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Archive for the 'Liberal Blogs' Category

Well said from a liberal friend of mine

October 10th, 2007 Urban Conservative

The other day, I stumbled across this blog from a friend that I have on Myspace.  I purposely subscribe to his blog feed because he has some really good things to say; and I enjoy poking holes in his liberal thought process from time to time.  My comments usually piss off all of his readers and of course I get verbally attacked but what else is new. No worries though, no sweat off my back!

Here is his posting, word for word; and damn this should be published in ever news paper across the globe.

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Posted in Liberal Blogs, Liberalism 18 Comments », what do you have to say

Extreme Liberals Hate the Military

September 3rd, 2007 Urban Conservative

It’s a fact and if you try and dispute it, you are an idiot and just lying to yourself. And, the funny thing about it is that they wouldn’t last one minute in any Military boot camp.  The truth is that extreme liberals have never embraced sacrifice, tasted honor, felt courage, experienced conviction or touched a fragment of commitment.  All they really know and want to know is Oprah and their little anti-war rallies where they curse Israel, the U.S and our beloved Military; yah know, the same Military that gave their lives so that we can live in freedom. Yeah, I am sure you hear this all the time from right-wing-conservative-types like me but it’s something that should never be forgotten, never!

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Posted in Cindy Sheehan, Liberal Blogs, Liberalism, Military 22 Comments », what do you have to say

Just Another Day Reading Liberal Blogs

March 11th, 2007 Urban Conservative

So, the other night I was stumbling various websites when I came across Liberal Rage; an ultraliberal blog by a student (I think) somewhere in Virginia and working in DC. She mainly quotes recent news and adds a twist of her liberal ideologies here and there. Wasn’t really impressed with her commentary but some of her posts I found quite humorous. She seems to me to be on top of what’s going on in poilitics, so she wouldn’t be what I consider an Uninformed Liberal; just a plain lib, nothing more, nothing less.

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