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You Decide: Who won the 2008 Republican Debate in New Hampshire?

January 4th, 2008 Urban Conservative

So, who do you think won the 2008 ABC News/Facebook Republican Debate in New Hamspshire?  Did Huckabee take the cake? Did Romney’s charisma dominate the rest.  What about Ron?  Did he finally convince us conservatives that he is the right candidate (umm, I think not) to be President?  Whatever the case, let’s all hope and pray that Hillary is nominated. I would love to see her mopped up by the right side, literally.  Chime in and tell us who you think won the debate. Vote today!

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Posted in Debates, Politics, Polls, Republicans 18 Comments », what do you have to say

You Decide: Who won the 2008 Democratic Debate in New Hampshire?

January 4th, 2008 Urban Conservative

So, who do you think won the 2008 ABC News/Facebook Democratic Debate in New Hamspshire?  Did Richardson, Biden or Dodd even get a chance to speak their minds? Probably not.  Did Hillary shine in front of millions of viewers, or did she annoy us all with her irritating laugh? How about Obama or pretty boy Edwards? How did they do? Chime in and tell us who you think won the Democratic debate in New Hampshire!  Vote today!

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Posted in Debates, Democrats, Politics, Polls 11 Comments », what do you have to say
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