Who won the third Presidential Debate, John McCain or Barack Obama?

October 15th, 2008 Urban Conservative

No commentary needed. No analysis. No ranting. No complaining.  We should all be confident in who we think won this debate.  It’s obvious. Chime in and let your voice be heard:

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It’s clear that almost everyone on this site agreed that Obama won the last debate at Belmont University in Nashville. Out of 800+ votes, 70% of those voted that he did win; and 23% voted for McCain. This is probably because this site has been infiltrated by Dailykos weirdos and the Obama Geek Squad (Rapid Response team).

It’s also important to note that Obama has taken double digit leads in almost every poll known to man:

  • CBS poll has Obama with a 14 point lead
  • Zogby poll - Obama 48%, McCain 44%
  • Rasmussen poll – Obama 50%, McCain 45%

It’s no secret that McCain has run the most disgusting and horrible campaign ever known to man. He was WAY TOO SOFT. No balls, no cojones and always worried about damaging his honor; and unfortunately, it is his honor that will cost him this election.

Well “my friends”, I guess it’s time to usher in the next Commander in Chief, President Barack Obama (and, no…I’m not going to threaten to move to Canada like those silly liberals did when Bush got reelected.)

Tags: who won the final presidential debate, who won the third presidential debate, 3rd presidential debate, Obama or McCain, campaign, 2008 election, 2008 debate, zogby poll, rasmussen poll, cbsnews poll, Hofstra University


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Who won the second 2008 Presidential Debate at Belmont University? You decide!

October 7th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Hosted and moderated by nonetheless Tom Brokaw of NBC News. I am sure they could have found someone a little more objective but oh well … that’s what happens in the main stream media. Tonight’s debate took place at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee, and was similar to that of a townhall meeting. I actually prefer these venues as it appears to be more real and personal.

Both candidates not only took questions from Brokaw but they also fielded questions from folks in the audience and from Internet participants as well. Most of the questions revolved around economic policies, the bailout plan, healthcare, social security reform, medicare, nuclear energy, entitlements, war in Iraq, obama doctrine, mccain doctrine, pakistan, russia, putin, and Israel.

Who won the 2008 Presidential Debate?
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tags: presidential debate, 2008 debate, tom brokaw, townhall meeting, presidential debate obama, presidential debate mccain, nbc news, senator mccain, senator obama, who won the debate?, tom brokaw, who won debate


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Who won the 2008 Vice Presidential Debate, Joe Biden or Sarah Palin

October 2nd, 2008 Urban Conservative

I am sure tonight’s festivities will be much more interesting than last weeks; assuming Palin has the heart to look her enemy square in the eyes.

Tonight’s hotly-anticipated debate between their picks for vice president will be seen as a critical test for Republican Sarah Palin and for Democrat Joe Biden. Concerns about Sarah Palin’s readiness to take the national stage have grown in recent days following very poor interviews in which she fumbled her words when faced with tough questions, specifically from Katie Couric who is probably one of the softer interviewers in the media. If Sarah can show one ounce of articulation and at least pretend she knows what she is talking about, she may do just fine.

But some Democrats must also be worried.  Biden, a 35-year veteran of the Senate who has a bigger ego than most in Hollywood has in the past displayed a low level of restraint and tolerance when talking with (or at) the opposition.  He will lose points by bullying, patronizing or appearing to condescend during the debate (I heard on the radio this morning that he will only refer to her as Governor Palin.)

By the time you read this, the debate will be over. So tell me, who do you feel won the vice presidential debate tonight and why? Chime in and let your voice be heard.

Tags: who won the VP debate?, who won the vice president debate, 2008, vice presidential debate, Sarah Palin, Joe Biden, who won the vp debate, who won vp debate, vice president debate 2008, vp debate 2008


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The Ralph Nader Campaign Releases Commentary in the VoterWatch Media Player

September 29th, 2008 Billy Hallowell

By Billy Hallowell for VoterWatch

Over the past week, we’ve been talking about the wide range of commentators who have partnered with VoterWatch for the 2008 Presidential Debates Project.  Already, we’ve posted commentary in the VoterWatch media player from Dick Morris, Brett Winterble of CovertRadio and the Bob Barr for President team.  Now, we are ready to release official commentary from the Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez campaign.

Aside from providing us with commentary, the Nader team offered up some editorial thoughts about Friday’s debate.  When it comes to analyzing McCain and Obama, Nader encouraged individuals to focus more on “what won” rather than “who won.”  This is an intriguing take when it comes to the partisan divide that often centers upon the politicians themselves, rather than the issues that are and are not discussed during presidential debates.  Here are Nader’s words:

Always ask after you watch a debate, not who won, but what lost and what won.

Militarism won.
Boondoggle star wars won.
Corruption won.
Corporate crime won.
Bailouts for Wall Street won.
Nuclear power won.
Aggressive NATO won.
What Lost?
Peace advocates lost.
Consumers lost.
Workers lost.

Solar energy really lost.

These two candidates are really afraid of challenging corporate power.
It’s our job to make them more afraid of the people than big business.

Now, let’s explore interactive commentary from Toby Nelson of the Nader/Gonzalez team:

Voterwatch.org video

Technorati Tags: ralph nader,matt gonzalez,voterwatch,2008 presidential debates,cynthia mckinney,bob barr,covertradio,dick morris

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Who won the first 2008 Presidential Debate, McCain or Obama?

September 26th, 2008 Urban Conservative

So Drudge is running a poll right now and McCain is blowing Obama out of the water.  Out of 118,000 votes 69% have voted that McCain won tonight’s CNN Presidential Debate.  They battled over federal spending, taxes, the economy, Afghanistan, and the war in Iraq. Who do you think won and why? Chime in.

UPDATE — here is what Kissinger really said:

Kissinger: “Well, I am in favor of negotiating with Iran. And one utility of negotiation is to put before Iran our vision of a Middle East, of a stable Middle East, and our notion on nuclear proliferation at a high enough level so that they have to study it. And, therefore, I actually have preferred doing it at the secretary of state level so that we — we know we’re dealing with authentic…”


Tags: CNN Presidential Debate, Poll, Obama or McCain, Who won the 2008 Presidential Debate?, who won debate mccain obama, presidential debate polls, who won the debate 2008, presidential debate who won, cnn presidential debate

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Let’s get ready to rumble: The Obama and McCain debate is on!

September 26th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Just saw this on the news.  Senator John McCain has just ended three days of suspense and announced  this morning that he will leave the negotiations in Washington and make his way to the University of Mississippi for tonight’s presidential debate. This comes after McCain said that he would suspend his campaign until an agreement was reached on the administration’s $700 billion mortgage proposal.

Apparently, no such agreement has yet been reached, but Republicans said the standoff was hurting McCain’s campaign, and he didn’t show up at the debate tonight while Barack Obama was eagerly ready to go toe to toe. Here is the full text of the statement:

The McCain campaign is resuming all activities and the senator will travel to the debate this afternoon. Following the debate, he will return to Washington to ensure that all voices and interests are represented in the final agreement, especially those of taxpayers and homeowners.

I am not sure how I feel about this, but these are the facts.

Tags: $700 billion mortgage proposal, financial crisis, obama, mccain, debate, cnn, university of mississippi, 2008 US Presidential Debate

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You Decide: Who won the CNN Republican Debate?

January 30th, 2008 Urban Conservative

CNN Republican Debate

Republican presidential candidates will face off Wednesday night (tonight) without a familiar face as Rudy Giuliani is expected to drop out and endorse Senator John McCain.

The remaining candidates (Romney, McCain, Ron Paul and Huckabee) will take the stage in what’s expected to be a heated debate — sponsored by CNN, the Los Angeles Times and Politico — beginning at 8 p.m. ET .

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You Decide: Who won the 2008 Nevada Democratic Presidential Debate?

January 15th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Dennis KucinichI know, I know…who cares, right?  Well, Super Tuesday is right around the corner and we need to keep a close eye on the race for both sides! 

Apparently, Dennis Kucinich isn’t getting any love whatsoever from NBC. They originally excluded him from tonight’s debate; however, a judge has ordered that he not be excluded and threatened an injunction that would stop the debate if he is.  Apparetnly, Kucinich learned of the judge’s decision when he was handed a note during an interview with Fo News Correspondent, Neil Cavuto.

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Who won the (GOP) Republican Debate on Fox News?

January 10th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Republican Debates

…moderated by none other than Brit Hume himself and hosted by the South Carolina Republican Party on Thursday, Jan. 10 — TONIGHT!

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You Decide: Who won the 2008 Republican Debate in New Hampshire?

January 4th, 2008 Urban Conservative

So, who do you think won the 2008 ABC News/Facebook Republican Debate in New Hamspshire?  Did Huckabee take the cake? Did Romney’s charisma dominate the rest.  What about Ron?  Did he finally convince us conservatives that he is the right candidate (umm, I think not) to be President?  Whatever the case, let’s all hope and pray that Hillary is nominated. I would love to see her mopped up by the right side, literally.  Chime in and tell us who you think won the debate. Vote today!

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