The Urban Conservative Smear Campaign, well not really

May 9th, 2008 Urban Conservative

And this time, it’s coming from someone on the right. Now, I have done some pretty rotten things in my life. Things I am not so proud of and many of which I choose to forget. But this … this accusation is completely wrong and I feel like I need to defend myself. I know, I know … another post about my feelings. What the heck is going on with me?  I promise a thought provoking-liberal bashing post coming really soon.

Now, I created the Best Conservative Blogs directory about 6 months ago; and began to populate the directory with blogs that I read, subscribe to or just stumbled on.  Some have also asked to be on the list. This directory became very popular and was picked up by Wikipedia, podcasts and several other blogs. I try and add it once or twice a month.  At the same time, I have solicited reciprocal links from a few other conservative blogs and/or websites, Bruce Kelley being one of them.  My mistake with Bruce and a few others was that I did not let him know that the directory uses “no follow” tags.  So, here it is … I use no-follow tags in the directory, not on the blogroll or in blog posts.  And now he is on this quest to smear this blog and at the same time setting himself up on a pedestal because he has been a “webmaster for 10 years” and “knows Google’s requirements for linking”.  Whatever.

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I am sad to say that we live in a SICK SICK world

May 5th, 2008 Urban Conservative

The following post is a rant. It has nothing to with politics but I feel like I need to let off some steam, vent a little and talk about my feelings (yes, I do have feelings).  Right now, I am really sick of all the “Obama & Hillary” news and ALL political news for that matter, so lately I have been doing my best to filter it all out.  I was on Drudge earlier today and came across a story of about 3 dead infants found in freezer in Germany.  I was stunned. It broke my heart. I felt vulnerable because it was personal to me.  I can’t even imagine ever hurting a single hair on my two beautiful angels; and to think that someone did this to these poor innocent babies hurts me, tremendously.  It sickens me and makes me want to vomit.  And, then it got me thinking of the poor woman in Austria and the pain that her and her children endured.  This story clearly exemplifies the depths of evil that humanity is capable of committing.

It’s a true story about a psychopath named Josef Fritzl. This sad excuse for a human sexually abused, tortured, raped and physically assaulted his own daughter for 24 years.  According to the police, he kept her for in a small soundproofed cellar with four beds and a bathroom; and she gave birth to a total of seven children (including twins, one of whom died) all of whom had been fathered by this bastard.  Three of his kids had been imprisoned with their mother their whole lives when they were found—daughter Kerstin and sons Stefan and Felix, who are aged 19, 18, and 5.

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UrbanConservative is on Wikipedia

March 4th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Yup, that’s right. I’m ‘bout to brag a little bit.  My Best Conservative Blog directory list made it on several Wikipedia pages, most notably on the “Conservatism” and “Conservatism in the United States” pages.  I actually found out by accident when I was checking my metrics and noticed a spike in web traffic by about 100%; and they all came from Wikipedia.

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Bernie Ward: from Priest to Liberal Radio Host to Pedophile

February 21st, 2008 Urban Conservative

Bernie Ward

Or…maybe he’s been a pedophile since priesthood.

We live in such a great country where alleged criminals are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. What a great criminal justice system we have, indeed!  And then along comes this poor excuse of a human being Bernie Ward; a worthless parasite who fantasizes about having sex with his own kids.  He and other vile scum bags like this are reasons why this law should be changed, specifically for crimes against children. Am I pissed? Hell yeah! I hate pedophiles with a passion!

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Backwards Berkeley tells US. Marines to Leave!

January 31st, 2008 Urban Conservative

See, this is the kind of insane bulls#*! that I have to deal with every day living in the Bay Area.  I am a Marine, so I take this s#*@ personal!

The Berkeley City Council, which voted 6-3 Tuesday night to tell the U.S. Marines that its local recruiting station “is not welcome in the city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome intruders.”

What makes it even more vile and disgusting is that they are officially encouraging left-wing lunatic group, Code Pink to impede the work of the Marines in the city by protesting in front of the recruiting station. The council voted 8-1 to give Code Pink a designated parking space in front of the recruiting station once a week for six months and a free sound permit for protesting once a week from noon to 4 p.m.

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Sorry to offend you…but Merry Christmas anyway!

December 16th, 2007 Urban Conservative

No, it’s not Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings. It’s Merry Christmas. And, if you are offended, deal with it. There are a lot of things I see in the media and such that I don’t agree with but you don’t see me getting all butt hurt about it. If you are truly offended when someone says, “Merry Christmas”, you have some serous psychological problems and are in dire need of therapy. I wonder if you get just as offended when someone cuts you off on the freeway and flips you the middle finger. Probably not.

As for retailers who refuse to say “Merry Christmas”, on their marketing collateral, you’d think they would have invested in market research and come across this study in 2002 by the Pew Research Council that found that roughly 80 percent of Americans consider themselves Christians. A similar study was cited in Wikipedia.

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Senator Larry Craig needs to resign; not because he is gay

December 3rd, 2007 Urban Conservative

I couldn’t care less if Larry Craig is gay or not.  The fact is that 8 other men admitted to having sexual encounters with him in the past; and once again, he is denying it.  This is the same man that said:

“I am not gay and have never been gay”

The issue with me is not that he is or isn’t gay. I’m more upset that this so-called Senator does not have the courage to admit it!  He is a hypocrite and this sickens me.  It’s republicans like this that make all conservatives look bad!

I don’t know. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe there is some global conspiracy against Larry. Maybe these eight men just want their 15 minutes of fame.  Hah! I doubt it.

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Bush committed arson and should be blamed for everything!

October 26th, 2007 Urban Conservative

Yeah, umm…not really.  While I am no Bush apologist, he is far from an arsonist.  The “Bush to blame for everything” crowd and many democrats are blaming the Bush Administration for the dreadful wildfires rampaging throughout southern California. The reasoning is quite hilarious; but what else can you expect from such people.

The claim is that “because the National Guard is serving in Iraq, there are no resources to help combat the fires”.

Wrong!!! The Pentagon has stated that 17,000 Guardsmen are available and are just waiting to be called to help out.

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Weekly Wrap Up: So much for tolerance

September 19th, 2007 Urban Conservative


My ‘View’ of Barry Manilow

Famous ‘has been’ of yesteryear — Barry Manilow - demanded that he appear on the View without Elisabeth because he “strongly disagrees with her views” and thinks she is “dangerous and offensive“.  Now, a close source says that he is lying and it was “the View” that cancelled the booking all along. So, not only is he intolerant of others’ beliefs and a horrible singer, but he is also a liar.

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This Week in the News: Kanye Crying Again

September 10th, 2007 Urban Conservative

I get ridiculed quite often on this blog because I am always bashing liberal ideology and thought process.  I get accused of spewing hatred, offensive rhetoric and dodging comments when I am challenged by some of my readers.  While I don’t necessarily deny all the accusations, one thing is indeed true. That is, I rarely discuss the actual issues.  So, since I am a fairly reasonable individual, I decided to give a weekly wrap up of newsworthy events and allow for open discussion.  So, here goes, in no particular order of importance:

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