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You Decide: Who won the CNN Republican Debate?

January 30th, 2008 Urban Conservative

CNN Republican Debate

Republican presidential candidates will face off Wednesday night (tonight) without a familiar face as Rudy Giuliani is expected to drop out and endorse Senator John McCain.

The remaining candidates (Romney, McCain, Ron Paul and Huckabee) will take the stage in what’s expected to be a heated debate — sponsored by CNN, the Los Angeles Times and Politico — beginning at 8 p.m. ET .

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You Decide: Who won the 2008 Nevada Democratic Presidential Debate?

January 15th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Dennis KucinichI know, I know…who cares, right?  Well, Super Tuesday is right around the corner and we need to keep a close eye on the race for both sides! 

Apparently, Dennis Kucinich isn’t getting any love whatsoever from NBC. They originally excluded him from tonight’s debate; however, a judge has ordered that he not be excluded and threatened an injunction that would stop the debate if he is.  Apparetnly, Kucinich learned of the judge’s decision when he was handed a note during an interview with Fo News Correspondent, Neil Cavuto.

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Who won the (GOP) Republican Debate on Fox News?

January 10th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Republican Debates

…moderated by none other than Brit Hume himself and hosted by the South Carolina Republican Party on Thursday, Jan. 10 — TONIGHT!

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Posted in Debates, Politics, Republicans 31 Comments », what do you have to say

You Decide: Who won the 2008 Republican Debate in New Hampshire?

January 4th, 2008 Urban Conservative

So, who do you think won the 2008 ABC News/Facebook Republican Debate in New Hamspshire?  Did Huckabee take the cake? Did Romney’s charisma dominate the rest.  What about Ron?  Did he finally convince us conservatives that he is the right candidate (umm, I think not) to be President?  Whatever the case, let’s all hope and pray that Hillary is nominated. I would love to see her mopped up by the right side, literally.  Chime in and tell us who you think won the debate. Vote today!

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Posted in Debates, Politics, Polls, Republicans 18 Comments », what do you have to say

You Decide: Who won the 2008 Democratic Debate in New Hampshire?

January 4th, 2008 Urban Conservative

So, who do you think won the 2008 ABC News/Facebook Democratic Debate in New Hamspshire?  Did Richardson, Biden or Dodd even get a chance to speak their minds? Probably not.  Did Hillary shine in front of millions of viewers, or did she annoy us all with her irritating laugh? How about Obama or pretty boy Edwards? How did they do? Chime in and tell us who you think won the Democratic debate in New Hampshire!  Vote today!

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Posted in Debates, Democrats, Politics, Polls 11 Comments », what do you have to say

Clearly, Mitt Romney Won the Republican Debate in Florida

November 29th, 2007 Urban Conservative

…with Huckabee coming in a very close second; and the fact of the matter is that most all of the Republican candidates (except Ron) would be a far better President than any of the Democratic nominees; and I am not a Republican either.

Why Mitt? Well, number one…he admitted he was wrong with the abortion issue. Not too many politicians have the courage to admit that they are wrong on national television. Many have called Mitt a flip flopper but I have to disagree. A flip flopper to me is someone who goes back and forth about the issues. As Mitt said…”He changed his mind”; and many of us do as we get older and wiser. It wasn’t too long ago I considered myself a Democrat and agreed with abortion. Read the full transcripts of the debate here.

…and on the topic of:

- Illegal Immigration, he won.
- Taxes – he won.
- Crime in inner cities, he won.
- Abortion, he won.
- Death Penalty, he won.
- Religion, he won.
- Foreign Policy, he won.
- Torture, he won.
- Power of the Vice President, he won.

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Posted in Debates, Mitt Romney, Politics 26 Comments », what do you have to say
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