No More “Poor Little Elisabeth�?

May 24th, 2007 Urban Conservative

Finally, Elisabeth has stepped up to the plate and defended herself and her conservative values against the beast.  This is exactly what I mean when I define Conservative 2.0; not a change in conservative ideology; but a change in attitude, character and demeanor. If you didn’t see it yesterday on the View, here is a quick recap:

All the drama started when Rosie expressed disapproval to Elisabeth for not defending her when her comments about “soldiers are terrorists�? hit controversial buttons within the media. When Rosie confronted Elisabeth about whether she believed the comment was directly calling U.S. soldiers “terrorists�? Hasselbeck didn’t directly answer.

And then the drama ensued:

We all know that Elisabeth and Rosie have disagreed several times before on the show, but yesterday’s battle royal was more than intense and quite fun to watch. When the topic of the Iraq came up, the two went medieval on each other.

Rosie called Elisabeth “cowardly,” and Elisabeth responded back at Rosie that she’s not “poor little Elisabeth,” even dissing guest co-host Sherri Shepherd’s (who in the hell is she anyway?) suggestion that she chill for the sake of her unborn child.

Rosie said that fighting with Elisabeth was “absurd�? and told her “for three weeks you can say all the Republican crap you want.�? However, she wouldn’t allow Rosie off that easy saying, “It’s much easier to fight someone like Donald Trump because he is obnoxious.�? Good job Elisabeth.

Oh, and that other thing about Alicia Silverstone snubbing Elizabeth…ummm, who in the hell is she anyway but another has been - Hollywood liberal that thinks they are an expert in foreign policy like Sean Penn.

Technorati Tags: liberal, liberalism, conservative, the view, view, rosie o’donnell, elisabeth hasselbeck, sean penn

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MyAvatars 0.2 Michelle
Thursday, May 24th, 2007 at 5:05 pm

oh, I also heard that Rosie might leave early. I hope so. Also, give Elisabeth a break..she is surrounded by liberals. What would you do if you were her?

48) { this.width = 48; this.height = 48; } ; if (this.width < 48) { this.parentNode.href = ''; this.parentNode.title = 'Gravatar'; this.src=''; this.onload=void(null); }" alt="MyAvatars 0.2"/> Marlia
Saturday, May 26th, 2007 at 4:49 pm

yep, she's gone, thsnk God.

MyAvatars 0.2 joe
Sunday, May 27th, 2007 at 11:05 pm

Good job Elisabeth. IT's about time a conservative speaks her mind on ABC.

MyAvatars 0.2 Urban Conservative
Sunday, May 27th, 2007 at 11:12 pm

Michelle - yes, you are right. I am being to hard on her. I still don't see how she can take being around those three (joy, Barbara and Rosie), even though it's only an hour a day. I would have went postal on them months ago!

MyAvatars 0.2 liberal and mad
Friday, June 1st, 2007 at 5:30 pm

you are soooooo fricken blinded and have brainwashed by the right-wing nut bags! I can't believe anyone even reads this blog!!!

MyAvatars 0.2 Lennie
Saturday, June 2nd, 2007 at 3:33 am

Liberal and Mad said, "you are soooooo fricken blinded and have brainwashed by the right-wing nut bags! I can't believe anyone even reads this blog!!!"

Well Liberal & Mad, didn't YOU just read it??????

MyAvatars 0.2 Urban Conservative
Saturday, June 2nd, 2007 at 7:51 am

Lennie - good point. From time to time, I get these weird liberal insects that just come on this blog and call me names. It's quite amusing because they rarely have anything intelligent to say; and give me great ammo to write about.

MyAvatars 0.2 rv
Monday, August 25th, 2008 at 10:54 am

you go UC

MyAvatars 0.2 Chuck
Saturday, December 27th, 2008 at 5:15 pm

"Liberal and Mad" nobody gives a rats ass what you can't with with whinner!!!

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