
June 8th, 2008 Urban Conservative

Blog Marketing & Social Media Consulting

Urban Conservative offers a full range of social media consulting and blog marketing services for political blogs and small business. We combine a comprehensive knowledge of social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and proven blog marketing experience to help our clients implement a successful social media strategy.

Google “conservative blog” and you’ll find this blog at number one. Those results speak for themselves.

In order to take full advantage of the marketing and branding opportunity that blogs offer for businesses, we’ve broken down our services into the fundamental components that offer the most value for effort.

  • Blog Consulting
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization

Blog Consulting

If you don’t have a blog; we can build one for you, either from scratch or to match the look and feel of your website. If you do have a blog, we can help advise you to improve it.  We build our blogs using Wordpress and include all the functionality/widgets that you will need to help grow your subscribers and web traffic.

Social Media Marketing

To gain or sustain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly evolving markets, successful blogs are drastically altering how they communicate with people. What used to be a very one dimensional and one sided “push marketing” approach is now giving-way to much more natural and conversational “pull marketing” strategies.

Why change? There are a few reasons why traditional methods are quickly becoming obsolete. Consumers can perceive traditional methods as:

  • one sided
  • high pressure
  • unbelievable or weak content
  • too commercial and thus biased

Making change in this area requires the adoption of an entirely different mind-set, a different way of thinking about customers, and a willingness to foster 2-way communication. Successful businesses need to relinquish some control on their communities, and in doing so allow the people who are, or potentially will be customers, to actively take part in a discussion.

How can this be done? Every day the tools developed and used for the social media concept grow at an astounding rate. We can help develop a strategy to put social media to work for your business or blog by augmenting your web presence with the necessary Web 2.0 applications and functionality. In doing so your business can begin tapping into the benefits of true community interaction. Here is what we can do for you:

  • Create profiles/accounts in various social media sites
  • Grow an online network
  • Consistent content updates for social media web sites.
  • The use of multimedia sites such as YouTube and Flickr.
  • A presence on niche social media sites to distribute your brand and to drive qualified traffic to your sites.
  • Forum and blog comments and participation to establish your company as an information authority.
  • The creation and submission of your content to the most popular social bookmarking sites such as Digg,, etc.
  • Collaboration with influential bloggers to generate opinions and reviews of your company’s products or services.
  • The creation of press releases to broadcast relevant news developments related to your business.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization or SEO is the practice of tuning web pages/properties for maximum relevancy to affect an increasingly (and consistently) higher ranking from search results. There is no single technical approach, SEO is the aggregate set of industry accepted and proven techniques.

To be competitive these days, you will need a powerful online presence which is optimized to rank better than your competition on the major search properties including Google, Yahoo, and MSN. We can provide the vital industry knowledge to take your business or blog there in a heartbeat.

Be found! From bird houses to bridal gowns, real estate to political blog; any product or service can be optimized for vastly greater visibility. We have proven results. See for yourself: