Benjamin Netanyahu back in office, bummer for Iran

April 1st, 2009 Urban Conservative

Well, it’s been a while since I last wrote; and I am only writing now due to recent developments in the Middle East.

Just yesterday, in an interview with The Atlantic, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel could go it alone and attack Iran if the country went nuclear. He said in unusually blunt language (according to the article) of the Iranian leadership, “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs. When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the entire world should start worrying, and that is what is happening in Iran” … and dammit, he is absolutely right.  A nuclear Iran would surely wreak havoc not only in the Middle East but the world abroad.

He also said that “The Obama presidency has two great missions: fixing the economy, and preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons … and that Israel would not necessarily need American approval to launch an attack.”  This will prove to be Obama’s first major test in the Middle East.

The issue, in my opinion, is not Israel’s Military capability. Foreign leadership across the globe knows that Israel does not play games when it comes to protecting their land from foreign invasion. Past history is clear that those who attack Israel get dealt with very badly – no holds barred, no protesting from Code Pink, no congressional approval, no remorse.  The question here is simple.  Does Netanyahu have the stomach to launch a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities? I think he does.

Now will someone from Mossad go shut Chavez the hell up? His big mouth rhetoric is sickening to my ears.

Tags: Iran, Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mossad, Obama, pre-emptive strike, nuclear

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Fed Chair Bernanke: “The Fed is Printing Money”

March 16th, 2009 Jr Accountant

After Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke appeared on 60 Minutes last night, few noted little from his speech besides his insistence that the recession should calm by the end of 2009 and signs of recovery might start popping up like little spring buds beneath the melting snow of a cold hard winter some time in 2010. The man is delusional at best, and the markets reacted by snapping a three-day upward swing (if you call 2 or 3 points “upward”). Sadly, Bernanke’s song and dance on national television resonated across America as a sign that things might be looking up. Hell, if this guy says everything is going to be okay, who are we to question?

Well the answer is simple, and if I’ve got to explain to you what is wrong with last night’s appearance, perhaps you’re not grown up enough to be using the computer without supervision. Turn it off, curl up into a ball, and commence to existing with your head in the sand, k?

In case you missed it, Bernanke’s national TV debut may be found in 3 parts here, here, and here. How cute, Helicopter Ben even cleaned up for his interview. That’s absolutely adorable.

Hidden in the midst of Bernanke’s interview, a little-noticed point on the Fed’s action in the face of economic crisis. While the conservatives continue to rail against the endless bailouts on behalf of helpless taxpayers believing that the Fed and Treasury promises are funded by actual taxpayer cash, Chairman Bernanke spilled the beans last night and said in no uncertain terms that his Fed is in fact funding bailouts using a process “more akin to printing money than it is borrowing.”

Average Joe reading this article, or even the most enlightened of conservatives, may not even think twice about the issue. Who cares? Isn’t it the Fed’s job to print money?

Under normal circumstances, absolutely. But in these conditions, Bernanke’s quantitative easing scheme will be the end of the dollar as we know it. Does he believe that inflation is so low that his agency has the right to crank up the presses to cover the incessant bailout of commercial banking interests at the detriment of our economy? This equates to criminal currency debasement and should absolutely be treated as such.

For our Fed chair to believe he can boldly state on national television just days after a warning from the United States’ largest creditor that we better not use the printing press to stem financial crisis is not only moronic but may send China reeling against our pleas for help in unloading our debt. And if China pushes back on Treasurys, we might as well consider the game over.

You as an American taxpayer have every right to be angry over the bailouts. And you should still believe that taxpayers are some how on the hook for this. But you as an American under the Federal Reserve’s control should be absolutely outraged to hear Bernanke boasting that his Fed is cranking up the press to the tune of some $2 trillion to cover its creative lending programs. AIG has fed at the government teat FOUR TIMES and funneling bailout funds to foreign banks due to its own irresponsible financial products risk management. But $2 trillion on the taxpayers’ behalf means little when the Fed is using the press to pump capital into floundering firms on your dime - the savings you’ve worked your life to put away? Doesn’t matter when the Fed has fully debased the currency. Is 97% of the dollar’s value lost since its inception in 1913 not enough?

The recession will only worsen moving forward if the Fed and Treasury continue to sabotage any hope at recovery by throwing billions more into the sinking ship.

Unemployment will continue to surge.

The Fed will continue to overstep its given powers by Congress and Congress will continue to allow such a fleecing until someone on Capitol Hill stops looking the other way and demands an audit of this private and essentially unregulated agency.

And Ben Bernanke will continue to crank up the press. Here’s to hoping China doesn’t notice or else we’re really in trouble.

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Hamas vows suicide attacks on ‘Zionists everywhere’ – what else is new?

January 2nd, 2009 Urban Conservative

So the violence in the Israel continues … but has it really ever ended? Ever since Israel became an independent state in 1948, they have been a target by the Arab and Muslim nations that surround the country. The only good news coming out of this is that the Israeli Air Force bombed a building in the Jabalya refugee camp in Gaza killing a senior Hamas leader and cleric Sheikh Nizar Rayyan.

The sad fact is that if the enemies of Israel disposed of their weapons and declared peace in that region, there WOULD be peace in that region. On the contrary, if Israel disposed of their weapons and declared peace, there WOULD be 8 million dead Jews.

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Novel Idea: Let’s let the homeless in America decide who will be the next President

October 7th, 2008 Urban Conservative

In Cleveland, Ohio a volunteer group supporting Obama picked up hundreds of homeless people at shelters, soup kitchens and drug-rehab centers and drove them to a polling house yesterday on the last day that folks in Ohio could register and vote on the same day, with almost no questions asked.

One convicted felon noted, “I never voted before, without this service, I would have had no way to get here.”

Every decent law abiding citizen in this country — democrat or republican — should be angry and ashamed of this vile attempt to gain votes, however insignificant the number really is. The law against registering and voting the same day was on the books in Ohio, yet the democratic controlled court made this determination because they are — of course in bed with their political party. Yet another example of how democrats put their party before their country.

Sure, these people can vote for their candidate when they are in the booth, but there’s nothing preventing the fraud of voting in multiple locations. Is one homeless guy who’s bought off for a box of smokes or a six pack of beer worth 3 or 4 of your informed votes?

Let’s not only exploit the children in this country but also the homeless. Who’s next, the mentally disabled?

Tags: convicted felons voting for Obama, homeless people voting for Obama, Obama supporters in Ohio


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Breaking News: Israeli Military exercise seems directed at Iran

June 19th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Watch out Ahmadinejad. The heat is coming; but the Iran Military is waiting. It’s been reported that Israel has facilitated a major military exercise earlier this month as a rehearsal for a potential bombing attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

According to the International Herald Tribune (the global edition of the NY Times), several American officials said the Israeli exercise appeared to be an effort to develop the military’s capacity to carry out long-range strikes and to demonstrate the seriousness with which Israel views Iran’s nuclear program.

According to these officials, more than 100 Israeli F-16 and F-15 fighter jets participated in air maneuvers, which were carried out over the eastern Mediterranean and over Greece during the first week of June; which also included helicopter exercises.

In the past, Israel has carried out two preemptive strikes against nuclear sites in the Middle East. In 1981, Israeli jets leveled Iraq’s nuclear plant at Osirak after it was confirmed that it was part of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapons program.   And more recently, Israel aft bombed a structure in Syria that housed a nuclear reactor built with the aid of North Korea.

Can you really blame Israel for taking a proactive approach in dealing with this issue? Or, maybe they should take a more diplomatic approach. Yeah, that should work. Long live Israel!

Tags: Israel, Iran, Nuclear site, weapons programs, syria, Osirak, military, air strikes, israeli military exercise, israel military exercise, iran comments on israeli air maneuvers, iran military, israel greece military exercise, israel june 19th and military exercise, israel military exercises iran,

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US Marine in Haditha might sue John Murtha over smear campaign

June 19th, 2008 Urban Conservative

John Murtha will soon be eating his own words and forking out some cash, hopefully.

If you remember, back in 2005, there was an investigation into the tragic death of civilians in the Iraqi city of Haditha.  Apparently, there was supposed to be compelling evidence that proved that U.S. Marines “killed innocent civilians in cold blood,” according to former Marine and Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa. He even claimed that there was a Military cover up; and was extremely vocal with his blasphemous statements.

He was wrong according to the video presented as evidence at a hearing for Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani who was charged; and on Tuesday, a U.S. Military Judge tossed out the charges against him. 

In an interview with nationally syndicated conservative radio talk host Michael Savage, the attorney for Lt. Col. Chessani said he and his client are looking into suing Murtha and the Time magazine reporter, Tim McGuirk, who first published the accusations by Iraqi insurgents.

We will see what happens.

Tags: haditha, iraq, marines, killed innocent civilians in cold blood, Rep. John Murtha, charges dismissed, US Marines, Time magazine, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessan, Tim McGuirk

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China Earthquake: Please consider donating to the Red Cross Fund

May 20th, 2008 Urban Conservative

C’mon people; let’s put our money where our mouth is and donate to the China Earthquake Relief Fund.  For a community that already doesn’t have a lot, they lost everything. It’s the least we can do.

On May 12, a powerful earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale struck Sichuan province in southwestern China, killing thousands of people. The American Red Cross is working with its partners in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, including the Red Cross Society of China, and other partners to assist those affected by this disaster. Donate here.

See China Earthquake Photos below (maybe these will inspire you to give): 

China Quake

Bodies are seen after they were pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building in Dujiangyan, in China’s southwest Sichuan province Wednesday May. 14, 2008. The official death toll from Monday’s earthquake reached almost 15,000 Wednesday, with many thousands more missing.

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The Wings Have Lost Their Nuts (And Bolts), Indeed

February 4th, 2008 Billy Hallowell

weapons of mass destructionThe American ultra-left has an array of despicable tendencies.  And while I would be elated to provide an alphabetical list of the damaging ideals held by this portion of society, I will compose myself and limit my rant to one attribute: The ultra-left’s unwillingness to back the American government – even when it becomes painfully obvious that our officials are correct in their assertions – and even when millions of American lives are at stake. 

We’ve been in a sociopolitical civil war since the Iraq war broke out in 2003; the world has been embroiled in debate over U.S. motives for invasion, George W. Bush’s alleged lackluster decisions, and the plethora of American policy decisions that have colored our world since September 11, 2001.

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Iraq: A Surge to Success?

January 22nd, 2008 Billy Hallowell


Ironically, CNN broke down on January 11, 2007, when it published a piece entitled, “Speeding, motorcycles, wheelies provide war relief.�  I was beginning to feel alone in my informed understanding that the War in Iraq has taken a turn for the better.  And since the media tend to mention it only when death and destruction are occurring, seeing an uplifting story about the conditions under U.S. operations in Iraq was more than intriguing. 

The better security can be attributed to many factors: the U.S.-led surge that has put more troops across Baghdad and clamped down on insurgents; better-trained Iraqi security forces who guard more checkpoints; and the establishment of predominantly Sunni “Awakening Councils,� often made up of former militants, aimed at going after al Qaeda.

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2007 Iraq Coverage: An Overview

January 9th, 2008 Billy Hallowell

While browsing the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism web site today, I stumbled upon a December 2007 study entitled, “The Portrait from Iraq: How the Press Has Covered Events on the Ground.�  Before continuing, it is important that I note that I am an avid fan of the Project for Excellence.  The institution’s work is paramount to public understanding of and about the inner workings and outer affects of mainstream media coverage.

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