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Archive for January, 2008

You Decide: Who won the Republican Debate in New Hampshire?

January 4th, 2008 Urban Conservative

So, who do you think won the ABC News/Facebook Republican Debate in New Hamspshire?  Did Huckabee take the cake? Did Romney’s charisma dominate the rest.  What about Ron?  Did he finally convince us conservatives that he is the right candidate (umm, I think not) to be President?  Whatever the case, let’s all hope and pray that Hillary is nominated. I would love to see her mopped up by the right side, literally.  Chime in and tell us who you think won the debate. Vote today!

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You Decide: Who won the Democratic Debate in New Hampshire?

January 4th, 2008 Urban Conservative

So, who do you think won the ABC News/Facebook Democratic Debate in New Hamspshire?  Did Richardson, Biden or Dodd even get a chance to speak their minds? Probably not.  Did Hillary shine in front of millions of viewers, or did she annoy us all with her irritating laugh? How about Obama or pretty boy Edwards? How did they do? Chime in and tell us who you think won the Democratic debate in New Hampshire!  Vote today!

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A Sad Day for Conservatives

January 3rd, 2008 LAConservative

LAConservativeMitt Romney fell victim to religious bigotry tonight in Iowa.  I am sad…very, very sad, that the Iowan evangelicals took orders from their church leaders and came out in droves—twice as many as eight years ago—in support of Huckabee.  They fell right into the trap of the left wing media, who want Huckabee to take the republican nomination.  Their ignorance is surpassed only by their loathing of Mormons.  Iowans came out to vote for a spiritual leader, not a leader of the free world.  What happens from here will be critical—for if the republicans lose the presidency in ’08 to the democrats, the loss will have been deserving.

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Posted in Mitt Romney, Politics, Republicans 24 Comments », what do you have to say

Race for 2008: The Case for Mitt Romney

January 2nd, 2008 LAConservative

LAConservativeAhead of the first caucuses and primaries, I hope to bring more awareness—especially among those who may not closely follow presidential politics—to the candidacy of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a terrific man who boasts an impressive resume in his record of achievement in business and government.  Yes, he looks presidential, but rest assured I was not deluded by his appearance.  As my ultimate mission is to win votes for Gov. Romney, to the intellectually dishonest detractors who have reached judgment before rational analysis, I say: You’re dismissed.  I’m reaching out not to you, the ideologically imbued few who vote only along party lines, but to likely voters for whom logic and reason are within grasp. 

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Liberals Cringe as Huckabee Surges

January 1st, 2008 Billy Hallowell

Throughout 2007, the Democrats have consistently been incorrect and wrongheaded in their assertions and ideologies regarding the War in Iraq, their stated ability to make viable progress in Congress and a plethora of other issues.  Perhaps their most glaring mistake was claiming that the surge would be unsuccessful.  Now, as the War in Iraq is taking a turn, the Democratic candidates are mute.  If the positive upswing continues in Iraq, Hillary and company are going to have to amend their incessant rhetoric against Bush and the Republicans. 

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