Comment Policy

November 10th, 2006 Urban Conservative

I’ve been called much worse on this blog, so an “idiot” is almost a compliment. I’d like to take a few minutes to talk about leaving comments on UrbanConservative.  We never censor any comments based on political or ideological point of view. Liberals are welcome here! Shoot, we don’t even delete comments that are abusive or rude.  However, if you post comments that are spammy, use EXCESSIVE foul language (cursing and cursing without an intelligent point) or include threats of any kind, they will be deleted and reported to the authorities. 

We are totally fine with the variety of approaches to comments; however we want to communicate to the readers of this blog where we stand on a few issues:

  • Personal attacks are okay:  Feel free to disagree with any post on this blog. Go ahead and attack any writer on this blog. But, be prepared to back up your attacks with some type of intelligent argument.  Otherwise, you will look stupid to everyone who reads this blog.
  • We appreciate comments on this blog: Have something to say? Chime in and tell us what you think!  We appreciate comments on this blog. They add to the knowledge and community that we have built. If you want to comment then you’re more than welcome to whether you are a liberal, conservative, republican or democrat. It doesn’t matter as long as you add to the conversation.
  • Relevant links in comments are encouraged: If you’re leaving a comment and want to add a link to something that is relevant to the conversation (even to your own blog), then please feel free to do so. This adds to the conversation and improves the content of this blog.
  • We delete spam: We do have spam filters on the blog but every now and then a few comments get through.   We delete all spam.
    Oh, and one last thing. PLEASE do not post comments where you just copied and pasted from some other random web site (unless you cite your source).  I welcome comments but I want to think for yourself. AND, you will be exposed like many already have here on Urban! Thank you for your continued support (or not).

    Email Policy reserves the right to post the content of any email received related to this blog and/or its contents. If you send an email that is rude, offensive and degrading in any manner and you don’t want it published on this site, think twice before sending it. However, we can assure you that your email address WILL NOT be published along with the contents of your abusive email. 

    Email:urbanconservative {at}