What does the ACLU, NAMBLA and Child Porn Have in Common?

February 24th, 2007 Urban Conservative

Well, let’s see. This should be an easy one. The ACLU defends pedophile organizations like NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association); and just today, Federal agents arrested Charles Rust-Tierney, probably a member of NAMBLA and the former president of the Virginia chapter of the ACLU for possessing child pornography. The ACLU has great experience defending pedophiles but this time it should even be easier since they all work in the same office.

Why does NAMBLA Exist?  I’ll tell you why. We have some really sick and dimented people in this country. That’s why! 

Technorati Tags: liberal, liberalism, aclu, nambla, child pornography, Charles Rust-Tierney, does the aclu support nambla?, Why does NAMBLA Exist?

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MyAvatars 0.2 Mark R.
Saturday, February 24th, 2007 at 2:14 am


MyAvatars 0.2 Neeva
Monday, February 26th, 2007 at 10:55 am

this is so damn true. Where is public outcry?

MyAvatars 0.2 5.56mm
Monday, February 26th, 2007 at 9:19 pm

There's no outcry because too many people are watching American Idol (and various other forms of crap) which will melt your brain.

MyAvatars 0.2 Liberal and Proud
Tuesday, February 27th, 2007 at 1:35 am


i have read some of your other comments here and you are an absolute scum bag. You are such a HICK still living in the 1800's. Don't you understand that our world has to evolve and your conservative idealogies are holding us back??? American Idol is entertainment....let me guess, you are a Quaker and have no electricity in your home!!!!

My GOD!!! Get a life...this BLOG is so freakin lame!

MyAvatars 0.2 5.56mm
Tuesday, February 27th, 2007 at 2:52 am

Liberal and Proud

Don't get upset, everyone has a guilty pleasure so it's ok if you are an Idol fan. What's lame is your limp attempt at a personal attack.

You've essentially said:

"I'm mad because I don't equate excessive amounts of entertainment in lieu of more important and thought provoking activities of substance with the degradation of a society, so I'm going to call this person names and dare I say it - make racist and stereotypical assumptions about someone I don't know (big time Liberal No-No!)" ... no explanations of why you differ in opinion, no thought, no dialog, no value. Instead you resort to 3rd grade tactics. Help us understand your profound wisdom.

MyAvatars 0.2 RedHotHelicopter
Tuesday, February 27th, 2007 at 1:57 pm

liberal and proud - medications such as viagra and cialis are readily available and may offer relief for your problem. These meds can often be delivered to your address in a label free box to protect your privacy.

MyAvatars 0.2 HAVOK14
Friday, March 16th, 2007 at 9:58 pm

Liberal and Proud did you know that Fox a conservative network broadcasts American Idol? Conservatism is really holding us back isnt it.

MyAvatars 0.2 john
Sunday, May 13th, 2007 at 8:10 am

whats wrong with child pornography?

PS: This is a serious question

MyAvatars 0.2 dissolvethecorporation
Friday, August 24th, 2007 at 10:52 am

The ACLU doesn't come close to the Christian Coalition (Lou Beres) for pedophilia. Republicans in general (Foley, Klaudt, Monteleone, Jr, etc.) seem to have a twisted concept of 'family values.'

Oh, but that's right! Neocons are only concerned with values that take no effort on their part, like condemning homosexuals.

MyAvatars 0.2 Recce1
Saturday, September 15th, 2007 at 12:43 am

5.56mm, your response to Liberal and Proud was classic. Although you were too kind to say it, I'll bet Liberal and proud thinks child porn is a free speech issue.

MyAvatars 0.2 Recce1
Saturday, September 15th, 2007 at 12:48 am

John, the problem with child pornography is that in order to produce it you have to harm a child. Often the emotional scars last for life. Furthermore, studies have shown that child molesters first start by reading and watching child pornography. Is this a serious enough answer for you?

MyAvatars 0.2 Recce1
Saturday, September 15th, 2007 at 1:28 am

dissolvethecorporation, Lou Beres was the head of the OR chapter of the Christian Coalition. It’s a long stretch to say from that that the Republicans in general have a twisted concept of family values, but that is such a typical smear tactic of liberal Democrats like you. As for Foley, he only sent messages to young men whereas Studds took a male teenager overseas to screw. Foley resigned; Studds turned his back on Congress and got reelected. Klaudt raped several girls and so did Pres. Clinton. Ted Kennedy murdered a young woman after screwing her. Monteleone was a city councilman who fondled young girls. Then we have Barney Franks whose gay lover ran a gay prostitution ring form his home office. BTW, it's the Democrats who block Jessica's Law and work to lower the age of consent between young girls and boys having sex with older men.

MyAvatars 0.2 Fat Man
Thursday, October 18th, 2007 at 8:46 pm

Good evening.

Although I'm liberal on a lot of social and economic issues, and have nothing against most gays, I draw the line when it comes to giving rights to the likes of NAMBLA.

What consenting adults do among themselves is their own damn business, but children are not mature enough to give consent.

I use to support the ACLU, but not anymore.

NAMBLA has no right to exist.

I'm all for sexual freedom among consenting adults, but nobody should have the freedom to have sex with children.

Also, I do not favor lowering the age of consent. The voting age, yes, but the age of consent, no!

I now despise the ACLU for defending NAMBLA!

Who the Hell is going to defend the rights of children to be safe from these low-live scum-bags???

As for our political parties.

I'm disgusted with both the Demicans and the Republicrates!

They both suck and both can go straight to were the woodbine twinith and the ice man venture not!

MyAvatars 0.2 Urban Conservative
Thursday, October 18th, 2007 at 9:59 pm

well said Fat man!

MyAvatars 0.2 Barry
Monday, December 31st, 2007 at 8:02 am

The ACLU is not defending what NAMBLA stands for or advocates. Just like they don't advocate the activities of the Nazi party or Oliver North, on both of whose behalf the ACLU worked in the past.

The issue you are talking about involves a murder. But, the lawsuit about the murder says that the responsibility rests not with those who committed it, but with "...someone who posted vile material on the Internet." (quoting from the ACLU press release, http://www.aclu.org/freespeech/protest/11289prs20000831.html )

This lawsuit seeks to criminalize speech and reduce freedom of expression. That is why the ACLU is involved.

MyAvatars 0.2 Justin
Sunday, February 3rd, 2008 at 8:06 am

You people really have no idea what this is all about do you? You think the ACLU is trying to make man-boy love legal?

"For us, it is a fundamental First Amendment case," John Roberts, executive director of the Massachusetts branch of the ACLU, told Boston Globe Wednesday. "It has to do with communications on a web site, and material that does not promote any kind of criminal behavior whatsoever."

Its like you only want freedom of speech for those who have something to say that you agree with. I see conservatives knocking the ACLU for defending the KKK's right to protest. ITS A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT. THE CONSTITUTION APPLIES TO EVERYONE.

MyAvatars 0.2 The Silent Majority
Sunday, February 24th, 2008 at 5:59 pm

Why do liberal scum always carry on about their rights to free speech, abortion,and civil liberties in general. But when it comes to my ESSENTIAL rights garunteed me under the Second Amendment.... these scumbags want to abolish it. The Second amendment puts the teeth in all the others. Wake up you limp wristed panty wastes .........before you wake up one day under a totalitarian dictator.

MyAvatars 0.2 Barry L
Friday, March 14th, 2008 at 12:29 pm

Please do not confuse me with the other Barry, the one defending the ACLU. This is the secret organization bent on destroying this country. In this day and age of finger tip information, there is no information available on the membership of this devious organization. Try as you might you cannot find names, places or opinions. This is an organization that boosts millions and list hundreds; who are all these people? The ACLU is not now nor have they ever defended anything American, they are promoting Evil.

MyAvatars 0.2 Casey
Friday, March 21st, 2008 at 4:44 pm

If you Conservative Ass Hole are so Fucking smart, why is this country looking down the barrow of one Mother Fucking Recession which will make Ronald Ragunzap 1980"s recession look like a fucking picnic. Supply-side and deregulation did not work in the 1920' and its hasn't worked now.

MyAvatars 0.2 Urban Conservative
Friday, March 21st, 2008 at 5:02 pm


You are a punk as bitch. Go back, finish high school and enroll in community college. Then come back here in a few years and let's have a discussion.

MyAvatars 0.2 Anthony
Thursday, March 27th, 2008 at 5:54 pm


It's difficult to respond to someone who isn't even at a level of understanding to where he'll understand the meaning, origin or history of the content of the response to your idiocy. Casey, I love that we all jump on the "economy is bad" band wagon the second it rears it's head but I GUARANTEE you that you never once complimented the years prior, the years that preempted the bad economy numbers, the years where home values were sky rocketing, the unemployment rate was rockin' at around 4% (you can't have 0% unemployment, I'm not going to explain why because it would take too long but if you're interested in exercising those dendrites, do some homework on it.), the GDP was consisently growing at phenominal rates and the other economic indicator's were stellar. You know why you never complimented those years? Because you, as so many others, have what's called "I HATE BUSH" syndrome that doesn't allow you to be honest. You wanna make a bet? Test yourself. Sit down with a piece of paper and pen and write down anything that Bush did that you think was a good thing or even a fair, nobel or decent thing or even something that wasn't good nor bad. Bet you can't. If you can't, that means you have "I HATE BUSH" syndrome because I don't care how bad someone's politics are, every now and then, they'll do something you agree with. So there's the test for you. Now, as far as your comment about Reagan and the recession goes... wow, what liberal mindset school do you attend. Here are some numbers for you on Reagan:

-The number of black businesses owned in his administration went up by a whopping 38% and incomes of $25,000 or more increased to 3.9 million, up from 2.6 million in 1979.
-The annual growth rate for GIVING was 55% higher than that of the previous 25 years! Donations totaled 124.1 billion! (by the way, republicans donate more as far as monetary donations go by 40% and donate more of their time by 60% or so – look these numbers up by a man by the name of Arthur Brooke who wrote a book comparing these numbers, I may be off a bit but it’s close.)
-From 1980-1990 black household incomes went up 84%!!! Compared to whites at only 64%.
-From 1982 to 1990 black unemployment rates dropped from 20% to 11% while for whites, a drop of 4% was seen.
-In the Carter administration from 1978 to 1982, the number of poor blacks rose by 4 million blacks while in the Reagan administration, the number of poor blacks dropped by 400,000 blacks.
-Not only that but the POOREST 20% of black’s income rose by 12% under Reagan.
-During the Reagan administration, people were 5 times as likely to see their incomes rise.
-During this administration the real income for Americans increased by 15% overall.
-Of the bottom 25% of income earners in 1979, 65% jumped at least 2 brackets UP in the 80’s.
-Federal spending for social programs increased from $344.3 billion in 1981 to $412 billion in 1989, or 19.7% in 1982 dollars.
-Not only that but the poverty line decreased by 3.8 million people with unprecedented amounts entering the work force.

There is more but is this enough? Casey… get an education and stop listening to your moronic teachers!

MyAvatars 0.2 dissolvethecorporation
Thursday, March 27th, 2008 at 6:00 pm

I tried for two hours to think of something good Bush has done, and I could only come up with 'Preaching abstinence in Africa'

At least it was good for a laugh!

MyAvatars 0.2 Anthony
Friday, March 28th, 2008 at 5:43 am

Lower taxes? That doesn't mean anything to you? Well then, you're a moron and YOU my friend can pay all YOUR money in taxes while leaving your hands off of my money! I worked for it, I deserve it. The harder you work, the more you make, bottom line, intervention is WRONG! Hey, while you're SO, SO, SO happy to be paying taxes, why don't you give me some of your money. I've been a bit down and out lately and can use it. I'll give you my address if you'd like? Idiot.

MyAvatars 0.2 Anthony
Friday, March 28th, 2008 at 5:50 am

And by the way DISSOLVE the CORP, Bush has, against my wishes, spent more money on the black community in his first 2 years in office, including Africa, than Clinton did in his 8 years in office. I was against the money he sent to Africa because we've BEEN there! You want to send it for a different reason, that's fine but he'd sent it to fight AIDS. They don't care about our concern with AIDS, they hump like drunk rabbits and that's the way it is. POOR people = procreation in numbers. Why? Because they have nothing else to do but play the "poor me, I'm a victim" card and boink all day. Hey, I'm no supporter of Bush and his stinkin immigration laws or lack thereof but I can and do know when to be fair. I know this is falling on deaf ears but whatever. Bush could throw himself in front of a nuclear missle that would had saved the world from blowing up and you'd find a way to connect it to oil. Man, so obnoxious. This is why I don't talk much to you folks with the "I HATE BUSH" syndrome, because it's pointless. Done.

MyAvatars 0.2 Recce1
Sunday, March 30th, 2008 at 8:20 pm

dissolvethecorporation, the reason you couldn't think of anything good that Bush has accomplished goes more to showing just how wrong your beliefs are. Like Casey, you're suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome. If you noticed all he could do was resort to foul language and ad hominem attacks, in addition to showing how inerudite he was. However, here are a few items that some of us believe are worthwhile accomplishments for Bush.

1. Banned Partial Birth Abortion .
2. Reversed Clinton's move to strike Reagan's anti-abortion Mexico Policy
3. Reversed Clinton's policy of not requiring parental consent for abortions under the Medical Privacy Act.
4. Upheld the ban on abortions at military hospitals.
5. Supports the Defense of Marriage Act.
6. Requires states to conduct criminal background checks on prospective foster and adoptive parents.
7. Supports permanent elimination of the death tax.
8. Killed Clinton's "ergonomic" rules that OSHA was about to implement; rules would have shut down every home business in America.
9. Reduced taxes on dividends and capital gains.
10. Increased the annual contribution limit on Education IRA's from $500 to $2,000 per child.
11. Reduced H1B visas from a high of 195,000 per year to 65,000 per year.
12. Requires annual reading and math tests in grades three through eight.
13. Established a $2.4 billion fund to help states implement teacher accountability systems.
14. Killed consideration of the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty.
15. Changed parts of the Forestry Management Act to allow necessary cleanup of the national forests in order to reduce fire danger.
16. Killed Clinton's CO2 rules that were choking off all of the electricity surplus to California.
17. Disarmed Libya of its chemical, nuclear and biological WMD's.
18. Killed the US/Soviet Union ABM Treaty which prevented the US from deploying our ABM defenses.
19. Signed the largest nuclear arms reduction in world history with Russia.
20. Prohibited putting U.S. troops under U.N. command.
21. Working to tighten restrictions on military-technology exports.
22. Double the research budget of the National Institutes of Health.
23. Killed the liberal ABA's unconstitutional role in vetting federal judges.
24. Has nominated strong, conservative judges to the judiciary.

With all but one or two of the above, no self-loving, Bush hating, liberal Democrat would dare support them due to the ACLU, moveon.org, NAMBLA, or unions. The above points defy liberal standards of licentiousness, appeasement, extreme environmental, anti-business, tax loving, and relativistic thinking.

The sad part about the Bush administration is that it is controlled by neoconservatives (former liberals who were mugged by reality but who refuse to press charges) who take a Machiavellian view of governance. In the name of security they have sacrificed essential liberties. For all intents and purposes the Constitution is dead. I defy anyone to prove that any of the First Ten Amendments are intact save the Third. I believe Benjamin Franklin had a few words for those who would sacrifice liberty for security. Despite the occasional good Bush has accomplished, he will leave a bitter legacy; the demise of a democratic Republic under the rule of constitutional law. Neither of the Democratic candidates even recognizes the problem let alone has a solution as they have little more respect for the Constitution than does Bush. What is needed is for the American people to do is to dust of another founding document, the declaration of Independence, and to take it to heart with a vengeance, keeping in mind what Jefferson stated was the reason for the Second Amendment.

MyAvatars 0.2 Arturo
Saturday, May 3rd, 2008 at 4:54 pm

I'm puzzled as to how this discussion about The ACLU has devolved into a screaming match about the economy. Nevertheless.
1. The ACLU Mission is simply stated.(Direct from their website)

Your First Amendment rights - freedom of speech, association and assembly; freedom of the press, and freedom of religion.

Your right to equal protection under the law - equal treatment regardless of race, sex, religion or national origin.

Your right to due process - fair treatment by the government whenever the loss of your liberty or property is at stake.

Your right to privacy - freedom from unwarranted government intrusion into your personal and private affairs.

They unequivically make no value judgements about the content or even the intent of any individual or orginization that they represent, in fact their purpose is larger than any given grievance and applies to the constitutional principles alone. Throughout their 88 year history they have gone to bat for persons and orginizations of all sorts of political stripes; American Nazi's to the Quakers. The guiding principle behind their orginization is that the intent of American justice system is blindness, in practice it isn't therefore an independent orginization is necessary in order to strive for that goal, nothing more, nothing less.

2. The Economy - You conservative tools of the wealthy robber baron corporatists of this nation are carrot on a stick fools. Tool-Fools !!!!

Here is an example for you that is personal- I have worked in the construction industry for over thirty years, mostly for wealthy people (ordinary folks go to Home Depot or Lowes) currently in Florida. These wealthy folks will pay through the nose for materials-things, Marble Floors, gold fixtures, honest to god genuine wood panneling, flooring, or cabinets, the more exotic th species the better, Lignum Vitae? $ 75/ board foot? bring it on!!!!, extremely pricey fixtures, appliances, hardware, windows and doors from Norway!!!! or wherever. MILLIONS on materials!!!! BUT as soon as they see some $10/hour guy leaning on a shovel for five minutes to pick his nose or scratch his ass or whatever - THEY FLIP OUT!!!!!!!! WHY??? BECAUSE THEY USED TO GET IT FOR FREE!!!!! Wise up Jerks!!!!!

MyAvatars 0.2 Daniel
Sunday, May 25th, 2008 at 9:47 pm

How stupid are you to assume that what an organization claims about itself must be true?

Hey, I'm the leader of an alien cult because of my 3rd eye and tail. Do you believe me?

How about I tell you I'm an honest and upstanding guy, but I intentionally defend pedophiles, rapists, and corrupt individuals for the sake of YOUR freedom. That's right, the person I defended will allow him to get out 10 years earlier so he can rape some family's daughter within 2 weeks of his release because THAT'S equal protection under the law, right?

Here's a simple test: when was the last time ACLU defended religion?

Oh yeah, wtf did the ACLU about the Patriot Act?

MyAvatars 0.2 Arturo
Saturday, June 21st, 2008 at 4:15 am

Listen up third eye tail boy, Instead of calling me stupid because I believe what they say about themselves is true, why don't you research them for yourself.

I doubt that your the leader of the cult, but I can clearly see that you are a member of the cult of conservative moron's who all march lock-step with each other and regurgitate the vile filthy lies coming out of Limbaugh's, Savage's, O'reiley's, and Coulter's mouths.

The answer to your "simple" test question is - April 23, 2023

As far as your second question regarding The patriot Act I'm not sure what your asking but the following is a blurb from their website concerning wiretapping.
You will have to go their website aclu-wa.org in order to read the rest of the article.

In 2006, in the first federal challenge ever argued against the president's NSA spying program, the ACLU defeated the Bush administration when a district court declared the program unconstitutional. But in July 2007, the 6th Circuit overturned that decision. The ACLU asked the Supreme Court of the United States to consider the ruling, but in February 2008, the Court declined to review the challenge. Read More >>

Heres a test for you, first an essay question -

"Justice Antonin Scalia, in a shrill and intemperate disssent, argued that the ruling 'will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed' "
{The (Louisville,KY.) Courier-Journal}

1. Identify the case involved
2. Defend an argument against applying Scalia's same reasoning to cases involving the second amendmant.

second a research question -

1. Identify a court case in which the ACLU has provided defense against the EVIDENCE of the case.

Third a grammer question -

1. Find the grammatical error in these phrase two phrases -
a. " How stupid are you..."
b. " How about I tell you..."
(Hint the word you are looking for is preposition)

MyAvatars 0.2 Anthony
Sunday, June 22nd, 2008 at 5:32 am

Hey Autro,

You claim that the ACLU is there for:

Your right to privacy - freedom from unwarranted government intrusion into your personal and private affairs.

That would be nice if they did so on an even level playing field. They don't. You know it and I know it. They're more concerned with LEFT issues and if you can't understand this, then don't bother commenting, you're wasting my time. If you think that the ACLU is there for religious situations, to protect Christians etc, then you're incorrect. They may throw a bone out there for some lip service every now and then but their main mission is to stay AS FAR AWAY FROM HELPING THOSE IN RELIGION THAN ANYTHING. You know, putting two groups in front of them to represent, a Christian or NAMBLA, they're gonna take NAMBLA any day of the week. They're a LIBERAL institution, that's what they do! If they were so concerned with the things that mattered in this country, they'd be a joy to have around. But they're not. They represent SCUM. I divey them up to a shitty lawyer in a cheap suit chasing ambulances. They're there to TAKE THIS COUNTRY DOWN! So don't come on this site and pretend that the ACLU is there for your rights when the left is there for anything BUT your rights. Look what the platforms that the left is running on this time around. It's SICK! SICK! SICK! They want to raise taxes, get involved in taxing corporations that make more money, ie the gas companies (why this is wrong, I don't feel like getting into other than saying, WHAT GIVES THEM THE RIGHT TO TAX ONE COMPANY MORE THAN ANOTHER. THESE ARE COMPANIES IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR. STAY OUT! THE GOVERNMENT CAN'T RUN ANYTHING AS EFFECIENTLY AS THE PRIVATE SECTOR! KEEP OUT, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO IT!), they want to abolish the first amendment through the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE (the most absurd thing I've ever heard and let it be known that if they want blood in the streets, to start picking away at our rights on that level and the blood will come! And don't start with your b.s. patriot act nonsense, I can't take them!), they want to get involved in the mortgage meltdown and foreclosures. Obama and the left would like to stick their heads farther into OUR RIGHTS than an ever before and you people on the left claim civil rights? Please. In order to know where we're heading, you need to know your history and I suggest learning it!

MyAvatars 0.2 Arturo
Monday, June 23rd, 2008 at 6:02 am

What are you talking about "(even)level playing field", does Exxon-Mobil or BP need help from the ACLU? That is just idiotic.
The ACLU is not concerned with "issues", what they are concerned with is constitutional law cases. They receive very bad publicity when they file briefs in a court case that has, commonly understood, objectionable defendants or plaintiffs, whther they are nazis or nambla. Nobody screams and yells when they get involved in a case with plain old regular people. The action of filing briefs in a case has nothing to do with the defendent(s) in question, the ACLU doesn't "defend" anyone. The purpose of the brief is to point a particular inconsistency with with the law. If for example the justice department decided to arrest you for posting a "rambling and moronic" blog on this website. They would file a brief in the case citing the first amendmant, nothing to do with the content (idiotic trash) of your blog or you.
Why don't you do some research before you pick up your right-wing megaphone again. You are not adding to the discussion, just parroting the same crap that you hear from the likes of Limbaugh and his ilk. I asked Daniel some questions, since he doesn't seem to be interested why don't you do something proactive for a change and find the answers.

MyAvatars 0.2 Anthony
Monday, June 23rd, 2008 at 6:16 am

They don't "defend" anyone? Are you on the same planet as I?

Why don't you find the answers? I'm not going on a fishing trip for something that you throw out there to keep me busy...



ACLU defends child-molester group
Asks judge to throw out lawsuit against NAMBLA for 10-year-old's murder

Posted: December 13, 2022
1:00 am Eastern

By Julie Foster
© 2008 WorldNetDaily.com

The American Civil Liberties Union has asked a judge to dismiss what it calls an "unconstitutional" lawsuit against a national pedophile organization being sued in a wrongful death case after two of the group's members brutally raped and murdered a 10-year-old boy.
The $200 million civil lawsuit, which charges the North American Man-Boy Love Association with wrongful death, was originally filed in Massachusetts Federal District Court on May 16.

As reported in WorldNetDaily, Salvatore Sicari and Charles Jaynes picked up fifth-grader Jeffrey Curley and took the boy to the Boston Public Library where Jaynes accessed NAMBLA's website. Later, the men attempted to sexually assault Curley, but the boy fought back. Attempting to restrain him, Jaynes gagged the 10-year-old with a gasoline-soaked rag, eventually killing him. The men put Jeffrey's body in a tub with concrete and threw it in a river.

According to Curley family attorney Larry Frisoli, Jaynes kept a diary in which he wrote that he turned to NAMBLA's website in order to gain psychological comfort for what he was about to do. The killer had been stalking Curley prior to the boy's murder and possessed various materials from the clandestine group.

The ACLU argues that the newsletters and other NAMBLA materials in Jaynes' possession, which contain ''photographs of boys of various ages and nude drawings of boys,'' are protected speech under the Constitution. The material does not ''urge, promote, advocate or even condone torture, mutilation or murder,'' ACLU attorneys wrote. ''Examination of the materials that have been identified by the plaintiffs will show that they simply do not advocate violation of the law,'' the dismissal motion states. ''But even if that were the case, speech is not deprived of the protection of the First Amendment simply because it advocates an unlawful act."

Just one example. Listen here goofball since I know your stupidity is about to elect the furthest to the left of lefties in congress ever.... let me give you a dose of what you're about to get into... You liberals think you have it so hard? You think you have it bad with Bush? You people have cars, homes with televisions in every room, kitchens, you walk into grocery stores and the aisles are stocked with food, you have choices and freedom! You get run over by a bus and there is an ambulance there in 3 minutes to take you off to the hospital, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU MORONS HAVE ANY HEALTH INSURANCE OR NOT! You people talk about freedoms and can't get off of the stupid patriot act like it's the second coming for crying out loud. You bitch about some Pakistani an being listened to by a government that is trying to stop planes from hitting YOUR STINKIN HOUSE you liberals! You don't give this administration any credit for anything and it's this administration that has kept an attack from hitting us in 7 years! Oh, but that's right, it was the Bush administration that set the attacks up, right? Sure, whatever! You don't realize that we were dealing with something that we'd never dealt with before, that we had to catch these bastards on cell phones in various countries using levels of trickery to hide their conversations and you're worried about the PATRIOT act you liberals? You worry about some government listening to your stupid, one way idiotic conversations about Brittany Spears showing her snatch to the public! You make it sound like Bush came into your bedroom and tore you from your beds in the middle of the night. You make me sick. You don't know your history. You don't understand that the very people you're trying to get into office, Obama, is how people like Hitler and Mussolini came to power. The internet rules your stupidity and the leftist papers that confuse your little brains. You bitch about the automobile like it's Satan in disguise, how it pollutes the air, this, that.. But it is the automobile is what gets you to the corporation you hate so much to make a living for your family you jerks. The automobile that came from the combustion engine which came from the industrial age which came from CAPITALISM which gives you your microwaves, your MTV, your plush couches but you don't get it do you? You aren't forced to buy anything from these corporations so why are you worried about the corporations you morons when it's the government that you're about to put into office that you should be worried about? The government that is about to chop down our military, raise our taxes, stomp on corporations and hold trials for Bush for some pseudo nonsensical rumor that was devised on the internet you jerks! You know why other countries hate us so? It's because they look at what we have and they're pissed that we, as Americans can't stop bitching! The poorest of the poor in this country can't even come close to the richest of the rich in certain countries! You worry about the government but you're putting a person in charge that is ultimately going to take more of your rights. What do you think higher taxes are? Why should anyone have to work for the rights of someone else who hasn't had it as good? We all have it rough sometime in our lives but it's how we handle it, what we do with that negativity and how we turn it into something that gives us our backbones. Not sitting around hoping that the government is going to take care of us you jerks. You have no idea of history and thus you're about to make a colossal mistake of your own by voting in the biggest jerk ever, the biggest lefty whose ever been in congress. What's wrong with you people? You talk about corporations like they're bad but you're NOT forced to buy anything from them and most of you don't realize that you hold those corporations stocks in your portfolios, the same corporations you wish death on! But you ARE FORCED to pay taxes by a government that you want MORE OF! You talk about rights and your about to give up more rights than ever if this guy gets in. What happens if you don't pay your taxes? You go to jail. Is that your so called freedom you're hoping for, the change you're hoping for when this dictator arrives in office? Your self destructive behavior is hurting us all. You look at your country as if the glass is half empty, not half full. We're coming down from an excellent economy and all you can do is talk about how bad the economy is now, that's one example of what I'm speaking of. You can't know your future if you don't know your past and for all you idiot liberals who don't know anything, all the young kids with the ignorant professors, all of the jerks who can't stop whining about the patriot act, you're going to get us into more trouble than ever with your voting choices. You all make me sick. And you want change? Change from the terrible lives you all have now? Like Obama is going to come in and change the world? Yeah, he might but it won't be for the better, that's for sure. Someone who has no clue about the free market can't do what you're looking for people so I suggest you rethink your vote.

MyAvatars 0.2 Anthony
Monday, June 23rd, 2008 at 6:19 am

By the way Aturo, doe the boys that are killed by members of NAMBLA have the right to equal protection under the law - equal treatment regardless of race, sex, religion or national origin as stated by the ACLU?

MyAvatars 0.2 Anthony
Monday, June 23rd, 2008 at 6:42 am

The more I listen to screwballs like Obama, Clinton and Carter the more readily apparent it becomes that they posses a rather generous amount of pseudo intelligence in association with an immeasurable amount of plain out-of-touch, stigmatizing stupidity. It is unimaginable to hear anything like the flabbergasting statements that these people say. The damage that Carter did in one term we are still dealing with today. Americans die because of Iran. Who set them up to kill us in the first place?

I have no doubt that if Obama should ever win the presidency (even if he doesn’t) he will be no different from the rest of the democrat presidents, VP’s and Wanabes that can never stop saying and doing the dumbest and most outrageous things in stark contrast to what is in the best interest for America and her citizens. Here is a man that finds his own pastor’s hot racist and anti-American rhetoric forgivable while simultaneously profiling Middle American churchgoers and Second Amendment enthusiasts as distasteful and biased; and he is so stupid as to tell them that while seeking their votes. Does he expect them to have an epiphany and be shamed into voting for him?

No republican could survive the media scrutiny if they spent a week, as a guest, going to the wrong Country Club yet alone 20 years in a Church dominated by the themes of a liberation theology minister that stresses racism, anti-Semitism, anti-capitalism, hate America, embrace blame and confer victim hood while expounding leftist Marxist philosophical solutions for all problems, real and imagined. What does he see that is good about America? The fact that he will be a Presidential candidate, who if elected, could right America’s many wrongs with a good dose of imposed, heavy handed socialism through more entitlements, regulation and bureaucracy funded by even more aggressive confiscatory taxes while shrinking the military and adopting a blame American first policy that makes victims out of our hate America enemies. This guy is the second coming of Carter and the more I listen the more I tend to worry that the dumbest President that I can remember would actually be surpassed by someone even dumber.

MyAvatars 0.2 Arturo
Tuesday, June 24th, 2008 at 4:49 am

So if I read a Stephen King novel and go ax murder a bunch of people, its OK for King to be sued if I was a member of his fan club?

You are certifiably nuts!

Your incoherent rambling tirade, added on to the article you quoted from your 6:16 AM post contained 945 words (do you know what a paragraph is?), and you failed to grasp the meaning of the fourth paragraph of your source. The most important one! Have you ever heard of precedent?

Why are you so afraid?

My ancestry goes back to the revolutionary war on my mother's side, a ten year old drummer boy for General Greene - his illegitimate son. He marched into battles "WITH DRUMSTICKS" And you sit hiding under the couch, drinking right-wing kool-aide, fearful that some Jihadist nut-job is going to fly a plane into your house. I can't imagine a more pathetic comparison.

Blogs are intended to be short comments or questions in a debate style format.
You followed up your 6:16 AM with a question at 6:19 AM. That's over 315 WPM.
I'd watch your blood pressure if I were you. The answer is, of course they do(e).
You do too.

Suppose, after reading your fear and hate mongering comments (which I'll confess were skimmed over), I go out and poke some "Liberal" in the eye and claim that I was incited by your speech to perpetrate an act of violence. According to your logic you owe the victim's family money?

As mentioned before you are certifiably crazy.

Cowardly crazy!

MyAvatars 0.2 epicmax
Saturday, August 9th, 2008 at 6:38 am

in response to 5.56 the whole point of this article was not about entertainment, or american idol. the whole point was to show how special interest groups can twist laws to protect the scum of the earth. i don't understand how such a large, well-known group such as the ACLU could possibly stand up for pedophiles such as NAMBLA and think that child pornography is okay.
and in response to john, would you want your children making child pornography? would you want them having sex with adults in while some dirty old man films them?

MyAvatars 0.2 epicmax
Saturday, August 9th, 2008 at 6:39 am

in response to 5.56 the whole point of this article was not about entertainment, or american idol. the whole point was to show how special interest groups can twist laws to protect the scum of the earth. i don't understand how such a large, well-known group such as the ACLU could possibly stand up for pedophiles such as NAMBLA and think that child pornography is okay.
and in response to john, would you want your children making child pornography? would you want them having sex with adults in while some dirty old man films them? i thought not.

conservative and proud.

MyAvatars 0.2 Arturo
Monday, August 11th, 2008 at 11:17 pm

Easy because justice is supposed to be blind!!!

MyAvatars 0.2 Richard
Thursday, August 14th, 2008 at 5:47 am

Yes I am a "Liberal".  Yes a support the ACLU.

They may defend people and principles that some don't like.  I do question the constitutionality of the abortion issue.  I also strongly favor the Supreme Courts ruling on the 2nd amendment.

I also believe that freedom of speech is absolute and VERY FAR reaching.  It should not be controlled my any law.

I would say the big thing I like about the ACLU is the strong support of the first amendment.  I also like how they do not just defend people across all political, and ethical spectrum.  They are very fair in that regards.

After all they did defend Rush Limbaugh and MANY other conservative people and politics.

Please be a little balanced about the ACLU.

MyAvatars 0.2 Bob1952
Friday, September 5th, 2008 at 2:49 am

Richard you are just one mislead fellow... the ACLU is a greedy, filthy organization that preys off of ordinary people like you and me. Can't you see the truth through that scum-filled head of yours?

MyAvatars 0.2 Bob1952
Friday, September 5th, 2008 at 2:51 am


MyAvatars 0.2 Arturo
Friday, September 5th, 2008 at 9:32 pm

Instead of useless invevtive why don't you offer us some evidence for your claim that the ACLU "is a greedy, filthy organization that preys off of ordinary people like you and me." How do they "prey" off of you and me? Do they steal money from us? Do they gun us down? Do they force us to work in miserable conditions for meagre wages? Do they send us to crappy, under funded inner city hospitals, then boot us out the door once we're breathing again? Just what the hell are you talking about you deaf, dumb and blind, ignoramus?

MyAvatars 0.2 Fat Man
Friday, September 5th, 2008 at 11:19 pm

I'm a firm supporter of the first amendment, and I absolutely believe in freedom of speech, and I am totally against censorship.

But now I must ask the following question . . . . .

Is kiddie porn free speech???

Well, let us analyze this for a moment.

What is involved in making a porno film or video tape?

First, lets us talk about adult pornography.

If only adults are involved, we can assume that the participants gave their consent to be filmed, that they go into the endeavor with their eyes wide open, knowing full well exactly what they are doing.

Therefore, I'm against censoring adult pornography. If adults want to get together and make dirty movies, well, that is their own damn business.

So, adult porn is free speech.

Now, back to the question of kiddie porn . . . . .

First of all, little children are not old enough, nor mature enough to legally give their consent to be filmed. Children are often intimidated and coerced into making the porno films against their will. So the innocent children that are being forced into making kiddie porn do not have any freedom.

Kiddie porn may be "free speech" to the pedophile, but to the child, it is enslavement.

When you derive gratuitous pleasure at the expense of another person's suffering, then it is not freedom.

Therefore, kiddie porn is NOT free speech.

It is the cruel exploitation of innocent children, a form of slavery. Kiddie porn takes freedom away from innocent children, it robs them of their inherent right to be free from enslavement and exploitation.

So, anything that involves the enslavement and exploitation of another person can not be free speech.

And so, again, I must reiterate!


Now, this is coming from a dyed in the wool liberal, a real 400 pound hefty lefty.

As much as I believe in free speech, as much as I'm against censorship, when it comes to kiddie porn, I draw the line. That is where I make an exception. I say absolutely NO to kiddie porn!

I believe in the death penalty for pedophiles.

When I was 17 years old, I was raped by an older man. Being a soft and weak fat kid, I was unable to fight him off because he was physically much stronger than I was.

I also believe that anyone caught in possession of kiddie porn should be shot on sight!

And those low-life scumbags in the ACLU who are defending NAMBLA should be charged with treason, and if found guilty, they should be executed, and all those in NAMBLA deserve to die.

Hey all you NAMBLA scumbags! Time for you all to take that dirt nap! It's getting way past your dead-time!

Nightie night!!!

MyAvatars 0.2 SEAREP
Friday, September 12th, 2008 at 1:37 am

The ACLU was founded by Roger Baldwin who was a Pacifist (a person who is against war or violence and believes disputes can be talked out) and refused the military daft for World War I. Baldwin protested the Selective Service Act. Baldwin supported socialism and communism and he even author a book (Liberty Under the Soviets) , which he embraced the Soviet Government.
Baldwin and his ACLU was intertwined with the Popular Front movement, which was started by Joseph Stalin. He kept friends that were known Marxist.
Baldwin later in life rebuked the Soviets but also made statements such as: "I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately, for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the properties class, and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal. It all sums up into one single purpose -- the abolition of dog-eat-dog under which we live. I don't regret being part of the communist tactic. I knew what I was doing. I was not an innocent liberal. I wanted what the communists wanted and I traveled the United Front road to get it."
He was awarded the MEDAL of FREEDOM by President Carter.

Obama seems to have a lot of the same philosophies as Baldwin. I guess if you are an admitted Socialist, Communist or Marxist this is great for your cause! Arturo maybe you should do some homework! OR Maybe you fall under one or all the above parties.

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