I have finally decided, I am with Fred too!

July 13th, 2007 Urban Conservative

I have been struggling between Romney, Giuliani and Thompson for several weeks now and I have finally decided that Fred is the right man for the job. Out of the three, he clearly exemplifies true conservative values. One indicator is his voting record during the eight years in Washington was well received by ideological right-wing extremists; guys like me of course. You can see where he stands on each issue here.

Also, not only is he elect-able, but it’s very clear to me that Fred can stand toe-to-toe with just about any opponent thanks to his star power, personal appeal, and strong communication skills.  He also has superior facial recognition from his role as Arthur Branch on the television show “Law and Order.â€?  Now, I won’t back a candidate just because they are elect-able; I was a strong supporter of Tom McClintock during his run for the Governor of California even though everyone and their mother knew that he didn’t stand a chance against liberal Arnold.

Moore importantly, Fred has the balls to stand up against liberal scum like Michael Moore, yet he does it so professional! Watch the video below… 

Technorati Tags: fred thompson, mitt romney, rudy giuliani, michael moore


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