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Archive for October, 2007

Bush committed arson and should be blamed for everything!

October 26th, 2007 Urban Conservative

Yeah, umm…not really.  While I am no Bush apologist, he is far from an arsonist.  The “Bush to blame for everything” crowd and many democrats are blaming the Bush Administration for the dreadful wildfires rampaging throughout southern California. The reasoning is quite hilarious; but what else can you expect from such people.

The claim is that “because the National Guard is serving in Iraq, there are no resources to help combat the fires”.

Wrong!!! The Pentagon has stated that 17,000 Guardsmen are available and are just waiting to be called to help out.

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Posted in Liberalism, Media Bias, Venting 2 Comments », what do you have to say

A Tribute to Che Guevara: The Anti-Hero Communist Punk

October 17th, 2007 Urban Conservative

Che GuevaraWhy is it that history has a unique way of turning atrocities into admiration? Take a walk though any mall in urban America and you will be amazed; there is Che merchandise everywhere: t-shirts, caps, Key chains and mugs. His image is freakin’ trademarked for God’s sake and someone is making a ton of money. The one-time king of communism is now the ultimate capitalist.  And the ironic thing about is that most people who wear his paraphernalia have no idea of who this man really was. 

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Well said from a liberal friend of mine

October 10th, 2007 Urban Conservative

The other day, I stumbled across this blog from a friend that I have on Myspace.  I purposely subscribe to his blog feed because he has some really good things to say; and I enjoy poking holes in his liberal thought process from time to time.  My comments usually piss off all of his readers and of course I get verbally attacked but what else is new. No worries though, no sweat off my back!

Here is his posting, word for word; and damn this should be published in ever news paper across the globe.

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