Tale From The Waiting Room: The truth about Universal Health Care

August 3rd, 2009 Aliy N

There are over 1,000 children waiting over 600 days for ear, nose and throat surgery in Warnbro, Australia alone!

The Canadian Medical Association Journal found that 50 people in Ontairo ALONE passed away while waiting on necessary surgery (not just cancer).

In 2000 the journal Clinical Oncology had an article about how more than 20% of operable cancer cases became inoperable in the amount of time they spent on the waiting list in England for the operation.

The times online (England) reported the following figures in April of 2009:

More than 43,000 operations were cancelled between January and September of 2008. that equates to over 1,800 people NOT being treated within 28 days of their original surgery date.

This is the kind of care Obama and Pelosi want for YOU.

And it’s not just surgery.

The Toronto Sun ran a story about Mark Degasperis, who mother spent 5 DAYS on a stretcher in a hallway of a hospital waiting for a bed

In March of 2009 Mirror.co.uk.news ran a story about a couple who lost a baby because the hospital didn’t have an anesthesiologist on duty to do a C-Section!

Mail Online in January of 2008 had a story about a boy who’s been deaf for 9 years suddenly regaining his hearing because the Q-tip that was in his ear fell out, NO DOCTOR EVER CAUGHT THE PROBLEM! That’s quality health care, don’t you want that kind of health care? Obama and Pelosi want that for YOU!

And a final point here:

We are being asked to put our trust in a government run system. Let me give you some examples of OTHER government run systems:

Social Security, isn’t that going to be BROKE in 15 or so years?

Medicare, wait, didn’t they ALREADY cut 13 MILLION and 60% of home health care nurses from THAT?
Disaster Relief: (fema) These are the jerks who had a truck full of water for the residents of New Orleans after Katrina show up in Bangor Maine!!! Yeah, I totally want THEM telling my doctor what an unnecessary test is!

It comes down to these programs are full of waste, incompetence and fraud!

Liberals will argue here that Obama says it’s NOT a single payer system, I give you the groups Rochester for HR676 and Progressive Democrats they are running around telling everyone that it IS a single payer system. I tend to think Rochester for HR676 knows something the president is lying to us about. (Given Obama’s comments going back as far as 2003, and Obama’s track record of lying to us….I tend to believe Rochester)

I can find 615 of the over 1,000 pages of this bill online. I’m going through it now and will report more on what is actually in the bill as I come to it.

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  • Susan
    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


  • aliy
    Thank you, Susan.
    I appreciate your kind words.
  • aliy
    Thank you Susan. There's me and there's Anti-Aliy, but it's nice to see she's being kind also (that won't last, trust me)
  • Mike A.
    Data in a vacuum is useless. How do these things compare to US data?  How available is US data?  Why do these country's citizens live longer? 

    For example:

    "The Canadian Medical Association Journal found that 50 people in Ontairo ALONE passed away while waiting on necessary surgery (not just cancer)."
    So what's the comparison from US data?  Zero? 

    "More than 43,000 operations were canceled between January and September of 2008. that equates to over 1,800 people NOT being treated within 28 days of their original surgery date."
    The question is WHY were they canceled? Were they canceled by the patient, by the government?   Did the diagnosis change? Did the need go away?  What's the comparison to the US?
  • aliy
    Good questions.

    The only stats I can find on people in the USA passing away while awaiting any kind of surgery are the 8,000 who passed away last year waiting on an organ transplants.

    As for Canadas stats on organ transplant death, it's higher than ours but we have 90,000 people waiting, they have an average of 4,000 people that qualify in their country and SOS4000 (which is a non profit in Cananda) estimates at least one a day dies.

    So, doing the math .08% of OUR waiting pass, and 14% pass there. Does that put anything into perspective of comparision?

    The reason for the dealy in 43,000 operations was lack of beds. They were canceled by the hospital because they didn't have the room for the patients, there was no change in diagnosis, the need did NOT go away, they simply didn't have the open beds to put the people in. And to be honest with you. ANY search I run on rescheduling surgeries in America spits up more stories from Canada, UK and Calcutta.

    I'm sure it does happen but it's not for lack of beds, and it's not creating so many problems that someone's writing articles on it like in other countries. The way I look at it, 1 time does not make news. constantly having that happen, THEN it becomes news.

    I had to reschedule my c-section because another girl was breeched and needed one immediatley. So, instead of having my son at 1pm I had him at 7pm. That's not exactly life threatening had they said "come back next week" it would have been a problem for me, but I had my child with a couple extra hours a pain!

    If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.
  • Aliy (the impostor)..it's okay to have a voice on this blog;but please don't pretend to be someone else. If you do, I will ban your IP address.

  • Dora
    go ahead, UC- then you will see that it is not I.
  • relax Dora. I never said it was you.  Guilty conscious?
  • Dora
    never said that you did, UC- 
    but Aliy did- read your own site sometime.
  • Dora,

    you have such an attitude. Get over it.  Enjoy life. Go read a book or something.  : )
  • Dora
    1) like you, UC- I don't like being accused of something I did not do.

    2) I enjoy life- I don't enjoy stupid people doing and saying stupid things.

    3)  I probably read more books in a week than you read in a year.
  • aliy
    Dora, saying it was you was a GUESS. If it wasn't you, fine but the imposter (before suddenly being nice to people) sounded a LOT like you. Trying to use big words, trying to make me look "stupid smart" (you know, someone trying to use big words that has no clue what she's really saying) it just seemed strange that someone would steal my identity and start posting a lot like you do. You'd have assumed the same thing if someone started posting radial conservative views with YOUR name.
  • aliy
    Man, my pats head is gone again! Seriously....I can't catch a break with this thing!
  • susan wallace
    I am a Canadian and the mother of an adult child who had cancer five years ago. Through that illness ( now cured) and many others our family has been extremely satisfied with the Canadian Health care system. 
    Canadians in general are furious about  the adds on American Television and the statements on Conservative blogs that refuse to acknowlege that Canadians love their Health Care System which  provides universal care 
    to all with dramatically lower costs and better outcomes than the American profit based system. 
    Of course you can find isolated horror stories to report. How many similar stories could be reported in the US if anyone cared to look. Among your uninsured and underinsured there must be millions of stories of Americans dying and suffering from receiving no medical care at all except on an emergenciy basis.
    Canadians like the citizens of almost every Western civilized country consider quality health care a right of every citizen and decry the FOR PROFIT sytem you have in the US.
  • Mike A.
    Thank you for this post. Believe me there are americans who can see behind the disinformation and understand that the citizens of our nation are being fed lies to advance the needs of industrial giants.  Here is an eye-opening interview with Wendell Potter, an ex- PR executive from Cigna

    I know you may not have a vested interest (besides that of wanting the right thing to be done) bu I ask you help to keep up the fight against this attack by posting your comments whereever you can, particularly those sites which disagree with your pov.

  • JackieM
    As long as people pay for their own healthcare and there is no public plan, i'm in agreement with getting costs down.  As long as the taxpayers are not paying for illegals to get healthcare (which we are now), i'm in agreement with anyone who wants to pay for healthcare to get it!
  • aliy
    Susan, How much do you pay in taxes? Just a rough estimate, like 12% of your income? The arguement can be made about how much Canadians hate it, the medical tourism industry sites Canadians and people from UK coming HERE for medical treatments they can't get at home. So someone in your country is miserable.

    The point of your system our system is about to be based on is "you can treat all of the people some of the time or some of the people all of the time."

    The problem a lot of American's are asking is "How do you ensure you are in the "some" that get treatment all of the time?" There IS no guarantee, THAT is what we don't like.

    I'm really glad that you love the health care system up there, there are a lot who do. And I will agree there are people here who have horror stories, hell I'm from Florida, you know cutting off the wrong limb is a once a week occurance here! No one is arguing that our system is perfect.
  • aliy
    Out of the 48 million American's uninsured in this country, there are at least 13 million that think they are too young and healthy to get sick.
    There are at least 10-15 million who are just too lazy to fill out the required paperwork for medicare or medicaid. They qualify, they are just too lazy to do it.

    There are HOW many illegals that won't be paying in to the system at all? (there's NO provision in the bill that says these illegals have to apply for socials or pay taxes, the way it's written, they just suck off the system which they're doing NOW anyway!)
    Once you cut those people out you're left with about 10 million uninsured. And you know the really sad thing. MOST conservatives would totally agree to expand medicare/medicaid to those 10 million. It's when you start saying things like I am suddenly going to be responsible for  paying for some illegal to visit a hosptial that conservatives start going "no way!"
    Think about it. If 30 million Americans ran across the boarder to Canada and wanted YOU to float THEM do you think you're country would put up with it? Would YOU yourself be willing to fork over more of your income to support me who is NOT a Canadian tax payer? I don't think so.

    There's also the lack of tort reform, malpractice suits, medicare and medicaid fraud that's rampant, I think if you're going to fix healthcare you should start by FIXING the stuff that's wrong, NOT adding programs that will in turn become fiascos right along with them.
    So, as you see, it's NOT just the horror stories from your country that go into our decision NOT to support this. It's a BUNCH of other stuff.
  • aliy
    And Mike,

    Disinformation is something made up. It's false. I know that's the buzz word for liberals this week. Not ONE of the stories was made up. You want to say I'm only showing one side of the issue, so be it.But please, don't call me a liar.
  • Dora
    Thanks Mike.  These people would never dare look into what Wendell Potter has to say.  Wendell Potter, you see would blow their whole game out of the water.  Wendell Potter used to work for the health insurance industry. 
    Every single dollar that the health insurance industry saves through denial of payment on claims goes to their profit and greed.   They are not about patient care.   Not even close. 

    You can view Wendel Potter's congressional testimony online or read the text.
  • aliy
    Ok, let's get one thing straight Dora. NO ONE IS SAYING HEALTHCARE ISN'T BROKEN What we ARE saying is THIS Obama-rationed care plan is NOT the answer.

    We would like you to FIX the stuff wrong with healthcare before expanding corruption.

    Does Obama's plan addres ANYTHING Potter said? No, all it does is expand problems we already have to include people who 1. don't want insurance 2. are too lazy to fill out the paperwork for insurance they DO qualify for and 3. are ILLEGAL.

    Medicare is totally messed up there is more fraud and corruption in that one agency than when Al Capone was running Chicago! FIX it. Hell just last month they arrested more than 30 people committing medicare fraud! Are you saying that's not a problem?

    There is already a law that says they can't exclude pre-existing conditions (if you have had coverage) if you haven't had coverage you can only be excluded for 12 months! so I don't know WHY that's such a big deal to you. Just like you pointed out Hyde, I'm pointing out something that's ALREADY A LAW.

    And why not make these illegals apply for SS cards and PAY TAXES, Maybe Obama wouldn't be talking about cutting 131 billion from medicaid, taxing food, and STILL having a short fall if he just makes the how many million of THEM pay some taxes too.

    I know there are problems with our current system but the answer is not to pile on more corruption. The answer is to address problems we have in existence NOW. Even other countries medical jouranals are laughing because Obama isn't addressing ONE thing that needs to be done to actually control costs. Even THEY know it's going to fail!
  • Mike A.

    I did not mean to infer you are a liar.  I am saying your data is useless unless you can compare it to existing US.  As you have yet to do so, I assume you don't it.  This calls into question credibility.  You can say these are facts, which may be true, but alone they mean nothing toward proving your argument. 

    BTW: I am an independent.
  • aliy
    Try going back up and reading the WHOLE big answer I put in there about my research that took me a while because it's really, really hard to find stats that just don't exist.

    And again, I am NOT engaging in Disinformation, by using that word, which is defined as "false information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth" you did call me a liar.

    You are welcome to look up any of the facts in the post, you are welcome to look up any of the other stats I found today. Go right ahead, I didn't make up ONE iota of my information.

    You want to question my credibility, go ahead, not ONE of the things I said were false, made up, or rumor. Thank you.
  • leoemmanuellochard

    Leftist Democrats often behave like petty dictators caricatured in comic books. Democrats cannot stand lawful dissent or genuine legal opposition to their policies. They are so out of touch with the lot of Americans at the ground level that they imagine conspiracies from the upper echelon of the Republican Party - by accusing Republicans of having orchestrated such groundswell, massive, grassroots opposition to President Obama’s “health-Scarce” and “E-Con-manic” policies. From Washington DC’s Obama “Chicago machine-style” politics, every thing appears to be a “con job” in the mass media and on the Internet. For when there is no provable consent from the American people for alleged legislative agendas, Democrats in Washington DC are only assuming they have legitimacy for implementing them, while pretending they can ignore the will of the American people.

    Leftist, socialist-leaning Democrats fantasize unanimous agreement while courting and dispensing socialist thought “with an American flavor” against which they expected there would be no opposition. That is naïve and cynical. Democrats are showing contempt for democratic structures and constitutional due process of law as enshrined and guaranteed in the First Amendment. They fancy they had it “in the bag” with their grandstanding “wordsmith” tactics by which they would “sweep the world off its feet” with feats of oratory. Remember Goebels in the Third Reich! How about George Orwell’s “1984!” Feats of mass media oratory, alone, are not sufficient to win governing consent from the American people. In Obama’s camp, all “foot soldiers” or rather “mass media soldiers” are still on campaigning alert that espouses a defensive mode in all directions, even though, they already won the election in 2008.

    We remember the socialist left during the Vietnam War – actress Jane Fonda even rode a tank with North Vietnamese soldiers by her side - all in the name of “war protestor.”

    Democrats harbor many illusions of ill-gotten power. Democrats fancy there is some Goebellian secret to manipulating the masses into a frenzied mob or into silent sheep that will only rubber stamp Obama’s wishes. It looks like as if when Obama and his cohorts cannot stir the masses into a heap of “baba sheep,” they start demonizing the Republicans as well as disrespecting the integrity of democratic institutions and First Amendment inalienable rights of the People to protest, demonstrate against and petition Government for redress of grievances. “Tea parties,” demonstrations, peaceful protest, and peaceable assembly are as American as apple pie and baseball.

    Many of us have always considered the possibility that Democrats are “closet dictators” who lash out in rage when they cannot lawfully “get their way.” They have a tendency to rattle the words of representative government while at the same time practicing contempt towards people who live the spirit and letter of truly free government by their actions. That attitude is very cynical and worse, unrealistic, all at the same time. Democrats live in a world of fantasy if they expect Obama to be the “first magician” in the White House; for, the fact of the matter is, Obama is no different from any other President in the United States of America whose ideas of governance are not necessarily accepted by all Americans. Confidence to govern is consent-based and cannot be imposed from above.

    There are no “baba sheep” or frenzied mobs here to give them such “total confidence.” “Confidence” is utilized in parliamentary systems whereby the government or current administration is dissolved and new elections are called. But in our system of representative government, the President is elected for a fixed term of four years. Here, politicians have to earn “confidence” from our lawfully given consent. “Confidence” appears to psychologically matter to Obama and his staff in a manner not amenable to immediate vote getting – at least not until 2012 when Obama may seek a second term. It is as if they expected Obama to become the first “knight on a white horse” wooing and cajoling masses of people into kow-towing acceptance of every thought spewed forth out of Washington DC. The next presidential election is not until 2012. Now, then, it is Obama’s and the Democrats’ leftist legislative agenda that they covet “confidence” for. Rightly so, Americans are provably demonstrating they do not consent to it.

    In short, our inalienable rights to peaceable dissent, protest, demonstration, opposition and assembly are already constitutionally guarantied and secure. We have no kings or nobles here – all politicians are subject to lawful dissent, legal opposition as well as to the much-dreaded opportunity to be “booted out of office,” comes the next election. And this outcome, Democrats fear the most, hence, their illicit approach to maintaining “the people’s confidence” in their attempts to shove socialist thought down their throats. It appears that Americans are voting early – they do not consent to Obama’s agenda, and this is not a conspiracy. It’s open dissent, in the good old American Way!

    Wake-up, Democrats! This is the United States of America. We have the God-given inalienable constitutional right to not only disagree with and oppose Obama’s socialist meanderings but also your attempts to implement them in this nation without the lawful consent of the American people. There! And that’s the gist of it!
  • leoemmanuellochard

    Leftist Democrats often behave like petty dictators caricatured in comic books. Democrats cannot stand lawful dissent or genuine legal opposition to their policies. They are so out of touch with the lot of Americans at the ground level that they imagine conspiracies from the upper echelon of the Republican Party - by accusing Republicans of having orchestrated such groundswell, massive, grassroots opposition to President Obama’s “health-Scarce” and “E-Con-manic” policies. From Washington DC’s Obama “Chicago machine-style” politics, every thing appears to be a “con job” in the mass media and on the Internet. For when there is no provable consent from the American people for alleged legislative agendas, Democrats in Washington DC are only assuming they have legitimacy for implementing them, while pretending they can ignore the will of the American people.

    Leftist, socialist-leaning Democrats fantasize unanimous agreement while courting and dispensing socialist thought “with an American flavor” against which they expected there would be no opposition. That is naïve and cynical. Democrats are showing contempt for democratic structures and constitutional due process of law as enshrined and guaranteed in the First Amendment. They fancy they had it “in the bag” with their grandstanding “wordsmith” tactics by which they would “sweep the world off its feet” with feats of oratory. Remember Goebels in the Third Reich! How about George Orwell’s “1984!” Feats of mass media oratory, alone, are not sufficient to win governing consent from the American people. In Obama’s camp, all “foot soldiers” or rather “mass media soldiers” are still on campaigning alert that espouses a defensive mode in all directions, even though, they already won the election in 2008.

    We remember the socialist left during the Vietnam War – actress Jane Fonda even rode a tank with North Vietnamese soldiers by her side - all in the name of “war protestor.”

    Democrats harbor many illusions of ill-gotten power. Democrats fancy there is some Goebellian secret to manipulating the masses into a frenzied mob or into silent sheep that will only rubber stamp Obama’s wishes. It looks like as if when Obama and his cohorts cannot stir the masses into a heap of “baba sheep,” they start demonizing the Republicans as well as disrespecting the integrity of democratic institutions and First Amendment inalienable rights of the People to protest, demonstrate against and petition Government for redress of grievances. “Tea parties,” demonstrations, peaceful protest, and peaceable assembly are as American as apple pie and baseball.

    Many of us have always considered the possibility that Democrats are “closet dictators” who lash out in rage when they cannot lawfully “get their way.” They have a tendency to rattle the words of representative government while at the same time practicing contempt towards people who live the spirit and letter of truly free government by their actions. That attitude is very cynical and worse, unrealistic, all at the same time. Democrats live in a world of fantasy if they expect Obama to be the “first magician” in the White House; for, the fact of the matter is, Obama is no different from any other President in the United States of America whose ideas of governance are not necessarily accepted by all Americans. Confidence to govern is consent-based and cannot be imposed from above.

    There are no “baba sheep” or frenzied mobs here to give them such “total confidence.” “Confidence” is utilized in parliamentary systems whereby the government or current administration is dissolved and new elections are called. But in our system of representative government, the President is elected for a fixed term of four years. Here, politicians have to earn “confidence” from our lawfully given consent. “Confidence” appears to psychologically matter to Obama and his staff in a manner not amenable to immediate vote getting – at least not until 2012 when Obama may seek a second term. It is as if they expected Obama to become the first “knight on a white horse” wooing and cajoling masses of people into kow-towing acceptance of every thought spewed forth out of Washington DC. The next presidential election is not until 2012. Now, then, it is Obama’s and the Democrats’ leftist legislative agenda that they covet “confidence” for. Rightly so, Americans are provably demonstrating they do not consent to it.

    In short, our inalienable rights to peaceable dissent, protest, demonstration, opposition and assembly are already constitutionally guarantied and secure. We have no kings or nobles here – all politicians are subject to lawful dissent, legal opposition as well as to the much-dreaded opportunity to be “booted out of office,” comes the next election. And this outcome, Democrats fear the most, hence, their illicit approach to maintaining “the people’s confidence” in their attempts to shove socialist thought down their throats. It appears that Americans are voting early – they do not consent to Obama’s agenda, and this is not a conspiracy. It’s open dissent, in the good old American Way!

    Wake-up, Democrats! This is the United States of America. We have the God-given inalienable constitutional right to not only disagree with and oppose Obama’s socialist meanderings but also your attempts to implement them in this nation without the lawful consent of the American people. There! And that’s the gist of it!
  • aliy
    I noticed Mike is suddenly gone. He was all about calling me a liar and saying I'm an uncredible source but as soon as I provide exactly what he asked for in comparision data he's suddenly not here anymore. Wonder why that is?

    You can't win a debate with me by saying "no sir, you suck" Bring FACT, I'm here and I'm chock full of fact for ya!
  • decosys
    Before a solution is developed, someone needs to clearly delineate the darn problem. I recently took my son to the emergency room with a broken hand, with insurance I might add. The doctor thanked us for being the only real emergency of the evening. The other patients he had seen during the day were seeking narcotics or had a minor issue like itchy scalp (true of a previous patient). I asked why so many people would come to the hospital without an emergency situation, when I just paid a $75.00 co-pay. The answer was that they aren't paying the bill, taxpayers are. The doctor went on to say that during extreme weather, people come to the emergency room several times a week with no real medical issues; but why not, it's free. In many states Medicare patients have claims filed on them for medical services on an average of once every two weeks! This is 10 times as often as those having private insurance and making co-payments. People will continue to abuse the system until these types of situations are corrected. When people have no financial investment in medical services, they will continue to use and abuse the system. The current healthcare proposals would be a huge disaster and an endless entitlement program of abuse, waste, and deficits. Everyone needs to contribute something to their medical care, even if it is a $5.00 co-pay. The smallest of investment would eliminate the burden of abuse on the system, lower cost, and improve services. But no, we will continue to destroy this nation giving more people something for nothing.
  • JackieM
    decosys--you are right! good post! some people voted for obama because they thought he would ensure welfare was increased. that is exactly what happened! why should these folks support anyone else? they get something for nothing under this administration! they have no incentive to fend for themselves in this world! those folks also received an additional $250 of our hard-earned money from the "stimulus" just because they choose not to obtain skills/education to better themselves! some dead people received the money too! Everyone needs to contribute to the services they use but obama will continue to ensure only certain people will!
  • AckAck
    To Decosys: You gotta remember something about these emergency rooms. Back when you could not go to these places without an amergency, you couldn't get a doctor there either because they didn't want to work there for lack of business. Doctors did not work in these rooms, they were on call and sometimes it would take lots of time to summons a doctor who might be working in another hospital area. After it was approved that non emergency cases could be seen in these emergency rooms, then the doctors wanted to work there. The DOCTORS themselves supported this little move. Why? They can now work in the emergency room, see a host of regular patients and get paid for all of it. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BUCK! The doctors arn't complaining because they are making a lot of money in the emergency rooms.
  • amber3
    i live in Australia and this article is VERY MISLEADING, they are undoubtably referring to aboriginal communities that are all totally segregated from the rest of society. They don't have garbage collection let alone access to health care.This is because of complex form of segregation that is firmly in place in Australia. One of the results of this is that Aboriginal people suffer from ear eyes and throat disease and regularly go blind from one particular disease that is all but eradicated in the rest of society. There is also a twenty year life expectancy gap between indigenous Australians and the rest of society. my point ii all this is an indictment on Australian society at large but not the health care system. As an Australian citizen i regularly use the health care system and it is a god send it is great. I see a what ever doctor i want, whenever i want for free!!! I dont ever have to worry about it.
  • AckAck
    ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin called President Barack Obama's health plan "downright evil" Friday in her first online comments since leaving office, saying in a Facebook posting that he would create a "death panel" that would deny care to the neediest Americans.

    "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care," the former Republican vice presidential candidate wrote.

    "Such a system is downright evil," Palin wrote on her page, which has nearly 700,000 supporters. She encouraged her supporters to be engaged in the debate.

    The claim that the Democratic health care bills would encourage euthanasia has been circulating on the Internet for weeks and has been echoed by some Republican leaders. Democrats from Obama on down have dismissed it as a distortion.

    The allegation appears to be based on a provision of the House bill that would require Medicare to pay for end-of-life counseling sessions, on a voluntary basis, for beneficiaries who want the service.

    Medicare already covers hospice care. And legislation passed by Congress in 1990 requires that patients be asked if they have a living will.

    An e-mail sent to Palin's spokeswoman to confirm authorship of the Facebook posting was not immediately returned Friday. There was no immediate reply to phone messages left late Friday with the White House and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office seeking comment on Palin's remarks.

    Republican criticism has also included claims that the reform plans will lead to rationing, or the government determining which medical procedures a patient can have.

    Palin resigned as Alaska governor on July 26 with nearly 18 months left in her term. She cited not only the numerous ethics complaints that had been filed against her also her wish not to be a lame duck after the first-term governor decided not to seek re-election next year.

    Palin, popular with conservatives in the Republican party, has said she wants to build a right-of-center coalition, and there is speculation she will seek the presidency in 2012. In the two weeks since she resigned, Palin has made only one public appearance, giving a Second Amendment rights speech last Saturday before a gun owners group in Anchorage.

    Palin or her aides post notes on her Facebook account about once or twice a week, usually to set out policy statements, issue news releases or refute rumors circulating on the Internet.

    Palin also has been largely silent before Friday's Facebook post. She was a voracious user of the social networking site Twitter, and promised to keep her supporters updated with a new private account after she left office.
  • JackieM
    AckAck--I really like Palin! In addition to your comments, i would like to bring up several facts. obama has not distinguished the illegals from US Citizens/Americans! those that disrespect our laws and are here ILLEGALLY should not be allowed to be in our healthcare system or any system in the US to begin with! If they have to be treated, they should be sent back to their country afterwards. Futhermore, where are all of the millions of doctors and healthcare professionals that will be needed as of Day 1? obama and is idiot supporters ignore this! this healthcare failure is just that because we don't have the healthcare professionals necessary to treat people. since obama and his gang are so smart, i'm sure they have a plan to intimidate folks into going into the profession and getting a degree by the end of this year. i'm sure obama has a plan to ensure that doctors stay in their positions even though their salaries will be cut! LOL! what idiots! let's not forget that obama had everything figured out during his campaign and promised the American people that he had a way to pay for his plan and the middleclass would not suffer because of it! hahahahahaah! what a clown! he is a disgrace! it is also is a failure because small businesses can't afford the government penalies/taxes they are going to have to pay so our economy will continue to decline as a result. i also don't understand how in the hell obama and his idiot supporters have the nerve to criticize those of us who have common sense and are angry! just because they are morons can can't understand simple concepts is no fault of the right! the protestors are sick and tired of not being heard. if they are like me, contacting the one idiot democrat we have in my state does no good. she continues to vote for anything obama and his mob want. it is sickening! this administration is trying to tie healthcare with our failing economy to divert the real cause! that is typical of liberals/democrats! only the stupid will buy into what this snake oil salesman is pushing! the protestors are not disrespecting this idiots! the idiots are disrespecting the American people and need to suffer the consequences! they should expect yelling at this point. nothing else has worked! instead they lie and try to deceive anyone foolish enough to believe them--the left-winged media and other liberals.

    by the way, i guess obama's promise of pay as you go is out the window with the new planes they are ordering for the "elite" in Washington? LOL! obama has no integrity and anyone who trusts him or his administration is a fool. they have proven time and time again they are lying to the American people! therefore, with their track record who in the hell is going to support him in any capacity, especially with this healthcare debacle? LOL!