Benjamin Netanyahu back in office, bummer for Iran

April 1st, 2009 Urban Conservative

Well, it’s been a while since I last wrote; and I am only writing now due to recent developments in the Middle East.

Just yesterday, in an interview with The Atlantic, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel could go it alone and attack Iran if the country went nuclear. He said in unusually blunt language (according to the article) of the Iranian leadership, “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs. When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the entire world should start worrying, and that is what is happening in Iran” … and dammit, he is absolutely right.  A nuclear Iran would surely wreak havoc not only in the Middle East but the world abroad.

He also said that “The Obama presidency has two great missions: fixing the economy, and preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons … and that Israel would not necessarily need American approval to launch an attack.”  This will prove to be Obama’s first major test in the Middle East.

The issue, in my opinion, is not Israel’s Military capability. Foreign leadership across the globe knows that Israel does not play games when it comes to protecting their land from foreign invasion. Past history is clear that those who attack Israel get dealt with very badly – no holds barred, no protesting from Code Pink, no congressional approval, no remorse.  The question here is simple.  Does Netanyahu have the stomach to launch a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities? I think he does.

Now will someone from Mossad go shut Chavez the hell up? His big mouth rhetoric is sickening to my ears.

Tags: Iran, Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mossad, Obama, pre-emptive strike, nuclear

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Code Pink Protester in SF attempts “Citizens Arrest” on Karl Rove

October 22nd, 2008 Urban Conservative

An anti-war protester from the left-wing-whacko group Code Pink confronted Karl Rove while he spoke at a San Francisco mortgage bankers’ meeting. The woman’s name is Janine Boneparth, and she tried to handcuff Rove in what she called a citizen’s arrest for “treason.”

And they say that extreme liberalism isn’t a mental disorder? I beg to differ. Check the video and get ready to laugh.

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Tags: karl rove, arrested, attempted arrest, code pink, citizens arrest, treason


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Breaking News! Bay Area Anti-War protest planned in San Francisco

March 18th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Yeah, well not really breaking news if you live in San Francisco.  This happens all the damn time around here. I just heard on the news that “peace activists�? plan demonstrations across the nation today to mark the fifth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war.  More than 600 events are planned nationwide and I am sure there will be about 600 total protesters there as well. The ironic thing about this whole situation is that these apparent “peace activists�?, led by their fearless leader Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink will surely be holding anti-Israel banners proudly showing their support for “peaceful” organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah.

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Liberal Minded, You’ve Been Blinded

March 12th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Liberal Minded, You’ve been BlindedIf you’re familiar with old school hip-hop, you might recognize the title as being somewhat similar to the lyrics from “Criminal Minded�? by KRS-One of Boogie Down Productions back in 1987. You might remember his comments a few years ago … “we cheered when 9/11 happened” and also blamed conservatives for the World Trade Center attacks. I thought it would be the most appropriate title for today’s post. So please, read on.

I have been asked by a few readers of this blog (specifically Suburban Moderate) to explain what it means to be liberal minded. Of course, I am always up for a challenge; and this was a great research exercise for me as well. But before I go on, I have a disclaimer. From past experience and various conversations within the walls of previous employer, I know that every word I write in this blog is picked apart with a fine tooth comb. When I refer to a liberal, I am referring to ultra-left-wing-whack-jobs like Code Pink and their fanatical supporters; and George Soros types who want to change the social landscape of America. Read the rest of this entry »

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Backwards Berkeley tells US. Marines to Leave!

January 31st, 2008 Urban Conservative

See, this is the kind of insane bulls#*! that I have to deal with every day living in the Bay Area.  I am a Marine, so I take this s#*@ personal!

The Berkeley City Council, which voted 6-3 Tuesday night to tell the U.S. Marines that its local recruiting station “is not welcome in the city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome intruders.”

What makes it even more vile and disgusting is that they are officially encouraging left-wing lunatic group, Code Pink to impede the work of the Marines in the city by protesting in front of the recruiting station. The council voted 8-1 to give Code Pink a designated parking space in front of the recruiting station once a week for six months and a free sound permit for protesting once a week from noon to 4 p.m.

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Code Pink Panty Raid, Backfires!

January 14th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Code Pink

Code Pink, the anti-war group has made it into the news again.  This last Saturday, several Code Pink assailants dressed in — yeah, you guessed it — pink dresses and tiaras planned a protest to demand the arrest of Luis Posada Carriles.  Unfortunately, Cindy Sheehan couldn’t make the party. They wanted to speak to reporters outside the Versailles restaurant to publicize their campaign against Carriles, a former CIA operative wanted in Venezuela in connection with the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner.

Their mission was aborted!

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