Time Mag: How to win the war on Global Warming

April 17th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Time Magazine Green CoverIf this isn’t an example of liberal propaganda, I don’t know what is.  For the second time in roughly 85 years or so, Time abandoned their traditional red border it uses on its magazine cover for a green one.

… and the occasion is – yes, you guessed it, to push more global warming awareness.  Reminds me a little of April 3, 2023 cover, “Be Worried, Be Very Worried.”

The cover of the April 21 issue of Time took the famous Iwo Jima photograph by Joe Rosenthal of the Marines raising the American flag and replaced the flag with a tree. The cover story by Bryan Walsh calls green “the new red, white and blue.”

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Imagine a World without Liberals

August 7th, 2007 Urban Conservative

A few weeks ago, I created a profile on Myspace and posted some of my more controversial blogs there in order to gain more traffic and readership to this blog. While it’s not the most effective media channel for driving web traffic, I have had the pleasure of meeting some fellow conservative bloggers that have some really great (and hilarious) things to say. One such blogger was a 19 year old female who goes by the name of the Bulgarian Queen. Don’t be fooled by her Shakira background on her profile; she is quite the bulldog and will eat you liberals for breakfast. She posted a similar post to the following a few weeks ago which became my inspiration for writing this. 

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Global Warming: The debate is still on

May 19th, 2007 Urban Conservative

We’re being told by the main stream media (and Al Gore) that the global warming debate is over and that there is a consensus among scientists saying that you and I are the cause. However, what they are not telling you is that debate is not over. The fact is that many scientists who were once global-warming apologists are now skeptical of global-warming and its causes.

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Extreme Capitalism from Left-Wing Lunatics?

March 14th, 2007 LAConservative

Yes, limousine liberals abound (especially in California) and they WILL have it both ways! Here are a couple examples of extreme capitalism from extreme lefties. Add to the list, respond with others you might be aware of. 

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Global Warming, or not?

February 5th, 2007 Urban Conservative

First, let me say that I am no triple PhD. in Scentific Studies or Climate Engineering (if there is such a thing); but what I do know, or at least think is that with any scienctific fact, the evidence is irrefutable, right? I mean, last I heard there were no disagreements about photosynthesis or the fact that the earth is round. So, why is that everynight in the media, I hear references of doomsday global warming as if it is generally accepted fact? If it was a fact, why doesn’t the entire scientific community agree with it? And please, don’t try to convince me that global warming is a real problem. Help me understand why some scientific studies do not make such a claim.

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