Archive for the 'Liberalism' Category

Just Another Day Reading Liberal Blogs

Sunday, March 11th, 2007

So, the other night I was stumbling various websites when I came across Liberal Rage; an ultraliberal blog by a student (I think) somewhere in Virginia and working in DC. She mainly quotes recent news and adds a twist of her liberal ideologies here and there. Wasn’t really impressed with her commentary but some of her posts I found quite humorous. She seems to me to be on top of what’s going on in poilitics, so she wouldn’t be what I consider an Uninformed Liberal; just a plain lib, nothing more, nothing less.

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  • Dizzy About Lizzy
  • Book Review: Why my mommy is a democrat
  • The Problem with Uninformed Liberals
  • Global Warming: The debate is still on
  • I Sure Do Feel Safe with the Democrats in Office
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    Hypocrisy from the Left, Again

    Monday, February 5th, 2007

    This time from Hillary; but what else is new. On Friday, Sen. Hillary Clinton said that she would not have attacked Iraq if she were president in 2002 and would end the war if elected. Yet, in 2002, on the Senate floor she stated:

    So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein - this is your last chance - disarm or be disarmed.  

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  • Extreme Capitalism from Left-Wing Lunatics?
  • Enemy of the Week, Jane Fonda
  • Florida More Dangerous than Iraq
  • Just Another Day Reading Liberal Blogs
  • The Problem with Uninformed Liberals
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    Degrees in Liberal Idiocy Now Available!

    Monday, January 29th, 2007

    For those liberals who want to educate themselves on the subjects of hate, anti-Christian, anti-traditional values; and want to perfect the art of protest and speaking without any intelligent thought, you can now get a graduate degree in Activism and Social Change. Of course, this lovely accredited college is located in the peaceful streets of San Francisco, and I heard that Cindy Sheehan will be the new Dean. Enjoy, Happy Learning and I’ll see you at the next ant-war protest.

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  • Bush is Satan Bulletin on Myspace
  • Pro Child, Pro Family and Pro Choice - What?
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    Enemy of the Week, Jane Fonda

    Monday, January 29th, 2007

    Well, she’s at it again. Hanoi Jane has strapped on her anti-war protest boots and is now opening her mouth about matters that she knows nothing about. What gets me irritated about the uninformed left is that they are so quick to pass judgment, protest this and that, and call for an impeachment; yet they have no plans or alternatives. Where was the outcry when Clinton was bombing Christians who were fighting Muslim terrorists in Kosovo? Oh, I guess this is different, right? In Kosovo, Christians were getting slaughtered and a Democrat was in office so that doesn’t count!

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  • Enemy of the Week, Hugo Chavez
  • Enemy of the Week, Ardeshire Hassanpour, assassinated by Mossad’
  • Enemy of the Week, John Edwards
  • Ahmadinejad Needs to Get Dealt With, Now!
  • Friends should not let friends wear Che Guevara t-shirts
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    Does Cindy Sheehan Have a Job?

    Thursday, January 4th, 2007

    If there is one person on this earth (aside from a few people that post on this blog) that I can’t stand; it’s Cindy Sheehan. Today, when our lovely democrat majority tried to reveal their lobbying reform package, their press conference was bombarded by anti-war activists who want Congress to stop funding the Iraq war before taking on other issues. Sure Cindy, let’s stop the war, pull the troops out and let Iraq fall. I guess it’s okay for men, woman and children to die in Iraq as long as they aren’t Americans, right Cindy? Why not protest the genocide in Darfur or Somalia, or is that just not important to you? Thank God you weren’t alive and well during WWII or else we would all be speaking German right now.

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  • Degrees in Liberal Idiocy Now Available!
  • If there is one thing that Liberals are good at, it’s protesting
  • Liberal Lunacy Again and Again
  • Liberal Talk Radio, Please Go Away
  • Just Another Day Reading Liberal Blogs
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    Joy Behar, Another Uninformed Liberal

    Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

    Yet again, another liberal makes another lame and uninformed comment on national television. In a nutshell, Joy Behar who is a host on the View basically compared Donald Rumsfeld to Adolf Hitler. Kowabunga makes a good point in his blog:

    There isn’t any American in politics that could, or should, be compared to Hitler. Hitler MURDERED millions of Jews, as well as members of many other ethnic groups, like gypsies, as well as homosexuals, political dissidents, and the severely handicapped. Hitler set about the holocaust, with plans to exterminate every Jew.

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  • Goodbye Rosie, We will miss you, NOT!
  • 10 Tips on How to Spot a Liberal
  • More Examples of Uninformed Liberals
  • Enemy of the Week, Jane Fonda
  • Liberal Lunacy Again and Again
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    Merry Christmas Liberals, I mean Happy Holidays

    Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

    Today, I received an email from a friend of mine that illustrates the differences between conservatives and the ‘political correct’ liberals. Please do yourself a favor and read on; and also be advised that this was signed, sealed and delivered by the ACLU with their sole intention of not offending a single soul.

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  • 10 Reasons Why I Am Thankful and Irritated During this Thanksgiving Season
  • Degrees in Liberal Idiocy Now Available!
  • Top Democrat Ahmadinejad Writes Letter to the American People
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    The True Legacy of Our Lord and Savior, Bill Clinton

    Friday, December 15th, 2006

    I know what you are thinking, “Clinton has been out of office for almost seven years now and you are still trying to destroy his name!” Well, I guess you are right but in my defense, I was challenged by a good “Clintonista” friend of mine who bows to the alter of Bill Clinton and brags about all the great things he has done for this country. So, if you are tired of reading about Clinton, then don’t read anymore. Oh, and for those of you who think Bush is bad/corrupt, please read on. You might learn something.

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  • Hypocrisy from the Left, Again
  • What Nancy Pelosi Does Not Want You to Know
  • Free Speech for all, except for Conservatives
  • Top Democrat Ahmadinejad Writes Letter to the American People
  • Enemy of the Week, Jane Fonda
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    I Sure Do Feel Safe with the Democrats in Office

    Wednesday, December 13th, 2006

    Texas Democrat, Rep. Silvestre Reyes, who House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has asked to head the Intelligence Committee when the Dems take over in January, does not know the difference between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, much less AL Qaeda and Hezbollah. When asked by CQ National Security Editor Jeff Stein whether al Qaeda is one or the other of the two major branches of Islam — Sunni or Shiite — Reyes answered “they are probably both,” then ventured “Predominantly — probably Shiite.” WRONG ANSWER PAL. Also, Reyes couldn’t answer BASIC questions about Hezbollah, a Shiite group based in Southern Lebanon. Are we sure that we want this clown to head up the Intelligence Committee? I think NOT!! Read full article here.

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  • Book Review: Why my mommy is a democrat
  • The True Legacy of Our Lord and Savior, Bill Clinton
  • Boxer and Rice Hash it out
  • Thoughts About The War in Iraq
  • Enemy of the Week, John Edwards
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    10 Reasons Why I Am Thankful and Irritated During this Thanksgiving Season

    Saturday, November 25th, 2006

    As the 2006 Thanksgiving passes, I thought I would take this opportunity to list out 10 reasons why I am thankful and irritated during this season.

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  • Goodbye Rosie, We will miss you, NOT!
  • Liberal Talk Radio, Please Go Away
  • Enemy of the Week, Jane Fonda
  • Europe Celebrates Our Midterm Election
  • Anyone else sick of Rosie like I am?
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