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Archive for April, 2007

A Great Example of What “NOT” to do as a Parent!

April 23rd, 2007 Urban Conservative

Okay, old news already but I actually wrote this last week. Psychopath Alec Baldwin unleashed a volcanic outburst of threats and insults to his 11-year-old daughter, Ireland, calling her a “thoughtless little pig,” and bashing her mom Kim Basinger. And I just learned that a family judge was so alarmed after hearing the tape, that she has temporarily barred Baldwin from having any contact with his child.

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Posted in Liberalism, Rambling 8 Comments », what do you have to say

Pro Child, Pro Family and Pro Choice - What?

April 23rd, 2007 Urban Conservative

So, last week on my way to work in the liberal city of Palo Alto, I noticed a sticker on the back of a car that read “Pro Child, Pro Family and Pro Choice”. I was quite confused of the messaging and still don’t understand the true meaning of the sticker.  Now, I usually stay away from the whole “abortion” topic because it is very sensitive to most people; but I thought I would chime in anyway. If you are one of those overly emotional liberals, please do not read further.

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Bush is Satan Bulletin on Myspace

April 21st, 2007 Urban Conservative

Today I received a bulletin message on Myspace from someone I accepted as a friend a few months back and I was appalled at what I read:

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Posted in Liberalism, Rambling 5 Comments », what do you have to say

Nancy Pelosi: House Speaker, Felon and our Future President?

April 8th, 2007 Urban Conservative

Our lovely House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Damascus last week to discuss foreign policy issues with Syrian President Bashar Assad might be considered felony under the Logan Act, according to a former State Department official.

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Posted in Liberalism, Politics 23 Comments », what do you have to say

10 Tips on How to Spot a Liberal

April 4th, 2007 Urban Conservative

I am probably going to get a lot of flack for this but I thought I would have a little fun anyway, generalize a bit and quite possibly offend some of the liberals that read this blog; some of which are my friends and others, well…you know. The following ten tips are not true for all liberals of course, just some quick observations I have made throughout the 30 or so years of my life.  Oh, and feel free to include your ‘top ten’ list for conservatives too, if you dare.

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