Weekly Wrap Up: So much for tolerance

September 19th, 2007 Urban Conservative


My ‘View’ of Barry Manilow

Famous ‘has been’ of yesteryear — Barry Manilow - demanded that he appear on the View without Elisabeth because he “strongly disagrees with her views” and thinks she is “dangerous and offensive“.  Now, a close source says that he is lying and it was “the View” that cancelled the booking all along. So, not only is he intolerant of others’ beliefs and a horrible singer, but he is also a liar.

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This Week in the News: Kanye Crying Again

September 10th, 2007 Urban Conservative

I get ridiculed quite often on this blog because I am always bashing liberal ideology and thought process.  I get accused of spewing hatred, offensive rhetoric and dodging comments when I am challenged by some of my readers.  While I don’t necessarily deny all the accusations, one thing is indeed true. That is, I rarely discuss the actual issues.  So, since I am a fairly reasonable individual, I decided to give a weekly wrap up of newsworthy events and allow for open discussion.  So, here goes, in no particular order of importance:

My favorite celebrity Cindy Sheehan has been arrested again, along with three of her comrades for disorderly conduct.  I am really sick of seeing her name in the news. I thought she was retiring from protesting already.

Earlier today, General David Petraeus testified in front of Congress that he foresees the withdrawal of roughly 30,000 U.S. troops by next summer, beginning with a Marine unit later this month. I am not going to pull a Sean Penn and try to be an expert in foreign policy. If a highly decorated Military General believes that this pace of troop withdrawal is good for Iraq and the U.S., I am all for it. It’d be nice to see some of my fellow brethren back home with their families.

We all know that when Kanye doesn’t get the spotlight, he pouts and cries for media attention.  Message to Kanye…you are a good but far from great so shut the hell up already, take it like a man and humble yourself.

Democratic Pundit and Youtube Extraordinaire Bin Laden is set to release another video to the American public.  Rather than lecturing us on global warming, I am sure he will tackle issues such as morality, world hunger and make a case to save the whales. 

Fugitive and democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu was behaving erratically as he fled the Bay Area on train, at one point stripping off his clothes, before paramedics were called to retrieve him in western Colorado. Norman – dude, stay off the meds bro.  You are making the rest of the democratic party look really, really bad.

Speaking of making a party look bad, it’s republicans like Senator Craig that make me sick to my stomach. I can’t stand two-faced hypocrites. I don’t care if he denied the allegations against him but now he his trying to take back his guilty plea because he was under duress…My only advice to Senator Craig is to resign. Do us all a favor and resign.  Step up to the plate, be a man and do the right thing.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that Fred Thompson is enjoying a 4 point lead over Rudy from his formal entry into the Presidential race.  Good job Fred, I am with all the way.

Technorati Tags: cindy sheehan, David Petraeus, Bin Laden, Kanye West, Norman Hsu, Senator Larry Craig, Fred Thompson

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