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Friends should not let friends wear Che Guevara t-shirts

June 5th, 2007 Urban Conservative

I was at the mall over the weekend and saw a young couple wearing matching Che Guevara t-shirts.  I hesitated for a moment, but decided to ask them why they idolized this man…here was the woman’s response, “he is a symbol for all Latinos that we should fight for our rights and freedoms…and anyone who is oppressed can make a difference”.  I was irritated at her response but admired her passion for a man she knew nothing about.  The fact is that Che Guevara was not oppressed or poor. He was a medical doctor, having originally trained to become a doctor at the University of Buenos Aires.

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Why Liberals Hate Me!

May 19th, 2007 Urban Conservative

The reason most liberals hate guys like me is that I don’t fit that typical “conservative” stereotype. Yah know…the white, upper-class, Capitol Hill Republican from the south who listen to country music.  No, I have no problem with my fellow brethren just mentioned because for the most part we hold true to the same conservative values; but that’s just not me.  I’m a new breed of conservative…think Conservative 2.0; yet to be fully defined. I consider myself a second generation of conservative thought and attitude.

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A Great Example of What “NOT” to do as a Parent!

April 23rd, 2007 Urban Conservative

Okay, old news already but I actually wrote this last week. Psychopath Alec Baldwin unleashed a volcanic outburst of threats and insults to his 11-year-old daughter, Ireland, calling her a “thoughtless little pig,” and bashing her mom Kim Basinger. And I just learned that a family judge was so alarmed after hearing the tape, that she has temporarily barred Baldwin from having any contact with his child.

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Bush is Satan Bulletin on Myspace

April 21st, 2007 Urban Conservative

Today I received a bulletin message on Myspace from someone I accepted as a friend a few months back and I was appalled at what I read:

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Condi, the Football Commentator

February 2nd, 2007 Urban Conservative

Tonight while watching Sportscenter, I saw Condi, who says her dream job would be to head the NFL, dropped her diplomatic guard and predicted Indianapolis would win the Super Bowl this weekend.

“I really like both Chicago and Indianapolis but I think Indianapolis is going to win it and that would be a good thing,” said Rice, a longtime Cleveland Browns fan, when asked by reporters to predict the winner.

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