requirements of justice, constructive liberty and equal protection of the laws for its Arab residents and neighbors, while Israel aspires to be a representative democracy.  Is it what is being declared here by Mr. Netanyahu?  A "Jewish democracy," for "Jews only?" 
    For example, Israelis object to Iran's research on nuclear technology while Israel joined South Africa, during the Apartheid era, in the pursuit of collective nuclear research.  Now, there is talk of Israel aspiring to belong to the European Union due to already existing trade relations.  What compels Israelis to seek relations with people other than their neighbors?
    Jews in Israel have great reservations and deep apprehension regarding complete integration in the world community and the Middle East, their own neighborhood, which cause the manifestation of great contradictions in the lives of Israelis.  It is because the system of proportional representation could not produce a political majority that Netanyahu was recalled and asked to form a "new government."  Are Israelis "morally bankrupt?"  No.  But I sense that the majority of Israelis know this situation is untenable and will demand a change in approach towards the peace process, including adopting the "two-State solution." 
    The remaining question is, then, given all the advances in understanding and knowledge we have gained for the past sixty years, is it necessary for Jews to continue to promote ethnic separation, biological esotericism, and racial isolation in order "to survive?"  These are great myths propagated in order to obtain policy agreements and financial support for "Jewish-ness causes," which require vast monetary expenditures that are already overloading Israel's militarized economy.  The purpose of human living is not "to survive," but to constructively prosper to the highest level of our potentialities.  Jewish families and their children deserve much better than just "surviving" in a perpetual "state of war."
    Events that precipitated World War II, and the deaths of millions of Jews who were deported to concentration camps, were deplorable and are still condemnable.  But Israeli Jews cannot have it both ways - isolating themselves as a "Jewish enclave" with specific ethnic-based interests in policy and advocacy, and at the same time, seeking a sort of associative rapprochement with Europe, which, if materialized, would further isolate Israel from the rest of the world, and further alienate Israelis from their own Middle East area. 
    How can Israelis continue to entertain esoteric isolation with the misguided expectation that this cultural stance promotes their coveted interests?  The horrendous drains on Israel's real interests are not only financial, but they also involve terrible human costs.  For example, fathers and mothers of Israeli children expect, as a matter of course, that their young men and women will bear machine guns, without being able to exercise freedom of choice in the matter.  Military service has become a forced obligation rather than a much dreaded necessity of last resort.  Is it an impossible dream to envision that one day soon Israel will thank Almighty God for instituting a "volunteer army," as we have in America?  Common defense, out of last-resort necessity, in opposition to a "Sparta-like" status of continued war-path mobilization!  Then, would not Israeli fathers and mothers prefer to have greater choice in making more life-affirming plans for their sons and daughters who are currently exposed only to loss of life most of the time?
    In a "two-State solution," Jews have nothing to fear from "forced association."  This is a matter of civilized living and collective security in a region whose people have suffered for too long while yearning to lawfully live and prosper in peace of mind and tranquility of heart to enjoy the "good things in life," even an evening promenade in one's local neighborhood without expecting a bomb to explode.
    As mentioned above, Israelis had sought association with Apartheid South Africa in the pursuit of nuclear power research, and now, Israel is seeking rapprochement with the European Union, on an ethnic and commercial basis, at the same time, requiring that Iran abandon its nuclear aspirations and that Iranians accept Israel as a "Jewish State." 
    A "Jewish State" seeking integration in the European Union as a member nation!  It is as if Israelis are officially seeking "mental escape" from the Middle East, to dissociate themselves from their neighbors ethnically, while at the same time, pursuing enlargement of physical settlements for the geographical physical State of Israel.  Is a "divided psychology" the fate of all Israeli young people who are bound to mature to inherit the nation's leadership -  being physically in the Middle East but coveting "belonging," "attachment," "entanglement," "commitment," somewhere else, with some "other people?"
    What kind of changes might the world anticipate regarding "Israeli membership" in the European Union, were that to be materialized?  Excessive diversion of resources to a militarized economy is counterproductive to nation-building in Israel, a condition which might emerge in European Union member nations, were they to have a "new relationship" with Israel, a nation apparently engaged in "escaping" peaceful relations with its neighbors.  Instead of America being in Afghanistan and Iraq, for example, the world might then expect European Union member nations to assume a "new role," a military one, in accordance with the "new reality" of Israel as a "member nation."
    As a fact of historical development, due to oftentimes "unplanned" world movement of the Jewish people, Jews have integrated very well in America and other democracies, especially in Europe, wherein they are citizens who continue to make comprehensive contributions to overall nation-building. 
    However, these world movements of the Jewish people were based on compelled "Exodus," which satisfies rationalizations for the very premise on which the existence of the State of Israel is based.  But in feeding the contradictions that cause Israel to seek rapprochement with the European Union, Israel would have unwittingly given incentives to its citizens to seek citizenship, residency or affiliation within other member nations where greater opportunities exist for comprehensive prosperity, without the forced obligation of military conscription. 
    For, Israel is continuously giving proof to the rest of the world that it seeks relations with people other than its neighbors. By that, Israel, as if "compelled from within," seems to be unconsciously prodding its citizens "to court future Exodus" to other countries, the same, wherein originated catalytic conditions compelling "historical Exodus" that served as precursors for the movement to establish the State of Israel.  In addition, with AIPAC and other ethnicity-driven lobbies, Israelis in the State of Israel appear to be seeking the world-wide founding, in the minds of all Jews, a "state of Israel," a standing, internalized attitude, of possessing isolated interests external and contradictory to the extant, free and prosperous country-of-citizenship social and economic conditions that already animate their daily lives.  Furthermore, in seeking international recognition and approval for a specifically "Jewish State," Israelis are unwittingly motivating Arabs to pursue extreme Islamic views, even within the spectrum of potentially collaborative relations.
    The majority of Americans continue to dedicate tremendous efforts in understanding the deepest concerns of the Jewish people in general, and of Israeli Jews, in particular.  It is long overdue that Israelis and Arabs who share the same geopolitical interests in collective security be constructively engaged in common talks regarding the establishment of a State for Palestinians, in peaceful and constructive relations with the State of Israel. 
    The Holy Bible, in Genesis, written by Moses with God's inspiration, states that Adam and Eve are our common ancestors.  Abraham is our common "father of faith." Abraham and Sarah fathered Isaac - one of his sons was Jacob; and Abraham and Hagar, fathered Ishmael.  So, as all human beings are related by common ancestry, Jews and Arabs are brothers and sisters.  As the Holocaust cannot be denied, nor can these facts of history.  Jews, Christians and Arabs, all have a common spiritual heritage from which to extract positive and constructive benefits that transcend the earthly chains that had formerly kept all in bondage to armed conflict and economic strife.
    May the peace of Christ's love be with you, Thanks.  LEO
  • Ryan
    Michael-Post 19 was excellent.

    I've been thinking about the people at my office that voted...incorrectly.
    Perhaps I'll lobby for those that voted for misguided "Hope", to be next in the unemployment line.
  • Roland Hall
    Is Dora the only resident troll or are there others?
  • Jess
    Dora: "...says a lot about your lack of interest in the lost wanderings of the GOP, the conservative movement.  it's "spokespeople",  your base,  your future, and your lack of  interest in maintaining this site with timely events, Urban Conservative.
    oh,  did you notice that diplomacy is breaking out all over?   what a disappointment this must be for you.   preemptive war has been relegated to the files of stupidity.   too bad that you and the rush clone haven't noticed this....but then you voted for bush.... twice."
    Just taking a wild guess here.  You're liberal, aren't you?
    ...and what is it liberals say about being tolerant?
    Sorry again!

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    Please consider my blog for <a href="">your list.
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    <a href="">700 Billion Dollar Bailout - Credit Crunch? Where?
    <a href="">Iraq War Media Deceptions 101
    P.S.) I gave you “link love” back on 3/29/09.
  • Track-A-'Crat
    While Iran enjoys the tacit approval of Russia and China, very little will happen. Israel can be trusted to take action if the situation deteriorates further, but President Obama's militant pacifism will preclude any action by the US (unless something incredibly drastic happens).

    Strength through weakness!
  • Political Jive
    GOOD!!!! Glad he isn't waiting on Obama's approval - Obama has this faint notion of Middle Eastern peace and unilateral disarmament. Obama needs to grow a pair. HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO BOW DOWN TO THE SAUDI KING!!! BUT WHEN IT CAME TO SALUTE ONE OF OUR SOLDIERS HE SHOOK HIS HAND!!!!!! MR BARACK "HUSSEIN" HAS THEIR CULTURE DOWN AND NOT OURS!!!!
  • Titus Hunt
    Michael--great post.  i too blame those who voted for obama and am very angry that they have put us in this very dangerous position!
  • Michael
    "Sometimes a flexed muscle goes a lot farther than a whiny speech." Kris
    Especially when that speech is about flexing our muscle.  Does North Korea really have a fear that we will retaliate in any significant way?  Is Iran further emboldened to continue its nuclear program?  Is Venezuela concerned in any way that this administration will do anything about them both hosting and considering basing Russian bombers in their country?  What does this say to our allies both in Europe where we have given up on the missile defense shield?  What does it say to both friend and foe when we say that we as America are backing away from our abilities to fight traditional wars, meanwhile a traditional war is what we would see if Israel is attacked and what we just saw when Russia went into Georgia?
    These sound nice in speeches.  We tell Korea and Iran that if you continue in your nuclear efforts then we will go to the UN Security Counsil and right you a letter that is both on UN letterhead and framable for your wall.  Iraq had 17 such letters and it wasn't until real force was applied that we stopped a regime that fired at our planes daily for years.  Soon afterwards we saw countries like Lybia turn over its Nuclear program to the US.
    If Russia makes a move back into Georgia or any other state for that matter, what can we do?  If Iran or Syria attacks Isreal, what can we do?  If North Korea moved on the South or even on Japan, what can we do?  If Venezuala wants to continue to cause havoc in SA, what can we do?....the answer is we will just give a speech and right a letter then hope for the best.
    Everyone realizes this and that is in part why we are seeing bold actions by our foes.  In a way, Russia has not been stronger at any point in history relative to the US as it is now.  It's not that they are so strong, but rather we are becoming so weak...crippled by a political ideology that naively thinks that everyone will just play nice so long as the US (the greatest instegators in the world according to the left) lay down their arms first, pull their defence systems first, remove their troops first, surrender first.  The Economic collapse that has been perpetuated by this administration will only be eclipsed by our military collapse leading our country into both the slavery of poverty and the potential for slavery by tyrany.
    I blame those who have voted for this regime.  I know those around me who cast their vote that have led us down this course and they are to blame for the destruction of our country.  Their ignorance and naivety has put in place a man, an administration, that is at war with every aspect of Americanism.  Fortunatly, America is stronger than any one man, stronger than any one administration, stronger than any one misguided political party...but we can be weakened and if that weakness is exploited by those who wish to harm America, then we have a problem.
  • Kris
    I agree with you that our diplomatic efforts of late have been sophomoric at best.  I'm not a proponent of not talking at all, I just think we have to keep our options open and be honest about it.  Sometimes a flexed muscle goes a lot farther than a whiny speech.
  • Titus Hunt
    thanks to obama we are at a greater risk than we were on 9-11.  we just don't know when and where and have to sit and wait.  maybe obama will point his finger again and say "shame, shame on you" when thousands more of our citizens die!  he literally makes me sick!
  • Michael
    "Diplomacy doesn't work with psycos like the Iranians."Kris
    We employed YouTube Diplomacy on the Iranians.  The North Koreans fire a long range missile during Obama's speech on arms control.  We have our Secretary of State put out a video message pleading for anyone in North Korea to "call her".  I believe we have given up or simply have the most inept government in US history.  Korea knows nothing will happen and even if we do something in the short run, the assistant Sec. has already said we will sit back down at the table when the missle smoke has cleared.  We have lost all credibility with the world and this is happening in the matter of just months, not years.
  • Kris
    Diplomacy doesn't work with psycos like the Iranians.  Good for him for saying it like it is.  Blow 'em away if and when the deserve it.
  • Titus Hunt
    Michael--unbelievable!  oh, but his wife's attire was all the rage!  LOL!  obama made a fool out of the US and i am just ashamed of the whole trip.  who is going to get us out of the mess he is causing?
  • Michael
    "obama's trip has been a waste." Titus Hunt
    In truth, we had our hat handed to us at the G20 and the only success that Obama was able to claim was the fact that he was willing to accepted that fact.  There were two issues at play at the summit.
    First, was an attempt to get Germany to match or at least come close to the US Stimulus Package because what we knew would happen is Germany would simply use the increase demand in the US marketplace to expand its exports.  We, the US would be stuck with huge deficits while Germany would simply take advantage of our spending.  The US wanted Germany to share some of the burden as our actions would inevitably have a global affect, but Germany said NO.
    Second, Germany did not want the EU to bail out its banks but rather allow the IMF to do it because the US has agreed to fund the IMF to the tune of 100 billion, 80% of which has gone to Central European Banks. (meaning we just bailed out Europe as well) and we folded to the German position on this and agreed to this as well.
  • Titus Hunt
    if obama keeps on this same path, i may take him off my Christmas list!  LOL!
  • Titus Hunt
    obama's trip has been a waste.  the proof is in the fact that he has really not gotten help for fighting in Afghanistan or with Iran.  that goes to show that Bush was not the bad guy the democrats made him out to be.    of course, obama is all talk and no action.  his lack of leadership is reflected in the "shame on those Iranians" attitude.  this childish behavior is showing the world that he is weak.  of course, a lot of us knew this already.  we are looking like fools thanks to the left.  i also finding it insulting that obama thinks he had the right to say that we are not a Christian nation.  who in the hell is he to make such a statement?  he does not speak for the majority of us that are Christians!  that was a lie but he was playing to the Europeans.  this is what they like to hear.  obama is living up to being a politician and telling everyone everything they want to hear whether it is true or not.  that is how he fooled the stupid into voting for him!
  • MAS1916
    Israel can at least have a fighting chance at survival.  

    The new Israeli PM understands that Obama is absolutely unreliable as an ally.  Obama would also watch a nuke hit Tel Aviv and then lead the chorus of outrage against it.  Talking and spinning up the public is what he does best.  How else would he gather enough momentum for a UN resolution banning nuclear weapons?  Too bad He is willing to write off Israel to make the point.
  • JackieM
    Dora--i think you really need to start trying to comprehend what is actually going on instead of living in your own fantasy world and worshiping obama.  you find it funny but i find it quite serious that our country is in trouble and obama is to blame.  ignore the other posts because you can't face the truth.
  • Dora
    "We are being made out to be fools and rightly so."

    Gosh... she finally understands. LOL.
  • Titus Hunt
    Michael--your post #5.  I'm with you!  I too am truly ashamed of our leadership and wonder what is becoming of our once great nation!  I can see it won't be good to say the least.  We are being made out to be fools and rightly so until obama is out!
  • Joannah
    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

  • Michael
    "stick with the Facts"
    Unfortunately, or rather regrettably,  the facts are that our current diplomacy consist of YouTube videos to Iran and DVD's to Britian (which uses a different format).  Never before have we seen such ineptness or incompetence in the dealing with foreign leaders, never before has the United States been seen as a country not as leaders, but as one that needs to reassure others as to its direction as with China.  Never before have I been embarrased of my counties leadership as I am today, never before have I questioned my countries directions as I am now.   Isrealies can at least sleep well knowing that they have competent leaders at the helm but we in America are falling apart under this current regime.
  • Not Rush
    By diplomacy, are you speaking of the Talibans latest responce, North Korea's answer to Clinton, or Iran's latest statement regarding relations with the U.S.--I have noticed and formed my opinion, it would be interesting to hear your take on these Nations and their responce to our diplomacy. However, please refrain from the Pelosi syndrom (But--We Won) and stick with the Facts.
  • Idaho Spud
    As the world is being force marched towards the proverbial "hell in a handbasket" by the pirouette crowd of the putrid left at least one leader and his society still have balls enough to act rationally.

    After a couple of decades of the feminization of American men  by left wing, man hating, ugly trolls whose penis envy has given them their only motivation to get up each day, they have managed to produce a culture of sensitive, prissy man children that barely meet the requirements of court eunuch.

    Our so called leaders, all on the left and most on the right would rather we die a death by a thousand cuts than face an enemy and destroy them.  We fight wars that are politically correct and work not to offend the sensitivites of the public as well as those who would kill us.

    Good luck Israel.  If life ceases to exist on the  planet at least one small semblance of mankind acted as if they had a brain and knew what to do with it.
  • Dora
    "Well, it’s been a while since I last wrote; and I am only writing now due to recent developments in the Middle East."

    ...says a lot about your lack of interest in the lost wanderings of the GOP, the conservative movement.  it's "spokespeople",  your base,  your future, and your lack of  interest in maintaining this site with timely events, Urban Conservative.  

    oh,  did you notice that diplomacy is breaking out all over?   what a disappointment this must be for you.   preemptive war has been relegated to the files of stupidity.   too bad that you and the rush clone haven't noticed this....but then you voted for bush.... twice.
  • Not Rush
    Good For Him, Netanyahu will not "Pull Punches", doesn't throw up any smokescreen to confuse the listener as to what He truly means, and is willing to let the world know He will not tolerate the abuse of His People, not caring about the way the world views Him. Willing to do it alone if required, that's commitment to His Nation, and His People--Now if only We had--well--that's another story.
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