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Archive for November, 2007

I Was Against the Surge, before I Was For the Surge

November 30th, 2007 Urban Conservative

Yes indeed; it was once said that it must be a cold day in hell. Once again, liberal scum John Murtha has changed his position about the recent surge in Iraq. With all do respect to the former Marine; because I also served 8 years in the Corps — how can anyone be proud to be a democrat with this type of leadership in office. This idiot even tried to stop the surge back in February.

John Murtha

“There is no way the surge will work.” John Murtha, March 2007
“I think the surge is working.” John Murtha, November, 2007

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Clearly, Mitt Romney Won the Republican Debate in Florida

November 29th, 2007 Urban Conservative

…with Huckabee coming in a very close second; and the fact of the matter is that most all of the Republican candidates (except Ron) would be a far better President than any of the Democratic nominees; and I am not a Republican either.

Why Mitt? Well, number one…he admitted he was wrong with the abortion issue. Not too many politicians have the courage to admit that they are wrong on national television. Many have called Mitt a flip flopper but I have to disagree. A flip flopper to me is someone who goes back and forth about the issues. As Mitt said…”He changed his mind”; and many of us do as we get older and wiser. It wasn’t too long ago I considered myself a Democrat and agreed with abortion. Read the full transcripts of the debate here.

…and on the topic of:

- Illegal Immigration, he won.
- Taxes – he won.
- Crime in inner cities, he won.
- Abortion, he won.
- Death Penalty, he won.
- Religion, he won.
- Foreign Policy, he won.
- Torture, he won.
- Power of the Vice President, he won.

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Posted in Debates, Mitt Romney, Politics 24 Comments », what do you have to say

You Decide: Who Won the CNN/YouTube Republican Debate in Florida?

November 28th, 2007 Urban Conservative

Chime in and let your voice be heard! Who do you think won the CNN/YouTube Republican Debate in St. Petersburg, Florida?

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Posted in Debates, Politics, Polls 30 Comments », what do you have to say

You Decide: Who won the Democratic Debate in Las Vegas?

November 16th, 2007 Urban Conservative

So, who really won the Democratic Debates in Vegas? Hmmm…I will probably get a lot of heat for this, but if I had to choose a democrat to vote for, I would “hands down” vote for Biden. He is the most intelligent of them all; even though he is a complete idiot!

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Posted in Debates, Politics, Polls 11 Comments », what do you have to say

Mark Cuban calls Bill O’Reilly a moron at BlogWorld

November 9th, 2007 Urban Conservative

The closing keynote speaker at BlogWorld was Mark Cuban. He was speaking to the audience about his blog; and how important it is to share ideas, thoughts, etc. with his readers. He then went on a rant about how others in the media attack him and call him names; and then went to say how important it is not to respond. He then called Mr. Bill O’Reilly a Moron for his comments about Cuban, who financially backed the controversial film “Redacted” which is story about the war in Iraq that depicts the real-life rape and killing of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl by U.S. soldiers. And of course…the crowd erupted in applause. 

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Posted in Iraq 16 Comments », what do you have to say

You Decide: Who is the most Influential Conservative?

November 4th, 2007 Urban Conservative

Well, here you go my friends. Another poll, but this one should be fun! I have chosen political candidates, pollsters, campaign operatives, journalists, bloggers, fundraisers, big-money donors and the occasional celebrity. I, personally, do not consider everyone in this poll a true conservative, probably 50% or so; and no, I am not on the list — not yet at least. Have something to say? Chime in and let your voice be heard!

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