Obama’s Attacks on FOX Smell of Desperation

October 28th, 2009 Noah Johns

The White House’s recent attacks on FOX News are a good indicator of just how far off message the Obama administration has strayed. It speaks volumes to the level of hypocrisy rampant in the administration that this president, who never misses a chance to get in front of a microphone or camera, has the nerve to complain about the tone of news coverage on FOX. Obama wants other media outlets to ignore FOX and has unleashed his henchmen to paint the entire network with a broad partisan brush.

Liberals, who are usually among the first to speak up for freedom of speech and the press, should be ashamed of Obama’s actions as well as their own. Where is the self-righteous indignation that liberals felt when they asserted that George Bush was playing favorites by inviting conservative pundits to the White House and shutting out liberal acolytes? Is this some sort of leftist payback in their clouded minds?

We either have freedom of the press or we do not. There is very little middle ground. President Obama’s team  likes to claim that FOX is a “research arm” of the Republican party. The real reason the White House is seeking to demonize FOX is because their big government, deficit exploding, economic non-stimulus agenda is failing. It is failing in the polls and it’s failing in reality.

Consider in the nine months Obama has been in office he has accomplished very little. A stimulus package was passed that has produced 33,000 jobs at a cost of almost $500,000 per job. Meanwhile, nearly 7 million jobs have been lost. Health care legislation is such a mess now that whatever finally comes out of Congress is going to look nothing like Obama promised during the campaign. Obama has gone on a world apology tour that won him the Peace Prize from a bunch of European leftists who loved the fact that he has told the world the United States is to blame for much of the world’s problems. Cap and trade is a multi-trillion dollar boondoggle that has the potential to make the healthcare fight look like a yo momma war of words between a bunch of third graders.

Guantanamo is not going to close in one year as Obama promised. The war in Afghanistan is a debacle with a wishy washy president who will not commit the resources needed to win it. I almost forgot…unemployment is nearly 10%, a full 2% higher than the administration said it would go if we passed the stimulus and now they are saying the rest of the money is not likely to have much effect.

With a record like that, Obama needs a “win.” He needs an opponent that can be demonized, marginalized, isolated and destroyed…all right out of the Rules for Radicals playbook. Enter FOX news. They are an easy target because a large part of Obama’s base hates Fox and everything associated with it. The question becomes what does a “win” look like for Obama?

Fox news is easily the number one cable news network out there. In a recent ratings report, it had the top 11 shows on cable news and 13 of the top 14. It is absolutely killing CNN, MSNBC and HLN in virtually every time slot and demographic. Ratings have spiked even higher since the White House has decided to take on Fox. Their profits have to be going through the roof.

 Obama must realize that FOX is enormously popular. The president’s need for attention and adulation is only dwarfed by the size of his ego. The idea that a major segment of America watches Fox and thus rejects Obama and his policies has to be absolutely irritating the hell out of the president. He is the one who is supposed to be in the limelight. This is Obama’s moment in the sun, his chance to make history and here comes this upstart network trying to steal his thunder so he picks a fight with them.

For Obama to win this fight, FOX has to be thoroughly discredited. The network has to be seen as pure propaganda and thus eventually lose some of its appeal to the right of center people watching it. It must fall behind MSNBC, CNN and HLN in the ratings for Obama to declare an end to the era of Fox. None of this is likely to happen anytime soon.

 The more likely course of events is that Obama and his cronies will continue to attack FOX. FOX will continue to see its ratings climb and will gain even more influence in the discussion of politics in America. The president will continue to look like a cry baby. The public will continue to see through Obama’s attacks as an attempt to divert attention from the real issues facing America. The 2010 elections will see a shift in power in the House and Senate as the GOP makes major inroads in both bodies. With any luck, Obama will have overplayed his hand and underestimated the influence and power of the forces against him and lose his re-election bid in 2012.

Picking fights with members of the media is usually suicide for politicians. Ask Gary Hart. Ask Richard Nixon. You could even ask John McCain. We have a long history of freedom of the press and if you are in office that means you are going to have to accept the fact that many members of the media are not going to fawn all over you. Obama had better learn this lesson fast but it seems unlikely that he will. His honeymoon with the press is over and not just with FOX either. We can only hope he keeps repeating his same mistakes and becomes yet another failed one term president.

Rating: 5.0/5 (3 votes cast)

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  • Harrison
    It is a way for Obama to try and focus people on other issues besides the important ones this country faces. It is a naive belief and one that is destined to fail.
  • AckAck
    Fox news is easily the number one cable news network out there. In a recent ratings report, it had the top 11 shows on cable news and 13 of the top 14. It is absolutely killing CNN, MSNBC and HLN in virtually every time slot and demographic. Ratings have spiked even higher since the White House has decided to take on Fox. Their profits have to be going through the roof.

    With the big news coming from ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and all the rest of the liberal biased networks, BHO never worried about being reported in the manner he wanted. Remember, BHO is Chicago Politics. IN YOUR FACE - DON'T GET IN HIS! Do it, make you believe it, and it's his... That's what every news outlet did. They just follow him around and report everything in a positive way. FOX reported the truth. This is one thing Chicago type politics and moffia type power HATE! During the first few months of his Presidential Quest and during his Presidency, everything was cool. He could ignore FOX, make joke and all the liberals would laugh with him. WHAT HAPPENED?

    FOX News didn't go away, they could no longer be ignored, they were growing in popularity, they were in fact becoming the most powerful news outlet out there. BHO and his cronies could no longer ignore FOX. The station was too strong, the reporters were too strong, the news they report is much too strong, (truth) and so it began.

    Back in the REAL CHICAGO MAFFIA days, someone got in your way, messed with your power, you rubbed them out! It would be real hard for the Obama Administration to go out and kill all the people at FOX so they do the next best thing. Use their power and ATTACK! Smear FOX News with anything we have to smear them with. Create things, make up things, make up a lot of things. Turn the wolves lose and let them attack.

    Two things stand in the way of getting rid of FOX News. Number one may be the greatest threat to BHO's Administration of all. That is ALL REPORTERS seem to have a little something in common. Just enough to stick together in hard times. Number two seems to be something that totally side kicked the whole liberal movement. The idea that grassroots conservatives would rise to be heard in such staggering numbers and would choose FOX as the media for them was absurd to the BHO Administration. Their thought was, "even if that happened, we have all the other outlets on our side." In the Chicago concept of politics, they never thought they could not lie their way through anything. Say it, the news would report it, everyone would believe it and not one would oppose it. (Whether it was TRUTH or not!) NO ONE EXCEPT FOX NEWS AND WITH THEIR VAST AUDIENCE...

    These people in Washington are clearly destroying this country so let's get rid of them. Let's gather the sheep, make the tea parties and push them our of Washington right into the ocean and let them swim for awhile.

    I never watch any of the other news outlets anymore and I wont until they start reporting TRUTH in matters.
  • 2bluestarmom
    That's a big Ditto AckAck!!

    These folks just can't handle the "TRUTH"
  • AckAck
    2blues, thanks. You know that the powerful people on FOX and the ones that support them really don't outwardly claim a political affilliation? It boils down to conservatism. Most conservatives are Republican but your REAL POWERFUL conservatives claim to be AMERICAN first and foremost! The Political Affillation falls accordingly.

    As I am sure it is true with you and me. If we had to chose between Republican, Democrat or America, I'm pretty sure you would chose America along with me and millions of others. That is pretty much where true Americans are at right now. THEY ARE CHOSING TO BE AMERICANS first and foremost. Our Tea Parties are full of these people. Millions of them are watching FOX News. THEY ARE SICK AND TIRED OF WATCHING THIS ADMINISTRATION DESTROY AMERICA!

  • 2bluestarmom

    We are running out of time. As I stated last year up until recently, we don't have much time.

    Are we going to wait until it's too late and they pick us off individually in our homes, work place, elsewhere?

    Right now we are one. There is more power in numbers.

    After much reflection and being guilty of "bashing" some of the gop or even blue dog dems, I realize, their hands are tied.

    They are waiting for the majority voice of the people to speak out.

    With the tea partys imploding on DC and over a million Americans, rising up for their voices to be heard, it fell on deaf ears. BHO deliberatly and conveniently left town when they knew we were coming!

    So, we have to do what we have to do.

    Those who have the power to intervene, better do so now.

    These folks are like the mafia and we are all getting the kiss of death.

    We must stop them now.

    They are using fear to stop all of us. ie racial riots. Screw that!

    It's now or never.
  • dwwalterspayedbailoutbloggin
    Obama’s Attacks on FOX Smell P L A N S (old communistic madein 1st ussr, thru it's seacarrier cubagov (already asked soviets to nuke T USA, P U B L I C LY, and not even ted, bho, or the jura$$imetricongre$$, aclu, rinos, NO ONE can)
    Obama’s Attacks on FOX Smell not "only desperation", but ACCELERATION, (just) BECAUSE bho KNOWS neolib ships (left by the intellectual war for the ideas of Liberty) SHALL BE BLOWN OFF THE FACE OF INTELLECT OF AMERICA, THE INMORTAL...
    ackack, do you know what are neolibs?, are they dangerous? do they have a (n old madeinussr1) plan?...
  • Calvin
    Great post. It is true, as long as the White House continues to attack Fox News, Fox News' ratings will continue to climb.The Administration knows that their attacks are only strengthening Fox News, but I don't think they are playing that game. I think that this is a distraction. A political Red Herring. The media is spending it's time reporting on this, but not on Obama's Health Care "Reform" Which is really the biggest transfer to the Executive Branch in the history of America. Michael Connelly, Retired attorney and Constitutional Law Instructor, agrees with me. And he, unlike our Congressmen and women, has actually read the bill. We need to kick up the volume in our attack on this sorry excuse for health care reform, and not fall for this trick.
  • dwwalterspayedbailoutbloggin
    yes, I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, and don't even use checkspelling, just because it doesn't matter how you say it (even drunk), truth is truth, and talking easy politicaly correct from teleprompter$ is not guarranty for truth neather, I mean, hitler was polite and "change, speaker", fidel even talked 9 hours at the UN, communistic organized assymetrical gov are mostly "polite" (from also communistic "changed" universities, advertised speaches, text, everything is "polite"...
    My mistake: "cubagov (already asked soviets to nuke T USA, P U B L I C LY, and not even ted, bho, or the jura$$imetricongre$$, aclu, rinos, NO ONE can) ... sorry, I meaned:
    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("NO ONE CAN C H A N G E THAT FROM HISTORY))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Eventualy, bho gets tougher... you'll notice rap or hip hop culture (he needs to tougher HIS SHARED WITH ENEMY TERROR, deppending on communistic changes advances, never before, he even shaked in panic when asked only once...: what on eyer$?, I would add...: what on eyer$, bho and the superintedent who CHANGED GOD FROM SCHOOLS INTO actual neolib sodomic hiphoprap, the culture bho seeks by 3rdworld-ing T USA)...
    Punishment (for the whole America, exept for their elite$) for the wars, punishment for succes, punishment for the destruction of the 1st ussr, punishment for Iraq, punishment for conservative politicians elected along Bush,punishment (gov punishment, with your public money America) for helping the Irani oppositors, punishment (they forever seek) for Bush re-election (record on total voting participation %, bho is 10th of 12 presidents "legal electoral power, depends on how many people voted not only for you, but in the hole thing, representativity, not self-ipnotizing telepromters) which erase their fighters: ma noriega, Colombian FARCs, taliban, UN$addam, anywhere they help the enemy, zelaya has "diplomatic logistic mostly from bho admn (all same communistic zelaya tryed to "change" Honduras into a Venezuela, at once)...
  • smith2lev224
    Speaking of smells, I'm picking up something very assymetrical. Is that you, Ack Ack? Maybe it's me. Hell, I just took a shower three weeks ago.

    Yes, Harrison, it is a way for the Obama mon' to focus on other issues - as you said, "the important ones." Just one question, though. What are the important ones you are alluding to?
  • AckAck
    NO, NO, NO not me. What was you sniffing before you came to your computer. Maybe it's the non-blogger, some-kind-of-language speaking what-ever-it-is above you there that you smell.

    I hope you saved your papers I gave you!
  • smith2lev224
    To: UC

    Can I change my name to "Report." That way you don't need to include it at the end of the comment.

    I suspect you won't go along with that idea. I have another one but I'll save it for a more symmetrical time and place.
  • smith2lev224
    Barrack Obama is and always has been a man of platitudes and very little substance. America never needed a smooth talking aluminim siding salesman as president, yet he was elected and now we have to deal with the reality of his presidency. The attack against Fox is one more example - we don't know exactly what his real agenda is. Sure, attacking Fox looks like an attack on free speech, which no matter how you cut it is an attack on democracy.
    Does anyone question his affiliations - i.e. how in hell did he manage to crawl out of woodwork and raise so much money during a period when there was no money? Who the hell is this guy, really? The point was made here that his controversial attack on Fox was a smokescreen. Good point. But whwere there is smoke there is fire, and it's not burning in the national healthcare arena. That may very well be nothing more than another smokescreen, but Obama has us all by the throatlatch - whether for or against we've all bought into it and billions are being spent to fight it while nothing is being spent to expose the real agenda of a man who appears to be selling us out to the highest bidder.
    The stimulus package - who funds it? Why does it look like China owns us?

    America is fast becoming a nation of sheep with hemorrhoids. I wonder...why?
  • AckAck
    I have the formula for Dictator ran countries. See if this reminds you of anything:


    1. Top Tier - Consists of the one who sits on the throne and all the kings men. This tier always controls those around and under him/her and any military that country might have.
    2. Middle Tier - This tier is made op of workers, business owners, community leaders such as mayors, local governments and all those who seek a better life.
    3. Bottom Tier - This tier is always made up of pheasants, all ghettos, and all those who want something for nothing. Usually the ones who would not work or will work for peanuts.

    To control a Nation, one must be on the throne, one must be out spoken, one must be in control or give the impression they are in control. One must be rigid in voicing anything! One must have all the Bottom Tier for them and the way they think or has enough fear instilled in them that they follow the king. They control the Middle Tier through self-made rules and regulations. They reward those in the Top Tier with better jobs, and they make sure ALL of those up there think like they do.

    How do you get to be a Dictator? You realize early on that you have talents, you realize you have things on your side that a whole nation will look at and admire, you start at an early age in setting yourself up to be that Dictator. The first thing Castro did was control the military. The second thing he did was make people believe he would change everything for the better. Where did he start this change at? At the bottom. Those people in the ghettos, those pheasants that needed a leader. People who had nothing, which was the majority of the people in Cuba believed in him and followed him.

    Where did Obama make the most noise in politics? In community organization. Get those people on your side and you have it made. Obama did that. He knew from an early age that if he was to be president of this country, he had to get all those people at the bottom on his side.
  • smith2lev224
    Ack Ack,

    That's dead on the money...Hitler did the same. It's pretty much what the symmetrical guy is saying too...if I read him correctly but I'm not sure. In any event, great post. The scary part is that by the time the people realize what happened, it is far too late - the game is over; no overtime, no videotape replays...no appeals...it's OVER!

    Too many people laying down because they think they are hearing what they need to hear, and those that dissent disappear without a whisper. Look at what happened to me.

    Yours truly,
  • AckAck
    smith2lev224, when will Americans learn? You hit it right on the head when you said they will learn when the game is over, its too late! THEY WILL NEVER LEARN!

    When will our constitution be totally overthrown? It is almost that way now. Not much of it to hang on to. Name a part of it that someone isn't trying to get rid of and I'll eat your hat.

    Can we expect this from the Obama Administration. Absolutely! He is Muslim, he has a Dictator Mentality and he will live up to his desires if the people of America allowes it to happen. I see it headed in that direction. Look at these dictators and pick one out. Pick out the one you would like to run this country and you would probably be right on the money if the current administration continues to get it's way.

    Kim Jong-il of North Korea runs the most isolated, repressive regime in the world. His citizens have no access to information other than government prpoaganda. His harsh system includes collective punishment (three generations of a family can be punished for one member's alleged crime); detainment of roughly 200,000 citizens in labor camps; and the capture, torture and jailing of those who try to flee to China. Can we look forward to this? You bet we can!

    King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia adheres to a punitive justice system in which young teens can be sentenced to death and defendants tortured. Women are more oppressed than in any other country - they can't even seek medical care without a male guardian's permission. This guy is a big friend of the United States...

    How about Pakistan? In recent months, Musharraf suspended Pakistan's constitution, shut down the courts, arrested several thousand dissidents and passed a law removing challenges to his continuation as president. He allowed former prime minsters Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto to return to Pakistan but barred Sharif from running in elections. Later Bhutto was assassinated.

    Are we coming to this. The above is only scratching the surface of what is happening in Dictator ran countries and if you look at what's currently happening in this country, you will say "WE ARE HEADED TOWARD DICTATORSHIP HERE TO."
  • smith2lev224
    Ack Ack,

    You'll remember this - ds1 originally accused me of plagiarizing it. No one,
    and I mean NO ONE, could have written something like this but me. In honor
    of your last post, which scared the living bejesus out of me, I once again
    give you this.

    The Constitution? Fogettaboutit!

    “Life is but a game.” Shakespeare? Try to imagine a game of Monopoly
    played with no regard for the rules. Who would win? I suppose it would be
    the player quickest to put his hand in the money box and claim “This is
    mine.” That was precisely the kind of behavior going on when God summoned
    Moses to the top of that mountain; the same behavior that the writers of the
    Constitution sought to prevent. Unfortunately, neither they nor Moses
    understood the realities of “possession” and “winning.” Life is a game and
    it always will be. The rules are followed only to the extent that they guard
    against chaos, a state of being that makes it impossible to play the game.

    The problem inherent in all of this is one of omission. None of our
    revered documents address the object of the game and no one asks until it is
    time to die. “Yes, I was happy, but did I win the game?” Humans must decide
    for themselves what the object is. Some define it in material terms. Some
    view it in spiritual context - the game has only begun. Others, though there
    are few, see the object as an affirmation that they did the right thing in
    the face of temptation to do wrong. These are the same people who play
    Monopoly by the written rules and refuse to compromise. “Here, these are the
    rules, see? You cannot put hotels on Boardwalk and Park Place without paying
    for them.” Perhaps it all boils down to this - what do you want written on
    your headstone? I would like mine to say “He did the right thing.”

    “Thou shalt not kill.” Number One on the biblical hit parade, the
    mandate is addressed in Constitutional law and subsequently modified by
    various amendments that have changed it from law to very ambiguous rule of
    thumb. Had the commandment been amended, it would have said, “Thou shalt not
    kill except under certain mitigating circumstances.” Our constitutional
    version of the commandments reflects a biblical amendment that may have been
    considered but was never enacted.

    Exceptions: in self defense, war, capital punishment, executive mandate,
    (assassination) and insanity. That some of the exceptions are insane is not
    addressed. Mass genocide is a valid exception as a consequence of war. We
    proved that on August 6, 1945, but the exception only applies to us. The
    Pope had nothing to say about Fat Man and Little Boy. By association, the
    implication is that God himself approved. To put it as bluntly as I can, we
    ran with it...pushed it to the extreme - God is on our side. Again, there
    has been no objection from the Vatican.

    Notwithstanding the Constitution and the Ten Commandments, we also have
    sins - seven of them to be exact. For all practical purposes, they are
    little more than folklore. No one pays any attention to them and some of
    them are actually revered, although the names have been changed to protect
    the guilty. Greed? No problem - it is Ambition, fundamental to capitalism.
    Sloth? A sin attributed to the poor. A wealthy man may be as lazy as he
    wishes - sloth is his privilege, earned by way of greed. (Ambition) If you
    take the time to read through the list of deadly sins, you will see that all
    of them are subject to interpretation; viewed as rules, some are deadlier
    than the acts specified and most, thank God, are either invalid or at most
    controversial in today’s society. You may commit some of these “sins”
    without fear of punishment or retribution of any kind. Although biblical
    references imply severe punishment in the hereafter, you can wipe the slate
    clean through the simple act of “confession,” which requires only a verbal
    admission of remorse.

    Thus, a man with blood on his hands and a history of greed and sloth can
    evade punishment and be absolved in a minute. The man needs a good lawyer
    and a priest. That is all.

    So tell me, friend, what is it that you want? Surely it must be more
    than what you have. How badly do you want it? Are you willing to take the
    risk; to abandon what your heart tells you is right for the thing you want
    most? Are you willing to consider the realities? Please - allow me to
    enlighten you.



    Each day I suffer. Pain. Heartbreak. Loneliness. Fear. Dread. Each day
    brings with it a new torture of mind and body. Each day I remember those who
    judged me. Each day I thank those who cut me loose and sent me to the forest
    of my nightmares. Each day I walk through that forest, now without fear.
    Each day I grow stronger. Chaos is my playground.


    What rules do we fall back on to protect us from chaos? So far, we have
    been lucky. The wheels of justice continue to turn, but they are corroded.
    The products of our judicial assembly line are unpredictable and corrupt. We
    see the results as an acceptable mutilation of values and beliefs that
    provided the glue necessary to hold our society together. We would never
    knowingly allow an auto mechanic to use Elmer’s to seal a head gasket, yet
    we have no quarrel with societal binding that has about as much holding
    power as scotch tape purchased at a dollar store.

    I do not know that anyone is particularly concerned about this. I’m not
    even sure that anyone is aware of the problem. It scares the hell out of me.

  • M Ron
    The Obama administration on FOX News could be out of desperation, but I feel its the thin-skinned Pussy-in-Chief and those around him and it appears to be backfiring. I'm adding your logo to my blog site TOTUS http://totus-blog.blogspot.com
  • smith2lev224
    Ack Ack,

    In honor of your last two posts, which were gems in their own right, I return with an oldie.

    The Constitution? Foggetabotit.

    “Life is but a game.” Shakespeare? Try to imagine a game of Monopoly played with no regard for the rules. Who would win? I suppose it would be the player quickest to put his hand in the money box and claim “This is mine.” That was precisely the kind of behavior going on when God summoned Moses to the top of that mountain; the same behavior that the writers of the Constitution sought to prevent. Unfortunately, neither they nor Moses understood the realities of “possession” and “winning.” Life is a game and it always will be. The rules are followed only to the extent that they guard against chaos, a state of being that makes it impossible to play the game.

    The problem inherent in all of this is one of omission. None of our revered documents address the object of the game and no one asks until it is time to die. “Yes, I was happy, but did I win the game?” Humans must decide for themselves what the object is. Some define it in material terms. Some view it in spiritual context - the game has only begun. Others, though there are few, see the object as an affirmation that they did the right thing in the face of temptation to do wrong. These are the same people who play Monopoly by the written rules and refuse to compromise. “Here, these are the rules, see? You cannot put hotels on Boardwalk and Park Place without paying for them.” Perhaps it all boils down to this - what do you want written on your headstone? I would like mine to say “He did the right thing.”

    “Thou shalt not kill.” Number One on the biblical hit parade, the mandate is addressed in Constitutional law and subsequently modified by various amendments that have changed it from law to very ambiguous rule of thumb. Had the commandment been amended, it would have said, “Thou shalt not kill except under certain mitigating circumstances.” Our constitutional version of the commandments reflects a biblical amendment that may have been considered but was never enacted.

    Exceptions: in self defense, war, capital punishment, executive mandate, (assassination) and insanity. That some of the exceptions are insane is not addressed. Mass genocide is a valid exception as a consequence of war. We proved that on August 6, 1945, but the exception only applies to us. The Pope had nothing to say about Fat Man and Little Boy. By association, the implication is that God himself approved. To put it as bluntly as I can, we ran with it...pushed it to the extreme - God is on our side. Again, there has been no objection from the Vatican.

    Notwithstanding the Constitution and the Ten Commandments, we also have sins - seven of them to be exact. For all practical purposes, they are little more than folklore. No one pays any attention to them and some of them are actually revered, although the names have been changed to protect the guilty. Greed? No problem - it is Ambition, fundamental to capitalism. Sloth? A sin attributed to the poor. A wealthy man may be as lazy as he wishes - sloth is his privilege, earned by way of greed. (Ambition) If you take the time to read through the list of deadly sins, you will see that all of them are subject to interpretation; viewed as rules, some are deadlier than the acts specified and most, thank God, are either invalid or at most controversial in today’s society. You may commit some of these “sins” without fear of punishment or retribution of any kind. Although biblical references imply severe punishment in the hereafter, you can wipe the slate clean through the simple act of “confession,” which requires only a verbal admission of remorse.

    Thus, a man with blood on his hands and a history of greed and sloth can evade punishment and be absolved in a minute. The man needs a good lawyer and a priest. That is all.

    So tell me, friend, what is it that you want? Surely it must be more than what you have. How badly do you want it? Are you willing to take the risk; to abandon what your heart tells you is right for the thing you want most? Are you willing to consider the realities? Please - allow me to enlighten you.


    "Each day I suffer. Pain. Heartbreak. Loneliness. Fear. Dread.
    Each day brings with it a new torture of mind and body.
    Each day I remember those who judged me.
    Each day I thank those who cut me loose and sent me to the forest of my nightmares.
    Each day I walk through that forest, now without fear.
    Each day I grow stronger.
    Chaos is my playground."

    What rules do we fall back on to protect us from chaos? So far, we have been lucky. The wheels of justice continue to turn, but they are corroded. The products of our judicial assembly line are unpredictable and corrupt. We see the results as an acceptable mutilation of values and beliefs that provided the glue necessary to hold our society together. We would never knowingly allow an auto mechanic to use Elmer’s to seal a head gasket, yet we have no quarrel with societal binding that has about as much holding power as scotch tape purchased at a dollar store.

    I do not know that anyone is particularly concerned about this. I’m not even sure that anyone is aware of the problem. It scares the hell out of me. Ø
  • AckAck

    An absolute master piece my friend. There is more truth in the above post than in ALL the post in ALL the blogs on this site. I would like to point out the following:

    Man (Men - Women - People) have spent life spans of generation after generation after generation of making rules/regulations and amending them. We have spent the time of generations and generations out of planning, killing and destroying people. We have spent equal time changing entire countries thus changing the face of continents. Trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars have been spent in research of how to conquer. We have taken hundreds of years in time of making the rules then bending and breaking and changing them.


    We are still just one step above animals. After all this the only rule that seems to count is still just one rule; the one who's the strongest WILL WIN! Or die trying... The GOLDEN RULE seems to be; we do keep trying!!!
  • Dora
    here is an example of the off-the-wall-ers... 2blue, Bubbles, and Jackie are members of this club. Calvin, the membership requires that you do no research and repeat absurdity as often as possible... you easily will be accepted as a member.

    from the Christian Broadcasting Network's blog...

    "During this period demons are assigned against those who participate in the rituals and festivities. These demons are automatically drawn to the fetishes that open doors for them to come into the lives of human beings. For example, most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches."

    Happy Halloween to the looney tuners. BOO!
  • 2bluestarmom
    I will be offline for a few days. Computer has been hacked. Since I have no proof of who's doing it, I won't speculate. Doesn't matter, it's getting fixed. Dora, you are the TRAITOR. I come from a long history of military family and my family, forefathers shed blood for this country. Don't mess with me!
  • Dora
    OOOOOOOOOOOO..... wow 2blue..."don't mess with me"???? good grief. what a fool you are.
    with rare exception here, we all come from families with military background- including me.
    deal with it. you probably have acquired a virus while visiting your looney tune sites- porn sites and games also provide the easiest ways to catch a 'puter virus. stupid things happen to stupid people.
  • AckAck
    Me either Lawhora!
  • 2bluestarmom
    Typical lib trolls are here to disctract. We don't have time for this nonsense. Ignore them.

    I am posting links to help all Patriots who are wanting to uphold our Constitution and our freedoms and preserve what our forefathers sacrificed for us.

    I will have this for you to keep yourselves informed. We need to come together, utilize resources out there to arm ourselves with truth.

    Here is another tidbit of info for those who are unaware of who's really running the white house.

    Valerie Jarrett, the Brains Behind the Throne

  • 2bluestarmom
    We can use this site to help each other and work together or we can use it to lower ourselves by "arguing with idiots" I prefer for all of us to give info to each other so we can stop the madness.

    These radical, like minded liberals who come here to lure you away from what you should be concentrating on, are like gnats. Just ignore them. Debate is over. Saving our country is critical!
  • Dora
    speaking of promises broken...you said you were going away.

    and... get informed on the internet "net neutrality" item" ...you have it backwards.

    With the way the Internet is structured right now, it is just as easy for Americans to visit a tiny website about knitting run by a young mother in Ohio as it is to visit a site run by the federal government or a major corporation. This feature is part of the reason that in 1999, John Chambers, president and CEO of networking giant Cisco, called the Internet the great "equalizer between people, companies, and countries." But powerful interests in the telecom and cable industries, along with their conservative allies on Capitol Hill and in the media, are trying to create a pay-for-play system where companies able to shell out large amounts of money would have the power to make their sites run faster. If they succeed, they will change the lives of 40 million Americans who use the Internet as their primary source of news and information. (Here's what that could look like.) Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, has explained what would happen if U.S. communications served the interests of broadband providers, rather than the public: "Imagine if you tried to order a pizza and the phone company said AT&T;'s preferred pizza vendor is Domino's. Press one to connect to Domino's now. If you would still like to order from your neighborhood pizzeria, please hold for three minutes while Domino's guaranteed orders are placed." The solution to preserving the openness of the Internet is net neutrality, supported by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), prominent federal lawmakers, consumer groups, and the "geeks" who helped build the Internet. The coalition has even attracted unlikely allies such as the Christian Coalition and Gun Owners of America. But Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is trying to help telecoms and the cable industry make their destructive dream a reality. He recently introduced the inaptly-named "Internet Freedom Act," arguing that rules preserving net neutrality would be a "government takeover of the Internet."
  • Dora
    it's a good thing your holiday is just around the corner- think of the money you will save by not having to even invest in a costume... just be the witch that you always are... Bubbles will be the clown, Jackie will be one giant foul somethingorother- and ML Smith or whatever name he claims this week -will be sporting his usual selective amnesia outfit.

    what fun.
  • AckAck
    Anyone here needing to join Dora's group? It's real easy, the only requirement for membership is that you be a pure idiot! And, YOU HAVE TO LET EVERYONE KNOW IT! Like Dora does from time to time...
  • JackieM
    Dora--I know it is hard not to post about me because it is obvious that you are in love with me but try! You are creeping me out with your obsessions! It is quite weird!
  • Dora
    Bubbles, do you ever trip with those big clown shoes?
    Jackie- don't flatter yourself. I only hang around smart people. You don't qualify.
  • JackieM
    yes, dora, you have told us how smart you are many times. I guess if you tell yourself and others that long enough, there will be fools who believe it!
  • AckAck
    LOL I don't even think Dora believes it!
  • AckAck
    Isn't it hard to find "smart people" hanging around in rafters?