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Archive for September, 2007

Weekly Wrap Up: So much for tolerance

September 19th, 2007 Urban Conservative


My ‘View’ of Barry Manilow

Famous ‘has been’ of yesteryear — Barry Manilow - demanded that he appear on the View without Elisabeth because he “strongly disagrees with her views” and thinks she is “dangerous and offensive“.  Now, a close source says that he is lying and it was “the View” that cancelled the booking all along. So, not only is he intolerant of others’ beliefs and a horrible singer, but he is also a liar.

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And some people think I am extreme?

September 18th, 2007 Urban Conservative

I get accused all the time of being a right-wing extremist because of what I believe. But it’s people like this that cause me to be “extreme” with my words.

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This Week in the News: Kanye Crying Again

September 10th, 2007 Urban Conservative

I get ridiculed quite often on this blog because I am always bashing liberal ideology and thought process.  I get accused of spewing hatred, offensive rhetoric and dodging comments when I am challenged by some of my readers.  While I don’t necessarily deny all the accusations, one thing is indeed true. That is, I rarely discuss the actual issues.  So, since I am a fairly reasonable individual, I decided to give a weekly wrap up of newsworthy events and allow for open discussion.  So, here goes, in no particular order of importance:

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Posted in Cindy Sheehan, Weekly Wrap Up 7 Comments », what do you have to say

Extreme Liberals Hate the Military

September 3rd, 2007 Urban Conservative

It’s a fact and if you try and dispute it, you are an idiot and just lying to yourself. And, the funny thing about it is that they wouldn’t last one minute in any Military boot camp.  The truth is that extreme liberals have never embraced sacrifice, tasted honor, felt courage, experienced conviction or touched a fragment of commitment.  All they really know and want to know is Oprah and their little anti-war rallies where they curse Israel, the U.S and our beloved Military; yah know, the same Military that gave their lives so that we can live in freedom. Yeah, I am sure you hear this all the time from right-wing-conservative-types like me but it’s something that should never be forgotten, never!

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Posted in Cindy Sheehan, Liberal Blogs, Liberalism, Military 22 Comments », what do you have to say
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